Basic criteria for correct speech. Professional speech

Professional communication represents the verbal interaction of a specialist with other specialists and clients of the organization in the course of professional activities.

The culture of professional activity largely determines its effectiveness, as well as the reputation of the organization as a whole and the individual specialist.

The culture of communication is an important part of professional culture, and for such professions as a teacher, journalist, manager, lawyer, it is a leading part, since for these professions speech is the main tool of labor.

Professional culture includes possession of special skills and abilities of professional activity, behavioral culture, emotional culture, general speech culture and professional communication culture.

Special skills are acquired through professional training. The culture of behavior is formed by the individual in accordance with the ethical standards of society. Emotional culture includes the ability to regulate one’s mental state, understand the emotional state of one’s interlocutor, manage one’s emotions, relieve anxiety, overcome indecision, and establish emotional contact.

The general culture of speech provides for norms of speech behavior and requirements for speech in any communication situations; the culture of professional communication is characterized by a number of additional requirements in relation to the general speech culture.

In the professional culture of communication, the role of socio-psychological characteristics of speech becomes especially important, such as the correspondence of speech to the emotional state of the interlocutor, the business orientation of speech, and the correspondence of speech to social roles.

Speech is a means of acquiring, exercising, developing and transferring professional skills.

Culture of professional speech includes:

· knowledge of the terminology of this specialty;

· ability to build a speech on a professional topic;

· ability to organize and manage professional dialogue;

· ability to communicate with non-specialists on professional issues.

Knowledge of terminology, the ability to establish connections between previously known and new terms, the ability to use scientific concepts and terms in the practical analysis of production situations, knowledge of the features of the style of professional speech constitute linguistic competence in professional communication.

An evaluative attitude towards a statement, awareness of the target setting of communication, taking into account the communication situation, its place, relationship with the interlocutor, predicting the impact of the statement on the interlocutor, the ability to create an atmosphere favorable for communication, the ability to maintain contacts with people of different psychological types and levels of education are included in communicative competence specialist Communicative competence includes both the ability to communicate and exchange information, as well as the ability to establish appropriate relationships with participants in the production process and organize joint creative activities.

The ability to control emotions, direct dialogue in accordance with the needs of professional activity, compliance with ethical standards and etiquette requirements constitute behavioral competence. Communicative behavior implies such an organization of speech and corresponding speech behavior that influence the creation and maintenance of an emotional and psychological atmosphere of communication with colleagues and clients, the nature of the relationships between participants in the production process, and the style of their work.

One of the components of a teacher’s skill is the culture of his speech. Whoever masters the culture of speech, other things being equal - the level of knowledge and methodological skill - achieves greater success in educational work.

Components of a teacher’s speech culture:

Competency in constructing phrases.

Correct pronunciation of words from everyday life: a) correct stress in words; b) exclusion of local dialects.

Simplicity and clarity of presentation.

Expressiveness: a) intonation and tonality; b) rate of speech, pauses; c) dynamics of voice sound; d) vocabulary richness; e) imagery of speech; e) diction.

Correct use of special terminology: a) exclusion of jarring phraseological phrases; b) excluding unnecessary words; c) exclusion of jargon and buzzwords.

Few words.

Speech motor coordination.

Speech culture is a broad and capacious multi-component concept, but first of all it is literacy in constructing phrases. A solid knowledge of grammatical rules allows the teacher to correctly express his thoughts, gives his speech a harmonious, meaningful character, which makes it easier for students to perceive and understand educational material, commands, etc. Otherwise, incidents may happen. Thus, one teacher wrote in terms of educational work: “Teach children to eat with their mouths closed.” The grammatically correct construction of speech ensures its content, logical consistency, and understandability.

The second component of a teacher’s speech culture is simplicity and clarity of presentation. The same thought can be expressed in a form that is understandable to students or, conversely, the speech can be given such a scientific appearance that students will not be able to understand what is required of them, what they must learn. The ability to talk simply about complex things and to make abstract things intelligible is based on the clarity of the teacher’s thinking, on the imagery and vitality of the examples given for explanation.

The third component of speech culture is expressiveness. It is achieved both by selecting the right words and syntactic structures, and by actively using the main components of the expressiveness of oral speech - tone, vocal dynamics, tempo, pauses, stress, intonation, diction.

Intonation and tonality influence not only the consciousness, but also the feelings of students, as they give emotional coloring to words and phrases. The tonality of speech can be festive, solemn, sincere, joyful, angry, sad, etc. Depending on the situation, the teacher should use all the riches of tonality, and not pronounce monologues in an impassive, monotonous voice.

During story games, the teacher, by changing intonation, helps students develop adequate ideas and visual images that correspond to the plot. For example, when conducting the game “The Fox is Coming”, in order to get silent and careful movements from children, the teacher introduces a story into the lesson: “No one moves (narratively), everyone is silent (the sound of the voice decreases). Silence (pause). A fox walks around the clearing (his voice is louder), looking for bunnies. But there are no bunnies. Where did they go (perplexity and question)? And the bunnies are silent (in a quiet voice with a conspiratorial intonation). The fox has left, and the bunnies are playing again, jumping (cheerful, loud sound), rejoicing that they escaped from the fox.”

Tone of speech The teacher should be calm, confident, and authoritative. However, for this it is necessary that the teacher himself be calm, convinced of the correctness of the orders given, his actions, assessments of the actions and actions of the students. An edifying, mentoring tone is extremely undesirable; it usually pushes students away from the teacher, since the older the student, the more pronounced is his desire for self-affirmation, for recognition of himself as an individual.

Speech rate also determines its expressiveness. Speech that is too fast is also unsuitable, since it makes it difficult for students to concentrate on what the teacher is saying and have time to “digest” all the information, as well as very slow speech, which has a soporific effect on students.

Pauses Speeches, when used correctly, allow you to better convey the meaning of the spoken word and phrase. Using a pause, you can increase the intriguing meaning of the teacher’s speech, his message about some event, etc.

Another factor that determines the expressiveness of a teacher’s speech is dynamics of voice sound, varying its strength.

Vocabulary wealth promotes figurative speech, and through it - expressiveness

The teacher’s speech as a form of communication through language plays a major role in interpersonal interaction with students, establishing contacts and gaining mutual understanding. It is realized in everyday acts of speech activity and speech behavior. The latter concept is broader, manifesting itself in the manner, nature of speech actions and speech activity, including somatic activity.

If the teacher’s speech activity is mainly aimed at providing substantive information, then speech behavior also includes the transmission of expressive information that ensures the regulation of relationships with students.

The structure of speech acts that make up speech behavior includes the subject, the object to which the information is addressed, the goal, the content, and the means used - verbal and non-verbal.

In pedagogical communication, the object of interaction is a person, and the teacher’s speech actions reflect the attitude towards her as a subject of interaction, revealing the level of not only linguistic, but also moral culture. In speech behavior, the personality of the teacher is revealed more fully and multifacetedly than in speech activity.

The behavior of an individual in society presupposes the development of a complex of social roles. Their repertoire depends on status, i.e., position occupied in various spheres of life - family, production, public places. Fulfilling a particular role has a formative influence, determining psychological attitudes. This pattern also applies to the teacher’s speech behavior.

The general nature of the teacher’s speech act is determined by who it is addressed to, for what purpose, what its content is, the specific situation of communication and what attitude is demonstrated to the student - indifference, sympathy, love, antipathy.

In the variety of speech acts, there are such communicative types as narration, question, motivation and exclamation. Each speech act has its own syntactic, lexical and intonation structure.

To manage pedagogical communication, the teacher needs the ability to predict the response to his behavior. Only by using the optimal model of speech act, he achieves the necessary educational and educational effect.

Knowledge of the psychology of students, general principles of education, and mastery of an arsenal of pedagogical means and methods help the teacher to avoid gross communicative mistakes. However, each act of professional interaction requires non-standard speech creativity, because it is based on taking into account diverse circumstances - the communication situation, the individuality of the student, the feelings he experiences, his mood, the nature of the existing relationships, etc.

The teacher needs to constantly adjust his behavior in accordance with the momentarily received feedback - verbal and non-verbal. Pedagogical communication consists of the mutual exchange of speech actions between the teacher and students.

