Russia launched a satellite with a “perpetual” engine into orbit. The speed of the torsion signal is billions of times faster than the speed of light

G.I. Shipov

Space engines with torsion thrust


1. Theory of Physical Vacuum and torsion fields

2. Torsion engines

3. Vacuum energy sources

4. Nikola Tesla vacuum energy generator


Currently, a jet engine is the only technical device that can be used to move in outer space. The efficiency of a vehicle with a jet engine is too low and is around 8%. Long-distance flights require huge reserves of explosive, environmentally harmful fuel on board spacecraft, making them unsafe and not very suitable for long-term habitation. It can be argued that now jet technology has reached the maximum of its perfection and its further development requires the development of a qualitatively new, more efficient method of movement in outer space.

This article will develop and experimentally confirm the idea of ​​Miguel Alcubierre, which assumes the possibility of using the curvature of space created and controlled by a spacecraft for movement in space. A real device of this type was proposed by Russian engineer V.N. Tolchin, described theoretically and studied experimentally in the works. The development of Alcubierre-Tolchin engines will make it possible in the future to build a vehicle that moves in space without the use of a jet engine at superluminal speeds.

Research was carried out on the basis of the equations of Physical Vacuum, from which it follows that it is fundamentally possible to create a new generation space engine. Such an engine is capable of bending space-time near itself, creating “wormholes” in space-time - unique space-time portals and moving along them to remote points of the Universe at superluminal speeds. The article presents photographs and films of simple working models of this method of transportation, which prove the reality of the put forward theoretical ideas.

1.Theory of Physical Vacuum and torsion fields

The main fields in the theory of Physical Vacuum are torsion fields with various physical properties. These fields as a subject of study in science arose at the end of the 19th century in the works of the Italian mathematician G. Ricci. There is a huge amount of mathematical work carried out by Cartan, Schouten and other mathematicians to study the properties of torsion fields, but only at the end of the 20th century in Russia scientists were able to discover the connection between these fields and physical experiments.

Misunderstandings regarding the criticism of torsion physics by academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences begin with the fact that they do not distinguish between the three types of torsion fields existing in the scientific literature. Typically, torsion fields are understood as the torsion of space (slide 1). The first type of space with torsion is Ricci-Cartan-Einstein (space of absolute parallelism). E. Katran and A. Einstein discussed the geometric properties of this space for three years from 1925 to 1928, during which A. Einstein wrote 13 articles, using in them the torsion of the space of absolute parallelism. I continued my research, using, in contrast to the works of A. Einstein, Cartan's structural equations of this geometry. These equations initially do not contain any physical constants and, as it turns out, describe the dynamics of inertia fields. It is this fact that allows us to connect the first type of torsion fields (Ricci torsion fields) with experiment. The second type of torsion fields appears in Riemann-Cartan geometry. Only at the Department of Theoretical Physics of Moscow State University 6 doctoral dissertations were defended on torsion fields of Riemann-Cartan geometry, in which it was shown that these fields are currently impossible to detect experimentally. The third type also does not manifest itself in the experiment. I do not have works related to fields of the second and third types, so the criticism of academics misses the mark.

Some other slides

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Only a special class of psychotronic devices can be called truly awe-inspiring - torsion generators. This type of weapon is completely hidden from the public and we can judge about it and its characteristics only from fragmentary information, and from the available torsion bar civilian equipment, which is a small part of what we inherited from the military research of the USSR. It is this type of weapons that is used today absolutely uncontrollably both for wars and for criminal crimes. And among the population, criminals are actively discrediting such technologies so that legislators do not introduce these weapons into the legal sphere, which would make it possible to effectively punish crime using torsion weapons. In Russia, for such menial “work”, the mafia even created a special false commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ginzburg/Kruglyakov/Alexandrov.

Akimov torsion generator

Torsion generator circuit

P.I. Goskov in the report “On the design version of Academician I.E. Tamm’s device, implementing the orthogonal arrangement of electric and magnetic fields” writes: “ Academician I.E. Tamm's devices in the form of a cylindrical electric capacitor located inside a magnetic field, creating an orthogonal constant electric E and constant magnetic H fields, experimentally studied by us in great detail, actually create so-called torsion radiation, which is not shielded by electromagnetic screens and has a very active effect on the reproduction of microbial populations, on the biological activity of water, on the biological activity of different seeds, on the properties of various solutions, etc., etc."

