Work plan for self-education and cognitive development. Self-education plan Topic: “Search and research activities of preschool children

The topic of teacher self-education

Kasiyadi Tatyana Grigorievna

for the 2016-2017 academic year:

"Experimentation as a means

cognitive development

activity of younger preschoolers."

Children are explorers by nature. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are traditionally considered as the most important features of children's behavior. One of the effective methods of understanding the patterns and phenomena of the surrounding world is experimentation method. Children's experimentation has enormous developmental potential. Its main advantage is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects and the environment. Children's experimentation is closely related to other types of activities - observation, speech development (the ability to clearly express one's thoughts facilitates the experiment, while the addition of knowledge contributes to the development of speech). In the process of experimentation, children's vocabulary is replenished with words denoting sensory signs of a property, phenomenon or object nature (color, shape, size: wrinkles - breaks, high - low - far, soft - hard - warm, etc.). In early preschool age, research activities are aimed at objects of living and inanimate nature through the use of experiences and experiments. They are happy to examine clay and sand, learning their properties; splashing in the water, revealing its secrets; they send boats sailing, catch the breeze, try to make foam; turn snow into water, and water into ice.

Work plan 2016 - 2017

Working hours

Forms of work

Practical solution

During the year

Studying methodological literature, Internet resources.

Compilation of card indexes of books, articles from magazines

Development of a plan on the topic of self-education.

Self-education plan

September October

Development of a lesson plan for children on the topic of self-education.

Lesson notes, projects, photo exhibitions.

November December

Making a mini laboratory and equipping it with the necessary materials and aids for experiments.

Mini-laboratory - equipped with the necessary materials and aids for experiments.


Development of notes with elements of experimentation.

Family project “Experiments in the kitchen”

GCD using developed notes.

Design of the project presentation

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1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type 4 “Teremok” of the city of Novopavlovsk Work plan for self-education on the topic: “Development of cognitive interest in preschool children in the process of experimental and research.” Developed by teacher Sukhopleschenko Anastasia Anatolyevna 2014

2 “The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and has learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative and research activity will be” L.S. Vygotsky. Relevance of the topic: A preschool child is a natural explorer of the world around him. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal feelings, actions, and experiences. The development of cognitive interests of preschool children is one of the pressing problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. Experimentation becomes one of the leading types for a preschooler: The activity of experimentation increasingly permeates all areas of children's life, all types of children's rooms, including playrooms. Play in exploration often develops into real creativity. The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially important in the modern world, since thanks to the development of experimental and research activities, children's curiosity and inquisitiveness of mind develop and, on their basis, stable cognitive interests are formed. Today, a new system of preschool education is being established in society. The role of a modern educator is not limited to conveying information to the child in a ready-made form. The teacher is called upon to lead the child to acquire knowledge, to help develop the child’s creative activity and imagination. It is in experimental and research settings that a preschooler gets the opportunity to directly satisfy his inherent curiosity and streamline his ideas about the world. Stages of work on self-education: 1st stage informational and analytical (year) 2nd stage practical (year) 3rd generalizing stage: presentation of work experience on the topic (year) Purpose of self-education: Expanding children’s knowledge about the world around them in the process of experimental experimental and research; increasing the level of personal professional skills and competence in organizing the educational process with children.

3 Objectives: - To form personal practical experience in organizing experimental and research activities with preschool children. - Create conditions for experimental and research children in the group. - To develop a stable cognitive interest of preschoolers in search and research - To cultivate an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around them. To form children’s ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, its relationships with other objects and the environment. - Support children's initiative in learning about the world around them. Novelty: Integrated use of elements of previously known and modern methods of children's experimentation, taking into account the integration of educational areas of the main educational program of preschool education. Three levels of children mastering experimentation skills: the teacher poses a problem and begins to solve it, children solve the problem together with the teacher. The teacher poses a problem, the children independently, but with the support of an adult, find a solution and carry out an experiment. posing the problem, finding a method and developing the solution itself are carried out by children independently. Work plan Stage 1 information and analytical (year) Contents of work Period. Result. Study of regulatory documents, scientific and methodological literature, modern educational technologies. December 2014 Acquisition of theoretical knowledge on the topic. Purchase of methodological literature. Study of advanced pedagogical experience in organizing experimental and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience in practical activities

