Written works on literature. Poems and songs about the Great Patriotic War

Today, priority in education is given to spiritual and moral education, which should become the most important component of pedagogical activity. A modern school, as stated, must identify and actively realize the educational potential of all educational areas and subjects. Thus, philological education has a special potential in the spiritual and moral education of the individual, the development of his moral qualities, civic consciousness, communication abilities, emotional and value-based attitude to the world around him, and aesthetic culture. The subjects of this cycle provide schoolchildren with examples of moral behavior, manifestations of the spiritual culture of the individual, and expand the positive social experience of children and adolescents.

The subject “Literature” occupies a special place in this series. By mastering the riches of language, a person improves his general culture and becomes aesthetically more demanding and mature. The word, as the most important means of communication, contributes to the formation and strengthening of views and beliefs, and has a huge impact on the development of character, education of feelings, development of thinking and speech of schoolchildren. In the methodology of teaching literature, speech development is understood as “moving forward in mastering coherent speech, in mastering the ability to create certain texts, certain speech works” (T.A. Ladyzhenskaya).

Let us dwell on one of the important aspects of speech development - mastering written speech skills.

Essays not only develop the skills of competent written speech, but also educate children, shape their views and tastes, and provide an opportunity to express what worries and worries them. Work on essays should be carried out in a certain system, since it is the systematic approach to improving students’ written speech, constant attention to the formation of children’s speech skills that will encourage schoolchildren to take words, their own speech and the speech of others more seriously. Many scientists offer a system for developing written speech: TA. Ladyzhenskaya, T.F. Kurdyumova, E.I. Nikitina, Z.N. Kudin and G.N. Novlyanskaya et al.

Analyzing the research of different authors, I would like to see the approach that is most acceptable for children, that is, it maximizes the creative abilities of students, helps the development of aesthetic taste, teaches not only to think about important moral and spiritual values, but also promotes a deep understanding of artistic work, its critical understanding.

No one doubts the need for a system in teaching essays. But this issue is resolved in different ways. Some believe that the system being developed should be based on the principle of diversity of essays. In other cases, when creating a system, the requirement to teach from simple to complex comes to the fore. But this requirement is implemented in different ways. For example, based on the fact that narration is easier than description, and description is easier than reasoning, the following system is outlined: essays of a narrative nature; essays of a descriptive nature; essays-reasonings.

But how can one prove that description is easier than reasoning, that any narrative is easier than any description?

In order to justify the sequence of work on individual essays, it is necessary to resolve the issue of determining the criteria for their complexity. The methodology does not answer this question. The system of written work in the 5th grade, proposed by T.F. Kurdyumova, V.L. Korovina, rather, contributes to the teaching of general educational skills. It includes: a written retelling, a short answer to a question, an essay on a picture, drawing up a plan, a story about a hero. The approach of E.I. deserves attention. Nikitina. She suggests studying the connection of sentences in the text, types and styles of speech, and only then writing essays of different types. But the developments of E.I. Nikitina are actively used in the Russian language course. In my opinion, the TA approach is interesting. Ladyzhenskaya. Speaking about the system, she does not mean the order of work on one essay, but such a sequence of teaching essays as a whole, which provides for the development of certain skills of coherent speech in students. These are the following skills." the ability to comprehend a topic; subordinate your essay to a specific thought; collect material and systematize it; competently express your thoughts; edit what you have written.

But working on essays is not only about skills, although they are required. This is also a whole complex of educational tasks. Is there such a system that will allow us to combine the three components of the educational process: skills training, educational and developmental aspects. The optimal approach, in my opinion, was found by doctors of psychological sciences T.N. Kudina and Z.N. Novlyanskaya. Let's consider the system of creative works proposed by these scientists.

The authors of the program offer three types of written work for mastering in the 5th grade. This is a detailed literary critical statement, independent journalistic creativity and the creation of an artistic image.

The “author-artist” tries to create an artistic image in accordance with the law of expressiveness of the artistic form. Artistic creativity is necessary, first of all, for the child himself to develop the imagination, emotional and aesthetic sphere, to master speech as a means of transmitting thoughts, feelings, and the inner world of a person. Own artistic creativity is a condition for the development of a child as a reader. “From a small writer to a big reader” - this is how M.A. aphoristically formulated this principle. Rybnikov.

One of the most important types of work is based on observation of reality, phenomena and objects of the surrounding life: peering, listening, identifying characteristic signs (looking at autumn leaves, heads of cabbage, the view outside the window). Such observation develops a vision of the concrete sensory appearance of the world.

The “author-publicist” reflects on life. While little life experience poses quite complex problems for the child, such work allows one to develop an important quality of a publicist - the ability to express one’s own position, personal interest and bias. It gives children the opportunity to express their opinion, helps them develop it, realize it and deepen it, develops interest in the inner world of their peers, in the point of view of others. Children's journalistic writings must be discussed from the point of view of comparing different views on the same problem. Such lessons are aimed at developing a worldview.

The “author-critic” observes the literary text. Peering, listening, seeing the concrete world occurs in the process of accentuated reading of the text. This work of the reader, comprehending the author's point of view, precedes individual written work. The text acts as an example of a certain life situation: the hero, his character, and actions are discussed. And this process of discussion affects the moral development of children.

All three types of essays must be completed at a certain frequency. Be sure to follow each essay lesson with a lesson in analysis and discussion of essays. Such work contributes to the development of authorship.

When performing creative work, according to T.N. Kudina and Z.N. Novlyanskaya, literacy cannot be assessed. This corresponds to the psychological laws of creativity: a child cannot handle several different and complex tasks at the same time. Literacy assessment kills creativity.

This lesson system fits organically into the work of the program edited by A.G. Kutuzov, which offers lessons in the “Creative Workshop” series. Moreover, the teacher is given the right to choose exercises that are effective for students from a rich methodological arsenal of creative tasks. The only condition that must be taken into account is the ability of students to perform written work of various genres.

The study of literature in the 5th grade begins with folklore. At the end of studying the topic, you can offer children the essays “My favorite fairy tale”, “My favorite fairy-tale hero”. This is the first experience of literary critical expression, as children will have to analyze the text and express their attitude towards it.

The “Spiritual Literature” section allows you to include works of a journalistic nature. Various topics can be proposed that make you think about man’s place in this world, about good and evil, about justice.

