Advertising to attract buyers. Increasing active sales

The goal of any company is to obtain consistently high income, which is simply not possible without customers. Therefore, you need to use all available methods and tools to achieve your goal. Next, we’ll take a closer look at the main ways to attract customers.

Navigator by methods

1. Website creation

Today, in the world of constant development of modern technologies, every company must have its own website. Clients need to communicate in any convenient way, including via the Internet. Therefore, we make sure to create a website and fill it with useful information.

2. Contextual advertising

After creating a website, you need to actively promote it on the Internet. Contextual advertising, which is characterized by a high level of efficiency, is ideal for this. You need to correctly set key queries and formulate the advertisement itself, which will give the first positive results within a few hours after implementation.

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3. Teaser advertising

Another great tool to attract more potential clients. Teaser advertising pops up on Internet pages and forces users to pay attention to themselves. Such advertising can be ordered on various popular sites to attract attention to your company.

4. Banners on portals

In order to immediately reach the target audience, it is recommended to place advertising banners on various portals. At the same time, you need to be responsible when choosing a site. It is best to choose portals that are visited by the desired category of potential clients.

5. CPA

This method involves payment for certain user actions. So, if a potential client visited the site and left a request, then it’s worth paying him for it. It is necessary to motivate clients to take certain actions using a monetary method.

These are 5 ways to attract clients that everyone should know to achieve their goal.

6. Group on social networks

Today, almost every modern person has his own page on a social network. Therefore, it is worth using such an accessible and popular method to attract the attention of potential customers. You just need to create a group on a social network and fill it with useful and interesting information for a certain category of users.

7. Advertising on social networks

8. Web developers

As you know, any website needs to be constantly promoted, updated and promoted on the Internet. This is what professionals do. You just need to contact a specialized company that will promote website pages.

Regardless of what product or service you are marketing, an important task for any business is to determine the most effective methods of attracting new customers and encouraging them to return to you again and again. In conditions of fierce competition, consumer demands on businesses have increased. Continued personal attention, care and reliability towards your future customers will increase loyalty and trust in your product or service.

You will learn:

  • How to choose the appropriate way to attract clients.
  • What are the most effective ways to attract customers?
  • What methods of attracting customers are used on the Internet.
  • What ways can you attract new clients in the b2b sphere?

Nowadays, a large number of channels and marketing activities are offered to attract customers. It is important to understand which methods will work optimally in your business area and with your target audience. To do this, we offer an overview of the most popular and effective ways to attract clients.

The most common and effective ways to attract clients

This communication channel attracts an audience of millions. The breadth of coverage is one of the clear advantages of television advertising and allows you to recoup the costs of perhaps the most expensive type of product promotion. In addition, television, due to our cultural characteristics, is extremely influential. After all, we receive most of the information - news, entertainment, educational - thanks to him. From here, consumers may have greater trust in the products or services that you promote through this channel.

In order to attract the attention of your client, you need to create an advertising video that will highlight the advantages of your product, attract the attention of your target audience, be memorable and unlike other advertising stories.

It is important that your advertising truthfully reflects the benefits of the product. In terms of breadth of coverage, power of influence, degree of impact and involvement, information on TV is the most effective way to attract customers. But what if for some reason it is not available to you? Then we suggest considering other methods of attracting customers.

Method 2.Stock

With the help of promotions, we influence our target audience, thereby fueling demand. And this influence can be informational (when our consumer has the opportunity to get acquainted with the product visually, test it, taste it directly at the point of sale, receive samples, etc.), or it can be stimulating (when the client can receive a gift or discount for purchasing our product for subsequent purchase).

Some manufacturers can give away very valuable prizes: a tourist voucher, a car, a certificate for the purchase of household appliances, etc. Also, your consumer will not be indifferent to the fact that when he buys two goods, he receives the third one for free. Properly organized promotions are a very effective way to attract customers. They can significantly increase demand, despite seasonality, and be an effective method of fighting competitors.

  • Calculating the effectiveness of promotions and sales: formulas and examples

Method 3.Presentation

A very effective way to attract new clients is presentation. It has many design options and implementation methods. This can be a real performance or a high-quality video that is broadcast on a large screen in places where your target audience gathers, as well as your participation in specialized exhibitions.

The concept of your presentation should be carefully thought out and consistent with the product or service being promoted. If you combine it with some kind of promotion, it will increase your audience significantly. If people, coming to the presentation, can take part in a win-win lottery, receive a discount, a gift card or a valuable prize, their loyalty and involvement in the process will be guaranteed to you.

Method 4.Information by phone

The method of attracting clients through cold calling is a very common way to increase your client base. And very popular, by the way, because of its apparent simplicity and huge range of applications. Calls can be made to both individuals and legal entities.

Small call centers that are designed to make these calls can be found in many companies. Telemarketers make calls to an existing database, advertise goods or services, inform customers about current promotions, and fill out applications for purchasing products online.

But this method of attracting customers has a number of disadvantages that should be analyzed before deciding to attract customers in this way. In fact, there is a global problem - the potential buyers you call are satisfied with the status quo: they are satisfied with the current service providers or they are not at all interested in your product. If you nevertheless resorted to this method of attracting clients, you should remember that special attention should be paid to increasing the professional level of call center operators, their motivation, and monitoring professional burnout. Buyers should not be annoyed by their calls.

Method 5.Discounts and sales

On the one hand, this is a very common and popular way to attract clients, on the other hand, this is hardly surprising to anyone now. Almost all stores offer them, regardless of format and target audience.

