Rules for writing goals. The famous “Harvard experiment” on goal setting


Correct goal setting is three interesting words that for some reason we know too little about. The ability to set goals is one of the most useful and effective features of human thinking.. If now this phrase seems banal, ordinary or funny to you, then this means that you still have not learned the full power of having specific goals in your life.

There are statistics: only about 3% of people set clear goals in life. Only 1% of people write down their goals on paper and rereads them. Just think, 99 out of 100 people deprive themselves of the opportunity to increase their chances of success simply because they do not set specific goals. Let's change this unfavorable situation!

Why set goals

Goals set a certain direction in which we should do things, and set up the mechanism of attraction to work with us, because what we want is held in our minds. Without goals, we will not get far, and absolutely any successful person will tell you this. Setting goals is the sure and only way to exist the way we would like it to be.

Imagine that you need to get to another city, you really need it, but you don’t know which one. There are more than 2.5 million cities on Earth; it’s not worth reaching for a calculator to explain how tiny the probability of getting to where you need to be is.

If we don't know our destination, then we don't know which highway to get on (to start voting) or which train to take at the station. Perhaps our city is completely overseas, and there is no point in going to the station. When people vote on the highway, none of them write phrases like “I really need to go to some city” on a piece of cardboard. Surely someone will still stop and try to help you, but how can you help?

This is a simple example with a city, but in life everything is the same: without goals you can’t cook porridge in it, but ours won’t do it on pure magic.

Setting goals may be a science, but it is not rocket science; with a little knowledge, practice, patience, the necessary skill will gradually begin to develop.

So what should the goals be? Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand how things are now. Most often we set goals like these: “I want to earn a lot of money”, “I want to become a programmer”, “I want to have a happy family” and many more “I want”. It's great when people have goals, but it's sad that they have such goals, because they are all very badly staged.

We return to the situation with the city, and now we even know that it is located somewhere in Africa. Of course, the circle has narrowed a little, but it will still be almost impossible to guess the destination - this is how people are now trying to achieve what they want.

We have counted eight main points that contribute to the correct setting of goals, so let's break them down into atoms!

Having a goal

This may be obvious, but first you have there must be at least some idea. People do not live on Earth just like that, everyone strives, for example, to earn money, make their relatives happy, know a lot or run fast.


The goal must be desirable, so your search should be based on what you love to do. If you don’t have a desire, then nothing will come of it, no matter what goal you set for yourself. And all because it allows a person to do titanic work without feeling any heaviness. This is how any most incredible tasks become feasible if a person truly desires.

Desire is based on two main factors. One of them is the meaning behind your goal. Answer yourself the question: “why do I need what I’m trying to achieve?” The answer should be clear, incredibly pleasing and motivating. Desire becomes limitless when the meaning of the goal is worthy of its achievement. The second factor will be discussed below.

Specific Goals

Our goal setting will be correct only if we specify our desires. Specificity implies two parameters.

Availability of deadline

First, on target there must be a certain time for completion. We need to put ourselves in such conditions if we really want to achieve something. When there is no specific end date, a situation occurs that many of us are already accustomed to: the eternal desire to put everything off until tomorrow, which for some reason never comes. Well, how often has this helped you?

Of course, it’s more comfortable not to set limits for ourselves, but the realization that it’s time to move will never come to us, time passes, so every goal should have its own deadline. By the way, we recommend on the topic of “moving”, which describes exactly why you shouldn’t put off life for later.

Explicitly stated result

Secondly, the goal there must be a specific result. If you want money, how much exactly? If you want to lose weight, how much in kilograms? By accurately describing the outcome, you can evaluate your progress toward achieving your goal.

With a specific task, everything is clear: I need to lose 10 kilograms, I have already lost 2, which means there are still eight left before success. But when you simply decide to lose weight without specifying anything more specific, how do you evaluate your progress towards this goal? How to understand that the goal has been achieved? What is “losing weight”, how much is it? You can lose 500 grams and technically you've basically lost weight, but who are we kidding?

Here are some examples of good goal setting: “earn $100 in the next five days,” “finish your kitchen renovation in 10 days,” “make the national soccer team within 5 years.” These are just sketches, but they are potentially more useful just because we have clearly outlined what we want.

The goal must be achievable. There is no need to set goals, knowing full well that they cannot be achieved. It just doesn't make sense.

Complex or simple goals?

What happens when we are faced with an impossible task? Moving towards a similar result, over time we realize how dubious the idea was, our hands give up, our desire fades, our self-confidence is undermined (after all, I’m not cool enough to achieve what I want, and this hits my pride hard).

As a result, we begin to look for any activity for ourselves, just not to strive for this goal, so as not to disappoint ourselves once again. And who, after such an unpleasant experience, would want to burden themselves with some other tasks in life?

There is also the opposite situation, when a person sets too simple goals for himself. There's still nothing cool about it, because the goal should be compelling and not boring, and achieving too little things only leads to thoughts like, “Oh, is this all I can do? It's a pity".

Looking for a challenge

So how difficult should your goals be? Here we return to the second factor, which synthesizes desire in a person. So, the goal should be a challenge, that is, difficult, but possible. Such that there is space for the thought “I wonder if I could do this?” A challenge fuels desire in a person, because one is tempted to take oneself weakly in an effort to jump out of his pants.

We draw your attention to one word in the title of this paragraph. This is the word “ours”, it means that when setting goals you rely only on yourself. We should not think that someone or something will help and contribute to making our desires come true. This kind of thinking makes a person’s success less dependent on other people and external circumstances - and this is exactly what we need!

Detailed plan

If your goal has a specific result and time to complete, then this is some kind of path that needs to be followed. You can’t just throw away an extra ten kilograms of weight in a second. Therefore, correct goal setting implies a whole plan with information on achieving what you want.

If the goal is designed for a year, then break it down into many small subgoals, each of which is designed for a month (or better yet, a week), write down the goals specifically, and set an end date for each of them.

Now, instead of one sentence, you will have detailed instructions that you can follow and observe the dynamics.

Recording goals

You will often have to adjust and change something in your plan, plus it will be great to mark your progress to maintain your desire, so without recording it will not be possible to work normally with your goals. In addition, your goals are already materializing on paper this way. And everything that is in the mind is quite abstract, and “abstract” is the worst word if we are talking about the correct setting of goals. You can read more about how words can be a cool tool in your hands in the article about.

Make it a rule to always have a special notebook with you that you can quickly use to write down interesting thoughts regarding achieving your goals.


A little background. Times were different, and one day, while looking for a job, one of our authors ended up in a popular cosmetics company. When these guys were trying to finally recruit him into their ranks, the big boss had a conversation with him, who said a phrase like this: “Son, you need to set yourself a goal and move towards it all your life, under no circumstances change your goal, so you’ll be fine.” You won’t achieve it.” At that time, our author still hoped that he could get something useful out of that work, besides the obvious (money), but after this phrase he realized that his hopes were too optimistic.

