Urine pH value is higher than normal - what to do? Acid-base balance of the body The level of acidity in the muscles.

Can you imagine that the development of many diseases depends on one cause? Many nutritionists and herbalists now describe this hidden danger in two words: acid and alkali.

High acidity destroys the most important systems in the body, and it becomes defenseless against disease. A balanced pH environment ensures normal metabolic processes in the body, helping it fight diseases. A healthy body has a reserve of alkaline substances, which it uses when necessary.

What is pH?

The ratio of acid and alkali in any solution is called acid-base balance (ABC), although physiologists believe that it is more correct to call this ratio the acid-base state. KSHR is characterized by a special pH indicator (power Hidrogen - “hydrogen power”), which shows the number of hydrogen atoms in a given solution. At a pH of 7.0 they speak of a neutral environment. The lower the pH level, the more acidic the environment (from 6.9 to 0). An alkaline environment has a high pH level (from 7.1 to 14.0).

The human body is 80% water, so water is one of its most important components. The human body has a certain acid-base ratio, characterized by pH (hydrogen) value. The pH value depends on the ratio between positively charged ions (forming an acidic environment) and negatively charged ions (forming an alkaline environment). The human body constantly strives to balance this ratio, maintaining a strictly defined pH level. When the balance is disturbed, many serious diseases can occur.

pH, or indicator of acid-base balance.

It is a measure of the relative concentration of hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions in a liquid system and is expressed on a scale from 0 (complete saturation with hydrogen ions H+) to 14 (complete saturation with hydroxyl ions OH-), distilled water is considered neutral with pH 7.0.

0 is the strongest acid, 14 is the strongest alkali, 7 is neutral.

If in any of the body fluids the concentration of (H+) ions increases, then the pH shifts to the acidic side, that is, the environment becomes acidic. This is also called acid shift.

And vice versa - an increase in the concentration of (OH-) ions causes a shift in the pH value towards the alkaline side, or an alkaline shift.

Our body has a slightly alkaline environment. The acid-base balance in our body is constantly maintained at one stable level and in a very narrow range: from 7.26 to 7.45. And even a slight change in blood pH that goes beyond these limits can lead to illness.

Changes in pH balance can lead to dire consequences.

Increased acidity in the body.

Due to poor nutrition and consumption of acidic foods, as well as lack of water, the body becomes acidic. People consume a lot of fats, meat, dairy products, grains, sugar, flour and confectionery products, all kinds of processed foods and other processed, refined foods that contain virtually no fiber, minerals and vitamins, not to mention enzymes and unsaturated fatty acids.

In order to counteract this - to reduce the concentration of acid and remove it from vital organs - the body retains water, which negatively affects metabolism: the body wears out faster, the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. In addition, when the body is acidified, the transfer of oxygen to organs and tissues worsens, the body does not absorb minerals well, and some minerals, such as Ca, Na, K, Mg, are excreted from the body. The body has to spend a colossal amount of resources and energy to neutralize excess acids, thereby causing a certain imbalance in biochemical reactions. Since there are clearly not enough alkaline reserves coming from outside, the body is forced to use its internal resources - calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium. As a result, hemoglobin decreases and osteoporosis develops. When the iron in blood hemoglobin is used to neutralize acid, a person feels tired. If calcium is consumed for these needs, insomnia and irritability appear. Due to a decrease in the alkaline reserve of nervous tissue, mental activity is impaired.

From a lack of minerals, vital organs suffer, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, immunity decreases, bone fragility appears, and much more. If there is a large amount of acid in the body and the mechanisms for its removal are disrupted (with urine and feces, with breathing, with sweat, etc.), the body is subject to severe intoxication. The only way out is to alkalize the body.

On a global scale, acidification of the body leads to the occurrence of more than 200(!) diseases, for example: cataracts, farsightedness, arthrosis, chondrosis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, and even oncology!

And people are still surprised: “Where do humanity have so many diseases? Why do they always get sick? Why do they become decrepit with age?

Yes, if only because more than 90% of the food they eat is “acidic” foods, and everything they drink (except pure water, fresh juices and herbal tea without sugar) has a pH of 4.5 to 2, 5 - that is, it acidifies people’s bodies even more!

The state of increased acidity is called acidosis. If acidosis is not detected in time, it can harm the body unnoticed, but constantly for several months and even years. Alcohol abuse often leads to acidosis. Acidosis can occur as a complication of diabetes.

Acidosis may cause the following problems:

* Diseases of the cardiovascular system, including persistent vasospasm and decreased oxygen concentration in the blood, heart failure, weakening of the heart muscle.

* Weight gain and diabetes.

* Kidney and bladder diseases, stone formation.

* Digestive problems, weakening of intestinal smooth muscles and so on.

* Decreased immunity.

* General weakness.

* Increased harmful effects of free radicals, which can contribute to tumorigenesis.

* Bone fragility up to a hip fracture, as well as other disorders of the musculoskeletal system, such as the formation of osteophytes (spurs).

* The appearance of joint pain and pain in the muscles associated with the accumulation of lactic acid.

* Gradual weakening of the eye muscles, development of farsightedness, which is very common among older people.

* Decreased endurance and ability to recover from physical activity.

Over the course of 7 years, a study was conducted at the University of California (San Francisco), where 9 thousand women were examined. The results showed that with constant elevated levels of acidity, bones become brittle. The experts who conducted this experiment are confident that most of the problems of middle-aged women are associated with excessive consumption of meat and dairy products and lack of consumption of vegetables, fruits and herbs. Therefore, the body has no choice but to take calcium from its own bones and use it to regulate the pH level.

Urine pH value

Urine pH test results show how well the body absorbs minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. These minerals are called “acid dampers” because they regulate the level of acidity in the body. If the acidity is too high, the body does not produce acid. It should neutralize the acid. To do this, the body begins to borrow minerals from various organs, bones, muscles, etc. in order to neutralize excess acid that begins to accumulate in tissues. Thus, the acidity level is regulated.

Saliva pH value

It is also rational to know the pH level of saliva. Test results show the activity of enzymes in the digestive tract, especially the liver and stomach. This indicator gives an idea of ​​​​the work of both the entire organism as a whole and its individual systems. Some people may have increased acidity in both urine and saliva - in which case we are dealing with “double acidity”.

Blood pH value Blood pH is one of the most stringent physiological constants of the body. Normally, this indicator can vary between 7.36 - 7.42. A shift in this indicator by even 0.1 can lead to severe pathology. Please note that in emergency cases, doctors first inject a slightly alkaline solution (saline) into the blood.

When the blood pH shifts by 0.2, a coma develops, and by 0.3, the person dies.

Watch a short video that clearly shows what alkaline and acidic blood looks like under a microscope and shows the connection between the state of the blood and nutrition:

What happens to a person’s blood after he drinks alcohol or smokes:

Maintain the correct pH balance for good health.

The body is able to properly absorb and store minerals and nutrients only with the proper level of acid-base balance. It is in your power to help your body receive, rather than lose, nutrients. For example, iron can be absorbed by the body at a pH of 6.0-7.0, and iodine at a pH of 6.3-6.6. Our body uses hydrochloric acid to break down food. In the process of vital activity of the body, both acidic and alkaline decomposition products are required, and 20 times more of the former are formed than the latter. Therefore, the body’s defense systems, which ensure the invariability of its ACR, are “tuned” primarily to neutralize and remove acidic decomposition products.

The main mechanisms for maintaining this balance are: blood buffer systems (carbonate, phosphate, protein, hemoglobin), respiratory (pulmonary) regulatory system, renal (excretory system).

Moreover, the acid-base balance affects not only the body, but also other human structures. Here's a short video about it:

It is in your best interest to maintain the correct pH balance.

Even the “most correct” nutrition program, or a program for treating any disease, will not work effectively if your body’s pH balance is disturbed. Although with the help of dietary changes it is possible to restore the acid-base balance.

The constant load on the body's compensatory systems over many years and decades greatly harms the body and wears it out. Gradually and steadily, there is a distortion in the functioning of all systems and metabolic processes.

This cannot continue indefinitely and without consequences. Chronic diseases that arise against this background simply CANNOT be cured with medications.

Here, the only and best “cure” can be only one thing: completely rebuild the diet, eliminate the acid load, eat mainly raw plant foods for many years - until all functions, all processes in the body return to normal parameters and the imbalance will disappear.

