Poland is the "hyena of Eastern Europe". Poland is the Hyena of Eastern Europe - W. Churchill

Belarus expressed extreme concern about the intention of right-wing radicals in Poland to hold a new march in the border town of Hainowka. This was stated by the press secretary of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Mironchik.

Minsk is alarmed by the “memory march” aimed at glorifying the “damned soldiers.” This is the name given in Poland to militants of the terrorist nationalist underground who acted after the liberation of Poland in the interests of Western intelligence services. In addition to terrorist acts against representatives of the PPR authorities, law enforcement officers and military personnel of the Polish and Soviet Army, they also committed genocide on national and religious principles, killing Rusyns, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Lemkos, Orthodox and Uniates.

“One of the figures they want to honor is the leader of the gang, Romuald Rice, nicknamed Brown, he is a war criminal,” Mironchik said at a briefing, recalling that a similar march was already held last year.

“Rice is responsible for dozens of Belarusian villages burned along with their inhabitants, hundreds of killed and maimed civilians, including children, women and the elderly. They were destroyed or mutilated only because they belonged to the Belarusian ethnic group and had the Orthodox religion,” the press secretary of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry emphasized.

Mironchik noted that in the Polish city of Gainovka, where the majority of the population has Belarusian roots, “the descendants of the victims of Bury’s crimes are still alive.”

It's not just that. The choice of the nearest border area with Belarus for provocation is a direct challenge and message from Polish extremists to the neighboring country, speaking of claims to its western lands.

Let us recall that nationalists carry out similar actions on the border with Ukraine, as a sign of “disagreement” with its sovereignty over Galicia and Volyn. So you can remember the “March of the Eaglets of Przemysl and Lviv,” which takes place in the city of Przemysl, bordering Ukraine, under the slogans “Death to Ukrainians” and “Przemysl and Lviv are always Polish.”

Poland is becoming one of the main destabilizing factors in Eastern Europe, threatening the security of the region. This country not only creates a situation of conflict with most of its neighbors, but also clearly expresses territorial or financial claims against some of them.

In Poland, they try to “justify” claims to something else with various kinds of speculation on historical topics, interpretation of the past in the spirit of radical nationalism. These goals are also served by the recently adopted amendment to the law on the Institute of National Remembrance by the Polish Sejm, which introduces criminal liability for denying the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists and accusing Poles of complicity in the Holocaust. If, with the help of a ban on the study of Polish collaboration, Warsaw is trying to protect itself from potential lawsuits for the complicity of Polish citizens in the extermination of Jews, then everything is not so simple with Bandera’s followers.

The fact is that this legislative norm is aimed not only, and not so much at perpetuating the memory of the victims of ethnic cleansing carried out by the UPA during the Second World War in Western Ukraine, but also at “justifying” Warsaw’s “rights” to “watered with Polish blood" of the territory of the "Eastern Crosses". This is what Polish extremists call the ancient Russian lands of the Galicia-Volyn principality, now part of Ukraine.

Let us recall that these territories came under the control of Warsaw after the defeat of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic in 1919, and Poland established a brutal police regime on them, subjecting the indigenous population to discrimination on national and religious grounds. The Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​were banned, the lands of non-Poles were en masse alienated and transferred to the “siegers” (Polish colonizers of the region). Thousands of people of the Orthodox and Uniate confessions were thrown into concentration camps under far-fetched pretexts. The gendarmes, lancers and “siegers” unleashed real terror against the non-Polish population - mass floggings of entire villages and “exemplary” rapes of women and children became the favorite instrument of “pacification” (“pacification” - that’s what the Poles called a set of punitive actions to suppress civil disobedience on Russian lands ).

All these crimes of the Polish authorities, which fully fall under the definition of “genocide,” further worsened the already difficult Polish-Ukrainian relations, and created the preconditions for the tragedy called the “Volyn Massacre.”

Of course, the atrocities of the gendarmes and “siegers” in no way justify the crimes of the UPA “rezuns” against women and children, but they indicate that the Poles deny the historical truth and strive to present their rather predatory state as an innocent victim of everyone around them.

Let's also return to the “damned soldiers”. Their “fight for freedom” was no different from the methods of Derlivanger’s grenadiers or Bandera’s executioners. In order not to be accused of bias, let us quote the veteran of the Home Army, Stefan Dembski, who in his acclaimed book “Executor” describes in detail the everyday life of “fighters against the communist dictatorship”:

“...we chose villages where the Polish population predominated, because thanks to this it was easier for us to finish off the Ukrainians. There was no pity, no apology in these actions. I couldn't complain about my comrades either. Only “Twardy,” who had personal grievances against the Ukrainians, surpassed himself. When we entered a Ukrainian house, our “Vilusko” became literally insane... “Louis” and I mostly stood under the doors and windows, and the semi-conscious “Tvardy”... rushed at the petrified Ukrainians and cut them into pieces... Once three Ukrainian families gathered in the same house, and “Tvardy” decided to finish them off “fun”. He put on the hat he found on the shelf, took the violin from the table, and began to play it. He divided the Ukrainians into four groups and, at the sound of music, ordered them to sing “Here is a hill, there is a valley, in the valley there will be Ukraine...”. And under the threat of my pistol, the poor fellows sang, even as the glass in the windows shook. This was their last song. After the end of the concert, “Twardy” got to work so quickly that “Louis” and I ran into the hallway so that we wouldn’t be mistakenly stabbed to death...”