Speech behavior, like other types of social activity, is subject to social control. First of all, it obeys the generally accepted norms of the literary language - orthoepic, accentological, lexical, phraseological, word-formation, morphological, syntactic.

The culture of speech behavior is determined by the appropriate choice and organization of linguistic means, which in a certain communication situation, while observing linguistic and ethical standards, allow one to effectively solve communicative problems.

Despite personal uniqueness - temperament, character, intelligence, level of culture, gender, age - in every act of speech behavior the teacher acts as a bearer of the main social role.

A professional feature of his verbal and non-verbal expression is his commitment to psychological and pedagogical principles. A teacher’s speech behavior as a category of pedagogical science is an integral attribute of his professional activity aimed at educating, training and developing the student.

The success of educational impact depends not only on how much the teacher masters the subject of conversation and the methodological subtleties of its organization, but also on how much he manages to find a common language and establish contact with students.

The study of the theory and practice of pedagogical communication allows us to identify the following functions of a teacher’s speech behavior: self-presentation, motivational and psychotherapeutic. Let's consider their essence.

Self-presentational function

The personality of the teacher is the object of close attention of students literally from the first moments of communication. The further development of relationships and the effectiveness of teamwork depend on the “first impression” effect.

Attraction—the personal charm of the teacher—depends on the culture of self-presentation. If he failed to make a favorable impression right away, then in the future, due to the negative attitude that has arisen among the students, he will have to overcome serious difficulties in communication. The initial impression is compared with the axis around which the comparative field of studying a person is organized.

The attractiveness of a teacher is an emotional regulator of interpersonal relationships, ensuring their stability, depth, and trust.

The state of student satisfaction serves as an important indicator of the level of pedagogical communication. The predominance of positive emotions in the classroom strengthens the idea of ​​the teacher as an attractive person. Consequently, the professionalism of the teacher is manifested in the ability to arouse the stable disposition and sympathy of the students.

Motivational function

With the refusal of pedagogy to strictly control the educational process, the problem of motivation is becoming increasingly important.

The problem of motivation is the most complex, since a variety of external and internal factors act as incentives and stimulators of educational activity: the quality of teaching, the erudition of the teacher, the charm of his personality, the natural abilities and inclinations of the student, his value guidelines, etc.

Nevertheless, it is the teacher’s word to create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the classroom, to arouse keen interest in joint activities, to include each student in it, to ensure the necessary synchronicity of actions, and to promote the experience of emotional uplift.

A culture of speech behavior can raise role-based communication to the interpersonal level, prevent the emergence of psychological barriers and the formal attitude of students to learning.

A teacher’s evaluative judgments can be positive, stating successes, achievements, strengths, and negative, critical, noting shortcomings and weaknesses. The encouraging comment is intended to instill confidence in the trainees in their abilities, to confirm the correctness of the completed educational actions or actions.

The purpose of negative commentary, focused on mistakes and miscalculations, is to activate the students’ strength to overcome shortcomings. Optimal are value judgments in which encouragement is combined with objective critical analysis, without which it is difficult to form the necessary educational and behavioral standards and the self-education and self-education of students is complicated.

Detailed evaluative judgments of the teacher contribute to the improvement of the substantive aspect of activity and behavior, encouraging students to be self-critical.

Psychotherapeutic function

Until now, in the domestic literature there is no clear definition of the goals of the psychotherapeutic process. The very concept of psychotherapy, as a rule, is associated with therapeutic effects in pathological cases requiring the intervention of a medical specialist.

Psychotherapy is interpreted narrowly as a system of therapeutic measures aimed at healing the mentally ill or those in borderline states.

Communication with the teacher, called “good conversation,” has a harmonizing effect on the mental state of students. This phrase means dialogues that have a “positive stimulating effect, leave a pleasant memory and remain the subject of conversation for a long time.”

Thoughts and feelings that arise during a “good conversation” are created by the joint efforts of the interlocutors, reflecting their spiritual closeness. The catalyst for such communication is emotional openness and sincerity in expressing feelings and thoughts. Only under the condition of the teacher’s trusting self-disclosure does a psychotherapeutic effect become possible.

The psychotherapeutic effect is not the role-based, but the personal level of communication, the humanity of the teacher. It is then that students develop a sense of security and awareness of their self-worth, which encourages personal self-disclosure and self-affirmation.


Prepared by:

Teacher speech therapist

Bidnichenko Vera Nikolaevna

Subject: “Correct speech of the teacher is the key to competent speech of pupils”

Target: Improving the general culture of teachers. Increasing the pedagogical competence of educators in matters of professional speech culture. Expanding knowledge about the importance of teachers’ compliance with the norms of the literary language. Increasing competence in the field of verbal communication culture in general.

Tasks: Expand the understanding of the teacher’s speech culture as the main instrument of culture as a whole. Cover the content of the teacher’s activities, components and requirements for his professional speech. To reveal the importance of the teacher’s speech culture on the formation of the speech of preschool children. Introduce a number of special exercises that help preserve and improve the speech and vocal apparatus. Help improve your command of literary language norms. Convince of the need to regulate your speech behavior when communicating with preschoolers and other people. Evoke a sensitive response and active participation of teachers in discussing issues on the topic under consideration.

Event plan:

  1. Teacher's speech culture.
  2. Components of a teacher’s professional speech.
  3. Phys. pause: “Exercises for the development of speech breathing.”
  4. Requirements for the speech of a preschool teacher.
  5. Training game “Experts of Russian speech”.
  6. The importance of the speech culture of a kindergarten teacher.
  7. Role-playing game: “I’m talking to a child, a parent, a teacher.”
  8. Examples of incorrect speech (video).
  9. Tree of Wisdom “Statements and aphorisms of classics of literature and outstanding thinkers of the past about the culture of speech, the power of words, and the native language.”
  10. Memo “Exercises for the development of speech breathing.”
  1. Teacher's speech culture.

Speech culture in the modern sense is a field of linguistics and rhetoric that studies conscious speech activity as purposeful, expedient and ethically correct. Speech culture is the main tool of culture as a whole.

A lot of attention has always been paid to the culture of human speech. This is no coincidence. Since it testifies to his erudition, intelligence, ethics, and upbringing. Mastery of speech culture means success in society, authority, prospects, and advancement at work. And who else but a teacher is obliged to master the culture of speech.

The teacher’s speech culture covers all components of speech activity and their components. Certain norms exist for all components of speech culture and they manifest themselves, first of all, as communication norms: cognitive (perception of others and their understanding), affective (attitude towards others), behavioral (choice of behavior in a specific situation). The most significant norms of communication are ethical and communicative.

Communication and ethical standards are specific rules that help to carry out optimal communication, create a favorable emotional climate and reveal the personality of each communication partner. They provide a choice of means of communication and operate at all stages of speech activity.

Communicative qualities of speech are properties that help organize communication and make it effective: relevance, richness, purity, accuracy, consistency, accessibility, expressiveness, correctness.

The specificity of teaching activity lies in constant active contact with other people. The work of a teacher is aimed at shaping the personality of a growing person, developing certain rules of behavior, and intellectual development. The teacher must have not only psychological, special knowledge, but also professional communication skills.

The teacher’s speech is the main instrument of pedagogical influence and at the same time a model for students.

What is “Culture of Speech”?

There is no unambiguous understanding of the term.

Professor L.I. Skvortsov gives a definition according to which “Speech culture is mastery of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, stress, grammar, word usage, etc.), as well as the ability to use expressive language means in different communication conditions in in accordance with the goals and content of the speech.”

Successful mastery of the teaching profession is impossible without mastering the culture of speech and the culture of communication. Communicative culture, based on speech culture, determines the potential of the entire education system and the extent of its impact on the development of children’s personality.

A teacher’s speech culture is the most important quality of his professional teaching activity.

II.Components of a teacher’s professional speech.

One of the components of speech is the quality of the teacher’s voice.

  • The voice should not cause unpleasant sensations, but should have euphony.
  • The teacher must be able to change the characteristics of his voice taking into account the communication situation.
  • A teacher needs to be able to control his voice when communicating with other people, to speak not for himself, but for his listeners.
  • Using his voice, the teacher must be able to instill in children certain requirements and achieve their fulfillment.
  • The teacher's voice must be strong enough.

Based on these requirements, we can say that the teacher’s voice must have euphony, flexibility, flight, and endurance.

