Russian language what is the initial form. Initial form

In the Russian language, the initial form of a word is of great importance. Many of its grammatical forms depend on this. The noun is no exception.

What is the initial form of the noun?

To find out the initial form of a noun, you need to put it in the singular. Let's look at the rule using words from a sentence as an example:

In the series of symbols, Blok does not avoid purely allegorical images, long-frozen symbols, already linguistic metaphors.

This determines the initial form of the noun. It will help us in spelling case endings.

Endings -e and -i in 1st declension

The spelling named in the subtitle is associated with the need to determine the initial form. The fact is that it depends on this in which cases the ending -e is written on nouns, and when the ending -i is written.

The initial form of first declension nouns ends in -а, -я. Remember to ask the question: “What?” Here are some examples:

  • wife;
  • Earth;
  • foliage;
  • apple;
  • purity;
  • white;
  • running around.

The endings -e and -i are written in these words. The choice is determined according to the following scheme:

R. p. (who? what?) - I.

D. p. (to what? to whom?) - E.

Ave. p. (about whom? about what?) - E.

Here are some examples:

Practical task No. 1

What letters would you use instead of dots?

Answers: 1) -e, 2) -e, 3) -e, 4) -e, 5) -e, 6) -e, 7) -i.

Endings -e in nouns of the 2nd declension

The initial second declension in the neuter gender ends in -o/-e, and in the masculine gender it ends in a consonant. For example:

  • window;
  • village;
  • field;
  • Sun;
  • case;
  • table;
  • pillar;
  • comrade;
  • pencil.

If you have this initial form of a noun in front of you, then the word never has an ending -i:

  • R. p. (who? what?) - A.
  • D. p. (to what? to whom?) - U.
  • Ave. p. (about whom? about what?) - E.

As you can see, this spelling applies only to the prepositional case form:

  • I told everyone about my friend, who had not left the house for a whole year.
  • And there are spots in the sun.

Practical task No. 2

What endings are written in words with gaps?

  • The agreement... set out in detail the procedure for using public places.
  • In the unfamiliar officer... the old woman recognized her son.
  • Suddenly they remembered the paramedic who lived nearby and sent for him.
  • Selivanov told the boss about this engineer... and his project..., and he agreed to meet with him.
  • Everyone worked and didn’t even think about the director... and he still didn’t come.
  • On vacation... everyone had a good rest, now it’s time to get to work with renewed vigor.
  • On the pass... there was someone else's photo.

Answer: all words end in -e.

Case endings of nouns of the 3rd declension

If the noun is feminine in the initial form, that is, in the I. p. singular. h. ends with this means that it is of the third declension. Examples of such words:

  • notebook;
  • bed;
  • mother;
  • daughter;
  • bake;
  • lie;
  • whim;
  • square.

If the initial form of the noun is exactly this, then these words never have the ending -e:

  • R. p. (who? what?) - I.
  • D. p. (to what? to whom?) - I.
  • Ave. p. (about whom? about what?) - I.

Here are some examples:

  • The geranium flowers were bright red on the windows.
  • In the distance towered the towers of an impregnable citadel.
  • Everyone on the ship was already dreaming of the earth's firmament.
  • She mixed regular thread into the wool for strength.

Practical task No. 3

Let’s take a task that every third grader should be able to cope with, since the 3rd grade is introduced to the topic “Initial form of a noun” as part of the school curriculum.

Indicate sentences that contain words ending in -i:

  1. In class we read Chukovsky's poem about cockroaches...
  2. Yesterday our whole family went to visit our grandparents...
  3. I read in books... about space...
  4. My uncle... has a model of the ship.
  5. Under the tree grew a large mushroom under a layer of pine needles...
  6. The bright image of the teacher remained in the memory of his students for a long time.
  7. In June, seed pods form on the poplar, which then burst, and the seeds, along with the fluff, scatter throughout the area... .
  8. In 1914, when the war began, Nastasya Vasilievna bequeathed to her daughter... all her untold wealth and went to the front as a nurse.
  9. The girl in a light dress... made of chintz fit surprisingly harmoniously into this picture of light, warmth and greenery.
  10. The huge puddle reflected the starry sky and the curly crowns of trees, their tops turned down.

Words starting with -iy, -iya, -ie

There are also words whose initial form ends in -iy, -iya, -ie:

  • sanatorium;
  • moratorium;
  • dispensary;
  • lecture;
  • army;
  • section;
  • work;
  • mixing;
  • ugliness.

