The basic general education program of preschool education determines. Selection of educational programs of preschool educational institutions

Basic educational program of preschool education

The basic educational program of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the BEP) is a mandatory document that must be in every preschool educational institution. This program is being developed in accordance with the requirements of the main regulatory documents: the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and is a mandatory regulatory document developed and implemented by everyone educational institution independently. The main educational program of preschool education is one of the main regulatory documents of a preschool educational institution that regulates its life. It, along with the Charter, serves as the basis for licensing, changes in budget financing, and the organization of paid educational services in accordance with the social order of parents (legal representatives). The main educational program of preschool education is a regulatory and management document in which each institution determines the goals of educational activity, its content, methods and technologies used, forms of organization of the educational process. The purpose of the preschool educational program is determined based on the fact that it is an internal (for a given institution) educational standard, compiled on the basis of one of the approximate basic educational programs and taking into account the logic of development of the educational institution itself, its capabilities, and the educational needs of the main social customers - parents (legal representatives) .

The program should be aimed at: creating conditions for the child’s development that open up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, the development of initiative and creativity based on cooperation with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities; To create a developing educational environment, which is a system of socialization and individualization of children. The content of the Program should cover the following educational areas:

● social and communicative development;

● cognitive development;

● speech development;

● artistic and aesthetic development;

● physical development.

Clause 2.7. standard - indicates that the content of the program is implemented in various leading activities (communication, play, cognitive and research activities)

The program contains 3 main sections:

Target section (explanatory note, goals and objectives, planned results of the program implementation)

Organizational section - logistics, teaching materials, daily routine, holidays, events, etc.

It is very important that all preschool teaching staff take part in the development of the main educational program, since all preschool teachers will also have to work on this program. And so that educators and teachers understand what they “want” from them and what content is collected in the educational program, they must certainly become developers of educational educational programs.

Annual plan

The work plan for the academic year (annual plan) is mandatory documentation for a preschool educational institution. It defines the directions, tasks and system of specific activities for solving problems in a particular academic year, the methodology for their implementation, the composition of performers, etc. The annual work plan can be considered as a tool for the operational management of a preschool educational institution. The annual plan is a specification of the tasks and activities outlined in the development program and educational program.

The annual work plan of the preschool educational institution defines:

- specific measures to resolve problems in the educational process,

 system of methodological support for teachers in their professional growth,

- formation of work experience of teachers,

 introduction of innovations in order to improve the quality of preschool education.

The annual plan is the focus of the team on the main tasks of a particular academic year.

The main planning tasks are as follows:

 in ensuring the implementation of decisions of government bodies on issues of education, development and emotional well-being of children of early and preschool age;

- in identifying the main, key issues in the activities of the teaching staff;

 in determining specific activities, deadlines for their implementation and responsible executors;

- instilling responsibility and discipline in team members.

Main sections of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution

1. Analysis of work for the past academic year.

2. Objectives for the coming academic year

3. HR system:

 training in advanced training courses (for different categories of teachers, taking into account a differentiated approach);

 preparation for certification and certification;

 visits by teachers during the intercourse period to methodological associations, conferences, round tables, etc., in order to improve professional skills;

 self-education of teachers.

4. Organizational and pedagogical work

 Work of creative groups.

 Preparing and holding pedagogical councils.

 Study, generalization, implementation, dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience (master classes, open screenings, etc.)

 Participation in competitions and shows.

5. Internal monitoring system.

This section is related to the control and diagnostic function in the management of a preschool educational institution and is presented as an internal monitoring system. Here the types and forms of control over the educational process are planned (operational, thematic, DRC, etc.).

6. Interaction in work with family, school and other organizations.

In this section, work is planned to improve the pedagogical competence of parents (parent meetings, seminars, trainings, workshops, round tables, etc.). Joint creativity of children, parents and teachers. Creation of a data bank about the families of pupils. Activities are planned on issues of continuity in work with the school and organizations with which contracts have been concluded.

7. Administrative and economic work. All work is planned to strengthen the material, technical and financial base of preschool educational institutions: repairs, equipment and replenishment of subject environments, etc.

Perspective and calendar plans of teaching staff

3. Introduction to literacy (junior, middle group); preparation for literacy training (from the senior group).

4. Formation of ideas about the surrounding world about oneself (younger age).

5. Familiarization with nature (middle group).

6. Formation of elementary environmental ideas.

7. Development of elements of logical thinking (from the senior group).

8. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts (from the middle group).

9. Familiarization with spatial relationships (from the middle group).

10. Constructive activity.

11. Visual activity.

12. Game activity.

In the program complex missing sections“Development of musicality” and “Physical development”. The authors recommend the following programs: “Harmony”, “Synthesis” (,); “Baby” () – musical education and development; recommendations for organizing physical education in Makhaneva’s preschool educational institution. The program offers additional sections: “Artistic Design”, “Expressive Movement”, “Directing Play”.

Software and methodological support: Development program (for each age group); lesson plans for the “Development” program (for each age group); “Teacher’s Diary: Development of Preschool Children”; “Pedagogical diagnostics”; “Diagnostics of mental development of children of senior preschool age” (theoretical and practical material); "Recommendations for identifying mentally gifted children 5-6 years old."

Education and training program in kindergarten”, ed. ,(3rd edition M., 2005) is a state program document, which was prepared taking into account the latest achievements of modern science and practice of domestic preschool education and is a modern variable program in which all the main content lines of child upbringing, training and development are comprehensively presented from birth to 7 years.

The program brings to the fore the developmental function of education, ensuring the development of the child’s personality and revealing his individual characteristics.

The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle ensures that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education and compensates for the shortcomings in the spiritual, moral and emotional education of the child.

The main criterion for selecting program material is its educational value, the high artistic level of the cultural works used (classical, both domestic and foreign), the possibility of developing the child’s comprehensive abilities at every stage of preschool childhood.

The leading goals of the program are the creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, and the preparation of the child for life in modern society.

These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, educational, artistic, motor, elementary labor.

To achieve the goals of the program, the following are of paramount importance:

Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

Creating an atmosphere in groups of a humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which will allow them to grow sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Maximum use of a variety of children's activities; their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

Creativity (creative organization) of the process of education and training;

Variability in the use of educational material, allowing for the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

Respect for the results of children's creativity;

Ensuring the development of the child in the process of education and training;

Coordination of approaches to raising children in preschool and family settings;

Ensuring family participation in the life of kindergarten and preschool groups as a whole;

Maintaining continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of a preschool child.

