Child development letter x. "Letter "X"

MBOU DOD CDT "Phoenix"

Association "Young Family Club".

Additional educational program “Seven+I”.

Program for the development of speech and introduction to fiction for preschool children “Gramoteyka”.

Lesson p about the subject “ABVGDeyka” (second year of study)

"The letter "X". The sounds “x-x” are consonants.”


  • To consolidate knowledge about vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants.
  • Strengthen the ability to differentiate the concepts of “sound” - “letter”.
  • Strengthen the skill of intonation selection of sounds in words and phrasal speech, determining the location of sounds in a word.
  • Introduce the new letter "X".
  • Practice syllabization skills.

Equipment and materials used in the lesson.

  • Demonstration material: circles of red, green and blue colors; a picture of a tram; picture from the ABC series.
  • Magnetic board, magnets, chalk.
  • Didactic material: Kolesnikova E.V. “Workbook for children 5 – 6 years old “From A to Z”, Kolesnikova E.V. “Educational and methodological manual “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old.”
  • Simple and colored pencils, erasers.

Methods and techniques.

I. Methods of organizing and carrying out activities.

  1. Aspect of perception and transmission of information:
  • verbal: conversation, story
  • visual: demonstration, illustration
  • practical: exercises
  1. Thinking aspect:
  • reproductive (reproduction): actions according to a pattern.
  1. Management Aspect:
  • work under the guidance of a teacher
  • independent work: creative work

II. Methods of stimulation and motivation of activity

  • interest in learning: creative tasks, riddles,
  • duty and responsibility: uniform requirements and control over their implementation, encouragement and reprimand, clarification of the social and personal significance of knowledge, skills and abilities.

III. Methods of control and self-control

  • oral: frontal and individual questioning, observation of children
  • practical: test of skills and abilities

IV. Methods of versatile influence on consciousness, feelings and will

  • personal example method
  • beliefs: coaching

V. Methods of regulating and stimulating behavior and activity

  • Learn to listen carefully to the story and answer questions correctly.
  • Learn to listen carefully to sentences and name the last word that matches the meaning.
  • encouragement, reprimand, punishment, creating a situation of success and trust, supporting positive manifestations.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello guys!Today in class we will talk about sounds again, remember how vowels differ from consonants, sounds from letters, and also get acquainted with a new letter, find out what sounds are hidden in this letter and be sure to work in the notebook “From A to Z”.

II. Main part.

Differentiation of vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants.

Teacher: Guys! You and I know that everything that surrounds us can sound!

Every day we can hear different sounds with you! For example, the way a dog growls: r-r-r..or the way a baby cries in a stroller: a-a-a...The sounds are vowels and consonants. Which sounds do we call vowels and which consonants?(children's answers)

Teacher: That's right, We can sing and draw out vowel sounds, and no obstacle interferes with them, but we cannot sing and draw out consonants, because some kind of barrier always interferes with them (teeth, lips, tongue). Consonants can be as hard as a rock or as soft as a feather.

And now, I suggest you play the game “Guess the Sound”. I will name the sound to each of you, and you will try to determine what sound it is - a vowel or a consonant, hard or soft.

Frontal survey.

The teacher seeks a complete answer from the student (for example: “hard consonant sound”).

Teacher: Well done guys, you did a great job! Guys, can we see sounds?(children's answers)

Teacher : That's right, we only hear and pronounce sounds, but we can designate them. How do we designate vowels and consonants?(children's answers)

The teacher hangs “sound players” on the board.

Teacher : Right! We denote vowels with a red circle, hard consonants with a blue circle, and soft consonants with a green circle. Now it's time to play the game "Signalers". I will give out red, green and blue mugs to each of you. If I name a vowel sound, you raise a red circle, if a hard consonant is blue, a soft consonant is green.

The teacher asks the children to justify their choice.

Teacher: Well done! And now you and I will have a little rest.

Physical education minute.

We are funny guys(steps in place)

We guys are acrobats!(steps in place)

One jump, two clap(jump, clap)

We can jump all lesson! (jumping in place)

Differentiation of the concepts “sound” - “letter”.

Teacher: Okay guys! Take a seat on your chairs. Let's continue the lesson.

