Ozone, physicochemical properties, application. Air treatment using ozonation

How is ozone useful?

Ozone, being a strong oxidizing agent, is widely used in various areas of our life. It is used in medicine, in industry, in everyday life

What kind of gas is ozone?

During a thunderstorm, when electrical discharges of lightning “pierce” the atmosphere, we feel the resulting ozone as fresh air. Ozone really cleans our air! Being a strong oxidizing agent, it decomposes many toxic impurities in the atmosphere into simple, safe compounds, thereby disinfecting the air. That’s why after a thunderstorm we feel pleasantly fresh, we can breathe easily, and we see everything around us more clearly, especially the blue of the sky.

Ozone is a blue gas with a characteristic odor and a very strong oxidizing agent. The molecular formula of ozone is O3. It is heavier than oxygen and our usual air.

The ozone formation scheme is as follows: Under the influence of an electric discharge, some oxygen molecules O2 disintegrate into atoms, then atomic oxygen combines with molecular oxygen and ozone O3 is formed. In nature, ozone is formed in the stratosphere under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, as well as during electrical discharges in the atmosphere.

Household ozonation devices provide a safe concentration of ozone for humans. With help you will always breathe fresh and clean air

Where is ozone used today?

It is such a strong oxidizing agent that it can stimulate redox processes in the human body, and this is the essence of life. It enhances the function of the immune system two to four times. OZONE is a natural antibiotic! When interacting with the cells of the body, it oxidizes fats and forms peroxides - substances that are destructive to all known viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Most common application- for water purification. Ozone effectively destroys bacteria and viruses, eliminates organic water contaminants, eliminates odors, can
be used as a bleaching agent.

Ozone plays a special role in the food industry. A highly disinfectant and chemically safe agent, it is used to prevent the biological growth of unwanted organisms in food products
and on food processing equipment. Ozone has the ability to kill microorganisms without creating new harmful chemicals.

All chemicals that are in the air, reacting with ozone, break down into harmless compounds: carbon dioxide, water and oxygen.

What is it for?

  1. Air purification in living areas, bathrooms and toilets.
  2. Elimination of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, wardrobes, pantries, etc.
  3. Purification of drinking water, ozonation of baths, aquariums.
  4. Food processing (vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, fish).
  5. Disinfection and elimination of dirt and unpleasant odors when washing clothes.
  6. Cosmetology procedures, care for the oral cavity, facial skin, hands and feet.
  7. Eliminating the smell of tobacco smoke, paint, varnish

Ozone in medicine

Ozone in therapeutic doses acts as an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral, fungicidal, cystostatic, anti-stress and analgesic agent.

Ozone therapy is successfully used in almost all areas of medicine: in emergency and purulent surgery, general and infectious therapy, gynecology, urology,
dermatology, hepatology, gastroenterology, dentistry, cosmetology, etc.

What are the effects of ozone therapy?

  1. Activation of detoxification processes. The activity of external and internal toxins is suppressed.
  2. Activation of metabolic processes (metabolic processes).
  3. Normalization of the process of lipid peroxidation (fat metabolic processes).

The use of ozone increases the consumption of glucose by tissues and organs, increases the saturation of blood plasma with oxygen, reduces the degree of oxygen starvation,
improves microcirculation.

Ozone has a positive effect on the metabolism of the liver and kidneys, supports the functioning of the heart muscle, reduces the respiratory rate and increases tidal volume.

The positive effect of ozone on people with diseases of the cardiovascular system (the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the risk of blood clots decreases, and the process of cell “breathing” is activated).

Ozone therapy for treatment herpes allows you to significantly reduce the course and dose of antiviral drugs.

At decreased immunity Ozone therapy stimulates the body's resistance to diseases such as flu, sore throat, ARVI, acute respiratory infections so popular in the autumn-winter period.

In case of illness" chronic fatigue syndrome caused by cytomegalovirus And herpes virus, ozone therapy helps get rid of headaches, fatigue, increases efficiency and overall vitality. Ozone therapy gives the same effect in the treatment of ordinary fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, overwork, almost instantly relieving the syndromes.

Ozone therapy (autohemotherapy with ozone) is widely used in cosmetology For wrinkle correction general "rejuvenation" of the skin, treatment of problem skin and acne, including teenage acne, acne.

With the help of ozone, extra pounds are lost! In order to reduce weight, cure cellulite and remove volume on the abdomen, hips, and buttocks, systemic and local use of ozone is recommended.

