Electrode potential difference. Positive and negative ions

Japanese oncologists are putting forward a new theory for fighting cancer. It is based on the effect on the body of negative ions, which stimulate the production of antioxidants that eliminate carcinogenic substances.

This theory was developed based on research conducted by a group of scientists led by Kenji Tazawa, a professor at the Toyama University of Medicine and Pharmacology, and Professor Noboru Horiuchi, director of a cancer clinic in Sakaide (Kagawa Prefecture).

A detailed report on the results of the study was made at the conference of the Cancer Association of Japan, which began its work in Nagoya today.

Negative ion therapy is widely used in medicine to rehabilitate the body after suffering a serious illness. The ability of negative ions to “refresh” the body has been known for a long time.

As Professor Horiuchi explains, if a person is in a room saturated with negative ions, under their influence his body produces an antioxidant called ubiquinol. Ubiquinol destroys highly active molecules and ions formed from oxygen. Scientists call these compounds "active oxygen".

"Active oxygen damages cellular proteins and thus stimulates a process that leads to the formation of a cancerous tumor," says Horiuchi.

But ubiquinol affects active oxygen before it begins to affect proteins, that is, it makes it safe.

The scientists conducted their experiment in two rooms. One room had a negative ion generator installed, while the other room did not have such a generator. The generator produced 27 thousand ions per 1 cubic centimeter in a range of 3 meters. Thanks to the generator in the room, the volume of ion saturation increased by 27 times.

11 people with an athletic build were invited to participate in the experiment, since it is athletes who have an increased content of active oxygen in the body. Over the course of six nights, five people slept in the ionized room and six people slept in the normal room. On the last day, blood and urine tests were taken from each participant in the experiment.

The experiment showed that all those in the ionized room had levels of ubiquinol in their bodies that were five times higher than those in the control group.

“This once again confirms that negative ions interact with active oxygen and do not allow it to have a negative effect on the body,” the scientists said.

Negative ions - air vitamins (part 2). A positive effect is not always good

A person, like any living organism, has its own “shell” of electrical charges of the corresponding surface density. An excess of positively charged ions around a person leads to a “discharge” of the body and destruction of its electrical balance. Aeroions enter the body through the skin and respiratory tract. Inhaling positive ions for 20 minutes causes cough, headache and runny nose. Positive ions can cause improper functioning of the thyroid gland, cause depression, insomnia, and tachycardia. Why is this happening?

It has been noticed that people who are in an atmosphere of positive ions begin to produce serotonin, a hormone that is responsible for the function of the nervous system. An oversaturation of serotonin (also called “stress hormones”) leads to nervous exhaustion - a typical disease of the 21st century. According to Japanese researchers, positive ions are the cause of many cardiovascular and nervous diseases.

Ionic indoor climate
The conditions created by man for his living, work and rest are far from a healthy ionic climate. People become victims of “poisoning” by positive ions: residents of large cities do not think about their future illnesses. The situation gets even worse in rooms with central heating, accumulation of electrical appliances and household appliances that destroy the ionic balance. The air (especially in a car), being altered and electrified, loses almost all negative ions and gains a harmful excess of positive ones. Carbon monoxide also reduces the amount of air ions. Ventilation greatly contributes to the normalization of the ionic microclimate in a car, and, unfortunately, not all drivers like to open windows while driving. In such cases, the best solution is to purchase and install a negative ion generator, or more simply, an ionizer, in the car’s interior.

Negative ions in a concentration close to natural do not affect those functions that are carried out normally and do not have a negative impact on a healthy body.

●Immunity enhancement

● Strengthening the immune system

● Reduced susceptibility to disease

● Improved microcirculation

● Normalization of blood pressure

● Prevention of thrombosis, myocardial infarction, stroke

● Normalization of metabolism

● Increased concentration and attention

● Prevention of psychological diseases, dementia, Alzheimer's disease

● Prevention of rheumatism, gout, diabetes

● Treatment of various diseases of the lungs and bronchi (eg bronchial asthma)

● Mitigation of the effects of traditional cancer treatment (radiation, chemotherapy)

● Reducing the risk of operations, accelerating the recovery process after illness

● Normalization of heart rate

● Reduction of tinnitus

●Prevention and treatment of retinopathy

● Treatment of migraine, headache

● Stimulation of physical and mental performance

● Treatment of chronic fatigue

● In cosmetology

● Anti-aging

And what do we breathe at home, at work, in transport -
in other words, where we spend most of our time?
Dust, microorganisms, influenza viruses, bacteria…. It is clear even to a child that an open window does not solve the problem of air purity...

And a person, alas, is like a car, every exhalation is an exhaust of positively charged oxygen molecules. Up to 500 thousand in one cubic centimeter of exhaled air). This especially happens during sleep, so you should not drink water that is left on the bedside table in the bedroom until the morning.

The composition of the air very much depends on the environmental situation in a particular area. Near the sea, in mountainous areas in pine forests, it is fresher, since it contains from 1000 negatively charged oxygen ions (anions) per cubic centimeter of air.

At the same time, in cities, especially in megacities, in apartments and offices without an air ionizer, their content tends to zero, and even if they exist, they are not the light ions that help the body, but the heavy ones that clog the organs.

An ion is a negatively or positively charged molecule that is obtained through the process of ionization, that is, charging the molecule - this is how light ions (anions) are obtained, but if a charged molecule is attached to dust or water, then it will be heavy and will cause harm. In rooms where people are, the number of heavy ions increases, and light ions (anions) disappear, since the person himself produces a huge amount of heavy ions.

It is worth noting that only an air ionizer can correct this situation; only an ionizer can saturate the air with a large number of air ions (light - negatively charged particles) as in the best mountain and sea resorts.

If there is no air ionizer, and there are many people in the room, then a person’s health can be undermined, since he will not receive the required amount of anions, and the organs will switch to an economical mode, which, of course, will not have the best effect on well-being and health . This is why city residents need to use ionizers at home.

The ionizers use the electroeffluvial effect. The high-voltage rectifier gives a negative charge to the oxygen molecules in the air of the apartment.

But what’s interesting is that scientists have now managed to create tissue that, under certain conditions, generates negative ions. It turned out that by using this technology in feminine sanitary pads, scientists achieved the same health effect as using an ionizer at home.

Miracles - you say?