The march in Gainowka suggests that the current Polish Nazis consider themselves successors and continuers of the work of these bloody maniacs, and are ready to implement their methods in relation to neighboring peoples - Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians. And hatred of the Germans today is again being intensively cultivated in Poland, which has made its state ideology the doctrine of the national exclusivity of the Poles and the universal guilt of those around them before them.

At one time, Winston Churchill called Poland “the hyena of Europe.” However, this rather accurate description did not frighten the Anglo-Saxons at all and did not prevent them from using the anger, greed and stupidity of the Polish leadership to incite another war in Europe.

Today, the Poles, who have forgotten nothing and learned nothing, seem to be trying to be used in a similar way.

Nevertheless, the Poles, in the words of the famous satirical writer Mikhail Zoshchenko, “harboured rudeness” and, when the Germans demanded the Sudetenland from Prague, they decided that the right opportunity had come to get their way. On January 14, 1938, Hitler received Polish Foreign Minister Jozef Beck. “The Czech state in its current form cannot be preserved, because as a result of the disastrous policy of the Czechs in Central Europe, it represents an unsafe place - a communist hotbed”, - said the leader of the Third Reich. Of course, as stated in the official Polish report on the meeting, "Mr. Beck warmly supported the Fuhrer". On September 27, a repeated demand followed. Anti-Czech hysteria was whipped up in the country. On behalf of the so-called “Union of Silesian Insurgents” in Warsaw, recruitment into the “Cieszyn Volunteer Corps” was launched completely openly. The formed detachments of “volunteers” were sent to the Czechoslovak border, where they staged armed provocations and sabotage.

So, on the night of September 25, in the town of Konské near Třinec, the Poles threw hand grenades and fired at houses in which Czechoslovak border guards were located, as a result of which two buildings burned down. After a two-hour battle, the attackers retreated into Polish territory. Similar clashes occurred that night in a number of other places in the Teshin region. The next night, the Poles raided the Frištát railway station, shelled it and threw grenades at it.

On September 27, throughout the night, rifle and machine gun fire, grenade explosions, etc. were heard in almost all areas of the Cieszyn region. The bloodiest clashes, as reported by the Polish Telegraph Agency, were observed in the vicinity of Bohumin, Cieszyn and Jablunkov, in the towns of Bystrice, Konska and Skrzechen. Armed groups of “rebels” repeatedly attacked Czechoslovakian weapons depots, and Polish planes violated the Czechoslovakian border every day.

The Poles closely coordinated their actions with the Germans. Polish diplomats in London and Paris insisted on an equal approach to solving the Sudeten and Cieszyn problems, while the Polish and German military agreed on the line of demarcation of troops in the event of an invasion of Czechoslovakia. At the same time, one could observe touching scenes of “combat brotherhood” between German fascists and Polish nationalists. Thus, according to a report from Prague on September 29, a gang of 20 people armed with automatic weapons attacked the Czechoslovak border post near Grgava. The attack was repulsed, the attackers fled to Poland, and one of them, being wounded, was captured. During interrogation, the captured bandit said that in their detachment there were many Germans living in Poland.

As you know, the Soviet Union expressed its readiness to come to the aid of Czechoslovakia, both against Germany and against Poland. In response, on September 8-11, the largest military maneuvers in the history of the revived Polish state were organized on the Polish-Soviet border, in which 5 infantry and 1 cavalry divisions, 1 motorized brigade, as well as aviation took part. As one would expect, the “reds” advancing from the east were completely defeated by the “blues”. The maneuvers ended with a grandiose 7-hour parade in Lutsk, which was personally received by the “supreme leader” Marshal Rydz-Smigly.

In turn, the Soviet side announced on September 23 that if Polish troops entered Czechoslovakia, the USSR would denounce the non-aggression pact it had concluded with Poland in 1932.

As mentioned above, on the night of September 29-30, 1938, the infamous Munich Agreement was concluded. In an effort to “pacify” Hitler at any cost, England and France cynically surrendered their ally Czechoslovakia to him. On the same day, September 30, Warsaw presented Prague with a new ultimatum, demanding immediate satisfaction of its claims. As a result, on October 1, Czechoslovakia ceded to Poland an area where 80 thousand Poles and 120 thousand Czechs lived. However, the main acquisition was the industrial potential of the captured territory. At the end of 1938, the enterprises located there produced almost 41% of the pig iron produced in Poland and almost 47% of the steel.

As Churchill wrote about this in his memoirs, Poland “with the greed of a hyena she took part in the robbery and destruction of the Czechoslovak state”. An equally flattering zoological comparison is given in his book by the previously quoted American researcher Baldwin: “Poland and Hungary, like vultures, tore off pieces of a dying divided state.”.

