Case endings of nouns. Unstressed case endings

(Check the question!)

From a noun ask a question to an adjective definegender, caseWrite the ending in the adjective as in the question.

Husband. and Wed.


oh, oh,

oh, her

aya, aya

ee, ee

wow, him

oh, her

oh, them

wow, him

oh, her

ym, im

oh, oh

oh, her

wow, wow

ee, ee

ym, im


to her/her

we, them

oh, I'm eating

oh, her

oh, them

Do this: sangWow apple - appleoka (HowWow ?) ripe - Wed, r., R.p. goalgod lakes, beautifulWow wood, bluehis sky.

24. Spelling the endings of 2nd person singular verbs.

In the endings of verbs of the 2nd person singular. written b - writeeat , knockinglook .

Do this: cheatyou eat - 1sp., 2l., unit,riceeat, danceeat , ghouleat

25. Spelling unstressed endings of verbs.

Endings verbs can be identified byindefinite form.

Verb conjugation in the present tense

I conjugation

II conjugation



Undefined form

All verbs ending in t, et, at, ot, ut, except exception verbs, + shave, lay, rest .

All verbs in it, except exception verbs, +

    drive, hold, breathe and hear, depend, see, hate, and also watch, twist and offend, and endure

    To correctly write the unstressed ending of a verb, you need:

    put the verb in the initial form.

determine the conjugation. check the conjugation according to the 3rd person plural form(what are they doing?... if –at - yat, then we write


Do this: at the end)determine the ending of this verb. strictly them -build 2 spr, 2l, plural holdingthem, draggingthem,


, coupe26. Spelling o and e in the endings of nouns after sibilants and c. At the endings of nouns in the instrumental case, after sibilants and c, it is written under stress. O, and without accent ball O m, shower

Do this: eand without accent m.and without accent drawingand without accent m, trumpeterO m, starlingO m. VolchitsO th, tits

th, wheat

y.27. Spelling -tsya and -tsya in verbs.what is he doing?or

what will he do? ,then the verb is in the 3rd person and the soft sign is not written in front of it. what's upno ? darethen the verb is in the 3rd person and the soft sign is not written in front of it. tsyano

; what did you do? dissolveIf the verb answers the question

what will he do? ,what to do? what to do?, then this verb is in an indefinite form and a soft sign is written in front of it.t ? darewhat to do? what to do?, ? laught

yes? Pleased - In the indefinite form of the verb after the letter

ha soft sign is always written. stereo

Do this: whose

stop showing off - stop (what to do?) showing off

28. Spelling s and and after c.

LetterAnd afterts written in the roots of words and in words withtion .

quote, operational, discipline.

Letters afterts is written:

in endings and suffixes:

martensyn , birdss

in the roots of words - exceptions:

gypsy, chicks, chick, chick, chick.

29. 0-E after sibilants and c in the endings of nouns.

Under the accent, write the letter - O, without the accent - E.

sheep ladder

cloudy ball

hut roof

cloaked comrade

watchman's drawing

30. Spelling of suffixes –ek-, -ik- in nouns.

If you change the number, the vowel disappears, then write with the letter E:

Soak - soak and

handkerchief EC- handkerchief TO And

nut - nut and

leaf - leaf and

key IR- key IR And

garden - garden and

31. Word composition.

Write the word down. Break it down by composition.

For example: drive

Ending (change number or form)

Base (part of a word without ending)

Root (pick up a few words with the same root)

Prefix (before the root)

Suffix (after root)

Do this: trip a – trip, trip, ride, ride.

32. Analysis of the proposal

A) By members of the proposal.

Underline the main parts of the sentence,

write the words in pairs with questions.

Do this: Gray hairedfogs float to the clouds.

fogs (what?) gray

the fogs (what are they doing?) are floating

float (where?) to the clouds

b) Parts of speech.

Indicate what part of speech each word is.

For example:

adj. noun Ch. pr. noun

Beautiful birds sat on a branch.

