Priority direction when entering a university. Why do you need “consent to enroll”? After all, we have already applied for the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and want to study here! I would like to know what the passing grade was last year for the Mechanics and Mathematics majors

For 2017 applicants

Created: 03 .07 .2016 Updated: 07/05/2017

The 2017 admissions campaign has begun. It’s hot outside, and it’s hot in the academic building of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics on Milchakova Street, which has turned into the building of the Central Admissions Committee of the Southern Federal University. The first week of July is traditionally the week with the longest lines. Applicants and their parents are worried, bombarding the information desks with questions, and stopping by the dean’s office for advice. And, as always, they ask questions on our website. Many questions are traditional, annual, and the answers to them have already been published many times. To the great relief of the admissions committee, this year the admission rules have remained virtually unchanged, so most of the questions have already been answered from last year. But there are also small “new items”.
As is tradition, here is a general summary of answers to the most common of these questions. Recommended reading for all applicants and their parents!

How many applicants will be enrolled in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in the first wave? With what score? How do I know if I will be accepted?

It is not yet possible to answer this question. And although the number of students enrolled on August 3 (in the first wave) is determined by an exact formula, there are a number of circumstances that complicate forecasts. The formula, at first glance, is simple: we have the right to enroll up to 80 percent of the number of budget places in the first wave. What are the difficulties here?
Firstly, 80% will be calculated not from the full number of places, but from the remaining ones by the date of enrollment. For example, if 10 beneficiaries and target recipients are enrolled in “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” with a budget enrollment of 130 people on July 29, then on the evening of August 1 (the last day for submitting originals and signing applications for consent to enrollment) we will be able to fill 80% of the remaining 120 places, i.e. submit 96 applicants for admission.
Secondly, only applicants who have brought us original certificates and written consent to enrollment can be enrolled. And if in the previous example there are only 70 such applicants, then all of them will be enrolled. In this case, by the way, the score of the latter will not play any role at all: anyone can apply, as long as they bring the original and write the consent.

This is where the difficulties end. Those who brought the originals, but were still not enrolled in the first wave, are given two options: wait for the end of enrollment in the chosen field of study (this process is called “waiting for the second wave”) or try to enroll in another by writing a new consent .

Why do you need “consent to enroll”? After all, we have already submitted an application to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and want to study here!

A statement of consent to enrollment is a feature of the admissions campaign that first appeared last year, apparently as a reaction to complaints from applicants who were automatically enrolled, “without asking,” into one of the three specified specialties in which they were applying. Automation has now been abandoned. Only those applicants who brought the original and wrote a statement of consent to be enrolled will be enrolled in both the first and second waves.

Please note one important feature of the Admission Rules: such an application can be written no more than two times! The first time is when you indicate your real priority, and the second time is if you fail to enroll in the priority area of ​​training, and you agree to one of the two remaining options.

Nothing will happen automatically: only those applicants who brought originals and wrote consent to be enrolled in this area of ​​training will be enrolled.

The answer to this question is negative. You can choose the direction of training only two times: the first time, when the applicant brings the original document of education, and the second time - no matter, in the first wave or the second - when the applicant saw that it was impossible to get into a priority specialty, but into one of the the two mentioned earlier in the statement - quite.

“Applied computer science” is also a field of preparation for mechanical and mathematics students?

No. No. No!
This question has had to be answered quite regularly, starting last year, when this area of ​​training left the Faculty of Economics. But not to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, but to the Faculty of High Technologies! Our direction is “Applied mathematics and computer science”. It may sound similar, but the result is completely different.
I would really like to draw your attention to the fact that the direction “Applied Informatics” may turn out to be very popular among applicants to the Faculty of High Technologies, therefore it is highly not recommended to use it as a “third” “for safety net”. You may be left with nothing.

In accordance with the Admission Rules, documents must be returned within two hours. And unlike other Rostov universities, the actual period is even shorter: we try not to detain those who do not want to study with us. But as for the “comeback”, it is possible, but the deadlines for such “comebacks” are very strict: you will only have two days for all the throwing, August 6 is the last day for accepting originals for the second wave.

Only the names of applicants enrolled in the first wave will be removed from the lists. The dean’s office work lists, which we will begin publishing after July 26, will help you figure out the real situation.

My child received a call from the dean’s office of your faculty, they said that his scores were enough for admission and asked him to bring the original documents. Can you trust the call? And don’t we have the right to bring the certificate before August 1?

1) First of all, if you don't bring itoriginal, then exactly don't do it.
2) On August 1 - the last day for submitting originals - one or two applicants per hundred are bound to experience some kind of emergency. And this is known to the dean’s office firsthand, but from the applicants themselves or their relatives, either stuck on the highway in a broken down car, or calling from the police station, where they write a statement about the theft of a bag with money and documents, etc. (This text was first published in 2011. During this time, the number of “August situations” has only grown. In 2014, for example, three applicants had problems with delivering the original on the last day, in 2015 and 2016 - two. People don’t want learn from other people's mistakes...)

By the way, if you decide to “save” the original in another university, since you are already sure of entering there, and the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics still seems like a dream, then it is quite likely that when the picture becomes clearer in early August, and you will understand that you are definitely going to join us , this original from another university simply cannot be “rescued”. And this is not a criticism of DSTU at all; a similar tendency to delay the return of originals is also characteristic of other Rostov universities (although RGSU is now also DSTU...). Unlike the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, where after July 26 you can get your documents back in a maximum of an hour (and if you try to avoid the lunch break, then in 10 minutes).

How will entrance examinations be held at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (I am an applicant from Crimea)? Will I need to take all 3 exams or just the core subject? Where can I see the topics on which the exam will be based? And will places in dormitories be provided during the exams?

In accordance with this year’s admission rules, two categories of applicants can apply based on the results of entrance tests conducted by SFU: college graduates and schoolchildren who received a certificate in 2017 in Crimean schools. The total number of these exams is three, in the same subjects as for other applicants, and with the same threshold scores.

The schedule of all these exams is here: http://​sfedu​.ru/​w​w​w​/​s​t​a​t​_​p​a​g​e​s​2 ​2 ​ .​s​h​o​w​?​p​=​A​B​T​/​N​8 ​2 ​1 ​1 ​/​P
Exam programs are published on the SFU website, demo options are posted in the Entrance Test Programs section on our website.
About the hostel: yes, nonresident applicants can get a place there for the period of submitting documents or during the entrance exams. Details are here: http://​sfedu​.ru/​w​w​w​/​s​t​a​t​_​p​a​g​e​s​2 ​2 ​.​s ​h​o​w​?​p​=​A​B​T​/​N​1 ​2 ​1 ​7 ​7 ​/​P

When applying for “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”, we learned that there are two bachelor’s degrees - applied and academic. What is the difference? And how many seats for each?

This year, an experiment is being conducted at the Southern Federal University: twenty-five students of the “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science” direction will study not at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, but at the Faculty of Management, where they will try to implement a profile related to the organizational and management activities of graduates. In accordance with the federal educational standard, this means the graduate’s readiness to solve the following tasks: development and implementation of quality management processes for production activities related to the creation and use of information systems; compliance with the code of professional ethics; planning processes and resources for solving problems in the field of applied mathematics and computer science; development of methods and mechanisms for monitoring and assessing the quality of production processes related to the creation and use of information systems. It is this group that will belong to the category “Applied Bachelor's Degree”.
Classes for students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (130 budget places) will be organized according to the traditional undergraduate academic scheme, focused on research, design, production and technological activities.

How is the minimum passing score different from the passing score?

