Rational thinking is not considered a value in philosophy. Three Levels of Thinking


When talking to someone, follow simple communication rules that will help you develop your thinking. If you start a conversation with a statement, be sure to stick to your words throughout the conversation. This logical sequence will allow you to defend your opinion and learn not to contradict yourself. If you are confident in the correctness of your opinion or thought, then you must remember that it needs proof - state only what you can prove indirectly or directly. Then you can explain it to the other person, keep your thinking clear and be more persuasive.

Support any of your thoughts with evidence. Always ask yourself questions that can disprove or confirm your statement. Try to select several arguments at once to defend your idea - they should not contradict each other, they should have a strong evidence base and a logical connection with your initial statement.

You must act in the same way when refuting your opponent’s opinion. If you have opposing views on the same things, then you must provide convincing arguments to defend your thoughts. If you can prove a logical relationship, then provide arguments in defense of your position and refute the false theory of your interlocutor.

Rational thinking involves turning off emotions - when solving any problem, you must remain cool and calm. If the situation requires you to take a rational position, do not include emotions - think logically.

Practice by arguing. Getting into a verbal fight whenever possible is a great way to compete in rational thinking. First, define the subject of the dispute and find out whether you understand its essence in the same way. Start an argument, give arguments, record your opinion and be consistent without deviating from the original statement.

Rational thinking presupposes having a positive outlook on the future, since negative thoughts paralyze brain activity. If you are stressed, isolate your negative thoughts and think about them rationally, soberly determining whether they are reasonable.


  • What is logic in 2019

Thinking economically means caring about the future. But not only from the point of view of profit, although this concept can be interpreted quite broadly. After all, profit can be not only material, but also moral and value-based.


Take a pen and paper and write down what you would like to change in your life (points: 1, 2...).

Select from these points those that you think will most depend on your financial situation (points like “flight to the moon” are also quite suitable, especially since space tourism is an expensive undertaking). Copy the new list onto another sheet of paper.

Take another sheet of paper. Make a new list of your desires, the fulfillment of which at the moment depends only on you (on your salary, etc.). Try to write them down in chronological order (for example, first you “buy a car” and only then “go on a car tour in Europe”).

On the next sheet, record items that do not directly depend on you (“salary increase” and even “reduction in food prices”).

Don’t forget to indicate the approximate “cost” of the desire next to each item on all sheets. Make a plan for their possible implementation, based on your material prospects. Do not throw away these sheets. They will come in handy after a while. Put them in a secluded place, but be mindful of where they are. This will serve as an incentive for you to take action to improve your financial situation.

Adequately assess your professional qualities as a specialist, think about whether you have opportunities for career growth at the place of work where you currently work. Take a piece of paper and honestly write down all your “pros” and “cons” as an employee (point by point). Use this list to improve yourself in your profession.

If you took out a loan or you are going (you need) to get one, immediately assess the possibility of non-repayment and take care that this does not happen. Get a second job, rent out part of your living space (in agreement with your family), try, at least from time to time, not to buy food and clothes in expensive stores. Pay off the loan.

Irrational and rational thinking are opposite ways of knowing. The human mind is based on rational knowledge. Irrationality gives him limitless possibilities. You just need to notice and catch them.

Rational thinking: what is it?

The basis of rational consciousness is real facts for reflection and logically sound arguments for making decisions. They allow you to see things in their true light, explain incomprehensible phenomena and show the shortest path to your goal.

Traditionally, a rational way of thinking is associated with the exact sciences, but in everyday life people are forced to use it to build their career, save money for a major purchase, and plan a vacation.

Rational Personalities:

  • sensibly assess the surrounding reality;
  • set realistic goals for themselves;
  • respond adequately to criticism;
  • listen to others;
  • support their conclusions with specific facts;
  • are distinguished by prudence and pragmatism;
  • soberly assess the possibilities – their own and others’.

The determination to think rationally is a positive thing from the point of view of a person working on his shortcomings.

People of a different type, who do not know how and do not want to make plans for life, sometimes find it difficult to achieve their goals, because they:

  • do not think about the consequences;
  • they are late everywhere;
  • They do not know how to predict the course of events.

