Working on mistakes: A textbook for students of the specialty "Philology". Culture of writing

My husband and I planted lilacs on our summer cottage. At the beginning of summer we hoped that we would drink seagulls in its shade and enjoy the divine aroma of lilac flowers. The first half of summer passed, and it still didn’t bloom! Luckily, my husband and I were able to quickly figure out the problem and fix it.

Next summer we were able to enjoy the incredible floral scent of lilac! In this article I will tell you why lilacs do not bloom, how to identify and eliminate these reasons.

There are about 300 varieties of lilacs growing worldwide, most of which are large shrubs with many upright stems. Usually the bush is densely covered with oval-shaped leaves with a pointed end. Every May-June, the bush is completely covered with lush trumpet-shaped flowers with four, less often five, petals.

The most common petal color in the world is lilac, but white, blue, purple and violet colors are also found. When flowers bloom, they spread around themselves a very delicate, pleasant and soothing aroma that you want to inhale and inhale. It’s no wonder that women’s perfumes with the scent of lilac have been popular for a long time.

Although lilac is a frost-resistant plant, it loves light very much, so in dark places it may refuse to bloom. For this reason, it is not advisable to plant lilacs next to the house, or behind a fence on the north side, where the sun does not shine.

If you plant with a house, then it must be on the western side or the eastern side. It is also not recommended to plant on the south side, since the hot rays of the sun can cause its leaves and flowers to dry out.

It is also not advisable to plant it next to conifers. The distance between them must be at least ten meters. If you planted lilac in a shaded place, do not try to care for it intensively; it will not bloom anyway. In this case, only transplanting to a more illuminated area of ​​land will help.

Unsuitable soil

It should be remembered that each variety of lilac grows only in a certain soil, since breeders grow unique varieties in greenhouse conditions, giving them various fertilizers. And then it turns out that they cannot grow and bloom in ordinary soil, unlike ordinary varieties, which do not care what the composition of the soil is.

If, two years after planting a purchased lilac seedling, no flowers have appeared, then you need to study the composition of the soil and add the missing fertilizers.

Then the likelihood that the lilac will bloom will increase.

If the soil is waterlogged and swampy, then it will be difficult for lilac to grow in it, since it is not a moisture-loving shrub.

And heavy clay soil will not suit it, since the roots will not be able to receive enough oxygen. The same can be said for acidic soil.

For ideal development of the shrub, the soil must have neutral acidity and moderate moisture. If the lilac is planted in an area that is too windy, then there is a high probability that it will not bloom, since it will feel very uncomfortable in this place.

Incorrect landing

Even if the soil and place on the site are chosen correctly for lilacs, incorrect planting can ruin everything, because of which the bush can weaken, or even bend completely. The first thing that must be taken into account is that there must be a drainage layer at the bottom of the hole.

The hole should not be too deep, 50 centimeters deep is enough. But in width it should be twice the diameter of the root system.

First, drainage is placed at the bottom, after which about 20 centimeters of humus mixed with superphosphate and ash are poured. Pour a bucket of water into the hole and place a seedling, which is covered with black soil, being careful not to cover the root collar; it should be 4 centimeters above the soil.

And under no circumstances should you compact the soil around the bush with your feet or press hard on the seedling during planting in order to deepen it. For the first time, you can install additional support for the bush.

It would be ideal if lilacs are planted in the evening or in cloudy weather, and not in the sun.

Plant in the spring before the buds appear or in mid-summer. After the seedling is planted, it needs to be watered and mulched with sawdust or straw.


Lilacs do not like it when there is a lot of nitrogen in the soil. If the lilac grows too quickly, it means that the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen, which affects the growth of shoots, delaying flowering. Therefore, it is not advisable to fertilize the soil around the bush every year with manure, black soil and other nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Ideally, it is enough to fertilize it once every three years. The first feeding can be given two years after planting and then in moderate quantities. If the summer turns out to be dry and hot, then the bush needs to be watered periodically.

Irregular pruning

Like many shrubs, lilacs need to be pruned every year. Otherwise, it will look ugly and will gradually stop blooming.

Usually lilacs are made in the shape of a ball. It is advisable to do pruning in early spring, even before the first buds appear, or in mid-summer. But this procedure is not advisable to carry out during flowering or autumn. First of all, dry branches are cut off.

If a lot of young shoots have grown around the lilac, then they must be removed with pruners, cutting off almost to the root. Otherwise, they will take all the nutrients from the mother bush. After which you need to shallowly dig up the soil around the bush, removing the root system of the shoots.

When pruning a bush, it is advisable to leave powerful shoots, cutting off smaller ones, since new shoots will then grow from the powerful ones.