First, about the minimum scores. In all Russian universities, the threshold for entrance exams differs from the threshold for a school grade set by Rosobrnadzor. Southern Federal University is one of the leading universities in Russia, and here this bar is set quite high. This year, the minimum scores at our institute have not changed compared to last year: for mathematical and computer areas of mechanical and mathematics training you can't enroll, if the Unified State Exam scores in mathematics and computer science are less than 55, and in the Russian language are less than 50. For the pedagogical direction of training, the minimum scores are: social studies - 60, Russian language - 55, mathematics - 50. This applies to all forms of education: daytime, evening, budget and commercial. Once again: if an applicant’s Unified State Exam scores are less than the minimum, his documents will simply not be accepted.

The minimum score ensures participation in the competition, but does not guarantee victory. A passing score is responsible for winning - a score that allows you to enter a university. Every year it is determined anew, at the time of preparation of the order for enrollment of the second wave, i.e. August 7.

Traditionally, the most popular question. But the answer, I’m afraid, will turn out to be unpopular: we will find out the exact value of this amount for each of the areas of training in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics only on August 7 (the official order will appear even on the eighth).

If we talk not about the exact value, but about forecasts, then I would risk making the following three assumptions:
1) FIIT - 230 points should be enough,
2) Pedagogical education - 215 points should be enough,
3) taking into account the next increase in the number of places in “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” compared to last year, all those who overcome the barrier of minimum SFU scores will be able to enroll in the remaining areas of training in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

I like this question much more than the previous one, because the answer can be given very accurately. And everyone can draw their own conclusions based on this answer. 2016 results:
219 , passable – 173
197 , minimum – 165
250 , minimum - 232
Pedagogical education (mathematics): average score - 217 , minimum - 212

Follow the link http://​sfedu​.ru/​0 ​0 ​_​m​a​i​n​_​2 ​0 ​1 ​0 ​/​a​b​i​t​u​r ​/​a​b​i​t​_​2 ​0 ​1 ​7 ​/​T​A​R​G​E​T​/​K​Z​P​_​2 ​0 ​1 ​7 ​.​p​d​f you can see that the number of commercial places is limited. Is it so? Does this mean that there will also be competition for commercial places?

The above answer to this question became outdated quite quickly. Like, probably, the question itself. Since July 5, the lists on the SFU website have become ranked - they show how many Unified State Examination points other applicants have.
Important: If you think there are too many applicants ahead, don’t worry! In fact, in reality, in front of you so far only those who are marked with a “tick” on the list: they have already brought the original documents and written consent to enroll in this particular specialty
And there is no need to worry if you passed the Unified State Exam perfectly, but your table shows zeros: Unified State Exam scores have not yet been verified for all applicants in the all-Russian database.

Right means this:

  1. Please pay special attention to this item! As of July 3, 2017, a third of applicants to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics applied exclusively for top specialties at SFU. Self-confidence is good, but still...
  2. Immediately indicate the priority area of ​​training, exactly the one you most want to enroll in. If necessary, you can change the priority after July 26 - depending on the competition situation, but first indicate for yourself (and for the selection committee of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics) your real priority.
  • Safety net 3. Apply for contract training. Exactly in the area of ​​training where your child wants to study most. There is no need to pay or enter into an agreement. Of course, this year’s Admission Rules do not allow the issue of contract training to be resolved immediately: this application can be submitted until August 15. But it’s better to insure yourself in advance.

And one last thing: according to my forecasts, this year’s applicants entering Applied Mathematics and Computer Science don’t have to worry too much: we’ll take everyone!

The certificate with honors is included in the list of individual achievements of the applicant: this year it gives 4 additional points to the total Unified State Examination points.


until July 11

end faq

For 2015 applicants

Created: 06 .07 .2015 Updated: 07/09/2015

The 2015 admissions campaign is in full swing: it was very crowded in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics building all week. Applicants and their parents are worried, bombarding our information desk with questions, and stopping by the dean’s office for advice. And, as always, they ask questions on our website. And although many questions are traditional and repeated from year to year, we decided to present here a summary of new answers to the most common ones. A lot has changed in the 2015 Admissions Guidelines, so this will not be a simple copy of the 2014 Answers.

It is not yet possible to answer this question with certainty. The fact is that the number of students enrolled is determined not just a formula, but also to some algorithm, which will be applied to the lists of applicants on August 3, after the acceptance of original documents ends.
The formula, at first glance, is simple: we have the right to enroll up to 80 percent of the number of budget places in the first wave. What are the difficulties here?
Firstly, 80% will be calculated not from the full number of places, but from the remaining ones by the date of enrollment. For example, if 10 beneficiaries and target recipients are enrolled in “Applied Mathematics” with a budget enrollment of 100 people on July 30, then on August 3 we will be able to fill 80% of the 90 remaining places, i.e. enroll 72 applicants.
Secondly, only applicants who have brought us the originals of their documents can be enrolled. And if in the previous example there are only 70 such applicants, then we will enroll 70. In this case, by the way, the score of the latter will not play any role at all: anyone can apply, as long as they have the original.
And finally, the third feature of the current campaign, which can greatly complicate preliminary calculations: the applicant who brought the original and who has the opportunity to be enrolled in one of his three priority specialties will be enrolled in it. What does this mean in practical terms? If you, in our example, are one of the first 72 with originals, then you have nothing to worry about, you will be included in the first wave. But what if you are 73rd? Then you need to carefully study the list and figure out whether everyone before you chose Applied Mathematics as a priority? If yes, you are out of luck; you will have to wait for the second wave. If not, you need to look at where those whose PM is second or third on the list of priorities will be enrolled. If one of them goes to a higher priority specialty, then he will be enrolled there, and his place here will be freed up.
I admit honestly, in order to understand how to behave for someone who is not 73rd, but, say, 100th, you will no longer need manual work with lists, but a serious computer program that, based on information about all applicants, can correctly simulate the situation. We really hope that after July 25 such a program on the SFU website will start working and show the chances to every applicant every day.

Do we need to come and rewrite the application for admission (changing the priority specialty for a second one) if we see that we do not qualify for the first specialty that we indicated as a priority? Or do we automatically get into the specialty that is listed second?

Yes, this year it will be exactly like this: if you have an original, and you did not qualify for the first priority specialty, then they will try to automatically enroll you in the second. If you succeed, they’ll enroll you; if you don’t pass there, they’ll try to enroll you in the third.

If I don’t get into the priority direction in the first wave, can I change the priority, enroll in another direction, and then - during the second wave - change the priority again to where I want to go?

Unlike last year, the answer is yes. You just don’t need to change your priority: you will be automatically enrolled in the first wave where you went. And then, in the remaining two days, August 5 and 6, you will be able, if necessary, to refuse enrollment and again participate in the competition for specialties that are a higher priority for you: you will not be removed from those lists. But keep in mind that once you give up a specialty, you can’t return to it later!

My child has fairly high scores and we are choosing between SFU and St. Petersburg State University in Mechanics and Mathematics. If we leave the original with you and we are enrolled on August 3, will it be possible to then pick up the documents from SFU to take to St. Petersburg and enroll in the second wave there? And if we take them and don’t do it there, will it be possible to return them back?

After the order on August 4, the process of returning documents becomes somewhat more complicated. The official deadline is 24 hours, because you not only need to submit documents, but also prepare and issue an expulsion order. The actual period is shorter; we try not to delay those who do not want to study with us. But as for the “return”, this is only possible if you are applying to some other specialty. And the deadlines for such “comebacks” this year are very strict: you will only have two days for all the throwing, August 6 is the last day to receive originals for the second wave.

How will the lists of applicants change after enrollment in the first wave?

Only the names of applicants enrolled in the first wave will be removed from the lists. The dean’s office work lists, which we will begin publishing after July 25, will help you figure out the real situation.

