Outline of a correctional lesson for older preschoolers using multi-therapy “Dos and Don’ts. Summary of an open lesson using a cartoon on the topic "politeness lessons"

About rudeness and foul language.

Russian language lesson

Teacher Bobrysheva N.I.,

Voronezh Music College

them. Rostropovich

Goals: to realize responsibility for the current state of the Russian language; form a critical attitude towards the use of profanity.

Objectives: to introduce students to the concept of “language situation”, “linguistic culture of the individual”, to explain the concept of “profanity”, to promote the formation of civil responsibility for the state of the Russian language and one’s own speech practice.

Lesson format: round table.

In preparation for the lesson, the children conducted a survey and received assignments for the lesson.

Equipment: presentation “Profanity”, questionnaires and a fragment from the feature film “Chairman”.

During the classes.

As life is, so is speech.


A Russian is one who never forgets that he is Russian; who knows the native language of the great people. We must remember that we are responsible for the state.

I. A. Ilyin

I Language situation.

    Teacher's lecture.

The state of society, its culture and moral values ​​is evidenced by the linguistic situation, i.e. the relationship between different forms of language in people’s speech. Do they speak a literary language, jargon, can you hear dialects and vernaculars? What language do you and I speak during the period that was called the period of “intercivilizational development”? During critical periods in a language, vocabulary, the way it is used, and the general manner of expressing thoughts usually change.

Language researchers note two of the most negative trends in the modern linguistic situation in Russia: 1) a sharp stylistic decline in Russian speech, its coarsening and vulgarization, massive deviations from the Russian literary language, a sharp decline in the prestige of Russian speech culture 2) aggressive influence from the American version of the English language . I would add a third misfortune of our society. This is rudeness and foul language. In our communication they have become as widespread as drunkenness. In Russia 70 - 90's. foul language acquired a total character. The abolition of censorship, falsely understood democracy, and freedom of speech have done their job. Foul language has spread to all regions of the country, the entire population, and almost all speech situations. A. Solzhenitsyn writes with bitterness about a country where every second person has gone through the academy of swearing, where people swear not only when boarding a country bus, but also in intimate conversations. (“In the first circle”)

The spread of foul language has led to the fact that it has penetrated from the area of ​​consciousness into the area of ​​unconscious processes. The surgeon could not operate on one very intelligent woman, because when she was given anesthesia, she spoke... Even if you yourself do not say bad words, your fellow countrymen will make sure that you do not forget them.

Imagine that there is a certain disease - Tourette's syndrome, when a person, in addition to a number of other signs of this disease, also has the following feature of speech: speech is lost, but the ability to use foul language is preserved..

Foul language has become a sad sign of our national speech. Foreign students learn the first Russian words, which are unprintable. Nowadays, almost everyone is interested in swearing. They defend dissertations on this topic, publish dictionaries of obscenities, students research the language of Limonov, S. Dovlatov, etc. in their coursework. So, today's practice of using one's native language is alarming. In this regard, we also decided to conduct a little research. Students at our college were given a questionnaire. It will be interesting to see its results.

    A group of students introduces the results of the questionnaires to the audience.


As we can see, the survey showed that the situation with the use of foul language is contradictory.

So that our thoughts on the topic of foul language are not empty, let's clarify some linguistic concepts. Where is the place of swear words in the native language? Listen to the guys' messages on this topic.

II Group I message.

Speaker 1.

Each language has literary, colloquial and profane vocabulary. Literary vocabulary- this is cultural vocabulary that can be used in any situation, both in oral and written speech, in public places and in the media. This includes traditionally distinguished book, high, scientific, special, official business and part of the traditionally distinguished colloquial vocabulary (literary-colloquial). For example, where do we include the words “man”, “citizen”, “dude”, “person”. The last 2 words are NOT literary.

Speaker 2.

Spoken vocabulary is appropriate and acceptable mainly in oral speech between friends, in a narrow company of close, well-known and equal people in communication; This also includes reduced vocabulary, national jargon (slang) and vernacular. For example, a person, little man, trudge (walk slowly). There are colloquial words neutral and reduced.

Literary and colloquial vocabulary form normative vocabulary, the use of which corresponds to the norms of literary and colloquial speech.

Speaker 3.

Non-normative vocabulary is considered as offensive to the interlocutor and negatively characterizes the speaker, and therefore in public opinion it is considered subject to exclusion from public use.

Among profanity, linguistic consciousness distinguishes two categories - rude And obscene.

Speaker 4.

Coarse language includes vulgar And abusive(invective). The use of vulgar vocabulary (belly, baldness) primarily indicates the lack of culture of the speaker and is not addressed to the interlocutor as an insult; Usually a cultured person is offended simply by someone using it in his presence.

Brannaya or invective vocabulary (pig, dog) is usually used with the intention of insulting or humiliating the addressee or a third party. But in certain situations it can be used without such intention, to release emotions. The public use of abusive language is condemned by the public consciousness.

Obscene(synonym - indecent) vocabulary is expressive vocabulary, which the social consciousness of modern society constantly prohibits in public use. Based on the above classification, it seems possible to define the term foul language. Foul language- these are expressive words with an unkind meaning, used with or without the intention of offending the listener - abusive and obscene language. Foul language, therefore, includes abusive language (condemned by the public consciousness) and obscene language (prohibited for public use by the public consciousness), but does not include vulgar language (evidence of the speaker’s lack of culture).

Profanity includes vulgar and profanity (expletive and obscene language) and is a broader concept than profanity.


There is swearing in every language. But there is an opinion about the exclusivity of Russian swearing: Russian swearing is the strongest, all foreigners recognize it, first of all they learn it by heart and prefer to swear exclusively in Russian.