Guided by rational thoughts, a person does not commit spontaneous and rash actions and minimizes the risk of unpleasant surprises. It is this calm view of the situation that allows a person to gather himself at a critical moment, when passions and emotions are boiling around.

Methods of rational thinking

These methods are based on the use of logical techniques for processing information:

  • Analysis- mental division of a whole into its constituent elements, highlighting its properties, connections and other characteristics, determining its structure.
  • Synthesis– reunification of several elements or parts into a single integral structure. With the help of synthesis, a person mentally connects parts in new combinations, which allows him to establish connections between them and draw conclusions about their interaction.
  • Comparison- establishing similarities and differences between objects or objects. With the help of comparison, a person identifies various properties of objects and objects, both qualitative and quantitative characteristics.
  • Generalization- mental unification of several objects according to some of the most significant characteristics.
  • Abstraction (distraction)– highlighting the basic, essential properties of objects and abstracting from unimportant details.

Important! Analysis and synthesis are closely interrelated; one without the other makes no sense.

A wide variety of processes are carried out on the basis of logical thinking techniques. They are successfully used both in academic research and experiments, and in the field of simple everyday affairs.

Irrational thinking: what is it?

A rational way of thinking discards emotions, impulses, desires, moods, impressions and all personal aspects, thereby limiting intellectual potential. In contrast, irrational thinking “thinks with the heart”, is not constrained by any specific boundaries and is fundamentally:

  • feelings;
  • impression;
  • mystical experiences;
  • state of mind.

The closest thing to an irrational image is children's thinking, which has mobility, emotionality, vivid fantasies, spontaneity and a lack of rationality.

As adults, people of an irrational nature prefer to develop frantic activity, but often their actions are chaotic, devoid of logic and consistency. In life, they are guided by their own ideas, which have little in common with the surrounding reality.

The irrational type of thoughts is inherent in creative people who need a flight of fantasy like air. It is impossible to imagine a creative genius, writer or artist operating within strict rational boundaries. Personalities of the irrational type, as a rule, have a pronounced ability to influence the thoughts and desires of other people.

Methods of irrational thinking

Unlike rational cognition, irrational cognition is based not on the logical techniques discussed above, but on instant comprehension of the problem. The basis of irrational thinking is:

  • Intuition:
    • is a form of direct knowledge,
    • allows you to comprehend reality without the testimony of the senses.
  • Insight:
    • means mental comprehension of the whole, and not of individual parts,
    • rebuilds the situation, finds a new perspective on the problem.
  • Imagination:
    • is a specific form of human psychological activity,
    • creates a new image, situation, possible future using past experience.

The methods are not limited to the above forms. These also include the emotional sphere, spiritual insights, meditation practices in Eastern religions and others.

Important! The origins of the irrational lie in the deep layers of thinking, in the unknown region of the unconscious. Hence the main dangers on this path: replacing the actual with the desired and triggering uncontrollable panic states.

In everyday life you can often find destructive examples of irrational thinking. Suffice it to remember how many brilliant writers, artists and musicians in real life were helpless and did not have basic means of subsistence.

Harmony of opposites

Psychologists are confident that people can exist in society without problems, using any type of thinking.

Rational and irrational components are two sides of the same coin. Our one-sided worldview often places them at opposite poles, when they should complement and enrich each other.

Thanks to the interaction of these opposite principles, a person’s ability to find the right path in the sphere of diverse experiences of comprehending the unknown develops.

The question of “flight of thought” has occupied great minds since ancient times. However, to this day, neither the wisest of philosophers nor the smartest of scientists can claim that they “understand thinking.” The level of knowledge of consciousness can be compared with the degree of knowledge about the world's oceans. We roughly understand the surface, but know almost nothing about the depth. We can talk about this endlessly, but here we will touch on only two methods of thinking:

  • rational;
  • irrational.

Many people often act on emotions without thinking through the consequences or their own decisions. This happens due to too “hot blood” or banal reluctance. If this is definitely not about you, then we can say that you are a rational person. This does not imply methodical action or other special factors. Rational thinking is just the ability to think about your decisions and act according to logic.

