Sayings about getting up early. Productive morning: why God gives to those who get up early

Everyone in Russia knows the proverb: “He who gets up early, God gives to him.” However, today this popular expression is often ostracized. After all, life changes, and the very view of Russian proverbs and sayings changes. What was in ancient times is no longer a rule of conduct today.

The more you have time to do, the more income you will receive

In ancient times, when there was no electricity, the saying “He who gets up early, God gives to him” was relevant. Although, of course, no higher powers will add wealth to anyone, no matter how early a person rises. The meaning of this expression lies not in the time of rising, but in diligence, the number of tasks completed during daylight hours. You can get up even in the dark, but sitting on a bench with your hands folded and doing nothing - will this help you become richer?

Another reason for the appearance of this saying can be considered that a person who gets up at noon will do little work before dark, therefore, in the evening he will have to light a lamp or candle. But for a poor person this is an extra expense. Naturally, in those families where kerosene and candles were spent every day, there was less money.

Although hard work early and before dark did little to help the poor people get rich, as history proves. They got up before dawn in order to have time to do at least something on their site before the hour came for them to work off their corvee for the owner. But those who were destined to have wealth at birth could lie in bed all day long, spend time having fun, but still only grew richer and fatter.

Rural workdays

Many Russian sayings were invented by ordinary people. They are based on the practical experience of the peasant, because Russia in the past was an agrarian country, agriculture was the main production. Therefore, the phrase: “He who gets up early, God gives to him” reveals the main meaning of rural life. Actually, for those who now live in villages and run their own farms, these words are still the main rule in working life.

After all, the cattle need to be driven out to the meadows early so that they can eat well before sunrise. If you oversleep, you will be late for driving the herd out to pasture - the animal will remain hungry, which means it will not gain weight, cows and goats will give less milk. Anyone who has kept these animals knows how difficult it is to increase their milk yield.

And if there is no common herd in the village, then the saying: “He who gets up early, God gives to him” still has an important meaning. After all, with the sunrise, midges wake up, which painfully sting the cattle, do not allow them to graze, and drive them into the bushes or into a pond.

You can also mow the grass for haymaking only in the early morning, when there is dew. And when the sun rises, it dries out, and the scythe simply crushes the grass. Therefore, those who like to luxuriate in bed for a long time can be left without feed for livestock during the winter.

And agricultural work depends on daylight hours. Vegetable gardens do not yet have lanterns under which you can plant, weed, thin out seedlings, and water the beds. If you don’t have time to complete as many tasks as possible in a day, you will be left without a good, abundant harvest in the fall. But the one who copes with all agricultural work on time will definitely have a good income when the time comes.

Modern life of city dwellers

Many Russian sayings today look at least stupid for residents of megacities. For example, it is unnatural to demand an early rise from a person who needs to start work on the evening or night shift that day. Well, what kind of result can you expect from a sleep-deprived surgeon or a machine operator already tired from household chores? And employees of restaurants, nightclubs, conductors, and drivers should have a good rest before work. In addition to the fact that their work will otherwise be ineffective, lack of sleep can have a bad effect on their health.

By the way, the option of paying for electricity at day and night rates also contradicts the old proverb. After all, washing on a modern automatic machine at night will allow you to save a lot. And working on a computer, watching TV shows, cooking on an electric stove at night rather than during the day is also saving money. So it turns out that it is more profitable to do household chores after 11 pm and before 7 am.

Rearranged popular expressions

The wit of the people is often directed at conservative-minded people who try to subordinate everything to rules that were once established long ago. Therefore, Russian proverbs and sayings are altered, turning into funny expressions that change their meaning.

“He who gets up early gets to sleep all day”, “The earlier you get up, the earlier you go to bed”, “The one who gets up early gets to cook breakfast” - these are a few sarcastic phrases based on old dogmas.

Human activity mode - individual feature

And the proven division of people into “night owls” and “larks” largely contributes to ridicule of this proverb. After all, a person who is most active in the afternoon suffers both physically and mentally if he has to get up early and start work. And the result of the activities of such people often depends on when the work was completed. This is especially true for people in creative professions, who most often prefer to create their masterpieces in the evening or even late at night. Perhaps we shouldn’t take proverbs so seriously today and try to live by them?