A person is designed in such a way that throughout his life his interests and preferences change. If someone in childhood wanted to be a builder, this does not mean that if now he is a writer, then he has no future. What seemed like a good idea a year ago, now, due to new circumstances, may turn out to be simply ridiculous nonsense, which is certainly not worth striving for.

There is no need to worry if your desires change. You can set goals correctly only by setting a bunch of wrong ones.. Therefore, in the created plan you will have to make many adjustments to the time, your actions, and the final result itself.


No matter how Caesar and the female half of humanity try to argue with us now, people are single-tasking creatures. Therefore, maximum productivity is achieved only when you focus on one thing. In this regard, it is unreasonable to set yourself a thousand goals. Set one, maximum two goals and strive for them every day. Energy must be concentrated.


Great, now is the time to move on directly, but before you start practicing, a few words about the worst thing - failure.

In quantitative terms there will be many more failures than successes(if the Russian language allows such expression at all). The presence of failures should not frighten a person. On the contrary, it is necessary for failures that occur for one simple reason, which Thomas Edison will speak for us more succinctly.

Edison invented the filament, having completed more than 11 thousand failed experiments on the way to this goal. 11 thousand failures per invention. And during his life, the famous physicist patented more than a thousand of these inventions. So, to the journalist’s logical question about how Edison, despite so many failures, was able to create a thread, the inventor answered the following with a grin:

Failure?! Yes, I never had any failures, I successfully looked through options that were no good and each time I became closer to the goal.

Each of us dreams that his most cherished desires will always come true. But first of all, for this to happen, the dream must become the main goal, and not a flight of fancy. To achieve a good result, the first thing you need to understand is how to transform a desire into a feasible idea.

To do this, let’s look at the main differences between a desire and a real idea:

  1. Desire is characterized by a certain general awareness of what a person wants to receive. The goal has a specific form of an object, object or event.
  2. A desire is expressed by vague outlines of how it can be realized. Goals take clear, deliberate steps to achieve them.
  3. Desire does not always answer the question of why I need it. A goal is always motivated by the result that awaits you.

Correct formulation of the task increases the chances of obtaining the expected result. Therefore, goal setting should take into account the following rules:

  1. Exact wording. By expressing your wishes accurately and clearly, it immediately becomes obvious what and how to do to achieve the desired result.
  2. Conceived plans must become concrete “objects” that can be seen and perceived by touch. To do this, you need to write down your wishes on paper or depict them in pictures.
  3. Ideas should be real, not fantastic.
  4. We need to dream more globally. After the implementation of small plans, it is necessary to set more global goals.
  5. Temporary restrictions. When setting a goal, it is necessary to indicate exactly by what point in time in life it should be fulfilled. Abstract concepts reduce the chances of a positive outcome.
  6. Replacing dreams with actions. To achieve your goals, you need to take real action. Talk less and do more.

When setting global goals and objectives, it is important to have a planning strategy. One type of such strategy is the goal matrix, which is structured in four categories: acquisition, conservation, avoidance and elimination. With its help, the necessary goals are visualized, as well as an analysis of which tasks still need to be completed, which ones to avoid, which ones to save, and which ones to completely eliminate.

Of course, achieving goals depends on the environment in which we find ourselves and the people with whom we communicate. But the main key to success is still the individual knowledge, skills and abilities of each person, which will allow you to achieve your goals at the highest possible level.

Books on how to set goals correctly

Often we don’t know where to start setting a goal, how to implement it, and what to do so that the steps we take are productive and have a positive outcome. Various trainings, marathons and, of course, book publications will help solve this problem.

A marathon to achieve goals is an event that is conducted by people with special education. Its essence lies in the fact that a person defines plans for himself and undertakes to bring them to life according to the developed scheme within the agreed time of the marathon (for example, 100 days). At the same time, a constant report is kept on the implementation of planned tasks and the effectiveness of their solution.

The training is a system of working with a trainer to set and plan a goal, choose a method for achieving it, and analyze specific actions.

Books are the most accessible source of information on the methods of correct goal setting. Let's look at the most popular publications in this area:

  1. "Life of Purpose" by Canfield J. It describes the key skills that help make goal setting a habit.
  2. The book “Focus” by Stephen Coley and Steve Jones talks about how to learn how to plan and set priorities correctly, as well as how to focus your attention on them in a timely manner.
  3. The book “Achieving Goals” by M. Atkinson and T. Choice talks about how to learn to unlock your inner potential by defining values ​​in life.
  4. Jay Elliott published a book called “Steve Jobs. Leadership Lessons,” which describes what helped Jobs achieve success at such an early age and become one of the richest people in the world.
  5. Seth Godin "Try and it will work." The book talks about where to start when bringing your ideas to life. The publication provides specific instructions and recipes for success.

To become successful in business and be able to plan a family budget, you need to know the basics of proper financial goal setting. A financial goal is an achieved result that must be measured by something. Therefore, you need to formulate your ideas in financial or material terms. An example of an incorrect intention is “I want to be rich and successful.” This is an abstract concept that, in principle, cannot be measured by anything.

The following rules will help you achieve your final goal:

  1. One main task instead of several secondary ones. It is better to set one task for yourself, complete it, and then move on to another. Otherwise, a lot of effort will be spent without results.
  2. Determine deadlines. It takes more time to implement a large, global goal than smaller plans.
  3. Long-term goals need to be broken down into stages. This helps study progress and renew motivation. Stages represent an algorithm for performing certain actions in a certain time period.
  4. Adjusting assigned tasks instead of completely canceling them when circumstances change.
  5. Maintaining a continuous report on the actions performed and the results obtained.
  6. Developing financial habits. To do this, an action plan is drawn up that must be followed.

You need to implement your ideas and plans gradually, starting with the smallest. Determine what is your priority at the moment and begin to bring it to life. Even completing a small task is considered a success. This means that we can move on and move on to the implementation of more global plans.

In order to feel that life is filled with meaning, you need to have clear goals. Until they are set and then achieved, there is no point in talking about luck. Plans for the future make up everyday existence, which makes a person’s destiny happy. Until he learns to set achievable goals and then achieve them, he cannot be called successful. Vague life guidelines prevent you from achieving important aspirations. In this regard, people lose self-confidence, cannot decide on their priorities and rush from side to side. They feel that they are unable to achieve anything and become discouraged.

Resources to achieve the goal

The following requirements must be presented for setting goals:

  • definition;
  • absence of insurmountable difficulties;
  • at least minimal accessibility;
  • availability of opportunities for implementation;
  • clear time frames;
  • specificity, etc.

