Tell children about space in the older group. Lesson summary for the senior group using innovative technologies

Summary of a lesson on cognition in the senior group.

Topic: “Conquest of space.”

Program content:

    Explain to children what outer space is.

    Introduce the names of the planets of the solar system.

    Tell about the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

    Explain the importance of space research in our time.

    Foster respect for the difficult profession of astronaut.

Demonstration material. Illustrations: space, night sky, solar system, spaceship, Yuri Gagarin, squirrel and arrow, earth, spacesuit, rocket, Valentina Tereshkova.

Handout. Stars (3), triangles (3), squares (3), circles (2), ½ sheet of A4 blue.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, listen to the poem and tell me what it is about.

I would like to fly to the moon

Plunge into an unsolved world.

And like a beautiful dream

Touch the brightest star.

Fly to distant orbits,

Dimensions unknown to all of us,

Where the mysterious cosmos keeps

There are many secrets of the vast universe.

(Poem about space)

Right. Do you know what holiday is approaching us? – Cosmonautics Day.

April 12, 1961 - man began space exploration. In Russia we celebrate this day “Cosmonautics Day - the first manned flight into space.”

Previously, a long time ago, when people just began to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as a turned bowl, which stands on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This is a miracle - a turtle swims in the sea - the ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars.

Many years have passed since then. Many smart people grew up on our land. They built ships and, having traveled around the world, learned that the earth was a ball. (Showing an illustration).

And astronomers have proven that the Earth rotates around the Sun, making one revolution per year, and around its axis in 24 hours.

First, animals flew into space. Do you know what their names are? – Squirrel and arrow (Showing an illustration).

April 12 – a man flew into space. What's his name, do you know? – Yuri Gagarin (Showing an illustration).

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

They sing songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

This is the poem they wrote about Gagarin.

Scientists have determined that there are 9 planets in our solar system.

1. The smallest planet is located closest to the Sun; its surface is rocky and deserted; there is no water or air on the planet. It is called - Mercury.

2. And this planet is covered with clouds, it is very hot on it. This Venus.

3. The third planet from the Sun, painted in different colors: blue, indigo, green, brown, yellow, but most of all blue and cyan. This is the planet - Earth.

4. The fourth planet is the red planet, on its surface there are depressions similar to dry canals. This Mars.

5. The next planet is the largest, it consists of liquid and gas. It is called - Jupiter.

6. And this planet is surrounded by rings. It's called Saturn.

7. This is the only planet that revolves around the Sun, as if lying on its side. It is called the "lying planet" - Uranus.

8. This planet is cold and blue. This is a huge ball consisting of gas and liquid - Neptune.

9. Very cold, as it is far from the Sun - Pluto.

And to remember the names of the planets and the queue will help us "Astronomical counting rhyme".

There lived an astrologer on earth,

He kept count of the planets.

Mercury - one, Venus - two,

Three - Earth, four - Mars,

Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,

Not only animals and Yuri Gagarin flew into space, but also a woman.

How many of you know her name? – Valentina Tereshkova (Showing an illustration).

Astronauts go into space wearing protective clothing called a spacesuit. It protects a person who is in space from liquids, gases and radiation. The set includes: shell, helmet, gloves and boots (I show illustration).

Guys, now let’s go to our seats at the tables. You will now create your own cosmodrome, which will only have rockets.

First, you lay it out on the sheet and see where everything will be located, then you carefully remove it and start gluing it.

Apply glue to the figure, starting from the middle and to the corners.

After you finish your work, take it and attach it to the board, and then clean up your work area.