It is quite obvious that solving the goals and objectives of education outlined in the program is possible only with the purposeful influence of the teacher on the child from the first days of his stay in a preschool educational institution. The level of general development that the child will achieve and the degree of moral qualities acquired by him depend on the pedagogical skill of each educator, his culture, and love for children. Caring for the health and comprehensive education of children, teachers of preschool educational institutions together with family should strive to make every child’s childhood happy.

Program structure: The program is organized by age group. It covers four age periods of children’s physical and mental development:

Early age - from birth to 2 years (first and second early age groups);

Junior preschool age - from 2 to 4 years (first and second junior groups);

Average age - from 4 to 5 years (middle group);

Senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years (senior and preparatory groups for school).

Each section of the program provides a description of the age-related characteristics of the mental and physical development of children, identifies general and special tasks of upbringing and training, features of the organization of children’s lives, provides for the formation of the necessary ideas, vital skills in the learning process and their development in everyday life. The program has developed the content of children's parties, entertainment and leisure activities. Approximate levels of development have been determined, which reflect the achievements acquired by the child by the end of each year of stay in a preschool institution .

The program is accompanied by lists of literary and musical works, didactic and outdoor games recommended for use in the pedagogical process.

The principles on which education is based are as follows:

    the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, and the free development of the individual. Fostering citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family; unity of the federal cultural and educational space. Protection and development by the education system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state; accessibility of education, adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of development and training of students and pupils; the secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions; freedom and pluralism in education; democratic, state-public nature of education management. Autonomy of educational institutions.

3. Subjective assessment of the merits and controversial positions of the program.

The choice of programs for preschool educational institutions is very relevant at the present time. The Ministry of General and Professional Education developed and communicated to the education authorities Instructive Letter dated June 2, 1998 No. 89/34-16 “On the implementation of the right of preschool educational institutions to choose programs and pedagogical technologies.”

Currently, before the introduction of the State Educational Standard, there are Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution (Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 22, 1996 No. 000). State educational authorities, including the Russian Ministry of Education, ensure the development of exemplary educational programs. The list of programs that have passed the federal level examination is contained in information letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 24, 1995 No. 42/19-15, dated January 29, 1996 No. 90/19-15, dated July 18, 1997 No. 000/36 -14. In 1999, the directory catalog “Preschool Education in Russia” (ed.) was published, which also provides a list of recommended programs and new technologies for preschool institutions that meet the requirements of the state educational standard for the preschool level of education.

The examination of programs is carried out by the Federal Expert Council on General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. If the evaluation is positive, the program is recommended for use by preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Regional (local) education authorities can create expert councils (commissions) to examine preschool education programs for a specific region (city, district). The examination of a set of specialized (partial) programs is carried out by: the Council of Teachers of a preschool educational institution for the use of a set of programs in the work of this institution; by the commission for certification of a preschool educational institution in the process of a comprehensive examination of its activities.

In accordance with clause 5 of article 14 and clause 2 of article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, as well as clause 19 of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 1995 No. 000 ) a preschool educational institution, independently both in choosing educational programs from a set of variable programs, and in making changes and developing its own programs that do not have a stamp, subject to their correct implementation, can ensure compliance with the Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training, implemented in a preschool educational institution.

The choice of programs depends on the type of preschool educational institutions: kindergarten; kindergarten with priority implementation of one or more areas of development of pupils; a compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils; kindergarten for supervision and health improvement with priority implementation of sanitary, hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures; combined kindergarten; child development center - a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and psychological development, correction and improvement of all pupils.

The selected program must meet the objectives of the preschool educational institution. It is not permitted to use programs that have not passed the appropriate examination at the federal or city level when working with children. At the Workforce Council or the Pedagogical Council, a decision must be made on the implementation of a particular program in the work of a preschool institution. The program chosen by the kindergarten is recorded in the Charter of the kindergarten.

Despite the difficulties of the transition period, the changes taking place in the field of education preserve the best traditions of the Russian preschool education system and undoubtedly have positive features. This was indicated in the analytical materials of the head of the Department of Preschool Education of the Ministry of Education, Sterkina:

· the principle of complexity is observed - the pedagogical process covers all the main areas of child development (physical, familiarization with the outside world, speech development, artistic and aesthetic, etc.), a system of measures is provided to protect and strengthen the health of children;

    the use of some partial programs is combined with work in other areas of the pedagogical process; there is a development of new, non-traditional areas of content for the work of a preschool educational institution, such as teaching choreography and rhythm, a foreign language, new diverse techniques of fine arts, computer training, familiarization with national culture; greater emphasis is placed on creating conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves, encouraging them to have a creative attitude towards the activity being performed, self-expression and improvisation in the process of its implementation; integration of different types of activities, complexity of content contribute to the emancipation of the educational process in kindergarten; attempts are being made to emotionally saturate the atmosphere in the learning process, which allows one to successfully overcome educational and disciplinary techniques and methods in the work of a teacher; mastery of new pedagogical technologies takes place, taking into account personality-oriented interaction - a transition to a new style of communication and play with the child; new forms and content of cooperation between teachers and parents are emerging, which helps to overcome formalism in continuity in the education and upbringing of a child in a kindergarten and family; the use of new models of room design and its equipment ensures the child’s need for joint activities with peers, and at the same time, conditions are created for individual lessons, which is important for the implementation of a real effective individual approach to children.

The development and (or) education program is a necessary core in the work of a preschool institution. The main priorities of education are: maintaining and strengthening health, ensuring favorable conditions for the development of all children, respecting the child’s right to preserve his individuality while implementing the basic content of education and upbringing. Important components of any program and pedagogical process in accordance with it are the construction of a regime and place of play in kindergarten, hygienic conditions for organizing life, classes and all children's activities, and disease prevention.
According to experts and organizers of preschool education, civilized control over the level of education is important. Control that can protect the child from incompetent pedagogical influences and unprofessionalism. Such control was ensured by the introduction of state educational standards. In 1996, by order of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, “Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution” were established. These requirements relate both to educational programs and pedagogical technologies, and to the nature of interaction between staff and children.
The development of new programs, which have been carried out in domestic preschool education for a number of years and introduce new educational content and pedagogical technologies into practice, require the authors, first of all, to define a conceptual approach to child development, historical and pedagogical erudition, scientific integrity, and methodological literacy , creative potential.
When creating new programs, it is inevitable to rely on the theoretical work of researchers and use elements of traditional technologies that provide positive changes in the development of the child. At the same time, the theoretical competence of the authors and respect for their predecessors and their contribution to the theory and practice of preschool education are important. The combination of innovative approaches and traditions does not reduce the merits of new programs, but indicates the further development of pedagogical thought.