For example, if the goal is to become healthy and in good physical shape, it is worth clearly defining what diseases you want to get rid of.

It is very important to bring out the realism. If a plump woman wants to become thin despite the fact that all the representatives of the fair sex in her family were obese, then the desire has no prerequisites for fulfillment while maintaining good health and beautiful appearance.

If a brunette intends to be a blonde, then she needs to think about why she needs such changes and whether she is ready to accept the fact that her hair will be hopelessly damaged in order to attract the attention of a person who in six months will become indifferent to her.

If the goal is to improve the functioning of the body, then you need to meet a specific time frame, for example, three months. If after a period of time no improvements are detected, you should consult a doctor or change specific tasks.

It is also necessary to consider the availability of funds, the availability of certain procedures, or the actual need to achieve the goal.

Personal components

In the list of personal qualities, the following behavioral models should be highlighted.

  1. Honestly and frankly answer the question of why you need to achieve such a goal. If the result is an improvement in the quality of life or the acquisition of health, then it is necessary to begin its implementation immediately. If a person seeks to prove something to others or gain a higher status, then there is hardly any need to waste time on these things.
  2. Assess the resources that a person has. The ideal option would be if to achieve the goal you initially do not need to have anything; it is already available. It’s more difficult if you want to buy something or save money. Another obstacle will be the complete or temporary impossibility of acquiring initial funds. In this case, it is necessary to reorient the final goal, focusing on obtaining the required minimum.
  3. Ability to focus on achieving goals. First, it is advisable to clearly imagine the results of implementing plans, and then weigh whether they are really needed.

How to set goals to achieve them

You should daily and continuously try to move towards your goal, at least in small steps. Every free minute must be devoted to fulfilling your plans.

There is no need to try to achieve everything at once and without much effort. It is necessary to distribute forces and allocate a time period. Then it’s time to set the motivation correctly. Necessary:

  1. Write down your goal.
  2. Break it down into stages.
  3. Indicate the required steps.
  4. Evaluate what is available.
  5. Sketch out a rough plan for moving towards your goal.
  6. Indicate the amount required for this.
  7. Estimate the time frame.
  8. Find out what is missing to achieve.
  9. Think about ways to get what you need.

For example, the desire is to visit Italy. Then it is worth clearly defining in what capacity the trip is planned: a vacation at sea, a city cruise or a visit to friends.

Then you need to understand exactly what steps need to be taken and how feasible they are. Available financial resources and the possibility of obtaining leave should be assessed. You need to realize what is missing and whether such things can be compensated for. If the issue is resolved positively, then it is advisable to set intermediate goals and again think through ways to implement them. If everything is considered real, then it is necessary to set an approximate date for visiting the country.

If all the points are completed, it turns out that the goal is too cumbersome and difficult to achieve, then you need to postpone your plan or focus on achieving intermediate results. It is also possible to change it. For example, instead of visiting Italy, plan a trip to Turkey or Georgia.

Sequential steps

After the intermediate task is completed, each item should be filled out and thought through carefully.

If there are a lot of them, you need to sort through the list and bring some tasks together. Then it is advisable to arrange them in accordance with. Sometimes they are broken down by ease of achievement. What cannot be done under any circumstances must be removed from the list or replaced with more realistic plans.

Then you need to mark those that can be done right now and immediately do what you have planned, without delaying for a minute.

If a person has no idea how to get started, he needs to look on the Internet for ways to achieve his goal or consult with knowledgeable people. Only those items that have been highlighted as the most important or accessible should be acted upon without delay. You can’t take on the most difficult tasks right away. Most likely, it will not be possible to fulfill them, and the person will lose.

If something doesn’t work out, you need to re-read the list again, note the difficulties that have arisen and add to the list of desired resources. It is also necessary to imagine alternative plans or how to fill in what is missing. Goals must be achievable.

Motivational components

In the future, you should determine those moments that will allow you to achieve what you need.

You must have:

  • wish;
  • the ability to find the right sources;
  • the ability to not give up in the face of difficulties;
  • flexibility;
  • openness;
  • the desire to achieve a lot;
  • realism;
  • hard work, etc.

In order not to deprive yourself of motivation, you should highlight those components that can be completed in the next hundred days.

It is necessary to determine the importance of the task, think through what awaits a person if the plan fails, identify all the risks and reflect on why the goal is so important to achieve. It is worth having a clear idea of ​​how realistic it is to achieve results. If they are very doubtful, then you need to weigh whether you need to take them on.

If it is decided that they are required, then it is worth considering ways to retreat in case of failure and developing alternative ways to implement the plan. They should be extremely specific, not far-reaching plans, but a task that must be completed today or in the coming days.

Evaluation of results

You don't need to demand too much from yourself or from life. In this case, every failure will be perceived very painfully.

You should prepare in advance for the fact that a number of factors will be difficult or unforeseen circumstances will arise. On the other hand, you shouldn’t be discouraged by every difficulty. The fact that they appear only means that it is advisable to take up the compiled list again and correct it.

Review of the first completed items

There is no need to set yourself a maximum goal. Fulfillment of plans is a matter of chance or luck. It is better to set small goals for yourself, but clearly achieve their implementation.

  1. You need to allocate enough mental and physical strength to achieve results. If they have to risk their well-being, finances or health, then it is advisable to think about the correctness of the chosen path. It is necessary to pay attention to unexpected obstacles that arise along the way. If any parallel tasks appear, they need to be taken into account.
  2. It should always be remembered that there are only one hundred days left and the countdown has already begun. At the same time, do not panic if you cannot meet the allotted deadline. It is advisable to understand what exactly has been achieved and again adjust the goals taking into account the lengthening time frame. If nothing definite was achieved during the specified period, it is necessary to consider the option of canceling or reorienting the goal.
  3. You need to improve your skills and constantly be on your toes. It shouldn’t be that a lucky break comes along and the person has no desire to move forward.
  4. All tasks must be completed strictly. Nothing should be left for later or considered unimportant. You should prepare for the fact that you will have to do a lot, sacrificing your free time.
  5. If, in the process of striving for a goal, a person discovers that he has become bored or uninterested, then he should again take his list of priorities and reflect on the desirability of achieving his plans and ultimate success. If they have lost importance, then you need to consider potential abandonment.

List adjustment

Even if there are no obstacles to achieving your plan, you should take the list compiled in connection with the intended goal, re-read it and mark what has been accomplished. Sometimes it turns out that a person is already halfway to fulfilling it or, conversely, unnecessarily overestimates his successes.

You should not fall into extreme optimism or pessimism. Everything must be thought out very clearly and specifically.

It is necessary to honestly admit to yourself what feelings a person is experiencing. If passion or stubbornness, you need to understand whether they are required in this case. If the mood is defeatist or doubt arises, then it is also worth recognizing where it came from. It is advisable to constantly listen to your intuition.