Discounts can be offered on various categories of goods and are timed to coincide with various holidays, weekends, etc. The only thing that should always be taken into account is that any bonus should still allow you to make a profit. One type of discount is a discount program. Such cards work as savings cards. Points are credited to the account, which are summed up and subsequently used by customers to make new purchases. This way you encourage consumers to buy from you.

Method 6.BTL technology

What methods of attracting customers are called BTL technology?

One of the effective BTL tools are coupons and leaflets. Surely you have come across a situation where, in the immediate vicinity of large chain stores, promoters hand out such advertising, inviting you to visit the store. And, when you present a flyer or coupon, you get a discount on the product.

The effectiveness of this method can be illustrated using the example of a taxi service. With the help of promoters on the street, the company organizes the distribution of cards to random passers-by. And this promotion allows you to take one free trip, and you can get a discount on subsequent orders. All you have to do is dictate your card number to the operator. This method is sure to attract new potential customers to you as people are always happy to participate in the process to get a discount on a product or service.

Method 7.Ambassador

The next method of attracting clients that we will consider is called “ambassador”. This method is based on positive consumer ratings. An ambassador is a person who advertises the consumer properties of your product, thus forming a club of supporters of your brand. This channel works on the principle of word of mouth.

Where can an ambassador advertise your product or service? Yes, anywhere. He can create an advertising page on the Internet and post information about your product or service on it. This method is more direct, but works less efficiently. That is why we will consider a different approach. The ambassador creates high-quality, detailed, truthful reviews on forums and special platforms where you can leave responses about everything in the world - from toothpaste to a book you read. Or he can attend social events, tastings, seminars, exhibitions - in a word, those events where your target consumer often visits. Therefore, there may be several such people, depending on their specialization.

Method 8.Exhibitions

Exhibitions are another channel of your communication with a future client, a fairly effective way to attract potential buyers. Participation in specialized exhibitions, if it is prepared, your clients are notified about it in advance and you have worked competently at the stand, is another method of attracting consumers and increasing sales. Of course, if you have chosen this method of attracting customers, you need to properly organize the preparatory period: provide mailing, prepare booklets, advertising letters, flyers. In addition, the stand should look bright and interesting. In this case, you are guaranteed an influx of potential clients.

Expert opinion

An example of an effective advertising campaign

Ekaterina Kuznetsova,

Marketing Director, Alltek Development, Moscow

What methods of finding and attracting clients in the real estate market can be defined as effective? Housing facilities are an important commodity that meets the diverse needs of people. As a rule, real estate projects must be sold at the time of delivery of a particular object. When the life cycle of a project is short enough, in this case there is no time to form brand loyalty. At the peak of the current supply, you need to attract the maximum number of potential buyers. This is when you should find the best ways to find the maximum number of clients.

In addition, we cannot ignore the pronounced seasonality of this market. There are several peaks in consumer activity: from February to June and from mid-September to November.

Due to the fact that the second peak is limited in time, the advertising campaign to attract new customers should be even more dynamic, effective and win-win. We set ourselves the task of developing and carrying out just such an action that would attract attention to our objects from that part of our audience that we were unable to attract through traditional marketing methods.

As a non-standard solution, the campaign “9 1/2 weeks of treasures in the Count's Forest” was developed and carried out. When a client purchased a plot of land with a contract in the club village, he was offered one of nine gifts: a white piano, a playground, a hedge, a housewarming party, a gazebo, a Royal Asherah cat (the most expensive breed in the world), a certificate for the purchase of furniture, a car like a buggy or a live Christmas tree.

The quality and status of gifts made it possible to stir up the interest of our potential buyers. For example, the client had no idea what prize would be awarded this week. If he was not impressed by the surprise, we suggested postponing the deal until next week. And if the consumer wanted to choose any gift from the list on his own, they were offered to do so in the last half week, when his choice was provided with a full assortment.

This promotion turned out to be the most effective way to attract a profitable client. Our slogan only emphasized the status of the acquisition: “Who owns a house, owns a treasure.” We actively promoted our campaign on the radio, in the press, on the Internet, and used outdoor advertising.

Thanks to an effective way to attract clients, interest in real estate increased by 79% during the specified period. And this despite the short duration of the second season. The launched advertising campaign made it possible to record the highest rate of incoming calls in September, as well as initial requests to the agency. And I give this comparison by year. An increase in activity (+ 26%) was also recorded in relation to the first season. In addition, the week when rare cats were given away, traffic was 75% higher than the previous week.

Online tools to attract clients

Companies use many online marketing tools out of habit, even if they are attracting fewer and fewer customers.

In the article in the “Commercial Director” magazine you will find an overview of modern, effective and inexpensive methods that will allow you to achieve high lead generation.

Working ways to attract customers via the Internet

Of course, the starting condition for attracting customers via the Internet is to create your own website. This is what will allow you to have a space on the Internet, with the help of which you, using all your creativity, will be able to increase your customer base again and again.

The concept of an Internet site has long been firmly established in our lexicon. A company website is a web project that is the face of your company, brand, product or service. It’s also part of the team, a fully paid employee, a showcase, a corner of the office space. Let's look at effective ways to find and attract clients.

1. Promoting your own company website

The essence of promoting your website is to ensure that it can be found for all kinds of search queries that are formulated by your potential clients.

What does the cherished abbreviation SEO stand for? Search Engine Optimization, in essence, is search engine optimization of a website. This is a whole complex of nuances of interaction with search engine robots. And also – the originality of photographs, the correctness of tags for each graphic element, page layout, navigation and internal links, and overall optimization of the structure.

