Pony competitions in Equestria. International children's competitions "pony® - get ready for school"

Competitions “PONY® - get ready for school!” created for children of senior preschool age (4-7 years). Participation in them reveals the intellectual characteristics and creative potential of the child, develops independence and independent thinking, and allows him to gain recognition from adults and peers.

Three competitions held during the academic year for students senior and preparatory groups, represent the main directions in which the intellectual and artistic development of preschool children occurs. Participants from the senior and preparatory groups are offered tasks with similar themes, but developed taking into account age characteristics.

Separately developed contest for our youngest participants - the guys from middle group. There are only three tasks, but we believe that this competition helps to early identify and develop students' abilities.

The results for each of the competitions are summarized separately. Participants in the competition receive certificates, and winners receive diplomas and prizes. This is how a portfolio begins to form.

The participation of teachers in organizing PONI® competitions is marked with letters of gratitude, certificates, and certificates.

Authors' team formed on the basis of the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education .

Question from the assignment for the senior group in the competition for the 2015-2016 academic year.

The date of the “Palette” competition is October 25, 2018

Logical and mathematical competition “Knowledge”includes a series of cognitive tasks in which children show their awareness in various areas of knowledge, the development of basic mathematical and logical skills, observation, attention and ingenuity.

Question from the assignment for the preparatory group in the competition for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Why "Why"? Children in age 4-5 years They become very inquisitive and curious. Adults often hear “Why?” from young explorers of the world around us. It is important help your child make a small discovery- give the opportunity to answer the question that interests him. This is where it comes to the rescue competition-game “Why”, which PONY and his friends invite a child to play. Being carried away by the game, the preschooler independently finds a solution and this becomes his first victory, his first achievement.

Little participants in the “Pochemuchka” competition solve assigned problems not only in the process of active actions with objects, but also in their minds, relying on existing figurative ideas about objects, which determines a qualitatively new stage in the child’s intellectual development.

In the competition three tasks, which are developed taking into account the age characteristics of children 4-5 years old and are aimed at ability diagnostics preschoolers in such educational areas as “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

The date of the competition "Why" is February 14, 2019

Carrying out a task from PONY and Znayki, children must demonstrate their basic mathematical and logical skills, observation, attention and ingenuity.

Assignment from PONY and Speechflower will help young contestants demonstrate their awareness of the world of children's fiction and folklore.

The task proposed PONY and Palette, will require children to be ready to apply visual arts skills.

Every young participant according to the results of the competition receives certificate, and the winner is diploma And prize. This is how the child’s portfolio begins to form.

For adults, the competition-game “Why Why” will provide an opportunity to determine the current level of development of the child in cognitive, communicative and visual activities, which will help in the future to build his educational trajectory.

Participation teachers in the organization of the competition “Why” will be noted letters of gratitude, certificates, evidence.

More detailed information about competition tasks:

The tasks within each competition have different levels of difficulty, which makes it possible to create a flexible rating system that reflects the level of knowledge and creative abilities of the participants.

The pedagogical idea of ​​competitions can be studied in more depth in the sectionteachers , where assignment specifications are published, including the topics of the questions, a system for evaluating answers, and a list of references.

The teacher and parents can choose either one or all three competitions for their child to participate. However, the more exciting intellectual tests a preschooler goes through, the better he develops and becomes familiar with the joy of learning.

The certificate of each participant in the PONI® International Children's Competitions contains a diagnostic diagram based on his individual results. Each competition adds several new information petals to it.

Competitions for students 2-4 classes cover a wide range of interests of children of appropriate ages and provide adults with rich diagnostic material. The results of each competition are summed up separately; the overall rating is not determined.

Natural sciencecompetition “PONY® opens the world” based on primary school subject area The world.

Date: October 11, 2018

For 20 years now, the curriculum of primary schools in Russia has included the subject The world. The uniqueness of the process of studying the surrounding world extends to all its essential aspects - nature and society, the objective world and man, his activity and creativity.

According to experts in the field of education, every schoolchild, and especially primary school students, needs to understand their place in modern Russia, in its development. The development of Russian territories, nature conservation, the development of science and the latest technologies, as well as state security - you can get acquainted with all this by studying the broadest subject in elementary school - The world.

Participation in the competition "PONY® opens up the world" helps broaden the horizons and intellectual development of younger schoolchildren. The tasks are aimed at promoting the development of all aspects of the intellectual and cognitive sphere of the child’s personality, and the development of creative abilities.

Junior school student participating in a competition "PONY® opens up the world" will be able to establish closer connections between the knowledge of nature and social life, will be able to identify his interests, will be able to show his ability to analyze, establish connections, generalize and draw conclusions, and show his erudition.

This academic year the competition “PONY® opens the world” is special! The competition is called "PONY® on planet Earth, where PONY and his friend Talker explore our entire planet! And air, and water, and earth, and even fall underground!

The kids love the world around them! They are interested in finding answers to fascinating questions about the inhabitants of the world! Then younger schoolchildren will easily cope with assignments in various subjects, and PONY and Talker will help them.