Realism of the set goal

After summing up the first results, it is necessary to think about whether the task set was a goal, a difficult aspiration, or remained just a pipe dream. It is necessary to analyze each of the concepts and think about how they fit the plan.

A large amount of energy is subconsciously allocated to the goal, much less to the desire, and the dream is sometimes completely divorced from life. Therefore, it will most likely remain unfeasible.

Only if the aspiration is conscious and has a clear goal, it has a chance to come true.

Moreover, if a person has no idea what he wants to achieve with his plans and what the benefits of achieving them will be, he will not put in too much effort. He will mark time until he is convinced that nothing is changing, and then he will retreat from the goal. Therefore, it is better to weigh its realism in advance before wasting physical and mental strength.

Achieving Your Goals: A Step-by-Step Guide

In order for your plan to have every chance of being realized, it is necessary to limit it to clear boundaries. Records should be re-read and corrected daily.

Fixation of intention

You need to keep a diary where you will record the steps and the usefulness of your progress along the intended path. You should also check how much they bring a person closer to the final result.

It is required to indicate the degree of movement towards the goal as a percentage. All failures, unforeseen circumstances and difficulties encountered must be recorded.

When achieving an intermediate result, it is also worth noting what exactly contributed to it.

It is advisable to praise yourself, reward yourself when you spend a lot of effort, and consolidate the resulting effect.

You should also communicate your success to others in order to increase your self-esteem. It is precisely this circumstance that most often forces people to stop moving along the intended path.

You should understand in advance that there will be a very large number of individuals who will try to pull the rug out from under your feet. You shouldn’t ignore them completely, but it’s also unacceptable to tune in to the negative. It is advisable to note their opinion and try to get rid of your real, not imaginary, shortcomings.

Under no circumstances should one think that a person is unworthy of his desires. If he wants it, it means they are important to him. You just need to find a realistic approach. There is nothing that is unworthy if it is legal and achievable. Even the greatest people started small and also heard doubts about achieving their goals at the beginning of their journey. Of course, there is no point in persisting in a project that is obviously hopeless. But there’s no point in giving up what you’ve planned either. You just need to correlate it with reality and find common ground.

Clarifying the direction of movement

You should define your goal as accurately as possible.

Therefore, it is necessary to write it down in the form in which you would like to see it come true.

For example:

  1. I am well.
  2. I work in Moscow.
  3. My earnings are one hundred thousand rubles a month.
  4. I live in a large apartment.
  5. I have a car.
  6. My children go to the best school.

You are allowed to have multiple goals at once. They can flow from one another or be parallel.

Fixing the time frame

Then a clear deadline for achieving them is determined. It should not be limited to too long a time. If clear results are obtained, it can be extended. In their absence, the goal should be removed from the priorities.

For example, the task: “I work in Moscow” should be given six months. A person must understand that he does not have many years to procrastinate with his intentions.

In addition, the desire may turn out to be extremely difficult to implement due to the presence of difficulties that he was not aware of from the very beginning. Therefore, if after six months he has not come a step closer to what he had planned or even lost something of what he had already achieved, plans must be abandoned or made more realistic, for example, “I am looking for a job in Moscow.” For a new goal, you again need to allocate a deadline, and a fairly short one.

Specification of goals

It is very important not to get distracted by vague ideas. They cannot be formulated like this: “I am a respected person.” The task should look like: “I work in a bank” or “My children go to a prestigious school.”

Again, you should think about what exactly you would like to achieve and what benefits the realized goal will bring. If there is nothing other than stroked pride, then it is not worth making efforts in such a direction.

“I work in a bank” also needs to be divided into several stages. For example, you can set the following conditions in parallel: “I serve as a bank manager,” “I earn seventy thousand rubles a month,” and “I have mastered the necessary computer programs.”

Be sure to include deadlines for each task. If it was not possible to meet them, then you need to understand what prevented this and whether it will become an insurmountable obstacle in the future. If such a circumstance arises, then the goal should be reconsidered. For example, not “I work as a manager,” but “I serve as a cashier at a bank.” Not “I get seventy thousand rubles,” but “I get fifty thousand rubles.” “I have mastered computer programs” change to “I am fluent in English.”

Drawing up a detailed plan

In order not to get stuck halfway, it is advisable to think through a set of steps to achieve the goal. They should be small and quite achievable.

When planning “I work in Moscow”, they need to be divided into stages:

  • I visit the city to study the situation.
  • I allocate the required amount for travel to interviews.
  • I'm looking for free time to travel to Moscow.
  • I'm researching vacancies in the region.
  • I determine what I need to get a job offer.
  • I am looking for contacts with friends who have moved to the capital.

For each task, deadlines and completion criteria are determined. If you haven’t been able to find friends in three months, then you should expand the task (look for mutual friends or try to communicate with city residents) or abandon it in favor of studying the issue yourself.

Usually, in cases where the goal is feasible, achieving the result is not too difficult. The occurrence of an increased number of difficulties indicates that the chosen path is unrealistic.

Adjusting goals

Constantly, even at intermediate stages, it is necessary to weigh the desirability and benefits of achieving the goal.

If a person seeks to unite with a family or get a job that simply does not exist in his region, then the goal is well worth the effort and can be achieved.

The goal of becoming successful or finding balance should be immediately discarded as not leading to a certain result. You only need to set yourself specific tasks.

If the end result is an increase in well-being, then you should think twice. Most often, a person simply does not take into account increased expenses when increasing income.

As already mentioned, the desire to stand out or prove something must be eliminated immediately. If moving to Moscow is aimed at increasing self-esteem or the goal of becoming no worse than a friend, then there is no need to spend your life achieving this intention. Even if it is successfully implemented, it often turns out that the situation has become even worse than it was before.

Checking yourself

In order to assess the degree of progress towards the goal, the final result should also be broken down into minimal components. For example, “I work in Moscow” must be divided into:

  1. I have a place to live in the capital.
  2. My job is no worse than what I did at home.
  3. I am officially registered at my workplace, etc.

Naturally, the goal cannot be considered achieved if a person finds temporary employment or lives in inhumane conditions. If in order to get a vacancy in Moscow you had to change from a department head to a courier position, this result does not become a step up.

On the other hand, if the goal was to unite with the family, then such achievements would be justified as a temporary measure and if there were clear benefits from one's new position.

If the plan was to stand out among their classmates, then those who have successfully settled in their city find themselves in an advantageous position compared to those who work in Moscow as a cleaner or janitor. In this case, you need to adjust the goal again, changing it from the desire to be better to very specific things.