This decision of Tamm at that time was such a serious step in science, so important in technical progress, that this paragraph was excluded from the textbook for a long time (starting with the fourth edition). Behind-the-scenes forces, who understood that such a decision was the emergence of competition for them in the use of torsion fields for military purposes, used graduate student V.L. Ginzburg, who in 1946 wrote a denunciation to the CPSU Central Committee against his scientific supervisor I.E. Tamm about his physical idealism (in the terrible conditions of the 1946 persecution of the creative intelligentsia and in the conditions of the beginning anti-Jewish campaign inspired from above in the USSR)." This was the same Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg, who later became an academician and received the Nobel Prize, including for his work on high-temperature superconductivity, based on stolen ideas from his employee, and created in 1989 a false commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences (under the current chairmanship of Kruglyakov), which is designed to disavow any information about the reality of torsion fields and the possibility of using them for the purposes of psychotronic control of people and nature.

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In fact, the theoretical basis of torsion fields in open science has not yet been fully developed, and the theoretical boundaries of science, which is hidden behind seven seals of secrecy by the military, intelligence services and mafia structures, are unknown to us. Even the terminology of this phenomenon has not been completely settled. Each scientist designates his discovery at his own discretion, based on the depth and quality of his own knowledge. Thus, the properties of torsion fields are close to the qualities of the following phenomena: scalar wave, charge-vector field, axion field, spinor field, microlepton field of Anatoly Okhatrin, chronal field of Albert Veinik, orgone of Wilhelm Reich, “A-fields” of Ryoyu Uchiyama, P-waves Nikolai Kolpakov. At the same time, some researchers “squabble” with other scientists, zealously defend their own point of view, forgetting the ancient wise parable about the elephant and the three blind wise men.

However, this unsettled state of affairs in science does not at all prevent the use of existing theoretical developments for practical purposes.

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Through the MLM network you can buy a cute household medical therapeutic device "Radamir". Among other functions of the device, there is also a very interesting mode of background resonance radiation (BRI) information wave therapy (IWT). The description of the principle of operation of the device says that - for these purposes, the effect of Gunn diodes discovered by scientists (based on crystals of gallium arsenide, indium arsenide or indium phosphide) is used to remember the picture of surrounding radiation, and then re-emit it. Medical studies of this phenomenon have shown that if information from a pathological focus in the human body is recorded on a crystal and then re-radiated back to the same place, the disease is cured quite quickly and effectively. From the point of view of orthodox science, I, the author of this article, do not understand this description of the process, since re-emission occurs without applying voltage to the emitter. Perhaps such a description is given simply to bring the description of the operating principle closer to official science. At seminars on the device, they talk about torsion fields. And the theory of torsion fields is actively discredited by the world psychotronic mafia (since torsion generators are used by this mafia for crimes).

It also turned out that the FRI mode of this device is universal and affects all diseases, regardless of the etiology of the disease - surgical, infectious and genetic diseases are successfully treated.

The Radamir device turned out to be so effective that even homeopaths rebelled against it, worried about their jobs and incomes - after all, the device is easy to use, can be used at home, the patient does not need to look for a good homeopath and spend money on him and on medicines. Yes, it is the effect of electronic homeopathy that implements this regime, coinciding with homeopathy according to the principle of influence - “Like is treated by like.” However, it turned out that this is not all that the device is capable of.

Experiments with Radamir showed its other capabilities. If you take information from an agricultural pest, for example, the Colorado potato beetle, transfer it to water, and then water the garden with this water, the agricultural pest dies. An emitter with recorded information from an agricultural pest can also be placed on a photograph of a field or vegetable garden - the agricultural pest also dies - here you have a real psychotronic weapon. Photographs can also be used to treat a person and even harm him. By removing information from banknotes and placing an emitter on the enemy’s photo, you leave him without finances. Along with this, the device not only records negative radiation. The device can be used to remove information from medications, transfer them to water, and treat with such informational water better than with the original medicine, since the body does not have any side effects that would be induced by taking the medicine itself. The device is even capable of electronic vaccination. Information is removed from the vaccine and transferred by the emitter to the human body. The corresponding necessary antibodies appear in the body, while the patient is not harmed, which is inevitable with real vaccination (vaccines are stabilized with toxic compounds harmful to the human body, usually merthiolate, gray mercury compounds). Actually, this possibility of the device, which is called “information transfer,” is not even an echo, but a real torsion psychotronic weapon. Just like that, “the fairy tale has become reality.” This saying was loved in the Soviet Union, hinting at the progressive steps of socialism. And it was in the Soviet Union that studies of the EHF range were carried out and these properties used today by the Radamir device were identified.

The emitter capsule of the Radamir device is the main value of the device.
The Gunn diode crystal is connected through high-pass filters in the form of serpentine strips.

