Roman Filippov, pilot, family and children. Relatives of Roman Filipov, who died in Syria, spoke about his heroism


“The last battle of Major Filipov,” - Russian newspapers come out with such headlines today, and on the Internet there are hundreds of posts with videos in which - not a movie about the war, not a quote from a book, but the real death of a hero and lines of condolences in connection with the death of a Russian pilot.

Having landed by parachute, Roman Filipov fired back until the situation became hopeless...

Parents of Roman Filippov, pilot: how did he die?

Until the last moment, he tried to keep the Su-25 shot down by militants in the air, ejected after both engines failed, found himself surrounded, and took on an unequal battle.

When it became clear that captivity could not be avoided, already seriously wounded, he blew himself up with a grenade.

By presidential decree, Roman Filipov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

It was a matter of honor for the Ministry of Defense to find and bury the hero with full military honors. Immediately after the death of Major Roman Filipov, the defense department turned to its Turkish colleagues. In 2015, when Oleg Peshkov’s Su-24 was shot down in the skies over Syria, it was Ankara that acted as a mediator in negotiations with militants on the return of our pilot’s body. The pilot’s body was also returned thanks to the efforts of Russian military intelligence.

Voronezh is the hometown of Roman Filipov, and farewell to Roman Filipov took place there. He grew up there, studied at a local school, which they now want to name after him.

The pilot of the second attack aircraft, in an interview with the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, said that he saw how the commander’s plane was hit by a missile fired from the ground by militants.

Yes I see! - answered the presenter.

And then so calmly, as if it was said about something ordinary and secondary:

I was hit...

And then:

Good hit...

Fire right...

I'm heading south...

And the left one becomes...

And twenty seconds later - the last thing:

Call the search and rescue team..."

Roman Filipov ordered his partner to leave, but he supported the commander - he destroyed two cars with terrorists with air fire, and attacked until the ammunition ran out. The fuel was also running out - the emergency reserve was enough to reach the airfield.

Finding himself surrounded, Roman Filipov took on an unequal battle. And when it became clear that captivity could not be avoided, already seriously wounded, he blew himself up with a grenade.

The officer was buried in his native Voronezh, and his memory was honored in Vladivostok. Roman Filipov served for several years in Primorye. Townspeople, commanders and cadets of military schools gathered at the memorial dedicated to those killed in local wars and conflicts. Red carnations were placed next to the photo of the hero pilot.

Parents of Roman Filippov, pilot: family, who are the parents?

Major Roman Filipov, despite his youth—he would have turned 34 in August—was deservedly considered one of the best among his colleagues. They say that he dreamed of aviation since childhood - following the example of his father, a combat medic who took part in the Chechen War.

“Romka is from a modest military family,” said his classmate at the Voronezh school. “Mom, dad, younger sister. He was a sporty kid, he studied with grades 4 and 5, and was never seen in any fights. For his father, at the height of I was very worried about the fighting, but I always said: “When I grow up, I will fly too.”

Thousands of users expressed condolences to the family: the deceased left behind a wife and daughter. They, as well as Roman's parents, will receive help and support from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The pilot graduated from the Armavir Center of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School, like his father, Nikolai Filipov, also a military pilot. Roman was one of the best officers in the service, Filipov’s colleagues say.

Wife - Olga, originally from Borisoglebsk. Daughter - Valeria, 4 years old.

Father Nikolai is a military pilot and was a navigator on a Su-24. Mother Elena is a nurse. There is a younger sister Margarita.

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It was a matter of honor for the Ministry of Defense to find and bury the hero with full military honors. Immediately after the death of Major Roman Filipov, the defense department turned to its Turkish colleagues. In 2015, when Oleg Peshkov’s Su-24 was shot down in the skies over Syria, it was Ankara that acted as a mediator in negotiations with militants on the return of our pilot’s body. The pilot's body was also returned thanks to the efforts of Russian military intelligence.

The province of Idlib, where Roman Filipov died, is the zone of responsibility of Turkey, which has an extensive network of agents among various militant groups. Obviously, thanks to these channels, a way was found to those who held the body of the Russian pilot.

The burial ceremony of Major Roman Filipov with military honors at the request of the family and parents of the Russian pilot will take place on February 8 in the city of Voronezh.

The Su-25 attack aircraft, piloted by Major Filipov, was shot down by a man-portable anti-aircraft missile on February 3 in Idlib province. The pilot managed to eject, but landed in enemy territory. Finding himself surrounded, he took the fight, firing back with a Stechkin pistol. And when the militants came close, he blew himself up with a grenade.