Today in Poland they are trying to forget this page of their history. Thus, the authors of the book “History of Poland from Ancient Times to the Present Day,” published in Warsaw in 1995, Alicja Dybkowska, Malgorzata Zaryn and Jan Zharyn managed not to mention their country’s participation in the partition of Czechoslovakia at all:

“The interests of Poland were indirectly jeopardized by the policy of concessions by Western states to Hitler. So, in 1935, he introduced universal conscription in Germany, thereby violating the Versailles agreements; in 1936, Hitler's troops occupied the Rhineland demilitarized zone, and in 1938 his army entered Austria. The next target of German expansion was Czechoslovakia.

Despite the protests of its government, in September 1938 in Munich, France, Great Britain and Italy signed a treaty with Germany giving the Third Reich the right to occupy the Czech Sudetenland, inhabited by a German minority. In the face of what was happening, it became clear to Polish diplomats that now the turn had come to violate the Versailles regulations on the Polish issue.”.

Of course, is it possible to be indignant at the participation of the USSR in the “fourth partition of Poland” if it becomes known that they themselves are in the dust? And Molotov’s phrase about Poland as an ugly child of the Treaty of Versailles, so shocking to the progressive public, turns out to be just a copy of Pilsudski’s earlier statement about "the artificially and monstrously created Czechoslovak Republic".