The next component of speech is diction. Diction – clear and precise pronunciation of speech sounds. Good diction is ensured by strict adherence to the articulatory characteristics of sounds. Diction is one of the mandatory elements of a teacher’s speech technique, since his speech is a model. Unclear articulation results in slurred speech and makes it difficult to understand the speaker.

An important component of speech is orthoepy – correct literary pronunciation of all words of the native language. The difficulty in mastering correct literary pronunciation lies in the fact that pronunciation does not always coincide with spelling. Therefore, generally accepted norms of literary pronunciation should be learned. If you have doubts about the correct pronunciation of words and emphasis, use dictionaries and reference books.

Expressiveness– another element of the professionalism of the teacher’s speech. Expressive speech is filled with emotional and intellectual content; this is due to the specifics of oral speech, in which intonation, gestures, and facial expressions acquire special importance. For oral speech, the correct use of intonation means of expressiveness is very important: logical stress (isolating the main words or phrases from a phrase by raising or lowering the voice, changing the tempo), pauses, melody of speech (voice movement in speech in height and strength), tempo ( number of words spoken in a certain unit of time). Intonation makes speech lively, emotionally rich, thoughts are expressed more fully and completely.

III. Physical pause: “Exercises for the development of speech breathing.”

The basis of spoken speech is the correctspeech breathing.It ensures normal voice and sound formation, preserves the smoothness and musicality of speech, and creates the opportunity, depending on the content of the utterance, to change the strength and pitch of the voice.

Breath - the most important physiological process that occurs automatically, reflexively. At the same time, breathing can be influenced by regulating it, making it shallow and rare, holding it for a while. The breathing process consists of three phases: exhalation, pause and inhalation, which continuously and rhythmically follow one another.

The initial phase of breathing is exhalation: in order to receive a new portion of oxygen necessary for the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to make room for it in the airways, which is achieved through exhalation.

The respiratory pause following exhalation is a transition phase and is characterized by the completion of inhalation and the anticipation of the impulse to inhale. The pause ensures effective gas exchange and ventilation of the lungs, which increases the performance of the body as a whole.

The final phase of breathing will be inhalation. When we inhale, we fill our lungs with oxygen. The inhalation can be short and fill only the upper parts of the lungs, or deep, which will ensure complete filling.

For full speech breathing, flexibility, elasticity, and a large volume of the respiratory apparatus are necessary, which is achieved by training the speech and vocal apparatus. During semantic and emotional speech, a variety of work of the respiratory muscles occurs. Here you may need a long exhalation, uninterrupted by pauses and not requiring melodic changes in speech; prolonged exhalation with contrasting changes in speech; exhalation interrupted by long and short pauses; etc. In this regard, it is necessary to develop various coordinations of inhalation and exhalation.

Speech breathing is very important for the implementation of full speech activity and mastering conscious, expressive reading.

For this purpose, you are offered a number of special exercises that promote flexibility and elasticity of the breathing apparatus.

Exercises for the development of speech breathing.

Exercise 1.

Stand up straight. The hands lie on the lower ribs of the chest - thumb in front, four fingers on the back. Exhale (all breathing exercises should begin with exhalation). Then inhale through the nose, hold the chest in an expanded state for one second (inhalation state), then exhale. Repeat the exercise three times. When performing the exercise, do not bend forward, inhale as much as possible.

Exercise 2.

Sit. Take a quick breath through your nose, then pause and quickly exhale through your mouth onto an object hanging close. Move the object away and, taking a quick breath, also blow. Move the object further, take a breath and blow again. The abdominal muscles work with good activity.

Exercise 3.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine that there is a lilac bush in front of you and you inhale its scent. The smell is wonderful and makes you want to inhale longer. After inhaling, pause briefly, and then slowly exhale through the nose, as if trying not to lose the pleasant smell of the flower.

Exercise 4.

Take a quick breath and, on one exhalation, pronounce the sound P several times in a row. Do not compress your chest; your lips should work well.

Exercise 5.

In order to accustom ourselves to control the relationship between voluntary inhalation and exhalation, let’s subordinate them to counting. Determine the duration of inhalation on the count of “three”, and the duration of exhalation on the count of “six”.

To record the state of the muscles after inhalation, at the moment of preparing them for exhalation, we give a short pause for the count of “one”. The whole exercise will proceed in the following sequence: inhale – one, two, three; pause – one unit; exhale - one, two, three, four, five, six. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, as if blowing air onto your palm placed in front of your mouth. The exercise is performed three to four times.

Exercise 6.

A full inhalation is taken for a count of three, stopping after each number, so the inhalation occurs in several stages. During a stop, the position of the respiratory muscles in which the stop finds them is maintained. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the narrow opening of the lips, counting as you exhale from one to ten - twelve. The sequence of the exercise is: inhale – one stop – inhale – one stop – inhale – one stop – exhale – count ten – twelve.

IV. Requirements for the speech of a preschool teacher.

Cultural speech is an essential element of a person’s general culture. It is no coincidence that it is believed that a person’s speech is his calling card, since his success not only in everyday communication, but also in professional activities depends on how competently a person expresses himself. This statement is especially relevant in relation to the speech of a preschool teacher working with preschool children.

The teacher’s speech must strictly correspond in content to the age of the children at whom it is directed, their development, stock of ideas about the environment, and be based on their experience.

The teacher must possess methodological skills, know the techniques necessary to exert an appropriate influence on children’s speech, and be able to apply them in all cases of communication with preschoolers and other people.

Among requirements for the speech of a preschool teacher highlight:

The above requirements include the correct use of non-verbal means of communication by the teacher, his ability not only to speak with the child, but also to hear him.

Of course, knowledge of these requirements, compliance with them and constant improvement of one’s speech is the key to the success of a teacher’s work on the speech development of children in preschool educational institutions.

V. Training game: “Experts of Russian speech.”

In the Russian language, to improve the culture of speech, mastering the norms of the literary language is crucial. Varieties of norms are distinguished in accordance with forms of speech and levels of the language system: orthoepic (pronunciation), accentological (stress), - norms of oral speech; spelling and punctuation - norms of written speech; lexical (word usage), word-formation and syntactic, collectively called grammatical, manifested in oral and written speech; and stylistic.

Now I suggest turning to the norms of the language and checking yourself.

Teachers receive forms with words in the pronunciation of which errors are most common in the speech of the Russian-speaking population in general and teachers in particular. These are mistakes that, for the most part, are considered gross and, therefore, are unacceptable in the speech of teachers, because Pupils, their parents and those around them are guided by his speech.

Exercise: You are given pairs of words. In each pair, only one option is correct (1 or 2). You need to choose the correct answer and mark it in the appropriate box.

Questionnaire No. 1

  1. asymmetry – asymmetry
  2. bows - bows
  3. turn on - turn on
  4. gas pipeline - gas pipeline
  5. dispenser – dispensary
  6. ache - ache
  7. dremOta - dremA
  8. ask - ask
  9. borrow - borrow
  10. Ringing - Ringing
  11. catalog – catalog
  12. more beautiful - more beautiful
  13. kitchen - kitchen
  15. garbage chute - garbage chute
  16. worthless - worthless
  17. provision - provision
  18. encourage – encourage
  19. convict – convicted
  20. to mold - to mold
  21. printing - printing
  22. got it - got it
  23. to reward - to reward
  24. force – force
  25. plum – plum
  26. shoe - shoe
  27. in-depth study - in-depth
  28. xAos – chaos

Questionnaire No. 2

  1. indulge - indulge
  2. religion - religion
  3. will hand it over - will hand it over
  4. pEAR – PEAR
  5. mining-mining
  6. leisure - leisure
  7. blinds – blinds
  8. cork - cork
  9. seal - seal
  10. exhaust – exhaust
  11. pantry – pantry
  12. flint – flint
  13. hunk - hunk
  14. motivated - motivated
  15. start - begin
  16. newborn – newborn
  17. make it easier - make it easier
  18. Wholesale - wholesale
  19. uncork - uncork
  20. repeat - repeat
  21. insurance policy – ​​POLUS
  22. undertake – undertake
  23. arrived - arrived
  24. dowry - dowry
  25. Cakes – Cakes
  26. notify – notify
  27. phenomenon - phenomenon
  28. moveApplication - petitionApplication

Rating scale level of teacher speech culture:

0 – 2 mistakes – high level of speech culture;

3 – 6 errors – satisfactory;

7 – 10 errors – low;

Speak correctly!