MDOU "Kindergarten "Malyshok" st. Tarkhany" Saratov district
Summary of direct educational activities Topic: “Space exploration” Educational area “Cognition” senior age group
Prepared by teacher: Melikhova V.V.
Goals: to introduce children to the concept of “space” and the concept of “astronaut”
-Introduce the first woman cosmonaut Tereshkova V.
-expand basic understanding of space;
-tell about interesting facts and events related to space;
- to cultivate patriotic feelings and love for the Motherland;
-enrich the speech vocabulary with words on the topic;
-develop curiosity, logical thinking, fantasy, imagination;
- consolidate knowledge of numbers and numbers from 1 to 10, the ability to find the right number

Integration of OO: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic Creativity”, “Socialization”, “Physical Culture”
Types of activities: cognitive, productive, gaming.
Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, gaming, use of ICT
Equipment: pictures, illustrations, photographs of astronauts, drawings about space, brushes, stands, colors. cardboard, laptop, hoops, tickets with numbers, prepared presentation on a flash drive;
I invite children to sit freely on the carpet for motivation on the topic of educational activities
Educator. Since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying like birds. The heroes of fairy tales used everything to go to heaven. Remember what the heroes of your favorite fairy tales fly on?
But humanity dreams of flying not only in air, but also in outer space. The mysterious cosmos attracted people, calling them to look into it and solve its mysteries.

The main part of the GCD

Educator: However, scientists dreamed of a human flight into space, but first they decided to test the safety of flight on our four-legged helpers - dogs.
Do any of you know the names of these dogs? (Belka and Strelka)
Yes, these were two dogs - huskies: Belka and Strelka. This event occurred on August 19, 1960. They also returned safely to earth. And scientists decided to fulfill their cherished dream - to send a man into space.
Finally everything was ready for human flight. On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft was launched. It was piloted by the world's first astronaut. Do you know him? (Yu Gagarin)

Educator: That's right, the very first cosmonaut's name was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He was born on March 9, 1934 near Smolensk. He studied well, was fond of sports, and attended a flying club. He graduated from aviation school and became a military pilot, but all the time he dreamed of flying into space. And when I found out that a cosmonaut corps had been created, I signed up for it. Long, difficult training began. What do you think an astronaut should be like? (Strong, dexterous, resilient, patient and hardworking).

Educator: That's right, he must be trained, have a strong will, be distinguished by intelligence and hard work. Yuri Gagarin had all these qualities, which is why he became the first cosmonaut. Yuri Gagarin brought glory to our Motherland. You and I can be proud of him. And in June 1963, a spacecraft was launched into Earth orbit, piloted by the world's first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova. The year 2013 is of particular significance for Russian cosmonautics - we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first female cosmonaut Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova’s flight into space. Today V.V. Tereshkova is 76 years old. Every year on April 12, our country celebrates a big day - Cosmonautics Day.

Educator: Astronauts must be dexterous and attentive. Now we will play the game “Fast rockets are waiting for us.” There are 4 hoops on the floor in front of you - these are rockets. At the signal, crews of four must take their places in the rockets.

Children walk in a circle saying:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

Educator: Well done, guys. Astronauts must have a good knowledge of the solar system.

The teacher asks if the children know any planets in the solar system.

Educator: And now I invite you to the cinema. (I invite the children to go to the laptop chairs, I give them tickets with numbers and numbers from 1 to 10) Come on in. Take your seats according to your tickets.

I show the children the presentation “Solar System” and talk during the presentation.

Educator: There are nine planets in the solar system. Most of them were named by astronomers after Greek or Roman gods.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. Named after the winged god - Mercury. Its surface is rocky and deserted; there is no water or air on the planet.

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Named after the goddess of love and beauty - Venus. Venus is covered with thick layers of clouds that hide the surface of the planet. The heat here is sizzling. It's so hot there that you can bake a pie in a few seconds without an oven. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The planet is at such a distance from the Sun that the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold, and there is enough water, so there is life on Earth. The Earth has its own satellite - the Moon.

Mars is the fourth planet of the solar system. Named after the god of war - Mars. Mars is the only planet similar to Earth in that it has four seasons, icy polar caps and channels resembling dry river beds. Before scientists learned that there was no life on Mars, people believed that mysterious creatures lived there - Martians.

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun, named after the most important Roman god, Jupiter. It is the largest planet in the solar system. It is so big that all the other planets could fit inside it. Jupiter is a giant ball consisting of liquid and gas.

