Celebration dedicated to Victory Day in elementary school. Mass graves, in which

Victory Day is the most important holiday in our country, it is the greatest and most solemn day in our history.

Matinee for elementary school students Victory Day is a great holiday!

The matinee begins with the chiming of the Kremlin chimes. The announcer's voice sounds in the background of the chimes.

Speaker. Attention! Moscow speaks! All radio stations of the Soviet Union are working!

1st presenter. On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked our country without declaring war. The Hitler clique committed a monstrous act of treachery by tearing up the non-aggression act against Russia.

2nd presenter. The peaceful work of people was interrupted. Our people entered into mortal combat with the worst enemy of humanity - German fascism. A new period has begun in the life of our state - the period of the Great Patriotic War.

The second verse of the song “Holy War” is performed.

1st presenter.

And from sea to sea

The front-line soldiers rose up.

And from sea to sea

The Russian regiments stood up.

We stood united with the Russians

Belarusians, Latvians,

People of free Ukraine,

Both Armenians and Georgians,

Moldovans, Chuvashs -

All worthy peoples

Against a common enemy

Everyone who loves freedom

And the fatherland is dear!

2nd presenter. At rallies of thousands of workers, peasants, and labor intellectuals, the motto was adopted: “Our cause is just! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!"

1st presenter. There was a people's war going on. The soldiers of our Army showed examples of boundless courage and bravery. Soldiers fought next to famous generals, and teenagers and children fought next to adults.

A child comes out in the uniform of the son of the regiment.

Son of the regiment.

A heroic people, like a hero,

Went through storms, wars,

May there be peace on earth forever

And we lived in peace!

A child comes out in a sailor's uniform.

Sailor. The years rush by in a whirlwind of events,

Just don’t forget the war worries.

May '45, he is forever in our memory

Will stay alive!

2nd presenter.

Victory Day - there is no day more precious.

Victory Day is the most important day!

On this day the envy of the entire planet

Put on all your awards, Motherland!

Stepping out, the children enter - a bugler and a drummer.

Bugler. The trumpets are singing!

Drummer. The drums are thundering!

Together. Our kindergarten is starting a parade!

Chasing a step, they leave the hall.

In the recording, the song “Victory Day” sounds (music by D. Tukhmanov). Boys dressed in the uniform of the military branches enter with flags in their hands, walk in parade formation and stop at the chairs on both sides of the hall. A child in the uniform of an army general drives in in a car. He gets out of the car, stops in the middle of the hall and, turning to the boys, says:

Comrade soldiers and sailors! Congratulations on the Great Victory Day!

Children(together). Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

A boy in a general's uniform approaches the veteran with a measured step.

Comrade veteran of the Great Patriotic War! Congratulations on Victory Day! Allow me to open a matinee dedicated to... the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

Veteran. I give permission!

The verse and chorus of the Russian Anthem sound (everyone stands up). Girls run in with flowers to the sound of light music. They present flowers to veterans and guests of the holiday and sit down (stop near the chairs).

1st child.

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.

Today is a holiday - Victory Day,

Happy, bright spring day!

2nd child.

People took a deep breath.

End of the war! End of the war!

And multi-colored fireworks

They sparkled for a long time in the heights!

3rd child.

Thunder of triumph like a mighty shaft

Rolled around the edges of my family,

The Fatherland saluted

To your brave warriors!

4th child.

They defended their homeland

They fearlessly went into mortal combat.

So that children grow up in happiness

In a free and dear country!

5th child.

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

May laughs and rejoices!

On that very first Victory Day

They gave flowers to our grandfathers,

To the fighters who brought peace to our region.

The song “Hail, Victory Day” is performed (music by A. Filippenko).

6th child.

Our grandparents

They will remember their youth.

It was they who had to win

Conquer in battle!

7th child.

Our grandparents

They look at their grandchildren.

We are the heirs of Victory,

You and I are their hope!

8th child.

Bright holiday - Victory Day

We celebrate the whole country.

Our grandparents

They put on orders.

The song “Sun of Victory” is performed (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by Shabatin). The girls sat down. At a musical signal, the boys line up in four columns for the exercise. At the end they shout “Hurray! Hooray! Hurray!”, they line up in columns and take their seats.

