Speech therapist's plan for correction of sound pronunciation. Work program for correcting sound pronunciation in primary school students

An individual plan for correcting sound pronunciation presented by the teacher - speech therapist N.N. Bulganina. is the author's development. The plan allows you to form correct sound pronunciation, develop the mobility of the articulation apparatus, and carry out production and correction of sounds individually with each child.

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“Individual work plan for correcting sound pronunciation”

Individual work plan for sound pronunciation correction

F.I. student

Kholopova Elvira, 1st grade

Speech therapy conclusion:

General speech underdevelopment, dysarthria.

An individual plan was developed on the basis of the work program “Correction of impaired sound pronunciation of students in grades 1–5 with speech and language disorders” (60 hours)

The sequence of sounds: [L], [S], [S′] [Z], [Z′], [C], [Sh], [F], [H], [Sh]. Automation of the delivered sounds of different groups is carried out in parallel.

Name of sections (topics)

Characteristics of main activities

Number of hours

Dates (completion marks)

Sound [L]

The structure of the articulatory apparatus. "The Tale of the Merry Tongue"

Exercises in front of a mirror (conjugate and reflected).

Independent exercises

Formation of articulatory motor skills

Speech sounds. Method of sound formation [l]. Articulation. Development of kinesthetic sensations for a given sound

Formation of articulatory motor skills, auditory

attention and memory

Preparatory articulation exercises for the formation of the correct pronunciation of the sound [l]. Development of auditory attention to the sound envelope of a word, auditory memory.

Producing the sound [l] automatically or by imitation.

Formation of the correct pronunciation of the sound [l]. Imitation games. Practicing articulatory movements while counting. Special exercises for the sound [l].

Setting [l] and primary automation

Strengthening the correct articulation of the sound /l/. Practicing articulatory movements without relying on the visual analyzer.

Automation of it in a direct syllable and at the beginning of a word. Reading syllables with the letter L. Determining position in words (beginning, middle) using models.

Sound automation [l]

Strengthening the correct articulation of the sound [l]. Imitation games.

Automating it in a direct syllable and in the middle of a word. Determining the position of a sound in a word using models. Inflection, word formation.

Sound automation [l]

Strengthening the correct articulation of the sound l]. Special exercises for sound. Automating it in a closed syllable. Reading syllables with the letter L. Determining position in words (beginning, middle, end) using word models.

Sound automation [l]

Consolidating the correct articulation of the sound [l] and automating it in combination with consonants in syllables and words.

Sound correction, work on accuracy, purity, tempo (from slow to fast) achieving stability of the result obtained.

Sound analysis of syllables and words with consonant clusters.

Sound automation [l]

Consolidating the correct articulation of the sound [l] and automating it in phrases and sentences. Repetition of phrases and sentences, verification, compilation based on pictures and reference words.

Sound automation [l]

Consolidating the correct articulation of the sound [l] and automating it in coherent speech. Determination of frequency sounds and words with the sound L in the text. Answers to questions based on the text in complete sentences, retelling according to a plan, according to a picture, according to a series of paintings.

Differentiation of sounds [l] – [r]

Differentiation of sounds [p] - [l] in syllables, words, sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Row speaking, obtaining words by replacing R with L, pure phrases, riddles, poems.

Differentiation of sounds [рь] – [л] – [й] – [в]

Differentiation of sounds [рь] - [л] - [й] - [в] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Repetition and verification of sentences. Riddles, pure talk.

Differentiation of mixed sounds in connected speech. Memorizing poems, retelling texts, composing a story based on a series of paintings.

Final lesson

Sounds [S], [S], [Z], [Z], [C]

Formation of articulatory motor skills

Speech sounds. Methods of forming sounds [s], [s], [z] - [z]. Profiles, articulation.

Preparatory articulation exercises for developing the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [z].

Making sounds [s], [z] with mechanical help or by imitation.

Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [z]. Imitation games. Practicing articulatory movements while counting. Special exercises for sounds [s], [z].

Setting [s], [z] and primary automation

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds [s], [z]. Practicing articulatory movements without relying on the visual analyzer.

Automation in direct syllables and at the beginning of words.

Automation of sounds [s], [z]

Strengthening the correct articulation of the sound [s], [z]. Automation in direct syllables and in the middle of words. Reading syllables with the letters S, Z (SA, SO, SU, SY, SE, ZA, ZO, ZU, ZY, ZE) Determining the position of sounds in words (beginning, middle) using models.

Automation of sounds [s], [z]

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds [s], [z]. Automation in a closed syllable. Reading syllables AS, OS, US, IS, YS, etc., comparison with straight syllables.

Determining the position of sounds in words (beginning, middle, end) using models.

Automation of sounds [s], [z]

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds [s], [z] and automation in combination with consonants. Sound selection, work on

accuracy, purity, smoothness, pace (from slow to fast) achieving stability of the result obtained.

Automation of sounds [s], [z]

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds [s], [z] and automation in phrases and sentences. Repetition of phrases and sentences, verification, compilation based on pictures and reference words. Pure talk.

Automation of sounds [s], [z]

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds [s], [z] and automation in coherent speech.

Answers to questions based on the text in complete sentences, retelling according to a plan, according to a picture, according to a series of paintings. Practicing correct pronunciation in poetry.

Staging or clarifying the articulation of sounds [сь], [зь]

Clarification of the pronunciation of isolated sounds /сь/, /зь/. Formation of correct, clear pronunciation of isolated sounds and their automation.

Differentiation of sounds [s] – [s]

Differentiation of sounds [s] - [s] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Row speaking. Reading and comparison of syllables SE-SE, SIO-SO, SYU-SU, SI-SY, SYA-SA. Differentiation in sentences, pure phrases, poems.

Differentiation of sounds [з] – [зь]

Differentiation of sounds [з] – [зь] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Row speaking. Reading and comparison of the syllables ZE-ZE, ZO-ZO, ZYU-ZU, ZI-ZY, ZYA-ZA. Differentiation in sentences, pure phrases, poems.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Differentiation of mixed sounds in coherent speech (pure sayings, riddles, counting rhymes, poems, texts)

Setting or clarifying the articulation of the sound [ts]

Formation of correct articulation of sound [ts]. Automating it in reverse syllable. Reading the syllables ATs, OTs, UTs, ITs, ETs, YATs, ЁЦ, YuTs.

Sound automation [ts]

Consolidating the correct articulation of the sound [ts] and automating it in a straight syllable.

Determining the position of sound in words (beginning, middle, end) using models.

Sound automation[ts]

Strengthening the correct articulation of the sound [ts] and its automation in a syllable with a combination of consonants. Sound analysis of syllables.

Sound automation[ts]

Consolidating the correct articulation of the sound [ts] and automating it in words, phrases and sentences. Repetition of phrases and sentences, verification, compilation based on pictures and reference words.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Differentiation of articulation of sounds [ts] – [t’] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional consonants.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Differentiation of articulation of sounds [ts] - [s] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional consonants. Repeating sentences, memorizing phrases. Answer questions in complete sentences.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Differentiation of articulation of sounds [z] – [s] – [ts] in syllables, in words, in sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional consonants. Repeating sentences, memorizing phrases. Answer questions in complete sentences.

Final lesson

Automation and differentiation of delivered sounds in speech.

Sounds [Ш], [Х], [Ч], [Ш]

Formation of articulatory motor skills

Preparatory articulation exercises for the correct pronunciation of sounds [ш], [ж]. Exercises in front of a mirror (conjugate and reflected)

Formation of articulatory motor skills.

Preparatory articulation exercises for the formation of the correct pronunciation of the sounds [w], [z]. Development of auditory attention and memory.

Formation of articulatory motor skills

Speech sounds. Methods of forming sounds [w], [z]. Profiles, articulation.

Development of kinesthetic sensations.

Producing sounds [ш], [ж] mechanically or by imitation.

Formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds [ш], [ж]. Imitation games. Practicing articulatory movements while counting. Special exercises for sounds [w], [z].

Setting [w], [g]. and primary automation

Consolidating the correct articulation of sounds [ш], [ж]. Automation in direct syllables and at the beginning of words. Reading syllables.

Determining the position of sounds in words (beginning, middle) using models.

Consolidating the correct articulation of sounds [ш], [ж]. Imitation games. Automation in direct syllables and in the middle of words. Determining the position of the sound [ш] in a word (beginning, middle, end) using models.

Automation of sounds [w], [z].

Consolidating the correct articulation of sounds [ш], [ж]. Special exercises for sound. Automation in closed syllables in words of different syllabic structures. Sound analysis of words. Inflection and word formation. Clarification of the dictionary.

Automation of sounds [w], [z].

Consolidating the correct articulation of sounds [ш], [ж] and automation in combination with consonants. Correction of sounds, work on accuracy, purity, smoothness, tempo (from slow to fast) achieving stability of the result obtained

Automation of sounds [w], [z].

Consolidating the correct articulation of sounds [ш], [ж]. and automation in phrases and sentences (repetition, compilation from pictures, reference words, verification). Pure sayings, riddles. Complete answers to questions.

Automation of sounds [w], [z].

Consolidating the correct articulation of sounds [ш], [ж] and automation in coherent speech (poems, riddles, texts). Complete answers to questions, retelling, memorization of poems.

Differentiation of sounds /sh/ - /zh/

Clarification of the articulation of sounds /sh/ - /zh/. Differentiation in syllables, in words, in sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Row speaking. Pure talk.

Differentiation of sounds [w] – [zh]

Clarification of articulation of sounds and differentiation in sentences, poems, coherent speech.

Staging the sound [ш] or clarifying articulation

Formation of correct articulation of sound [ш]. Automating it in reverse syllables. Reading the syllables АШ, ОШЧ, УШ, etc.

Sound automation [u]

Consolidating the correct articulation of the sound [ш] and automating it in straight syllables. Reading the syllables SHCHA, SHCHU, SHCHU, SHCHO, SHCH.

Determining the position of sounds in a word (beginning, middle, end) using models.

Sound automation [u]

Consolidating the correct articulation of the sound [ш] and automating it in words of different syllabic structures (inflection, word formation, riddles, clarification of the dictionary)

Sound automation[u]

Consolidating the correct articulation of the sound [ш] and automating it in phrases and sentences (repetition, verification, compilation from pictures)

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [ш] – [с] and differentiation in syllables, words, sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Pure sayings, riddles, poems.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [ш] – [ш] and automation in syllables, words, sentences. Reading syllables with oppositional sounds. Pure sayings, riddles, poems.

Sound production [h] and primary automation

Formation of correct articulation of the sound [h]. Automating it in reverse syllables. Reading syllables ACH, UC, OC, ICH, ECH

Sound Automation

Clarification of the correct articulation of the sound [h] and its automation in straight syllables. Reading the syllables CHA, CHU, CHO, CHI, CHE

Determining the position of sounds in a word (beginning, middle) using models.

Sound automation [h]

Clarification of the correct articulation of the sound [h] and its automation in syllables with a combination of consonants. Sound analysis of syllables.

Sound automation [h]

Strengthening the correct articulation of the sound [h] and automating it in phrases and sentences.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [h] - [s] and differentiation in syllables, words, sentences.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [h] - [sch] and differentiation in syllables, words, sentences.

Differentiation of mixed sounds

Clarification of the articulation of sounds [ch] - [ts] and differentiation in syllables, words, and sentences.

Final lesson

Automation and differentiation of delivered sounds in speech.

Lesson 1

2. Sound and letter U.
3. Recalling the pictures on the “Telephone” game discussed in frontal lessons.
4. A game for the development of attention and memory with four pictures for the sound "What has changed?"
5. Exercise for the development of sound analysis (singling out the I stressed vowel) “Name the I sound” (in the words ear, smart, duck, beehive, street, smart girl).
6. Development of passive vocabulary, recall and classification of the names of vegetables and fruits, didactic game
"Garden Garden".
7. Application made of colored paper “Vegetables, fruits” (child’s choice)

Lesson 2
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Exercises (games) to develop attention and memory with four pictures for the sound U “Guess the indicated picture”, “What has changed?”
Drawing, appliqué, modeling and design tasks are completed with teachers and parents in the afternoon.
3. Preparation for sound production: Practicing exercises “Football”, “Let’s freeze our fingers”, “Let’s brush our lower teeth”.
4. An exercise to develop sound analysis, highlighting the first unstressed vowel in the words iron, washbasin, boa constrictor, snail, ducklings.
5. Reinforcing the names of vegetables and fruits - didactic game "Collect vegetables (fruits) in a basket."
6. Application from colored paper “Basket with vegetables (fruits)”.

Lesson 3
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Preparation for sound production: Practicing exercises “Football”, “Let’s freeze our fingers”, “Let’s brush our lower teeth”.
3. Sound and letter A.
4. Recalling pictures for sound A, discussed in the frontal lesson, playing ball.
5. An exercise to develop sound analysis, highlighting the I vowel in the words antenna, quince, studio, album, nuclear-powered ship.
6. Reinforcing the names of vegetables and fruits, playing with dummies “The Fourth Wheel”
speech therapist: child:
apple, pear, pumpkin, plum pumpkin
garlic, potatoes, radish, quince
zucchini, banana, eggplant, carrots banana melon, apricot, plum, peach melon
7. Game for developing attention and memory “Remember, repeat”
pumpkin quince banana melon (change the order of words).
8. Recalling these four items and applying one of them (of the child’s choice).

Lesson 4
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Preparation for sound production. Practicing exercises “Focus”, “Groove”.
3. Games for the development of attention and memory with five pictures for sound A “What has changed?”, “What has been missing?”, “What has been added?”
4. Sound analysis of a series of two vowels AU, UA “Name the first vowel,” “Name the last vowel,” “Count how many vowels I pronounced.”
5. Crafts for the role-playing game “Bread Store” made from plasticine, cotton wool, etc.

Lesson 5
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Recalling the pictures on the “Telephone” game discussed in frontal lessons.
3. A game for the development of attention and memory with six pictures for the sound "What has changed?", "Guess the indicated picture."
4. Exercise for the development of sound analysis (identifying the I stressed vowel) “Name the I sound” (in the words ear, smart, duck, beehive, street, smart girl, iron, washbasin, boa constrictor, snail, ducklings).
5. Painting with paints “Apple on a blue plate.”

Lesson 6
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Recalling pictures for sound A, discussed in the frontal lesson, playing ball.
3. Exercise for the development of sound analysis “Name the first sound” (highlighting the first vowel in the words antenna, quince, studio, album, nuclear-powered ship).
4. Games for the development of attention and memory with six pictures for sound A “What has changed?”, “What has disappeared?”, “What has been added?”
5. Sound analysis of a series of two vowels AU, UA “Name the first vowel,” “Name the last vowel,” “Count how many vowels I pronounced.”
6. Looking at pictures about bread.
7. Drawing with “Baton” paints.

Lesson 7
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Preparation for sound production: Practicing exercises “Football”, “Let’s freeze our fingers”, “Brush the lower teeth”, “Focus”, “Groovet”.
3. Sounds of the letter I.
4. Recalling the pictures discussed in the frontal lesson using sound and the game “Telephone”.
5. Games for the development of attention and memory with six pictures “Guess the indicated picture”, “Remember, name it”.
6. Sound analysis exercises
“Name the first vowel in the word” (willow, Inna, Ivan, turkey, frost); “Count and name the sounds” (AUI, AIU, IAU, IUA, UAI, UIA).
7. Drawing with paints "Inna (Ivan) under the willow tree."

Lesson 8
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Preparation for sound production S.
3. Sounds P, P", letter P.
4. Recalling pictures on P, P", discussed in the frontal lesson, playing ball.
5. Game to develop attention and memory “Remember, repeat”
peony rooster stump petunia Panama parrot spider horseshoe (change the order of words).
6. Sound analysis and synthesis of the reverse syllable (AI, UP, IP).
7. Reproduction of syllable series:
up-up-up up-up-up up-up-up
8. Compiling a short story using key words
Petya, Fields, house, stump, rooster, linden.
9. Illustration for the compiled story.

Lesson 9
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2 Sound production C.
3. Sound and letter T.
Plans for individual and subgroup lessons...
4. Recalling 7-8 pictures for the sound T, discussed in the frontal lesson, playing ball.
5. Sound analysis of reverse syllables (at, ut, it). Folding them from a cut alphabet.
6. Reproduction of syllable series
at-ot-ut-it from-ut-it-at ut-it-at-from it-at-ot-ut
7. Inventing and making toys from natural materials.

Lesson 10
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound production S.
3. Conversion of syllables
at-ta, ut-tu, it-ti,

ta-to-tu-ti to-tu-ti-ta tu-ti-ta-to ti-ta-to-tu
5. Sound analysis, highlighting the last voiceless consonant T, P in the words lift, bandage, bow, cat, trunk, top, stupid,
6. Development of attention and memory game “Remember, repeat”
duck parrot tank rooster (change word order).
7. Making toys from natural and waste materials.

Lesson 11
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound production S.
3. Sound analysis of reverse syllables ap, at, ut, up, ip, it.
4. Transformation of these syllables (exercises with split alphabet).
up-pa up-pu eep-pee
pa-po-pu-pi po-pu-pi-pa pu-pi-pa-po pi-pa-po-pu
5. Printing the syllables AP, AT, UT, UP, IP, IT.
6. Game "Finish the word"
bin., ban., then., hobo., bodice., topo., sn., clo., co., ki., hundred..
7. Development of attention and memory game “Guess the indicated picture” (6-7 pictures for the sounds P, T).
8. Coordination of cardinal numbers and nouns game “1-2-5” (duck, rooster, parrot, tank).

Lesson 12
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound production S.
3. Development of attention and memory - the game "What has changed?" with seven pictures for the sounds P, T
rooster, parrot, tank, stove, cat, machine gun.
4. Sound analysis of straight syllables ta, pa, pu, tu, ti, pi; exercises with split alphabet;
typing these syllables.
5. Formation and use of possessive adjectives with the suffix -in. Making sentences based on pictures of a rooster, parrot, duck, bow, cat according to this example
Tom has a duck. - This is Tomina's duck. Petya's rooster is Petya's rooster.
6. Drawing "Duck".