Questionnaire No. 1 (key)

VI. The importance of the speech culture of a kindergarten teacher.

The comprehensive development of a child is carried out on the basis of assimilating the centuries-old experience of mankind only through the child’s communication with adults. Adults are the guardians of the experience of humanity, its knowledge, skills, and culture. This experience cannot be conveyed except through language. Language is the most important means of human communication.

Among the many important tasks of raising and educating preschool children in kindergarten, teaching their native language, developing speech, and verbal communication is one of the main ones.

One of the main mechanisms for children to master their native language is imitation. In the studies of E.I. Tikheeva, F.A. Sokhin and other foundersmethods of speech development for preschool childrenIt is noted that children learn to speak through hearing and the ability to imitate. Preschoolers say what they hear, since the internal mechanisms of speech are formed in a child only under the influence of systematically organized speech of adults. The teacher has a great influence on the formation of a speech culture in children. I.O. Solovyova notes that “the teacher faces the following tasks: educating children in pure, clear pronunciation of sounds in words, correct pronunciation of words according to the norms of orthoepy of the Russian language, educating clear pronunciation (good diction), educating the expressiveness of children’s speech.”

Preschool age is a sensitive period for a child’s speech development, therefore one of the leading activities of a kindergarten teacher is the formation of oral speech and verbal communication skills, based on knowledge of the native literary language. M.M. Alekseeva notes that by imitating adults, a child adopts “not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, phrase construction, but also those imperfections and errors that are found in their speech.” Therefore, the teacher must be self-critical of his own speech, adhere to literary norms of pronunciation, and if there are shortcomings in it, strive to eliminate them. It is necessary to eliminate various accents in your speech, the influence of local dialects, and correctly place emphasis on words.

The educator faces a serious task: he is obliged to discern, behind a series of anxieties and worries, the personality of the future person whom he creates, first of all, with the help of our language. The language of the teacher should be a standard for the children. With the help of this most powerful weapon and the finest instrument, the teacher develops the historical memory of the people, introduces those for whom this culture is perceived, first of all, through the influencing word, to the riches of a multinational culture.

That is why today high demands are placed on the speech of a preschool teacher, and the problem of improving the teacher’s speech culture is considered in the context of improving the quality of preschool education.

VII. Role-playing game “Talking to a child, parent, teacher”

Come up with 3-4 phrases of dialogue on the topic.

VIII.Examples of incorrect speech, analysis of errors (video).

IX. Tree of Wisdom

“Statements and aphorisms of literary classics and outstanding thinkers of the past about cultural speech, the power of words, and the native language”.

“Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but it takes a lot of intelligence to use it.”

G. Hegel

“The virtue of speech is to be clear and not low.”

Language as a system is realized only in speech and only through it fulfills its communicative purpose - to be a means of communication. Speech is a sequence of language units, organized according to its laws and in accordance with the needs of the transmitted information.

Speech is a lawyer’s calling card

Speech is not only a means of expressing thoughts and feelings. This is an indicator of our intelligence, a constant advertisement of our abilities, our work on ourselves. By the way we speak, our interlocutors conclude who we are, since speech, regardless of the will of the speaker, creates his portrait and reveals his personality. Speech is a kind of passport of a person, which accurately indicates in what environment the speaker communicates, how he relates to people and his native language, and what his cultural level is. K.G. Paustovsky even wrote that “by the attitude of each person to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also his civic value.”

The degree of mastery of the norms and riches of language determines how accurately, competently and clearly the speaker can express his thoughts, explain this or that life phenomenon, and have the proper influence on listeners. After all, speech can be intelligible - unclear, correct - careless, appropriate - inappropriate, logical - illogical, expressive - dry, rich - poor, original - cliched, convincing - unconvincing.

V. Shakespeare warned the young: “Watch your speech, your future depends on it.” Indeed, if a person speaks well, if he knows how to speak intelligibly, logically and convincingly, he easily establishes contacts with people and feels confident in all life situations; his career is going well; he achieves success in all his undertakings. He is always a leader, always a leader.

A person who does not know how to speak competently and convincingly is destined to be only a follower in everything. Life is much more difficult for him: he feels constrained, defective; almost always suffers defeats; he has much fewer friends, and his career is not easy... Therefore, it is necessary to learn the culture of speech. And what is it?

Speech culture is understood as the ability to use in a specific situation such linguistic means that provide the greatest effect in achieving communicative tasks. This is the use of the only necessary words and grammatical structures in each specific case.

The culture of speech is largely determined by the culture of thinking, conscious love of language and respect for oneself as an individual. Once the writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky answered a clumsily formulated question “how to improve the quality of your language”: “There is nothing simpler. To improve the quality of your language, you need to improve the quality of your intellect.”

The main criterion of speech culture is normativity, which is understood as accuracy, correctness, purity of speech. This is the ability to express thoughts accurately, in accordance with the norms of the literary language, without the use of slang, dialect and colloquial words.

The highest level of speech culture is speech mastery, which consists of the ability to clearly (intelligibly), logically and convincingly reveal thoughts, the richness of the vocabulary and the variety of grammatical structures. It is important to convey information not only competently, but also expressively; not in cliched, boring words, but in its own, original, individualized way. Speech skill includes the ability to find the most accurate, which means the most suitable for a specific situation and stylistically justified means of language. Speech art also presupposes the ability to use rhetorical techniques that promote emotional and psychological impact.

Is it important for a lawyer, regardless of his specialization, to master speech culture? Of course it is important. For a lawyer, the ability to speak well is a direct professional necessity. Why?

First of all, because the legal profession requires not only professional skills, but also broad general education. It is my deep conviction that A.F. Kony, “a lawyer should be a person whose general education comes before special education.” And regardless of his communicative role - whether he draws up bills, conducts investigations, draws up civil transactions, passes sentences, protects the rights of defendants, monitors the legality of court decisions, or engages in scientific work - he is a lawyer explaining the rules of law to citizens.

A lawyer deals every day with a wide variety of life phenomena, and he must correctly evaluate these phenomena, make the right decision on them and convince those who turn to him of the correctness of his point of view.

In addition, a lawyer has to deal with people of different professions and different cultural levels. And in each case it is necessary to find the right tone and words that provide arguments and correctly express thoughts. Violation of language norms by a lawyer (for example, the use of colloquial forms don't lie if you want etc.) may cause a negative reaction or mistrust on the part of listeners; Respect for the lawyer disappears, and uncertainty appears in his knowledge.

Unfortunately, the speech culture of some even legal scholars leaves much to be desired. For example, when discussing the language of law, that “language, like law, is a cultural phenomenon,” that “law develops and enriches culture,” the author of one of the monographs carelessly uses linguistic terms: instead of the term vocabulary(language vocabulary) uses lexicology(section of linguistics that studies the vocabulary of a language); instead of the term syntagma(combination of two linguistic units) - term syntagmatics(a set of rules and patterns that determine the relationships between units in the speech chain); distorts linguistic terms: polysemy(necessary: polysemy), synonymy(necessary: synonyms). An erroneous combination of words is used as ready-made legal standards schedule the case for hearing. Why is there such disrespect for language, the main professional weapon of lawyers? To the instrument with the help of which all rules of law are transmitted. Can such a language enrich culture?

No, while formulating and protecting the rules of law, a lawyer cannot help but protect the rules of his native language. The high status of law also requires this.

It is extremely important that communication in the legal sphere meets the requirements of legal culture, one of the components of which legal scholars consider speech culture. The prestige of the justice authorities and the lawyer’s performance of his high social function largely depend on the level of speech culture.

In addition, most lawyers have to give lectures on legal topics or appear in court as a prosecutor or defense attorney, representative of a civil plaintiff or defendant. And for this it is important to have public speaking skills. A.F. Koni, F.N. Plevako, P.A. Alexandrov, V.D. Spasovich, V.I. Zhukovsky, N.P. Karabchevsky, N.I. Kholev, K.F. Khartulari, S.A. Andreevsky, A.I. Urusov, M.G. The Kazarins left us excellent examples of oratory skills. The high rating of many modern court speakers is determined by the impression of general culture and intelligence that their speeches create, impeccable command of the literary language, and the ability to express thoughts accurately, clearly, correctly and logically. This is a prerequisite for the successful self-presentation of a judicial speaker.

