Positive and negative externalities. Focus your energy on positive things

Video games are an integral part of entertainment for people of all ages. There are both positive and negative effects from computer games. Here are some of the negative or harmful effects.

Did you know?

That playing violent video games makes an individual's brain less responsive to violence. This unconsciously leads to an increase in aggressive behavior, and over time, the brain does not perceive aggression as something abnormal.

Video games are really very addictive. A person can go on and on playing for hours on end without even realizing how much time he is spending on it. A person tends to lose interest in the things he was occupied with because the interactive video game interface tends to take control of his thought processes. A study conducted by Dr. C. Sean Green concluded that "video games can change your brain." They have both positive and negative consequences. In other words, computer games can have good as well as bad effects on the psyche of people addicted to them. The positive effects of video games include the development of qualities such as multitasking, faster decision making, teamwork and better response to challenges and risks. Games can also help people develop better math and analytical skills. But as they say, “there are two sides to every coin”, despite the numerous positive effects that video games can have on a person, some of the negatives of this technological innovation can prove to be extremely dangerous in the long run. Below are some of the negative and harmful effects on a person. that may be affected by video games:

Physical health

Addiction to video games significantly worsens human health.

  • One of the most common health problems faced by most people, both adults and children, who are addicted to video games is obesity. Gamers often face this problem because they tend to sit in one place for a long time and hence their body gets little physical activity. Being overweight in the long term can increase the risk of developing other diseases such as high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and so on.
  • Playing video games for long hours without interruption can also make it difficult for an individual to sleep thereby leading to the development of insomnia. It can also lead to drowsiness and an underactive immune system.
  • Back pain is also common among gaming addicts as they sit in one place and position for long hours. Although they may seem like a minor ailment at the beginning, they can have much more profound consequences in the future.

Constantly playing computer games can put people at risk of seizures and epilepsy caused by constantly flashing screens and fast-moving objects, according to a study by the Science and Health Council. Thus, addiction to video games can lead to numerous health hazards.

Mental health

Playing video games for long hours tends to have a negative impact on a person's social behavior. Excessive gaming can develop certain traits that can have a negative impact on the overall development of an individual.

  • Social isolation may be a direct result of continuous gaming. People, especially children, tend to spend less time with their friends and loved ones. This distances them from other people and therefore, in the long term, in the absence of social communication abilities, a kind of anthropophobia (fear of people) develops.
  • Children and teenagers may not be able to differentiate between reality and fiction. Because video game addiction can interfere with their social life, their opportunities to interact with others and the realities of the world become very limited. The consequence is that they will eventually believe that the real world is similar to the virtual world of the game they are playing in and therefore behave and interact in the same way as they do while playing.
  • Numerous video games have violent content, with aspects such as aggression and revenge. These things have a deep impact on children's minds, and they tend to judge people and society in general in a similar light. In the long term, this can turn them into aggressive and dangerous people who are often very reluctant to be accepted by society.

A study conducted by the National Institute concluded that gaming addiction in children can lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression. Video game abuse can thus have long-lasting psychological effects on a person.

Overall Performance

Uncontrollable addiction to video games makes it difficult for a child to study. He always thinks about the game he is playing and thus tends to lack interest in studies and other related activities.

  • Academic achievement is inversely related to gambling addiction. This means that the more time a person spends playing the game, the less time he spends studying.
  • This also applies in cases with adults. Excessive gaming abuse hampers their overall productivity and productivity at work, mainly because they may not have had adequate sleep due to constant night gaming.

Studies have shown that children who are addicted to video games often fight with their classmates, argue a lot with their teachers, and often don't do their homework. Due to their habit of constantly playing games, gaming addicts are unable to devote the required amount of time required for studying and thus get poor grades.

Adults who are addicted to video games also suffer from bad relationships. This happens because gaming addicts cannot balance the time required to invest in growing their families and social relationships. In other words, they are unable to devote their time to relationships with other people, and they usually do not have a family or social life. In addition to this, the amount of money that is spent on purchasing new games cannot be overlooked. This can economically impact that person.

