Origin of the planets

When creating the Theory of the origin of planets, it must be remembered that the formation of planets is part of the process of evolution of the matter of the Star, from its appearance to disappearance. BUTthe theory of stellar evolution must, above all, be consistent.Because all variations of matter, within the system of a star - its "sovereign" space, are its product, i.e. product of the processevolution. And without finding out what their nature and significance for the process is, it is impossible to make an adequate judgment about them participation in the process. The very beginning of the formation of matter in the Universe is always interesting. The vast majority of theories of cosmogony are based on the rotation of a gas and dust cloud from which cosmic bodies supposedly formed. But dust is substances that have already taken part in complex gravitational processes and reactions of intrastellar thermonuclear fusion, and this should be taken into account, but not taken into account, and therefore there is a natural departure from the truth.

The theory should be the fundamental core of the dynamics of the process of planet formation, on which their diversity would be "strung". particulars and which would allow presenting the whole picture of the process "compositionally" - from beginning to end, as it happens in Nature. And now for the specifics:

1. What is the nature of the formation of the very elements of Substance - both light and heavy, from which the planets and their satellites are built.

2. What force spun the planets around their axes?

3. Why are the axes of rotation of the planets located at different angles to the plane of the ecliptic? And the axis of rotation of Uranus is even lies in the plane of the ecliptic?

4. Why are the orbits of all planets except Mercury in the ecliptic plane?

5. Why do all the planets "run" in orbits only in ONE SIDE?

6. Why do the orbits of the planets closest to the Sun have an ELLIPTICAL FORM, while the rest of the planets (giants) move in almost circular orbits? And why is Pluto's orbit completely different?

7. Why are the speeds of rotation of the planets around their axes so different?

8. What force dispersed the planets in their orbits? Indeed, in most other star systems "Jupiter ry" are located next to the star.

9. How to explain the retrograde direction of rotation of Venus around its own axis?

10. How are planets formed in other star systems, and 40% of them have a retrograde direction of rotation relative to the star? Those. one part of the planets "runs" in one direction, and the other part moves towards them.

11. How were the satellites of the planets formed, especially around the planet Uranus?

12. Why does the Sun have only 2% of the momentum of the entire solar system, and the rest of the planets - 98%?

13. Why does the Earth's magnetic field have the opposite orientation compared to Jupiter and Saturn? The hypothesis of a reversal of the poles is unlikely and in this case is simply unnatural.

My book "Moon's Birthday"provides answers to all these and not mentioned in this article questions. In the meantime, experts of new knowledge gather their thoughts, we will take a digression into the current situation on this topic. "If you exclude the impossible, what remains will be the truth, no matter how incredible it may seem." Written by Arthur Conan Doyle. It is necessary not to let go of this thought from yourself. Get ready for the extraordinary....

The modern theory of the formation of the solar system suggests that the planets formed from a single proto-cloud. The origin of the Earth and the terrestrial planets is still debated. The presence of active volcanism and permafrost (more than 1.3 km deep) on one cosmic body should plunge scientists into doubt: what is the Earth inside hot or cold? Analyzing most of the mutually exclusive facts, I nevertheless came to the conclusion that the Earth inside cannot be hot, but must be a gas hydrate planet with a thin solid crust. And she could not have been born in her current orbit. It was lost by a large cold planet like Saturn, which has in orbit the same satellite as the Earth - Titan with an atmosphere consisting of 95% nitrogen and pressure on the surface 1.5 bar . In this regard, the possibility and reason for the separation of future planets also require closer attention.

And here is the latest observational data: "Dwarf novae (objects like SS Cygnus, including a sun-like star orbiting a white dwarf) are well known for their repetitive, weak outbursts (called eruptions) associated with the flow of gas from a companion star to a white dwarf, but never never before had they seen a series of such rapid outbreaks." http://www.astronews.ru/cgi-bin/mng.cgi?page=news&news=9358

It is not possible to describe in detail the complex process in one article, I will try to depict the information graphically.

Fig.1 The flow of matter from a neutron star - Protouranus to a companion - the nascent Sun.

Confirmation can be obtained from the link: http://www.astronews.ru/cgi-bin/mng.cgi?page=news&news=4556 The difference lies only in the scale of the phenomenon.

