Report on summer educational practice. Diary of summer teaching practice


Information about children

First day of work plan

Analysis of organizational and main periods of work


Organizing school health camps is one of the most interesting and important forms of working with schoolchildren in the summer. The camp fulfills a very important mission of improving the health and education of children.

The purpose of summer practice is to equip students with knowledge of various technologies for the development of a student’s personality in the process of organizing educational and health work with children in the summer and the ability to apply them.

Summer practice took place at the school health camp “Solnyshko”, during the 2nd shift from July 4 to July 27, 2011.

Camp information .

Summer health school camp “Solnyshko”, with day stay and 3 meals a day, is located at the school at the address: Ivanovo region, Lukh village, st. Shkolnaya, 13 ind. 155270.

Sources of financing : social insurance funds, local administration budget and parents’ funds.

Name of the camp leader : Sinitsyna Elvira Sergeevna

Target : creation of optimal conditions that ensure proper rest for children, their health and creative development.

Main goals:

1. Attracting students for a certain period of summer vacation;

Promotion of health, promotion of normal physical development;

Organizing a good rest for children

Physical and mental wellness

Formation of children's need for a healthy lifestyle

Developing the potential of every child

Development of collectivist relations;

Developing healthy lifestyle skills;

Creating conditions for students’ self-realization;

Organization of leisure time for students;

Formation and consolidation of labor skills.

Expected results:

1. General health improvement for children

2. Acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities

Creative growth of teachers and children

Maximum self-realization of each participant in the educational process

There are 23 school students in the camp from grades 1 to 4.

The duration of recovery is 21 days.

Children are in day camp from 9.00 to 15.00.

Sunday is a day off.

Health camp - nutritious meals were organized in the school cafeteria, the children received not only enhanced nutrition, juices and fruits, but additional vitamins and vitamin-enriched treats. educational health school camp

Wellness activities:

1. Morning exercises, sports games during the day.

Swimming in the river twice a week.

. "Olympic Games" (sports competitions).


. “Healthy eating” (vitaminization of the 3rd dish).

To organize group work, an office, a video room, a games room, as well as a gym and a library room were prepared in advance. On the day of admission, the children were examined and weighed by the school nurse A.G. Frolova, the teachers gave instructions on safety precautions, as well as traffic rules and behavior in public places.

Children's daily routine in day camp:

8.00-8.30 Reception of children

30-8.45 Charging

45-9.00 Line

00-9.30 Breakfast

30-11.00 Classes on squad plans, clubs

00-12.00 General camp events, excursions

00-12.30 Lunch

30-14.00 General camp activities, outdoor games, hobby classes

30-15.00 Afternoon snack. Children going home

Every day at the camp began with morning exercises on the school sports ground.

The camp territory has: a sports ground, a basketball court, a football field, a jogging track, a recreation area with a sandbox, swings, and a slide. During the camp shift, to improve the health of children, the school’s sports instructor, together with teachers, held sports events: games using a ball, jump rope, hoop, relay races, and drawing competitions on asphalt.

On the first day there was a formation in honor of the opening of the camp. It's no secret that the first stage of creating a team is getting to know each other. The faster the guys get to know each other, the easier it will be for you to work with them. One of the simplest forms of dating is a game

Every day a morning meeting was held in the camp, at which each detachment received a preparation plan for the general event and an assignment for the day.

Educational work was carried out at the camp: conversations about traffic rules, a safe way to the camp and home, about the rules of behavior on the street, in public places, on walks, about a healthy lifestyle, about proper nutrition, about friendship and mutual assistance.

During the camp, the following activities were organized: children went to the city park, to the river, the town of Sosnovy Bor, and a trip to the St. Nicholas Tikhonov Monastery (Timiryazevo village). as well as watching cartoons.

The children spent a lot of time in the fresh air, most games and sports activities were held outside, and they had the opportunity to relax and improve their health.

1. Information about children

Child's full name Behavioral characteristics 1. Kiselev EvgeniyDisciplined, careful, efficient, non-conflict.2. Mukhin Victor In communication with children and adults, he does not have conflicts, he carries out assignments with pleasure. Prefers games of a sporting nature.3. Anton Morozov does not get along well with children, often gets into conflicts, reacts inadequately to comments, can take aim at an adult, and burst into tears. Prefers single board games, likes to draw, paint, and cut out.4. Cheryomushkin Ivan is noisy, often violates discipline, shows aggression towards children, can take out negativity on animals, pieces of furniture, etc.5. Ilya Lobanov Prefers plotless noisy games, aggressiveness towards children can be seen. Often argues with adults, can be rude, does not react adequately to comments, and may cry.6. Spirina Svetlana: Calm, obedient7. Baranov Alexander Shows leadership qualities in his interactions with children. Prefers sports games.8. Myagkova InnaCalm, balanced9. Kryukova EkaterinaShy, unsure of herself10. Tseleyeva OlgaConfident, with leadership abilities11. Evgeniya Golubeva communicates easily with children and adults. Prefers noisy group games, preferably with boys.12. Klopova Natalya Conflict, stubborn13. Ivanova Marina Emotionally unbalanced, touchy14. Belov Vladislav Emotionally balanced, executive15. Vorobyov Matvey Aggressive behavior, often offends children for no reason, withdrawn in contact with adults. Prefers noisy games without a plot.16. Monakhova Lyudmila A calm, friendly girl who prefers quiet games, often attracts children to role-playing games and board games. Shows leadership qualities.17. Bykov AlexanderResponsible, efficient, gets along well with peers. Likes to laugh and fool around18. Semenova Anastasia A neat, friendly girl. Prefers boyish games in which he tries to take a leadership position.19. Kazakova Yulia A responsive, good-natured girl. Takes an active part in games of various types, offers his help if any of the children needs it.20. Egor Utkin A calm, reserved and at the same time affectionate boy. Prefers games with cars. Performs instructions from adults with pleasure.21. Kozlova Daria: A calm, friendly girl who actively participates in social activities22. Yulia KasimovaResponsible, executive. She is the leader of the company, she has a laugh, she often asks for instructions and carries them out well.

. First day plan

July. Topic: Dating light

Games for acquaintance, unity and interaction:

. "Confusion"

. "Tell about yourself"

. "Snowball

1st detachment gathering :

choose the name of the squad, motto, squad song;

distribution of assignments (commander, assistant commander, assistant teacher);

drawing up duty schedules in the dining room, in the room, on the camp grounds.

. Analysis of organizational and main periods of work

The main way to organize the joint activities of children in the camp, to include them in the system of social connections and relationships, and to accumulate experience in these relationships is through a detachment. In a detachment, a child can feel his importance, show individuality and creativity.

PeriodGoalTasksOrganizationalAdaptation of shift participants to the conditions of the camp, routine, change of activity Introduce shift participants to the organization of the camp, routine, work planAdjust the work plan of the teaching staffBasicImplementation of active rehabilitation of children Implementation of the work planIntroduction to computer technologyFinalSumming up the results of the shift Creating a positive moodAssessment, analysis of children's satisfaction from their stay in the camp

Requirements for a teacher's work plan:

Taking into account the interests and needs of children in the squad;

Variety of content, forms, methods of educational activities;

Systematicity, consistency in the selection of activities;

Reality of plans;

Coordination of the detachment's plan with the general camp plan. The work plan for each day is adjusted depending on the weather and the interests of the children.

Organizational period.

The first days of a detachment’s life—the period of adaptation—are characterized by special dynamics in the development of interpersonal relationships, processes of collective formation, and increased emotional arousal.

These days, children experienced the most significant psychological stress, which is caused by the lack of identification of a new sphere of life activity and the lack of information about it. Common values, norms and attitudes are just beginning to take shape and are still unknown to children. They only learn and assimilate the traditions and requirements of a particular team.

