Psychological statuses about love. c) “What a wonderful relationship we have”

An excellent topic for a dissertation is a modern genre of folk art: women’s statuses on social networks.

However, such statuses are almost always female, this is a female genre. Guys rarely publish such statuses, and even those to please girls.

An analysis of women's statuses can tell a lot about how the average (young) woman sees herself and how she sees her ideal partner.

Of course, as in any folklore, hyperbole reigns in poetic female statuses, everything is exaggerated to the point of caricature: both one’s own merits and other people’s shortcomings. This is an infantile genre, so an external locus of control is relevant for it (when all responsibility for oneself is shifted to others) and there is even reflection on this topic, that is, a certain amount of self-irony.

And yet there is a wealth of material for analysis.

For example, the study of women's statuses can reveal the mechanism of women getting stuck in the infantile stage.

If a woman is stuck in the infantile stage, she cannot start an independent life and build normal love relationships. Most women's problems “in love” are one way or another stuck in the infantile stage. A woman ages, but remains a girl, and a girl cannot be a full-fledged wife of an adult man.

Popular on this topic: (editor's note)

Men who have to deal with girls choose, firstly, the youngest and most innocent (and change them as they lose the freshness of their impressions), and secondly, they themselves are often not ready for close relationships (they perceive women as an impersonal object, and not a subject, therefore they are not able to get seriously carried away by one).

Those men who are capable of subjective relationships and deep love affection avoid female girls, that is, women stuck at the infantile stage, these are the stages:

1) internal contradictions;
2) the cult of one’s own weakness;
3) illusions of one’s grandeur;
4) claims to the outside world;
5) children's egocentrism.

While a woman-girl is young, she can have a romantic relationship (usually short, more like a date rather than a relationship), but she cannot build a marital relationship, since she is essentially a child (for all requirements, in terms of the level of responsibility, in terms of the state of the locus of control and will).

And when such a woman-girl leaves her tender age (at about thirty years old and beyond), she no longer becomes needed in any capacity. She did not become an adult, she stopped being young. She was stuck in infantilism and did not go through the initiation of maturity, but her body could not be preserved (despite all the preservation injections) and she is beginning to resemble a mummy more and more.

Being stuck in the infantile stage gives rise to the “Cinderella complex.” The world seems cruel to the girl, there is no place for celebration, just hard, dirty work. Other women are ugly, lazy and lucky, due to the fact that fate loves them more, which is the Evil Stepmother for the girl. Somewhere out there, far away, there are Princes, they sometimes throw balls, but to get there you need a fairy.

Modern Cinderellas believe that occasionally princes stroll through their slums, too, looking for a princess. The main thing is not to mistake for him (for a real man) some “asshole”, of which there are a dime a dozen.

The main signs of a real man, distinguishing him from an asshole (from statuses):

“A real man, if he is real, does not need to ask for anything, he is in fact obliged”

“Now I know exactly the difference between a Man and an asshole! A man solves problems, and an asshole creates them.”

“The ideal man is one who doesn’t ask if you need money, he just secretly puts it in your bag.”

“A man who wants to build a strong relationship will move mountains to keep the woman he loves.”

“A man is when in moments of weakness HE makes decisions, in moments of despair HE hugs you tightly, in moments of anger HE silently grabs you in his arms and kisses you all over.”

“Real men never get offended by women. They just wait for them to calm down and continue to love them further.”

“The more she got on his nerves, the more he loved her, and he understood that people like her did not exist and that is why she should never be let go.”

“I always dreamed of finding a man with whom I would feel like a little girl. Until I realized that almost all men are like little girls themselves.”

“With a man I want to feel like a weak woman, but I can be strong without him”

"Three stages in a man's life: 1. He believes in Santa Claus. 2. He does not believe in Santa Claus. 3. He performs the duties of Santa Claus."

“A man is a magician, with just one look, a word, he can turn an ordinary woman into a goddess or overthrow a queen from the throne.”

“The reality is that today’s young ladies dream not that a man would be a prince, but that he would not be an asshole.”

There were many “suitors,” but only one person asked me: “Did you have lunch today? Do you have warm boots for the winter?” That's why I married him."

"A real man never cheats. He has no time for new women. He is busy looking for new ways to surprise the one and only one"

Let us summarize the preliminary results.

An infantile girl dreams of a man playing a parental role towards her: he forgave everything, took care of her needs better than she herself, considered daily care as his responsibility, provided financially, forgave a priori everything, never took offense, accepted all her whims with tenderness and vices, he loved unconditionally, never looked at them critically.

Some believe that the parental role described is Father. No, it's Mother.

This may be the father, but only if he is a widower father or a man to whom a surrogate mother gave birth to a child, that is, a father who took on the role of Mother. In traditional cases, the described ideal of a man is precisely Mother.

The father (ordinary, average) traditionally tells the child: “Don’t whine, wipe your snot” and does not pay too much attention to how warm the child’s boots are, or what exactly he ate for lunch. It is the Mother who traditionally oversees this. The father will give money if you tell him that his daughter needs boots, but he will not reach into her purse to check if the money is running out. The mother has physical custody of the baby. She is interested in the comfort of a child (even an older one) much more than the child himself, and often more than is necessary.

By the way, little princesses (sometimes already under forty years old), in addition to various “asshole” men, most often have a main Asshole in their lives, this is their father. In her picture of the world, he was usually too weak, cold, violent and flawed in all respects. And the mother was strong, but a “fool” because she could not find someone else without being a “real woman.”