SFU is again “ahead of the rest” - your passing scores are the highest. Did last year's experience of shortfalls teach you nothing and you don't need normal applicants?

In all Russian universities, the threshold for entrance exams differs from the threshold for a school grade set by Rosobrnadzor. Southern Federal University is one of the leading universities in Russia, and here this bar is set quite high. This year, the minimum scores at our institute have not changed: for mathematical and computer areas of mechanical and mathematics training you can't enroll, if the Unified State Exam scores in mathematics and computer science are less than 55, and in the Russian language are less than 50. For the pedagogical direction of training, the minimum scores are: social studies - 60, Russian language - 55, mathematics - 45. This applies to all forms of education: daytime, evening, budget and commercial.

My child received a call from the dean’s office of your faculty, they said that his scores were enough for admission and asked him to bring the original documents. Can you trust the call? And don’t we have the right to bring the certificate before August 3?

If you received a call from the dean’s office, it means the information is correct. As for the original, of course, its presence or absence now does not affect admission in any way: the applicant’s position in the final list depends only on the amount of points, and not on the date of submission of the original.
Nevertheless, speaking formally, bringing the original in advance slightly increases the chances of admission for completely informal reasons:
1) First of all, if you don't bring itoriginal, then exactly don't do it.
2) August 3 - the last day for submitting originals - one or two applicants per hundred are bound to experience some kind of emergency. And this is known to the dean’s office firsthand, but from the applicants themselves or their relatives, either stuck on the highway in a broken down car, or calling from the police station, where they write a statement about the theft of a bag with money and documents, etc. (This text was first published in 2011. During this time, the number of “August situations” has only grown. In 2014, for example, three applicants had problems with delivering the original on the last day. People don’t want to learn from other people’s mistakes...)
3) The dean’s office works much more carefully with those applicants who brought originals. If the situation with their position on the list is ambiguous, they will definitely be called (possibly more than once), advised, and helped to make the right decision, which will allow them to end up in the faculty.
In addition, I repeat once again that this year’s admission rules oblige 80% of the available places to be enrolled in the first wave, if there are applicants with originals. Therefore, waiting for the second wave with the original in hand may result in your place being taken by a person with lower scores.
So I recommend not hiding the originals under your pillow, but bringing them to us.
By the way, if you decide to “save” the original in another university, since you are already sure of entering there, and the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics still seems like a dream, then it is quite likely that when the picture becomes clearer in early August, and you will understand that you are definitely going to join us , this original from another university simply cannot be “rescued”. And this is not a criticism of DSTU; a similar tendency to delay the return of originals is characteristic of many Rostov universities. Unlike the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, where after July 26 you can get your documents back in a maximum of an hour (and if you try to avoid the lunch break, then in 10 minutes).

Crimean applicants have indeed been allocated targeted places, but their number is so small that there is simply no reason to worry. In the case of Mechanics and Mathematics, this is one place in each area of ​​training, a total of five places. Ukrainian applicants are admitted as compatriots; they must pass the same three exams and participate in the general competition. If a special quota is allocated for them, then these will be additional places that will not affect the competition among Russian applicants. In addition, the information about the “influx” is also exaggerated; in any case, about ten such applicants have so far applied to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

How many total Unified State Exam points do you need to score this year to qualify for a budget place?

Traditionally, the most popular question. But the answer, I’m afraid, will turn out to be unpopular: we will find out the exact value of this amount for each of the areas of training in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics only on August 7. And not a day earlier: these are the admission rules that apply now.

If we talk not about the exact value, but about the forecasts, then they are as follows: a sum of 225 points will allow you to enroll in any field of mechanics and mathematics, a sum of 180 will allow you to enroll in the mechanics and mathematics department. Let me emphasize once again that these are only forecasts.

I would like to know what the passing grade was last year for the Mechanics and Mathematics major?

I like this question much more than the previous one, because the answer can be given very accurately. And everyone can draw their own conclusions based on this answer. 2014 results:
Mathematics: average score - 223 , minimum – 202 (there are still free budget places left)
Applied mathematics and computer science: average score - 222 , minimum – 186 (there are budget places left, transferred to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics from Taganrog)
Mechanics and mathematical modeling: average score - 217 , minimum – 209 (there are still free budget places left)
Fundamental computer science and IT: average score - 234 , minimum - 217
Pedagogical education (mathematics + computer science): average score - 216 , minimum - 185
The score here refers to the sum of points for three exams.

Follow the link http://​sfedu​.ru/​0 ​0 ​_​m​a​i​n​_​2 ​0 ​1 ​0 ​/​a​b​i​t​u​r ​/​a​b​i​t​_​2 ​0 ​1 ​5 ​/​T​A​R​G​E​T​/​K​Z​P​_​2 ​0 ​1 ​5 ​.​p​d​f you can see that the number of commercial places is limited. Is it so? Does this mean that there will also be competition for commercial places?

Formally speaking, this is exactly the case: we cannot accept more commercial students than our classrooms and computer labs can accommodate. In reality, such a competition has never taken place at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

Why are the Unified State Examination results of applicants not published on the SFU website? It’s very inconvenient to follow the information - the general list, the competition is not clear, you can’t evaluate your chances!

The purpose of the list on the SFU website is to give each applicant the opportunity to check whether he is included in the number of participants in the competition, which is especially important for those who submit documents electronically or by mail. Ranked lists - ordered by the sum of Unified State Exam points - will appear on the SFU website on July 27. Their unofficial, but more informative, version is on the website of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. I hope that the diagram on the main page of our website gives some idea of ​​the competition for our various areas of training.

The child only wants to enroll in Mechanics and Mathematics (he dreams of Applied Mathematics), and doesn’t even want to hear about other universities. I doubt that the Unified State Exam points he scored will be enough. What do you advise?

To the parents of those children who have already chosen the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, and to the children themselves, I can only advise one thing: submit the documents correctly. Right means this:

  1. Don’t be scattered: the rule for choosing three directions at SFedU is not in order to submit applications, without denying anything to your fantasies (“I’ll apply to Mechanics and Mathematics, and to the Faculty of Economics, and to FVT!”), but in order to increase the chances of admission to a decent university. In our case, all applications need to be submitted only to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
  2. When choosing the second direction, you can do different things: choose from the remaining three what you like best (this is best done if the Unified State Exam score is high enough) or immediately go to the safety net principle: choose the second (as well as the third, see below) from less popular.
  3. Be safe. If your child’s Unified State Exam score is not absolutely passing, then this must be done. No matter how unpleasant it may sound now, it is better to foresee all possible situations in advance, and then calmly decide which of the not-so-best options is the least worst. So, let's create these options:
  • Safety net 1. As a third area of ​​preparation, choose one where less competition is expected and, accordingly, a passing grade.
  • Safety net 2. Immediately apply for the evening (part-time) department of Mechanics and Mathematics (this year we have only Fundamental Informatics and IT on our budget). Girls definitely need to do this. For boys - depending on their attitude towards military service.
  • Safety net 3. Apply for contract training. Exactly in the area of ​​training where your child wants to study most. There is no need to pay or enter into an agreement. Simply in accordance with the Admission Rules, if you have not submitted an application for a contract before July 31, then you will no longer be able to enroll there. Don't deprive yourself of an option!
What advantages does a medal provide upon admission?

This year, the certificate with honors is included in the list of individual achievements of the applicant: it gives 10 additional points to the total Unified State Examination points.

On what specialties can you enroll in your department after college (for example, after Rostov College of Communications and Informatics) for budget education?