It is important to pay special attention to creating a favorable psychological climate in the children's team (a diagnostic survey of the psychological climate in the teams is carried out). In the organizational stage, the main role is given to acquaintance, identifying and setting goals for individual, personal and collective development, uniting teams, forming laws and conditions for joint work, preparing for further activities under the program.

During this period it is important:

1. Acquaintance of children with each other, with adults and with living conditions;

Providing children with a sense of security and independence;

Acceptance in the team by peers and adults;

Determination of place (status) in the team;

Formation of the ability to find a “golden mean” between satisfying personal needs and realizing public interests;

Formation of a feeling of “We” (family, special, together), trust in each other;

Formation of group norms, values ​​and traditions.

At the first meeting, the children were explained the general aspects of the shift, and were informed of its name, goals and objectives. Games to create and unite a team were selected and carried out in accordance with age. Children actively and willingly participated in them.

The need to master the sphere of life, to occupy the desired place in the system of interpersonal relationships, encouraged children to take quite active actions and even quiet ones were involved in joint activities, showing unusual activity. General norms are just beginning to take shape, and therefore uncertainty, fear that behavior will be misunderstood and assessed, forced the children to largely hide certain negative traits and character traits, bad habits. Everyone tried to reveal and show themselves only from the best side. This led to the predominance of socially approved forms of behavior in children in the early days.

The main attention during this period was given to the adaptation of children to new living conditions, the creation of a children's team, and the introduction of children to the theme of the shift. To implement the tasks, the necessary methods were selected: conversation, story, explanation. As well as various forms of implementing tasks: games, themed lights, training camps. Adaptation to the conditions of a school camp was successful. The children easily got used to the routine and organizational aspects of the shift. There were no particular difficulties in forming a children's team, since the children attended school together and knew each other. There were several interpersonal conflicts that caregivers immediately tried to resolve.

The goal of the main stage is the implementation of activities planned for the shift, the development of self-government, the achievement of success by each child, and joint activities. Objectives: creating conditions for the disclosure, self-realization and self-development of the individual. Contents of the main stage of work:

Getting to know each other and uniting the teams;

Rest, knowledge and development of oneself;

Health promotion;

Development of creativity;

They learn to overcome difficulties and cope with negative emotions;

They learn to be organizers and the ability to lead;

Forms of work during the main stage:

1. Variety of proposed forms of activity with different content and composition of participants.

Joint planning, carrying out business.

Organization of equal dialogue with children.

Joint discussion of emerging problems.

This stage takes most of the time - 10-11 days. It is at this stage that all set individual, personal and collective development goals are realized. During this period it is important for the child:

make friends and communicate.

self-realization as a person.

learn something.

express yourself in unusual ways of spending your free time.

manifestation of one's independence.

The main attention during this period was given to the development of the children's team and the implementation of the theme of the change.

Forms of implementation of tasks: concert, holiday, competitions, contests, themed lights.

The first half of the main period, activities in the camp are aimed at meeting the needs of children for recreation. During this period, children are offered a wide variety of activities: clubs, studios, sports sections, etc.

At this stage of the period, the interpersonal structure of the group was relatively stabilized. The activities of children become active-practical, creative, that is, aimed at leaving behind a good memory in the camp.

Emotional groups were characterized by a certain static nature; their numbers increased slightly and ranged from four to seven people. The children's desired communication generally corresponded to the actual one.

The interpersonal structure has become more expressive, and extreme status groups have increased. The basis for the process of interpersonal differentiation is primarily business qualities and business orientation. Children showed those traits of their character that they had previously hidden. The separation of contact and primary groups continues

The teacher carried out routine tasks every day. In teaching activities, all planned activities were carried out in accordance with the requirements. Children took an active part in preparing for holidays and competitions. There were no organizational problems.

Thus, we can conclude that based on the results of educational observations, the children's team went through all stages of its development. The assigned tasks were completed and implemented. The problems that have arisen have been analyzed and will be more carefully selected for the future in preparation for work.

Solving pedagogical situations.

Children in a health camp find themselves in a new team. There has been a break in old friendships, the children do not know each other, they do not have common memories, and there are still no common interests. And so groupings are formed, likes and dislikes are formed. Against this background, children may have problems communicating.

A teacher should not prohibit something that he cannot prevent. In this case, he needs to look for other pedagogical techniques.

Switching from one activity to another is not always easy for children, especially when the other activity is not particularly desirable for them (for example, getting ready for bed). Therefore, it is not recommended to play noisy outdoor games before bed, regardless of age. The teacher needs to remember that the time for any type of activity must be planned.

If it is the child’s first time at a health camp, then he will require more attention to himself. The teacher must remember that he does not have the skills to carry out the daily routine, he is not adapted to independent life, he must still get used to public catering, to new routines.

If it’s not the child’s first time at a health camp, then other problems arise with him: he’s a know-it-all, he has relaxed behavior, he remembers what it was like last summer, the summer before, he constantly compares this camp with others, contrasts himself with other children.

Thus, the teacher should always remember that he may have all sorts of disagreements and even contradictions with the children and be prepared for this.


Good nutrition, movement, rest, and psycho-emotional comfort are important for health. At the camp we provided this to the children and taught them a lot.

The camp was a health camp, and the children received not only enhanced nutrition, juices and fruits, but additional vitamins and vitamin-enriched treats. .

During the shift, competitions were held: drawings on asphalt, drawing competitions, conversations about interpersonal relationships, thematic conversations, written work competitions, “Fun Starts”.

The atmosphere in the camp is friendly. The children are good and very cheerful. It was a pleasure to communicate with them. Children's mood is completely different than during school. And the kids had more freedom, so everyone was absolutely happy with each other, and parents were pleased to bring home a cheerful, well-fed child in the evening, full of impressions of the day spent at camp.

The main performance indicators of the work of the team of teachers and educators of the children's summer camp were:

improving children's health;

their awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and physical self-improvement;

comfort of the child’s personality;

increasing demand from students for the services of teachers, clubs, associations, increasing the level of satisfaction of children and their parents from various types of creative activities and the work of the camp as a whole;

development of children's individual creative abilities.

After completing the internship:

learned to navigate the content of a teacher’s professional activity in a summer health camp;

I learned to design, analyze, and adjust the process of mastering practical skills in a summer health camp.

During my internship, I became familiar with the working conditions at the school site, the rights and responsibilities of counselors and children, forms and methods of effective organizational work with children.

Faced with certain difficulties and typical problems during my internship, I tried to find effective and non-standard, interesting for children, ways to overcome and solve these problems and difficulties that arose.

In my work, I tried to use a democratic style of communication with children, I tried to be a mentor and friend for the children. In planning and organizing the activities of children in the detachment, I took into account not only the age and physical characteristics of the children, their character and temperament, but also the opinions and desires of the children themselves.

I believe that the tasks set before the shift have been completed, the goals have been achieved in full.

Tags: Organization of a school health camp Practice report Pedagogy


for summer internship

MOBU DOD Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education in Sochi

I am Godunova Lyubov Igorevna, a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Philosophy, majoring in Foreign Language, and successfully completed an internship at the MOBU DOD Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education in Sochi.

On the first day of my internship, I got acquainted with the camp, the children and the camp administration. I can say that the conditions for creative development in the camp are very good. It can be noted that this camp is, on the one hand, a form of organizing free time for children of different ages and levels of development, and on the other hand, a form for the development of artistic and social creativity of the child.

I would like to note the work of the teacher: the teacher tries to create a positive atmosphere in the team, carefully monitors the behavior of children, works with parents, and helps children in their creative development. I realized how difficult the work of a teacher is when working with younger children. The most interesting thing was the teacher’s use of various forms, methods, means and techniques when working with children.