The principle of such capabilities of the device still remains hidden from the general public. No, in the descriptions of the Radamir device there is an explanation of the principles of its operation, but... for such universal functions, when the device affects precisely the desired pathogenic phenomenon, there are simply no public explanations. Maybe these are some interesting extremely high frequencies at which the device’s emitters operate - tens of gigaHertz? Or are these manifestations of the properties of the torsion field, a carrier of pure information, and with such influences in the torsion field there is a micro-war between ideas? The mafia, intelligence services and military who own torsion technologies keep their secrets. The psychotronic mafia hounded to death one of the most talented researchers of torsion fields, the brilliant Russian physicist Anatoly Akimov, who did not hide his developments from the public and could, over time, clarify such issues.

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However, the possibilities of information transfer are so interesting that many citizen scientists and researchers are doing it. And it is from this information that we can judge what kind of devilry is going on in the scientific community of the military, criminals and intelligence services.

Actually, information transfer has been known for quite a long time from various magic techniques, the most famous of which is the “envolting” ritual of the Haitian Voodoo religion. Today, some open research by scientists in the field of information transfer is already available.

On the basis of the Group of Biophysics of Non-Ionizing Radiation, Research Institute of E&T, Russian Cancer Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, from 1987 to 2004. Research was carried out in the field of “information effects of physical fields” on biological and physical systems, which made it possible, in particular, to formulate a hypothesis about the existence and structure of the code of fundamental information interactions in nature. The results obtained indicate the reality of distant influences on material objects using images created by physical methods (in particular, photographic negatives). As a theoretical working model of manifestations of “unknown nature”, the original concept of teleportation of information through information fields was formulated. [TP]

“Teleporter” with the possibility of local and non-local (distant) influence (2002).
"Long-range non-local instrumental interactions in the formation of the concept of “information teleportation”"

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In 2006, we learned about the new Ukrainian medical device KSK-Bars. As predecessors of KSK-BARS, the developers write about APK-M, KME, and Oberon devices. The device description says:
"KSK-BARS works not only with electromagnetic fields, it has completely confirmed the presence of spinor fields (torsion fields), and has proven high efficiency in working with these fields... In the treatment mode, KSK-BARS generates an electromagnetic field at its output electrode with a specific torsion component. This field has an effect on the etheric field of a person, that is, on the fields of cellular structures. The process of interaction between the field at the output electrode of the device and a person’s own electromagnetic and torsion field, this is the real mechanism of influence, as a result of which processes of changes in cell metabolism and many others begin".

Simply put, the device works as follows... All frequencies of human diseases are recorded in the memory. The device reads the patient’s emissions and compares them with those recorded in its memory, and if they match, the corresponding disease is detected. Treatment with the device consists of returning a frequency corresponding to the disease to the source of the disease, compensating for information about the disease in the torison field of the body, which leads to a cure. The principle of operation is similar to the FRI mode of the Radamir device, the only difference is that Radamir takes frequencies directly from the site of the disease, and in KSK-BARS these frequencies are recorded in the computer. KSK-BARS, like Radamir, can treat using a photograph of a patient - the emitter of the complex lies on the photo of the object. A very interesting and effective device. But for us this is not even the most important thing.

Returning to the topic of psychotronic weapons, let us note an important point. Agree that such a serious development requires the work of an entire medical research institute, and most likely many, given the various areas of medicine that are covered in the device. Who is the developer of this miracle device? Barzinsky Valentin Pavlovich, retired colonel, former foreign intelligence officer of the KGB and SBU, aviation engineer. Co-author is physicist Mikhail Soroka. And not a single doctor! The thing is that the theoretical basis laid down in the devices KSK-BARS, Radamir and similar others was developed in the military and civilian institutes of the Soviet Union and tested at the same time in many research institutes. But these projects were closed, for military purposes, on the basis of them torsion psychotronic weapons were developed, and only fragments of this knowledge now penetrate into our everyday life in the form of household and medical devices. There is nothing you can do about it - capitalism, the thirst for profit takes its toll, and the information baggage accumulated in Soviet closed research institutes is being used today by anyone as best they can for their own enrichment.

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By the way, Oberon torsion medical diagnostic devices were developed and manufactured in Omsk. In Omsk, at one of the numbered factories, since the mid-1970s, psychotronic equipment for weapons systems has been produced, along with control systems for intercontinental missiles and spacecraft. After the start of “Gorbachev’s perestroika”, at this enterprise, in order to solve national economic problems, together with one private company, they began production of the biophysical amplifier-metatron “Miranda”, designed using the latest fundamental achievements in the field of psychotronics at that time (Metatron is the name of the angel from Jewish Kabbalah).

The prospects for using torsion fields in the national economy are so tempting that many manufacturers are taking up the production of devices that work with TC.