The program focuses teachers' attention on the interaction between an adult and a child, which is based on concern for the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the child.

The authors of the program believe that recommendations for organizing a healthy lifestyle for children must be strictly followed. The child should move throughout the day (2/3 of the duration of the waking period). Purposeful daily specially organized classes (classical physical education or rhythmic music) are required. Walks include physical education classes as their component parts. The program provides for active motor recovery after sleep (morning exercises at home), as well as hygienic warm-up before breakfast as a necessary activator for the child’s body. The program emphasizes the importance of a teacher’s knowledge and ability to determine the characteristics of a child’s physical development in order to develop a culture of movement in children. Distinctive features of the section: for successful physical education, the authors of the program propose to draw up a kind of “prognosis card” for each child with a description of the “today’s” state of the child, his physical development and physical activity. The forecast map: reflects (at each age stage) the features of the child’s development (development of muscles, organs, systems, etc.); those areas of the body that need developing, reinforcing or improving actions to strengthen are determined; those movements that are contraindicated for the child at this stage are determined and can cause harm to him; those forms of movements are selected that allow one to achieve age-related physical perfection (not individual motor skills, but physical perfection in relation to a given age). Such an analysis requires the joint work of medical workers and group teachers, as well as parents.
for the teaching staff: implementation of the program requires high organization of work. It is necessary to learn to combine increased requirements for other sections of the program with the need to provide physical education to children.

“Program of education and training in kindergarten”(authors, Gerbova T.S. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005).

The main task is to protect the lives and strengthen the health of children, comprehensive education and training, and preparation for school.
The program is organized by age groups. It covers four age stages of physical and mental development of children: early age - from birth to 2 years (first and second groups of early age), junior preschool age - from 2 to 4 years (first and second younger groups), middle age - up to 5 years (middle group), senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years (senior and preparatory to school). In accordance with this program, physical education in a preschool institution should be carried out both in special physical education classes and in everyday life. In all age groups, much attention is paid to teaching children cultural and hygienic skills and correct posture. In the physical education of preschoolers, a large place is given to physical exercises in the form of games and outdoor games. The program for senior and preparatory school groups includes teaching children sports exercises and elements of sports games (basketball, football, hockey, badminton, table tennis, playing gorodki).
The program emphasizes that proper physical education in all age groups can be ensured only with constant medical and pedagogical supervision. During their stay in kindergarten, children should be taught the need to systematically perform morning exercises, hardening procedures, maintain correct posture, and also develop strong cultural and hygienic skills, the need for daily physical activity, and the skills of correct, rhythmic, easy walking and running.
Distinctive features: based on detailed methodological recommendations that provide great assistance in the implementation of this program, the teaching staff will avoid many difficulties. For successful work, modern methods and technologies for educating preschoolers can be used. Forecast of possible difficulties for the teaching staff: there is no new methodological support for organizing physical education and recreational work. For successful work it is necessary to use modern methods and technologies in this area.

Development program

The Development program was developed by a creative team under the leadership of the professor. The peculiarity of the program is that it focuses teachers, first of all, on children’s mastering ways of acquiring new knowledge, skills, and abilities, and not on simply assimilating them. The program also includes a “Gifted Child” section.
Distinctive features: focus on the personality of the teacher, creating an atmosphere of cooperation and partnership between adults and children.
The program itself does not contain a section on the physical development of children. Until recently, the authors of the program recommended using the “Standard Program” or the “Rainbow” program when organizing physical education for preschoolers. In 1998, methodological recommendations “Raising a Healthy Child” (1998), compiled on the basis of the experience of the Children’s Center-Gymnasium “Smile” (Nizhny Novgorod), were released. The authors of the “Development” program, in the introduction to the published methodological recommendations, present it as “a necessary addition to their program, which does not contain a section on the physical development of children.”
A flexible daily routine contributes to the harmonious physical and full mental development of a child. The authors recommend that “a flexible daily routine in a preschool institution” be considered in terms of organizing a dynamic daily routine for children; flexible work schedule for teachers, specialists and all service personnel.
The methodological recommendations provide an approximate schedule of activities for children of different age groups, which allows you to combine classes under the “Development” program with the necessary health-improving activities. The authors propose to build all work on physical education taking into account physical fitness and existing deviations in the child’s health. Forecast of possible difficulties for the teaching staff: based on individual medical records, the doctor of the preschool institution must draw up a summary diagram for each age group about the health status of the children of the entire group and each child individually.

The methodological recommendations do not contain sections “Knowledge on physical education”, as well as “Diagnostics of the level of readiness of children”, but indicators are defined by which the effectiveness of physical education work can be assessed: changing the health group to a higher one, the level of development of children according to local standards, performance basic movements: qualitative and quantitative characteristics by age, physical qualities and abilities (according to tests).
The authors of the recommendations believe that special attention in the daily routine should be paid to hardening procedures, which are different for children of each age period, as well as the level of preparedness, which differs depending on the time of year. The main focus of the program is not on the content of education, but on the means and methods of presenting the content of education to the child. Educators must be well versed in diagnostic methods and ability development.

Program "Childhood"

“Childhood” is a new generation program for preschool educational institutions. Developed by the team of authors of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen (author, etc. St. Petersburg; “Accent” 1997). This is a program for the multifaceted development and education of a child’s personality, its humanistic orientation in various types of activities. It is necessary to pay attention to the selected level indicators of children’s physical development (high, average, low) for each age group, which allows the teacher to correctly structure his work.

The program solves the following tasks:

· strengthening children's health;

· nurturing the need for a healthy lifestyle;

· development of physical qualities and ensuring a normal level of physical fitness in accordance with the capabilities and state of health of the child;

· creating conditions for the realization of the need for physical activity in everyday life;

· identifying the interests, inclinations and abilities of children in physical activity and their implementation through a system of sports and recreational work.

Distinctive features of the section: the program includes complex exercises. In particular, preschoolers master climbing a rope ladder, a rope, as well as tuck, and roll in a tuck position.

The program notes that, while taking care of physical activity, an adult should not forget about curiosity and inquisitiveness, the emerging cognitive interest at this age. Therefore, before starting physical exercises or games to teach the basics of a healthy lifestyle, it is useful to confront the child with the need to solve a problem.
Forecast of possible difficulties for the teaching staff: without denying the importance of physical education classes in kindergarten, the authors do not consider them the leading form of work. The number of classes and their duration are not strictly regulated. The program is implemented by integrating natural activities into the child’s daily life. The teacher is given the right to independently determine the content of classes, the method of organization and place in the daily routine. All this can cause difficulties for teachers, since they have different professional training.