In reality, most of these fathers were ordinary people, no weaker than their mothers and clearly stronger than their princess daughters. But no weaknesses are forgiven to fathers, and most importantly, everything that cannot be used as a soft chair for your own lazy ass is considered weaknesses: lack of money, lack of household care, lack of unconditional admiration and understanding (= approval of everything).

Thus, the main bug (!) of female girls, that is, women stuck in infantilism, is the merging of the Animus (the image of an ideal man) with the figure of a caring Mother. Such an animus has a male body and face, but an absolutely maternal essence: caring, forgiving, patient, obsessed with serving her daughter and her comfort.

The Father traditionally puts other tasks in first place, more social ones (the soul hurts for the country, for the nation, for the surname, etc.), but the Mother is focused on the child, and often considers bodily comfort more important than everything else.

Because of this, any real father turns in the girl’s head into a classic “asshole”, who is an asshole only because he does not want to selflessly take care of her, and the image of an ideal man completely merges with the image of an ideal Mother.

In reality, the mother of such a girl may not be ideal at all (Evil Stepmother, selfish), other women (evil sisters) are also annoying by pulling the blanket over themselves, but the image of an ideal man, nevertheless, turns out to be a completely maternal archetype, because ( attention!) the girl cannot get out of that age when total parental care is still needed - about five years old. This is the same age when they don’t want to decide anything, but only want a dress. A condition that infants for some reason associate with “real femininity,” but is a disability for an adult.

Can women who seek in men not even a Father, but a Mother, find happiness in their personal lives? Is any man ready to constantly wipe the snot of a young woman, change diapers, listen to nonsense with tenderness (“oh, what a girl!”), admire every gesture (“look, we yawn, we open our mouth”) and carry her in his arms?

Occasionally (in a strong minus) he is ready, but firstly, for a short period, secondly, from below, and a woman would like to be on top, from a strong superior position, thirdly, this is most often a man with a large gap in comparative objective significance (more poor, ugly, unpopular). “Girls” don’t want such a man, although having suffered with “assholes”, they are often ready to settle on such a man (as in one given status).

Unfortunately, having come out of the minus, such a man quickly changes his behavior, that is, he turns into an “asshole.” It’s especially offensive that they received him condescendingly, pitied him, believed him, but he spat in his soul just like that.

An asshole is any man who does not want to be a protective mother to a woman-girl.

And pay attention here. If the term "asshole" means a man who is missing balls, it seems that "girls" are confusing a man's balls with a lactating mother's breasts. It’s a little similar in form, yes, but in essence it’s fundamentally different.

A man needs eggs not to feed his wife, but to make children. If we assume that thanks to the presence of eggs, men have male hormones, then, with all the allowances for the excessive romanticization of androgens, they do not encourage a nurturing role, but rather push them towards social competition.

Oxytocin, the maternal hormone, the highest level of which in the body of a recently given birth mother, encourages the feeding role to a greater extent. That is, the confusion of male eggs and mother's breasts at the level of archetypes in eternal girls is obvious.

The main myth about female initiation is the myth of Kore and Demeter. It is about the growing up of a woman who must finally escape from her Mother (stop looking for guardianship and stand on her own feet) and find a Man who will be daring, brave and strong like Hades, but his strength will be directed not to the guardianship of the girl, but to achieving some own goals, some of which can become common (shared children, for example), if an older woman finds them interesting and important for herself.

That is, a girl must become independent, stop being a child, and then she can be a man’s beloved wife. As long as she looks for a mommy in him, he will always look too “weak” and “an asshole” in her eyes. Weak - because he doesn’t want to carry her in his arms, an “asshole” because he doesn’t consider her happiness to be the goal of his life.

And some more wonderful female statuses about the “feminine essence”:

"Always be a WOMAN! So that every morning, when your foot hits the floor, even the devils say: “Oh damn, she woke up!”

“Girls should always walk with their heads held high. If they lower their heads, it’s only to admire their shoes.”

“To the girl’s question: “How many men have you had?”, she answered honestly, hand on heart: “Not a single one. But the goats...”

“In the end, each of us will understand our mistakes: you will understand that you were a fool, and I will understand that I was with a fool.”

"If she's great, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she's not great. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, then you're not worth it."

"Women are the ones who know that men are not as stupid as people think - they are stupider"

By the way, lately Cinderellas believe less and less in princes, more and more often in statuses - gloomy nihilism and dull frustration: no one is needed, there are no normal men and there is no need, there is no happiness in the world and there never will be, so let’s all go to the line.

One cannot be sure that such frustration is a normal transitional stage from an infantile woman who dreams of climbing on her arms to a growing woman who stands on her own legs. Not always.

“Getting on your feet” means feeling the joy and pride of your strength, the pleasure of independence and mobility. If this is accompanied by resentment and hatred towards those who were obliged to lend their necks, but did not, there may never be joy and pleasure. Instead of a strong woman, you will get a Poor Nag who will barely crawl, do little, moan from the burden of adult life and grumble at the unfair world in which you cannot be an eternal girl.

"List of psychological equivalents of diseases." Curious.

Blogs are one of the ways to psychologically influence the subconscious of people, or one specific person.

Love is a psychological experiment!
You never know how it will end!

At least one day, our own or someone else’s stigma will definitely deprive us of something bright and joyful in life. And even in such a way that we ourselves will not guess about it.

The goat essence of people hides from view, but sooner or later they stand on their hind legs with the exclamation “Bee!” and their essence shows itself in all its unsightly form...
Don't expect mercy for the short-sighted!

Psychological test. Answer questions quickly. 1. What color is your refrigerator at home? 2. What does the cow drink? Milk! Or maybe water?

Death is not subject to logic and justice; it comes suddenly and in a timely manner.