Which of you can tell me: besides the sounds of vowels and consonants, what else surrounds us?

Children: Letters!

Teacher: Right! Who remembers how a letter differs from a sound? ( children's answers)

That's right, we only pronounce and hear the sound, but we write and see the letter.

Frontal survey.

The teacher, alternately interviewing the students, either names the sound or writes a letter on the board. The child’s task is to give an answer, explaining his choice. The child who gets the letter says what it is called, how many sounds “live” in it (one or two), pronounces them, tells whether it is a vowel sound or a consonant. Then he goes to the board, indicating these sounds with circles of a certain color (vowel - red, hard consonant - blue, soft consonant - green).

Next comes a survey of those children who got the sound and did not manage to go to the board. The teacher calls the child and asks, naming a letter or sound, to indicate them on the board. Moreover, when a sound is pronounced, the child points to the circle under the letter in which he is “hiding.”

Syllable separation. Graphic modeling of the word (rectangle).

Teacher: Great! Guys, you told me that we don’t see sounds, but they are friends with each other and form different words. Guys, answer me this question: “Is hedgehog a sound or a word?”(children's answers)

Teacher: That's right, that's the word. I also know the cold word “so-sul-ka”, the wet word “rain”. What words do you know? ( children's answers)

Teacher: We have named various words that sound different and are not similar to each other.

(The teacher claps the words “so-sul-ka” and “rain”)

Teacher: Words can be long or short. Which words do we call long and which short? ( children's answers)

Teacher: Now we will define long and short words.

(The teacher gives the children a form for syllable division, the children are in place, one child is at the board - clap the word, determine the number of syllables in the word - divide the depicted rectangle into as many parts as there are syllables in the word).

Teacher : Great job!

The teacher thanks the children for the first half of the lesson, lines them up in a train and escorts them to recess, where their parents are waiting for them.


Introducing the letter "X".

Teacher : And now I want to tell you a story about a boastful hamster. Listen carefully!

Once upon a time there lived a hamster. Every evening many hamsters gathered on the hill to listen to his amazing stories. “Believe it or not,” the hamster began, “and one day I dug a passage through the entire Earth and came out in Africa. And there is such cold - worse than ours! As soon as I got out, I saw an elephant standing, twisting its trunk and grunting. I tell him: “Why did you grunt?” You haven’t seen Khomyakov, have you? And he: “Oink-oink, oink-oink!” I got angry, grabbed him by the trunk, gave him a good spin and threw him to the very top of the tree. - Wow! – the hamsters exclaimed. “I’m moving on,” the hamster continues—the snow underfoot—crunch, crunch. I look - two large snakes are lying, sleeping and snoring throughout Africa! I quietly crept up and tied their tails in a knot! And then...I...- What, what then? - the hamsters asked in unison. - I... then... - Don’t delay! - the hamsters begged. -Good job! - the boastful hamster was offended. – Do you think it’s so easy to make up ideas about something you’ve never seen? What a story! Have you listened carefully to the story, where did the hamsters gather to listen to the stories of the boastful hamster? ( children's answers)

Teacher : Who did the hamster meet in Africa? ( Elephant)

Teacher : What did the elephant do?(Grunt)

Teacher : Is this true or not?(No )

Teacher : Who else did the hamster meet? ( Serpent)

Teacher : What did the snakes do?(Snored all over Africa)

Teacher : Is this true or not?(No)

Teacher : Wonderful, you are very attentive! Now answer this question: “What is the same sound you hear at the beginning of the words “hamster”, “braggart”, “snore”, “grunt”? ( children's answers)

Teacher : Right! And who will tell you about this sound, what kind of sound it is: a vowel or a consonant, a hard or soft consonant? ( children's answers)

Teacher : Who can name the little brother of the sound “X” and tell about him? ( children's answers)

Teacher : Can we see the sounds “X” and “XH”? ( children's answers)

Teacher : The sounds “X” and “H” are hidden in the letter “Ha”.

The teacher hangs a picture of the letter “Ha” on the board.

Teacher : Ha looks like scissors

But at work, not lying down.