How to correctly perform phonetic analysis of a word (sound - letter)

Topic: Spelling case endings of nouns

Teacher: Protsevskaya Tatyana Sergeevna

Class: 5

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational.

Fostering respect for the native language;

Education of morality, communication skills;

To educate children in the ability to see and create beauty.

2. Developmental.

Development of logical thinking of schoolchildren, their analytical abilities: the ability to compare, contrast, draw conclusions;

Development of monologue speech of students;

Development of attention, visual memory;

Ability to analyze your activities.

3. Educational.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Spelling vowels in case endings of nouns”;

Improving spelling skills of nouns.

Planned result

Subject Skills

Form a UUD

To develop the ability to spell case endings of nouns in accordance with the educational task.





Development of cognitive interests, educational motives, formation of the boundaries of one’s own knowledge and ignorance.

Planning your actions in accordance with the learning task, assessing the correctness of the actions.

The use of speech means to solve various communication problems, the ability to negotiate and come to a common solution in joint activities.

Formulating a problem, constructing a statement in oral and written form, searching for ways to solve educational problems, analyzing objects in order to identify distinctive features.

Equipment: projector, task cards, declination table.

During the classes

1. Org. moment .

Let's start the lesson. Is everyone ready to go?

What should our minds be doing in class?

Let's remember Marina Boroditskaya's poem...

(slide 1)

The problem is not solved -

even kill me!

Think, think, head,

Hurry up!

Think, think, head,

I'll give you some candy

On your birthday I'll give you

New beret!

Think, think - for once I ask you!

I'll wash you with soap! I'll comb it!

You and I are not strangers to each other.

Help out!

And then I’ll hit you on the top of your head!

What should our heads be doing in class?

I hope your heads will work very well today to gain knowledge.

Guys, I would like to start our lesson with a proverb:

Slide 2

“Every day of life adds a piece of wisdom.”

How do you understand it?

Children. We learn something new.

2.The main stage of the lesson.

So let's start thinking.

What's written on the board? (transcription)

[P a k r a i m d a r o sh k "i b l" i k u s t y s "er" en" i ch" er "o m u h"i]

What should you think about when writing this sentence? (above spellings)

Write the sentence orthographically (using letters), think about the spellings, underline them when you write the sentence.

Who wants to try it at the board? (one student writes a sentence on the board)

Let's check. Who also? (If there are mistakes, say the spellings. I ask the student answering at the board an additional question and evaluate the answer.How to determine the declension of nouns?)

What spellings did you encounter?

In our sentences we have spellings at the end of which part of speech?

What do you think is the topic of our lesson?

Slide 3

Let's try to formulate the tasks that we will have to solve in class? What should we learn?

Slide 4

Now we will conduct a study that will help us formulate a rule for writing unstressed case endings of nouns.

Decline the words. First row word earth, second row - table, third row - steppe.

Well done. Now highlight the endings and determine the declensions of these words.

You did not have any difficulty writing the endings in these words, because... they are drums. But writing unstressed case endings in R. D. and P. cases can be difficult. Therefore, now we will fill out the table of case endings, which will be a hint for you.

Slide 5

Nouns have 1 cl. in R.p. what ending? ...

Slide 6 - 10

We have created a cheat sheet that you can paste into your theoretical notebooks. You can use it in class until you learn the rule.

One more hint. Unstressed case endings of nouns are checked by stress. To do this, you need to find a word with a stressed ending among nouns of the same declension and put it in the same case. Whatever ending is stressed in a given word, the same ending will be in the unstressed ending.

Open your textbooks. Let's read this rule.

Based on this rule we will draw upalgorithm for determining unstressed case endings of nouns.

What should we do first?

1. I determine the declension, case of a noun.

Our next move?

2. I remember what ending is written for a noun of a given declension in this case.

Slide 11

And now we will play with you.

Slide 12

The game is called "Find the “extra word.” Write down this word, determine the declension, case. Let's complete the first line together.

1.No notebooks..., no branches..., on birches...(slide 13)

2. Give dads..., no brooms..., give sisters...(slide 14)

3.Oh mouse..., oh night..., oh park...(slide 15)

Everyone did it well, well done.