1. , Baranova pedagogy. M.: 1997

2.Erofeeva educational programs for preschool institutions. – M: “Academy, 2000.”

4. Mikhailenko N. New programs for kindergartens. \\ Preschool education. – 1995.-№8.

5. Solomennikov programs of preschool educational institutions and technology of their use. M: AKRI 1999

6. Paramonova general educational program for the upbringing, training and development of children of early and preschool age. M: 2001

Basic educational program of preschool education is a regulatory and management document of a preschool educational organization, characterizing the specifics of the content of education and the features of the organization of the educational process. The program is developed, approved and implemented by the educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and taking into account the exemplary educational program of preschool education.

The program should ensure the construction of a holistic pedagogical process aimed at the full comprehensive development of the child - physical, social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic.

Among the factors influencing the effectiveness and quality of education of children in preschool educational institutions, an important role belongs to the educational program. Modern differentiation of preschool education and the variety of types of preschool educational institutions imply significant variability in the use of programs and pedagogical technologies. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, each educational institution is given the right to independently develop or choose from a set of alternative programs those programs that most fully take into account the specific operating conditions of the preschool educational institution. In the context of the new educational policy of educational variability, a number of domestic programs and pedagogical technologies of a new generation have been developed. All programs provide different approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

All preschool programs can be divided into comprehensive and partial.

Complex (or general developmental) - include all the main areas of child development: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic; contribute to the formation of various abilities (mental, communicative, motor, creative), the formation of specific types of children's activities (subject, play, theatrical, visual, musical activities, design, etc.).

Partial (specialized, local) - include one or more areas of child development. The integrity of the educational process can be achieved not only by using one main (complex) program, but also by the method of qualified selection of partial programs.

Comprehensive preschool education programs

Program of education and training in kindergarten, ed. Vasilyeva

Rainbow program

Program “From childhood to adolescence”

Program "Childhood"

"Origins" program

Development program

“Krokha” program

Partial preschool education programs

Health-saving program “Fundamentals of safety for preschool children”

Environmental education programs

Artistic and aesthetic cycle programs

Programs for the social and moral development of preschool children

Programs for physical development and health of preschool children, etc.

About modern programs for preschool educational institutions

Programs developed by teams of authors in our country or borrowed from foreign pedagogy have undoubted advantages, originality of approaches to constructing pedagogical work and diversity of views on the child and his development. At the same time, each program may contain features that cannot always be undeniably accepted by every teacher. A greater internal assessment is needed of whether the theoretical concept of a particular program is close to the teacher’s worldview. The formal transfer of any wonderful program into the existing pedagogical situation will not lead to a positive effect. Therefore, knowledge of various approaches to organizing the pedagogical process is very useful and promising for future teachers.

Many programs were developed by serious scientists or large research teams who tested experimental programs in practice for many years. Teams of preschool institutions, in collaboration with qualified methodologists, also created original programs.

In order to protect the child from incompetent pedagogical influence in the conditions of variability in education, the Russian Ministry of Education in 1995 prepared a methodological letter “Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation,” which indicated that comprehensive and partial programs should be built on the principle of personal- oriented interaction between adults and children and should ensure:

Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their physical development;

Emotional well-being of each child;

Intellectual development of the child;

Creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality and creative abilities;

Introducing children to universal human values;

Interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

The recommendations state that programs should provide for the organization of children's life in classes, in unregulated activities and in free time provided for the child in kindergarten during the day. At the same time, an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children in its various types (games, construction, visual, musical, theatrical and other types of activities) must be laid down.

Currently, all kinds of programs and guides for raising and teaching children in preschool institutions have been published and distributed through various pedagogical seminars. A number of programs are the result of many years of work by scientific and scientific-pedagogical teams. All these programs show different approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten. It is the teaching staff who will have to choose the program according to which this preschool institution will work.

Preschool department

GBOU gymnasium No. 1409

2014-2015 Academic year

Moscow, 2014

The basic general educational program of preschool education was developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard of preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155) for the transition period until the approval of the Approximate basic educational program of preschool education.

Program structure

    Target section of the educational program

    Explanatory note

    1. Goals and objectives of the Program implementation

      Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program

      Characteristics of developmental features of children of early and preschool age

1.4. The priority area of ​​activity of the Preschool Department of GBOU Gymnasium No. 1409 for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education.

    Planned results of mastering the program

1. Description of educational activities in accordance with the areas of child development

      Educational field "Physical development"

      Educational field "Social and communicative development"

      Educational field "Speech development"

      Educational field "Cognitive development"

      Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

    Description of variable forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the Program

    Organizational section

    Logistics support for the program.

    Organization of the stay of children in the Preschool Department of the State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1409

4. Schedule of direct educational activities for children

  1. Target section of the educational program

  1. Explanatory note

The educational program of the Preschool Department of Gymnasium No. 1409 was developed in accordance with the requirements of the main regulatory documents:

- Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26 SANITARY AND EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEVICE, CONTENT AND ORGANIZATION OF THE OPERATING MODE OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards SanPiN

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

Charter of GBOU gymnasium No. 1409

In accordance with the climatic conditions of the central region of the Russian Federation, as well as with the traditions of folk culture.

      Goals and objectives of the program implementation.

Purpose of the program: positive socialization and comprehensive development of an early and preschool child in age-appropriate children’s activities.


    protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

    ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities);

    ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels (hereinafter referred to as the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education);

    creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

    combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society;

    the formation of a general culture of children’s personality, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

    ensuring variability and diversity of the content of the Program of organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating Programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children;

    the formation of a sociocultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

    providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

Main objectives of educational areas:

Social and communicative development

    Appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values.

    Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers.

    Formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions.

    Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy.

    Formation of readiness for joint activities.

    Forming a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and community of children and adults in the organization.

    Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity.

    Formation of the foundations of safety in everyday life, society, and nature.

Cognitive development

    Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation.

    Formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness.

    Development of imagination and creative activity.

    Formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, heat, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and consequences, etc.),

    Formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the features of nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Speech development

    Mastery of speech as a means of communication.

    Enrichment of the active vocabulary.

    Development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech.

    Development of speech creativity.

    Development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing.

    Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature.

    Formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Artistic and aesthetic development

    Development of prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual) and the natural world.

    Formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world.

    Formation of elementary ideas about types of art.

    Perception of music, fiction, folklore.

    Stimulating empathy for characters in works of art.

    Implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.)

Physical development

    Development of physical qualities.

    Correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, development of balance, coordination of movements, gross and fine motor skills.

    Correct execution of basic movements.

    Formation of initial ideas about some sports.

    Mastering outdoor games with rules.

    Formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere.

    Mastering the basic norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

      Principles and approaches to the formation of the basic general education program of the Preschool Department of Gymnasium No. 1409

1. The principle of developmental education, according to which the main goal of preschool education is the development of the child.

    The principle of scientific validity and practical applicability.

    The principle of integrating the content of preschool education in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas.

    Complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process .

      Characteristics of developmental features of children of early and preschool age

Age characteristics of children 2-3 years old

Physical development

Children know basic vital signs movements(walking, running, climbing, actions with objects), squatting, jumping from the bottom step.

In 2 year old children there is a stable emotional condition. They are characterized by vivid emotional reactions associated with the child’s immediate desires. Manifestations of aggression are rare; the emotional mechanism of empathy, sympathy, and joy is manifested. All children call themselves by name, use the pronoun “I” and give themselves primary self-esteem - “I am good”, “I am myself”. Children 3 years of age are characterized by unawareness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children are easily infected by the emotional state of their peers. However, at this age, arbitrariness of behavior begins to develop. By the age of 3, children develop a sense of pride and shame, and elements of consciousness associated with identification with name and gender begin to form. Early childhood ends with a crisis of 3 years. A crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations: stubbornness, negativism, impaired communication with adults, etc.

The game is procedural in nature, the main thing in it is action. Children are already playing calmly next to other children, but the moments of communal play are short-lived. They are performed with game items that are close to reality. Actions with substitute objects appear. For children 3 years of age, the game is nearby. In the game, children perform individual game actions that are conditional in nature. The role is actually performed, but not named. The plot of the game is a chain of 2 actions; the imaginary situation is held by an adult.

In the course of joint substantive activity with adults, understanding continues to develop. speeches. The word is separated from the situation and acquires an independent meaning. The number of words understood increases. Children's active speech develops intensively. By the age of 3, they master basic grammatical structures, try to construct simple sentences, and use almost all parts of speech when talking with adults. The active dictionary reaches 1000-1500 words. By the end of the 3rd year of life, speech becomes the child’s means of communication with peers; children perceive all the sounds of their native language, but pronounce them with great distortion.

In the field cognitive development perception of the surrounding world - sensory - is of decisive importance for children. They perceive the world with all their senses, but they perceive whole things, not individual sensory properties. Interaction arises in the work of different sense organs. Vision and touch begin to interact in the perception of shape, size and spatial relationships. The hearing and speech motor systems begin to interact in the perception and discrimination of speech. Visual acuity is gradually taken into account and the ability to distinguish colors increases. Attention children involuntarily. The child simply does not understand what it means to force himself to be attentive, i.e. voluntarily direct and maintain your attention on any object. The stability of a child's attention depends on his interest in the object. Directing a child's attention to something by verbal instruction is very difficult. Children find it difficult to immediately comply with requests. The child's attention span is very small - one subject. Memory manifests itself mainly in the recognition of previously perceived things and events. There is no intentional memorization, but at the same time I remember what they liked, what they listened to with interest or what they observed. The child remembers what he remembers himself. The main form of thinking becomes visual and effective.

At this age, the most accessible types is drawing and sculpting. The child is already able to formulate the intention to depict an object. But, naturally, at first he doesn’t succeed: his hand doesn’t obey. Main images: lines, strokes, rounded objects. A typical image is the image of a person in the form of a “cephalopod” - and lines extending from it.

In musical activity the child develops an interest and desire to listen to music, perform simple musical rhythmic and dance movements. A child, together with an adult, is able to sing along with elementary musical phrases.

Age characteristics, contingent of children 3-4 years old.

Physical development

A 3-year-old child knows basic vital signs movements(walking, running, climbing, handling objects). Interest arises in determining whether movements correspond to a pattern. Children test their strength in more complex activities, but at the same time they are characterized by the inability to measure their strength with their capabilities.

Motor skills execution of movements is characterized by a more or less accurate reproduction of the structure of the movement, its phases, direction, etc. By the age of 4, a child can walk along a gymnastic bench without stopping, arms to the sides; hit the ball on the floor and catch it with both hands (3 times in a row); transfer small objects one at a time (buttons, peas, etc. - 20 pieces in total) from the table surface into a small box (with your right hand).

Self-esteem begins to develop when performing physical exercises, while children are guided to a large extent by the teacher’s assessment.

A 3-4 year old child knows basic hygiene skills self-care (independently and correctly washes hands with soap after walking, playing, using the toilet; uses the toilet carefully: with toilet paper, does not forget to flush the water from the tank; when eating, uses a spoon, a napkin; knows how to use a handkerchief; can independently clean up the mess in clothes, hairstyle, using a mirror, comb).

Social and personal development

For children 3 years of age it is typical a game near. In the game, children perform individual game actions that are conditional in nature. The role is actually performed, but not named. The plot of the game is a chain of 2 actions; the imaginary situation is held by an adult. By the age of 4, children can team up in groups of 2-3 to play simple role-playing games. Game actions are interconnected and have a clear role-playing character. The role is called, and as the game progresses, children can change roles. The game chain consists of 3-4 interconnected actions. Children independently hold an imaginary situation.

Cognitive and speech development

Communication a child at this age is situational, initiated by an adult, unstable, short-term. Aware of his gender identity. A new form of communication with adults is emerging - communication on educational topics, which is first included in joint cognitive activity with an adult.

Uniqueness speech development children at this age is that during this period the child has increased sensitivity to language, its sound and semantic side. In early preschool age, there is a transition from the exclusive dominance of situational (understandable only in a specific situation) speech to the use of both situational and contextual (free from a visual situation) speech. Mastery of the native language is characterized by the use of basic grammatical categories (coordination, their use in number, tense, etc., although some errors are allowed) and a vocabulary of colloquial speech. Possible defects in sound pronunciation.

In development cognitive sphere The ways and means of orienting a child in the environment are expanding and qualitatively changing. The child actively uses some household objects, toys, substitute objects and verbal designations of objects for their intended purpose in everyday life, play, and communication. Qualitatively new properties of sensory processes are formed: sensation and perception. In practical activities, the child takes into account the properties of objects and their purpose: he knows the names of 3-4 colors and 2-3 shapes; can choose from 3 objects of different sizes the “biggest”. When looking at new objects (plants, stones, etc.), the child does not limit himself to simple visual familiarization, but moves on to tactile, auditory and olfactory perception. Memory images begin to play an important role. The child's memory and attention are involuntary, passive. At the request of an adult, a child can remember at least 2-3 words and 5-6 names of objects. By the age of 4, he is able to remember significant passages from his favorite works. When looking at objects, the child identifies one, the most striking feature of the object, and, focusing on it, evaluates the object as a whole. He is interested in the results of actions, but the process of achievement itself is not yet able to trace.