There is another unusual example, but with an incorrect explanation of scientists: http://www.astronews.ru/cgi-bin/mng.cgi?page=news&news=5068 . In fact, this is the same double star system! Another scenario for the formation of the planet is unlikely!

This is a computer simulation of a supernova event, the moments when a massive star collapses in itself to become a neutron star. The shock wave from the decay expands in a fraction of a second, from the cold gas in the blue model to the hot red colors. The ejected stellar material moves from the core at speeds that can reach almost 19,000 miles per second.

The simulation was created in 2012 by the Simulated Extreme Spacetime (SXS) project. Now, direct observations of supernova 1987A are taking place using NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope, which has basically confirmed the validity of the model—that the collapse results in a one-sided ejection of plasma matter in one direction while moving the stellar core in the opposite direction.

Noteworthy is the Herbig object observed in nature - Haro - these are small areas of nebulae associated with young stars. They are formed when the gas ejected by these stars interacts with nearby clouds of gas and dust at speeds of several hundred kilometers per second. Herbig-Haro objects are characteristic of star-forming regions; sometimes they are observed near single stars - elongated along the axis of rotation of the latter.

Short-period comets during their "dating" with the Sun lose mass, make plasma ejections in different directions and change their perihelia. But they could only be formed as a result of a cumulative ejection at the time of a planetary catastrophe 5336 years ago from the bowels of Saturn or Jupiter. Accretion of matter is unlikely, according to Cassini. Therefore, it was possible to keep ice particles and gas cavities only in a cumulative jet. The primary evidence on Saturn is the circumplanetary ring, the "navel" vortex at the South Pole, and the "hexagon" at the North Pole. To prove the moment and time of the event - a planetary catastrophe, it is necessary to calculate on a supercomputer the perturbations from the planets and the Sun that affect the changes in the trajectories of these short-period comets. Comet 67P / Churyumov - Gerasimenko is very suitable. You also need at least a couple of similar objects. And they should be at the same point near Saturn about 5336 years ago. Pavlov's theory on the formation of terrestrial planets has been proven.

For a long time, scientists admired the knowledge of the ancient Sumerians in the structure of the solar system - they say, they made only two small inaccuracies: they called Pluto satellite Yes, they claimed that a certain planet Nibiru (“Crossing”) rotates between Mars and Jupiter. And what do you think, astronomers have recently admitted that Pluto is not a planet, and between Mars and Jupiter there really was once an orbit of a large planet, from which only fragments remained ... These are echoes of the testimonies of ancestors! Note that different interpretations of the Sumerian seal (in the center of the Sun or Saturn) and both lead to my theory! And now the evidence:

Pluto and 5 of its satellites, as a result of the shell being thrown off by Saturn, accelerated, left the planet and switched to an independent orbit around the Sun. The asteroid belt was also created by Jupiter's gravity when debris from a collision with the gas giant's moon lost speed and settled into position between Mars and Jupiter. Another confirmation of my hypothesis ().

Why is Pluto's orbit so different?


Both Voyagers, launched in 1977, passed by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus in turn, and now approaching Neptune, "Voyager 2's trajectory deviated to the south. Now its flight is at an angle of 48 ° to the ecliptic, in the southern hemisphere. "Voyager 1 rises above the ecliptic (initial angle 38 °). The devices leave the solar system forever. "In a similar scenario, Pluto could change its angle to the ecliptic after separation from Saturn. Moreover, he took with him five more satellites rotating in resonance. And Charon, Pluto's moon, makes up 12% of Pluto's mass. And here is the latest data on Pluto (see Fig. 9b). Team


Comparing a lot of facts, there was a catastrophe recently: the result is a young ring and an untwisted "navel" that moved to the point of the South Pole. And this means that Saturn "sneezed" and threw off the shell, for a moment abruptly changing its average density. plus the funnel of the "navel" vortex - here is the "sling" effect, which sharply accelerated the separation of the satellites in different directions, even Pluto, having accelerated, flew into the outer region of the SS, relative to Saturn. Then we vectorially add the separation directions and the trajectory of Saturn - we get various anomalous fates of the terrestrial planets and the joined satellites Deimos and Phobos near Mars, the Moon near the Earth, Charon and four more in resonance rotating satellites near Pluto. Yes, and Phoebe, rotating retrograde, simply returned to orbit around Saturn after an unsuccessful separation or at a critical angle. The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is a sunken and dissolving satellite. Satellites of Jupiter: Ananke, Karme, Pasiphe, Sinop - have respectively 147˚, 164˚, 145˚, 153˚ - inclination and retrograde circulation - the lost satellites of Saturn after the catastrophe I described, the inclinations of their orbits are also a high probability that they acquired them, being close to Saturn. Note that 33˚, 16˚, 35˚, 27˚ is a natural variation in tilt angles, because space objects approached Jupiter from the other side, and, interacting with its gravitational field, could not move along latitudinal trajectories, but necessarily switched to trajectories that crossed the plane of the gas giant's equator.

