Case form of names. From the names of the cases, words were formed - helpers

In modern literary Russian, nouns are characterized by the presence of declension - changes in numbers and cases. And if number indicates an indefinite number of objects of the same type, then case is a category that indicates the syntactic function of a noun in a sentence and its relationship with other words.

Direct and indirect cases

There are six cases in the Russian language, of which the nominative is direct, and all the rest (genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental and prepositional) are indirect. Nouns in are always used without a preposition, in other cases - both with and without a preposition. The exception is the prepositional case, which does not form a prepositional form. Prepositions for case forms of nouns help clarify the meaning of the case. Each case has its own questions, which are asked in a phrase from the main word to the case form (see Table 1).

Cases of nouns: table 1

for animate nouns

for inanimate nouns


Creative fall.

Sentence pad

Kota (at the cat)

To the cat (to the cat)

Kota (on a cat)

Cat (with cat)

Stola (at the table)

To the table (on the table)

Table (on the table)

Table (under the table)

Cases of nouns: details about each


This case is initial, initial and serves to name objects and phenomena. Thus, the form of the nominative case in a sentence has such members as the subject, application, address, the nominal part of a complex nominal predicate, the main member in, for example: It began to rain outside the window.


This case can take on different meanings depending on whether it is a verb or a noun:

  • the adjective can denote the relationship of belonging, the relationship of part to the whole, qualitative assessment: a fox's tail, a tree branch, a man of honor;
  • The genitive case in a verb phrase usually indicates the object of the action: drink water, lose an opportunity, not tell the truth.


This case form denotes the addressee of the action, that is, the one to whom the action is directed: approach the house, pass it on to a friend.

Accusative case

If other cases of nouns can be used with both names and verbs, it is located mainly after and denotes the object of the action: set the table, see the mother, do the work.

Instrumental case

This case form denotes the instrument of action (write with a pencil), the place and time of the action (walk in the field), the manner of action (fly like a whirlwind), the person performing the action (made by the father, written by Pushkin), etc.


This case in a sentence indicates the subject of speech or thought (talk about a brother), the place/space within which the action is performed (live in a house), the state of the subject of speech (spread out in all its glory), etc.

Thus, the cases of nouns can express a variety of meanings, which are specified by whether the name or verb form is located next to the case form, whether a preposition is present or absent with the noun in the form of one case or another. Context also plays an important role. The main means by which cases are determined are endings and questions to one or another case form.

Case - this is an inflectional category of nouns, expressing one or another relationship of the object designated by the noun to other objects, actions, characteristics.

The im.p., which is the basic, dictionary form of the name, is called direct case. The remaining cases are called indirect. Name never used with a preposition, the prepositional case never appears without a preposition; the remaining cases are used both with and without prepositions. Each case has its own set of prepositions.

The same case, depending on the context and the lexical meaning of the noun. can express different meanings. There are 4 main types of case meanings.

1) Subjective – an indication of the producer of the action or the bearer of the characteristic.

2) Object - an indication of the object to which the action is directed.

3) Circumstantial (adverbial) - an indication of time, place, reason, mode of action, purpose, measure and degree, etc.

4) Definitive – an indication of a feature of an object, including a predicative one.

Case forms of nouns. with subjective and object meaning form the backbone of the syntactic structure of a sentence: Hunter sawdeer . If the case form is noun. has an adverbial or determinative meaning, then it is used to distribute and specify the syntactic structure: Earlyin the morning the hunter saw a rare deerbeauty .

Almost every case is capable of expressing all 4 types of meanings:

Name has meanings: 1) subjective: Teacher works; 2) object: House built by workers; 3) attributive: City-hero .

R.p. the verb has the meaning: 1) subject: neighbors wasn't home; 2) object: avoidfriends ; 3) circumstantial: It happened on the thirdApril .

R.p. applied meaning: 1) subjective: singingartist , runningathlete ; 2) object: securitynature ; 3) attributive: roofHouses , big mancrazy .

D.p. verb: 1) subject: son was 20 years old; 2) object: believefriend , helpneighbor .

D.p. applied has only a definitive meaning: monumentPushkin .

V.p. has meanings: 1) subjective: sick chills; 2) object: readbook , singsong ; 3) circumstantial: travel all overSiberia .

etc. verb: 1) subject: the dacha is being builtworkers ; 2) object: admirehero ; 3) circumstantial: driveforest ; 4) attributive: Gagarin wasastronaut .

etc. applied: 1) subjective: discovery of AmericaColumbus ; 2) attributive: you are a Cossacksoul .