Love, happiness, righteousness, truth, this is all that people have come up with to justify their miserable existence.

Verbal diarrhea as a remedy for mental stagnation...

Borders kill love. The boundaries you set to keep her. These are your conditions, demands and reproaches, rules and schedules. You bind the one you love with them, and then you wonder why the miracle disappeared from your life.

When a relationship ends badly, over time we convince ourselves that there were no real feelings.
Psychologists explain this as a defensive reaction - well, we couldn’t love the bad - it’s self-rehabilitative.)

Repeating a question twice indicates either depressive inhibition or manic suspicion))))

For many, calling someone else an idiot is the only way to feel smart. This is sad…

Be afraid of your fears! Some of them are very contagious and dangerous! They subjugate and cause a lot of harm!

The Honest One lives in harmony with himself, the Believer in God lives in tolerance of the world and in harmony with himself.
Eternally rebellious and doubtful is the one in whom there is NO truth...

Girl, I don’t know what I want, but you have terrorized me.

We are looking for simple paths, but among them there are those that lead nowhere... They lead to a DEAD-END...

Having an imaginary friend is not scary. It's scary to imagine that you are surrounded by enemies.

When your heart and mind are full of love, the life you have always dreamed of begins.

I’m just an ordinary passerby in a crowd, but for some reason I see something that others don’t notice, I feel something that not everyone feels... I laugh when I want to cry...

There is only one way to force a person to do something (of course, not at gunpoint). This is to make it so that the person himself wants to do it. Voluntarily.

If you tell me how you achieve your own importance, I will tell you who you are! :)

By pushing a thought too deeply into ourselves, we run the risk of losing its root.
What if we need to remove it? But the root was lost and went straight into the heart...

When we are beaten for no reason, we must respond blow to blow - I am sure of this, and with such force as to forever wean people from beating us.

If you open your heart to a person, his heart will automatically open to yours, because like is attracted to like.

There are no children - there are people, but with a different scale of concepts, a different store of experience, different drives, a different play of feelings.

The step may be slow and small, but it is taken forward and confidently. Gradually, a slow and small step is replaced by a wide and fast one.

How many people - so many psychos)

In the struggle between good and evil, the observer wins.

Sometimes a step back can only mean that a person is simply accelerating :)

Nowadays they write so much about visualization and neurolinguistic programming, I decided to try it. Three times I wrote “Fur coat” on my husband’s shopping list, three times I brought salad with herring...

It is difficult to feel and see the Devil in human likeness!

If you are asked a question that you don't want to answer, smile and ask - Why do you want to know?

An indecisive person is an easy prey for a manipulator.
It’s enough to plant a couple of doubts in his head and he’s already caught in a cleverly placed net!

All our actions are based on two motives: the desire to become great and sexual attraction.

“...the basic law of psychological assistance: what is important for a person is not what happens to him, but how he relates to it.”

“Perfectionism is the cause of all neuroses!”

There is a principle in psychology: the more expectations about an event, the higher the likelihood of crushing disappointment. If you wait more, you get less; if you wait less, you get more. The principle is reinforced concrete, no exceptions.

Introvert: a person who only minds his own business))))
Psychology is the expression in words of what cannot be expressed in words.

Many people cannot lose their temper because they are not themselves.))

Psychologically raped, morally stable.

May this day be whatever you want it to be. Just think about what you want... not what you don't want.

How our psychology changes over the years... In childhood, we tell tall tales about our lives so that our peers would respect us... And, as adults, we begin to hide a lot of what happens, so as not to lose this very respect...;)

Your partner's answer is programmed into your question.
If the answer suits you, then you asked the question incorrectly.

You can only adequately evaluate the person you broke up with.

When a person’s “I” is well, when he has good energy and a good head, everything is fine with him and he does not need meaning in life. The meaning of life, like a psychotherapeutic crutch, is needed by those who have no direction and lack energy - who need recharge from the outside.

“There is neither good nor bad, only thought makes things the way they seem to us.”

Human souls are never naked. They are well wrapped in cunning, lies, and pretense. It's a pity! So sometimes you want to see someone’s soul naked.

Manipulation of human Souls, the most immoral part of the psychology of life...

A husband is almost always just a substitute for a beloved man, and not this man himself.

Smoking is a psychological need to fill the emptiness in oneself... at least with smoke...

The discouraged dies prematurely

A woman is one of the most terrible types of psychological violence...

There is a principle in psychology: the more expectations about an event, the higher the likelihood of crushing disappointment. If you wait more, you get less; if you wait less, you get more.

Learn to shine - and good people will come running to your light.

The reason for lordly habits is always a slave psychology)))

People with a slave mentality consider their shackles a guarantee of stability...

Be kind to unkind people - they need it most...

Girlfriend is a professional news service, alcohol store and psychological rehabilitation center.

Psychological statuses

How often do your friends' statuses annoy you? Are there people around you who like to pour out details of their personal lives, details of their everyday life on social networks, or who try to demonstrate the depth of their inner world? How do you feel about messages like: “I’m sitting down to lunch,” “having lunch,” “I’ve all had lunch...”?

If such statuses are in the minority in your feed, then consider yourself lucky.

Tim Urban less fortunate. We are sharing with you a translation of his article, in which he vividly examines the types of the most unbearable statuses.

We are sure that after reading your own statuses will no longer be the same :)

I remember it very vividly.