The “Creative Workshop” at the end of studying the “Literary Fairy Tale” section can be used by the teacher to create an artistic image for children. This can be an essay on behalf of any magical object or about any magical object, for example, “The Magic Shoe”, “The Path to the Far Away Kingdom”, “Apple”, etc.

Thus, in the first half of the year, the children try to master all three types of essays.

After each lesson on speech development, a lesson on discussing work is required. In these lessons, the child develops both as an author and as a reader. This is achieved primarily by the fact that what is being discussed is not a writer who has reached the heights of mastery, but a peer who has the right to make mistakes. You can directly contact him with a question, compare the idea and the result. And the author himself can take into account the comments of his classmates.

In the second half of the year, literature is studied by genre: epic, lyric, drama.

While studying the small epic genre - the story - you can give the children an essay-reflection “Let's talk and have mercy.” This conversation will be prompted by the story of F.M. Dostoevsky “The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree.” J. London's story “The Tale of Kish” allows us to speculate about heroism. You can practice writing reviews after studying the stories of K.G. Paustovsky, A.P. Chekhov.

Lyrics are rich material for compositions that allow you to create artistic images. After all, when analyzing a lyrical work, we turn to expressive means: epithets, metaphors, comparisons. They can be used in essays on the following topics: “The charm of a winter morning”, “Favorite corner of nature”, “Birch trees illuminated by the sun”.

The dramatic genre of literature allows the student to try himself as a screenwriter. You can propose a script on the theme “Last night in the camp”, “At the New Year’s tree”. Or you can remake any previously studied story for production on stage.

I propose an option for planning written works on literature in the 5th grade:

Program section

Essay topics

Essay type

Folklore 1. “My favorite fairy-tale hero” Criticism
2. Essays in different folklore genres: nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, fables artistic creativity
Spiritual literature 3. “Why do I live on this earth?” journalism
Literary fairy tale 4. “Apple”
5. “The path to the distant kingdom”
6. “My favorite fairy tale”
artistic creativity critic
Story 7. “Let's talk about mercy”
8. “Heroic character”
9. We compose a humorous story.
10. “What is a strong character”
11. “The attitude of the author and the reader towards Gerasim”
12. “My four-legged friend”

13. My favorite place on earth”

journalism journalism artistic creativity
journalism journalism
Lyrics 14. “The charm of a winter morning”
15. “Light steps of spring”
16. We write poems about our native nature
artistic creativity
Drama 17. “Last night at camp” artistic creativity

During the school year, the teacher plans 17 essay lessons. After each essay, a lesson is required in which a discussion of the work is organized. In my opinion, if you teach children the method of diagnostic and corrective work on the causes of errors, then the child will learn to see their mistakes, understand their causes, and competently organize work to eliminate errors, which will ultimately allow them to become more independent in the educational process.

A new approach to teaching essays obliges us to build the methodology of such lessons in a new way. What is the essence of this technique?

Z.N. Novlyanskaya and G.N. Kudina work under developmental training programs. This means that the student is the subject of educational activity. The teacher’s task is to create such conditions that during each lesson educational activities are formed that transform the child into a subject interested in self-development. Any facet of knowledge acquired at this level is the result of the students’ own activities. A developing lesson is a necessary form of life itself. Practice shows that a child masters the methods of working on these types of essays unevenly. How can you help a student understand a particular type of essay? I tried different options for work.

First option.

  1. Developing criteria for evaluating creative work.
  2. Children write a draft essay. At the request of the students, the draft can be viewed and corrected by the teacher.
  3. Writing a final version of the essay.
  4. Self-assessment of the essay according to the developed criteria.
  5. Teacher performance assessment.

Second option.

  1. Writing work by children without prior discussion.
  2. Discussion of written works, development of evaluation criteria.
  3. Analysis of classmates’ work according to developed criteria.
  4. Analysis of own works.
  5. Writing a second version of the essay, expanded and edited.
  6. Self-assessment of essays.
  7. Teacher assessment of essays.

In my opinion, the second option is more interesting and productive. After all, here the child understands his difficulties more deeply. He is helped by a lesson discussing essays, where he sees not only the opinion of one student about his work, but also receives a comprehensive analysis of his work according to criteria developed jointly in the process of discussing the work. Having seen his mistakes and understood their reasons, the child does not worry, since he has the opportunity to correct his work taking into account the suggestions of the children. Only after this the work goes to the teacher.

There is also third option work - when children discuss each other's essays in groups according to pre-developed criteria. This discussion allows them to correct their work, get recommendations from their peers, and work on their essay again. This option is good because the teacher’s role is reduced only to the correct organization of such lessons. The children do the rest themselves. This provides an opportunity to work on important activities such as monitoring and evaluation.

It seems to me that such work is useful for all literature teachers, since it allows them to achieve better results in their work on essays. But we must not forget that teaching essays, developing the emotional, moral and spiritual qualities of an individual is a complex and lengthy process. It will take more than one year of systematic work for a child to show his maturity through essays, so that his works are distinguished by a unique handwriting, depth of thinking, harmony of composition, culture of speech and emotional tone of the narrative.

Test questions and assignments

for written work

on a literary topic

in grades 5-8

It is important that tests in primary school identify the main areas of literary development: erudition and literary horizons, the ability to analyze and interpret text, the level of development of oral and written speech. In addition, in grades 5-8, a system of gradually more complex problematic questions for written work is needed. If learning to answer questions began already in the 5th grade, then this will subsequently help prepare for Part C of the Unified State Exam in literature. The traditional set of three topics must be compiled so that they are of varying degrees of complexity: for minimal, medium and high levels of training. Of course, students are free to choose any question, but should understand that producing a written statement on a more difficult topic will lead to a higher grade. Minimum level students can get a good grade on any question if they work independently and show interesting observations about the text.

When analyzing tables 3-6, you can see that the questions vary in degree of complexity in each horizontal. Thus, questions for the minimum level are focused on reproductive cognitive activity, mainly on retelling. Questions for the intermediate level are more difficult, as they require the ability to argue your opinions, prove your point of view, and also compare and contrast the characters of one or more works. Questions for high-level students reveal the ability to compare similar works and reason on moral and psychological topics within the framework of their age. Questions for each level also become more difficult throughout the year.