1st presenter. The dates June 22, 1941 and May 9, 1945 will forever remain in people's memory. The war went on for 1418 days and nights. It took the lives of 20 million of our people. There is probably no family in our country that has not been touched by the war, that has not survived the rigors of the war years. The invincible strength of all people was the enormous love for the Motherland. All the peoples of our Motherland fought heroically and defended their beloved country, both at the front and in the rear. The Motherland highly appreciated the courage and feat of its sons and daughters. More than 12 million of them were awarded orders and medals, and 11,603 soldiers were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union!

2nd presenter. The fascist hordes destroyed 1,710 cities on our land, turned 70,000 villages into ashes, and left more than 25 million people homeless. But our people believed in victory, fought the hated enemy and defeated the enemy. People began to rebuild cities and villages, making them even more beautiful. 11 cities of our Motherland became hero cities.

1st presenter. At the monument to fallen soldiers lies an eternal flower of memory. Even in winter, when there is snow and cold everywhere, there is a flower at the monument. It is brought by people in whose memory the names of fallen heroes will forever remain.

9th child.

And people all over the world remember

Those who in the name of life

They died in harsh battles

For the glorious fatherland.

2nd presenter. Who was the first to combine two words - “minute of silence”? On May 9, the whole country will be mournfully silent for 60 seconds.

Against the background of a metronome, two children and a veteran lay flowers at the Eternal Flame. After a minute of silence, the guests sat down while the children sang the song “Put a Flower Down.” When the song begins, the children-sentinels go to the Eternal Flame, and at the end of the song they return to their places.

10th child. VETERAN

My grandfather experienced a lot of troubles.

There are traces of wounds on the face.

I am proud of my beloved grandfather.

My grandfather is a brave veteran.

So that a speck of dust does not fall,

My grandfather on weekdays

Your orders, medals

Stores it in the chest at the bottom.

Grandfather fought as he should!

The first to rise into battle!

And with victory all in rewards

He returned home!

And when on Victory Day

He gets orders

The hut is even old

All full of radiance!

Grandfather has everything: honor and glory!

Grandfather isn’t arrogant after all!

That's why it's right

I'm a proud veteran!

11th child.

For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Because the sun shines on us,

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

That they once defended the world!

Thanks to the Russian Army,

To our grandfathers and fathers!

The song “The Native Army is Strong” is performed (music by M. Dremlyuga, lyrics by V. Boyko).

12th child.

The sun is shining, the waves are splashing,

The beacons lit up

Day and night stand guard

Black Sea sailors.

The dance “Apple” is performed (music by R. Gliere).

13th child.

And to become a soldier,

There's a lot to know

Be agile and skillful

Very dexterous, strong, brave.

A soldier's dance is performed.

14th child.

Sabers sparkle, horses snore,

Our brave squad is rushing to attack.

Brave warriors took to the gallop,

Here you can see the enemy's trench.

We will crush the enemy, defeat, defeat,

Let's liberate the glorious Motherland!

The cavalry dance is performed.

1st presenter.

A peaceful day floats above us,

Joy in villages, cities,

Over factories, fields

The sky is pure in scope.

15th child.

It’s true, friends, it’s good on the planet,

When children are the masters of the planet,

No wonder the songs and dances are ringing,

Our land hopes for childhood!

Children perform the song “Childhood” (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky). To the tune of the song, the children leave the hall.

Scenario for Victory Day for primary school students “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten...”

(An exhibition of books about the Great Patriotic War is being prepared for children: books about pioneer heroes, stories and tales by A. V. Mityaev about the Great Patriotic War, etc., reproductions from paintings about the war of 1941 - 1945)

Leading:“The most difficult of all the troubles that people have is war. The enemy destroys houses and burns grain fields. And he has no pity for either children or old people. He tries to scare people. “That’s how cruel I am! I can do everything. I can have mercy if you submit.”

A cowardly man submits. The life of a coward becomes worse than a dog's life. A brave man fights the enemy. He may die in battle, or may not live to see victory. But a brave man does not fight for himself alone. He fights for the happy life of the entire people and therefore is not afraid of death. And this is how it turns out: a brave warrior remains alive in the most disastrous trials. No wonder they say: “The bullet is afraid of the brave!” This is how A. V. Mityaev’s story “Naval Pilot” begins. People waited for the Victory Day for 1418 days and nights. The Great Patriotic War lasted for so many days.

Student: On June 22, 1941, the most terrible and brutal war of the twentieth century began. The whole country turned into a military camp.

(The song “Holy War..” is played. Lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by A. Alexandrov)

1st student:

Don't forget this date

That ended the war

That great spring.