Lesson 13
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound production S.
3. Sound analysis of backward and forward syllables (see lessons 9-12); exercises with split alphabet;
typing these syllables.
.4. Development of attention and memory of the game “Remember, repeat”, “What has changed?”, “Guess the indicated picture” (see lessons 9-12).
5. Game "Finish the word"
bin., ban., to., hobo., topo., sn., co., ki., hundred..
6. Application "Favorite toy".
ka-ko-ku-ki ko-ku-ki-ka ku-ki-ka-ko ki-ka-ko-ku
Lesson 14
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound production S.
3. Isolating the sound C by ear
a) from the syllables: as, os, us, ys, is;
b) from the words: nose, kvass, forest, dog.
4. Reproduction of syllable series
ak-ok-uk-yk ok-uk-yk-ak uk-yk-ak-ok yk-ak-ok-uk
5. Sounds K, K" and the letter K.
6. Distinguishing K K" grouping of pictures (poppy, cat, wreath,
skittles, cubes, skates, oak trees, buttercup, horse, turkey, book, hunters, ducks).
7. Development of attention and memory game “Remember, repeat”
poppy wreath oaks book (change word order).
8. Application "Poppy".

Lesson 15
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound production S.
3. Isolation of sound C by ear
a) from the syllables sa, so, su, sy;
b) from the words sam, catfish, soup, son.
4. Reproduction of syllable series
pa-ta-ka-ha ta-ka-ha-pa ka-ha-pa-ta ha-pa-ta-ka
5. Development of attention and memory game with 7-8 pictures in K
"What changed?"
6. Making sentences based on pictures in K, K" with the word no according to this example:
Katya doesn't have a wreath.
Tolya does not have an oak tree (poppy, cap, book).
7. Applique "Autumn pattern on a dish."
Lesson 16
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound production S.
3. Sound analysis, highlighting the vowel after the consonant in the words som, sleep, nose, dry, juice.
4. Sound and letter O.

by-to-ko-ho to-ko-ho-by by-ho-by-ho-by-to-to
6. Using the genitive plural of nouns, composing sentences with the word a lot using subject pictures (horse, window, wreath, deuce, peony) according to the model
There are many horses in the herd.
7. Development of attention and memory game with six pictures “Guess the indicated picture” (wreath, peony, books, oak tree, marigold, whale).
8. Painting with “Wreath” paints.
Lesson 17
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound and letter S.
Articulatory posture of sound C, examination of the profile: lips stretched into a smile, teeth in a fence with a gap, the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, a cold air stream, a long whistle directed downwards.
3. Automation of the sound C in the syllable sa
sa-sa-sa slowly and for a long time sa-sa sa-sa sa-sa sa-sa-sa sa-sa-sa sa-sa-sa sa-sa s.a-sa-sa sa-sa-sa sa-sa
4. Introduction of the syllable sa into the words garden, sleigh
sa-sa-sa garden, garden, garden;
sa-sa-sa sleigh, sleigh, sleigh (Sanya).
5. Automation of the sound C in the words garden, sleigh
a) games “A lot - no”, “1-2-5-9”;
b) speaking sentences
Sanya has a garden. Sanya goes to the garden. Sanya is watering the garden.1) Sanya is in the garden.
6. Application "Garden".

Lesson 18
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.

3. Automation in the syllables sa, sy and words with them
a) sa-sa-sa sambo sy-sy-sy son sa-sa-sa boots sy-sy-sy full sa-sa-sa scooter sy-sy-sy sprinkle sa-sa-sa self-propelled gun sy-sy-sy son
b) the game "1-2-5-9" with the words boots, scooter, son, son, self-propelled gun, garden, sleigh.
4. Development of attention and memory game “Remember, repeat”:
sa-sa-sy sy-sa-sa
sa-sy-sy sy-sy-sa
sa-sa-sa sy-sa-sa
garden sleigh boots scooter
sleigh boots scooter garden (change the order of words).
5. Sound analysis of the words son, himself.
6. Application "Golden Autumn".

Lesson 19
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S S S (whistle for a long time).
3. Syllables and words
sa-sa-sa wasp, braid, cash desk sy-sa-sa beads, wasps, mustache, braids
4. Game "Remember, repeat"
wasp braids cash register mustache (change the order of words).

5. Determination of the location of sound C
6. Learning pure phrases
Sa-sa-sa Sanya has a garden,
sa-sa-sa there is a wasp in the garden,
sy-sy-sy Sanya has beads,
sy-sy-sy the wasp has a mustache.
7. Recalling the names of trees, word formation of relative adjectives from the names of trees, the game “Which leaf?”, “Which branch?”
at the maple, maple, me at the linden, at the oak, at the poplar, at the viburnum
8. Drawing leaves along the contour with a pencil, shading.

Lesson 20
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S S S (whistle for a long time).
3. Automation in syllables and words
so-so-so catfish, juice, Sonya, soda, sand, sock;
su-su-su soup, bough, bag, chest, carry, dishes.
4. Reproduction of syllable series and word series
a) sa-so-su-sy so-su-sy-sa su-sy-sa-so sy-sa-so-su
b) catfish soup sand dishes (change the order of words).
5. Exercise in agreement. cardinal numbers and nouns game "1-2-5-9"
1 som 2 soms 5 soms 9 soms (bag, chest, sock).
6. Speaking sentences
Sonya has juice. Sonya drinks juice. Sonya has a bag. There are dishes in the bag.
7. Learning tongue twisters
Sa-sa-sa Sonya goes to the garden,
sa-sa-sa there is a wasp in the garden,
In the absence of a defect in the pronunciation of the sound L".
so-so-so the wasp drinks juice,
su-su-su Sonya sees a wasp,
sy-sy-sy the wasp has a mustache.
8. Painting with paints “Viburnum branch”.
Lesson 21
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S S S (whistle for a long time).
3. Automation in reverse syllables and words with them
a) as-as-as as-as as-as-as b) as-as-as kvass os-os-os- os-os- os-os-os os-os-os-nos
us-us-us-- us-us us-us-us os-os-os coconut es-es-eses-eses-es-es ys-ys-ys kumys
ys-ys-ys ys-ys ys-ys-ys us-us-us focus
4. "Remember, repeat"
a) cactus bus pineapple kvass (change the order of words).
b) as-os-us-ys os-us-ys-as us-ys-as-os ys-as-os-us
5. Pronouncing and memorizing simple phrases, highlighting words with the sound C
As-as-as we have kvass at home,
as-as-as we have pineapple at home,
wasps-os-os there are a lot of wasps in the garden,
us-us-us Sonya has a cactus,
us-us-us Sanya has a new bus,
Ys-ys-ys Denis drinks kumiss.
6. Application "Bouquet of autumn leaves".
Lesson 22
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S S S (whistle for a long time).
3. Syllables and words (pronouncing and determining the location of the sound C)
hundred-hundred-hundred glass, machine, herd, stadium, cabbage, pasta, bride;
hundred-hundred-hundred place, dough, empty, thick, groan;
October. Staging and automation of sound C
knock-knock-knock, mortar, steps, shepherd; oh, oh, bushes, bridges, tails, storks.
4. Reproduction of syllable series
5. Coordination of the pronouns mine, mine, mine, mine with the nouns
meaningful (see words from paragraph 3) game "Echo"
speech therapist: child: and vice versa speech therapist: child:
my glass is my place
my cabbage my machine
my flock my bride
6. Drawing "Leaf Fall".
7. Preparation for setting the sound L. Exercises “Smile”, “Shovel”, “Chatterer”, “Drum”, “Punish the naughty tongue

Lesson 23
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S S S (whistle for a long time).
3. Syllable series, recalling words and pronouncing tongue twisters from lessons 18-22.
4. Sound analysis, transformation of syllables, words
as-sa-so-os-us-su-si-is us-su-soup-suk-dry os-so-sok-soh
5. Exercises with split alphabet (see point 3).
6. Typing syllables and words
7". Practicing the pronunciation of syllables and words
a) ast-ast-ast ost-ost-ost bridge ost-ost-ost tail mouth-ust-ust bush
b) ast-ost-ust-ist ost-ust-ist-ast ust-ist-ast-ost ist-ast-ost-ust
c) game “Remember, repeat” stork bridge tail bush (change word order)
8. Pronouncing sentences, highlighting words with the sound C
There is a stork in the garden.
There is a rooster standing under a bush.
The rooster raises his tail. Behind the garden is a high bridge.
9. Word formation according to the model
piano pianist taxi hockey - tank button accordion
10. A walk in the autumn garden or forest, observing the signs of autumn, collecting autumn leaves for applications.
11. Application made of paper, leaves or drawing (optional) “Pattern of autumn leaves.”

Lesson 24
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S S S (whistle for a long time).
3. Syllable rows
ska-sko-sku-sky ask-osk-usk-ysk
sko-sku-ska-ska osk-usk-ysk-ask
sku-sky-ska-sko usk-ysk-ask-osk
sky-ska-sko-sku ysk-ask-osk-usk
4. Words (pronunciation, determining the location of the sound C)
helmet mask claim kiosk
pussy jump squeak wax
bowl bench search start
;) The task is completed with teachers or parents.
5. Nominative plural of nouns ball game
pussy pussy mask bench
bowl helmet search
6. Coordination of cardinal numerals and nouns game “1-2-5-9” (for words, see paragraph 5).
7. Pure saying “Pussy” (learning, highlighting words with the sound C)
Pussy, pussy, where's your bowl?
Pussy eats soup from a bowl:
The pussy is full, the bowl is empty.
8. Applique of autumn leaves “Pussy”.

Task 25
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound S S S (whistle for a long time).
3. Syllable rows
spa-spo-spu-spa asp-osp-usp-ysp
spo-spu-spa-spa osp-usp-ysp-asp
spu-spa-spa-spo usp-ysp-asp-osp
spa-spa-spoo-spoo ysp-asp-osp-usp
4. Game "Remember, repeat"
sleep confuse sing satellite (change word order).
5. Pure sayings about owls and owlets
It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time. One owl does not sleep and sits on a branch.
We see owlets on the bitch. The owls are sitting here together. When they are not sleeping, they eat. They don't sleep when they eat.
6. Isolating words with the sound C from these pure phrases.
7. Application from leaves “Owl and owlets”.
8. Game "1-2-5-9" (with the words owl, owlets).
9. Preparation for setting the sound L. Exercises “Smile”, “Shovel”, “Chatterer”, “Drum”, “Punch the tongue”.

Lesson 26
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.

3. Syllables, syllable rows
la-la la-la-la li-li li-li-li le-le le-le-le lu-lu lu-lu-lu
4. Syllables and words
li-li-li linden le-le-le tape
li-li-li elevator le-le-le watering can
li-li-li rain le-le-le lion
li-li-li line le-le-le summer
li-li-li Lida le-le-le swan
li-li-li fox le-le-le Lena
li-li-li ruler le-le-le modeling
li-li-li liana lyu-lyu-lyu love
li-li-li lemon li-li-li Lyuba
5. Game “Remember, repeat” (for words, see paragraph 4).
6. Coordination of cardinal numbers and nouns - game “1-2-5-9” (swan, linden, ribbon).
7. Learning tongue twisters
The swans flew and sat down on the water,
They sat down, sat and flew again.

sculpt a swan.
9. Modeling from plasticine "Swan".
10. Setting the sound C (exercises “Pussy is angry”, “Reel”, “Slide”).

Lesson 27
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound L"-L"-L" (repeated abrupt pronunciation).
3. Syllables
la-la-la li-li-li le-le-le lu-lu-li
la-la-la li-li-li le-le-le lu-lu-li
4. Syllables and words
li-li-li-kalina li-li-li - raspberry li-li-li- snail li-li-li- peacock li-li-li- valley li-li-li- epic li-li-li- salute le -le-le- ballet le-le-le- ticket le-le-le- log le-le-le- knee le-le-le- omelette la-la-la glade la-la-la week
5. Game "Fourth wheel"
swan, lion, fox, deer, swan
leopard, lion, fox deer, stag
viburnums, maples, spruce, linden spruce
orange, bread, waffles dumplings orange
6. Recalling highlighted words (see paragraph 4). Game "Remember, repeat" with these words.

fly on an airplane.
8. Coordination of cardinal numbers and nouns game “1-2-5-9” (plane, week, log)
9. Learning tongue twisters
Airplane, airplane
Prepared for flight.
He will fly over the forests,
He will fly over the fields.
10. Application from geometric shapes "Airplane".
11. Setting the sound C (exercises “Pussy is angry”, “Reel”, “Slide”).

Lesson 28
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound L"-L"-L" (repeated abrupt pronunciation).
3. Syllables, syllable rows
4. Syllables and words
al-al-al dal al-al-al steel al-al-al enamel al-al-al pedal ol-ol-ol salt ol-ol-ol mole ol-ol-ol poplar ol-ol-ol sable
5. Game “Remember, repeat” (for words, see paragraph 4)
6. "Finish the word"
yes.., so.., would.., hundred.., honey, bo.., topo.., cape.., mete.
spruce-spruce-spruce snowstorm spruce-spruce-spruce drops spruce-spruce-spruce hops yl-yl-yl byl yl-yl-yl feather grass yl-yl-yl crutch yul-yul-yul July yul-yul-yul tulle p. 4).
., mo.., ju.., hmm.., faso.., costa...
7. Negotiating proposals
Kolya and Lyuba planted... (poplar)
It grows in the steppe.... (feather grass)
Outside the window... (blizzard)
It's ringing in the yard.... (drops)
On the table in a salt shaker.... (salt)
A furry animal lives in the taiga.... (sable)
The summer month has arrived.... (July)
8. Repetition of tongue twisters with the sound L" (see lessons 26, 27).
8. Application made of colored paper "Poplar".
9. Setting the sound C (exercises “Pussy is angry”, “Reel”, “Slide”).

Lesson 29
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Repetition of sound C
a) syllable rows;
b) recalling words with the sound C
at the beginning of a word at the end in the middle;
c) pronouncing pure sayings in C (see lessons 19, 20, 21, 24, 25).
3. Soft sound C (repeated and prolonged pronunciation, observation of the position of the articulatory organs, especially the tongue).
4. Syllables
Xia-Xia-Xia-Xia Xia-Xia Xia-Xia-Xia Xia-Xia Xia-Xia-Xia Xia-Xia Xia-Xia-Xia Xia-Xia Xia-Xia-Xia
5. Syllable series
6. Words
to weight
7. Game "Remember, repeat" with highlighted words.
8. Learning tongue twisters, highlighting words with the sound C
We sit on the stairs and we sing songs. Everyone sings, and I sing my new song.
9. Word formation modeled on relative adjectives (word combinations with them) ball game
autumn autumn day
(leaf, ash, oak, linden, weather, sky).
10. Consolidating the formation and use of relative adjectives from the words aspen, ash game “Which leaf, which branch, which log?”
11. Application "Ash branch".

Lesson 30
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound C (soft) (repeated and prolonged pronunciation).
3. Syllable rows
all-all-all-all all-all-all-all all-all-all-all
4. Learning pure sayings “Vasenka”, “Kittens”
Fidget Vasenka does not sit still,
The fidgety Vasenka is with us everywhere.
Vasenka has a mustache, there is gray hair on his mustache,
Vasenka has an arched tail and a spot on his back.
There are seven kittens on the bench,
All kittens want to eat.
We will pour jelly into a bowl
Here's a bowl of jelly for you.
There are seven kittens under the bench
They don't want to eat from a bowl. (Pay attention to the hidden meaning).
5. Exercises with deformed phrases
Vasenka's place is not sitting Vasenka is not sitting still, kittens want seven there are geese Lucy forest graze in grazing goslings geese with together there are foxes want jelly seven not kittens have to want bench bowl on blue stands jelly in
6. Completing sentences (indirect cases of cardinal numerals and nouns) Seven kittens are sitting on a bench. We admire... Vasya takes care of... Maxim gives a bowl of jelly... There is no one on the bench...
7. Illustration for one of the proverbs.

Lesson 31
1. Articulation and finger gymnastics.
2. Sound C (repeated and prolonged pronunciation).
3. Syllable rows
as-os-us-is as-us-is-as as-is-as-os
4. Words
goose braid
the whole eighth
maybe a letter
string bag letters
pug Vaska (cat) written
5. Memorizing an excerpt from the poem “My Bear” by 3. Alexandrova
Don't be afraid: it's a goose.
I'm afraid of him myself.
Highlighting words with the sound C (goose, afraid, afraid).
6. Sound analysis of the word goose (geese).
7. Related words for goose
goose (geese) goose (goslings), goose, gander, goose.
8. Converting a deformed phrase
forest goose to graze goose gosling have a little goose woods goslings go with Lyusya geese goslings from the mouth Vasya fluff soft carry goose
9. Exercise in the use of possessive adjectives with the suffix -in, selection of words (objects) for the adjectives Vasino, Sonina, Sanin (see paragraph 4):
Sanin's goose, Vaska's cat; Sonya's string bag, pug, braid; Vasino's letter.
10. Applique of autumn leaves “Goose”.

Lesson 32
1. Sound C (repeated and prolonged pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
stu-stu-stu stu-stu-sti-sti stu-sti-stu-ste
3. Words
wall steppe poetry Stepan
ast-ost-ust-ist ost-ust-ist-ast ust-ist-ast-ost is-ast-ost-ust
bones guests lead misfortune
bone guest news attack
4. Repetition of familiar pure phrases starting with the sound C (see lessons 29, 30, 31).
5. Learning a new phrase
Together with my mother I get up,
I make my own bed,
I wash my face, get dressed,
I'm going to kindergarten with my mother.
6. Recalling words starting with the sound C
at the beginning of the word at the end in the middle.
7. Compiling and memorizing a story based on the plot picture “Autumn” using key words: autumn, autumnal, ash, aspen, leaf fall, leaves, Sima, Senya, Vasya.
8. Drawing "Forest in autumn decoration."

Lesson 33
1. Production of the sound C (by imitation, from TS).
2. Automation in reverse syllables
ats-ats ats-ats-ats its-its its-its-its
ots-ots ots-ots-ots ots-ots ots-ots-ots
ts-ts ts-ts-ts yats-yats yats-yats-yats
3. Introduction of the sound C into words with reverse syllables
ats-ats-ats bam ets-ets-etsudalets
tz-tz-tz fighter tz-tz-tz fugitive
tz-tz-candy tz-tz-finger
tz-tz-tz infantryman tz-tz-tz dance
tz-tz-tz father tz-tz-tz messenger tz-tz-tz end tz-tz-tz singer
tsk-tsk-tsut little finger ts-ts-ts-ts finally ts-ts-ts blacksmith yat-yat~yat hare
4. “Remember, repeat” - an exercise to develop attention and memory (for words, see paragraph 3).
5. Exercise with a split alphabet, composing and transforming syllables
6. Printing the letter C;
typing the syllables ATs, OTs, UC, ITs, YTS.
7. Speaking sentences
A hare sits under a bush.
Sonya's father is an infantryman.
And Sanya’s father is a singer.
The singer performs a cheerful song.
Finally, Vasya was given a lollipop.
The dog bites the finger, especially the little finger.