Questions for written work in 5th grade








fairy tales

Who is my favorite Russian folk tale hero?

Why does good always triumph over evil in Russian folk tales?

A. S. Pushkin. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights

What is the superiority of the princess over the queen in Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?

What helped Prince Elisha in his search for a bride in Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”?

What are the similarities and differences between the fairy tale “The Sleeping Princess” by Zhukovsky and “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by Pushkin?

I. S. Turgenev. Mu Mu

What does Turgenev glorify in the image of Gerasim? (Based on the story "Mumu".)

What are Gerasim's friends and enemies? (Based on Turgenev’s story “Mumu.”)

What is the lady’s fault and what is her misfortune? (Based on Turgenev’s story “Mumu.”)

L. N. Tolstoy.



Who helps Zhilin in captivity and how?

Why do Zhilin and Kostylin have different destinies?

V. G. Korolenko. In bad company

Why did Vasya become friends with Valek and Marusya?

How did Vasya and his father move from hostility to understanding?

What are the similarities and differences in the destinies of Tyburtius and the judge?

H. K. Andersen. The Snow Queen

How did Gerda fight against the Snow Queen?

What actions of the heroes of Andersen's fairy tales do I consider noble?

What did Andersen dream about in his fairy tales?

Table 4

Questions for written work in 6th grade

Program section




Folklore. Old Russian literature

How are folk ideas about the structure of the world reflected in myths?

How were folk ideals and historical events reflected in Russian chronicles?

What is the beauty and wisdom of Russian rituals?

Lyrics by A. S. Pushkin

What does Pushkin admire in the poem “Winter Morning”?

What “good feelings” did Pushkin awaken with his poems?

What are the similarities and differences between Pushkin’s poems and the poets of Pushkin’s time (using the example of 2-3 poems)?

A. S. Pushkin. Dubrovsky

What is the reason for the conflict between Kirila Troekurov and Andrei Dubrovsky?

N.V. Gogol. Christmas Eve

With what feelings does Gogol paint pictures of nature and folk life in the story “The Night Before Christmas”?

Why did Vakula and Oksana fall in love with each other? (Based on Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas.”)

What is the humor of Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas"?

N. A. Nekrasov.



N. S. Leskov. Lefty

How are the best qualities of the Russian people depicted in Nekrasov’s “The Railway” or in Leskov’s tale “Lefty”?

What are the similarities and differences in the depiction of the Russian man in Nekrasov’s “The Railway” and Leskov’s tale “Lefty”?

What are the features of the composition and language of Nekrasov’s poem “The Railway” and Leskov’s tale “Lefty”?

M. M. Prishvin. Pantry of the sun

How is nature depicted in Prishvin’s fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun”?

What are the similarities and differences in the characters of Mitrasha and Nastya?

(According to Prishvin’s fairy tale, “The Pantry of the Sun.”)

How do the writer’s thoughts about man appear in Prishvin’s fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun”?

V. P. Astafiev. Horse with a pink mane. V. G. Rasputin. French lessons

How were the difficulties of the post-war period reflected in the works of Astafiev and Rasputin?

What is the moral choice of my peer in the works of Astafiev and Rasputin?

What is the role of speech characteristics in creating images of heroes in the works of Astafiev and Rasputin?

In the 6th grade, schoolchildren with a high level of literary development should be able to compare the works of different authors and make elementary generalizations (“How are the best qualities of the Russian people depicted in N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Railway 11” and N. S. Leskov’s tale “Lefty 11?” ), identify the meaning of the speech characteristics of the characters (“What is the role of speech characteristics in creating the images of the heroes of V. P. Astafiev’s story “A Horse with a Pink Mane 11?”), talk about moral and psychological problems (“What is the moral choice of my peer in the works of V. P. Astafiev and V. G. Rasputin?”).


Questions for written work in 7th grade


Levels of literary development of students



Old Russian


What are the moral ideals and covenants of Ancient Rus'?

What are the artistic features of Russian epics?

What is the role of ancient Russian literature for the 21st century reader?

A. S. Pushkin. Poltava (excerpt). Bronze Horseman (excerpt). Belkin's stories

Why does Pushkin glorify the actions of Peter I? (Based on excerpts from “Poltava” and “The Bronze Horseman”.)

How is the history of Russia shown in Pushkin’s works?

How is Pushkin’s humanism manifested in “Belkin’s Tales”?

N.V. Gogol. Taras Bulba

What is the meaning of contrasting the images of Ostap and Andriy?

What is the role of pictures of nature in understanding human characters?

N. A. Nekrasov.

What is the historical basis of Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women”?

What, according to Nekrasov, is the greatness of the spirit of a Russian woman?

What is the role of the episode - “Meeting of Princess Trubetskoy with the Governor of Irkutsk”?

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

How is peasant and landowner Russia depicted in the tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin?

Why does Saltykov-Shchedrin depict the “masters of life” and social vices satirically?

Are the endings of Saltykov-Shchedrin's fairy tales funny or sad?



Levels of literary development of students


L. N. Tolstoy. Childhood.

I. A. Bunin. Stories

How do Tolstoy and Bunin depict the “golden time of childhood”?

What is the complexity of the relationship between children and adults in the works of Tolstoy and Bunin?

How do Tolstoy and Bunin depict the spiritual world of a teenager?

Works by M. Gorky,

V.V. Mayakovsky,

L. N. Andreeva, A. P. Platonova

How did the heroes of Gorky’s story “Childhood” overcome the “leaden abominations of life”?

Why do Mayakovsky, Andreev and Platonov call for sympathy for all living things?

Do we need empathy and compassion in life?

(Based on the works of writers of the 20th century.)

Poems by poets of the 20th century

How are the Motherland and nature depicted in Russian lyric poetry of the 20th century?

What are the features of the perception of the natural world in the lyrics of Yesenin and Rubtsov?

What is your perception, interpretation, assessment of the 20th century poet’s poem about the Motherland and nature?