If you managed to pass the Unified State Exam while studying in college, then you can apply to our faculty (and to any other faculty of SFU) based on their results without any problems - either for budget education or for commercial education. If you have not passed the Unified State Exam, then the possibility of entering our faculty depends not on the name of the college, but on the specialty in which you have a diploma. You can enroll in Mechanics and Mathematics for budgetary training in any area of ​​training if your specialty belongs, for example, to group 230000 “Informatics and Computer Science” or 090000 “Information Security”. Instead of the Unified State Exam, you will have to take exams at the Southern Federal University (this is also testing, only slightly different tests, and they test it not in Moscow, but at our university, immediately after the exam). Documents you must submit until July 10 and at the same time sign up to take these exams. The exams are the same: mathematics, Russian language, computer science.

end faq

For 2013 applicants

Created: 26 .05 .2013 Updated: 08/27/2014

The 2013 admissions campaign began on June 20. The students have already passed the Unified State Exam and found out their results. They are preparing for proms, and also have time to ask questions through our website. The answers to the most popular of these questions are below.

This year, the university management decided to significantly increase the requirements for applicants. In particular, for all areas of training, minimum values ​​of Unified State Examination scores in each subject have been established, which significantly exceed the threshold of a school grade. To our faculty in 2013 you can't enroll, if the Unified State Exam scores in mathematics and computer science are less than 50, and in the Russian language - less than 60. This applies to all forms of education: daytime, evening, budget and commercial.
Once again: no matter how high the sum of three Unified State Examination points is, if the Russian language score is less than sixty, then you will not be able to enroll in Mechanics and Mathematics.

What advantages does a medal provide upon admission?
On what specialties can you enroll in your department after college (for example, after Rostov College of Communications and Informatics) for budget education?

If you managed to pass the Unified State Exam while studying in college, then you can apply to our faculty (and to any other faculty of SFU) based on their results without any problems - either for budget education or for commercial education. If you have not passed the Unified State Exam, then the possibility of entering our faculty depends not on the name of the college, but on the specialty in which you have a diploma. You can enroll in Mechanics and Mathematics for budgetary training in any area of ​​training if your specialty belongs, for example, to group 230000 “Informatics and Computer Science” or 090000 “Information Security”. Instead of the Unified State Exam, you will have to take exams at the Southern Federal University (this is also testing, only slightly different tests, and they test it not in Moscow, but at our university, immediately after the exam). Documents you must submit until July 10 and at the same time sign up to take these exams. The exams are the same: mathematics, Russian language, computer science.

How many total Unified State Exam points do you need to score this year to qualify for a budget place?

Traditionally, the most popular question. But the answer, I’m afraid, will turn out to be unpopular: we will find out the exact value of this amount for each of the areas of training in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics only on August 10. And not a day earlier: these are the admission rules that apply now. For those who don’t believe me, I’ll be happy to ask a counter question: now, at the end of May, you will be able to predict the average score of the Unified State Examination. 2013 in mathematics in Russia? Or in the Rostov region? Or guess absolutely exactly your score on the future Unified State Exam in computer science?

If we talk not about the exact value, but about the forecasts, then they are as follows: a sum of 230 points will allow you to enroll in any field of mechanical engineering, a sum of 185 will allow you to enroll in a mechanical engineering major. Let me emphasize once again that these are only forecasts.

I would like to know what the passing grade was last year for the Mechanics and Mathematics major?

I like this question much more than the previous one, because the answer can be given very accurately. And everyone can draw their own conclusions based on this answer. 2012 results:

  • Mathematics: average score - 204 ,5 , pass-through - 180
  • Fundamental computer science and IT: average score - 244 , pass-through - 225
  • Applied mathematics and computer science: average score - 228 ,5 , pass-through - 207
  • Mechanics and mathematical modeling: average score - 209 , pass-through - 194

The score here refers to the sum of points for three exams.

The child only wants to enroll in Mechanics and Mathematics (he dreams of Applied Mathematics), and doesn’t even want to hear about other universities. I doubt that he will score enough points on the Unified State Examination. What do you advise?

To the parents of those children who have already chosen the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, and to the children themselves, I can only advise one thing: submit the documents correctly. Right means this:

  1. Don’t be scattered: the rule for choosing three directions at SFedU is not in order to submit applications, without denying anything to your fantasies (“I’ll apply to Mechanics and Mathematics, and to the Faculty of Economics, and to FVT!”), but in order to increase the chances of admission to a decent university. In our case, all applications need to be submitted only to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
  2. Immediately indicate the priority area of ​​training, exactly the one you most want to enroll in. You can change priorities later, after July 25 - depending on the competitive situation - at least every day. But first, identify to yourself (and to the admissions committee) your true priority.
  3. When choosing the second direction, you can do different things: choose from the remaining three what you like best (this is best done if the Unified State Exam score is high enough) or immediately go to the safety net principle: choose the second (as well as the third, see below) from less popular.
  4. Be safe. If your child’s Unified State Exam score is not absolutely passing, then this must be done. No matter how unpleasant it may sound now, it is better to foresee all possible situations in advance, and then calmly decide which of the not-so-best options is the least worst. So, let's create these options:
  • Safety net 1. As a third area of ​​preparation, choose one where less competition is expected and, accordingly, a passing grade.
  • Safety net 2. Immediately apply for the evening (part-time) department of Mechanics and Mathematics (this year we have only Fundamental Informatics and IT on our budget). Girls definitely need to do this. For boys - depending on their attitude towards military service.

And, by the way, in 90% of cases the employer is not interested in what specific area of ​​training is written on our graduate’s diploma. He just needs graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

end faq

For 2014 applicants

Created: 21 .08 .2014 Updated: 06/21/2015

The 2014 admissions campaign has entered a decisive phase. Applicants from preferential categories and applicants entering targeted places have already been enrolled. The first wave of enrollment is getting closer. Today's update is dedicated to answering questions about this very first wave.

How many applicants will be enrolled in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in the first wave? How do I know if I will be accepted?

It is not yet possible to answer this question with certainty. The fact is that the number of enrolled students is not determined formula, and some algorithm, which will be applied to the lists of applicants on August 4, after the acceptance of documents ends. Approximate forecasts can be made based on the work lists of the dean's office. You need to start from two factors. Firstly, quantity. In the first wave, 30–40 applicants will be enrolled in FIIT, and from 60 to 80 in PMI. Secondly, the border of the first wave. It will pass approximately around the number 45 at FIIT and around the number 100 at PMI (the “real number” column - but not today’s, but the one that will turn out on August 4). For “Mathematics” and “Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling” we will enroll everyone who brings the original into the first wave.

If I don’t get into the priority direction in the first wave, can I change the priority, enroll in another direction, and then - during the second wave - change the priority again to where I want to go?

No you can not. There is a special clause in this year’s admission rules: as soon as an applicant is accepted into his chosen field, he is automatically excluded from the competition from all other fields at SFU.

Do we need to come and rewrite the application for admission (changing the priority specialty for a second one) if we see that we do not qualify for the first specialty that we indicated as a priority? Or do we automatically get into the specialty that is listed second?

Yes, you definitely need to come and change the priority.
Nothing happens automatically - they can only enroll in a priority specialty.

My son submitted the original documents to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Southern Federal University and was recommended for enrollment in the 1st wave. As I understand it, there will be an order for enrollment on August 5th. My son sent copies of the documents to ITMO. The probability of admission there is the second wave. He plans, if he gets a call from ITMO (this will be after August 5), to pick up the documents from SFU and take them to ITMO. Can he pick them up after August 5, if he is on the order to enroll SFU and can, and in what time frame should he return them to SFU, if he doesn’t enroll or changes his mind about going to ITMO.

After the order on August 5, the process of returning documents becomes somewhat more complicated. The official deadline is 24 hours, because you not only need to submit documents, but also prepare and issue an expulsion order. The actual period is shorter; we try not to delay those who do not want to study with us.

