Where do vulnerable people come from? Psychological security. Most people deal with their relationship insecurities completely wrong.

feeling of helplessness

Most people strive for change.

We live in anticipation of love, happiness, creative inspiration, relaxation, money, and much more......

But change is not always pleasant!

These are also trials, difficulties, difficulties, losses......

The Earth spins like a carousel in childhood,
And the Winds of Loss circle above the Earth,
Winds of loss, separation, resentment and evil,
They have no number, they have no number.

They have no number - they show through from all the cracks,

Into the hearts of people, tearing the door off its hinges,
Destroying hope and instilling fear,
The winds are circling, the winds are circling."

Hardly anyone expects such changes!

As it were:

Change is the most constant thing in this world!

Whether we like it or not... They come into our lives without asking....

They give us the necessary experience, give us new emotions and sensations, and make us stronger.

And they give our life a unique flavor. And sweets....And bitterness.... And many other tastes....

We are all very different. Some people only become stronger from life's trials. Others experience feeling of helplessness and confusion. Especially when people cannot adapt to changes in their lives and do not accept them .

Why is the feeling of helplessness dangerous?

In this state, a person easily gives up and falls into a state of depression and submission to circumstances. He sees no way out of the problem. He drives himself into a dead end from which he cannot get out. His vitality drops sharply.



Excess weight, how often in life we ​​come across this phrase, usually with a negative connotation. The very etymology of the word “superfluous” encourages us to get rid of it. And who is the one who measures out what is superfluous in us and what is not?

Let's look at this process from the other side, what provokes us to accumulate this “extra” weight and is it so bad? A strange pattern: our body accumulates weight, but our mind condemns it; in fact, this is a struggle between metabolism and a socially imposed stereotype regarding ideal body proportions.

Our body is constantly in motion, energy circulates in it uninterruptedly, and we cannot live without food, this is our basic need. The body protects itself from danger (or stress) by storing energy reserves in the form of fatty tissue. In other words, during a stressful situation we will need increased energy expenditure, and the body creates an additional supply of fuel to produce this energy.

But these are only consequences; often the reason lies in our belief that in life there will definitely be dangers against which we will be defenseless. Feeling insecure is a signal of the belief that you are defenseless against something. Typically, these beliefs relate to relationships with people, one’s own health, and material well-being.

As soon as our body leaves a state of rest, it begins to act! Along with the awareness of instability or danger, extra pounds come to us.

The body reacts to danger almost instantly, unlike the head, which sometimes does not immediately realize that some changes are taking place. In fact, we are simply late in taking action; the sooner awareness of the situation comes, the easier it is to influence it, but we are not always ready to accept the situation as it is and sometimes it is harder to take off the rose-colored glasses than it seems at first glance.

Beliefs, over time, turn into life attitudes and, becoming unconscious, influence a person’s decisions and choices. The source of the belief has already been forgotten, but the feeling of anxiety, insecurity, and helplessness remains.

Our lack of self-confidence is the reason for our reflexive search for protection in everything and in any way. And we begin to protect ourselves with baggy clothes, apartment walls, limiting communication with friends, and so on. Continuous restrictions drive us even further into a corner.

But such actions to provide oneself with protection at the expense of the outside world are the treatment of symptoms. They dull the pain, distract, but do not eliminate the cause of anxiety - the belief in one’s defenselessness. The cause is not eliminated, the stress that consumes strength does not go away, the accumulation of reserves in the form of fat mass to provide the body with energy continues. Constant tension due to an unconscious sense of vulnerability to potential dangers causes the body to react.

The cause of stress is the subconscious belief in the inevitability of dangers, troubles and one’s own defenselessness against them. These beliefs are recorded in the subconscious even before we begin to speak (through patterns of behavior, emotional reactions that the child silently reads from those around him). It turns out to be a vicious circle, beyond which it is almost impossible to go beyond conscious actions: our unconscious beliefs create a corresponding reality that confirms these beliefs.

Understanding your beliefs and the consequences, which manifest themselves, in particular, in excess weight, can help change the situation.

To understand this issue, you need to trace the chronology of weight gain and loss, comparing them with the events that happened in life during these periods. Having grasped the key connection between the state of self-sufficiency, independence, independence and an acceptable, comfortable body shape, 50% of the problem can be considered solved.

Understanding the cause will allow you to finally solve the problem - understanding what situations cause a feeling of insecurity, the subconscious expectation of what danger introduces stress.

Excess weight is just one of the manifestations of the belief in one’s insecurity in front of the world. But this manifestation is visible to the naked eye, and it is one of the first signs of more serious health problems. Due to the fact that we clearly see the problem associated with excess weight, we can work with it quite effectively.

And so, to summarize, we can identify several ways to take control of the situation with “excess” weight.

  • We start by realizing and accepting ourselves as we are at the moment. Or maybe you don’t need to change anything, sometimes it’s enough to change the environment.
  • If the problem is still identified, we are looking for an ally or even a group of like-minded people. It is easier to deal with any trouble when you are not alone. Two heads, no matter how you look at it, it’s better, and if you give up, there are still a couple of hands that won’t let you lose heart. Together - we are force!
  • We introduce new traditions into an established way of life. The process of losing weight should be enjoyable, not exhausting. We look for the positives in the little things.
  • We praise ourselves for our successes and don’t count our failures.