At the same time, you should ask yourself why such an intention is needed and how long it will be important. If moving is desirable in order to fulfill the dream of the parents, then there is no need to persist too much on this path. In the end, it turns out that this is not what they dreamed of at all, and the person himself will spend completely meaningless efforts to achieve a goal that was not set for him.

Interference Analysis

When making plans worthy of attention, it is also worth considering what prevents progress on the path. Impatience, criticism and doubts must be discarded immediately.

You need to think about your every action and what makes it difficult to move towards your goal. Such things include understatement, painful experiences in the past, uncertainty about the future, or temporary setbacks.

When giving up bad habits and cravings for helplessness, you should think about the benefits of achieving your goal every time and concentrate on them.

It is imperative to understand that there have always been and will be unforeseen circumstances, mistakes and illusions. It is worth very clearly separating them from failure or, conversely, success.

When successfully moving towards a goal, it is advisable to keep in mind changing economic conditions, one’s own health or basic luck.

There is no need to strive too hard for an unshakable result. It must be weighed and refined or changed.

In order to reduce the effect of unforeseen factors to a minimum, you should constantly study the issue, check the stability of the situation and communicate with people. Everything that enriches knowledge must be mastered thoroughly.

If you can’t wait for help from anyone, then you need to study ways to independently achieve the goal, and if you are unable to, abandon it or postpone it until you obtain the desired resources. In this case, the goal also changes in accordance with new circumstances.

If you do not learn to set goals correctly, identify ways to achieve them and consistently move in this direction, then it will hardly be possible to achieve anything at all. There is no need to confuse your dreams and goals. Even a very strong desire to become a millionaire has no chance of being realized in the absence of the necessary data. Nevertheless, the goal of ensuring a decent existence for yourself and your family deserves some effort.

Assessing your capabilities

It is also very important to count on yourself first. If the fulfillment of a plan depends entirely on other people, then the slightest change in intentions on their part immediately nullifies all the efforts made.

On the other hand, the intentions of others cannot be controlled, so building your life around them is very dangerous.

A goal will only become meaningful when a person acts in accordance with his own needs, aspirations and abilities. You should count on the support of other people only within very limited and adjustable limits.

The effort expended should also bring satisfaction to the individual himself, and not to anyone else. A clear understanding that he is acting in his own interests, and not in order to prove something, help someone else, or please his parents, will allow him to clearly achieve what he wants.

There is no need to think that the final goal is something unshakable. It can change, expand or, conversely, contract. It may well follow a parallel path or degenerate into a completely different desire. Such changes do not mean a retreat from one’s intentions, but merely reveal a clear understanding of the path along which to move.

It seems that we feel the difference between a dream and a goal... But how can we concretize our vague dreams and desires so that they become an achievable goal? How to remove fears? How do you know what the first step is to take?

Nowadays there are quite a lot of methods and trainings to achieve the goal. But anyone who has started to realize their dream knows that it is not at all easy. Let's turn to psychologists for a hint: what techniques do they use to successfully achieve their goals?

I use the well-known common formula: “A goal is a dream inserted into a time frame.” The main thing is to allow yourself to dream about what seems daring and unattainable. Break it down into time intervals and stages. And - perform each stage.

Visualization is very important. This is the most basic thing. If you imagine clearly, what exactly you achieve, then the vector of movement towards the goal will already be set.

Moreover, I am not a supporter of focusing on detailed elaboration of target visualization. It seems to me that it is more important to have a vivid, deep emotional “imprint” of your goal. And then - it is necessary to break its achievement into stages, otherwise the final goal may be perceived as unattainable.

And be sure to set a time frame for achieving it. Otherwise, not limited by any time, you will achieve it and achieve it for the rest of your life. And this means - not to achieve. Or achieve what you want when it is no longer relevant.

Another point - you need to be realistic and understand that in any situation and position there are both pros and cons. This is the law of life. You need to think in advance what disadvantages may await you after you achieve what you want, so as not to be disappointed after achieving your goal.

Setting goals is an essential condition of human life. Often a person who does not have a goal loses the meaning of life. You can say this: how many people, so many goals.

But in society you can meet people who have no purpose, no meaning in their lives. Therefore, such people seek the meaning of their existence in destructive forms of behavior - drug use, alcohol, gambling.

When we talk about goal setting, in my opinion, it is advisable to consider it through the structure of the activity. The works of the famous Russian scientist A.N. Leontiev describe the theory of activity, which I will present below. So, how to set a goal and achieve it? Before answering this question, let's look at the structure of the activity.

In the structure of activity, the following characteristics are distinguished: motive, goal, subject, structure and means. Motive- this is what motivates us. For example, to increase your status, that is, your position in society.

Target- this is the ideal result we strive for. The goal may, for example, be a person’s desire to increase the productivity of the organization due to his status.

Actions. This is a completely independent conscious goal of a person. If we are talking about increasing one’s status, then the actions may include: organizing and planning the working day and free time, overcoming fear in communication, performing functional duties, etc.

Operation in the structure of activity there is a method of carrying out an action. For example, this could be learning foreign languages, which will improve a person’s status.

By means activities are those tools that a person uses when performing certain actions and operations. The means of activity may include obtaining an elite higher education, advanced training courses, and recommendations from colleagues.

Returning to the round table question “How to set goals and achieve them,” we can give the following recommendations:

  1. Decide what you want and who you want to be.
    Know and don’t be afraid to set goals for yourself.
  2. Identify resources, opportunities, conditions, means,
    that you have to achieve your goal.
  3. Think about what you need to do to achieve what you want.
    What actions do you need to take?
  4. When faced with difficulties, analyze them.
    Think about what needs to be done and changed to achieve the Goal.
    But don't give up under any circumstances.
  5. Take action.

I would say that there are strategic goals, and there are short-term goals.

Strategic goal- this is, rather, not a specific result, but the direction in which I am moving. For example (relatively speaking), we come to the station and choose a train to any city, but at the same time we may not go all the way - we can get off at any station of our choice, change direction.

Strategic goals largely depend on our spiritual values ​​and our professional choices. Such goals are more related to the meaning of life. Let's say at a certain stage I decide to devote myself to my family and move in this direction. Then the desire to develop in the profession comes, and I devote more time to my business.

Goals for the near future- these are more specific steps related to planning my life for a day, month, year. I set these goals for myself, taking into account my interests, and the interests of the people around me, and my material capabilities, and the meta-opportunities of my location and other places.

And, of course, when setting specific goals for myself, I think not only about the possibilities, but also about the limitations. If I see that my financial situation does not allow me to attend any expensive seminar now, most likely I will postpone this venture and find another source of knowledge. That is, I try to set realistic goals for myself.

Flexibility in goal setting is the key to health, moreover. By setting ourselves difficult to achieve goals in advance, we doom ourselves to exhaustion of the nervous system. Hence our dead ends, disappointments in ourselves and people, deep experiences.

