Aliens and prophecies. Psychics about aliens and clones Aliens are trying to help us

Rumors of a “Cyclops” in Romania are cited as evidence.

There were reports in the media that residents of Romania saw and heard a humanoid creature similar to a Cyclops. According to conspiracy theorists, this may serve as evidence of “Vanga’s prophecy” about the appearance of mutant people on the planet.

A report from says that the “Cyclops” was seen in a Romanian zoo. At the same time, unnamed ufologists have allegedly already suggested that the creature is an alien from the planet Nibiru, and conspiracy theorists have suggested that it is a mutant. It is stated that, according to Vanga’s predictions, such mutants will one day gradually replace humanity.

This is not the only “Vanga’s prophecy” that has appeared in the media recently. Previously, conspiracy theorists, citing a soothsayer, assured that the United States would be affected by a disease developed in secret laboratories, forcing young men and women to almost instantly turn into elderly people. In March, the media reported that for the next century, Vanga predicted the destruction of some cities as a result of floods, religious wars, as well as mass cloning of human organs and a mission to Venus and for use in medicine. In addition, conspiracy theorists stated that by 2077 Vanga predicted the victory of communism on the planet.

Not less often than Vanga, another eminent predictor, Nostradamus, appears in messages of this kind. In particular, Craig Hamilton-Parker, who claims to have psychic abilities, “deciphered” the prophecies according to which the current US President Donald Trump will be re-elected for a second term in 2020. Also, since the end of last year, the media continue to discuss the “prophecies of Nostradamus for 2019” published in another British tabloid, It was then reported that for 2019, he “assigned” the 27-year-old Third World War, floods in Europe and a devastating earthquake between California and Vancouver. It was also stated that, according to the prediction, it was in this year that animals would speak to humans.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke quite carefully and sparingly about all events concerning global scales. So in 1988, Vanga spoke vaguely about the future meeting of our world civilization with representatives of alien intelligence, without naming specific dates or places where the aliens would visit the Earth. However, some facts were nevertheless documented by press workers, and in particular by journalists from the Soviet-Bulgarian magazine “Friendship”.

Vanga believed in aliens unconditionally. Back in 1979, her predictions concerned the relatively quick meeting of people with brothers in mind who had flown from another star. The meeting, according to her, will take place in about 200 years, when other civilizations from the distant planet Vamfim will visit the Earth. Moreover, this prediction concerned mass visits to our planet by star guests. As for individual representatives of the mysterious Vamfim, Vanga, in her words, “has already met with them. Why be surprised if I saw them and even wandered hand in hand with them..."

The clairvoyant sincerely believed that life on Earth began from the outside - namely intelligent life. Allegedly, the mind was brought to Earth from space - this is evidenced by her numerous travels with representatives of distant civilizations not only across the expanses of our planet, but also across distant Vamfim. And it is not that far at all, but only the third from the Earth - although Vanga did not specify how to count it. But she often recalled in her revelations how she mentally visited Vamfim, where strange creatures that move in leaps live. They received her well, “...they took her around their land strewn with stars. They are quite strict in communication, but hospitable. And when talking with them, an echo can be heard..." but the clairvoyant did not see the dwellings of these creatures anywhere.

Vanga spoke a lot and often about heavenly wanderers, aliens, higher powers of intelligence from other planets and other extraterrestrial beings. It is about Vamfim and the coming of its inhabitants to our planet that her predictions, through some astronomical and arithmetic calculations, can be dated back to 2179. Regarding the distant future, Grandma Vanga did not resort to such precision. Back in the year 7000, she no longer saw any visits by aliens to the Earth, nor the events that developed in connection with this in her imagination. She only said that by then something resembling a global catastrophe or the end of the world would happen. Allegedly, the Earth will collide with a large comet or other celestial body - and the result of the collision will be cataclysms, floods, earthquakes and a sharp change in climate. However, the scale of the disasters was never described to her - the disaster would spread throughout the world, or affect individual continents.

As for Vamfim, most likely, Vanga “saw” a wandering planet, in constant motion and not having its own circumstellar orbit. This is the only way to explain her assurances that the planet is not so far away - only the third from Earth. Today, there are no “alien” planets between Jupiter and Mars, and nothing is known about life on the planets of the Solar System. Astronomers suggest that we are talking about a celestial body that has a peculiar “orbital period” of about 3600 years - and in 200 years its path will lie through our system, just between Jupiter and Mars.

The ancient Babylonians had similar ideas, considering this mysterious celestial body to be “planet Nibiru.” Only, unlike Vanga, the predictors of Babylon were sure that a meeting with the planet or its representatives would bring destruction to the Earth. Vanga claimed that contact with the mind from Vamfima would bring perfect, absolute knowledge to our civilization.