Physical minute

The teacher asks everyone to stand up.

I will name the words, if the letter e is written at the end, you lean to the left, if and, then to the right.

For a dog, on the road, on the surface, about a hero, for a mouse, for a village, near a river, on a snowflake .

5. Selective dictation.

We've practiced a little, and now we're moving on to more serious work. What is the name of the type of dictation in which you need to choose the right words and classify them? (Selective.)

Task: write down nouns with prepositions. In the left column write nouns in which the ending -e is written in the unstressed position, in the right column - -i.

He will go to the board... (work at the board).

Talk about the play and the time it was staged. Tell us about the opening of the exhibition. Be present during the conversation. Climb the tower stairs. Read on the veranda.

Let's check. Please exchange notebooks and write down the number of mistakes. Check our criteria

Slide 16 (no errors - “5”, 1-2 errors - “4”, 3-4 errors - “3”, more than 5 errors - “2”).

7) Independent work.

Now you will work on your own, and I will go through and check your previous work.

I'm giving you cards with multi-level tasks. On the yellow sheets the task is for “3”, on the red sheets - for “4” and “5”. Accordingly, tasks on yellow sheets are easier than on red ones. Choose a task that you think you can handle.

Assignment to mark “3”.

Card. Insert the missing letters.

Skill is in knowledge..., knowledge is in study..., study is in life..., life is in struggle.

Happiness is not in money, but in agreement... .

In a good combination... every letter is gold.

It's good for a bird... in a golden cage... but even better on a green branch... .

Task for grades “4 and 5”.

Card. Insert the missing letters, highlight the endings, determine the case.

About the film..., in the gallery..., without walls..., on a plant..., on a journey..., without conscience..., according to tradition..., at a concert..., in an illustration..., during an earthquake..., at the kidneys..., to the post office..., on a cloud ..., along the wire... .

Please hand over your cards. We will now see which row we have the most organized.

3. Lesson summary.

What rule were our heads thinking about?

Now let's check what they thought.

The notebooks contain numbers from 1 to 7 in a column. I will dictate the words, you write down next to each number only the letter that needs to be inserted at the end of the noun.

1.on poplar grandma

3. into the air.

4.from the village area.

6.from the roads.

7.on the surface.

Let's check ourselves.

Slide 17-23

If you have next to 1. - E add the letter M to this line

2.-E O

3.-E L

4.-I O

5. -I D

6. -I E

7.- I C

Stand up, well done. Your head worked very well.

Who is happy with how his head worked?

Thanks everyone for the lesson. Later I will check your work and give you grades.

4. Marking, recording homework.

Slide 24

Complete the card according to the options.

Assignment for option 1.

Put the word in the required case (with a preposition) and highlight the ending of the noun, determine the declension, indicate the case:

Field (PP) -
Nail (D.p.) -
Sadness (R.p.) -
Birch (P.p.) -
Joy (P.p.) -
River (D.p.) -
Horse (R.p.) -
Branch (D.p.) -

Assignment for 2nd option.

Insert the ending, determine the declension of the noun, indicate the case:

Swinging into the open space...(...), hanging from branches...(...), eating on its paws...(...), drove away from the square...(...), flew off the roofs...(...), approached the bed...(...), walked along roads...(...), lying on the tablecloth...(...).

< Simonova I.A., primary school teacher

MBOU "School No. 112" Samara>

Subject: “Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declension”

Grade: 4th grade

Level: Intermediate

Lesson type: explanation of new material

Lesson type: introduction to the topic

Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish and check unstressed endings of nouns of the same declension, to teach students to solve spelling problems in the endings of nouns.

Objectives: 1. Practice the ability to recognize the type of declension and case of nouns. Systematize the essential features of a noun as a part of speech

2. Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, memory, attention through the organization of differentiated and group work in the classroom, the use of feedback tools, learning to choose a rational method for solving educational problems, through changing types of activities.