While completing the internship program, I attended 15 practice days. During the organizational period, the first two days were the most difficult, since the children did not know each other well. I tried to make the first days of visiting the camp familiar and enjoyable for them. In the process of working with children, I identified such qualities as initiative, activity, responsiveness and passivity, shyness. I tried to help the shyest guys, to make their adjustment to camp life more enjoyable. To do this, I had conversations with these guys and brought more active guys into the conversation. The most important problem that the children faced in the camp was their relationship with one boy who always wanted to be the first, the leader, in everything, but if he didn’t succeed, he offended the other children or fought. With such a child it was difficult not only for me, but even for the teachers. Special attention was paid to him; conversations were held between me and the teacher, as well as conversations with his parents.

The main task during the organizational period was to get to know the children as closely as possible and create a friendly atmosphere in the camp. Dating games helped children get closer and discover mutual interests. It was not difficult for me to find a common language with the children. The meeting was successful. In my opinion, I managed to accomplish the main task of the organizational period.

During the organizational and main periods, the camp’s activities were aimed at developing children’s creative abilities and developing communication and tolerance skills in children. To complete the tasks, the camp held such events as: “Umbrella Parade”, mini-show “Radio Presentation”, which were aimed at developing communication skills. Children not only learned about communication norms, but were also able to apply this knowledge in practice. Events such as: the release of “Mega-newspaper”, “I will draw my portrait” were aimed at developing creative abilities.

In the final period, activities in the camp were aimed at fulfilling the children's need for rest. To accomplish this task, the children attended a large number of excursions and played outdoor games.

In general, I would like to note that the relationships in the team were friendly, the children asked each other for advice, tried to help each other. The psychological climate in the detachment was positive; of course, there were internal conflicts, but the teachers and counselors tried to immediately resolve everything in a peaceful way.

In addition to the work of teachers, it is important to note the work of students in the classroom. Activity was observed in the work of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades. The lessons were lively, the students worked with great enthusiasm.

The most significant event in this shift for me was the educational event, as I showed my independence in working with children. I planned my work in advance, selected the necessary material, and tried to choose games and tasks that suit the children’s interests. We can say that the event was a success. It was lively, the children worked with great enthusiasm. We, the counselors, managed to interest the guys.

Teaching practice turned out to be uncomplicated for me, in some situations even entertaining and exciting. During my internship, I developed the following qualities: patience, attention. I learned how to impose discipline in a team, which is very important for my future work as a teacher. I have mastered the following communication skills: listening to the interlocutor without interrupting him; in appropriate situations, express respect for the independence, originality of statements and judgments of children. It was difficult for me to get used to the new work environment in the first days, as well as the need to pay attention to each child.

Overall the practice went well. I believe that I coped with my task: I organized active recreation for the children and spent their time usefully. I liked just communicating with children, I learned to find a common language with them, to understand them. I also learned many methods and techniques on how to direct children’s activities in the right direction. Overall, I am pleased with myself, since all the goals and objectives of the practice were achieved.

I think that the internship was a useful and necessary stage of learning and showed that I had chosen the right profession.

Do not submit your downloaded work to your teacher!

This practice report can be used by you as a sample, in accordance with the example, but with the data of your enterprise, you can easily write a report on your topic.

Report on summer teaching practice at DSOL “Stroitel”


student of 4A group
Yablokova Anastasia Ivanovna
"24" June 2016

I am Anastasia Ivanovna Yablokova, a fourth-year student of the UPIGC, majoring in “Elementary classes,” who successfully completed an internship at the Children’s School “Stroitel” in the city of Ivanovo.
On the first day of my internship, I got acquainted with the camp, the children and the camp administration. I can say that the conditions for creative development in the camp are very good. It can be noted that this camp is, on the one hand, a form of organizing free time for children of different ages and levels of development, and on the other hand, a form for the development of artistic and social creativity of the child.

Having worked as a teacher, I came to the conclusion that this work is not easy. Throughout my practice, I created a positive atmosphere in the team, carefully monitored the behavior of children, worked with parents, and helped children in their creative development. To arouse children's interest, I used a variety of forms, methods, means and techniques when working with children.

While completing the practice program, I attended 21 days of practice. During the organizational period, the first two days were the most difficult, since the children did not know each other well. I tried to make the first days of visiting the camp familiar and enjoyable for them. In the process of working with children, I identified such qualities as initiative, activity, responsiveness and passivity, shyness. I tried to help the shyest guys, to make their adjustment to camp life more enjoyable. To do this, I had conversations with these guys, involving more active guys in the conversation. The most important problem that the children faced in the camp was their relationship with one boy who always wanted to be the first, the leader, in everything, but if he didn’t succeed, he offended the other children or fought. With such a child it was difficult not only for me, the teacher, but even for other camp staff. He was given special attention, conversations were held by me and other teachers, as well as conversations with his parents.

The main task during the organizational period was to get to know the children as closely as possible and create a friendly atmosphere in the camp. Dating games helped children get closer and discover mutual interests. It was not difficult for me to find a common language with the children. The meeting was successful. In my opinion, I managed to accomplish the main task of the organizational period.

During the organizational and main periods, the camp’s activities were aimed at developing children’s creative abilities and developing communication and tolerance skills in children. To complete the tasks, the camp held such events as: “Umbrella Parade”, mini-show “Radio Presentation”, which were aimed at developing communication skills. Children not only learned about communication norms, but were also able to apply this knowledge in practice. Such events as: the corporations “Family Day”, “Plasticine Crow”, “Pimp Yourself” were aimed at developing creative abilities.

In the final period, activities in the camp were aimed at fulfilling the children's need for rest. To accomplish this task, the children attended a large number of excursions and played outdoor games.

In general, I would like to note that the relationships in the team were friendly, the children asked each other for advice, tried to help each other. The psychological climate in the detachment was positive; of course, there were internal conflicts, but the teachers and counselors tried to immediately resolve everything in a peaceful way.

The most significant event in this shift for me was the educational event, as I showed my independence in working with children. I planned my work in advance, selected the necessary material, and tried to choose games and tasks that suit the interests of the children. We can say that the event was a success. It was lively, the children worked with great enthusiasm. The counselors and I managed to interest the guys.

Teaching practice turned out to be uncomplicated for me, in some situations even entertaining and exciting. During my internship, I developed the following qualities: patience, attention. I learned how to impose discipline in a team, which is very important for my future work as a teacher. I have mastered the following communication skills: listening to the interlocutor without interrupting him; in appropriate situations, express respect for the independence, originality of statements and judgments of children. It was difficult for me to get used to the new work environment in the first days, as well as the need to pay attention to each child.

Overall the practice went well. I believe that I coped with my task: I organized active recreation for the children and spent their time usefully. I liked just communicating with children, I learned to find a common language with them, to understand them. I also learned many methods and techniques on how to direct children’s activities in the right direction. Overall, I am pleased with myself, since all the goals and objectives of the practice were achieved.

I think that the internship was a useful and necessary stage of learning and showed that I had chosen the right profession.

for summer internship

students of the 3 “D” group of the military industrial complex

Artyushina Larisa.

Information corner

Name: Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 26"

Phone: 51-26-00

Director: Khvatov Anatoly Konstantinovich

Head of the camp: Kuvaeva Lidiya Evgenievna

employee: Slavnova Irina Genadyevna
Physical teacher: Larionova Ekaterina Vasilievna
Date of practice: 06/02/2005 - 06/28/2005
Squad No. 4 "Gang"
Motto: There are many good ones in our squad
Girls and boys, brave and adults.
Together - we are force! Together we are a team!
Because we are a gang!
List of children:
Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

Address, telephone.