Watch the video in which Professor I.P. Neumyvakin talks about acid-base balance. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin - Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, author of more than 200 scientific works, honored inventor, having 85 copyright certificates for inventions; since 1959, for 30 years, he has been inextricably linked with space medicine. Ivan Pavlovich developed many new principles, methods and means of providing medical care:

This is what A.T. says. Ogulov on acid-base balance:

Ogulov Alexander Timofeevich - Doctor of Traditional Medicine, Professor. The founder and researcher of the direction - visceral therapy - abdominal massage - massage of internal organs through the front wall of the abdomen. He has more than 20,000 of his students and followers in many countries of the world. President of the Professional Association of Visceral Therapists, General Director of the Predtecha Educational and Health Center. In September 2016, he was awarded the title of BEST DOCTOR from the Moscow government.

Full member of the International European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hannover, Germany), member of the Presidium of Traditional Healers of Russia.

Awarded medals:

  • The best doctor. From the Moscow government
  • laureate of the award. Y. G. Galperin “For contribution to the development of traditional medicine in Russia.”
  • All-Russian Exhibition Center medal "Laureate of the All-Russian Exhibition Center"
  • amber star of the Master of Traditional Medicine.
  • medal "For practical contribution to strengthening the health of the nation."
  • awarded the Paul Ehrlich Medal “For the Good of Health”.
  • honorary medal “For success in folk medicine.”
  • Order of the Red Cross

Here are some videos of A.T. Ogulov, each of them complements each other:

Other useful videos by A.T. Ogulov can be seen in the video selection “HOW CHRONIC DISEASES ARISE. HOW DIFFERENT ORGANS IN THE BODY ARE INTERRELATED (what influences what). How to find the cause of your diseases":

A simple test to determine acid-base balance using breathing:

How the body manages acidity levels:
Releases acids - through the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs, skin;
Neutralizes acids - with the help of minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium;
Accumulates acids in tissues, primarily in muscles.

What to do if the pH balance is normal?

The simple answer is to help maintain this balance in a healthy zone.

  1. Water.
    It is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of clean water, specifically 30 ml per kilogram of body weight per day (in the hot summer months, 2-3 times more).
  2. Food.
    If the acid-base balance is already disturbed, then you should think about your diet and reduce the consumption of acidic foods (meat and dairy products, bread, sweets, carbonated drinks, any artificially created products).
  3. Enzymes.
    Without enzymes, the body is unable to regulate pH levels. They heal and improve digestion and the absorption of minerals (especially calcium). To supplement your diet with additional enzymes, we recommend flower pollen.
  4. Correction of mineral metabolism.
    Calcium is the most important mineral for regulating pH balance. In addition to the above calcium, the body needs other minerals, including phosphorus, zinc, boron, potassium, magnesium. They are becoming less and less common in our diet due to the fact that food raw materials are being purified, food is subject to excessive culinary processing, and vegetables and fruits grown in depleted soil do not initially contain the full range of minerals.

In the human body acid-base balance of blood must be kept under control and its permissible values ​​range from 7.35 to 7.45.

A slightly acidic environment is needed to launch a variety of chemical processes ( for example, digestion - in the stomach the environment is slightly shifted towards acidity), and if blood pH balance change, the processes will not go as planned.

After all, all our building material is in the blood ( transmitted from the liver), proteins, antibodies, fat genes, white blood cells, nutrients and a bunch of other things. They are configured to work precisely in this range ( 7.35-7.45 ) and the slightest shift disrupts the operation of the entire system ( blood is everywhere, we have 85,000 km of veins and arteries but only 5 liters of blood).

All regulatory mechanisms of the body ( including breathing, metabolism, hormone production) are aimed at balancing pH level, by removing caustic acid residues from body tissues without damaging living cells. If pH level gets too low( sour) or too high ( alkaline), then the cells of the body poison themselves with their toxic emissions and die.

The IMPORTANCE of the balance of this entire system is also emphasized by the following fact: to maintain the balance between acid and alkali, the body takes calcium from the bones ( our calcium bank) + magnesium ( they are indistinguishable from calcium), to alkalize the acid.

To avoid acidification of the body and increase alkalinity you need to eat foods containing calcium, magnesium and potassium BEFORE the body begins to urgently remove them from everywhere, that is, you need to eat a lot of greens ( except sorrel), of which cilantro and chervil take precedence. By the way, consumption of dairy products contributes to the leaching of calcium from bones.

It is much easier for our body to cope with alkali. (10 times like this), so everything is designed to prevent acidification. And by the way: boron is the best trace element for preventing the loss of calcium from the body, and it is found in fruits, vegetables and other plant foods.

And the most important thing to understand and remember: ANY PLANT FOOD AFTER HEAT TREATMENT BECOME POISON AND ACIDIFIES OUR BODY! Well, animal proteins, too, accordingly, only they themselves are no longer food for humans, and after heat treatment they cause 2 times more problems. For example, to preserve the presentation of meat, all kinds of sausages and frankfurters ( so they don't smell like corpses) nitrites are added to them ( a powerful carcinogen, not to be confused with nitrates - they are useful in their natural form), flavor enhancers ( monosodium glutamate and other chemicals, otherwise you simply won’t be able to eat them).

Grain that has been ground into flour, mixed with single-celled fungi ( yeast), heat treatment at 200 degrees, and become bread or pasta, buckwheat (toasted, not green) and rice, butter, etc. All this poisons and acidifies the body.

Stew vegetables? fry potatoes? nice thing! only there their own enzymes die ( LIFE), which are designed to engage in autolysis ( self-digestion) in our intestines without harming our body, and instead of them carcinogens are formed.

And a chronically acidified body struggles every day, leaching calcium from bones, losing magnesium and immunity.

In humans, food-digesting enzymes are living “nano-robots” that disassemble and assemble molecules in the thousands per second. In humans, digestion is based on enzymes, not acid. So, to start the digestion process with enzymes you need slightly acidic environment, but not increased acidity, which is now present everywhere for most of the inhabitants of the Planet.


BUT we must remember that fruits also have some acidity, although, of course, they are very far from alcohol, heat-treated food, processed foods, sweets and other bio-garbage. After eating fruits, you can easily restore balance in your mouth simply by rinsing your mouth with water.

By the way, the most natural way to get rid of acid is sports. Then the acid breaks down faster and exits through the lungs as a gas.


* all ripe fruits ( except citrus fruits, apples, grapes), vegetables, berries, cereals ( buckwheat, oats, rye, wheat), nuts

* especially alkaline are: greens ( #1 source of calcium), cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, avocado


* meat, fish, poultry, as well as dairy products;
* all sugar-containing products: jam, preserves, compote, chocolate, cakes, sweets and other confectionery products;
* flour products;
* alcoholic and carbonated drinks ( soda is the most acidic product with pH=2.47-3.1 . drank soda and immediately lost some of the calcium from the bones, even mineral soda is carbonated with carbon-acid), coffee, cocoa, black tea, fruit juice;
* vinegars, sauces, mayonnaise;
* vegetable oils.


* heat treatment ( frying, boiling, parka, baking);
* adding sugar ( jams, fruit drinks are very acidic), preservatives and acid additives ( vinegars, sauces, mayonnaise);
* long storage ( even more acidic jam).

Those. in fact, everything that a person has a hand in (fried, boiled, baked, squeezed oil ), EVERYTHING causes increased acidity.

Acid ( apple, lemon, grape) is found in all fruits, vegetables and other vegetation, but it is vegetable and promotes digestion in the stomach while the vegetation is raw ( live), but it begins to acidify the gastrointestinal tract and blood as soon as it is PREPARED.

Factors such as:

1. Stress, strong anxiety, anxiety (for any reason).

2. Harmful effects of poor ecology and lack of fresh air.

3. The harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation - from televisions, computers, mobile phones, microwave ovens and many other household appliances.


4. Sedentary lifestyle.

Also of great importance is the internal energy of the person himself, his vital energy.

If a person is an optimist in life, a cheerful person, always cheerful, moves through life easily, strives for something, achieves something, in a word, lives, then by doing this he is already helping himself a lot, helping the body with his energy to maintain pH balance.

If, on the contrary, a person is a pessimist, does not strive for anything, sluggishly “floats” through life, whose whole life is just a series of gray, monotonous, boring days, in the word “eking out a miserable existence,” then he is thereby more susceptible to stress, depression, he loses vital energy, the body weakens and is unable to maintain a normal pH balance - it lacks energy and resources. He starts to get sick. With each new stress, the situation only gets worse and the process of health depression accelerates.

So, what can you do to alkalize your body?

It is necessary to REFUSE AT ALL from eating meat, dairy products, sugar, flour and confectionery products, all kinds of semi-finished products and other processed, refined products, minimize the consumption of grains, and it is better to consume them in the form of sprouts.