Search engines correlate the degree to which content matches the entered query. In addition, complex search engine algorithms take into account the number of links to your resource. All this allows your site to rank above others in searches. In order to get to 1st place, it is necessary to analyze the success of sites already occupying first places, identify features, patterns and apply them in promoting your resource. All this work makes your site one of the most effective methods of attracting potential clients.

We will look at another method of attracting potential clients. Let us remind you what contextual advertising means. Essentially, these are advertising ads placed by search engines Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords, Begun.

With a competent approach (you need to decide on which keywords for which the search is carried out, your advertisement is shown to the user), contextual advertising can ensure the highest possible conversion, that is, turning users into clients. This is one of the most important nuances of such a promotion, otherwise you will waste large advertising budgets.

If we compare the financial costs of SEO and contextual advertising, it is more obvious that SEO as a way to attract customers is more profitable. You can spend 180 thousand rubles/year on SEO and, with proper optimization, have hundreds of visitors to your site from search results. Contextual advertising, especially in competitive markets, can cost 100–200 rubles per person. If you calculate the costs of contextual advertising in the long term, for example, over a month, with the same 100 visitors per day, it can cost you 300 thousand rubles per month.

3. SMM promotion

First of all, what does the abbreviation SMM mean? Translated from English, Social Media Marketing is a fairly popular marketing method of attracting customers today. Essentially, you advertise your product in popular communities. Of course, this type of advertising is not suitable for all products. It is necessary to take into account the target audience of advanced users of social networks.

So, first you need to understand which social networks and communities your target consumer is in, then choose ways to promote your product or service and attract potential customers. Not all products can be promoted on social media. It is unlikely that you would want to subscribe to advertisements for funeral services. In any case, SMM promotion can present your brand in a multifaceted way and introduce potential customers to your product in detail.

4. Email marketing

Unfortunately, lately E-mail marketing has been increasingly compared to spam, although it is still one of the most effective ways to find and attract customers. Such an unseemly comparison became possible because it is possible to buy databases of email addresses on the Internet and make advertising mailings yourself or order them from these addresses. Of course, the main difference between E-mail marketing and such advertising is the consent of subscribers to receive your letters.

Of course, email marketing needs to be viewed in the long term. As a way to attract customers, it is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance. Here you need to take into account your ability and speed to collect a subscriber base and bright, catchy content of your advertising newsletter.

But if you consider the possibilities of this method of attracting customers, they are truly limitless. Essentially, you are communicating directly with your target audience. Your sales will grow in proportion to the increase in your subscriber base. Agree, this is a lot to seriously consider E-mail marketing as an effective way to attract potential clients.

5. Partnership programs

Affiliate programs are a fairly effective method of attracting customers. This tool works quite simply. You expand your audience by attracting partners.

Affiliates use every opportunity to attract new clients to you, and you pay them a small percentage of the profits.

  • How to find business partners who will increase your sales

Ways to attract new clients in the b2b field (examples)

Method 1.Lifetime refueling for investor clients

This method of attracting customers is best illustrated by the example of the Dutch company Fastned, which specialized in the construction of gas stations for electric vehicles. The company's marketers came up with a brilliant move - to create a Company Founders Club. Anyone could become a shareholder of this company by purchasing a minimum of 2.5 thousand shares at a price of 10 euros per share. In return, the investor received a lifetime recharge. This has led to significant growth. As part of the project, 34 stations have already been created, and within two years, Fastned plans to build about 200 more.

Method 2.Retail format for b2b clients

The experience of the Russian branch of Samsung, which opened a network of departments for working with b2b clients in its own branded showrooms, is very interesting. They employ a manager who advises buyers on telephones, various equipment and concludes contracts. Samsung in this way increased sales in the FMCG sector, restaurants, shopping centers, etc. This method of attracting customers is not yet widespread enough in Russia.

Method 3.Fishing to strengthen connections

There are companies that use the hobbies of their founders and top managers to increase customer loyalty. In this regard, the experience of the director of the N.C.Pharm company is very interesting. His passion is fishing. And this hobby formed the basis for organizing an event - the “Fishing Cup”, which takes place annually in Norway, beyond the Arctic Circle. Top managers of large clients are invited to attend. Such informal communication allows you to strengthen business ties, agree on new prospects for cooperation, and also increase customer loyalty to your business. What's not a creative way to attract and retain customers?

Method 4.Trojan horse in the 21st century

DHL has shown wonders of creativity in the struggle to attract customers with its main competitors - USP and TNT. The company hired couriers from competing companies to deliver black parcels. When the drivers arrived at hard-to-reach addresses and took boxes out of their cars... they suddenly changed color to yellow in front of the amazed public, but most importantly, the inscription “DHL faster” was displayed. All this was made possible with the help of heat-sensitive ink and the creativity of the people who came up with this promotion. Videos of these events were filmed and posted on the Internet, which ensured massive coverage of the target audience and a fun and effective advertising campaign.

Method 5.Bicycles for loading

You can always work on the “packaging” of your product or service as a way to attract new customers. It would seem, what else can you come up with in the field of cargo transportation? Let's take the example of the French company La Petite Reine. She suggested using cargo bikes to transport goods. They are equipped with attractive vans with a load capacity of 150 and 180 kg. The speed of such a vehicle is low, only 20 km/h. But there are certain advantages of delivery using a cargo bike - maneuverability, the absence of exhaust gases from fuel that pollute the atmosphere during emissions, noise, and the time factor in the realities of traffic jams.

