Information warfare technique "stuffing - apology". Psychological manipulation

For most of us, the fact that they listen to us, listen to our opinions and agree with them is especially important. Many people believe that if you force your interlocutor to desire this or that, you can conquer the whole world. For those who are able to take the place of another, understand his thoughts and desires, listen to his opponent, he can confidently look into the future without fear. A person who is able to motivate others to act will be able to lead people.

Rice. 6 techniques for influencing and influencing your interlocutor

There are 6 techniques for influencing and influencing your interlocutor, which will be described in detail below. These simple techniques make up the most.

Methods of influencing your interlocutor

1. Always communicate with your interlocutor with great interest. The right start to any dialogue would be an interest in the life of your opponent, and not stories about your problems and troubles. If you are interested in the life of another person, then dialogue with him will always be successful and will endear you to your interlocutor.

2. Chinese wisdom teaches us to always give smiles to others. A smile on your face is a way to manage your own emotions and mood. It is also a way to make your opponent smile.

3. It is very important to pronounce the name of your interlocutor often enough, because psychologists say that a name is the most pleasant sound for any person.

4. It is important to be able to listen to others. You can awaken your opponent's sympathy for you if you carefully listen to his opinion. Few people can resist the subtle flattery of interest and attention. It is known that people prefer a worthy listener to the best speakers. Friendliness and a desire to listen are such a rare occurrence today. A person who talks only about his life, accordingly, thinks only about himself.

5. Choose topics for conversation that are interesting to your opponent. The sure and unmistakable path to the heart of your interlocutor is communication about what he honors and values ​​above all else. Very often, business contacts can be established in this way.

6. You need to be able to convey to a person his importance and in no case turn this into open flattery, only sincerely and honestly. In this way you can find not only an ally, but also a friend. This style of communication gives both participants in communication moral satisfaction and a sense of respect for each other. It has been proven that a person, in one way or another, strives to be appreciated and recognized. Moreover, flattery and insincerity will not bring the expected result, but only a real assessment of all human merits.

01.07.2015 16715 +18

I quote:
  1. Information typology.

    Since rumors are always, to one degree or another, unreliable information, one of the most obvious ways to construct a typology of rumors comes down to classifying them according to the degree of reliability of the information they contain. From this point of view, rumors are divided into four types: absolutely unreliable, simply unreliable, reliable and close to reality. Although this typology is subjective, it is often used to solve practical problems. When launching this or that positive or negative rumor, it is necessary to measure the degree of its unreliability. It used to be that the more implausible a rumor was, the more effective it would be. For example, the canons of Goebbelian propaganda required that the lie be “huge” and even “monstrous” - then people would be more easily inclined to believe it. Over time, it turned out that the development of consciousness protects people from excessive reliability.

    Nowadays, on the contrary, it is believed that disinformation launched through informal communication channels should be strictly dosed. Appearing as relatively plausible, it gradually gains trust and only after that begins to “grow in” with details. Slowly moving towards the line of being completely unreliable. For a modern person, too blatant a lie raises doubts that do not allow him to blindly perceive and actively disseminate information

    It is extremely difficult to predict the success or failure of a campaign to launch rumors into the information space. Although there are several conditions for the effectiveness of functioning mechanisms. First of all, in the field of professional activities, a “media plan” is urgently needed. One cannot do without modeling what can be called rumor units, i.e. auditory-forming modules, stereotypes, functioning in various socio-political and economic, demographic and psychological contexts. Finally, it is important to empirically describe the patterns of the dynamics of mass consciousness in similar circumstances. There is also a directly proportional and inversely proportional relationship between consumers of rumors and their level of education, social status, material well-being, age

    For example, there was a rumor at McDonalds for many years that then grew into a myth that helped ensure the cleanliness of its restaurants. It was a story about how the company's founder, Ray Cross, visited one of the franchised restaurants. He found a single fly there. However, even a single fly did not live up to the McDonalds creed of quality, service, cleanliness and value. Two weeks later, the restaurant lost the right to use the McDonalds brand. After that, everyone employed at McDonalds discovered almost fantastic ways to drive out every single fly from their stores.