Anisimov Oleg
Pankratova 66B-90 t. 52-24-37
Ganicheva Anya
Pankratova 66A-55 t. 51-33-47
Drobov Ivan

Ilyushina 8 - 66

Zatalueva Zhanna

Preobrazhenskogo 51-32

Klyukin Kolya

Pankratova 75A - 39

Kukina Anita
Pankratova 66B-51
Lyapin Egor
Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

Address, telephone.

Markus Artem
Petina, 4 - 32,
Pazgalov Daniil
Yuzhakova, 78 - 33
Potashnikova Katya
Yuzhakova, 80 - 60
Rogozin Vladislav

Ilyushina 2-132

Semekhin Ivan
Yuzhakova 61 - 55
Stoyushko Ksyusha

1 microdistrict PZ-23, 1 - 27

Khobotova Anya
1 microdistrict PZ-23 9-33
Cherkasova Maria

Terminal Lane 1

Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

Address, telephone.

Chubykina Yana
Ilyushina, 9-69
Shimina Nastya

Pankratova 73A-19

Shubeikina Irina

Ilyushina 7 - 2 t. 53-30-49

Full name of parents.

Parents' place of work


Anisimov Yu.L.
Ganicheva T.F.

JSC ZhBIIK "Vologdastroy"


Drobova M.A.
Region hospital,


Zatalueva T.A
IFIS Russia No. 1
Klyukina G.V.

Special school

Kukina E.B.
IFIS Russia No. 1
Lyapina E.V.

28th department communications, Ilyushina, 4

Full name of parents.

Place of work

Markus I.V.

VOMZ, beginning legal department t.53-17-01

Pazgalova E.V.

D/s#90 t. 53-57-20

Potashnikova E.V.

TSUM, deputy directors

Rogozina N.V.


Semekhin S.A.

LLC "Intercom" Poshekhonskoe highway 18

Braslavskaya M.M.

Medical 26


cutout from paper

Khobotova T.V.

LLC "Universaltorg" Leningradskaya 85

Suvorova E.A.

Full name of parents.

Place of work

Chubykina O.V.

Kostromskaya 4 Mn. "Maxi" t. 53-05-24

Music, singing

Shimina E.V.

School No. 26 t. 51-26-00


Shubeikina A.M.
Tax office
Camp grid plan

Opening of the camp, examination by a doctor.

10 30 k/t “Salute”

12 00 Swimming pool


11 30 Youth Theater "Emelino's Happiness"

Relaxation, outdoor games

10 30 Pool

10 00 k/t "Lenkom"

"Knight Tournament"

14 00 Swimming pool

14 00 Swimming pool

Holiday weekend

11 00 Youth Theater “Annie from the Green Hills”

11 00 Philharmonic

“Come on, girls!”

12 00 Swimming pool

12 00 Swimming pool

Teremok "Elephant"

Fire Department

10 30 Pool

12 00 Swimming pool

Fire Department

Chalk drawing competition on a military theme

Game "Look for the treasure"

Fun starts

14 00 Festive disco with competitions

Closing the camp


9 00 - Ruler, exercises

9 30 - Breakfast

10 00 - Events, games

13 00 - Lunch

13 30 - Outdoor games

15 00 - Afternoon snack

16 00 - Line

Morning: In the morning there was a ceremonial opening of the camp, where I met the teachers, counselors and children. After breakfast, I played games and activities in my unit to get to know the children. And although all the children (and the counselors) study in the same school and know each other, this turned out to be not useless, since leaders and ringleaders emerged, children from different classes got to know each other better and rallied into interest groups. At first, the children had difficulty getting involved in the games, especially the boys, but then they got involved and began to offer their own games. It seems to me that the children liked the games I suggested, and I found out what games the children themselves like.

Day: After lunch, 10th grade students held an event prepared in advance with competitions and sweet prizes. I encouraged children to participate in competitions and participated with them. Some of the competitions were quite interesting, I think I will use them in the future.

Results of the day: The first day was unexpectedly easy and fun. The children quickly became attached to me and did everything I suggested to them. I managed to make friends with the squad and have an interesting time with them.

Morning: After breakfast, all four squads gathered in the courtyard to go to the Salyut cinema. I made sure that on the way the children did not run away anywhere and did not stop at the stalls, and also did not play around on the bus.

Before lunch, the duty officers of each detachment go to the dining room to set the tables. My task is to make sure that those on duty set food for everyone, that everyone gets to the dining room, and that they don’t indulge during lunch. Usually there were no problems with girls, but boys need an eye and an eye.

Day: The boys went to the stadium to play football, and I taught the girls a new game, “Labyrinth.” To my great surprise, the girls of both my squad and those who joined us in the yard really liked this game. For the next ten days we played it two to three hours a day.

Results of the day: I made a discovery for myself that children like not only outdoor games. They get involved in a new game with excitement and can play for a long time (I’m already tired of it, but they still want to continue).

Morning: I prepared an intellectual quiz for my squad, which contained riddles, puzzles, fun math problems and questions from various fields of knowledge. The boys, with a few exceptions, did not show much interest, so there was no competition between boys and girls, but the boys did some tasks willingly and eventually everyone took part in the quiz. In the individual championship, Zhanna Zataluyeva received first place and the title “The Smartest”.

Day: After lunch, board games, balls, badminton were brought to the camp and given out, and the squad and I went to play “Hot Potato”, “Dodgeball” and something similar to beach volleyball, the instigators of which were the boys of the 4th and 3rd squads (on the street often children from different units united).

Results of the day: The day was fun and lively. The squad proved to be a cohesive team, participating together in all games. Some difficulties in preparing the quiz were caused by my lack of awareness of the level of knowledge of the children, because... in our specialty they do not introduce the elementary school curriculum.

Morning: Go to the Youth Theater to see the play “Emelino’s Happiness.”

It turned out that children love cinema more than theater. Today they talked and made more noise, and I had to call them to order more often.

Day: The children taught me to play several, in my opinion, rather strange games, such as: “Bullet, Mine, Bomb”, “Disabled Person”, “Family” and others. So before afternoon snack, I explored the children's interests by playing their favorite games with them. I also had to be a reconciling party, because children often quarrel over little things and cannot divide roles in the game and decide who is right and who is wrong.

Results of the day: This day was interesting for the children and educational for me. I learned what games children like and can use this in the future.June 8

Morning: Visit to the Laguna swimming pool

Day: The whole camp goes out into nature in the park near the Vityaz stadium. The children took with them everything they needed for a picnic, balls, badminton, crayons, and spent the whole day in the park. The other counselors and I conducted children’s games together so that no one was bored, for example: one group plays with a ball, another plays some kind of outdoor game, and in the third they tell funny stories or anecdotes. Any child can join one of the groups or something else alone or as a couple.

Results of the day: Using the novelty of the environment, it was possible to involve all the children in joint activities, even those who usually prefer to play quietly alone. Apparently ponds, acacia thickets, blankets on the grass and sandwiches have a positive effect on the mood of children (association with a family picnic). In this regard, country camps win - frolicking in nature is still more pleasant than at school.

Morning: Going to the Lenkom cinema to see the cartoon "Madagascar". The only film that the children liked, so they were very calm and watched the cartoon carefully.

Day: Music hour - lesson with a music worker.

Results of the day: Today I was frankly idle, all the activities were carried out by others, and I just took the children from one place to another. June 10th

Morning: Competition for boys “Knight's Tournament”. He allowed the boys to express themselves from different sides. Young knights competed in intelligence, strength, dexterity, and also the ability to care for girls. The competitions were quite fun, but the premises turned out to be not quite suitable. The spectators in the hall could not see what was happening on stage, so they made noise, and the participants could not hear them because of them, so they did not understand the conditions. In general, the competition was somewhat crumpled.