Each player, studying the abilities of the heroes in the game, sooner or later stumbles upon a very interesting point in the description of “dispelling”, but for some reason not everyone pays attention to this. Dispel is a very interesting and important mechanic in Dota, and in some cases, a well-timed dispel effect can instantly change the outcome of a battle. So let's talk about dispel in more detail and highlight the most important points. First of all, you need to understand that there are 2 types of dispel: standard and strong. A standard dispel removes a huge number of buffs, such as increased attack, speed bonus, silence, and so on. At the same time, dispelling is equally effective when used on allies, for example, to remove debuffs, and on enemies, in order to deprive them of some buffs. A distinctive feature of a strong dispel is that this type of dispel allows you to remove even such powerful effects as stun. But don't confuse stun with transformation (hex). Enhanced dispel does not help against transformation, but standard dispel works just fine. Yes, it’s certainly difficult to remember this right away, but try to keep it in mind, since situations very often happen when players don’t see the difference at all and use the dispel at random. We will not analyze absolutely all the heroes’ abilities and which spells can be dispelled. The fact is that in one of the updates, the developers added an additional item “Can be dispelled” to the skills, and you can immediately understand what effect dispelling will have on a specific ability. If this item says “Dispellable: Yes,” this means that the ability can be dispelled even with a standard dispel. If the item states “Can be dispelled: Only by strong cleansing,” then in this case the effect of the ability can only be removed by strong dispelling.

Separately, I would like to talk about auras. The thing is that dispelling won't help against auras. Unfortunately, a number of players do not see the difference between auras and the normal effect of abilities at all. The good news is that there are not many auras in Dota, so at first you don’t have to bother yourself and remember all the auras. Just remember this.

If you think that the dispel effect is not so important, then an example is the hero's Guardian Angel ult, which for a while gives invulnerability to physical damage. A very powerful spell, but for example it can launch its own tornado and after landing the enemies will lose invulnerability. There are a lot of such examples that can be given, and of course you need to not only know about the mechanics of dispelling, but also use your knowledge whenever possible.

Below is a small list in which you can see abilities and items that have a dispel effect. Some things can only be used on yourself, while others can be used on allies.

Abilities and items with standard dispels will be listed first. Let me remind you that standard dispel allows you to remove enhancement effects from the target if it is an enemy or dispel negative effects if it is an ally. Buffs from allies do not disappear when you dispel, so don't be afraid to help your allies.



If it is difficult for you to remember such a number of items and spells, then you can at least remember that invoking illusions and activating immunity to magic in most cases has a dispelling effect.

This type of dispel is primarily interesting because it allows you to remove the stun effect from your hero or ally. I don’t think it’s worth talking about how many different stuns different heroes have and how important it is during a battle to use dispels in time and remove the stun effect.


Cleanse is also essentially a dispel, but it has an additional effect. When you use Purify, you additionally slow down the enemy, but the speed is quickly restored to normal.

In addition to the abilities mentioned above, there is also a wonderful artifact, which in some cases is bought specifically for the dispel effect. The forest creep Satyr Sorcerer also has a purification effect, but this monster is very rarely tamed and even less often its Purge spell is used, although it can be extremely useful in some situations.

Evil eye is a direct energy breakdown inflicted on a person as a result of severe negative emotional impact. For example, in case of a strong quarrel or showdown. Often the main cause of the evil eye can be an envious look or an envious word. – the most common energy defeat. And if you feel lethargy, numbness, withdrawal, anxiety, your mood has worsened, and physical weakness has appeared, minor troubles have begun - know these are symptoms of the evil eye. The evil eye is also characterized by sudden changes in temperature, insomnia, large weight loss or rapid weight gain, long-term illnesses, troubles in personal life, and sudden injuries. Not only people, but also animals suffer from the evil eye, flowers and trees die.

The evil eye can be removed on your own, but if a person is not familiar with the methods of psychological protection and does not know the techniques for restoring his energy, then such a breakdown can last a long time and, as a result, lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Damage– an independent energy-informational entity. It can be acquired during life or congenital. This is a targeted negative energy-informational impact, a conscious expression of the evil will of an envious person and ill-wisher. It is performed only professionally, with the help of people with certain abilities, using magical rituals, ceremonies, conspiracies and spells. It is usually applied with the help of some object, for example, a thrown egg, an animal corpse, a needle, money, etc. Hair, things, nails, shoe insoles, etc. are used as raw materials of the person they want to harm. Most often, damage is caused to health, relationships, death, business (finance), loneliness, alcoholism, infertility, fear, home (apartment). Damage can also be applied remotely.