Explore these articles and materials:

* HOW PEOPLE KILL THEIR BLOOD. DO YOU KILL YOUR OWN BLOOD? (about what immunity is and how to strengthen it)


* THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) CALLED MEAT A CAUSE OF CANCER! Meat products are recognized as carcinogenic substances, such as asbestos and arsenic, and will be included in the “black list” of carcinogens!


2. Cleanse your body of waste and toxins:



* CLEANSING AND HEALING. THE MOST EFFECTIVE RECIPES. HOW TO RESTORE INTESTINE MICROFLORA AND IMMUNITY (there is also a large selection of articles on cleansing the body):


3. Avoid thermal cooking or at least maintain a ratio of 80% raw plant foods to 20% cooked foods.

Physiologists believe that to maintain BSH, a person needs at least four times more food with an alkalizing effect than with an acid-forming effect.

DO YOU EAT LIKE THIS TOO? Funny video from V.S. Ostrovsky (writer, speaker, member of the international movement for natural hygiene, hereditary herbalist, successor of the teachings of Galen, Hippocrates, Avicenna, has enormous experience in curing the most intractable diseases, although he switched to writing and lecturing in various societies, member of the International Royal Academy at UN):



* THE MOST VALUABLE AND MOST IMPORTANT HEALTH INFORMATION! A concentrate of practical knowledge on restoring and gaining health and longevity! The School of Health is the experience of a successfully practicing doctor in healing from all chronic and “incurable” or difficult to treat diseases:

Here is a short video about what the Raw Food Diet is:

Is a raw food diet dangerous? Opinion of the chief nutritionist of Russia! Alexey Kovalkov / Sergey Dobrozdravin:

Raw food diet 80/20. What is in 20% of processed food? Important!

RAW DIET. How to eat cheaply on a raw food diet. You didn't know this:

If you decide to switch to a plant-based diet, then a selection of materials will help you “HOW TO HARMONIOUSLY TRANSFER TO A HEALTHY FOOD (VEGETARIANITY, VEGANITY, RAW FOOD) (step-by-step instructions + recipes + conflict management)” :

4. Drink a soda solution on an empty stomach every day. This is a very effective method of alkalizing the body!

For more information about the healing properties of baking soda and how and when to use it correctly, read the article “BAKING SODA IS A UNIVERSAL REMEDY FOR HEALTH AND FOR MANY DISEASES, EVEN CANCER!”:

5. Start drinking green smoothies. GREEN COCKTAILS ARE A SOURCE OF VITAMINS, MICROELEMENTS AND MINERALS FOR THE BODY, A WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT AND IMPROVE HEALTH. About the benefits of green smoothies and how to prepare them:

6. When choosing food products, pay attention to the alkalizing or acidifying properties of the products.

Pay more attention to what foods you eat. To better understand what you should eat, check out these articles:


* YEAST IS A DANGEROUS BIOLOGICAL WEAPON. How to protect yourself from it and stay healthy:



PRODUCTS THAT ALKALINATE THE BODY (products and their alkalization coefficient):

berries (all kinds) 2–3, celery 4, fresh cucumbers 4, lettuce 4, fresh tomatoes 4, fresh beets 4, fresh carrots 4, dried apricots 4, fresh apricots 3, watermelons 3, melons 3, plums 3, fruits (almost all) 3, white cabbage 3, cauliflower 3, dandelion greens 3, radishes 3, peppers 3, potatoes 3, fresh beans 3, oatmeal 3, almonds 2, onions 2, green peas 2, raisins 2, dates 2

PRODUCTS THAT OXIDIZE THE BODY (products and their alkalization coefficient):

ready beans 3, dry peas 2, eggs 3, cream 2, cheese 1–2, ground nuts 2, white bread 2, jam 3, juices with sugar 3, sweet water 3, black bread 1, starch 2, barley 1, beans dried 1





CANCER AND OTHER “INCUREABLE” DISEASES CAN BE CURED WITHOUT DRUGS! Share these materials, it could save someone's life!

pH is not just numbers on packages of soap and soil for flowers - it’s your health and immunity.

For the normal functioning of all internal organs, the pH level in the body must be alkaline, in the range from 7 to 9.

Acid-base balance is our indicator of health. The more “sour” we are, the sooner we age and get sick.

You've probably heard about antioxidants, that you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables in order to protect your cells from stress, aging and death, and your body from oxidation. And that alkaline water and fresh plant foods help us maintain youth and beauty. And abuse of meat, dairy products and alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks, coffee, etc. leads to acidification of the body and is the cause of many diseases.

The pH level of blood and other fluids in our body should range from 7.35 to 7.45. The average pH of the blood of a healthy person is 7.42. What do these numbers depend on? First of all, it depends on nutrition and external factors. Inattention to food, choice of unhealthy food, harmful drinks and other factors - smoking, alcohol, stress.

All of these aspects contribute to lower pH!

It is clear that it will not be possible to influence all factors at once, but today we can start small. Start thinking and consciously choosing drinks and food. Just this one small and simple step will allow you to significantly improve your health.

All food and drinks are divided into: acidic and alkaline.

Of course, it is impossible to completely eliminate acidic foods from the diet, but a balance should still be maintained. This will allow you to maintain a high level of immunity and avoid many diseases, or treat acquired ones.

The best food is fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, sprouted grains and legumes, but not thermally processed!

The best health drink is alkaline water!

The human body is 70% water. We can figuratively say that a person is a leather “bag of bones”, inside of which about 40-50 liters of various liquids circulate. This is 5 liters of blood, 2 liters of lymph, 2.5 liters of gastric juice, 3 liters of intestinal juices, about 20-25 liters of cellular and 15-20 liters of extracellular fluid.

The main component of these liquids is water. Therefore, the quality of water and its properties are the main condition for good health and longevity. Life is nothing more than the movement of these fluids in cells and between them, if disrupted, a person becomes ill.

Our blood, lymph, and pericellular fluid are responsible for the body’s activity, quality and life expectancy.

Therefore, we must provide the body with nutrients and oxygen using alkaline water, and not just satisfy our taste preferences. Then we will be able to enjoy life, and not look for pills and a doctor who will think about how to solve our troubles.

If you drink 1.5-2.5 liters of ionized alkaline water daily, you will improve your health, get rid of many diseases, rejuvenate your body and improve your well-being!

Since our diet contains more drinks and foods that are acidic and oxidizing, and usually health problems are associated with acidification of the body and pH imbalance, ionized alkaline water will help to even out these indicators.


The pH inside your body is not always the same - some parts are more alkaline and some are acidic. The body regulates its pH level only in certain cases, such as the pH of the blood. Other parts of the body, such as the kidneys, are not regulated by the body. The pH levels of the kidneys and other organs that are not regulated by the body are affected by the food and drinks we consume.

Blood pH

The pH level of your blood is maintained by the body in a narrow range of 7.35-7.45.

The pH level of the blood must always remain at a safe level, so the body uses the above-mentioned organs and tissues to maintain it. Consequently, the pH level of the blood does not change due to drinking alkaline water, but the tissues and organs of the body used to regulate the pH of the blood do change their pH.

Kidney pH

The pH level of the kidneys is influenced by both water and food, as well as metabolic processes in the body. Acidic foods (such as meat products, dairy products, etc.) and drinks (sweetened drinks, alcoholic drinks, coffee, etc.) lead to low pH levels in the kidneys because the body eliminates excess acidity through urine. The lower the urine pH level, the harder the kidneys have to work. Therefore, the acid load placed on the kidneys from such foods and drinks is called potential acid-renal load.

The benefit that alkaline water brings to the kidneys is that it increases the pH level of the urine, which will reduce the acid load that the kidneys will need to get rid of. Increasing urine pH raises the body's pH and rids the kidneys of acidic toxins.

Stomach pH

An empty stomach contains no more than a teaspoon of stomach acid produced at the last meal. The stomach produces acid when it is needed. The stomach does not produce acid when you drink water.

The most useful thing is to drink water on an empty stomach - the pH thus increases to a level of 5-6. The increased pH will have a mild antacid effect and will lead to an increase in beneficial probiotics (good bacteria). Increasing the pH of the stomach increases the pH of the body, which leads to healthy digestion and relief from the symptoms of indigestion.

pH of subcutaneous fat

The body's fatty tissues have an acidic pH because excess acids are deposited in them. The body must store acid in fatty tissues when it cannot be excreted or neutralized by other means. That is why the acidic pH of the body is one of the factors of excess weight.

The positive effect of alkaline water on your weight is that alkaline water helps remove excess acid from the body, because it makes the kidneys work more efficiently. This helps control weight, because the amount of acid that the body must “store” in itself is reduced. Alkaline water will also improve the results of a healthy diet and exercise by helping the body deal with excess acidity produced by fat tissues during weight loss.