Are there any contraindications to the use of ozone therapy?

Yes, there are contraindications. Therefore, be very careful when prescribing ozone therapy, consult your doctor, discuss the methods and methods of influence, possible reactions of the body.

Ozone therapy should not be used in cases of acute myocardial infarction, internal bleeding, hyperthyroidism, a tendency to seizures, or thrombocytopenia.

Beauty Health Youth Longevity

Popular scientific article about the role of ozone and the features of using an ozonizer

Ozone: what is it?
Back in 1785, the Dutch physicist Martin van Marum discovered that oxygen, under the influence of electric sparks, acquires a special “thunderstorm” smell and new chemical properties. Ozone is a special form of existence of oxygen, its allotropic modification. Translated from the Greek word ozone “ozein” means “fragrant”.
Ozone is a blue gas with a characteristic odor and a very strong oxidizing agent. The molecular formula of ozone is O3. It is heavier than oxygen and our usual air. Ozone ensures the preservation of life on Earth, since the ozone layer retains the most destructive part of the UV radiation of the Sun with a wavelength of less than 300 nm for living organisms and plants, and, along with CO2, absorbs the infrared radiation of the Earth, preventing its cooling. The content and movement of ozone in the atmosphere affects the meteorological situation.
The scheme for the formation of ozone is as follows: under the influence of an electric discharge, part of the oxygen molecules O2 disintegrates into atoms, then atomic oxygen combines with molecular oxygen and ozone O3 is formed. In nature, ozone is formed in the stratosphere under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, as well as during electrical discharges in the atmosphere. During a thunderstorm, when electrical discharges of lightning “pierce” the atmosphere, we feel the resulting ozone as fresh air. Ozone really cleans our air! Being a strong oxidizing agent, it decomposes many toxic impurities in the atmosphere into simple, safe compounds, thereby disinfecting the air. That’s why after a thunderstorm we feel pleasantly fresh, we can breathe easily, and we see everything around us more clearly, especially the blue of the sky.
However, we know that ozone is an oxidizing agent. Isn't it harmful to humans and all living things? Any substance can be both poison and medicine - it all depends on the dose. Low concentrations of ozone create a feeling of freshness, disinfect the environment around us, and “cleanse” our respiratory tract. But high concentrations of ozone can cause irritation of the respiratory tract, coughing, and dizziness.
Therefore, relatively high concentrations of ozone are used to disinfect water and air, while lower concentrations promote wound healing and are widely used in cosmetology.
Currently, the maximum permissible concentration of ozone in the air of a working room is set at 0.1 mg/m3, which is 10 times greater than the human olfactory sensitivity threshold (0.001 mg/m3). Thus, our nose is the best indicator of the safety of the atmosphere in the ozonation site.
Household ozonation devices provide a safe concentration of ozone for humans. With the help of an ozonizer you will always breathe fresh and clean air.
Where is ozone used today?
Ozone, being a strong oxidizing agent, is widely used in various areas of our life. It is used in medicine, in industry, and in everyday life. Over the past 20 years, the applications of ozone have expanded significantly and new developments are underway around the world. Such rapid development of technologies using ozone is facilitated by its environmental cleanliness. Unlike other oxidizing agents, ozone decomposes during reactions into molecular and atomic oxygen and saturated oxides. All these products, as a rule, do not pollute the environment and do not lead to the formation of carcinogenic substances, as, for example, during oxidation with chlorine or fluorine.
Ozone plays a special role in the food industry. A highly disinfectant and chemically safe agent, it is used to prevent the biological growth of unwanted organisms in food and food processing equipment. Ozone has the ability to kill microorganisms without creating new harmful chemicals.
Ozone contributes to the long-term preservation of the quality of meat, fish, eggs, and cheeses. In the process of ozonation, microbes and bacteria, harmful chemicals, viruses, mold are destroyed, and the nitrate content in vegetables and fruits is also significantly reduced.
Ozone plays a special role in medicine. As a strong oxidizing agent, it is used to sterilize medical products. The scope of its use in the treatment of many diseases is expanding.
Ozone is highly effective in destroying bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Ozone has a quick and radical effect on many viruses, while (unlike many antiseptics) it does not have a destructive or irritating effect on tissue, since the cells of a multicellular organism have an antioxidant defense system.
Ozonation of air helps to destroy chemicals hazardous to health (formaldehyde, phenol, styrene from varnishes, paints, furniture, especially chipboard), tobacco smoke, organic substances (sources - insects, pets, rodents), detergents and cleaners, combustion products and burnt materials, mold, fungi and bacteria. All chemicals that are in the air, reacting with ozone, break down into harmless compounds: carbon dioxide, water, oxygen and saturated oxides.
For what purposes is a household ozonizer used?
. Air purification in living areas, bathrooms and toilets.
. Elimination of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, wardrobes, garage, salon
car, storage rooms, etc.
. Disinfection of drinking water, ozonation of baths, aquariums.
. Food processing (vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, fish, etc.).
. Disinfection and elimination of dirt and unpleasant odors when washing clothes.
. Cosmetology procedures, care for the oral cavity, facial skin, hands and feet.
. Elimination of the smell of tobacco smoke, paint, varnish, etc.
Air treatment using ozonation
Indoor air contains substances harmful to health. The main sources of indoor pollution are:

  • walls, ceilings, decorative items, furniture (especially chipboard), as well as various artificial coatings, varnishes, paints that can emit substances hazardous to health, such as formaldehyde, phenol, styrene;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • organic substances, the sources of which are insects, domestic animals, rodents;
  • a variety of detergents and cleaning products;
  • combustion products and burnt materials;
  • mold, fungi and bacteria.

Polluted air has a gradual negative effect on the human body. Chemicals become hazardous to health when their concentration exceeds the maximum permissible level. But even small amounts of these substances in the air cause adverse effects if the exposure time is long enough. Complaints of headache, weakness, and poor health appear; Allergy possible.
When ozonating premises, ozone destroys most of the volatile organic substances that pollute the air in confined spaces. The air is purified from unpleasant odors and suspended particles. Ozone in concentrations safe for human health significantly reduces the number of bacteria, fungi, and mold, thereby disinfecting the air. In this case, ozone turns into ordinary oxygen within about half an hour. Since, unlike the free atmosphere, natural ozone formation processes do not occur in enclosed spaces, its concentration must be maintained artificially using ozonizers.
The operating time of the household ozonizer "Groza" for air treatment depends on the area of ​​the room, air pollution, and ambient temperature. When ozonizing indoor air, the calculation is done as follows: on average, 1 minute of ozonation per 1 square meter of room (with an average ceiling height of 2.5 meters). When the ozonizer is operating, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the room to create normal air exchange.
When ozonating enclosed spaces, refrigerators, wardrobes, cellars, etc. ozonation time is on average 10 minutes per 1 cubic meter, after which it is necessary to ensure the supply of fresh air for 10 minutes.
Food processing using ozonation
Ozone contributes to the long-term preservation of the quality of meat, fish, meat and fish products, eggs, and cheeses. In the process of ozonation, microbes and bacteria, harmful chemicals, viruses, mold are destroyed, and the nitrate content in vegetables and fruits is also significantly reduced.

Food processing can be carried out in water or dry ozone. To treat with ozone in water, the products must be placed in water and a tube must be lowered into it, through which gas will be supplied for 10-15 minutes (the average time is 2 minutes per 1 liter of water). Products intended for storage are treated with dry ozone without immersing them in water. To do this, they are placed in a resealable container or bag (on average, ozonation time is calculated as follows: 3 minutes of ozonation per 1 kg of products)

Freshly caught fish can be preserved for a long time if it is washed with ozonated water. Nutrients are not destroyed when properly processed.
Application of ozone in cosmetology
Ozone in therapeutic doses acts as an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiviral, fungicidal, cystostatic, anti-stress and analgesic agent.
What are the effects of ozone therapy?

  1. Activation of detoxification processes. The activity of external and internal toxins is suppressed.
  2. Activation of metabolic processes (metabolic processes).
  3. Normalization of lipid peroxidation processes (fat metabolic processes).