The meaning of proverbs and sayings today

Of course, there is no point in arguing; people are always wise. And he came up with good sayings, meaningful and serious proverbs. However, a modern person should be able to understand them not literally, but try to grasp the deep meaning of folk wisdom.

  1. The meaning of the expression “He who gets up early, God gives to him” lies not in what time you start work. Everything is much more complicated. And the main thing is how many important and necessary things you can do in a day.
  2. God will not give any favors, no matter how early a person gets out of bed, if he is lazy and stupid. Everyone must certainly create their wealth through their labor and intellect.
  3. The concept of “getting up early” should be understood not in relation to specific hours, but in accordance with when a person began to rest. You shouldn’t rest more than your body needs, and you shouldn’t spend extra hours lying around doing nothing.


And the most important rule, which every individual must strictly adhere to, is not to take someone’s opinion as truth, not to consider even folk sayings as an axiom. Because for each of them you can always choose another, which will have the exact opposite meaning.

People often associate waking up early with success in life. Blogger Egoza Eikhi has been waking up at 6:00 am for the past two years. He believes this habit has changed his life.

Here are 6 reasons that, according to the author, motivate you to get up earlier.

1. You will have time to understand yourself

Many people fail to achieve their goals simply because they lack focus. If you are starting If you don't spend a day figuring out what you should focus on first, you're less likely to remember your big goals throughout the day.

As you know, it is in the first half of the day that your brain works most efficiently. Use this time to take control of your life with your mind, not your emotions.

2. You will have time to plan your day.

Larks have the opportunity to plan their day in advance, before going to work. The earlier your plan for the day is made, the more efficient and productive you will spend your time.

Planning for tomorrow in the evening is counterproductive. It's stupid to make plans when your brain is stale and wants only one thing - rest.

3. Morning is a great time to work on yourself

Who said you have to rush to the office immediately after waking up? At the same time, many of us complain that we constantly lack time for family, entertainment or the gym.

If you start waking up at 6am, you'll have a few more hours before your workday starts to get to the gym. When you exercise in the morning, your body is saturated with endorphins. These are hormones that are released during active physical activity and give us a feeling of joy and euphoria. The charge of endorphins received in the morning may well be enough to keep you energetic and alert throughout the working day.

4. You will start eating breakfast

You've heard all your life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you wake up a couple of hours before the start of the working day, you definitely won’t be able to miss it.

A study from the Hopkins-Bloomberg School of Public Health found that eating a nutritious breakfast has huge health benefits. Just like your car needs gas to run, your body needs food to function properly. Especially in the morning.

5. Many successful people do this!

New York Magazine, in its article about Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, told readers that he starts his day at 5:30 in the morning. Dorsey uses the time before his work day to meditate and go for a 10-kilometer run.

Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, begins answering partner emails at 4:30 every morning.

Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, is also a big proponent of waking up early. In one of his interviews with Business Insider, he admitted that he wakes up at 5:45 and immediately gets to work. First, he sits at the computer for a while, and only then has breakfast.

6. You will be two steps ahead of everyone

Waking up early, research shows, can help you unleash your creativity. Plus, it develops your self-confidence: you start working even when all your competitors are sleeping.

I learned to solve all the most unpleasant work matters before 8 am. This habit allows me to go through the next day with high energy levels and a sense of accomplishment. The habit of doing the most unpleasant tasks early in the morning reduces my stress and anxiety levels.

And one more thing. If you can train yourself to wake up two and a half hours earlier than usual, you will gain an advantage of 150 working minutes per day. This is 17 and a half hours a week, and more than 70 hours a month. 840 hours per year. The choice is yours.

Hello dear readers. We are all well aware of the popular saying: “He who gets up early, God gives to him.” In this article I wanted to talk about it. But this has a deep meaning.

Of course, many may argue with this. And you can say that this is all nonsense, that you got up early many times and nothing happened. Or someone might say that God does not give to the one who gets up early, but to the one who gets up in a good mood.