Bone has an alkaline pH because it is primarily composed of calcium. Their pH is constant, but if the blood needs pH adjustment, calcium is pulled from the bones.

The benefit of alkaline water to the bones is to protect them by reducing the amount of acid that the body has to fight against. Studies have shown that drinking alkaline water reduces bone resorption - osteoporosis.

Liver pH

The liver has a slightly alkaline pH, the level of which is influenced by both food and drinks. Sugar and alcohol must be broken down in the liver, which leads to excess acid.

The benefits of alkaline water to the liver include the presence of antioxidants in such water; It has been found that alkaline water enhances the work of two antioxidants found in the liver, which contribute to more effective blood purification.

Body pH and alkaline water

Alkaline water allows the parts of the body that maintain the pH of the blood to function at greater efficiency. Increasing the pH levels in the parts of the body responsible for maintaining blood pH will help these organs stay healthy and functioning efficiently.

Between meals, you can help your body normalize its pH balance by drinking alkaline water. Even a small increase in the pH of your urine can have a huge impact on your health. Increasing the pH by at least 1 level will reduce the likelihood of developing many ailments.

Since health problems are usually associated with acidification of the body and pH imbalance, it is AKVALIFE ionized alkaline waterwill help to even out these indicators.

In order to identify the presence of an inflammatory process or disease, a laboratory test of urine is used, namely the Ph of urine: the norm determines the absence of pathologies in the body, and a deviation indicates their presence.

We will find out further what type of research we are talking about and what standards are considered acceptable for a healthy person.

What does urine Ph mean?

The excretory system in the human body is designed not only to remove harmful and unnecessary substances, but also determines acid balance.

An indicator called Ph means the total number of ions in a solution, that is, in a urine sample collected for analysis.

The study shows the physical properties in the composition of urine, and also evaluates the balance of acid and alkali in it. Constantly high acidity harms body tissues. In this case, if no effort is made, then processes important to life will be suspended.

What's the norm?

The hydrogen index, that is, Ph, characterizes hydrogen ion concentration in the human body. Ph concentration levels are affected by acid as well as alkali.

The normal pH level in urine depends on the physiological state of the person, what he eats, as well as his age and gender. An important factor is the time at which urine is collected.

The main standards established for determining Ph are the following indicators:

  • For a person over 18 years of age, the norm is Ph from 5 0 to 7;
  • on average, the urine of adult women and men collected in the morning is in the range of 6.0-6.4 Ph;
  • in the evening it increases slightly and can reach 6.4-7.0;
  • for infants receiving breastfeeding, the norm is determined to be 6.9-8;
  • with an artificial type of feeding, an infant should have a Ph in the range from 5.4 to 6.9.

Reasons for deviation from normal indicators

If the pH of urine exceeds 7, then it is considered alkaline, and if it stays at 5 or below, then it is acidic.

There are many reasons for an increase or decrease in the pH level in the urine, however, you need to consider the main ones in order to understand what deviation can change the indicators and how to avoid it.

If urine acidity is increased, then this can be explained by a number of reasons leading to this phenomenon:

  • With prolonged fasting and lack of food containing carbohydrates, an increase in acidity is observed. In this case, the human body starts the process of breaking down fats in the body’s reserves. This process is carried out to replenish the necessary energy.
  • Constant overload of the human body and grueling physical exercises lead to fluid leaving the body, and acidity increases.
  • In situations where you have to stay in a stuffy room, hot countries or workshops with high temperatures.
  • Excessive levels in diabetes.
  • Long-term intoxication of the body, including alcoholic beverages.
  • Inflammatory processes in the renal system, including, as well as cystitis.
  • Septic condition in the human body.

All of the above reasons for increased acidity are only the main ones, but there are also other factors that can only be determined by the attending physician, based on research results.

Low acidity often observed when there are one or more causes for this phenomenon. These include:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • when eating excess amounts of animal protein;
  • excessive consumption of alkaline mineral water;
  • high level of stomach acidity;
  • Availability ;
  • active proliferation of infection in the urinary system.

During pregnancy, a woman experiences changes in the metabolic processes of the body, which also affects the Ph state, therefore, acidity is considered normal during this period in the range of 5.3-6.5. Low acidity levels are often observed during periods of vomiting and diarrhea.

The pH value of urine in a child may vary depending on the type of feeding and the time of day at which urine collection is carried out. Therefore, the final diagnosis can only be made by a pediatrician, based on other tests and other studies.

Determining the acidity of urine at home

You can determine the acidity of urine not only in the laboratory, but also at home. The option of performing an analysis at home is suitable for those patients who must independently monitor their Ph level due to the presence of diabetes mellitus or uraturia.

These are often used types of research How:

  1. Litmus paper.
  2. It is impregnated with a special reagent that reacts with the liquid and then changes the paint. The essence of the method comes down to the fact that it is necessary to lower two types of strips, blue and red, into urine at once and check how the shade changes.

    If the two stripes remain in the same state, then the reaction is considered neutral. If both stripes change color, then it is generally accepted that there are both alkaline and acidic reactions in urine.

    If the red color changes to blue, then an alkaline reaction is present. When the color changes from blue to red, the reaction is considered acidic.

  3. Magarshak method.
  4. The essence of this method of determining the Ph level comes down to the fact that they take two solutions of red and blue color, which are gradually added to the material being tested.

    Next, check the color: if the urine has become bright purple, then the acidity is approximately 6; if it turns gray, the acidity should be considered 7.2. Light purple urine indicates a level of 6.6. Green urine is a sign of acidity at 7.8.

  5. Test strips, used both in most laboratories and at home, when conducting independent tests for Ph level. They can be purchased at pharmacies and used as needed.
  6. The advantage of such a study is its simplicity, since anyone can determine the acidity in urine in a similar way. The strip is dipped into a fresh portion of urine, and then the result is viewed on a special scale with a designated color scheme.

Ways to reduce and increase acidity levels

There are medicinal methods to lower or increase acidity levels, as well as recommendations for introducing certain foods into the diet, helping to normalize pH.

Doctors prescribe intravenous solutions to the patient. They are made on the basis of potassium bicarbonate, as well as products sold in pharmacies for the successful normalization of acidity.

In order to significantly reduce the high acidity of urine, it is recommended to consume low protein foods. Those foods that have a neutral alkaline load should be consumed.

You also need to eat foods with zero acid formation. These include:

  • cucumbers;
  • ice cream;
  • vegetable oil;

It is allowed to introduce foods into food having negative acid formation. These are fruits, mushrooms, fresh herbs, fruit juices, and white wine.

The fact is that the division of food according to acidity is quite arbitrary. Each human body is individual and digests food differently. However, you need to gradually adjust the menu in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor.

Important to remember about normalizing water balance, since people who lead a healthy lifestyle, as a rule, are less likely to suffer from increased acidity of urine. Water not only normalizes the acidity state in the human body, but also improves the functioning of the renal system.

In order to increase acidity, on the contrary, it is necessary to slightly reduce the amount of water consumed, since it significantly increases the level of acidity in the body.

The determining Ph level is important because it can provide an informative picture of many internal diseases. Therefore, doctors recommend getting tested in a laboratory setting and monitor acidity levels at home using test strips.

It is important to study the basic methods of increasing and decreasing acidity and apply them to adjust this indicator.

Learn how to use litmus paper to determine acidity from the video:

Blood pH is a special indicator of acid-base balance. The more acidic its level, the slower the body enters the natural aging phase. A normal indicator regulates the functioning of all organs and systems, increasing their productivity and functionality. Under the influence of provoking factors, in particular pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the PH level can fluctuate. This negatively affects a person’s overall well-being and in some cases can lead to serious consequences.

What is PH: standard indicator

Blood pH is an important value that reflects the acid-base level in the body.

The indicator is stable; it can vary only within acceptable limits. Any deviations require careful study and additional diagnostic measures. If the indicator differs from the norm, there remains a high probability of failures in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

The acid-base balance must be constantly monitored. A stable value should not change its performance. The general condition of a person depends on its uniformity. A normal level of acid-base balance regulates the immune function and prevents pathogens from entering the body.

Numerous studies have allowed the norms of the indicator to be approved. Attention: the level of acid-base balance can vary depending on a person’s age and gender. An important factor is the biological material being studied; blood is taken from a vein or finger.

So, according to the approved blood PH data, the norm is:

  1. 7.31-7.43 when collecting biological material from a vein;
  2. 7.36-7.44 when taking blood from a finger.