What else does the letter “Ha” look like? ( children's answers)

Teacher : Now let’s build the letter “Ha” using pencils? How many pencils do you think we will need? ( children's answers)

Teacher : What other letters can the letter “Ha” turn into?(T,L,G)

Teacher : Now let’s see in what words the letter “Ha” is hidden?(Children name objects from the picture starting with the letter “Ha” and determine the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word)

Teacher : Time to relax!

Physical education minute.

Hamster-hamster, hamster,

Striped barrel.

Khomka gets up early

He washes his cheeks and rubs his neck.

The hamster sweeps the hut

And goes out to charge.

One two three four five!

Khomka wants to become strong!

Work in a notebook. Tasks for fixing the letter “X”.

Teacher: Guys, now you and I have to work in the “From A to Z” notebook.

(The teacher tells the children which page to open the notebook on, writing the number on the board.)

Teacher: Please place your finger on the number “one” in the red square.

(The teacher walks by and looks to see if the students found this number correctly.)

Teacher: Okay, you can remove your fingers. Under the number one in a red square, the artist depicted a beautiful picture for us and even prepared interesting riddles, by guessing which we can find out whether there is a familiar sound “X” or “X”.

Teacher : Listen to the first riddle:

On the ice platform there is a cry,
A student is rushing to the gate.
Everyone shouts: “Puck! Stick! Hit!”
Fun game...

Children: Hockey!

Teacher: Correct!

X-hockey. Is there a familiar sound?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: How does it sound?

Children: "X"!

Teacher: Where is it?

Children: At the beginning of the word.

Teacher : Is it a vowel or a consonant?

Children: I agree!

Teacher : Hard or soft?

Children: Solid!

Teacher: Does it happen to be soft?

Teacher : Listen to the second riddle: riddle:

If you pull the rope,
It shoots loudly, like a rifle,
And to the top a bright fountain,
For guests and gifts,
Confetti will rush
On a path unknown to us.
This holiday girlfriend
It's called..... (CLAPPER).

Children: Firecracker!

Teacher: Correct!

X-cracker. Is there a familiar sound?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: How does it sound?

Children: "X"!

Teacher: Where is it?

Children: At the beginning of the word.

Teacher : Is it a vowel or a consonant?

Children: I agree!

Teacher : Hard or soft?

Children: Solid!

Teacher: Does it happen to be soft?

Physical education (finger gymnastics).

This finger wants to sleep

This finger is a jump into bed,

This finger took a nap

This little finger is already asleep.

Hush, little finger, don't make noise,

Don't wake up your brothers!

(The same gymnastics is performed on the second palm.)

Fingers are up! Hooray!

It's time for us to go to Parus!

Teacher: Now please put your finger on the number two in the red square.(The teacher makes sure that the instructions are followed correctly.)Well done! Remove your fingers. Under the number two in a red square, the artist depicted a five-story house for us. The letter "Ha" lives in this house. Let's trace this letter point by point with a simple pencil on the roof of this house. We take a simple pencil, trace the letter “Ha” by dots and remember: how many sounds live in it, one or two. The vowels “a, o, u, y, e” come to visit the letter “Ha” and together they sing songs. Let's write the letter "Ha" before the vowels "a, o, u, y, e" and read the songs.(Children, with the help of the teacher, read the resulting syllables.)

Teacher: How does it sound?

Work with the vowels “yu, ya, e, e” is carried out in a similar way.

Teacher: Now let’s write the letter “X” in the empty squares and read the words. Where did she hide: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word?

Cleaning the workplace.

Self-control: children check the cleanliness of their workplace (table, chair, floor).

III. Results of the lesson.

The teacher, together with the children, sums up the lesson and gives a positive assessment of the activities of each child.

Teacher: Today we remembered how vowels differ from consonants, letters from sounds, we studied the new letter “X”, we know what sounds are hidden in this letter, we divided words into syllables, we determined long and short words.

I hope you all enjoyed the tasks in the “A to Z” workbook, which you completed with ease. Thank you for your work. Meanwhile, our lesson has come to an end. Line up in the train. Goodbye!

(When saying goodbye to the teacher, the children leave the classroom like a train.)

Lesson summary

reading and speech development

in 1st grade

Topic “Sound and letter X, x”

Prepared by Klimova S.O.