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The last words of the downed Russian pilot: “This is for the boys.” Russians do not give up - this axiom is introduced at the genetic level. To avoid being captured by Syrian terrorists, our pilot blew himself up with a grenade

The Russian Ministry of Defense sent a request to the Turkish side for assistance in obtaining all the wreckage of the Russian attack aircraft. Of particular interest to defense experts are the remains of Su-25 engines with traces of missile fire. Using them, Moscow hopes to accurately identify the terrorists' MANPADS. Including the places of its production, after which it will be possible to try to identify the channels for supplying these weapons to Syria.

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree awarding the officer the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.


He followed in his father’s footsteps: Primorsky pilot Roman Filipov, shot down by militants in Syria, was considered a real ace

Major Roman Filipov, despite his youth - he would have turned 34 in August, was deservedly considered one of the best among his colleagues. They say that he dreamed of aviation since childhood - following the example of his father, a combat medic who took part in the Chechen War.

Romka comes from a modest military family,” his Voronezh school classmate tells Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Mom, dad, younger sister. He was a sporty guy, he studied at "4" and "5", and was not seen in any fights. At the height of hostilities, he was very worried about his father, but he always said: “When I grow up, I will fly too.”


Voronezh school may be named after deceased pilot Roman Filipov

The management of Voronezh school No. 85, where pilot Roman Filipov studied, intends to contact the city administration with a request to name the school after the pilot. In addition, they plan to place a memorial plaque in his honor. The KP correspondent visited the school where the hero studied. The teachers are shocked by the news of his death. The woman who taught mathematics in Roman's class became ill - she was sent home today (


What actions will Russia take after the death of the Su-25 pilot in Syria?

Alexander Grishin

The death of the hero pilot, shot down on his Su-25 during a patrol flight, raises many questions. However, virtually no one has any doubts about how Russia will respond to this. ()


Why don't the Russians surrender?

Yunus-Bek EVKUROV, head of Ingushetia, Hero of Russia:

It is difficult to predict who will behave and how in such a situation. When a person in the last seconds does not think about giving up, but goes to his death, laying down his life for the peaceful life of other people, this is a feat. Our Russian pilot, Major Filipov, accomplished such a feat. And Roman proved that there were and are people in Russia who were ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the country, for the sake of the world. And this is the generation that was brought up, including through the examples of our Great Patriotic War veterans.

Sergey PALAGIN, pilot, Hero of Russia:

Each fighter, even surrounded by the enemy, strives to draw as much force as possible onto himself and inflict maximum damage on the enemy. It is not customary for us to surrender - pilots are not left alive. As a rule, we always keep two grenades for ourselves.

Andrey BABITSKY, political scientist, journalist:

This is very Russian, very true behavior. It demonstrates that a person, finding himself in hopeless circumstances, is capable of single-handedly repelling the enemy and sacrificing his life. The decision not to give the bastards the right to mock, to humiliate, had to do not only with the pilot himself - in his person the militants had the opportunity to mock the Russian people. So he died defending the honor of his Motherland and each of us. This is one of the most poignant examples of how a Russian man should die.

Anton BELIKOV, philosophy teacher:

I have never been in such a situation, I only know that a pilot is a hero, more than a soldier, he is a warrior! As long as there are such people, Russia stands. And people like me can engage in science and art. It would be nice for the intelligentsia and the creative class to remember that all of us civilians owe our carefree lives to guys like this pilot. I think that at the end of time this warrior in golden chain mail will stand in the same ranks with the Archangel Michael, with Sanka Matrosov, with the writer Gaidar, with the monk Peresvet.

Yulia CHICHERINA, singer:

We must try to get out of encirclements, if possible. Roman showed with his feat that nothing has changed since the Great Patriotic War. And the whole world remembered that Russians never give up. They will always be winners.

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Preparations for the funeral of a pilot shot down in Syria. The funeral of pilot Roman Filipov, who died in Syria, will be held in Voronezh on February 8

On February 3, a Russian pilot, 33-year-old Roman Filipov, died. He fought in Syria - after his plane was shot down, the pilot managed to eject. On the ground, he fired back from his opponents, but the battle was unequal, the serviceman took desperate measures - he blew himself up with a grenade. His phrase “This is for the boys,” with which Roman destroyed terrorists in the last minutes of his life, became popular. The military man is survived by his wife Olga and daughter Valeria.

The famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov went to a Russian military base in Syria to talk in the “Live Broadcast” program about what Filipov’s life was like far from his homeland. Malakhov also went to an Orthodox church on the territory of the base.

“He did not ask to be called Roman Nikolaevich, as expected, just Roma, in a friendly way. He was like an older brother to me,” said the pilot who learned from Filipov’s experience.

To the studio of the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live” came Roman’s relatives and friends, who remembered those days when they learned about the tragic event. “This all happened on Saturday, I found out on Monday. Mom said that the Filipovs were in grief, Roman died,” said relative Irina Shalimova. She admitted that for a long time she could not believe what happened. Irina began searching for information on the Internet and came across a short video filmed by Filipov during the fight.

