Russian Portuguese language. Russian-Portuguese online translator and dictionary

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Our translation services from Portuguese into Russian and other languages

The Effectiff company has been present in the translation services market for many years, so we can safely call ourselves professionals in our field. Today, our team includes more than 1000 translators, editors and other qualified specialists, many of whom have more than 10 years of experience in their specialty. They have at their disposal all the tools necessary to carry out high-quality and adequate translations: a wide selection of dictionaries and specialized literature, access to the most modern software necessary for fulfilling orders, constant access to the Internet to use online dictionaries and search engines. Over more than 12 years of operation, the company has accumulated rich and successful experience in performing written and oral translations of a wide variety of topics (general scientific, journalistic, artistic, political, legal, economic, medical, technical, etc.) from a variety of languages ​​and into a variety of languages. In total, Effectiff translators work with fifty languages ​​of the world. Among them, Portuguese also takes its place of honor.

Full range of linguistic services

We are pleased to offer our clients professional services for performing written translations of documents on a wide variety of topics from Portuguese into Russian and from Russian into Portuguese. You can also order from us comprehensive services for holding conferences, negotiations, presentations or seminars using the Portuguese language: performing simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, providing special audio and video equipment, as well as service and technical personnel to maintain it. Both written and oral translations can be performed by us from Portuguese into Russian, as well as into any other language in the world, and vice versa.

We have gathered the best specialists

Svetlana Ivanovna, translator, foreign language teacher at the university. Over 25 years of experience in translating business and educational documentation.

Our company’s specialists include not only highly qualified translators and linguists directly involved in translation work, but also professionals from other diverse industries who perform the functions of subject editors. Thanks to this tandem, we were able to significantly improve the quality of the work performed and significantly expand the circle of our clients. We currently serve more than 500 companies on an ongoing basis. We are proud that our rich experience and high professionalism, the consistently high requirements that we place on the quality and timing of translations, as well as the implementation of a reasonable and client-oriented economic policy by the company’s management when setting prices for the services provided, allowed us to obtain the status of an official translator of the European Commissions in the Russian Federation. They trust us!

General information about the language

Portuguese, along with Spanish, Asturleonese and Aragonese, is part of the Ibero-Romance subgroup of Western Romance languages. Like all Romance languages, Portuguese is written using the Latin alphabet. It is rightfully considered one of the most widespread languages ​​in the world. According to various estimates, it is spoken by between 160 and 230 million people on different continents of the world. Portuguese is the official language of the following countries: Portuguese Republic, Federative Republic of Brazil, Democratic Republic of East Timor, Republic of Angola, Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Cape Verde, Macau Special Administrative Region, Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe. The wave of Portuguese emigration also spread the language to China, India, Indonesia and South Africa, where it is not an official language, but is widely used by the local Portuguese diaspora.

History of development

The Portuguese language began its development in the Middle Ages and developed mainly as the language of the metropolis - the Portuguese colonial empire. The Age of Discovery is represented by a large number of discoverers with Portuguese roots. Among them are Magellan, Vasco da Gama, Henry the Navigator, Cabral. The main interest of Portuguese explorers and conquerors was focused on the territories of three continents - Africa, Asia and South America, where they captured vast territories. The Portuguese language was forcibly implanted among the population of the conquered colonies, where over the course of many centuries it was transformed, superimposed on various and very different local languages, cultures and customs.

Modern versions of the language

Due to the historical reasons described, modern Portuguese exists in several language versions. There are two main and generally recognized ones: European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, and their different dialectical varieties are used in Asian and African countries. The grammar of all language versions of Portuguese is similar, but the lexical, phonetic and spelling differences are quite significant. Recently, there has been a tendency for all language versions to move closer to the Brazilian version of Portuguese, which, however, is natural. It is in Brazil that 80% of all speakers of Portuguese (its Brazilian version) live; Brazilians (180 million people) make up about 12% of the total population of Europe and America, and in terms of its economic indicators, Brazil ranks sixth among the leading economies in the world. If we take the similar indicators of Portugal, they are much inferior: in total there are about 10 million Portuguese people in the world (0.5% of the population of Europe and America) who speak the Euro-Portuguese version of the language. And the economy of this country ranks only 34th among the economies of the world.

Linguists agree that Brazilian is much simpler and easier to speak, and the Brazilian version of Portuguese uses far fewer verb tenses than the European version. By ear, both language versions are easily distinguishable: in European Portuguese speech the letter combination “pc” is abundantly present, and in the Brazilian version of the language the letter combination “j” is very common. Therefore, if you are communicating with a native Portuguese speaker, and it seems to you that he is constantly “bashing”, do not doubt - this is a Portuguese, but if his speech is replete with “ja-kan”, then your interlocutor is one hundred percent Brazilian. The phonetic difference between the two main language versions of Portuguese is due to the fact that the letters d, i, t, s, z are pronounced and read differently by Portuguese and Brazilians. For example, a resident of Brazil will pronounce the name of his capital, the city of Rio de Janeiro, like this: [Rio GI Janeiro]. A resident of Portugal will pronounce the same word differently: [Ru-dy-ZhanEiro]. The table below clearly demonstrates the difference in pronunciation of these letters in the same letter combinations in Euro-Portuguese and Brazilian versions of the Portuguese language:

Letter combination Brazilian version of Portuguese Euro-Portuguese
sq sk shk
sf sf shf
sce sse
sp joint venture sp
st st PC
sm zm click
sl evil zhl
sg zg zhg
SD building railway
sb zb reinforced concrete
sn zn w
sr sp zhr
te che te
ti chi You
de jae de
di ji yes
i percussion [And] [s]
e unstressed [And] [s]

In addition to translation from/to Portuguese, we are also ready to offer you services of written and oral translation into the following languages.