New Year, January 1, 2013. I leisurely go about my business, then I open my mail and see a message from a friend, with a link to a “particularly disgusting status on Facebook” from her feed, authored by a certain Daniel. Reading:

2012 is a very significant year for me. I quit my favorite job at NBC and moved back to Chicago. I started dating my angel, James Holland. Started doing yoga (thanks Jake Fischer and Jonah Perlstein!). Wrote the album with Matthew Johanson. Another album I'm proud of. Met Owen Wilson, worked with Will Ferrell on a very cool project. Spoke with Barack Obama and David Gregory. I danced. Joined the kickball team. Won a couple of awards. Helped my sister with planning her summer trip. I swam a lot. Played a little golf. Cried more often than you might think. I read The World According to Garp. I watched Apocalypse Now. Went to Miami for the NBA Finals. Drank the best orange juice of my life with Davey Welch. Wrote on Twitter. Attended several wonderful weddings in New York State. I drank so much milk it was even funny. Learned creativity in the sand. Saw a great light show. Watched Angels and Lakers games. Fell in love with Jawbone Up. Cooked with Jame. Gardened with Jame. I watched Homeland with Jayme. Fought with Jame. Laughed with Jame for hours. Fell in love with Jame's family. Wrote a play. Played World of Warcraft. Improvised. Played the guitar a lot. It's been a really crazy year. What a wonderful world it is.

When I finished reading, I realized that the hand free from the phone was pressed tightly to my forehead, squeezing the skin until it crunched. I probably had the same expression on my face that you would see watching people slowly have their skin peeled off on live television.

It was as bad as bad can get, all at once.

But instead of running away from this horror, I plunged into it. I read this status over and over again, amazed at how aggressively disgusting it was.

I wondered why some things on Facebook look so terrible and some look so innocent. And he came up with a fairly simple rule:

A status on Facebook becomes annoying if it is written for the author himself, but does not bring anything positive to his readers.

First, let's define what statusesdon't irritate other people.

To prevent your Facebook status from annoying anyone, it should be:

1) either interesting/informative

2) either funny/entertaining/amusing

Do you know why such statuses are not annoying? Because they are carrying somethingme as a reader. They make my day a littlebetter.

Ideally, interesting statuses should be exciting and original (or contain a link to something like that), and funny ones should be really funny. But I will gladly accept even somethingmoderately entertaining -at least that's not bad.

On the other side,annoying statuses usually boil down to one or more of the following five motives:

2) Narcissism.Thoughts, opinions, life principles of the authormatter.The author and his life are interesting in themselves.

5) Loneliness.The author is lonely and is waiting for help from Facebook. This is the most innocent of the five motives, but watching another person be lonely on Facebook is a sad sight. Such a persondistributesyour sadness, and this is not good, so this motive also made it onto the list.

Facebook is chock-full of statuses written for these five reasons, and with the exception of some truly intelligent people, most people I know, and myself too, are guilty of at least a few instances of writing such nonsense. This is a real epidemic.

So, the most common ones:

7 unbearable types on Facebook

1) Braggart

There are so many boasters on Facebook that they can be divided into three categories:

1a) “Look how great my life is!”

Signs:A post about what a busy life you live, both on a large scale (a new position, a long-awaited diploma, a new luxury apartment) and on a micro level (the start of an exciting trip, big plans for the weekend, an evening with friends, just a wonderful day)


Guess who received an invitation letter from TFA!!!


Going to the Giants game with Dave, Matt, Paul, Andy - great Saturday!.

Causes:Creating an image (I am successful, happy, my social life is active), causing envy

At best, you really like your life and want to tell everyone about it, and at worst, you specifically want others to feel worthless in your life and envy you. Somewhere in the middle between these extremes is your subtle, but quite transparent calculation for others to see you in a certain light.

Let's assume that you have no calculations, and you really just can't help but brag. Even so, in real life it is acceptable to brag only to close friends, your boyfriend or girlfriend and family members - and for this you have email, SMS, phone, and even live communication. Your complacency will only irritate those with whom you are not particularly close, and these are the vast majority of readers of your status.

1b) Hidden braggart

Signs:The same braggart as above, but thinly veiled. This includes everyonehumble braggarts , indirect, hiding behind big words and so on.


It seems that now even a drunk and a fraudster can get a PhD. We live in great times!

I'm leaving in the summer, so if anyone needs an apartment in Soho for July-August, let me know

While walking home, they whistled at me twice, honked at me twice, and one of them slowed down so much to take a look that he almost got into an accident. Sometimes I just hate men.

Causes:Creating an image, causing envy

On the one hand, such people at least understand that it is better to cover up their boastingat least something.On the other hand, their motives are no different from outright braggarts, who look almost innocent against the background of the given examples.

1c) “What a wonderful relationship we have”

Signs:A public expression of your emotions towards your significant other or an anecdote that demonstrates the depth of your relationship.


Surprise - a trip to Vermont, two nights in a forest cabin. Just wow, what a cool guy I have.

Thank you Rachel for the best year of my life.

Pizza, games and movies with your spouse are the best plan for a rainy Sunday.

Causes:Creating an image (FYI - I have a boyfriend and our relationship is great), causing envy

The motives of image and envy are quite transparent here. The only justifiable reason would be to try to strengthen your relationship by expressing your emotions in a more demonstrative way than just private conversation. But in the end. Do you drag all 800 of your friends into your relationship just because you can't find a more creative way to express your feelings?

If a guy writes something like this, then it’s quite possible that either he did something bad and is trying to improve in this way, or his girlfriend’s friend’s boyfriend did something similar for her, and now he also has to “fit in” and be “not worse".

In general, there can be no excuses for such behavior. Even if you really need to flaunt your relationship in front of everyone on Facebook, there are a lot of socially acceptable ways to do this - put a photo of you together on your profile and enjoy the likes and comments when changing the status to “in a relationship”, “engaged” and “married.”