3. Develop children's speech

4. To form an emotional attitude towards learning your native language through a game plot.

5. Foster a sense of mutual assistance, sympathy for other people’s mistakes, and responsibility for the assigned work.

Methods and techniques used: work in pairs, frontal work, drawing up an algorithm.

Equipment: envelopes with tasks for differentiated work (according to the number of children), a sample of writing a sentence for a minute of penmanship, a memo “How to recognize letters in unstressed case endings of nouns.”

During the classes:

1.Organizational moment

I am glad to see your faces and your eyes again. And I think that today’s lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you!

2.Communication of the topic, setting lesson goals.

Today in class I invite you to imagine yourself as a researcher.

3. A minute of penmanship

Let's start with correcting our handwriting. Today we will remember how to connect letters in the combination “oro”.

(The teacher shows on the board the writing of the combination of letters “oro” with a lower and an upper connection)

Read the sentence, pay attention to the connection of letters:

One hundred and forty and one hundred and forty are two hundred and forty.

Is this statement true? (Children's answers)

Place emphasis.

Why didn’t you immediately guess what it was about and read it incorrectly? (Because without placing the emphasis, it was not clear what the word “forty” meant; the words have different meanings, are read differently, but are written the same)

Write down the entire sentence beautifully in your notebook. (Children write)

Don't forget to check yourself.

4. Repetition of theoretical information about the noun. Annex 1


2 .What is called declination?


a) apple, lemon, tomato

b) plum, uncle, cherry.

a) window, car, friend

b) winter, spring, Saturday

a) bullfinch, day, stump

b) carrots, oven, steppe

The check is carried out on a computer.

5.Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Preparatory work (helps students master the signs of test words and collect the necessary examples)

Distribute the words from the “Inquiry Bureau” into columns according to declination. Highlight their endings and show where possible that they are percussive.

Oven, earth, window, wall, table, steppe, fire, hand, sleeve.

2.Creation of a situation leading to the formulation of a learning task

On the desk:

Arm, shoulder, chest, barrel, sky, wool

Read the assignment carefully and complete the work “step by step.”

Indicate the declension to which the word refers.

Change these nouns by case.

Highlight the endings. If you don’t know which letter to write, put a “?”

Place emphasis.

Was it easy to determine which letter to write at the end of nouns? (children's guess)

Which words did not have any difficulty ending? Why? (Arm, shoulder, chest. In these words the ending is stressed, we clearly hear the sound.)

In which words did you have doubts about the spelling of endings? Why? (Barrel, sky, wool. The endings are unstressed; in place of an unstressed vowel sound when writing there is a danger of choosing the wrong letter)

In which cases is it easiest to make a mistake? (In the genitive, instrumental, dative and prepositional cases.)

Where else can an unstressed vowel be found? (Fundamentally)

How will you proceed? (choose a word in which the root is the same as in the one being tested, but the dangerous place has become safe)

Correctly, having recognized the letter in the test word, you need to write the same letter in the word being tested.

How can I check it at the end? Can we answer this question right away? Why? (No, we don’t know the verification rule.)

Determine the purpose of our lesson. (Learn the rule for checking unstressed case endings of nouns.)

Let's use a method of action that is already familiar to us - I check an unstressed vowel with a stressed one - to solve the spelling problem not only in the root, but also in the ending. To do this, we must follow the algorithm:

Let's read the information that is given to us in exercise 204 p. 88

Name the actions that should be performed in order to correctly solve spelling problems in unstressed endings of nouns. (-Begin f. → genus → cl. → wire word).

On the board: Head.f. Rod Skl. Prov.Sl. Finish

1. Determine the type of declination.

2. Substitute a test word of the same declension in the same form in place of the person being tested.

3.Write the same letter at the end of the word as at the end of the test.

Conclusion: The test for the unstressed ending of a noun will be a word of the same declension, in the same case as the one being tested, but with a stressed ending.

How do we proceed to solve the spelling problem at the end of nouns?

3.Working with the textbook:

T.t. 206 p.51-write out auxiliary words

4. Work on the application of an algorithm for solving spelling problems in unstressed case endings of nouns

T.t.208 p.52


On the desk...