How is ordinary tissue able to generate negatively charged oxygen ions? How and why did this become possible? The fact is that this is an ordinary and at the same time unusual fabric. Tourmaline thread is woven into this fabric.

This thread, being in a humid, warm environment, gives its electron to the atomic oxygen molecule, which is released when moisture hits the moisture-retaining gel of the pad.

And the result is an even faster effect of restoring health, because in the moist environment of our mucous membrane, the speed of movement of anions is several times higher (about 12-15 meters per second).

This means that negative ions quickly deal with free radicals accumulated in our body from stress, cell phones and computers. Anions manage to reach all cells in the human body at such a speed. The electrostatic charge of cells is restored. And this is youth and longevity.

This is a difficult time - more than half of women who consult a gynecologist suffer from inflammatory diseases. Their main cause is infections that arise in different ways. Including due to the use of non-sterile pads and tampons, as well as complications after the flu, sore throat. A major role is played by decreased immunity, stress and hormonal imbalances.

Ovarian diseases, cystosis, polycystic disease, polyps, cystitis, pyelonephritis, infertility have become almost the norm.

But we must not allow this to remain the norm!!!

Why should you suffer through all this?

How to avoid the consequences of all of the above?
Where and how to get affordable, effective treatment?


Negatively charged oxygen ions
or “air vitamins”
Anions are the main reason for the longevity of people living in the mountains. Productive longevity: healthy and youthful – exactly what every woman wants.


Not only ionizers produce anions at home.

As it turns out, scientists have now managed to create a special tissue that, under certain conditions, generates anions. It was this fabric that was used in women's therapeutic pads.

This local impact turned out to be so effective
that gynecologists are sometimes shocked by the results

Miracles - you say? How is normal tissue able to produce negatively charged oxygen ions?

The fact is that this is an ordinary and at the same time unusual fabric. A tourmaline thread is woven into it.

Tourmaline is a precious Brazilian mineral.

This thread, being in a humid, warm environment, gives its electron to the oxygen molecule released from the moisture-retaining gel of the pad.

Through the moist environment of our mucous membrane, anions with enormous speed with the blood flow manage to reach every cell in your body. They quickly deal with free radicals accumulated primarily from stress, infections, computers, cell phones, and televisions.

The anion chip in the gasket can produce up to 6000 anions per 1 cc - this is an amount that can bind all free radicals in the body and stop not only inflammatory processes but also the aging process.

Vitamins A, C and E can be used as antioxidants, but “air vitamins” are much more effective.

Anions are a breakthrough in the science of longevity!!!

Air is a pasture of life and a complex system of chemical and physical factors.
Air is a mixture of gases that forms a protective shell around the Earth called the atmosphere. Air is necessary for life on Earth - for breathing and feeding plants. Air also protects the Earth's surface from dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Air consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gases.
The oxygen atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell. In order to become stable, it needs to fill its shell with two more electrons, so an air oxygen molecule easily attaches 1 or 2 free elements to itself, ionizes and turns into an oxygen aeron (anion) of negative polarity.
Ions are atoms or molecules that have lost or gained an electron, resulting in a positive or negative charge.
By losing or gaining one or more electrons, an atom becomes an ion. All ions are electrically charged particles. Charge in an ion occurs because the number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons becomes different.
An atom that loses an electron becomes a positively charged ion - a cation. An atom that has acquired an electron becomes a negatively charged ion - an anion. An anion has more electrons than protons.
Negative oxygen ions, drifting and diffusing in all directions, enter the respiratory tract and then into the human body, where they trigger a chain of biochemical reactions that leads to a positive therapeutic effect.
Atmospheric air always contains both negative and positive particles.

The main source of this natural ionization is those present in the air:
1. Gaseous decay products of radium and thorium in the air. Their emanation, which in turn continuously disintegrates, causing the dissociation of air molecules, giving birth to negatively charged oxygen molecules, called light air ions.
2. Gamma radiation from radium salts found in the surface layer of the earth’s crust in negligible quantities. It has been established that almost all rocks are radioactive. Natural waters also contain salts of radioactive substances.
3. Solar radiation.
4. Ultraviolet light from the Sun.
5. Photoelectric Stoletov-Galvans effect.
6. Cosmic rays.
7. Electrical discharges in the atmosphere (lightning, discharges on mountain tops).
8. Crushing and spraying of water over waterfalls, the surface of the sea during surf and high tide, sea storm, during rain - this is the balloelectric effect.
9. Triboelectric effect - mutual friction of grains of sand, dust particles, snow, hail.
10. Rotting of organic matter, various chemical reactions occurring on the soil surface, evaporation of water.

In the mountain air near waterfalls, stormy rivers, and on the seashore during intense surf, the number of light negatively charged anions increases sharply. It is enough to be in negatively ionized air for several minutes, as the electrical potential of all cells of the body begins to increase and then remains at the achieved level for a long time. This means that the electrostatic “baggage” of the body can be controlled.
Under the influence of oxygen of negative polarity, the quality of organ functions and the general neuropsychic state of the body changes.

Staying in an atmosphere saturated with anions:
1. improves blood composition;
2. normalizes breathing;
3. increases metabolism;
4. stimulates growth;
5. activates the hormonal system.
Aeroionization has a universal action.

Numerous electrometric observations have shown that in 1 cm3 of air:
- forests and meadows contain from 700 to 1500 anions per 1 cm3
- country air contains up to 1000 anions per 1 cm3
- air of large cities 150-200 anions per 1 cm3
- in residential premises their number drops to 25 anions per 1 cm3, this amount is barely enough to maintain the life process.

The average lifespan of anions is 46-60 seconds. In clean air - 100 seconds or more.
Anions are fast-moving. The average speed of their movement is 1-2 cm/sec. The mobility of a negatively charged ion is hundreds of times greater than the mobility of positively charged ions.
Numerous observations show that ionization of negative polarity dramatically improves the physiological state of experimental animals, while the predominance of positive charges with a deficiency of negative ones turns out to be harmful for them.
Recognition of air ionization as an indicator of its biological usefulness is an important achievement of science. The presence of electrical charges in the air is one of the necessary conditions for the normal development of highly organized life.