The use of ozone increases the consumption of glucose by tissues and organs, increases the saturation of blood plasma with oxygen, reduces the degree of oxygen starvation, and improves microcirculation.
Ozone has a positive effect on the metabolism of the liver and kidneys, supports the functioning of the heart muscle, reduces the respiratory rate and increases tidal volume.
A positive effect of ozone on people with diseases of the cardiovascular system has been noted (the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the risk of blood clots decreases, and the process of cell “breathing” is activated).
Some practical questions and answers
Is it necessary to ozonate the air if there is air conditioning?
It is difficult to imagine a modern office without air conditioning. Many managers believe that by installing air conditioning, they thereby create the most comfortable conditions for their staff. Meanwhile, it has been established that when passing through air conditioners, air loses its “freshness” by 90% precisely due to a decrease in the concentration of negatively charged air ions and ozone! In such situations, employees develop the so-called “closed space syndrome,” which is manifested by frequent headaches, weakness, a feeling of shortness of breath, decreased immunity, and frequent colds.
All this indicates that the presence of air conditioners does not in any way replace the usual ventilation of rooms when the ozone content approaches natural concentrations. Therefore, ozonation of such premises is simply necessary. Moreover, the air conditioner itself can be disinfected.
Are there any contraindications to the use of ozone therapy?
Yes, there are contraindications. Therefore, be very careful when prescribing ozone therapy, consult your doctor, discuss the methods and methods of influence, possible reactions of the body.
Ozone therapy should not be used for acute myocardial infarction, internal bleeding, hyperthyroidism, a tendency to seizures, or thrombocytopenia. Check if you are allergic to ozone.
Which dishes are best to choose for ozonation?
Dishes can be glass, ceramic, wood, plastic, enameled (without chips or cracks). Do not process water in metal, aluminum or copper containers.
For what purposes can ozonized water be used?
Watering with ozonated water helps the plant grow and increases the brightness of the inflorescences.
The use of ozonated water when washing your hair helps eliminate dandruff and hair growth.
What effect do baths with ozonized water have on the body?
Taking such baths helps remove toxins from the body, reduces headaches, helps with migraines, nervous disorders, and skin diseases. In the bath, the pores open and cleanse, the skin begins to fully perform its excretory and respiratory functions.
After ozonating the bath water, it is necessary to ventilate the bathroom. The water temperature should be 38-40 °C. The ozonation time is on average 10-15 minutes, based on the average bath volume of 100-120 liters. You can ozonate water in an acrylic or enamel bath if there are no chips or cracks on its surface. The duration of the bath is 15-20 minutes. Avoid prolonged contact with ozonated water in the heart area.
You should not add bubble bath or other flavored additives to ozonized water (as their components will combine with ozone and neutralize it).
How should food be treated with an ozonizer?
The products must be placed in water and a tube must be lowered into it, through which gas will be supplied for 10-15 minutes.
Products intended for storage are treated with dry ozone without immersing them in water. To do this, they are placed in a resealable container or bag (on average, ozonation time is calculated as follows: 3 minutes of ozonation per 1 kg of products).
Ozone treatment helps eliminate pathogenic bacteria and growth stimulants contained in meat and fish.
Freshly caught fish can be preserved for a long time if it is washed with ozonated water.

Can compounds formed in residential premises during air ozonation be dangerous?
Ozone concentrations created by a household ozonizer lead to the formation of harmless compounds in residential areas. As a result of ozonation of the room, the content of active oxygen in the air increases and purification from viruses and bacteria occurs.
Is it possible to disinfect clothes and shoes with an ozonizer?
Can. To do this, place clothes or shoes in a plastic bag, remove the diffuse stone from the air duct, and direct the stream into the toe of the shoe. Tie the package. Process for 10-15 minutes.
Ozone disinfects and deodorizes things and shoes, prevents the development of fungi and microbes.
How long and how is it necessary to ozonate water?
In order for the ozonization of water to have an effect, a number of rules must be followed. Attach the tube to the outlet. Attach a diffusion stone attachment to the end of the straw for treating water, food, etc. and lower the end of the nozzle into the medium being treated, then set the operating time (for one glass of water - 1 minute, for 10 liters of water - 15-20 minutes) Do not use metal, aluminum or copper containers. It is recommended to use each attachment for specific functions. For example, a cylindrical nozzle is for water treatment, one ball nozzle is for vegetables and fruits. To avoid confusion, different colors and shapes of nozzles are provided. After treatment, soak the water for at least 10 minutes. The prepared water can be used for various household needs, for example, for washing, washing fruits and vegetables, boiling (tea, coffee), preparing first courses, compotes. The properties of the treated water are maintained for 48 hours. The device should be used for water ozonation in ventilated areas.