Specifics of the language of law

But is it possible to talk about the culture of speech of a lawyer if his professional speech is heard in a purely official setting, if the language of law is quite specific? For example, it contains many terms that have special legal meaning, such as code, smuggling, deal, testimony, verdict, alibi, evidence, amnesty, confiscation etc. Some colloquial words are used as terms, for example: squandering, begging, slander; obsolete: act, concealment; verbal nouns not typical for general use: delivery, selection, failure to report, imputation, search, re-letting, executor. Most ambiguous words denote special legal concepts. So, excite - start criminal proceedings; persuade - force to commit a crime; soften - make the punishment less severe and severe; article- a specific section, paragraph in a legal document; organizer- initiator of the crime; repayment- termination of a criminal record; drive unit- forced delivery of someone to the investigative authorities; motive- motive, basis of criminal actions; show - give evidence during interrogation; episode- part of criminal actions, etc. There are peculiar phrases that are not used outside the legal sphere of communication, for example: apply measures, the opposite party, guilty connection, honest mistake, application of limitations, dismissal from office, sentence to imprisonment, improper party and etc.

In a lawyer’s speech there are many ready-made standard expressions - “legal formulas”: having examined the case materials, impute guilt, conclude a deal, compensate for damage, in the manner prescribed by law, the provisions of this agreement, for hooligan reasons, trust management, state duty, missing person, indivisible thing, heir at law, divorce, preventive measures, acceptance to your production.

The concept of a lawyer’s speech culture

What is included in the concept of a lawyer’s speech culture?

It should be remembered that speech has two forms: written and oral. Written speech is carried out, as a rule, in formal situations; it is designed for preliminary consideration, which means it requires extreme precision and strict adherence to the norms of literary language. Taking into account the tasks of criminal and civil proceedings, the culture of a lawyer’s written speech can be defined as the selection and organization of linguistic means that correspond to the official situation and the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation and adequately reflect the factual data established in the case. In procedural acts, the optimal means are the official business style, which uses a large number of ready-made, standard expressions - clichés.

A lawyer’s speech culture also presupposes knowledge of the norms of oral public speaking. The speeches of the prosecutor and lawyer in court reflect the same facts as in the procedural documents in a particular case, therefore court speakers often use constructions that are appropriate only in written official business speech. And public speech requires a wealth of vocabulary and artistic expressiveness! After all, it is addressed directly to living people! Therefore, the culture of public speech is such a motivated use of language material that is optimal for a given situation and the content of speech. Speech should be such that it attracts attention and best promotes persuasion. Read the indictment speech of A.F. Koni in the case of the drowning of the peasant woman Emelyanova by her husband; defensive speeches - P.A. Alexandrov in the case of V. Zasulich, S.A. Andreevsky in the case of Mironovich, N.I. Kholeva in the case of Maksimenko, Y.S. Kiselev in the Berdnikov case, meeting these requirements.

We should also talk about the culture of oral judicial speech because in court every word not only carries information, but also has a great psychological impact, for example: Punishment- This is not only punishment, it is an opportunity to atone for guilt, correct oneself, and re-educate. More than once I had to observe how, under the influence of the convincing speech of the prosecutor, analyzing and evaluating the criminal actions of the defendant, the defendant lowers his head lower and lower, sometimes crying. And vice versa, listening to the speech of a lawyer, expressing the idea that his client is not yet a lost person, that he has many positive qualities, the defendant raises his head, his face brightens. He understands that they believe him.

An insufficiently well-drafted indictment (which must be announced in court proceedings), as well as a clichéd, dry, uninteresting and unconvincing speech by a prosecutor (who often reads the text of the indictment instead of making a speech) or a lawyer do not contribute to the court fulfilling its high function. A speech error made by a judicial speaker discredits him as a representative of the justice authorities.

If the mistake goes unnoticed, then a lawyer, a person with a higher education, a consultant to citizens, turns out to be a conductor of speech incivility. Thus, speech culture is not a personal matter for every lawyer. Issues of speech culture are raised by life itself, by practical necessity. A lawyer’s respectful attitude towards language, clean, correct, rich speech is, to a certain extent, an indicator of his respect for our laws.

A competent speaker will not say: Reading the case/I have/ generally/without any doubts/didn't call about it/what is in Sazonov’s actions/will talk/there is a crime//. A truly competent judicial speaker is distinguished by depth and clarity of thought, logic and argumentation of speech, the ability to find the necessary, precise words in each specific case to convey thoughts, and the ability to correctly formulate statements. A master of words will be able to convey the mental state of the defendant (which, unfortunately, is done extremely rarely in modern court speeches), and will be able to evoke sympathy among judges or a justifiable negative attitude towards him.

At a scientific and practical conference on improving the efficiency of maintaining public prosecution, it was noted that it is the public prosecutor who represents the prosecutor’s office in the eyes of the people, and by his work people judge the prosecutor’s office as a whole. And the opinion largely depends on how the prosecutor knows how to speak. A.F. Koni wrote about the need to master the riches of the Russian language: “Let not your thought search for words... let, on the contrary, words obediently and obligingly stand before your thought at its full disposal.” It is important for a lawyer to master the norms of public speech and oratory skills in order to express thoughts clearly, accurately, logically, confidently and convincingly. This is one of the decisive conditions for increasing the efficiency of judicial debates.


Language is a system of phonetic, lexical, and grammatical units, which is a means of communication between people and the expression of thoughts, feelings, and expressions of will.

See: Podgolin E.E. Culture of investigative actions: Textbook. allowance. Volgograd, 1978. pp. 4-6.

For more information about this, see: Ivakina N. Stop the matter with production! (see Appendix 2).

For more information about this, see p. 126-128 of this manual, as well as: Ivakina N.N. Professional speech of a lawyer. M., 1997