4 research preschoolers (Internet resources). Visiting open screenings of the organization of educational activities for preschool teachers, mentors. Visiting regional methodological associations of preschool educators. Production of manuals. Design of didactic games. Creation of a card index of experiences and experiments for preschool children. Design of the folder “Experimental activities of children”. Production of a booklet “Cognitive and research activities” Creation of conditions for children’s experimentation (research centers, play centers, etc.) Development of long-term planning for experimental work with children. September in this area Increasing the level of professional skills in organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions Didactic and visual materials Exhibition of didactic games Generalization of the experience of children of the middle group in the experimental one. Children's research activities throughout the year. Children's interest in research. Organization of experimental and research work with preschoolers

5 Work plan Stage 2 - practical (g.) Activities. Period. Result. Work with parents: Questioning parents on the topic: “Organization of search and research activities for preschoolers at home” Consultations: “Playing with water and sand. This is interesting!”, “The significance of experimental for children”, “Pour, pour out, observe, compare.” Workshop: Topic: “Experimental and experimental activities of children of primary preschool age.” Photo exhibition: “We are experimenting.” Joint experimental activity “Find the bead” Making a collection of games for moms and dads “Pour sand, pour water” Replenishment of the children’s experimentation corner. Release of the album “Castles on the Sand”, “Magic Sand” Design of visual information throughout the year. Formation of parents’ ideas about the cognitive development of children through experimental and research

6 parent corner: “Experiments with water and paper.” Experimental activities with children: GCD on the following topics: “What color is water?”, “Hourglass”, “Where can you find air”, etc. Observations on a walk: “What kind of stones are there?”, “Why do trees need light”, “Where do the first thawed patches appear?” etc. Walking experiments: “Do plants need snow in winter”, “How to warm your hands”, “light around us”, etc. Speech at a seminar on the topic: “Cognitive research activity as one of the factors in the cognitive development of preschool children” Implementation of a long-term plan for working with children and parents, taking into account the integration of educational areas Experiments with living and non-living nature. Research experience one year Presentation of work experience, exchange of experience Project “Rainbow of Discoveries” During the year Design and presentation of the project. Introduction at the pedagogical council on the topic: “Features of organizing cognitive research in middle preschool age” d. Exchange of experience Conducting an open d. Exchange of experience

7 views of GCD on educational and experimental on the topic: “We are air researchers.” Open walk with experimental activities: Topic: “Visiting the sun.” Master class for preschool teachers “Lapbook as a means of developing cognitive exploration in preschool children” Topic: “My region” Report and presentation on the topic “Experience of working with parents to develop a child’s interest in cognitive exploration.” (RMO of preschool teachers) Participation in the All-Russian festival of pedagogical projects “Step into the Future” Practical output project on the topic: “Rainbow of Discoveries” Exchange of experience Exchange of experience Diploma Participation in preparing students for the regional intellectual mini-Olympiad “Know- ka" March-April Presentation of medals and diplomas to students.

8 Work plan stage 3 generalizing (presentation of work experience) (year) Content of work Period Result Participation in the regional stage of the All-Russian professional competition “Teacher of the Year in Russia 2017” Written report on the work done with teaching materials in the portfolio. Generalization of teaching experience (creation of a personal page on the preschool educational institution website) February April May Diploma Material for certification Material for certification Literature: Development of cognitive processes in older preschoolers through experimental activities. / St. Petersburg “childhood-press” 2013 N.V. Isakova / Knowledge of the objective world: comprehensive classes for children 5-7 years old. / Volgograd: “Teacher” 2009. Sankina L.K./ Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten./ M.: “Scriptorium” 2013. Davydova G.N./ Organization of children for a walk / publishing house "teacher" 2013. T.G. Kobzeva/ Internet resources on the topic: "experimental activities in preschool educational institutions", "Experiments and experiments", "Fun experiments", "Entertaining tricks" . Vinogradova N.F. “Stories-mysteries about nature”, “Ventana-Graf”, 2007. Preschool education 2, 2000.