Lesson 34
1. Sound T (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series

3. Syllables and words
tsa-tsa-tsa bird
tsa-tsa marten
tsa-tsa-tsa fox
tsa-tsa-tsa street
tsa-tsa-tsa mill
tsa-tsa-tsa soap box
tsa-tsa-tsa village
tsa-tsa-tsa singer
tsa-tsa-tsa greenhouse
tsa-tsa-tsa sheep
tsa-tsa-tsa - Voditsa
tsa-tsa-tsa - smart girl
tsa-tsa-tsa - tit
tsa-tsa-tsa - knitting needle
tsa-tsa-tsa - chariot
tsa-tsa-tsa - girl
tsa-tsa-tsa - hospital
tsa-tsa-tsa button
tsik-tsik-tsik birds
tut tsk martens
tsk-tsk-tsk foxes
tut tut tut streets
tsk-tsk-tsk mills
tsk-tsy-tsy villages
tsk-tsk-tsk soap boxes
tsk tsk singers
tsuk-tsik-tsik greenhouses
4. Game “Remember, repeat” (for words, see paragraph 3).
5. Learning nursery rhymes
The girl runs out into the street up to the water,
But the water is far away, but the bucket is large.
You, girl, don’t go, you, girl, sit down.
6. The game “Me too” is an exercise in the formation of feminine nouns based on the model of a smart guy, a smart teacher, a writer, a hunter-gardener, a fashionista, an entertainer.
7. Drawing with paints "Birds fly south."

Lesson 35
1. Sounds S - C (repeated pronunciation).
2 Syllables and words
tso-tso-tso - letter
tso-tso-tso - ring
Tso-tso-tso - egg
tso-tso-tso - face
tsetse-tse - chain
Tse-tse-tse- assessment
tse-tse-tse- prices
tse-tse-tse- clue
3. Syllable rows:
4 "Remember, repeat"
face chain egg ring (change the order of words).
5 Game "Echo" word formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes -ts-, -its-, ec-
speech therapist: child: speech therapist:
building task letter announcement, knowledge, explanation, body
body, business, village, lard, soap, coat.
6 Learning the nursery rhyme "Chicks"
Chick-chick-chick! Chicks!
There is some water in a tub.
Who's afraid of me
I won't give him any water.
Here are the chickens running
They are not afraid of Natka.
There is a saucer near the tub
They will all get drunk.7 Application to this nursery rhyme.

Task 36
Sound T (repeated pronunciation).
Syllable series
tsma-tsmo-tsmu-tsma tsmo-tsmu-tsma-tsma tsma-tsma-tsma-tsmo tsma-tsma-tsmo-tsma
atsm-otsm-atsm-ytsm otsm-atsm-ytsm-atsm
3. Repetition of nursery rhymes and tongue twisters in C.
4. Memorizing the proverb “Blizzard”.
Let the blizzard blow, spread with light snow. Hares were running in the forest, A fox was spotted there, A tit was sitting on a pine tree, A fox was standing under a pine tree.
5 Recalling words with the sound C ball game
6 Game "1-2-5-9" with words (pictures)
hare, heron, egg, chick, bird, sheep, chicken, fighter, street, soapbox, button, breadbox, hyacinth, singer
7. Related words (modeled)
bread, bread box
soup soup, tureen
napkin napkin holder
candy candy, candy bowl
deciduous leaf, larch
soap dish, soap dish
8. Transformation of sentences (exercise in the use of possessive adjectives with the suffix -й-):
Sonya has a bread box. This is Sonya's breadbox. Sanya has a napkin holder.
Vasya has larch in his garden. Sima has a glass candy bowl. Lucy has a blue button. Asya has a faience tureen.
9. Illustration for the proverb “Blizzard”.
Lesson 37

2. Repetition of the sound C: syllable rows, words, phrases,
nursery rhymes.
3. Repetition of the sound C: syllable rows, words, phrases,
nursery rhymes.
4. Comparison of sounds with the game "On the contrary"
a) in syllables
sa-sa-sa tsa-tsa-tsa as-as-as ats-ats-ats
so-so-so os-os-os
su-su-su us-us-us
sy-sy-sy ys-ys-ys
b) in words
clink juice color
goals heron
bam flower
boot price
5. Sound-syllable analysis, drawing up diagrams of the words tsok, sok, bam, bass.
6. Exercises with split alphabet (composition, transformation of words, see paragraph 5).
7. Typing the words COC, SOK, BAM, BAS.
8. Related words
9. Game "Finish the word"
pump., infantry., combat., vacuum., but., zaya., forge., pe., ice., qua., anana., father., horse., sub., ptene., auto..

Lesson 38
Sounds S Ts (alternate pronunciation)
sa-sa-tsa sa-tsa-tsa sa-tsa-sa
2. Syllable series
as-as-ats ats-ats-as tsa-tsa-sa
as-ats-ats ats-as-as tsa-sa-sa
as-ats-as ats-as-ats tsa-sa-tsa
3. Exercises with pictures in C, C
a) selection of pictures for both sounds like sun;
b) selection of pictures in C,
c) selection of pictures on C
(pictures: knitting needle, vacuum cleaner, ladder, sun, pine, stage, flowers, chick, chariot, singer, arctic foxes, station, sheep, acacia, bush, mask, bench, hyacinth).
4. Conjugation (without the second person singular) in the future tense
cling to an acacia bush remove a caterpillar from an acacia bush perform a children's song on stage.
5. Games “What has changed?”, “Guess the picture”, “Remember, name” with pictures for both sounds (see paragraph Pro).
6. Sound-syllable analysis, word chain diagrams, sheep.
7. Repetition of pure sayings in S, C.
8. Application "Hare under a bush".

Lesson 39
1. Sounds S Ts (alternate pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
sta-sta-sta sta-sta-sta acc-ast-ast sta-ast-ast sta-sta-sta sta-sta-sta acc-ast-ast sta-ast-ast sta-sta-sta sta-sta-sta ast-ast-ast ast-ast-ast
3 Comparison of sounds S T game “On the contrary” (see lesson 37, p. 4).
4. Game “Finish the word” (see lesson 37, paragraph 9).
5. Game with pictures “1-2-5-9” (see lesson 38, paragraph 3).
6. Negotiating sentences based on these pictures
This is Sonin (Sonina, Sonino) ... This is Sanin (Sanina, Sanino) ... This is Svetin (Svetina, Svetino) ...
7. Application "Tit".

Lesson 40
1. Sound 3 by imitation, analogous to sound C, with tactile-vibrational control (hand on throat).
2. Syllables
30-30 30-30-30
zu-zu zu-zu-zu zy-zy zy-zy-zy
3. Syllables and words
for-for-for bunny zy-zy-zy basins
for-for-for the sunset zy-zy-zy carts
for-for-for the smell zy-zy-zyk
for-for-for the plant zy-zy-zy goats
for-for-for the castle zy-zy-zy vases
for-for-for fun za-za-za music
for-for-for riddle for-for-for vase
zo-zo-zo Zoya zu-zu-zu teeth
zo-zo-zo umbrella zu-zu-zu tooth
zo-zo-zo call zu-zu-zu dental
zo-zo-zo umbrella zo-zo-zo lawn zo-zo-zo cart
4. Syllable rows
5. Games with pictures for 3 “Remember, name, put”, “1-2-
5-9" (pheasant, forget-me-nots, mimosa, umbrella, banner, star).
6. Letter 3.
7. Exercise with a split alphabet following the traces of analysis (basins, goats), drawing up diagrams of these words.
8. Printing the words TAZY, GOAT, TAZ, GOAT.
9. Learning a joke
For-for-for Zoya has a goat,
zo-zo-zo Zoya has an umbrella,
zu-zu-zu Zoya grazes a goat under an umbrella,
zy-zy-zy Zoya has neither an umbrella nor a goat.

Lesson 41

2. Syllable series
3. Repeating the joke about Zoya and the goat.
4. Learning a new joke about Zoya, the bunny and the goat
The bunny doesn't sleep, he calls Zoya, the goat doesn't let the bunny sleep. Take the goat, lock the goat, and my little bunny will fall asleep in the basin. The bunny will yawn and Zoya will yawn. The bunny will fall asleep and Zoya will fall asleep. Zoya is the bunny's mistress, The bunny sleeps in Zoya's basin.
5. Selecting words for sound 3 from this joke.
6. Game “Call it affectionately”, reinforcing the use of diminutive suffixes -ok, -ek, -ik, becoming familiar with the spelling of dubious consonants
basin basin pump
cart mowing
wagon train kvass
7. Illustration for the listened fairy tale by I. Sokolov-Mikitov “Leaf Falls”.

Lesson 42
1. Sound 3 (long pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
zna-zno-znu-zny azn-ozn-uzn-yzn
know-know-know-know ozn-uzn-yzn-azn
I know-I know-I know I know-YZN-AZN-OZN
know-know-know-know yzn-azn-ozn-uzn
3. Words
know the abyss is a splinter
knowledge white star
banner treasury starship
familiar heat starfall
sultry tank farm sign
4. Conjugation (without the second person singular) a) in the future tense
meet Zoya on the train; a) in the present tense
recognize familiar stars in the abyss of the sky.
5. Use of prepositions for, because of, from under an exercise with a deformed phrase
bunny bush sits behind (under)
bunny bush peek out from behind (from under)
bunny bush crawl out from behind
Forget-me-nots Lisa for planting the hut
Zoya Pine stand behind
Zoya pine peeks out from behind
Zoya Pine comes out from behind
goat graze the forest behind
umbrella back Lisa
Liza's back takes out the umbrella from behind
6. Game "Finish the word" (spelling of doubtful consonants)
ta., but., vo., pump., ob., coco., kva., vya., u., anana., navo., ee., not., poko., bus, Kama., ha.. .
7. Repeating words to sound 3 playing ball or jumping rope.
8. Repetition of jokes and nursery rhymes based on sound 3.
9. Sound-syllable analysis, typing and diagram of the word umbrella.
10. Preparation for staging the sound Sh. Exercises “Delicious jam”, “Cup”, “Mushroom”, “Turkey”, “Focus”, “Let’s warm our hands”.

Lesson 43
1. Sound 3" (soft) is caused by imitation.
2. Syllable series
zy-ze-zy-zy ze-zy-zy-zy zy-ze-zy-ze zi-zy-ze-zy
3. Words
drifting snow
4. Transformation of sentences according to the model
Zina has a newspaper. This is Zinya's newspaper. Zina has strawberries. Zina has a finch. Zina has Vaseline. Zina has raisins.
5. “Remember, repeat” (see underlined words from task 4).
6. Sound-syllable analysis, exercise with split alphabet, drawing up word diagrams and typing: Zina, winter. Spelling capital letters in names.
7. Memorizing the joke poem "Green Song"
In the green, green, green forest I carry a green strawberry leaf. The green branch under the spruce tree does not sleep, Green music is ringing somewhere, The green kid in the green foliage, He sings a green song to me.
8. Isolating words with a 3" sound (soft) from the "Green Song".
9. Exercise in agreeing the adjective green, green, green with nouns game "Echo"
speech therapist: child:
banana green foliage leaf coat Panama bench snake
10. Sound production Sh.
speech therapist: child:
green apple grasshopper strawberry finch tree ash linden

Lesson 44
1. Sound 3" (soft) (long repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
angry-angry-angry-angry evil-angry-angry-angry-angry-angry-angry-angry-angry-angry-angry-angry
I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know
azl-ozl-knot-izl ozl-knot - izl-azl knot-izl-azl-ozl izl-azl-ozl-knot
zn-zn-zn-zn zn-zn-zn-zn zn-zn-zn-zn zn-azn-ozn-uzn
3. Recalling words for 3" ball games.
4. Repetition of the "Green Song".
5. Related words
winter winter, winter crops, wintering, wintering, wintering.
6. Coordination of adjectives winter, winter, winter with nouns game "Echo" (based on the model)
speech therapist: suit coat clothes day-air weather
child: winter
speech therapist: sky-blizzard sun-blizzard wind-fairy tale child:
7. Compiling and memorizing the story “Winter” using key words: winter, snow, garden, sled, Zoya, Zina, Lisa, Sima, carry, Tuzik, snowman, make, name, took, winter.
8. Learning the quatrain “Winter”
My nose is chilly, winter is coming. In a winter fairy tale, there are forests and houses. It will carry everything with drifting snow: the Earth, the steppes and the plant.
9. Drawing with a candle "Winter's Tale".

Lesson 45

2. Repetition of the sound C, syllables, syllable rows, words, simple sayings, nursery rhymes, jokes.
3. Repetition of sound 3, syllables, syllable rows, words, pure sayings, rhymes, jokes.
4. Syllable rows
sa-za-sa for-sa-za
5. Transformation of syllables, words game "On the contrary"
a) st zda zma sma hundred zmo stu zmu
styzma, etc.
b) Zoya soya tooth-goat Lisa bunny
6. Grouping of pictures game "Let's give pictures to Zoya and Sonya."
Zoya on 3 Sonya on C
(dog, castle, vase, umbrella, bag, socks, stroller, cabbage, goat, forget-me-nots, bench, vacuum cleaner, alphabet, pacifier, mimosa, mosaic).
7. Based on the results of paragraph 6, compilation and transformation of phrases (sentences) with possessive adjectives according to the model
Zoya has an umbrella. This is Zoya's umbrella.
Sonya has cabbage. This is Sonya's cabbage.
8. Sound-syllable analysis, exercises with split alphabet, diagrams and typing of words goat braids, goat braids.
9. Conjugation in the present tense (without the second person singular)
admiring the fall of leaves in the autumn forest, admiring the snowfall in the winter garden, observing the falling stars in the dark sky.
10. Sound production Sh.

Lesson 46
1. Sounds C 3 (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repetition of lesson material 45 pp. 2-9.
3. Words drought drifts carp curtain write down convene
bolt ambush say veil fall asleep fairy tale
4. Game "1-2-5-9" (a familiar fairy tale, an exciting fairy tale). 5. Drawing or applique "Snowfall".
Lesson 47
1. Sounds C 3" (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repetition of the sound C, syllables, syllable rows, words, phrases.
3. Repetition of sound 3", syllables, syllable rows, words, phrases.
4. Syllable rows
wickedly wickedly
oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
azn-azn-asn azn-asn-asn azn-asn-aznyasm-asm-azm asm-asm-asm asm-asm-asm asm-asm-asm asm-asm-asm asm-asm-asm znya-snya-snya znya -snya-znya asl-asl-azl asl-azl-azl
asl-azl-asl azl-azl-asl azl-asl-asl azl-asl-azl
5. Transformation of syllables game "On the contrary"
zy-zya-zya sya-sya-sya stya-sty-sya here-here-here ste-ste-ste here-here-here
ze-ze-ze stu-stu-stu zi-zdi-zdi sti-sti-sti zi-zdi-zdi
zyu-zyu-zyu zi-zi-zi ze-ze-ze-ze-ste-ste here-here-here
6. Grouping pictures game “Give me pictures” (leaves, snowman, finch, orange, shop, newspaper, museum, cornflower, goose, letter, strawberry).
Sime Zine
7. Exercise in the use of possessive adjectives Simin, Simina, Simino, Zinin, Zinina, Zinina with pictures (see paragraph 6).
Lesson 48
1. Sound Ш consideration of the position of the articulatory organs.
2. Syllables and words sha-sha-shashapka sho-sho-shoshov
sha-sha-sha shawl sho-sho whisper sho-sho-sho shock
shu-shu-shu fur coat shu-shu-shu joke shu-shu-shu noise shu-shi-sha-sho shi-sha-sho-shu
sha-sha-sha chess shi-shi-shi tire shi-shi-shi thorns shi-shi-shi rosehip
3. Syllable rows
sha-sho-shu-shi sho-shu-shi-sha
4. Words and sentences
a) Masha ours Dasha yours our ears porridge neck
b) Masha washes her neck and ears in the shower. Our Masha washes her neck and ears in the shower. Dasha washes her neck and ears in the shower.
5. Letter Ш.
6. Work with the split alphabet following the analysis, reading and typing syllables and words sha - porridge, Masha, Natasha; shi - ears, ours, mice. Spelling rule shi. Capital letter in names.
7. Recalling words with the sound Ш ball game.
8. “Remember, repeat” hat fur coat rosehip whisper (change the order of words).
9. Learning the tongue twister Hush, mouse, hush, mouse, The cat sits and can barely breathe.
Lesson 49
1. Sound Ш (long and repeated pronunciation)
2. Syllables and words
ash-ash-ash- your ash-ash-a - our ash-ash-ash- tower ash-ash-ash - porridge osh-osh-osh- cat osh-osh-osh- moshka
ush-ush-ush fly ush-ush-ush ear ush-ush-ush cannon ish-ish-ish bear ish-ish-ish mouse ish-ish-ish plump
3 Syllable rows
ash-osh-ush-ish ush-ish-ash-osh
osh-ush-ush-ash ish-ash-osh-ush
4. Exercises with split alphabet converting words
porridge Pashka cannon front sight Masha mouse midge cat.
5. “Remember, repeat” exercises with these words.
6. Learning tongue twisters
The cat is sewing a hat in the window, the mouse in boots is sweeping the hut.
7. Conjugation in the present tense
sew a hat for a cat in the window.
8. Memorizing the story "The Cat and the Mouse."
Everyone left home. One cat is sitting on the window. The cat sees the mouse. But the mouse doesn’t see the cat. The mouse darted into the kitchen. There's a crumpet on the table. The mouse is eating a crumpet. And the cat is from the window and behind the mouse.
9. Applique of autumn leaves “Cat and Mouse”.
Lesson 50

2. Syllable series
3. Repetition of the tongue twister about the cat and the mouse.
4. Learning new tongue twisters about mice
Hush, mice, don’t make noise, don’t wake up Masha the cat.
The mouse whispers to the mouse: You keep making noise, making noise. The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
I'll be quieter.
5. Isolating words in Sh from these tongue twisters.
6 Related words mouse mouse, little mouse (little mouse), mousey, mousestik.
7 Sound-syllable analysis, composition from a split alphabet, typing words mouse, mouse, mouse.
8. Game "1-2-5-9" (mouse, mouse, little mouse).
9. Conjugation in the present tense to breathe in the ear of the cat Masha.