Speech is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a psychological and aesthetic one. The communicative qualities of speech largely depend on the speaker’s ability to see the systemic relationships of speech, its correlation not only with language, but also with thinking, consciousness, reality, the addressee, and the conditions of communication.
The following communicative qualities of speech are distinguished:
1) correctness – compliance with the norms of modern literary language;
2) accuracy - strict correspondence of words to designated objects, phenomena of reality;
3) consistency - correspondence of semantic connections and relationships of language units in speech to connections and relationships of objects and phenomena in reality;
4) purity - the absence of elements (words and phrases) alien to the literary language, as well as rejected by moral norms;
5) expressiveness – the presence of features that support the interest of the listener/viewer;
6) richness – lexical and syntactic diversity;
7) appropriateness (style, contextual, situational, personal psychological) - such an organization of linguistic means that makes speech meet the goals and conditions of communication.
8) clarity (understandability);
9) effectiveness (intelligibility), determined by the purpose of the speech message and the change in types of activity.
The main sign of correct speech is the stability and stability of linguistic forms. Correct speech is, first of all, literary speech. The main requirements for a literary language are unity, integrity and general intelligibility. These requirements are guarded by a linguistic (literary) norm, which plays the role of a kind of language filter and is, as it were, a “passport of literacy” (see §§ 2.4. 2.6)
Accuracy is the correspondence of what is said to the communicative intention of the speaker. The main conditions for accuracy as a communicative quality are clarity of thought, knowledge of the subject, knowledge of the language and the ability to correlate knowledge of the subject with knowledge of the language system. The means that contribute to the creation of accurate speech are: correct word usage, the ability to choose the right word from a number of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms. For example, accuracy is violated in such cases: “My family had nothing to do with art. I was born into a normal family” (maybe in an ordinary, ordinary, ordinary). “Father came into my room” (the paronyms are confused - he entered and he entered).
Conceptual precision requires the correct use of terms, especially in scientific speech. For example: “What needs to be done to have a correct speech defect” (the speaker does not understand the term “speech defect” - speech impairment); “Pechorin is a self-reflective personality” (the speaker apparently did not know exactly the meaning of the words “reflective personality”).
Substantive accuracy and consistency should be distinguished from conceptual accuracy and logic. Speech structures are always correlated with any objects, phenomena, events of the surrounding world. Both listeners and readers are interested in correctly, in accordance with the plan and intention of the speaker or writer, correlating the reality represented in their imagination with that designated by the author. Thus, the following phrase is erroneous: “Chichikov rode in a chariot to Sobakevich” (he rode in a chaise).
Accuracy is compromised:
incorrect placement of stress (The dinosaur has strong armor);
incorrect use of paronyms (unflattering fraudster);
unjustified use of pronouns (My daughter will not go to this school because it is unfinished);
subject-object (syntactic) contamination (see examples below);
using words unknown to the audience without explanation;
incorrect word order (the sun was covered by a cloud);
some forms of ellipsis - shortening a sentence (Refer to page 18);
redundancy of speech: tautology (The heart jumps in leaps), pleonasm (my autobiography), empty verbosity, the presence of parasitic words (so to speak, here they are, in short).
Models of syntactic contamination:
1) the presence of two words that coincide in the nominative and accusative cases, with a verb between them (Mother (N.p.) loves daughter (V.p.));
2) mixing the participles of the passive and active voice (a bag being unloaded at home vm. unloaded; an anonymous note left after a meeting vm. left);
3) the use of a noun in the form of the genitive case instead of the dative case (a monument to (who?) Pushkin, Gogol; but a monument to (whose?) Klodt, Tsereteli);
4) concentrated use of words in the genitive case, expressing different semantic relationships (Criticism of the Decembrists was already a direct form of socio-political struggle; Work on the students’ essays was slowed down by the arrival of the director; Sergeev’s history lesson was interrupted by a bell);
5) incorrect use of participial phrases (Approaching the station, my hat flew off. (From A.P. Chekhov)).
The logic of speech is based on the connection “speech - thinking”. If accuracy is correlated with the lexical level of the language, then consistency is correlated with the syntactic organization of both the statement and the text. This means that it can be violated even with the correct use of words. The violation of logic is obvious in the examples: “S. Yesenin gives one of the best poems to “Kachalov’s Dog”; “The Old Woman Izergil” consists of three parts”; “On the river bank a girl was milking a cow, but the opposite was reflected on the water”; “The theme of serfdom is exposed in Pushkin’s poem “Village”; “I was awarded a board of honor for good work”; “A book makes a person grow taller”; “Her father is good, her mother is kind, and her grandmother is in the village,” etc.
B.N. Golovin calls the following conditions of logic at the sentence level:
1) consistency of combination of one word with others;
2) correct word order;
3) correct use of means of expressing logical connections and relationships between words - function words (prepositions, conjunctions, particles), as well as introductory words and phrases (hence, so, therefore, firstly, secondly, in other words, etc.) .
The conditions of consistency at the level of coherent text are determined:
1) clear and correct expression of the connection between individual statements in the text using linguistic means;
2) designation of transitions from one thought to another;
3) dividing the text into paragraphs;
4) selection of syntactic structures adequate to the nature of the expressed content;
5) thoughtful composition of the text.
Let's see how these conditions were violated in the applicant's essay on the topic “The image of a Russian girl in the works of Pushkin and Lermontov”:
The image of a Russian girl is revealed and described in almost every writer’s work. They also include Pushkin and Lermontov. These are some of the great masters of creating images and writing works. They are easy and quick to remember.
In each of the works, writers create their own image of a Russian girl in various works. Images of Russian girls can appear in poetry, that is, in the poetry of Pushkin. Sometimes he describes the image of Motherland in the role of a Russian girl. Also “sweet, beautiful, but sad.” We asked ourselves: “Who?” Of course, Motherland in the form of a girl.
In the work “Eugene Onegin” he describes Olga and Tatyana Larina so clearly that any person who reads this work will clearly imagine the image before him:
Terribly beautiful
Diligent and sweet
Sometimes I get sad,
I like her.
The Russian girl has always been described by poets as a simple creature whose soul is purer than the sky on a clear sunny day. The hard peasant life is also reflected in the image of the girl. After all, everything that surrounds us affects our lives.
Another interesting thing appears in the poetry of both Pushkin and Lermontov. This is a comparison with the nature of a Russian girl. Depending on the time of year, the girl’s image also changes. That is, in the summer it blooms, shines like a flower in a meadow; In winter, a girl “falls asleep” under the fierce snow that surrounds all of Russia. In spring it blooms and rejoices, because the time has come for love along with all the animals, birds and other living creatures. Everyone is singing, having fun and shining in their beauty. Here are some quotes that confirm the above:
Autumn! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty
I love nature, wilting,
Forests dressed in scarlet.
Some lines related to the season - winter:
Frost and sun. Wonderful day!
You are still dozing, dear friend.
Wake up, beauty, wake up,
Open your doubtful eyes,
Towards North Aurora
Be the star of the north...
The image of a girl is described by many Soviet writers, but Pushkin and Lermontov describe their ideal girl. They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, this is exactly what Pushkin tried to prove and reflect on in some poems that are dedicated to broken love, where it is clear
You can understand that by looking into the eyes of your loved one, you can get an accurate emotional answer.
I think that the image of a Russian girl will forever remain in the works of Pushkin and Lermontov. This image “has always lived and will live in our hearts.”
As you can see, the content of the essay does not correspond to the topic. The applicant does not know the subject she is talking about well, her judgments are primitive, her language is poor, and the logic of the story is broken. One gets the impression that one sentence is attached to another as they chaotically “mature” in the head as a result of forced mental tension.
Thus, the logic is violated:
– incorrect text structuring;
– cause-and-effect inconsistencies;
– failure to comply with the motivational sequence;
– non-compliance with the actual division of the sentence and text (theme is the known, the rheme is the new);
– pleonasticity of speech, its contamination with structures devoid of meaning (I am a person who, as it were, has lost his job. Crime is, so to speak, a terrible thing);
- a figure of syllepsis - a compound that is incompatible, different in its characteristics (Moskvich is looking for a girl from 24 to 178).
The “speech-consciousness” relationship helps to understand what stands behind the words “expressiveness,” “imagery,” “appropriateness,” and “effectiveness” of speech. “If speech is structured in such a way that the very selection and placement of language means, the sign structure, affects not only the mind, but the emotional area of ​​consciousness, maintains the attention and interest of the listener or reader, such speech is called expressive. If the structure of speech, influencing consciousness (or expressing it), forms specifically sensory ideas about reality, it is called figurative. If speech, capturing various areas of the consciousness of the listener or reader, subordinates it to the author, such speech is effective.”
The relationship “speech – person, its addressee” is associated with such communicative quality of speech as effectiveness. The author is interested in the recipient understanding the speech and that this speech prompts him to change behavior, external (deed, action) or internal (thoughts, views, moods).
Relevance is a special quality among other parameters of speech. It, as it were, regulates the correspondence of the topic of the message, its content, linguistic and emotional design to a specific communicative situation (composition of listeners, place, time of the message), informational, educational, aesthetic and other tasks of written or oral speech. The inappropriateness, for example, of certain qualities in a judicial speech was pointed out by P.S. Porokhovshchikov (Sergeich): “The beauty and liveliness of speech are not always appropriate: is it possible to flaunt the elegance of style when speaking about the results of a medical examination of a dead body, or to shine with beautiful expressions when conveying the content of a civil transaction?”
There is stylistic, contextual, situational, and personal psychological relevance.
The question of the admissibility of a particular word or phrase is often decided depending on the style of the text. In artistic speech, deviations from the literary norm are appropriate if they help the writer to more fully reveal the image, present it in a caricature, or cause a comic effect. This is how, for example, M. Zoshchenko describes the meeting of his hero with his bride in the story “Honeymoon”:
“He (Volodya Zavitushkin) is sitting on a tram and suddenly sees this young lady standing looming in front of him... And this same young lady is standing in a winter coat and holding on to the strap so that she doesn’t tip over. And with the other hand she presses the package to her chest. And on the tram, of course, there is a crush. They shove. To be honest, standing is not good. So Volodka took pity on her. “Sit down,” he says, “on one knee, it’s getting easier.”
“No,” he says, “merci.” “Well,” he says, “let’s get the package then.” Place it on my lap, don't be shy. It will become easier to stand.”
No, he sees it and doesn’t give the package back. Or he’s afraid that he won’t resist. Or something else. Volodya Zavitushkin looked at her again and was completely stunned. “Lord,” he thinks, “what pretty young ladies there are on the trams.”
Relevance is also regulated by context, i.e., the speech environment of linguistic units. Verbal nouns are often inappropriate in the context: “drowning Mumu”, “setting fire to the Dubrovskys’ house”, etc. However, many metaphors are built on the convergence in speech of book vocabulary with words that are less expressive in color. For example, in Saltykov Shchedrin: knights of a broken penny, knights of fistfights, literary bribery, moral slaps, etc.
Personal psychological appropriateness regulates our speech behavior in a given communication situation, which is manifested in the ability to find the right words, tone, and intonation. Thus, the word of a doctor should heal the patient; the rudeness of a salesperson or any service worker can throw a person out of his normal rut for the whole day and reduce his productivity.
Speech is considered pure if it does not contain elements alien to the literary language (dialectisms, barbarisms, jargon, cliches, etc.). Purity as a communicative quality is associated not only with the “speech-language” relationship, but also with the moral side of our consciousness. In addition, clear speech is distinguished by good diction, a well-trained voice, and correct breathing.
Purity of speech has long been a concern for our writers, learned philologists, teachers, and public figures. Among people with a fairly developed culture, swear words and phraseology cause particular wariness and rejection. Foul-mouthed people often refer to a habit that is supposedly difficult for them to overcome, but if they understand that the habit is bad, then they must force themselves to wean themselves from obscene words.
The bureaucracy necessary in business papers also becomes weeds in an artistic or colloquial style of speech. An interesting example taken from an oral presentation at a meeting:
“Comrades! In this meeting I would like to highlight the main tasks of our work today. I dwell on this issue because I consider it necessary to emphasize the problem of personnel training. And first of all, I want to raise the question that the comrades who spoke before me did not pay due attention to the issue of the qualitative indicators of our work. They did not dwell on the question of measures to organize assistance to those lagging behind, or about establishing proper order in the matter of establishing training for untrained personnel. And this is one of the urgent tasks at the moment. That’s why I want to sharpen this issue and dwell on it in more detail.”
Instead of a hundred words, you can use twenty-seven, and the idea will become clearer:
“Comrades! I would like to say about personnel training; those who spoke before me did not talk about this, they did not say anything about helping those lagging behind, about shortcomings in the training of workers.”
Parasites, or “obsessive words”, clog up our speech and words: so to speak, in short, it means, approximately, accordingly, you understand, to know. Telephone conversations often suffer from idle talk:
“Valerka... this is the best... You're like: this is the best... Come on: here we are - this is the best. Yes, me, Masha, Toska. Oh, come on... this is the very thing... let's do it together! A? Well, that’s it!.. Let’s make it quick!”
Expressiveness of speech is defined as “the accuracy of the verbal designation of an object or phenomenon, idea or concept” (G.Z. Apresyan). “Speaking expressively means choosing figurative words that evoke the activity of the imagination, inner vision and emotional assessment of the depicted picture, event, character” (L.A. Gorbushina).
The expressive capabilities of language are sometimes reduced to the so-called figurative expressive means, that is, tropes and poetic figures. However, expressiveness can be pronunciation, accentological, lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, intonation (prosodic), stylistic.
There are conditions that determine the degree of expressiveness of speech:
independence of thinking;
the author's indifference and interest in what he speaks and writes about, as well as to whom and what he speaks and writes;
good knowledge of the language and its expressive capabilities;
understanding the properties and features of language styles;
speech skills training;
the conscious intention of the author of the speech to speak and write more expressively, i.e., a psychological orientation towards expressiveness;
the use of linguistic means capable of imparting expressiveness to speech.
The expressiveness of oral speech largely depends on the speaker’s ability to use linguistic means and the stylistic capabilities of the language. It is enhanced by intonation - a set of jointly acting sound elements of oral speech, which is determined by the content and purpose of the utterance. Intonation actually shapes speech and helps activate its communicative function, the function of communication between people. S. Volkonsky wrote: “Voice is clothing, intonation is the soul of speech”
Metaphors (thoughts fly, fishy silence, a wooden look, a cat's gait, etc.), proverbs and sayings (the mind is good, but happiness is better; bitter is cured, but sweet is crippling) have a very great influence on the expressiveness of speech.
Sometimes there are examples of unsuccessful use of figurative words, which can be observed in the speech of applicants: “Yesenin compared a birch tree with a Russian girl, describing her with the words: sad, weeping, mighty, seething,” “And literature, having put on a soldier’s overcoat and boots, was gone for many years into trenches and dugouts,” etc.
The richness (diversity) of speech is manifested in its saturation with a variety of linguistic means. There is lexical, semantic and stylistic diversity, including synonymous, antonymic, homonymous and other expressive means.
Lexical richness is manifested in the fact that the same words are rarely repeated in speech. This can only be achieved with a large active vocabulary. So, the dictionary of A.S. Pushkin’s number exceeded 21,000 units, while that of a modern adult does not exceed 10,000–12,000. The phraseological richness of the Russian language is manifested in the speech of I.A.’s fables. Krylova.
The semantic richness of speech is revealed in the diversity and renewal of verbal connections, and the syntactic richness is created by the use of a variety of syntactic structures: simple and complex sentences.