To the victorious soldier

Bow to the ground hundreds of times!

2nd student:

The boys were dying

Bequeathing us revenge

Believing holy in the holiday,

That's why he exists. (S. Mikhalkov)

3rd student:

Behind Moscow -

Capital of the world

For her, in the fire of hard times,

Brothers stood to death -

Son of a Bashkir, Russian,

Both Tatar and Georgian.

Oh, Moscow!

You are the heart of all Russia,

Light streams from your eyes,

We are alive, even though we were mowed down with lead,

Without you, Moscow,

We have no life! (M. Karim)

(The melody of the song “My Dear Capital” sounds. Lyrics by M. Lisyansky, music by I. Dunaevsky)

4th student:

Here the steel thundered,

Granite was melting.

We were harder than steel and granite.

No one is forgotten in our Fatherland!

Nothing has been forgotten in our Fatherland!

5th student:

The son wrote a letter to his father

And he put an end to it.

Daughter also to the letter

I added a line.

It takes many days to write a letter,

To reach the goal.

There will be mountains on the way

Noisy tunnels.

The wind will blow the sand

Behind the glass of the carriage.

And then the forest flashes by,

Station kindergarten.

6th student:

And then the fields will come

And the forests are thick,

Tilled black earth -

Central Russia.

They will pass through the whole country

Two sheets of paper in an envelope

And they will come to war,

To the land of fire and death.

7th student:

Will bring a carriage to the front

This cargo is postal.

The postman will receive it there

Your own canvas bag.

It's a long way from the town

At the borders of China

To the infantry regiment

At the forefront.

(S. Marshak)

Teacher: Children fought alongside adults in the war. Many of them were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. (Shows books) Lenya Golikov, Volodya Dubinin, Zina Portnova, Marat Kazei, Valya Kotik, Matveeva, Zverev and many others. Many of them did not spare their lives in the name of Victory.

1st student:

The winds blew the marching trumpets,

The rain was beating like a drum...

The hero guys went on reconnaissance

Through thicket forests and swamp swamps.

2nd student:

And now the rangers are going on reconnaissance,

To where peers once walked.

3rd student:

Won't, won't, won't be forgotten

The guys are heroes of our native land!

Teacher: The Russian people have composed proverbs about their Motherland, courage and bravery, in which there is a call to defend it.

Everyone has their own side.

A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song.

Know how to defend your homeland, mother.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

That hero is the one who fights hard for his homeland.

Stand boldly for what is right.

All for one and one for all.

And there is only one warrior in the field.

Whoever goes forward is not afraid.

Cheek brings success.

Fear has big eyes.

4th student:

On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground,

The news rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won!

The war is over!

The lights were no longer dimmed anywhere

In the smoky cities of Europe.

Victory was bought at the price of blood,

May the earthly world always remember this!

(M. Khrutsky)

(Children sing the song “Sunny Circle”)

5th student:

How many children have their childhood restored?

Gave joy and spring

Privates of the Soviet Army,

People who won the war!

And in Berlin on a holiday

Was erected

To stand for centuries,

Monument to the Soviet Soldier

With a rescued girl in her arms.

(G. Rublev)

6th student:

How many years have passed

Since the historic day,

And in Berlin, from the pedestal,

He, cast from metal,

He looks at me like that.

(S. Mikhalkov)

(Phonogram of the song “Alyosha”. Lyrics by K. Vanshenkin, music by E. Kolmanovsky)

7th student:

Victory! Glorious victory!

What happiness there was in her!

May the sky be clear forever,

And the grass will be greener.

8th student:

We live in a troubled world

But it's not our fault

What do the words sound like on the air:

"Terrorism", "Aggression", "War"...

9th student:

It's restless to live in the world,

On the soil of any country,

If somewhere in the office

A war plan is brewing,

Decisions are made:

How to multiply destruction

And wipe it off the face of the earth

Everything that people have built.

Teacher: And in peacetime, many people die from the enemies of humanity - non-humans. The name of these bandits is terrorists. High-rise buildings in America, explosions in the Moscow metro, the seizure of “Nord-Ost” along with spectators being taken hostage, schoolchildren and their parents in Beslan, people at a bus stop in Voronezh... Hundreds of people died in peacetime. In the name of what?

10th student:

We are the children of a free and peaceful country,

Our great people do not want war.