Such words in the genitive, dative, and prepositional cases have the ending -i. For example:

  • Polaris is the brightest star in its constellation.
  • The father of the family once studied at the seminary a long time ago.
  • Maria Ivanovna had two sons and four daughters.
  • Vitalia was wearing an old coarse knitted sweater.
  • Mother often thought about Artemy and waited for him.
  • The mother's heart was only in harmony with the world when all her children gathered in the house.
  • My brother serves in the army.

As can be seen from the examples, in such cases we see a combination of letters -ii at the end of words. Only the last one is the end.


Write down the text from dictation, put the nouns in the initial form.

How beautiful the autumn forest is! The trees are dressed up like in a fairy tale... Only the spruce in its needles... frowns and throws cones from its top... . The leaves of birch trees are yellow, transparent, and jagged. Aspen trees have orange laces, very beautiful. The most beautiful outfit for maple...: red, patterned, unusual. Because of it, you won’t immediately see clusters of mountain ash... .

In the clearings... on the paths... there are hare gatherings. The hares also have new clothes: white streaks of gray have appeared on their gray fur coat. And the protein... there’s no time for updates, it’s all in work... How many more cones on the branch! And mushrooms on the ground...! And the berries on the bush...! No, she will rest in the winter in the warmth... yes, well-fed... .

The whole forest stands in a special fascination in autumn... .

So, you have learned which form is the initial form of nouns, and have learned to use this knowledge when choosing the spelling “E and I in the endings of nouns.” You see how easy and simple it is. But the ability to determine the original grammatical form is important not only when studying the topic “Noun”: for example, it is also important for studying grammar, but this is a topic for another conversation.

Russian language Topic: Initial form of a word Objectives: to teach students to determine the initial form of words - names of features, change words - names of features by gender; teach how to compare different forms of the same word. Lesson progress 1. Organizational moment We will sit at our desks together, And there is no need to make noise at all! Sit up straight, legs together! The class fell silent. We sighed together, After all, we need to start the lesson! 2. Calligraphy. Updating knowledge. Communicating the theme and objectives of the lesson rr ry ra ro ru fish fish fish fish - What did we write down? Different words or forms of the same word? + Forms. - Prove it. What changes in all the words? + Ending - Name the initial form of these words. + Fish. - How is the initial form of words - names of objects? + Start f. answers the question who? What? And it costs units. - So what are we going to talk about in class today? + About the initial form. - About the initial form of which words you should now say for yourself. 3. Work on the topic of the lesson. a) textbook: No. 48 (part 1, p. 73) - Read “Tease”. Re-read the first part of “The Teaser.” Prove that one of those who tease is definitely a boy. + By the endings of the words dishonest, grimy, we can say that these are masculine words, which means they are addressed to a boy. - Why can’t we determine whether the second child is a boy or a girl? + Based on the endings of the words liar, piggy, it is not clear what kind of words these words are: they can be addressed to both a boy and a girl.
- Re-read the second part of “The Teaser.” Can you say that the second child is also a boy? Which part of the word helped you guess? + The endings again helped us determine this - the zero endings of words: the broom itself, the dumpling itself. If we were talking about a girl, the endings of the first words would be different: you yourself are a broom, you yourself are a dumpling. - Let's go back to the first part, to the words dishonest, grimy. Who guessed the initial form of which words we will talk about today? + About the initial form of words - names of attributes of objects. Physical exercise: I’ll stand up on my tiptoes and do a good stretch. Once - tilt, twice - tilt, I’ll curl up like the letter O, And I’ll jump a little, And I’ll twist my arms, I’ll stand on my right leg, And I’ll turn my head. I’ll sit quietly, smile and get to work. b) textbook: No. 49 (from 74 -75) - Copy the poem and orally check difficult spellings. Remember in what form the words appear in the dictionary? + Always in basic form. - How to find the words of snake in the Explanatory Dictionary? + It needs to be put into its initial form - really. (hereinafter - according to the assignment) - Get acquainted with the contents of the Bat poster. So, now we know that, unlike words - names of objects, words - names of characteristics can change by gender. And what does it mean, in contrast to words, the names of objects? + They do not change by birth. They can be M.R., F.R., Sr.R. And the signs of objects are not of a certain kind - they change by gender depending on the words - the names of the objects with which they stand. - Find the words bast, ice in the Explanatory Dictionary. What form of words did you find there? What is the initial form for words - names of features? + Masculine form, singular. - What is -aya, -oe? (the endings of the forms zh.r. and sr.r. are indicated in the dictionary) 4. Consolidation of the material. Notebook for yourself. Works No. 1: No. 28, p. 24 – himself. Work 5. Summing up the lesson. - What is the initial form of words - names of objects? - What is the initial form of words - signs of objects?
- How can words—names of attributes of objects—change? -Who would you rate in class today? To be given credit for work in class? Homework: TVET No. 1: No. 25, pp. 20 – 21.