The flow activator "Alfamagnitron" refers to activators of material media of various physical nature - air, liquid, melts and granular media. Activation of the medium is carried out due to its field processing by a rotating directed right flow of spin and magnetic fields.

The "Alphatron" field concentrator belongs to the field of medicine and ecology; it can be used to reduce the toxicity of alcoholic beverages and products, give them medicinal properties, as well as protection from pathogenic radiation. The Alphatron field concentrator uses the effect of the shape of the cavity structure "dodecahedron - pyramid", deep vacuum, modulators.

The mobile torsion field generator "Biomag" is a mobile generator of physical fields that are adapted according to the parameters of wave radiation. The device is designed to generate a wave flow of magnetic and spin fields, modulated by radiation, special activators (know-how) and focused on the treatment object (liquid, solution). For home, for family.

The field generator "Ecotron" belongs to the field of medicine, ecology and industry. Designed for disintegration of toxic waste of various physical natures, detoxification of drinking water in industrial volumes, impact on molten metals in blast furnaces.

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It must be said that when you hear the phrase “torsion generator,” you may think of some technically complex electronic gadgets capable of generating and emitting a torsion field. However, in reality, reality is somewhat more diverse than our ideas about it. The point is that not only technical devices can generate a torsion field. A torsion field can be formed using completely different techniques. Certain shapes of objects and their relative positions also create torsion fields. In this regard, the following are widely known: pyramids, stones, the effect of Grebennikov’s cavity structures, harmonization of space using Feng Shui techniques, and recently the pictographic eniomodulators of the Infotech laboratory are gaining wide popularity.

One eniomodulator can contain tens of thousands of similar patterns,
and the general information field generated by them turns out to be significant
to influence the physical world

Another interesting device is the SK 1M system corrector. Simplifying the description of the operation of the device to the point of understanding, we can say that SK 1M helps a person solve the tasks he needs in several ways, adjusting the information field of space. The device allows you to influence both the operator and the surrounding space and other people.

When working with such devices, you must take security very seriously. From the comment of the happy owner of such a proofreader: " The goal set by SK1M was realized. True, this happened due to the fact that I broke my elbow very seriously (displacement, fragments, surgery, hospital). But it helped the goal. To everyone: DO NOT FORGET to add something like “in a safe way...”, otherwise my goal was neither safety nor favorability."

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The documentary film "Call of the Abyss", with the participation of a researcher at the Central Research Psychophysiological Laboratory of the KGB of the USSR, psychologist Maina Petrovna Polyachenko, tells that a person, with the help of an emitter, can be assigned up to 18 separate personalities. Recorded information about the individual is stored on ... special liquid in ampoules. To transfer information from the ampoule to the human brain, a special antenna is required.

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It would seem that the mysterious torsion weapon would have to be somehow impressive, complex and incomprehensible. But, in fact, from all this, only one “incomprehensible” remains, since those who studied radio electronics cannot understand the circuits of torsion generators and the principles of their operation. There are, of course, complex circuits of torsion generators, but there are also simple ones.

Diagram of the simplest radionics machine

Thanks to the American engineer and inventor from Kansas City, Thomas Gallen Hieronymus, who lived at the beginning of the 20th century, today there is a real boom in technical torsion magic in the world, called psionics and radionics in the West. Beginning with Hieronymus's experiments in influencing photography, today specialists are making “sophisticated” radionics machines “for the home, for the family,” costing thousands of dollars. With the help of such a machine you can influence an object based on its photograph. The desire formula written on paper is placed on the desire plate, and a photo of the object is placed on the goal disk. Desires can be absolutely anything - you can treat a person from any disease, you can bewitch him, you can ruin or kill him... You can influence the garden and destroy pests and weeds, you can increase yields, influence the weather, etc. Such devices can be purchased online or made yourself using published designs.

Thomas Galen Hieronymus

Hieronymus radionics machine

What do you think, dear readers?

Launched on May 23, 2008 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, the Rokot launch vehicle launched 4 Russian satellites into space: 3 military satellites and the Yubileiny spacecraft - in honor of the 50th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. Every 4 minutes, Yubileiny transmits signals in the international amateur radio range of 435 MHz, simulating the “beep-beep” call signs of the 1957 satellite, as well as audio, photo and video information about the history of space exploration. These signals must be available anywhere on Earth.

But, first of all, the Yubileiny device is notable for the fact that it has an unprecedented engine for orbit correction, which its creators dubbed “eternal.” This is the first space engine that works not on the reactive principle, but due to the movement of a liquid working fluid inside it along a certain trajectory, reminiscent of a tornado. The engine is powered by the satellite's solar panels. The unit, previously tested on Earth, is designed for 300 thousand starts and 15 years of operation. If real tests are successful, it can be used to correct the orbits of small satellites and move astronauts in spacesuits during spacewalks.