How can you use an ozonizer to care for pets?
You can use the device to eliminate unpleasant odors, give animals to drink ozonized water, and also bathe in it. You can disinfect your pet. To do this, use the end of the air duct without a nozzle to treat the fur and paws.
Is it possible to ozonate an aquarium, and is it safe?
Aquarists are well aware of the methods of saturating water with atmospheric oxygen. But few people know about the enormous benefits that come from introducing small amounts of ozone into the aquarium along with the air. Due to the rapid development of bacteria, the water becomes cloudy and unsuitable for fish. If the aquarium is systematically ozonated, then after two or three days the water in it will noticeably brighten, and after a week it will become crystal clear. The resulting surface film will also disappear. The calculation for ozonizing aquariums is as follows: 1 minute of ozonation per 5 liters of aquarium (on average).
To disinfect newly acquired plants, it is enough to immerse them in freshly ozonated water for 20-30 minutes. Such water is prepared in a separate small vessel: ozone is blown directly through the sprayer for at least an hour. Highly ozonated water has a slightly bluish color.
Just like plants, live food is also disinfected. They are placed in freshly ozonated water for 10-15 minutes, preferably shortly before feeding to the fish.
There are reports of the use of ozone to treat fish diseases. According to Czech aquarist S. Frank, sick fish affected by Costia necatrix, when placed in ozonized water, recover within 4-6 hours. It can be expected that ozonation will be useful in the treatment of other diseases.
Important! Ozonated air cannot be supplied through a sprayer directly into a stocked aquarium. Having a strong oxidizing property, ozonized air bubbles, upon direct contact, burn the mucous membranes of fish and destroy the epidermis of plants. To prevent this, only the upper layers of the aquarium should be ozonated, or even better, the water should be saturated with ozone outside the aquarium, and only then introduced into the populated body of water.
It is impossible to ozonate fry and fish eggs - ozone is destructive for them!!!
Dear users of the household ozonator “Groza”, you need to remember that this manual indicates the average values ​​of ozonation time, which can be reduced or increased in each specific case and depend on various environmental factors. The household ozonizer "Groza" is designed in such a way that even with prolonged use, the ozone concentration remains safe for humans.


Ozone - O3, an allotropic form of oxygen, is a powerful oxidizer of chemicals and other pollutants that are destroyed on contact. Unlike the oxygen molecule, the ozone molecule consists of three atoms and has longer bonds between the oxygen atoms. In terms of its reactivity, ozone ranks second, second only to fluorine.

History of discovery
In 1785, the Dutch physicist Van Ma-rum, conducting experiments with electricity, drew attention to the smell during the formation of sparks in an electric machine and to the oxidizing properties of air after electric sparks were passed through it.
In 1840, the German scientist Sheinbein, while hydrolyzing water, tried to split it into oxygen and hydrogen using an electric arc. And then he discovered that a new gas, hitherto unknown to science, had formed with a specific odor. The name “ozone” was assigned to the gas by Sheinbein because of its characteristic odor and comes from the Greek word “ozien”, which means “to smell”.
On September 22, 1896, inventor N. Tesla patented the first ozone generator.

Physical properties of ozone.
Ozone can exist in all three states of aggregation. Under normal conditions, ozone is a bluish gas. The boiling point of ozone is 1120C, and the melting point is 1920C.
Due to its chemical activity, ozone has a very low maximum permissible concentration in the air (comparable to the maximum permissible concentration of chemical warfare agents) 5·10-8% or 0.1 mg/m3, which is 10 times the olfactory threshold for humans.

Chemical properties of ozone.
First of all, two main properties of ozone should be noted:

Ozone, unlike atomic oxygen, is a relatively stable compound. It decomposes spontaneously at high concentrations, and the higher the concentration, the faster the rate of decomposition reaction. At ozone concentrations of 12-15%, ozone can decompose explosively. It should also be noted that the process of ozone decomposition accelerates with increasing temperature, and the decomposition reaction itself 2O3>3O2 + 68 kcal is exothermic and is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat.

O3 -> O + O 2
O3 + O -> 2 O2
O2 + E- -> O2-

Ozone is one of the strongest natural oxidizing agents. The oxidation potential of ozone is 2.07 V (for comparison, fluorine has 2.4 V, and chlorine has 1.7 V).

Ozone oxidizes all metals except gold and the platinum group, oxidizes sulfur and nitrogen oxides, and oxidizes ammonia to form ammonium nitrite.
Ozone actively reacts with aromatic compounds, destroying the aromatic nucleus. In particular, ozone reacts with phenol to destroy the nucleus. Ozone actively interacts with saturated hydrocarbons with the destruction of double carbon bonds.
The interaction of ozone with organic compounds is widely used in the chemical industry and related industries. The reactions of ozone with aromatic compounds formed the basis of deodorization technologies for various environments, premises and wastewater.