Each profession has its own content that distinguishes it from other occupations. Accordingly, it makes sense to consider the concept of “professional speech” in connection with the concepts of “quality” and “professional quality”.

The discussion of the problem of quality in philosophy was started by Aristotle in his work “Metaphysics”, where it was described as “the specific difference of an essence that separates one object from others according to some criteria.” Medieval scholasticism explored “hidden qualities” as “eternal, unchanging forms.” Hegel examined this concept in his work “The Science of Logic,” where he considered quality to be the initial stage of knowledge of things. Modern dictionary definitions reveal this concept as “a set of essential features, properties, features that distinguish an object or phenomenon from others and give it certainty” (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. – M, St. Petersburg, 2001; Brief Philosophical Encyclopedia. – M., 1994; Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. – M, 1983, 1991; Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. Also, the concept of “quality” is interpreted as a set of characteristics (for example, “quality of life”, “quality of education”). Quality is a “measure of the essence” of an object or phenomenon. Since this measure can be applied to any object, we can talk about the existence of the phenomenon of professional quality. Moreover, the term “professional quality” in this case is understood not in a psychological sense, as a set of traits, properties, characteristics, but in an essential sense, answering the question “what distinguishes one profession from another?” or “what constitutes its internal measure?” The issue of professional quality was studied in the works of I.L. Kolesnikova (2003) and I.E. Kuzmina (2001).

In accordance with the ideas presented in these studies, the specifics and structure of professional quality are determined by:

1. The nature of the subject with which the bearer of the profession works, and which he transforms in accordance with social expectations.

2. A set of actions characteristic of a profession that must be performed to transform an object.

– The originality of the system of relationships connecting people in the process of joint work;

– A system of personal properties and characteristics that ensures successful functioning in the profession and the integrity of the professional position.

According to the concept of I.A. Kolesnikova, professional quality, born on the basis of qualifications and competence, developing in the context of a certain culture, exists within a given competence and reaches its highest manifestation in skill as a special state of integration of being and profession. Since a profession, like any phenomenon, has its own quality, its representative, in turn, becomes the bearer (exponent) of this quality. Professional classification E.A. Klimova, to some extent, is an illustration of this fact, placing the measure of qualitative certainty in the area of ​​human interaction with various spheres of the surrounding reality (nature, technology, artistic image, man, sign systems).

Each quality has its own external expression (essence is). For professional quality in relation to its bearer, one of the brightest forms of such manifestation can be considered professional image. Taking into account the subjectivity, subjectivity, and individuality of the bearer of the profession, this manifestation always takes on a unique coloring.

The phenomenon of professional image reflects the philosophical idea of ​​manifesting the general through the particular. The metaphorical expression “the mark of the profession” can be understood in many ways - this is the influence that the profession has on the individual and his behavior in society, and the imprint that the specialist leaves on the profession in the eyes of society as a whole.

In the proposed scientific and practical context professional self-presentation(professional speech) can be considered as presenting professional quality to others through individual means of expression. Problematic in this case are the issues of the relationship between personality in its free manifestations and the standard set by the framework of the profession, that is, in the philosophical and psychological sense; the problem of “being” or “appearing” to be professional. To create an image adequate to the essence of the profession and subsequent professional self-presentation, it is necessary to determine the structure and content of the professional quality that needs to be expressed externally.