2) Mysterious

Signs:A post that mysteriously hints that something very good or very bad is happening in the author’s life, but without details.


This is all. NO more dating.

Today may be a very difficult day...

All the pain and all the struggle is for moments like these.


Causes:To attract attention

Idol surrounded by fans:The author remains silent, enjoying the attention of commentators.

“Well, ask me!”:The author explains everything in the comments. That is, he was originally going to tell everything, but it was impossiblejusttell everyone, you need to firstasked tell!

Hero of the drama:Something bad is happening. Replies to comments are given, but the secret remains - the author is unhappy, but “does not want to reveal the details.”

Princess:Something very exciting is happening! The author answers, but the secret remains: “I can’t tell you yet - you’ll find out everything soon!” Everyone hold your breath and wait for news! This is a particularly interesting case, since narcissism, causing envy, and working on the image are simultaneously manifested here. What a wonderful person you know!

3) Status in the literal sense of the word

Signs:The boring details of someone's daily life.



Finished the report!

Causes:Loneliness; narcissism; literal understanding of status

Let's visualize:

“Finally finished it!” Well… And?And what are you waiting for? False congratulations from people who, in fact, are deeply indifferent to all this? Writing a report falls into the green zone - something that would be interesting to your mommy - or, if you've been writing it for a couple of months, toouter edgeorange zone - what is interesting to your close friends. For more than 90 percent of readers, this status is evendoesn't come close to the red zone - what is interesting to the majority of your Facebook friends.

Go to the gym, then read . Well, no plans for the evening! Are you at allto whomare you telling me this? Let me explain. At some point between leaving work and arriving at the gym, your hand reached for the phone to type this text. Then you put the phone back. Tell me, what did you achieve with this action?

This is a purely blue zone - what is interesting to you personally - that is, even your mom would not care at all. Many annoying statuses are far from the red zone, but serve something for the author himself - that’s why they appear.

Information about your plans for the evening is useless for creating an image and does not cause anyone's envy - that is, apparently, this is a sign of loneliness, that sad cousin of the desire for attention. It's probably good that Facebook gives a lonely person the opportunity to talk about every little detail of their life, but unfortunately, a by-product of such statuses is a reminder to others that life is empty and we are all going to die. That's why I included them in my list.

Another option is veryheavya form of narcissism. That is, as if, since you are you, then every little thing in your life is of interest to others. Truly famous people often face the fact that fans are interested in absolutely their whole life, even the blue zone. But if you are not too famous, then I promise you that this will not happen to you.

4) A personal appeal, which for some reason is made public

Signs:Addressing a personal message to a specific addressee, which is made publicly - without good reason.


I miss! When can we be together?

Had a great weekend with Julie EpsteinAndEmily Rothschild. I love you girls!

Jokes that only you two can understand.

Causes:Image creation; causing envy; narcissism; You're 80 years old and don't understand the difference between a public post and a private message.

With the exception of my grandmother, there is no excuse for this behavior.Excuses- keyword. But there are a lotreasonswhy people might do this. Let's list:

Another interesting option is when the message is actually intended to be readothersby a person in order to arouse his jealousy. Usually this is an ex, or a friend with whom the pots have been broken. Such intent is so malicious that it crosses the line of disgusting.

5) Oscar acceptance speech - out of nowhere

Signs:A release of love, without any particular reason or specific recipient

Example:I just want to say how grateful I am to all of you who are in my life. Your support means everything to me! Without you, I could not have survived everything that has happened over the past year.

Causes:To attract attention

I don’t believe that you sincerely want to confess your love to all your 800 Facebook friends. And if you are truly overwhelmed with emotions for your close friends and family, then is the best way to express them a status on a social network? Maybe a personal appeal would be more sincere - by mail, by SMS? But no, we are not talking about sincere feelings here.

Essentially, the author just comes out and shouts, “Hey, I'm here! Come on, hug me!” The author knows for sure that it doesn’t matter who you are, but the reaction to such a status will inevitably be hugs in the form of likes and handshakes in the form of comments. Aren't you ashamed to beg for attention? After all, with such a post you do not express your love - you expressneed for love.

This may only be appropriate for “group” hugs, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. Open Facebook on Thanksgiving Day and you'll see hundreds of thank-you messages like these. (I could easily do without them, if you're wondering.)

6) Captain Obvious

Signs:A post with an opinion heard a thousand times about an important event.


I support the people of Egypt in their struggle for freedom! Everyone has the right to freedom! I pray for their victory.

My thoughts and prayers are with the residents of Newtown who have suffered this terrible tragedy. There are no words to express the depth of my sympathy for people who have lost a child.

I am disappointed with some of the results of Obama's first term, but I am glad that he was re-elected and I hope for the success of his second term!

Causes:Narcissism; creating an image (I am special; I have my own views and thoughts; I am a developed personality with my own opinion)

Such statuses are annoying because: A) you are not reporting anything original or interesting on a topic that is already being sucked up from all sides by all the media; B) you somehow connect yourself to a significant (and often tragic) event. Your sadness over the deaths of your children is unlikely to matter, and we don't necessarily need to know what the event looks like from your angle, especially if that angle is completely straight - if I need a spice of narcissism to my tragedy, I can read what celebrities write about her on Twitter.

7) Step towards enlightenment

Signs:An unreasonable attack of wisdom.


“Peace comes from within. Don’t look for it outside.” ~ Buddha

Believe in the Lord with all your heart, without relying on reason; acknowledge Him everywhere, and He will illuminate your path. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

I never understood what was so special about celebrating the New Year and why people should become different in the New Year. You don't need a new year to get better... I? Tomorrow I will be the same person I am today.