  2. "Emotional" typology.

    From the point of view of emotional characteristics, there are three main types of rumors. Each of them corresponds to a specific emotional state that it evokes and on which it “holds.”

    "Hearing is desire" is a rumor containing a strong emotional wish, reflecting the current needs and expectations of the audience in which it is disseminated. For example, a rumor within the company about a salary increase.

    "The Scarecrow Rumor" is a rumor that carries and evokes pronounced negative sentiments and an emotional state of fear and horror, reflecting some relevant, but extremely undesirable expectations of the audience in which they arise and spread.

    For example, Procter & Gamble, one of the largest industrial firms in the United States with annual sales exceeding 11 billion, faced an unexpected problem related to the symbol that the company had used as its trademark since 1851. This stamp featured a man sitting on a moon and 13 stars representing the original 13 colonies. Suddenly, rumors arose in the western regions of the United States that this company symbol, which had served it for 131 years, meant love for the devil. The firm suddenly began receiving hundreds of calls and letters from people who said they had either seen one of the company's executives on a national television program claiming that it was a symbol of the company's connection to a Satanic cult, or had been told so at church. Responding to these requests, the company launched a powerful campaign, which included sending letters to all newspapers, television, and radio. In addition, she contacted church leaders of various denominations and asked for their help in combating the rumors. Letters on behalf of the company explained the origin of the symbol with a person on the month.

    "Aggressive Hearing"- this is a rumor that not only causes negative moods and states, reflecting unwanted expectations of the population, but is quite specifically aimed at stimulating an aggressive emotional state and a corresponding behavioral “response” in the form of harsh aggressive action. Aggressive rumors are a continuation of the “scarecrow rumors”. Their plots are based on a powerful emotional and energetic aggressive charge.

    For example, in early 1981, a subsidiary of the Colgate-Palmolive company in Malaysia began to be disturbed by reports that appeared in some newspapers that the company was allegedly using lard in the production of toothpaste. These rumors, which immediately had a negative impact on sales of the company's products in some areas, were particularly strong in some rural communities and in some schools, where teachers advised Muslim students to refrain from consuming toothpaste.

    In fact, a furious campaign has begun to get Muslims to stop using this toothpaste. The company's attention was drawn to circulars sent by government officials declaring the use of Colgate toothpaste to be contrary to Islam.

      The action plan included:
    1. conversations with Muslim leaders;
    2. sending letters to directors of Muslim schools.
    3. limited series of publications with the support of Islamic press organs.

    "Ridiculous Rumors"- stand apart in all typologies. They can be desirable, frightening, and even aggressive, but the main thing about them is the obvious absurdity of what is being described. Rumors of this kind often appear spontaneously, as a result of confusion inherent in everyday consciousness.

    Based on various sociological surveys, one can try to create a hierarchical model of rumors based on the principle of their content: economics, politics, the criminal world, the sphere of social services, figures involved - newsmakers from the world of art, unsolved mysterious phenomena.

    From the point of view of the texture of the genre technique in the technology of creating artificial rumors, one can distinguish: myth-making, montage, threat, bluff, interception of other people's information. The degree of intensity (repetition) of rumors can influence an individual and groups of society, causing various phenomena. According to the degree of consequences, rumors can be divided into two groups: constructive and destructive.

    Constructive actions include mass consumer actions in the commercial market (promotion of goods and services), the creation of stabilizing socio-political stereotypes. Destructive ones include discomfort, phobias, mass disobedience and disbelief.

    Main technical media: print and electronic media, Internet, telephone. Analysis of the circulation assets themselves allows us to identify a number of subjects and motives of communication. Let's try to build

    “technological chain”, a general diagram of the life cycle of rumors.