At the Earth, flying past Jupiter at the moment of the gravitational maneuver, Fig. 10 shows a sharp decrease in the boundary of the Roche (Hill) sphere. As a result, after the deformation of the earth's crust, the magma ejected into space easily left the planet with values ​​much less than the first cosmic velocity. Therefore, on the visible side of the Moon, the thickness of the crust is 80 km, and on the opposite, invisible side, it is only 20 km. The inexplicable additional glow (radiation) of the rocks of the Moon can be explained by the longer stay of the latter in Jupiter's magnetosphere - the most powerful natural cyclotron accelerator.

The catastrophe was and it happened in the memory of mankind.

Here are the proofs - firstly: the fact that the Sumerians from one point simultaneously saw the northern and southern sky.

Secondly: the antediluvian Kings of Akkad had a strangely long life (personally, this confuses me very much - apparently, there is no official science). Logically, the antediluvian kings of Akkad should have had a lifespan commensurate with ours or a little longer, but not by orders of magnitude! The reigns of the following kings are measured in Sumerian numerals known as "shar" (3600 years), "ner" (600 years), and "sosos" (60 years). Well, these were the units of time intervals they had there.

The sidereal period of Saturn around the Sun relative to the stars is 10,759.22 days (29.46 years). Divide 10,759.22 days by 3600 to get 2.9886 (~3.0) respectively. This is the largest time unit. Why 3600 - yes, because it is evenly divisible by a large number of natural numbers - 1.2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,15,16,18…..36, …72,.360, .3600 - all this was necessary for astronomical observations THERE! The observatory was like that of Ulugbek. Note that they measured the life expectancy of kings in BALLS. If the proto-earth is placed next to Saturn, then Saturn was half the sky above their heads. You can check it in the RedSHIFT program by setting the sight on the surface of Mimas (do not forget to set the latitude of the area to 0.00). The change of day and night occurred in 24 hours. The Earth was always turned to Saturn on one side, like most satellites in the SS, and at an angle to the ecliptic - 26.73 ° - the inclination of Saturn's axis. Near the Earth, it is - 23.5 ° (very close!)

After all, Saturn was half the sky overhead, which in 24 hours changed phases from growing to full and back day turned into night. Here was born and we use the concept of "ball". It can be seen that the proto-Earth fell into the shadow of Saturn every day (eclipsed). "Ball" was adopted with a duration of 3600 Earth days. This is the main guiding feature in my hypothesis.

Saturn gave birth to the proto-Earth and the rest of the satellites during the collapse of the plasma bundle, then the separation of the nebula substance and the embryos of the satellites that flew out of the center accreted the remains of the nebula disk onto themselves. The same mechanism is in Uranus lying on its side - another logical explanation for the orientation of the orbits of its satellites cannot even be born.

A powerful magnetic field covered from radiation, and when flying to the Sun, the atmosphere and its own magnetic field protected, as now. The atmosphere protects more than the magnetic field - the latest discovery of American scientists If they object to me that this is not so, then why are they looking for life on Mars, where there is almost no magnetic field? Mars lost it, then what is the mechanism of its formation?

Separation from Saturn was only possible on the day of the vernal equinox, when the Sun, Jupiter, being in the plane of the equator, resonantly interacted with the meta-solid core of Saturn. (for a complete understanding of the process I make an animation). The result - the only planet has a powerful young ring (the rest do not count - a trifle) and a "navel" at the South Pole. All remaining misunderstandings, I hope, will be explained quite easily by ballistics. The main thing is to read the Sumerian tablets and change the coordinate system. The center of the planetary system, reflected in the calculations of the clay tablets, must be placed inside Saturn, and the more accurate antediluvian astronomy of the Sumerians will become clear and explainable.

Rice. eleven.