The Structure of Rational Thinking

There are three main forms of rational thinking:

  • concept;
  • judgment;
  • inference.

We can imagine a concept as the name of an object or action. We simply point out the subject of discussion itself, presenting it to the audience. For example, we say “bird”, “flight”. Next we present a judgment. We link objects together. In other words, we explain the meaning of the previously mentioned concepts. The result is the statement: “The bird flies.”

As a result, we are faced with conclusions. Here judgments are combined, and new conclusions are drawn based on their analysis. We reasoned that the bird flies and we know that it has wings. We also know that humans do not have wings. This means that our conclusion is that the bird flies thanks to its wings.

These forms form the basis of rational thinking. For a clearer picture, it is necessary to look at this from a slightly different angle.

Rational Thinking in Stoicism

In everyday situations, rational thinking often means the need to “turn on your head.” Abstract from emotions and analyze the situation calmly. However, this kind of thinking takes some time. Without a strong habit, it is difficult to start reasoning right away. Especially in moments of emotional turmoil. Emotions overflow, blood rushes to the temples and the brain refuses to work rationally.

This problem has been recognized since ancient times. Consider, for example, Stoicism. When a person is called a “stoic”, then in the imagination he appears truly equanimous and solid as a rock. He keeps himself aloof from small everyday problems, does not pay attention to them and does not worry. This is true, but only partly. Stoicism covers many aspects of life, but here we will talk only about one of the central parts - maintaining reason in difficult situations.

Example of Stoic Thinking

Marcus Aurelius is a great Roman emperor. The last of the "five good emperors". He spent most of his reign on the borders of the empire, protecting it from enemies. Went through two major wars. Despite many problems, he led the empire with dignity and did not lose his mind in the most difficult situations. Stoicism helped him in this. perfectly illustrated the theme of rationalism in his “Reflections”:

From Apollonius, independence and calmness before the game of chance; so as not to look at anything but reason for a moment, and to always be the same - in acute pain, or having lost a child, or in a long illness.

How can you be calm in such terrible situations? Let's take a closer look at the quote. An important point is “calmness before the game of chance.” It actually answers our question. Everything that happens around is a chain of events, fate, if you like. We as humans have no control over these events, so why worry about them? We can only control ourselves and our attitude towards these events. If something bad is still likely to happen or has already happened, isn't it wiser to maintain rational thinking rather than give in to emotions?

If we are talking specifically about stopping worrying (and therefore acting unreasonably) in routine life, then preparation is necessary. That is, you need to be prepared for any vicissitudes of fate. Then there will be no “surprise”, which means that emotions will remain under control.

In the morning, tell yourself in advance: I will meet the vain, the ungrateful, the impudent, the cunning, the greedy, the unsocial. All this happened to them out of ignorance of good and evil.

Of the many philosophical trends, it is Stoicism that is most applicable in everyday life. With its help, we can learn to control our minds and make informed decisions in difficult situations. But this is the basis of rational thinking.

“That guy has an eye for money.” What kind of “sense” is this? Well, he intuitively understands how to make money. After reading the previous chapter, we think rationally, and this explanation does not suit us. Let's figure it out ourselves.

Intuition itself can be understood as an unconscious guide to facts. This is the main difference from rationalism. Irrational thinking covers the surface, barely looking deeper. The mind does not indulge in florid reasoning. This is done unconsciously, and therefore it often seems to a person that he is acting “on instinct.” This kind of thinking is often called feeling. It is emotions, not logic, that become the driving force of thought.

We often think that a person performs some actions without reason or logic. Such a person is labeled “irrational.” However, nothing happens easily, and everything happens for a reason. It’s just that an “irrational person”’s thinking operates superficially, in express mode. Because of this, reasoning and logic can become distorted. But since this is done unconsciously, it is not always possible to understand these tricks of consciousness.