In the notebook...

To the album...

From cups...

On a plate...

On the tablecloth...

5.. Exercise in checking unstressed case endings of nouns.

Game task: Find the endings of some words in sayings. (work in pairs) Appendix 2.

How to act correctly so as not to make a mistake in writing the unstressed case ending of nouns?

Who found it easy to complete this task and who found it difficult?

Well done! You are very attentive.

6. Differentiated work. Appendix 3

Well, we have rested and continue our work with fresh strength. Let's divide into groups. You will receive individual assignments.

1 group

2nd group

3 group

4 group

"Game "Typesetters"

(1 E, 2 I, 3 E, 4 E, 5 I, 6 I, 7 I, 8 I, 9 I, 10 E, 11 E)

7. Summing up the lesson Reflection

Who isn't afraid of unstressed vowels in case endings of nouns?

Who learned to solve the spelling problem in unstressed case endings of nouns?

How will you act if the noun has an unstressed ending? How to recognize the letters in the unstressed case endings of nouns?

Whose work in class deserves high marks? Who needs to be more active?

8. Homework

Ex. 209, similar to exercise 208, learn the algorithm.

List of used literature.

Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A., 3000 examples in the Russian language. M: AST, 2010

Kasatkina N.A. Entertaining materials for literacy and Russian language lessons in elementary school. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.

Zubareva L.V., Writing correction in the classroom. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

Annex 1.

1. What part of speech is called a noun?

a) A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions who? What?;

b) A noun is a part of a word that designates an object.

2 .What is called declination?

a) Changing nouns by case;

b) By changing nouns by gender?

3. How to determine the declension of a noun in the nominative singular case?

a) using gender and ending.

b) using a test word

4.Which group of words belongs to the 1st declension?

a) apple, lemon, tomato

b) plum, uncle, cherry.

5.Which group of words belongs to the 2nd declension?

a) window, car, friend

b) winter, spring, Saturday

6.Which group of words belongs to the 3rd declension?

a) bullfinch, day, stump

b) carrots, oven, steppe

Appendix 2

(work in pairs)

Pick a bunch of berries - you'll fill up a box. Without a primer and grammar, even a mathematician cannot learn. Drop by drop the stone wears away. The primer is a stepping stone to wisdom.

Appendix 3

1 group

1.Read and mark the spellings

It snowed in the morning. Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air. They covered the ground with a white blanket. The river was covered with thin ice. She became quiet and fell asleep, like in a fairy tale.

2. Write down the sentences, leaving “windows” in the place of spellings of weak vowels and consonants.

3. Look at the letters you need and use a different color pen to insert them into the “windows”

2nd group

1. Correct the mistakes, write down the phrases correctly.

A red tomato, a new towel, a rake fell, delicious noodles, a gray mouse, new shoes, my last name, a lot of coats.

2. Parse one of the nouns as a part of speech.

3 group

1. Complete the sentences with appropriate nouns to make a coherent story. Title it.

My brother took me and my mother for a ride on ___________ along a quiet river. Brother worked cleverly ______. White __________ and yellow _________ quietly swayed on the water. The banks of the river are buried in __________. It's good in the summer on the river!

4 group

"Game "Typesetters"

1) Word combinations with missing endings are written on the board. Solve a spelling problem, determine which vowel is missing. Write this vowel under the corresponding number.

On the branch_ of sirens_, to the theater_ for a performance_, from the life_ of girls_, from the pier_ to the village_, near the garden beds_, along the paths_ to the dachas_.

Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns

In this lesson we will learn how to avoid mistakes in spelling unstressed case endings of nouns.

Let's look at the text:

Let's look at words with highlighted endings. They all answer the question “who?” "What?" and are nouns. The vowel at the end denotes a sound in an unstressed position. The forms of the nouns are different, this tells us that they belong to different declensions. In order not to make a mistake about which letter to write in the unstressed position at the end of these nouns, you need to choose a noun in the same declension, but with a stressed ending.

There are universal helper words for each of the declensions.