I II MessageII groups.

Foul language in the languages ​​of the world.

Speaker 1.

People really like to swear in a foreign language. This makes it easier to break the ban. Caucasians and residents of Central Asia often swear in Russian because they do not dare to swear in their native language. Russians in Germany often swear in German words.

Americans published a dictionary "7000 Russian curses", which included words that name some human shortcomings. This includes definitions deaf, lame, blind and under. And the Germans published a dictionary "100 Russian vulgar words". The first one is apparatchik. It included words such as leader, work hard, touchy, she's pregnant, bag, eatery, clothes, buzz, prison, girlfriend, coward, etc.. These words are unlikely to be curse words - they are simply words that give a person or thing a disapproving assessment, and even then not in all cases.

Speaker 2.

What do you mean by swearing? Mat- these are the rudest of invective, expressing an extreme degree of contempt, irritation, the strongest degree of emotion, usually negative. At the same time, we emphasize that swearing refers to uncodified units that is, those that are not recognized as units of literary language, are not recorded in commonly used explanatory dictionaries and are not used in writing, cannot be used when speaking to an audience, in the press, in the media, or in works of art.

There are few such words in Russian, as in other languages, although this does not make them less noticeable, since, unfortunately, they are very often used in oral speech.

An important feature of these words and expressions is their purely oral nature - they cannot be written or printed, they are purely oral.

This ban, unfortunately, has now begun to be frequently violated by our press, television, and modern writers, which has a serious negative impact on the development of the modern Russian language, on the culture of communication and on the culture of society in general.

Speaker 3.

One of the most common ways of swearing in the world is defamation of a sacred thing. It is the violation of the “holy prohibition” that makes such curses very strong. In his doctoral dissertation, V.I. Zhelvis compared invective in 50 languages ​​of the world and found that curse words with the component “mother” are found in 11 languages. An insult to a mother is an insult to the Mother of God, a blow to the saint. Invective exists in all languages, although each nation found its own ways to express dissatisfaction with the interlocutor. We will say: "Fool!", and the Japanese uses a construction like “I'm smarter”, but the result is the same.

The presence of indecent words in all languages ​​is also evidenced by this curious phenomenon: foreigners learning the Russian language begin to avoid some Russian words, feeling embarrassed when using them. Bulgarians avoid Russian words "matches", Czechs – "doctor" Arabs - "tooth", Germans - “bobblehead” etc.

IV Conversations on issues.


Why do people fight?

Student answers:

    Relieving stress, “discharging” the emotion being experienced at the moment.

    Helps relieve physical and mental pain.

    A means of protecting your status. More often, scandal is a defensive weapon of the weak, who fears for their position, prestige, privileges, etc.

    Self-encouragement function. Boxers often start with insults and then, with the gong, attack each other with fists.

    A means of suppressing an interlocutor as an aggressive means of attack. It is no coincidence that “scold” and “battlefield” are words with the same root. In hand-to-hand combat, front-line soldiers always swore.

    As a means of self-humiliation. “Oh, I’m a fool, what did I do!”

    Swearing helps a person hide fear and vulnerability. "Go to hell! Damn you!" etc.

    As a magical force. “Scold me when I take the exam”. Wed: Break a leg!

    Traditional curse words - ritual speeches: “reproachful” Russian wedding songs (vilification of the groom), in ditties, couplets, anecdotes.

    To demonstrate by high-ranking people their closeness to the people.

    Swear words are often used as interjections, to “fill pauses,” to connect words in a sentence. For example, the word “damn”, “fir-trees-sticks”, “yo-mine” and the like.


So, there are many reasons why people resort to foul language. But none of them can serve as an excuse. This is the first step to breaking the laws of society. On the other hand, a person who uses a mat gradually atrophies his thinking ability.

— Who, in your opinion, uses profanity most often?

Student answers:

    Children more often than adults express their dissatisfaction with each other, using curses, teasing, and insults. They have increased emotionality and have not yet acquired the skills of a culture of behavior and communication.

    Teenagers use swearing as a means of enhancing status, as a defense against possible aggression, or as a demonstration of aggression. Or as a manifestation of rebellion.

    Men swear more often. This is the desire to demonstrate masculine strength or “belonging to a group,” to show that I belong: “And then we were rescued by an elderly soldier, who went down to the very bank of the river and began to cover the sentry with choice words. Only then did the sentry truly believe that there were his own people on the other side.”(“Week”, 1982)

    Men and teenagers often begin to swear when they find themselves in male company. Swearing is considered “manly.”

    People who occupy a high position in society usually swear less publicly than lower-ranking and “weak” people.


True, in Russia, bosses often observe foul language - the boss uses foul language in the presence of his subordinates, emphasizing his dominance and power. Physicist V. Shklovsky spoke about one very serious meeting with Beria: “Beria interrupted the speaker and unleashed a stream of dirty abuse on the assembled academicians. The scientists lowered their eyes. And then Academician P. Kapitsa stood up and began to honor Beria in the same expressions: they say, when you talk to physicists, ... you should stand at attention, and not allow yourself such impudence. Beria immediately stopped the meeting, and the next day P. Kapitsa was removed from his post as director of the Institute of Physical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences and put under house arrest. Only Himself had the right to swear..."

- How do you feel about women swearing?


The public use of swear words is a gross violation of social and moral prohibitions. By the way, in some countries there are criminal articles that provide punishment for swearing in a public place. The US Supreme Court in 1978 officially recognized 7 English words as the most obscene curse words. However, what is typical is that not a single American newspaper decided to publish this list precisely because of its extreme obscenity.

— Do you know about legal liability for using profanity?

