About the Law of survival of the fittest (). Getting enough sleep

I am increasingly convinced of the correctness of the idea that the principle “survival of the fittest” is not only the harsh truth of life, but also its necessary basis. Mother Nature calculated everything correctly, but man, with his cleverness and inappropriate interference, only spoils everything.

Throughout the history of his existence, man has been fighting for a better life, and this struggle took place according to the principle: “whoever had time, ate it,” and, as a rule, the one who succeeded was the one who was stronger, smarter, more resilient, etc. (Underline whatever applicable). Thus, it was precisely those, the strongest, who, promoting themselves to a better life, advanced humanity as a whole, because those who remained “behind” thought, why am I worse and also moved forward behind the forefront. And as a result, it is thanks to them that we have what we have. After all, even if we remember that “here before” and that “the good old days,” I think few of you, contemporaries, would agree to voluntarily go for permanent residence in the dark Middle Ages, reeking of the stench of decaying corpses and inquisitorial fires, or to store in a cave from Stone Age times hearth and hunt a mammoth. And if so, then we can say that the “strongest” did a good deed, as far as a good deed can be in this very, very relative world.

What do we see now? (i.e. I see, if you see something else, you don’t need to immediately “rush at me with your fists”, my vision of the world is based, naturally, on what is around me) Now more and more often we can hear something like: “if a person cannot and does not understand, this does not mean that he is worse” (read: “if a person is worse, this does not mean that he is worse”). I would like to note right away that in the above “quote” the key phrase “in some way” is deliberately omitted. So, a person does not understand, does not understand and cannot, but we are asked to persistently pretend that he is no worse. And really, what do we care, since a person thinks that he is no worse, he is unlikely to start making any movements in the direction of “better”, but for us it’s only good, we have less competition. For the person himself, such an illusion of “no worse” is probably pleasant, but there is little benefit from it. And if he realized the unfortunate fact that he is worse, he would perhaps begin to strive for something better, would try to change something.

Now consider the case of being “worse” in some way. The fact that you cannot be better in everything is clear, obvious and does not require explanation, and if one cracks integrals like nuts, and the other knows Japanese perfectly, this does not mean that one of them is worse or better. It is important that each of them is good at at least something, the “strongest” in their field. But even here the same rule applies: “if you can’t, that means you’re the worst,” which is quite logical: a “Japanese” is worse at solving integrals than a “mathematician,” and a “mathematician” doesn’t know Japanese, which means he’s the “worst” here. Each of them understands that in the other’s sphere he is “the worst,” but he decides for himself whether he should fight for the title of the best.

It is the understanding of one’s inferiority, the realization that others are better, that makes a person get up from his fat ass and start doing something. While “we are all equal” - there is no incentive, when people receive the same salary for different jobs - there is no incentive when, even if you are the last ignoramus, whose only talent is the ability to crack seeds and discuss “chicks from the heavens” with the help of those learned by misunderstanding in childhood there are hundreds of words, you are still a person and no worse - there is no incentive. Therefore, let “the survival of the fittest” be the strongest in the world, and justice is a rather strange concept in this very, very relative world.

How does a strong person differ from a weak one? Now we are not talking about physical strength and endurance. With the proper degree of perseverance, almost anyone can cultivate these qualities. Becoming a strong person psychologically is much more difficult. And is it even possible?

Strong man: what is he like?

A strong person is what many people want to be in life. It is believed that such a person will be able to get settled and achieve what he wants. How he does it is not so important, the result is a priority. At the same time, a strong personality is characterized as cruel and rude, unshakable in judgment. But at heart, a strong person can be a fluffy kitten. Not everyone knows him closely, but they judge him by his external manifestations of fortitude.

But what about the psychology of a strong person? It is characterized by the following:

A strong personality may seem difficult to be around, live with, or work with. In fact, such a person is an example for others. Looking at it, you can understand that moving in the direction of your dreams and achieving results is a must. You can learn a lot from a strong person. The main thing is to understand this and be able to see the advantages of other people.

Portrait of a weak man

A weak person is the same as a strong person, but with a minus sign. That is, everything is the other way around for him. Yes and no. There are signs by which a psychologically weak personality can be easily identified in his environment. To do this, analyze the behavior of your friends. Or perhaps something from this list is about you?