Experts allow some deviations, but if the acid-base balance level is below 6.9 or above 7.9, there remains a high threat to human life. According to experts, the risk of death cannot be ruled out.

Important: the level of acid-base balance must be constantly monitored. The fragile balance is easily upset, which can lead to serious consequences.

Timely monitoring of PH through laboratory testing will help to avoid severe disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems.

Device for measuring blood pH

Reasons for the sharp decline: acidosis

A sharp decrease in the level of acid-base balance in the body is called acidosis. This condition occurs quite often, which is due to the high susceptibility of organs and systems to alkalization. The main provoking factor in the formation of acidosis is excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. The appearance of “acidic” blood is often caused by complications caused by rapidly progressing diabetes mellitus.

If the deviations from the norm are insignificant, the person has no idea that there is a problem. A clear clinical picture occurs with acute acidosis. This condition is characterized by the following symptoms: constant nausea, heartburn, vomiting, impaired respiratory function, loss of strength.

Norm value

Acidosis leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the body; tissues and cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen. Lack of nutrition is accompanied by a decrease in the level of microelements (Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Sodium) in the body, which is typical for the following conditions:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • pathologies of the urinary system;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • muscle pain;
  • excessive body weight;
  • fragility and fragility of bone tissue;
  • violations of the body's protective functions.

Important: blood pH measurement is carried out in laboratory conditions, after collecting biological material.

The attending physician is able to identify the true cause of deviations based on the results of the tests performed.

What causes the increase in pH: alkalosis

A sharp jump in the acid-base balance is called alkalosis. The development of this condition is due to a number of provoking factors. These include:

  • progression of cardiovascular diseases;
  • constant nervous tension;
  • repeated vomiting. This process is accompanied by the loss of a significant amount of acid, which is part of the gastric juice;
  • excessive body weight;
  • abuse of dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

A sharp increase in alkali in the blood leads to disruption of metabolic processes. The digestive system is not able to digest food normally; minerals and beneficial components are not absorbed. The body is filled with toxins, which is dangerous due to complete intoxication.

The influence of water on pH

If the condition rapidly worsens, there remains a high risk of developing pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, liver and skin diseases. In the presence of chronic diseases, exacerbations cannot be ruled out.

How to determine the presence of deviations

What is the pH of blood: analysis of biological material is carried out in a laboratory. The data obtained is reliable, the probability of error is minimal. In the modern pharmaceutical market, special tests and devices have appeared that allow you to determine the acid-base balance at home.

To obtain a reliable result, you must follow the given algorithm:

  • prick your finger using a scarifier (supplied with the test or purchased separately at the pharmacy);
  • squeeze out a small amount of blood into a test tube or any sterile container;
  • Place the test strip into the collected biological material and hold it for a few seconds;
  • check the result obtained with the attached standard table.

Products and pH

Using the device makes the measurement process easier. The special device is equipped with a scarifier that pierces the finger and displays the result on the display in a matter of seconds. How to determine the level of acid-base balance is decided by each person independently.

Attention: if blood is collected incorrectly or a non-sterile container is used, the result may be unreliable.

To avoid force majeure situations, experts recommend monitoring in a laboratory setting.

Why is it useful to know about pH??

Why does pure water cause the most pain?

Why do many cosmetic creams cause more harm than good?

How to help the body cope with calcium deficiency and protect your bones and teeth from destruction?

This is discussed in the article " What is pH?" Excerpts from which are given below.

pH correction can be done using living and dead water, which, unlike alkalis and acids, have alkaline and acidic properties, respectively, but contain a minimal amount of other elements besides water. The presence of other elements is determined by the material from which the electrodes are made. When using carbon or graphite electrodes, the best results are obtained. Although, in some special cases, the use of electrodes made of other materials may be preferable.

To properly use living and dead water, it is very useful to know what pH is and when it needs to be adjusted.

Living water has a pH of 8.0-9.0

Dead water has a pH of 5.0-6.0
"What is pH?

The ratio of acid and alkali in any solution is called acid-base balance (ABC), although physiologists believe that it is more correct to call this ratio the acid-base state.
KSHR is characterized by a special pH indicator (power Hidrogen - “hydrogen power”), which shows the number of hydrogen atoms in a given solution. At a pH of 7.0 they speak of a neutral environment.

The lower the pH level, the more acidic the environment (from 6.9 to O). An alkaline environment has a high pH level (from 7.1 to 14.0).
The human body is 70% water, so water is one of its most important components. The human body has a certain acid-base ratio, characterized by pH (hydrogen) value.
The pH value depends on the ratio between positively charged ions (forming an acidic environment) and negatively charged ions (forming an alkaline environment).
The body constantly strives to balance this ratio, maintaining a strictly defined pH level. When the balance is disturbed, many serious diseases can occur.

Maintain proper pH balance to maintain good health.
The body is able to properly absorb and store minerals and nutrients only with the proper level of acid-base balance. It is in your power to help your body receive, rather than lose, nutrients. For example, iron can be absorbed by the body at a pH of 6.0 - 7.0, and iodine at a pH of 6.3 - 6.6.
Our body uses hydrochloric acid to break down food. In the process of vital activity of the body, both acidic and alkaline decomposition products are required, and 20 times more of the former are formed than the latter. Therefore, the body’s defense systems, which ensure the invariability of its ASR, are “tuned”, first of all, to neutralize and remove, first of all, acidic decomposition products.

The main mechanisms for maintaining this balance are:

blood buffer systems (carbonate, phosphate, protein, hemoglobin);

respiratory (pulmonary) regulation system;

renal (excretory system).

It is in your best interest to maintain the correct pH balance.
Even the “most correct” program for selecting medicinal herbs will not work effectively if your pH balance is imbalanced.
How the body manages acidity levels:

Releases acids - through the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs, skin

Neutralizes acids - with the help of minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium

Accumulates acids - in tissues, primarily in muscles

1. Saliva is a predominantly alkaline reaction (pH fluctuation 6.0 - 7.9)

2. Liver - the reaction of gallbladder bile is close to neutral (pH about 7.0), the reaction of hepatic bile is alkaline (pH 7.5 - 8.0)

3. The stomach is a sharply acidic environment (at the height of digestion pH 1.8 - 3.0)

4. Pancreas - slightly alkaline pancreatic juice

5. Small intestine - alkaline reaction

6. Large intestine - slightly acidic reaction

Table 1. Hydrogen indicators for solutions

Solution RN
Cl 1,0
H2SO4 1,2
H2C2O4 1,3
NaHSO4 1,4
N 3 PO 4 1,5
Gastric juice 1,6
Wine acid 2,0
Lemon acid 2,1
HNO2 2,2
Lemon juice 2,3
Lactic acid 2,4
Salicylic acid 2,4
Table vinegar 3,0
Grapefruit juice 3,2
CO 2 3,7
Apple juice 3,8
H2S 4,1
Urine 4,8-7,5
Black coffee 5,0
Saliva 7,4-8
Milk 6,7
Blood 7,35-7,45
Bile 7,8-8,6
Ocean water 7,9-8,4
Fe(OH)2 9,5
MgO 10,0
Mg(OH)2 10,5
Na 2 CO 3 11
Ca(OH)2 11,5
NaOH 13,0

The table allows us to make a number of interesting observations. pH values, for example, immediately indicate the relative strength of acids and bases. A strong change in the neutral environment as a result of the hydrolysis of salts formed by weak acids and bases, as well as during the dissociation of acidic salts, is also clearly visible.

Fish eggs and fry are especially sensitive to changes in pH.

Buffer solutions.

Maintaining the desired pH value and preventing it from noticeably deviating in one direction or another when conditions change is possible by using so-called buffer (from the English buff - to soften shocks) solutions. Such solutions are often a mixture of a weak acid and its salt or a weak base and its salt. Such solutions “resist”, within certain limits (called buffer capacity), attempts to change their pH. For example, if you try to slightly acidify a mixture of acetic acid and sodium acetate, then acetate ions will bind excess H + ions into slightly dissociated acetic acid, and the pH of the solution will hardly change (there are a lot of acetate ions in the buffer solution, since they are formed as a result of complete dissociation sodium acetate). On the other hand, if you introduce a little alkali into such a solution, the excess OH - ions will be neutralized by acetic acid while maintaining the pH value. Other buffer solutions act in a similar way, each of them maintaining a specific pH value. Solutions of acid salts of phosphoric acid and weak organic acids - oxalic, tartaric, citric, phthalic, etc. also have a buffering effect. The specific pH value of the buffer solution depends on the concentration of the buffer components. Thus, the acetate buffer allows you to maintain the pH of the solution in the range of 3.8-6.3; phosphate (a mixture of KH 2 PO 4 and Na 2 HPO 4) - in the range of 4.8 - 7.0, borate (a mixture of Na 2 B 4 O 7 and NaOH) - in the range of 9.2-11, etc.

