Presentation for GCD "Minerals" presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic. The most famous minerals The danger of disappearance of natural resources

The most famous minerals: Granite Limestone Clay Coal Oil Peat Iron ore Sand Oil shale Phosphorites.

Picture 8 from the presentation “Minerals” to the lessons of the surrounding world on the topic “Minerals”

Dimensions: 960 x 720 pixels, format: jpg. To download a free image for a lesson about the world around you, right-click on the image and click “Save image as...”. To display pictures in the lesson, you can also download the entire presentation “Minerals.ppt” with all the pictures in a zip archive for free. Archive size - 1930 KB.

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“The significance of water in nature” - All earthly matter... is permeated and embraced by it.” 1. “Water stands apart in the history of our planet. Water in nature. H2o. Comparison of the properties of volatile hydrogen compounds of elements of group VI of PSHE by D. I. Mendeleev. The importance of water for the life of organisms. V. I. Vernadsky. 2. Physical properties of water. ? The earth's surface is occupied by oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers.

“Tundra lesson” - K. A. Performed by Lapaeva E. M. Uvel Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3. Natural history lesson 4th grade Topic: “Tundra”. Food chain. I. 1. Organizational moment. 2.Checking homework. Lesson plan. Ch. Algae fish polar bear. Crossword.

“Shape of the Earth” - Sides of the horizon. Municipal educational institution "Eureka-development" secondary school. Land on three elephants. Stills from the film “Old Man Hottabych.” This means that there is some kind of bend on Earth that is invisible to the human eye. Aristotle. Magellan (navigator). The earth is in the shape of a disk. Earth through the eyes of the peoples of the North. Sides of the horizon: Only a round object can give such a shadow.

“Properties of minerals” - Oil. The first option selects the properties of coal and sand from the proposed list. Use: cars, rails, carriages, scissors. Under the numbers are written the names of various properties of minerals. Sand. Use: brick, dishes. 4. 3. Main properties: granular, hard, durable. Use: kerosene, gasoline, petroleum jelly, medicines, soap, technical alcohol.

"Test minerals" - Oil Clay Gas. 6. What mineral is gasoline obtained from? Mine Quarry Deposit. 8. Which mineral is liquid? 4. What is the name of the open pit in which minerals are mined? Coal Granite Peat. Coal Oil Peat. Geologists Archaeologists Biologists.

“Snow and Ice” - Properties of snow and ice. Place a lump of snow and a piece of ice on the card. Experiment 5. Snow and ice melt under the influence of heat and turn into water. Experience 2. What is happening? Draw a conclusion. Educational presentation on the subject "the world around us" 1st grade. Compare the color of snow and ice with sheets of colored paper. Check it out. The snow is opaque.

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How to draw a poster on the theme “Save the air” in 3rd grade on the world around us? A question that arises in children and their parents when studying the topic of air pollution and its protection.

We have put together a selection of posters, pictures, and drawings for those who need to come up with and draw a poster on this topic themselves.

Additional information for creating a poster “Take care of the air” in grade 3 on the subject “The World Around You”

Main sources of air pollution.

Currently, the main contribution to air pollution in Russia is made by the following industries:

Thermal power engineering (thermal and nuclear power plants, industrial and municipal boiler houses, etc.),

Ferrous metallurgy, oil production and petrochemical enterprises,

Motor transport (sources of such pollutants are cars, aircraft and ships, trains)

Enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy and production of building materials.

How do people protect urban air?

People plant trees in the city. Have you noticed that poplars often grow along city streets and in parks? These tall, slender trees release large amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere. In addition, poplars perfectly purify polluted air. Why do poplars purify the air so well? Thanks to their long, thin petiole, poplar leaves are very mobile; they capture dust well, which is easily washed off by rain or flies off their smooth leaf surface. Poplars and other trees are planted along highways.

In large cities there are factories and factories, from whose chimneys toxic gases, soot and dust are emitted into the atmosphere. How to clean such air? Many enterprises install special filters, through which the air is purified. Particles of soot and dust are deposited on the filter, and toxic gases are captured by special installations.

They are switching to the production of environmentally friendly types of energy, using the power of wind, sunlight, and water flows. And thermal power plants should be closed as an obsolete type of production.

To save air, we need to stop deforestation and thoughtless use of minerals.

Unfortunately, modern people rarely think about why it is necessary to protect mineral resources. The consumer attitude towards the world around us can play a decisive role in the destruction of our usual life. If you ignore the problem, it will begin to grow like a snowball rolling down from the top of a high mountain.

The volume of fossils is very limited. In pursuit of better comfort in his daily life, a person spends too many resources. Some of them can be replaced by alternative sources, while others cannot. It is worth thinking about your contribution to the future of the entire planet and making at least a small contribution to improving the situation.

The danger of disappearing natural resources

At their core, minerals are various formations of the earth’s crust that a person can effectively use in the sphere of material production. This category includes minerals obtained through mineral or organic means. The field of science and technology called mining is the study of obtaining the necessary material.

The following types of fossil accumulations are distinguished:

  • veins;
  • rods;
  • strata;
  • nests;
  • placers;
  • other deposits of various nature (regions, provinces, basins).