Student answers:

— The Russian Language Council under the President of the Russian Federation was created, the state program “Russian Language” was developed, the Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation” was adopted, 2007 was declared the Year of the Russian Language, there is an article in the Criminal Code “For swearing in a public place.”


However, much remains unclear and complex, including in the implementation of the Law on the Russian Language.

— Is it necessary to combat the use of profanity in speech and how?

A group of student researchers introduces the audience to the answer options for the questionnaires.


So, the overwhelming number of respondents believe that it is necessary to banish obscenity from the pages of newspapers and television screens.

We see the best example of depicting foul language in a work of art in the film “The Chairman” (viewing an excerpt from the film “The Chairman”).

Women have a role to play in the fight against foul language - they should not allow foul language in their presence or in the presence of children.

It is the duty of intelligent men to avoid public foul language in their presence.

And finally, it is necessary to demonstrate examples of cultural, intelligent speech.

Lesson summary.

The teacher thanks the children for their work and concludes that people should improve their linguistic culture - this is their duty to the country and their native language.


Write your proposals on the topic:

How to deal with obscene language”,

How I fought obscene language.”

Summary of an open lesson using a cartoon.

Topic: “Lessons in politeness.”

Target: Expand children's knowledge about the culture of behavior, ways of using polite words in everyday life.



    To promote the use of polite figures of speech in active vocabulary, the correct pronunciation of polite words.


    Continue to develop communication skills: hear the question asked, try to give a complete answer, say what you see.

IN educational:

    Promotefostering polite relationships between children in the group.

Progress of the lesson:

    Motivation. (welcoming speech from the teacher, posing a problematic question)

Guys, do you know what a “cartoon club” is?

Do you want to visit there?

Guys, do you like watching cartoons? (Yes )

Do you think a cartoon can teach us polite words? (yes)

What polite words do you already know?

But the caterpillars from the cartoon about Luntik and his friends could not understand for a long time why they learned these polite words! Want to see what came of it?

Then pay attention to the screen!

II. Watching the cartoon Luntik and his friends from “Ignorant”

III. Analysis of the cartoon and work on the content.

Questions for analysis:

1.Who was attentive and remembered the name of the cartoon series about Luntik and his friends? (Ignorant)

2.Why is the series called “Ignorants”? How do you think? (the caterpillars were not polite)

4. How did Luntik teach Vupsen and Pupsen politeness? (retelling)

5. What polite words have the caterpillars learned? (hello, please, excuse me)

6. Let's remember now and think about whether they are using them correctly?

6.1 For example, when Mila arrived, they told her “HEY, WHAT HAVE YOU ARRIVED”, and when meeting a truly polite person should say... children - “HELLO”

6.2 What did the caterpillars do when they climbed up the tree to visit? (they spoke polite words, pushed each other, stepped on each other’s heads, did not let each other go ahead)

6.3 Were they polite? (No)

6.4 What should a polite person or cartoon character have done? (let a friend pass ahead, and if he accidentally pushed him, then apologize)

7. How should you pronounce polite magic words? (In a calm voice, looking straight into the eyes, from the bottom of my heart)

8. Why do you think we need polite words? (to avoid quarrels, polite words help to make friends; with polite people you want to be polite yourself)

Educator: Of course, guys, polite words help you make friends, avoid quarrels, with polite people you want to be polite yourself.

Educator: Guys, have you noticed that the animals in the cartoon can talk, think, be polite and not so much. In this way they are similar to you and me. Please tell me, can the same stories happen to you? (Yes)

1. What is your mood when children answer you rudely or don’t answer at all? (It’s bad, I’m offended, sad)

3. Do we want to forgive a friend when he politely apologizes to us from the bottom of his heart?

Educator: Now let's take a little rest. We get up from our chairs and follow me. I have a song that cartoon characters sing. You can repeat the movements of the characters or just dance.

What polite words did you hear in this song? (thank you, sorry)

Educator: Well, now, in order to repeat and better remember polite words, I have a game for you. Try to answer in unison, because you are friendly guys.

We offer the game “Say the Word”

Having met a bunny, the neighbor hedgehog says to him “... “(Hello!)

And his big-eared neighbor answers: “Hedgehog, …” (Hello!)

Flounder swam to Octopussy on Monday,

And on Tuesday, when she said goodbye, she said to her: “...” (Goodbye!)

The clumsy dog ​​Kostya stepped on the mouse's tail.

They would have quarreled, but he said “…” (Sorry!)

Even a block of ice will melt from a kind word “…” (Thank you!)

The fat cow Lula was eating hay and sneezed.

To prevent her from sneezing again, we will tell her: “…” (Be healthy!)

Fox Matryona says: “Give me the cheese, crow!

The cheese is big, and you are small! I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”

You, Fox, don’t complain, but say: “…” (Please!)

During the day we are very tired and we will say to everyone “...” (Good night!)

Educator: Guys, today we, together with the caterpillars, remembered and learned a lot of polite words that are not only pleasant to hear, but also pleasant to say. I have pictures that can help you remember polite words. I suggest we make a gift for the caterpillars with a hint book so that they remember to say polite words. Only my pictures are not colored(((Can you help me color them? Then let’s go!

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 15 “Ogonyok”

general development view of the urban district of the city of Bui

Summary of a comprehensive lesson

"Who works on creating cartoons"

(for older children)

Software tasks:

Educational: clarify children’s knowledge about creating cartoons. Enrich children's knowledge with information about the professions of people working on cartoons.


To instill in children an interest in the professional activities of people working on creating cartoons.


Develop the ability to answer questions clearly, clearly and consistently; enrich children's vocabulary with professional terms on the topic of the lesson.