Polonophobia, or anti-Polonism, is a manifestation of a hostile attitude towards the Polish people and Polish history. Judging by the fact that books by Polonophobes are readily published in Russia, and on the Internet there are a lot of Russian-language articles and statements imbued with hatred of Poles, anti-Polonism in Russia has become the norm for many people...
Can this phenomenon be considered “normal”?
Every nation, like every person, has its own negative traits. The history of most countries contains shameful facts and crimes. And there are people who pay attention mainly to flaws and vices and do not notice the good either in the historical past or in the present. I am not one of those people, but in the end, everyone has their own shortcomings...
But the majority of Russian literary Polonophobes are not seriously interested in history. They call themselves “Russian patriots,” and draw their knowledge mainly from books translated from English. For example, they annoyingly repeat the words of Sir Winston Churchill about how Poland in 1938 “with the greed of a hyena took part in the robbery and destruction of the Czechoslovak state,” but they do not say a word about how the future law-abiding citizens of democratic Czechoslovakia in 1918-1920 years they looted on a large scale in Russia.
Lieutenant General of the White Army Grigory Semenov recalled it this way:
“According to the commander of the Czech troops, General Syrov, the discipline in the Czech regiments was so shaken that the command had difficulty restraining the units. The robbery of civilians and government institutions along the route of the Czechs reached absolutely incredible levels. The looted property was delivered in military trains to Harbin, where it was sold completely openly by the Czechs, who rented the local circus building for this purpose and set up a store out of it, which sold household items taken from Siberia, such as samovars, sewing machines, icons, silverware , crews, agricultural tools, even copper ingots and cars taken from the factories of the Urals.
In addition to open robbery, organized, as can be seen from the previous presentation, on a broad, purely commercial basis, the Czechs, taking advantage of impunity, released counterfeit Siberian money onto the market in huge quantities, printing them in their echelons. The Czech command could not or did not want to fight this evil, and such connivance had a most corrupting effect on the discipline in the regiments of the Czech troops.”
Semenov also claimed that for the extradition of Kolchak to the Bolsheviks, “in Chita, Russian officers handed General Syrov 30 silver two-kopeck pieces on receipt - a symbolic payment for betrayal.” Most likely, this is a story, but the story is very eloquent.
But the fact that this same General Jan Syrovoy, during the occupation of the Cieszyn region by Poland, served as Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense in Czechoslovakia and did nothing to protect Czechoslovakia is the honest truth...
Sir Winston Churchill writes about this with sorrow: “Immediately after the conclusion of the Munich Agreement on September 30, the Polish government sent an ultimatum to the Czech government, to which a response was to be given within 24 hours. The Polish government demanded the immediate transfer of the border region of Cieszyn to it. There was no way to resist this rude demand."
With all due respect to the opinion of Sir Winston, I allow myself to doubt that Czechoslovakia did not have the opportunity for military resistance. At the end of 1939, Finland - with a population four times smaller than Czechoslovakia - responded “No” to territorial claims from the USSR, fought for three months and defended its independence.
What prevented Czechoslovakia from saying “No” to the Poles?
Before answering this question, we need to understand why the so-called Munich Agreement of 1938 took place. In modern Russia there are two main versions: “Soviet” and “Hitler”.
According to the “Soviet” version, Great Britain and France betrayed Czechoslovakia in order to set Germany against the USSR. The main drawback of this version is that it is completely unclear why the British and French, less than a year later, provided guarantees to Poland and got involved in a war with Germany.
The 1938 "Hitler" version - promoted by contemporary Russian neo-Nazis without any public opposition - states that Western countries simply "made a mistake" in 1919 by incorporating the German Sudetenland into Czechoslovakia, and in 1938 "corrected the mistake and returned » Germany German states. Russian General Anton Denikin commented on this “deep thought” back in 1939:
“If we take into account the public mood of 1919, then only a madman could then make a gift from the Sudetenland to the defeated Reich, recognized by the whole world as the culprit of the World War - from regions that, moreover, never belonged to the Reich...”
All this is true. The Sudetenland was never part of Germany, and before it became “Czechoslovakian”, it was part of Austria-Hungary. The Sudeten Germans lived, in general, not so bad. The famous American historian William Shirer, who worked as a journalist in Germany in the 1930s and repeatedly visited neighboring countries, writes:
“Undoubtedly, compared with the situation of national minorities in Western countries, even in America, their situation in Czechoslovakia was not so bad. They had full democratic and civil rights, including the right to vote, they had their own schools, their own cultural institutions. The leaders of their political parties often held ministerial positions in the central government."
The Germans in Czechoslovakia had their own Sudeten-German party, which defended the rights of the German population. And those Germans who did not like the order in Czechoslovakia at all could freely leave the country and go to permanent residence in Germany...
The political leaders of Czechoslovakia had enough arguments to defend the rights to the territorial integrity of their country in the eyes of international public opinion. There was only one thing missing: the determination of the majority of the population to defend the borders with arms in hand.
William Shirer naively believed in the presence in 1938 of “35 Czechoslovak well-trained and armed divisions stationed behind impenetrable mountain fortifications.”
...The weapons were most likely good. As for training, this is a difficult question. It is not a fact that General Syrovoy and his comrades with their “Siberian military experience” could teach their subordinates a lot. And fortifications are made “impregnable” by persistent and courageous people who are ready to fight the enemy. There were too few such people in Czechoslovakia at that time. This was precisely the fundamental difference between Czechoslovakia and Finland.
The “appeasers” Chamberlain and Daladier were quite typical mediocrities and did not harbor any insidious plans towards Russia. They simply had nothing to answer to the words spoken by Hitler on September 27, 1938 to Chamberlain’s representative Horace Wilson: “If France and England want to attack us, let them attack!” I don't care at all! Today is Tuesday, next Monday we will be at war!” Great Britain and France did not want to fight, and Great Britain did not even have a decent ground army to fight on the continent. But the main thing is that Czechoslovakia itself was in no way going to fight. Sir President Edvard Benes would not have dared to say: “Let them attack...”
As a result, Hitler obtained the consent of England and France to revise the borders of Czechoslovakia in favor of Germany. The “appeasers,” according to Churchill, achieved the following: “The year of respite, which was supposedly won in Munich, put England and France, in comparison with Hitler’s Germany, in a much worse position than the one in which they were at the time of the Munich crisis.”
And Poland took advantage of the Munich agreement to obtain its own benefit. Of course, it was very ugly, one might even say “disgusting”...
The only question is, who can say this with a clear conscience?
Honestly, Churchill did not have the moral right to compare Poland with a “greedy hyena”... Now, if Sir Winston had also compared Great Britain and France with “stupid donkeys”, and Czechoslovakia with a “cowardly ferret” - then it would be a different matter...
But only Poland “earned” the “zoological epithet” from the great Briton.
Speaking on October 5, 1938 in the British House of Commons, Churchill was indignant:
“What happened in Warsaw? The British and French ambassadors visited the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Colonel Beck, or at least tried to meet with him, in order to ask for some mitigation of the cruel measures that were being used against Czechoslovakia in connection with the problem of the Teshen region. The door was slammed in front of them. The French ambassador never received an audience, but the English ambassador received a very harsh response from one of the ministry officials. The whole matter is portrayed by the Polish press as a political tactlessness on the part of both powers...”
Churchill's indignation is not difficult to understand. The door slammed in the face of the British ambassador hurt the national pride of all respectable Britons. Here you will not only start calling him a “hyena”... Of course, if you are a British patriot.
But patriots of most other countries, including Russia, will never take offense at the Poles for this diplomatic incident. Because Britain fully deserves such an insult both for the “Munich policy” and for many other not-so-nice deeds... And those who clumsily imitate Churchill thoughtlessly repeat the words “Hyena of Europe” about Poland! Hyena of Europe! They look not like Russian patriots, but like Russian-speaking parrots.


Churchill W., World War II. (In 3 books). - M.: Alpina non-fiction, 2013. - Book. 1. P. 159e
Semenov G.M., About myself: Memories, thoughts and conclusions - M.: AST, 2002. - P. 234-235.
Right there. P. 233.
Churchill W., Decree. Op. - Book 1. P. 149.
Denikin A.I., World events and the Russian question // Denikin A.I., The path of the Russian officer. Articles and essays on historical and geopolitical topics - M.: Iris-press, 2006. - P. 470.
Shearer. U., The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - M: Astrel, 2012. - P. 404.
Right there. P. 509.
Right there. P. 441.
Churchill W., Decree. Op. - Book 1. P. 155.
Churchill W., Muscles of the world. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - P. 81.

— 20.03.2012 This video proudly walked around the Internet for several days.
It didn’t take much effort to guess its purpose. The commentators were lethargic.