Saturn is the sixth planet of the solar system. Named after the god Saturn, father of Jupiter. Saturn is a large ball made of liquid and gas. The planet is known for its magnificent rings. Each of Saturn's rings is made up of gases, ice particles, rocks and sand.

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Named after Saturn's father, Uranus. This is the only planet in the solar system that revolves around the sun, as if lying on its side. It is called the "lying planet".

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. Named after the Roman god of the sea - Neptune, because it is cold and blue. This is a huge ball consisting of gas and liquid. Neptune can only be seen through a telescope. The strongest winds in the solar system blow on the surface of the planet, reaching speeds of over 2000 km/h, which is 2 times faster than the speed of a jet airliner.

Pluto is the ninth (farthest) planet from the Sun. Named after the god of the underworld. We know very little about Pluto, since no automatic probes have been sent to it.

Educator: Guys, our movie session is over, give me your tickets and let’s go to the carpet where we’ll do exercises for the astronauts.

A physical education session “Cosmodrome” is being held.

I read a poetic text and at the same time show what actions need to be performed according to it.


Everything is ready to fly,

Children raise their hands first forward, then up.

Rockets are waiting for all the guys.

Connect your fingers above your head to represent a rocket.

Little time to take off

They march in place.

The astronauts stood in a row.

We stood up in a jump - legs apart, hands on the belt.

Bowed to the right, to the left,

Bend to the sides.

Let's bow to the ground.

Bend forward.

The rocket took off.

Jumping on two legs

Our cosmodrome is empty.

Squat down, then rise.

I invite the children to go to the table prepared for collective application for productive activities - “Rocket in Space”.

Educator: Guys, first we will remember the names of geometric shapes (I show the children the parts of the rocket - a rectangle, a triangle, a circle and ask for the names). What geometric shapes are there more?

Reflection: We examine the completed application and share our impressions.

Where did the rocket go?

What planets are there in our solar system?

What are people called who fly into space on spaceships?

What is the name of the first woman astronaut?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 27

Summary of GCD

on implementation

educational activities

"Cognitive Development"

on the topic of:

"Conquest of Space"

in the senior group

Educator: Tsibulskaya A.V.

Target: Introduce the history of space exploration and astronauts.

To cultivate respect for the difficult and dangerous profession of astronaut.

Equipment: illustrations about space, portraits of astronauts, globe.



IN: Guys, I'll tell you a riddle:

Wonder bird, long tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.


Space rocket display

2. Conversation

- We will take a virtual trip on a space rocket and try to find out how people began to explore outer space. Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which lies on three giant elephants standing on the shell of a huge turtle. This miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky.

Show illustration

Many, many years have passed since then. People built ships and, having traveled around the world, learned that the Earth is a ball. This is a model of the Earth, it is called a globe.

Show and view the Globe

What colors do we see on the globe?

D: I see blue - water. Green, brown, yellow - land

(blue color – seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, lakes; green, brown, yellow – forests, mountains, deserts)

IN: Space has always interested man. And here is success on October 4, 1957. - launch of the first Earth satellite.

Guys, is there a person in the satellite?

D: No, he's not sitting.

IN: There is a special mechanism that transmitted only a signal

View the picture

Guys, do you know who was the first to fly into space?

D: It was two dogsBelka and Strelka.

Show picture

IN: Why not a person?

D: It was necessary to check how space affects a living organism, whether it is unsafe for humans there.

IN: What do astronauts do in space?

D: Conduct scientific experiments.

IN: Some experiments require going into outer space.

What then is used for safety in spacewalks?

D: Spacesuit.

IN: That's right, because there is no air in space and it is very cold.

Spacesuit display

3. Physical education minute

To fly into space,

You have to know a lot

Turn left, turn right,

And go back again

Squat, jump

And run, run, run.

And then everything is quieter, quieter

Walk around and sit down again.

IN: April 12, 1961 - the day of the flight of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.Portrait display

This day became a big holiday.

A great tragedy occurred in Gagarin’s life, what?

D: He died tragically.

IN: Tragically, that is. suddenly, unexpectedly in a plane crash while performing a training flight on an airplane.)