Photos from open sources

Many people remember the Bulgarian Vanga as a great predictor of certain global world events, although people came to her from all over the world, as a rule, not to learn about the fate of the Motherland, but to solve their pressing problems. And Vangelina said that at that moment she saw their dead relatives near the people who came to her. It was they who helped her resolve issues of concern to visitors. (website)

Photos from open sources

It was precisely her ability to communicate with the world of the dead that made this blind seer famous. She didn’t hide from anyone that she couldn’t read minds or do anything supernatural; everything was shown or told to her by entities from the afterlife who came to her. Vanga explained that the dead behave almost the same as people, that is, they know how to laugh and cry, be sad and rejoice, only they know much more than we do, since, unlike those living on Earth, these subtle beings have direct contact with God (why earthlings are deprived of such contact, see the video below).

Many people spoke about Vanga’s mysterious ability to communicate with the dead. For example, the writer V.M. Sidorov even recalls her interesting remark on this matter, when Vangelina complained to him that the spirits sometimes do not give her peace, they wake her up, they say, get up, there is no time to sleep, it’s time to work.

Vanga described the world of spirits in exactly the same way as they are interpreted, for example, in the well-known world teaching of Agni Yoga. The soothsayer was introduced to this teaching by Lyudmila Zhivkova, the daughter of the then leader of Bulgaria, Todor Zhivkov. However, Vangelina said that she already knew everything about it.

Aliens are trying to help us

She also said that she constantly meets with aliens from the future and aliens. According to Vanga, representatives of other worlds have been visiting Earth for a long time, but communicate here only with rare spiritual personalities. The closest to people are the aliens from the planet Vamfim, who are invisible to earthlings. They resemble tall people, only translucent, dressed in clothes somewhat similar to armor. They showed Vanga more than once their world, that is, as she herself said, they took her by the hand and led her to their land. Their world is very beautiful, it is even difficult to describe it in earthly words, however, in it the Bulgarian seer did not notice any buildings and houses inherent in our planet. The Bulgarian seer could not say anything more specific about the life of aliens and their plans for the Earth; she was not allowed to do so.

Photos from open sources

However, she told the main thing that representatives of the planet Vamfim are trying with all their might to help earthlings. They will be the first to come into contact with people, and it is then that balance will come to our world, and then general prosperity. It’s a pity that the aliens either didn’t tell Vanga about the timing of this contact, or forbade her to talk about it...

Aliens in the Bible

By the way, there are places in the Bible that also clearly talk about aliens and their aircraft, which we today call UFOs. For example, it mentions Ezekiel seeing a “wheel” that took him and raised him to another “upper wheel” (Ezekiel 1:16). All this resembles a picture when an alien gets into a flying saucer and goes to another - the base one, which in this case could be an interplanetary ship.

Photos from open sources

In the revelations of John the Theologian there is also a mention of a certain transitional state of existence, after which an amazing city will appear in the sky (Rev 21:2-27). This "city" could very well be a large alien ship that the ancients had already observed and which "promised" to return at a certain time.

Aliens in our lives

In our life, the presence of UFOs in the sky, as well as in general within our solar system (outside of it, we simply cannot track the aliens) is becoming something even familiar, especially for ufologists who look at photographs and video materials every day, recording aliens here and there.

For example, the famous online archaeologist Scott Waring recently discovered the shadow of an astronaut near the rover in photographs of the Curiosity rover. Moreover, this shadow was reflected not in one, but in four photographs at once, which cannot be an accident or a defect in the photo. Moreover, as Waring writes in his commentary on the pictures posted on the Internet, this is not the first time that an astronaut, either managing or repairing a rover, accidentally gets caught (or rather, his shadow) in the lens of the rover’s camera. This already happened two years ago...

Photos from open sources

It is possible that it is for this reason that the Curiosity rover turned out to be such a tenacious mechanism that survived all the deadlines allotted to it. It is simply inspected and repaired periodically. But who does it is a mystery. It is possible that there are already secret technologies on Earth that allow people to quickly move through space, and people have been around for a long time. Or maybe these are not people at all, but aliens, or even Martians themselves. In any case, two cases (or whoever it is?) went wrong, speaks of some kind of pattern and convinces us of the presence of humanoids on the Red Planet.