Develop imagination and creative imagination.

Educator: Guys, I know that you all love watching cartoons. Do you know what professions people participate in their creation? (children's answers)

And it all began a long time ago, long before the Lumière brothers invented cinema. Already thousands of years ago, artists and sculptors knew how to bring figures to life. In ancient Assyria, statues of winged bulls with five legs were placed at the entrance to the royal palace. When a man passed by, it seemed as if a bull was walking. In Egyptian temples, skillful lighting helped to “animate” images. In Europe in the Middle Ages, funny little books similar to notepads were common. On each page the same figure was drawn in different poses. If the book was flipped through quickly, the figure began to wave its arms, ride a horse, and so on.

In order to create a cartoon, the work of many professionals is required.

Where do you think the creation of a cartoon begins? That's right, first you need to write the script for the future cartoon and this is the screenwriter's job. Next, when the script is written, who gets involved? (children's answers)

The director selects a team that will work on the cartoon. Who do you think?

That's right, these are artists, a composer, and actors who will voice cartoon characters.

In order to become an animator, you need to have imagination, a sense of time, rhythm, a great sense of humor, and the ability to come up with interesting and funny stories and plots. In one second in a cartoon we see 24 frames. 24 frames must be drawn by the artist so that the movements seem natural and funny. It is clear that this is not a simple matter.

Each animation drawing is based on a design - a diagram. Each drawing - phase is recorded on a special sheet, which is called an exposure sheet. The more patterns, the smoother the movement, the fewer phases, the sharper and faster the movement.

Let's look at the movement patterns of a conventional character, compare the nature of the movement, as well as the phases of movement of the little princess, who recoiled from the terrible bony hand. She backs away on tiptoe in horror, her face frightened. (examination of traffic patterns)

After the cartoon is drawn, whose work do you think will be needed next? (children's answers)

That's right, the cartoon needs to be voiced.

Before the invention of sound cinema, feature films and cartoons were accompanied by music performed on the piano or grand piano by musicians - tappers. Walt Disney was the first to use music in his cartoons. By using musical accents and adding various funny sounds, Disney achieved an amazing combination of sound and image. If an animator comes up with a dance, then the rhythm of the movement is set by sound, and, therefore, the extreme expressive positions of the dancing character must coincide with the accents. Accents are not only musical, they can be the simplest sounds that emphasize movements. Every film studio has a collection of recordings of various noises: from the ringing of a bell to the creaking of a door, from the clap of thunder to the singing of a bird.

In addition to the sound engineer in cinema, there is an extremely interesting profession - sound designer. There are such cartoons, voiced only by noises and sound accents, when the characters do not speak, but simply make some sounds. Actors who speak for cartoon characters also participate in the dubbing of cartoons.

Let's now try to become cartoon creators for a while and divide into groups. We will have one group of scriptwriters, one of artists, one of directors and another of composers. Let's first appoint the main director of the cartoon, who will select his team. (children choose a director, divide into groups)

Guys, what will our group of screenwriters do? That's right, they will come up with a plot to film a cartoon about. What will a group of artists do? That's right, they will draw pictures for the cartoon. What will the sound design team do? They will figure out how to voice our cartoon.

Well, let's get to work. (Children first come up with a plot, then draw several drawings, then use musical instruments to voice them)

Guys, in order to see our cartoon on the screen, we will ask our music director Marina Valentinovna to process our materials on the computer.

Lesson summary:

Children, let's remember what we did in class. What professions were you talking about? What would you like to do when creating a cartoon?

About rudeness and foul language.

Russian language lesson

Teacher Bobrysheva N.I.,

Voronezh Music College

them. Rostropovich

Goals: to realize responsibility for the current state of the Russian language; form a critical attitude towards the use of profanity.

Objectives: to introduce students to the concept of “language situation”, “linguistic culture of the individual”, to explain the concept of “profanity”, to promote the formation of civil responsibility for the state of the Russian language and one’s own speech practice.

Lesson format: round table.

In preparation for the lesson, the children conducted a survey and received assignments for the lesson.

Equipment: presentation “Profanity”, questionnaires and a fragment from the feature film “Chairman”.

During the classes.

E As life is, so is speech. Seneca

A Russian is one who never forgets that he is Russian; who knows the native language of the great people. We must remember that we are responsible for the state.

I. A. Ilyin

I Language situation.

    Teacher's lecture.

The state of society, its culture and moral values ​​is evidenced by the linguistic situation, i.e. the relationship between different forms of language in people’s speech. Do they speak a literary language, jargon, can you hear dialects and vernaculars? What language do you and I speak during the period that was called the period of “intercivilizational development”? During critical periods in a language, vocabulary, the way it is used, and the general manner of expressing thoughts usually change.

Language researchers note two of the most negative trends in the modern linguistic situation in Russia: 1) a sharp stylistic decline in Russian speech, its coarsening and vulgarization, massive deviations from the Russian literary language, a sharp decline in the prestige of Russian speech culture 2) aggressive influence from the American version of the English language . I would add a third misfortune of our society. This is rudeness and foul language. In our communication they have become as widespread as drunkenness. In Russia 70 - 90's. foul language acquired a total character. The abolition of censorship, falsely understood democracy, and freedom of speech have done their job. Foul language has spread to all regions of the country, the entire population, and almost all speech situations. A. Solzhenitsyn writes with bitterness about a country where every second person has gone through the academy of swearing, where people swear not only when boarding a country bus, but also in intimate conversations. (“In the first circle”)

The spread of foul language has led to the fact that it has penetrated from the area of ​​consciousness into the area of ​​unconscious processes. The surgeon could not operate on one very intelligent woman, because when she was given anesthesia, she spoke... Even if you yourself do not say bad words, your fellow countrymen will make sure that you do not forget them.