P.p. verb has the meaning: 1) objective: speakabout science ; 2) circumstantial: restin the south ; 3) attributive: Ivanov wasin assistants .

P.p. used often has a definitive meaning: articleabout science , housein the village .

    Answered by: anonymous

Question: 12. Declension of nouns. Features in the formation of case forms of nouns of the 1st and 2nd declension. Declension of nouns with the first component gender... (pol-)

In modern Russian there are three main types of declension of nouns.

TO first declension include masculine nouns (except for a small number of nouns in -a, -i: grandfather, son, uncle, Vanya, For example: chair, horse, hero, garage, businessman, apprentice, little house etc., and neuter nouns, for example: window, grief, spear, cloth etc.

Co. second declension include all nouns of the feminine, masculine and common gender -a, -i, For example: water, saklya, stream, young man, Borya, orphan etc.

TO third declension all feminine nouns include a soft consonant and f, w, For example: tribute, pulp, wasteland, rye etc.

In the first and second declension, the declension for a hard base and a soft base differs; in addition, in the first declension, the declension of masculine nouns and neuter nouns differs.

Outside these three types of declensions there are ten nouns in -me (name, banner, seed, crown and others) and the word path.

Substantivized (lat. substantivum - noun, see § 139) adjectives, i.e. adjectives that have fully or partially passed into the category of nouns retain the declension of adjectives ( hound, orderly, tailor, wounded etc.).

Within one type (or subtype) of declension, each case, as a rule, has one ending, common to all words included in this type. However, in some cases there is fluctuation in the use of certain case endings.

Features of the first declension of nouns


Genitive. Along with the ending genitive singular -a, -i, inanimate masculine nouns have the ending -u, -yu, which introduces additional shades - parts (for real nouns) into the meaning of the case: glass of tea(But tea picking), kilogram of sugar(But sugar price); indefinite plurality (for collective and abstract nouns): a lot of sand, few people, a lot of noise.

End -u, -yu can have nouns with prepositions with, from, without(and sometimes the preposition takes over the emphasis), in certain stable combinations and in constructions with negation: from the nose, from the floor, from birth, without asking, no doubt, neither heard nor breath, give pepper, face to face etc. In some cases, the choice of ending depends on the meaning: from home(from his home) from home(from any home), from the forest(place), from the forest(material).

These same nouns, when combined with an agreed definition, usually have the endings -a, -z: a glass of strong tea; a lot of tinsel glitter; from the distant forest. If it is possible to use both endings with the same meaning, the form with the ending -u, -yu have a colloquial or obsolete character: no space And no space; without asking And without asking; served fresh cottage cheese And served fresh cottage cheese.

Instrumental case

    Nouns with a hard sibilant stem ( f, w) and on ts Declined according to the fixed declination. When stressed on the stem, they have the ending in the instrumental case -eat, stO giving birth, mA rshem, pA face, schat finger, okO ntsem, plA in bulk etc., when accented at the ending they have -om: alreadyO m, ruffO m, personsO m, wordO m etc.

    Nouns with soft sibilant stems h And sch decline according to the soft variant of declension, but when stressed on the ending in the instrumental case of the singular, they also end in -ohm: tractor, ivy.

    Names of settlements -ov, -ev, -im, -yn, -ovo, -evo, -to, -yno, formed according to the type of possessive adjectives, are declined according to the solid version of the declension of nouns and have a singular ending in the instrumental case -ohm: the city of Kyiv, the city of Kharkov, the city of Borodin etc.

    Male Russian surnames -ov (-ev), -ev, -in (-yn) in the instrumental case the singular ends in -th, like possessive adjectives in -ov, -in: Petrov, Nekrasov, Ptitsyn. Certain Russian surnames that are foreign in origin tend to follow the same type, for example: Fonvizin, Karamzin.

Male foreign surnames -ov, -in in the instrumental case the singular ends, like nouns, in -om: Virchow, Elmar, Green.


    Masculine and neuter nouns usually end in -e (table, window, father). However, some inanimate masculine nouns (usually with a monosyllabic base and with an accent on the ending) also have a parallel ending -u, -yu. This ending occurs after prepositions V And on with different adverbial meanings (in this case there is a shift in emphasis to the ending): time - in the second hourat , in 1800at ; places - to the bridgeat , on the edgeyu , on the noseat , in lineyu , into the forestat ; states - into deliriumat , in colorat , for yearsat , on the goat . The same ending occurs in a number of stable combinations: don't stay in debtat , corn breadyu , live in harmonyat . These same nouns, if they do not express adverbial meanings, have the ending -e(in this case the emphasis falls on the stem): walk in the forest, But play in Ostrovsky's "Forest". In some cases, the difference in endings is due to a change in meaning: to your homeat (at home) on dO meh(on the outside of any house); by weightat (in a hanging position) on ine se(in relation to weight); in colorat (during flowering) in colore those years(at the best time of life).