Seventh graders They no longer just answer questions in writing, but learn to create statements of a problematic nature, which become more complex over the course of the year. These are the topics: “What is the role of ancient Russian literature for the reader of the 21st century?”, “How is the history of Russia shown in the works of Pushkin?” (based on fragments from the works “Poltava”, “The Bronze Horseman”). Schoolchildren should be able to make a comparative description: “What is the meaning of contrasting the images of Ostap and Andriy?” (Based on N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”), identify the role of the landscape: “What is the role of pictures of nature in understanding human characters?”, determine the author’s position: “What is the author’s assessment of the image of Taras Bulba?”

In the 7th grade, targeted training begins in the analysis of a fragment of an epic work: “What is the role of the episode

“Meeting of Princess Trubetskoy with the Governor of Irkutsk**?” (Based on Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women”) and the lyric poem: “What is your perception, interpretation and assessment of the 20th century poet’s poem about the Motherland and nature?” The most difficult at the end of the school year will be written work, where it is necessary to compare the works of different authors on a common topic (“How do Tolstoy and Bunin depict the spiritual world of a teenager?”), discuss moral and ethical topics: “Are empathy and compassion needed in life?” (Based on the works of Gorky, Mayakovsky, Andreev, Platonov). Creative works based on literary models are also possible, for example, an essay in the style of epics, teachings, odes, ballads, poems, satirical tales, songs, haiku, prose poems.


Questions for written work in 8th grade


Levels of literary development of students




Folklore. Old Russian and hagiographic literature. 18th century literature

How was the life of the people reflected in folklore and ancient Russian literature?

What is the historical basis of the works of Russian writers of the 18th century?

How are people and history shown in folklore, ancient Russian literature and literature of the 18th century?

(At students' choice.)

A. S. Pushkin.



What is the meaning of the epigraph to the novel “The Captain's Daughter”?

What is the role of the episode of the first meeting between Grinev and Pugachev?

How is the theme of the “Russian revolt” revealed in the novel “The Captain's Daughter”?

M. Yu. Lermontov.


Why was the fate of Mtsyri so tragic?

What is the role of the episode “Fight with the Leopard” in the poem “Mtsyri”?

What moral values ​​does Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” affirm?

N.V. Gogol. Auditor

Why did Gogol want to “make fun of everything bad in Russia”?

What is the role of the lying scene in the comedy “The Inspector General”?

Why does Gogol end the comedy “The Inspector General” with a silent scene?

N. A. Nekrasov.



What moral values ​​are embodied in the image of Princess Volkonskaya?

What is the historical basis of Nekrasov’s poems about the Decembrists?

What are the similarities and differences between the episodes of Princess Volkonskaya’s meeting with her husband in Nekrasov’s poem and in “Notes of Prince. Volkonskaya"?




Levels of literary development of students




M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The story of one city(excerpts).

N. S. Leskov. Old genius.

L. N. Tolstoy. After the ball

What kind of order in Russia does Saltykov-Shchedrin expose in the novel “The History of a City”?

What are the techniques for depicting the internal state of the characters in L. Tolstoy’s story “After the Ball”?

What is the image of Russia in the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, Leskov,

L. Tolstoy?

A.P. Chekhov. About love.

A. I. Kuprin. Lilac bush.

I. A. Bunin. Caucasus

How did Vera Almazova help her husband? (Based on Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush.”)

Why weren’t the heroes of Chekhov’s stories “About Love” and Bunin’s “Caucasus” happy?

What does it mean to be happy? (Based on the studied stories of Chekhov, Kuprin, Bunin.)

A. A. Blok. On the Kulikovo field.

S. A. Yesenin. Pugachev

How was the drama of Russian history reflected in Blok’s cycle of poems “On the Kulikovo Field”?

How is the leader of the uprising depicted in Yesenin’s poem “Pugachev”?

What are the similarities and differences in the depiction of Pugachev in folklore, Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter” and Yesenin’s “Pugachev*?”

A. T. Tvardovsky.



A. P. Platonov.


B. P. Astafiev. A photo in which I am not.

Poems and songs about the Great Patriotic War

What are the best qualities of the Russian people embodied in the image of Vasily Terkin?

What is the humanism and optimism of poems and songs about the Great Patriotic War? (Using 2-3 poems and songs as an example.)

What are the features of the depiction of wartime in the works of Tvardovsky, Platonov, Astafiev?

The level of difficulty in completing written work at the beginning of 8th grade will be chosen by the students themselves (“How are people and history shown in folklore, ancient Russian literature and literature of the 18th century?”). Students are invited to select the literary material that they will research: folk songs, legends, hagiographic literature, works by N. M. Karamzin or I. A. Krylov.

The work of teaching analysis of an episode, which is also chosen by the schoolchildren themselves, is being improved and complicated. In the 8th grade, they learn to analyze not only a fragment of an epic work (“What is the role of the episode of the first meeting of Grinev and Pugachev in A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter?”), but also a lyric epic (“What is the role of the episode “Fight with the Leopard” in the poem “Mtsyri”?) or dramatic (“What is the role of the lying scene in the comedy “The Inspector General”?”). For advanced-level students, the work can be complicated and a comparative analysis offered (“What are the similarities and differences between the episodes of Princess Volkonskaya’s meeting with her husband in the poem). Nekrasov and in “Notes of Prince Volkonskaya?”).

The most difficult will be written works of a generalizing nature, which teach to perceive the work in the context of a literary era, and the level of complexity can be determined by the schoolchildren themselves by choosing for analysis one, two or several works united by a common theme (“What is the appearance of Russia in the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin, Leskov , L. Tolstoy?").

A high level of complexity can also be set in written discussions of a moral and ethical nature on the topic “What does it mean to be happy?” (based on the stories “About Love”

A. P. Chekhov, “Caucasus” by I. A. Bunin, “Lilac Bush” by A. I. Kuprin). Students will choose how many works they can analyze, remembering that in working on several works it is necessary to show the ability to compare, identifying the general and the special (“What are the features of the depiction of wartime in the works of Tvardovsky, Platonov, Astafiev?”).

Eighth-graders with a high level of literary development need to understand that in every literary era, an image that has the same prototype is perceived differently by both the author and readers (“What are the similarities and differences in the depiction of Pugachev in folklore, the works of Pushkin and Yesenin?” ).

Thus, in grades 5-8, the ability to create written statements on a literary topic should be mainly developed, and in grades 9-11 it will only be improved. The effectiveness of this work will undoubtedly increase if the check of the level of literary development is differentiated, and the topics of the work are focused on the student’s personality.