Its primary symptoms are: obsessive thoughts, unjustified anxiety, despondency, a feeling of hopelessness, sudden jumps in blood pressure and body temperature, a lot of problems appear seemingly out of nowhere. Sharp breaks in relationships with people are possible, thoughts of suicide appear. A person may begin to suffer from all diseases at once, but medical diagnosis will not confirm any of them; even simple diseases in the presence of damage are practically not amenable to traditional treatment. As soon as this negative program enters life, the harmonious energy exchange is disrupted. It attracts negative energy similar to itself into a person’s life, destroying living space.
Damage can cause deterioration in health, even death.

Damage can cause mental illness - from a slight mental disorder to strong negative moods: melancholy, sadness, fear, anger. And this in turn can lead to schizophrenia, etc.

Damage can cause scandals in the family on a variety of grounds. For example, cause a weakening and cooling of marital love, cause disgust of one of the spouses towards the other, cause hostility, etc.

Damage can make a person an alcoholic, a drug addict, a glutton, a pervert.

Damage can cause bad luck, failures in life, a streak of loss and loss.

Corruption leads to pride and self-will, exaltation of one’s ego.

Damage leads children to illness, mental retardation, unwillingness to work, and laziness in general.

Damage leads to hostility and hatred towards loved ones (friends, parents, children).

Spoilage leads to diseases in livestock and crop failure on your land.

The manifestation of the phenomenon of damage can include many other phenomena that in one way or another interfere with a person’s life and shorten its life.

Damage is passed down through the family. Therefore, it must be removed so that it is not passed on to other members of your family - children, grandchildren, etc. It is almost impossible for an ordinary person to cope with this problem on his own; a specialist must remove the damage.

Love spell (drying, binding)- this is forcing a person to love against his will, lapel (ostuda) - a significant weakening or complete severance of relationships between people. There are many types of love spells - love, sex, involted, black, white, village, blood, “sinless”, etc. At the energy-informational level, any love spell most often looks like a channel, a kind of bond. They distinguish between sexual affection and love spell. In the first case, the binding is at the level of the second chakra (sexual), in the second at the level of the fourth chakra (heart). Sexual attachment is expressed in the appearance of sexual desire for the customer, a love spell causes longing, thoughts about the customer, the person begins to miss him.

Love spells can be classified into two categories: those acting at a distance and those that “work” only through direct contact with the person being bewitched (or introduced into his body). Nowadays you can often see in advertising for magicians the concept of a sinless “white” love spell: “The achieved result of a love spell lasts for many years and is completely natural in nature” or “This type of love spell does not cause any harm to the health and psyche of a person,” remember only one thing for yourself – no matter what the operators tell you, there are no “sinless” love spells. “In some difficult cases, the problem of unrequited love can be solved only with the help of a lapel” - and this is also not true, in this case the work of some chakras is blocked in a person, unworked connections are forcibly broken. A lapel and a love spell are also damage, so when you decide to turn a love spell on your loved one or destroy his relationship with another person, remember that you are punishing him and dooming yourself to torment, because he will be in a trap from which he will try to get out. So, having decided to take this step, going to a sorcerer or magician, you should know that you too will suffer in any case.

Curse- this is a magical action aimed at causing (or wishing for) all sorts of troubles without personal participation in causing harm, a program for destruction introduced into a person’s field. Usually a curse is “cast” as revenge or influence, but also for protection. The curse is transmitted through words (spoken out loud, mentally, or written) and through physical objects. It can wait in the wings for years and decades, turn on under appropriate conditions and influence almost all aspects of human life. The difference between a curse and damage is that, although in both cases the destructive program is brought in from outside, you will not receive it undeservedly. A curse is always preceded by some event that serves as the starting point.

Ancestral curse this is a curse that fell on a clan due to the activities of one of the members of the clan, transmitted by inheritance over many generations, and, depending on the severity, up to the total destruction of all members of the clan. May manifest as similar illnesses, deaths, weaknesses or misfortunes, infertility in the female or male line. The generational curse cannot simply be interrupted; the embedded program is triggered in each subsequent generation. When someone you know talks about a curse, you should know that in most cases it is just a series of certain events or bad heredity, an indicator that not everything is in order in the family. If this is really a curse, try to find the key event that served as the beginning, the starting point; in reality, this will help you understand how to atone for what you have done and undo the repeating destructive program.
Characteristic signs that the seal of a family curse is carried by the family:
– women (or men) in the family suffer from similar diseases;
-there is no procreation in the female or male line;
-Having reached a certain period, a person loses everything in life and starts all over again, and so on several times. This can be repeated leaving families “with nothing”, and the ruin of a company when this is repeated repeatedly, and constant wandering: changing jobs, places of residence. Not all healers and parapsychologists undertake to film this program, because... this requires a very large resource of strength.