“This was not the first business trip. I accompanied him to the station,” recalled his brother Nikolai Korolkov.

The guests in the studio could not hide their admiration for Filipov’s act. They recognized that a similar example could be used to educate the current younger generation.

“Today we can be proud of our guys,” Lieutenant General Sergei Kobylash, who took part in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, shared his opinion. “Those guys who performed their official duties in other hot spots are still the pride of our country.”

Lieutenant Colonel Igor Rykov, with whom Roman studied, spoke about how he remembered him.

“Roman came to my flight in 2006 - an ordinary simple guy who graduated from a flight school. But when we joined the wing, we commanders saw that he had desire, motivation, he was distinguished by honesty and courage. The motivation was enormous,” said the military man.

The school in Voronezh where the future pilot studied is now named after Roman Filipov. According to teachers, the news of his death deeply hurt their hearts. According to them, he always fought for justice. The teachers are surprised that at the last minute he was not thinking about himself.

The body of pilot Roman Filippov, shot down in Syria, was delivered to Russia yesterday. Tomorrow in Voronezh there will be a funeral for a military man to whom the president posthumously awarded the title of Hero.

Roman Filippov died a heroic death on February 3rd in the province of Idlib in Syria. It was there that terrorists using MANPADS shot down the Su-25 attack aircraft he was flying. The missile flew into the aircraft at an altitude of four kilometers. Roman initially tried to do something in the air, but then decided to eject.

Roman Filippov, SU-25 pilot killed in Syria, family: wife and daughter photo

He landed unsuccessfully - on enemy territory. The militants began to surround Filippov and he decided to fight first. Having shot several terrorists, the 33-year-old major was forced to blow himself up with a grenade rather than be captured. So he died - like a hero.

In Vladivostok, the pilot is left with his wife Olga and a daughter who just turned four years old. Roman kept his personal life behind seven locks, so even now journalists know almost nothing about this side of his life.

Roman Filippov: biography, Wikipedia

Roman Nikolaevich Filipov(August 13, 1984, Voronezh, RSFSR, USSR - February 3, 2018, near Serakib, Idlib, Syria) - Russian military pilot. Major of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Armed Forces. Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).


Born on August 13, 1984 in Voronezh in the family of a military pilot. In 2001 he graduated from secondary school No. 85 in Voronezh. He studied well, was fond of sports, and dreamed of becoming a pilot. Graduated from the Armavir Center of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov in 2006.

He served in the 187th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment (military unit No. 13984) in the village of Chernigovka, Primorsky Territory. He passed all positions from senior pilot to deputy squadron commander of the attack air regiment of the Eastern Military District, from where he was seconded to the location of the Russian Aerospace Forces aviation group in Syria, where he took part in military operations as a flight commander of Su-25SM attack aircraft. Filipov was an ace pilot of attack aircraft, repeatedly took part in the All-Russian military maneuvers “Aviadarts”, where in 2013 he took second place among attack aircraft. He was a military pilot of the first qualification category, with a total of 1,300 flight hours and made about 80 combat missions.

The downed Su-25SM aircraft (with tail number 06 and serial number RF-95486) was previously assigned to an air regiment in the Kuban, and then in 2014 redeployed to Crimea, where it was assigned to the 37th mixed aviation regiment of the 27th mixed aviation division of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Southern Military District, stationed at the Gvardeyskoye airbase.

Last Stand

On February 3, 2018, while flying over the Idlib de-escalation zone to monitor the ceasefire, the leading Russian Su-25SM attack aircraft in a pair, under the control of Major Filipov, near the city of Serakib was shot down by a shot from a man-portable anti-aircraft missile system. Journalists V.N. Baranets and A.I. Kots note that, according to the experts they interviewed, the MANPADS were presumably of the Stinger system; according to other sources, it was a Soviet-made MANPADS). The pilot tried to keep the plane in the air and reported that he was attacked by a missile, after which he ejected. On the ground, the pilot was surrounded by militants and died in the ensuing battle, firing back at the attackers with a Stechkin pistol, and then blowing himself up with a grenade with the words “This is for the boys!” Responsibility for the defeat of the MANPADS was taken by militants of the terrorist organizations Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra) and the Syrian Free Army (the Jaish al-Nasr group within it). A retaliatory high-precision strike by the Russian military killed three dozen militants in this square, followed by a clearing of the territory by special forces units of the Syrian Ground Forces with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces in order to evacuate the pilot’s body and aircraft parts to determine the type of MANPADS. For the same purpose, special operations were carried out by Russian and Turkish special services.

On February 6, 2018, the body of the deceased pilot was delivered to the Chkalovsky military airfield near Moscow. The funeral, at the request of the family, will take place in Voronezh on the Alley of Heroes of the Comintern Cemetery on February 8, 2018.

Personal life

Was married. He raised his daughter (she was 4 years old at the time of her father’s death).