Speaking about a specialist as a representative of the professional community, we mean that normative characteristics - qualifications and competence - find their verbal expression in literacy, meaningfulness of speech, accuracy of use of terms and professional speech cliches in situations of business professional communication. At the same time, he is aware of professional competence - the boundaries of the space of socio-professional influence, which are determined by position, social status, job functionality, which is reflected in the degree of speech activity, expressiveness, and information content. The professional culture of a specialist, being a derivative of the experience of a subject on a larger scale, absorbs its specifics, including speech.

Professional speech culture Thus, it depends on the speech culture of society as a whole, and, in turn, plays a formative role in relation to a specific person - a bearer of the profession. Achieving mastery in a profession is expressed by the organic nature of a person’s speech behavior in professional communication, which combines professional literacy, confidence, persuasiveness, individual style and the subjective vision of the interlocutor.

One of the main contexts for demonstrating professional quality is professional communication, in which the speech activity of a specialist unfolds. We use the concepts of “communication” and “communication” as largely synonymous, following established practice, which is reflected in the titles of various textbooks where the phrase “business communication” appears.


Using the table “SPEECH MEANS OF COMMUNICATION”, describe the requirements for professional speech in your profession (specialty), evaluate the importance of the proposed positions and comment on your opinion in free form.


Oral speech Written speech
Verbal means
Linguistics Speech culture: accuracy, clarity, purity, richness and diversity, correctness, expressiveness; Individual speech style
Spelling, punctuation, stylistic literacy;
Lexical content of the text Individual stylistic features Nonverbal means Paralinguistics Intonation-melodic complex: Graphic text segmentation Iconic characters Unusual spelling Non-standard punctuation Handwriting (font) Text placement Typographic characters Color (ink, background) Numbers
Extralinguistics Non-speech noises (hiccups, coughs, sniffles, sneezes, etc.) and sounds (popping, tapping, etc.) Acoustic interference (reverberation, microphone distortion, etc.) Visual additions (clarity) Extragraphemes: Paper (quality, format) Document accessories (envelope and its design, stand for orders and announcements, etc.)


The expressiveness of speech depends on the ability to use your intonation abilities, which can (and should!) be developed. It is sad to hear the speeches of some specialists who pronounce good words in a sluggish, monotonous and boring language. It's sad to see the indifferent eyes of the audience. It's sad to realize that time is wasted - both by the speaker and the listeners...

And how much more pleasant it is to witness an interesting, vibrant performance, when not only the content, but also the presentation of the material evokes a lively response from the audience, a desire to enter into a dialogue, ask a question or express a response.

The culture of oral presentation is based on technical skills, which are rather conventionally divided into breathing education. development of voice abilities and improvement of diction. The School of Stage Speech of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts puts at the forefront an integrated approach, in which the technical side of speech development is inseparable from the creative one: speech technique should contribute to effective speech action.


“Breathing is the energy of speech,” say teachers of acting and vocal art. For active speech activity, it is necessary to be able to make a large supply of air and distribute it evenly so that the sound is even until the end of the phrase.

There are two types of breathing: “upper”, when the shoulders actively work and only the upper parts of the lungs are filled with air, and “lower”, in which the diaphragm (the muscle located between the thoracic and abdominal sections of the body) takes part. In the second case, a larger supply of air is provided, while the stomach protrudes slightly forward.

To make a competent exhalation, it is necessary to use the abdominal muscles and oblique abdominal muscles: controlling them ensures an even and long exhalation. Training the diaphragm breathing method is sometimes not entirely correctly called “breathing,” but one must remember that this skill needs constant support and development, otherwise it disappears over time.

"Egorki". Exercise to test and develop breathing. Sit up straight or stand up straight. Hands down. Say the phrase “LIKE ON A HILL, ON A HILL, THIRTY-THREE EGORKS LIVED.” Then take as deep a breath as possible, making sure that the air accumulates in the diaphragm area and does not raise your shoulders. In a loud, even voice, list: “One Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas, four Egorkas, five Egorkas...” - until the air runs out. Make sure the sound is even and the speed is constant. Remember how many Egorok you listed. After some time, repeat the exercise. Regular execution makes it possible to develop a supply of air, which is reflected in an increase in the number of “Egorok”.

"Scissors". Exercise to develop diaphragmatic breathing. Initial position. Stand up straight. Hands to the side. “One” – cross your arms straight in front of you, inhale through your nose, air fills the lower region of the lungs, the diaphragm works. “Two” - actively spread your arms to the sides, exhale vigorously with the sound “SH”. The abdominal muscles are actively working. Repeat 10-30 times.

The development of voice characteristics is associated primarily with the development of speech hearing: observing the speech of others and one’s own, a person correlates his behavior with the speech behavior of his interlocutors, and through imitation he corrects his speech. One can point to lyrical works in which the poetic form offers guidelines for the expression of feelings. It is also useful to sing romances to improve breathing and melody: a small vocal range and simplicity of the melody train expressive skills.

The poetic works offered below are only a small part of the material for expressiveness training.


“Diction is the politeness of an actor,” said K.S. Stanislavsky. And we will add: and any person in general! Clarity of articulation, on the one hand, informs the listener about the clarity of the speaker’s thinking, and on the other hand, it speaks of the attitude towards the audience: people do not need to strain their ears, ask again or think of anything.

Organs of articulation can be divided into mobile and fixed. Movable muscles are the muscles of the lips and tongue. Like any muscle, they are trained and can be controlled consciously. Immovable teeth include the teeth and the upper palate. Some diction defects result from a malocclusion or bad teeth into which the tip of the tongue should rest. Therefore, taking care of a healthy oral cavity is included in the range of issues related to the preservation and development of the foundations given to everyone by nature.

The development of diction skills takes place on the material of tongue twisters and difficult tongue twisters, in which complex sound combinations are concentrated.


Pronounce the text of the tongue twister slowly at first, pronouncing all sounds clearly and correctly. Then imagine that this is an interesting message, gossip, funny or sad news... How does your speech change?

Don’t try to speak quickly: the main thing in diction training is to perform a speech action using the text of a tongue twister!

The nervous constitutionalist Constantine was found acclimatized in constitutional Constantinople.

Konstantin noted the incident with the intendant and the precedent with the applicant.

The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.

Kosovars in Kosovo cook coconut juice in pressure cookers.

Inflation galloped, galloped, but did not gallop.

The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.

The nervous Babylonian Barbara made the Babylonian Babylon nervous.

I'm driving through potholes, I won't get out of the potholes.

A sergeant with a sergeant, a captain with a captain.

Near the pit there is a hill with sacks. I’ll sit on the hill and straighten the sack.

From under the protrusion the bunny leaned forward.

Proletarians flew over the planetarium.

A lilac eye picker with half-broken legs.

I am an anxiety-responsible, depressed, paranoid-epileptoid schizoisteroid, with a pronounced dislike of pessimism

An avalanche of snow slid down half of it,

She slid down half of the gentle mountain.

Another half of the avalanche

It lies on a gentle hill for the time being.

The longboat arrived at the port of Madras,

The sailor brought a mattress on board.

A sailor's mattress in the port of Madras

The albatrosses were torn apart in a fight.

Klava put the treasure in the deck,

The treasure floated away from Klava into the water.

Klava did not sail for the treasure,

And the deck floated away.

The angry widow put firewood into the shed: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood did not fit! Two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two wood choppers for the emotional Varvara, whose nose was torn off at the market, drove the firewood - along the yard and in the width of the yard - back to the wood yard, where the heron wasted away, the heron withered, the heron died.

And her high-ranking guest took away her cane, and soon again the five children ate five honey mushrooms and half a quarter of a quadruple of lentils without a wormhole, and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with cottage cheese made from curdled milk whey. There was groaning about everything around the stake, the bells were ringing - so much so that even Konstantin of Salzburg, a hopeless man from under an armored personnel carrier, stated: just as you can’t ring all the bells, you can’t re-ring all the bells, so you can’t speed up all the tongue twisters, you can’t speed up!

Who wants to talk

He must reprimand

Everything is correct and clear,

So that it is clear to everyone!

We will talk

And we will reprimand

So correct and clear

What will be clear to everyone!

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