"Why do not you trust me?!" About trust and gullibility. The more you trust My love for you, the more you will enjoy life and know victory in difficult circumstances.

Ecology of life: For me, security is a very interesting thing in our society. Let me give you a simple example: I was once traveling with a taxi driver who, like many in Moscow, lived on caffeine in order to save up for an apartment. Well, he spoke in the spirit of “It would be a shame if the wife left and everything was left to her.” And then I got into trouble: I said something like: “But you can draw up the documents so that during a divorce everything is divided in half.”

For me, security is a very interesting thing in our society. Let me give you a simple example: I was once traveling with a taxi driver who, like many in Moscow, lived on caffeine in order to save up for an apartment. Well, he spoke in the spirit of “It would be a shame if the wife left and everything was left to her.” And then I got into trouble: I said something like: “But you can draw up the documents so that during a divorce everything is divided in half.”

The taxi driver was surprised where I got such an idea, and even more surprised that I live exactly like this - with a separate budget and property.

“You just don’t trust your husband!” - he said. - “So you don’t have love!” And this was said by a man who is afraid of being left without housing if he divorces his wife. That is, he is able to express his anxiety, but is not able to realize and take care of himself.

And somehow this is broadcast a lot - on the one hand, there is a lot of information about partners, and quite frightening: people kill each other because of an inheritance, they live because of apartments, they throw money away, they sell their parents’ jewelry to a pawnshop, they drink , they quit without asking and start a new business, sometimes with their partner’s money.

It’s the same with jobs - people are fired without pay, substituted, demoted, passed over for promotion, left as shift workers, and so on.

With friends and relatives - girlfriends take away their husbands, mothers take away their husbands, older brothers and fathers enter into incestuous relationships, people spend years saving their inheritance and not paying off their debts.

On the other hand, paying attention to this is somehow not comme il faut.

That is, the information is open, heard, perceived. But it is not accepted. And you shouldn’t take it into account with a new person.

This is amazing to me.

It’s normal for me to trust the laws of physics and chemistry - they have never deceived me or set me up. Gravity always works, water freezes, baking soda and vinegar sizzle, powder removes impurities, and the Earth regularly rotates around the Sun.

I consider people neutral by default. That is, I believe that, most likely, they do not care about me until they prove to me otherwise.

But just trusting a stranger about serious things seems very strange to me.

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For example, about my husband, I can say with confidence over the years that if I give him money to take to school for my daughter’s textbooks, he will do just that. Or if he promised to pay for her circle, he will pay.He won’t buy vodka, a theater ticket or a new iPhone with this, because he feels uncomfortable in front of men.

But not all the people I know behaved this way.

Therefore, very often when people say “why don’t you trust me?!” - It’s surprising to me, because they usually didn’t do anything at that moment so that I could trust them. Or even did something exactly the opposite. published

The more you trust people, the more tempted they are to betray you.

How can people entrust their money to a BANK if they can’t even entrust us with a PEN, THEY TIE IT!

You will lie to her just once, but you will lose her trust forever.

Darling, calm down. There will be no change! - Is it true! - I'm not going to lose my queen because of whores!

Resentment goes away and trust does not return.

Love is when, despite the distance, you trust your loved one.

Trust is when you don't care about guarantees.

Trusting people means allowing yourself to be partially killed.

People themselves cross themselves off my trust list.

To earn the trust of a loved one, you must first learn to trust yourself.

Only defeats determine strength of character.

If people talk about trust and love, but at the same time they do not know how to trust and love themselves, then their words are simply an attempt to control you.

Mom, I pretended for a long time that I believed that they found me in the cabbage. Now it’s your turn to believe that I’m spending the night at my friend’s house writing my coursework.

The more you open your soul, the more painfully they spit on it (((...

Trust, like virginity, is lost once and for all.

I sometimes trust people because, I think, THEY are like me.

What enlivens conversations most is not intelligence, but mutual trust.

No matter how little we trust our interlocutors, it still seems to us that they are more sincere with us than with anyone else.

Big promises reduce trust.