Physiological basis of the effects of anions

A living organism is a receiver of anions that have a physiological effect on it.
It is possible to outline two main pathways through which the action of anions on the body occurs.
The first way is the release of anions' charges to the surface of the body.
The second way is their entry into the lung tissue during respiration, and then into the bloodstream - adsorption and diffusion of anions.
The mucous membrane has better conductivity than the epidermis due to its moisture content.
The flow of anions, bombarding the skin surface, excites electric currents on it, which through the pores penetrate deep into the underlying layers of the skin and affect physiological functions. The body makes its electrical connection with the outside world both through the lung tissue and through the skin. The flow of anions, reaching the surface of the skin, is a fairly strong irritant. It stimulates the growth of plumage, hair and fur. Numerous cases of cure of certain skin diseases under the influence of anions have been described.
Anions increase the intensity of redox processes in intestinal tissues. Catalase occupies a responsible place in the chemistry of the cell. By studying the change in the amount of catalase, one can judge the intensity of oxidative processes occurring in the body. Anions of negative polarity significantly increase the catalase index towards its increase.
Anions affect the acid-base balance:
Positive ones increase the acidity of the blood, and negative ones increase its alkalinity.
The human body requires a constant supply of molecular oxygen, as well as electrically active oxygen.
Anions play a huge role in respiratory function, redox processes and general metabolic phenomena.

Mechanism of action of anions

Normally, there is an electrostatic balance of blood colloids!
It is disrupted under the influence of even weak doses of anions, resulting in a physiological effect that is quantitatively incomparable with the absorbed electrical energy.
The electrostatic balance between blood and tissues under the influence of negative ionization moves to a higher level and entails certain physiological changes. These phenomena are beneficial for the body; they are necessary for it to maintain basic functions at normal heights. It is the one that the body constantly loses during life, or even more so in pathological conditions.
The human body has receptors of the greatest sensitivity, perceiving a power equal to 1010 - 10 12 erg/sec., That is, microdoses have a biocatalytic effect! This is the situation when chemical processes give way to physical or ionic processes.
With extreme dilutions, the molecule leaves the bonds in which it is located in the colloidal system, that is, it goes into a special active state. With extreme dilutions, the molecule “decompresses” and it enters the stage of high biological activity.
Ionized oxygen molecules are nothing more than biocatalysts that can affect surrounding molecules, raising their energy levels.
The function of catalysts is that their presence causes a certain special state of the reacting substances, facilitating the course of the reaction.
Catalytic phenomena can be detected in almost any chemical reaction. It is known that almost every process occurring in a living organism is closely related to catalytic phenomena.

The phenomenon that made it possible to create batteries is the difference in the properties of metals, and in particular different electrode potentials associated with the presence of a double electric layer in the area of ​​​​contact between the metal and the electrolyte. Some metals have a positive electrode potential, others a negative one.


Double electrolayer formed after immersion of zinc.

When a zinc electrode is immersed in an electrolyte, the zinc receives a negative potential. The crystal lattice of zinc is made up of atoms and ions that are in dynamic equilibrium. Water molecules act on the ions of the surface layer of zinc, the ions pass into the electrolyte, and a positive charge is imparted to the electrolyte. The zinc now has an excess amount of electrons, giving the electrode a negative charge. Positive ions in the electrolyte are attracted to the zinc. The increased content of positive ions near the surface of zinc inhibits their exit from the zinc, but some of the positive ions from the electrolyte, attracted by electrons, are introduced into its crystal lattice. When the rate of exit of ions from zinc and entry of ions from the electrolyte into zinc becomes equal, a dynamic balance is established between them. The number of ions leaving the zinc is equal to the number of ions entering it. As a result of the established dynamic balance of ions, a stable double electrolayer appears, one half of which is located on the zinc, and the other is the adjacent group of ions in the electrolyte.

The distribution of charges at the interface between zinc and electrolyte creates a potential jump.

The ionic layer is partially eroded in the electrolyte due to the thermal movement of particles. In the area of ​​contact between the metal and the electrolyte, a potential jump occurs, which is the electrode potential. The structure of the double layer and, as a consequence, the electrode potential are determined not only by the metal itself, but also by the saturation of electrolyte ions and temperature.


Different metals part with ions in the electrolyte in different ways, some faster, others slower. To reflect the property of ionizing the electrolyte, a number of electrode potentials were created. The series of metals is arranged from the most active to the most inert. The magnitude and sign of the electrode potential correspond to the position of the metal in the series. The lowest potential at the beginning of the series is for the most active metal, lithium, -3.04 V, and the highest for gold, +1.68 V. Metals from the left side of the series are more active and displace chemical elements located to the right from salts. When chemical elements from the beginning of the series, including aluminum, come into contact with water, hydrogen is displaced.

Li, Rb, K, Ba, Sr, Ca, Na, Mg, Al, Mn, Zn, Cr, Fe, Cd, Co, Ni, Sn, Pb, H, Sb, Bi, Cu, Hg, Ag, Pd, Pt, Au

A series of electrode potentials.

It is impossible to measure the electrode potential of one electrode placed in an electrolyte and establish the charge distribution experimentally in a double electrolyte layer. The study of metal potentials is carried out relative to a standard hydrogen electrode - a platinum plate placed in an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid, therefore a number of potentials contain hydrogen. A stream of hydrogen is passed through the solution, washing the platinum. The electrode is saturated with hydrogen, as a result, the surface of the plate is covered with a layer of hydrogen. Between the surface layer of hydrogen on the platinum and the solution, equilibrium occurs and a potential difference is formed, which is taken as zero. If zinc is studied, then the movement of electrons will be directed towards platinum, therefore, the potential of zinc is less than the reference electrode.


Two electrodes are involved in the operation of the battery, each of them creates its own potential. The farther apart the metals from which the battery electrodes are made are located in the series of potentials, the greater the potential difference between them will be.

Let's check this in practice. To do this you will need a copper and aluminum part. As a copper electrode, I used a small piece of foil-coated fiberglass, used for making printed circuit boards. A radiator can be used as an aluminum electrode to cool the processor or other components of the PC system unit.

The simplest battery made of two metals and paper soaked in saline solution.