Method 6.Taking over offices with free coffee

Nowadays clients want to receive a full service, high-quality service in one place. Offering all sorts of tastings and testing on your premises is not a new way of advertising your product or service. What has CBM come up with to conquer business centers and office spaces? By the way, the company promotes coffee equipment and coffee beans on the market. She offered clients free testing of coffee machines and coffee tasting with a visit to their office. The consumer could keep the Bosch TCA5201 coffee machine, provided that he would buy at least 4 kg of coffee per month. In this way, the company determined the optimal way to attract customers.

Method 7. Washingtrolleys

How many of you can imagine a super or hypermarket without such an integral part of the service as a cart? That's right, no one. And not even because the cart allows the buyer to free his hands: it makes it possible to purchase more goods and, accordingly, brings additional profit to retail chains.

PureCart Enterprises, having developed a special system for processing such carts before and after use, has found an opportunity to generate additional income. Not only are the carts sanitized and safe to use, but they also smell great. Why not a service to attract new clients?

Method 8.Guaranteed income on the company's birthday

Some large companies develop and launch discounts and promotions in honor of their birthday. Let us give an example of the experience of the Auchan hypermarket as one of the methods of attracting potential customers. He sent letters to his suppliers informing them about discounts and bonuses, but not free ones for them. To receive a discount, suppliers had to pay Auchan a certain amount. For example, Auchan valued the logo of the supplier’s company measuring 4x4 cm in color booklets with a circulation of 5 million copies at 600,000 rubles. And placing a panel with the name of the supplier’s company or one of its brands at the entrance to all stores - 60,000 rubles.

Expert opinion

Lead generation in b2b

Maxim Gorbachev,

expert of the Russian School of Management on b2b sales

The term “lead generation” has been around for over 10 years. In the original language it sounds like this: Lead Generation. Essentially, this is a marketing tactic for finding potential clients with any contact information. This could be a phone number, email, social network account. This method of attracting customers allows direct appeal and contact with them.

There are various lead generation tools:

  • outbound activities aimed at contacting potential clients. These are mailing lists, telemarketing (cold calls), exhibitions, conferences, coffee breaks;
  • incoming requests. And in this case, we primarily mean Internet marketing tools (SEO optimization, contextual, banner, teaser, advertising, social networks), specialized exhibitions, affiliate programs.

Method 1. Job invitation

This method of attracting potential clients was invented by the arbitration court - a non-profit organization engaged in resolving business disputes, the parties to which can be both legal entities and individuals. The arbitration court sales department was supposed to sell to lawyers of medium and large companies the service of an arbitration court, that is, a sole arbitrator to resolve a dispute that a client had in a civil law relationship.

Functionally, the work in the sales department of the arbitration court was divided as follows. First, call center operators called potential clients. Then the managers went out for negotiations, during which they talked about the advantages of working with an arbitration court. This sales organization made it possible to make 2-3 meetings a day.

This did not suit the organization, and it changed the way it attracts new clients, taking into account the motivation of each lawyer to become a judge. The arbitration court invited lawyers from companies that were potential clients to work for them as an arbitrator. Since the goal of potential clients was often to obtain a certificate as an arbitrator, and not the fact of work itself, this offer soon helped increase the sales funnel from 2-3 to 12-15 per day. The lawyers invited to work, wanting to obtain the status of an arbitrator, lobbied for the interests of the arbitration court in their companies, convincing them to transfer clients’ civil disputes for consideration to the arbitration court.

In this way, in a short time it was possible to attract large companies to the work, the development of which took months of work.

Method 2. Conducting interviews

I will share information about the method by which one Internet service attracted new customers. The telemarketer posed as an employee of a well-known Internet portal who calls to conduct a survey of target consumers. During the interview, several questions were asked about ways to attract customers via the Internet. Of course, the question was raised about using a specific Internet resource. After the client gave a negative answer, the telemarketer offered to help connect this service for free and talked about all the various advantages of using it. Sometimes the consumer did not even realize that he had become a victim of a “cold” call.

Method 3. Buying used equipment

In this case, the call center operator approached the client not with an offer to sell, but with the goal of purchasing from him what the client himself was selling. This is such an original way to attract customers! I will illustrate this with the example of one company that sells commercial vehicles.

It is no secret that logistics companies that own their transport fleet update it quite rarely. When selling a used vehicle, they place an advertisement for the sale of an old truck on the Internet on the websites,, in the “Commercial Vehicles” section to quickly find a buyer. So, such information is an indicator of readiness for a partial renewal of the fleet.

A company that sold commercial vehicles began monitoring similar sites in search of such sellers. After that, she offered to purchase the old truck as a down payment on the purchase of a new one. Of the ten sellers, three were ready to consider this scenario. Such a contact became a lead and was already transferred to the sales department for further processing and reaching a deal.

Method 4. Sales to tender winners

This is a very simple way to find and attract clients. For example, you work in the market of construction materials or contracting services for construction projects. You can track the companies that have won construction tenders. Such information becomes a lead for converting a potential client into an existing one.

Method 5. Identification of site visitors

With the help of SEO optimization you will generate traffic to your website. But how can you distinguish your potential client from visitors who left the site and never made an order or call? Some of them can definitely be returned by identifying their accounts on social networks, for example VKontakte. Specialized services are intended for these purposes (for example, Thus, identifying your website visitors can be another way to find and attract customers. You can contact a potential buyer directly through a social network and discuss your offer with him again. According to statistics, from 0.5% to 4% of leads then turn into real customers who place an order.

Non-standard ways to attract clients in examples

Method 1. Gamification

If you're serious about how to make your advertising campaign more effective, you need to consider gamification as a method to attract new customers and retain existing ones. This method helps to form the emotional component of the consumer, maintain loyalty around your brand and build a human attitude towards it.