Here I agree with both points of view, you can just get up early, but it won’t do anything, and getting up in a good mood is also important when a person radiates joy and happiness, everything goes well for him and everything turns out easy.

But this is not the main secret of the saying. Agree, it’s not enough to just get up early, or get off on the “right foot.” God always gives to those who know what they want. Here you can also argue, since simply wanting and knowing what you want is again not enough. God will never give it to someone who just sits and wishes. No one has received manna from heaven since biblical times. Do you agree?

So, there are only a few words in the well-known saying, but they hide a very deep meaning. And what is this meaning? The saying is popular and has been around for hundreds of years. Our ancestors were always right, and there is truth in every saying. We also know that people have long loved hardworking people.

And now the most important thing.
Whatever God gives you, you still need to get up early in order to get down to business before others. And not just a deed, but a deed that you believe in, a deed that can bring you success, that can lead you to the fulfillment of your desire.

Don’t be afraid to be the first in something, don’t be afraid to start new things, don’t be afraid to do what you haven’t done before, and what others haven’t done yet. If you have long dreamed of doing something special, but were afraid, start right now. If you like it so much, then others will too.

If you get up early and start working with inspiration, and always remember about your dream, the goal you are striving for, God will definitely see and appreciate your strong intention, and will definitely help you in this, sending you luck, the right people and new ideas.

In order for you to always have inspiration, you definitely need to choose something you like, so that it brings you joy and benefit, and not only to you, but also to the people around you. Then God will provide, and people will appreciate your efforts. And you will certainly get what you want and what you dream about.

Do what you love without fear or doubt. And may God give you what you so desire. Good luck to you!

". In this large article - a mini-collection, we will find out what folk wisdom and great minds say about sleep. Is it really useful to insert early, or as they say " It doesn’t matter what time you get up, but what matters is the mood in which you do it" One way or another, there are many different opinions about sleep, and we will return to the topic of sleep more than once.

Folk wisdom about sleep

As Milan Kundera said " In this country people don't value mornings. They forcefully wake up to the ringing of an alarm clock, which breaks their sleep like an ax blow, and immediately indulge in sad vanity. Tell me what a day can be like that begins with such a violent act! What should happen to people who receive a small electric shock every day using an alarm clock! Day by day they become accustomed to violence and day by day wean themselves from pleasure. Believe me, people's character is shaped by their mornings.." ("Farewell Waltz")

It is a great joy to cherish the peace of the one who has fallen asleep on your chest.
Coco Chanel

Proverbs and sayings about sleep

Sleep is sweet for the carefree.
To sleep for a long time means to get up with a duty.
The dawn gives money. If you sleep through the dawn, you won’t be able to get a ruble.
He who sleeps the most lives the least.
He who gets up late runs out of bread
If you get up early, you will work more; If you get married early, you will be more likely to get help.
He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
Who gets up early, God gives him
The early bird cleans its sock, the late bird opens its eyes
Dream: friend at night, enemy during the day.
The more you sleep, the more you want.
Sleep a lot - no good will come
Sleeps like he sold his horses
The fox sleeps, and in its sleep it nibbles chickens.
The owl sleeps and sees the chicken

Aphorisms about Sleep

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.
George Bernard Shaw

Not having dinner is a holy law,
Who values ​​light sleep the most?
Pushkin A.S.

True awakening comes not after sleep, but after a good shake-up.
Konstantin Kushner

Don't be afraid to get up early! Be afraid to sleep through your own awakening
Leonid S. Sukhorukov.

Nothing extra. Early to bed and early to rise is what makes a person healthy, rich and smart.
Benjamin Franklin

They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood.
Marcel Achard

"Owls" go to bed at two in the morning and sleep until noon. “Larks” go to bed at ten, get up at six in the morning and sleep until noon.
Maxim Zvonarev

It’s not enough to get up early in the morning, you also have to stop sleeping.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

If sleep alleviates suffering, the disease is not fatal.

He who rises with the roosters has many chickens.
Baurzhan Toyshibekov

Sweet is the sleep of a worker, you never know how much he eats; but the rich man's satiety does not allow him to sleep
Ecclesiastes, 5, 11.