9 Dybina O.V. and others. A child in the world of search: A program for organizing search activities for preschool children. M.: Sfera 2005. Dybina O.V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. M., Experimental activities of children 4-6 years old: from work experience/ed.-comp. L.N. Menshchikova. Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

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Work plan for self-education for the 2015 - 2016 academic year. year

EducatorIMAMIEVA A.M. group no. 3 MBDOU No. 8 “Zorenka”
Children's experimentation as an elementary search activity of children.
To create optimal conditions for the development of cognitive and research activities of preschool children as the basis for intellectual, personal, creative development; unite the efforts of teachers and parents to develop the cognitive and research activities of preschoolers.


1. To develop abilities for creative self-development and research activities.

2. Study pedagogical, psychological, methodological literary sources on the problem, the theoretical foundations of the technology of experimental activity.

3. Explore the relevance of the problem within our preschool educational institution.

4. Identify the most appropriate form of introducing the experimentation method as one of the methods of cognitive development of preschool children.

5. Develop children’s cognitive activity in the process of experimentation; develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, develop children’s cognitive interest in the process of experimentation, establish a cause-and-effect relationship, and the ability to draw conclusions.

6. Investigate the effectiveness of applying the method in educational activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

7. Involve parents in organizing educational work with children.

8. Summarize and disseminate your own psychological and pedagogical experience.


1. Dybina O.V. The unknown is near. Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. -M. : Sphere shopping center, 2005.

2.Ivanova A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. – M.: TC Sfera, 2007.

3. Ivanova A.I. Ecological observations and experiments in kindergarten. M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

4.Ivanova A.I. Natural science observations and experiments in kindergarten. M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

5. Korotkova N. A. Cognitive and research activities.//Educational process in groups of children of senior preschool age.-M.: LINK-PRESS, 2007, pp. 118-189.

7. Krivova L.I., Klimova M.R. System of methodological work on the section “Children's experimentation”.

8. Prokhorova L.N. Organization of experimental activities for preschool children.-M.-Arkti, 2008.

9. Belaya, K.Yu. Self-education of preschool teachers / K.Yu. White // Directory of a senior teacher. - 2007. - No. 2.

10. Derkunskaya V.A. Games - experiments with preschoolers. / Center for Pedagogical Education, 2012.

11. Zubkova N.M. A cart and a small cart of miracles. Experiments and experiments for children from 3 to 7 years old / Rech Publishing House 2006.

12. Ivanova A.I. Children's experimentation as a teaching method. / Preschool educational institution management, N 4, 2004.

13. Isakova N.V. Development of cognitive processes in older preschoolers through experimental activities. / Childhood-press, 2013.

14. Makhaneva, M.D. Self-education of teachers / M.D. Makhaneva // Management of a preschool educational institution. - 2004. - No. 1.

15. Menshchikova L. N. Experimental activities of children 4-6 years old. Volgograd, 2008.

16. Urmina I.A. Innovative activities in preschool educational institutions: programs - method. provision: hand aid. and adm. workers / I.A. Urmina, T.A. Danilina. – M.: Linka-Press, 2009.

17. Materials from Internet sites. Studying articles, notes on self-education and project activities on the website:


Plan Section

Form of work



(children, parents, teachers)

Practical outputs (abstracts, reports, open viewing, exhibition of works, etc.)

Organizational - theoretical

1. Study of normative documents and methodological literature on the topic.

2. A detailed study of the existing experience of the preschool educational institution, the methodological literature of the methodological department of the preschool educational institution on this problem.

3. Drawing up a long-term plan, developing a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

4. Involving parents in creating a “Young Researchers” corner.

5. Collecting information to create a card index of experiences and experiments.

September -



Consultation for parents

“The main goals and objectives of the experimentation method as one of the methods of cognitive development of preschool children”

Making a sliding folder “Watching with children”

Preparation of information materials on the topic.

Creation and equipment of the “Young Researchers” corner.

Creating conditions for experimental activities with children in preschool educational institutions.

Development of notes with elements of experimentation.

Consultation on the topic: “Children’s experimentation and its role in child development”

Analysis of the studied literature.

Card index of experiences and experiments for children 5-7 years old.

Cumulative - practical

1. Studying the methodology of experimentation technology for teachers on the Internet.

2. Conducting a series of experiments with children in the group:

Study of the properties of sand and clay during play activities on a walk

Observation, study of the properties of water during regime moments, in play activities, in everyday situations, in research activities.