And the enthusiasm of the “fake film makers” somehow quickly faded away.
The Soviet state did not yet have that military power in 1939 to show off at parades!
And the tactics of “intimidation” are not in honor of the Russians!
Reminds me of that fake

Well, that's a decent answer...

Jozef Piłsudski

We (Poland) could find a place on the Reich side almost the same as Italy
and, for sure, better than Hungary or Romania.
As a result, we would be in Moscow, where Adolf Hitler with Rydz-Smigly would host the parade
victorious Polish-German troops"
(Polish professor Pavel Wieczorkiewicz).

Post about the “Soviet-German parade” in Brest in 1939 - video fake
This “parade” supposedly “proves” that the USSR was a “loyal ally of Nazi Germany”
and meanly tortured the kind and fluffy Poles.
The pact between the USSR and Germany of 1939 has been in use for almost half a century
“black propaganda” to prove the thesis about “Russia’s aggressiveness”,
and as a basis for constant arrogantly boorish “claims” against it from Poland.

Hitler and Polish Foreign Minister Beck

Consider Poland from 1933 to 1939, when the Nazis became the dominant force in Germany.

This post will prove that the USSR’s position towards Poland in 1939 was completely justified.
The Polish elite, right up to September 1, 1939, planned to do exactly the same thing with the USSR,
what the USSR did with it later - dismemberment and subsequent destruction and hoped
to a military alliance with Hitler's Germany.

The Polish leadership behaved in exactly the same way towards its neighbors - Lithuania and Czechoslovakia.
Until the very last moment, the Polish leadership did not stop the closest contacts
with the German Nazis and made far-reaching plans for a “war with Russia.”

Hitler-Pilsudski Pact

In 1934, the German Nazis and the Polish leadership concluded
"Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and Poland"
also called the Pilsudski-Hitler Pact.
It, just like the Soviet-German Pact of 1939, contained the principles of non-intervention
into each other’s internal affairs and stipulated by the so-called. "areas of interest" in Europe,
in particular in Czechoslovakia and the Baltic states.
photo from the signing of the pact.

Goebbels and Piłsudski

The first photo with J. Pilsudski, Beck in Warsaw. Other photos of his visit to the city of Krakow in June 1934.

It is clear here that it was a warm meeting with flowers, with an interesting cultural program in museums,
historical places, with a banquet attended by famous Polish statesmen.

Here is a photo of the dinner party in honor of Joseph Goebbels with the Polish Sejm
with the participation of deputies and Polish leaders.

After the death of Piłsudski, friendly relations between the two states did not end:
On January 31, 1938, the head of the Nazi police visited Warsaw General Dalyuge,
in September 1938 – General Zamorsky(chief of the Polish police)
was invited by Nazi friends to the congress of the National Socialist Party of Germany,
took place in Nuremberg. On December 15, the German Minister of Justice visited Warsaw Herman Frank,
and on February 18, 1939 - head of the SS and chief chief of the Gestapo Heinrich Himmler.

Polish Foreign Minister Beck in Germany:

The Polish delegation laying flowers at the eternal flame to the fallen German soldiers

Poland and Czechoslovakia

The most clearly aggressive plans of the pre-war Polish elite are visible in the example
relations of the Polish leadership towards Czechoslovakia.
Immediately after World War I, territorial dispute between Poland and Czechoslovakia
worsened in Cieszyn Silesia.

This area, around which the dispute erupted, is rich in coal,
was the most industrialized region in all of Austria-Hungary.
An armed conflict began, and in 1920, Czechoslovak President Tomas Masaryk declared,
that if the Cieszyn conflict is resolved not in favor of Czechoslovakia, his country will intervene
in the recently started Russian-Polish war.
Poland, frightened by the prospect of a war on two fronts, made concessions.
what happened in Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1938 in chronological order.

Beck and the German generals

February 23, 1938.
Beck, in negotiations with Goering, declares Poland’s readiness to take German interests into account
in Austria and emphasized Poland's interest "in the Czech problem."

August 11, 1938- in a conversation with Lipsky, the German side expressed understanding
Poland's interest in Soviet territory Ukraine.

September 19, 1938- Lipski brings to Hitler's attention the opinion of the Polish government,
that Czechoslovakia is an "artificial entity" and supports Hungarian claims
in relation to the territory Carpathian Rus'.

September 20, 1938- Hitler tells Lipsky that in the event of a military conflict
Poland and Czechoslovakia because of the Cieszyn region, the Reich will side with Poland, which is beyond the line
German interests, Poland has completely free hands, what he sees solution to the Jewish problem
by emigrating to the colonies in agreement with Poland, Hungary and Romania.

September 24, 1938. Newspaper "Pravda" 1938. September 24. N264 (7589). on S.5. publishes an article
"Polish fascists are preparing a putsch in Cieszyn Silesia."
Later, on the night of September 25, in the town of Konskie near Třinec, the Poles threw hand grenades at
and fired at houses in which Czechoslovak border guards were located, as a result of which two buildings burned down.
After a two-hour battle, the attackers retreated into Polish territory.
Similar clashes occurred that night in a number of other places in the Teshin region.