Subject: Sound and letter X, x

Equipment: a series of illustrations on the topic “Where does bread come from”, bread products, individual copy cards, textbooks, signal cards

During the classes

    Organizational and preparatory stage

Teacher: The long-awaited call has been given,

The lesson begins.

Let's sit straight, don't bend,

We'll get to work.

- Speech warm-up

Ha - ha - ha - caught the rooster

Ho-ho - ho - goes Groin

Hee - hee - hee - he ate fish soup.

Wow, wow, wow - fluff flies.

    Main stage

- Introduction to the topic of the lesson

There are these words:

"He's the head of everything"

Dressed with a crispy crust

Soft black, white...(Bread.)

Teacher: Let's say the word bread in chorus.

Children: Bread

Kuzmin Mikhail:

Here it is - fragrant bread.

Here it is - warm, golden.

In it lies our health, strength,

There is wonderful warmth in it.

How many hands raised him,

Protected and protected! (bread display)

Teacher: A popular proverb says: “Bread is the head of everything!” Do you know why? (according to the children’s possible answers). Not a single meal is complete without it, because bread is nourishing and healthy. We all eat white and black bread every day; many love dry bread, cookies, and various cakes. To find out how bread gets to our table, we will go on an exciting journey.

- Analysis of illustrations “Where does bread come from”

Teacher: In the spring, as soon as the ground thaws and dries out, a tractor comes out into the field (picture 1),

who plows the earth deeply. Let's say the word tractor in unison.

Children: tractor.

Teacher: I attach seeders to the tractor, and they place grains in the soil in even, neat rows. (picture 4) Let’s say the word seeders in chorus

Children: seeders.

Time passes, the grains germinate, shoots appear. And now the whole field is covered with golden ears. (picture 6). The grains have ripened, the spikelets have turned yellow. It's time to mow them down. The harvest begins. And other machines enter the field - combines (picture 7). Let's say the word combine in unison.

Children: combine.

Teacher: To obtain bread and other grain products, grain is taken to flour mills or mills, where it is ground into flour. (picture 9)

Then the flour (picture 13) is taken to the bakery. And then bakery products are baked from flour (picture 10, 12). Then these products are taken to stores where we buy them (picture 11). This is the difficult path our food product must go through to get to our table.

Teacher: What food product were we talking about?

Children: oh bread.

- Work on the topic of the lesson

    Emphasizing the sound “x” in the word – bread.

Teacher: What is the first sound you hear in the word “Bread”?

Teacher: Do you think the sound X is a vowel or a consonant?

Children: The sound X is a consonant.

Teacher: The sound X is denoted by the letter Ha.

    Designation of a sound by a letter. What does it look like?

X is a funny toy,

Wooden pinwheel-

Friend to the free wind.

Teacher: What does the letter X remind you of?

Children: mill

Teacher: What elements does the printed letter X consist of?

Children: Two straight lines that intersect each other

    Coming up with words starting with the letter "X"

Teacher: Think of words starting with the letter X

Children: hamster, robe, hockey player, etc.

- Physical education minute

Good job, guys!

And now – let’s all charge up!

Turn left, turn right,

Bend over, rise up.

Hands up and hands to the side,

And jump and jump on the spot!

And now we're skipping,

Well done, guys!

Let's slow down, kids.

And stand still! Like this!

And now we will sit together,

We still need to work!

- Finger gymnastics “Bread”

Rain, rain, water (Tap the other palm with your index finger)

There will be a loaf of bread (form a circle in front of you with your hands)

There will be rolls, there will be cakes, (pat one palm at a time with the other)

There will be delicious cheesecakes. (join the thumb and index fingers together, forming a large circle)

- Work in copybooks

1. Coloring the letter X

Teacher: Open the copybook. What color should we paint the letter X?

Children: Blue

2. Letter X, x (Sonya Zakharova and Misha Kuzmin trace the outline of the letter)

Teacher: take your pens in your hands and write the letter X. We start writing from the upper left corner, draw a straight line to the lower right corner. We start writing the second element from the upper right corner, draw a straight line to the lower left corner.

3. Definition of the sound X in words

Teacher: look at the picture, what is shown?