On the other hand, if we always set goals based solely on convenience and comfort, using only those methods that we master perfectly, then such an approach does not develop us personally. Therefore, when choosing goals, I also allow reasonable risks. Mostly it concerns my interests, my dreams.

The practice of psychoanalysis shows that the main thing is not to set a goal, but to understand whether it is really yours, whether you really want this and not something else.

And if you want, what prevents you from achieving this goal.

After all, we are often guided by completely different motives, and whatever the rational plans and methods of achieving goals, they may be ineffective until a person understands what is really stopping him and how to deal with it in each specific case.

I once borrowed the formula for moving towards achieving goals that are born from my dreams and interests, and are realized thanks to my certain activity, from my excellent teacher, psychologist Irina Vitalievna Streltsova. I still use this formula to this day.

Formula: D=f(p*v), Where

D - human activity, some action, movement;

f is a certain function, that is, what exactly needs to be done;

P is the value of the goal that a person sets for himself;

V is the probability of its (goal) implementation.

As you know, water does not flow under a lying stone. The above formula shows what the very activity that will help achieve the desired (goal) is born from. If we take into account all the parameters of this formula, then many “pipe” dreams will first turn into goals and then come true.

A phrase from the film "The Magicians", where a young man in love saves his bride and receives instructions from friends who teach him how to walk through walls, perfectly illustrates this formula, and it goes like this:

See the goal, believe in yourself and not notice obstacles.

In my article, I dwell in detail on the importance of having the mindset to achieve your plan (goal).

How to set goals correctly is a very good question. The key word in it is “correct”. Usually, when they talk about this, they mean goal setting technologies, that is, SMART, visualization, etc. But this is far from the main thing.

The most important thing is to set a goal that is important for the soul, our true Self, and not for the false Ego. Because the goals that we set from the false Ego, when achieved, turn out to be soap bubbles that do not bring happiness.

How to distinguish the goal from the true “I”, and not from the false Ego?

The goal is set not because something is missing for happiness, but because it expands happiness even more. When thinking about a goal and achieving it, the soul rejoices, even if the false Ego experiences fears associated with achieving this goal.

Goals from the false Ego always proceed from the fact that now happiness is not enough, and if something new appears in life (the result of the goal), then there will be more happiness. It won't, it's a trap :))

Further. There is a good way to test a goal - write “I want...”, then cross out “I want” and write “I’m afraid” on top and read what happened. Surprisingly, reality manifests itself - fears that may not be realized, but block the achievement of the goal. And working with these fears allows you to remove the blocks that prevent you from realizing your goal.

If the goal is correct and the fears have been worked out, then everything is simple - be sure to have these goals written down, plans for achieving them (also written down) and pay attention to these plans every day. And also close all the “emergency doors” so that there is no temptation to leave through them.

And also - from experience - you should not talk about your goals to people who may envy you. Their negative energy can really hinder your success.

4 most important parameters:

1. Checking the goal for the “mine is not mine” criterion.
If the task at hand is really necessary for me, interesting and important, it will be easy and joyful for me to invest in its achievement. Motivation will be internal. I won't need any "kicks" from outside. If I set a goal from the words “must” or “must”, its implementation will be complicated. You need to change the goal or look for bonuses in the existing one.

2. The goal should not be scary.
Let it be exciting, but not scary. Don't set the bar too high. When we know in advance that we most likely will not get what we want, there will be no motivation to achieve it. This applies to execution time, essence, and force majeure.

3. Praise and reward yourself not only for achieving the final goal. It is necessary to notice all the small steps that bring us closer to what we want.

4. Give yourself the right to make mistakes.
Error is one more step. Perhaps it was made a little in the wrong direction as planned. If I accept only an ideal result, it will be difficult and scary for me to approach new and complex tasks.

Time management teaches how to set goals and achieve them. Thanks to the quality of solving the assigned tasks, we achieve or fail to achieve our goals.

So, divide a sheet of paper into four parts and distribute tasks by degree of “importance” and “urgency”. You will end up with a list of four items:

1) tasks are important and urgent;

2) tasks are important, but NOT urgent;

3) tasks are NOT important, but urgent;

4) tasks are NOT important and NOT urgent.

You need to start things by solving important and urgent tasks, without deviating from the goal. And if there is time left, do things that are not important and not urgent.

LAZINESS and PROCRASTINATION can overcome the mindset of rational behavior. Therefore, to achieve a goal you need WILL, PERSISTENCE and MOTIVATION.

In order not to burn out along the way to the goal, you need to maintain your resources and motivation to achieve the goal:

  • thank yourself
  • praise for what has been done
  • “reward” yourself, for example, by going to the cinema with friends.

You can write down in detail what will happen when the goal is achieved, and re-read this list every day. You will definitely want to finish important things as soon as possible in order to realize what you have planned!

I wish us all purposeful activity!

From "Alice in Wonderland" by L. Carroll:
Alice asks the Rabbit: “Where are you running?”
Rabbit: "I don't know."
Alice: “If you don’t have a goal, you will definitely come SOMEWHERE.”

And we need “Where?” and when"? And how important is our goal to us?

It’s just wonderful if you have formulated your goal for work, and every word and wording as a whole resonates and motivates. Now I offer you a tool that will help you deepen your understanding of the goal and the steps to concretely bring it to life. To do this you will need a form ( see photo below), a pen and, of course, time.

First, try to find the maximum number of answers to the question: “Why do you need this?”
You need to think purposefully and write down each question from bottom to top. When you feel like you've exhausted all your options, rest and move on to the downward vector section.

Example. The goal is: “I want to be brief.” Why do you need this? To:

  • respect yourself more;
  • be an example to your children;
  • effectively manage your team;
  • stand out from the mainstream;
  • to be heard;
  • be a successful negotiator.

By the way, there is another option for working with this purpose.
This is a chain of questions and answers arising from the previous version. Why do you need this? To:

  • respect yourself more.
    Why do you need to respect yourself more? To:
  • achieve results faster.
    Why do you need to achieve results faster? To:
  • progress successfully up the career ladder.

Now is the time to think and answer the question: “Why don’t I have this?”
Write from top to bottom all the possible reasons why you still don’t have what you want:

  • there was no opportunity to develop this skill;
  • there were no good examples;
  • there were not enough public appearances;
  • there was no dedicated time for awareness and training.

There may be a different number of answers, the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and collect them to the maximum.

Now look at the work done with fresh eyes and read what you wrote again.
Only after this are you ready to understand the deep meaning of this instrument.