Gaming moments in loyalty programs fuel excitement. Let's illustrate this statement with the example of an application that offers the user the opportunity to guess the designer of a dress several times, and in case of a positive answer, awards a certain number of points or assigns a certain status.

Sometimes gamification is used to promote a new product. Suffice it to recall the advertising campaign of the service, rich in game elements that stimulate participants to work more intensively with email. In this case, the creators of the advertising campaign limited the time for responding to incoming mail. Users who managed to complete everything on time received pleasant prizes and rewards.

Method 2.Storytelling

A certain type of myth-making that has firmly entered our lexicon under the term “storytelling.” How it works? You choose for your company in advertising communications or online presentation a famous character who faces some problem, and it is your brand that allows him to solve this issue. It is advisable that your client easily associates himself with such a character. Experts advise using the storytelling method to create presentations and attract potential buyers.

Method 3.Socially oriented solution

The socially oriented solution of your brand has a very powerful emotional impact. People like the social component and the charitable nature of the business. It is becoming the most effective method of attracting new customers. Examples include the shoe company TOMS Shoes. Each pair sold contributed to the next pair being given to children in need. A similar example is the company Warber Parker Glasses, which launched a campaign: “Buy a Pair, Give a Pair.” In this case, every second pair of glasses was also given to the poor as a charity.

Social networks today play one of the leading roles in developing your business and attracting new customers. On any platform - VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter - you can form a club of admirers of your brand. These are already studied resources, and advertising posts in them, on the one hand, will not surprise anyone, but on the other hand, they can be quite boring. You've probably noticed that posts promoting a particular product can trigger comments about how annoying advertising is. Are there alternative ways to attract new customers on social networks?

Instagram and Pinterest networks are now actively developing, with an emphasis on visual content. Instagram, of course, is now used more actively by businesses than Pinterest, although the latter is in the same range of resources that choose a visual channel of communication with potential clients. Investors appreciate the future potential of these services.

Method 5."Hungry" parking

The campaign was so successful that marketers decided to develop this theme when contacting car owners. For this purpose, parking lots in different US cities were symbolically painted - white markings interspersed with yellow lines drawn diagonally. And if drivers followed the yellow markings, they would see the inscription on the asphalt: “You park here when you're hungry” and, of course, an image of your favorite Snickers bar. This example may be another illustration of a creative approach to creating an effective method for attracting new customers.

Method 6. Armored Shock Battalion

And another option for non-trivial customer attraction was invented by the Taxi 6,000,000 company from St. Petersburg. An interesting marketing tool in this case was the bright red armored vehicle that joined the company’s fleet. In this case, marketers decided not to scare potential customers with camouflage coloring.

This is a very successful marketing ploy, since such development of its own fleet fully justifies the company’s slogan “Safe Taxi”. In addition, in St. Petersburg, entangled in a web of canals and bridges, many people want to cross the Neva when the bridges are already raised (you can also swim on the BRDM). So we can assume that the new marketing tool has 100% become one of the ways to attract new customers to the company.

Method 7. Lifelong discount

In part, we have already talked about the tendency to personalize promotions and discounts. Personalization is an important component of the loyalty programs of large companies and, as a result, one of the most effective ways to attract and retain customers. As an example, let us cite the experience of the American hypermarket Kroger, which commissioned consumer demand research from the Dunnhumby USA agency. They studied sales statistics and identified the main product preferences of loyal customers. And then they were presented with an unlimited discount on a group of goods that the buyer regularly purchases in the hypermarket.

The success of this method was confirmed by the increased sales volume of the store. Such an effective way to attract new customers was immediately picked up by other market players. A similar loyalty program was launched by the Safeway hypermarket chain.

Method 8. Reward for vandalism

The American airline JetBlue Airways has launched an original advertising campaign. Its essence was “decisive” actions. It was necessary to tear the poster off the stand and take it with you. New Yorkers were called to action by the patriotic inscription on the advertising poster: “Only real New Yorkers can do this.” The advertising campaign offered many prizes for participants: from ice cream and a ticket to a sports match to the main prize - a free flight on an airline route that was of interest to the client.

The lucky ones who won various prizes willingly shared their acquisitions and, most importantly, their emotions on social networks. Without a doubt, the advertising campaign was a great success, and residents of the city gladly took part in it in the hope of winning the main prize - a lucky ticket to their destination. This allows us to talk about this promotion as a marketing method of attracting new customers.

Method 9. Mini-marketing for a mini-product

The Coca-Cola company presented its new product – a drink in a mini-can – in a rather original way. The author of the advertising campaign was the Ogilvy & Mather Berlin agency. On the streets of large cities in Germany, miniature retail outlets were installed - kiosks that were waist-high to an adult. Of course, such sales points immediately attracted the attention of consumers who not only wanted to buy a drink in a new mini-package, but also take a photo with the toy store in the background. This promotion can also be seen as an original way to attract potential customers.

Method 10. Collector from California

Here’s another original way to attract the attention of your target audience. This time we will talk about the series “Ray Donovan”. How do you think the Russian TV channel REN TV increased the ratings of the series? In the Moscow chain of restaurants “Kruzhka”, business cards of the universal specialist Ray Donovan appeared on the tables - a fixer (as such specialists are called in the USA), capable of solving any problem. The range of tasks that the character of the series, who called on the specified phone in a brutal voice, proposed to immediately tackle, was quite wide: walking the dog, extorting money from the debtor, and even hiding a corpse.