Lesson 51
1 Sound Ш (long and repeated pronunciation).
2 Syllable rows
shta-shto-shtu-shty asht-osht-usht-ysht
shto-shtu-shty-shta osht-usht-ysht-asht
piece-piece-piece-shto usht-ysht-asht-osht
shty-shta-shto-shtu ysht-asht-osht-usht
tsha-tsho-tshu-tshi tsho-tshu-tshi-tsha tshu-tish-tsha-tsho tshi-tsha-tsho-tshu
atsh-otsh-utsh-ytsh otsh-utsh-ytsh-atsh utsh-ytsh-atsh-otsh ytsh-atsh-otsh-utsh
3. Learning tongue twisters about a bear
Masha darns the teddy bear's pants. The teddy bear has new pants.
4 Isolating words with the sound Ш from these tongue twisters.
5 Game "1-2-5-9" (teddy bear, fluffy cat).
6 Present tense conjugation
sew pants for a teddy bear darn pants for a teddy bear.
1 Sound-syllable analysis, word patterns, typing following the analysis of bear, Masha, mouse.

plush plush plush
fluffy fluffy fluffy

9. Compiling a story using key words using
subject picture "Bear" (Alyosha, car, six, grandmother, grandfather, bear, teddy) 10. Applique "Teddy bear in new pants."

Lesson 52
1. Sound Ш (long and repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series (see lesson 50 p. 2).
3. Games “Who has who?”, “Who is with whom?” (mouse, frog, cuckoo) selection of young (cuckoo with cuckoo...).
4. Related words
cuckoo cuckoo, cuckoo frog mouse
5. Learning the proverb "Cuckoo Little"
The cuckoo cuckoo is sewing a new hood. Put on your hood, little cuckoo! How funny you are in the hood!
6. Exercise in the use of diminutive suffixes - the game “Name it affectionately”
will volushka bread
share hut
thought mistress
godfather pants
winter mother
stone aunt
sun uncle
7. Repetition of pure sayings, nursery rhymes with the sound Ш (see lessons 48, 49, 50, 51).
8. Isolating words with the sound Ш from the pure proverb “Kukushonok”, dividing them into syllables.
9. Illustration for this proverb.
10. Preparation for setting the sound R. Exercises “Cup”, “Horses”, “Mushroom”, “Drum”, “Accordion”.

Lesson 53

2. Repetition of the sound C, syllable rows, words, phrases.
3. Repetition of the sound Ш, syllable rows, words, phrases.
4. Syllable rows
sha-sa sa-sa-sha
sho-so sa-sha-sha
sa-sha so-sho su-shu sy-shi
shu-su shi-sy
5. Game "Let's give pictures to Sanya and Masha"
(socks, stork, stroller, fur coat, wardrobe, mouse, bag, cherries, steps, sack, glass, astronaut, pillow, satellite, jug, cuckoo, pine, vacuum cleaner, pine cone).
6. Games to develop attention and memory with these pictures: “What has changed?”, “Guess the indicated picture.”
7. Exercise in matching the game “1-2-5-6-7-8-9-10” with these pictures.
8. Learning tongue twisters
Checkers on the table, cones on the pine tree.
Sashka knocked off the bumps with his hat.
9. Sound analysis, exercises with split alphabet, typing and drawing up diagrams of the words cone, cone, pine.
10. Conjugation in the present tense
knocking cones off a pine tree.
11. Drawing "Pine cones".
12. Preparation for setting the sound R. Exercises “Cup”, “Horses”, “Mushroom”, “Drum”, “Accordion”.

Lesson 54
1. Sounds S Ш (alternate pronunciation).
2. Game "On the contrary"
a) syllables: sa-sa-sa sha-sha-sha ash-ash-ash as-as-as so-so-so osh-osh-osh
su-su-su ush-ush-ush sy-sy-sy ish-ish-ish
b) words: ears mustache you your
jokes ambassador
porridge mass
Masha Sashka
Teddy bear adobe
tires fable -
ours - cape
3 Learning pure phrases
Our big fluffy cat is sitting on the window,
And your little funny cat leaves the window.
4. Selection of signs and actions for the sounds S, Ш for an object
the big one is in a hurry
fluffy breathes
funny naughty
eared sleeps
plush eats

rush to the window with a fluffy cat.
6. Exercises with split alphabet following analysis, reading, typing sentences, diagram
The cat is breathing. Repetition of spelling shi.
7. Game “Guess the word” (missing S or Sh) apka,...uma,ol,.. um,anki, ...lem, ...umit, .pat, ...uba, .. . ova, ...ok, du...,...om, aiba,...up, kwa..., we...
8. Preparation for setting the sound L. Exercises “Smile”, “Shovel”, “Punish the naughty tongue”.
Lesson 55
1. Sounds S - Sh (alternate pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
pineapple kama compa. We.
sleep-sleep-sleep-sleep sleep-sleep-sleep-sleep sleep-sleep-sleep-sleep sleep-sleep-sleep-sleep
shna-shno-shnu-shno shno-shno-shno-shna shna-shno-shno-shno shna-shna-shno-shnu
asn-osn-usn-ysn osn-usn-ysn-asn usn-ysn-asn-osn ysn-asn-osn-usn
ashn-oshn-ushn-ushn oshn-ushn-ushn-ushn ushn-ushn-ushn-oshn ushn-ushn-oshn-ushn
3. Pronouncing pure and tongue twisters in S, Sh (see lessons 53, 54)
4. The story "Pine" (memorization or retelling)
Sasha and Masha went into the forest to get pine cones. Here is the edge of the forest. There is a tall pine tree at the edge. The pine tree has thick fluffy branches. And high up, at the very top of the head, there are big cones. The cones fall noisily down to the ground. There are a lot of cones under the pine tree. Sasha and Masha raise their cones. They rush home with a bag of cones. And behind you can hear the sound of a pine forest.
5. Isolating words from the story a) with the sounds S, Ш in one word; b) with the sound C;
c) with the sound Ш.
6. Game "1-2-5-6-7-8-9" with phrases: fluffy pine, pine cone
7. Conjugation in the present tense: rush to the forest for pine cones rush home from the forest with pine cones
8. Drawing "Fluffy Pine".
9. Preparation for setting the sound L. Exercises “Smile”, “Shovel”, “Punish the naughty tongue”.

Lesson 56
1. Sounds S Ш (alternate pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
sma-smo-smu-sma asm-osm-usm-ysm sma-sma-shma shma-shma-sma
smo-smu-sma-sma osm-usm-ysm-asm sma-shma-shma sma-sma-sma
smu-smy-sma-smo usm-ysm-asm-osm sma-shma-sma shma-sma-shma
smy-sma-smo-smu ysm-asm-osm-usm asm-asm-ashm asm-ashm-ashm
shma-shmo-shmu-shmy ashm-oshm-ushm-ishm asm-ashm-asm ashm-asm-ashm
isho-shmu-shmy-shma ushm-ishm-ashm-oshm ashm-ashm-asm ashm-asm-asm
shmo-shmy-shma-shmo ishm-ashm-oshm-ushm
shmy-shma-shmo-shmo oshm-ushm-yish-aish
3. Pronouncing words from pictures: Sasha, six, drying, highway,
sunshine, driver, sixteen, plug, sixty, chess player, six hundred, traveler, shepherdess, shepherdess.
4. Games to develop attention and memory with these pictures: “What has changed?”, “Remember, repeat, put down”, “Guess the indicated picture”.
5. Speaking sentences
Sasha hurries along the highway and carries dryers. The driver hurries along the highway and eats dry goods. A traveler hurries along the highway and carries sushi. A shepherd hurries along the highway and eats sushi. The cowgirl hurries along the highway and eats dry bread.
6. Game "1-2-5-6-7-8-9-10" with the words drying, highway, sun, driver, plug, chess player, traveler, shepherdess, shepherdess.
7. Conjugation in the present tense
rush along the highway and eat drying.
8. Exercise in using the phrase fluffy tail
Has... a fluffy tail, (dog, cat, fox, squirrel)
9. Repetition of pure and tongue twisters in S and Sh.

Lesson 57
1. Sounds S Ш (alternate pronunciation).
2. Recalling words (pictures)
a) to the sound C;
b) to the sound Sh.
3. Dividing these words into syllables game "Telegraph".
4. Repetition of pure and tongue twisters in S and Sh (see lessons 53, 54).
5. Related words
make laugh laugh, giggle, laugh, funny, mockery,
grin, funny; hurry haste, hastily, hasty
6. Selection of objects to attributes
funny funny funny
fragrant fragrant fragrant
silent silent silent

whisper a funny poem in grandma's ear, whisper a funny fairy tale in grandpa's ear, dry down pillows in the sun.
9. Repetition of spelling shi (exercises with split alphabet, typing)
shi tire car shi spikes hiss shi breathe breathe shi ears sushi
10. Sound production L.

Lesson 58
1. Sound L - L - L (multiple pronunciation). Articulatory posture:
the tip of the tongue is pressed against the alveoli,
a gap is formed on the sides of the tongue into which
lips are open, teeth are open.
2. Syllables and words (pronouncing 3-5 times)
al-al-al ball val small pal hall
ol-ol-ol bol ox mol pol is angry
u l-ul-ul bul vul mule pul zul
yul-yl-yl was howled washed ardor
il-il-il bil mil mil pil zil
ate-ate-ate white led chalk sang green
yal-yal-yal yal yal yal yal yal yal
3. Practicing the pronunciation of words (in front of the mirror)
chair, Pavel, forgot, pencil case, floor.
4. Tongue twister
Al-al-al the pencil case fell on the floor, ol-ol-ol the pencil case fell on the floor, ul-ul-ul the pencil case fell on the chair, ul-ul-ul Pavel forgot the pencil case.
5. Game "1-2-5-6-7-8-9-10" with the words pencil case, chair, hall.

Lessons 59-60

2. Syllable series

3. Words
fell stick
gal jackdaw
white squirrel
floor shelf
Bul bun
fork fork
ball balcony
railway station
pencil case
jump rope
4. Games “Echo” (nominative plural), “1-2-5-6-7-8-9-10” What has changed?”, “What’s gone?”, “Remember, name”, “ Telegraph" (for suitable words, see paragraph 3).
5. Tongue twister
Al-al-al Pavel did not sleep during the day,
ol-ol-ol Pavel saw football,
ul-ul-ul Pavel sat down on a chair,
il-il-il Pavel scored a goal,
yl-yl-yl our soup is cold,
ate-ate-ate Pavel did not eat soup,
ate-ate-ate Pavel swept the floor.
6. Isolating words with the sound L from a tongue twister.
7. Letter L.
8. Sound-syllable analysis, exercises with split alphabet,
reading, typing, diagramming (for words, see paragraph 4)
9. Patter "Jump rope" (adapted text from I. Demyanov's poem "Jump rope") Jackdaw loves it very much
A fun jump rope.
Hop and hop, hop and hop!
Jackdaw doesn't mind his legs.
And sometimes it’s a pity
A fun jump rope.
Rest, jump rope,
Jackdaw barely whispers.
10. Sound L - L - L
11. Syllables and words
la la la paws
la-la-la lamp
la la la lama
la la la noodles
la la la yula
la-la-la - saw
la la shark
la la la school
la la robe
la la rock
ly-ly-ly - oxen
ly-ly-ly - tables

Lesson 61
(repeatedly spoken).
lo-lo-lo scrap
lo-lo-lo moose
lo-lo-lo elbow
lo-lo-lo horse
lo-lo-lo spoon
lo-lo-lo lotto
lo-lo-lo boat
lo-lo-lo galoshes
lo-lo-lo soap
lo-lo-lo blanket
lu-lu-lu - onion
lu-lu-lu - moon
lu-lu-lu – magnifying glass
lu-lu-lu - cleaver
ly-ly-ly floors
ly-ly-ly small
ly-ly-ly baby
ly-ly-ly rocks
lu-lu-lu dove
lu-lu-lu basket
lu-lu-lu naughty
lu-lu-lu sheepskin coat
3. Game "Telegraph" dividing words into syllables (see paragraph 2.).
4. Game “Remember, name” (see paragraph 2.).
5. Poem "Winter"
Everything is white, white, white. There was a lot of snow. Here are fun days, everyone is on skis and skates!
6. Repetition of tongue twisters with the sound L (see lessons 58, 59-60).
7. Application "Winter".
Lesson 62
1. Sound L L L (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
al-ol-ul-yl ol-ul-ul-al ul-yl-al-ol yl-al-ol-ul
la-lo-lu-ly lo-lu-ly-la lu-ly-la-lo ly-la-lo-lu
3. Game "One-two-three" recalling pictures, words in L
at the end of a word in the middle of a word at the beginning of a word.
4. Repetition of poems and tongue twisters in L (see lessons 58, 59-60, 61).
5. Learning new tongue twisters
White snow, white chalk,
The white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white,
It was not a white squirrel.
White hare, white hare!
Where did you run after the bast?
The white hare whispered:
I didn't run, I jumped!
6. Words starting with L from a tongue twister, dividing them into syllables "Telegraph")
7. Typing following the analysis of 2-3 words from a tongue twister.
8. Application "White Hare".
(a game

Lesson 63
1. Sound L L L (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
3. Words
Klava clok fang
class club beets
pantry flowerbed Klasha
put a ball of clump
Thekla strawberry treasure
keys clown bookmark
4. Games with these words “Telegraph” (division into syllables), “Remember, repeat” (for attention and memory), “1-2-5-6-7-8-9-10”
(count without "3" and "4").
5. Compiling and pronouncing phrases with words from paragraph 3 with the possessive adjective Clavin
This is Clavin's class.
This is Klavina's flowerbed, etc.
6. Learning tongue twisters
Klava put the onion on the shelf,
She called Nikolka over.
Klava, Klava, look out the window,
How much snow has fallen
Both in the forest and in the garden
Pine trees and fir trees are all covered in snow.
7. Conjugation
a) in the present and past tense
put onions on the shelf;
b) in the future and past tense
weed gladioli in the flowerbed.
8. Drawing "Gladioli in a flowerbed."

Lesson 64
1. Sound L L L (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
The same with sound 3 (evil-evil-evil-evil lza-lzo-lzu-lzy
3. Words
baby elephant
baby elephants
elephant house
als-ols-uls-yls als-uls-uls-als als-uls-als-ols als-als-ols-uls
azl-ozl-knot-izl, etc. alza-olza-ulza-ylza, etc.).
4. Isolating and pronouncing related words (see paragraph 3).
5. Game "1-2-5-6-7-8-9-10" with the words elephant, female elephant, baby elephant, little elephant.
6. Exercises with split alphabet, typing words, drawing up diagrams based on sound-syllable analysis: elephant, elephants, elephant. Emphasis. Spelling an unstressed vowel.
7. Memorizing a series of rhymes about elephants
Elephants are smart, elephants are strong, Elephants are calm and cheerful.
The elephant nods his head and bows to the elephant.
My elephant is sleeping in the corner, Two little elephants have been wanting to sleep for a long time.
A well-fed elephant sleeps peacefully; he can sleep standing up.
8. Application "Elephant".

Lesson 65
1. Sound L L - L (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
lpo-lpu-lpy-lpa olf-ulf-elf-alf
3. Words

Pronouncing the received phrases.
5. Past tense conjugation
get lost in the deep forest
rinse a blue dress in cold water
rinse the white robe in cold water.
6. The story “The Squirrel and the Wolf” (according to L.N. Tolstoy)
a) retelling;
b) highlighting words with the sound L;
c) related words
squirrel wolf
7. Illustration for the story “The Squirrel and the Wolf.”

Lesson 66
1. Sounds L, Sh (pronouncing sounds).
2. Syllable series
ashl-oshl-ushl-ushl oshl -ushl - yshl -ashl ushl-yshl-ashl-oshl yshl-ashl -oshl -ushl
3. Words
lsha-lsho-lshu-lshu lsho-lshu-lshu-lshu lshu-lshu-lshu-lsho lshi-lshu-lsho-lshu
alsh-olsh-ulsh-ylsh olsh-ulsh-ylsh-alsh ulsh-ylsh-alsh-olsh ylsh-alsh-olsh-ulsh
was walking
came out
came in
came in
came up
moved away
cinder concrete
cinder block
4. Identification of prefixed verbs (from the verb went).
5. Compose sentences with these verbs about the Clave and the barrier.
6. Tongue twister
Klava was walking along the highway and found a pin.
7 Story according to L.N. Tolstoy "The Jackdaw Wanted to Drink" (adapted)
The jackdaw wanted to drink. He saw a jug standing there. And there is water in it. The jackdaw approached the jug. And there is water in it at the very bottom. The jackdaw jumped and jumped and couldn’t reach it. The jackdaw left. I thought and began to pick up pebbles and throw them into the jug. The water rose high, and the jackdaw drank. Memorizing a story, highlighting words with the sound L.
8. Illustration for the story “The Jackdaw Wanted to Drink.”
9. Game "1-2-5-6-7-8-9-10" (galkin blue jug).
10. Staging the sound Z (calling by imitation with tactile-vibration control).

Lesson 67

2. Syllable series
zha-zha zha-zhu-zha zha-zhu-zhu-zhi
jo-jo jo-jo-jo jo-zhu-zhi-zha
zhu-zhu zhu-zhu-zhu zhu-zhi-zhu-zhu
zhi-zhi zhi-zhi-zhi zhi-zha-zhu-zhu
3. Words
toad acorn beetle
skin yellow hedgehogs
puddle flag snakes
lie snowball skis
knives meadow tell
4. Related words
already uzhenok (zhata), uzhikha, supper;
hedgehog hedgehog (hedgehog), hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog, blackberry.
5. Game “Remember, repeat” (for words, see paragraph 3).
6. Direct and reverse counting 110 (words, see paragraph 4 selectively)
7. Completion of sentences (the phrase hedgehog with hedgehogs in different cases is added):
Zhenya ran to the forest and saw...
He ran closer to...
They ran away from Zhenya into the depths of the forest...
Zhenya ran all over the edge and couldn’t find it...
Zhenya was very sorry that he could not show where they lived...
8. Learning tongue twisters about hedgehogs
The spruce tree looks like a hedgehog
Spruce in needles, hedgehog too.
Poor hedgehog is cowering
He can’t bear everything.
And the skin turns blue
He can't do that.
9. Isolation of words with the sound Ж from tongue twisters, sound-syllable analysis, diagrams of these words.
10. Illustration for a tongue twister about a hedgehog.
11. Preparation for setting the sound R. Exercises “Cup”, “Drum”, “Accordion”, “Horses”, Mushroom”, “Machine Gun”.