  1. Vector up or answers to the question “Why do I need this?” show what can become your real motivation. Now that you know exactly why, are you ready to continue working, making efforts, sweating for these ultimate goals? If yes, then your answers are truly sincere and your motivation is high.
  2. Vector down or answers to the question “Why don’t I have this?” - this is a real action plan. If you know exactly what you haven’t done so far, it’s time to get to work. Now you know exactly what to do!

How to set goals correctly and achieve them is an interesting topic; for me it all starts with the desire to develop and help those who are looking as much as possible. And then everything goes by itself.

I noticed this interesting pattern: the more I help those in need, the simpler and easier it is to solve my questions and problems. And through this the achievement of set goals occurs.

Correct goal setting depends on what a person is guided by, whether the goal really coincides with his true desires - or whether this goal is based solely on fears, stereotypes and the desire to prove something to someone.

Setting a goal and achieving it is not the most difficult thing. As you know, thoughts are material, and for a long time there have been quite effective techniques that work well and quickly in the area of ​​achieving goals and realizing what you want.

Indeed, in this area, the more important questions are not how to achieve or set a goal,

  • and how ready a person is for this goal,
  • whether he matches it or not,
  • how harmoniously and ecologically it coincides with the surrounding world,
  • and whether a person is finally ready to take responsibility for his actions.

How often do people at the beginning of their journey ask themselves the question - do I really need this?
What's next - now you've achieved it?..

And the question is certainly appropriate: are you moving TO or FROM?

Setting a goal, checking for environmental friendliness and truthfulness, working through to the smallest details (after all, as you know, there are no small things, and if you don’t think it through, it will somehow happen anyway), the question is whether you will like it, just a little effort , well, an important component is time.

In order for the road to be passed, you MUST walk along it. Step by step, even through “I don’t want to”, even when there is no strength at all.

Go and at the same time think about what and how to change in order to optimize this process if possible. Somewhere on foot, somewhere on a cart. And somewhere you can already drive a high-speed sports car.

Go, even when you're scared.
Go when you're lazy.
Walk when there are no fellow travelers nearby.

Rest on time. But don’t turn your vacation into an eternal stop.

Notice when you have lost your way and turned into the roadside reeds. Get out of the thickets back onto the road.

If you have chosen a path that no one has chosen yet, acquire tools that will help you cut this path. In some places you just have to trample the grass with your feet, but in others you need a mining drill to make a tunnel in the rock.

So go ahead. Until you reach your goal.

And when you get there, don’t forget to rejoice :)

And don’t lose optimism along the way, enjoy the process. Otherwise, why was this whole campaign necessary? :)

Good luck to you and interesting roads on the way to a worthy goal!

A goal is a mental representation of a fulfilled desire.

Therefore, the most important thing at the initial stage is the ability to clearly identify the desired goal, formulate it, the ability to separate the main from the secondary, the ability to visualize the goal. (It will be a good idea if you write down what you are aiming for.)

Many people are afraid of goals that are too global and require enormous and lengthy efforts to achieve. The need to take many actions often forces a person to give up on a goal because he does not believe in his own capabilities.

And the point here is not only that a person underestimates his strength. It’s just difficult for our psyche to imagine all the difficult stages on the way to achieving a goal at the same time. Therefore, in order to facilitate the visualization of the goal, as well as its implementation, it is necessary to break down the entire voluminous process of completing the task into stages.

Limit each stage to a certain period. Follow your goal gradually, take breaks to rest, and proceed to the next stage only after completing the previous one. Stay firm in your decisions, don’t give up what you started midway.

Remember that on the path to realizing what you want, you should not wait for outside help, you need to rely only on yourself, since there is no guarantee that the other person will not let you down. Confidence will give you strength, use self-hypnosis formulas: “I can”, “I want”, “I will achieve”. Don’t even come close to such thoughts, for example: “I don’t have enough strength”, “the game isn’t worth the candle.”

“But the grapes are green,” said the fox from Krylov’s fable, because she could not get them.

This is how many people refuse to achieve goals for which they lack the strength, knowledge, skills, time, and motivation.

My job as a (non-medical) psychotherapist is to help my clients choose their goals correctly, find ways to achieve them and know what to do if obstacles arise.

There are many different ways to set a goal correctly.

If you were taught as a child to finish things you started, then there is hope for results in life. Everything is simple here: from the ages of 3 to 6 years, your parents should help you do what you do best and complete the actions. Another technique that you need to learn from your parents is not to leave things for later.

So, if you are lucky with your parents, then you will immediately succeed in life, and by the age of 30 you will become a good specialist in your field.

And one more good thing that we can learn from smart parents and in a good school is working on mistakes. Then progress will be faster, and you won’t have to constantly step on the same rake.

What to do if you are unlucky with smart parents? From the age of 18, you can learn anything yourself (perhaps except ballet) and develop the resources that you will need in life.

As for parents, at a certain stage of my life I realized that most parents do not take care of their own children. It’s good that children don’t remember much from childhood.

As for me, I had to do different things in life, and everything always worked out. Since I don’t put off until later what I can do now, I always end up getting more than I planned. For me as a doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, teacher and coach, it is important that all my clients develop. Therefore, the vector of the future must always be present in any activity.

There should be many goals, but, in any case, not just one. Often the result of one goal is suicide.

Goals need to be structured into tasks and implemented.

Today I read the thought of one of my clients in her old letter that even if you realized late what you need to do, you must definitely do it. The result will be in any case.

Previously, in any job I worked as if I were working for myself. I got tired of it, started working for myself, and the results became much better. In any of my programs, I pay attention to understanding what you want and what needs to be done for it. Over the past 20 years, he has conducted special trainings on this topic: Training for personal and creative development, Training for building a professional career.

And the last thing today: the main thing is not to be afraid of anything - everything will work out. And if not immediately, then a little later.

Colleagues noted important points in achieving the goal:

Competent formulation of the goal, using the SMART rule, formulation in a positive way without the particle “not”;

Using tools to help determine the truth and value of the goal;

Dividing goals into short-term, medium-term and long-term;

Using a reward system when achieving a goal.

I would like to add a couple more points in working towards achieving the goal:

  1. Set goals for each area of ​​our life, identifying a leading goal, the achievement of which will favorably influence the achievement of others. Very often, in practice, a different picture is observed - a person sets one goal, which concerns only one area, for example, work, actively and successfully moves towards it, but other areas suffer along the way (family, friends, recreation). Therefore, it is important to set goals for each area of ​​your life.
  2. Periodically return to your goals. Formulating a goal once is not enough; it is important to return to it - sometimes write it down, sometimes pronounce it, sometimes visualize it. And what you can do every day is to ask yourself the question every day: “What did I do today to achieve my goal?”

In achieving your goals, enjoy not only the result,
but also from the process, not forgetting to just LIVE!

There is always a goal in every person's life. Even if it is not realized :))

A goal is a guideline that helps us fulfill our desires.