Children: fly agaric, refrigerator

Teacher: Where is the sound X in the word fly agaric?

Children: the sound X is in the middle

Teacher: Color the desired square blue

Teacher: where is the X sound in the word refrigerator?

Children: The sound X is at the beginning of the word

Teacher: Color the desired square blue.

Teacher: put the cards aside, all your attention is on me.

- Visual gymnastics

Oh, how long have we been writing?

The guys' eyes are tired. (blink eyes)

Look all out the window. (look left)

Oh, how high the sky is. (look up)

We will close our eyes now, (cover our eyes with our palms)

In class we will build a rainbow, (outline an arc with your eyes) left and right

Let's go up the rainbow

Let's turn right, left, (movement right, left)

And then we'll go down, (look down)

Squint your eyes hard, but hold on. (close your eyes, open and blink)

- Working with the textbook

Reading syllables with the letter X

Teacher: Let's open the bookmarks. Let's read the syllables with the letter X.

(individual work Misha Kuzmin reads the text “Bread” using cards)

    The final stage

- Lesson summary

Teacher: What sound did we get acquainted with today in class?

Children: sound X

Teacher: Is the X sound a vowel or a consonant?

Children: Agreeable

Teacher: What did you like about the lesson? How do you feel when you leave class? Show the signal card.

Natalia Vasilevskaya
Lesson summary “Sound [X] and letter X”

Lesson notes"Our town" sound and letter"X"

Correctional educational tasks:

Consolidation of knowledge about letter and sound"X",

Formation sound analysis,

Formation of skills to distinguish between hard and soft sound,

Formation of skills to determine place sound in a word.

Correctional and developmental tasks:

Development of memory, attention,

Development of fine and gross motor skills,

Development of coherent speech,

Development of phonemic hearing

Correctional and educational tasks:

Formation of goodwill and initiative.

Equipment: projector, colored squares, printed letter"X", mirrors, pictures with sound"X",electronic presentation, colored pebbles,

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys!

I want to tell you a riddle.

Blooms on the face

It grows with joy.


Give each other a smile for a good mood

And today, guys, I received a letter, let’s read it and find out who is writing to us. And he writes to us letter"X"

Hello guys, I really wanted to get to you, but I got lost, help me find the way to your kindergarten. The letter wrote that she can return if you complete the tasks. Shall we help?

But first, we must prepare our tongue for work.

Take the mirrors, let's do the exercises. (Pipe, smile, watch, swing, delicious jam, horse)

Fine! Now tell me sound"X" vowel or consonant? It can be hard, it can be soft, check what it is, voiced or dull. Take blue and green squares.

Well, our tongue is ready and you can look at the map and start completing tasks.

For each completed task you will receive this fragment, let's see what you get at the end.

1. You have squares in your hands, I will name the syllables if you hear a solid sound then pick up the blue square, if it’s soft, then pick up the green one.

(Ha, hee, ho, hoo, hee, hee, ha, ah, uh, oh,)

Well done.

Let's see what next task we need to complete.

2. Distribute the pictures into two groups, blue with solid sound, to green with soft sound, let's check it together. (We find a place sound in a word, complete answer)

Physical exercise. "Weirdos" (video game)

3. next task. Let's make a sentence with each of these words. (pictures from the previous assignment are used)

4. Find the extra word. (on the screen)

5. Name only those words whose names contain sound"X"

That's letter! Has she returned to us?

Let's decorate our letter. (lay out stones.)

Bottom line classes: If you think that everything worked out for you, take an orange star, if you think that not everything worked out, then a yellow one.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a literacy lesson “The sound [o] and the letter O” Topic: “Sound (O) and the letter O.” Purpose: To generalize children’s ideas about vowels and consonants. Tasks: Learning task: Identification of the given task.

Lesson summary “Sound and letter Ch” Topic: Sound and letter Ch Purpose: To consolidate the skill of pronouncing the sound ch in words; Objectives: Educational: - learn to highlight the sound Ch in words; - teach children.

Lesson summary “Sound and letter Z” Subject. Sound and letter Zh Purpose: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [Zh] in speech. Objectives: Correctional - educational: Teach correctly.