How to choose one or another method of attracting clients: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Make a plan

Before you begin choosing methods for attracting new clients, you need to plan the expected result: the number of attracted clients, sales volume, margin. Perhaps the most important step at this stage is to determine the target audience, its interests, and its needs.

The connection between your target audience and your product should be clear and transparent. With the help of your product or service, the client should receive some benefit, solve some problem, or improve something qualitatively in their life. And to do this, you need to crystallize your competitive advantages and highlight the unique properties of the product.

So, the most detailed description of your target audience, the competitive advantages of your product, a list of needs that your customers can satisfy with the help of your product or service - these are the cornerstones of determining ways to attract new customers that are effective for your business.

Step 2.Forming an offer

Based on the analytics you conducted at the first stage, you should formulate an offer for your clients. In this case, it is important to focus not on the product, but on the final benefit from its purchase. In this regard, a new task appears: to convey information to your target consumer. In order to implement this, you can use the services of a professional call center.

Step 3.We evaluate the profitability of ways to attract customers

Next, you create a marketing budget, which involves calculations: how many clients you need to attract per month in order to reach a certain sales volume. Start from your desired monthly income. Next, based on the portrait of your client, you determine the most effective channels of communication with him, in your opinion. After analytics, calculations and determining methods for attracting customers, you create a monthly marketing budget. Of course, you will need to analyze the effectiveness of each communication channel.

Mistakes in calculating customer retention rates

70% of managers believe that the main task is to attract new customers, while 20% believe that the most important thing is to retain current customers.

Customer retention rate is an indicator of the effectiveness of the product, marketing, customer service and pricing policy. If customers are still loyal, that means efforts can be doubled. If not, it's time to change your strategy. It may seem simple, but in reality, retention is influenced by many factors.

The editors of the Commercial Director magazine list 4 common mistakes that companies make when making calculations. Find out about them and do not allow them in your work.

Why some methods of attracting clients don't work

Many companies, despite the huge budgets of advertising campaigns, are nevertheless dissatisfied with their effectiveness and complain about low returns. Studying successful and not so similar stocks allows us to identify typical mistakes that significantly reduce their effectiveness.

  • The definition of the target consumer group is too abstract. There is simply no product for everyone. In this case, you need to start with market segmentation, which will limit the boundaries of the target group.
  • You don't train your company's staff. Employees do not know the competitive advantages of the product they offer to the market. The product needs training, as does sales. For this purpose, special trainings should be developed, and experienced specialists will help in organizing the training.
  • A small number of channels are used, the effectiveness of which is not analyzed. Meanwhile, it is necessary to skillfully manipulate, combine different methods to attract new clients, as well as study new ideas and practices of successful companies. You can successfully compare ATL and BTL advertising elements.
  • Lack of tangible competitive advantages that distinguish your brand and products from direct competitors. The benefits should be obvious and packaged in the form of benefits that your customer receives by purchasing your product or service.
  • Low level of professional sales skills of your managers. They do not know how to fully and profitably present information about your product to customers. This situation can be corrected by effective training in sales techniques.

To identify such errors, you need to analyze your business, study the effective practices of other companies, and monitor the relationship between your choice of effective channels for attracting potential customers and fluctuations in consumer demand. All these simple tools will allow you to promptly identify the reasons that are preventing you from attracting new customers and growing your business.

Information about the experts

Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Marketing Director of Alltek Development, Moscow. Alltek Development implements all stages of the life cycle of villages, from the creation of a concept to the management of finished villages and infrastructure facilities. The company manages 6 facilities on Kievskoye, Rublevskoye and Novorizhskoye highways with a total area of ​​more than 400 hectares. The value of assets managed by ALLTEC Development exceeds 10 billion rubles. The company has no unsecured financial liabilities. Part of the ALLTEC group of companies.

Maxim Gorbachev, expert at the Russian School of Management for b2b sales. Maxim Gorbachev is one of the 10 best trainers according to the Sales B magazine rating. He has a legal and psychological education. Areas of competence: sales and negotiations, kickback management, management of sales representatives, distribution management, organization of sales departments from scratch, development and implementation of customer service standards, automation of sales departments.

With the onset of the crisis, the level of sales in the retail store decreased significantly. The turnover of goods consumption in Russia fell by 10.4% in 2015. This created additional sales problems.

With such low purchasing power of the population, campaigns began to look for additional incentives for the development of trade. To increase sales in retail trade, successful organizations have identified the main trends in retail trade and current methods of organizing sales.

What could be the ways to competently organize the trading process, leading to increased profits?

Method 1. Organization of a vending sales network

Vending is the sale of goods and services through vending machines. This is the organization of the operation of terminals, vending machines for selling piece goods (hygiene products, shoe covers, drinks, small confectionery). This method of sales is especially popular with small companies that cannot open their own chain of stores on their own or with trading structures with a developed network.

Thus, 15% of the products can be sold through the vending distribution network.

Method 2. Competent pricing policy

Pricing policy is one of the most important conditions for promoting a product. Raising or lowering prices, offering people various discounts or favorable conditions when purchasing - these are the methods that greatly influence making a profit.

Pay attention to competing companies. It is not at all necessary to reduce the price of a product after you see price reductions from competitors. Better think about how you can attract customers through discounts. Give a discount on the same products that your neighbors have reduced prices for. The buyer will respond faster to your marketing ploy. Do this during the last days of your competitor’s discounts or immediately after their promotion ends.

Method 3. Giving the product additional value

An additional way to attract a buyer to a product is when the product is given “special value.” This can be done by adding unusual product properties, functions and applications to the description. Items can also be included in kits. Give these kits interesting names. In these cases, the target audience will increase many times. This means that the quantity of goods sold will increase.