For the first declension: nouns moon, earth.

For the second declension: nouns horse, window.

For the third: nouns oven, steppe.

Using these helper words, we will determine the correct spelling of the highlighted endings of the words from our text.

For example, take the word (in) circus.

1. Let's determine its declination. To do this, we put the word in the initial form (I.p., singular): what? circus. This is a 2nd declension noun.

2. Let's take an assistant word of the same declination - horse. We put it in the same form: about whom? - about the horse. The emphasis falls on the ending, where the vowel - e is clearly heard.

3.Consequently, in the word (in) circus we write the same ending as the helper word - e.

We use this approach to determine the correct spelling of unstressed endings for nouns of other declensions from the above text.

First declension nouns include the words: monkey, acrobat.

For second declension nouns the word: (in) number.

Third declension nouns include the words: (in) roles, (on) horses.

Let's select the corresponding helper words, put them in the same form and, based on their stressed ending, determine the unstressed ending we need.

To summarize the lesson, remember that spelling unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns can be difficult. In this case, unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns are checked using the stressed endings of helper words.

List of used literature:

  1. Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. – M.: BALASS, 2012.
  2. N.D. Kucherenko. Russian language tests. – M.: List, 1998.
  3. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: LLC "ITI Technologies", 2003.
  4. Russian language. Textbook for 4th grade in 2 parts / Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. – M.: BALASS, 2012. Russian language: To the secrets of our language: A textbook for 4th grade general education. institutions. In 2 parts / Soloveichik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. – Smolensk: “A
  5. Russian language lessons in 5th grade: A book for teachers: From work experience. – M.: Education, 1991.
  6. Khalikova N.V., Ledeneva V.V. Tests and tests in the Russian language. – M.: Bustard, 2001.

Topic: “Spelling unstressed case endings of singular nouns”

Lesson objectives.


consolidate the ability to recognize the signs of determining the case of nouns and spelling the case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension, based on understanding, lead children to the automatic skill of spelling unstressed case endings of nouns.

Developmental :

activation of cognitive activity through a problem situation, development of attention, visual memory, logical thinking based on exercises, promoting the development of independence, self-control and mutual control, practicing spelling vigilance.

Educational :

developing the communication skills of students, creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.

UMK : « School of Russia"

Textbook: L.M.Zelenina, T.E.Khokhlova “Russian language”, part 1

Class : 4

Lesson type: generalization and systematization of ZUN on the topic “Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in the singular.”

Tasks :

- generalize students’ knowledge about the constant and inconstant features of a noun;

Strengthen the ability to determine gender, number, case of nouns;

Improve the ability to correctly write case endings of nouns of three declensions;

Develop thinking, attention, spelling vigilance, and speech of students;

Cultivate interest in the subject, communication skills, and culture of behavior.

Equipment: textbook "Russian language", , for individual work, signal cards, support cards.

Lesson organization form.

Traditional, combined

Teaching methods used in the lesson.

Productive: partially search method.

Reproductive: illustrative (presentation) method

verbal method.

Forms of educational work.


2.In pairs


4. Differentiated.

Lesson Plan Timing

    Organizing time………………………………………………………………. 2 minutes.

    Updating knowledge……………………………………………………………… 5 min.

    A minute of penmanship………………………………………………………………………………...5 min

    Lesson topic message. Goal setting…………………………………………… 7 min

    Work on the topic of the lesson……………………………………………………………………………….. 11 min.

    Physical education lesson……………………………………………………………………… 2 min

    Consolidation on the topic of the lesson……………………………………………………………… 10 min.

    Lesson summary. Reflection…………………………………………………………… 2 min.

9.Homework……………………………………………………………………… 1 min.

Lesson flow Rationale

1. Organizational moment.

1). Greetings.

Teacher: The bell rang. Attention!

Check it out, buddy.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything in order:

Books, pen and notebook?

Have you checked? Sit down.

2). Emotional mood of students.

Teacher. Sit up straight, turn around,

And smile at each other

I am glad to see your faces and your eyes again. And I think that today’s lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you!