And every day, looking in the mirror, don’t forget to smile at yourself. After all, only a self-confident person who sets positive goals is able to change for the better!

Altai Mountain Pharmacy wishes you health and active longevity!

- I want to marry you. As soon as we meet.
- Why so immediately?
- So that you feel protected.

A young man of twenty-six years old, immediately, without hesitation, gives an accurate and psychologically correct answer, correct from the point of view of the female unconscious psyche. I thought about it. Not only does he himself initiate a conversation on this topic, but also, without the slightest psychological knowledge, with his answer he penetrates directly into the essence of the female psyche, promising in words exactly what we women so need.

Maybe you consider yourself a strong woman who does not need male protection? Are you sure about that? I’m sure that this is simply how you position yourself, but you don’t feel it at all. In your inner feelings, you are different, perhaps simply disappointed in men.

Why am I sure of this? Because I know one interesting aspect directly related to female nature. For example, the fact that a woman is a creature that receives everything from nature through a man. In the modern world, this is not very noticeable, because now many women are independent enough to provide for themselves and their children financially, without resorting to the help of a man.

But, nevertheless, female nature is completely opposite to male nature and it contains the principle of receiving from nature through a man. This mechanism is designed in such a way that a man is initially provided with a woman’s desire, sexual attraction to her as a source of sexual pleasure. But in order to receive such pleasure, one had to try, that is, to provide for the woman and possible future offspring financially. Under other conditions, without material support, a woman, whose nature is to bear, give birth and raise offspring (and this is a rather long and multi-year process), did not make physical contact. Therefore, a man is created psychologically as a giving creature, starting with ejaculate and ending with “mammoth meat with bananas.”

The female psychic nature was initially created differently - as receiving through a man. That is why you can so often hear from women a seemingly absolutely stupid statement regarding men: “Anything, as long as it’s nearby”. The nature of such sensations is simple - even next to “just any” man, the female psyche feels protected and calm.

"I want you to feel protected."

It was with this phrase that this young Spaniard (I immediately called him Hidalgo to myself) aroused my special interest in him. Because I understood that in it he unconsciously expressed the basic rules of the existence of the female world and this entire world as a whole. But is it possible that such a young person without a special psychological systemic education could so clearly understand what I understand, having special knowledge? Of course not. Then what's the matter?

I think it's worth considering the fact that people always talk about themselves, expressing their shortcomings in words. It turns out that the guy is talking about himself with this simple phrase.

“I want you to feel protected - I want to be protected myself.”

Because all we really want from this life is to feel confident in the future. Confidence and security.

In childhood, before we grew up, our parents had to provide this for us. In adulthood - a state, a social structure in which everyone is not a wolf, but a comrade and brother, and this means help and support.

Adult security is an almost illusory feeling, now almost universally absent. But if you, reader, like me, are from the last century, if you managed to catch at least the edge of that bygone era, which we usually treat differently, ambiguously, from praise to the skies to abuse in its address, what is the point? (and I mean the Soviet era), then you should be familiar with that feeling of security and confidence in the future that I am talking about now. A feeling of security and confidence in the future, which is now no trace, which ended with the passing of the Soviet era.

I remember these times quite well. I remember how, listening to world news, my soul was filled with horror in front of this huge alien outside world, immersed in complete crime and captured by the thirst for profit and violence. But the most terrible feeling was because “there” everyone was a wolf to each other. Propaganda you say? Yes, of course, this is so, because at that time our large country was provided with borders that were tightly closed from external enemies and an ideology and propaganda that was different from others. But, besides all this, such a structure and the corresponding ideology ensured what is commonly called mutual assistance in society.

At that time, it was impossible to imagine that you could remain hungry, that you would not be able to feed your children, that you would be abandoned and useless to anyone in your old age or in case of illness. The whole society was permeated with a spirit of mutual assistance, and this fact cannot be denied. It is precisely this common spirit that unites everyone (our urethral mentality, one for all, complementary to the anal phase of the development of society that took place at that time), it is this feeling of security experienced in that era that causes our today’s nostalgia for past times.

Not everyone, of course, lived comfortably in such a country. Skin people, with their isolation and separation from other people, with their innate desire to obtain their own benefit through entrepreneurship, were not able to fully adapt and realize themselves in this common environment aimed at general return. It was also difficult for sound with its own separate vision of the world, which could not tolerate any external pressure. And, frankly speaking, a social structure of this kind was not natural. It was premature, artificially maintained, but nevertheless it was one of the models of the future urethral world order tested by nature.

What we are experiencing now, thrown by natural social processes from the anal phase of the development of society to the skin phase, is the opposite of the previous era, a feeling of absolute personal insecurity and uncertainty about the future. By the way, it is experienced not only by our formerly Soviet society, but also by the rest of the world, including the Western world. It’s just that for us all these sensations occur most acutely because of our natural opposition to the new skin phase of the development of society.

Insecurity and uncertainty are felt by everyone. Even a lot of money is not able to bring a person a sense of protection from the environment that is so necessary for happiness in the psychologically aggressive and unbalanced world around him.

This is partly what the phrase said by a very rich young Spaniard speaks about. About the fact that a person wants protection and is looking for another person, a couple who can be trusted and with whom one can not be afraid of tomorrow. But this is still an illusion. Alone or together, it is impossible to protect yourself from the threats of this aggressive world. Just as it is impossible to be happy alone in an unhappy world.

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