Materials used: “BBC News”.

2. The mover of miracles...

A spaceship equipped with solar batteries and such propulsion is capable of accelerating indefinitely, up to the speed of light.

But confirmation of these forces experimentally in space is only a small part of the discoveries in this area; according to Shipov’s theory, in addition to new types of propulsion, the theory predicts breakthroughs in the field of communications (such supertransmitting radiation, like neutrinos and propagating faster than the speed of light, like gravitational forces) and the receipt of energies orders of magnitude higher than nuclear ones.

Magazine "Light" by V. Landa and N. Glazkov.

The engine of the universe? ...Eat!

Name of academician Anatoly Evgenievich AKIMOV,

head of the International Institute

theoretical and applied physics,

has recently become very popular in scientific circles, and not only in scientific ones. Rumors and conjectures surround his name, some call him a genius, others nod mysteriously: they say, he is allegedly connected with the military complex and psychotronic weapons. But his authority lies in The field of torsion technology is indisputable. A. Akimov has been studying torsion fields for more than twenty years. In the twentieth century, the torsion field was called the “fifth force” after gravity, electromagnetism of strong and weak interactions.

Torsion fields are present wherever there is rotation, from the electron to the Galaxy. The nature of the biofield of any objects, living and inanimate, has a torsion nature. Torsion fields, like electromagnetic fields (light), have different frequencies, which are perceived by people as different colors of the rainbow. The torsion field acts differently than the electromagnetic field; like torsion charges attract, and unlike ones repel. Any geometric figure violates the strict order of the physical vacuum, and a torsion field is formed near it.

In the mid-80s, A. Akimov turned to the Main Directorate of Space Facilities, well-funded by the Ministry of Defense, and with its help, torsion equipment was created. In 1986, binary information (sound and image) was transmitted for the first time in the torsion method at the Vent ISTC, which was headed by A. Akimov. The flight speed of a torsion signal is billions of times higher than the speed of light; it can instantly reach the Moon (the radio signal travels there for 10 minutes). "A torsion generator does not require fuel. So, torsion technology can change our world for the better?" Our conversation with Anatoly Akimov began with this question.

A.A.: Today, about two dozen installations are known in the world that have an efficiency of 300 to 500 percent. The situation regarding these ideas and attitudes is connected with two disputes in physics. Most physicists say: we will take energy from the physical vacuum. Other physicists say: this cannot be, because the physical vacuum is a system with minimal energy and nothing can be taken from there. Deniers do not believe that there can be 300% efficiency in such installations. These people simply do not fully know modern physics or have simply forgotten what they were taught in universities. After all, the efficiency cannot be more than 100% only in a closed system, but if the system is open and interacts with the environment, then the efficiency can be arbitrarily large.

The fact is that the physical vacuum is not a frozen system, no! It behaves like a kind of boiling liquid, and intense fluctuations occur above its surface. When they calculated it (this was done by academicians Ya. Zeldovich and Ya. Zimmer), it turned out that the energy of these fluctuations is equal to infinity. I am saying now what is written in the Moscow University textbook.

A diverse level of specialists is represented at the conference in the State Duma; the meeting has been going on for more than one year, and different compositions of the Duma are discussing how to create alternative energy. But who can provide funds now? Without this, everything hangs in the air.

CORR.: You said that installations based on the torsion principle already exist and they work. Why not introduce them into widespread production?

A.A.: They were tested for several years in a simplified version of three kilowatts, for heating cottages in winter in the Moscow region. These are small installations. But there are also 50 kilowatts or more for heating residential buildings and industrial premises. Now they are made individually at one of the factories in Yaroslavl. Serial production requires 500 million rubles. Torsion bar generators are 1095 times more efficient than combustion fuel systems.

CORR.: The other day, at a friend's house in the Moscow region, we accidentally saw an EVP-3 installation. This small pipe (50 centimeters long) heats a large private house. Works on the principle of water ionization. It was created by the military for submarines, as they explained to us. It can be ordered by calling 253-87-72 and purchased at a price of one and a half thousand rubles. It consumes a light bulb current of 25 amperes, and produces an output energy that is many times greater. Is this your generator?

A.A.: This is a different installation from a physical point of view. It also doesn't have a heater. In our installation, the water itself heats up due to torsion processes, where thermal neutrons are recorded. This suggests that, perhaps, when rotational processes are realized, cold nuclear fusion reactions occur. When switched off, a slow neutron flux is observed in the installation, and when we turn it on, the neutron flux increases several times. Cold fusion is underway!