Imagine that there is a certain disease - Tourette's syndrome, when a person, in addition to a number of other signs of this disease, also has the following feature of speech: speech is lost, but the ability to use foul language is preserved..

Foul language has become a sad sign of our national speech. Foreign students learn the first Russian words, which are unprintable. Nowadays, almost everyone is interested in swearing. They defend dissertations on this topic, publish dictionaries of obscenities, students research the language of Limonov, S. Dovlatov, etc. in their coursework. So, today's practice of using one's native language is alarming. In this regard, we also decided to conduct a little research. Students at our college were given a questionnaire. It will be interesting to see its results.

    A group of students introduces the results of the questionnaires to the audience.


As we can see, the survey showed that the situation with the use of foul language is contradictory.

So that our thoughts on the topic of foul language are not empty, let's clarify some linguistic concepts. Where is the place of swear words in the native language? Listen to the guys' messages on this topic.

II Group I message.

Speaker 1.

Each language has literary, colloquial and profane vocabulary. Literary vocabulary- this is cultural vocabulary that can be used in any situation, both in oral and written speech, in public places and in the media. This includes traditionally distinguished book, high, scientific, special, official business and part of the traditionally distinguished colloquial vocabulary (literary-colloquial). For example, where do we include the words “man”, “citizen”, “dude”, “person”. The last 2 words are NOT literary.

Speaker 2.

Spoken vocabulary is appropriate and acceptable mainly in oral speech between friends, in a narrow company of close, well-known and equal people in communication; This also includes reduced vocabulary, national jargon (slang) and vernacular. For example, a person, little man, trudge (walk slowly). There are colloquial words neutral and reduced.

Literary and colloquial vocabulary form normative vocabulary, the use of which corresponds to the norms of literary and colloquial speech.

Speaker 3.

Non-normative vocabulary is considered as offensive to the interlocutor and negatively characterizes the speaker, and therefore in public opinion it is considered subject to exclusion from public use.

Among profanity, linguistic consciousness distinguishes two categories - rude And obscene.

Speaker 4.

Coarse language includes vulgar And abusive(invective). The use of vulgar vocabulary (belly, baldness) primarily indicates the lack of culture of the speaker and is not addressed to the interlocutor as an insult; Usually a cultured person is offended simply by someone using it in his presence.

Brannaya or invective vocabulary (pig, dog) is usually used with the intention of insulting or humiliating the addressee or a third party. But in certain situations it can be used without such intention, to release emotions. The public use of abusive language is condemned by the public consciousness.

Obscene(synonym - indecent) vocabulary is expressive vocabulary, which the social consciousness of modern society constantly prohibits in public use. Based on the above classification, it seems possible to define the term foul language. Foul language- these are expressive words with an unkind meaning, used with or without the intention of offending the listener - abusive and obscene language. Foul language, therefore, includes abusive language (condemned by the public consciousness) and obscene language (prohibited for public use by the public consciousness), but does not include vulgar language (evidence of the speaker’s lack of culture).

Profanity includes vulgar and profanity (expletive and obscene language) and is a broader concept than profanity.


There is swearing in every language. But there is an opinion about the exclusivity of Russian swearing: Russian swearing is the strongest, all foreigners recognize it, first of all they learn it by heart and prefer to swear exclusively in Russian.

I IIMessageIIgroups.

Foul language in the languages ​​of the world.

Speaker 1.

People really like to swear in a foreign language. This makes it easier to break the ban. Caucasians and residents of Central Asia often swear in Russian because they do not dare to swear in their native language. Russians in Germany often swear in German words.

Americans published a dictionary "7000 Russian curses", which included words that name some human shortcomings. This includes definitions deaf, lame, blind and under. And the Germans published a dictionary "100 Russian vulgar words". The first one is apparatchik. It included words such as leader, work hard, touchy, she's pregnant, bag, eatery, clothes, buzz, prison, girlfriend, coward, etc.. These words are unlikely to be curse words - they are simply words that give a person or thing a disapproving assessment, and even then not in all cases.

Speaker 2.

What do you mean by swearing? Mat- these are the rudest of invective, expressing an extreme degree of contempt, irritation, the strongest degree of emotion, usually negative. At the same time, we emphasize that swearing refers to uncodified units that is, those that are not recognized as units of literary language, are not recorded in commonly used explanatory dictionaries and are not used in writing, cannot be used when speaking to an audience, in the press, in the media, or in works of art.

There are few such words in Russian, as in other languages, although this does not make them less noticeable, since, unfortunately, they are very often used in oral speech.

An important feature of these words and expressions is their purely oral nature - they cannot be written or printed, they are purely oral.

This ban, unfortunately, has now begun to be frequently violated by our press, television, and modern writers, which has a serious negative impact on the development of the modern Russian language, on the culture of communication and on the culture of society in general.

Speaker 3.

One of the most common ways of swearing in the world is defamation of a sacred thing. It is the violation of the “holy prohibition” that makes such curses very strong. In his doctoral dissertation, V.I. Zhelvis compared invective in 50 languages ​​of the world and found that curse words with the component “mother” are found in 11 languages. An insult to a mother is an insult to the Mother of God, a blow to the saint. Invective exists in all languages, although each nation found its own ways to express dissatisfaction with the interlocutor. We will say: "Fool!", and the Japanese uses a construction like “I'm smarter”, but the result is the same.

The presence of indecent words in all languages ​​is also evidenced by this curious phenomenon: foreigners learning the Russian language begin to avoid some Russian words, feeling embarrassed when using them. Bulgarians avoid Russian words "matches", Czechs – "doctor" Arabs - "tooth", Germans - “bobblehead” etc.