This type of work, which is directly related to composition - reasoning, fits organically into the course of the literature lesson. It is good because, firstly, it involves repeated reference to the text; secondly, it teaches you to draw independent conclusions; thirdly, it teaches you to answer the questions posed accurately and concisely.

It is useful to assign them at home, but you can take 10 - 15 minutes of the lesson to work (as a summary of the reasoning on the topic).

Possible questions:

Pisarev and Dobrolyubov about Katerina. Who is right?

To trace the path of Larisa Ogudalova from “seagull” to “thing”.

What role does the description of the landscape play in Turgenev’s “Notes of a Hunter”?

Why is there no living nature in Dostoevsky's novel?

The answer (both oral and written) should be based on the formula:

Thesis - arguments - conclusion

It must be taken into account that:

  • written work must be planned
  • written work must always be included in the process
    studying the work of a particular writer
  • These works should be subordinated to solving the main tasks
  • basic principles: continuity, complexity and regularity.


Many students experience difficulties when working on an essay, primarily because they do not understand the sequence of actions and cannot distinguish the main from the secondary. You need to know the ALGORITHM FOR WORKING ON AN ESSAY, which every student must learn, bringing the implementation of its individual components to automaticity:

  • Selecting a topic. You should be guided by: knowledge of the work, pony
    mania for the formulation of the topic, experience in writing similar essays.
  • Thinking about the topic. It is necessary to find a keyword in the formulated topic. You need to decide WHAT the essay will be about. Wherein
    firmly understand: every word of the topic is a LAW!
  • Determining the genre of the essay.
  • Definition of the idea (main direction). To do this you need:
  • find the question contained in the topic;
  • determine possible ways (directions) of revealing the topic;
  • determine one direction for yourself;
  • stipulate this direction in the introduction

Selection of material.

Important: write everything down at the beginning of work. what is relevant to the topic, because it is easier to cross out what is unnecessary than to painfully search for the right word, phrase, or search for the necessary fragment of text.

■ Making a plan:

The plan is the milestones on the way to revealing the topic (which can be depicted graphically);

The plan does not ask, but answers! Each point of the plan should suggest WHAT and HOW to write

Writing Editing

Work plan for the essay:


They may assume an analysis of the writer’s work with a certain goal setting: “His enemy was vulgarity” (According to the work of Chekhov), "Nekrasov - singer of folk life"

May involve analysis of the work as a whole:“The meaning of the title of Bulgakov’s story “Heart of a Dog.”

Dedicated to a literary hero:“Love of a Nihilist” “Oblomov’s Eternal Dream”

Requires comparison based on general criteria for assessing facts,
events, phenomena. Or comparisons of mutually exclusive views,
social and moral positions. This also includes characteristics of a group of characters:“Stolz and Bazarov” “Superfluous people” in Russian literature”

They assume an analysis of the artistic form of the work:

“Composition of Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”

Requires disclosure of social - and ideological - moral issues
artwork:“Hero and era in the comedy “Woe from Wit”; "Petersburg in Dostoevsky's novel"

First of all, the teacher needs to know this classification in order to offer diverse topics to students.

It is extremely important to teach students to understand the nuances in the formulation of topics, to see what is common and different in topics that are similar in appearance. For this purpose, it is proposed to write down the sum of the terms of a particular topic (a kind of plan). For example:

“The depiction of the war of 1812 in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”: the heroism of the Russian army + the partisan movement + the actions of the French + the general course of events + Tolstoy’s subjectivism.

“People's thought in Tolstoy's novel “War and Peace”: the heroism of the Russian army + the partisan movement + the general course of events + Platon Karataev.

“Patriotism of the Russian people in Tolstoy’s novel”: the heroism of the Russian army + the partisan movement + the author’s attitude towards the people.

“Patriotism in Tolstoy’s novel”: patriotism of the people + Kutuzov +

the best representatives of the nobility + false patriotism.

You can compare two similar sounding topics. You can also give the following task: write an annotation on one of the topics (i.e., convey its summary).

A correctly understood topic is the first step to success!

So, the topics are given, and one of them is selected. By the way, the student should take into account the peculiarities of his individual style and even character traits: a slow student should not take on a broad topic - he will not have time. A philosopher will be suited to a topic replete with reasoning, while a polemicist will be successful in arguing. Let the guys understand: the topic must be chosen in such a way as to show oneself from the best side.

2. Next stage -thinking about the topic. To think about a topic means to understand WHAT you will write about; This means weighing, analyzing every word in its formulation and finding the main, key word.

The following exercises are possible: find a keyword in the proposed topic and motivate the choice. About the “Historical significance of Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan”


About “Irony in Chekhov’s story “Ionych” About “Raskolnikov and his doubles in Dostoevsky’s novel”

About “Dialectics of the soul in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy”

About “My attitude to I. Bunin’s prose”

About “The Theme of Creativity in the Lyrics of B. Pasternak”

The main idea can be clear already from the wording of the topic (“Sad time, the charm of the eyes!..”). But most often the topic requires several approaches, several options for its disclosure. In this case, the idea must be defined and named. In general, the student should know that finding the main idea is an ambiguous process, because Almost every topic can be covered in one way or another.

It is important to limit yourself to one direction, which will make the essay more specific and facilitate the disclosure of the topic.

Defining an idea is also an individual process, it depends onthe student’s personality, the degree of his development. You can suggest one way or another, but you cannot impose your opinion!

Example exercise: determine the idea of ​​the essay “The Theme of the Motherland in Lermontov’s Lyrics.” The following options are possible:

About responsibility to the Motherland

About the responsibility of the Motherland to its children

The poet teaches us to love our Motherland both in joy and in sorrow

Pride in the past, doubts about the future of Russia

4. Having defined the idea, we can determine GENRE essay.


It should be built on resolving the contradiction, the conflict stated in the topic. REASONING is like a kind of court, a personal assessment by the author of a particular problem and ways to resolve it. This essay must comply with the formula thesis - arguments - conclusion.


Usually - about the title of the work. We begin with oral reflections, which give us an idea of ​​how the student understood the meaning of the work and the essence of the problems.