Many natural liquids have buffering properties. An example is ocean water, the buffering properties of which are largely due to dissolved carbon dioxide and bicarbonate ions HCO 3 -. The source of the latter, in addition to CO 2, are huge amounts of calcium carbonate in the form of shells, chalk and limestone sediments in the ocean. Interestingly, the photosynthetic activity of plankton, one of the main suppliers of oxygen to the atmosphere, leads to an increase in the pH of the environment. This happens in accordance with Le Chatelier’s principle, as a result of a shift in equilibrium when absorbing dissolved carbon dioxide: 2H + +CO 3 2- = H + + HCO 3 -, H 2 CO 3 = H 2 O + CO 2. When CO 2 + H 2 O + hv = 1/n(CH 2 O) n + O 2 is removed from the solution during photosynthesis, the equilibrium shifts to the right and the environment becomes more alkaline. In the cells of the body, the hydration of CO 2 is catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase.

Cellular fluid and blood are also examples of natural buffer solutions. Thus, blood contains about 0.025 mol/l of carbon dioxide, and its content in men is approximately 5% higher than in women. The concentration of bicarbonate ions in the blood is approximately the same (there are also more of them in men).

When testing soil, pH is one of the most important characteristics. Different soils can have a pH from 4.5 to 10. The pH value, in particular, can be used to judge the nutrient content of the soil, as well as which plants can grow successfully in a given soil. For example, the growth of beans, lettuce, and black currants is hampered when the soil pH is below 6.0; cabbage - below 5.4; apple trees - below 5.0; potatoes - below 4.9. Acidic soils are generally less nutrient rich because they are less able to retain the metal cations needed by plants. For example, hydrogen ions entering the soil displace bound Ca 2+ ions from it. And aluminum ions displaced from clayey (aluminosilicate) rocks in high concentrations are toxic to agricultural crops.

To deoxidize acidic soils, liming is used - adding substances that gradually bind excess acid. Such a substance can be natural minerals - chalk, limestone, dolomite, as well as lime, slag from metallurgical plants. The amount of deoxidizer applied depends on the buffer capacity of the soil. For example, liming clay soil requires more deoxidizing substances than sandy soil.

Of great importance are measurements of the pH of rainwater, which can be quite acidic due to the presence of sulfuric and nitric acids in it. These acids are formed in the atmosphere from nitrogen and sulfur (IV) oxides, which are emitted with waste from numerous industries, transport, boiler houses and thermal power plants. It is known that acid rain with a low pH value (less than 5.6) destroys vegetation and the living world of water bodies. Therefore, the pH of rainwater is constantly monitored.


For different skin types, the pH is quite different: from 3.5 (acidic) for dry skin, 5.5 for normal, to 6 (alkaline) for oily skin. In addition, there is a combination skin type, when the skin type is different in different areas of the skin. Therefore, the correct selection of cosmetics specifically for your skin type is very important.


It is very important to pay attention in time to changes in the pH level of the internal environment of the body and, if necessary, take urgent measures. Using pH test strips, you can easily, quickly and accurately determine your pH level without leaving your home. If the urine pH level fluctuates between 6.0 - 6.4 in the morning and 6.4 - 7.0 in the evening, then your body is functioning normally.

Urine pH value

Urine pH test results show how well the body absorbs minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. These minerals are called "acid dampers" because they regulate the level of acidity in the body.

If the acidity is too high, the body does not produce acid. It should neutralize the acid. To do this, the body begins to borrow minerals from various organs, bones, etc. in order to neutralize excess acid that begins to accumulate in tissues. Thus, the acidity level is regulated.


If the pH level in your saliva remains between 6.4 - 6.8 throughout the day, this also indicates the health of your body.

Saliva pH value

It is also rational to know the pH level of saliva. Test results show the activity of enzymes in the digestive tract, especially the liver and stomach. This indicator gives an idea of ​​​​the work of both the entire organism as a whole and its individual systems. Some people may have increased acidity in both urine and saliva - in which case we are dealing with "double acidity".

Blood Blood pH value

Blood pH is one of the most stringent physiological constants in the body. Normally, this indicator can vary between 7.36 - 7.42. A shift in this indicator by even 0.1 can lead to severe pathology. When the blood pH shifts by 0.2, a coma develops, and by 0.3, the person dies.

After performing submaximal power work in highly qualified athletes, the blood pH can drop to 7.0, that is, the blood turns from slightly alkaline to neutral (!).

If such blood is transfused into a healthy, untrained person, it will cause his death. The body of athletes is trained to withstand this degree of blood acidification, and even perform intense work in these conditions.

Some authors have obtained data on a decrease in blood pH in highly qualified athletes to 6.9 and even lower, that is, the blood reaction instead of alkaline becomes acidic (!). True, there is a great deal of mistrust in these data, and they are not always presented in textbooks. If such blood is administered to a healthy, untrained person, it will inevitably cause protein denaturation and, as a result, the death of the body.

One of the important reasons that allows athletes to withstand a high degree of blood acidification is the appearance of modified proteins (isomers of regular proteins) that have slightly different physicochemical properties. In particular, these protein isomers are not destroyed under conditions of decreasing pH.

A decrease in blood pH changes the properties of proteins and threatens their destruction. That is why the human body has powerful mechanisms to maintain blood pH at a strictly defined level. These mechanisms are called blood buffer systems.

However, the rate of acid formation when working at submaximal power is so high that the blood buffer systems do not have time to neutralize acidification. Therefore, blood acidification occurs, and this acidification is very high.

In high-class athletes (masters of sports and above), blood acidification, which occurs as a result of performing submaximal power work at important competitions, may be incompatible with life. The body of non-athletes or junior and intermediate athletes is not able to withstand work that leads to death as a result of blood acidification.


In 1968, an article appeared in The Lancet claiming that people who ate a diet that produced too much acid were putting their bones at risk. The fact is that the body usually maintains an acidity level of about 7.4. The kidneys get rid of excess acid by removing it in the urine, when the pH decreases to 7.38, the body extracts carbonates, phosphates and ammonium from bones and muscles to neutralize excess acid. Thus, bones not only provide a framework that prevents us from spreading out like a jellyfish, but they are also a kind of storehouse of minerals that neutralize acid. Two Harvard professors have calculated that a diet that is so acidic that it requires 60 milliliters of bicarbonate from the skeleton every day will lose 15% of our bone mass in ten years!

Over the course of 7 years, a study was conducted at the University of California (San Francisco), where 9 thousand women were examined.

The results showed that with constant elevated levels of acidity, bones become brittle. The specialists who conducted this experiment are confident that most of the problems of middle-aged women are associated with excessive consumption of meat and lack of consumption of vegetable foods. Therefore, the body has no choice but to take calcium from its own bones and use it to regulate the pH level. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).


It is generally accepted that cosmetic preparations must have a certain acidity, characterized by a pH value from 5.0 to 6.0. What facts force cosmetologists from generation to generation, from one manual to another, to repeat the “truism” that cosmetic preparations must be acidic in nature?

The only argument in favor of this statement is the fact that the upper layer of the epidermis (keratin scales) is acidic with a pH value of 5.0 to 6.0. Indeed, during the process of keratinization, the cell formed in the lower (basal) layer of the epidermis gradually moves to the upper layers of the skin. Losing connection with the nutrients of the blood plasma and the ability to divide, simultaneously under the influence of atmospheric oxygen, any type of radiation, environmental effects of heavy metal ions and turns into keratin scales, the structure of which determines its acidic nature. There is also information that the acidity of the skin surface can be determined by the acidic nature of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. However, these considerations concern (and rightly so) only the outer layer of the epidermis. In turn, the deeper the cell is located, the more similar it is to the original full-fledged cell capable of division. But for such cells the dependence is different. For dividing cells, it is known that the optimal pH value can vary from 6.7 to 7.3, that is, the average pH value is 7.0 +/- 0.3.


The pH of cervical mucus is assessed using a special test strip immediately after collection or directly in the cervical canal. Normal pH is 6.4-8.0. Changes in the pH of cervical mucus have a great influence on sperm motility. An acidic environment makes sperm immobile, while an alkaline environment increases their motility. The optimal pH of 7.0-8.0 is observed in the periovulatory period of the menstrual cycle. A significant decrease in the pH of cervical mucus is often associated with bacterial infections.