A root with or without prefix(s) and suffix(s) forms the stem words.

The ending is a formative morpheme; it changes form, but not the point words. Depending on the part of speech, the ending indicates number, gender, person. Exactly the ending words inflected parts of speech differ from their form. Variable parts of speech in Russian are: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb.

To determine the initial form words, first determine which part of speech this word belongs to. To do this, you need to find out its meaning. Ask the question: “What does this word mean?” If the object is a noun, the attribute of the object is an adjective, the quantity or order of counting objects is a numeral, if the word does not denote the above characteristics, but only indicates them, then. Finally, if the word denotes an action, then .

The initial form of each of the listed parts of speech has its own question. Ask a question, and the answer will be just . For example: “For the third time he threw the net into the blue sea.”

Threw (where? into what?) into the sea, denotes an object - a noun. N. f. – im.p., units h. Control questions: “who?”, “what?”. What? – sea.

In the sea (what?) is blue, the sign is an adjective. N.f. : m.r., units h, im. n. The defining question for n.f.: which one? Which? - blue.

In (what time?) the third, denotes the order in counting - an ordinal number. N.f. : m.r., units h, im. n. Which one? - third.

He threw it in - a pronoun used instead of a noun, old man. Worth in n.f. Who? - He.

Students are faced with the need to find the root in when performing morphemic analysis or as a result of checking its spelling when selecting words with the same root. Not all schoolchildren are fluent in identifying roots. How to learn to highlight the main part words?


First of all, you should know that root- this is the only required part words. Without a prefix, and even words may exist. Without a root - no. Please note that when you perform words, root should be designated last, after prefixes, suffixes, etc.

Remember that root- This is the common part of all related words. Therefore, the first thing you need to start with is finding the root words- this is compiling a chain of words with the same root. When you select a sufficient number of related words, highlight their common part, i.e. root.But keep in mind that situations where the main part in these words x will have a slightly different appearance. This can be seen in the example of the words “carry” and “wear”. Please note that in one case there will be root"carried", and in the other - "nose". This can happen if alternation occurs when changing the grammatical form or when selecting related words. In this case, "e" alternates with "o".

Even from elementary school, schoolchildren know that the root contains the common meaning of all words with the same root. But you must also remember that there is words with the same root, but at the same time not related. If you try to isolate the main significant part in words x "water" and "driver", you will see that it is the same - "water". But these words cannot be considered related. Remember that when designating a root, you must also pay attention to the meaning contained in it.

Know what you may encounter words not with one, but with several roots at once. For example, in “pedestrian” there are two roots at once - “pedest” and “hod”, which are connected by the connecting vowel “e”. And in the word “earthquake,” which is formed by adding the words “ “ and “shaking,” there are roots “earth” and “shaking.” Change the form words, select related ones, and you can easily determine root in any situation.


  • root word how much

In English-speaking countries, when addressing a woman, it is customary to add “Miss” or “Mrs.” to her name. But it is important to know in what cases this or that word is used, so as not to get into an awkward situation.

In, as in many other European languages, there are special forms of address adopted in relation to. Moreover, until recently there was a very clear distinction as to how one should address a young or even not too young, but also a married lady.

Address "Miss"

The address “Miss” is usually used in relation to girls who have not yet been married. Linguistic researchers believe that this appeared in the 17th century. Interestingly, it is customary to address female school teachers as “Miss,” regardless of their marital status. This tradition has been preserved from the times when only unmarried girls had the right to get a job.

Addressing "Mrs"

Not so long ago, it was customary to address a married woman as “Mister,” adding the first and last name of her husband, for example, “Mrs. Thomas Claim.” Then the word "Mrs" was replaced by the title "Mrs", but a married lady was also called by her husband's name "Mrs. Thomas Claim", and only much later women, being married, received the "right" to retain their name under the official name: "Mrs. Helen" Brand."