Biological properties of ozone.
Despite a large number of studies, the mechanism is not well understood. It is known that at high concentrations of ozone, damage to the respiratory tract, lungs and mucous membranes is observed. Long-term exposure to ozone leads to the development of chronic diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.
Exposure to small doses of ozone has a preventive and therapeutic effect and is beginning to be actively used in medicine - primarily for dermatology and cosmetology.
In addition to its great ability to destroy bacteria, ozone is highly effective in destroying spores, cysts (dense membranes that form around unicellular organisms, for example, flagellates and rhizomes, during their reproduction, as well as in unfavorable conditions for them) and many other pathogenic microbes.

Technological applications of ozone
Over the past 20 years, the applications of ozone have expanded significantly and new developments are underway around the world. Such rapid development of technologies using ozone is facilitated by its environmental cleanliness. Unlike other oxidizing agents, ozone decomposes during reactions into molecular and atomic oxygen and saturated oxides. All these products, as a rule, do not pollute the environment and do not lead to the formation of carcinogenic substances, such as, for example, during oxidation with chlorine or fluorine.

In 1857, with the help of the “perfect magnetic induction tube” created by Werner von Siemens, the first technical ozone installation was built. In 1901, Siemens built the first hydroelectric power station with an ozone generator in Wiesband.
Historically, the use of ozone began with drinking water treatment plants, when the first pilot plant was tested in the city of San Maur (France) in 1898. Already in 1907, the first water ozonation plant was built in the city of Bon Voyage (France) for the needs of the city of Nice. In 1911, an ozonation station for drinking water was put into operation in St. Petersburg.
Currently, 95% of drinking water in Europe is treated with ozone. In the USA, the process of converting from chlorination to ozonation is underway. There are several large stations in Russia (in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities).

The use of ozone in water purification systems has been proven to be highly effective, but equally effective and proven safe air purification systems have not yet been created. Ozonation is considered a non-chemical cleaning method and is therefore popular among the population. However, the chronic effects of micro-concentrations of ozone on the human body have not been sufficiently studied.
With a very low concentration of ozone, the air in the room feels pleasant and fresh, and unpleasant odors are much less noticeable. Contrary to the popular belief about the beneficial effects of this gas, which is attributed in some brochures to ozone-rich forest air, in reality ozone, even when highly diluted, is a very toxic and dangerous irritant gas. Even small concentrations of ozone can irritate mucous membranes and cause disturbances in the central nervous system, leading to bronchitis and headaches.

Medical uses of ozone
In 1873, Focke observed the destruction of microorganisms under the influence of ozone, and this unique property of ozone attracted the attention of doctors.
The history of the use of ozone for medical purposes dates back to 1885, when Charlie Kenworth first published his report in the Florida Medical Association, USA. Brief information about the use of ozone in medicine has been found before this date.
In 1911, M. Eberhart used ozone in the treatment of tuberculosis, anemia, pneumonia, diabetes and other diseases. A. Wolf (1916) during the First World War used an oxygen-ozone mixture in the wounded for complex fractures, phlegmon, abscesses, and purulent wounds. N. Kleinmann (1921) used ozone for the general treatment of “body cavities”. In the 30s 20th century E.A. Fish, a dentist, begins ozone treatment in practice.
In the application for the invention of the first laboratory device, Fish proposed the term "CYTOZON", which is still listed on ozone generators used in dental practice today. Joachim Hänzler (1908-1981) created the first medical ozone generator, which allowed precise dosing of the ozone-oxygen mixture, and thus made it possible to widely use ozone therapy.
R. Auborg (1936) revealed the effect of scarring of colon ulcers under the influence of ozone and drew attention to the nature of its general effect on the body. Work on studying the therapeutic effects of ozone during the Second World War actively continued in Germany; the Germans successfully used ozone for local treatment of wounds and burns. However, after the war, research was interrupted for almost two decades, due to the advent of antibiotics and the lack of reliable, compact ozone generators and ozone-resistant materials. Extensive and systematic research in the field of ozone therapy began in the mid-70s, when ozone-resistant polymer materials and easy-to-use ozonation units appeared in everyday medical practice.
Research in vitro , that is, under ideal laboratory conditions, they showed that when interacting with the cells of the body, ozone oxidizes fats and forms peroxides - substances that are harmful to all known viruses, bacteria and fungi. In terms of its action, ozone can be compared to antibiotics, with the difference that it does not damage the liver and kidneys and has no side effects. But unfortunately in vivo - in real conditions everything is much more complicated.
Ozone therapy was very popular at one time - many considered ozone almost a panacea for all ailments. But a detailed study of the effects of ozone showed that along with the sick, ozone also affects healthy cells of the skin and lungs. As a result, unexpected and unpredictable mutations begin in living cells. Ozone therapy never took root in Europe, and in the USA and Canada the official medical use of ozone is not legalized, with the exception of alternative medicine.
In Russia, unfortunately, official medicine has never abandoned such a dangerous and insufficiently proven method of therapy. Currently, air ozonizers and ozonizer units are widely used. Small ozone generators are used in the presence of people.