In some cases, both endings are used without changing the meaning: in the workshop And in the workshop, on leave And on vacation, in typhus And in typhus, in a haystack And in a haystack, in the cold And in the cold, however in these cases the forms with the ending -u, -yu more typical of colloquial and professional speech.

    Nouns with a stem ending in "yot" (j) and a preceding vowel and (genius) in the prepositional case singular ends in -and (about genius). The same in the neuter gender: about the building.

    Nouns ending in "yot" (j) with a preceding consonant ( drinking, gorge, seaside etc.) regardless of stress have the ending -e (about drinking, about a gorge, at the seaside). The exception is the word oblivion: oh oblivion, But in oblivion.



    Masculine nouns usually end in -ы, -и (tables, steering wheels). However, many words have an ending -a, -i(percussion): sideA , eyeA , shoreA , houseA , forestA , cityA , masterA , teacherI etc. End -a, -i- a productive phenomenon for the modern Russian language. But according to the norms of a literary language, it is possible (as a rule) for words whose singular stress is not on the last syllable: profe quarrel - professorA , uchAnd tel - teacherI , dire ctor - directorA . End -s have foreign words with stressed suffixes -er And -yor: officiale r - officiale ry, engineere r - engineere ry, driver - drivers etc.

In a small number of cases, both forms are acceptable: WHOs - cartA , TO poly - poplarI , O holidays - vacationA and some others. In a number of words, the difference in endings is associated with a difference in meaning: xle would(baked goods) - breadA (ears of cereal) abacus(device for counting, plural only) - checkA (documents), prO water(seeing off, plural only) - wireA (electric), colors (plural of flower) - colorA (paints), O rdens(knightly or monastic associations) - orderA (reward signs), TO us(heart sounds, bowel sounds tones etc.) - toneA (about color) lA Geri(any groups, movements) - lagerI (temporary parking for tourists, pioneers, etc.), etc.

    Words on -anin (-yanin) in the singular form the plural (in all cases) without a suffix -in; in the nominative case - ending -e or -s: townspeople, peasants, boyars, Bulgarians, Tatars. Words on -yonok (-onok) in the singular form the plural without this suffix, but with the suffix -yat- (-at-) and with the ending -a: calves, kids, bear cubs.

    Neuter words have a regular ending -a, -z: windows, eggs, fields, news. A small number of words (words with stems) -To and accent on the base) ending -i: apples, grains(end -A save words troops And clouds); ending -And also have separate words: ears, shoulders, eyes, glasses.

    In some masculine and neuter words, the plural (in all cases) is complicated by the suffix “iot” (j), after which in the nominative case the nouns end in -and(s): brothers, ears, husbands, links; words son And godfather have a suffix -ovj-: sons, godfathers. Plural forms without suffixes for words sons(sons of the Motherland) and husbands(men) are characterized by solemn speech.

    Dismissive, affectionate and magnifying names of masculine nouns in -ishko, -ear, -ische (house, bread, house) in the singular they are declined according to the type of neuter nouns ( window, substance). However, in the nominative plural (and similar accusative) these nouns end in -And(instead of the usual -A): houses, gardens, houses etc.


    For masculine nouns with a base on a hard consonant and “yot” (j), the main ending is - -ov, -ev (tables, fruits, heroes, fingers).

    Words with a soft consonant and a sibilant base have an ending -her: horses, keys, knives.

    Nouns on -ane, -yane And -ata, -yata have a null ending: peasants, citizens, Lutherans, Armenians, bear cubs, kids, children. The following words also have a zero ending: eye, stocking, boot, hair, soldier, dragoon, arshin, Turk, Bulgarian, Georgian, gypsy, Ossetian and some others. The use of these words in colloquial speech with the ending -s does not correspond to the literary norm; A deviation from the literary norm is the zero ending in words such as orange, tangerine(instead of the correct oranges, tangerines).

    Neuter nouns usually have a zero ending: windows, villages, affairs, shoulders, schools, statements, classes, trends and others. A few words ( sea, field, eye, ear) have an ending -her: seas, fields, eyes, ears.