And our mothers and our fathers -

Fighters for peace, for freedom, for happiness.

11th student:

We are studying in school,

Growing poplars

We love hiking

Into the forests and fields.

Any path in life is open to us,

We want to grow under a calm sky.

(O. Vysotskaya)

(The last verse of the song “Buchenvayed Alarm” sounds)

Target: to cultivate patriotism and respect for the people who defended the Motherland.

This holiday is one of the most solemn. Children must understand and remember at what difficult cost the victory was won. Musical accompaniment helps create the desired emotional mood. Students’ essays about relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War, and posters from the war can be used in the decoration of the hall.

Leading: There are events, dates, names of people that have gone down in the history of the city, the region of the country, and even the history of the entire Earth. Books are written about them, legends are told, poetry and music are composed. The main thing is that they are remembered. And this memory is passed down from generation to generation and does not allow distant days and events to fade. One of these events was the Great Patriotic War of our people against Nazi Germany. Every Russian should preserve her memory.

If they say the word “Motherland”, (Slide 2)Immediately comes to mindOld oak, currants in the garden,Thick poplar at the gate.A modest birch tree by the riverAnd a chamomile hillock...And others will probably rememberYour native Moscow courtyard.The first boats are in the puddles,With a jump rope stomping feetAnd a large neighboring factoryLoud joyful horn.Or the steppe is red with poppies, (Slide 3)Virgin gold...Homeland is differentBut everyone has one!

Leading: On that distant summer day, June 22, 1941, people were doing their usual business. Schoolchildren were preparing for graduationin the evening. Girls built huts and played “mothers and daughters”, restless boys rode on wooden horses, imagining themselves as Red Army soldiers. And no one suspected that pleasant chores, lively games, and many lives would be destroyed by one terrible word, war.

Student 1.

June. The sunset was approaching evening.

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

Student 2.

June. We didn't know then

Walking from school evenings,

That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,

And it will end only in 45th May.

Student 3.

It seemed cold to the flowers

And they faded slightly from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes.

We searched through German binoculars.

Student 4.

Everything breathed such silence,

It seemed that the whole earth was still sleeping

Who knew that between peace and war,

Only about 5 minutes left.

Teacher . At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did this for the sake of future generations, for our sake. Let's tell our children and grandchildren about this just war so they will remember.

Students (one by one)

Summer night, at dawn,

Hitler gave the troops an order

And he sent German soldiers

Against all Soviet people-

This means against us.

He wanted free people

Turn the hungry into slaves,

To be deprived of everything forever.

And the stubborn and rebels,

Those who did not fall to their knees,

Exterminate every single one!

The phonogram of the song “Holy War” plays


" No!" - we told the fascists, -(Slide 4)

Our people will not tolerate

So that Russian bread is fragrant

Called by the word "brot".

And from sea to sea All Soviet peoples

The Russian regiments stood up. Against a common enemy

We stand up, united with the Russians, All who love freedom

Belarusians, Latvians, And Russia is dear!

People of free Ukraine,

Both Armenians and Georgians,

Moldovans, Chuvash-


1. On the first day of the war they were 17-20 years old. Of every 100 children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100! Here it is, war! (Slide 5)2. War means 1,725 ​​destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and hamlets in our country. War means 32 thousand blown up plants and factories, 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks. (Slide6)

Almost 25 million people were left homeless. The country has lost 30% of its national wealth.(Slide 7)3. War is 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. (Slide 8) This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on civilians. (Slide 9)

On a torn path
A boy of about five is standing,
In the widened eyes of languor,
And the cheeks are white as chalk.

Where is your mother, boy?
- At home.
-Where is your home, son?
- Burned out.

He sat down. He gets snowed in.
The light in his eyes dims.
He won't even ask for bread.
He also knows: there is no bread! (Slide 10)

4. War means 20 hours at the machine a day. This is a crop grown on soil salty from sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you. (Slide 11)5. People died, did not spare their lives, went to their death to drive the Nazis out of our land. Here, for example, are 28 Panfilovites. They did not allow any of the 50-odd enemy tanks to reach Moscow. "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us." While defending the capital, almost all the soldiers died, but they knocked out 50 fascist tanks. (Slide 12)

6 .Everyone, adults and children, stood up to defend the Motherland. In the terrible, harsh days of the war, children stood next to adults. They fought in partisan detachments, worked in military factories, collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, and gave concerts to the wounded in hospitals.(Slide 13)

7 Echelons went to the front, partisan detachments were created, women and children went on labor shifts.(Slide 14)

8 The woman, the mother, bore the greatest burden of the war on her shoulders.

The soldier's mother appears on the stage wearing a black shawl. She sorts through the triangular letters of her dead sons from the front (the sons are behind her):

Mother: If you want to know about the war

And about the victorious spring of May,

Ask me, soldier's mother

Years froze on the pages.