Trusting people is not even playing Russian roulette, it’s even stupider.

I used to listen to people's words and believe in their deeds. Now I listen to people's words and look at their deeds.

I easily gain trust. I'M A CAT!

Don't trust the disappointed. It's almost always the powerless ones.

Where trust died, love died...

Take people's word for it! But the word must be certified by a signature and seal...

Don't trust other people's words... Believe your heart...

One minute of lies closes the mouth of trust for many years; betrayal kills him.

Be prepared for betrayal by any of your people, but especially by those you trust the most.

Little lies give rise to great mistrust.

Jealousy is primarily mistrust, and only secondarily the fear of losing a loved one...

Faith in people! Confidence! Many people cannot revive these feelings, but I have the opposite... so many helpers, but I still can’t get rid of them.

Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

There is no love, no trust for such people. People look at the presence of feathers...

What is the name of the disease when you want to punch someone in the head for blatant lies?! I think I have all the symptoms...

Trust is a fragile thing. It is easy to earn and just as easy to lose. It breaks with any wrong word and loses its meaning when you are not reciprocated. Appreciate those people who trust you. After all, they give their piece of life into your hands...

It is the betrayal of a loved one that makes you think about those around you...

I'm afraid to trust people because I don't know how to do it. I don't understand how this is...

Statuses about trusting people

I have promised to finish the good work I began in you. I won't leave you half-lit! You will be fit for Heaven because of all that I have done for you and in you. So - rejoice!

Jacob 1:22-25; Phil. 1:6; Jude 24

I am wisdom

My dear child, I am wisdom. I always act wisely. I never do anything stupid. I always speak words of wisdom, both in Scripture and by My Spirit.

I want to eradicate stupidity in you. I often hear you say, “How stupid I was.” You look back at what you said or did and realize how stupid you seemed to others. This causes you great embarrassment. Everything looks worse when others think you're stupid, right? It confirms all your fears about yourself.

Sin is stupidity. Everything that opposes My will is stupidity. Giving in to temptation is foolishness. I judge you for these things as you are finally beginning to understand, but My Spirit is working within you, causing you to be wise in every situation and on every occasion. So take note of what He says.

My wisdom is pure. Therefore, avoid everything that is unclean in My sight. Sometimes you don't want purity because sin can be fun, at least while it lasts. But when you know that you have offended Me, you again feel dirty and unclean until you repent again and accept My forgiveness. You don't like feeling dirty, do you? To be pure is to be at peace with Me, when nothing limits or holds back your joy.

Jesus clearly said that committing a sin in your thoughts is as bad as doing the act itself. Do not misunderstand what He said, lest you lead yourself into false condemnation. Sin is not to have a thought or temptation that the enemy throws up, but to linger on it and make it the center of desire. If you encourage a thought, it becomes a sinful fantasy.

Therefore, be wise in your struggle with sin, child. Throw away everything that is unclean or contrary to My word. You will gain a lot from this. I want to protect you from unnecessary conflict. Remember that Jesus was tempted in all points, as we are, yet He was without sin; He always resisted. I will never allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. I've already made this clear, really!

Prov. 8:12-31; Is. 11:2; Ps. 48:4; James 3:17; Rom 13:14; Matt. 5:27-30; Mark 9:43-47; 2 Cor. 10:5; Eph. 4:17-24; Heb. 4:15

Walk in wisdom

My dear child, it is wise to know My word, to be familiar with the truth. They are words of wisdom and healing.

I want My word to be like a reservoir inside you. You can draw this living water in every situation. My Spirit will remind you of the truth. So it is not wise to be ignorant. You don't understand everything you read in the bible, but you understand enough to know what I want in most situations. When you need fresh wisdom or insight, ask Me and I will give it to you.

My Holy Spirit will always lead you along the path of wisdom. This means that you will strive for the path of peace, meekness and kindness - qualities that the world often despises as weakness. Well, these are the qualities that I possess, and I am certainly not weak! I created the universe!

Therefore, if you demonstrate the same qualities, you will be able to better use the power that I have given you.