Information warfare is always aimed at manipulating people. This is the main goal - to push to some action or to abstain from action. The object of manipulation must do as the manipulator wants. This is achieved in different ways, but from a technological point of view it is the supply of the object of manipulation (or target audience) with specially generated information. To put it another way - misinformation. The only question is how to ensure that the object is supplied with this misinformation.
One of the methods is called sowing in professional slang. This is nothing more than the mass dissemination of the same type or identical information. The goal is to “clog” the desired sector of the Internet with specially prepared information so that the target audience (object of manipulation) is sure to get acquainted with it in the first place. This is done with the help of virtual personalities - accounts on social networks created specifically for this purpose. To quickly cover the desired sector of the Internet, it may be necessary to have a lot of such virtual personalities. This imposes some restrictions on the speed of implementation of such an event.
There is a slightly different way - to make sure that your material is duplicated many times by the media and real people on social networks. To do this, it is necessary, in addition to the interestingness of the material itself, that the original source of the stuffing has a certain authority. It takes time to create such a source, but usually there is no time. Especially when the information war is already underway and solutions need to be implemented quickly. In this case, existing sources with established authority are used. This could be online media, a famous blogger, an online version of offline media or a TV channel. In general, a source that has been working on the Internet for a long time and has its own wide audience. And of course, the more famous the name of this source, the wider the reach and the stronger the influence.
And this is where the problem of choice begins. You need to throw in false information. And after revealing its unreliability, the source will be discredited, and this cannot be allowed - it is very difficult to create a new authoritative source. What to do?
It is in such cases that a technique called “stuffing-apology” is used. Its meaning is to remove its source from the retaliatory strike. After you have filled in the necessary information. Of course, the opinion about the source will be shaken, but not as radically as if it were just a stuffing. It seems that the agency acted according to this schemeCNN, when the “Courage” monument in the “Brest Fortress - Hero” memorial complex was included in the ranking of the ugliest monuments. The result was a flurry of headlines like “Ugliest Monuments: Monument to Courage” or “Ugliest Monuments” coupled with a photograph of the monument. For modern Russian youth, who perceive information in fragments and do not really know history, this acts in the key of forming attitudes. This also applies to Westerners, but there are no age restrictions. And as soon as the accusations beganCNN, they immediately apologized and began an internal investigation. Its results are known in advance, but “face is saved.” A similar situation occurred with “Dozhd” and their survey “whether it was necessary to surrender Leningrad to the Nazis in order to save its inhabitants.” True, in both cases we also need to talk about testing the audience, a kind of reconnaissance in force - whether the population has mutated enough to begin a new round of influence...

Everyone knows what happens if you throw a stone into water - circles will appear on its surface. The larger the stone, the further they will move apart. The same thing happens in society. Any event causes a public reaction, a public outcry. Information warfare actively uses this phenomenon, and at the moment “stuffing” has become one of the most popular actions of teams conducting psychological operations. And not only professionals, but also “amateurs”. Modern media technologies, primarily the Internet, provide enormous opportunities for the practice of stuffing information.

Information dump This is a complex of propaganda activities belonging to the class of explicit and aggressive propaganda. This strategy is especially effective in combination with other, more active methods of propaganda, such as direct speeches, or, conversely, much more “subtle” ones, such as the tactics of a battering ram or an information virus.

The essence of this event is quite simple - the sharp creation of a certain opinion among the masses, most often negative. When you need to quickly create a positive or negative opinion in society, about some event/person/political course, etc., this tactic is used first. In essence, information dumping is a whole complex of propaganda measures, the implementation of which requires some knowledge and means.

Like any psychological operation, information dumping can be of two levels – low, aimed at individual objects (people, enterprises); and high – aimed at regions and even entire countries.

An excellent example of a high-level stuffing can be the well-known one, which describes how the United States will fight the USSR using propaganda and information warfare methods, but in reality it is a fiction, nothing more than someone’s literary fantasy born on the topic of ideological confrontation between the two superpowers.