  • A weak person complains more and more often than other people. Life is like a roller coaster, there are ups and downs. But even being at the top, a weak person complains about his existence, finding a reason for this. And instead of trying to get out of a difficult situation and solve problems, he talks about difficulties to others, regardless of their opinions and desire to listen or lack thereof. This turns people away from the weak person and introduces another reason for complaint.
  • A weak person does not strive to leave his comfort zone. He is afraid of life changes, even if they promise only the best. Vegetating in routine, he builds a life. He thinks that it is safer this way, he feels protected, even if in fact this is not the case.
  • A weak person does not take other people's opinions into account. Yes, you need to live your life the way you want. But being able to find a reasonable grain in the opinions and statements of other people is very important. To a certain extent, it pays to listen to others. This gives impetus to the development and improvement of one’s own personality.
  • A weak person gives up without a fight. This is perhaps the most obvious sign of a psychologically weak personality. This is expressed not only in the inability to finish what has been started, but also in the lack of perseverance. A strong person forgets that success does not come to those who have done nothing to achieve the result.
  • A weak person is jealous of other people. He does not achieve what he wants himself and those who succeeded. But each person has his own, the circumstances of his achievement are not the same. Instead of biting your nails out of envy, you should find your own path.
  • A weak person gets angry. Of course, no person can live without manifestations of anger. But what is the object towards which this anger is directed? If this is anger at yourself for your inability to achieve something, it will most likely direct you on the right path to self-improvement. But if this is anger at circumstances, at other people who have succeeded, where will it lead? It is absolutely impossible to never be angry. But unjustified destructive feelings break a person from the inside.

  • A weak person tends to dramatize. He talks about how hard it is for him to cope with life’s troubles and characterizes his life in a negative way. They say about such people that they are pessimists, because they do not see the light ahead. But negative mental projections are imposed on life, leave an imprint on a person’s present and future, and there is no escape from this.

You can understand the difference between a strong person and a weak one without resorting to an in-depth analysis of the personality. There is an ordinary, everyday understanding of “strength” and “weakness”. But at the same time, it can vary from person to person, and the category is determined.

How can a weak person become stronger?

There are no hopeless people. Anyone can become stronger if they want. You should get rid of your shortcomings gradually. To do this, follow the advice of psychologists.

Remember that there are no exceptionally strong or weak people. We are all strong in our own way, but sometimes we need support and understanding. Therefore, a strong person is not alone. He helps loved ones and is not afraid to ask for reciprocity if he needs it.

At least signs of what in our culture people call "weakness." For example, he does not cry, is not afraid, can endure any difficulties on his own, is always outwardly calm, completely independent of other people, etc. This is the role of a real Hero in our culture.

But often the manifestations are external, this is only an external facade, and deep down a person can have many deeply suppressed feelings, experiences, pain. As a rule, over time, such feelings are pushed beyond the boundaries of awareness, into the unconscious, and a person ceases to feel them, although if you look closely at such people, you can see how these deeply suppressed feelings are reflected in their body, figure, gait, and muscle tone. These feelings do not go away; they are expressed in excessive nervous and physical tension. Chronic fatigue, weakness, insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, headaches and heart pains, surges in blood pressure, irritation that comes from out of nowhere, depression, boredom, depression or, conversely, excessive activity (hyperactivity), hyperexcitability, sharp emotional ups and downs, inability to decide on your desires, understand what you want, etc. this is an incomplete list of the consequences of suppressing feelings, thoughts and emotions.

Painful and disturbing feelings, thoughts and emotions are a signal from our psyche that something is wrong, something needs to be changed. An analogy to this is the dashboard of a car, where instruments monitor the condition of the vehicle and, in case of any problem, give the driver various signals. Our body and psyche also give such signals, but as a rule, most people in our society have been taught to suppress such signals rather than pay attention to them. If something in your body hurts, don’t think about why, just take a pill, apply some ointment, go to the surgeon and they’ll just cut out what you don’t need. If your soul hurts, just don’t think about it, distract yourself, do something, drink a bottle of beer or an antidepressant. Well, what if you think about it? Perhaps our body wants to tell us something, only in its own language accessible to it? What do we do very often? The fuel light is already blinking, and we press on the gas and expect to drive another 2000 miles... Or maybe we just hope to get by? Ah, this is the usual Russian maybe... It's a shame when a completely good vehicle stops halfway. But there could be so many more wonderful and interesting journeys ahead.

According to statistics, strong people usually die from strokes and heart attacks. Such people keep everything to themselves; over time, if problems are not resolved, this tension accumulates. As a result, there is a strong overstrain of the psyche, the autonomic nervous system, which is precisely responsible for the normal regulation of various functions of the body, the proper functioning of internal organs, blood vessels, etc. Such psychosomatic disorders (mind-body), in 80% of cases, are the cause of sudden jumps pressure, various hemorrhages, ruptures and compression of blood vessels.

Strong people have always awakened a burning interest in the hearts of people and fascinated them. Suffice it to recall circus strongmen and athletes who are loved by the public. Today in the world there are several people who differ in their abilities. To determine the leaders, competitions and championships, both state and world, are held. Who is the most resilient person in the world?

First, let's figure out what endurance is. This is one of several parameters for determining a person’s physical condition. If we talk about everyday life, then indicators of endurance are the ability to engage in some kind of work or physical exercise for a long time and continuously. Some people decided to connect their lives with the development of this particular skill.

This 52-year-old Briton, a former airborne soldier, was able to set a huge number of records in various disciplines. More than fifty of his achievements were included in the Guinness Book of Records, as a result of which Paddy is clearly the most resilient person in the world. Outwardly, one cannot say that he is such an outstanding strongman, but his sports awards speak for themselves. For example, he did four thousand push-ups a day for a whole year, which is an absolute record. In an hour he could do 1,860 push-ups on one arm. In addition, he did the maximum number of squats with a 20 kg load in his hands and the maximum number of lifts with a 20 kg backpack on his back. And with a 15-kilogram backpack, Doyle overtook all his rivals in cross-country running.