This kind of work is possible. Remember all the lexical units associated with the phrase “fathers and sons” and write them down: who? what does he do? what are you interested in? what's the fate? Take the answers from the text of the novel. Then - a miniature essay on the topic “Does the union of both fathers and children in Turgenev’s novel unite or separate?”

Such mini-essays should be given as often as possible. And after them - the final essay

For successful reasoning and reflection, it is necessary to understand the features of the writer’s style and language, so that high society does not “hang out” at Scherer’s “party”, and Pelageya Nilovna Vlasova does not become a “shuttle” after the arrest of her son. Collections of quotes are very helpful in this work. And it is obligatory - commented reading of the text in class, comparing it with previously studied works. Then the INTO-NATION will be heard. Dostoevsky's intonation is not similar to Tolstoy's. Why? How is the grammatical structure different? Syntax? Why do Dostoevsky often have verbs “running” before nouns?

Another exercise: “Bunin’s prose is...” (then students write down words and phrases related to the perception of Bunin).


This is another type of essay - reasoning, quite complex work, as it requires not only excellent knowledge of the material, but also the ability to analyze and compare. A simple characteristic is possible, i.e. revealing the characteristics and character traits of one character. Or a comparative characteristic, and students should know that this is not the sum of two characteristics, but a comparison or contrast.

I would like to dwell on the possible forms of student essays. It could be:


A very interesting form that gives complete freedom of expression. You can read about this in detail in the newspaper Literature, No. 31-1997, page 14. I will just say the following. It is better to start working on this type of essay with a letter based on your own, free

worldview. It begins with the address: “Hello, dear friend!” Then the following continuation is possible, containing a kind of plan for further reasoning: “You wanted to know how I live, what I dream about, what I’ve been reading lately. I’ll try to write to you about this.”

It is clear that the student needs to know the work, understand the features of the writer’s style, and somehow tune in to the same wavelength with him and his characters. The development of essay writing skills is facilitated, for example, by the following task: evaluate the beginning of Semyon Davydov’s letter to St. Petersburg friends: “Hello, my dears! Fate brought me to Gremyachiy Log - a wonderful place and remarkable to many. What nature is here! I especially love watching the sunrise in the steppe...!”


This form is suitable only for particularly attentive and inquisitive readers. My students (not all, of course) wrote “Bazarov’s Diary”, “Oblomov’s Diary”, “Rodion Raskolnikov’s Diary”. The writer's style, the characteristics of the character's speech, orientation in the time boundaries of the work - this is what the author of this essay needs to know.

5. Let's return to the sequence of work on the essay. Next stage -SELECTION OF MATERIAL. In school exams, this stage should take at least 30 minutes.

Our students must understand that the selection of material must be PURPOSE, that is, everything must be subordinated to the main thought (idea, direction) of the essay. What material is needed? These may be necessary dialogues, characterizations, episodes. Let me explain what I said with a specific example. The theme of the essay is: “Is it possible to awaken Oblomov to an active life?” To reveal it, we need to use the following fragments of Goncharov’s novel: a portrait of Oblomov + a description of his room (special attention to the robe, sofa, slippers, unkempt living conditions) + a story about Oblomovka + the hero’s St. Petersburg circle of acquaintances (his guests appearing in the first chapter of the novel) + critics' reviews of the book and its hero.

Another example. To explore the theme “Leo Tolstoy on the role of the individual in history,” we need to find the following in the novel: Tolstoy’s discussions about greatness and truth + the image of Napoleon in the perception of Tolstoy, high society, Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, French soldiers and officers on the Borodino field + image Kutuzov near Braunau, at the military council, in the Battle of Borodino + the attitude of high society towards Kutuzov in August 1812, the attitude of the main characters of the novel towards him + the image of Emperor Alexander.

If such work has been done, and the work is well known, then writing an essay that is logical and compositionally correct will become much easier.

Let me remind you once again that when writing an essay (especially an exam), EVERYTHING that you remember is written down on a draft: assessments given in class, excerpts from critical articles, quotes, your own thoughts on the essence of the question, fragments of answers in class, etc. And after drawing up a plan, you can and should cross out everything unnecessary that is not directly related to the topic, highlighting the most important things with special icons.

6 . Having selected the material, you should take up the ESSAY PLAN.

First of all, let’s “sort” the collected material, divide it into three parts: what is suitable for the introduction, what is suitable for the main part, and what is suitable for the conclusion. If the minimum volume of an essay is 3 pages, then the introduction and conclusion should be no more than a third of it.

It is known that a plan underlies any conscious human activity, but our students do not like to draw it up (or do they not know how?!). Therefore, a compromise is possible: non-standard plan options. There may be a plan - a diagram, a plan as a sum of terms (see above), etc.

But whatever form it takes, the student must know what should be characteristic of an ideal plan:

A good plan is complex and detailed. The best thing is an outline.

The wording should be clear, not asking, but answering - after all, the student does this to make his own work easier! The plan can be quotable - in whole or in part. The plan should be the quintessence of the essay, that is, it should contain both an assessment and a position. It should be a reliable framework for the essay.

In order to master the skills of drawing up a plan in practice, the following tasks are possible:

Evaluate the wording of the plan points:

Onegin's attitude to work; How Onegin relates to work; Onegin's inability to work hard.

Analyze the essay plan given by the teacher (there should be deliberate inconsistencies in it).

Write a review of the proposed plan.

Make an essay plan on one of the proposed topics.

Work through essay plans drawn up at home in class.

The children learn very well the following plan formula, already familiar to them from mathematics lessons:

I. Given (thesis).

II. Need to prove:

2. 3.

III. Which is what needs to be proven.

7. The topic has been chosen, thought through, the material has been selected, the plan has been drawn up.

Main parts of the essay:

INTRODUCTION . The following types of introductions are distinguished:

Historical. It provides a description of the corresponding era, an analysis of its socio-economic, moral, political, and cultural problems. Such an introduction can be written for an essay, for example, on the topic “Social conflicts in Dostoevsky’s novel.”

Analytical. It analyzes the main idea of ​​the essay and indicates the ways of its implementation: “The nationality of Nekrasov’s creativity”, “The problem of happiness in Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”.

Biographical. The facts of the writer's life, characteristics of his environment, the evolution of views, the history of the creation of the work, etc. are outlined: “Love and friendship in Pushkin’s lyrics”, “Tolstoy’s favorite heroes”, “Solzhenitsyn’s political indignation”, “Looking for a man” (based on romantic works Gorky), etc.