Parental curses are imposed during family feuds, as a rule, at the moment of scandal, when emotions are heated, and represent uncontrollable statements. They carry the most terrible unpredictable consequences that work quite quickly. Children cursed by their parents are doomed to numerous life hardships and difficulties. Parental curses include not only curses from parents to children, but any within the family.

Program– widespread negative impact. It is placed automatically when interacting with an energetically stronger person, when he tries to implant his thoughts and desires in you. Symptoms: unnatural actions, discomfort, strange behavior. In everyday life, people influence each other randomly, aimlessly and meaninglessly, and they almost never enjoy the fruits of their influence.

What is zombification? Every TV viewer involved in modern scientific civilization probably knows what a zombie is - it is a dead man revived by some dark force for some dark deeds. And the process of zombification is usually understood as the transformation of a living person into an executor of someone else’s will, devoid of his own thoughts.
Zombification differs from a program in that it is placed at the level of consciousness in the zone of attention of the object. It does not manifest itself energetically, but creates stable results.

Ordinary zombification presupposes a certain manipulative goal - to obtain some benefits by controlling the actions of another person, without taking into account the interests of the latter. This is the replacement of the individual part of each client’s awareness with one’s own programs in such a way that he (the client) considers someone else’s program to be his own. This is, first of all, advertising, social programming, the formation of public opinion, religious (patriotic, national and other) education. For ordinary zombies, the fulcrum and control lever are beliefs. Internet resources – “...Any belief binds a person, makes his worldview fixed and therefore vulnerable to attack. Destroy the person's fundamental beliefs, erase the boundaries, put forward powerful counterarguments to these beliefs, and when you succeed, you will see that the person is confused and disoriented, take the lead and control him.

The main task of hard zombification is to break the will of the victim and thus increase the degree of his susceptibility to orders given to the subconscious. Those. Zombifying specialists, as a rule, influence not the consciousness, but the subconscious. That is why such negativity is very difficult to neutralize. It turns out that a person who has been subjected to such an attack sincerely and firmly believes in what he was forced to believe. At the same time, a person can not be in conflict with himself for a long time, since everything that he feels and does, he is aware of and agrees with it. Moreover, he himself strives to carry out the program imposed on him, believing that by carrying it out he is moving towards the right goal.

Coding– this is the introduction of an alien program into the subconscious or consciousness. The person is put into a trance and is subjected to psychological or hypnotic influence. In the process of psychological encoding, a “code” is introduced - a certain psychological program, which, under pain of death or serious illness, imposes a ban on unwanted behavior. As a rule, this program runs counter to a person’s preferences, and therefore fails after a while. Coding does not solve the problem at the causal level and is sooner or later rejected by the body.

Psychological blocks - energy plugs of the mental body. They arise as a result of doubts and self-criticism. The most “popular” is low self-esteem, this is not a high opinion of oneself, the belief that life is unfair. “No one loves me...”, the state of “victim of circumstances.” It often develops into hatred of oneself and the world around one, when one is overwhelmed by resentment, guilt and remorse. A protracted conflict between intention and desire, against this background, the development of depression and stress occurs, which leads to complex damage to systems and organs, and the development of diseases.

Inorganic formations, aware of themselves, possessing glimpses of intelligence and a program of behavior. The movement of the entity is governed by a well-known universal law: like is attracted to like. Therefore, entities are attracted to clots of released energy that have similar vibrations and feed on them, provoking a person to an even greater release of energy that is tasty for them. The reasons for the appearance of entities may be the following: strong negative emotions, chronic anger, negative thoughts, pride, excessive desire for material wealth, sexual intemperance, vanity, fascination with scenes of violence, etc., as well as artificially created distortions of the energy field. Entities can cause restless dreams, recurring troubles, and accidents.
Egregor connection. An egregor is a set of unidirectional thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires of a large number of people. Includes thought forms and stereotypes of thinking. Is an independent entity. Egregors are intelligent, as they are generated by the human mind. Egregors are prone to constant saturation with energy and growth. The smallest egregor is the family one. There is a constant exchange of energy between the egregor and each of its members. Large and well-known egregors - the egregor of Christianity, the Muslim egregor, the egregor of money, etc. Any egregors completely replace the action of cosmic energies with their programs and flows. But there are egregors that actively destroy personality - black schools, sects (White Brotherhood, for example), the egregor of alcoholism and drug addiction. Without the conscious participation of a person and targeted systematic attempts to change the inner world, cleansing from negative egregorial influence is practically impossible.
When you find yourself in a room where several people are engaged in one common task, the very atmosphere of this place becomes uncomfortable and alien to you, because you, like a foreign body trapped in an integral organism, with your very presence threaten its integrity, and must become either a part of the organism, or fall beyond its limits. The feeling of psychological discomfort (“Perhaps I’d rather go out?”) is the result of contact with an egregor that is alien to you.