Principles of information dumping

Below I propose to consider methods of stuffing information step by step. To better understand the construction of this algorithm, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with Receipt of an “order”. A certain conditional Customer decides that he needs to strike at some object, for example a plant. That is, the Customer wants to change the management of the plant. With this order, he turns to a certain team of people who know a lot about propaganda.
Collection and analysis of information. After receiving the order, the propaganda team begins its work - the first step is collecting information and goals, in our case the plant. In a specific example, everything is simple. Data is collected about plant managers, the production situation, and what workers and city residents say. Next, from this information, we select what may be important for a further attack - namely, the most negative aspects.

Choosing tactics. Based on the information collected, as well as the specific situation in the city/district/country of the operation, its tactics are selected. In the example of our plant located in Russia, the following outcome of this stage is quite likely:

The plant is quite large and could potentially provide jobs for most of the city's population.

The general economic situation in the region/city is far from the best.

The plant belongs to heavy industry and has been operating for many years, dating back to Soviet times. The propaganda team selects these factors to create a plan for an information attack.

Planning. Society reacts very painfully to precisely those factors in the surrounding life that affect them. Of course, you need to “hit” exactly at these points. Propagandists select a set of things that will cause the greatest emotional resonance. It will look something like this:

Throwing in information

Between each of the steps described, some (sometimes considerable) time may pass. Additionally, the steps below may not be in the same order as described here.
Depending on the budget of the operation, different ways of starting it can be chosen. If you have a large budget, the first step may be to purchase a custom program on a relatively large TV channel dedicated to the “problem” of a given plant. One option could be that the program will talk not about one object (the purpose of the operation), but several similar “facts”, several of which will actually be true.
Next, with a large budget, is the purchase of several articles on the topic in various printed publications. The information provided in these articles may differ slightly from each other, both in emotional coloring and in content. This is done only so that the consumer of information does not have the feeling that he is being convinced of something. The primary goal of all psychological operations is to convince people that it is their own opinion and decision.
The final stage of information dumping is the so-called “hype hype.” A fairly banal, well-known action, but no less effective. Various articles will appear on the Internet in various blogs and. The media will periodically cover events related to the topic. Ordinary people will pass this information on to each other. With the proper level of information support for the primary topic of the injection, and high-quality execution of all steps, it will begin to live its own life, grow like a snowball. A topic that has had a public resonance will develop on its own, due to the fact that many people will be interested in supporting the discussion of “such a topical” topic. There will be both supporters and opponents of the object of criticism. And they will argue among themselves, creating new flows of information. The team of propagandists then only needs to monitor current opinions and make small injections that support the direction that is more profitable for them.
As a result, if everything is done correctly, the customer of a psychological operation can end up with a huge problem that is spinning in the heads of ordinary people, born literally out of nowhere. And a society that is experiencing some problems is much more susceptible to external influences than a “calm” one. What to do next
with this shattered society depends on the ultimate goal of the customer of the stuffing. But to fulfill its further goals, other methods are already required.

Information dump updated: September 22, 2018 by: Roman Boldyrev

When you build a relationship with any person, in fact you agree: what you need from each other, what you want from each other. If you did this correctly, then 80% of all relationship problems are solved on their own, without the use of manipulation.

If an issue goes beyond the scope of a worked-out relationship, you usually try to negotiate. If it doesn’t work, then use manipulation. Those. in a relationship with a more or less sane person, you rarely need manipulation. Plus, manipulation will be useful to you in relationships with unfamiliar people.

People love to be manipulated. And this is 100% true. The average normal person is not quite independent in life. Many people lack some kind of strong figure; they like it when someone tells them how to live, what to do. But not always, but only when it happens beautifully and imperceptibly, and the person himself agrees to it.

Influence can be for the benefit or harm of the one you are manipulating. Influence can be qualified (when you manipulate skillfully) or unqualified (when you manipulate ineptly).