Comparative. It kind of “throws a bridge” from the 19th century to the 20th century, draws literary parallels, compares trends: “The theme of the homeland in the lyrics of Blok and Yesenin”, “Traditions of Russian satire in the works of V. Mayakovsky”

Literary criticism: “The genre of Bulgakov’s novel”, “Give an interpretation of the episode...”, “Ballad as a literary genre”, etc.

Lyrical, based on personal impressions: “My favorite hero in...”, “Why I love Pushkin’s lyrics.”

The introduction should:

■ arouse the reader’s interest in the topic

■ include the title of the work, the name of the author

■ indicate the main idea of ​​the essay (that is, the student needs to explain his understanding of the topic in the introduction)

■ lead to the main part of the essay

The introduction should not be too long. It can be volumetric in the following cases:

■ When the main thesis of the argument makes relative sense. For example: “Gogol as a writer is a realist.” (This statement has

relation only to a certain period of N.V. Gogol’s work).

■ When the topic contains concepts that require preliminary clarification:

"Bazarov as a type of Russian realist."

■ When the topic is not formulated specifically enough: “Moral

the origins of the feat in literature about war" (what kind of war are we talking about?).

It is very important that students understand: the introduction and the beginning of an essay are two different things. The beginning should be original, arousing interest both in the work and in the student’s personality. It is easy for students to learn some simple techniques that allow them to start an essay in an interesting way:

■ from a quote (from a work, from a critical article)

■ with a rhetorical question or exclamation

■ from the critic’s point of view followed by a refutation of his position

■ from a personal relationship to the work, the writer

■ from output

The following exercises are possible: Determine the type of introduction to an essay on the following topics:

“Following Radishchev, I glorified freedom.”

"Village theme in Russian literature."

“Features of the composition of Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.”

"The feat of man in war."

“The Theme of the Motherland in Lermontov’s Lyrics.” Write a historical introduction to one of the topics:

“What is the meaning of the dispute between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich?”

“What is Pechorin’s tragedy?”

Write an introduction with a transition to the main part on one of the proposed topics. Discuss entry options in class. Write a review of the introduction.

Observe how prominent Russian lawyers began their speeches; how literary critics began their articles. THE MAIN PART OF THE ESSAY.

It reveals the connection between the work and the time of its writing, the motives and behavior of the characters, the interconnection of events, and analyzes the artistic features of the work.

Polemics and clashes of opposing points of view are possible. The main thing is not to leave the topic in the heat of controversy! The arguments in the main part should be arranged like this: at the beginning and at the end - strong arguments, in the middle - weaker ones.

Since quotations are often used as arguments, the teacher should pay attention to the rules of citation, especially poetic quotations; on the rules for translating direct speech into indirect speech. There should not be too many quotes, their sizes should be insignificant, since quotes should confirm what was said and not be an end in themselves.

In the main part, the student must show himself as a thinking, knowing person. To do this, you can use introductory words (in my opinion, I think, it seems to me,...). Personal assessments of the subject of discussion are also necessary. Don't be shy about using your own experience! So one of my students began her essay “The Theme of the Motherland in Blok’s Lyrics” like this: “I am Russian. I live in Russia. ..."

In the main part, one should not be afraid of comparisons of hero with hero, works, authors, etc. This may lead to an unexpected train of thought. It is very interesting, for example, to compare a book - a film - a painting - a theatrical production - a piece of music.

Students should be introduced to such a technique as internal polemics. The author of the essay defends his point of view, going “by contradiction”, arguing with an imaginary opponent. It might look, for example, like this: “So, Raskolnikov accomplished his plan. He finally overcame his doubts. Bravo! Now all that’s left is to take the money, step over the corpse and go ahead!”

When working on an essay, you need to consider not only the content, but also the form and artistic features of the work. If the topic does not require this, a full analysis is not needed! It is enough just to pay attention to the accuracy of the author’s characterization, the author’s assessment of the image, the meaning of the epilogue, etc.

Possible exercises:

■ Make an outline of the main part of the essay

■ Select quotes for your essay

■ Prove in writing the need to include selected quotations in the work

■ Create a diagram of the arguments


The conclusion is almost similar to the introduction; the same types of conclusion are distinguished as the introduction.

Conclusion is a summary, a general conclusion. It is important to summarize what has been said. To prevent the conclusion from being too short, it may contain the following:

■ connection of the analyzed work, its characters with modernity

■ connection with personal experience

■ connection with modern literature

■ reviews about the writer and the work

Important! The introduction and conclusion should not contain information that is not related to the topic. Possible exercises:

■ write a conclusion with a transition from the main part

■ write a review of the conclusion

8. Now the essay is written. Let's start EDITING. It is useful to remember the words of Leo Tolstoy: “You must forever abandon the idea of ​​writing without corrections.” What should an essay writer pay attention to when editing?

■ Does the work correspond to the plan, main idea

■ On the logic of presentation

■ For proportionality of parts

■ Is the text divided into paragraphs correctly?

■ On spelling and correct punctuation (with this

Students should constantly pay attention to the compositional integrity of the essay, to the connection of all its parts. There are very simple ways to connect different parts of a text; you just need to familiarize students with them:

■ Rhetorical question

■ Lexical repetition

■ Pronominal and synonymous replacement of identical units

■ Use of particles, conjunctions, adverbs

Subjects of essays:


The student must know that the episode is the main structural element of the plot, and it can only be understood in the system of the entire action. An episode can play the role of a beginning and a denouement, be the main and the secondary. To interpret it, it is necessary to be able to determine its boundaries, its place in the structure of the work, in revealing the writer’s ideological intent.

When considering a single episode, you should pay attention to the elements of artistic expression, to the details and their meaning.

It is important that this essay is not replaced by an elementary retelling.


Today it is not difficult to find examples of competent, interesting analysis in teaching aids, in magazines (Literature at School, the newspaper Literature, etc.), and in new textbooks of the Russian language and literature. What is important to know to perform this type of work: the meaning of analysis is to determine the main idea of ​​the poem, its mood; understand your feelings that arose after reading - and explain HOW, with WHAT MEANS, the author achieves the desired impact.