If you pick up the documents after August 5, then it is no longer possible to return them back: once the order to expel at your own request is issued, it cannot be canceled.

By the way, about ITMO. Last year, one of our applicants entered there exactly according to your scheme: first he was enrolled in SFU, then he took his documents and went there for the second wave. He started writing letters “how can I get back” in October. This summer he came to Rostov to process a transfer from ITMO to Mechanics and Mathematics. Not everything is clear yet regarding budget places, but after ITMO he agrees to study at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, even on a contract basis.

How will the lists of applicants change after enrollment in the first wave?

The names of those applicants who were recommended for enrollment in the first wave will be removed from the lists, but did not provide the originals documents. Judging by the lists as of 02.08, for FIIT these are applicants without originals who have 234 points and above, for PMI - 224 points and above. The cut off marks for Mathematics and Mechanics will be between 210 and 215. I recommend paying special attention to this: when deciding to wait for the second wave in one direction, you need to be sure that you still have “safety net” in the other.

A table with the minimum number of Unified State Exam points has been published on the SFU website. What does it mean?

In all Russian universities, the threshold for entrance exams differs from the threshold for a school grade set by Rosobrnadzor. Southern Federal University is one of the leading universities in Russia, and here this bar is set quite high. To our faculty in 2014 you can't enroll, if the Unified State Examination scores in mathematics and computer science are less than 55, and in the Russian language - less than 50. This applies to all forms of education: daytime, evening, budget and commercial.
Once again: no matter how high the sum of three Unified State Examination points is, if the Russian language score is less than fifty, then you will not be able to enroll in Mechanics and Mathematics.

Rosobrnadzor has significantly reduced the Unified State Exam scores that give the right to a certificate. Does the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics plan to lower the threshold points?

According to current legislation, a university does not have the right to change the minimum score values ​​it has established.

My child received a call from the dean’s office of your faculty, they said that his scores were enough for admission and asked him to bring the original documents. Can you trust the call? And don’t we have the right to bring the certificate before August 5?

If you received a call from the dean’s office, it means the information is correct. As for the original, of course, its presence or absence now does not affect admission in any way: the applicant’s position in the final list depends only on the amount of points, and not on the date of submission of the original.
Nevertheless, speaking formally, bringing the original in advance slightly increases the chances of admission for completely informal reasons:
1) First of all, if you don't bring it original, that's for sure don't do it.
2) August 4 - the last day for submitting originals - one or two applicants per hundred are sure to experience some kind of emergency. And this is known to the dean’s office firsthand, but from the applicants themselves or their relatives, either stuck on the highway in a broken down car, or calling from the police station, where they write a statement about the theft of a bag with money and documents, etc. (This text was first published in 2011. During this time, the number of “August situations” has only grown. People do not want to learn from other people’s mistakes...)
3) The dean’s office works much more carefully with those applicants who brought originals. If the situation with their position on the list is ambiguous, they will definitely be called (possibly more than once), advised, and helped to make the right decision, which will allow them to end up in the faculty.

So I recommend not hiding the originals under your pillow, but bringing them to us.
By the way, if you decide to “save” the original in another university, since you are already sure of entering there, and the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics still seems like a dream, then it is quite likely that when the picture becomes clearer in early August and you realize that you are definitely going to join us, this original from another university simply cannot be “rescued”. Unlike the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, where after July 26 you can get your documents back in a maximum of an hour (and if you try to avoid the lunch break, then in 10 minutes).

How will the influx of applicants from Crimea and Ukraine affect (perhaps already affected) the situation with the admission of Russian students, specifically at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of SFU?

Both Crimean and Ukrainian applicants enter the additionally allocated places. The budget method of mechanics and mathematics does not change at all. In addition, information about the “influx” is also exaggerated. For example, for 10 additional places allocated to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics for Crimeans, only 6 applications were submitted.

What are the rules for admission to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics for residents of Ukraine?

The same as in SFU as a whole. This is the so-called “quota admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons.” Residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as other regions of Ukraine, up to 10th of August you need to have time to personally submit documents (passport, education document, copies of parents’ passports, 6 photos 3 x 4) to the admissions committee. The order for the enrollment of this category of citizens based on the results of the entrance testing will be August 20.

How many total Unified State Exam points do you need to score this year to qualify for a budget place?

Traditionally, the most popular question. But the answer, I’m afraid, will turn out to be unpopular: we will find out the exact value of this amount for each of the areas of training in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics only on August 10. And not a day earlier: these are the admission rules that apply now.

If we talk not about the exact value, but about the forecasts, then they are as follows: a sum of 230 points will allow you to enroll in any field of mechanical engineering, a sum of 180 will allow you to enroll in a mechanical engineering major. Let me emphasize once again that these are only forecasts.

I would like to know what the passing grade was last year for the Mechanics and Mathematics major?

I like this question much more than the previous one, because the answer can be given very accurately. And everyone can draw their own conclusions based on this answer. 2013 results:

  • Mathematics: average score - 203 , minimum - 183
  • Fundamental computer science and IT: average score - 246 , minimum - 214
  • Applied mathematics and computer science: average score - 232 , minimum - 183
  • Mechanics and mathematical modeling: average score - 202 , minimum - 188

The score here refers to the sum of points for three exams.

Why are the Unified State Examination results of applicants not published on the SFU website? It’s very inconvenient to follow the information - the general list, the competition is not clear, you can’t evaluate your chances!

The purpose of the list on the SFU website is to give each applicant the opportunity to check whether he is included in the number of participants in the competition, which is especially important for those who submit documents electronically or by mail. Ranked lists - ordered by the sum of Unified State Exam points - will appear on the SFU website on July 27. Their unofficial, but more informative, version is on the website of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. I hope that the diagram on the main page of our website gives some idea of ​​the competition for our various areas of training.

The child only wants to enroll in Mechanics and Mathematics (he dreams of Applied Mathematics), and doesn’t even want to hear about other universities. I doubt that the Unified State Exam points he scored will be enough. What do you advise?

To the parents of those children who have already chosen the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, and to the children themselves, I can only advise one thing: submit the documents correctly. Right means this:

  1. Don’t be scattered: the rule for choosing three directions at SFedU is not in order to submit applications, without denying anything to your fantasies (“I’ll apply to Mechanics and Mathematics, and to the Faculty of Economics, and to FVT!”), but in order to increase the chances of admission to a decent university. In our case, all applications need to be submitted only to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Please pay special attention to this item! As of July 8, 2014, the number of Mechanics and Mathematics applicants with not very high Unified State Examination scores who applied exclusively for the top specialties of SFU was more than twenty-five people!
  2. Immediately indicate the priority area of ​​training, exactly the one you most want to enroll in. You can change priorities later, after July 25 - depending on the competitive situation - at least every day. But first, identify to yourself (and to the admissions committee) your true priority.
  3. When choosing the second direction, you can do different things: choose from the remaining three what you like best (this is best done if the Unified State Exam score is high enough) or immediately go to the safety net principle: choose the second (as well as the third, see below) from less popular.
  4. Be safe. If your child’s Unified State Exam score is not absolutely passing, then this must be done. No matter how unpleasant it may sound now, it is better to foresee all possible situations in advance, and then calmly decide which of the not-so-best options is the least worst. So, let's create these options:
  • Safety net 1. As a third area of ​​preparation, choose one where less competition is expected and, accordingly, a passing grade.
  • Safety net 2. Immediately apply for the evening (part-time) department of Mechanics and Mathematics (this year we have only Fundamental Informatics and IT on our budget). Girls definitely need to do this. For boys - depending on their attitude towards military service.
  • Safety net 3. Apply for contract training. Exactly in the area of ​​training where your child wants to study most. There is no need to pay or enter into an agreement. Simply in accordance with the Admission Rules, if you have not submitted an application for a contract before July 25, then you will no longer be able to enroll there. Don't deprive yourself of an option!