Cities, streets, and educational institutions are named in honor of the memory of heroes. Remember, we learned Stepanov’s poem. Who wants to tell?

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

V. Stepanov

4. Game “Get to know the astronaut”

IN: Guys, let's play “Get to know the astronaut”

Display of portraits of astronauts

5. Summary.

Our journey on the space rocket has come to an end. We landed successfully oncosmodrome.

Display of the cosmodrome

A conversation with a presentation to clarify children's knowledge on the topic "Space", a task for orienting on a sheet plane, Phys. minute “Cosmonaut”, riddles “Solar System”, finger gymnastics “Planets”, drawing using unconventional techniques.



Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group

"Journey through Space."

Prepared by the teacher:

Tiunova Tatyana Nikolaevna


1. Clarify and expand children’s ideas about space,planets, solar system, Cosmonautics Day. Arouse educational interest in space.

2. Develop fantasy, imagination,desire to convey your impressions, ability to independently use drawing skills in various techniques(a combination of watercolors and wax crayons,watercolor + salt, blowing, poking, dipping); fine motor skills;ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

3. Develop the ability to work collectively.

Material: illustrations depicting the Universe, stars, planets, space music, globe, presentation on the topic “In Space”, blue sheets, chips.

Drawing material: watercolor or gouache, poking sticks, salt, jars of water, brushes, blowing tubes, napkins, whatman paper, brush holders.

Preliminary work:viewing slides, presentations on the topic "Space", reading educational stories fromencyclopedias for preschoolers and “I Explore the World”, productive activities: drawing the planet Earth using the “poking” technique, sculpting a rocket using the “plasticineography” technique, conversations about space, the solar system, the planets, reading poems, looking at illustrations, getting to know unconventional techniques drawing.

Vocabulary work:space, planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), solar system, spaceport, spacesuit.

Progress of the lesson:

Cosmic music sounds. The teacher suggests listening to a musical composition and imagining what a long journey this music invites us on (space travel).

Why do you think so? (The music is mysterious, mysterious, unusual, just like space).

Teacher's story:In ancient times, when our ancestors still lived in caves, they looked at the sky every night and were surprised: countless points sparkled above their heads in the bottomless heights. They disappeared by morning only to appear the next night. And where the huge disk of the Sun sparkled during the day, at night, dispersing the darkness, the Moon shone, which periodically changed its shape. Our ancestors did not understand why this was happening and could not explain it. But millennia have passed and people have found answers to many questions.

Educator: Guys, I invite you to go on an unusual journey beyond the boundaries of our planet into distant and vast space. During your journey you will complete tasks. Magic words will help us transport ourselves to a spaceship (Children spin around the room and say magic words).

If you try really hard, if you really want to,

You can rise to the sky and fly to the Sun

Educator: Guys, we found ourselves on a spaceship. Do you want to go on a trip? Well, then take your seats. Attention! Get ready to launch the spaceship. Count back from ten (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1). Start! Our ship is rising high. Be careful! We observe space objects through the window.Task No. 1 hangs on an asterisk.

Educator: The first task you have to complete is to remember everythingwhat do you know about space?

Conversation to clarify children's ideas on the topic.

Presentation “In Space”(slide No. 1)

Questions for children:

1. What is the name of our planet?

Children's answer: Earth(slide No. 2).

2. What is the name of the model of the Earth, reduced many times?

Children's answer. Show globe.

3. The rocket has a driver,

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian…

Children's answer: astronaut (slide No. 3)

4. Name the first astronaut to fly into space?

Children's answer: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (slide No. 4).

5. What is the name of the special clothing for space flights?

Children's answer: Spacesuit (slide No. 5).

6. Astronomer - he is a stargazer,

He knows everything inside out!

Only the stars are visible better

The sky is full...

Children's answer: Moon (slide No. 6)

7. Where do spaceships launch from?

Children's answer: cosmodrome (slide No. 7)

8. Light flies the fastest

Doesn't count kilometers.

The Sun gives life to the planets,

We are warm, tails are...

Children's answer: comets (slide No. 8).

9. How many planets known to people revolve around the sun?(slide number 9).

Children's answer: 9 - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Educator: Congratulations on passing the test.