I am outraged that the precious hours of our lives, these wonderful moments that will never return, are wasted aimlessly sleeping
Jerome Klapka Jerome

It is more appropriate to sleep dead than alive
Basil the Great

Just as a well-spent day gives a peaceful sleep, so a well-lived life gives a peaceful death.
Leonardo da Vinci

Someone wise inspired me, who was dozing off: “Wake up! You can't become happy in a dream. Give up this activity, which is similar to death. After death, Khayyam, you will get a good night’s sleep!”
Omar Khayyam

Not a single person in the world recognizes the right of any other person to be in bed when he himself is already up.
Robert Lind

The time it takes for anyone to truly get enough sleep is five minutes longer.
Max Kaufman

Those who boast that they sleep like babies usually don't have babies.
Leo Burke

Other aphorisms about sleep

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.
Edgar Case

Everyone dreams, but not everyone sleeps at this time.
Gennady Malkin

We are aware of ourselves as if living in a dream. By the will of our imagination, we can wander in spirit in the halls of the Great Purity. We see things as if in a dream.
Guan Yin Zi

Uncomfortably in the grip of sleep. Not only is he immobilized, but they are also forced to watch all sorts of crap - sometimes quite creepy.
Yuri Tatarkin

Sleep is a hotel for tired minds, where free
All conceivable and inconceivable services are provided.
Yuri Tatarkin

While awake, we walk through a dream - we ourselves are just ghosts of bygone times.
Franz Kafka

You can improve your sleep by waking up.
Gennady Malkin

Cool and funny Aphorisms about Sleep

The "Interpreter of Dreams" slept without dreams.

People come to interpret dreams out of dissatisfaction with reality.

I dreamed of reality. What a relief I woke up with!

Be careful! When you come out of your dreams, you can end up in someone else's.

It's not enough to get up early, you also need to wake up.

Insomnia is a mockery of the night on a person

Insomnia is beautiful when it torments a wondrous mind

Life is a dream. Don't believe me? Try to wake up...

When the soul dreams, it is the theater, the actors and the audience.

Dreams are a grand series of the subconscious.

If you pinch yourself, but the vision does not disappear, pinch the vision.
Sleeping one, do not wake the sleeping one.

You can see dreams in reality - if you close one eye from time to time.
(Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Life and dreams are pages of the same book.

Fatigue is the best pillow.

Don't lie low if you can't make money in bed.
Is life a dream? Isn't insomnia more common?

A person spends 30% of his life sleeping. The remaining 70% dreams of getting enough sleep...
Life is a dream.

Only for subjects in the waking state is the world the same. Each sleeping person revolves in his own world.
Heraclitus of Ephesus

Sleep is nature's rest.

We ourselves are created from dreams,
And this little life of ours
Sleep surrounds... William Shakespeare

An hour of sleep before midnight is worth three after

It is useful to write down your dreams.

Mircea Eliade

Truly with silent steps he comes to me - the most pleasant of thieves, and steals my thoughts and I freeze in place.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Have you looked at your friend when he is sleeping to see what he is like then? What is the face of your friend? This is your own face, but reflected in a rough and imperfect mirror. Friedrich Nietzsche

The face of a sleeping person reveals many things that the face of a waking person conceals.
Arturo Graf

This proverb has variations in the culture of different nations (“The early bird cleans its beak, the late bird opens its eyes,” “He who gets up early, to whom God gives”), but the meaning is the same: “larks” are more productive than “owls.” There are many examples in history regarding the manner of outstanding people going to bed and getting up early. Perhaps this rule is not universal, and other prominent scientists, generals or writers liked to sleep longer, but the most popular examples are Suvorov, Napoleon and Franklin. Particularly noteworthy are the testimonies of “defectors” who became “larks” after many years in the ranks of the “night owls.”

Justice of time

Time is given to all people every day in the same amount, 24 hours per brother; in this matter, complete justice reigns on the planet. This product is very valuable, you cannot keep it, you cannot return it, and any boring fool can take it away. People usually sleep from six to nine hours; everything else is at their complete disposal. How can you save time? The answer to this question, at first glance, does not depend on exactly when a particular person sleeps. In fact, this is not entirely true. What matters is how well you manage to live the time remaining for wakefulness.