And, by the way, in 90% of cases the employer is not interested in what specific area of ​​training is written on our graduate’s diploma. He just needs graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.

What advantages does a medal provide upon admission?

The medal does not provide any direct benefits. The competition is based on the sum of three Unified State Examination points. If this amount turns out to be equal for two applicants, then the one with a higher score in mathematics has an advantage (in the case of our faculty). And only if these points are equal, the presence of a medal will give an advantage.

On what specialties can you enroll in your department after college (for example, after Rostov College of Communications and Informatics) for budget education?

If you managed to pass the Unified State Exam while studying in college, then you can apply to our faculty (and to any other faculty of SFU) based on their results without any problems - either for budget education or for commercial education. If you have not passed the Unified State Exam, then the possibility of entering our faculty depends not on the name of the college, but on the specialty in which you have a diploma. You can enroll in Mechanics and Mathematics for budgetary training in any area of ​​training if your specialty belongs, for example, to group 230000 “Informatics and Computer Science” or 090000 “Information Security”. Instead of

What is the order of admission to a university, and what does it depend on?

The answer to this question turned out to be not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that, for unknown reasons, many educational institutions, as it turns out, do not particularly bother themselves with detailed details of the enrollment sequence, limiting themselves to only a brief summary. But for future applicants this is not unimportant, and if the relevant information is difficult to find, then how to understand what is there?

We tried to fill the existing gaps and compiled a generalized model of the sequence of enrollment in universities. It looks like this.

The highest priority when enrolling in a university is given to:
1. applicants eligible for admission without entrance examinations.
This category includes - members of national teams of the Russian Federation who participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects; winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren; winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the approved list for the current academic year, if, by decision of the university, they are given the right to be enrolled without entrance examinations in areas of training corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

They are followed by:
2. applicants entitled to non-competitive admission (orphans and children left without parental care; persons from among orphans and children left without parental care; disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, as well as other categories of citizens who this right is given in accordance with current legislation);
3. applicants who have successfully passed the entrance examination and are entering the places allocated for targeted admission;
4. applicants who are admitted on a general basis and have scored a high amount of points on the Unified State Examination;
5. in case of equality of the sum of points on the Unified State Exam, applicants who have a preferential right to admission;
6. in the presence (absence) of preferential rights, applicants with a higher score in the core subject.

If the scores in a core subject are equal, the further sequence of enrollment is established by the university itself and, within the framework of the analysis, looks like this:
7. applicants who became winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (upon admission to specialties corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad and the presence of relevant documents in his personal file);
8. applicants who have become winners and prize-winners of Olympiads that are NOT included in the approved list, organized by the university itself (upon admission to specialties that correspond to the profile of the Olympiad and the presence of relevant documents in his personal file);
9. applicants - medalists, holders of a certificate of secondary education with honors;
10. applicants who have completed their studies at the university’s preparatory courses (if there are relevant documents in their personal file);
11. applicants who have the highest result of the arithmetic average of the final grades of the certificate.

From all of the above, at least two important conclusions can be drawn. First, if there is no detailed description of the admission sequence, this question should be asked to the admissions committee of the university where you are going to enroll. And the sooner the better. And second. Admissions experience from past years has shown that, given the high density of Unified State Exam results, members of admissions committees often had to calculate priorities, literally using a calculator. It follows that almost any achievement of an applicant can benefit him. The only main thing is that the corresponding confirmation of merit is in his personal file, i.e. in other words, it would be handed over to them complete with all other documents.

What is the order of admission to a university, and what does it depend on? The answer to this question turned out to be not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that, for unknown reasons, many educational institutions, as it turns out, do not particularly bother themselves with detailed details of the enrollment sequence, limiting themselves to only a brief summary. But for future applicants this is not unimportant, and if the relevant information is difficult to find, then how to understand what is there? We tried to fill the existing gaps and compiled a generalized model of the sequence of enrollment in universities. It looks like this. The following have the highest priority when enrolling in a university: 1.

Admission to the university - 2015. What does the priority number mean when submitting documents?


In general, the period for consideration of the issue of the St. Petersburg State University Virtual Admissions Office cannot exceed 30 days from the date of registration of questions and, in exceptional cases, can be extended by no more than 30 days - with notification of applicants about the extension of the consideration period.

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for preparing responses to requests of a socio-legal nature here.


Features of obtaining an archival certificate In accordance with the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation,” an archival certificate can be prepared at the written request of the citizen for whom the certificate is requested, or the heirs of this citizen.

About university enrollment priorities

How to set priorities for an applicant How to correctly set priorities for an applicant when choosing a strategy for entering a university in Ukraine according to the new rules of 2014-2015? This question will in the near future torment all school graduates and their parents, who will need to give some advice to their children.
First, let’s explain for the uninitiated what we are talking about. The Ministry of Education of Ukraine has announced new admission rules, which say that applicants can submit their documents to five educational institutions in three directions.
In total there are 15 options. But in order to simplify the admission procedure, each applicant is asked to indicate the priority of the university and the direction in which he would like to study first if he successfully passes the external independent assessment.

Priorities are indicated when submitting an application and cannot change as the admission process progresses.

We are entering university. tactics and strategy of actions of applicants and their parents

100 applicants submitted documents; their ranked list is available on the institute’s website.

Until August 1, 12 applicants brought original documents and consent to enrollment: No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95, 96, 97, 99 and 100 (numbers from the ranked list).

Since the university is obliged to fill 80% of the competitive places in the first wave, applicants No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95 will be admitted.
Yes, yes, and they took No. 95 too. Situation No. 2 Applicants No. 7, 12 and 95 changed their minds about enrolling in the chain-link mesh department.
Applicant No. 12 brought an application to revoke documents on July 30 at five o’clock in the evening.
Since the admissions committee only worked until six, his documents were returned to him on July 31 at 10 a.m., after which he managed to take the train and take his documents to MGIMO, where he also qualified for the competition. Applicant No. 95, as we remember, was on the enrollment list, but on the morning of August 2 he changed his mind and came to pick up the documents.

How to set priorities correctly when applying

Unified State Exam;5. in case of equality of the sum of points on the Unified State Examination, applicants having a preferential right to admission;6.

in the presence (absence) of preferential rights, applicants with a higher score in the core subject.

If there is an equal score in a core subject, the further sequence of admission is established by the university itself and, within the framework of the analysis, looks like this: 7.

applicants who became winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (upon admission to specialties corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad and the presence of relevant documents in his personal file);8. applicants who have become winners and prize-winners of Olympiads that are NOT included in the approved list, organized by the university itself (upon admission to specialties that correspond to the profile of the Olympiad and the presence of relevant documents in his personal file);9.

This category includes members of national teams of the Russian Federation who participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects; winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren; winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the approved list for the current academic year, if, by decision of the university, they are given the right to be enrolled without entrance examinations in areas of training corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. They are followed by: 2. applicants entitled to non-competitive admission (orphans and children without parental care; persons from among orphans and children without parental care; disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, as well as other categories of citizens for whom this right given in accordance with current legislation);3.