Lesson summary “Sound [a] and letter A” Objectives: introduce children to the vowel sound [a] and the letter A; learn to determine the position of a sound in a word; practice intonation.

Lesson summary “Sound [B] and letter B” Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group of MBDOU No. 61 for children with special needs in the second year of study. Speech therapist Nosova G.G. Topic: “Sound and letter.

Lesson summary “Sound and letter T. Food” Goal: 1. Getting to know food 2. Finding the sound T in words 3. Dividing syllables into syllables 4. Finding the sound in a word 5. Answer.

1. Modern Russian alphabet comprises 33 letters, 10 of which are intended to indicate vowel sounds and are accordingly called vowels. 21 a consonant letter is used to indicate consonant sounds. In addition, in modern Russian there are two letters that have no sounds are not indicated: ъ(hard sign), b(soft sign).

2. All sounds of the Russian language are divided into vowels and consonants.

  • Vowel sounds- these are sounds that are formed with the participation of the voice. There are six of them in Russian: [a], [e], [i], [o], [y], [s] .

  • Consonants- these are sounds that are formed with the participation of voice and noise or noise alone.

A) Consonant sounds are divided into hard and soft. Most hard and soft consonants form hardness-softness pairs:

[b] - [b′], [c] - [v′], [d] - [g′], [d] - [d′], [z] - [z′], [j] - [ k′], [l] - [l′], [m] - [m′], [n] - [n′], [p] - [p′], [p] - [p′], [ s] - [s′], [t] - [t′], [f] - [f′], [x] - [x′]

(the apostrophe at the top right means softness consonant sound). For example, onion - [bow] And hatch - [l′uk] .

b) Some consonant sounds do not have correlative pairs of hardness-softness, that is, there are unpaired hard consonants [zh], [sh], [ts](always only hard ones) and unpaired soft consonants [ш′], [й], [ч](always only soft ones).


  • at the sounds [th], [h] it is not customary to denote softness with an apostrophe, although in some textbooks it is indicated;
  • sound [w′] indicated in writing by the letter sch;
  • the bar above the sound indicates double (long) sound. In some textbooks they indicate long consonants So: [van:a] - bath.

V) Consonant sounds formed with the participation of voice and noise are called voiced(for example, [d], [d′], [z], [z′], etc.); if only noise is involved in the formation of sounds, then such sounds are called deaf consonants (for example, [t], [t′], [s], [s′], etc.). Most voiced and voiceless consonants in Russian form voiced-voiceless pairs:

[b] - [p], [b′] - [p′], [c] - [f], [v′] - [f′], [g] - [k], [g′] - [ k′], [d] - [t],
[d′] - [t′], [z] - [s], [z′] - [s′], [g] - [w]
Compare: beat - drink, year - cat, live - sew .

G) Sounds [th], [l], [l′], [m], |m′], [n], [n′], [р], [р′] do not form a correlative pair with voiceless consonants, therefore they are unpaired voiced (unpaired voiced consonants are also called sonorous, these are sounds in the formation of which both voice and noise participate). Conversely, voiceless consonants that do not form pairs with voiced ones are unpaired deaf . These are the sounds [h], [ts], [x], [x′].

3. In a stream of speech, the sound of one sound can be similar to the sound of another sound. This phenomenon is called assimilation. So, in the word life, the sound [z], standing next to the soft [n′], also softens, and we get the sound [z′].

Thus, the pronunciation of the word life written like this: [zhyz′n′]. Sound convergence is also possible for sounds that are paired in terms of sonority and deafness. Thus, voiced consonants in position before deaf ones and at the end of a word are similar in sound to paired deaf ones. Therefore, it happens stun consonants. For example, boat - lo[t]ka, fairy tale - sk[s]ka, cart - vo[s]. The opposite phenomenon is also possible, when voiceless consonants in the position before voiced ones also become voiced, that is misspoke. For example, mowing - ko[z′]ba, request - about [z′]ba.

Indication of softness of consonants in writing

In russian language softness of consonants indicated in the following ways:

  1. Using the letter ь(soft sign) at the end of a word and in the middle between consonants: benefit - [pol′za], elk - [los′], etc.