Studying the properties of air in everyday situations, in play activities, in research activities.

Studying the properties of a magnet in independent activities, during collective classes, and experimental activities.

Observing indoor plants, studying the conditions for optimal development and growth of plants.

3. Consultations for preschool teachers.

4. Participation in competitions and exhibitions at various levels.

5. Involving parents in organizing group experiments.

6. Coverage of this topic on Internet sites of various levels.

October -



Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Diversity of variability in the use of the integrated method of experimentation.”

Consultation on the topic “Organizing and conducting experiments with preschoolers. Contents of experimental activity corners"

Master class on the topic “Development of children’s creative abilities through experimental activities”

Watch a lesson with elements of experimentation. (video) Discussion.

Demonstration of an open lesson with elements of experimentation.

- Experiences: with water, with air, with a magnet, “With water and without water”, “In the light and in the dark.”

Competition for the most interesting research in nature.

Collecting materials for the photo album “Country of Pochemuchek”

Ecological project “My Tree”

Project “I want to know everything!”


1. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the work done in your group.

2. Summarizing the results at a meeting of the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution (report on the work done).

3. Planning activities and development prospects.

4. Diagnostics

5. Preparation of photographs of children during experimentation, cognitive and research activities.

6. Report and presentation on the topic “Experience of working with parents to develop a child’s interest in cognitive and research activities.”

parents, children


Presentation “Children’s group – it’s fun to walk together.”

Photo exhibition “Young Researchers”.

Publication of your own experience of teaching activities in the social network of educators.

Report to the kindergarten pedagogical council.

Conducting an open OOD (collective viewing)

Report on the work done for the academic year.

Speech at a workshop.

1. Continue working with children on the topic.

2.Adjustment of plans.

3.Working with literature

Participation in competitions and exhibitions at various levels.

Svetlana Mikhailovna Moskvicheva, 2nd qualification category; work experience Academic year: 2013-2014 School preparatory group

Relevance of the topic:

The baby is a natural explorer of the world around him. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal feelings, actions, and experiences.

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and has learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative and research activities will be,” wrote the classic of Russian psychological science. science Lev Semyonovich Vygodsky.

The development of cognitive interests of preschool children is one of the pressing problems of pedagogy, designed to educate a person capable of self-development and self-improvement. It is experimentation that is the leading activity for young children: “The fundamental fact is that the activity of experimentation permeates all areas of children’s life, all children’s activities, including play.”

The development of cognitive activity in preschool children is especially relevant at the present stage, as it develops children's curiosity, an inquisitive mind and forms, on their basis, stable cognitive interests through research activities.

A preschooler is characterized by an increased interest in everything that happens around him. Every day, children learn more and more new objects, strive to learn not only their names, but also their similarities, and think about the simplest reasons for the observed phenomena. While maintaining children's interest, you need to lead them from acquaintance with nature to understanding it.

Help to reveal to children the wonderful world of experimentation and develop cognitive abilities;

Study methodological literature on this topic;

Help the child master the appropriate vocabulary, the ability to accurately and clearly express his judgments and assumptions;

Generalization of knowledge on this topic.

  • Creating conditions for children's research activity;
  • Organization of individual activities to comprehend and study the given material;
  • Studying methods and technologies for search and research activities.


1. Vinogradova N.F. “Mystery stories about nature”, “Ventana-Graf”, 2007

2. Preschool education No. 2, 2000

3. Dybina O.V. and others. A child in the world of search: A program for organizing the search activities of preschool children. M.: Sfera 2005

4. Dybina O.V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. M., 2005.

5. Ivanova A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. M.: Sfera, 2004

6. Ryzhova N. Games with water and sand. // Hoop, 1997. - No. 2

7. Smirnov Yu.I. Air: A book for talented children and caring parents. St. Petersburg, 1998.

8. Experimental activities of children 4-6 years old: from work experience/ed.-comp. L.N. Megnshchikova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. – 130 p.

Practical solution


Selection and study of literature on the topic;

Memos for parents “I’m exploring the world”

"Step by step"

Creation of a “piggy bank of experiences and experiments”

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “The importance of search and research activities in the development of the child.”