They will always be seventeen.

1 soldier : Mother! I'm healthy and alive

And in the morning the last battle...

Dear, you are always with me in my heart.

We will drive out the fascists,

Take care, sister, mother,

I will return victorious!

I'll finally hug you

Goodbye. Your fighter!

Mother: Died near Smolensk

2 soldiers: Dear, my family!

Night. The candle flame is flickering.

This is not the first time I remember

How do you sleep on a warm stove.

In our little old hut,

That is lost in the deep forests.

I remember a field, a river.

I remember you again and again.

Your always loving son Stas.

Mother: Tortured in the dungeons of the Gestapo.

3 soldiers: My dear brothers and sisters!

Tomorrow I go into battle again.

For the Fatherland, for Russia,

That I got into a lot of trouble.

I will gather my courage and strength.

I will begin to smash our enemies,

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can study and live.

Mother: Died in an unequal battle.

Student: Our grandfathers and fathers went to the holy war, boys and girls of the forties left, our peers left.

Student: Before the war, these were ordinary boys and girls. We studied, helped our elders, played, ran, jumped, breaking our noses and knees. But the hour came, and they showed how huge a child’s heart can become when sacred love for the homeland and hatred for its enemies flare up in it. Little heroes of the big war. They fought with their elders - fathers, brothers.

A story from a 3rd grade student.

Just before the war, my great-great-grandfather Pyotr Shilov moved his family from Taganrog to the village. Otradnoye. He believed that war was inevitable and it would be easier to survive it on “ground.” In 1942, he went to the front, although he could not have gone, because... he had a heart defect. His eldest daughter Nadya was thirteen at the time, my great-grandmother, she loved her father very much and therefore remembers his farewell. When the train left with her father for the front, she sat on the railing of the railway station gate until evening, numb with grief. And a few months later they received a funeral for him. After the war, his fellow villagers who fought with him said that in the battle for Stalingrad he fell dead. There were no visible bullet wounds on him, probably his sick heart could not stand it. My grandmother survived the occupation by the Germans and told how she hid when the Germans drove teenagers to lay railroad tracks broken by our troops. About how they were starving and ate quinoa grass. And when the Germans were driven away, she was still a girl and headed a brigade of combine operators to collect bread, which

the people needed it so much.

Leading: About 40 million Soviet people died. Can you imagine what this means? This means 30 killed per 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed daily. This means that every fourth resident of the country died. (Slide 15)I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier. Let's honor the memory of all those killed with a minute of silence. (Slide 16)

Our soldiers have always been famous for their courage and perseverance, and in our time there is a place for heroism.In March, Russian army soldier Alexander Prokhorenko was on a mission in Syria. When ISIS terrorists discovered him and began to surround him, he gave the coordinates of his location to our pilots. The terrorists were destroyed, but our soldier also died, who chose death rather than surrender.(Slide 17)A song about a Russian guy. (Performed by 3rd grade students)

Student: We have not seen the war, but we know about it and must remember at what cost happiness was won.

For what we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Because the sun shines on us

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

To our grandfathers and fathers.

Leading: And yet, a turning point came in the war and the liberation of the occupied territories began. Having cleared the territory of our country from fascists, our soldiers liberated the peoples of Europe from the fascist yoke.(Slide 18)

And finally, on May 9, 1945, the long-awaited Victory came! (Levitan) (Slide 19)

1. The Sun of the beloved Motherland 4. The heroes defended the world,

Illuminates everything around, We vowed to remember them.

And the white-winged one takes off, flying in the blue distance,

Dove of peace from our hands. Go down to the obelisks!

2. You fly, fly around the world, 5. So that the explosions do not close

Our dove, from edge to edge! The sky is a black veil,

A word of peace and greetings to our white-winged dove,

Tell it to all peoples! Fly around the entire globe!

3.Tell, dove, to people

About our native Russian land...

And how we love our Motherland,

Growing up year after year!