IV Conversations on issues.


Why do people fight?

Student answers:

    Relieving stress, “discharging” the emotion being experienced at the moment.

    Helps relieve physical and mental pain.

    A means of protecting your status. More often, scandal is a defensive weapon of the weak, who fears for their position, prestige, privileges, etc.

    Self-encouragement function. Boxers often start with insults and then, with the gong, attack each other with fists.

    A means of suppressing an interlocutor as an aggressive means of attack. It is no coincidence that “scold” and “battlefield” are words with the same root. In hand-to-hand combat, front-line soldiers always swore.

    As a means of self-humiliation. “Oh, I’m a fool, what did I do!”

    Swearing helps a person hide fear and vulnerability. "Go to hell! Damn you!" etc.

    As a magical force. “Scold me when I take the exam”. Wed: Break a leg!

    Traditional curse words - ritual speeches: “reproachful” Russian wedding songs (vilification of the groom), in ditties, couplets, anecdotes.

    To demonstrate by high-ranking people their closeness to the people.

    Swear words are often used as interjections, to “fill pauses,” to connect words in a sentence. For example, the word “damn”, “fir-trees-sticks”, “yo-mine” and the like.


So, there are many reasons why people resort to foul language. But none of them can serve as an excuse. This is the first step to breaking the laws of society. On the other hand, a person who uses a mat gradually atrophies his thinking ability.

Who do you think uses profanity most often?

Student answers:

    Children more often than adults express their dissatisfaction with each other, using curses, teasing, and insults. They have increased emotionality and have not yet acquired the skills of a culture of behavior and communication.

    Teenagers use swearing as a means of enhancing status, as a defense against possible aggression, or as a demonstration of aggression. Or as a manifestation of rebellion.

    Men swear more often. This is the desire to demonstrate masculine strength or “belonging to a group,” to show that I belong: “And then we were rescued by an elderly soldier, who went down to the very bank of the river and began to cover the sentry with choice words. Only then did the sentry truly believe that there were his own people on the other side.”(“Week”, 1982)

    Men and teenagers often begin to swear when they find themselves in male company. Swearing seems to count"like a man".

    People who occupy a high position in society usually swear less publicly than lower-ranking and “weak” people.


True, in Russia, bosses often observe foul language - the boss uses foul language in the presence of his subordinates, emphasizing his dominance and power. Physicist V. Shklovsky spoke about one very serious meeting with Beria: “Beria interrupted the speaker and unleashed a stream of dirty abuse on the assembled academicians. The scientists lowered their eyes. And then Academician P. Kapitsa stood up and began to honor Beria in the same expressions: they say, when you talk to physicists, ... you should stand at attention, and not allow yourself such impudence. Beria immediately stopped the meeting, and the next day P. Kapitsa was removed from his post as director of the Institute of Physical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences and put under house arrest. Only Himself had the right to swear..."

How do you feel about women swearing?


The public use of swear words is a gross violation of social and moral prohibitions. By the way, in some countries there are criminal articles that provide punishment for swearing in a public place. The US Supreme Court in 1978 officially recognized 7 English words as the most obscene curse words. However, what is typical is that not a single American newspaper decided to publish this list precisely because of its extreme obscenity.

Do you know about the legal liability for using profanity?

Student answers:

The Russian Language Council under the President of the Russian Federation was created, the state program “Russian Language” was developed, the Law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation” was adopted, 2007 was declared the Year of the Russian Language, there is an article in the Criminal Code “For swearing in a public place.”


However, much remains unclear and complex, including in the implementation of the Law on the Russian Language.

Is it necessary to combat the use of profanity in speech and how?

A group of student researchers introduces the audience to the answer options for the questionnaires.


So, the overwhelming number of respondents believe that it is necessary to banish obscenity from the pages of newspapers and television screens.

We see the best example of depicting foul language in a work of art in the film “The Chairman” (viewing an excerpt from the film “The Chairman”).

Women have a role to play in the fight against foul language - they should not allow foul language in their presence or in the presence of children.

It is the duty of intelligent men to avoid public foul language in their presence.

And finally, it is necessary to demonstrate examples of cultural, intelligent speech.

Lesson summary.

The teacher thanks the children for their work and concludes that people should improve their linguistic culture - this is their duty to the country and their native language.


Write your proposals on the topic:

How to deal with obscene language”,

How I fought obscene language.”


Municipal budgetary institution of additional education for children “Center for Extracurricular Activities”

Open lesson summary

children's association "Living Personnel" (4th year of study)

on the topic of:

Additional education teacher

Borisova Maria Vasilievna


Additional educational program

"Live footage"

FocusArtistic and aesthetic_________________________________

Mastery levelAverage______________________________________________

Implementation period ______________5 years_______________________________________

Designed for children____________from 10 to 15 years___________________________



Year of study _____________4_________________

Form of organization of student activities in classcollective__________

Lesson topic:"Creation of the cartoon "Winter's Tale"."

Target: teach how to shoot animated videos using bulk technology.



Training in working with bulk materials.

Animation training in free-flowing technology.

Introduction to the history of sand animation.


Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Development of sensory sensitivity.

Development of abstract thinking.


Cultivating attentiveness, accuracy and a conscientious attitude to work.

Fostering respect and love for classical music.

Developing the ability to work in a team.

Equipment and materials:

    PC with Claymation Studio installed


    glass table with sides

    grain (various cereals).

    table lamp

Methodological support for the lesson:

Videos shot using the sand animation technique: video clip “Turn Around” by Basta and Gorod 312, videos from children's animation studios.