Having been widowed, a woman continues to be called by her husband and it is customary to use the word “Mrs.” when addressing her. If a lady is divorced, then in her own way she can introduce herself as “Mrs. Claim” (after her husband) or be called “Miss” and give her maiden name.

New form of address "miz"

But society changes, and language changes along with it. Recently, in English-speaking countries, the address “Miz” has become increasingly popular. This form of address is neutral, corresponds to the Russian “mistress” and is used in relation to both married and unmarried women. The initiators of the introduction of such treatment were feminists of the 50s. They believed that this would allow a woman to be equal to a man in her social status. Since the 70s of the last century, the address has been accepted in society as official. It has already become firmly established in business circles. And in everyday life, a woman is increasingly addressed as “Miz” until she herself wants to emphasize her matrimonial status by asking her to be addressed as “Miss” or “Mrs.”

By the way, the well-known address to unmarried girls “mademoiselle” has already been officially withdrawn from use in the French language. Nowadays it is customary to call a French woman of any age and marital status only “Madame”. Who knows, perhaps soon the English titles “Miss” and “Mrs” will be considered obsolete and fall out of general use?

Video on the topic

§ 1 Initial form of words-objects

Both schoolchildren and adults sometimes need to find out how to spell or what a particular word means. For these purposes, scientists have compiled dictionaries. They are different: spelling, explanatory, etymological. Dictionaries contain a huge number of words, which are arranged alphabetically. But that's not all.

Words in dictionaries are always in the initial form. For example, in the text of the exercise we came across the word ABC. We decided to find out the meaning of this word. We opened the Explanatory Dictionary, but couldn’t find the ABC words. But there is another form of this word - ABC, which differs from the desired word in the ending. Let's try to find the word BAGGAGE. There is no such word in the dictionary, but there is another form of this word - BAGGAGE, which also has a different ending. ABC and BAGGAGE are the initial forms of the words ABC and BAGGAGE.

Words are names of objects in the singular that answer the questions: who? What? - these are words in the initial form.

Let's open the Explanatory Dictionary again and see how the word ABC is written:

ABC, -i.

What is this letter and is it after the word? The dictionary shows the first change of the word ABC: there is (what?) alphabet - there is no (what?) alphabet: -i.

Alphabet, alphabet - two different forms. ABC - initial form. The word particles -a, -i are the endings of the words alphabet, alphabet.

So, in the initial form, the words-names of objects are in the singular and answer the questions: who? What?

§ 2 Initial form of words-names of features

Read the sentence: The fox drove the hare out of the bast house.

Let's find the word bast in the Explanatory Dictionary. There is no such word, but there is a form of this word - bast, which answers the question what? and is singular.

The initial form of words-names of characteristics is considered to be the masculine singular form. But after the word lubyana, the endings of the feminine and neuter forms are indicated: -aya, -oe.

Words-names of features, unlike words-names of objects, can vary by gender: bast house, bast hut, bast basket.

Words-names of characteristics have different endings, as they take different forms: masculine, feminine and neuter. And it is the word-name of the object that dictates what type of word-name of the feature will be.

So, the initial form of words-names of signs is considered to be the masculine singular form.

§ 3 Initial form of words-names of actions

Read the poem:

The fisherman is afraid to go fishing.

Why are you shy?

Tell me, weirdo? -

... Not suitable for the river

Coward Fedot

Since I heard it,

What fish...

Very funny poem! And what makes him funny is the word PIECE. This word has several meanings. Let's find it in the Explanatory Dictionary. Now we know that the words in the dictionary are in the initial form, and we can easily find the form PECK.

This action word answers the question what to do? Consequently, words-names of actions in the initial form answer the questions: what to do? what to do?

So, you should remember that in dictionaries words are arranged alphabetically and are in their initial form. The initial form of the word-name of an object is the singular form, questions who? What? The initial form of the word-name of a feature is the masculine singular form. Words-names of actions in the initial form answer the questions: what to do? what to do?

List of used literature:

  1. Russian language: 2nd grade: Textbook: in 3 hours / N.A. Churakova; edited by M.L. Kalenchuk. – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2012. – Part 1.
  2. Russian language: 2nd grade: Textbook: in 3 hours / M.L. Kalenchuk, O.V. Malakhovskaya, N.A. Churakova – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2012. – Part 2.
  3. Russian language: 2nd grade. Methodical manual/M.L. Kalenchuk, O.V. Malakhovskaya, N.A. Churakova – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2012.
  4. Russian language. Notebook for independent work No. 1: 2nd grade/T.A. Baykova, O.V. Malakhovskaya, E.R. Erysheva - M.: Academbook/Textbook, 2012.