Larisa Mikhailova
Holiday scenario for primary school “Victory Day”

Holiday scenario for elementary school"Victory Day"

Prepared and carried out: Mikhailova Larisa Viktorovna

Target: to expand students’ knowledge about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, to cultivate patriotism and a sense of pride in their Fatherland.

The matinee begins with the chiming of the Kremlin chimes

Speaker. Attention! Moscow speaks! All radio stations of the Soviet Union are working!

Boy leading:

“A heavy roar hit the ground. The light went out instantly. The walls of the casemate shook. Plaster was falling from the ceiling. And through the deafening howl and roar, the rolling explosions of heavy shells broke through more and more clearly. It exploded somewhere very close.

War! - someone shouted.

This is war, comrades, war!”

Girl leading:

Oh, war, what have you done, vile

Our yards have become quiet,

Our boys raised their heads

They have matured for the time being.


They barely loomed on the threshold

and they went after the soldier.

two girls:

Goodbye boys, boys!

Try to go back!

Boy leading:

June 22, 1941. Who doesn't remember this date? It entered the life of our people with the hateful howl of enemy bombs, destroyed villages and cities, millions killed at the fronts, driven into slavery, tortured in death camps.

Girl leading:

The war left its mark on almost every family. Our country missed 27 million of its sons and daughters.

Boy leading: War - there is no crueler word,

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word

In the melancholy and glory of these years.

And on our lips there is something else

It can't be yet and no.

1st presenter. On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked our country without declaring war. The Hitler clique committed a monstrous act of treachery by tearing up the non-aggression act against Russia.

2nd presenter. The peaceful work of people was interrupted. Our people entered into mortal combat with the worst enemy of humanity - German fascism. A new period has begun in the life of our state - the period of the Great Patriotic War.

1st presenter. The dates June 22, 1941 and May 9, 1945 will forever remain in people's memory. The war went on for 1418 days and nights. It took the lives of 20 million of our people. There is probably no family in our country that has not been touched by the war, that has not survived the rigors of the war years. Invincible The strength of all people was the great love for the Motherland. All the peoples of our Motherland fought heroically and defended their beloved country, both at the front and in the rear. The Motherland highly appreciated the courage and feat of its sons and daughters. More than 12 million of them were awarded orders and medals, and 11,603 soldiers were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union!

2nd presenter. The fascist hordes destroyed 1,710 cities on our land, turned 70,000 villages into ashes, and left more than 25 million people homeless. But our people believed in victory, fought with the hated enemy and defeated the enemy. People began to rebuild cities and villages, making them even more beautiful. 11 cities of our Motherland became hero cities.

The song "Holy War" is performed

And people all over the world remember

Those who in the name of life

They died in harsh battles

For the glorious fatherland.


At the front, soldiers fought for every inch of their native land, for their father’s house, for their relatives and friends!

And between the front and the rear there was field mail, triangles of letters, as if with racing threads connecting what the ruthless war had torn apart.


Front letter, don’t be silent, tell me

About the cruel war and about the time

How the soldier fought, how he lived in the trenches,

How he suffered and dreamed, how he loved his father’s house.


Warmer at the front

From affectionate letters.

Reading, behind every line

You see your beloved

A song is being performed "Dark night". In the background of this song dance performance.

Slide show

Student. I love you, my Russia, for the clear light of your eyes,

And the sea overflowed into the white night.

And the ringing laughter of the guys who do not know, who do not know grief, was heard.

Co school evenings, walking,

That tomorrow will be the first war day,

Gradually the music fades away and the children freeze.

On the screen are frames of the presentation about beginning of the war.

The backing track "Slavyanka's Farewell" plays

From the endless Siberian plain

To Polesie forests and swamps

The heroic people rose up,

Our great Russian people.

He came out, free and right,

Responding war to war,

Stand up for your native state,

For our mighty country!

Music plays, children come out in uniform (nurse and soldier).

1. Our people went to the holy war

grandfathers and fathers, boys left and

girls of the forties,

our peers were leaving.

2. I left my childhood for a dirty car,

To the infantry echelon as a nurse.

I came from schools in damp dugouts,

Because the name is closer than Russia,

I couldn't find it!

Presenter During the war, there were heavy battles in the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad, and the Caucasus. In 1943, a turning point came in the war and began liberation of occupied territories.

song "Soldiers, let's go!

Presentation about the heroes of the Second World War of the USSR Inzentsev. (author of the presentation Mikhailova L.V.)