Preparing for Time Management

If you are chronically short of time, it means it is flowing uncontrollably. To curb it, measures are required, but their effectiveness can only be assessed in comparison. How much more can a person do if he gets up earlier? To answer this question, you need to organize a performance tracking system.

The planning process is an important element of any preparation. It is best to make a written to-do list for the entire upcoming day. You can do this the night before or in the morning. The plan should be short and clear, containing 3-7 points. Objectives should be defined clearly and clearly. How to do it is another question. You can start with the simplest tasks and move on to complex ones, or, conversely, first do what requires the most effort, and only then enjoy the ease of the remaining problems. A person himself is responsible for how he uses his time, the main thing is the result. A plan, in fact, is also not required, but it makes it easier to assess the effectiveness of time spent. Benjamin Franklin once said that if a person does not prepare for a task, then he is still preparing, only for its failure.

Self-justification of creative lazy people

Now about the process of executing the plan. Night owls often feel weak and unwell in the morning. This unpleasant state most often prompts them to delay the moment of starting work, looking for an excuse in poor health and lethargy. The beginning of the day is spent wandering aimlessly and waiting for the moment when real productivity will finally appear. Despite this supposedly forced idleness, no useful work is done, and the body still gets tired. At the same time, if you start working almost immediately after waking up, then a brain that has rested overnight is capable of simply miracles. And the mood of early risers is much better in the morning than that of night owls, but it sets the tone for the whole day.

Morning exercise classes

Many people think that a sports lifestyle is directly related to the presence of many expensive items of equipment and equipment. Justification for one’s own laziness is sought in the material difficulties caused by the acquisition of Adidas sneakers, Puma suits and similar attributes of a “real athlete,” not to mention exercise equipment. That's right, the advertising strategies of companies that own famous brands are built on precisely this psychological trick. In fact, you need very little - wake up early, turn on rhythmic music, wave your arms and legs to your heart's content, jump or just dance.

Healthy food

Research results from Northwestern University (USA) show that night owls consume much more food than those who are accustomed to waking up early. They visit fast food establishments twice as often and eat more other foods of animal and plant origin. This also affects the weight of the studied individuals. If a person suffers from excess weight, we can safely say that with a high degree of probability he is a “night owl” who is used to getting up late.

Ahead of time

By getting out of bed early, a person is already ahead of many others. He can get more done before lunch than most people do all day. It’s nice to come to a store, market or anywhere else when there are very few people there. Public transport is also much more spacious in the early morning. The air in the city is cleaner; cars and buses have not yet smoked it. The spectacle of the awakening city is mesmerizing, it’s nice to see the first trams moving, and the dim, just risen sun gently illuminates everything around. There is still no usual bustle of the metropolis, and this pacifies the soul. Thoughts become simpler, clearer and more transparent. In short, it’s nice to get up when the whole world is still sleeping.

How to become a morning person

There are, of course, problems with the transition to a new regime. You don’t just become a morning person one day, especially if the habit of sleeping late has been developed over decades. You need to enter into the image of an “early bird” gradually, choosing the optimal time to rise in increments of a quarter of an hour. But if such a task is set, it must be completed. But the result justifies the effort. Here's what some famous early risers said about time and life:

  • “The first step to success is taken when you break free from habit” (Mark Cain).
  • “Either you work all day, or the day works for you” (Jim Rohn).
  • “With a new day comes new strength and new thoughts” (Eleanor Roosevelt).
  • “The habit of going to bed and rising early makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” (Benjamin Franklin).


Objective studies of the physical and mental abilities of students at the University of Texas showed that supporters of glamorous nighttime pastimes are significantly inferior in all respects to their fellow students who are accustomed to getting up early. However, everyone has the right to doubt the objectivity of American scientists, but you can always conduct your own experiment; fortunately, guinea pigs are not needed in this case. You can test the hypothesis about the benefits of a healthy regimen on yourself. It is completely harmless, unlike trendy diet pills and debilitating diets.

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