Day: Visit to the Laguna swimming pool. On the way, everyone who had mobile phones was in a hurry to hand them over to me for safekeeping, so for an hour I walked around covered in mobile phones.

Results of the day: I tried to make the competitions fun and interesting for the children, and overall I succeeded. But I didn’t take into account that in the 4th squad the boys were older and stronger than in all the others, so the competition was obviously unequal. This could have been avoided if I myself had appointed participants from the 4th squad, but then it didn’t occur to me. If I have to hold similar events again, I will try to take this into account.11 June

A trip to the Youth Theater for the play “Annie from the Green Hills.” This time the children behaved more calmly, maybe they liked the performance more.

Day: Conducted a choreography club with the children. I learned simple dances with them, like the ones we were given during the instruction. The children learned two simple dances and just went crazy and danced.

Results of the day: The children performed a small impromptu concert from what we had learned during the day, for which they received universal praise and were very proud of themselves. I, in turn, tried myself as a choreographer and I think I chose the right profession. I even regretted a little that I went to practice as a counselor, and not as a choreographer. For me it would be much easier.June 15

Morning: Trip to the Philharmonic. I just brought the children to the Philharmonic and picked them up from there, but I didn’t go to the concert with them.

Day: The whole squad started playing cards in droves. They gather in large circles around the tables and are “cut into fools” into two decks. So I even organized a kind of tournament out of it.

Results of the day: The day passed very calmly. For the first time, children did not drag me outside and force me to run, jump and play ball. In the interval between games, we exchanged phone numbers, and, what was very surprising and pleasant, the children asked me for an autograph as a souvenir.

Morning: Game of "Dodgeball" between 3rd and 4th squads. Increasingly, two or more squads are teaming up in outdoor games.

Day: Competition “Come on, girls!” allowed the girls to express themselves from different sides. The winners were selected in five categories: the most charming, the most attentive, the most caring, the neatest, the best housewife. Unfortunately, the competition took place in a large sports hall and the audience could hardly hear what the participants were saying, as well as the presenter (even though I was almost screaming), so they were not interested and made even more noise.

Results of the day: I think it was a mistake to entrust the first competition on the charm of the participants to the judgment of the audience. Children at this age are cruel, they can offend others without thinking, and their culture of behavior is not yet sufficiently developed. As a result, applause went to those who were more popular at school, while others received meager pats or even howls with negative intonations in their voices.

Morning: Trip to Teremok to see the fairy tale “Little Elephant”. I just brought the children to the door and picked them up from there, but I didn’t go to the performance with them.

Day: A drawing competition was held among girls on a free topic. Some got carried away and drew several works, others left to play ball without finishing even one drawing. In any case, the best works were hung on the wall.

Results of the day: The day was calm and successful. Nastya Shimina especially stood out in the drawing competition (this is not surprising - she studies at an art school).

Morning: Go to the pool.

In the pool, I made sure that the children did not splash and squeal too much and that they did not drown each other, as they like to do, and also that they did not forget to pick up anything.

Day: Taught the children to play with several balls at once. This requires a lot of concentration to keep track of who you are throwing to and who is throwing to you. The more players and balls, the more interesting it is. The children really liked this game, they didn’t even want to leave for afternoon tea. This will probably be their favorite pastime for several days.

Results of the day: The day was interesting and fun, the children swam, played enough and also learned a new game. It seems to me that this game is more useful than the ones they have played so far, since it is aimed at developing attention.June 21

Morning: Excursion to the fire station. I just brought the children to the door and picked them up from there, but I didn’t go on the excursion with them.

Day: We played beach volleyball with the girls in a circle, then Artem came and began to take the ball, as a result of which he automatically became a “dog”. All the remaining days he turned any game with a ball into “Doggy” and, in principle, both he and the girls liked it.

Results of the day: The day was fun thanks to the efforts of Artem. In general, I noticed that he is the only one from our squad who can easily play equally with the girls.

Morning: I had a conversation with the children, asked them what they knew about the Great Patriotic War, told them about June 22, 1941.

Day: Competition of chalk drawings on a military theme. Everyone who wanted to leave their mark was given crayons and a section of the school yard was allocated. After the children drew their pictures, the teachers looked at them and chose squad 1 as the winner, assessing the number of drawings and their compliance with the military theme.

Results of the day: Overall the day went well. It was possible to interest the children in the topic of war and direct their energy to common activities in the right direction. True, most of the boys refused to participate in the competition, saying that they were too small to draw with crayons. And although the girls and I tried for two, the 4th squad took only 3rd place in the number of drawings.

Morning: Game “Look for the treasure.”

The game consists of several stations where children receive clues to help them find the treasure. The stations included power, logic, intellectual, and creative competitions. At each station, children earned points and, depending on their number, received a more or less significant hint. Also throughout the day, children could find surprise clues glued under tables and chairs, in games and books.

Day: After lunch, the final stage of the game took place. The 4th squad was the first to find the treasure, and they received their well-deserved prize. The remaining participants received consolation prizes.

Results of the day: This day was the most eventful of all. We had to help the children a lot in completing tasks, and also constantly make sure that they did not climb somewhere in search of clues and did not scatter around the territory, and most importantly, beyond its borders. But it was still a lot of fun to watch how eagerly the children completed the task when there was a surprise ahead of them. I realized that even a study session will be more effective if the children are promised that something interesting awaits them at the end.

Morning: Sports competition “Fun Starts”.

This included competitions in athletics, shooting, and jumping. The competition is not built from simple sports competitions, but with entertaining inclusions. First, I conducted a warm-up for the participants, during which they already earned points. Seven members of each team lined up in four parallel lines and settled in order. During the exercises, I called a number, for example 4th, and all 4th participants must run around their line and stand in place. Whoever comes running first gets 1 point. After the warm-up, the main events began. First there was a relay race with obstacles, then jumping in pairs (the second jumps from the track of the first), and ended with shooting from a toy pistol with bullets at a balloon.

Afternoon: After an active morning, the children sat in the classroom playing board games, cards, drawing and watching TV.

Results of the day: This time I took into account the mistakes of past events and corrected them. I myself nominated participants from among those who had not participated anywhere else and tried to ensure that everyone was approximately the same age. As a result, the competition was fair and everyone was happy and had fun.

Morning: Played cards and board games.

Day: Festive disco with entertaining competitions. Actors were invited with a special prepared entertainment program with various competitions: music, dance, sports. A game was spontaneously organized into two teams of boys and girls. Friendship won, of course. Afterwards there were dances to popular spring and summer music. The only bad thing is that there is very little - the children have only just started to get a taste for it, and it’s all over.

Results of the day: The penultimate day was both sad and cheerful. The children had fun at the disco, and then everyone was given gifts at the assembly line. But I had to say goodbye to most of them completely. So, in fact, it was already the day the camp closed.

(Short day)

Morning: On the last day, the offices were cleaned, the squads handed over to the head of the camp the equipment issued at the beginning of the shift: board games, drawing sets, balls, badminton. For the remaining time, we played with one ball for the entire camp.

Results of the day: Out of the entire squad, only 6 people came. We cleaned the office together and played until lunch. After lunch, everyone was sent home, and I still collected the necessary information for the diary.

The results of the detachment's participation in the affairs.

Boys Markus Artem, Rogozin Vladislav, Drobov Ivan won the team competition “Knight’s Tournament” and received the title “1st Knight”.

Ksyusha Stoyushko became the “Most Attentive” participant in the “Come on, girls!” competition.

In “Funny Starts” the team of the 4th squad took 2nd place.

Unfortunately, only 3rd place was taken by the 4th detachment in the drawing competition on a military theme.

Two drawings by Nastya Shimina appeared on the wall of honor.

Through joint efforts, the 4th detachment found the “treasure”.