CORR.: So, the opinion of the deputy chief power engineer of the Taganrog aviation plant Vladimir Mashkov on the problem of the vortex that powers the Urusvati power plant does not coincide with yours? After all, torsion processes are also taking place in Urusvati - a rotating vortex, which, consuming little energy, gives an output 4-5 times more.

A.A.: I agree that Urusvati works on the principle of torsion fields. The spiral vortex, during its rotational motion, begins to interact with quantum vortices in the physical vacuum and, due to this, takes energy from there. But V. Mashkov writes: “When a tornado occurs, some protons and, possibly, neutrons, under the influence of the electric fields of neighboring jets of atoms A, N, H, are decomposed into gamma quanta, that is, photons. This energy of photons is the additional energy that makes a tornado powerful in power. It increases the kinetic energy of the entire mass of air rotating in the tornado."

But there is no experimental data that would confirm that atomic structures would be able to turn particles into photons. There is simply no physical reason for this to be possible. It is possible to convert particles into photons, but for this they need to interact with antiparticles. Here, when rotational processes occur, cold nuclear fusion reactions occur.

CORR.: Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences from Novosibirsk V. Nakoryakov and A. Rebrov gave a negative assessment of the Urusvati power plant of Andrei Fedoryako, believing that its principle contradicts the second law of thermodynamics. They deny the fact of electromagnetic radiation along the outer surface of the vortex flow. Academician R. Avramenko believes that with an abnormal energy balance of permanent magnet motors and a rotating magnetic field, cooling of the devices occurs. This means that, according to the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy of the system decreases, that is, energy comes from the environment. This means that these phenomena do not contradict the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

A.A.: I think that academicians from Novosibirsk are trying too straightforwardly to apply the second law of thermodynamics, without taking into account the specifics that arise with spin effects.

CORR.: Do your generators operate on the principle of a rotating magnetic field?

A.A.: It doesn’t matter what rotates - a flywheel, a magnetic field or an electric one. You need to know which structure should rotate and in what modes.

CORR.: Let us remind the reader that in 1950, the English amateur electrician Searle created a generator based on rotating magnetized disks. They sparkled and ionized the air. And once, during acceleration, the generator rose to a height of 15 meters. Then the speed of rotation of the disks reached a fantastic value, a plasma halo appeared around them, and the generator disappeared into the clouds. Searle noticed that, starting from a certain critical rotation speed, the generator lost weight and flew away, like a UFO. Searle lost several of his generators during his experiments, and in 1983 he conducted a controlled flight of a generator from London to Cornwall and back, which was 600 km.

Do you think Searle’s experiments replicate the technology of flying saucers based on the torsion principle?

A.A.: The Searle design is a multi-layer roller bearing, in which the rollers and rings are made of special magnets.

The diameter of the installation is about five meters. Initially, before rotation, the rollers were attracted to the inside of the ring, and when the flywheel spun, they moved to the outside. And a large potential difference arose between these rings. Does this design replicate the technology of flying saucers? Maybe. There are French patents showing what a flying saucer might look like if it used the rotation of mechanical parts and electromagnetic processes, or the rotation of light or laser beams. How to organize such light vortices remains a mystery. As far as I know, no one has yet conducted experiments on these patents, and the authors themselves do not provide a scientific explanation for this effect.

CORR.: Today science has already provided explanations for the incomprehensible effects of weight loss of rapidly rotating masses around their axes. The famous Moscow engineer-inventor Andrei Malnichenko noticed that after the sudden departure of the UFO, eyewitnesses observed a rapidly rotating vortex, sometimes these vortices glowed faintly. They are not like normal turbulence. With ordinary turbulence, several small vortices arise, twisting in different directions. The speed of rotation of the tornado after the UFO is much higher than normal turbulent eddies. So, does the UFO create these vortices to produce powerful thrust? And A. Melnichenko created drawings of his discus on a rotating magnetic field. How would you rate it?

A.A.: We will evaluate when the results of the experiments are available.

CORR.: For decades now, humanity has been concerned about the situation with Albert Einstein’s Philadelphia experiment, which resulted in teleportation - the disappearance of the ship D-173 of the destroyer Eldridge. The United States then managed, in the strictest secrecy, to create a powerful electromagnetic field using three torsion generators. The result was true invisibility of the ship and its entire crew. The field was shaped like a rotating ellipsoid and extended for one hundred meters on both sides of the ship. Tell me, have you thought about this experiment that horrified Einstein himself? He did not expect such a result and is said to have destroyed the manuscripts of his theory before his death.

A.A.: I have good reasons that this did not happen at all. If a person has ever worked in the field of military production, then he knows what kind of order exists there. They are common in all countries, including the USA. The Ministry of Defense must have drawings.