Peddy Doyle: “I am grateful to the army for teaching me discipline and a healthy lifestyle”

In 2014 alone, Paddy set more than thirty records in the field of sports, achieving particular success in running with various loads. In addition to the records included in the Guinness Book, Doyle has another one and a half hundred records recorded in local authoritative sources of information. He left military service back in 1986 and since then has become a fitness fanatic, completely devoting himself to hard training.

Already in May 1987, he tested his strength in the following way: he did 4,100 push-ups from the floor with a load of twenty kilograms on his back. It took him 4.5 hours. From then until today, Paddy has trained six days a week for about two hours. He built a gym for himself in his own garden. Workouts can be modified depending on the current goal - for example, jogging with a load, walking, push-ups of various types, as well as workout and the use of different exercise equipment. A man supplements physical activity with proper nutrition: he eats most often rice and white meat, a lot of fruits and vegetables, and drinks exclusively water.

The most enduring person in Russia is a native of the Chelyabinsk region. Bogatyr was born in 1974. He had someone to be strong in: his father worked as a blacksmith, but, of course, no one expected that the boy would grow into a record holder. Elbrus began to actively engage in sports at the age of 12, but it was not easy in a small village where there are no gyms or modern exercise equipment. Then the guy built his own training machines from iron found in the yard. In addition, he played basketball for some time until he came to the conclusion that his true calling was weightlifting and wrestling.

After graduating from school, he took up arm wrestling seriously, while simultaneously studying at the Institute of Physical Culture

Knowing a lot about sports from magazines, Nigmatullin firmly decided, against the will of his parents, to devote his life to it. It may seem surprising, but the guy was not accepted into the army: it turned out that he had high blood pressure. Doctors even predicted that he had a maximum of 30 years to live. This news shocked the guy, but he pulled himself together, took up powerlifting intensively and at the age of 19 already became the champion of Russia.

And by the age of 21, all that was left was to remember the disease with a grin. My career was rapidly going uphill, and high blood pressure no longer made itself felt. Today, Elbrus has several honorary titles, is happily married and is raising his wife’s daughter from his first marriage.

Elbrus Nigmatulin – man-mountain

This Kenyan is considered the most enduring runner in the world, because not everyone can overcome the huge marathon distance of 42,000 kilometers. The athlete started running at the age of 18. This sport is generally very popular in Kenya, so every child from childhood sees the victories of marathon runners and is imbued with their spirit. Patrick, for example, was inspired by his namesake and fellow countryman Patrick Ivuti, who won several major marathons. Under the guidance of his coach, Makau was ready for his international debut by 2005 and won a landslide victory. The heyday of the athlete’s career began in 2007. In 2013, due to an injured knee, he was forced to interrupt running, but in 2014 he returned to it again and took fourth place in his first competition. Patrick is happily married: he is married and has a daughter.

You need to enjoy running - one of the secrets of Patrick Makau's successful career

It is impossible not to mention this famous athlete from Tsarist Russia among the hardy people. We can say that he is the pride of our people, who glorified the country regardless of the political situation. Ivan was born into a large family, where not only he, but also his brother was strong. However, the rest of the children were also distinguished by healthy energy.

Since childhood, Ivan trained with dumbbells and weights, ran, did gymnastics, and from his adolescence began performing in the circus as an athlete. Then fame came to him, because he defeated almost all the strongmen of the country with whom he fought.

As the doctor of the wrestling club, where Poddubny was a member, notes, his strength and endurance were also distinguished by his unusual ability to become active at the right moment, and until that time to doze off like a sleeping animal.

Ivan Poddubny was remembered as an unusually charismatic and intelligent person. By 1903, he was already known not only in the Russian Empire, but also in neighboring countries. Then his fate galloped at full speed: the death of his bride, depression, recovery from it, championships - all this against the backdrop of political vicissitudes, wars and revolutions. In 1925, already under the Soviets, he left for the USA and continued his career, but returned back two years later. Poddubny died in 1949 from a heart attack. This Russian hero will be remembered forever not only for his physical endurance, but also for his breadth of soul.

Ivan Poddubny had an excellent reaction, was decisive and did not seem to know at all what confusion was

Unusual endurance records

“Anti-cyclist” from the USA A. Furman rode a bicycle for more than eighty kilometers in 1994, pedaling in the opposite direction. Moreover, setting this record did not reassure him, and three years later he rode 37 kilometers in 12 hours, holding a stick with a horse’s head.

Ten people from Poland set a goal to experience the hardships of Sisyphean labor and rolled a barrel weighing 60 kg for 24 hours. They were enough for a distance of 200 kilometers.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of superhuman abilities that would bring them closer to the gods and allow them to rise above nature. This desire has survived to this day, and the heroes of this top are proof of this.

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