Zhanna Zatalueva won the intellectual quiz.

Final self-analysis

In general, the practice was successful, without failures, but also without masterpieces. I believe that I coped with my task: I organized active recreation for the children and spent their time usefully. It was difficult in the sense that I was required to conduct not so much detachment events as general camp events. It was hard for me to speak in front of 80 pairs of eyes, because I am shy by nature and do not like speaking in public. And in general, I had difficulty involving children in various activities; I always had to step over myself and urge them on. Even as a child, I didn’t like mass games, and now it’s even more difficult to pretend that I’m not interested in them. But the children definitely want me to participate with them everywhere.

To be honest, I didn’t like the practice. In general, I have an extremely negative attitude towards children’s camps and consider them a waste of time and money, and school camps doubly so. Even as a child, I couldn’t be forced into a camp, and I certainly didn’t want to work. I don’t like being told when to get up, go to bed, eat, play, what to do and with whom to communicate. That’s why I myself tried not to force anyone to do anything.

It's actually not all that bad. I liked just communicating with children, I learned to find a common language with them, to understand them. I also learned several methods and techniques on how to direct children’s activities in the right direction. So practice was a useful and necessary part of learning.

Practice has shown that I chose the right profession, because I like communicating with children, but I never set foot in a children's camp again.

Scenario for the competition “Knight Tournament”


Today we met to cross our swords in a knightly tournament.

Now the concept of “knight” has disappeared from our everyday life. Who knows who was called knights in the past?

(Listen to the children's answers)

Knight translated from German means horseman. In the Middle Ages, knights were called brave and courageous warriors who valued friendship, knew how to keep their word, bowed down to the ladies of their hearts and dedicated poems to them.

And now we will see if you are real knights. The first obligatory ritual is the knightly oath:

We, knights, without fear or reproach, swear to be honest and kind, to be strong and brave, to protect the weak and to keep our word! We swear!

Main part:

1. Presentation by the jury.

2. Warm-up:

a. Depict how a knight rides a horse and fights with swords.

b. Explain the meaning of the expressions:

· Knight without fear and reproach

· Knight of the Cloak and Dagger

· Knight for an hour

3. Competition for strength and perseverance: “Fighting Roosters.” One participant from each team stands in a circle on one leg, hands behind their backs. Their task is to push the opponent out of the circle or force him to stand on both feet.

4. Agility competition “Strong Men”. The participants' task is to blow on a tennis ball from different directions and roll it into the opponent's territory.

5. Endurance competition: who can drink a glass of sparkling water faster.

6. Inviting a lady to dance: gallantly and politely invite a girl to dance.

7. Skill auction.


The jury sums up the results, announces the scores of each team, and names the winning team.

All participants receive sweet prizes, followed by a ceremony of awarding diplomas to the winners.

The title “First Knight” for victory in the knightly tournament is awarded to Markus Artem

Scenario for the competition “Come on, girls.”

Today we will hold with you the “Come on, girls” competition.

1. First, the participants must go on stage and introduce themselves, tell a little about themselves. After everyone has told the story, the first “most charming” competition will begin. The girls walk in a circle, showing their gait, clothes, and overall appearance.

2. The second competition will determine the most caring of the contestants. Girls must swaddle the doll.

3. Third competition for attentiveness. Each participant is given a flower cut into pieces; after looking at the sample for a few seconds, they must assemble it from memory.

4. The next competition will determine the diligence of the girls: they need to sew on a button quickly and efficiently.

5. The last competition for the title of “best hostess” consists of two parts. First, the girls guess riddles about vegetables, then virtually prepare dishes from them, that is, they choose pieces of paper with vegetables written on them that are needed for a given dish.

The girls present the results of their labors to the jury, which will determine who deserves what title.

The winning girls are hung with nomination medals around their necks and given gifts.

for summer internship

students of the 3 “D” group of the military industrial complex

Artyushina Larisa.

Information corner

Name: Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 26"

Phone: 51-26-00

Director: Khvatov Anatoly Konstantinovich

Head of the camp: Kuvaeva Lidiya Evgenievna


employee: Slavnova Irina Genadyevna

Physical teacher: Larionova Ekaterina Vasilievna

Date of practice: 06/02/2005 – 06/28/2005

Squad No. 4 "Gang"

Motto: There are many good ones in our squad

Girls and boys, brave and adults.

Together - we are force! Together we are a team!

Because we are a gang!

List of children:

Last name, first name.

Anisimov Oleg

Pankratova 66B-90 t. 52-24-37

Ganicheva Anya

Pankratova 66A-55 t. 51-33-47

Drobov Ivan

Ilyushina 8 – 66

Zatalueva Zhanna

Preobrazhenskogo 51-32

Klyukin Kolya

Pankratova 75A - 39

Kukina Anita

Pankratova 66B-51

Lyapin Egor


Last name, first name.

Date of Birth. Address, telephone.

Markus Artem

Petina, 4 – 32,

Pazgalov Daniil

Yuzhakova, 78 – 33

Potashnikova Katya

Yuzhakova, 80 – 60

Rogozin Vladislav

Ilyushina 2-132

Semekhin Ivan

Yuzhakova 61 – 55

Stoyushko Ksyusha

1 microdistrict PZ-23, 1 - 27

Khobotova Anya

1 microdistrict PZ-23 9-33

Cherkasova Maria

Terminal Lane 1

Last name, first name.

Date of Birth. Address, telephone.

Chubykina Yana

Ilyushina, 9-69

Shimina Nastya

Pankratova 73A-19

Shubeikina Irina

Ilyushina 7 – 2 t. 53-30-49

Full name of parents.

Parents' place of work and hobbies

Anisimov Yu.L.

Ganicheva T.F.


OJSC ZhBIIK "Vologdastroy"

Region hospital,


Drobova M.A.

Zatalueva T.A

IFIS Russia No. 1

Special school

Klyukina G.V.

Zatalueva T.A

Kukina E.B.

Lyapina E.V.

28th department

communications, Ilyushina, 4

Markus I.V.

VOMZ, beginning

legal department t.53-17-01

Pazgalova E.V.

D/s#90 t. 53-57-20


Potashnikova E.V.

TSUM, deputy


Rogozina N.V.


Semekhin S.A.

LLC "Intercom" Poshekhonskoe highway 18

Braslavskaya M.M.

Medical 26


from paper

Khobotova T.V.

LLC "Universaltorg" Leningradskaya 85

Suvorova E.A.

Full name of parents.


Place of work

Chubykina O.V.

Kostromskaya 4 Mn. "Maxi" t. 53-05-24

Music, singing 02.06 03.06 06.06 Camp grid plan07.06 08.06 09.06 10.06


1130 Youth Theater "Emelino's Happiness"13.06 14.06 15.06 16.06
1400Swimming pool

17.06 20.06 21.06 22.06 23.06 24.06 27.06 28.06
Shimina E.V.
School No. 26 t. 51-26-00
Shubeikina A.M.
Tax office
1 squad 2 squad 3 squad
4 squad
Opening of the camp, examination by a doctor.
1030 c/t "Salyut"
1200 Pool

Relaxation, outdoor games
1030 Pool
1000 k/t "Lenkom"
"Knight Tournament"
1400Swimming pool
Holiday weekend
1100 Youth Theater "Annie from the Green Hills"Opening of the camp, examination by a doctor.
Tax office1100 Youth Theater "Annie from the Green Hills"
1100 Philharmonic
“Come on, girls!”
1200Swimming pool
1200Swimming pool
Teremok "Elephant"

Fire Department

Chalk drawing competition on a military theme

Game "Look for the treasure"

Fun starts

1400 Festive disco with competitions

Closing the camp


900 – Ruler, charging

Morning: In the morning there was a ceremonial opening of the camp, where I met the teachers, counselors and children. After breakfast, I played games and activities in my unit to get to know the children. And although all the children (and the counselors) study in the same school and know each other, this turned out to be not useless, since leaders and ringleaders emerged, children from different classes got to know each other better and rallied into interest groups. At first, the children had difficulty getting involved in the games, especially the boys, but then they got involved and began to offer their own games. It seems to me that the children liked the games I suggested, and I found out what games the children themselves like.