CORR.: But witnesses to the death of A. Einstein, his biographers claim that before his death he said the phrase: “Humanity is not yet morally ready for such discoveries” - and destroyed the manuscripts.

A.A.: How could he destroy the drawings of military equipment when everything is in the Pentagon safes! At best, he could have duplicates. Secondly, Einstein himself did not develop any technical devices. He could only have an idea, and the development was carried out by other people, companies fulfilling the order of the Ministry of Defense with all the rules of secrecy of work.

The concept of secrecy is also relative. As long as a scientist carries an idea in his head, it is secret. But as soon as he made a report at the seminar, no matter how closed the laboratory was, post-war practice shows that information still leaks. What's more, with 20-centimeter-resolution satellite Earth observation, you can't do the Eldridge experiment without anyone knowing about it.

Perhaps the result with "Eldridge" was somewhat unexpected for Einstein, because after he moved to the USA, after his first successful experiments, funding was almost unlimited. He had the ability to create very expensive installations. It is possible that those companies that financed this were afraid of the positive effect that could undermine their industry in purely economic terms.

CORR.: Many people are now concerned about the problem of psychotronic generators. Since 1991, the press has published many articles about this. In the 80s, the talented scientist Anatoly Aleksandrovich Beridze-Stakhovsky used such generators only for the treatment of serious diseases. And, as his employees testify, 50 generators remained in the hands of patients in Kyiv alone. And Beridze-Stakhovsky died in 1982, he was 52 years old. His closest employees are convinced that he died from his own generator while testing it on himself. His employee, Candidate of Biological Sciences Tamila Petrovna Reshetnikova, found that this generator sharply stimulated plant growth, but the operator himself began to experience heart spasms after 20 minutes. And another employee, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences O.A. Goroshko, experienced a severe impact on the heart of this generator. Do these generators operate on the torsion principle?

A.A.: Let’s start with the fact that (and for ten years I have not been able to see a single psychotronic generator or station live), there is a lot of talk about this, but there is nothing concrete. I am deeply convinced that there is no hardware. This does not mean that they cannot exist. What people say that they are experiencing an impact is, most likely, a sensory impact, as a rule, of a group of people. This was practically proven by Maharishi's transcendental meditation.

Another thing is that a person can be placed in a strong magnetic field and he will become ill. Or into a strong electric field - and he will also feel bad. If you use torsion generators without knowing the medical and biological effects of these radiations, then not because they are psychotronic, but because they act not only on living things, a person may become ill. It may turn out that some modes of torsion generators will be harmful to humans. But feeling bad doesn’t mean controlling people’s behavior. These are two big differences. It’s one thing to impose a style of behavior on a person, to zombify him, and another thing is when his health simply worsens, his heart or head hurts.

CORR.: But the fate of the famous inventor, candidate of technical sciences Vasily Vasilyevich Lensky, president of the International Association of Scientists and Intelligentsia "Creation", hardly left anyone indifferent. Lensky discovered the principle of multipolarity, which made it possible to create multipolar energy devices and psychotronic generators. His multipolar generator accelerated the life activity of biological organisms by 5-6 times. However, the military departments and the KGB became interested in his inventions. He soon realized that with the help of these generators it was possible to control human physiology, program his development and behavior. Lensky wanted to carry out the work openly. But the deputy chairman of the military-industrial commission, Yu.V. Matsak, insisted only on closed work. Lensky could not agree to this. His students died in experiments with generators.

He realized that the generators do not obey the operator completely, behave unpredictably, and emit unknown types of energies. And V. Lensky secretly entered his own laboratory at night, destroyed all the drawings, smashed the equipment so that nothing could be restored. These pictures of the destroyed laboratory were shown on TV. The scientist said that his association is fighting against mental zombies and that we must learn to protect ourselves from such devices, that the field of a group of people as a whole is stronger than the apparatus. It is important to understand the purpose of protection and not be afraid of anything. How do you evaluate all this?

A.A.: According to my observations over 35 years of communication with these people who believe that they are being psychotronically influenced, most of them (about 90%) are people who need medical help. You need to feel compassion for them, but it is clear that this is a kind of suggestion, which is observed in other forms in other people.

The second category are those who cling to these people, seek protection under the auspices of protective movements in order to extract some kind of self-interest from this - to get living space, claiming that they are being irradiated in this apartment, or to go abroad. And as soon as he left the country, it turned out that no one was zombifying him. There are few of them, but they exist.

And the third category (I counted no more than ten of them in Moscow) - mentally absolutely normal. Moreover, some of them, not understanding what was happening, themselves turned to psychiatrists. They were examined and it turned out that they were absolutely normal. But extraordinary things really happened to them... Here is the foil with which one person covered his head. You see lots of tiny holes, and these holes go all over the foil. What is this? Once a woman came to me, lifted her dress to her knees - and her whole leg was covered in such pinpoint burns, as if they had been irradiated with a laser.