Lesson 68
1. Sound Ж Ж Ж (long pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
zhla-zhlo-zhlu-zhly azhl-ozhl-uzhl-yzhl
zlo-zhl-zhly-zhla ozhl-uzhl-yzhl-azl
zhl-zhly-zhla-zhlo zhl-yzhl-azhl-ozhl
zhly-zhla-zhlo-zhlu yzhl-azhl-ozhl-uzhl
3. Learning tongue twisters about a beetle
The beetle buzzes: "Zhu-zhu-zhu/"
I live, I don’t worry,
I'm sitting on a branch
And I buzz, buzz, buzz."
The beetle has fallen and cannot get up:
He is waiting for someone to help him.
A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle,
The casing is heavy on the beetle.
4. Isolating words with the sound Z from tongue twisters about a beetle.
5. Selection of signs and actions for the subject
little one flies
buzzing sits
live buzzing, etc.

listen to the buzzing beetle run after the buzzing beetle.
7. Printing
a) the letter Z;
b) syllables ZHA, ZHO, ZHU, ZHI;
c) words: BEETLE, HEDGEHOG, HEDGEHOG, ZH, ZHI. Spelling rule
8. Count forward and backward to 110 (exclude 3, 4) with the phrase buzzing beetle.
9. Application "Beetle".
10. Preparation for setting the sound of R. Exercises “Cup”, “Drum”, “Accordion”, “Horses”, Mushroom”, “Machine Gun”.

Lesson 69
1. Sound Ж Ж Ж (long pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
wait-wait-wait-wait ja-jo-ju-ji
wait-wait-wait-wait jo-ju-ji-ja
wait-wait-wait-wait ju-ji-ja-jo
wait-wait-wait-wait ji-ja-jo-ju
azhn -ozhn -uzh - yzhn ozh-uzh-izh-azhn uzh-zhn-azh-ozhn yzhn-azh-ozh-uzh
reap-reap-reap-reap reap-reap-reap-reap-reap-reap-reap-reap-reap-but reap-reap-reap-reap
nzha-nzho-nzhu-nzhi nzho-nzhu-nzhi-nzha nzhu-nzhi-nzha-nzho nzhi-nzha-nzho-nzhu
3. Recalling words based on the sound F games “Telephone”, “Telegraph” (division into syllables), “1-2-3” (determining the place of sound in a word).
4. Sound analysis, typing words
snake, hedgehog, knife: fresh (snake, knives, hedgehogs, fresh). Repetition of spelling rules for a dubious consonant, spelling zhi.
5. Exercise in the formation and pronunciation of active participles of the present tense, the game "Echo"
buzz buzzing (beetle) squeal squealing (saw) live living (hedgehogs) lie lying (already) run running (woman) wait waiting (children)
6. Repetition of tongue twisters with the sound Zh. (see lessons 67, 68)
7. Learning the tongue twister "Rain"
Rain, rain, no rain.
Rain, rain, wait.
Let me get home
Gray-haired grandfather.
Rain, rain, no rain.
Don't rain, wait.
Come out, come out, sunshine,
Golden bottom.
8. Conjugation in the future tense
wait for the rain.
9. Setting the sound R.

Lesson 70
1. Sounds Ж Ш (alternate pronunciation). ;
2. Repetition of the sound Ж, syllables, words, tongue twisters.
3. Repetition of the sound Ш, syllables, words, tongue twisters.
4. Syllable rows
sha-zha-zha sha-zha-sha
sha-sha-zha zha-sha-sha
sha-sha-sha sha-sha-zha
5. Game "Verse versa" transformation of syllables and words
a) sha-sha-sha zha-zha-zha
c) snake ears
live sew
living sewing
creepy joke
sorry shawl
go-go-go go-go-go
wretched wretched
puddle Lusha
sting naughty
lived and sewed
vein awl
bait patch
6. Guessing and memorizing the riddle
Who needs needles to live? Who needs needles for sewing?
7. Compiling sentences with pairs of words (see paragraph 5 c).
8. Grouping pictures into W, F game "Let's give pictures to Masha and Zhanna"
(beetle, hedgehog, hat, chess, knives, tire, fur coat, bear cub, skis, ears, mouse, cat, acorn, toad).
9. Exercise in the use of diminutive suffixes game "Echo"
snow snowball iron iron
haystack haystack meadow meadow
boot boot laughter chuckle
flag flag staff staff
10. Setting the sound R.
11. The story of V. Bianchi “Bathing bear cubs”
a) highlighting words with the sounds Ш, Ж;

clumsy clumsy clumsy
funny funny funny
c) retelling.
12. Illustration for the story by V. Bianchi “Bathing bear cubs.”

Lesson 71
1. Sounds Ж 3 (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repetition of the sound Ж, syllables, tongue twisters.
3. Repetition of sound 3, syllables, tongue twisters.
4. Game "On the contrary"
a) for-for-for zha-zha-zha
zu-zu-zu zy-zy-zy evil-evil-evil evil-evil-evil
b) snakes ties stung hall leather goat
5. Syllable rows zha-za-za zha-zha-za
Evil-evil-evil zlu-zhu-zlu
goat skin
chew yawn
horn once
Ms. Ms.
6. Distinguishing sounds F 3 from pictures game “Fourth Odd”
toad pheasant pajamas vase
bunny, castle, toad, teeth
beetle, hedgehog, clothes, pheasant
umbrella, pajamas, carnation, forget-me-nots
vase, blackberries, snakes, knives
7. Sound analysis, typing, reading pairs of words
snakes, goat skins, goat skin.
8 Game “Before-between-for” to consolidate the names of the seasons.
9. Exercise in the use of diminutive suffixes of nouns game "Echo"
snow snowball eye peephole, little eye
haystack haystack cart cart
boot boot convoy convoy
iron iron basin basin
10. Setting the sound R.

Lesson 72

2. Syllables and words
ra-ra-ra cancer nora ru-ru-ru hands koru
ra-ra-ra frame mountain ru-ru-ru steering wheel mountain
ra-ra-ra radio bark RU-ru-ruruk in the hole
ro-ro-ro fish holes
ro-ro-ro lynx mountains
ro-ro-ro fisherman holes
ro-ro-ro-market balloons
ra-ra-ra rocket it's time
ru-ru-ru kangaroo plane
ra-ra-ra work hole
ro-ro-ro mouth garden
ro-ro-ro Roma feather
ro-ro-ro robot lesson
ro-ro-ro rose peas
3. Syllable rows

4. Rows of words (see paragraph 2).
5. Tongue twister
Ra-ra-ra high mountain,
ra-ra-ra deep hole,
ra-ra-ra old bark,
ro-ro-ro new feather,
ro-ro-ro Roma, wash your mouth,
ru-ru-ru the kangaroo is jumping,
ry-ry-ry Roma sees fish.
6. Isolating words with the sound R from a tongue twister.
7. Count up and down (110) with words
cancer, frame, robot, rose, hands, fish, plane.
8. Dividing these words into syllables game "Telegraph".
9. Letter R.
10. Sound-syllable analysis, typing words (see paragraph 7).
11. Conjugation in the present tense works well in the garden.

Lesson 73
1. Sound R R R (prolonged pronunciation loudly, quietly, in a whisper).
2. Syllable series
ra-ro-ru-ry ro-ru-ry-ra ru-ry-ra-ro ry-ra-ro-ru
cottage cheese
4. “Remember, repeat” (see paragraph 3 b).
5. Count 110 drum, guitar, ant.
6. Conjugation in the present tense to drum on a drum.
7. Related words
drum drum, drummer, drummer, drummer.
8. Tongue twister
Get up, kids!
Get up, kids
It's time to go to kindergarten!
Let's raise the kids.
Raising the kids
Tyry-ry, tyry-ry!
There are no children at home.
9. Game "Telegraph" dividing words into syllables (see paragraph 3 b).
10. Ball game, recalling words in R.
11. Application "Drum".

Lessons 74-75
1. Sound R R R (prolonged pronunciation loudly, quietly, in a whisper).
2. Syllables and words
ar-ar-ar steam ar-ar-ar blow ar-ar-ar orderly
ir-ir-ir world ir-ir-ir pir ir-ir-ir shooting gallery
ar-ar-ar mosquito ar-ar-ar tan ar-ar-ar ovar
or-or-or boron or-or-or choir or-or-or sor or-or-or ax or-or-or motor or-or-or tomato or-or-or fly agaric
yor-yor-yor carpet yor-yor-yor driver yor-yor-yor fire
ir-ir-ir kefir ir-ir-ir marshmallows ir-ir-ir commander
er-er-er fan er-er-er boat er-er-er wind er-er-er pioneer er-er-er pensioner er-er-er toaster er-er-er master er-er-er actor er-er-er er-er boxer er-er-er miner er-er-er dreamer er-er-er fitter
3. Dividing words into syllables game "Telegraph". 4 Account 1o10 (see point 2, optional).
5. Conjugation in the present tense
feed the chickens by pulling the cord.
6. Typing words based on analysis, drawing up diagrams (see paragraph 2, selectively).
7. Tongue twisters
In the evening, white steam flows over the lake. This is the fish setting up the samovar in the lake.
Wearing a bright jacket, the fly agaric sat proudly on the slope. We don't need fly agaric, we won't go to the slope.
8. Isolating words with the sound R from a tongue twister.
9. Application "Amanita".

Lesson 76
1. Sound R R R (prolonged pronunciation loudly, quietly, in a whisper).
2. Syllable series
ar-or-ur-yr ra-ro-ru-ry
or-ur-yr-ar ro-ru-ry-ra
ur-yr-ar-or ru-ry-ra-ro
yr-ar-or-ur ry-ra-ro-ru
4. Score 110 (see point 3, optional).
5. Game "Telegraph" see 3.
6. Conjugation in the present tense
hold an accordion in your hands work on a farm feed chickens on a farm.
7. Story by K.D. Ushinsky "Ryzhik" (adapted). 8. Isolating words with the sound R from the story.
9. Related words
red Ryzhik, Ryzhuha, turn red;
feed food, feeding, feeding trough, complementary feeding, lure.
10. Illustration for the story "Ryzhik".
11. Recalling words starting with the sound R, ball game.
12. Repetition of tongue twisters with the sound P (see lessons 72, 73, 74-75).
Lessons 77-78

2. Syllable series
tra-tro-tru-try atr-otr-mor-etr
tro-tru-three-tra otr-mor-ytr-atr
tru-try-tra-tro morning-ytr-atr-neg
three-tra-tro-tru ytr-atr-otr-morning
mouth - mouth - mouth - mouth s mouth - mouth - mouth - mouth mouth - mouth - mouth - mouth mouth - mouth - mouth - mouth
art-ort -urt-yrt ort-urt-yrt-art urt-yrt-art-ort yrt-art-ort-urt
3. Words
grass rope labor meter
tram three coward felt
metro ladder pipe Peter
notebook sailor parsley sturgeon
aster trail cheesecake liter
chandelier cartridge string center
tomorrow construction jet theater
country build shavings inspection
ostrich page difficult minister
breakfast morning work monster
4. Exercises with the words “Remember, repeat”, “Telegraph”, “Telephone”, “1-3-4-10”
(trumpet, aster, notebook, chandelier, ostrich).
5. Related words
pipe build grass
6. Conjugation in the present tense
blow the trumpet and build a children's theatre.
7. Learning tongue twisters
Three trumpeters blow their trumpets.
The trumpet blows, the trumpet sings,
The trumpeter is walking through the city.
Tra-tra-tra we go to kindergarten in the morning.
Tro-tro-tro went to kindergarten on the subway.
Three-three-three in fairy tales, gnomes are cunning.
8. Sound-syllable analysis, exercises with split alphabet, typing words (see paragraph 3, selectively).
9. Signs and actions to the subject aster.
10. Reading words on cards with the letter R missing.
11. Application “Astra” or “Trumpet” (optional, see point 3).
Lesson 79
1. Sound R - R - R (prolonged pronunciation loudly, quietly, in a whisper).
2 Syllable rows
3. Words
ydr -adr -odr -udr
be friends
4. Lexical and grammatical exercises
a) forward and backward counting (110) see p. 3 (selectively);
b) dividing words into syllables (see paragraph 3);
c) related words
firewood friend-
d) signs and actions to the object (friend, woodcutter, blackbird).
5. Learning tongue twisters
Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.
Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
Two woodcutters, two woodcutters
In the yard they chop wood with axes:
Firewood! Two firewood!..
6. Isolating and memorizing words starting with P from these tongue twisters, ball games, “Remember, repeat.”
7. Repetition of tongue twisters in P (see lessons 72-75, 77-78).
8. Conjugation in the present tense: build a cosmodrome (airfield) with friends, listen to the friendly singing of blackbirds with friends.
9. Drawing "Song Thrush".
10. Setting the sound R".
Lesson 80
1 Sound R R R (long pronunciation loud, quiet,
whisper). 2. Syllable series
hi - hi - hi - hi
azdr - ozdr - uzdr - yzdr
hi - hi - hi - hi
ozdr -uzdr - yzdr-azdr
hi - hi - hi - hi
yzdr-azdr ~ ozdr-uzdr
zdar - zdor - zdur - zdyr
healthy - healthy - healthy - healthy
zdur - zdyr - zdar - zdur
hi - hi - hi - hi - hi
3. Words
make you healthier
get healthy
get well
4. Compose sentences with underlined words.
5. Fairy tale "Visiting Grandfather Frost."
6. Related words: Winter winter, winter, wintering, wintering, wintering, kingfisher;
frost to freeze, frosty, frost, hoarfrost, frost, freezer, freeze.
7. Count 110 (kingfisher).
8. Poem by I.S. Nikitin "Meeting of Winter".
9. Conjugation a) in the present tense: joyfully greet the winter guest;
b) in the past and future tense: Joyfully greet your winter guest.
10. Illustration for the fairy tale or poem “Meeting Winter.”
11. Setting the sound R".

Lesson 81
1. Sound R R R (prolonged pronunciation loudly, quietly, in a whisper).
2. Syllable series
okr -ukr - ykr -acre
ukr - ikr - acre - okr
3. Words
all around

a) “Remember, repeat”;
b) "Telegraph";
c) count 1d) signs and actions (mole);
e) conjugation in the future tense: open your mouth wide open your mouth;
f) related words: circle, acrobat.
5. Learning the tongue twister "Mole"
A mole snuck into our yard and is digging at the gate. What does the mole need there? Darker darkness.
6. Memorizing an excerpt (optional) from V. Mayakovsky’s poem “What is good, what is bad?”
7. Application "Mole".
8. Poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Winter!.. The Peasant Triumphant..."
9. Setting the sound R".
6. Reading and retelling an excerpt from I. Sokolov-Mikitov’s fairy tale “Leaf Faller” (about the life of a little hare among beavers).
7. Repetition of poems about winter by A.S. Pushkin and I.S. Nikitina.
8. Applique “Zebra” or illustration for an excerpt from the fairy tale “Little Leaf Faller”.
9. Setting the sound R".

Lessons 84-85
1. Sound R R R (long pronunciation loud, quiet,
2. Repetition of syllable rows.
3. Game "Telephone" recalling words starting with R
a) at the end of a word;
b) at the beginning of a word;
c) in the middle of a word.
4. Repetition of all tongue twisters in P (see lessons 72-75, 77-79, 81-83).
5. Words
Make sentences with these words and pronounce them.
Reading words from cards (with the letter P missing). 6. Count 110 (tractor, patter, orchestra, construction set).
7. Conjugation in the present tense: pronounce tongue twisters, march along the road with an orchestra, develop an excursion route, design a tractor.
8. Learning tongue twisters
Soon we will quickly speak all the tongue twisters.
The crow missed the little crow.
9. Related words
crow crow (little crows), crow, crow;
talk conversation, talk, tongue twister, talkative, talkative, reprimand.
10. The fairy tale “The Crow and the Cancer” (according to L.N. Tolstoy).
11. Illustration for the fairy tale “The Crow and the Crayfish.”

Lesson 86
1. Sound R R R (prolonged pronunciation loudly, quietly, in a whisper).
2. Repetition of syllable series, tongue twisters (at a fast pace).
3. Recalling and pronouncing words game "Telegraph"
a) in 1 syllable;
b) in 2 syllables;
c) in 3 syllables.
4. Related words
brave brave man, take courage, courage.
5. Synonyms
brave fearless, courageous, courageous, courageous.
6. Antonyms brave and cowardly.
7. Conjugation
a) in the present tense
color an illustration for a literary work
a) in the future tense
rattle off a practiced tongue twister and get brave together with the brave crow.
8. Selection of objects to attributes
brave brave brave
9. Signs and actions for objects raven, fox.
10. Remembering the names of wintering birds.
11. Games “Who has what?”, “Who is with whom?”, “Who is screaming?” (wintering birds).
12. Game "Guess the word"
.ys, zabo., .yba, .ak, .uki, sha., .obot, pa., .adio, shnu., .aduga, met., .ybak, theater., math., .aketa, .ubashka .
13. A story based on a series of plot paintings "The Sly Fox".
14. Illustration for this story.
15. Setting the sound R".

Lessons 87-88
1. Sound R R R (prolonged pronunciation loudly, quietly, in a whisper).
2. Pronouncing syllabic series, tongue twisters in R.
3. Repetition of poems about winter.
4. Retelling the story by K.D. Ushinsky "The Mischief of the Old Woman of Winter"
(support words: cut through, get through, quickly, tease, blush, freeze, angry, frost, flare up..).
5. "Remember, repeat"
tease, blush, ice hole, nimbly (change the order of words).
6. Memorizing a poem by Sasha Cherny (about winter fun)
I rush like the wind on skates
Along the forest edge,
Mittens on hands
Hat on top of head.
I slipped once or twice,
I almost tumbled once or twice,
One or two, get tight on your toes!
Isolating words with the sound R from this poem.
7. Conjugation in present and future tenses
somersault on the horizontal bar.
8. Repetition of the names of animals in our forests, wintering birds, games “Who has who?”, “Who is with whom?”, “Who lives where?”, “Who winters how?”.
9. Reading words with the sound R (complex sound-syllable structure) using cards.
10. Poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Moroz the Voivode" (conversation, memorization).
11. Illustration for it.

Lessons 89-90

2. Syllables and words a)
rya-rya-rya row
ri-ri-ri rice
ri-ri-ri Rimma
re-re-re turnip
re-re-re rebus
re-re-re radish
rya-rya-rya charging
ryo-ryo-ryo roar
ryo-ryo-ryo Buryonka
ryu-ryu-ryu backpack
b) syllable rows
rya-re-ryu-ri re-ryu-ri-rya
3. Words
sailor drawing child rope silver
smart old man radish birch tangerine
weight factory cut eagle toffee
storm aquarium rack forward village
shell tourist cucumber Seryozha guys
dive chicken jam earring head over heels
hot river lilac ferret squad
order gum nut bubble in a row
backpack tree fighter animal dawn
4. Lexico-grammatical exercises with these words:
a) count 110 (selective nouns);
b) “Remember, repeat” (4 words each);
c) conjugation in the present tense: dive into a fast river (blue sea, lake) repair earrings (aquarium);
d) selection of objects to signs
elegant elegant elegant
rubber rubber rubber
hot hot hotter
5. Dividing words into syllables "Telegraph".
6. Word formation of verbal adjectives:
boil boiled fry give soar
7. Tongue twisters
My sister Marina has cheeks like tangerines,
And sister Marina herself is a little bigger than a tangerine.
Look at Irinka: Irinka is eating a tangerine,
Irinka will eat the tangerine and throw the crusts into the basket.
8. Poems by A. Barto “Drum”, “Rubber Zina” (memorization).
9. Sound-syllable analysis, exercises with split alphabet, typing, drawing up word diagrams
row rows, sailor sea, dawn, outfit, river.