Day: After lunch, 10th grade students held an event prepared in advance with competitions and sweet prizes. I encouraged children to participate in competitions and participated with them. Some of the competitions were quite interesting, I think I will use them in the future.

Results of the day: The first day was unexpectedly easy and fun. The children quickly became attached to me and did everything I suggested to them. I managed to make friends with the squad and have an interesting time with them.

Morning: After breakfast, all four squads gathered in the courtyard to go to the Salyut cinema. I made sure that on the way the children did not run away anywhere and did not stop at the stalls, and also did not play around on the bus.

Before lunch, the duty officers of each detachment go to the dining room to set the tables. My task is to make sure that those on duty set food for everyone, that everyone gets to the dining room, and that they don’t indulge during lunch. Usually there were no problems with girls, but boys need an eye and an eye.

Day: The boys went to the stadium to play football, and I taught the girls a new game, “Labyrinth.” To my great surprise, the girls of both my squad and those who joined us in the yard really liked this game. For the next ten days we played it two to three hours a day.

Results of the day: I made a discovery for myself that children like not only outdoor games. They get involved in a new game with excitement and can play for a long time (I’m already tired of it, but they still want to continue).

Morning: I prepared an intellectual quiz for my squad, which contained riddles, puzzles, fun math problems and questions from various fields of knowledge. The boys, with a few exceptions, did not show much interest, so there was no competition between boys and girls, but the boys did some tasks willingly and eventually everyone took part in the quiz. In the individual championship, Zhanna Zataluyeva received first place and the title “The Smartest”.

Day: After lunch, board games, balls, badminton were brought to the camp and given out, and the squad and I went to play “Hot Potato”, “Dodgeball” and something similar to beach volleyball, the instigators of which were the boys of the 4th and 3rd squads (on the street often children from different units united).

Results of the day: The day was fun and lively. The squad proved to be a cohesive team, participating together in all games. Some difficulties in preparing the quiz were caused by my lack of awareness of the level of knowledge of the children, because... in our specialty they do not introduce the elementary school curriculum.

Morning: Go to the Youth Theater to see the play “Emelino’s Happiness.”

It turned out that children love cinema more than theater. Today they talked and made more noise, and I had to call them to order more often.

Day: The children taught me to play several, in my opinion, rather strange games, such as: “Bullet, Mine, Bomb”, “Disabled Person”, “Family” and others. So before afternoon snack, I explored the children's interests by playing their favorite games with them. I also had to be a reconciling party, because children often quarrel over little things and cannot divide roles in the game and decide who is right and who is wrong.

Results of the day: This day was interesting for the children and educational for me. I learned what games children like and can use this in the future.

Morning: Visit to the Laguna swimming pool

Day: The whole camp goes out into nature in the park near the Vityaz stadium. The children took with them everything they needed for a picnic, balls, badminton, crayons, and spent the whole day in the park. The other counselors and I conducted children’s games together so that no one was bored, for example: one group plays with a ball, another plays some kind of outdoor game, and in the third they tell funny stories or anecdotes. Any child can join one of the groups or something else alone or as a couple.

Results of the day: Using the novelty of the environment, it was possible to involve all the children in joint activities, even those who usually prefer to play quietly alone. Apparently ponds, acacia thickets, blankets on the grass and sandwiches have a positive effect on the mood of children (association with a family picnic). In this regard, country camps win - frolicking in nature is still more pleasant than at school.

Morning: Going to the Lenkom cinema to see the cartoon "Madagascar". The only film that the children liked, so they were very calm and watched the cartoon carefully.

Day: Music hour – lesson with a music worker.

Results of the day: Today I was frankly idle, all the activities were carried out by others, and I just took the children from one place to another.

Morning: Competition for boys “Knight's Tournament”. He allowed the boys to express themselves from different sides. Young knights competed in intelligence, strength, dexterity, and also the ability to care for girls. The competitions were quite fun, but the premises turned out to be not quite suitable. The spectators in the hall could not see what was happening on stage, so they made noise, and the participants could not hear them because of them, so they did not understand the conditions. In general, the competition was somewhat crumpled.

Day: Visit to the Laguna swimming pool. On the way, everyone who had mobile phones was in a hurry to hand them over to me for safekeeping, so for an hour I walked around covered in mobile phones.

Results of the day: I tried to make the competitions fun and interesting for the children, and overall I succeeded. But I didn’t take into account that in the 4th squad the boys were older and stronger than in all the others, so the competition was obviously unequal. This could have been avoided if I myself had appointed participants from the 4th squad, but then it didn’t occur to me. If I have to hold similar events again, I will try to take this into account.


A trip to the Youth Theater for the play “Annie from the Green Hills.” This time the children behaved more calmly, maybe they liked the performance more.

Day: Conducted a choreography club with the children. I learned simple dances with them, like the ones we were given during the instruction. The children learned two simple dances and just went crazy and danced.

Results of the day: The children performed a small impromptu concert from what we had learned during the day, for which they received universal praise and were very proud of themselves. I, in turn, tried myself as a choreographer and I think I chose the right profession. I even regretted a little that I went to practice as a counselor, and not as a choreographer. It would be much easier for me.

Morning: Trip to the Philharmonic. I just brought the children to the Philharmonic and picked them up from there, but I didn’t go to the concert with them.

Day: The whole squad started playing cards in droves. They gather in large circles around the tables and are “cut into fools” into two decks. So I even organized a kind of tournament out of it.

Results of the day: The day passed very calmly. For the first time, children did not drag me outside and force me to run, jump and play ball. In the interval between games, we exchanged phone numbers, and, what was very surprising and pleasant, the children asked me for an autograph as a souvenir.

Morning: Game of "Dodgeball" between 3rd and 4th squads. Increasingly, two or more squads are teaming up in outdoor games.

Day: Competition “Come on, girls!” allowed the girls to express themselves from different sides. The winners were selected in five categories: the most charming, the most attentive, the most caring, the neatest, the best housewife. Unfortunately, the competition took place in a large sports hall and the audience could hardly hear what the participants were saying, as well as the presenter (even though I was almost screaming), so they were not interested and made even more noise.

Results of the day: I think it was a mistake to entrust the first competition on the charm of the participants to the judgment of the audience. Children at this age are cruel, they can offend others without thinking, and their culture of behavior is not yet sufficiently developed. As a result, applause went to those who were more popular at school, while others received meager pats or even howls with negative intonations in their voices.

Morning: Trip to Teremok to see the fairy tale “Little Elephant”. I just brought the children to the door and picked them up from there, but I didn’t go to the performance with them.

Day: A drawing competition was held among girls on a free topic. Some got carried away and drew several works, others left to play ball without finishing even one drawing. In any case, the best works were hung on the wall.

Results of the day: The day was calm and successful. Nastya Shimina especially stood out in the drawing competition (this is not surprising - she studies at an art school).

Morning: Go to the pool.

In the pool, I made sure that the children did not splash and squeal too much and that they did not drown each other, as they like to do, and also that they did not forget to pick up anything.

Day: Taught the children to play with several balls at once. This requires a lot of concentration to keep track of who you are throwing to and who is throwing to you. The more players and balls, the more interesting it is. The children really liked this game, they didn’t even want to leave for afternoon tea. This will probably be their favorite pastime for several days.