It is not difficult to prepare an electrolyte; in our case it will be a weak solution of table salt. You need to soak a small piece of paper with the solution. We place a piece of paper soaked in a saline solution on one of the plates, and an aluminum piece on top of it. Using a voltmeter or tester set to a measurement limit of 2 volts, we check the voltage of our battery. To do this, install the positive probe on copper, and the negative probe on aluminum. The voltage generated by the battery will be about 0.65 volts. Let's check the short circuit current - it is about 1 mA. Let's replace copper with silver, the voltage increases to 0.8 volts, replace it with gold - the voltage is 0.9 volts, which means that a number of electrode potentials are working, in which gold is located to the right of copper. Let's take a pair of aluminum and iron, we get 0.11 volts. The voltage developed by our battery is lower than the difference in electrode potential of the metals used, indicated in the series. This is caused by the scanty power of the battery. The internal resistance of the voltmeter is sufficient to overload our power source.
It is easy to see that the difference in electrode potentials is a relative value and the battery is characterized by the potentials of the electrodes only relative to each other, and not by the absolute value of one electrode potential. If the reference electrode potential is placed between sodium and magnesium, then the potential difference, which is of practical interest, will not be affected. For the negative electrode material in batteries, zinc or lithium is usually used, and the positive electrode is a paste-like mixture of carbon powder and various chemical compounds, for example MnO2, into which a graphite rod is inserted, which is a current conductor. The reaction occurs on the surface of the graphite current lead, but it itself does not take part in the reaction. Such a non-consumable electrode is called inert. It has a catalytic effect on the electrode reaction.
The electromotive force (EMF) of a battery is determined by the potential difference between the electrodes when the external circuit is open.

By studying electromagnetic fields, scientists have discovered that they are literally made up of positively and negatively charged particles called ions, which are so microscopic that they can penetrate the ground, air, etc. Experiments by scientists have shown that the positive or negative charge of ions affects the psychophysical functions of the body in a specific way. Therefore, if a person is able to control these energies, he can control both his psyche and his physical body.

Studies have shown that the predominance of negative ions had a stimulating and healing effect on the body, while the overwhelming amount of positive ions suppressed the immune system: people fell into a lethargic state, became irritable, suffered from headaches, and had breathing problems. With the increase in the mass of negative ions, vitality was quickly restored and people recovered. Thus, it was established that the ionized atmosphere plays a vital role in life. If there were no ions, not a single creature could survive.

The presence of positive and negative ions in a living system ultimately affects all mechanisms of the body. They influence the nervous system, breathing rhythm, digestion, regulation of the endocrine system, and our thinking, speech and, finally, fate itself depend on all this. Therefore, the absorption of positive and negative ions from the air we breathe determines the condition of our respiratory organs.

When we leave the city and all its industrial complexes and go to the mountains, to the forest or to the river bank, we always feel more energetic. This is mainly due to the natural accumulation of negative ions in such regions. When we say “breathe fresh air,” what we really mean is inhaling negative ions. City air is saturated with positive ions, and therefore it is not easy to remain cheerful in these conditions. Modern technology recklessly destroys, especially in densely populated areas, the natural balance of ions in the atmosphere. A reduced concentration of negative ions has a detrimental effect on all living things and is today the main factor in the spread of disease and human suffering. How can a person live and think correctly if his psyche and body are out of balance? Therefore, any yoga system first of all advises the student to live where there is clean air and a simple environment.

In Chizhevsky's first experiments, experimental animals that inhaled negative oxygen ions lived 42% longer than their counterparts, and the period of activity and vigor was extended.

Numerous observations show that ionization of negative polarity dramatically improves the physiological state of experimental animals, while the predominance of positive charges with a deficiency of negative ones turns out to be harmful for them.

As is known, the action of ions was discovered and used at the beginning of the last century by the scientist Chizhevsky. He proposed enriching the indoor air with negative ions using the air ionizers and negative ion generators he designed. He believed that it was especially important to do this in stone buildings containing an excess of positive ions and a lack of negative ones.

After a series of experiments, Chizhevsky came to the conclusion that aero-ionization could become a significant factor in solving the problem of maintaining health and prolonging human life.

Due to air pollution, there are even fewer negative ions. There are dangerously few negative ions in city air, the natural ratio of positive and negative ions - 5:4 - is disrupted, so people are inevitably and constantly poisoned by positive ions. More than half of the urban population suffers without realizing why they are not feeling their best.

Numerous electrometric observations have shown that in 1 cm3 of air:

Wild forest and natural waterfall 10,000 ions/cc
Mountains and sea coast 5,000 ions/cc
Rural areas 700-1,500 ions/cc
City Park Center 400-600 ions/cc
Park alleys 100-200 ions/cc
Urban area 40-50 ions/cc
Air-conditioned indoor spaces 0-25 ions/cc

The concentration of negatively charged ions and its effect on human health:

100,000 – 500,000 ions/cc Achieves a natural therapeutic effect
50,000 – 100,000 ions/cc Gain the ability to sterilize, deodorize and destroy toxins
5,000 – 50,000 ions/cc Beneficial effect on strengthening the human immune system, helping to fight disease
1,000 - 2,000 ions/cc Providing the basis for a healthy existence
Less than 50 ions/cc Prerequisite for psychological disorders

In country air there are about 6000 dust particles per 1 ml, and in industrial cities there are millions of dust particles in 1 ml of air. Dust destroys air ions that strengthen human health. And first of all, dust “eats” negative ions, because Dust is positively charged and is attracted to negative ions, which turns the light negative ion into a harmful heavy ion. Regular measurements on the main streets of St. Petersburg, Dublin, Munich, Paris, Zurich and Sydney show that at noon there are only 50 - 200 light ions per 1 cm³, this is 2-4 times lower than the norm necessary for normal well-being.

How ion depletion works in a closed space was demonstrated back in the late 30s by Japanese scientists from the Imperial University of Fr. Hokkaido. The temperature, amount of oxygen and humidity in the room could be changed, and negative ions could be gradually removed. 14 men and women aged 18-40 were in this room. Temperature, humidity and oxygen levels were at optimal levels and negative ions began to be removed from the air. The subjects felt ailments ranging from a simple headache, fatigue and increased sweating to a feeling of anxiety and low blood pressure. Everyone stated that the room was stuffy with “dead” air.

The second group was in a cinema, where in a full theater, due to dust and a large number of people, there were almost no naturally occurring light negative ions left. After finishing the film, viewers felt an unpleasant headache and sweating. These people were taken to a room in which negative ions were generated, and soon they felt lighter, their headaches and sweating disappeared.