November December

Creating a subject-development environment

Studying the conditions for organizing experimental activities of children in a group, creating mini laboratories with objects of inanimate nature;

Consultation for parents on the topic:

“Creating conditions for conducting search and research activities.”

7 questions to study the conditions and forms of organizing children's experimentation

A study of the pedagogical competence of parents and educators in the field of development of children's experimentation.

Questioning of parents and educators.

"Helper devices"

Acquiring skills in working with research instruments (magnifying glasses, microscope...)

Thematic lesson “Magic glass”

Innovative technologies-TRIZ

Using TRIZ elements when conducting experiments

Thematic lesson “What types of water exist” (liquid, solid, gaseous states)

Media library on search and research activities in the educational space

Selection of DVDs on the topics studied

Using DVDs in and outside of class

"What? For what? Why?"

Studying the method of game-based problem-based learning

Creation of various problem situations and ways to solve them.

Victoria Kobernik
Self-education plan on the topic “Development of cognitive activity”

Target: Formation of environmental knowledge in children in a joint activities, in educational fields.


1. Expand your understanding of the flora and fauna;

2. Develop the ability to observe, analyze, compare, highlight characteristic, essential features of natural phenomena, draw basic conclusions;

3. Foster love for the native land and the ability to behave correctly in nature.

Self-education work plan.

Month Direction of action and content of work

Teacher children parents


Familiarization with plants and their places of growth. Class “The importance of plants in human life”. Invite parents to collect leaves for a herbarium.

Introducing the idea of ​​a forest as a natural community. Class "Life of the Autumn Forest". Offer parents a tour of the autumn forest or park.

Studying information about migratory birds. A conversation about migratory birds. Invite parents and children to observe migratory birds.

Studying information about major natural communities (forest, meadow, pond).

Class "Who has what house".

Offer to parents introduce children with endangered plants listed in the Red Book.

Familiarization with the story and about the Christian holiday of baptism. Reading a story "Sinichkin calendar" V. Bianchi (about January).

Talk about the onset of Epiphany frosts. Invite parents to look at bird tracks in the snow with their children.

February Introduction to the life of some animals in the forest in winter. Class "How animals winter". Offer parents a tour of the winter forest or park.

March Studying information about animals in the Saratov region. Reading a poem "March" S. Ya. Marshak

Riddles about the animals of our region. Invite parents to draw their favorite animal with their children.

April Studying information about the main reasons for the extinction of some animals. Class “Why are animals disappearing?”. Offer to parents introduce children with endangered animals listed in the Red Book.

May Familiarization with the rules of human behavior in nature. Conversation “How to behave correctly in nature”. Invite parents to plant a tree together with their child.


1. N.V. Kolomina. Education of the fundamentals of ecological culture in kindergarten.

2. Vinogradova N. F. “Mental education of children in the process of becoming familiar with nature”// Moscow, "Education", 2001.

3. Voronkevich O. A. "Welcome to ecology"// Saint Petersburg, "Childhood - Press", 2004. 4. Pleshakov A. A. "The world around us"// Moscow, "Education", 2005.

5. Ryzhova S. v. Ecological primer. St. Petersburg, 1996.

6. Internet sites for educators.

Publications on the topic:

Self-education plan “Development of elementary mathematical abilities of preschoolers through didactic games” Individual self-education plan for 2016-2017 Krievs Svetlana Gennadievna education: higher pedagogical Advanced training courses:.

Goal: presenting work experience on the development of children’s cognitive activity in the process of search and research activities. Tasks:.

Self-education plan “Development of speech and motor skills in children with disabilities through theatrical activities” Full name of specialist Svetlana Vasilievna Dykhanova Position educator Work experience in the position 29 years Unified methodological theme of the institution.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Romashka" Accepted Approved by the pedagogical council by order.

Self-education plan “Development of elementary mathematical concepts of preschoolers through play activities” Topic: “Development of elementary mathematical concepts of preschool children through play activities” (junior group) Objectives:.

Self-education plan for the 2016-2017 school year. Topic: “Development of fine motor skills of preschoolers of the second junior group” Relevance of development work.

Relevance of the topic At the initial stage of life, it is fine motor skills that reflect how the child develops and indicate his intellectual abilities.

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