Such a gravitational maneuver had a catastrophic effect on the geoid of the Earth, which was formed in other conditions, so the convex part of the surface simply fell off and its pieces parted, so the Indian Ocean with minimal gravity appeared at this place. (See Figure 11). There should be more than one evidence of the catastrophe that has occurred on Earth, and in them. The Sahara Desert in Mauritania is home to one of the most amazing geological wonders, the Eye of the Sahara, also known as the Richat Structure. In the middle of this bare desert land, you can see a bull's-eye formation that is 50 km in diameter.

Initially, the theory was put forward that the Richat structure is a crater from a huge meteorite, but it is most likely that this is the result of centuries of erosion. The Richat structure is an ancient geological artifact located in the middle of the Maur Adrar desert in Western Sahara, Africa. This place can be safely included in the list of “The Most Mysterious Places on the Planet”. According to my hypothesis, the same plasma ejection from the surface of the planet's core contributed to the beginning of the formation of the Atlantic Ocean on Earth.

This could have happened around July 19, 3322 BC. e. Opponents of this shocking date cannot give any intelligible arguments forbidding my hypothesis, except for emotions. As a result of a complex maneuver of the Earth, life still managed to survive on it. This is confirmed by recent research: “Suddenly, it turned out that a much more important factor determining the level of radiation exposure of the planet is the thickness of the atmospheric layer. If you take the Earth and completely remove its magnetic field, the radiation dose will double - quite a lot, but it will affect us very little or no reflection at all. However, if you leave the magnetic field and reduce the thickness of the atmosphere to one tenth, the radiation dose will increase by two orders of magnitude, "says . The theory presented here easily explains the Great Flood and the glaciation immediately following it. If the amount of droppedthere is not enough water from the bowels of the Earth, then the latter could be captured after the deformation of the body of the Moon and its ejection through faults in the crust. Japanese scientists using the Kaguya probe discovered a huge hole in the surface our satellite. The moon is empty inside - there are numerous confirmations of this since NASA astronauts visited the moon. After the lander dropped, the moon hummed like a bell for 40 minutes. And the remnants of water created inside a sufficiently strong and at the same time plastic shell-frame, which does not allow the Moon to fall apart from powerful tidal forces.

For a final understanding of the mechanism of formation of the solar system, scientists needed, as they assumed, direct studies of the "building material" that remained unclaimed - these are short-period comets of the Jupiter and Saturn families.

It is believed that comets, approaching the Sun, came to us from the Kuiper belt, as a result of perturbations from the gas giants, collisions and other influences that led them to leave their usual orbits. However, recent studies of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko have yielded unexpected results.

The project manager, Jean-Pierre Bibring, partly spoke about the first results of Phila's work on June 17, when the lander got in touch and scientists had hope that they would be able to continue studying the comet. As Bibrin stated at the time, Philae discovered that the interior of the comet was mostly composed not of ice, as planetary scientists expected, but grains of dust and organic matter. The comet, he says, is not a "dirty ice ball" but a "frozen mud ball". This unexpected picture of the "cometary world" has been expanded in papers published today by Bibrin and his colleagues. For example, in addition to a large amount of dust and organic matter, the Philae module managed to detect a huge number of voids in the interior of the comet, which account for approximately 75-85% of its volume. Remarkably, these voids are distributed very evenly throughout the interior of the comet, which does not allow say that it is a conglomerate of pieces of ice and dust accumulations that accumulated on its surface during the formation of the solar system. Another unexpected feature of the geological structure of 67P is that there are almost no exposed ice deposits on its surface - images from the CIVA camera show that it is covered with meter-long "cobblestones" of sintered dust and organic matter, molded from very large granules. So far, there is no consensus among the ESA science team about what connects these grains of dust. The search for an answer to this question is complicated by the fact that the 20-cm layer of dust on the surface of the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet is not "dead" - it is constantly mixed by micro-asteroids and other objects, like Philae, falling onto the surface of a celestial body. Analysis of this dust using The COSAC instrument showed that the surface of the comet is very rich in organic matter, including substances that were not previously found on other comets - methyl isocyanate, acetone, propaldehyde, acetamide and glycolaldehyde. Quite unexpectedly, another Philae chemical instrument, Ptolemy, failed to find sulfur compounds on the surface of the comet, which Rosetta smelled from orbit. The Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet smells like a mixture of rotten eggs and formaldehyde. A more negative situation developed with the CONSERT radar, with the help of which scientists planned to find the answer to one of the comet's main questions: why is it similar in shape to a dumbbell or a bath duck. Using this device and radar aboard the Rosetta, Bibrin and his colleagues planned to "enlighten" both halves of the dumbbell and understand what connects them, but this could not be done due to the discharge of the Philae's batteries. RIA Novosti http://ria.ru/science/20150730/1154486910.html#ixzz3hotCNoit