First second third priority upon admission to dep

About pregnancy Planning pregnancy. IVF Pregnancy Calculator and pregnancy calendar Childbirth, after childbirth Rating of maternity hospitals Sibmama Rating of maternity hospitals in Novosibirsk - 2016 3 About children Newborn.
Child up to one year Children's health and care Vaccinations. Allergy Vaccination. Asthma Pediatric dentistry Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) Breast and artificial feeding. Complementary feeding Kindergarten School Higher and secondary vocational education Ratings of Russian schools Sports for children Education and psychology Teenagers 4 Activities and games for children About history - exciting Poems for children Crafts Children's recreation Where to go with your child Cooking with children 5 Beauty, care, fitness. Relationships Diets and fitness. Weight loss Shopping Psychological tests Sibling mothers Famous mothers 6 Projects Sibling mothers Interviews with sibling mothers and other interesting people Horoscopes Test drive.

First second third priority when entering a university

But it turned out that applicants No. 22, 58, 59, 60, seeing that those whose Unified State Exam results were much worse were admitted, decided to take a risk and also brought original documents and consent to enrollment! Since there were three free places left at the faculty (2 places - 20% of the admission plan, and the place vacated by applicant No. 7), applicants No. 22, 58, 59 were accepted there.

So, as a result, applicants No. 1, 2, 5, 9, 22, 55, 58, 59, 79, 96 will study at the chain-link mesh department.

Applicants No. 60 and No. 95 can try their luck next year, although the much less capable applicants No. 79 and 96 have already become students.

Just like that! The most popular questions from parents of applicants - Can a child write a statement of consent along with the application for admission? — Maybe, especially if you submitted original educational documents, but only one statement of consent to enrollment can be submitted to the university.

The decision on ranking (ordering) priorities is made personally by the applicant and is confirmed by a personal signature in the application when submitting documents. 6. Based on an analysis of the competitive situation, the applicant has the right to change both the areas of training/specialty (priorities) and the ranks of priorities.

In this case, the completion of changes or additions to priorities ends no later than July 29 (before the issuance of the first order for the admission of applicants applying for targeted places and applicants who have special rights upon admission).

Changing priorities by phone, email or through parents (legal representatives) is not allowed.

A change in priority is carried out only on the basis of a receipt for acceptance of documents issued by the University Admissions Committee and an identity card.
Zhanna Evgenievna, actually on yours. If you decide to pick up the documents before the first wave of enrollment (August 3), they will be returned to you immediately.

If you decide to pick them up after August 3 in order to be enrolled in another university on August 6, then the speed of issuing documents at the first university depends on the goodwill of the administration of this university.

Perhaps they will hold your documents, and you will have to go to the rector (and there have been cases, even to the prosecutor’s office) to return them.

Time, of course, will already be lost, because you only have two days to submit documents in the second wave.

The decision whether to apply to your first university or not is yours. I don’t know which university we’re talking about, so I can’t imagine whether there will be any obstacles to you in returning your documents after the admission order is issued; my personal experience is that no such obstacles arose at NSU. Zhanna Evgenievna (Guest) (07/21/2016) burya, thank you.
Secondly, don’t forget about such an important thing as extra points for individual achievements! The admissions committee can add up to 10 points for sports and scientific achievements, as well as for participation in volunteer activities - carefully study this section on the university website, the requirements of educational institutions vary. Another ten additional points can be earned for an essay - the same one that was written in winter for admission to the Unified State Exam. Commissions of humanities faculties are especially often interested in them; some are even ready to extract them from the database and independently re-evaluate them using a 10-point system.

So be sure to indicate that you wrote the essay! Applicant's calendar: don't miss the moment! Key dates for admission to university are very important.

We would like to note that if your child has passed the Unified State Exam and does not take entrance tests and creative competitions, then you have not missed anything yet.
At the same time, for each area of ​​training (specialty), the applicant has the right to apply for different forms of training and different fundamentals of training. Thus, the maximum possible number of priorities when applying to the University is 12. The priorities are ranked by the applicant in order from most significant to least significant. 4. When ranking priorities, the following logic must be observed: first, priorities are ranked on the budgetary basis of full-time and part-time education, then on the commercial basis of full-time and part-time education. 5. Priorities are determined either independently or in consultation with representatives of the University Admissions Committee on the basis of personal and professional preferences and the results of entrance examinations (USE) or intention to participate in them if this right is available (SamSU Admission Rules for the 2015/2016 academic year) .

Before submitting documents to an educational institution, it is better to familiarize yourself with how admission to a university occurs. With all the distinctive awards and confident knowledge, you can fail by applying at the wrong time. It is also worth paying attention to the competitive conditions for selecting applicants. Each educational institution has its own rules.

General principles

Various conditions affect how admission to a university occurs. Local characteristics, educational profile, as well as the acquired profession upon graduation contribute to this process. Even the financial condition of both the applicants themselves and the place where they are admitted is influenced.

Nevertheless, general selection conditions can be traced in all universities in the country. Among these are:

  • Average school grade, Unified State Exam results.
  • Knowledge in entrance exams, expressed in the marks received for them. (Additional testing is provided at some universities.)
  • Availability of awards for participation in conferences, additional education (preparatory courses).
  • Availability of a referral to a preferential place or other privileges.
  • Competition during the submission period.

Not everyone understands how admission to a university occurs with a huge flow of beneficiaries. The streaming system also introduces difficulties, when some of the seats are already occupied before the exams begin. This is explained by courses from the university, which are conducted annually on a financial basis.

If you carefully consider how admission to a university occurs, you will notice that priority remains with those who have attended additional training for a long time from the institution’s teachers. In other words, all other things being equal, those who have paid for additional classes are taken first. This was previously called the admission of applicants from the first wave of exams.

The competition in the second stream is often higher. The most prepared applicants are selected here. There is some inequality for those entering the university. At this moment, “freeloaders”—with preferential referrals—infiltrate the ranks of those applying. To be admitted, they only need to have a rating comparable to a C in all subjects.

Calculation of indicators

Let's look at how admission to a university occurs based on the results of studying at school - points for the Unified State Exam. To do this, several indicators are used, tabulated for ease of calculation. However, the results of the ranking of applicants can be seen only after submitting documents to the admissions committee and calculating all the data. So, lists are posted after July 27 every year. But you can submit copies of documents. However, there are some peculiarities; the original will still be needed before the results are announced.

To understand how admission to a university on a budget occurs, it is necessary to compare the following indicators of applicants:

  • The total score for all indicators.
  • The scores for the three entrance exams are compared separately.
  • Points for individual achievements are taken into account.
  • Often, admission to a university is influenced by whether the applicant submitted an original education document or a copy.
  • All other things being equal, the presence of a preemptive right is taken into account (these are target areas, benefits, etc.).

The given list determines how admission to a university takes place according to priorities. If there are strong applicants in the stream, it may happen that an excellent student will be left out of work. A C grade student will enter another department, where at that moment the requirements turned out to be lower.

Often, with good performance, the rector of a university can make an extraordinary decision and open several additional budget places. This happens quite rarely. After all, the institution itself, and not the Ministry of Education, will pay for the tuition.

Selection procedure

It is important to remember what date admission to the university occurs. The original education document must be submitted no later than the following dates:

  • For applicants in targeted and preferential areas - no later than July 29. Documents will no longer be accepted after 16:00 on this day.
  • For budget places - no later than August 3. The reception ends at 16.00 on this day.

How to assess your chances of admission?

Let's look at how the process of admission to a university works, using an example. So, we will assume that there are 30 budget places. Of these, only 8 are allocated to beneficiaries and target recipients.

Of all the places, applicants will be able to take 22. Confidence in admission can be given by a position in the ranking that will be higher than 80% of 22 budget places. The lucky ones are those whose last names will be above the position 22 * ​​80% = 17.6 = 17th line.

If your last name is higher, you can safely carry the original document. There will be a guaranteed admission to the chosen university. It is important to arrive before 16:00 on August 3 when applying on a general basis.

How are the recruitment stages different?