    Isolated neuter nouns with stems ts(If ts stands after a hard frontal consonant) have an unstressed ending -ev: bolO ttsev, okO ntsev, counte ntsev, cops ttsev, crat zhevtsev etc. Some nouns have a zero ending: blyu kid, canvase nets, se Rkalets, schat finger, cores father etc. Noun egg has the shape eggs.

    Masculine nouns ending in "yot" (j) with a antecedent and (genius, proletarian) -ev (geniuses, proletarians).

    Neuter nouns with a stem ending in “yot” (j) have a zero-ending form in the genitive plural with an insertion of a vowel and: copies, coasts, lives etc. Several neuter nouns, as well as a masculine noun journeyman in the genitive plural they have the ending -ev: dresses, links, feathers, logs, lower reaches, upper reaches, apprentices. End -ev has a noun tip - tip.

    noun gun has a zero ending in the genitive plural with a fluent e:pat chew.

    Neuter nouns with suffix -hic- and words cloud, glasses in the genitive plural they have the ending -s: hangers, wheels, clouds, glasses.

Second declension

In the second declension, just like in the first, depending on the ending of the stem, hard, soft and mixed declension options are distinguished.

Features of the second declension of nouns


    In the genitive, dative and prepositional cases there is a small group of words in -and I has a special ending -and: (about) lightning, (about) Mary, (about) army, on the Biya River(instead of the usual -e: (o) claw).

    In the instrumental case along with the ending -oh(s) in words on -and I And -a, -i there might be an ending -oh (-ee), which is obsolete for modern language and is used in book styles of speech: grass - grass, earth - earth, lightning - lightning etc.

    Nouns with a sibilant stem and ts when stressed on the stem in the instrumental case they have an ending -ey(s): crs Shay, bA rust, tat whose, campAnd tsey. End -oh (oh) These nouns are only stressed: showerO y, reinsO y, locustO th, sheepO th.


    In the genitive case, most words of the second declension have a zero ending: walls, grass, drops; some nouns with the stem on sibilant and on l, n(softened) have an ending -ey: claws, shares, youths, reins, and also nostrils, uncles, paths.

    Nouns with a stem ending in "yot" (j) in the genitive case have a zero ending with a fluent e, if the stress falls on the last syllable: sevene th, state th, and with the fugitive And, if the stress falls on the stem: g osty(from noun guest), singingat niya, shalat ny, coldat ny.

    Nouns have -nya with a preceding consonant in the genitive case after the fluent her) soft consonant stem n replaced by solid n: tower - towers, cherry - cherries, arable land - arable land, reading room - reading room.

The exceptions are the words: young lady - young ladies, hawthorn - hawthorn, village - villages, kitchen - kitchens.

Declension of nouns with first componentfloor... (floor-).

When declension of compound nouns with the first component floor... (floor-) in the meaning ''half'' and the second part, which is a noun in the genitive case, the component half... (half-), and the second part changes in accordance with the declension of the given noun: ''More than six months have passed'', '' Half a mile from station, he sat down on a stone by the road and began to look at the sun''. ''And so, when the procession walked about half a mile along the road, Matvey... was struck by a simple and brilliant idea.''

Forms of oblique cases with an unchangeable part gender... are characteristic of colloquial speech. In bookish contexts, such use is inappropriate. Therefore, they are unjustified in newspaper examples like: ‘From half a liter followed by half a liter of extract, 5 liters of bread kvass are obtained’, ‘There are quite large lobsters - up to half a meter long (should be up to half a meter) and weighing up to 11 kg.)

Compound words with a second component - feminine nouns in the dative case with the preposition ''by'' in the distributive meaning have the ending - and (not -e): everyone was poured half a cup (half a mug).

It is necessary to distinguish between complex words and floor, denoting the real gender of something, and those formations with floor…, which are not an exact measure, but hyperbolic ones are used, at least as an approximate designation of a quantity. In these latter cases, the first part - gender.. - does not change to semi: ''Lavretsky announced that he would see the guests halfway.'' ‘’I began to climb the road. Halfway there I looked back.’’

Compound words with GENDER..., in which the second part denotes an animate object, are also not declined: half a horse, half a sheep.