Constructive activity in 3-4 years it is limited to the construction of simple buildings according to the model (of 2-3 parts) and according to the plan. The child can engage in activities that are exciting for him without interruption for 5 minutes.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The child enjoys getting acquainted with elementary means of expressiveness (color, sound, shape, movements, gestures), and shows interest in works of folk and classical art, literature (poems, songs, nursery rhymes), and performing and listening to musical works.

Visual activities the child depends on his ideas about the subject. At 3-4 years old they are just beginning to form. Graphic images are poor, objective, and schematic. For some preschoolers, the images lack details; for others, the drawings may be more detailed. The idea changes as the image progresses. Children can already use color. Of great importance for the development of motor skills at this age is modeling. A child can sculpt simple objects under the guidance of an adult. At 3-4 years old, due to insufficient development of the small muscles of the hand, children do not work with scissors; they applique from ready-made geometric shapes. The child is able to lay out and paste elements of a decorative pattern and an object schematic image from 2-4 main parts.

IN musical and rhythmic activity a 3-4 year old child feels the desire to listen to music and make natural movements while listening to the music. By the age of 4, he masters basic singing skills of simple musical works. The child transforms well into the image of a bunny, bear, fox, cockerel, etc. in movements, especially to a dance melody. Acquires basic skills of playing along with children's percussion musical instruments (drum, metallophone). The foundations are laid for the development of musical, rhythmic and artistic abilities.

Age characteristics, contingent of children 4-5 years old

By the age of five, a “psychological portrait” of the individual is formed, in which an important role belongs to competence, especially intellectual competence (this is the age of “whys”), as well as creativity.

Physical development

At this age, the growth of all organs and systems continues, the need for movement. Motor activity becomes purposeful, responds to individual experience and interest, movements become meaningful, motivated and controlled. The high emotional significance of the activity process for the child remains, and the inability to complete it on demand. The ability to regulate motor activity appears. Children develop an interest in learning about themselves, their body, its structure, and capabilities. Children have a need to act together, quickly, deftly, at the same pace for all children; observe certain intervals while moving in different formations, be a leader. The level of functionality increases.

Positive changes are observed in development motor skills. Preschoolers are better able to maintain their balance when stepping over small obstacles. Strings medium-sized beads (20 pcs.) (or buttons) on a thick fishing line.

At 4-5 years old, children improve cultural and hygienic skills ( the algorithm of washing, dressing, eating is well mastered): they are careful while eating, know how to put on shoes correctly, put their clothes, toys, and books away. In elementary self-care (dressing, undressing, washing, etc.) the child’s independence is manifested.

Social and personal development

By the age of 5, children's interest and need increase in communication, especially with peers, awareness of one’s position among them. The child acquires ways of interacting with other people. Uses speech and other means of communication to meet a variety of needs. He is better oriented in human relationships: he is able to notice the emotional state of a close adult, a peer, and show attention and sympathy. Children develop a need for respect from an adult, and his praise turns out to be extremely important for them. This leads to their increased sensitivity to comments. Increased sensitivity is an age-related phenomenon. The ability to use established forms of polite address is improved.

In gaming activities role interactions appear. They indicate that preschoolers begin to separate themselves from the accepted role. During the game, roles may change. At this age, regular play partners begin to appear. From two to five children can be involved in a common game, and the duration of joint games is on average 15-20 minutes.

The child begins to regulate his behavior in accordance with accepted social norms; knows how to finish the job he started (build a structure, remove toys, rules of the game, etc.) - a manifestation of arbitrariness.

Children begin to develop the ability to control their emotions in movement, which is facilitated by their mastering the language of emotions (range of experiences, moods). The emotionality of a five-year-old child is distinguished by a variety of ways of expressing his feelings: joy, sadness, disappointment, pleasure. The child is able to show sympathy, empathy, which underlies moral actions.

By the age of 5, independence is manifested in the elementary performance of individual tasks (dining duty, caring for plants and animals).

Cognitive and speech development

Content changes communication child and adult. It goes beyond the specific situation in which the child finds himself. The cognitive motive becomes the leading one. The information that a child receives during communication may be complex and difficult to understand, but it is of interest.

IN speech development Children 4-5 years old improve their pronunciation of sounds (except sonorous ones) and diction. Speech becomes the subject of children's activity. They successfully imitate the voices of animals and intonationally highlight the speech of certain characters. The rhythmic structure of speech and rhymes are of interest. The grammatical aspect of speech develops. Children engage in word creation based on grammatical rules. The speech of children when interacting with each other is situational in nature, and when communicating with an adult it becomes extra-situational.

In cognitive development 4-5 year old children are characterized by high mental activity. 5-year-old “why kids” are interested in cause-and-effect relationships in various spheres of life (changes in living and inanimate nature, human origins), the professional activities of adults, etc., that is, an idea about various aspects of the world around them begins to form. By the age of 5, perception becomes more developed. Children are able to name the shape that this or that object resembles. They can isolate simple forms from complex objects and recreate complex objects from simple forms. Children are able to organize groups of objects according to sensory characteristics - size, color; select parameters such as height, length and width. Orientation in space is improved. Memory capacity increases. Children remember up to 7-8 names of objects. Voluntary memorization begins to take shape: children are able to accept a memorization task, remember instructions from adults, can learn a short poem, etc. Imaginative thinking begins to develop. Children turn out to be able to use schematic images in sheets to solve simple problems. The stability of attention increases. The child has access to concentrated activity for 15-20 minutes.

Getting more complicated design. Buildings can include 5-6 parts. Design skills according to one’s own design are developed, as well as planning a sequence of actions.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the fifth year of life, the child more consciously perceives works of artistic, visual and musical creativity, easily establishes simple causal connections in the plot, composition, etc., emotionally responds to the actions, actions, events reflected in the work of art, correlates what he sees with his ideas about the beautiful , happy, sad, evil, etc. The child develops a desire to share his impressions of encounters with art, with adults and peers. The imagination continues to develop. Its features such as originality and arbitrariness are formed. Children can independently come up with a short fairy tale on a given topic.

Receives significant development visual activity. Drawings become substantive and detailed. At this age, children draw rectangular, oval-shaped objects, and simple images of animals. Children can saturate the brush bristles with paint in a timely manner and rinse them after finishing work. The graphic image of a person is characterized by the presence of a torso, eyes, mouth, nose, hair, and sometimes clothing and its details. Children can cut scissors in a straight line, diagonally, by the age of 5 they master the techniques of cutting out round and oval-shaped objects. They sculpt objects of round, oval, cylindrical shape, simple animals, fish, birds.