Educator: Take a deep breath, exhale, calm your breathing. Well, now you are ready to complete the next task, you need to move to the second compartment of our ship.

Task 2 on the star:All children have blue sheets - this is the cosmic orbit.

Educator: Attention! In the upper left corner we see the sun, mark it in yellow (circle). In the lower left corner is planet Earth - a blue circle. In the upper right corner, we see the polar star - a white circle; In the lower right corner I see the planet Mars, mark it with a red circle.

Checking the task.

Where is:

  1. Earth (lower left corner)
  2. Sun (upper left corner)
  3. Polaris (upper right corner)
  4. Mars (lower right corner)

Educator: Well done, everyone completed the task.The attendants are cleaning up math.

Phys minute "Cosmonaut" (1 min)

One-two, there's a rocket. (children raise their hands up)

Three or four, take off soon. (spread arms to the sides)

To reach the sun (circle with arms)

Astronauts need a year. (takes hands to cheeks, shakes head)

But on the road we are not afraid (arms to the sides, tilting the body to the right and left)

Each of us is an athlete (bend arms at elbows)

Flying over the ground (spread arms to the sides)

Let's say hello to her. (raise their hands up and wave)

Educator: Now we have traveled a little around Space and I invite you to color the Solar System. To find out who will draw which planet, you need to solve riddles.

Riddles "Solar System"

1. It’s so hot on this planet,

That it’s dangerous to be there, friends.

What is our hottest planet? (Mercury)

3. And this planet is dear to us all.

The planet gave us life...(all: Earth)

2.4. Two planets are close to planet Earth.

My friend, name them quickly. (Venus and Mars)

5. And this planet is proud of itself.

Because it is considered the largest.

What kind of planet is this? (Jupiter).

6. The planet is surrounded by rings,

And this is what distinguished her from everyone else. (Saturn)

7. What kind of planet is it?

Green colour? (Uranus).

8. The king of the sea gave the name to that planet.

He called her by his name. (Neptune)

9. And this planet was shackled by a terrible cold,

The sun's rays did not reach her with warmth.

What kind of planet is this? (Pluto).

Conversation about upcoming work

Educator: you need to choose a material for various drawing techniques, which means that you should get a wide variety of drawings.

Lisa, Sasha, Svyatogor... what drawing technique did you choose? Think about what material you will need? Children organize a workplace.

Finger gymnastics “Planets”.

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
Once... Mercury,
Three... Earth,
Four... Mars.
Six... Saturn,
Seven... Uranus,
Behind him... Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Independent work. While drawing, calm, quiet music plays.After all the children have started work, the teacher determines who currently needs help and who is finding it difficult to start work. With these children, the teacher explains the stages of work. Individual work is carried out.

Music plays while drawing.

Result: Guys, look, our white sheet of paper has turned into a huge space.

You are true artists, and you managed to convey the beauty of outer space.

Where did we travel?

What do you remember most?

What planets did you draw?

What technique did you choose?

Well done everyone today.

Methodological development of a lesson for six-year-old children on the topic "Space"

Space is interesting!

Dulina Natalya Aleksandrovna, deputy director, methodologist of MKU DO – DDT “Master”, Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk district, Krasnoobsk settlement.
Description: methodological development of a lesson on the topic “Space” for six-year-old children. This material will be useful for additional education teachers and preschool teachers.
The lesson in a playful way is aimed at expanding children’s understanding of the diversity of the world around them, outer space, and human space exploration.
Target: expanding children's knowledge about space, about the flight of the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.
- consolidate children’s knowledge about space, about the first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin;
- cultivate a sense of pride in the great achievements of your country;
- cultivate a sense of collectivism, the ability to interact in groups;
- develop thinking, perception, memory;
- expand children's vocabulary.
Equipment: multimedia presentation, screen, projector, laptop, recordings of musical compositions on the theme “Space”, handouts (mosaic picture, pictures of objects on the theme “Space”).
Vocabulary work: astronaut, rocket, satellite, constellation, comet, spacesuit, sealing, weightlessness, lunar rover, telescope, Solar system.
Previous work: learning poems about space, getting to know the planets of the solar system, reading excerpts from the books by V. Sinitsyn “The First Cosmonaut”, V. Gorky, Yu. Avdeev “Cosmic ABC”.
Methods, techniques: gaming, visual, practical, verbal, artistic word.
Children sit at tables in groups. You can come up with names: rocket, star, astronauts, etc.
Progress of the lesson
A picture with the name of the activity is projected onto the screen.