All the data presented in the article cannot unequivocally indicate the processes associated with the formation of the solar system without taking into account my scenario. Therefore, on the basis of recently obtained data, it can be safely asserted that short-period comets of the Saturn family could have arisen only from the bowels of Saturn itself at the time of the catastrophe described above. The formation of the body of comet 67P could have occurred at the time of the ejection of a plasma jet from the bowels of Saturn. There were all the conditions for this - keeping a number of various kinds of its components: snow, organic molecules that formed in the center of Saturn, then set them on fire with the melting of ice. Along the way, encounters with cosmic dust of planetary rings were possible, containing additional fragments of destroyed bodies, the geological rocks of which were formed not from matter dispersed in space, but as a result of volcanic activity at high temperatures and gravity, which is completely absent from comet 67Р. Only one must always remember that when meteorites strike, organic matter is not formed, but destroyed. Organics are formed inside gas giants and at the moment of their formation from a collapsing plasma rope.

For reference. The name of the probe comes from the famous Rosetta Stone - a stone slab with three texts identical in meaning engraved on it, two of which are written in ancient Egyptian (one in hieroglyphs, the other in demotic writing), and the third is written in ancient Greek. By comparing the texts of the Rosetta Stone, scientists have been able to decipher ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs; With the help of the Rosetta spacecraft, scientists hope to learn what the solar system looked like before the planets formed.

The name of the descent vehicle is also associated with the decoding of ancient Egyptian inscriptions. On the island of Philae on the Nile River, an obelisk was found with a hieroglyphic inscription mentioning King Ptolemy VIII and queens Cleopatra II and Cleopatra III. The inscription, in which scientists recognized the names "Ptolemy" and "Cleopatra", helped to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft captured the most powerful dust and gas ejection on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on record.

Short-period comets during their "dating" with the Sun lose mass, make plasma ejections in different directions and change their perihelia. But they could only be formed as a result of a cumulative ejection at the time of a planetary catastrophe 5339 years ago from the bowels of Saturn or Jupiter. Accretion of matter is unlikely, according to Cassini. Therefore, it was possible to keep ice particles and gas cavities only in a cumulative jet. The primary evidence on Saturn is the circumplanetary ring, the "navel" vortex at the South Pole, and the "hexagon" at the North Pole. To prove the moment and time of the event - a planetary catastrophe, it is necessary to calculate on a supercomputer the perturbations from the planets and the Sun that affect the changes in the trajectories of these short-period comets. Comet 67P / Churyumov - Gerasimenko is very suitable. You also need at least a couple of similar objects. And they should be at the same point near Saturn about 5336 years ago. V.Pavlov's theory on the formation of terrestrial planets has been proven.

In the meantime, you need to prepare for the perception of new information by reading the rest of the headings of the site. First you need to understand that the new inexplicable facts that have accumulated recently: 1 - the discovery of hot "Jupiters", 2 - the detection of magnetic fields near the cold satellites of the gas giants of our solar system, 3 - almost 40% of exoplanets have a retrograde direction of rotation around the star - all this requires a revision of most of the accepted hypotheses and theories. And in order to be able to create something new, it is necessary to use the principle of Rene Descartes, which says: first question, and then carefully examine everything that "many believed". The main thing is that it is necessary, as often as possible, to think about whether or not a particular theory has the right to life. Over time, those who think, and do not take everything on faith, should develop the necessary skills. When a certain situation occurs in academic science, when at least one breakthrough theory appears that explains the most paradoxical facts, there will be a collapse, and then a natural change of paradigms. In this regard, for those who are especially curious, eager to do something significant, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following information.

In February 2013, my book was published: V.B. Pavlov "Birthday of the Moon", 2013, Kazan, "Printing Yard" ISBN 978-5-9904295-1-2, No. reg. 13-15701 (for libraries).

It can also be purchased by emailing mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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