If you know how to manipulate for the benefit of people and do it skillfully, there is nothing wrong with that. The danger is posed by unskilled manipulations to the detriment of humans.

Direct influence

How does direct influence occur? Let's highlight 3 main stages:

  • Capture attention. You must first get a person's attention before influencing him. Make sure that this person is listening to you carefully so that your words do not go somewhere into emptiness.
  • . At this stage we perform the influence itself: request, offer, demand and order. Each technique is heavier than the previous one, you do not need to use an influence technique if you have not used an easier option before it (for example, you do not need to demand if you have not already asked). An example of a request: “Please screw in the light bulb.” Example, instructions: ask an employee to make a report for the month.
  • Expectation. You are waiting for the person's reaction.

People often make mistakes by neglecting one of the three steps. For example, if you fail to capture the attention of your interlocutor, your influence goes to waste. Or: you influenced a person and did not wait for his reaction, thinking that your influence did not work, or the person deliberately sent you.

When is direct influence effective?

  1. When you have the right to do so. Let’s take a situation: you have clear agreements in the family (for example, the man decides everyday issues), and the wife asks her husband to hang up the closet.
  2. When you and the object of influence have the same goals. For example, you take a taxi for two with a stranger in order to get to your place cheaper.

Indirect (hidden) influence

This is a hidden influence towards another person. Here you are not giving the person direct direction (as opposed to direct influence).

There are 5 stages:

  1. Capture attention. Hidden influence also has no meaning without capturing attention.
  2. Distraction. You drew attention to yourself, and then transferred it to something else. That is, you redirect the interlocutor’s attention in a direction that is not related to your real goal. For example, it could be a completely unrelated question, holding out an object, shaking off a speck of dust from clothing, a non-standard thought or a joke. Those. anything that will distract the interlocutor.
  3. Hidden influence technique. There may be several techniques.
  4. Distraction. We repeat the distraction stage.
  5. Expectation. We are waiting for the person's reaction. The wait may take a long time - it depends on your interlocutor.

In hidden influence there is no clear certainty of the result. As a rule, to make a complex change in the interlocutor’s behavior, you need to do several manipulations and techniques.

For hidden influence to work, it must fall into a person’s unconscious thinking. Those. if you made a direct instruction, the person will notice it; and you need the influence to get into the unconscious mind (this is why 2 distractions are made).

Gradually, you will learn to insert all these influence techniques as background in your speech. You will not need to go through all these 5 stages sequentially. Just by talking to a person, you will integrate everything you need on autopilot.

Conclusion: Essentially, we throw an idea into the unconscious of our interlocutor. And the deeper we throw it, the better it will work. Then your indirect influence will go into the background. Those. you will master the techniques of “stuffing”, and will continue to build hidden influence into the natural background of communication with your interlocutor.

Attention capture technique

The main task is to capture the attention of the interlocutor. You capture the attention of another person through the channels of perception. A person can visually perceive information by ear and body (sensations). And the more channels you use, the stronger the capture will be. Those. if you look your interlocutor in the eyes, speak loudly and shake him by the shoulders at the same time, then the grip will be very strong.

Basic gripping techniques:

  • Eye contact. Before you talk to a person, make sure they can see you.
  • Voice greeting.
  • Ask some question. Can be applied to both an acquaintance and a stranger.
  • Unobtrusive kinesthetics - touch. You can touch unfamiliar people in neutral zones: the outer part of the shoulder or forearm, the outer side of the arm.
  • Join your interlocutor's action. Thus, you automatically fall into the person's area of ​​attention.

Request- this is an optional influence, i.e. You can do it, you can not do it. Most people don't know how to use it. The request can be made on equal terms, from a position above or below. It may carry a veiled order or demand (i.e., with a request you simply soften a more stringent instruction).

When is it effective to use a request? When it is easy for a person to do what you ask. Or you have significant authority. Or you have a formal right to ask for something (family and household issues). Either you have a good relationship with this person.