Most often, fanaticism flourishes in the religious, professional and family spheres - people become stupid and undermine their health for the sake of their faith, work or family, most often when no one needs it, except for a beautiful but completely brainless idea.

Those egregors whose degree of intelligence exceeds the statistical average prefer to enter into a symbiotic relationship with a person according to the principle “you - to me, I - to you.” Most often, these are egregors from the sphere of religious and creative human activity.
– pathological energy exchange between people or unconscious pumping of energy to another person. Vampire suckers are established both by other people or objects, and by the person himself, for example, when he constantly thinks about bad, destructive things. In this case, there is a sharp deterioration in mood, physical weakness, the appearance of lethargy and apathy. An energy vampire is a person who, for some reason, finds himself “cut off” from the source of cosmic energy and is forced to siphon energy from the people around him. Very often, disabled, elderly or seriously ill people become energy vampires. Often after communication, a simple conversation on the phone with a person fueled by someone else’s energy, you can suddenly feel a loss of strength, a headache, and a desire to lie down to rest. As a rule, vampires play on the pity and compassion of a person, on his feelings of guilt. If this fails, they try in any way to cause irritation or manifestations of other emotions and begin to “pump” the donor’s energy. An energy vampire does not calm down until it receives a portion of energy from the victim. There are people who vampirize quite consciously, these are the so-called “black vampires”; they love to download energy from children, as well as from young healthy men and women.

Necrotic Link this is a channel for the leakage of vital energy from a living person to a deceased person; most often it is formed when, after the death of a relative or friend, a certain emotional or psychological attachment remains, or regret about the loss. There are two types of such connections - “corpse of a corpse”, when a person died a natural death, from old age, and for some reason remained in the cocoon of a relative; A “living corpse” is one disembodied at the wrong time; such dead people yearn for their pleasures, their loved ones, and therefore attach themselves to people in order to be able to indirectly experience life. It happens that necrotic connections are established purposefully, with the aim of causing harm, when soil from a cemetery is poured under the victim’s door or even into food, or a photograph and personal belongings of a living person are placed in the coffin of the deceased.

Obsession - demonic possession- the complete and comprehensive submission of a person's mind to something, in some religions: a state in which a person is subject to one or more spirits, gods, demons, demons or the devil. Possession does not always require possession of a person; sometimes the source or sources of obsession can control a person from a distance. Many people attribute obsession to corruption, however, obsession has a certain number of signs that make it impossible to attribute them to corruption. If you return to the beginning of the article, you will see that damage is an outside influence on a person using magic. Then, just as obsession can be provoked by the person himself (the demon has led him astray, seduced him), i.e. the person himself, without the help of anyone, let another entity into himself. Of course, there are also cases when a person is “planted” and an essence is grown in him (something like damage), but the mechanism involved here is different from damage.

Consider the signs of obsession:

– Aggressiveness, curses and curses against the Christian Church, saints, etc.

– Convulsions, epileptic seizures.

– Signs of mental illness: strange behavior, hallucinations, etc.

– Possessed people speak on behalf of those they are possessed by.

– Anxiety when someone is reading prayers, performing religious rituals, etc.

– Intolerance to water, especially holy water.

– Detection of abilities for levitation, telekinesis, teleportation, etc.

– The emergence of the ability to speak in languages ​​unknown to humans (the phenomenon of xenoglossy). – Obsessive thoughts about suicide/murder.

In medicine, the expression obsession appeared as an attempt to explain various human diseases, in particular mental disorders. So-called obsessives exhibit the classic symptoms of hysteria, mania, psychosis, Tourette's syndrome, epilepsy, schizophrenia or split personality.