Lesson 91
1. Sound R "R" R" (multiple pronunciation).
2. Syllable series (see lessons 89-90).
3. Poem by S.A. Yesenin “Birch”
a) conversation on content;
b) memorization;
c) highlighting words with the sound R" (birch, covered, silver, burning, dawn);
d) signs and actions of birch.
4. Selection of objects to attributes.
silver silver silver
silver silver silver
Pronouncing formed phrases.
5. Conjugation in the future and past tense
cover yourself with a silver elegant blanket.
6. Related words
birch birch, birch, birch, boletus, birch.
7. Illustration for the poem by S.A. Yesenin “Birch”.

Lesson 92
1. Sound R "R" R" (multiple pronunciation).
2. Syllables and words
ar-ar-ar primer, cracker or-or-or ferret er-er-er beast, door ir-ir-ir bullfinch
3. Syllable rows
ar-or-ur-ir ur-ir-ar-or
or-ur-ir-ar ir-ar-or-ur
believe me
5. Repetition of the names of wintering birds (bullfinch, black grouse, wood grouse).
6. Selection of signs and actions
redbreast flies
frozen pecks
6. Count 110 (see point 4 hero, bullfinch, capercaillie, etc.).
7. Poem by S.Ya. Marshak "January".
8. Joke "Bullfinches"
Bullfinches on the patio near the door.
I poured buckwheat, seeds, and cottage cheese over the threshold.
And when I went out into the garden, I heard from them:
You are kinder than all the guys and faster, Grisha!
9. Isolating words with the sound “R” from the joke “Bullfinches” and the poem “January”.
10. Related words
11. Illustration for the joke "Bullfinches".

Lesson 93-94
1. Sound R "R" R" (multiple pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
rub-tre-tryu-tri atr-rub-morn-itr
three-three-three-three otra-mor-itr-atr
triu-tri-tri-tri morning-itr-atr-terr
three-three-three-three and three-three-three-three

3. Words
4. Count 110 (matryoshka, mushroom, comb, rattle).
5. Present tense conjugation: dozing in a chair on a January evening
illustrate a poem, train animals in the circus,
jabber tongue twisters.
6. “Remember, repeat” (see point 3).
7. Dividing words into syllables "Telegraph".
8. Learning tongue twisters
33 cars in a row chatter and rattle.
How big Andryushka is sitting
On the carpet in front of the porch.
He has a toy in his hands
Rattle with a bell.
9. Words starting with the sound “R” from tongue twisters (highlighting, pronouncing).
10. Memorizing the poem by S. Drozhzhin “Grandfather Frost”.
11. Illustration for it. 12. Reading words on cards with the letter R missing.
Lesson 95
1. Sound R" R" R" (multiple
2. Syllable series
pre-prue-pri - straight
pryu -pri -prya -pre
at -straight -pre -pryu
3. Words
get used to it
try on
to greet
4. Lexico-grammatical exercises
a) score 110 (see paragraph 3, optional);
b) conjugation in the future tense: try on brown trousers
in the present tense: trying on smart trousers, unharnessing a team of blacks.
5. Learning the tongue twister "Quail"
Behind the village, behind the village
The quail sang and sang.
The quail has arrived
Quail quail.
6. Isolating (and pronouncing) words starting with the sound R from a tongue twister.
7. Game “Remember, repeat” (words with the sound “R” from this tongue twister).
8. Memorizing the poem by A. S. Pushkin “Here is the North, the clouds are catching up...”
10. Distribution of proposals game "Say further".
Winter has come. Winter has come to us. The winter sorceress has come to us.
The winter sorceress has come to us with blizzards, blizzards and severe frosts.
The frost is crackling.
It's frosty outside.
The harsh January frosts are crackling outside. (Etc.)

Lesson 96
1. Sound R "R" R" (multiple pronunciation).
2. Repetition of all syllable rows on P" at a fast pace.
3. Repetition of all tongue twisters starting with P" at a fast pace.
4. Remembering words starting with R"
a) at the end of a word;
b) at the beginning of a word;
c) in the middle of a word.
5. Dividing words into syllables game "Telegraph".
6. Repetition of poems about winter game “Guess which poem the line is from and name the poet”
"And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles the branches with new silver. " ("Birch" by S.A. Yesenin)
"We won't get used to it, let your frost crack,
Our Russian blood burns in the cold." ("Meeting of Winter" by I. S. Nikitin)
"The banks of the motionless river leveled with a lush veil."
("Here is the north, the clouds are catching up..." by A.S. Pushkin)
“He walks, shakes his white beard, stomps his feet, and there’s only a crashing sound.
(“Grandfather Frost” by S. Drozhzhin) and Etc.
7. Signs of winter in these verses.
8. Which poem about winter did you like best? Explain why.
9. Repetition of the poem by I.Z. Surikov "Childhood".
10. Illustration for it.
Lesson 97
1. Sounds R" R" R" (multiple pronunciation).
2. Repetition of the sound R", syllables, words and tongue twisters.
3. Repetition of the sound R, syllables, words and tongue twisters.
4. Syllable rows
5. Conversion of syllables and words
a) ra-ra-ra
ru-ru-ru -
b) rad series
kra-kra-kra quack-quack-quack
6. Score 17. Game “Remember, repeat” (see point 6).
8. Conjugation in the present tense
illustrate an interesting story
conduct the presidential orchestra
repair a radio receiver (receiver, greenhouse)
rehearse on the theater stage.
9. Game "Telegraph" dividing words into syllables.
10. Setting the sound Ch (by imitation, from T "Sh).

Lesson 98
1. Sounds R L (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repetition of the sound R, syllables, words, tongue twisters.
3. Repetition of the sound L, syllables, words, tongue twisters.
4. Transformation of syllables, words.
a) syllables
ra-ra-ra la-la-la ar-ar-ar al-al-al went, went, went shra-shra-shra ashr-ashr-ashr ashl-ashl-ashl, etc.
b) varnish cancer
burki buns

5. Syllable series




folding bed crocodile

floor polisher



7. Making sentences with these words.
8. Game “Remember, repeat” (see paragraph 6).
9. Lexico-grammatical exercises
a) count 1b) conjugation in the future tense
split the mirror;
b) present conjugation: unfold a cot
c) related words: fisherman gym brine
10. Sound production Ch.
Lesson 99-100

2. Syllables and words
ach-ach-ach doctor uch-uch-uchluch
ach-ach-ach rook uch-uch-uch cloud
ach-ach-ach weaver uch-uch-uch granddaughter
ach-ach-ach pack of ich-ich-ich game
ach-ach-ach dacha ich-ich-ich wild
------ 98 ------
very-very-very night very-very-very daughter very-very-very night very-very-very full stop
3. Syllable rows
ach-och-uch-ich och-uch-ich-ach
4. Words
ech-ech-ech sword
ech-ech-ch oven
ech-ech-ch stove
ech-ech-ech river
uch-ich-ach-och ich-ach-och-uch
egg girl
sheep swallow
ring hoop
bridle fishing rod
forever slippers
brick butterfly
key glasses
5. Game “Remember, repeat” (see point 4). 6. “Telegraph” division of words into syllables (see paragraphs 2, 4).
7. The use of diminutive suffixes of nouns “Call it affectionately” (feminine and neuter gender)
saucer saucer mitten
sheep fork
jackdaw dog
squirrel sleigh
spoon hat
braid ring
button bag
8. Compose sentences with these pairs of words (selectively).
9. Word formation of masculine patronymics game "Echo"
Ivan Ivanovich Roman-Peter, etc.
10. Letter Ch.
11. Sound-syllable analysis, exercises with split alphabet, typing, reading words, drawing up diagrams: doctor, rook, ball, ray, swallow.
12. “Guess the word”: me., pe.., mya., era., gr., weave., but.., to.., lu., mozh., burn., prick., burn., obru ., brick., re.., bi., di.., those.., stereo..
13. Riddle
What is it with Galochka? A thread on a stick. Stick in hand. A thread in the river.
14. Poem by I. Demyanov “Jump rope”
Galochka loves it very much
A quick jump rope.
Jump and jump, jump and jump
Galochka doesn't mind her legs.
And sometimes it’s a pity
Fast jump rope:
Rest, jump rope,
Galochka barely whispers.
15. Related words: rook rook, rook (rooks), rooks, rook.
16. Signs and actions of rook, swallow.
17. Application "Rook" ("Swallow").
Lesson 101-102
1. Sound CH (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllables and words
cha-cha-cha tea
cha-cha teapot
cha-cha-cha seagull
cha-cha-cha dacha
cha-cha-cha cloud
choo-chu-chu miracle
choo-choo-choo chub
choo-chu-chu cast iron
choo-chu-chu weirdo
choo choo pearls
3. Syllable rows
cha-cho-chu-chi cha-choo-chi-cha
4. Rows of words
cup icon stockings - chi-chi-chi clean, chi-chi-chi chizh; chi-chi-chi bunny, chi-chi-chi boy, chi-chi-chi prickly, che-che-che - whose, che-che-che-chek, che-che-che- cookies che-che-che- study
che-che-che-swing, chu-chi-cha-cho, chi-cha-cho-cho - stuffed animal
5. Diminutive suffixes of masculine nouns game “Big Small”
ball ball hare chair glass-lock stocking finger
bell ring sand-belt son samovar sundress
melon shoulder chain mail liver shepherd dog washcloth bees rubber larva turtle luck hook miracles donut dandelion (change the order of words).
closet forelock key stump sock jug
6. Dividing words into syllables game "Telegraph".
7. Conjugation in the present tense
turn on the electric kettle want to learn to read.
8. Related words
teach teacher, teacher, student, pupil, teaching, study, scientist, textbook, educational, student, school, teacher's room, scientific, science.
read reader, reader, reading, reading room, reading, read, reading, reader, reading...
wolf - she-wolf, she-wolf, cub (wolf cubs), wolf, top, wolf...
bunny, bunny, bunny (hares), hare, bunny, hare...
beam - baby squirrel (baby squirrel), squirrel, squirrel...
Compose sentences with these words (selectively).
9. Possessive adjectives in -iy, -ya, -e games “Whose tail is better?”, “Whose head is smarter?”, “Whose ear hears better?” hare, wolf, squirrel, bull, calf.
10. Learning tongue twisters and riddles
A bull met a hedgehog and licked his side.
And, having licked his side, he pricked his tongue.
And the prickly hedgehog laughs:
“Don’t put anything in your mouth!”
Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
Hush, Tanya, don't cry!
The ball won't drown in the river!
Five boys, five closets.
The boys went into dark closets
Each boy goes to his own closet. (Fingers and glove)
11. Compiling the story “Glasses” using key words using a plot picture: Vovochka, glasses, chair, read, learn.
12. Remembering words starting with H game "Telephone"
at the end of a word in the middle of a word at the beginning of a word
13. Typing under dictation of words (following the analysis): cloud, cup, miracle, dacha, luck, stocking. Spelling cha, chu.
14. Count 110 (words starting with the sound H selectively).
15. Illustration for one of the tongue twisters.

Lesson 103
1. Sound Ch (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllable series
(the same with the syllables chna, chma, atch-otch-utch otch-utch-itch utch-itch-atch itch-atch-otch ycht -acht -ocht –ucht -itch -atch -otch –uch chla).
3. Words
the soil
excellent student
4. Lexico-grammatical exercises
a) related words:
mail reading
b) count 1c) present tense conjugation
treat yourself to excellent cookies
hand out postcards
want to study well;
d) word formation of nouns (persons according to their occupations)
teacher teaches reader reads
flies pilot translates translator
the trumpeter blows the bookbinder binds
works in a canteen a barman goes on reconnaissance a scout works in an apiary a beekeeper shoots from a machine gun a machine gunner
5. Repetition of tongue twisters with the sound Ch (see lessons 99-102).
6. Poem-joke “Badgers” by T. Belozerov
The badger grandmother baked pancakes,
She treated three grandchildren to three pugnacious badgers.
And the grandchildren haven’t had enough to eat, and they bang their saucers roaring.
Come on, how many badgers wait for more and remain silent?
a) memorization; b) highlighting words with the sound Ch; c) related words badger;
d) finishing complex sentences
Grandma Badger baked pancakes to...
The badger grandchildren are knocking saucers because...
Grandma Badger baked pancakes because...
The grandmother badger treated the badger cubs to pancakes because...
The badgers are waiting for more because...
Badgers are banging their saucers to...
7. Recalling words with the sound H of the game “Telegraph”, “Telephone”.
8. Application or drawing "Badger"
Lesson 104
1. Sound CH S (alternate pronunciation).

3. Repetition of sound C, syllables, words, tongue twisters

a) syllables sya-sya-sya cha-cha-cha ach-ach-ach as-as-as
se-se-se och-och-och
syu-syu-syu uch-uch-uch
si-si-si ich-ich-ich
se-se-se ech-ech-ech
b) words axis eyes
turn blue suck nose
5. Reproduction of syllable series
Xia-xia-cha cha-cha-xia as-as-ach ach-ach-as
Xia-cha-cha cha-Xia as-ach-ach ach-as-as
sya-cha-sya cha-sya-cha as-ach-as ach-as-ach
6. Classification of pictures
a) for both sounds in one word;
b) to the sound Ch;
c) to the sound C;
(postman, cornflowers, candles, thousand, pigtails, turtle, butterfly, leaves, cricket, dandelion, goslings, whistle, letter, matches, beekeeper, Snow Maiden, fox cubs, fishing rod, foxes, glove, pigtail).
7. Game “Remember, repeat” (see paragraph 6 a).
8. Learning tongue twisters
The seagull warmed up the kettle,
She invited ten seagulls.
Everyone came for tea
How many seagulls, answer.
The bull is walking, swaying,
Sighs as he walks:
Oh, the board is running out
Now I'm going to fall.
9. Isolating words starting with Ch and S from these tongue twisters.
10. Illustration for one of the tongue twisters.
11. "Guess the word"
her. , me, punishment.., era., gus.., ry.., my., but.., before.., ne. , .eat, .eat, .ode, .udo, .eat,. aika, .esnok, .udes, .emechki, mto, .isto, .min, .asics.
12. Printing following the analysis: candle, thousand, candle, thousand. Spelling cha, chu.
Lesson 105
1. Sound CH T" (alternate pronunciation).
2. Recalling words and pictures to the T."
3. Recalling words and pictures on Ch.
4. Exercise in differentiation
a) auditory discrimination in syllables;
b) auditory discrimination in words;
c) exercise with pictures game "Fourth odd"
shadow, five, suit, car
dandelion, tulip, iron, dandelion network
rook, ducklings, barrel, butterfly ducklings
pen, brush, telephone, cup telephone
d) reproduction of syllable series
cha-cha-cha cha-cha-cha at-at-ach ach-ach-at
cha-cha-cha cha-cha-cha at-ach-ach ach-at-at
cha-cha-cha cha-cha-cha at-ach-at ach-at-ach
e) game "On the contrary"
cha cha
crush the ball
hew 5. Repeating the riddle "Five boys, five closets", highlighting words from it starting with H, then starting with 1"
6. Exercise to develop attention and memory with pictures in ChiG “What has changed?”, “Guess the indicated picture.”
7. Conjugation in the present tense: want to memorize several poems by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.
8. Completion of complex sentences
To learn to read, you need...
To study well, you need...
You have to be diligent and attentive to...
You need to know the letters to...
Petya is a great student because...
Children love to read Russian folk tales because...
Katya and Vitya love to read poems by Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, because...
To learn to play ball, you need...
9. Reading words using cards: a) first on T"; b) then on Ch.

Lesson 106

2. Syllables and words
3. Syllable rows
4. Words
borscht tick pimple power
predatory predator comrade assistant
powerful vegetable omnipresent knowledgeable
5. Tongue twister
As-as-as-as Tanya has a new raincoat,
a bream is still swimming in the river,
oshch-oshch-oshch we have delicious borscht,
ivy is climbing on the wall.

7. Selection of items based on characteristics
predatory predatory
powerful powerful powerful
vegetable vegetable vegetable
8. Compiling sentences with words (see paragraphs 2, 4).
9. Printing the letter Shch, the syllables ashch, oshch, ushch, ysch, isch, eshch, yashch;
words cloak, bream, borscht, help, vegetable, thing.
10. Ivy applique.

Lessons 107-109
1. Sound Ш (repeated pronunciation).
2. Syllables and words
now sorrel, grove, squeak
shield, seek
pike pike, tentacles
more-more-more brush, cheeks, more, click
sliver, sliver, sliver, puppy, chirps.
3. Syllable rows
schuh-schuh-schuh-schuh schuh-schuh-schuh-schuh schuh-schuh-schuh-schuh schuh-schuh-schuh-schuh
4. Words
come back
5. Account 1-10 (see paragraphs 2, 4, optionally)
6. Game “Remember, repeat” (see paragraphs 2, 4).
7. Present tense conjugation: Protect the puny puppy. Return from an excursion to the caves. Admire the festive square.
8. “Telegraph” division of words into syllables (see paragraphs 2, 4).
9. Learning tongue twisters
Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.
Don't look for us, mom: we pluck sorrel for cabbage soup.
I drag the pike, I drag it, I won’t miss the pike.
The puppy squeaks pitifully: he is dragging a heavy shield.
A. Barto, "Puppy"
The puppy was so puny.
I kept feeding him cabbage soup,
Protected me from the bitter cold,
The puppy squeaked with joy.
Still would! He grew up happy!
Now my puppy is not a puppy, but a dog.
Isolating and pronouncing words with the sound Shch.
10. Typing in the wake of analysis: grove, food, thicket, pike, squeak, search, thicket. Spelling sha, schu.
11. Word image. nouns denoting people's professions game "Who is this?"
excavator operator working on an excavator
working on a crane
works on a car
trains animals
cleans shoes
plays the drum
makes the roof
makes stone masonry
glass windows
sharpens knives
regulates traffic
Making sentences with formed words.
12. Exercise in using augmentative suffixes of nouns according to the model
fist fist
Making sentences with pairs of words.
13. Exercise in the formation and use of active present participles game "Echo"
babble babbling (stream)
whistle whistling (sound)
hiss hissing (snake)
come back
14. Formation and use of verbal nouns (composing and pronouncing sentences).
illuminate the lighting There is bright lighting in the square,
return to dedicate
admire say goodbye
attend confer
notify broadcast
rotate confuse
come back to be indignant
enlighten abduct
forgive treat
15. Exercise in the formation and use of synonyms
Birds fly from the south and return;
they sing and chirp merrily;
build nests in the grove of the dwelling;
provide food for the chicks.
16. Russian folk tale "The Boasting Hare".