Most of the ejaculate is sperm. Its normal volume per ejaculation is from 2 to 6 ml. Normal semen has a yellowish or fawn color and a pungent odor (all strong or unpleasant odors are not normal). At human body temperature, sperm liquefies within an hour. Its acidity ranges from 7.2 to 8.

Gastric juice

Biological catalysts - enzymes are able to work only within certain pH limits, and when they go beyond these limits, their activity can sharply decrease. For example, the activity of the enzyme pepsin, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins and thus promotes the digestion of protein foods in the stomach, is maximum at pH values ​​of about 2. Therefore, for normal digestion it is necessary that gastric juice have fairly low pH values: normally 1.53 -1.67. With a gastric ulcer, the pH drops to an average of 1.48, and with a duodenal ulcer it can even reach 1.05. The exact pH value of gastric juice is determined by intragastric examination (pH probe). If a person has low acidity, the doctor may prescribe taking a weak solution of hydrochloric acid with food, and if there is increased acidity, take antacid agents, for example, magnesium or aluminum hydroxides. Interestingly, if you drink lemon juice, the acidity of gastric juice... will decrease! Indeed, a solution of citric acid will only dilute the stronger hydrochloric acid contained in gastric juice.

Cells and intercellular fluid

In the cells of the body the pH is about 7, in the extracellular fluid it is 7.4. Nerve endings that are outside cells are very sensitive to changes in pH. When mechanical or thermal damage occurs to tissues, cell walls are destroyed and their contents reach the nerve endings. As a result, the person feels pain. Scandinavian researcher Olaf Lindahl conducted the following experiment: using a special needle-free injector, a very thin stream of solution was injected through the skin of a person, which did not damage the cells, but acted on the nerve endings. It has been shown that it is hydrogen cations that cause pain, and as the pH of the solution decreases, the pain intensifies. Similarly, a solution of formic acid, which is injected under the skin by stinging insects or nettles, directly “acts on the nerves.” The different pH values ​​of tissues also explain why with some inflammations a person feels pain, and with others - not.

Interestingly, injecting clean water under the skin produced particularly severe pain. This phenomenon, strange at first glance, is explained as follows: when cells come into contact with clean water as a result of osmotic pressure, they rupture, and their contents affect the nerve endings.


The intestinal parietal microflora prevents the permeability of pathogenic microbes through the mucous membrane. Its antibacterial activity is created through the synthesis of organic acids, as a result of which the acidity (pH) of the environment drops to 4.0-3.8. Such low acidity inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic and putrefactive microorganisms, which thrive in the alkaline environment that occurs during rotting and fermentation in the intestinal tract.


Ignorance of your pH level can lead to dire consequences.

A) Increased acidity in the body.

An imbalance in the pH of the body in most people manifests itself in the form of increased acidity (a state of acidosis). In this condition, the body poorly absorbs minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium, which, due to excess acidity, are excreted from the body. Vital organs suffer from a lack of minerals.

If acidosis is not detected in time, it can harm the body unnoticed, but constantly for several months and even years. Alcohol abuse often leads to acidosis. Acidosis can occur as a complication of diabetes.

At Acidosis may cause the following problems:

· Diseases of the cardiovascular system, including persistent vasospasm and decreased oxygen concentration in the blood.

· Weight gain and diabetes.

· Kidney and bladder diseases, stone formation.

· Decreased immunity.

· Increased harmful effects of free radicals, which can contribute to tumorigenesis.

· Bone fragility up to a hip fracture, as well as other disorders of the musculoskeletal system, such as the formation of osteophytes (spurs).

· The appearance of joint pain and pain in the muscles associated with the accumulation of lactic acid.

· General weakness.

B) Increased alkali content in the body.

With an increased content of alkali in the body, and this condition is called alkalosis, as well as with acidosis, the absorption of minerals is impaired. Food is digested much more slowly, which allows toxins to pass from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood. An increased level of alkali in the body is dangerous and difficult to correct. As a rule, it is the result of the use of drugs containing alkali.

An increased alkali content can provoke:

· Skin and liver problems.

· Strong and unpleasant odor from the mouth and body.

· Various allergic manifestations associated with food and environmental pollution.

· Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

· Constipation and other intestinal problems.

Fish can also suffer from this disease.

Acidosis occurs when fish are kept in acidic water. To prevent disease, it is necessary to monitor the pH readings of the water, not allowing the acidity (pH) to drop below 5.5.

When creating a collection of fish that live in soft, acidic waters, it is necessary to ensure that species that require neutral or slightly alkaline water do not enter the aquarium, since they may develop acidosis first. To protect fish from alkalosis, the pH value of the water should not exceed 8.5. Representatives of the suborder Characovidae are most susceptible to this disease in conditions where the pH is greater than 7.

The experience gained in diagnostics using the biolocation method has shown that in 90% of people with a latent hepatitis virus infection, the number of malignant cells in the blood and lymph was at or above the limit at which the body is able to cope with the growth of cancer cells. Thus, the hepatitis virus provokes cancer body.

The danger also lies in the fact that this virus is stable in the acidic environment created by the immune system in the blood, gastrointestinal tract, and on the mucous membrane of organs. This environment is destructive for many infections, but not for hepatitis viruses.

God created man as a unique automated system capable of changing its functions within certain limits. So, when the hepatitis virus enters, the body changes the acidic environment of the blood towards alkaline, i.e. it increases the pH of the blood, since for this virus the alkaline environment is more dangerous. However, it cannot make pH more than 7.47, because this is its programmed limit (human blood pH is in the range of 7.15 - 7.47). And a direct consequence of a shift in blood pH towards an alkaline environment is the initiation of other infections!.. This is how a state of immunodeficiency results, in which the body can die from pneumonia, influenza and other diseases that it would have successfully dealt with with normal blood pH. That is why the hepatitis virus can be considered one of the main components of the so-called HIV infection.

Some drinks with a low pH increase the symptoms of the reflex in esophagitis. These drinks include Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola (pH=2.5), red wine (pH=3.25) and orange juice (pH=3.5).

Reducing the frequency and intensity of contact with acid. Obviously, the optimal preventive measure would be to eliminate the source of the acid or prevent it from coming into contact with the teeth.

If erosion of “dietary” (food) etiology, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of consumption of acidic foods and exclude them from main meals. Research conducted by Amaechi B. T. at al. showed that the degree of erosion of tooth tissue is directly dependent on the time of contact of teeth with acid, therefore acid-containing drinks, such as juices and carbonated drinks, should be drunk quickly, rather than sipped slowly, or drunk through straw. Vitamins should be taken orally in capsule form.

It is known that the pH of fruit juices and carbonated drinks is very low, which contributes to the spread of erosions. The consumption of these drinks has increased significantly in recent years, so it is necessary to educate patients about the potential of these drinks to cause dental erosion. When comparing the erosive potential of different drinks, their buffering activity was arranged in the following order: natural fruit juice - fruit-based carbonated drink - non-fruit-based carbonated drinks - sparkling mineral waters - natural mineral waters. Among natural juices, blackcurrant juice has the greatest erosive potential, and apple juice has the least. Thus, it is necessary to recommend that patients, when choosing drinks, give preference to natural non-carbonated mineral waters.

A promising direction in the prevention of erosion is the creation of drinks with low erosive potential. Because Erosion is a consequence of an acid attack on a tooth. Obviously, one of the ways of prevention is to reduce the acid content in drinks that cause erosion. However, this increases the difficulty of creating a recipe, because The taste of the drink depends on its acidity. Soft drinks can contain acids in 2 different forms: a) fruit acids and acids responsible for taste and b) carboxylic acids to create gases.

A) Fruit juices vary in acidity level, and therefore it is possible to increase the content of potentially low erosive acids at the expense of more erosive ones. For example, a study conducted by Meurman at al. showed that citric acid is more erosive than maleic and phosphoric acid. Based on these data, maleic acid is a better choice for beverage production than citric or phosphoric acid.

B) Carbonated drinks have a lower pH and higher titratable acidity. In experiments, carbonated drinks lead to a higher degree of enamel erosion compared to non-carbonated drinks, and dentin damage occurs even more than when teeth come into contact with orange juice. Consequently, the erosiveness of the drink can be reduced by reducing the degree of carbonation.

Smoking. The absorption of nicotine into the body depends on the pH levels at the time of intake. Absorption of nicotine from acidic cigarette smoke occurs in the lungs. Alkaline smoke from pipe tobacco and cigars allows nicotine to be absorbed through the mucous membrane in the mouth.

It is a common misconception that the main problem for humans is increased stomach acidity. It causes heartburn and ulcers. In fact, a much bigger problem is low stomach acidity, which occurs many times more often.