Causes:Image creation; narcissism

I don't even know where to start.

Well, first of all, even if you quote someone else in your “Step to Enlightenment” post, this is not at all a sign of your modesty. You clearly state: “Look, my Facebook friends. I am the one who has learned the mysteries of life, I can teach you so that someday you too will come to enlightenment.”

Secondly, do you know what really inspires other people? Yoursachievements, giving an example to follow. For your words to be inspiring on their own, you must have talent as a speaker or have truly original thoughts - and we know that you have neither of those. Therefore, if you simply post other people’s platitudes, forgive me, but this is ordinary narcissism. You believe that you - on your own - can inspire someone.

And thirdly, let's recognize the real motive for such statuses - work on the image. You want others to see how far you have come in your spiritual development.

* * *

Our friend Daniel achieved a lot with his post - in just one paragraph he cut my entire soul, putting into it almost everything terrible and disgusting that I described above. But nevertheless, below this post you can see a bunch of likes and a couple of friendly comments.

This is why the intolerable behavior on Facebook will never end - there is no dislike button, no eye-rolling emoji, no middle finger, and few people want to make themselves look like an asshole in the comments. Therefore, annoying statuses are even encouraged, and the people who post them are completely unaware that they regularly ruin the lives of others.

Even more important, annoying statuses are explained by ordinary human psychology - a person sometimes wants to brag to someone about this and that, everyone has moments of weakness, loneliness, need for attention, everyone has some unpleasant qualities that sooner or later They will show themselves late.

This is why you need people who love you.

What Daniel and others like him don’t take into account is that out of 800 of his Facebook friends, only 10-15 people really love him. If you're really nice, you might have about 30 of these friends.That is, from 1 to 4%. Means, 96 to 99% of your Facebook friends DO NOT LIKE YOU.

People who don't love you don't care that much about your life, they don't care about you that much, and they certainly don't care about the worst aspects of your personality. And if you are doing something solely to satisfy your ego or satisfy emotional needs, it does not need to appear on their computer screens at all. It's just not necessary.

Well, that's it, I have to go. I'll go to the gym, then have dinner, then go home and sleep.