Note. The soft sign does not indicate softness of consonants in the following cases:

a) if it serves to separate consonants, the second of which th(yot): leaves - fox[t′ya], linen - be[l′yo];

b) to distinguish grammatical categories: rye (3 classes, female form) - knife (2 classes, m. form);

c) to distinguish the forms of words (after hissing ones): read (2 liters, singular), cut (imperative form), help (indefinite form of the verb), as well as adverbs: jump up, lay down.

  1. Through the letters i, e, e, yu, i, indicating the softness of the preceding consonant sound and conveying vowel sounds [i], [e], [o], [u], [a]: forest - [l′es], honey - [m′ot], lil - [l ′silt], hatch - [l′uk], crumpled - [m′al].

  2. Using subsequent soft consonants: cog - [v′in′t′ik], plum - [s′l′iva].

Sound meaning of letters e, e, yu, i

  1. The letters e, e, yu, i can represent two sounds: [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]. This happens in the following cases:

  • at the beginning of a word: for example, spruce - [ye]l, hedgehog - [yo]zh, yula - [yu]la, pit - [ya]ma;

  • after a vowel sound: washes - mo[ye]t, sings - po[yo]t, give - yes[y]t, bark - la[ya]t;

  • after the dividing words ь,ъ: eat - eat[ye]m, drink - drink[yo]t, pour - l[yu]t, zealous - zealous.

In addition, after the separation b the letter will represent two sounds And: nightingales - nightingale[yi].

  1. The letters e, e, yu, i indicate the softness of the preceding consonant in the position after consonants, paired in hardness-softness: fur - [m′eh], carried - [n′os], hatch - [l′uk], kneaded - [m′al].


  • Sounds [th], [l], [m], [n], [r]- voiced (do not have a voiced-voiceless pair)
  • Sounds [x], [ts], [h], [w′]- deaf (do not have a voiced-deafness pair)
  • Sounds [zh], [w], [ts]- always hard.
  • Sounds [th], [h], [sh′]- always soft.

Lesson summary "". Next topic:

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Sounds X - X`. Letter X."

Target: To strengthen children's understanding of the sounds [X] and [X`], introduce them to the letter “X”.



Consolidating children's understanding of the articulatory structure of the sounds [Х] and [Х`].

Practicing the skill of isolating a given sound in a word, determining the place of a sound in a word (using the example of the sounds [X] and [X`]).

Consolidating the ability to differentiate sounds (based on words with the sounds [X] and [X`])

Continued training in phonetic analysis of two-syllable words (using the example of words with the sounds [Х] and [Х`]).

Getting to know the letter “X”, mastering the visual image of the letter “X”.


Development of phonemic hearing.

Expanding and clarifying children's vocabulary.

Development of HMF (attention, memory).

Correction of visual perception (taking into account visual load and diagnosis when selecting visual material for each child).

Development of fine motor skills and touch.


Fostering a positive attitude towards speech therapy in children.

Developing a culture of behavior in children in subgroup frontal classes.

Equipment: subject pictures with the sounds [X] and [X`] (X - hamster, persimmon, bread; X` - hake, surgeon, hut) for each child in individual envelopes (the size of the pictures corresponds to the requirements of the recommended visual load); mirrors 9x12cm for each child; soft toy - hamster; blue and green plasticine, cards with an outline image of the letter “X” for each child; two baskets, objects whose names contain the sounds [X] or [X`]; markers (blue, green, red).

Lesson plan

Activities of a speech therapist

Children's activities


Organizing time.

Guys, today our friend came to visit us, and here he is!

Who is this?

The cunning Khoma did not come empty-handed, he brought you magic envelopes in which clue pictures were hidden. With their help we can find out the topic of our lesson today.

See what's hidden in the envelopes?

Let's name the objects depicted on them.

What sounds do you think we will repeat today?

Sly hamster Khoma


[X] and [X`]

The speech therapist places a toy hamster on the table.

The speech therapist distributes envelopes.

Children name words, the speech therapist explains the meaning of incomprehensible and unfamiliar words.

II. Report the topic of the lesson.

So, Khoma helped us find out that today we will remember the sounds [X] and [X`], and also get acquainted with the letter “X”, which represents these sounds in writing.

III. Characteristics of sounds by articulatory features.

Let's remember what sounds are?