But as for the very distant future (in particular the year 7000), Vanga’s predictions about the end of the world or a global catastrophe are not so optimistic. And in the “Evangelical Chronograph” in connection with this it is said this way:
“As a result of the collision of the Earth with a large comet (celestial body), great disasters, natural disasters, earthquakes, environmental disasters, and sudden climate change will occur.
The following picture, which the clairvoyant Vanga saw, dates back to this period of time: “Sometimes I see this picture: blackened and burnt earth, and a handful of people moving along it look like shadows.” (for more details see: vol. 1, pp. 41 - 42, 51).
However, let me clarify: Vanga did not report anything about the scale of natural disasters on Earth as a result of the cosmic cataclysm at the end of the world year (7000).
And this is all about the collision of the Earth with a large celestial body in the very distant future. And here it is necessary to especially emphasize and place all the accents: the calculations of Kirill Butusov, an astrophysicist at the Academy of Civil Aviation from St. Petersburg, a member of the International Association of Planetary Scientists, that very soon - in 2012! - The Earth will collide with a large body (“Arguments and Facts”, No. 34, August 19 - 25, 2009) - completely and completely wrong!! Until the last dot and comma!!
And even more so, astrophysicist Kirill Butusov initially incorrectly proceeds from the premise that in 2012 the Earth will collide with a “wandering planet” that “moves tens of billions of kilometers away from the Sun and, returning once every 3600 years, ends up between Mars and Jupiter.”
And although astrophysicist Butusov operates with seemingly objective data (“the wandering planet Nibiru”, “astronomers of Ancient Babylon”, “billions of kilometers”, “orbital period 3600 years”, etc.) - this is not entirely true! More precisely: not at all!! And from the category of children’s horror stories, here is Butusov’s statement: “In 2012, even if the Earth avoids a head-on collision, the gravity of a giant flying several million kilometers away may be so strong that it will tear off the Earth’s skin like the fluff of a dandelion.”
And in fact, the wandering planet is not the ancient Babylonian Nibiru at all, but well known to the clairvoyant Vanga Vamfim! And carries planet Vamfim our Earth is not at all universal destruction, but universal absolute knowledge.
Yes, the clairvoyant Vanga spoke many times about this wandering planet. And called her Vamfim. And she called it in this context: not in connection with a global catastrophe threatening the Earth, but in speeches about short but vivid meetings with aliens.
"...They say they are coming from planet Vamfim- the third from the Earth, at least that’s what I hear. I don’t know for what purpose they fly. Sometimes one of them takes me by the hand and leads me to his planet Vamfim. I follow him. I walk on the earth (but it’s not earth!), strewn with stars. It’s like being a mother-in-law.”
Those who lead me move very quickly, in leaps and bounds. On their planet Vamfim everything is very beautiful, I just can’t describe it. For some reason I don’t see any houses anywhere. These creatures are very strict. When they speak, their voices echo like an echo..." (Said by Vanga in 1988, vol. 2, p. 178).
So, Vanga and the aliens. In order not to repeat myself, I refer readers to the “Great Encyclopedia of the Clairvoyant Vanga”, where there are almost entire volumes and sections about “aliens”, “higher powers”, “elders in dazzlingly shiny clothes”, “heavenly messengers”, “extraterrestrial beings” and " residents of Vamfim" (see: vol. I, pp. 41, 141 - 146, vol. 2, pp. 162-184, vol. 5, pp. 9-142, etc.).
And here it is very important - both for the philosophical, and for the astronomical, and for the astrophysical understanding of universal problems - to comprehend the following intersection of coordinates: aliens and specific dates.
There is such a peculiarity: “Vanga very sparingly and cautiously predicted events on a global scale” (vol. 5, p. 146). And even more so, when we were talking about meetings with extraterrestrial beings and the universal chronograph, she didn’t seem to name specific dates. And yet, these dates are calculated and calculated on the basis of calculations of Vanga’s predictions and comparing them with the facts of cultural studies and astrology. Even if sometimes indirectly. Let me explain with specific examples.
For example, in the “Evangelical Chronograph” it says: “The year is 2179. The people of Earth will establish contacts with brothers in mind from other worlds...” (vol. 1, p. 41). However, just like that: “... in 2179...” - Vanga naturally did not say. Then where did this very “2179” transform from?
And the logic and calculations here were as follows. Here is a recording made in May 1979, strictly from the words of the clairvoyant Vanga herself: “In 200 years, a person will establish contact with brothers in mind from other worlds... (vol. I, p. 154). And it is from here that the desired date for the future contact of earthlings is formed with aliens Vamfim: 2179 is 1979 plus 200 years.
This example is very simple: purely arithmetic. But more often you have to resort to “stellar algebra”: combining arithmetic with astronomy.
And again, in the “Evangelical Chronograph” there is a universal-earthly date: “1612 BC. Another visit to the Earth by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization from a hypothetical planet in the solar system...” (vol. I, p. 20). And this is how this date was calculated based on the sayings of the clairvoyant Vanga and an analysis of publications in the Bulgarian press.