How to strengthen the request? You need to back up your request with something. It can be light, a compliment, a smile, gratitude, a touch.

Offer- a request to do something in exchange for something on your part (mutual exchange). A common mistake is that you do not understand why another person should respond to your offer. Those. you must know what to offer your interlocutor so that he agrees to it, show him the benefits of your offer for him.

Requirement- this is a demand to fulfill something, you do not offer anything in return. Used much less frequently than a request or an offer. The effectiveness of the requirement will greatly depend on whether you have a formal right to do so, a trusting relationship, and authority.

Order– when you have the right to order, and a person cannot refuse (example: employer - employee). The efficiency of orders is usually 100%. The main difficulty here is how to give orders in order to get exactly what you want from a person.

To enhance direct influence use the following techniques:

  • "A broken record." You repeat the same thing and don't switch to discussing something else. Often people give up after 2-3 repetitions.
  • "Logical sales". This is a quality offer, presented correctly, i.e. you are selling a person some idea, an action. Usually this works when the interlocutor is logically stupider than you and he is easily fascinated by logic; or if the interlocutor is smart, open to new information and your goals partially coincide. You must understand what problems the other person has + you must understand what solution to those problems you can provide + what benefits he will receive from this solution.

Most people do not understand the true problem of the interlocutor or cannot articulate the benefits for him.

Indirect Influence Technique: Public Morality

These are all forms of phrases starting with “You must...”, “Men must...”, “A woman must...”, “Every mother must...”, “Every student must...” and modal operators (“A smart person should...”).

Those. you take any category and add duty. The interlocutor’s mind is spinning: “I belong to this category, so I should too.”

This also includes generalizations: “Everyone always does this”, “People do this”, “No one does this.”

Indirect Influence Technique: The Lost Performer

This is all science, statistics, experimental data: “British scientists have proven...”, “According to statistics...”, “Scientists have proven...”, “According to experiments carried out...”

Conclusion: you talk to a person and throw in that there are some statistics according to which... And then you give statistics that reinforce the behavior you want.

For example, in a conversation with the manager, “Working from home is now popular in European companies, this reduces the company’s budget, expenses by 25%, etc.” Here you threw in the idea that working from home is good. This works when looking for remote work for hire.

Hidden Influence Technique: Story-Metaphor

Very strong technique. People are brought up on stories and fairy tales from childhood, so your stories penetrate the brain just fine.

What's the best way to use this? Tell a story in which someone acts as you would like them to act. Moreover, such behavior leads to something good for the hero of the story.

So that this story does not look stupid and you are not exposed, you need some disguise. You are not talking about yourself, but about someone else.

You create a story (preferably a real one), which contains the target behavior that you want to impose on your interlocutor, and you build this story in a chain: so that ideally it is a story about the fourth person from the third person to the second person. This chain enhances the “amnesia” and better transfers your command (hidden suggestion) to the unconscious level. People don't like being pressured, so we create a kind of information environment.

We probably cannot predict the result, but we can be sure that after using a metaphor story, a person starts some kind of internal search. You give a person a story, then he processes it and thinks about it. And ultimately this will affect his behavior.

Hidden Influence Techniques: Compliments and Support

Any sincere compliment is better made about a person’s merit, and not about an innate quality: “What a cool hairstyle you chose!”, “You chose a beautiful suit.”

How to use this as a hidden influence? You need to compliment the behavior that you want to reproduce and recreate in the person. Those. you compliment a target behavior or a behavior that doesn't exist yet.

For example, you want a woman to cook delicious food more often, you say: “I like the way you cook borscht deliciously.”

Important point— we voice a compliment as a matter of course.

Hidden influence technique: You yourself

The essence of the technique: you present the desired behavior as something that the interlocutor came up with himself. Why does this work well?

People love themselves and love to build their self-esteem. Therefore, when a person understands, “what a great guy I am, what a good idea I came up with!”, then it is much easier for him to agree with this idea if he came up with it himself.