    Noun case category

    The concept of case usually occupies one of the main places in the characteristics of nouns, since case relations are based on the relationships between objects and phenomena that exist in reality. Noun case category- is an inflectional morphological-syntactic category, the basis of which is the relationship between the case form of a name and another (other) word (words) in a phrase and sentence, realized in the language in the forms of the nominative (I.p.), genitive (R.p.), dative (D.p.), accusative (v.p.), instrumental (TV.p.), prepositional (P.p.) cases. For example, in the sentence Carpenters building a house subjective relationships are realized between the form I.p. noun carpenters and the phrase building a house and objective relations - between the form V.p. words house and words are building.

    In Russian the form I.p. is independent, and the forms of the remaining cases express dependence on the main word in the phrase. Each case has a system of its own endings. Taking into account the system of endings of each case and all cases together, a formal classification of nouns by type of declension is built.

    For indeclinable nouns, case is determined syntactically (coat hanging- I.p., no coat- R.p., when sewing to a coat- D.p., I see a coat- V.p., along with the coat- TV.p., coat pockets- P.p.).

    The meanings of case forms are varied and determined by the context. They are predetermined:

    Lexical meaning of combining words (write with a pen- Tv.p. instruments of action, admire the sunset- Tv.p. object, rooster crow- Tv.p. comparisons, write at night- Tv.p. time, etc.);

    The form of the word with which the given case form is combined (to rule the people- Tv.p. object, governed by the people- Tv.p. subjective);

    Using various prepositions for this case form (write about the village- P.p. object, write in the village- P.p. local).

    Case meanings are realized in the following types of relationships between words:

    Subjective (indicating the producer of the action or the bearer of the characteristics);

    Object (indicating the object to which the action is directed);

    Definitive (indicating the attribute of an object);

    Circumstantial (indicating time, place, reason, purpose, course of action, etc.).

    In shape nominative case:

    Subjective (Workers building a house);

    Object (House built by workers);

    Definitive (City- hero Moscow).

    In shape genitive case verbal (depending on the form of the verb):

    Subjective (Sisters was not in the apartment);

    Object (She drank greedily water).

    In shape genitive case nominal (depending on the form of the nominal part of speech):

    Subjective (Everyone liked the singing artist);

    Object (View film completed);

    Definitive (There was a scarf hanging on the chair mothers).

    In shape dative case verb:

    Subjective (To my father unwell);

    Object (I wrote about this friend);

    Circumstantial (Friends have come to the tree).

    In shape dative case applied:

    Object (Our gift institute);

    Definitive (We know the price words).

    In shape accusative case:

    Object (Masha sewed for herself dress);

    Circumstantial (Went all the way forest).

    In shape instrumental case verb:

    Subjective (The house is being built carpenters);

    Object (Command squad I will be there);

    Circumstantial (The car was driving forest).

    In shape instrumental case applied:

    Subjective (Discovery of America Columbus);

    Object (I take command squad);

    Definitive (He was wearing a cap on a plate);

    Circumstantial (Passage only forest).

    In shape prepositional case verb:

    Object (At the meeting they talked for a long time about the harvest);

    Definitive (Next to him was in assistants Ivanov);

    Circumstantial (I'm tired of living in the city).

    In shape prepositional case applied:

    Object (The conversation took place in front of witnesses);

    Definitive (Coat with fur it was beautiful);

    Circumstantial (We are loved in his youth).

    For example, in the sentence That night the group will approach the headman's house form Tv.p. at night in a phrase suitable at night realizes the meaning of time within the limits of circumstantial relations, the form I.p. group appears in a sentence as a subject, form D.p. to the house in a phrase will come to the house has the meaning of place (adverbial relations), the form of R.p. prefects in a phrase to the headman's house- the meaning of belonging (definitive relations).

    Nominative plural

    In the modern Russian language, the formation of forms in -A , -I . Currently there is an active process of ending replacement -s (-And ) stressed ending -A (-I ): directors, masters, professors. However, in many cases, forms with the ending -s (-And ): elections, creams, lecturers(colloquial forms choice, cream, lecturer are considered as a gross violation of language norms). Some words have literary and colloquial endings: inspectors And inspector,locksmiths And locksmith. In some cases we are talking about semantic options: conductor(transport worker) – conductors(machine part), omissions(anything missing) – passes(document).