September 25, 1938. The Poles raided the Frishtat railway station,
They fired at her and threw grenades at her.

September 27, 1938. The Polish government makes a renewed demand
about the “return” of the Teshin region to her.
Throughout the night, rifle and machine gun fire was heard in almost all areas of the Teshin region,
grenade explosions, etc. The bloodiest clashes, as reported by the Polish Telegraph Agency,
were observed in the vicinity of Bohumin, Teshin and Jablunkov, in the towns of Bystrice, Kon'ska and Skrzechen.

Armed groups of "rebels" repeatedly attacked Czechoslovak arms depots,
Polish planes violated the Czechoslovak border every day.
In the newspaper "Pravda" 1938. September 27. N267 (7592) an article is published on page 1
"The unbridled impudence of the Polish fascists."

September 28, 1938. Armed provocations continue.
In the newspaper "Pravda" 1938. September 28. N268 (7593) On S.5. article is published
"Provocations of Polish fascists."

September 29, 1938. Polish diplomats in London and Paris insist
on “an equal approach to solving the Sudeten and Cieszyn problems”, Polish and German military
agree on the line of demarcation of troops in the event of an invasion of Czechoslovakia.

Czech newspapers describe touching scenes of “combat brotherhood” between German fascists
and Polish nationalists.
A Czechoslovakian border post near Grgava was attacked by a gang of 20 people armed with automatic weapons.
The attack was repulsed, the attackers fled to Poland, and one of them, being wounded, was captured.
During interrogation, the captured bandit said that in their detachment there were many Germans living in Poland.

This photo is for every Polish home!
Touching handshake between Polish Marshal Edward Rydz-Śmigła and German attaché Colonel
Bogislawa von Studnitz at the Independence Day parade in Warsaw on November 11, 1938

December 28, 1938. In a conversation with a counselor at the German Embassy in Poland
Rudolf von Schelia with the newly appointed Polish envoy to Iran J. Karszo-Sedlevsky, the latter declares: “The political perspective for the European East is clear.
In a few years, Germany will be at war with the Soviet Union, and Poland will support,
voluntarily or forcedly, Germany in this war.

It is better for Poland to definitely take the side of Germany before the conflict,
since the territorial interests of Poland in the west and the political goals of Poland in the east,
primarily in Ukraine, can only be achieved through a previously reached Polish-German agreement.

He, Karsho-Sedlewski, will subordinate his activities as the Polish envoy in Tehran to the implementation of this great Eastern concept, since it is necessary in the end to convince and motivate also
Persians and Afghans to play an active role in the future war against the Soviets."

Goering in Poland

The attitude of pre-war Poland towards Russia

Polish position, towards Russia and the hopes of the Polish elite for the German Nazis,
as documents show, it was not a spontaneous decision, it was formed over the years.

Even during the visits of “Nazi No. 2”, G. Goering, to Warsaw in 1935 and 1937
The parties reached an agreement that Poland will support Germany’s demands to lift restrictions
in terms of weapons and the idea of ​​the Anschluss of Austria.
Germany, in turn, expressed its readiness, together with Poland, to counteract
policy of the Soviet Union in Europe.
In a conversation with Marshal Rydz-Smigly, Goering stated that “Not only Bolshevism is dangerous, but Russia as such”
and that “in this sense, the interests of Poland and Germany coincide.”

Goering and Polish President Moscicki hunting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha

August 31, 1937 The Polish General Staff issued directive No. 2304/2/37, which states,
what's the ultimate the goal of Polish policy is “the destruction of all Russia”,
and one of the effective tools for achieving it is named inciting separatism
in the Caucasus, Ukraine and Central Asia
using, in particular, military intelligence capabilities.

It would seem that in the threatening situation into which Poland was crawling,
the priorities would have to be different.
And in general, what does this have to do with the security of the country? Caucasus?

Nevertheless, it was planned to concentrate personnel, operational and financial
resources to strengthen work with Caucasian emigration of a separatist persuasion, having as
the ultimate goal of destabilization using all forces and means, including instruments of secret war,
internal political situation in this part of the Soviet Union, which
during the war it becomes the deep rear of the Red Army.

These are the approaches and absolutely groundless hopes for a German-Polish anti-Soviet alliance
and led to the fact that the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations between the military delegations had to be curtailed
just a week before the start of the war, the first victim of which was Poland.
Therefore, the telegrams of the Polish ambassador in Washington, who,
Having the instructions of his government, he assured US Secretary of State K. Hull that Warsaw did not see itself as a threat from Germany.
Moreover, he was irritated that some American politicians
consider the Soviet Union and its army to be the only force that can resist the Wehrmacht
in the event of Germany starting a war (telegrams from E. Pototsky to the Foreign Ministry on November 8 and December 15, 1937).

In October 1938, Ambassador in Berlin Yu. Lipsky, in an upbeat tone, informed Minister Yu. Beck about
the “more than favorable” attitude of the top officials of the Reich towards Poland and the high assessment of its policies by the Fuhrer personally.

Friendly visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Nazi Reich, adviser to Adolf Hitler
Foreign Policy, Standartenführer SS Joachim von Ribbentrop to Poland.