Leading: Hello guys! You know that on April 12, 1961, an event occurred that opened the way for people into space. The holiday has been celebrated ever since. Which? (children's answers).
That's right, April 12 is World Aviation and Space Day. (Slide No. 2)

People have always dreamed of space, they were attracted by distant spaces, stars, they wanted to know if there was life on other planets, to visit the distances of space. (Slide No. 3)

Before sending a man into space, our scientists sent the dogs Belka and Strelka into space. This happened on August 19, 1960. They returned safely to earth. (Slide No. 4)

Today we are not surprised that spaceships launch from the earth, dockings of spacecraft take place in deep space, cosmonauts live and work at space stations for months, conduct various experiments, and go into outer space.
And 55 years ago, on April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft with a man on board took to the skies for the first time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.
Guys, who was the first astronaut to conquer space?
(children's answers - Yu.A. Gagarin) (Slide No. 5)

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was the first to open the road to space, circle the globe in 108 minutes and successfully land.
Yuri Gagarin's flight began with his famous phrase: “Let's go!” (Slide No. 6)

Child reading a poem
V. Stepanov
In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

Leading: When Yuri Gagarin saw our Earth from space, he exclaimed: “What beauty!”
Presenter's story accompanied by slides (Slide No. 7 -13)
Our Earth rotates in the vast expanses of the Universe.

She is one of the planets in the solar system.

The solar system is a collection of planets and their satellites - orbiting the brightest star - the Sun. There are only nine planets, they are all different.
Our planet Earth is a huge rock ball, most of its surface is covered with water.

The earth is surrounded by layers of air called the atmosphere.

Our planet is in constant motion: it rotates around its axis and around the Sun.

From Earth we can see millions of stars. They seem to us like small bright lights because they are very far away.

In reality, every star is a giant ball of gas, like the sun, that emits heat and light. The stars form various patterns that resemble shapes. These are constellations.

A person’s dream of going into space came true thanks to Soviet scientists led by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. (Slide No. 14)

He created a spaceship that was able to ascend into little-known and mysterious space. How could the rocket rise so high? I'll show you a simple example of how a rocket flies into space.
(The presenter inflates the balloon and clamps the hole with his fingers. And then unclenches his fingers, and the ball suddenly bursts upward).
Leading: This happens because air escapes from the balloon. When the air runs out, the ball will fall. Our ball flew like a rocket. He moved forward as long as there was air in him.
So the rocket flies into space. Only instead of air it has fuel. When burning, the fuel turns into gas and bursts back into flame. A rocket is made of several parts called stages, and each stage has its own fuel tank.
If the first stage runs out of fuel, it disappears, and the second stage engine immediately turns on and propels the rocket even faster and even higher. So only the third stage reaches space - the smallest and lightest.
When the rocket rises to the required height and its last stage separates, the spacecraft flies on its own. It becomes an artificial satellite of the Earth. (Slide No. 15-16)

We all know that astronauts, during their flights, protect their body with a spacesuit. Why do you think a spacesuit is needed? (children's answers)
Leading: An astronaut needs a spacesuit even when he is in a spaceship. Everything is carefully checked before the flight. (Slide No. 17)