    End -A (-I ) has become a general literary norm:

    1) in many monosyllabic words like runningrunning, houseHouses, snowsnow(But: cakes, soups);

    2) in words that have singular stress on the first syllable: bill of exchangebills, eveningevenings, hamham(But: windwinds);

    3) in words of Latin origin that have lost their bookish character: directordirectors, doctordoctors,

    End -s (-And ) is used:

    1) in words of French origin that end in stress -er (-yor ): engineerengineers, officerofficers, chauffeurdrivers;

    2) in words of Latin origin in -tor , which denote inanimate objects: capacitorcapacitors, spotlightspotlights, sector – sectors;

    3) in words of Latin origin that have retained their bookish character: agitatoragitators, lecturerlecturers, innovatorinnovators;

    4) in polysyllabic words with stress on the second, third, fourth syllable: pharmacistpharmacists, composercomposers, librarianlibrarians.

    Genitive plural

    2.2.1. Masculine nouns in the genitive plural have variants - zero ending and ending -s .

    Zero the endings are:

    1) names of objects that are usually used in pairs: boot, felt boots, stocking(But: socks);

    2) names of some nationalities, mainly based on n And r : English, Bashkir(But: Hungarians, Svans); In some cases, fluctuations are observed: Turkmens And Turkmen;

    3) names of military groups: partisans, soldier(But: miners, sappers, midshipmen); in the names of the former branches of the military, forms with zero ending and finishing -s are used differentially, depending on the meaning: with a collective meaning (with indefinite nouns army , squad , army , group etc.) the form with is used zero ending: (troop) grenadier, hussar, dragoon, and when designating individuals (or a specific quantity called numerals) - the form on -s : (three) hussars, dragoons; forms midshipmanmidshipmen equal;

    4) some names of units of measurement, usually used with numerals: (quantity) arshin, volt, hertz; ending -s saved in forms hectares, grams, kilograms(colloquial options: hectare, gram, kilogram).

    End -s have the following groups of nouns:

    1) names of plants, fruits, vegetables: oranges, tangerines, tomatoes; fluctuations: eggplanteggplant;

    2) names of some nationalities: Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Yakuts.

    2.2.2. Feminine and neuter nouns in - ya , -ye And -yo have the following endings:

    1) feminine nouns with unstressed -ya -th (this is the stem suffix, and the ending is zero): witches, pancakes, warbler;

    2) stressed nouns -ya in the genitive case they end in -to her (also ending in zero): wormwood, benches, articles; Also judges(masculine);

    3) neuter nouns -ye in the genitive plural the ending in -th (null ending): conquests, invitations, competitions, nomadic, coasts, lands; exceptions: dressdresses, ragsrags, mouthmouths, equal options: upper reachesupper reaches, lower reacheslower reaches; masculine noun journeyman has an ending -ev : apprentices;

    4) nouns in -yo in the genitive plural they have the following normative forms: gun - gun, drink - drink; spear - spears; stubble - stubble.

    2.2.3. The normative forms are those with zero ending: fables, domain, apple trees, as well as forms with the ending -to her : shares, a handful, candles.

    2.2.4. Neuter nouns in -ko , -ice have zero ending: saucer,feather,dresses.

    2.2.5. Words on -tse used as with zero ending ( mirror,blanket,towels), and with the ending -ev (swampers,windows). In some cases, the following options are possible: Kopyttsev And hoof, lacemakers And lacemaker.

    2.2.6. Nouns used only in the plural have the following standard forms of the genitive case: frost, lokhmotiev; attacks, darkness, twilight; everyday life(less often boudin), older, nursery.

    If you have difficulty ending words, check them in dictionaries.


    Declension of cardinal numbers

    Numerals two , three , four have special forms:

    Case Two (two) Three Four
    AND. two, two three four
    R. two three four
    D. two three four
    IN. two, two, two three, three four, four
    T. two three four
    P. about two about three about four

    Numerals from five to twenty And thirty change by case like third declension nouns:

    Case Five Fifteen
    AND. five fifteen
    R. five fifteen
    D. five fifteen
    IN. five fifteen
    T. five fifteen
    P. about five about fifteen

    Numerals fourty , ninety And one hundred when declension they form two forms: in the nominative and accusative cases – fourty, ninety And one hundred, in other cases – magpie, ninety And hundred:

    Case Fourty Ninety One hundred
    AND. fourty ninety one hundred
    R. magpie ninety hundred
    D. magpie ninety hundred
    IN. fourty ninety one hundred
    T. magpie ninety hundred
    P. about forty about ninety about a hundred

    When declension of complex cardinal numerals 50 80 , 200 400 , 500 900 Every part of the word changes:

    Case 50–80 200–400 500–900
    AND. fifty three hundred five hundred
    R. fifty three hundred five hundred
    D. fifty three hundred five hundred
    IN. fifty three hundred five hundred
    T. fifty three hundred five hundred
    P. about fifty about three hundred about five hundred

    When declension of compound cardinal numerals, each word changes: two hundred ninety seven, two hundred ninety seven, two hundred ninety seven, two hundred ninety seven, about two hundred ninety seven.