Once a Muscovite came and complained that he was being affected by microwaves - psychotronic weapons. But it turned out that even when he is in another house, he still experiences the impact. Although this radiation is greatly absorbed by reinforced concrete walls. I am sure that this is not the influence of psychotronic or other generators. There are very well developed techniques for collective influence on individuals. When the impact is exerted by a whole team of “senses,” the power of their thoughts increases. I have publications brought from the USA. There, Maharishi University conducted experiments in 1985 - from the United States they acted on Lebanon seven thousand kilometers away and controlled the population of the entire country.

But different people have different sensitivity to this type of influence. I cannot say that the entire population of Moscow is exposed to this. There is some limited circle of people. Perhaps some of the impact comes from abroad.

And my second assumption is that those people who were involved in radio-electronic impact equipment ended up in the hands of some commercial structures that are eager to have generators from the point of view of their purely economic benefits or because of the desire to break through to power. It seems to me that this situation is completely out of control. I am not sure that our law enforcement agencies have any information regarding who these people are, where and under whose influence they work.

CORR.: In a TV program about V. Lensky it was said that in our country about 140 scientists are working with generators, and the government does not know what to do. So, the Zombie program, which was talked about so much, still exists? Why were huge iron structures placed in a semicircle, similar to the frame of a stadium, raised at one edge? What is this? In September 1991, Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote about the Zombie program under the heading “Chronicle of our investigations”: “The editors have strong evidence at their disposal that developments in the field of creating equipment to control the human psyche and behavior are underway and only in the last few Over the years, about half a billion rubles have been spent on them.” How would you rate it?

A.A.: Firstly, it cannot be said that the government does not know what to do. It just doesn't do it. The inventors are ownerless and useless to anyone. Moreover, there are not 40 such groups, including Ukraine, but more than 150.

As for Komsomolskaya Pravda, this is generally nonsense. In this series of articles, the newspaper wrote that ISTC VENT, of which I am the general director, received 500 million rubles from the state and is manufacturing psychotronic generators. The money has been spent, but for what? Four publications have passed. Eventually the reporter calls me. I tell him: “Please come to me, let’s talk, I don’t mind.” He came. I look: a young man, he is 23 - 24 years old. He sits down in front of me. I tell him: “Darling, before typing, what stopped you from picking up the phone, calling and finding out whether this is true or not?” He replies, “They brought me the documents.” I told him: “They brought you documents on which there is not a single signature. You can imagine that if psychotronic weapons really existed, then this would be a more terrible thing than atomic weapons.

Can you imagine top-secret weapons being made in an open organization, in an open room like ours? After all, even now we are talking to you in the former kitchen of a rented apartment! Finally, those were not the times; there was no “black cash” back then. You write: “Where did the 500 million go?” I would also like to know where they went, if they really were." Officially, Komsomolskaya Pravda received answers from the Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Defense, the KGB and the Military-Industrial Complex that this money was not allocated or provided and that this was not the case in bank accounts. It was easy to check, but the launched “canard” turned out to be more important than the truth.

CORR.: Anatoly Evgenievich, we have no doubt that your center was not involved in this, but closed military departments are quite possibly involved in this “Zombie” program, as well as various generators that destroy health and psyche. The most compelling facts are numerous speeches in the Ukrainian press by Professor Viktor Sedletsky. In 1991, he held the positions of director and chief designer of the Forma center and the international consortium Ecoprom, vice-president of the League of Independent Scientists of the USSR. V. Sedletsky stated that research on the “Zombie” program is being conducted in Kyiv at the Institute of Materials Science, one of whose laboratories is located in a residential area of ​​the city, and generators are produced at the Octava plant. V. Sedletsky admitted that he is the author of the prototype of such a generator and work on it was completed in August 1990.

But in other work that actually took place, the IPM made a truly historic contribution. Using the torsion generators provided by us, previously tested for the absence of their harmful effects on humans, the world's first torsion technology was developed and patented - a technology for the production of metals with new physical properties. There is a photograph of porous copper obtained in 1990 without blowing the melt, using a torsion generator, the effect of which on the copper melt was used to obtain the specified sample. The resulting copper has a corrosion resistance almost 200 times greater than the control sample.

And what does the Zombie program have to do with it? And the Oktava plant has nothing to do with it. I want to say that, being unable to obtain true information most often because it does not exist, and not because journalists are hiding it, independent informants use rumors, and even more often, speculation. To create credibility, they often refer to various authorities with academic degrees and titles.

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