Let’s take a closer look at how university admission occurs. The first wave provides for the allocation of 80% of places for state employees, the rest are allocated for targeted applicants. Beneficiaries can expect a low passing score and no consideration of other priorities when submitting original documents.

The second wave accommodates only 20% of all available budget places. At the same time, for other state employees, the passing score often becomes higher due to the increasing number of applicants who were not included in the first wave.

Who are the beneficiaries?

To understand how admission to a university occurs in waves, it is recommended not to panic immediately after you find a surname below the boundaries given in the example. After all, beneficiaries may not submit documents. To do this, you should monitor the rating lists daily.

If the target persons provide copies of documents, then these places will be designated as budget places. Your name may be among them. Beneficiaries may include:

  • Olympic athletes.
  • Applicants with targeted directions from certain schools and gymnasiums.
  • Participants in educational projects.

Control rules

Once you are on the list of lucky ones, you need to monitor your position every day. It is especially important to check when trying to enroll in two universities at once. Those beneficiaries who have a copy of their documents always have a chance to bring the original before 16:00 on July 29.

For budget applicants this deadline is even longer - until August 3, 16.00. Therefore, constant monitoring of your position will help you correctly assess your chances and transfer the original to another university in time, where the likelihood of admission will be much higher. It should be remembered that for those who failed the first wave there is a second one.

When re-selecting, you can also send the original documents to the selection committees. Along with them, they must also submit an application requesting admission to the university. Specific evidence of awards and achievements is also provided.

Conditions for beneficiaries

Documents are submitted to the target places in the first wave. Medalists and other beneficiaries have the right to enroll in two universities at the same time, submitting a copy to one place and the original to another. If an applicant does not pass somewhere in the ranking, then he has the opportunity to participate in the second wave of admission.

However, resubmission of documents will already take place on a general basis. Students will be selected according to a new, higher rating. This approach allows us to select the most competent guys from the entire stream.

Second run

The first stage of selection ends on August 3, and on the 4th the order for enrollment is issued and lists are posted. 80% of budget places have already been occupied. Based on the number of applications submitted, the second wave of applicants is being collected.

At this stage, the same rules for selecting the most successful guys apply. Original documents must be brought before August 7. Already on this day the second order for enrollment will be issued.

At the second stage, the remaining budget places are filled - 20%. If you didn’t find your name on the lists, then you weren’t lucky enough to become a student. However, this is not the end of educational opportunities.

Did not work out. What's next?

If you do not qualify for the first and second waves of admission to government-funded places, you can get an education on a paid basis. Recruitment of applicants also takes place through a competition from the remaining lists. The rules are similar to the previous ones: you will need to bring original documents and an application requesting admission to the university.

The number of places is determined by the manager of the university and is limited only by the technical capabilities of the institution. The competition here is much lower than for budget places. If this option is not suitable, there are two more options to still graduate from a university: a correspondence budget form of education or a similar paid form.

Dates for accepting documents:

  • Under the contract, applications are accepted until August 27. Preferential loans are available for students to study at universities. You can also pay expenses from your parents' maternity capital.
  • You can apply for correspondence courses until August 10 for budget-funded places.
  • Applications for absentee contracts must be submitted by September 29.

Considering all the possibilities, only the lazy do not go to university. To properly assess your capabilities, you need to constantly review the lists and not despair if your name is not found among the lucky ones. It is not easy to compete for prestigious places, but if you really want to, you can find a suitable training option.

Has your appointment been received?

This, of course, is good news if a name is found on the list of lucky ones. But what happens after enrolling in a university? You should definitely visit the HR department and find information about the necessary documents.

Those who have been admitted to the university must prepare photographs for their personal file and student ID. Size - 3x4 cm, no corner required. The next stage is a medical commission, the result of which should be a certificate 086U.

Those liable for military service submit registration certificates for reporting. Recently, you can submit documents through the university website or by mail. The date for the meeting will appear on the notice board soon.

The freshmen will be gathered to meet the group, and a prefect will be appointed. A little later the day for issuing student transcripts will be announced. And a week before the start of classes you can see the schedule.

For many, housing issues will have to be resolved before classes begin. You will have to write an application with a request to allocate a room in the hostel if you have the right to do so. Details of this action can be found in the educational department. It is worth starting to resolve this issue immediately after the release of the enrollment order.

The problem of purchasing travel cards remains relevant. After all, they are produced in limited quantities. It is also worth picking up literature before starting classes.

A couple of wonderful school graduations have come to an end. Now school graduates are seriously thinking about the problem of entering a higher education institution.

What you need to know schoolchildren, what documents need to be submitted to the commission and what priority is for enrollment. Let's figure it out.

Choosing an institute

The process of choosing a higher education institution is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Your further educational activities and training in your chosen specialty will depend on it, and your future work will depend on it.

Therefore, before submitting documents to any institute, you must decide on the direction your activities. Do you want to connect your life with medicine, or maybe you like working with animals, or maybe you see yourself as the best economist in the future, or are you ready to fight and defend the rights of citizens, or perhaps you are passionate about technology and are ready to create something of your own and special.

Based on these preferences, look to institutes in your city and the nearest district. Each major educational institution has its own website, which provides basic information, a list of areas of training, as well as scientific activities and student life.

You can choose for yourself 5 universities, and in each of them submit documents for 3 specialties. Therefore, read the information, make your choice and start preparing documents for admission.


To participate in the competition for admission to the chosen specialty, you must submit a list of documents to the admissions committee of the selected institute. The list includes:

  1. A copy of your passport and a copy of your school leaving certificate.
  2. Original documents for the provision of benefits. Such documents are required by beneficiaries, winners and prize-winners of Olympiads, and graduates who have entered into targeted contracts.
  3. Medical certificate in form 086у. Some specialties require an extended version. Detailed information should be clarified at the specific institute.
  4. Application for admission. In it you list the list of specialties in which you want to begin the process of studying at the institute. Specialties are listed in order of priority.

A priority

When drawing up an application, the admissions committee will ask you to rank your specialties in order of priority, that is, first you indicate the specialty you most want to enroll in, or the one for which you have the highest chance of enrolling.

With an equal number of points the priority of the specialty will be taken into account for all indicators.


On the twentieth of July, the submission of documents to the admissions committee ends and their processing begins. At the beginning of August Institutes are posting orders to enroll students in the first wave. Usually, the first to be included in this order are beneficiaries, Olympiad winners, target students and applicants with a large number of Unified State Examination points.

Applicants are enrolled according to rating list, which was formed as a result of the submission of documents by everyone. You can view this list on the website of the institute to which you applied. Through it you can monitor your chances of admission to a particular institute.

Don't be upset if you didn't see your name on the first wave list. If you have a good score and are included in the ranking list by place, then you will be included in the second wave. After this you will need to submit application for consent to enrollment.

It is written at the institute where you are going to stay. In it you leave the original of your certificate. When submitting a document of consent, you automatically cease to participate in the competition for other specialties.

If you have good USE score, there are additional bonuses from the Olympiad or the GTO, then you do not need to worry about admission. Of course, the chance of entering a prestigious university and a budget-funded place is always very small, since there are many applications and the most talented and successful candidates are considered first.

Don't despair if you don't get into the institute of your dreams. It is worth realistically and soberly assessing your chances of entering a particular specialty. You should always take into account the fact that you will have the opportunity to transfer within one institution if you are successful in your studies.

And you can pick up your documents upon completion of the 1st year, for example, and try your luck in entering the institute that you originally wanted to enroll in. Don't be upset or give up if your dream doesn't come true.

Each institute has its own charm and uniqueness, in each of them you can express yourself both in the curriculum and in sports, scientific and student activities. For example, become the head of your group or enroll in a student activist group.

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