    Count noun thousand in the instrumental case the singular has two forms: thousand And thousand. The first form controls the dependent word, the second - agrees with the noun: with a thousand friends, with a thousand workers.

    Numerals one and a half And one and a half hundred in all indirect cases, except the accusative, they have the forms one and a half, one and a half hundred.

    Sources used

    1. Valgina N. S., Rosenthal D. E., Fomina M. I. Modern Russian language: textbook. for universities. M., 2001. – P. 162–166.

    2. Rosenthal D. E. Handbook of spelling and literary editing. M., 2008. – P. 202–203, 212–216, 229–230.

    3. Culture of written speech. Resource as part of the portal “Russian Word” [Electronic resource]:

    Topic 4. Syntactic norms

    Governance standards

    1. Control with synonymous words. In the Russian language there are such synonymous series in which words require different dependent forms: admire courage - admire courage,be interested in music - love music.The presence of semantic proximity sometimes leads to associative errors, with similar phrases being mixed up: dissertation review(instead of: about the dissertation), make sure...(instead of: in that), describes events(instead of: talks about events or describes events).

    2. Control with homogeneous terms. A common dependent word with homogeneous members of a sentence can only be used if these main words require the same case and preposition: read and take notes from a book,write down and memorize quotes. Sentences in which there is a dependent word in words that require different controls are stylistically incorrect, for example: organize and lead a group. The usual way of editing in such cases is to add a pronoun to the second control word, replacing the noun in the first word: organize and lead a group.

    3. In combination with personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person, a preposition By used with the prepositional case: we miss you(Not for you),miss us(Not according to us).

  • 5. Noun as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns.
  • 6. Morphological category of gender of nouns. Common nouns.
  • 7. Morphological category of number of nouns. Meaning of singular and plural forms. Nouns that are not correlated by number.
  • 8. Nouns with an incomplete paradigm (pluralia & singularia tantum). Correlation of noun stems in number paradigms.
  • 9. Morphological category of noun case. Case meanings.
  • 10. Special case forms of nouns. Variable forms of cases.
  • 11. Declension of nouns. Unchangeable nouns.
  • 12. Formal classification of types of noun declension according to A.A. Zaliznyaku.
  • 13. Pronoun-noun as a part of speech. Features of pronominal words. Lexico-grammatical categories of pronouns.
  • 14. Morphological categories of pronouns-nouns. Features of the declension of pronouns-nouns.
  • 15. Adjective as a part of speech.
  • 16. Lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives.
  • 17. Morphological categories of adjectives (gender, number, case). Inflection of adjectives.
  • 18. Full and short forms of adjectives. Category of degree of comparison of adjectives. Substantivization of adjectives.
  • 19. Numeral as a part of speech. Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals. Expressing different numeric values.
  • 20. Morphological categories of numerals. Declension of numerals. Combination of numerals with categories of nouns.
  • 21. Verb as part of speech.
  • 22. Lexico-grammatical categories of verbs.
  • 23. Category of verb type. Marking of species values.
  • 24. Pure species pairs (methods of forming pure species pairs; ratio of meanings of verbs in pairs).
  • 25. Methods of verbal action. Verbs that are not related in appearance. Features of aspectual oppositions in verbs of motion.
  • 26. Collateral category. Markedness of collateral values. Interpretations of passive structures.
  • 27. Ways of expressing collateral oppositions. Interaction of voice with other verb categories.
  • 28. Verb mood category. Indicative mood. Subjunctive mood. Direct and figurative use of mood forms.
  • 29. Imperative mood. Direct and figurative use of mood forms. Interaction with other verb categories.
  • 30. Verb tense category. Absolute and relative time. System of meanings of the category of time in the Russian language.
  • 31. Direct and figurative use of tense forms.
  • 32. Person category of verbs. Forms of impersonality.
  • 33. Categories of number and gender of verbs.
  • 34. Verb inflection. Types of verb stems and their relationships. Inflectional classes of verbs.
  • 35. Infinitive as the initial form of the verb paradigm. The participle as a verb form. Formation of participles.
  • 36. Participle as a verb form. Adjectivation of participles. Formation of participles.
  • 37. Adverb as a part of speech. Adverb categories. Category of degree of comparison of adverbs
  • 38. Function words in the system of parts of speech. Distinction between adverbs and prepositional case forms of nouns with adverbial meaning.
  • 39. Prepositions as part of speech. Meanings of prepositions. Syntactic constructions with stressed primitive prepositions.
  • 40. Classes of prepositions. Criteria for distinguishing between compound denominative prepositions and prepositional-case combinations of nouns.
  • 41. Conjunctions as parts of speech. Syntactic structure of allied compounds.
  • 42. Classes of unions. Criteria for distinguishing between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
  • 43. Conjunctive words
  • 44. Features of particles as parts of speech.
  • 45. Particle discharges
  • 46. ​​Interjections, their types
  • 47. Controversial issues in the classification of words by parts of speech.
  • 48. Transitions of words from one part of speech to another.
  • 10. Special case forms of nouns. Variable forms of cases.