Right! Let's make the sound [X] and warm our hands.

So what sound is this?

Is it hard or soft?

Now let’s pronounce the sound [X`]

What do you feel? How does air come out of our mouth?

So what sound is this?

Is it hard or soft?

Let's check whether the magic bell rings in our throat when we pronounce this sound or not? Let's put our hand on your throat and check.

So what kind of sound is this, voiced or voiceless?

Guys, let's say our sounds one by one: x-x-x-x, are they similar or not?

How are these sounds different?

Let's repeat: what is the sound [X]?

What about the sound [X`]?

This is what we hear and say

(the air is warm, encounters barriers, obstacles, the tip of the tongue is at the bottom, moves away slightly from the lower teeth, the back of the tongue forms a steep hill, preventing air from passing freely



doesn't ring




Doesn't ring



[X`] is soft, and [X] is hard

hard consonant, voiceless

consonant, soft, voiceless

Children, each in front of a mirror, make a sound

IV. Distinguishing between the sounds [Х] and [Х`] by ear, determining the place of these sounds in a word, children inventing words with the sounds [Х] and [Х`].

Khoma wants to play a game with you: he will tell me words, I will tell you them, and when I say a word with [X], clap your hands, and if I say a word with [X`], stamp, then tell me where this sound is in the word (beginning, middle, end).

Words: walk, fur, cunning, pea, nut, sunrise mohair, poetry, firecracker, predatory, halva, + words invented by children.

Children repeat words with [X]/[X` after the speech therapist, determine the location of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end), and give it a description.

V. Introducing the letter "X".

Guys, our guest hamster Khoma brought something else with him.

What do you think this is?

This letter "X" represents what sounds?

What else does our letter look like?

So, let's repeat: The letter “X” means 2 sounds: [X] - consonant, hard, deaf, and [X`] - consonant, soft, deaf.

Now it's time for us to warm up.

cross, paths, traces, half-drawn bow

[X] and [X`]

The speech therapist hangs up a picture of the letter “X.”

The children repeat after the speech therapist, the speech therapist praises them on behalf of Khoma.

VI. Physical education minute

Guys, now we will divide into two teams, the first row is one team, it collects pictures with the sound [X], the second row is the second team, it collects pictures with the sound [X`]

Robe, hake, rooster, roosters, fly, flies...

Objects with [X] or [X` in their names are laid out on the floor; children are divided into two teams

VII. Consolidating the visual image of a letter, preventing written language disorders (tasks from Khoma):

Now let's imagine that we are artists and draw a portrait of our letter: let's draw our letter with our finger in the air.

Well done!

Look what else Khoma has prepared for us.

What do you think can be done about this?

You and I will create a portrait of our letter.

Why did Khoma prepare blue and green plasticine?

Choose a color and cover the letter with plasticine, try not to go beyond the outline. If you decorate your letter with green plasticine, you will have to come up with a word with the sound [X`], if with blue - [X].

sculpt letters

the letter “X” denotes two sounds [X] and [X`], for hard - blue, for soft - green

The speech therapist gives the children cards with an outline image of the letter “X” and green and blue plasticine.

Children do the task

IX. Strengthening the skills of sound analysis and reading

Look, guys, what else the hamster Khoma has prepared for us!

There are pictures at the bottom of the sheet. What do they show? (fly and flies)

How many parts are there in the word "fly"? Name them.

What about the word “flies”? Name the parts.


What is shown on our sheets under the pictures?

We need to fill out these diagrams. Let's start with the word "fly". You will draw up a diagram on your sheets of paper, and then characterize the sounds one by one: whoever completes the task first will tell about the first sound, whoever is second - about the second, etc.

Let's remember what color indicates vowel sounds?

Are the consonants hard?

Are the consonants soft?

Okay, now straighten your backs. Let's start the task.

Guys, we have two schemes, are they the same or different?

What is the difference?


But we still have cells under the diagrams, what are they for?

Yes, let's write there the letters that “dress” our sounds. Just be careful, the letters must be the same color as the sounds they put on.

Now let's read what we got

Well done!

Children use clapping to determine that the two parts, “mu” and “ha”

also two parts, “mu” and “hi”


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