Ozone is formed from oxygen. There are several ways to produce ozone, the most common of which are: electrolytic, photochemical and electrosynthesis in gas discharge plasma. In order to avoid unwanted oxides, it is preferable to obtain ozone from pure medical oxygen using electrosynthesis. The concentration of the resulting ozone-oxygen mixture in such devices is easy to vary - either by setting a certain power of the electrical discharge, or by regulating the flow of incoming oxygen (the faster the oxygen passes through the ozonizer, the less ozone is formed).

Electrolytic The ozone synthesis method is carried out in special electrolytic cells. Solutions of various acids and their salts (H2SO4, HClO4, NaClO4, KClO4) are used as electrolytes. The formation of ozone occurs due to the decomposition of water and the formation of atomic oxygen, which, when added to an oxygen molecule, forms ozone and a hydrogen molecule. This method produces concentrated ozone, but it is very energy intensive and is therefore not widely used.
Photochemical The method of producing ozone is the most common method in nature. Ozone is formed when an oxygen molecule dissociates under the influence of short-wave UV radiation. This method does not produce high concentration ozone. Devices based on this method have become widespread for laboratory purposes, in medicine and the food industry.
Electrosynthesis ozone is most widespread. This method combines the ability to obtain high concentrations of ozone with high productivity and relatively low energy costs.
As a result of numerous studies on the use of various types of gas discharge for ozone electrosynthesis, devices using three forms of discharge have become widespread:

  1. Barrier discharge - the most widely used, is a large set of pulsed microdischarges in a gas gap 1-3 mm long between two electrodes separated by one or two dielectric barriers when the electrodes are powered with alternating high voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz to several kilohertz. The productivity of one installation can range from grams to 150 kg of ozone per hour.
  2. Surface discharge - close in shape to a barrier discharge, which has become widespread in the last decade due to its simplicity and reliability. It is also a set of microdischarges developing along the surface of a solid dielectric when the electrodes are powered with alternating voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz to 15-40 kHz.
  3. Pulse discharge - as a rule, a streamer corona discharge that occurs in the gap between two electrodes when the electrodes are powered with a pulse voltage lasting from hundreds of nanoseconds to several microseconds.
      • Effective in cleaning indoor air.
      • Do not produce harmful by-products.
      • Facilitates conditions for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, etc.

In 1997, ozonizer manufacturing companies Living Air Corporation, Alpine Industries Inc. (now “Ecoguest”), Quantum Electronics Corp. and others who violated the US FTC order were administratively punished by the courts, including a ban on further activities of some of them in the United States. At the same time, private entrepreneurs who sold ozone generators with recommendations for using them in rooms with people received prison sentences ranging from 1 to 6 years.
Currently, some of these Western companies are successfully developing active sales of their products in Russia.

Disadvantages of ozonizers:
Any sterilization system using ozone requires careful safety monitoring, testing of ozone concentration constants with gas analyzers, and emergency management of excessive ozone concentrations.
The ozonizer is not designed to work in:

    • environment saturated with electrically conductive dust and water vapor,
    • places containing active gases and vapors that destroy metal,
    • places with relative humidity above 95%,
    • in explosion and fire hazardous areas.

Application of ozonizers for indoor air sterilization:

    • lengthens the time of the sterilization process,
    • increases toxicity and oxidation of the air,
    • leads to a danger of explosion,
    • The return of people to a disinfected room is possible only after the ozone has completely decomposed.

Ozonation is highly effective for sterilizing surfaces and indoor air, but there is no effect of purifying the air from mechanical impurities. The impossibility of using the method in the presence of people and the need to carry out disinfection in a sealed room seriously limits the scope of its professional application.

If you cannot find a product in retail or online, you can almost certainly buy it and order it for delivery to your home or pick-up point at the Ozone store. In 1998, Ozon started as a small online bookstore, and now the site sells 5 million products in 23 categories, including under its own brand.