    Case category - this is a formal inflectional category, expressed in the opposition of 6 (13) rows of forms that denote a formal characteristic of the relationship of the noun to other words (nominal phrases) (directionality, localization, peripherality) of the designated object or being in the phrase (more often) or sentence (less often).

    Special case forms: vocative (1’), gender. partial (2’), countable (2’’), definite-indefinite (2’’’, 4’’), disjunctive (3’), second accusative (4’), local (6’).

      When denoting the property of “partiality” we speak of genitive partial(partitive, second genitive, 2’) when instead of inflection gender. dative inflection is used. Wiki: ...only a limited number of words have a form other than the genitive case, but its use is quite common: “Get me some cold coffee...”. It matters some quantity or requirement ( give me some sugar). Now it disappears because... easily replaced by the genitive (a glass of sugar-sugar) or accusative (pour tea-tea), although it remains in stable turns: face to face, give up, from side to side, special constructions (tea! naro-o-ood!), as well as yavl. units diminutive form: seagull, honey.

      Unlike gen. partial, very frequent and used with new words locative case(locative, second prepositional, 6’) – case with the meaning of place. Inflection again coincides with the dative ( in the forest, in the meadow). Shows the location of an object (in space/time) designated by a noun. Prem. is used. with noun m.r. (# in I.p., short words) or noun. 3 cl. (substance meaning - blood):

        body parts (forehead, nose)

        spatial objects (on the shore, in the edge)

        substances (fat, glue, honey, fluff, ice)

        actions and periods of time (delirium, century, year, vacation, feast)

        collections of people (world, regiment, formation, row)

    There is an opinion that additional cases use the dative ending because it itself is rare.

    Suggestion case presupposes the act of speaking, but some objects are difficult to talk about, so the local becomes more frequent ( in the nose, But about the nose - ?)

      AND . n . as an appellative – case, sometimes used when addressing; form without inflection, only the base: Katya, Vit. Colloquial, stylistically colored, the forms do not depend on the verb. There was a form of the vocative case, which was consistently preserved in some time. words: God, God.

      Counting form P. n. (2’’) – in constructions with numerals: three tables (units) , five tables(plural). Can change base (five people vs five people, year vs seven years).

      Second accusative(4’) – in constructions with verbs - movements: go visit(* go visit) - social actions: become a deputy(* become a deputy) - stable, type play daughters- mothers, Cossacks(a collection of people, but they behave as if they were animate.)

      Value B. n. (developing) certainty- uncertainty: (2’’’, 4’’) Wait for the letter(def.) Wait for the letter(neodef.) . Does not apply to people.

      Disjunctive case(second dative) (3’) – give out three apples, I.p. for numbers (db * three apples each). There are traces of development.

      Variable endings Them. pl. h. m. r. 2- th declension–ы/-и and -а/-я, among which the dominant ending is ы/-и: proofreaders - proofreaders; tractors – tractors.

      Nouns have variable case endings 1- go skl. on TV. units. : wall/ wall, earth/ earth.

      Variable forms Genus., Dat., TV. cases are formed by words starting with –ishko and –ishche type little house - little house: genus. p. little house And little houses; date p. little house And little house; creativity p. little house And little house.

      Odush. noun. type wolf and cat (with an increasing meaning) in colloquial speech also have variable forms in some cases: wine. p.: wolf and wolf, c. n. volchischa and volchischi, dated. p. wolf and wolf, creative work. n. wolf and wolves.

      Variable endings are noted in forms TV. pl. some nouns: daughtersdaughters, horseshorses.

      Some nouns have variable endings in R. n. pl. h. These are the endings -ov –ev –ev –ey and zero endings: sneakerssneakers And sneaker; Buryats - Buryats and Buryats.

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