Therefore, the most important thing is to feel your desires, because the fulfillment of desires is the main task of the goal. When, when setting a goal, a person is guided by the desires of others, he does not have the energy/strength to achieve this goal, and even having made extreme efforts and finally reaching the finish line, such a winner will not experience joy: (((Or maybe, even on the contrary, he will feel pain from disappointment that I wasted my energy on unnecessary things.

Laziness often protects us from such false goals. So don’t rush to blame yourself or your neighbor for the fact that “laziness was born before you/me,” clarify what’s going on with your desires. Does the goal have a sufficient reason to achieve it...

At this point you should already have:

How to set goals?

We will set goals correctly for your true dream (if you haven’t found it yet, choose one of your biggest dreams).

Stage 1: Must have

The goal must be applicable to some desired object. A goal in itself has no meaning. Therefore, be sure to make sure that you have a dream, and one that you are determined to achieve. Regardless of whether the dream is big or small, the most important thing is that it exists. And if you followed the instructions in the previous chapters on finding a dream, you definitely have some kind of dream.

Of course, it is important that the soul and mind are in agreement regarding the achievement of this dream, but if this is not the case yet, follow this dream anyway. It is better to follow someone else's dream than not to follow a dream at all. But if you feel that the dream is not yours, look for yours further, continuing to work on the one you have now. By the way, it very rarely happens that a person finds his dream the first time. It usually happens that he finds his dream already in the process of achieving some other dream. The main thing is that you develop the habit of following your dream, and it won’t take you long to find it. As stated earlier, "not yours" a dream is determined by a feeling of mental discomfort.

Stage 2: Turning a dream into a goal

To turn a dream into a goal, you need to do just one action, namely, set a date.

This step is the simplest, but extremely important. Don't be afraid to set a date (this will force you to start working towards realizing your dream). Think about a realistic date for achieving your dream. As soon as you have determined the real date, reduce the period by half and write exactly this date. You say: “Yes, I don’t really believe in that real one, but you say to reduce it by half.” In response, I will tell you this: “Who said that you must achieve your goal by this date?” If you don’t achieve it, move the date to later, and it’s possible that along the way you will find another dream that will captivate you even more, and give up your current dream. We don't know what will happen, but we do know that a short date will make your mind work faster and more efficiently.

Never set exact deadlines for achieving your dreams, regardless of whether you know or don’t know how to achieve this goal. A completely wrong approach: if I don’t know how to achieve a goal, then I don’t set it. Everything is completely the other way around: you will be given actions depending on your goals. If your goals are small, get an action plan to achieve just such goals, but if your goals are large, get an action plan to achieve big goals. And what is very, very important: for the Universe, it is equally easy to deliver you to a small goal or a large one. It is ours that resists, saying to itself: “This is too easy a goal, I need to spend one week on it”, “This is a very difficult goal, I need to spend half my life achieving it”(By the way, here is the article - “”). It is not at all difficult for the Universe to deliver something to us, just as it does not bother us when trees and grass sprout.

Of course, if you don’t want to, you can set the implementation date at least 20 years from the current day.

Step 3. Find an action plan

The most important point in finding an action plan is the date for realizing the dream, exactly what we did in the previous point. Strange as it may sound, it is true. The implementation date you set tells the Universe a lot about your readiness to achieve your goal. You will receive your dream exactly when you are ready to receive. And there will be an appropriate path for you that will lead you to your dream exactly when you become ready. Therefore, I urge you to set as short deadlines as possible. Don't tell anyone about it, and if you don't reach your goal by then, it's okay, set a new date.

So, now let’s take a closer look at the issue of finding the action plan itself. Notice that I don’t say to invent, but rather to find, since we cannot invent anything. Our logical mind is quite limited to have any influence on the Universe. Our task is to order what we really want, and carefully monitor when this opportunity arises. If you do not have an action plan (and most likely you do not, if this is a big goal), then after sending your order to the Universe, be very vigilant. The Universe began to think about how to present it to you, and in the best and harmonious way. She knows you better than you know yourself, she knows all your goals, and knows what implementation will bring you pleasure. Your job is to stay focused on the goal and watch for when the opportunity comes to you. The waiting time can range from one day to three months depending on your determination to achieve your goal. Personally, for me this period was three days. But I was too prepared. An opportunity may pass you by unnoticed, so be extra careful and don't miss it. You may be given some new task at work. A complete stranger may call you with a proposal for a certain business. That is, anything can happen. You can find it on the Internet.

When an inspiring idea comes to you, you must believe in it and start working on its implementation.

It usually happens that your dream is realized through many ideas that will come to you as you move towards it. The first idea leads you to the first intersection, then along the way you meet a sign where to go next, and find the second idea. It leads you further along the path to your goal until the next roadblock. Then you come across a third idea, which leads you along a bypass road to your goal, then, perhaps, the next idea, which leads you along the back streets of God knows where, then the fifth, which returns you to the fork in the second and third ideas, etc.. But it is so works. Patiently follow all the ideas that come to you, and no matter how they wander, as a result they will lead you to the final goal, and usually you will receive much more than what you asked for. But you must be patient and follow the ideas that come.

But there is one condition for achieving a dream: yours must be determined to achieve the goal. Use your imagination to find ideas for you. Imagine yourself having already achieved your goal. Be joyful, jump for joy, feel that you have already achieved what you wanted. Twice a day, morning and evening, imagine how your dream comes true. Thank the Universe that you have already achieved it. You will tune yourself to the frequency, which will help you quickly attract the necessary events into your life. You will also tune your subconscious to make the right decision on the road to your goal.

So, at this stage, your first goal is to find an action plan to achieve your true dream, which you found in the first part. The time to achieve this goal is one month.

Trust the Universe and follow the ideas that come to you. You are not immune from the initial ones. But they will be as long as your subconscious is rebuilt to a successful line of events.

Stage 4: Goal Setting

Depending on the size and longevity of your dream and your determination to achieve the goal, you will get an idea on how to achieve your dream. At this stage, we will assume that you have already received the idea. Perhaps you will see a complete action plan to achieve your dream. This may just be an initial plan of action. In any case, you should start. As you move forward, you will see the path further.

  1. Do you have an idea how to start?
  2. Estimate the time frame when you will be able to implement this idea
  3. Depending on the idea, set goals for:
  • 1 week
  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months

If the idea you found is too big and requires more time, set additional goals for:

  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 5 years
  • 10 years

You need to set goals from longer to shorter periods. This will provide you with a complete picture of the plan to achieve the idea. For example: if it takes 1 year to implement the idea you found in point 2, set goals first for 6 months, then for 3 months, 1 month and finally for 1 week.

If the deadline for implementing the idea is 2 months, then set goals for 1 month, 1 week.

how to set goals, how to set goals


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