Verbal options use of technology:

  • "You said that..."
  • “I learned from you that...”
  • “I remember you suggested...”
  • Admiration and admiration for the actions of the interlocutor: “I like it when you...”
  • “I liked your idea...”
  • “I thought about what you told me last time...”

As a result, the person sees that you liked his opinion and you further decided to act on the basis of this opinion. And now all you have to do is remind your interlocutor what kind of “his opinion” you liked.

Hidden Influence Technique: Aikido

The technique is similar to the previous two.

The essence: we agree with any idea that the interlocutor gives us. And when we have already agreed, we use this moment as a starting point for our subsequent logic (where we need to go). You base the logic of agreement not on your own position, but on the position of your interlocutor.

Your task: learn to agree with people. You need to develop the skill of agreeing with the phrases of your interlocutor that you need.

Verbal manipulations:

  • “I like your idea, and then, you know how best to do it...”
  • “I liked your idea, I propose this...”

If something is imposed on you that you cannot agree with, you agree anyway, but then come up with conditions under which this proposal should have gone well. But these conditions are far from the current situation. And you formulate it. It turns out that you kind of liked the idea, but it becomes clear to the interlocutor that the idea does not fit into the current moment.

Let's summarize the technique:

  1. Agree with other people. Not thoughtlessly, but find in their words something with which you can agree.
  2. Next, you begin to build the logic for your position step by step. You begin to slowly lead your interlocutor from agreeing with his idea to your position. Those. you find for him what he can agree with in your position.

Hidden influence techniques - Emotional Impact and Emotional Background

If emotions are difficult for you, then these techniques will require significant effort from you, and you will be terribly exhausted (if you repeat the technique often).

Technique Emotional Strike- this is a sharp release of a large amount of emotions that strongly contrast with your calm state before. Those. you dump out all your experiences, emotions, feelings. No logic, no accusations or suggestions. You are simply dumping KAMAZ pain on your interlocutor.

At the same time, carefully monitor the reaction of your interlocutor. Often, if this happens unexpectedly for a person, his logical thinking and manipulations that he previously did are temporarily turned off. And your task is to quickly find your bearings and take the next step (for example, apply some action or technique) to take the situation to where you need it to go

Ideally, react with a different emotion than was expected from you; It’s good to know your interlocutor’s reaction. But this technique may not always go smoothly for you - in this case, the situation will not improve.

Conclusion: That is An emotional blow does not solve the problem on its own. We create an opportunity for you to solve the problem. He knocks your interlocutor out of the rut in which he was traveling. At this moment, you gain control of the situation and can pull your interlocutor where you need him to go.

Technique Emotional background- this is when you create an emotional background with your nonverbals, but you don’t show anything verbally. Those. you do not pronounce the emotion, but simply show it physically (for example, show anger with sudden movements, no eye contact). Example: show resentment or sadness with a retracted head, nervous tension, drooping shoulders, a meaningless look into the distance.

Those. you show emotion, create such “quiet emotional theater”.

This technique is quite “dirty” because it exploits your partner’s guilt. If you use it often, it will have negative consequences on your psyche and on your relationships. This technique causes pain to your partner because... you deliberately cut off contact with him and thereby force him to act.

If you don't calculate the pressure in this technique, you can make things worse. Your partner will respond to you with their emotions or outplay you when you find yourself in a position guilty(-Ouch).

The technique is very complex and does not always work. It is more common in couples where one partner is emotionally virtuoso, and the other is an emotional “tree” (man - woman).

Hidden Influence Techniques – Information Environment

This is a complex technique that integrates the others. It is usually used when we want to push into the interlocutor’s unconscious some non-obvious idea, a proposal with which it is difficult for him to agree. And we don’t yet know how he will react to this.