Ozon Delivery Tracking

Ozone Delivery is the name of its courier service. Or in other words OKurier, by the name of the site ocourier.ru. It includes about 4,500 order delivery points and parcel terminals. It is very convenient to order delivery to pick-up points, especially if you don’t want to tie yourself to a time limit. Here purchases are stored from 3 to 14 days, and they are located within walking distance to public transport stops. Orders arrive with this service quite quickly, this is what Ozone Delivery tracking looks like:

As you can see from the screenshot, the order was delivered on the third day. You can track Ozone Delivery. The delivery date is communicated via SMS message. To receive a pre-paid order, you need an identification document.

The oxidizing power of ozone is several times higher than that of molecular oxygen and 20% higher than that of chlorine. Thanks to this property, ozone is effectively used as a sterilizer for any surfaces and a purifier for air and water.

Ozone actively reacts with aromatic compounds, destroying the aromatic nucleus. In particular, ozone reacts with phenol to destroy the nucleus. Ozone actively interacts with saturated hydrocarbons with the destruction of double carbon bonds. Unlike other oxidizing agents, ozone decomposes during reactions into molecular and atomic oxygen and saturated oxides. All these ozonation products do not pollute the environment and do not lead to the formation of carcinogenic substances, such as, for example, during oxidation with fluorine or chlorine.

Ozone destroys all forms of viruses!

Ozone, in high concentrations, can cause irreparable harm to human or animal health, while in low concentrations, ozone brings tangible benefits and improves the quality of our lives!

Ozone kills the flu virus by 99%! 100% - destroys E. coli; 95.5% copes with staphylococcus and 99.9% eliminates golden and white staphylococcus. Ozonation allows you to 100% remove almost all types of mold!

Ozone effectively destroys all known microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, protozoa, as well as their spores, cysts, etc. At the same time, ozone is 51% stronger than chlorine and acts 15-20 times faster. The polio virus dies at an ozone concentration of 0.45 mg/l in 2 minutes, and from chlorine - only in 3 hours at 1 mg/l. Ozone affects spore forms of bacteria 300-600 times stronger than chlorine. Today, air ozonation is the most economical and effective approach to disinfection of premises. Air ozonation is many times more effective than disinfection with ultraviolet rays; moreover, with ozonation, the energy consumption is several times less than with ultraviolet disinfection!

The solubility of ozone in water is 0.394 g/l (at a temperature of 0°C), which is 15 times greater than the solubility of oxygen!

Benefits of using ozone:

  • 1 In nature there are no forms of viruses and microbes that are resistant to ozone!
    The effectiveness of destroying viruses, microbes and bacteria is 100%!
  • 2 Ozone acts very quickly - within a few seconds!
    Viruses, germs and bacteria will be destroyed by ozone in seconds!
  • 3 Ozone removes (not masks) unpleasant odors and tastes!
    Ozone effectively destroys all odors of any origin!
  • 4 Ozone does not leave behind, no odors in the room!
    After ozone treatment, only clean air will remain!
  • 5 Residual ozone sterilizes all surfaces in the room!
    All items, furniture, clothes, will also be sterilized!
  • 6 Ozonation does not change the acidity of water!
    After ozonation, water does not lose its beneficial and tasteful qualities!
  • 7 Residual ozone quickly turns into oxygen!
    After treatment with ozone, there are no chemicals or harmful impurities left!
  • 8 Ozone does not require storage or transportation, it is produced locally!
    Ozone is produced by an ozone generator from indoor air!
  • 9 Disinfection with ozone is up to 3000 times faster than with chemicals!
    Ozone is 51% stronger than chlorine and acts 15-20 times faster!
  • 10 Ozone destroys dust mites (saprophytes) and allergens!
    Ozonation is an effective way to combat saprophytes!

Our services:

Sale of ozone generators Buy an air and water ozonizer
for apartments, cottages, offices. Ozonizers for your business. Assembly of ozonizers to order!

Deodorization of premises: removal of unpleasant odors
Ozone will efficiently and quickly eliminate any unpleasant, ingrained odor, 100%!

Disinfection of premises: destruction of viruses, microbes
Ozone destroys any form of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, germs, saprophytes!

Removing mold (fungus): destruction of mold spores
Ozone effectively removes mold itself and destroys its spores that are in the air!

Demercurization of premises
Ozone will effectively oxidize mercury and neutralize mercury vapors, poisonous, toxic, dangerous!

Disinsection of premises: poisoning insects with ozone
Ozone effectively destroys insects: bedbugs, cockroaches, moths, mucous eaters, ants, etc.

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