What would you like our lesson to be like today? What mood do you start it in? “Honk” me, please. (Children raise a card - “mood” in the form of a face)

Now let’s get ready for work - open our palms to new knowledge and say the magic phrase: I want to know a lot!

2. Updating of basic knowledge.

I have been living in this world for a long time.

I give names to all items.

I am the most representative part of speech. Almost every second word in our speech is I. I am the most independent part of speech. Adjectives are already being formed from me. Primitive man, cognizing nature, gave names to objects and phenomena, therefore I am the most ancient part of speech.

Guys, tell me, what is my name?

That's right guys, it's a noun!

What is a noun? (A noun is a part of speech that answers questions Who? What? and denotes an object)

Name the constant features of nouns. ( Gender, declension)

Name the inconstant features of nouns. (Number, case)

So, today in class we will pay special attention to which part of speech? (to a noun) But we’ll find out the topic of our lesson a little later.

How will we work to make the lesson successful?

(Children’s answers: together, amicably, help, listen to each other and the teacher, be attentive, etc.)

Guys, I suggest you work under the motto:

“Put your heart and soul into your work, slide 3

Cherish every second of your work.”

I think we will make many interesting discoveries. Do you agree?

3. A minute of penmanship

Let's start with correcting our handwriting.

(Finger gymnastics)

Our fingers pressed tightly together.

What's happened? Interesting!

Apparently they felt cold.

We will cover them with a blanket.

(Children massage their hands.)

Open your notebooks, write down the number, great job. Before writing down the number, let's spell it out

Today in penmanship we will remember ways to connect letters O.

Write down the line with the letter, pay attention to the connection of the letters ORO

Read it.

One hundred and forty and one hundred and forty are two hundred and forty.

Is this statement true? (Children's answers)

Why didn’t you immediately guess what it was about and read it incorrectly? (Because without placing the emphasis, it was not clear what the word “forty” means; the words have different meanings, are read differently, but are written the same) Write this statement beautifully in your notebook.

4. Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting goals.

We have just seen that in the Russian language there are words that are so similar to each other that they can be confused. Some look the same in writing, but are read differently. Depending on the pronunciation, the meaning of the word and the entire statement changes. Others read the same, but are spelled differently. What are these words? (Words with an unstressed vowel)

Where can you find an unstressed vowel? (Fundamentally)

How will you proceed? ( choose a word in which the root is the same as in the one being tested, but the dangerous place has become safe)

Correctly, having recognized the letter in the test word, you need to write the same letter in the word being tested.

How can I check it at the end? Can we answer this question right away? Why? ( No, we don’t know the verification rule.)


Let's bring up the topic of the lesson.

Today we will find cases in speech when not only whole words, but also parts of words are similar to each other. What parts of the word do you know? Which part of the word is mutable? And our work will be related to the spelling of unstressed endings of singular nouns

We will remember and summarize everything we know about the spelling of the endings of nouns.

Determine the purpose of our lesson. (Learn the rule for checking unstressed case endings of nouns.)

Let's use the method of action already familiar to us - I check the unstressed vowel with a stressed one - for solutions spelling task not only at the root, but also at the end. To do this, we must follow the algorithm:

Slide 6.-8

Conclusion: The test for the unstressed ending of a noun will be a word of the same declension, in the same case as the one being tested, but with a stressed ending.

How do we proceed to solve the spelling problem at the end of nouns? And magic words will help us with this. What do assistants mean and why are they magical?

3.Working with the textbook: Let's compare the acquired knowledge with the rule in the textbook. ( Children read the rule and compare their conclusions with it).

5. Work on the topic of the lesson Consolidating knowledge about declensions and cases.

5.1. Practicing the ability to determine the declension of nouns.

Slide 9

What endings do nouns have in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declensions?

1 cl. - f.r. and m.r. - -and I

2 cl. – m.r. – zero, s.r. - -o, -e

3 cl. – f.r. –zero.

Determine the declension of nouns (signal cards).

Fox, uncle – 1 cl.

Tree, cat -2 sk.