Audio file “Affirmations. Self-confidence" (author unknown).

Pixar's Boundin'

During the lesson, musical material was used: audio recording of Antonio Vivaldi “The Seasons. Spring".

Application of health-saving technologies in the classroom:

Setting time limits for work;

Conducting physical education.

Children's association "Living Personnel"

Subject "Animation"(3rd year of study)

Topic: "Free-flowing animation."

During the classes (3 hours)

    Welcome speech from the teacher. Introductory conversation – 5 minutes

    A minute of positivity. --- 5 minutes. Watching and discussing the cartoon “Boundin” from Pixar

    Topic: “Free-flowing animation” -10 minutes

What is free-flowing animation? From the history of free-flowing animation.

Watching videos shot using the technique being studied.

    Listening to music, sketching images - 5 minutes

    Work on sketches and images – 20 minutes

    Dynamic pause - 10 minutes

    Exercises for fine motor skills of the hands. (5 minutes)

    Shooting a cartoon, working with cereal on glass. 40 minutes.

    Dynamic pause - 10 minutes

    Quiz about animation--5 min

    Shooting "intro" - 15 min

    Cartoon montage. Sound overlay. -10 minutes.

    Relax - a minute - 5 minutes.

    Summing up and conclusions. Homework. 10 minutes.

The results of the lesson and the teacher’s conclusions (what happened in the lesson and what they worked on).

Watch the video, optionally record the cartoon on removable USB storage media.


1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello guys. I'm glad to see you in animation classes.

(Check those present, find out the reasons for absence.)

2 . A minute of positivity.

Now let’s relax a little and take a breath. I suggest you watch a wonderful cartoon and recharge yourself with a great mood and positivity. (Watching the cartoon “Boundin”).

Did you like the cartoon? What is he talking about? What does he teach? (Students answer.)

3. Topic: “Free-flowing animation.”

Teacher: Today we will work on creating a cartoon using the free-flowing animation technique. Let's remember what "animation" is. Animation is...

Animation (animatio - animation) - a method of creating a series of photographs, drawings, colored spots, dolls or silhouettes in separate phases of movement, with the help of which, while showing them on the screen, the impression of movement of a creature or object is created.

Teacher: what types of animation do you know?

Suggested student answer: doll, plasticine, using the transfer technique, hand-drawn, computer, sand...

Teacher: Who knows what the difference is between free-flowing animation?

The main thing that distinguishes sand animation and graphics from other areas using similar materials - for example, drawings with colored sand - is the luminous surface, which is used for drawing images. The choice of a specific bulk substance or working tools is not so important. It is in the presence of backlighting that the image acquires the necessary contrast and expressiveness and “comes to life.”

Thin layers of sand (or similar bulk material) are applied to the surface, which emits light directed from bottom to top. A camera mounted above records the resulting image or the entire process of its creation. Thus, there is no particular technical difference in creating an animated film and a show performance for a live audience. In the latter case, there is an online broadcast to the public on a big screen.

Teacher: Have you seen the video “Turn around” by the group Gorod 312 about Basty? Let's refresh our memory and look at this masterpiece of sand animation. (View clip.) This is the work of a professional, the result of many years of practice.

To shoot cartoons using this technique, you can use not only sand, but any other material. Today we will work with various grains that can be found in any kitchen.

    Listening to music, sketching images.

Teacher: Today we will film a cartoon on the theme “Spring has come.” What associations do you have with spring? Let's write down everything that comes to mind. (Give the headman a piece of paper and a pen, the headman writes down the students’ answers.)

Do you know the composer Antonio Vivaldi? He has a series of musical works called “Seasons”. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Now I will turn on the composition “Spring” by this composer, and you record the feelings and images that arise in you. We'll write them down later.

(Listening to the recording.) Well done. Now tell me about your feelings and the pictures you saw...

    Working on sketches and images.

Teacher: So, what we got... (List of images associated with spring.) Let's think about what images we will choose, how they can be combined, let's think about the transitions of one picture to another.

Now let's draw sketches of the images that you would like to bring to life in the cartoon. There is no need to color, just sketch out the images so that we can then draw them on the glass.

(Independent work of students.)

    Dynamic pause No. 1.

Teacher: Well done, you did a very good job. I suggest you shake yourself up and take a dynamic break. (Depending on weather conditions, the dynamic break is carried out in the office or on the site).

Please stand up and line up. Let's disperse the blood throughout the body so that only bright and brilliant thoughts come into our heads.

(Carrying out charging.)

7.Exercises for fine motor skills of the hands.

Teacher: Have you rested at least a little? Soon we will begin the process of filming a bulk cartoon, and to work with cereal we will need dexterous fingers.

Let's stretch our hands a little...

Exercise No. 1. “Come on, fingers, let’s get to work!”- extend one finger at a time from the fist using the fingers of the other hand. Preliminary massage of the hands, massage - stroking, 2-3 repetitions, massage - rubbing - 2-3 repetitions for each finger.

Come on, fingers, let's get to work!
After all, everyone wants to work.
The big one will go chop wood,
Index - light the stove,
Average - carry water,
Nameless - bake bread,
And the little finger can sing and dance,
Yes, to entertain others.

Exercise No. 2. "White flowers". Preliminary massage of the hands, massage procedure - stroking, 2-3 repetitions, massage procedure - rubbing - 2-3 repetitions for each finger. Fold your palms in the shape of a tulip bud and perform the actions as in the poem:

These white flowers
Everyone has opened the petals (open the flower and swing it)
The wind blows
And the flowers shake (make the bud back),
These white flowers
Close the petals (swing with a “bud”)
And they fall asleep -
They nod their heads.