According to their purpose, the extracted materials are divided into:

  • Ore - varieties of ferrous, non-ferrous, and precious metals.
  • Combustibles - peat, coal, natural gas, oil shale, oil.
  • Non-metallic - popular building materials (sand, clay, limestone, granite, etc.), mining chemical raw materials (phosphates, borates, mineral salts, etc.), gemstone raw materials (agate, onyx, jasper, jade, etc.) and precious stones (diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald).

Natural resources were created over tens and hundreds of millions of years, but are consumed within a very short period of time. Only fossil fuels appear continuously, although the rate of their formation is still incomparably small with the rate of human use. The national economy requires too many resources to fully meet the needs of the population of the entire planet.

Useful resources serve various purposes:

  1. Raw materials for the manufacture of household items.
  2. Construction materials or their main component.
  3. The basis for the creation of important industrial products.
  4. An energy source for processing various materials (in blast furnaces, melting crucibles, etc.), heating rooms, and cooking.

All of them are of great importance for the comfortable life of people, so the consumption of natural resources is very high. Their supplies are limited, so they must be carefully protected. Scientists have calculated that the active consumption of resources will last for about 100-150 years at the same volume of use. First, the “mineral famine” will affect hydrocarbon fuels, then other fossil fuels. Caring for natural gifts will allow you to find the right way out of this situation.

Ways to save

Many states have chosen three paths for future development at once, taking into account the inflated consumption of natural resources. The first concerns the exploration and development of new deposits, even when this requires diving to the bottom of the world's oceans. As paradoxical as it sounds, moving towards the goal in this direction requires the consumption of... the same underground resources.

The second method involves replacing most natural materials with artificial ones. This applies to many areas of life. To the question “Why do I save books? “The youth answers: “To preserve history, because in the future all information will be in electronic form.” Thus, part of the forest plantings is preserved and nature is restored to its splendor.

The third way includes a set of factors designed to protect underground wealth:

Economical consumption. In industrial conditions, great attention is paid to the development of innovative technologies that make it possible to obtain the same result as before with less natural material. Increasing self-awareness of the population leads to economical consumption of energy resources in each individual family.

Preventing losses of raw materials. It is not only the large number of losses during resource extraction that matters, but also during the enrichment process and subsequent processing.

Compliance with transportation rules. Some of the bulk material simply spills out of the body if transportation recommendations are violated. Do not load vehicles more than prescribed by regulations. A top cover should also be provided if this affects the integrity of the cargo.

Maintaining the integrity of existing resources. Of no small importance is the prevention of fires, during which a significant part of the minerals deteriorate. Changing the river bed affects the integrity of construction raw materials (sand, clay, expanded clay). Uncontrolled construction may disrupt existing deposits of ore materials. There are many examples of negligence that leads to the needless loss of minerals. If you know all the consequences of every decision made, it will be much easier to save resources.

Reuse of material. There are many ways to use recyclable materials. In Soviet times, the state organized collection points for paper products, metal products and glass containers. Unfortunately, modern people perceive most things around them as disposable. It is much easier to throw away an unnecessary thing than to give it a “second life”.

It is important to remember that nature's gifts may one day end. Stop living one day at a time! It depends on each person whether the new generation will have a future...

Picture 33 from the presentation “Mineral resources of the Chelyabinsk region” to the lessons of the surrounding world on the topic “Minerals”

Dimensions: 960 x 720 pixels, format: jpg. To download a free image for a lesson about the world around you, right-click on the image and click “Save image as...”. To display pictures in the lesson, you can also download for free the presentation “Mineral resources of the Chelyabinsk region.ppt” in its entirety with all the pictures in a zip archive. The archive size is 566 KB.

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"Fossil fuels" - First well. Coal. Natural gas. Coal quarry. Animal bedding. Paints, rubber, plastic, medicines. Fuel. Condition color odor flammability. Rubber. Properties of minerals. Oils. Describe one mineral resource to choose from; Compose a crossword puzzle on the topic “Minerals”.

“Mineral resources of the Chelyabinsk region” - Iron ore. Precious stones. Reservoirs of our region. Map of mineral resources of the Chelyabinsk region. Hard coal, brown coal. Our underground wealth. Help card. Test yourself. Property: strength. Gaseous (gas). Protection of mineral resources. Lesson plan. Reservoirs. Underground riches.

“Types of stones” - Species. Crystal before and after cutting. Crystals of a wide variety of colors are formed. Bright stones in Rus' were used for decoration. Polished stones, known since antiquity. Magma. Stones are gems. Scheme for obtaining artificial ruby. Geographical location of the Russian Plain and the Ural Mountains.

“Underground wealth” - There is a close connection between living and inanimate nature and humans. Ore nonmetallic construction fuels. Minerals. The gates of the underground country are open, you will find any treasures on the map. What dangers threaten water bodies? You know a lot about reservoirs. The answers are worthy of praise. Answer the “Test Yourself” questions in the textbook.

“Mineral reserves” - Sandstone. Stone natural building materials. Basalt. Our underground wealth. Fossil fuel. Limestone. Marble. Iron. Gold. Subsoil protection Solid minerals. Goals of work. Use of lead and zinc. Natural gas. Granite. Geology. Crushed stone. Peat. Oil. Ore minerals.

“Let's look into the Earth's storerooms” - You come across some of the rocks almost every day. Determine what unites the words in each line. Checking homework. Turned left, right. Remember what stones we met last school year? He did the squat properly, cleaned off the fluff with his beak, and quickly splashed at his desk.

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