Horse, rye -3 class.

Name the case questions of nouns (in unison).

Slide 10

Decline the word in chorus fox . (Checking is carried out in the process using slides) -

Slide No. 11

Arrange the words in columns according to declination

Road team notebook

Library area distance

Crow passenger mouse

5.2. Practicing the ability to inflect nouns by case.

Decline one noun from each column

Name the nouns that you wrote in 1 column (1 declension). To the second column (2nd declension) to the third column (third declension)

Was it easy to determine which letter to write at the end of nouns? (children's guess)

Which words did not have any difficulty ending? Why In these words the ending is stressed, we clearly hear the sound.)

In which words did you have doubts about the spelling of endings? Why? The endings are unstressed, in place of an unstressed vowel sound when writing there is a danger of choosing the wrong letter)

6. Physical exercise.

Now guys, stand up, I’ll tell you nouns. If I name a noun of the 1st declension, you raise your hands up, the second - your arms to the sides, the third - clap your hands.

7. Consolidation of knowledge on the topic.

Practicing the ability to correctly write unstressed endings.

Guys, tell me the last month of autumn. (november)

This month, the last leaves fall from the trees and the first snowflakes swirl in the air. The endings of nouns that were scattered by a strong wind are written on these leaves and snowflakes. You need to find the lost ending and prove that it was this ending that was lost. (On the screen of phrases)

play on the playground...

on the edge of the village...

about my hometown...

near the edge...

beloved mother...

2) Work with cards

Card No. 1.

Find errors. Prove you're right.

I lay on the bed, thought about the writer, sat on the branches, old age pension, clothes for the fall, near the path, gave it to my mother, burned with the cold, sailed along the Volga.

Card No. 2.

Fill in the missing endings. Indicate the declension and case of the noun.

Lying on the bed.., thinking about the writer.., sitting on a branch.., pension for the elders.., clothes for autumn.., near the paths.., gave to mom.., burned by the cold.., sailed along the Volga.. .

Card number 3.

Highlight the endings of nouns. Indicate the declension and case of nouns.

I lay on the bed, thought about the writer, sat on a branch, old age pension, clothes for autumn, near the path, gave it to my mother, burned with cold, sailed along the Volga.

(Students take turns naming endings and determining case)

What words do we call support words?

-Nouns of the same declension with stressed endings: fox, steppe, etc.

Check your spelling using key words.

Working with the textbook p. 108 ex. 81

8. Lesson summary. Reflection. Grading.

- Guys, what topic of the lesson did we work on today, what did we repeat?

Who isn't afraid of unstressed vowels in case endings of nouns?

Who learned to solve the spelling problem in unstressed case endings of nouns?

How will you act if the noun has an unstressed ending? How to recognize the letters in the unstressed case endings of nouns?

- Who feels confident? Who else needs support cards?

And today I want to give the following marks in class...

Guys, you have smiley faces on your tables. I will ask everyone to do this kind of work. If you understood everything during the lesson, circle the top smiley face with a red pencil; if you understand, but need more help, then circle the middle smiley face with a blue pencil, but if you didn’t understand anything at all, then the bottom smiley face with a blue pencil.


Page 110 exercise 85

A clear start to the lesson disciplines children and gives them a psychological attitude towards their academic work.

Getting the kids ready to work.

It is carried out to control the assimilation of the material covered.

A frontal survey allows you to identify the degree of assimilation of the material covered.

I develop fine motor skills of my fingers and prepare my hands for writing.

The use of penmanship in the classroom contributes to the aesthetic education of the student, the development of accuracy, concentration, and diligent performance of work. I differentiate this type of work, since the small muscle muscles of the arms are unequally developed.

I watch the landing when writing, I take care of the health of the children.

At this stage of the lesson, students themselves learn to set themselves the objectives of the lesson and formulate them correctly.

I continue to develop the ability to work independently

I determine the degree of mastery of the material

I relieve fatigue and develop attention.

I use forward learning.

Motivation for success.

Homework is given differently in terms of volume and degree of difficulty.

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