Images used:

The form of a word is the most important concept in the Russian language. It is used to judge the grammatical meaning, changeability or immutability of a lexical unit. Errors in the form of a word are not uncommon: someone confuses it with a word of the same root, someone does not know how the initial form is formed, and someone does not know how to change it.

Definition of the concept

Almost any part of speech is characterized by change. Thus, a verb has forms of tense, number or person; noun, adjective, pronoun change according to cases and numbers. All these meanings are contained in the word form. The desired form of the word is realized through the ending (inflection). Here one more concept should be introduced: a paradigm is a chain of word forms.

For example, when changing the verb decide according to times ( I decide - I decided - I will decide) endings change. The same thing happens when changing it by person: I decide - you decide - decides; and numbers: I decide - we decide, you decide - you decide, you decide - they decide.

Now let’s take as an example the nominal part of speech - a noun day. Let's change it by case (let's take not all, only three): day(nominative), day(genitive), during the day(instrumental), about the day(prepositional). Now for the numbers: day(units) - days(plural).

An adjective, in addition to changing by cases and numbers, can be changed by gender: beautiful table - beautiful furniture - beautiful panel.

Knowing what the form of a word is, we can say that it is in a certain case, refers to a particular declension or conjugation, person or number. Through this concept the word is realized grammatically.

For example, in the sentence The boat set sail from the steep bank word set sail has the past tense, feminine, singular form, therefore it is a verb. At the end we can say that the word is feminine. Now let's look at the word shores. It answers the question what?, therefore it is a noun. In addition, you can determine case (genitive), number (singular), gender (masculine) and declension (second).

Initial form

Another concept in the Russian language is the initial form of a word. This is the fixed grammatical design of the lexeme. This is how it is recorded in dictionaries. It is noteworthy that these characteristics are different for parts of speech.

Noun - nominative case, singular (stump, listener, book, phone, cloud).

Adjective - nominative case, singular, masculine (wooden, oak, tea, magnificent).

The numeral, if cardinal, must be in the nominative case (twenty, six, one hundred forty-one), ordinal, similar to an adjective in the masculine gender, - in the singular, nominative case (twentieth, sixth, one hundred forty-first).

The initial form of a pronoun word depends on its category. It is no secret that these parts of speech are divided depending on which part of speech they gravitate towards. Therefore, for noun pronouns this will be the form of the noun, similarly for adjective pronouns and numerals. An exception is a pronoun that does not have a nominative case form: yourself, yourself, yourself.

Verb - infinitive, i.e. an indefinite form in which questions are posed what to do? what to do?: (sew, wash, have, sit down, blow up, smile).

As for participles, their initial form is determined according to the definition. Unfortunately, this is a rather controversial part of speech: some linguists distinguish it as a separate one, and then the initial form is singular, nominative case, masculine (dancing). But if you share the point of view of scientists who consider the participle only a form of the verb, then the infinitive must be indicated as the initial form (dance).

What stands apart from everyone else in this matter are the unchangeable parts of speech - the gerund and the adverb. What is the form of a word? This is his change. Accordingly, these words do not have this characteristic: quickly, doubly, passionately, drawing, carried away. A caveat should be made here, as in the previous paragraph: if the gerund is positioned as a verbal form, then its initial form will be an infinitive: drawing - to draw.

Form and cognate word

You should understand what the form of a word is when talking about words with the same root. The latter are formed using word-forming morphemes: prefixes or suffixes. Only the ending is involved in changing the word form.

For example, let's take the word Human. Changing its shape: person - person - person - person - about person. The words differ only in inflections. The lexical meaning is unchanged. Now let’s select words with the same root: little man, humanization, humanity. These words already have different lexical meanings and differ from each other by the presence of suffixes and prefixes (humanization).

Special cases

In the Russian language there are special cases called “non-freedom” of forms - this is a phenomenon in which it is impossible to create a completely form-building chain.

For example, by the way poker it is difficult to choose the plural form of an adjective steal it is impossible to form a passive imperfective participle according to the principle draw - drawable. Knowing what the form of a word and its chain are, you will avoid mistakes in this matter.

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