By the age of 5, the child performs basic dance movements (springing, jumping, twirling, etc.). Can sing drawn out, while starting and ending singing together. The development of performing activity is facilitated by the dominance of productive motivation at this age (sing a song, dance a dance, play an instrument). Children make their first attempts at creativity.

Age characteristics, contingent of children 5-6 years old

Physical development

The process of ossification of the child’s skeleton continues. A preschooler more fully masters various types of movements. The body acquires noticeable stability. Children by the age of 6 can already take walks, but for short distances. Six-year-old children are much more accurate in choosing the movements they need to perform. They usually do not have unnecessary movements that are observed in children 3-5 years old. In the period from 5 to 6 years, the child gradually begins to adequately evaluate the results of his participation in games of a competitive nature. By the age of 6, satisfaction with the result begins to bring joy to the child, promotes emotional well-being and maintains a positive attitude towards oneself (“I am good, clever,” etc.). Differences in the movements of boys and girls are already beginning to be observed (in boys - more intermittent, in girls - soft, smooth).

By the age of 6, the development of small parts is improved. motor skills fingers Some children can thread the shoelace through the shoe and tie it with a bow.

They continue to improve as they get older cultural and hygienic skills: knows how to dress in accordance with weather conditions, follows the basic rules of personal hygiene, follows the rules of eating, and demonstrates independence skills. Good habits help you learn the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

Cognitive and speech development

Communication children is expressed in free dialogue with peers and adults, expressing their feelings and intentions using verbal and non-verbal (gestural, facial, pantomimic) means.

Continues to improve speech, including its sound side. Children can correctly reproduce hissing, whistling and sonorant sounds. Phonemic hearing and intonation expressiveness of speech develop when reading poetry in role-playing games and in everyday life. The grammatical structure of speech is improved. Children use all parts of speech and are actively engaged in word creation. The vocabulary becomes richer: synonyms and antonyms are actively used. Coherent speech develops: children can retell, tell from a picture, conveying not only the main thing, but also the details.

IN cognitive activity the perception of color, shape and size, and the structure of objects continues to improve; Children's ideas are systematized. Children name not only primary colors and their shades, but also intermediate color shades; shape of rectangles, ovals, triangles. By the age of 6, children can easily line up - in ascending or descending order - up to ten objects of different sizes. However, preschoolers experience difficulties in analyzing the spatial position of objects if they are faced with a discrepancy between the shape and their spatial location. In older preschool age, imaginative thinking continues to develop. Children are able not only to solve a problem visually, but also to transform the object. Generalizations continue to improve, which is the basis of verbal-logical thinking. 5-6 years is the age of creative imagination. Children can create original, believable stories on their own. There is a transition from involuntary to voluntary attention.

Construction characterized by the ability to analyze the conditions in which this activity takes place. Children use and name various parts of the wooden construction set. They can replace building parts depending on the available material. Master a generalized method of examining a sample. Constructive activity can be carried out on the basis of a scheme, according to design and according to conditions. Children can design from paper by folding it several times (2,4,6 folds); from natural material.

Social and personal development

Children show high cognitive activity. The child needs meaningful contacts with peers. Their speech contacts are becoming longer and more active. Children independently unite into small groups based on mutual sympathies. At this age, children have a differentiated idea of ​​their gender based on essential characteristics (feminine and masculine qualities, features of the manifestation of feelings).

Shows a keen interest in the game.

In gaming activities children of the sixth year of life can already distribute roles before the start of the game and build their behavior by adhering to the role. Game interaction is accompanied by speech that corresponds both in content and intonation to the role taken. The speech that accompanies children's real relationships differs from role-playing speech. When distributing roles, conflicts may arise related to the subordination of role behavior. The organization of the playing space is observed, in which a semantic “center” and “periphery” are distinguished. In the game, children often try to control each other - they indicate how this or that character should behave.

The child tries to compare pronounced emotional states, to see manifestations of the emotional state in expressions, gestures, and voice intonation. Shows interest in the actions of peers.

In work activity previously mastered types of child labor are performed efficiently, quickly, and consciously. Planning and self-assessment of work activity are actively developing.

Artistic and aesthetic development

IN visual arts A 5-6 year old child can freely depict objects of round, oval, rectangular shape, consisting of parts of different shapes and connections of different lines. Ideas about color expand (they know the basic colors and shades, they can prepare pink and blue on their own). Old age is the age of active drawing I. Drawings can be very diverse in content: these are children’s life experiences, illustrations for films and books, imaginary situations. Typically, the drawings are schematic images of various objects, but may differ in the originality of the compositional solution. The image of a person becomes more detailed and proportional. From the drawing one can judge the gender and emotional state of the person depicted. The drawings of individual children are distinguished by their originality and creativity. IN sculpting Children do not find it difficult to create an image that is more complex in shape. Children successfully cope with cutting out rectangular and round objects of different proportions.

Older preschoolers are distinguished by a vivid emotional reaction to music. An intonation-melodic orientation of musical perception appears. Preschoolers can sing without tension, pronouncing words smoothly and clearly; freely perform dance movements: half-squats with the foot on the heel, alternately throwing the legs forward in a jump, etc. They can improvise and compose a melody on a given topic. Initial ideas about genres and types of music are formed.

Age characteristics, contingent of children 6-7 years old

Physical development

By the age of 7, the child’s skeleton becomes stronger, so he can perform various tasks. movement that require flexibility, elasticity, strength. His body acquires noticeable stability, which is facilitated by the increased growth of his legs. Legs and arms become more resilient, dexterous, and mobile. At this age, children can already take fairly long walks, run for a long time, and perform complex physical exercises.

Seven-year-old children have no unnecessary movements. Children can independently, without special instructions from an adult, perform a number of movements in a certain sequence, controlling them and changing them (voluntary regulation of movements).

The child is already able to adequately assess the results of his participation in outdoor and competitive sports games. Satisfaction with the result gives the child joy and maintains a positive attitude towards himself and his team (“we won, we are stronger”).

Has an idea of ​​his physical appearance (tall, fat, thin, small, etc.) and health, and takes care of it. Owns cultural and hygienic skills and understands their necessity.

Social and personal development

By the age of seven, a child clearly demonstrates self-confidence and self-esteem, and the ability to defend his position in joint activities. A seven-year-old child is capable of volitional regulation of behavior, overcoming immediate desires if they contradict established norms, a given word, a promise. Able to demonstrate volitional efforts in situations of choice between “can” and “cannot”, “want” and “should”. Shows persistence, patience, and the ability to overcome difficulties. Can restrain himself, express requests, suggestions, disagreement in a socially acceptable form. Arbitrariness of behavior is one of the most important indicators of psychological readiness for school.