Disadvantages of Rational Thinking

Adherence to the principles of rational thinking can play a cruel joke on a person. Here, for example, is the situation. You see a pie that looks quite delicious. But you don't try it. Why? Oh, you've tried it before and it tasted disgusting. This is rational thinking. You put forward the concept of “pie”. Your judgment of the pie is that it “looks delicious.” However, inference tells you another fact: you have already eaten such a pie, and it was not so good. But what if that ill-fated time the cook was drunk or was not there at all, and an incompetent novice cooked? But you don’t know this, and by doing so, you may be depriving yourself of a delicious meal.

What is the conclusion from this stupid story? The moral is that rational thinking is limited by the information available. It’s no secret that the human brain rejects everything new and unknown, it’s such a conservative. It turns out that when a person thinks rationally, the brain uses only the information that is available. He does not want to take into account the fact that there is something unknown to us. He really is still that cunning.

The benefits of rational thinking

But it’s not for nothing that so many good things are said about rationality. Of course, in many life situations, forms of rational thinking turn out to be the most appropriate. You can reason and foresee different outcomes of events, which is of great benefit. Rational thinking is what helps to avoid the state of passion, excessive exposure to emotions. And in such a state you can do terrible things. In general, it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of rationalism in life.

However, it is worth sometimes letting your inner fire flare up. Constantly holding back emotions can lead to them breaking through the door of their prison and spilling everywhere. Then an imbalance will really come, and few people will be happy about it. It will, of course, lead to a rethink, which is very important, but the method is extremely tough. There are many less painful and no less effective ways. The main thing is to know where you can let the primitive beast out, and where it is better to remain civilized. If this understanding comes, then life will become a little easier and a little clearer.

Bottom line

Ultimately, we realized that although there are different ways of thinking, each has its own pros and cons. Rational thinking is not a panacea for all problems, but a life driven only by emotions carries a lot of problems. Rationalism is ice, irrationalism is fire. By choosing only the first, you risk becoming “cold” and freezing your “inner self.” If you choose only fire, you will burn yourself and burn your loved ones. A wise decision is to learn how to skillfully combine these forms or find a balance.

We often wonder why some people are successful in everything, while others, on the contrary, fail in any enterprise. Success in business directly depends on the type of thinking. The ability to think rationally is essential for a successful business.

A person who says that he is not a rational thinking person is lying. Perhaps it is simply more convenient not to think about pressing problems. In this case, you are not responsible for anything, and you can always hide behind your inability to think logically.

The ability to think correctly allows you to get rid of many unnecessary problems and become a successful and prosperous person in life and business. That is why rational thinking needs to be developed.

There are a number of fairly simple techniques that allow you to develop the ability to think rationally:

Write down ideas that arise on paper. This will help you approach the problem correctly and step by step. In addition, on paper you can easily see your mistakes.

You can replace writing by typing on a computer. This will help sort out all your thoughts and eliminate the possibility of forgetting anything important.

Say your thoughts out loud or record them on a tape recorder, this will help you stay on topic.

Before you start thinking, set yourself specific goals and objectives.

A calm environment promotes rational thinking. The best way to think is in the fresh air while walking. In nature, more oxygen reaches the brain, and it begins to think more actively.

Meditation is a great way to focus your attention. With its help, you can detach yourself from the outside world and completely immerse yourself in solving the problem.

Calculate several rational options for solving the problem. Weigh their pros and cons and choose the optimal solution. It is better if you have worked out several options for resolving the issue.

It is necessary to allocate a certain time for reflection, without combining it with some other activity. Rational thinking requires high concentration and you should not be distracted by foreign objects.

If, while solving a question, you are faced with your ignorance of the subject, you should take the time to obtain the necessary information and not act at random.

The ability to think rationally will help you find the optimal way out of the current difficult situation, as well as develop strategy and tactics for the future.

Learning to think rationally is quite possible. One of the best ways to do this is to expand your set of mental models. Blogger James Clear told us how to do this.

I first learned what a mental model is when I read a story about the famous physicist Richard Feynman. Feynman received his bachelor's degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his doctorate from Princeton. During this time, he managed to earn a good reputation among students and teachers - he could solve problems that brilliant graduate students could not solve.

Feynman believed that his secret weapon was not intelligence, but strategy, which he learned in school. One day, his physics teacher told him to stay after class.