From Angola to Antarctica

Polish policy outside the “eastern territories” was no less “peaceful.”

The “plans for Polish colonies” looked especially absurd and grotesque.
Poland seriously believed that its status as a “great power” required colonies in Africa and Asia,
so that it’s “like everyone else!”
For this purpose, in October 1930, either a government or a public organization was created
The Maritime and Colonial League (Liga Morska I Kolonialna), of which almost a million Poles – future colonists – became members. The Poles rushed to look for empty lands suitable for arable land and seize them,
how did it happen in Brazil, Liberia and Mozambique.

Friendly visit of the Italian fascist Gian Galeazzo Ciano to Poland.
February 1939.

IN Angola they began to develop farmland, but plans to create plantations
was not destined to come true - the Portuguese government, concerned about such an unexpected development of events,
complicated immigration procedures in the colonies, and also began to focus quite
a lot of unnecessary attention to Polish settlers.
As a result, most of the Polish planters were forced to leave Angola after 1938.

Concerning, Madagascar, then Foreign Minister Beck begged from France
permission to use this island for the resettlement of Polish Jews at the request of “world Jewry”.
Work began to boil and an important delegation visited the island.
However, Madagascar was not destined to become the second Israel - the war began,
which buried these plans.

Poland was keenly interested and Antarctica- in Washington just before the war
the Poles were persistently interested in how the Americans would perceive their appearance on this continent.

In Poland itself, public holidays began to be organized - Sea Week and Colonial Days,
where the Poles were instilled with a taste for colonialism.
Poland pestered the League of Nations with a request to transfer part (up to 9%) to Poland
German colonies (due to the fact that Poland was partially the “successor” of Germany in terms of territories) -
Togo and Cameroon"which no one needs anyway."
The result of the entire campaign 1936-37 appeared issued by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
"Colonial Theses of Poland".

The leadership of the USSR in August 1939 acted deliberately and correctly.
He hit his enemy with the weapon that he planned to use against Russia - an agreement with Germany.

Poland intends to raise the issue of receiving war reparations from Germany to international platforms. This was announced last Sunday, September 24 Chairman of the ruling Law and Justice party(PiS) Jaroslaw Kaczynski. In an interview with the magazine Sieci Prawdy (Network of Truth), he stated:

“We have every chance of reparations; I see no legal grounds for refusal. Poland's arguments should be heard louder in Europe. I am satisfied with the rejection of the trend that forced us to recognize Poland as almost an ally of Germany ( This refers, first of all, to the participation of pre-war Poland in the division of Czechoslovakia. — S.D.). Even in Germany we have heard voices saying that they will not pay because they do not want or cannot pay, but the Polish arguments exist and matter. It is important that this matter becomes public. Therefore, it is necessary to act consistently, dividing all actions into stages. Now is the stage of the Sejm, which means it is not yet the stage of the official speech of the Polish state,” Kaczynski said, recalling that President Andrzej Duda I already raised this issue in a conversation with presidentGermany Frank-Walter Steinmeier. According to the Chairman of PiS, “the issue needs to be carefully prepared, it is necessary to make this issue a problem at the international level, and later move on to more concrete actions.”

According to Kaczynski, Poland suffered not only human but also enormous material losses in World War II. “Germany needs to be reminded of trains full of looted works of art, valuable objects, but also things of less value, ordinary property of Poles,” says the PiS leader. — The feeling of impunity of the occupiers led to the fact that crimes were committed on a massive scale, even in addition to those that are officially recognized as crimes. Poland cannot agree to reduce all the evil and all the crimes of World War II to the Holocaust,” Kaczynski said.

This whole “reparations campaign” began back in July, when at a party (PiS) conference Jaroslaw Kaczynski said that “Poland never refused compensation for the Second World War, and those who think so are mistaken.” The call of the party leader was immediately taken up by his comrades - Deputy Prime Minister Cornel Morawiecki And ministerNational Defense AnthonyMacherevich, who began to detail exactly what reparations Poland is entitled to, and in what specific way they are going to collect them. She also contributed her “five cents” PPrime Minister Beata Szydlo:

“Poland talks about justice. Poland is talking about what needs to be done,” she said. — We are victims of the Second World War. We are victims who have not yet been compensated in any way. Reparations should be a reminder of justice, that Poland belongs. If we are talking about voices that criticize this position, that have a different opinion, then they must first of all look at history and remember what happened on Polish soil during the Second World War,” said the head of government, and as proof of the seriousness of intentions announced the total amount of reparations that Germany must pay to Poland - 258 billion pre-war zlotys or, in terms of the exchange rate on August 1, 1939, 48.8 billion USD (this figure was derived by experts from the Analytical Bureau of the Sejm (Biura Analiz Sejmowych).

Let me briefly remind you: the issue of reparations to Germany for damage caused during the Second World War was decided in 1945 at conferences in Yalta (February 4-11, 1945) and Potsdam (July 17-August 2, 1945), in which they accepted participation of the leaders of the victorious countries: from the USSR - Joseph Stalin, from Great Britain - Winston Churchill, from the USA - Franklin Roosevelt(in Yalta) and Harry Truman(in Potsdam).