If the bush is not trimmed, then every year the flowers will become smaller and smaller in size and quantity. Immediately after flowering, you need to cut off all the inflorescences that have dried out. Otherwise, seeds will appear in place of the flowers, which will take away all the useful substances from the tree.

Diseases and pests

Even if you did everything correctly, and the lilac does not even think of blooming, on the contrary, it even began to look worse, its leaves curled, turned yellow or became covered with spots, the crown drooped. In this case, it must be carefully examined for the presence of pests or diseases.

First, the affected branches and leaves are removed, they must be burned, and the entire tree is treated with a pest control drug. If you do not start its treatment in time, then you should not expect flowering next year.

Every spring, even before the buds swell, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of the bush against pests and diseases. If this is not done, then the lilac can be attacked by insects such as moths, lilac leaf mites, leaf weevils, hawk moth caterpillars, and acacia false scale insects, which will be quite difficult to get rid of.

The following drugs will help get rid of insects: “Aktara”, “Iskra”, “Fufanon” and others. Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate helps well against many fungal diseases. To make lilacs resistant to viral diseases, they are given phosphorus-potassium fertilizer every three years in the fall.


Although most varieties of lilac can withstand winter frosts down to -60 o C, not every variety of lilac can easily withstand spring frosts.

April is often hot, and in May frosts can strike; it is not surprising that after this all the buds, which have just gained strength, freeze. This time the bush remains without flowers.

Surprisingly, a warm winter can also be the reason for the lack of flowers on lilacs. In February, under the influence of high air temperatures and the gentle sun, buds begin to form on the bush, and in March severe frosts suddenly arrive, which kill the beginnings of flowering in the bud.

A hot autumn can also cause a lack of lilac blooms next year. Due to the long hot season, lilacs often bloom twice, so during the winter they do not have time to accumulate strength for the next flowering.

Or even just ordinary drought can be the reason for the lack of not only flowering, but also leaves. In this case, it is recommended to water the tree once a week.

If frosts have been periodically replaced by rain all winter, then the buds can easily freeze and not open in the spring.


Lilacs can be propagated in three ways: by seeds grown in place of the flowers, by cuttings, by shoots that grow at the roots of the main bush. But it can also be propagated by grafting. This complex method is more suitable for experienced gardeners.

For propagation by cuttings, choose a tall shoot that has already bloomed. It is cut from an annual shoot in early August.

The cut should be oblique to make it easier for the cutting to absorb minerals. Then all leaves are removed and placed in liquid in any solution to stimulate growth. After the roots have grown, the cuttings are transplanted into a hole previously filled with drainage and humus.

If there are a lot of shoots around the lilac, then you can dig up any of them for propagation. But this must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Selection of seedlings

The variety of seedling determines whether the lilac will bloom soon or whether it will have to wait about eight years for it to bloom. To avoid having to wait long for flowering, you need to purchase seedlings from trusted sellers who have all the original documentation.

Lilacs usually begin to bloom for the first time in the third year of life. It is undesirable to purchase seedlings that bloom after five years of life.

The most ideal seedling will always be a grafted lilac, on which the first inflorescences appear already in the second year after planting.

1. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

My friend, just like me, spent a long time choosing WHAT to read to him.
I had to abandon (FROM) WHAT was planned, since the money (TO) my ACCOUNT did not arrive.
TO study the behavior of these animals, biologists had to observe them for a long time, FOR (THAT) the results of the observations turned out to be very interesting.
2. In which row in both words is the letter O written in place of the gap?

Sh...roh, sh...sweat
w...ngler, slum...bah, chocolate
3. In which row are both words with NOT written together?

(not) smart, (didn’t) think
(not) more than a dozen, not yet (not) blossoming lilacs
A completely (un)interesting film, (un)explored paths
4. The letter - Y - is written

5. – b – written

6. Highlight the word in which I is written in the blank:

they are fighting
7. In which word is the letter A written?

8. Determine in which word one letter N is written in place of the gap:

9. Select the word in which the marked initial element is written CONTINUOUSLY:

(c) due to repairs
(budgetary) financial
10. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

It was completely unclear how all this happened.
Over time, he became famous as the best psychoanalyst.
Luzhin knocked down the house with a clumsy movement of his shoulder, like a great piece of scenery emitting a sigh of dust.
11. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

Here, obviously, complete despair was expressed on my face.
I remember walking on a soft carpet of soldier’s cloth.
They entered a corridor, narrow and long.
12. Choose the sentence that requires a COLON in the blank.