    Shooting a cartoon, working with cereal on glass. .

Teacher: Wonderful! Now your hands are ready to create a cartoon. Let `s start?

(The process of shooting. Laying out images from bulk material. Photographing frames.)

    Dynamic pause No. 2.

Teacher: Tired? Let's relax a little and play. Do you know the game "Hot Potato?"

Game "Hot Potato". All players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, hitting it. If one of the players does not hit the ball, he squats in the center of the circle (“cauldron”). Game continues. Any player can help out the “offenders” if he wishes. To do this, when hitting the ball, he tries to hit those sitting in the center of the circle with it. The “released” one (the one who was touched by the ball) takes part in the game again. Those sitting inside the circle try to catch a ball flying past. Important - you cannot stand up from your haunches to your full height, you can only try to jump without standing up to your full height. If one of the players succeeds, then all those “punished” return to the game, and the player who threw the ball takes their place.

    Quiz about animation.

Teacher: Well, you've warmed up a little. Now let's do a little brain exercise. Does everyone love cartoons? Are you looking at them carefully? Now we will find out how carefully. I will ask questions, whoever knows the answer will raise their hand. Don't shout, don't jump up. There are enough questions for everyone.

1. What animal was Timon in the Disney film The Lion King?
A) Opossum
b) Meerkat (correct answer)
V) Wombat
2. “The Bird Talker is distinguished by intelligence and intelligence.” In which cartoon does this phrase sound?
A)"Return of the Prodigal Parrot"
b)"Alice's Birthday"
V) "The Mystery of the Third Planet" (correct answer)
3. The heroine of which Disney cartoon is called Aurora?
b) "Sleeping Beauty" (correct answer)
V)"The beauty and the Beast"
4. What did the Hedgehog lose in the fog?
A) Horse
b) Teddy bear
V) Nodule (correct answer)
5. Which character from the cartoon “The Town Musicians of Bremen” was not in the fairy tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm?
A) Troubadour (correct answer)
b) Dog
V) Rooster
6. In the animated series "Transformers" the Autobots fight with:
A) Motorcycle bots
b) Crab Nebula
V) Decepticons (correct answer)
7. Luntik made friends with a ladybug:
A) Maya
b) Sweet (correct answer)
V) Mina
8. What was the name of the main pet of the seventh fairy “Winx”?
A) Chico
b) Artu (correct answer)
V) Milli
9. What animal was Julian the king of in the cartoon “Madagascar”?
A) Antelope
b) Lenivtsev
V) Lemurs (correct answer)
10. Which character of our cartoon did the Japanese really love, calling it “Russian Pokemon”?
A) Kitten Woof
b) Blue Puppy
V) Cheburashka (correct answer)
11. What was the name of the postman Pechkin from the cartoon “Three from Prostakvashino”?
A) Valery Ivanovich
b) Igor Ivanovich (correct answer)
V) Ivan Ivanovich
12. From the zoo of which American city did the characters of the cartoon “Madagascar” escape?
A) Las Vegas
b) Chicago
V) New York (correct answer)
13. Where did Cheburashka live before meeting Gena?
A) in the underground passage
b) in a telephone booth (correct answer)
V) in the lodge
14. What did the squirrel constantly carry with him in the Ice Age cartoon?
A) Nut
b) Coconut
V) Acorn (correct answer)
15. What kind of cat did Eduard Uspensky come up with?
A) Cat Matroskin (correct answer)
b) Leopold the cat
V) Kitten Woof

Teacher: Well done! I see that you really love cartoons and are well versed in them.

    Shooting intro and outro.

Teacher: Guys, who knows what an “intro” is?

Suggested answer : beginning, introduction, introductory part.

Teacher: That's right. This word comes from the English “introduce”, which translates as “to introduce, introduce”. There is also such a thing as “outro”. This is exactly what we see at the end of the main part of the film; the outro may include credits, and the classic version: “The End.” Now we will start filming the intro and outro for our video. Of course, the execution technique must correspond to the technique of the main part of the film. Shall we play with the cereal some more? The intro includes the film's title and attribution. The outro can include the date, the classic “end” and an indication of the materials used, in our case we will indicate which musical composition we used for the arrangement. Let's start.

    Cartoon montage. Sound overlay.

Teacher: Great job! Everything was filmed. So what do we have? Let's take a look. (Plays animation from captured frames.) Anything that needs tweaking? Maybe there are some extra shots? Should I slow down or speed up the playback? Let's insert an intro and outro. Let's see what happens.


Now let's insert a musical composition. Who can tell me how to do this? (Students' response).

Well, how do you like our cartoon? Are you satisfied with the work?

Now let's compile it into an MP4 or MKV file. Ready! Now you can upload it to YouTube)).

Anyone who wants to at the end of the lesson can come up to me with a flash drive, we will upload the finished cartoon.

    Relax a minute.

We've worked, now we can relax. Sit back comfortably. Relax.

Let's listen to affirmations. These are positive attitudes that allow you to change your life for the better. Close your eyes and repeat the words after the leader. You can do it quietly, you can do it mentally, the main thing is that you feel comfortable.

(Listen to the audio file “Affirmations. Self-confidence.”)

    Summing up and conclusions.

Today's lesson has come to an end. Who will tell you what we learned today? Today we made a wonderful cartoon using the free-flowing animation technique on the theme “Spring has come.” We got acquainted with new concepts. What new terms did you learn today?

What did you like most about today's lesson?

We did a good job today. Let's put things in order in the office. Anyone who brought a flash drive can come up and download today's cartoon.

Thank you for coming today and doing a good job.

Goodbye. See you.

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