When I reach out to you in the gentleness of My love, something powerful happens in your life, right? My Spirit works in gentleness, love and affection, and also brings strength, deliverance and healing.

Do you pray to always walk in wisdom? Others will be very quick to jump on any area of ​​stupidity in your life. If you walk in wisdom, you will have nothing to fear In front of them. You will make mistakes because everyone does. Because of them others may laugh at you, but I do not laugh at you. I encourage and forgive you.

2 Tim. 3:16; John 6:63. 68; Col. 3:16; John 14:25; James 1:5; James 3:17; Dan. 2:20-23; Prov. 12:8; Prov. 28:1; Prov. 2:6

That's what wisdom is

My dear child, wisdom is not only to listen and read the Scriptures, but to believe and live them, and do as I say - Believe Me when I turn to you, saying that you are beautiful in My eyes, precious, incomparable to anything . Believe Me when I say that you are the apple of My eye, that I have redeemed, called and saved you.

I am not a strict Father who remains at a distance, giving wise advice. I am your loving Father who comes close to you, embracing you in love. Walk with Me in My paths of wisdom. Be wise as I am wise. Avoid the foolishness of sin and you will rejoice with great joy. My wisdom leads to peace and is expressed in righteousness, holiness, integrity, truth, love and power. Can you see that all these things are connected?

The beginning of wisdom is to fear Me. You are in awe of Who I am, so avoid every form of evil and everything that is contrary to My word. You can have wisdom beyond your years because of the way My Spirit flows through you. Do not despise experience, because although wisdom comes as a gift from Me, you learn to apply this wisdom through experience. Wisdom protects you from evil. It also promotes humility. Stupid people, arrogant; Jesus was both wise and humble.

Just as My Spirit of wisdom rested on Jesus, so the Spirit of wisdom rests on you. This is why you feel uneasy if you take a step away from My purposes. Do you remember that in your human nature. Did Jesus grow in wisdom? This is what happens to you. You can sit at My feet, listen and learn from Me, only because My Spirit of wisdom is working within you, bringing revelation. This is very different from worldly wisdom, which passes away; My wisdom is forever.

Don't think that wisdom is beyond your reach. You will have enough wisdom in every situation. You should really thank Me, child, for giving you wisdom. You have My wisdom and can act wisely in every situation.

Prov. 2:6. 9-10; Prov. 3:13, 17; Is. 32:17; Prov. 9:10; Ps. 110:10; Prov. 28:26; Prov. 11:2; Jacob 3:13; Luke 2:40; Luke 2:52; Ps. 118:160 (in English, instead of “foundation ..." - “All Your Word in its entirety is truth”)

My power

I have all power over all creation, the entire universe. I have authority in Heaven. I have power over the devil; he has permission to do only what I allow in testing human hearts.

I have absolute power over the nations. I am capable of raising and overthrowing governments. I can even bring nations into existence and make them disappear.

I have authority over My Church, and I have power over you, as over one of My children.

My dear child, it is right to respect My Lordship, to be in awe of My greatness and glory, but do not fear Me. For although I have all power, I have no intention of destroying My children. See how I have encouraged you.

Some people think that I am not very good at exercising My authority. They point to conflicts among nations, to corruption in governments, to the ineffectiveness of My Church, and to the failures of some of My children. They judge and condemn Me for this, saying that if I am the Lord, then I should have made better use of My position!

Some leaders lead well; others oppress with their pride or corruption. However, in the midst of all this, I act by hearing the cry of the hearts of My children, establishing righteousness through those who love Me. While people blame Me, I act in this situation, changing it!

Col. 1:16-17; Job 1:6-12; Job 2:1-6; Ps. 46:8-10; Ps. 2

My critics

My critics want Me to act quickly and eradicate the suffering and want caused by the corruption of people. What hypocrisy, for these same critics do not want to acknowledge My authority in their own lives. They do not want Me to judge their hearts and actions, and they do not want to repent of their sins. They do not want to align their lives with My will or submit to My Lordship.

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