If the ship suddenly becomes depressurized or a meteorite hits it, the astronaut will have nothing to breathe. And the spacesuit has a large supply of air. The suit is also heated from the inside and is simply indispensable for performing work in outer space. In addition, the suit has radio communication in case the astronaut moves very far from the station while inspecting the ship.
On the slide we look at the spacesuit. (Slide No. 17)
Leading: What do you guys think, what should an astronaut be like? (children's answers)
An astronaut must be brave, decisive, collected. And his health must be very good: after all, during takeoff and landing he experiences severe overloads.
Do we want to be healthy like astronauts? So, we will do space exercises.
(To rhythmic music)
We boldly boarded the rocket,
(squat down)
They put the helmet on his head.
(clasp hands above head)
Start! And we're flying into space!
(stand up, stretch up)
We float in weightlessness.
(arms to the sides, circular movements of the body)
The path to the planet has been outlined.
(stretched arms forward)
They waved after the comet.
(we wave our hands above our heads)
We looked through the telescope.
(made binoculars from fists and looked into them)
Pressed the stop button.
(claps hands)
We deployed the rocket!
(turn the other way)
And they continued the flight.
(arms to the sides, swaying)
Space is calling us with it!
(waved hands).
Leading: Well done!
Child reading a poem(Slide No. 20)

How big and beautiful space is,
How many mysteries are hidden?
But only one who knows how to think
Solve any riddles.
Guys, now I’ll tell you some space riddles (Slide No. 21-28)
(for correct answers, teams receive pictures depicting space objects).
It's black as night
And there are countless stars there.
Planets and constellations
There is a lot in it.
What kind of place is this?
The question arises.
And everyone will answer:
“After all, this is... (space)»

He conquers space
The rocket is controlled.
Brave, brave astronaut
It's simply called... (astronaut)

He floats around the Earth
And it gives signals.
This is the eternal traveler
Entitled... (satellite)

From the Earth it flies up into the clouds,
Like a silver arrow.
Flies to other planets
Swiftly... (rocket)

When you're in space my friend,
Miracles are happening all around.
You're soaring - that's news,
After all, this is... (weightlessness)

A lonely fiery eye wanders.
Everywhere it happens
The look warms... (Sun)

Earth's satellite, planet.
Round and pale.
Shines brightly with a gentle light
From the dark sky... (moon)

What a wonderful car
Walking boldly on the moon?
Did everyone recognize her, children?
Well, of course, ... (lunar rover)

Leading: Who knows what a lunar rover is? (children's answers)
To study the surface of the Moon, our scientists came up with a special apparatus called the Lunokhod. (Slide No. 29)

Lunokhod is a machine. It has 8 wheels so that you can move over bumps, holes and stones. The lunar rover was controlled from Earth through powerful antennas using a remote control. The same way they drive radio-controlled cars now. The lunar rover had a large lid on top, which was opened during the day when the Moon was illuminated by the Sun. On this cover there was a solar battery. This battery powered all the equipment on the lunar rover.
The lunar rover had 2 cameras with which it photographed the surface of the Moon; 25,000 photographs were taken!
Why is a lunar rover needed? (children's answers)
Leading: That's right, the lunar rover is needed to study the surface of the Moon
He studied the composition of its soil, looked for a place to land space rockets, and took photographs of lunar landscapes. He traveled more than 10 km on the Moon. Then his internal batteries died, and communication with him stopped.

Exercise: Fold the mosaic picture “Lunokhod” (Slide No. 30)

Each team puts together a picture. Music from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" is playing.
Leading: Guys, tell me, how can you study space while on earth?
(children's answers).
Using a telescope. What can you see through a telescope? (children's answers).
Constellations, comets, moon, planets. (Slide No. 31)

Let's remember the names of the planets of the solar system. (Slide No. 32)

Child reading a poem
A. Hight
All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Leading: Guys, do you know which planet is the hottest and why? (Mercury because this planet is closest to the Sun). (Slide No. 33)

We live on Earth and are called earthlings. Tell me, if we lived on Mercury, what would we be called? (Children's answers).
What if - on the planet farthest from the Sun - Pluto? (Children's answers). (Slide No. 34)

Game "Find the odd one out"(Slide No. 35-36)
The slides contain pictures. The children’s task is to find a picture that does not relate to the topic “Space” and name objects that correspond to the topic.
The first slide presents: planet,





On the second slide is a tanker’s helmet,

astronaut helmet,

lunar rover,


On the third slide there is an astronaut,




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