The next time, scientists sent people into a crowded cinema hall, and when many began to complain of headaches and sweating, negative ions were released into the air of the hall from several places. The number of negative ions has reached 500 - 2500 per 1 cubic meter. see. After 1.5 hours of the film, those suffering from headaches and sweating completely forgot about them and felt good.

Psychiatrists and psychologists have been talking about the enormous size of the problem of “worry” for the last 20 years. To some level, anxiety is normal and fundamental to human survival. But the level of anxiety became much higher than “healthy”.

The symptoms of positive ion poisoning are very similar to those with which doctors are treated for anxiety psychoneurosis: unreasonable restlessness, insomnia, unexplained depression, irritability, sudden panic, attacks of absurd uncertainty and constant colds.

A doctor at the Catholic University of Argentina treated patients suffering from classic anxiety with negative ions. They all complained of inexplicable fears and tension, typical of anxiety psychoneurosis. After 10-20 15-minute sessions of negative ion air treatment, anxiety symptoms disappeared completely in 80% of patients.

– Here is SNIP No. 2152-80, developed back in the USSR and which no one has canceled. It states that in one cubic centimeter of air in industrial and public premises there should be from 3000 to 5000 air ions. The minimum that is acceptable in the most extreme case is 600 ions. What do we really have? In city apartments there are catastrophically few air ions - from 50 to 100! We open the window to breathe clean air. But even on the street there are not much more of them: 2-3 hundred per cubic centimeter.

Now you understand that aeroion starvation is a terrible reality, but it is invisible and unnoticeable. That’s why hiding it from the people was as easy as shelling pears. Like radiation after Chernobyl.

cooking ability of gastric juice. Eating excessively hot food leads to atrophy of the gastric mucosa, which is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the secretion of gastrointestinal enzymes. These changes in gastrointestinal secretions in turn affect the bioavailability of drugs.

The influence of the nature of the liquid used to swallow medications. The nature of the liquid with which the medicine is taken plays a certain role in the bioavailability of drugs. Often, to mask the unpleasant taste and smell of medicinal substances, various fruit, berry or vegetable juices, tonic drinks, syrups, and milk are used. Most fruit, berry and vegetable juices are acidic and can destroy acid-labile compounds, such as ampicillin sodium salt, cycloserine, erythromycin (base), benzylpenicillin potassium salt. Juices can slow down the absorption of ibuprofen, furosemide, and enhance the pharmacological effect of adebite, barbiturates, diacarb, nevigramon, nitrofurans, salicylates. Fruit juices and drinks contain tannins that precipitate digitoxin, caffeine-sodium benzoate.

The composition of the tonic drinks “Baikal” and “Pepsi-Cola” includes iron ions, which in the gastrointestinal tract form insoluble complexes with lincomycin hydrochloride, oleandomycin phosphate, tetracycline hydrochloride, sodium thiosulfate, unithiol, slowing down the absorption of the latter.

Tea and coffee widely used for these purposes contain, in addition to caffeine and theophylline, tannin and various tannins and can potentiate the pharmacological effect of paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid, form sparingly soluble compounds with chlorpromazine, atropine sulfate, haloperidol, codeine, morphine hydrochloride and papaverine hydrochloride . Therefore, it is not recommended to take medications with them, with the exception of hypnotic barbiturates, which are washed down with 1/2 glass of warm, weak and unsweetened tea.

When sweetening medications with syrups or milk sugar, the absorption of isoniazid, ibuprofen, calcium chloride, tetracycline hydrochloride, and furosemide sharply slows down.

Some medications that have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa are washed down with milk. Medicines are mixed with milk and dairy products for use by infants. Milk can change the drug substance and reduce the bioavailability of, for example, benzylpenicillin, cephalexin. A glass of whole milk reduces the blood concentration of tetracycline hydrochloride, oxytetracycline and metacycline hydrochloride by 50-60%, having a slightly lesser effect on the absorption of doxycycline hydrochloride. It is not recommended to take drugs that have an acid-resistant coating (enteric-resistant), for example bisacodyl, pancreatin, pancurmen, with milk, as there is a risk of premature dissolution of the protective coating. For the same reason, it is not advisable to drink these medications with alkaline mineral waters (Borjomi, Luzhanskaya, Svalyava, Smirnovskaya). On the contrary, alkaline mineral waters should be taken with pancreatin, PAS, salicylates, citramon, phtazin, novocephalgin and sulfonamide drugs. The latter are acetylated in the body, and acetyl compounds do not dissolve in neutral and acidic environments and precipitate in the form of stones. In an alkaline environment, acetylated sulfonamides are in a dissolved state and are easily excreted from the body.

Children taking medications mixed with milk may interfere with the accuracy of their dosing. Take with milk those medications that irritate the surface of the gastrointestinal mucosa, do not change their activity at milk pH (6.4), and do not bind to milk proteins and calcium (butadione, indomethacin, prednisolone, reserpine, trichopolum, potassium salts, nitrofurans, vibramycin, ethoxide, mefenamic acid, iodine preparations, etc.).

Some patients, when taking the medicine, do not drink it at all, which is not recommended, since capsules, tablets, dragees, sticking to certain parts of the inner surface of the esophagus and gastrointestinal tract, are destroyed without reaching the site of absorption. In addition, they cause irritation at the site of adhesion, and the lack of sufficient fluid delays their absorption.

Influence of food products (diet). In the vast majority of cases, when prescribing medications, it is necessary to select an appropriate diet so that food components do not change the bioavailability of the drugs and do not cause unwanted side effects.

Poor nutrition during illness affects the entire course of treatment, can contribute to the disease of individual organs and cause relapses. For example, an excess of sodium chloride in food contributes to an increase in blood pressure, and animal fats contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and diseases of the digestive system.

An irrational diet can lead to inactivation of drugs and the formation of difficult-to-digest complexes, as, for example, in the case of a combination of calcium ions (cottage cheese, kefir, milk) with tetracyclines.

At the same time, by eating vegetables and fruits, you can regulate intestinal function, replenish the deficiency of macro- and microelements, phytoncides, essential oils

è aromatic substances that affect the immune status, regulate the secretion of digestive glands, lactation

è ò. ä.

Potassium deficiency in the body can be compensated for by eating dried apricots, raisins, beets, apples, pumpkins, and dried fruits.