You can't see it, but there are many strange aircraft in the sky right now. I see three “people” inside each person (of course, the word “person” is in quotation marks). I hear the words: " A big event is getting ready!" What the the event is being prepared by aliens They don’t explain it to me..." (Said by Vanga in 1988, vol. 2, p. 177).
"I've been seeing them for about a year now. They are transparent. They look like the reflection of a person in the water. Their hair is soft, like duck down, and forms something like a halo around the head. Behind my back I see something similar to wings... They work a lot , clearly and organizedly, they say that for seven thousand years there were few people through whom they made direct connections with the Earth...” (Said by Vanga in 1988, vol. 2, p. 178).
“One of them said to me: “Stand up and listen, and we will tell you something about the future. Do not be afraid of anything, because there is a watchman at your door. But here it is: the world expects many changes, it will be reborn and destroyed again. Balance will come when we start talking to people!..” (Said by Vanga in 1988, vol. 2, p. 176).
All these sayings of the clairvoyant Vanga about representatives planet Vamfim were strictly documented by correspondents of the Soviet-Bulgarian magazine "Friendship" directly in Petrich and Rupite in the same 1988.
Further, an accurate and punctual analysis of the press, calculations, calculations, comparisons - and a lot becomes clearer.
But if it's very short... The Bulgarian youth newspaper "Narodna Mladezh" (August 2, 1988) publishes an article about a woman from Plovdiv who has the ability to "hear her hands" and was visited by "extraterrestrial beings." And at the same time they hypnotized her and did something to her brain.
Almost next. The authoritative Bulgarian newspaper "Rabotnichesko Delo" (September 23, 1988) under the headline "Where is Planet X?" publishes an article by its Moscow correspondent. You can read this publication in detail (“Vanga’s Great Encyclopedia” (vol. 2, p. 181 -182). And here for astronomical calculations we are only interested in the fact that, according to the famous Turkmen scientist Odek Odekov: “...approximately once every 3600 years, our Earth is located favorably in relation to planet “X”. That unknown tenth planet of the solar system, which rotates along a very elongated inclined plane.
orbit, moving tens of billions of kilometers away from the Sun and Earth. And it is from this planet that “extraterrestrial beings” fly to Earth every 3600 years.
And when we read Vanga the publications from these Bulgarian newspapers, the clairvoyant said... In the first case: “Why should we be surprised? Yes, they (aliens - A.B.) are already walking among us.” And in the second: “That’s how it is... They and planet Vamfim...And they took me there by the hand..."
And from here the desired universal-earthly date is transformed: a visit to the Earth by aliens - 1612 BC: this is 1988 minus 3600 years.
And there is another objective way of dating the fulfillment and implementation of Vanga’s predictions. The method is no longer purely arithmetic, but rather associative. Figuratively speaking: stellar trigonometry.
For example, in the “Evangelical Chronograph” (vol. I, pp. 19-20) there is information that, according to Vanga, “...intelligent life has an unearthly origin and was brought to Earth from the outside, from space - just in
But when? And how can the concept of “great year” be brought within the framework of specific universal and earthly time?? It was clear: by “great year” Vanga means “world year”. However, it is not at all the same “world year” that, according to the interpretation of ancient Greek, ancient and medieval astrology, is associated with the end of the world. With that universal-earthly period, after which, after the global flood and global fire, all earthly events begin to repeat themselves.
The framework of the “great year” was very important to calculate, and here’s why. It was precisely the date of the beginning of the current “world year” that Vanga seemed to coincide with the beginning of the current civilization, which had both periods of prosperity and periods of decline.
From ancient philosophical treatises we naturally knew: the duration of the astrological world year: in Heraclitus - 18,000 years, according to Orpheus - 120,000 years, in Antiochus - 1,753,005 years, in Berossus - 2,160,000 years, in Cassander - 3,600,000 years, in Diogenes the Stoic - 6,480,000 years. And we used this knowledge in our conversation with Vanga.
And having patiently listened to all our long and abstruse calculations, Vanga, as always, briefly, meaningfully and categorically said in Bulgarian: “... Kassandra, the truth is close... 0 great light of the day, rightly speaking...”. And although everything is clear here without translation, I will duplicate it in translation into Russian: “...Kassandrushka is closer to the truth... In the great world year he spoke correctly...”.
That's all! Keywords!! And the desired date: 3593000 BC - the beginning of the world year and the universal milestone of the unearthly origin of intelligent life on Earth. And 3593000 BC is 3600000 years of the duration of the world year according to Cassander (philosopher and king of Macedonia) minus the 7000th year, i.e. the end of the great year.

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