Leading. During the Great Patriotic War, our people showed massive heroism in the fight against the Nazi invaders. The Inzentsy wrote a glorious page in the history of the city during the Second World War. Many of our fellow countrymen went to defend the Motherland. For courage and heroism, many of them were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. These are Yu. T. Alasheev, P. K Kyanzhin, Mikhail Ivanovich Tikhonov, Andrey Filippovich Zinin ___We are proud of them!

Song "Veterans"

Leading. In the terrible, harsh days of the war, children stood next to adults. They fought in partisan detachments and worked in military factories. We collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers and performed concerts for the wounded in hospitals.

Student. Devoted children to the Russian land,

You have become immortal on the planet.

Towards the sun with clean hands

Victory You raised our banner.

Leading. It was difficult during the war years. And the song helped me survive. Songs of the war years are especially dear to us.

Song__"Lonely Accordion"

Leading. Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of war and honor the memory of the fallen.

Leading. Remember! Through the centuries, through the years - remember!

About those who will never come again - remember!

Student. Once again a stingy tear guards the silence.

You dreamed about life when you went to war.

How many young people did not return back then,

Without having lived, without finishing, they lie under granite.

Looking into the eternal flame - the radiance of quiet sorrow -

Listen to the holy minute of silence.

Teacher In memory of the victims, I ask everyone to stand. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Russian soldier. Let us honor the memory of all those who died in the war with a minute of silence.

The metronome sounds.

Teacher. These days, when nature comes to life, we acutely feel how beautiful life is. How dear she is to us! We understand that for everything we have - life and holidays in our lives - we owe everything to those who fought, died, survived in those conditions when it seemed that it was impossible to survive. Guys, today there are dear guests in the hall - veterans. (They are introduced, the veterans say a few words about where they fought).

Let's thank our guests and say a huge thank you to them. Thanks to them, there is a peaceful, blue sky above our heads.

Student1. Thank you, veterans, -

Soldiers of the last war -

For your severe wounds,

For your disturbing dreams.

Student2. Because you saved the Fatherland,

Faithful to filial duty,

Thank you, dear ones, thank you,

From those who do not know war.

Song "You're a surviving soldier" (4th grade girls perform a dance with candles)

Student1. On the ninth jubilant may day,

When silence fell on the ground.

The news rushed from the edge to the edges:

World won! The war is over!

Student2. Even then we were not in the world,

When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

Soldiers, you gave to the planet

Great May, victorious may!

A child comes out in the uniform of the son of the regiment.

Son of the regiment.

A heroic people, like a hero,

Went through storms, wars,

May there be peace on earth forever

And we lived in peace!

A child comes out in a sailor's uniform.

Sailor. The years rush by in a whirlwind of events, but war worries cannot be forgotten.

May '45, he will live in our memory forever!

2nd presenter.

Victory Day - there is no day more precious.

Victory Day is the most important day!

In that day the envy of the entire planet

All awards, Motherland, put it on!

Student Victory! Glorious Victory! What happiness there was in her!

May the sky be clear forever and the grass be green!

Student. Let the children meet the dawn

A clear, calm smile.

Let's say everything together:

"No! No to predatory wars!

Student2. We need peace - you and me.

And to all the children in the world.

And the dawn should be peaceful,

Which we will meet tomorrow.

Student 3. We need peace, grass in dew,

Smiling childhood. We need peace, a beautiful world,


We take an oath!

We swear on our lives

To the fallen heroes:

What the fathers did not finish singing,

We'll finish our singing!

What the fathers did not build

We will build it!


We study in school,

Growing poplars

We love nature -

Forests and fields.

Any path in life is open to us,

Under a calm sky

We want to grow.

For the sake of happiness and life in the world,

For the sake of the soldiers who fell then,

Let there be no war on the planet

All (in unison).

Let the sun drown the whole earth in its rays!

All (in unison).

Let the peaceful stars shine above her!

All (in unison).

Let you breathe deeper, calmer, freer!

Guys (in unison).

Let be! Let be! Let be!

Song « Victory Day»

Extracurricular event for Victory Day

in 1st grade of municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 1 r.p. Tatishchevo"

The event is held using a Microsoft Power Point presentation. The presentation allows you to fully implement the principle of clarity. The computer makes the work process visual and helps to concentrate on the main points.