Question from an assignment for fourth grade, 2016-2017 school year

Mathematical competition "PONY® visiting Pythagoras" In the system of intellectual competitions "PONY® - Primary School" occupies a special place. This is the only competition entirely dedicated to mathematics. Mathematical abilities manifest themselves quite early and need to be developed, which makes the existence of a mathematical competition for elementary school students relevant. The set contains 10 tasks and is designed to take 40-60 minutes to complete, depending on the participant’s grade level. All tasks are test tasks, but the student does not choose the correct answer from the proposed set of options, but finds it independently. In this case, tasks are selected in such a way as to minimize the possibility of guessing the correct answer. A successful performance requires serious work throughout the allotted time. There are very few examples in our assignments in which the answer is immediately visible. Most of the tasks involve leisurely thinking about a condition, going through different solution paths and choosing the optimal one, and the ability to complete the reasoning and calculations that have begun. All this allows us to talk about a serious learning effect from completing the tasks of our competition. We want not only to identify the best, but also to help each participant develop perseverance, the ability to concentrate and a love of learning.

Concept linguistic competition "PONY® in the great country of linguistics" consists of identifying and developing a culture of linguistic thinking in primary school children.

Date: January 24, 2019

Participation in the competition helps development of a child’s linguistic intuition, which in the future will help masterfully transform thoughts and emotions into words and sentences. The tasks are aimed at revealing the student’s creative potential, developing independence and self-reliance, learning motivation and love for his native language.

It is worth recognizing that the bulk of modern students are children who did not receive experience in natural language play during the preschool and primary school periods. Compensating for this problem is one of the main goals of the competition. "Pony® in the Great Land of Linguistics". The tasks of this competition involve the possibility demonstrate and develop ability apply knowledge in new, non-standard situations - based on communicative, semantic components, on the mental strategies of schoolchildren and speech reflection.

Question from an assignment for third grade, 2015-2016 school year

Team competition "PONY® - a team of researchers"

Date: February 24, 2019

This year the theme of the International Intellectual Children's Competitions PONY® is “PONY® on Planet Earth”. And therefore, from our point of view, it is impossible to ignore the topic of man, his relationships with others, tolerance, mutual assistance and unity to achieve success.

The PONY team competition appeared quite recently, but has become traditional for us, which is very pleasing. This means that the school, and therefore society as a whole, is interested not only in the child accumulating knowledge in various fields of science, but also being successful in the field of interpersonal communication: respecting, appreciating and being able to listen to his comrades; Looking at the successes of others, I was inspired to new achievements. In other words, he knew how to work in a team, demonstrating all his knowledge, skills and abilities and investing them in one common task or project.

At primary school age, in addition to the intensive development of the child’s intellect, there is a change in the forms of communication with people around him. Emotional communication is being replaced by another form: situational - business communication, or - cooperation. It is in cooperation that children master communicative competence - one of the basic competencies of a modern person.

During the competition, the knowledge of the participants is combined to achieve a common goal by enriching everyone while simultaneously dividing functions, roles and responsibilities between them.

Particular attention in the competition is paid to achieving the main goal - the success of the entire team, which is possible as a result of productive independent work of each team member on an individual task, which is part of the main final task.

The task of each participant is not only to complete the task independently, but also to argue the result obtained to other team members, putting it up for general discussion.

The team competition allows both teachers and schoolchildren to make discoveries, because it provides opportunities to demonstrate leadership abilities and the ability to work in a team; Unleash your own potential in a safe environment of emotional and meaningful group support; gain experience in performing the functions of monitoring and evaluating your own work and the work of your comrades; mastering the norms of cooperation associated with a culture of communication, responsibility, initiative and tolerance.

We invite students in grades 2-4 and teachers to participate in our competition. Children will experience the joy and pleasure of teamwork, and teachers will discover new talents and leadership qualities in their students!

Question from an assignment for second grade, 2016-2017 school year.

  1. "Give recommendations"

Guess the encrypted emotion:

Write 2-3 recommendations on the answer sheet that will help you get rid of this emotion.

Competitive materials are the basis for conducting comprehensive pedagogical diagnostics, which shows the level of development of general erudition; ability to solve combinatorial and logical problems; establish and model volumetric-spatial relationships; solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature. The information obtained will allow us to determine the child’s inclinations and help build an individual trajectory for his further educational path.

The certificate of each participant in the PONI® International Children's Competitions contains a diagnostic diagram based on his individual results. Each competition adds several new information petals to it.

PONY® competitions help adults discover the talents of children!

In the game, ponies will have to go through three difficult rounds of agility and speed. Everyone loves the ponies and cheers for them as they take on the challenge and compete in Equestria. Pony has set a goal for herself and will achieve it no matter what it takes. At each stage, obstacles and traps await the ponies that you should pay attention to so as not to drop out of the participants. Many fans came to watch the spectacular show! The strong unicorn Shining Armor must accelerate faster and make a powerful upward throw for Princess Cadence. To throw further you need to hold down the spacebar button longer and then you will succeed. Be sure to Applejack, jump higher over the barriers and don’t look back, because your opponents are already close. And the final stage will be accurate shooting at targets for the world's most beautiful little girl, Twilight. It's time to use magic! Be careful and strong to successfully complete all upcoming levels.

On our gaming portal you can play the online game Equestria Competitions completely free of charge. Save the Equestria Competition game in the MY GAMES section so as not to lose it and turn it on again! To play you don't need to download or install anything, just start playing. You can play the game in a flash player that is supported by all modern browsers.

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