On February 5, the Minister of Defense of Russia presented him with the title of Hero of Russia; on February 6, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Decree “On awarding the title of Hero of the Russian Federation to Major R. N. Filipov,” the text of the decree says: “For heroism, courage and bravery shown in the performance of military duty, award the title of Hero of the Russian Federation to Major Roman Nikolaevich Filipov (posthumously).”

Streets in Kaliningrad and Vladivostok will be named after Roman Filipov, and in Voronezh it was decided to name school No. 85 after him.

Muscovites bring flowers to the monument “They Fought for the Motherland” near the Ministry of Defense building to honor the memory of Major Roman Filipov, who died in Syria. Internet users publish poems dedicated to the hero and express condolences to his family.

The camera shakes, and someone shouts “Allahu Akbar” off-screen. The militants are drawn to a huge boulder, behind which Major Roman Filipov has taken refuge. Having almost reached the stone, the operator stops; amid the noise of shots and calls to Allah, one can clearly hear: “This is for the boys!” Three seconds later - bang. A grenade exploded in the hero’s hands. He took with him those whom he could not shoot with Stechkin’s personal pistol. Plumes of gray smoke hovered over the boulder, the militants fled in different directions.

On Saturday, February 3, in Syria, near the village of Tell Debes, Major Roman Filipov died. The Su-25 attack aircraft, in which he carried out an observation flight in the Idlib de-escalation zone, was shot down by a missile from a portable anti-aircraft missile system. Filipov managed to eject and, despite heavy fire, land. After the death of the pilot, the Russian Aerospace Forces group launched targeted strikes in the area, killing up to 30 militants.

Militants of the Jaysh al-Nasr group published documents found on the deceased. Among them were combat “cheat sheets”, a report on nomination for a state award, discount cards for the Vladivostok Wine Studio chain of stores and the Far Eastern chain of car stores “Hyperauto”. On one of the papers is a list of commemorative coins “Ancient Cities of Russia”. Apparently, Roman did not have enough coins with images of Staraya Russa, Derbent and Pskov for his collection. Each one has a market price carefully assigned to it.

Published photographs indicate the pilot’s place of residence—Primorsky Krai. According to the acting head of the region, Andrei Tarasenko, Filipov served in military service 200 kilometers from Vladivostok, in the village of Chernigovka, as deputy squadron commander of the 18th assault aviation regiment of the 303rd Guards Mixed Aviation Division of the 11th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Eastern Military District. He moved there five years ago with his wife Olga. A daughter was also born there.

According to classmates and colleagues, Roman dreamed of becoming a pilot since childhood. Therefore, he studied well at school. Knowing that he needed exact sciences to enter the Armavir Center of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School, Roman transferred to a class with in-depth study of mathematics and physics in high school.

“He graduated from school with no C grades, always strived to learn, was very persistent in mastering knowledge, but at the same time he was modest, shy and taciturn,” recalls Filipov’s class teacher Lyudmila Lazareva.

According to her, the guy’s father, military pilot Nikolai Filipov, was a role model. “When we held class hours on the topic of career guidance in the 11th grade, he already knew exactly who he would be: he dreamed of flying in the sky,” says Lazareva.

The elder Filipov studied in Armavir, so Roman chose this particular school. Major Alexey Moskotov, who headed class department 205, where Roman studied, recalls his first intake in 2002.

“All the guys were good from that recruiting,” he told the Storm. According to him, to get into attack aviation ten years ago, you had to pass a selection process. “It had to be earned, and Roman had only positive characteristics,” explains the major.

After the third year, having finished with theory, Filipov transferred to the Borisoglebsk Flight School in the Voronezh region, closer to home. There he first “took wing” and took to the sky.

Colleagues call Roman “one of the best,” pointing out that this is not his first trip to Syria. The fact that Filipov is an outstanding pilot is also evidenced by the results of the Aviadarts military competition. In 2013, as a captain, he won second place in the Assault Aviation category as a flight commander.

It has already been proposed to name Filipov’s home school in Voronezh after the deceased hero. “We would, of course, definitely want to perpetuate the memory of [the deceased pilot Roman Filippov]. How it will be - a memorial plaque, a museum, a class will be named or a school - it will all depend on the decision of the administration,” Galina Klepikova, the director of school No. 85, told Storm. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu presented Filipov with the title of Hero of Russia posthumously. The wife and daughter of the deceased will be provided with all necessary assistance, the military department said.

In the meantime, Muscovites, to express support and honor the memory of the hero, bring flowers to the monument “They Fought for the Motherland” near the Ministry of Defense building on Frunzenskaya Embankment. A poem published by, “The downed 25th is burning on the slope,” is circulating on social networks. In total, users published more than a thousand entries with the hashtag #This is for the Boys in various groups and on personal pages.

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