Leadscanner team,

we wish you more meaningful statuses

Topic of the issue: Psychology of relationships statuses and quotes. Love can excuse everything except stinginess. George Sand
  • No matter how pleasant love is, its external manifestations still give us more joy than love itself. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Love, apparently, does not seek genuine perfection; Moreover, she seems to be afraid of them: she only needs those perfections that she creates and invents herself. In this she is like kings: they recognize as great only those whom they themselves have exalted. Nicola Chamfort
  • Studying science nourishes youth and brings joy to old age, adorns happiness, serves as a refuge and consolation in misfortune. Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • There are many more lovers in the world than lovers. M. Safir
  • Love is the only feeling in which everything is true and everything is false; say any absurdity about it - and it will turn out to be true. S. Chamfort
  • What happiness is friendship such as the one that exists between us. You know that I don’t value any relationship so highly. Karl Marx
  • Then the lover is completely dead. When the beloved responds to love, then the lover, at least, lives in him. There is something amazing about this. M. Ficino
  • The strongest bond between people, besides family relationships, must be the bond that unites workers of all nations, languages ​​and tribes. Abraham Lincoln
  • Every little happiness should be used like a sick bed: for recovery - and nothing else. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Love can be preserved for reasons that have nothing to do with love. For example, for moral reasons. Albert Camus
  • We thirst for truth, but find only uncertainty in ourselves. We seek happiness, but find only sorrow and death. We cannot help but desire truth and happiness, but we are incapable of either solid knowledge or happiness. This desire is left in our soul not only to punish us, but also to constantly remind us of the heights from which we have fallen. Blaise Pascal
  • love is when you have no money in your account, you have the last twenty in your pocket, and like a fool you put it automatically on his number.
  • Change your attitude towards the things that bother you, and you will be safe from them. Marcus Aurelius
  • Love covers with its name a wide variety of human relationships, supposedly connected with it, although in fact it participates in them no more than the Doge in the events taking place in Venice. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Love can change a person beyond recognition. Publius Terence Arf
  • Being a woman is a terribly difficult thing because it mainly involves relationships with men. Joseph Conrad
  • Happiness is like health: when you don’t notice it, it’s there. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • Love audacity should be manifested in actions, not in words. Gestures are not as intimidating as speech, and silence guarantees the purity of relationships intellectually. Andre Maurois
  • Labor is love made visible. Kahlil Gibran Gibran
  • Politeness is a sign of favor and readiness to serve, especially in relation to those with whom we do not yet have close relationships of acquaintance or friendship. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • A person who has an innate talent experiences the greatest happiness when he uses this talent. Johann Wolfgang Goethe
  • To improve relationships, the Almighty brought us to reason by endowing us with the wisdom of the elders. M. Gorbachev
  • An injustice committed against one person is a threat to all. Charles de Montesquieu
  • True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • For too long, the slave and the tyrant have been hidden in woman. Therefore, a woman is not yet capable of friendship: she knows only love. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Love is a feeling that comes and goes, but friendship is forever... don’t betray your friends for the sake of a relationship...
  • Fearlessness is essential for the development of other noble qualities. Is it possible to seek truth or carefully cherish love without courage? Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi
  • A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person. Abul Faraj
  • If there is no suspicion in the relationship, this is a good family.
  • Your kiss was so sweet that I was simply inspired with happiness!
  • When a woman falls in love for the first time, she loves her lover; later on she loves only love. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Love endures for a long time, is merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, is not proud. Apostle Paul
  • Women who indulge in drunkenness give birth to children who are similar in this respect to their mothers. Aristotle
  • Love is poor if it can be measured. The one who trumpets love to everyone does not love. William Shakespeare
  • To become happy, you need to constantly strive for this happiness and understand it. It depends not on the circumstances, but on you. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • The secret of happiness lies in the ability to step out of the circle of oneself. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • Anyone who is capable of treating a woman with simplistic, shameless cynicism does not deserve trust as a citizen: his attitude towards the common cause will be just as cynical, and he cannot be fully trusted. Anton Makarenko
  • What food is to the body, so is love to the soul, so is knowledge to the spirit; body, soul, and spirit will perish if life-giving sources dry up. Josef Görres
  • Love and hate often interfere with fair judgment. Blaise Pascal
  • Only a complete cretin would convey something to his girlfriend in civilian transport through a stranger. This is impossible, because with such actions you are talking about your indifferent attitude towards your loved one.
  • Of the twelve apostles, only Judas turned out to be a traitor. But. if he were in power, he would prove that the other eleven were traitors. Leon Trotsky
  • True love cannot speak, because true love is expressed in deeds rather than in words. William Shakespeare
  • Love is a petty theft that the natural order of things manages to commit from the social order. Antoine de Rivarol
  • Love is the most morning of our feelings. Bernard de Fontenelle
  • If you can survive the betrayal of your friends, you will survive anything!
  • If you are afraid of misfortunes, then there will be no happiness. Peter the First
  • Yes, God is Love. But what a devilish thing is this love! Samuel Butler
  • Love humbles proud hearts, teaches the arrogant to be lenient, but its main property is to elevate and ennoble everything. Mayne Reid
  • Happiness is the most wonderful thing in the world, and for those who know how to be happy, it can be as deep as sadness. Ernest Hemingway
  • No man is an unkind judge of himself. Never consider someone happy who depends on happy accidents. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)
  • After the discovery of sexuality, nature wonders how best to unite those whose offspring would bring her the greatest joy. Love in this regard has not justified itself, since the children of love do not always turn out to be worthy of it. Wilhelm Schwöbel
  • Making mistakes is an inherent property of love. A love affair is not made for crawling on your knees and driving yourself into stupor, like an English maid who rubs calluses on her knees from constantly scrubbing the floors. This is not what it was created for, and it merrily falls into mistakes, this is a sweet love adventure! Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
  • To be loved by one who arouses everyone's admiration is the best fate that can befall a woman; but this happiness entails a lot of anxiety. Anna Stahl
  • An argument even between friends has something rude, hostile and contrary to friendly relations. Francesco Petrarca
  • Only for people with average incomes do laws apply with all their force; they are equally powerless against the treasures of the rich man and against the poverty of the poor man; the first bypasses them, the second eludes them; one tears the web, and the other passes through it. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Someone has a love relationship and I have a great friend over there
  • Love always requires us to change. Charles de Lint "Ghosts on the Net"
  • Sincerity of relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov
  • The wise one is the one who feels his duty in relation to the present time more clearly than others, who is the most modern person. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • Perhaps, in order to fully appreciate friendship, one must first experience love. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort
  • Tired of waiting for happiness... Tired of problems... And life without you!
  • No,” he said quickly. - Not this. Stay friends? Plant a vegetable garden on the cooled lava of faded feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This only happens after small affairs, and even then it turns out quite false. Love is not tarnished by friendship. The end is the end. Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe"
  • Everyday life is a tired concept; it needs to be refreshed, its content revealed as a culture of personal relationships. Mikhail Prishvin
  • Secret love affairs are almost non-existent: the names of many women are as strongly associated with the names of their lovers as with the names of their husbands. Jean de La Bruyère
  • Love is one of those greatest forces that moves a strong person to great things, and leads flabby people only to ideal canaries.
  • We all think we know what love is and know how to love. In fact, very often we only know how to feast on human relationships. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
  • Diligently avoid any friendship with fools and rogues, if the word friendship is even applicable in relations with such people. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield on friendship...
  • Lovers can love each other before they know each other; spouses must get to know each other before they can fall in love. P. Buast
  • The surest way to win the love of others is to give them your love. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  • Love for the fatherland, shame and fear of reproach are taming means that can restrain many crimes. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov
  • Love is too great a feeling to be only a personal, intimate matter for everyone! George Bernard Shaw
  • Love is the most interesting and most forgivable of all human weaknesses. Charles Dickens
  • Kindness in a woman, not seductive glances, will win my love. William Shakespeare
  • The love of a married woman is a great thing. Married men never dreamed of this.
  • The purpose of dinner is nutrition and the purpose of marriage is family. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • Wine and music gladden the heart, but better than both is the love of wisdom. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach
  • Every thought that does not strive for action is a bastard and a traitor. Romain Rolland
  • What could be more humiliating for a betrayer than the knowledge that they failed to take advantage of his betrayal. Fazil Iskander the human race with a chain of love. I often think that there is no person in the world who would never have good feelings for another person and would not himself take advantage of someone’s kindness; for we are all one family, coming from Adam. William Thackeray
  • Do not consider someone happy who depends on happiness. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)
  • Love often takes away intelligence from those who have it and gives it to those who do not. Denis Diderot
  • Take away the love of goodness from our hearts, and you will take away all the charm of life. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Love should soar, not crawl in the mud.
  • Love is temporary and ends in marriage. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Catherine respected the dignity of a person in her subject, a moral being created for happiness in life. She knew that personal security is the first good for a person and that without it our life, among all other ways of happiness and pleasure, is eternal, painful anxiety. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin
  • The only happiness in life is constant striving forward. Emile Zola
  • The most insignificant and empty creature can inspire love for itself if it creates a mysterious aura of impermanence around itself. Andre Maurois
  • Love and passion are different things. Love is a gentle creature that often gives up without achieving reciprocity, and passion is a withering force that burns all obstacles in its path.
  • Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship. Colton.
  • When we ourselves love, the word love is synonymous with self-sacrifice and renunciation. When neighbors living behind the wall love, this word means conceit and impudence. O.Henry
  • Passion is a mocking, crafty deity, closer to the elves than to the gods. She loves to make fun of us. When we are finally able to give in to her, she leaves both or one of us. Clive Staples Lewis
  • Love that is afraid of obstacles is not love. John Galsworthy "Flower in the Desert"
  • Love is the only passion that cannot stand either the past or the future. Honore de Balzac.
  • It is impossible to hide love and cough. George Herbert
  • The truth is that there is only one highest value - love. Helen Hayes
  • Love is the desire to pass on what you cannot keep. Erich Maria Remarque
  • To be completely happy, it is not enough to have happiness, you must also deserve it. Victor Hugo - Psychology of relationships statuses and quotes.
  • Friendship is treating another as oneself. Love is better towards others than towards yourself. Shevelev.
  • Only a complete cretin would convey something to his girlfriend in civilian transport through a stranger. This is impossible, because with such actions you are talking about your indifferent attitude towards your loved one.
  • There is no doubt that sometimes a woman and a man, barely looking at each other, instantly fall in love. This love at first sight is a risky thing, when she has not yet seen his checkbook, and he has not yet seen her in curler curls. Nevertheless, it happens in life. O.Henry
  • Love is a wise invention of nature: the one who loves easily does what he must. V. Shwebel.
  • Anyone who wants to enter the path of love should not worry about how to treat all people, whether they are good or bad. Rev. Isaiah