Method 4. Focus on clients with high demands

It is believed that product prices should be designed for the average consumer and even satisfy the needs of a buyer with below average income. And this is correct, because. this is the largest percentage of the population.

It is also important to know that if the buyer purchases the highest quality product every day and receives a professional level of service, he will be ready to purchase goods at a fairly high price. Focus on buyers with high demands. Perhaps sometimes such a product will be purchased by a low-income customer. This can be done on a holiday, in a special mood, through a desire to pamper yourself.

Method 5. Creating an “emotional” showcase

Create an attractive storefront. The showcase should attract, even entice, the buyer. The product that will be displayed on it must be “emotionally charged.” This works under certain conditions. Products presented in the entrance area should reflect the general price level in the store. Products must be available, otherwise the buyer will first be “excited” and then “disappointed.” And you won’t see it in your retail outlet anymore. Even if you reduce prices by 90%.

Such a marketing move will attract the attention of every passerby to your product. This is currently a hot trend in retail.

Method 6. Correct display of goods

A large percentage of purchases depend on the display of goods. There are several secrets to how to place a product on a shelf. The end placement of goods should have bright, orderly colors. This will attract additional attention. Enabling peripheral vision will provide from 130 to 450% increase in sales.

Products that have been left behind due to high prices or other circumstances are placed in a basket in the center of the aisle or at the ends of the rack. It is necessary that the buyer literally “collides” with this product. And an additional small discount on a product can increase income from its sales by 800%.

Method 7. Managing customer behavior

Use special technical means (audio or video) in your stores that will turn on when a customer passes a certain product. For example, a consumer approaches a shelf with avocados, and at this time he hears information about an “extraordinarily tasty salad” using this product.

When the beacon enters the coverage area (10–70 m), a signal is received and the user immediately sees a message on the screen about promotions, discounts and personal offers from the store.

Method 8. Using a tablet when working with clients

Use a tablet with specially designed software. Thanks to this, when communicating with the buyer, the seller will be able to immediately show the client the product and allow him to examine the product from all sides. You can also check the availability of products in the warehouse and set deadlines for ordering. Record the wishes of customers and send the selected project to their email inbox. Using this method of attracting customers to the store will not only increase the speed and quality of customer service in the store by at least 20%, but will also bring additional profit.

Use our tips. And your business will be the most prosperous!

Tatiana Zagumennova

Conspiracies, prayers and rituals for good luck will help you promote your business and attract buyers and clients. Even a beginner can do this, and the result will be the same as when turning to magicians and psychics. In addition, you will use white magic, which means you do not need to be afraid of the consequences. After all, you do not wish harm on anyone, but only want to avoid ruin and increase sales at your outlet. You just need to follow all the rules when conducting such rituals.

Conspiracies, prayers and rituals will help attract money to business. There are other ways to attract clients and customers.

A conspiracy to attract clients and buyers

Read the plot while standing and out loud. If this is impossible, then sit on a chair and say the words in a whisper or to yourself. There are times when these cherished words need to be spoken spontaneously, then there is no need to choose a specific day and time. You must believe in the success of the ritual for it to bring good luck and be effective.

This conspiracy to attract clients and buyers is good because you don’t need to prepare for it for a long time, just find a piece of old material. A rag is suitable for wet cleaning in commercial premises.

While wiping your workplace of dust, say the following words:

CONSPIRACY: “Get away from my goods and from me the dashing unsaleable and alien poverty! Away from my workplace along the river, along the land, through the forest. Lie under a forest snag, don’t call me to you! I sweep away all failures with a rag, I send poverty away - through the forest, along the river, across water and land! My goods do not sit still, but are sold instantly, because strength lies in water, purity and language. I invite buyers, I offer goods. Amen!"

Repeat this spell three times, and throw the rag into any body of water or burn it. You will see the result immediately if you speak all the words clearly and without hesitation.

Prayers to attract clients and buyers

Read your prayers twice every day. This will help consolidate the effect and will help in attracting buyers. If you are involved in sales in any field, read this prayer:

Bring clients to me, Lord,
Let things go smoothly
May good luck come
Profit, a lot of money,
Let the star burn in the forehead of my business,
May it always be so! Amen!

Such a prayer for good trading will lift your spirits, you will feel more confident and clients will come in droves. You will immediately want to find constructive solutions for interacting with people.

There is another effective prayer for attracting clients and buyers, thanks to which you will increase your sales:

Come to me clients,
Give me your money
Here's my product
The profit is in my pocket. Amen!

Rituals to attract clients and buyers

You can use an effective ritual for money. It attracts customers and helps increase product sales. Hold it in the sales area where the goods are displayed or near the counter, but go out to the side of the counter where the customers are standing.

A ritual to attract clients and buyers for money

RITE: Take a yellow coin (medium or large denomination), dip it in any fragrant essential oil (eucalyptus, orange, rose) and stand in the middle of the room, holding the coin in your right hand.
After that, read these words:

“Trade roads, lead customers to my store. Take the money and send good luck! So that clients and good luck come to me, bring me a lot of money, increase profits! Amen!"

When these words are said three times, you need to throw a coin at your feet and loudly shout “Paid.” There is no need to remove the coin; let it lie on the floor. It will be good if a customer picks up this money in your store and pays for the purchase with it.