In parapsychology, possession and possession of a person can be explained as the transfer of information (emanation) at a distance. In this case, the person acts as a receiver or resonator. Thus, information-emanation can be transmitted to a person bypassing the organs of perception. There are many theories about this phenomenon. There are options for transmitting additive time coordinate information. Taking the distribution of matter along the time coordinate in the form of a normal distribution, we obtain the possibility of the existence in one space of several parallel worlds, separated in time, between which flows of information-emanations can be transmitted.

Some mediums claim that during séances they become possessed by the spirits or beings they communicate with and speak on their behalf. In this state, they can either speak or write words (Automatic Writing).

An exorcist, a parapsychologist, or a clergyman can exorcise the devil. recognizes possession as the power over the body and mind of a man of the devil.

As we can see from the above materials, the impact on a person can be different. Only an experienced parapsychologist can determine the rather fine lines between different types of energy influences. He, if it is in his power, will be able to eliminate this ailment or recommend another, more experienced or strong specialist.

If you are promised to remove damage in 1 session, do not believe this specialist. As a rule, this ritual takes on average from 2 weeks to a month. For curses, this can take an even longer period of time. In 1 session you can really only remove the evil eye.

And one more warning: there is no free help for removing negative energy. Free from the phrase “the devil pays.” They can remove the evil eye from you for free, and in exchange for payment they can give you an energy essence from another person. Think before you ask and take something for free.

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When we say that our actions are the result only ours decisions, we are being a little disingenuous. After all, the brain constantly manages to deceive us, distorting our perception of reality.

website collected 10 psychological effects that control our behavior, even if we are not aware of it.

This syndrome is based on a real experiment: if you place a frog in water at a comfortable temperature for it and turn on gradual heating, the frog will spend all its energy on stabilizing its body temperature and, when the water boils, will not be able to jump out and will die. If you place a frog in a container of boiling water, it will jump out immediately.

Likewise, people, finding themselves in an unpleasant but not life-threatening situation, prefer to endure constant minor inconveniences until they exhaust them emotionally. Painful relationships with loved ones, hated work - all these are traps, into which we drive ourselves because of our reluctance to change anything.

Often our brain clings to old ideas that are already firmly entrenched among the masses, and denies new, reliable data. A classic example: for a long time people did not accept the fact that the Earth is round (by the way, such people still exist). The information that the Earth is flat was more “comfortable” for the brain, because everything new, as we know, is scary.

In everyday life, many of us are extremely conservative: it is difficult for us to part with outdated information and even feelings, have lost their relevance.

When things get really bad sometimes we don’t want to find out unnecessary details of our troubles-like an ostrich burying its head in the sand. We ignore negative information, preferring not to think about the problem at all. For example, we are glad that the teacher has not yet checked our exam task, because we do not want to know the result. What if he is bad?

As paradoxical as it sounds, the fact that we cannot recognize cognitive distortions in ourselves is also a distortion. The blind spot effect is exactly that case. People tend to notice mistakes in the behavior of others, but ignore their own(even the most obvious ones). According to research, every person has experienced this effect at least once.

Often we overestimate the importance of the information available to us, especially when we make a decision. For example, a person defending his bad habit will say that he knows someone (not necessarily personally) who smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day and lived to be 100 years old. The brain excludes the possibility that this example, if not made up, is certainly unique. The person automatically extends the successful example to his own situation and believes that he has nothing to worry about.

When we succeed in something new to us in a field of activity, our idea of ​​our own abilities, as a rule, is distorted, and self-esteem becomes inflated. That's why newcomers give “valuable” instructions to more experienced employees, but at the same time do not notice their own mistakes.As a person gains experience, he begins to realize how much he still does not know in his field, and his cognitive distortion changes sign to “minus”: self-esteem is greatly underestimated.

Research has shown that if you give people the choice of reducing a small risk to zero or significantly reducing a huge one, most people will choose the first option (even if it is counterproductive). Reduce the already low probability of plane crashes to zero or sharply reduce the colossal number of car accidents? Zero risk often looks more attractive to our brains.

Imagine that you decide to save up for a car. At some point, say a couple of weeks before the purchase, you realize that you will soon have the required amount of money, and you are experiencing strong emotions: in your mind you have already made a purchase. That is why emotions will not be so strong when you actually become the owner of your treasured car. You might even feel disappointed.

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