“Feynman,” he said, “you talk too much and make too much noise. I know why. Are you bored. So I'll give you the book. You will sit in the back desk, in the corner, and study this book. When you know everything that is written in it, you can talk again.”

So, in every physics lesson, Feynman did not pay the slightest attention to what the class was doing. He sat at the back desk with Woods's book, Differential and Integral Calculus. It was while reading that he began to develop his own set of mental models.

When kids at MIT or Princeton struggled with an integral, it was because they couldn't solve it using the standard methods they learned in school. And Feynman solved the integral thanks to a new prism and a set of tools that he learned from books.

What distinguished Feynman was not his intellect, but his vision of the problem. He had a wider range of mental models.

What is a mental model?

Mental models are ideas, strategies, ways of understanding based on previous experience that exist in a person’s mind and guide his actions. They are used to explain cause and effect and to give meaning to life experiences. Mental models explain how the world works.

For example, supply and demand is a mental model that helps us understand how the economy works. Game theory is a mental model that explains how relationships and trust work.

Mental models determine your behavior and perception of the world. These are the tools you use to understand life, make decisions, and solve problems. Each new model you learn will change the way you see the world. This happened to Richard Feynman when he learned a new mathematical technique.

Of course, mental models are far from perfect, but they are very useful. In physics or mathematics, for example, there is not a single model that perfectly and accurately explains the Universe, but thanks to the best mental models from these sciences, we have learned to build bridges and roads, develop new technologies, and even fly into space.

“All scientists agree that there is no one hundred percent correct theory. Therefore, the quality of knowledge is determined not by how true it is, but by how useful it is,” Yuval Noah Harari.

The best mental models are the most useful ideas. Understanding these concepts will help you make smart decisions. Therefore, it is important for anyone who wants to think rationally and effectively to expand their repertoire of these tools.

How to learn to think rationally?

We all have our favorite mental models—often the ones that help us understand why or why something happened. As we mature and gain experience in a particular area, we tend to use only those concepts that are most familiar to us.

Here's the problem: when a certain worldview dominates your mind, you try to explain every problem you encounter in terms of that worldview. It is especially easy for smart or talented people in a certain area to fall into such a trap.

The more you become proficient at one mental model, the more likely it is to become your biggest weakness because you end up applying it to every problem. What appears to be an experience is actually a limitation.

Let's look at one example. Biologist Robert Sapolsky asks the question: “Why did the chicken cross the road?” He then assumes that different experts will answer.

    An evolutionary biologist would most likely answer: “The chicken crossed the road because it saw a potential mating partner on the other side.”

    A kinesiologist would most likely answer, “The chicken crossed the road because the muscles in its legs were contracting, causing it to move forward.”

    A neuroscientist would most likely answer: “The chicken crossed the road because neurons in its brain fired that caused it to move.”

Essentially, they are all right. However, none of them sees the whole picture. The problems we face cannot be fully explained using just one model of thinking.

Relying on just one mental tool is like wearing a mental straitjacket. When your set of thinking patterns is limited, your decisions become limited. To reach your full potential, you must learn a wide range of mental models. This is the only way you will learn to think rationally.

How to expand your set of mental models?

Mental models tell us how the world works. We must regularly learn the basics of areas unfamiliar to us, communicate with people whose experiences are completely different from ours. Otherwise we will see only part of the whole picture.

Why is it important to identify connections between mental models?

At school we divide our knowledge into different categories - biology, economics, history, physics, philosophy. In the real world, everything should be the other way around.

The greatest minds of mankind rarely think in categories. They do not look at life through the prism of one subject.

It is very important not only to learn new mental models, but also to understand how they are connected to each other. Creativity and creation often occur at the intersection of ideas. By identifying connections between different mental models, you can find solutions that many have missed or overlooked.

Tools to help you think better

Good news:

You don't need to master every subject to perfection to become the greatest thinker. You only need to learn a few mental models to understand how the world works.

The key disciplines are biology, chemistry, physics, economics, mathematics, psychology and philosophy. In every field there are fundamental ideas that you need to know. For example, in economics these are incentive, scarcity and economies of scale.

If you understand the fundamentals of each discipline, you can build an accurate and useful picture of the world.

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