The effectiveness of antianemic drugs can be increased by consuming foods high in iron (strawberries, apricots, apples, beets, pomegranates) in combination with ascorbic acid.

In the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, the use of watermelons is recommended.

The use of low-calorie vegetables (cabbage, carrots, turnips, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, etc.) reduces the calorie content of the diet, prevents the absorption of cholesterol, enhances its removal from the body, and promotes bowel movements.

Correct selection of therapeutic nutrition when prescribing

! availability, and therefore reduce their dosage

ku, avoid unwanted side effects when maintaining proper efficiency. drug research makes it possible to significantly increase their bio-


The rectal route of drug administration (through the rectum) ensures their rapid absorption (in 7-10 minutes). It is used for both local and general purposes. With the rectal route of administration of drugs, a minimum therapeutic concentration is created in the blood within 5-15 minutes. This is explained by the presence in the rectum of a dense network of blood and lymphatic vessels, good absorption of medicinal substances, soluble in both water and fat, through the mucous membrane of the rectum. Substances absorbed in the lower part of the rectum enter the systemic circulation through the inferior hemorrhoidal veins, bypassing the hepatic barrier. The fact that when administered rectally, drugs are not destroyed by the liver enzyme system as a result of the “first pass effect” significantly increases their bioavailability compared to oral administration.

When administered rectally for bioavailability

! blood supply to the rectum, the state of its mucous

that (with age, with systematic use of laxatives and systematic lack of plants, they can influence individual characteristics

Without fiber in food, the functional state of the intestinal mucosa worsens).

The glands of the colon mucosa secrete a liquid alkaline secretion (pH sometimes exceeds 9). Changes in intestinal pH, as well as changes in gastric pH, significantly affect the degree of ionization and absorption of drugs.

The process of intestinal absorption is influenced by the autonomic nervous system (α2 - and β-adrenergic agonists stimulate absorption, and cholinergic agonists stimulate secretion), the endocrine system, and biologically active peptides. The endocrine, autonomic nervous and neuropeptide systems also regulate the motor activity of the colon, which, in turn, determines the duration of the presence of drugs in the intestine.

In addition, a number of diseases of the rectum (hemorrhoids, anorectal fissures, proctitis) worsen

bioavailability of drugs administered rectally.


When administered via inhalation, the drug is quickly absorbed through the bronchial mucosa into the systemic circulation without undergoing primary metabolism in the liver. With this route of administration, the bioavailability of drugs can be affected by concomitant diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, smoking (as a factor contributing to the development of chronic bronchitis with a corresponding restructuring of the bronchial wall structure), as well as the state of blood circulation in the bronchopulmonary system.


Body and environmental temperature have a significant impact on the course of physiological and biochemical processes in the body.

In conditions of increasing temperature and air humidity, the transfer of heat from the body to the environment becomes more difficult and can only be carried out when the mechanisms of physical thermoregulation are strained (dilation of peripheral vessels, increased sweating). Obstruction of heat transfer leads to overheating of the body. An increase in body temperature is accompanied by a sharp stimulation of the central nervous system, respiration and blood circulation, and increased metabolism. Excessive sweating leads to dehydration of the body, thickening of the blood, a decrease in the volume of circulating fluid, and electrolyte imbalance. All this, in turn, affects the processes of absorption, distribution and metabolism of drugs, and their bioavailability.

Moreover, greater changes in the functions of organs and systems develop during fever. The excitability of the respiratory center changes, which can cause a decrease in alveolar ventilation and partial oxygen tension in the blood. Heart rate increases. Spasm of skin vessels at the beginning of the development of a febrile reaction

increases total peripheral vascular resistance to blood flow, which causes a rise in blood pressure. Subsequently, due to the dilation of blood vessels, increased sweating and loss of fluid from the body in the second stage of fever, blood pressure drops, sometimes significantly. The occurrence of fever is also accompanied by significant changes in metabolism: the breakdown of muscle protein increases, gluconeogenesis increases, protein synthesis in the liver, and the rate of biochemical processes in hepatocytes and cells of other organs change.

When the temperature rises, the absorption, metabolism and transport of drugs proceed faster, and when the temperature decreases, they slow down. Local cooling of body tissues leads to vasospasm, as a result of which absorption sharply slows down, which should be remembered when administering the drug locally.

The influence of temperature on pharmacokinetics

! practice in cases where drugs are prescribedpatients with severely impaired thermoregulation. drugs must be taken into account in clinical


The magnetic field has a significant impact on the higher centers of nervous and humoral regulation, biocurrents of the heart and brain, and the permeability of biological membranes. Men are more sensitive to the activity of the Earth's magnetic field than women. The most sensitive to magnetic storms in the Earth's atmosphere are patients with disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. On days of magnetic storms, they experience an exacerbation of the disease, hypertensive crises, cardiac arrhythmias, angina attacks, decreased performance, etc. In turn, changes in the work of the heart, the intensity of blood circulation and, above all, the permeability of biomembranes can significantly change the bioavailability of drugs during various routes of administration, both in the direction of decreasing and increasing it.

Meteorological factors (absolute air humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and strength, average daily temperature and others) affect the elasticity of blood vessels, viscosity and blood clotting time. A decrease in atmospheric pressure by 1.3-1.6 kPa (10-12 mm Hg) can lead to vascular disorders; rainy weather causes depression. Thunderstorms and hurricanes have a particularly adverse impact on human health. A cubic centimeter of air usually contains from 200 to 1000 positive and negative ions. They affect the intensity of the heart, breathing, blood pressure and metabolism. A large concentration of positive ions causes depression, suffocation, dizziness, decreased overall tone, fatigue and fainting in people. And the increased concentration of negative ions has a beneficial effect on the body: it helps improve mental state and mood. This is apparently due to the fact that they interfere with the production of serotonin (a neurotransmitter associated with the sensation of pain). During a thunderstorm, the amount of negative ions in the atmosphere increases.

The state of the central nervous system, general tone

! niya in various organs and tissues and, to a certain extent, the intensity of biotransformation of drugs

substances into metabolites. This is reflected in the changes understanding the absolute and overall bioavailability of drugs. sa of the body regulate the intensity of blood circulation


A person's age also affects the bioavailability of drugs. Young patients are characterized by higher rates of absorption and excretion, and the shortest time to reach the maximum concentration of drugs; for older people - a higher half-life of drugs.