In a good analysis, the “I” of the reader and the “I” of the poet must collide and begin to interact. Therefore, the teacher should remember: just as two people cannot perceive and experience the same phenomenon in the same way, it cannot be, there should not be, two identical works.


We should teach how to write a review starting in the 5th grade. What is a review? Let's start from semantics: response - call, echo, response, call, name, revelation... It is important to think about the sound of a word, to go from sound to meaning, because children learn to listen to the WORD. And this is the right path to educating the reader.

The review can be written in the form of a sketch, an essay, or a diary. What's important in a review? The main thing is the personal attitude captured in the word. As our students mature, feedback needs to include elements of analysis. You can read more about feedback in the book “Develop the Gift of Speech,” edited by Ladyzhenskaya.


We start with a review of the essay of our classmates. An approximate plan for such a review:

■ What is the main idea of ​​the essay and is it reflected in the introduction?

■ Observe how the central line of the topic is developed

■ Assess the necessity, success, weight of the selected arguments

■ Is there a logical connection between the parts of the essay?

■ Is the conclusion logical? Does it contain a conclusion relevant to the topic?

■ Language of the essay: imagery, brightness, emotionality, logical,

factual and speech errors

■ Conclusion: has the topic been covered?

This type of work allows young authors to think critically about what they have written.

Let's think about the word: RE - PRICE - ZIA. To review means to evaluate. A review is a critical work, i.e. analysis for the purpose of making an assessment. The general scheme of the review is as follows: WHAT is written? HOW is it written? WHY is it written?

The student must see the conflict underlying the work and understand how it is resolved, must show his agreement or disagreement with the position of the author. The review must certainly use literary terms: conflict, plot, composition, system of images, poetics, etc.

The teacher must understand that reviewing is an extremely complex genre and can only be recommended to strong students. First of all, because this review is an independent assessment of a new, not yet evaluated work.

What should be in a review?

■ Output of the work in question

■ Plot summary with conceptual analysis

■ Unusual, interesting points in the composition, the author’s style, the characters’ characters, etc. should be noted.

Like the analysis of a poem, a review is a subjective thing. After all, it is written in order to express YOUR opinion. During exams at school, students are asked to write a review of a book that has long been known and studied (which is fundamentally wrong). But this does not mean that the author of the essay should refuse to express his own opinion!

A teacher can find an example of a student review in the newspaper “Literature”, No. 10 - 1997. Entirely dedicated to consultations and No. 11 -1999 of the same newspaper.

Introduction Contents References Extract from the work

Written works on literature.

1.1. Types and functions of written works on literature
1.2. Various approaches to classifying written works in literature

2.1. Features of essays of various genres
2.2. Organization of work on an essay on literature
List of used literature

1. Belova A.V. Stages of work on an essay-argument on a literary topic (based on the material of N.V. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”). M., 1999.
2. Bogdanova O.Yu., Leonova S.A., Chertova V.F. Methods of teaching literature. School for students ped. universities / Ed. O.Yu. Bogdanova. M., 1999. http://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Literat/Bogd/index.php
3. Bogdanova O.Yu., Ovchinnikova L.V., Romanicheva E.S. Literature exam: from graduation to entrance. M., 1997.
4. Bulokhov V.Ya. Students' writing competence: monograph. Krasnoyarsk, 2007.
5. Vorozheikina T.E. How to write a good essay. Web: http: www.msses.ru/study/how-to-write-good-essay.html
6.Gorbunov A.V. Methods of teaching explanatory essay and argumentative essay based on a holistic approach. Author's abstract. ...cand. ped. Sci. Ulan-Ude, 1999. 204 With.
7. Guts E.N., Leontyeva O.A. Genre-compositional features of the Unified State Examination essay as a subject of orthological research // Genres of speech. Saratov, 2011. pp. 210-217.
8. Kolokoltsev N.V. On the basics of the content and system of classes for the development of students’ speech in connection with the study of literature at school // Development of students’ speech in literature lessons. M., 1980.
9. Ladyzhenskaya T.A. An essay on a literary theme as a speech work // Development of speech of students in grades IV-X in the process of studying literature at school. M., 1985. S. 102-103.
10.Leonov S.A. Development of students' speech in literature lessons. M., 1988.
11. Nikolaeva T.I. Teaching essays based on personal observations using local history material in the 8th grade. Author's abstract. ...cand. ped. Sci. M., 1999.
12. Neshcheret N.V. Educational essay lesson based on the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Literature at school, 2009. No. 1. P.34.
13. Ozerov Yu.A. Exam essay on a literary topic. M., 1995.
14. Development of speech of students in grades IV-X in the process of teaching literature at school. M., 1985.
15. Rybnikova M.A. Essays on the method of literary reading. M., 1985

The subject of the research is written works on literature.
The theoretical significance of this study lies in the fact that it summarizes scientific information about the specifics of the development of students' written language in literature lessons and expands the understanding of methods for organizing written work in literature lessons.
The practical significance of this study is that the research materials can be used in the practice of teaching literature.
The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a list of references.
The introduction defines the relevance of the goal, object, subject and objectives of the research, and also describes the structure of the course work.
In Chapter I - “The specifics of written work on literature in the aspect of the development of students’ written speech” are described in types of written work on literature, and also discusses various approaches to the classification of essays as the main type of written work on literature.
Chapter II - “Methodological foundations for teaching schoolchildren essays in literature” provides a description of the features of essays of various genres, as well as technologies for teaching essays in literature.
In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized.
The bibliography contains works by leading experts in the designated field of science.
In conclusion, we will draw the following conclusions.
There are different types of written works on literature: presentation, essay, review, abstract, annotation, essay, story. Of greatest interest among them are the types of written work that involve the development of students’ creative abilities. The main type of written work in literature is traditionally considered to be an essay.
The methodology offers various approaches to classifying essays on literature. According to various classifications, a distinction is made between essays on literary topics (essays related to a literature course) and essays based on personal impressions, life observations and experiences of students; essays-characteristics and essays of literary criticism; There is a classification of essays based on genre. In general, the presented classifications of essays on literary topics are quite close to each other and differ only in names and some nuances. The genre classification of works has recently been revised. Traditional types of writing are description, narration, reasoning

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