Anyone who wants to enter the path of love should not worry about how to treat all people, whether they are good or bad. Rev. Isaiah

How sometimes we need psychological help and support. We often turn to friends, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, but we cannot solve the problem and get out of a difficult state. Then we decide to turn to specialists in this field - psychologists. There is nothing shameful in visiting a psychologist occasionally and talking to him about your problems. But do you know about the existence of such a holiday as Psychologist’s Day? Congratulate your personal psychologist on this wonderful professional holiday by sending him a beautiful status. And you can find such statuses directly on this page. This resource is entirely dedicated to statuses for congratulations on Psychologist’s Day. Please the person who will help you make the right choice in any situation.


While the psychologist is closely studying the split personality, the individuals are having fun and mocking the psychologist.

A psychologist is a person who gives advice for money that you have always given to everyone for free.

Every real writer, of course, is a psychologist, but he himself is sick.

If you want to repent of your sins, go to the priest. If you want to justify your sins, go to a psychoanalyst.

A psychologist is a person who observes the men present when a beautiful woman enters the room.

In our country, fortune tellers work as psychologists... and they earn no less than American psychoanalysts!

Boy at the psychologist: - I'm afraid of Carlson. - Why? - Because he will fly in, eat everything tasty, break all the toys and then fly away, and I will get it.

A female psychologist is looking for a man with a big libido, a female physicist is looking for a man with great potential, and a female police officer is looking for a man with a big baton!

After receiving a $50 advance from his patient, the psychiatrist said: Wonderful! My psychological problem is solved. Let's move on to yours.

Cool statuses on Psychologist's Day: After my appointment with a psychologist, the psychologist will need a psychiatrist...

I saw a psychotherapist. He advised me to leave all problems at the door at night. What to do? Mine never agrees to spend the night on the street!

A real psychologist must convince a person born to crawl not that he cannot fly, but that he should not fly

The best psychologist is a friend with a bottle.

You need to completely relax during your vacation. To do this, give your wife one sedative tablet every morning.

Be open to new experiences and don't shy away from change, set new goals for yourself. Be active and inquisitive, you will definitely feel how great it is.

It is better to cry with a psychologist than to laugh with a psychiatrist.

A psychologist is a person who you pay for complaining about yourself.

Truth-seekers suffer the most in the world, because others distort this truth back and forth...

Long live split personality - the shortest path to mental balance!

Fear pulls you back, curiosity pushes you forward, pride stops you. And only common sense nervously marks time and swears.

A psychologist is someone who helps a person who is stepping on the same rake to change the rake.

How to keep your brain clean? Find phrases that clear your mind and keep those phrases ready for yourself.

Ignorance of female psychology does not relieve one from responsibility for the consequences of marriage...

Either pay me a psychologist, or accept me as I am.

Freud, dying, admitted that he could not find the answer to only one question: What does a woman want?

People who know your insides gain power over you.

In psychologist hell, no one wants to talk about it!

Split personality is a terrible thing, it seems to you that you are talking to another person, but in fact you are talking to yourself...

Cool statuses on Psychologist's Day: Yesterday I saw a psychologist... he cried.

You know, in psychology there is no such thing as depression. So stop pretending! Get high from life!

Psychologists talk: How are you doing with that guy? Yes, I was completely cured of his paranoia, but then he was shot

It is noteworthy that what people are accustomed to calling low self-esteem, psychologists call the role of the victim.

Psychology is the expression in words of what cannot be expressed in words.

Nature denied a woman physical strength, so the woman has perfectly mastered the art of psychological violence.

In reality, people with “low self-esteem” have a very high opinion of themselves. Psychology and Orthodox dogma converge on one point: self-abasement is the flip side of pride.

Everyone believes that he is an original and unique Personality. And this already proves that absolutely all of us are made according to the same template.

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