Results of the day: The day was interesting and fun, the children swam, played enough and also learned a new game. It seems to me that this game is more useful than the ones they have played so far, since it is aimed at developing attention.

Morning: Excursion to the fire station. I just brought the children to the door and picked them up from there, but I didn’t go on the excursion with them.

Day: We played beach volleyball with the girls in a circle, then Artem came and began to take the ball, as a result of which he automatically became a “dog”. All the remaining days he turned any game with a ball into “Doggy” and, in principle, both he and the girls liked it.

Results of the day: The day was fun thanks to the efforts of Artem. In general, I noticed that he is the only one from our squad who can easily play equally with the girls.

Morning: I had a conversation with the children, asked them what they knew about the Great Patriotic War, told them about June 22, 1941.

Day: Competition of chalk drawings on a military theme. Everyone who wanted to leave their mark was given crayons and a section of the school yard was allocated. After the children drew their pictures, the teachers looked at them and chose squad 1 as the winner, assessing the number of drawings and their compliance with the military theme.

Results of the day: Overall the day went well. It was possible to interest the children in the topic of war and direct their energy to common activities in the right direction. True, most of the boys refused to participate in the competition, saying that they were too small to draw with crayons. And although the girls and I tried for two, the 4th squad took only 3rd place in the number of drawings.

Morning: Game “Look for the treasure.”

The game consists of several stations where children receive clues to help them find the treasure. The stations included power, logic, intellectual, and creative competitions. At each station, children earned points and, depending on their number, received a more or less significant hint. Also throughout the day, children could find surprise clues glued under tables and chairs, in games and books.

Day: After lunch, the final stage of the game took place. The 4th squad was the first to find the treasure, and they received their well-deserved prize. The remaining participants received consolation prizes.

Results of the day: This day was the most eventful of all. We had to help the children a lot in completing tasks, and also constantly make sure that they did not climb somewhere in search of clues and did not scatter around the territory, and most importantly, beyond its borders. But it was still a lot of fun to watch how eagerly the children completed the task when there was a surprise ahead of them. I realized that even a study session will be more effective if the children are promised that something interesting awaits them at the end.

Morning: Sports competition “Fun Starts”.

This included competitions in athletics, shooting, and jumping. The competition is not built from simple sports competitions, but with entertaining inclusions. First, I conducted a warm-up for the participants, during which they already earned points. Seven members of each team lined up in four parallel lines and settled in order. During the exercises, I called a number, for example 4th, and all 4th participants must run around their line and stand in place. Whoever comes running first gets 1 point. After the warm-up, the main events began. First there was a relay race with obstacles, then jumping in pairs (the second jumps from the track of the first), and ended with shooting from a toy pistol with bullets at a balloon.

Afternoon: After an active morning, the children sat in the classroom playing board games, cards, drawing and watching TV.

Results of the day: This time I took into account the mistakes of past events and corrected them. I myself nominated participants from among those who had not participated anywhere else and tried to ensure that everyone was approximately the same age. As a result, the competition was fair and everyone was happy and had fun.

Morning: Played cards and board games.

Day: Festive disco with entertaining competitions. Actors were invited with a special prepared entertainment program with various competitions: music, dance, sports. A game was spontaneously organized into two teams of boys and girls. Friendship won, of course. Afterwards there were dances to popular spring and summer music. The only bad thing is that there is very little - the children have only just started to get a taste for it, and it’s all over.

Results of the day: The penultimate day was both sad and cheerful. The children had fun at the disco, and then everyone was given gifts at the assembly line. But I had to say goodbye to most of them completely. So, in fact, it was already the day the camp closed.

(Short day)

Morning: On the last day, the offices were cleaned, the squads handed over to the head of the camp the equipment issued at the beginning of the shift: board games, drawing sets, balls, badminton. For the remaining time, we played with one ball for the entire camp.

Results of the day: Out of the entire squad, only 6 people came. We cleaned the office together and played until lunch. After lunch, everyone was sent home, and I still collected the necessary information for the diary.

The results of the detachment's participation in the affairs.

Boys Markus Artem, Rogozin Vladislav, Drobov Ivan won the team competition “Knight’s Tournament” and received the title “1st Knight”.

Ksyusha Stoyushko became the “Most Attentive” participant in the “Come on, girls!” competition.

In “Funny Starts” the team of the 4th squad took 2nd place.

Unfortunately, only 3rd place was taken by the 4th detachment in the drawing competition on a military theme.

Two drawings by Nastya Shimina appeared on the wall of honor.

Through joint efforts, the 4th detachment found the “treasure”.

Zhanna Zatalueva won the intellectual quiz.

Final self-analysis

In general, the practice was successful, without failures, but also without masterpieces. I believe that I coped with my task: I organized active recreation for the children and spent their time usefully. It was difficult in the sense that I was required to conduct not so much detachment events as general camp events. It was hard for me to speak in front of 80 pairs of eyes, because I am shy by nature and do not like speaking in public. And in general, I had difficulty involving children in various activities; I always had to step over myself and urge them on. Even as a child, I didn’t like mass games, and now it’s even more difficult to pretend that I’m not interested in them. But the children definitely want me to participate with them everywhere.

To be honest, I didn’t like the practice. In general, I have an extremely negative attitude towards children’s camps and consider them a waste of time and money, and school camps doubly so. Even as a child, I couldn’t be forced into a camp, and I certainly didn’t want to work. I don’t like being told when to get up, go to bed, eat, play, what to do and with whom to communicate. That’s why I myself tried not to force anyone to do anything.

It's actually not all that bad. I liked just communicating with children, I learned to find a common language with them, to understand them. I also learned several methods and techniques on how to direct children’s activities in the right direction. So practice was a useful and necessary part of learning.

Practice has shown that I chose the right profession, because I like communicating with children, but I never set foot in a children's camp again.

Scenario for the competition “Knight Tournament”


Today we met to cross our swords in a knightly tournament.

Now the concept of “knight” has disappeared from our everyday life. Who knows who was called knights in the past?

(Listen to the children's answers)

Knight translated from German means horseman. In the Middle Ages, knights were called brave and courageous warriors who valued friendship, knew how to keep their word, bowed down to the ladies of their hearts and dedicated poems to them.

And now we will see if you are real knights. The first obligatory ritual is the knightly oath:

We, knights, without fear or reproach, swear to be honest and kind, to be strong and brave, to protect the weak and to keep our word!

Main part:

We swear!

Jury presentation.


Depict how a knight rides a horse and fights with swords.

Explain the meaning of the expressions:

Knight without fear and reproach

Knight of the Cloak and Dagger

Knight for an hour

Competition for strength and perseverance: “Fighting Roosters.”

One participant from each team stands in a circle on one leg, hands behind their backs.

Their task is to push the opponent out of the circle or force him to stand on both feet.

Agility competition "Strong Men". The participants' task is to blow on a tennis ball from different directions and roll it into the opponent's territory.

Endurance competition: who can drink a glass of sparkling water the fastest?

Inviting a lady to dance: gallantly and politely invite a girl to dance.

Skill Auction.


The jury sums up the results, announces the scores of each team, and names the winning team.

All participants receive sweet prizes, followed by a ceremony of awarding diplomas to the winners.

Markus Artem is awarded the title “First Knight” for winning the knightly tournament.

Scenario for the competition “Come on, girls.”

Today we will hold with you the “Come on, girls” competition.

First, the participants must go on stage and introduce themselves, tell a little about themselves.

The latest competition for the title of “best hostess” consists of two parts.

First, the girls guess riddles about vegetables, then virtually prepare dishes from them, that is, they choose pieces of paper with vegetables written on them that are needed for a given dish.

The girls present the results of their labors to the jury, which will determine who deserves what title.

The winning girls are hung with nomination medals around their necks and given gifts. Share with your friends!