Lessons 110-114
1. Sounds CH Ш (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repetition of the sound Ch, syllables, words, tongue twisters.

4. Transformation of syllables, words game "On the contrary"
a) cha-cha-cha sch-cha-sch ash-ash-ashch-ach-ach, etc.
b) sharpening, dragging, seal; squeak-; clearly; sharpen; mark; treat; soaked; get
5. Reproduction of syllable series
right now
6. Count 110 (squeaking puppy, clean board, smoked pike, juicy vegetable, bored student, busy cleaner).
7. Game "Remember, repeat"
wonderful treat smoked pike clean room mailbox
durable shield dairy food vegetable food barbed brush
blank board, bored student, birds chirping, juicy vegetables.
8. Present tense conjugation: brushing a puppy; peel juicy vegetables for treats;
clean smoked pike for a treat.
9. Word formation of active present participles
read reading students
miss bored girl
crack the cracking branches
busy teacher
scream screaming man
bored woman
sharpen sharpening tool sharpener
10. Repeating the names of professions, the game “Who is this?”
sharpens knives sharpener repairs watches watchmaker cleans shoes cleaner
Making sentences with formed words.
11. Fill in the missing words in the following sentences
The granddaughter prepared a wonderful cake with milk cream for her grandmother.
They served... potatoes and... pike.
There were desserts. . apples.
The grandmother bought her granddaughter a blouse made of... wool.
The cart rumbled along... the pavement.
It's good to write on... paper.
In the middle of the room there is a table and chairs with... legs.
Words to insert: condensed, baked, smoked, soaked, polished, paved, twisted, chiseled.
12. Formation of words with a diminutive meaning game “Call it affectionately”
pike pike; sliver; puppy; board; thing; gap-; cheek; forceps; cloak; brush box; bream
13. Learning tongue twisters
On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney.
There is darkness in the chimney, look for the cat there!
The student learned his lessons with inky cheeks.
Don't scream, don't look for the worm's food.
And you and I will look together under the old brick.
The watchmaker, squinting his eye, is fixing the watch for us.
I clean the puppy with a brush, tickling its sides.
14. Isolating words from memorized tongue twisters
a) to the sound Ш;
b) to the sound Ch.
15. Poems FI. Tyutchev "Spring", A.N. Pleshcheeva "Spring", S.Ya. Marshak "Spring Song".
16. Signs of spring in these verses.
17. Highlighting, printing words starting with Ch, Shch (from these poems), drawing up diagrams under them.
18. Exercise in spelling cha, sha, chu, schu (inventing and typing words for this rule).
19. Application to verses (see paragraph 15).

Lessons 115-116
1. Sounds ШЧ С (alternate pronunciation). 2. Repetition of the sound Ш, syllables, words, tongue twisters. 3. Repetition of the sound C, syllables, words, tongue twisters.
4. Game "On the contrary"
se-se-se oshch-oshch-oshch
syu-syu-sush ush-ush-ush
si-si-si search-search-search
ys-ys-ys box-box-box
5. "Remember, repeat"
a) sya-ssa ssa-ssa s-as-as ssa-as-ssa ssa-ssa ssa-ssa ssa-as-as ssa-as-as ssa-ssa-ssa scha-sya -as-as-as-as-as-as-as
b) tail mustache shiny lighting glazier next porter luminous
(change word order).
6. Differentiation of SC in the exercise with pictures “The fourth odd one”
lilac, cornflowers, ivy, ivy leaves
goldfinch, goose, bullfinch, tit goldfinch
beet, vegetable, plum, orange vegetable
lizard, pike, puppy, gosling gosling
tongs, pliers, seeder, box seeder
7. Conjugation in the present tense: dedicate a song to the returning spring, visit a spring grove, admire a spring grove, admire the cheerful chirping of returning birds.
8. Related words
spring spring, spring, freckle, freckled, "freckle".
delights turns returns shines
9. Signs and actions
amazing beautiful early
10. Selection of items for the characteristics: spring spring spring
11. Poems by F.I. Tyutchev "Spring Waters", A.N. Pleshcheev "Rural Song"
a) memorization;
b) highlighting, pronouncing and typing words, drawing up diagrams: in Shch, in S
12. Recalling pictures from the game "Fourth Wheel".
13. Score 110 (see results of the game "Fourth wheel").
14. Game “Finish the word” (using reading cards)
ry.., lo.., le., help.., her.., pla., pay., pove.., .i, hvo., ukra.., ovo., battle.., sme.., bor.., mo.., bathe.., dare...
15. Drawing illustrations for the studied poems by F.I. Tyutchev and A.N. Pleshcheev.

Lessons 117-118
1. Sounds SH T" (alternate pronunciation).
2. Game "On the contrary"
cha-cha-cha sch-sha-sch sch-sch-sch at-at-at te-te-th oh-oh-oh
bye-bye-bye ush-ush-ush
ti-ti-ti search-search-search
3. Converting verbs from perfective to imperfect according to the pattern
admire admire
be indignant
Making sentences with pairs of words (selectively).
4. "Remember, repeat"
a) stya-scha asch-asch-ast stya-scha-stya asch-ast-ast stya-scha-scha asch-as-asch -asch-scha-scha-ast-asch-ast
b) bristles crackle pluck squeak twitter drag treat grow (change word order).
5. Present conjugation: grow vegetables in a greenhouse; treat guests to vegetables grown in the greenhouse; Dedicate poems to birds returning from warm countries.
6. Recalling words starting with the sounds T, Ш
a) “Telephone” words starting with Ш at the end, in the middle, at the beginning of the word;
b) “Telegraph” words starting with T” division into syllables.
7. Spreading proposals game "Magic chain": Birds are chirping Birds are chirping merrily. Returning from warm countries, the birds chirp happily. Returning from warm countries in early spring, birds chirp cheerfully in the grove.
Birds return In early spring, birds return. In early spring, birds return to their native lands. In early spring, birds return to their native lands from warm countries.
Wolves are on the prowl. In winter, wolves prowl. In winter, hungry wolves prowl. In winter, hungry wolves prowl the steppe. In winter, hungry wolves scour the steppe in search of prey.
The waves are lashing. The stars are shining.
8. Repetition of all tongue twisters with the sound Ш (see lessons 106-114). 9. Repetition of poems by F.I. Tyutchev and A.N. Pleshcheeva about spring.
10. Reading words on cards with missing letters T, Ш
.en, .uka, kos.yum, pe.era, le., forest.b, ro.a, u.south, nine.b, .elephone, .etka, .etya, .epka, .eben, .abel , mho, .now, ta., .egol, .enki.
11. Printing words and sentences, drawing up diagrams (see paragraphs 7, 10).

Lessons 119-120
1. Sounds Ш Ш (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repetition of the sound Ш, syllables, words, tongue twisters.
3. Repetition of the sound Ш, syllables, words, tongue twisters.
4. Transformation of syllables, words game “On the contrary” a) sha it
a) sha sho shu shi-she
b) thicket - click I will forgive food - I will provide food
ash bowl
ash-osh ush ish esh
place powder in the grove - tame protection broadcast visit
5. Reading words on cards with missing letters Ш, Ш
.ar, .apka, .uba, du., lands., kalom, ko.ka, roma.ka, .spruce, .epka, .enok, .uka, ta., ovo., vi.nya, ve.i etc.
6. "Remember, repeat"
walking excavator rustling reeds typewriter rustling mouse.
7. Compiling sentences with pairs of words (see paragraph 4 b).
8. Formation and use of active present participles
walk walking excavator rustle rustling mouse whisper whispering old lady
make noise rustling wind write typewriter rustle rustling leaves, raindrops breathe fish breathing with gills listen listening lesson student move moving mustache beetle hang woman hanging a fur coat lisp lisping child hiss hissing goose, sound
9. Conjugation in the present tense
tame wild beasts, tame the raging elements, listen to the rustling raindrops.
10. Account 110 (see point 6).
11. Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “The Goldfinch”
The goldfinch sings all day long in a cage on the window. The goldfinch is in his third year, but he is afraid of the cat. And Masha is not afraid of either a cat or a goldfinch. She gave the goldfinch a drink and drove the cat away.
12. Signs and actions
red-cheeked chirps
nimble builds a house
chirping looking for food
noisy catches midges
flying flies, etc.
13. Related words
Goldfinch (finch), goldfinch, goldfinch.
14. Spreading proposals: Goldfinches are returning. Goldfinches return in early spring. In early spring, goldfinches return to the grove. In early spring, red-cheeked goldfinches return to the grove. In early spring, red-cheeked goldfinches return to the grove and begin to build homes.
15. Repetition of poems about spring.
16. Applique "Goldfinch".

Lessons 121-122
1. Sounds CH S T" (alternate pronunciation).
2. Repeating poems about spring, guessing the poem based on a given line
"...They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run, and shine, and say... "("Spring Waters" by F. Tyutchev)
"Winter is still busy and grumbling about spring,
She laughs in her eyes and only makes more noise..."
("Spring" by F.I. Tyutchev)
"...the sky became higher, the sparrow chirped more cheerfully on the roof..."
("Spring Song" by S.Ya. Marshak)
"...the sun is shining, Swallow with spring
He flies towards us in the canopy..." ("Rural Song" by AN Pleshcheev)
“Soon the nightingales will whistle, And the forest will be dressed in leaves!..” (“Spring” by A. Pleshcheev)
3. Memorizing A.K. Tolstoy’s poem “The last snow in the field is melting...”.
4. Isolating words with studied sounds from repeated verses.

Snow is melting. The last snow is melting. The last snow in the field is melting.
The jug is blooming. The blue pitcher is blooming. A blue pitcher blooms in a field. A blue pitcher blossoms in a field in spring.
Steam rises. Steam rises from the ground. Warm steam rises from the ground.
The forest is waiting. The young forest is waiting. The young forest, dressed in green smoke, awaits thunderstorms. The young forest, dressed in green smoke, is impatiently waiting for warm thunderstorms.
6 Exercise in the use of synonyms with the desired use of the studied sounds Ch, Shch, S, T about a bird:
sings, chirps, tweets
agile nimble
beautiful charming
flies, rushes, rushes
feed food
nest home
flies (back) returns
joy fun
joyfully fun
brave heroic
about spring:
stormy raging; late lingering; pleases and cheers; laughs, laughs, hospitable, welcoming; fragrant fragrant
7. Illustration for the poem by A.K. Tolstoy about spring.

Lessons 123-126
1. Consolidating the correct sound pronunciation in the poems of Russian poets V.A. Zhukovsky "Lark"; I.S. Nikitin “Admire, spring is coming...”; With Ya. Marshak “April”.
2. Signs of spring in these verses. 3. Learning poetry by heart
4. Repetition of the names of migratory birds, typing, word patterns.
builds nests
hatches chicks, etc.
5 Signs and actions to objects (bird, lark, cranes)
6. Related words
bird bird, poultry house, poultry house, chick, chick, bird;
crane, crane, crane, crane, crane, beetle;
song song, song, sing, singer, began to sing, singer;
bear she-bear, bear cub (cubs), bearish, bear, bear, honey.
7. Selection of objects to attributes
wedge flock
caravan song
scream neck
beak head
tail leg
8. An exercise in using synonyms: cranes fly in a flock in a caravan;
in the sun the dark forest glowed and turned red;
after the winter cold;
the lark sang in the azure in the blue sky;
the cranes are crowing and screaming;
the swallow chirps and sings;
the lark flies, flutters, circles, soars;
beautiful bird beautiful, charming, pretty
brave bird brave, courageous, fearless, heroic.
9. Distributing "Say More" Sentences
The cranes are flying. Cranes fly in a caravan. Cranes are flying from the south in a caravan. Cranes fly from the south to their native lands in a caravan.
cooing nest egg wing "Say otherwise"
The lark began to sing. The lark began to sing a song. A clear lark sang an early song. A ringing lark sang an early song in the azure.
Streams are running. Streams run through the fields. Sounding streams run through the fields. Sounding streams run and gurgle through the fields.
10. Isolating from verses (see paragraph 1) words containing a) whistling sounds; b) hissing sounds;
c) R, R", L, L". 11. Illustrations for the studied poems.

Lessons 127-130
1. Consolidating the correct sound pronunciation in poems by Russian poets
A.A. Fet "Spring"
I.A. Bunin "Everything darker and curlier..."
A.A. Block "In the meadow".
2. Learning poems by heart.
3. Signs of spring in these verses.
4. Conjugation in the present tense
Listen to the nightingale singing at dawn. Admire the fluffy spreading willow. Admire the ringing nightingale trills.
5. Distribution of offers
The forest is turning green. The birch forest is turning green. The birch forest turns greener and darker and curlier.
The bluebells are blooming. The lily of the valley bells are blooming. Lily of the valley bells are blooming in the thicket. Lily of the valley bells are blooming in the green thicket.
The nightingales are singing. Nightingales sing until dawn. In spring, nightingales sing until dawn.
It blows with warmth and bird cherry. At dawn the air is warm and bird cherry in the air. At dawn, the valleys are filled with warmth and bird cherry.
6. Related words: forest-meadow nightingale
7. Signs and actions to objects (forest, willow, nightingale)
8. Selection of objects to attributes
forest forest forest
nightingale nightingale nightingale
9. Formation and use of the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs
the forest in the distance is even more visible; blue skies are even bluer; the green forest is even greener; the black stripe is even blacker; the voice is louder and louder; the fluffy willow is even fluffier; the fragrant air is even more fragrant.
10. Extraction from poems, typing, diagramming
a) words for whistling sounds;
b) to hissing ones;
c) on R, R", L, L".
11. Recalling the names of trees, the formation of relative adjectives from the names of the trees of the game “Which leaf?”, “Which leaves?”, “Which trunk?”, “Which branch?”, “Which log?”, “Recognize a tree by its leaf (trunk)” ".
12. Illustrations for poems (see paragraph 1).

Lessons 131-132
1. Consolidating the pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds and sonors R, R" in the poem by S.A. Yesenin "Bird cherry".
2. Memorizing a poem.
3. Isolating words into whistling, hissing, R, R" from a poem, selective typing, drawing up word diagrams.
makes noise
blossoms smells (fragrant) pleases
4. Selection of signs and actions
small silver stream flowing noisy babbling singing
beautiful bird cherry
(elegant, luxurious) blooming fragrant (fragrant, fragrant)
5. Distribution of offers
The bird cherry blossomed. The fragrant bird cherry blossomed. The fragrant bird cherry blossomed in spring.
The bird cherry tree is standing. The fragrant bird cherry stands. The fragrant bird cherry, hanging, stands.
A stream is running. A stream runs and flows. A small silver stream runs and flows. In the grass, between the roots, a small silver stream runs and flows.
The greenery is burning. The greenery is burning in the sun. Golden greenery burns in the sun.
The stream is singing. The stream sings songs. The stream sings songs to the bird cherry. The stream insinuatingly sings songs to the bird cherry tree. The stream insinuatingly sings songs to the bird cherry under the steep slope. 6. Conversation on the content of the poem.
What time of year is described by Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin in the poem "Bird cherry"?
How can you prove that it is spring?
Who sings songs to whom and where?
What words from the poem speak about the poet’s love for Russian nature, bird cherry, and stream? 7. Illustration for the poem.

Lesson 133
1. Consolidating the correct sound pronunciation (mainly R, R") in the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "Spring Thunderstorm".
2. Learning the poem by heart.
3. Distribution of offers:
Thunder rumbles. Spring, the first thunder rumbles. Spring, the first thunder rumbles in the sky. Spring, the first thunder rumbles in the blue sky.
Peals thunder. Young peals thunder. Young peals thunder in the blue sky.
The stream is running. A swift stream flows. A swift stream runs down the mountain.
The din will not stop. The bird noise is not silent. The noise of birds is never silent in the forest.
4. Highlighting words starting with P, P, typing, diagramming
5. Listen, observe, guess how the poet conveys the feeling of a thunderstorm, the rumble of thunder.
6. Related words
7. Selection of signs and actions (thunder, sun)
8. Selection of items for the characteristics: spring spring spring
9. Conjugation in the present tense: listen to the menacing rumbles of thunder, be afraid of the menacing rumble of thunder.
10. Count 110 (claps of thunder). 11. Illustration for the poem.

Lessons 134-135
1. Consolidating the pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds in
poem by A.K. Tolstoy's "Bells" and M. Prishvin's story "The Golden Meadow".
2. Recalling the names of wild (steppe, forest) flowers, typing, word patterns.
3. Selection of signs and actions (bell, lily of the valley, cornflower, dandelion)
blue rings
handsome shakes his head
steppe blooms
blooming growing
4. Conjugation in the present tense: collect cornflowers in the steppe, admire the steppe bells; look at the blooming bluebells.
5. Count 110 (ringing bell, yellow blooming dandelion)
6. Learning a poem by heart. 7. Illustration for it.
8. Reading and retelling of M. Prishvin’s story “Golden Meadow”.
9. Illustration for the story.
10. Repetition of poems about spring by F.I. Tyutcheva, A.K. Tolstoy, I.S. Nikitina, I.A. Bunina, A.A. Feta, S.A. Yesenina, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.N. Pleshcheeva.
11 Recognizing poems about spring from the suggested line.
12. Conversation about spring, development of dialogical speech, composing, coming up with questions for the speech therapist, consolidating the pronunciation of sounds in free speech.