You begin to throw small pieces at your interlocutor, which form in him a certain information environment, a certain information environment. How to do these stuffings? Story techniques - metaphor, canard, small pieces of information. Those. you gradually surround the person with the information that will form his ability to make the decision you need.

A classic example of the technique from Star Wars 3, when Anakin Skywalker turns to the dark side of the force. He meets Chancellor Palpatine and worries about Padmé. The Chancellor gradually feeds information into the young Jedi's mind. And at the end he sums it up: come to the dark side and save Padmé, I have the power to raise the dead. The formula worked problem -> solution -> benefit: you have a problem with your wife’s health, I have the power, go to the dark side and we will save her.

You prepare a non-obvious proposal, but do not roll it out right away, but throw in pieces of information ahead of time. Ideally, the interlocutor will come to your proposal himself.

Open Loop and Fractal Loop Techniques

These techniques make a person susceptible to influence, manipulation, and suggestion.

Open loop technique. The purpose of this technique is to interest and arouse curiosity. Those. you create within a person an internal need to somehow either communicate with you further, or find out something about your question, or find out something about a specific product.

The essence of the technique is open loops. The human brain has such a property that it tries to finish any thought it starts. For example, it forces you to watch an uninteresting movie or finish reading a boring book (you want to know how it ends at the end).

And we can exploit this thing. We create an interlocutor in our heads an open loop and some kind of distraction(examples: “We need to talk, but not here and not now, let’s do it later”, “I know something about you, but it’s better to talk about it somewhere else in private”). And the interlocutor’s brain tries to close this cycle. And the interlocutor himself will initiate a continuation to close the cycle.

Depending on your goals, you can close this cycle or extend it further. You can stall for time so that the interlocutor himself asks you.

Classic examples of the use of technology:

  • This is how Apple products are sold. First there are news, expectations, reviews, pre-orders, and then the product is released onto the market (iPhones, iPads).
  • Trailer before the release of the new film.
  • Almost any series. For example, “Breaking Bad”, “Game of Thrones”. Each episode ends with an open loop.

If you leave the loop open for too long or open too many loops and don't close them, you can get the opposite effect, loss of interest or aggression.

To make the technique work even more powerfully, create open loops that will be interesting to your interlocutor.

Conclusion: These open loops force our interlocutor to initiate what we want. Those. we want him to be interested in something, we create an open cycle for him on this topic, and he himself asks us about it. This works great to create curiosity and interest.

Fractal loop technique. Very similar to the previous one, but there are differences. The essence of the technique: you open a phrase without finishing it, start the next phrase without finishing the second, start a third, and so on in a spiral.

At the same time, the interlocutor’s brain tries to maintain several open cycles at the same time. And this is where it burns out.

Reaction Technique

These are simple variations on how you can react to manipulations addressed to you.

“Dead End” technique- This is an unpredictable reaction. The task is to knock the interlocutor out of the pattern in which he is currently located and to confuse him; then you seize the initiative and can do whatever you want with him. For example, you react positively to a negative, ignoring a question, answering a question with a question, or responding with humor to some phrase, or a quote to some phrase.

This technique helps stop someone's influence on you. You can prepare quotes or unexpected phrases in advance that always baffle you.

Conclusion: By putting your interlocutor at a dead end, you do not solve the problem, but you have time to further take control of the situation and take it where you need it.

“Brick face” technique. Techniques, reactions to requests or offers to you that are not interesting to you. You make a brick face and with this facial expression silently look at your interlocutor. You can say some monosyllabic answers, but with the same facial expression.

How it works: the interlocutor expects some kind of reaction, emotion, justification from you, but there is none. The person simply falls into a stupor, and you can do whatever you want with him.

This technique should not be used with close people, but it works great with strangers.

Conclusion: The technique handles those situations where people expect a template reaction from you. As a rule, they ask you for something or offer something, and they expect emotion, explanations, justifications from you, but none of this happens. Plus your face is like a brick. This generally knocks the interlocutor out of the pattern, rejects the manipulation and gives you the initiative.

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