When prescribing medications to children, it is necessary to remember

! taken orally, differs only slightly from that in adults. However, their absorption (both active and passive) occurs very slowly. As a result

small concentrations are created in the blood plasma, often insufficient to achieve a therapeutic effect. that in children under one and a half years of age the bioavailability of drugs,

In children, the rectal mucosa is delicate, easily irritated, and the resulting reflexes lead to rapid bowel movements and a decrease in the bioavailability of rectally administered drugs.

When administered by inhalation, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is also easily irritated and reacts to it with copious secretions, which significantly complicates the absorption of drugs. At the same time, when applying the medicine to the skin of children, it should be borne in mind that any substances are absorbed through it much easier than in adults.

Since ancient times, differences in the effects of drugs due to gender have been noticed. The residence time of the drug in the body of women is much longer than that of men, and accordingly the level of concentration of drugs in the blood of women is higher. It is believed that this is due to the relatively high content of “inert” adipose tissue in women, which plays the role of a depot.


One of the most powerful factors influencing a person and the effectiveness of drug therapy is the effect of biorhythms. Every cell of our body senses time - the alternation of day and night. A person is characterized by an increase in the daytime and a decrease in physiological functions at night (heart rate, minute blood volume, blood pressure, body temperature, oxygen consumption, blood sugar, physical and mental performance).

Biological rhythms cover a wide range of periods: secular, annual, seasonal, monthly, weekly,

daily allowance. All of them are strictly coordinated. The circadian, or circadian, rhythm in humans manifests itself primarily in the alternation of periods of sleep and wakefulness. There is also a biological rhythm of the body with a much lower frequency than the daily one, which affects the reactivity of the body and affects the effect of drugs. This is, for example, hormonal rhythm (the female menstrual cycle). Daily rhythms of enzyme systems have been established

liver, involved in the metabolism of many drugs, which in turn are associated with external rhythm regulators.

The biological rhythm of the body is based on the rhythm of metabolism. In humans, metabolic (mainly catabolic) processes that provide the biochemical basis for activity reach a minimum at night, while biochemical processes that ensure the accumulation of substrate and energy resources reach a maximum. The main factor determining biological rhythm is the living conditions of the organism. Seasonal and especially daily rhythms act as conductors of all oscillatory processes in the body, and therefore the attention of scientists is most focused on the study of these rhythms.

Taking into account physiological rhythms is mandatory

! condition for justifying the optimal time of taking medications.

The experience of pharmacotherapy has necessitated the use of medicinal substances at a certain time of day, month, season, and so on, for example, taking sleeping pills or sedatives in the evening or night hours, tonics and stimulants in the morning or daytime, antiallergic drugs for the prevention of seasonal ( spring or summer) allergic diseases.

The rapid development of medicine and biology in the second half of the twentieth century made it possible to establish, explain and predict the influence of time factors, or rather, the phase of the body’s biorhythm during which the drug was used, on its effectiveness, the severity of side effects, and to identify the mechanism of this influence.

The issues of the effect of medicinal substances on the body depending on the time of day and seasons of the year are studied by chronopharmacology, which establishes the principles and rules for the rational use of drugs and seeks schemes for their use for the treatment of desynchronosis. Chronopharmacology is closely related to chronotherapy and chronobiology. The objectives of chronotherapy in general can be formulated as the organization of a treatment process based on taking into account

individual biorhythmological status and its correction using all methods available to modern medicine.

When the body's biorhythms mismatch with time sensors, desynchronosis develops, which is a sign of physiological discomfort. It always occurs when moving from west to east or from east to west, in living conditions with unusual work and rest schedules (shift work), the exclusion of geophysical and social time sensors (polar day and night, space flights, deep-sea diving), exposure to stressors factors (cold, heat, ionizing radiation, biologically active substances, mental and muscle tension, viruses, bacteria, food composition). Therefore, the rhythms of a healthy and a sick person differ significantly.

During the day, the body's sensitivity to optimal and toxic doses of drugs varies. The experiment established a 10-fold difference in the lethality of rats from Elenium and other drugs of this group at 3 a.m. compared to 8 a.m. Tranquilizers exhibit maximum toxicity during the active phase of the day, which coincides with high physical activity. Their lowest toxicity was observed during normal sleep. The acute toxicity of adrenaline hydrochloride, ephedrine hydrochloride, mezatone and other adrenergic agonists increases during the day and decreases significantly at night. And the acute toxicity of atropine sulfate, platyphylline hydrotartrate, metacin and other anticholinergics is much higher at night, in the inactive phase of the day. Greater sensitivity to sleeping pills and anesthesia is observed in the evening hours, and to anesthetics in dentistry - at 14-15 hours of the day (at this time it is recommended to remove teeth).

The intensity of absorption, transport and breakdown of various medicinal substances is subject to significant fluctuations during the day. For example, the half-life of prednisolone when administered to patients in the morning is approximately 3 times longer than when administered in the afternoon. Changes in the activity and toxicity of the drug may be associated with the periodicity of liver enzyme systems and renal function.

The opinion about the negative impact of positive ions on the human body has been around for a long time. However, it is clearly exaggerated. The spread of this opinion was associated with the first discoveries in this area. In the course of research into the effects of air composition on the human body, most scientists, including one of the most famous figures in this field, Academician A.F. Chizhevsky, came to the conclusion that ionized air is very beneficial for humans. But then they made a mistake, claiming that since it is useful, it means that our body only needs such air, saturated with negative ions.

In fact, for normal functioning, the human body needs air, which contains both negative and positive ions. The most important factor in this case, on which the impact on health depends, is the concentration and ratio of these ions in the environment.

It would be more correct to say (this has already been scientifically proven) that for a beneficial effect a person needs an environment in the air of which both types of ions will be present, but negative particles will predominate.

In addition, it has been proven that only the so-called “dead” positive ions, the source of which has recently become most of the details of our interior, have a negative effect on the human body. And those of them that were formed in the natural environment do not have a negative effect on humans.

And if you strive to ensure that only negative ions are present in the air, then this can also lead to negative consequences. The fact is that their excess can lead to the fact that they themselves will prevent themselves from penetrating the human respiratory tract.