Ritual to attract clients and buyers for salt

Aspiring Entrepreneurs Those who are just planning to open their own store or outlet can use this ritual for salt. It helps to attract good energy, which means profit and success in business.
RITE: When leaving home for work, take a handful of salt. When there are a few steps left to the entrance to the store building, throw a handful of salt over your head and say the following words:

“I talk salt, I attract buyers! The grains fall, customers line up. No one leaves without goods, everyone brings me money! Amen."

After these words, go into the store and don’t look back. The result will be one hundred percent, and you will immediately see an influx of people buying the product. These rituals to attract clients and customers are considered effective; they will help increase sales and you will be able to make more profit.

Other ways to attract clients and customers

Social media. Enter into an agreement with any show business star and place your advertisement on her page. All friends and subscribers will immediately turn into potential clients and customers. Create a separate page and invite many friends. With their help you can expand your customer base.

Creating your own resource on the Internet. Many people online are looking for answers to all their questions and making purchases. Therefore, the website will be an excellent way for you to attract customers. Make a stylish design, place high-quality information on the resource pages.

Letters by email. This is a great way to attract clients. Don't think that such mailings annoy people; they open the letters and read them. After this, half of the people are deleted, and the other half will become your potential clients. This method works, and within a certain period of time your business will have a new clientele.

There are many other ways that really work and help increase profits.

You need to give free rein to your imagination. If you don’t have time to think, then use daily prayers or one-time rituals to attract success in business. Unique conspiracies and self-confidence will help you attract money and earn good capital!

Video: Ritual for urgently raising money

Any business - be it a start-up or a long-running one - needs clientele. It is the end consumer of goods and services that serves as a source of financial resources, which means that it gives your business the opportunity to grow and develop. A lot has already been said about how to attract clients, but such information will never be superfluous. No matter how much marketing research is conducted, questions always remain, for example, why, given equal conditions, the client chooses one of the offers. However, these are special cases; in general, customer preferences can be calculated with a fairly high degree of probability, which is what marketers do within the same company, city or country. There is also international marketing. And all these specialists are looking for an answer to the same question: “How to attract clients?” The accumulated material is very interesting, so today we will study it.

A mysterious creature called "client"

It is very important to have a good idea of ​​who our client is. This is a key concept because it allows you to focus your efforts and direct them towards achieving specific goals. Since it is much easier to attract customers of one target group, we must first figure out in which direction we need to act.

In general, all potential clients are divided into corporate and private. Every company is primarily attracted to citizens of the first category, since they represent an entire segment in the consumer market. It is difficult to get such a client, but the benefits from such transactions are very good. However, you should not focus on large production, because an attentive attitude towards each individual customer can ultimately work into your hands, because he may one day lead an entire corporation with him. Therefore, when discussing how to attract clients, we can confidently say that individuals are the category that is most worth working with.

The most popular ways to get new clients

In fact, private businesses do not always have a team of marketing specialists on staff, so they have to get out of the situation using proven means. At the same time, businessmen often adopt methods to attract customers from their competitors and quickly adapt them to their own needs. We will consider both typical and non-standard methods of winning new consumers of goods or services.


Who among us has not paid attention to such signs? Promotions, sales, discounts - all this attracts the consumer, and he will most likely take an interest in at least the terms offered. If you are looking for a way to quickly attract customers, then you need a bright and well-designed banner in a crowded place. Moreover, the content can be different: a bonus for the procedure received in a beauty salon or lending with preferential terms - it doesn’t matter, the most important thing is that the person receives your message in an accessible form.

It is very important that, by resorting to such a method of stimulating customer activity, the service seller counts on the population’s commitment to “free cheese.” Even if a person does not really need what you offer, he may be interested in the product solely because the conditions seem favorable to him. As a result, he can not only take advantage of the offer himself, but also tell others.

We continue to attract freebie lovers

Indeed, a huge number of advertising gimmicks are connected precisely with this. Marketers play on people’s impulsiveness, and therefore try to make their “web” as attractive as possible. When talking about how you can attract customers, you cannot ignore such a method as planned price reductions. “All seasonal procedures are 40% cheaper”, “The entire range of the outgoing summer is now 60% more affordable!” - these and similar slogans gather customers at tremendous speed.

The principle of providing a discount on a product also works very well. This method always works, regardless of whether we understand market mechanisms or not. This can be seen very clearly when the price tag is 999 rubles or 2990.

Promotions and discounts are rather crude mechanisms; moreover, if business owners are asked how effective the promotion was, they cannot always answer. The product or service has been sold, but not at the original price. Has sales increased enough to cover this difference? It is precisely so that you understand well how to attract profits and customers that today we want to reveal the best ways to attract them.

Increased loyalty

Only the laziest businessman does not use the listed methods, but their effectiveness may vary. Therefore, in order for them to actually work, we recommend that you use the following methods. First of all, it is advisable to limit the validity period of your offer. Such a marketing ploy will make it possible to instill in a potential client the idea that conditions may soon change in a direction unfavorable for him.

The second option is similar to the first, but has some nuances. In this case, the main task is to colorfully describe the advantages of the product (service), and then mention that their quantity is very limited. This could be a VIP collection or a unique offer that is difficult to refuse.

Let's talk a little more about how to attract new clients. Agree, initially a person doesn’t care whether he goes to you or to the company opposite. Offer the first person to purchase a product or service a valuable prize. This does not necessarily have to be a product; a free consultation with an expert (a master class on makeup or appearance care) is perfect.

And finally, you can come up with some kind of souvenir for your first clients. This could be a cosmetic bag, a flashlight keychain with a logo, some companies practice serving sweets and fruits, especially if the visit is timed to coincide with some holiday. It's a small thing, but nice.

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