The purpose of this work: to show the great historical significance of Victory Day - May 9 in the history of our country, the development and education of patriotic feelings through vivid examples of the heroism of our army, the courage and courage of the people. An important place is occupied by instilling in a child patriotism and respect for the historical heritage of their homeland.

Progress of the event

Leading . There are events over which time has no power, and the further the years go into the past, the clearer their greatness becomes. Such events include the Great Patriotic War.

So we begin...

On June 22, 1941, disrupting the peaceful life of people, suddenly, without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked our country. On a quiet, peaceful Sunday morning, when people were still sleeping, the war began. (1.2presentation slide. ).

Many people gathered on the city streets because from all corners

could be heard... (Levitan's speech sounds - 3 presentation slide. )

Student 1.

Forty-first! June.
A year and a month of national struggle.
Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.
The country was rising
And she went to the front in company,
Red stars
Carrying away banners on canvas.

Leading . The war began on June 22, 1941. Our entire people rose up to fight the Nazi invaders. Both old and young went to the front

Our soldiers left in echelons to defend their Motherland, not yet knowing that the war would not end soon
Sounds fragment of the song "Holy War". (4 presentation slide. ).

Leading. The war was going on... and it was taking away
10 people per minute.
Some have an unmarked grave, others have a modest monument (5
presentation slide)


  1. At the Kremlin wall, where the park is located,
    People stand silently, taking off their hats.
    There's a fire burning there and sleeping in the ground nearby
    Eternal sleep unknown soldier.

2. You fought for us, you gave your life for us.
Whose son, or father, or brother are you?
We remember you, we talk about you
And let's eat, unknown soldier.

3. We come to you and bring flowers
A modest gift from Russian guys.
We promise to protect your native land,
To love as the unknown soldier loved.

Leading. Only women, children, and old people remained in the rear. They worked in factories, dug trenches, built defensive structures, extinguished incendiary bombs on roofs to save their homes from fire. Tens of thousands of women, teenagers, and elderly people took to the machines, mastered tractors, combines, and cars to replace the husbands, fathers, and sons who had gone to the front. The main motto of the whole country became: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” In the rear they worked selflessly for the front, at the front they fought for those who remained at home. ( 6,7 presentation slide. ).

Leading. The soldiers fought in the name of peace and dreamed of a future peace in the respites between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches. They believed that the world, saved from fascism, would be beautiful. 8 presentation slide.

Leading. That war claimed more than 20 million lives. 9 presentation slide. But these sacrifices were not in vain; the Nazis were defeated. On May 9, 1945, Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The entire sky exploded with fireworks of the long-awaited victory. 10,11,12 presentation slide.


  1. On the ninth day of jubilant May,
    When silence fell on the ground,
    The news rushed from edge to edge:
    The world has won! The war is over!
  1. He came with wide, firm steps,
    The day the last thunder died down
    The day when the Reichstag was blown up
    The victory banner burst into flames.
  2. An indispensable messenger of those events,
    The May wind swept across the country
    And threw it at every antenna
    A joyful radio wave.
  3. And I can’t stay in the houses
    From such exciting news,
    People came out to hug
    To the expanses of echoing squares.
  4. They sang something, cried, shouted,
    The stranger immediately became close.
    All military personnel were pumped without mercy:
    It doesn't matter whether you're a soldier or a general!
  5. Here it is, the high moment:
    Music, bouquets of fresh roses...
    And in the lights of the victorious fireworks
    Sparkles of human happy tears...

Leading. For the 65th time, our country will celebrate Victory Day in the same way as in the distant 45th year. This holiday remains joyful and tragic. The people's pride in the Great Victory, the memory of the terrible price that our people paid for it, will never disappear from the people's memory. In recent years, the “St. George’s Ribbon” campaign has begun to take place in our country. Slide 13, 14 It is a symbol that we remember those who died for the Victory, we remember and honor their feat.

Every year, a rally dedicated to Victory Day is held in the square of our village, veterans of that war come, but from year to year there are fewer of them. Today we respectfully welcome as our guest a WWII veteran, Klavdiya Rodionovna Egorova.

Conversation with a veteran.

Leading. We must remember that war so that this never happens again. Remember!
Through centuries, through years -
About those who will never come again -
At what price was happiness won, I conjure,
R. Rozhdestvensky)


Peace is the most important word in the world.
Our planet really needs peace!
Children need peace!
Adults need peace!
World! World! World!

The song “Sunny Circle” is performed by all students.

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