Independence a child is manifested in the ability, without the help of an adult, to solve various problems that arise in everyday life (self-care, caring for plants and animals, creating an environment for amateur play, using simple safe devices - turning on the lights, TV, record player, etc.).

In role-playing games children of the 7th year of life begin to master complex interactions between people, reflecting characteristic significant life situations, for example, a wedding, illness, etc. Game actions become more complex and take on a special meaning that is not always revealed to adults. The playing space is becoming more complex. It can have several centers, each of which supports its own storyline. At the same time, children are able to monitor the behavior of partners throughout the play space and change their behavior depending on their place in it (for example, a child addresses the seller not just as a buyer/, but as a buyer-mother). If the logic of the game requires the emergence of a new role, then the child can take on a new role during the game, while maintaining the role taken previously.

A seven-year-old child can notice changes in the mood of an adult and a peer, and take into account the wishes of other people; capable of establishing stable contacts with peers. A seven-year-old child is distinguished by greater richness and depth of experiences, a variety of their manifestations and, at the same time, greater restraint of emotions. It is characteristic of him " emotional anticipation" - a premonition of one's own experiences and the experiences of other people associated with the results of certain actions and deeds (“If I give my mother my drawing, she will be very happy”).

Cognitive and speech development

There is an active development of dialogical speech. Children's dialogue takes on the character of coordinated object and speech actions. In the depths of the dialogical communication older preschoolers, a new form of speech is born and formed - a monologue. The preschooler listens attentively to their parents' stories about what happened at work, is keenly interested in how they met, and when meeting strangers they ask who they are, whether they have children, etc.

Children continue to develop speech: its sound side, grammatical structure, vocabulary. Coherent speech develops. Children's statements reflect both the expanding vocabulary and the nature of generalizations that are formed at this age. Children begin to actively use generalizing nouns, synonyms, antonyms, adjectives, etc.

Cognitive processes undergo qualitative changes; arbitrariness of actions develops. Along with visual and figurative thinking, elements of verbal and logical thinking appear. Generalization and reasoning skills continue to develop, but they are still largely limited to visual signs of the situation. Imagination continues to develop, but it is often necessary to note a decrease in the development of imagination at this age in comparison with the older group. This can be explained by various influences, including the media, leading to stereotyping of children's images. Attention becomes voluntary; in some types of activity, the time of voluntary concentration reaches 30 minutes. Children develop a special interest in the printed word and mathematical relationships. They enjoy learning letters, mastering the sound analysis of words, counting and recounting individual objects.

By the age of 7, children have largely mastered design from building material. They are fluent in generalized methods of analyzing both images and buildings. Free buildings become symmetrical and proportional. Children accurately imagine the sequence in which the construction will be carried out. At this age, children can already master complex addition forms from a sheet of paper and come up with their own. Design from natural materials becomes more complicated.

Artistic and aesthetic development

IN visual arts children 6-7 years old drawings acquire a more detailed character, their color range is enriched. The differences between the drawings of boys and girls become more obvious. Boys willingly depict technology, space, military operations; girls usually draw female images: princesses, ballerinas, etc. Everyday scenes are common: mother and daughter, room, etc. With the right approach, children develop artistic and creative abilities in visual activities. The image of a person becomes even more detailed and proportional. Fingers, eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows, chin appear. Clothing can be decorated with various details. The objects that children sculpt and cut out have different shapes, colors, structures, and are located differently in space. At the same time, by the age of 7 they can convey the specific properties of an object from life. A seven-year-old child is characterized by an active position, readiness for spontaneous decisions, curiosity, constant questions to an adult, the ability to verbally comment on the process and result of his own activities, persistent motivation for achievements, and a developed imagination. The process of creating a product is of a creative exploratory nature: the child looks for different ways to solve the same problem. A seven-year-old child fairly adequately evaluates the results of his activities in comparison with other children, which leads to the formation of ideas about himself and his capabilities.

Individual interpretation is greatly enriched music. The child determines which genre the piece he listened to belongs to. Sings clearly and expressively, conveying the melody correctly (speeding up, slowing down). A preschooler can independently invent and demonstrate a dance or rhythmic movement.


The activities of the Preschool Department of GBOU Gymnasium No. 1409 are aimed at creating conditions for early socialization and social adaptation of pupils, ensuring equal starting opportunities for training children in educational organizations that implement the basic educational program of primary general education.

The educational process in the Preschool Department of GBOU Gymnasium No. 1409 is built in accordance with the climatic conditions of the city, as well as in accordance with the traditions of national Russian culture, which are implemented through the educational areas “Cognition”, “Social-communicative”, “Artistic-aesthetic”.

The leading directions in the implementation of the program are the creation of a favorable psychological, emotional, physical climate for a preschooler, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, the development of mental and physical qualities, preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school, introduction to a healthy lifestyle, speech development of children .

Childhood is the most important period of human life, not preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Basic educational program of preschool education is a regulatory and management document of a preschool educational organization, characterizing the specifics of the content of education and the features of the organization of the educational process. The program is developed, approved and implemented by the educational organization in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and taking into account the exemplary educational program of preschool education.

The program should ensure the construction of a holistic pedagogical process aimed at the full comprehensive development of the child - physical, social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic. One of the provisions of the Action Plan to ensure the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is the provision on the introduction of the Federal Register of exemplary basic educational programs used in the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

Website of the federal register of exemplary basic general education programs: It published the “Approximate basic general education program for preschool education”, approved by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (minutes dated May 20, 2015 No. 2/15).

A section “Navigator of educational programs for preschool education” has been created on the website of the federal state autonomous institution “Federal Institute for Educational Development” (FSAU “FIRO”) On our website we publish a list of these programs with links to the publishers that produce them. On the websites of publishers you can get acquainted with projects, presentations of programs, and accompanying methodological literature.

Educational programs of preschool education corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education:

Educational program for preschool education "Colorful Planet" / Edited by E.A. Khamraeva, D.B. Yumatova (Scientific supervisor E. A. Khamraeva)
Part 1 Part 2
Publishing house "Yuventa":

Educational program for preschool education"World of Discovery" / Under the general editorship of L.G. Peterson, I.A. Lykova (Scientific supervisor L.G. Peterson)
Website of the CSDP “School 2000...”:
Publishing house "Color World": color world. RF

Educational program of preschool education for preschoolers with severe speech impairments / Ed. L. V. Lopatina

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