In order not to confuse you, I will draw the following conclusion: both a deficiency and an excess of both types of ions in the environment can have a negative effect on humans. Therefore, it is very important that both types of ions are present in the air in sufficient concentration with a predominance of negative ones, which are more beneficial for the human body.

But lately the ratio of negative and positive ions in the air has been shifting more and more rapidly to our disadvantage. The concentration of positive particles, and precisely those “dead” ones mentioned above, is becoming increasingly greater.

This process is primarily associated with the constant development of the technological sphere and the distance between man and nature. Currently, it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without the presence of high technology. We are constantly close to technical means, which, on the one hand, make our lives easier and are signs of the development of society. But most often we forget or do not know that the widespread use of modern technology also has a negative impact on human health. Among other things, a computer monitor, like most types of other modern equipment, is a source of harmful positive ions. Naturally, together with all the other sources that can be found in almost every home today, the computer monitor forms an excess of positive ions in the air that we breathe every day. This, of course, negatively affects our well-being.

I would like to note that in a computer monitor the source of positive ions is a cathode ray tube. Therefore, modern LCD models do not contribute to the amount of these harmful particles in the air. In this sense, they are preferable to CRT monitors. But if we remember that the monitor is not the only source of positive ions from all the components of the computer, then its type in this matter, although important, is not decisive.

Even beyond all the components of a computer, the entire environment plays a big role in the quality and suitability of the air we breathe. In places remote from civilization, for example, in the mountains, in the forest, at the sea, near a waterfall, etc., air has a beneficial effect on human well-being. This is due to the fact that negative ions predominate in the air here, while maintaining a natural ratio with positive particles. In such places, a person feels more energetic and, as it were, recharged with energy and gains strength.

But the constant development of the technological process increasingly affects air quality. Gradually, the equilibrium shifts towards positive ions formed technically.

In the modern world, a large number of factors are the cause of such a shift (industrial development, industrial emissions and waste, asphalt roads, concrete, central heating in houses, a decrease in the amount of green space in cities, various electrical appliances, plastics, household chemicals, cigarette smoke and etc.). This is not a complete list, since it can include almost any achievement of modern technology, industry, etc.

Among other things, it has been proven that the concentration of negative ions in the air decreases not only due to human breathing, but also due to the action of almost any devices. One of the most dangerous devices for negative particles is a vacuum cleaner. The fact is that all the dust and all microorganisms accumulate in its dust collector, and in such conditions they multiply quickly. And the next time we turn on the vacuum cleaner, most of it gets out again into our environment.

In addition, after thoroughly cleaning the house with a vacuum cleaner, the air generally becomes practically unusable, since negative ions tend to linger when passing through various obstacles in the form of nets or even a gauze bandage.

Moreover, the idea that outdoor air is more hazardous to health is a misconception. On the contrary, in the course of research it was found that the air in our apartments is about 5 times dirtier than outside and 9 times more toxic. A simple illustrative example can be given: if a person takes an average of 20 thousand breaths in 24 hours, then he absorbs two tablespoons of dust per day.

The fact is that in natural conditions the environment is constantly renewed, due to which most of the dust and other harmful substances, as well as microorganisms, are destroyed. At home, everything contributes to their “prosperity”.

The predominance of positive ions in our environment, caused by all these factors, as well as the pollution of our homes, lead to the fact that human health and general condition are gradually deteriorating. This may manifest itself differently for each person. But here are the most common symptoms:

feeling of anxiety, excitement;


possibility of allergies;

worsening reaction;

general weakness and malaise;

stress, depression;

headache, migraine;

difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, etc.

All of the above should make a person think about the quality of the air he breathes. Of course, this problem cannot be ignored.

In this regard, PC users should first of all worry about their health. After all, many devices that almost every person who has a computer uses are the main sources of negative ions. This includes the computer monitor itself, the screen separately, all kinds of copying and scanning equipment, faxes, etc. All these devices make a significant contribution to disrupting the natural balance of ions in the air, shifting it in favor of “dead” positive particles.

It follows that every PC user must somehow deal with this problem. In my opinion, there are two main ways to protect and maintain your body.

The most effective way would be to take care of changing your environment for the better. There are various methods for this. First, you need to follow some recommendations for improving your apartment.

1. It is necessary to ensure that your home has constant access to fresh air. Always keep a window or some other source of fresh air open.

2. Open storage of various solvents, paints, washing powders and other cleaning products, varnishes, aerosols, and pest control products can be very harmful to human health. Therefore, it is necessary to place all these products in bags or other sealed containers so that particles of these substances do not enter the air.

3. Also, do not store various medications after the expiration date or their bottles after use. And also, under no circumstances mix them with all other household waste, as chemical reactions can occur in a short time, which will lead to the release of various harmful substances into the air.

4. As for the vacuum cleaner mentioned above, it is better to use a disposable paper bag when cleaning or use the old method - cover its back part with a wet rag before turning on the vacuum cleaner while it is running, from where all harmful microorganisms and dust can get back into the air.

5. It is necessary to ensure that the air in the house is more humid. To do this, you can use both improvised means (any containers with water) and special mechanical devices - air humidifiers. Another way is to install an aquarium at home.

6. Remember that most indoor plants are sources of negative ions.

7. Please note that some air purifiers and air conditioners can also trap negative ions, and therefore negatively affect the ion ratio in the air.

8. And finally, I would like to note that the most effective means is a device specially designed for this purpose - an ionizer. We will not go into details of the device technology and advertise any specific models. Let’s just note that a high-quality air ionizer can really change air quality for the better. If previously unipolar systems were produced that filled the environment only with negative ions, now the best ratio of various ions has already been calculated, and modern ionizers set themselves the goal of achieving it. It would be ideal if every PC user could afford to purchase such a device, since it has a beneficial effect on human health by improving air quality. After all, being in an environment where negative ions predominate helps improve overall well-being and overall performance. In addition, the ionizer helps get rid of headaches, sleep disorders, respiratory diseases and many other ailments, and also speeds up the body’s recovery after illnesses.

If you cannot or do not want to improve the environment, then you should regularly take trips into nature. This is the easiest way. Residents of large cities often feel tired at the end of the work week. In order to relax, restore strength, and replenish vital energy, it is really useful to relax in nature. This effect is achieved primarily because in places little affected by urban civilization, the natural ratio of negative and positive ions is preserved.

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