Called himself a load - get into the back!
In November they promised different types of precipitation - rain, sleet and, finally, snow.
I was informed that _ firstly, the meeting will discuss the timing of the commissioning of the facility, and secondly, the supply of new equipment.
13. Find a sentence in which a comma is NOT placed in the gap.

The street leading into the city was free.
The light pouring through the narrow windows woke up the traveler.
Pride in his friend turning into a Bolshevik softened Pavel's difficult situation.
14. There was a punctuation error in the sentence.

Below, like a steel mirror, the lakes of jets turn blue.
And work began on this bridge, like on bark.
The lower part of the window seemed to be covered with a steady frost.
15. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

Pair of shoes
several towels
about five hundred kilometers
16. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence: “Having carefully prepared for the performance,”

The speaker’s speech should nevertheless resemble improvisation
the speaker’s speech should contain successful examples, images, humor
the speaker gave a persuasive speech
17. A speech error was made in the phrase

Thrifty man
educational system
worthy of high reward
18. In which sentence should I use INFORMATIVE instead of the word INFORMATIONAL?

Dmitry Olegovich was appointed head of the new INFORMATION television program.
The article published in the magazine seemed to me very INFORMATIVE and therefore very useful.
Recent decades have been characterized by the wide dissemination of various media, including those presented in electronic form on various INFORMATION media.
19. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm)

The train set off according to schedule.
The teacher walked in the direction of the noise and saw students heated by an argument.
The new legislative project excited and was discussed by all deputies of the State Duma.
20. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm)

I hope that the majority will support me.
I hope that the majority will support me.
Many people think that tourists are to blame for forest fires.
Many people think that tourists are to blame for forest fires.

(Answers at the end of the test)

1. In which row is the same letter missing in all three words?

a) respect...respect, o...throw, on...lowercase

b) be...painful, be...focal, c...invigorate

c) pr...cut, unpretentious...unwillingly, pr...judgment

d) dis...integration,, for...speak

2. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers, in the place of which one letter N is written?

Skillfully made (1) forged (2) beams (3) lattices of St. Petersburg are one of the decorations of the city.

3. In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap?

a), seen...

b) understand...independent

c) meet...measured

d) supply, oil...

4. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place I is written?

The worse someone’s disposition, the more he shouts and grumbles at people: he (1) sees the good ones, where he (2) turns, and the first he (3) gets along with with whom he (4) gets along.

5. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

a) My friend, just like me, spent a long time choosing WHAT to read to him.

b) (ON) THIS road has not been traveled for a long time, (FROM) THAT the road is overgrown with thick grass.

c) I had to abandon (FROM) WHAT was planned, since the money (TO) my ACCOUNT did not arrive.

d) TO study the behavior of these animals, biologists had to observe them for a long time, FOR (THAT) the results of the observations turned out to be very interesting.

6. In which row in both words is the letter O written in place of the gap?

a) sh...rokh, sh...pot

b) w...ngler,

c) f...heart, chocolate

d) seamless, comb...ska

7. In which row in both words is the letter b written in place of the gap?

a) jumble..., backhand...

b) burn..., swift...

c) sharp..., bitter...

d) married..., bake...

8. In which row are both words written with a hyphen?

a) convex (concave), (half) island

b) (television) program, bright (red)

c) (half) lemon, north (western)

d) (pet) shop, literary (art)

9. In which row are both words with NOT written together?

a) (not) smart, (didn’t) think

b) (not) more than a dozen, not yet (not) blossoming lilacs

c) a completely (un)interesting film, (un)explored paths

10. Provide the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

Leonardo da Vinci in “The Dispute between the Painter and the Poet” substantiated the superiority of painting over poetry () and many contemporaries shared his point of view.

a) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.

b) A complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

c) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And there is no need for a comma.

d) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.

11. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The era (1) that began (2) after the discoveries of Galileo Galilei (3) and ended with the work of Isaac Newton (4) marked a new stage in the development of science and technology.

12. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (No punctuation marks included).

a) The twentieth century is called nuclear and space and computer.

b) The entire forest consisted of huge oak, alder and ash trees.

c) In a properly organized text, thematic sentences are usually interconnected in meaning and lexico-grammatically and are its logical core.

13. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

After much debate, a firm decision was made: next summer we will devote ourselves entirely to traveling around the Vladimir land.

a) The generalizing word comes before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

b) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.

c) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.

d) The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

14. In which sentence with direct speech is the dash missing?

a) “Well, what then? Killed,” the neighbor decided.

b) “It’s impossible,” he said decisively.

c) The girl asked “How do you feel?”

d) “What should I do? Tatyana is not a child,” the old woman said, groaning. “After all, Olenka is younger than her.”

15. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

a) a pair of shoes

b) several towels

c) experienced doctors

d) about five hundred kilometers

16. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having received primary education at home in Moscow,

a) Radishchev was enrolled in the St. Petersburg Corps of Pages.

b) twelve-year-old Radishchev entered the Corps of Pages in St. Petersburg.

c) this was enough to enter the Corps of Pages in St. Petersburg.

d) Radishchev’s further training took place in St. Petersburg and abroad.

17. In which sentence should I use INFORMATIVE instead of the word INFORMATIONAL?

a) Dmitry Olegovich was appointed head of the new INFORMATION television program.

b) Modern INFORMATION technologies help to solve many problems successfully and quickly.

d) Recent decades have been characterized by the wide dissemination of various media, including those presented in electronic form on various INFORMATION media.

18. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

b) to the top

c) swore

d) adolescence

19. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

b) I lived a life that was full of interesting meetings.

c) But in this world there are those distant lands to which migratory birds strive so much!

d) The bitter smell of wormwood, which mixed with the delicate aroma of flowers, was diffused in the morning air.

20. In which sentence is the rule of word usage violated (words are used in meanings that are unusual for them, the compatibility of words is broken, there is verbosity)?

a) He started small, but over time he achieved great success.

b) No screams or whistling of wings are heard.

c) Citizens! Don't ruin the nests!

d) These are very capable poems.

21. Which sentence has an error in the declension of the numeral?

a) one thousand nine hundred and one

b) about eight hundred products

c) three girls

d) both candidates

A. (pet) store, literary (art)
b. (half) lemon, north (western)
V. convex (concave), (half) island

A. Polka
b. Frenchwoman
V. Finca

A. My friend, JUST like me, spent a long time choosing WHAT to read to him
b. (ON) THIS road has not been traveled for a long time, (FROM) THAT the road is overgrown with thick grass
V. TO study the behavior of these animals, biologists had to observe them for a long time, FOR (THAT) the observation results turned out to be very interesting

A. A pair of shoes
b. Several towels
V. About five hundred kilometers

A. (not) smart, (didn’t) think
b. (not) more than a dozen, not yet (not) blossoming lilacs
V. A completely (un)interesting film, (un)explored paths

A. At least one
b. At least two
V. At least three

A. Convocation
b. beautiful
V. swore

A. There is a comparative turnover here.
b. There is phraseology here
V. There's an error here

If you want, answer in the comments. I'll give you the correct answers tomorrow


1) In which row are both words written with a hyphen?

Half a lemon (the second part begins with the letter L), northwestern (derived from the noun northwest, denoting intermediate cardinal directions)

2) Of the three words, only one has a single meaning, and each of the others is used in at least two different senses. Which word has the only meaning?

Frenchwoman. All three words denote women of a certain nationality, but at the same time polka is a fast dance, a type of haircut; finka - a knife with a thick short blade, a round flat hat with a fur band

3) In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

TO study the behavior of these animals, biologists had to observe them for a long time, BUT the results of the observations turned out to be very interesting. (Both words are conjunctions; they should be distinguished from the pronouns WHAT and THAT with prepositions and particles)

4) Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form

About five hundred kilometers. (Correct: five hundred, error in declension of the numeral)

5) “Disaster” - this is the title of an article about a train crash that a young journalist brought to the editor for editing. He, without changing a word in the article, made sure that the police began an investigation into the incident. What exactly did the editor do?

Added a question mark. If you use punctuation marks skillfully, they can sometimes say more than words. By adding a question mark to the title, the experienced journalist expressed doubt about the accidental nature of the incident, which resulted in an investigation into the true causes of the incident.

6) In which row are both words with NOT written together?

A completely uninteresting film (adjective with dependent word absolutely), unexplored (participle without dependent words) paths
7) Everyone dreams of having “natural literacy”! They say that "anticipating" punctuation marks is not such a difficult matter. For example, how many commas must be added to a sentence that begins like this: “When the boys saw...”?

At least two. Seeing the beginning of this sentence, a literate person will say that he opened a subordinate clause, and in it there is an adverbial phrase. This means that you will need to close both of them, and then start the main thing. “When the boys saw the light and ran to class, something strange happened.”

8) In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

Swore is the correct answer

9) The HOW union is called the most capricious of all. The probability of a comma in front of it is 50 to 50. How to explain the absence of a comma in the sentence: “It’s raining like buckets?”

Phraseologisms (stable combinations) are included in a sentence without punctuation, although they can be confused with adverbial or comparative phrases. For example, the expression “it’s pouring like buckets” has become stable, so it’s written without commas.

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