Lack of hydrochloric acid creates ideal conditions for colonization of the intestinal tract various bacteria, protozoa and worms. The insidiousness of the situation is that low stomach acidity “behaves quietly” and goes unnoticed by humans.

Here is a list of signs that suggest a decrease in stomach acidity.

· Discomfort in the stomach after eating.

· Nausea after taking medications.

· Flatulence in the small intestine.

· Loose stools or constipation.

· Undigested food particles in the stool.

· Itching around the anus.

· Multiple food allergies.

· Dysbacteriosis or candidiasis.

· Dilated blood vessels on the cheeks and nose.

· Acne.

· Weak, peeling nails.

· Anemia due to poor absorption of iron.

Of course, an accurate diagnosis of low acidity requires determining the pH of gastric juice (for this you need to contact a gastroenterologist).

When acidity is high, there are a lot of drugs to reduce it.

In the case of low acidity, there are very few effective remedies. As a rule, hydrochloric acid preparations or vegetable bitters are used that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice (wormwood, calamus, peppermint, fennel, etc.).

Cosmetic products.

Researcher at the Institute of Immunology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences E.A. Vyazova conducted special experiments on maintaining and growing cells in media with different pH values. The results show that when exposed to pH=5.5 for 8 hours, more than 30 cells died. If you bring the pH to 4.5, then more than 90 cells die. Approximately the same picture is observed when the pH changes to the alkaline side.

Thus, increased acidity and increased alkalinity of the environment interacting with living cells is an unfavorable factor. The lower (basal) cells of the epidermis are washed by blood plasma, the pH value of which is 7.2 +/- 0.1 and which has a certain buffer capacity. The buffering capacity of blood plasma is the reason that you and I, dear reader, have not yet “sloughed off” using cosmetic compositions of an acidic nature with a pH value of 5.5. We are, figuratively speaking, alive thanks to the implementation of a protective mechanism associated with the buffer capacity of the blood plasma, which ensures that the pH value is maintained at an optimal level even when exposed to fairly strong acidic or alkaline agents.

Now, let's try to answer a simple question. If the optimal pH value for the existence of cellular systems in the body and outside it is 7.2 +/- 0.3, then what is the need to constantly “load” the cellular system with acidic cosmetic preparations with pH = 5.5? And how long can this continue?

This can hardly be justified by the fact that the thin scaly keratin layer has a similar acidity. After all, when we are dealing with nourishing, vitaminizing or regenerating creams and masks, it is assumed that their active substances should penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and have a beneficial effect on living cellular systems. And what kind of “favor” is this - an acidified creamy composition?


Our hunting ancestors ate a lot of meat, but their acid load was balanced by carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables. Today, bread and pasta - the mainstay of the Western diet - produce a lot of acid because they contain a lot of phosphorus, which the body converts into phosphoric acid. Over the past 40 years, our consumption of protein, which turns into acid, has increased by 50%. And if we do not neutralize the meat with base-producing greens, then we cannot be helped by the protein from our own tissues.

But the greatest threat to our bones comes from hard cheeses: loaded with calcium and therefore recommended for protecting bones, they are the main source of acid in the body and the main culprit of “corrosion” of bones! Note that milk is not yet suspect because it contains approximately the same amount of ingredients that turn into acids and bases, and the process of making hard cheeses removes the components that turn into bases in the body along with the liquid.

Natural water always has an acidic reaction (pH< 7) из-за того, что в ней растворен углекислый газ; при его реакции с водой образуется кислота: СО 2 + Н 2 О = Н + + НСО 3 2- . Если насытить воду углекислым газом при атмосферном давлении, рН полученной «газировки» будет равен 3,7; такую кислотность имеет примерно 0,0007%-ный раствор соляной кислоты - желудочный сок намного кислее! Но даже если повысить давление CO 2 над раствором до 20 атм., значение pH не опускается ниже 3,3. Это значит, что газированную воду (в умеренных количествах, конечно) можно пить без вреда для здоровья, даже если она насыщена углекислым газом.

Canning. Various microorganisms are also very sensitive to the acidity of the environment. Thus, pathogenic microbes develop quickly in a slightly alkaline environment, whereas they cannot withstand an acidic environment. Therefore, for preserving (pickling, salting) products, as a rule, acidic solutions are used, adding vinegar or food acids to them.

Water. Typically, the pH level is within the range at which it does not directly affect the consumer quality of water. Thus, in river waters the pH is usually in the range of 6.5-8.5, in precipitation 4.6-6.1, in swamps 5.5-6.0, in sea waters 7.9-8.3. Therefore, WHO does not propose any medically recommended value for pH. At the same time, it is known that at low pH water is highly corrosive, and at high levels (pH>11), water acquires a characteristic soapiness, an unpleasant odor, and can cause irritation to the eyes and skin. That is why the optimal pH level for drinking and domestic water is considered to be in the range from 6 to 9.

Consumption of large quantities animal fats, sweets, alcohol, coffee and nicotine, and frequent stress leads to disruption of this balance, namely, they “over-oxidize” the body. Acid metabolic products are not completely removed from tissues, but are retained in the intercellular fluid in the form of salts, provoking the development of many diseases. By the way, the notorious cellulite is also a consequence of a violation of the acid-base balance of the body. Proper nutrition and special cleansing procedures will help correct the balance, and therefore protect yourself from illnesses.
These foods restore the acid-base balance, so they should be included more often in the diet:
- stand salads;

Sprouted cereals;
- almost all types of vegetables;
- potato;
- dried fruits;
- nuts, almonds;
- water without gas.

TO potatoes form an excess of alkali in the body, which makes it an indispensable product for “overoxidation”. Alkaline drinks (such as whey, green tea, alkaline mineral water) are also very beneficial.
These foods should not be included in the menu too often, as they “over-oxidize” the body:
- meat and fish;
- products made from white flour;
- coffee, black tea;
- lemonade containing sugar;
- confectionery products.

By the way, not everything that tastes sour turns into acid in the body! For example, when a sour apple is digested, mainly alkaline compounds are formed!
How to determine excess acid in the body? For this purpose, pharmacies sell special strips that determine the acid-base level of urine. A number below 7 indicates that you have excess acid in your body. A score above 7 indicates that you are doing well. The measurement procedure is carried out in the morning after sleep and then several times during the day. This allows you to track the trend of the acid-base state of your body.

The effect of coffee on the gastrointestinal tract is extremely effective. Here the exciting, stimulating effect of not only caffeine, but also acids, aromatic and flavoring substances formed during the coffee roasting process is fully manifested. Gastric secretion caused by coffee is equivalent to the action of the universally recognized activator of the secretory reaction - meat broth. 20-30 minutes after drinking black coffee, the acidity in the stomach reaches its maximum. With an increase in the concentration of the drink in the gastric contents, the content of free hydrochloric acid increases, the total acidity increases, which accelerates the digestion and evacuation of food from the stomach.
Coffee, by increasing the secretion of gastric juice, helps to increase the digestibility of food. It is not for nothing that many peoples traditionally serve black coffee after breakfast and lunch.
Black coffee, as a strong stimulant of gastric secretion, should be excluded from the diet of patients with peptic ulcers and hyperacid gastritis. Coffee lovers with these diseases can be recommended to drink coffee with milk, cream and sugar, since the stimulating effect of coffee on gastric secretion is significantly reduced.
Almost everything vegetable juices have the properties to correct the acid-base balance of the blood, disturbed during tiring work. This is due to the predominance of alkaline residues in them. Juices increase the activity of enzymes and metabolism, ensure the neutralization of “fatigue toxins” and their removal from the body. Vegetable juices contain less organic acids, which is why they taste blander, but are richer in minerals (such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, etc.). In addition, it is vegetable juices that very effectively restore our body in crisis situations. Fruits tend to be higher in calories because they contain more sugar, but they are also great for cleansing our bodies.

The only thing in which canned juices are not inferior to fresh juices is their mineral content. Therefore, when buying canned juice, you should pay attention to the name of the drink. If the word “drink” is written on it, then the content of the juice itself does not exceed 10-15 percent, the rest is water, citric ascorbic acid, as well as various dyes and preservatives.
The “nectar” contains 50 percent juice, and the rest is the above ingredients. There are also inscriptions on the packaging stating “100 percent juice.” However, one should not delude oneself here, because such juice is also prepared from a concentrated product with the addition of water and sugar, which in no way indicates that it is one hundred percent.”

As can be seen from the article, you can help the body adjust pH in different ways, but one of the most effective is the use of Living and Dead water.

When it is better to use it is clear from the article.

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