Poland's reparation claims were to be satisfied by the USSR from its share (it was planned that Poland would receive 15%; in August 1945, the amount of reparations was agreed upon between the USSR and Poland and secured by a corresponding agreement). The remaining members of the anti-Hitler coalition were supposed to receive reparations from the Western occupation zones. But the USSR’s share was formed through reparations from both zones of occupation - Western and Soviet.

In May 1946, the Western powers refused to pay reparations to the USSR from their occupation zones. Thus, Poland received only a share of reparations from the Soviet occupation zone. After the formation of the German Democratic Republic on October 7, 1949, the governments of the Polish People's Republic and the USSR agreed in August 1953 to refuse to collect reparations from the GDR.

The issue of German reparations in favor of Poland was completely closed on September 12, 1990, with the signing of the state Treaty on the Final Settlement in relation to Germany (also known as the “2+4 Treaty”), concluded between the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as the USSR, Great Britain, and the USA and France. Since during its preparation Poland did not make any demands for reparations, it was agreed that this treaty would block all subsequent demands for reparations.

Now the head Polish Foreign Ministry Witold Waszczykowski- also a member of PiS - shouts at all corners: “In 1953, the Polish government was a communist colony, and therefore all its decisions are invalid. And in general, there are a number of doubts about whether these decisions have any significance in international law.”

Let's say. But what about 1990, noble sir? After all, at the time of the signing of the “Treaty 2+4”, the communist Polish People’s Republic had already sunk into oblivion a year ago and at the helm was a government led by premiere by Tadeusz Mazowiecki And Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Leszek Balcerowicz? Oh, they were then completely absorbed in the “radical transformation of political institutions and local governments, liberalization of prices and privatization of state property,” as a result of which they had no opportunity to be distracted by anything else. Well, those who didn’t make it in time are late, as the German authorities announced to the Cabinet of Beata Szydlo:

“The German government considers the issue of war reparations for damage caused to Poland during the Second World War closed,” she said. Deputy Federal Government Spokesperson Ulrike Demmer. “Berlin is certainly responsible for World War II morally, politically and financially, but the issue of German reparations to Warsaw was finally settled in the past at a political and legal level.”

But despite such a rebuke, the Polish cabinet continues its “onslaught.”

Ukrainian, vilely killed on April 16, 2015 in Kyiv writer and journalist Oles Buzina back in September 2008, he published an article on his website “How the Poles and Hitler divided Czechoslovakia.” The article began like this:

“In the mythology of World War II there is one clear scoundrel - Hitler, and numerous victims of his criminal tendencies. But for some reason Poland got into the role of the very first (and perhaps the main!) of them. How many tears have been shed by Polish historians over the treacherous attack of the Wehrmacht on their defenseless “oichizna”. How many films have been made about noble Polish officers! How many songs have been written about beautiful lancers with pikes who went on their last campaign against tanks? Guderian to the cry of their Baseks and Maryseks!

Alas, this is only a fake sheep's skin of an impudent Polish hyena, who rushed to rob someone else's property, was left without a tail and raised whining all over the world. By the way, it was not I who was the first to call Poland a “hyena”, but a great humanist, democrat and a bit of an imperialist (how could we not?) Winston Churchill. It is he, the most charming Winnie the Pooh of British political thought, who expressed himself in his memoirs about the current “Euro-lawyer” of Ukraine: “Poland is the same Poland that just six months ago, with the greed of a hyena, took part in the robbery and destruction of the Czechoslovak state!”

The indignation of a cognac and cigar lover is easy to understand. He recalled the security guarantees in the event of a German attack that the Polish government demanded from Great Britain in the summer of 1939. premiere of Rydz-Smigly, who had just taken part together with the Germans in the division of Czechoslovakia."

And here’s what Sir Winston Churchill, the “Winnie the Pooh” of British political thought, wrote about Poland back in 1938:

“The heroic character traits of the Polish people should not force us to close our eyes to their recklessness and ingratitude, which over the course of several centuries caused them immeasurable suffering. In 1919, this was a country that the Allied victory, after generations of partition and slavery, had transformed into an independent republic and one of the major European powers. Now, in 1938, because of such an insignificant issue as Teshin ( meaning Cieszyn SilesiaS.D.) the Poles broke with all their friends in France, in England and in the USA, who had returned them to a single national life and whose help they were soon to need so badly. We saw how now, while the reflection of the power of Germany was falling on them, they hastened to seize their share in the plunder and ruin of Czechoslovakia. It must be considered a mystery and tragedy of European history that a people capable of any heroism, some of whose representatives are talented, valiant, and charming, constantly displays such shortcomings in almost all aspects of their public life. Glory in times of rebellion and sorrow; infamy and shame during periods of triumph. The bravest of the brave have too often been led by the foulest of the foul! And yet, there have always been two Polands: one fought for the truth, and the other groveled in meanness” (quoted by Winston Churchill. The Second World War. Book 1. M., 1991, p. 147).


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