Lessons 136-140
Consolidating correct sound pronunciation in coherent and spontaneous speech using the material of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".
1. Reading fairy tales in a chain (speech therapist, children).
2. Learning passages by heart (optional).
3. Conversation based on content (development of dialogical spontaneous speech)
a) answers to the speech therapist’s questions;
b) drawing up, inventing questions by children (the speech therapist or other children answer).
4. Lexico-grammatical exercises
a) Selection of signs and actions (fish, old man, old woman, swan princess, Prince Guidon, matchmaker Baba-Babarikha, etc.);
b) selection of objects to signs
beautiful beautiful beautiful
wonderful wonderful wonderful
formidable formidable formidable
c) related words
miracle wonderful, wonderful, miracle worker, whimsical, quirks,
miracles; old man, old woman, old, grow old, grow old;
d) exercise in the use of complex sentences
The old woman wanted...
The old woman remained at the broken trough because... The fish did not say anything to the old man, because... Angry waves swelled on the sea, because... The old man threw a net into the sea so that...
If I were a queen, says one girl, then...
If I were a queen, says her sister, then...
If only I were the third queen, my sister said...
33 heroes emerge from the sea to... “And there is no guard that is more reliable, neither braver nor more diligent,” because... “The squirrel is groomed and protected,” because... 5. Illustrations for fairy tales.

Lessons 141-150
Russian folk tales
"The Fox and the Crane"
"Princess Frog",
"Swan geese". Fairy tales
C. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood",
Brothers Grimm "A Pot of Porridge"
" The Bremen Town Musicians ",
G.H. Andersen "Thumbelina", "The Ugly Duckling". Stories
V. Bianchi,
M. Prishvina "Hedgehog", "Zhurka",
L. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog", "Fire Dogs",
M. Gorky "Sparrow".
1. Reading by children and a speech therapist (in a chain) to develop reading skills, consolidate correct sound pronunciation during the reading process.
2. Conversation on reading mutual questions (learning the ability to formulate and ask questions, answer questions correctly, consolidating pronunciation skills in spontaneous speech)
3. Telling fairy tales and stories to children.
4. Guessing a fairy tale from an illustration or from a narrated episode.
5. Drawing illustrations for a read fairy tale or story.

Olga Bakirova
Plan for individual correction work on sound pronunciation for the 2018–2019 academic year

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 "Friendship" Novouzensk, Saratov region

Agreed I approve

Senior teacher of preschool educational institution Head of preschool educational institution

d/s No. 4 "Friendship" d/s No. 4 "Friendship"

N. A. Nesvetaeva ___T. V. Gamayunova



for 2018-2019 academic year

Made up: Teacher - defectologist O. V. Bakirova

Individual classes are held 2-3 times a week. Frequency individual classes is determined by the nature and severity of speech impairment, age and individual psychophysical characteristics of children. Duration individual lessons 15-20 minutes.

For development of individual correction classes sound pronunciations the following is used literature:

1. " Individual-subgroup work on sound pronunciation correction» V.V. Konovalenko, SV. Konovalenko

2. “Speech therapist at your home”, "Speech therapy exercises", “Correction of phonetic disorders in children” T. A. Tkachenko

3. “Speech therapist lessons” N. S. Zhukova

4. “Pictures and texts for automation sounds of different groups» N.V. Nishcheva

I. Preparatory stage

individual characteristics of the child. From 2-3 weeks to 6 weeks.

Task: Create conditions for preparing the child for long-term correctional work, A exactly:

a) arouse interest in speech therapy classes and the need for them;

b) develop auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception in games and special exercises;

c) form and develop articulatory motor skills to the level of minimal sufficiency for production sounds; development of speech breathing.

Articulation gymnastics:

For those whistling: "Proboscis Frog", "Spatula", “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”, "Pussy is angry", "Swing", "Stubborn Donkey".

For the sizzling ones: "Proboscis Frog", "Spatula", “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”, "Cup", "Bagel", "Focus", "Painter", "Delicious jam",


For sonors Sv. [L]: "Proboscis Frog", "Spatula", “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”, "Delicious jam", "Swing", "Steamboat", "Turkey", "Painter", "Let's catch the mouse by the tail"

For sonors Sv. [R]: "Proboscis Frog", "Spatula", “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”, "Delicious jam", "Swing", "Steamboat", "Turkey", "Painter", "Let's catch the mouse by the tail"

Breathing exercises using games techniques: "Football","Windmill", "Snowfall", "Leaf Fall", "Butterfly", "Living Objects", "Storm in a glass", "Blow out the candle", "Steamboat", "Dragon"

Games for the development of phonemic awareness hearing:

"Where sound» , “Name the words with the given sound» , "Choose a word", "Catch sound» , "Find the picture", "Where do you hear"

II. Formation of pronunciation skills

Dates for this stage: October-May


a) eliminate defective sound pronunciation;

b) develop skills and abilities to differentiate sounds, similar articulatory and acoustically;

c) to develop practical skills and abilities to use

corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech.

Staging sounds happens in such sequences:

sibilants S, 3, C, S’, 3"

hissing Sh

sonors L, L

hissing F

sonors R, R"

hissing Ch, Shch

Method of setting: by imitation, with mechanical assistance, mixed way.

III. Introduction sounds into speech

The timing depends on the structure of the defect and individual characteristics of the child.


a) Secure the insulated sound;

b) Introduction sounds into syllables;

c) Introduction sound into words;

d) Introduction sound into phrases, simple sentences;

e) Introduction sound into spontaneous speech;

f) Differentiation sounds.

Automation procedure sounds in syllables:

3, Ш, Ж, С, 3", Л" are automated first in direct syllables, then in reverse syllables, and lastly - in syllables with a combination of consonants;

- C, Ch, Shch, L - vice versa: first in reverse syllables, then in direct ones and with a combination of consonants;

R, R" you can start automating from a prototype analogue and at the same time generate vibration.

Automation of every correction sound in words.

It is carried out following the traces of automation in syllables, in the same sequence. As the pronunciation of each syllable is mastered, it is immediately introduced and fixed in words with that syllable. For sound automation work in words, children with similar defects are combined into subgroups. All further correctional Job carried out in subgroups.

Automation sounds in sentences.

Each spent in pronunciation, the word is immediately included in individual sentences, then in short stories, nursery rhymes, proverbs, and poems with this word are selected.

Differentiation sounds:

S – Z, Sb – C, S – W;

F – W, ​​F – W;

Ch – Th, Ch – Sb, Ch – Shch;

Shch – S, Shch – Th, Shch – Ch, Shch – Sh;

R - L, R - RH, RH - L, RH - Y, L - L

Automation in spontaneous speech.

(in dialogical speech, in games, entertainment, routine moments, excursions, work, etc.).

IV. Improving phonemic awareness and developing initial skills sound analysis and synthesis in parallel with correction sound pronunciations.

1. Development of the ability to recognize and distinguish between non-speech sounds.

2. Development of the ability to recognize and discriminate sounds speech by pitch and strength of voice;

3. Differentiation of speech and non-speech sounds;

4. Introducing children to the analysis and synthesis of reverse syllables;

5. Transformation of syllables by changing one sound;

6. Selection sound from a number of other sounds;

7. Highlighting the stressed vowel at the beginning of a word, highlighting the last consonant sound in a word.

8. Highlighting the average sound in a monosyllabic word;

9. Determine the sequence and number of vowels (consonants) in a word; sound-syllable analysis of words, word patterns.

V. Enrichment of vocabulary, assimilation and consolidation of the fundamentals of the grammatical structure of the Russian language.

Deadlines: during a year.


a) Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

b) Enrichment of the vocabulary;

c) Elimination of agrammatisms;

d) learn to use plural nouns;

e) coordinate nouns with adjectives and numerals;

f) teach to form nouns. with diminutive suffixes;

g) learn to name baby animals;

h) consolidate simple prepositions in speech.

Tasks and exercises topics: "Autumn", "Fruits", "Vegetables", "Mushrooms and berries", "Birds", "Cloth", "Body parts", "Products", "Dishes" and etc.

Games: "One is many", "Soup - compote", "Garden Garden", "Seasons" and etc.

Games: "Which, which, which, which", "One is many", "Call me kindly",

"Big small", "Gifts for the Gnome and the Dwarf" etc.

Ball games: "Whose baby", "Who has whom", "Where is the pencil", "What's what", "What is where" etc.

IV. Development of coherent speech based on correctly pronounced sounds.

1. Compiling simple common sentences;

2. Learning the ability to ask questions and answer questions with complete answers;

3. Learning to write descriptive stories based on topics: "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Berries", "Trees", "Migratory birds", "Wild animals", "Dishes", "Furniture";

4. Job over dialogic speech (using literary works);

5. Learning to retell short stories and fairy tales (literal and free retelling).

Svetlana Mamedova
Planning correctional work on the development of sound pronunciation in children of senior preschool age

One of the main challenges facing preschool, is speech child development and overcoming phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment through targeted speech therapy sound correction work aspects of speech and phonemic perception.

Sound pronunciation correction work We start with an examination. To do this, we use traditional methods in speech therapy. (Lalaeva R.I., Arkhipova E.F.). The examination allows us to identify the characteristics of articulatory motor skills, sound pronunciations and phonemic hearing of each child.

This examination allows not only to identify the characteristics of speech development of each child, but also group children for further work, and also, in accordance with the principle of a person-centered approach, develop individual direction corrective action.

Didactic games are one of the main and effective forms working with preschool children, since the game is the leading activity of this age, while elements of educational activity arise in it. In addition, speech games help create psychological readiness children to verbal communication; the need for them to repeat speech material multiple times; training children in choosing the desired speech option, which is preparation for situational spontaneous speech. Therefore, didactic games are used in individual and subgroup lessons, during routine moments, and in homework. In case of difficulties, additional speech therapy assistance is provided.

Developed Our examination scheme allows us to identify the features of articulatory motor skills, sound pronunciations and phonemic hearing of each child. Content correctional work on the development of sound pronunciation in preschool children with FFN is built taking into account the level development phonemic awareness, articulatory motor skills and sound pronunciations of each child, his personal and psychological characteristics, as well as taking into account the goals and objectives correctional program and perspective speech therapy work plan.

Didactic games for corrections pronunciations of sibilants sounds.

1."Funny Tongue". Target: develop mobility of the organs of articulation, to form the necessary articulatory structure for the pronunciation of sibilants sounds. Move: the child is invited to listen to a fairy tale about a funny tongue and perform articulation exercises necessary to prepare for staging hissing sounds.

2."Pinocchio's Journey". Target: prepare the articulatory apparatus for producing hissing sounds sounds. Move: The teacher explains to the child that Pinocchio went into the forest. In order for him to get to the forest, the child needs to help him overcome various obstacles (for example, build "bridge" across the river, ride on "horse", collect "mushrooms" etc.). The child performs precise articulatory movements.

3. "Bubble". Target: develop smooth sounds. Move: Children are given soap bubbles. Each child's task is to blow the biggest soap bubble. Follow the long, smooth exhalation.

4. "Focus". Target: develop smooth, a long, directed exhalation necessary for the pronunciation of hissing sounds. Move: a piece of cotton wool is placed on the tip of the child’s nose, the child blows it off, placing the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip.

5. "Orchestra". Target: develop long lasting, exhale smoothly. Move: at the teacher’s signal, children play toy wind instruments (pipes, flutes, harmonicas).

6. "Traffic light". Target: highlight sound among other sounds, against the background of the word.

Move: Children are given blue squares. If in the spoken row sounds sound, then raise the blue square if others sounds, then a red signal. The game with words is played in a similar way.

7. "Goalkeepers". Target: highlight sound among other sounds, against the background of the word. Move: the speech therapist pronounces various sounds, if in the spoken row sounds children hear a given hissing sound, That "caught" him, clapping his hands. The game with words is played in a similar way.

8. "Where sound. Target: learn to determine the place sound in a word. Move: distributed to children "houses" with three windows. A chip that means sizzling sound, the child puts it in the first window if first sound in a word, in the third window, if last sound in a word, in the second window, if sound is in the middle of a word.

9. "Words". Target: exercise children in determining the first and last sound in words. Move: Children stand in a circle. One child passes the ball to another, saying any word. Another child takes the ball, passes it to the next one and says a word starting with the last one. sound the previous word, etc. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

10. "Body". Target: to train children in determining the location of a given sound in a word. Equipment: a set of toys, three boxes with diagrams attached to them sound composition of words. Move: speech therapist asks children arrange the toys into three boxes according to the diagrams sound composition of words, pasted on the boxes. The game can be played in the form of a competition between two teams children.

11. "Help the hedgehog cross the swamp". Target: exercise children in auditory discrimination of isolated sound among other sounds. Equipment: toy hedgehog, cubes. Move: Speech therapist asks children help the hedgehog cross the swamp. To do this, they are asked to clap their hands when they hear the given sound. Next, the speech therapist pronounces isolated sounds, with correctly made claps, the hedgehog moves from one “bump” (cube) to another. If children make mistakes, the hedgehog returns to the previous cube.

12. "Insert the correct letter". Target: to train children in performing operations on sound-literal analysis of words. Move: The speech therapist shows the children cards with words written on them, in which letters are missing. Children guess which letters are missing in each word.

13. "Come up with a word". Target: to train children in choosing words with a given sound. Move: The speech therapist shows the children "magic wand". Informs that if children name words with the indicated sound, then it will blink.

14. "Cross the road". Target: development of auditory attention, phonemic awareness. Move. Children stand in a line. The speech therapist pronounces words that sound similar (frog, pillow, cuckoo, cracker, cheesecake; daughter, hummock, dot, barrel, nochka, etc.). When a speech therapist pronounces a certain word (for example, the words "pillow") children must cross the "road" (carpet). The game is repeated several times. In this case, the speech therapist can use different sets of words.

15. "Silence". Target sound Ш. Move: The driver stands at one wall, and all the other children stand at the opposite wall. Children quietly approach the driver; when making a loud movement, the driver brings his index finger to his lips and pronounces:sh-sh-sh. Whoever made the noise must stop. Whoever quietly reaches the driver first becomes the driver.

16. "The forest is noisy". Target: form correct pronunciation sound Ш. Move: The teacher reminds the children how green leaves rustle in summer trees: sh-sh-sh. The teacher suggests raising your hands like branches of trees and making noise with the leaves as if the wind were blowing on them.

17. "Flies in the Web". Target: form correct pronunciation sound Zh.

Move: children form a circle and lower their hands - this is a web. Other children are flies. They buzzing: w-w-w, they run into the circle and run out of the circle. At the signal from the speech therapist, the children pretending to be a web raise their hands. Those "flies", who did not have time to run out of the circle, fall into the web and are eliminated from the game.

18. "Train". Target: form correct pronunciation sound Ch. Move: children stand one after another - these are carriages. Stands ahead "locomotive". The presenter blows the whistle - the train starts moving and sounds ch-ch-ch sound. Having allowed the train to travel a little, the leader raises a yellow flag - the train slows down; on red – the train stops. Then the presenter raises the flag again - the driver gives a signal. When it turns green, the train starts moving.

19. "Sparrows". Target: form correct pronunciation sound Ch. Move: children (sparrows) sitting on chairs (in nests) and sleep. To words speech therapist: “The sun has risen, the sparrows have woken up”, - children open their eyes and loudly repeat: chirp-chik-chik, chirp-chik-chik. After this, the children scatter around the room, and at the words of the teacher "the night has come" return to their places. The game is repeated several times.

20. "Agree on a word". Target: form correct pronunciation sound Ch. Move: the teacher begins to pronounce the word, the child finishes by pronouncing the correct one sound Ch(brick, circus, creaking...., etc.).

21."Janitors". Target: form correct pronunciation sound Ш. Move: the teacher reminds the children that in the fall, when a lot of leaves fall from the trees, the wipers sweep them away into large heaps: sch-sch-sch. The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are janitors, and "sweep" yard

22. "Catch a Fish". Target: automation of hissing sounds in words. Equipment: metal clips and small object pictures, a box and a fishing rod with a magnet. Move: Children take turns catching various objects with a fishing rod and naming them. Determine the place sound in a word. For the correct answer, the child receives a point. The one who scores more points wins.

23. "Help Masha". Target: automation sound Ш in words. Move: teacher speaks: “Masha walked and walked and found toys”. The child helps Masha collect toys, naming object pictures. (cat, matryoshka, car, tumbler, etc.).

24. "Dress the doll for a walk". Target: automation sound Ш in words. Move: the paper doll needs to select items of clothing according to season: summer or winter. The child selects and names object pictures (fur coat, hat, boots, scarf, shorts, hat, flip flops, etc.).

25. "Call me kindly". Target: automation sound Ш(H, F) in words. The teacher throws the ball to the children and calls the word, and the child throws the ball back and calls the word with a diminutive suffix (ring-ring, heart-heart, rooster-cock, sun-sun, peas-peas, pie-pie, snow-snowball and etc.).

26. "Name cub» . Target: automation sounds F, H in words. Move: the teacher throws the ball to the children and names the adult animal, and the child returns it and names it cub(camel - camel, bear - bear cub, hedgehog - hedgehog, hare - little hare, squirrel - little squirrel, etc.).

27. "Small big". Target: automation sound Ch in words. Move: the teacher throws the ball and says a phrase, and the child returns the ball and ends the phrase with a word in the superlative degrees:

The cat has a mustache, and the tiger has….

The bird has eyes, the dragon has….

The gnome has a house, and the giant has...

28. "Treadmills". Target: consolidate the correct pronunciation of sibilants sounds. Equipment: paths are made on cardboard with start and finish. Pictures of different types are pasted on them. sounds. Move: Children (two) They lead their finger along the path and pronounce the words. Speech therapist asks pace: "Who is faster?"



Topic 6. Disadvantages of pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants.

Goal of the work. Familiarize yourself with the forms of violation of the pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants; master the basic skills of identifying deficiencies in the pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants in children; learn to plan and carry out work on the formation of the correct pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants.

Theoretical part. Note the age-related features of the appearance of voiced and voiceless consonants in the child’s speech. Present the linguistic characteristics of voicing defects.

Practical part. Reveal the general requirements for work to correct voicing defects. To study the state of sound pronunciation of one child with voicing defects (indicate the form of manifestation and the group of impaired sounds). In the diagnostic conclusions, describe the diagnostic methods used and voicing defects in the child. Develop an individual plan for correcting the sound pronunciation of this child and present it in the table.

Table 1.

Individual plan for sound pronunciation correction

(last name, first name, age)

Methods and techniques


Applications. Speech material necessary to overcome softening defects in speech (syllables, words, speech exercises, phrases, stories, poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings, simple sayings, nursery rhymes).


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    Ivanovskaya O.G., Gadasina L.Ya. Encyclopedia of speech therapy games. – St. Petersburg, 2004.

    Inshakova O.B. Album for a speech therapist. – M., 1998.

    Speech therapy. Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. – M., 2003.

    Rossiyskaya E.N., Garanina L.A. Pronunciation side of speech: practical course. – M., 2003.

    Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Basics of speech therapy. – M., 1989.

    Flerova Zh.M. Speech therapy. – Rostov-on-Don, 2003.

    Khvattsev M.E. Speech therapy work with preschoolers. – St. Petersburg, 1996.

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