It is one of the ten most widespread languages ​​in the world, second only to Spanish in the Romance group in terms of the number of speakers. In total, Portuguese, which is the official language of the former colonies (,), is spoken by about 200 million people. 80% of people who speak Portuguese as their native language live in Brazil. Some creole languages ​​are based on Portuguese.

History of the Portuguese language

Portuguese and are very close, but the first is distinguished by its conservatism and retains ancient speech patterns, Celtic phonetic borrowings, elements of Catalan and French pronunciation.

The year of origin of the Romance languages ​​is considered to be 218 BC. This year, the Romans came to the Iberian Peninsula and brought the Latin language, which became the basis for the formation of the Romance group of languages. At different times, the peninsula was captured by Germanic tribes, which also left their mark on the vocabulary and grammar of the languages. The influence of the Arab conquerors on the Portuguese language was not as noticeable as on Spanish, since the Portuguese were freed from enslavement 200 years earlier. At the same time, many Mauritanian customs have been preserved in the culture of the people.

In the XIV–XVI centuries. The period of colonization of territories in Africa and Asia began. The Portuguese created mixed families with representatives of the indigenous population of the colonized lands, missionaries actively instilled Catholicism, and at the same time the Portuguese language spread across the American and African continents.

The Renaissance introduced loanwords from both Gaelic into Portuguese, at which time the norms of Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese began to diverge. Now these variants of the language differ phonetically and lexically.

  • The phonetic differences between Spanish and Portuguese are so great that Spaniards can easily read texts in Portuguese without problems, but have almost no understanding of spoken language.
  • The Portuguese alphabet has 26 letters, three of which - K, V and Y - are uncharacteristic of the language and are used only in foreign words.
  • May 5th is Portuguese Language Day, celebrated in all Portuguese-speaking countries.
  • There are two versions of the modern language - Portuguese and Brazilian, differing in vocabulary, phonetics and spelling. In Portugal, spelling has not changed for many centuries, and the Brazilian version has been constantly adjusted to suit the pronunciation of local residents. In 2008, the Portuguese Parliament made some changes to the spelling to bring it closer to the Brazilian version of the language.
  • In Sao Paulo, Brazil, there is a Museum of the Portuguese Language, equipped with interactive panels that allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about the development of the language.
  • All speakers of Portuguese are called Lusophones, and their areas of residence are called Lusophonia. This definition comes from the name Luisitania, an ancient Roman province in the lands of Portugal.
  • The Portuguese language has many dialects, the oldest being Galician, which is spoken by 4 million inhabitants of the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula. Galicia is considered the birthplace of Portuguese culture and language.
  • In a small Portuguese municipality, residents use their own Mirandese language (Mirandes). The archaic version of Portuguese is very close to Spanish. Despite the fact that there are no more than two thousand native speakers of this language, it has official status.
  • Some words of the Portuguese language resemble Russian ones, but at the same time they do not repeat the usual meanings at all. For example, elétrico is a tram, autocarro is a bus.
  • The Portuguese language is rightfully considered one of the most harmonious and rich European languages. Cervantes called this language “sweet,” and the Brazilian poet Olav Bielak called it “beautiful and wild.” A classic of Portuguese poetry, which in its significance can be compared with Pushkin for Russians, is Camoes, who lived in the 16th century.
  • It is not difficult for a Russian-speaking person to master Portuguese phonetics, since this language also contains fricatives, hissing and sibilant consonants.
  • Portuguese is the official language in 9 countries on 4 continents.
  • The Portuguese language has absorbed some words of foreign origin, mainly

 This page contains all Russian-Portuguese online translators on the Internet. Translators will be useful to you for work and study, while traveling, for translating songs, documentation, and news. Translation into European Portuguese is almost instantaneous and completely free.

Free Russian-Portuguese translation

The main feature of translation from Russian to Portuguese is that there are two varieties of Portuguese: European and Brazilian. Languages ​​differ at the level of phonetics, vocabulary, spelling and grammar. In addition, Brazilian Portuguese has many dialects. Therefore, it is very important to understand which Portuguese the translation is being made into.

Online translators usually complete the translation into European Portuguese. Some translators are also capable of translating texts into Brazilian Portuguese.

Russian-Portuguese online translator from Google

Russian-Portuguese online translator ImTranslator

Version of the popular translator ImTranslator for translating texts from Russian into Portuguese. ImTranslator supports 35 languages, has a built-in transliteration, a selection of dictionaries, and a spell checking system. If necessary, you can use the virtual keyboard to type text in Portuguese and other languages.

Translating text into Portuguese using the ImTranslator translator is very simple: paste the text to be translated into ImTranslator and click the “Translate” button. In just a few seconds you will receive a ready-made translation into Portuguese. If necessary, use a Portuguese dictionary.

[+] Expand the translator ImTranslator [+]

For the Russian-Portuguese translator to work correctly, you must enable frame support in your browser.

For the Russian-Portuguese translator to work correctly, you must enable support in your browser JavaScript.

Russian-Portuguese online translator InterTran

Free online Portuguese translator from Translation Experts. Thanks to its support for 27 languages, the InterTran online translator is very popular on the foreign Internet. It is advisable not to use InterTran to translate large and complex texts, since the translation quality will be low.

If you encounter problems with encoding during Russian-Portuguese translation, use the translator directly on the official website.

Russian-Portuguese online translator

Translator of texts from Russian to Portuguese from the site Maximum 500 characters at a time.

Russian-Portuguese online translator WorldLingo

To translate text from Russian to Portuguese, you can also use the free online translator WorldLingo. WorldLingo is an online translation system based on the developments of the company of the same name. On the official translator page you can translate documents, e-mails and websites into Portuguese.

A little about Portuguese European language

Portuguese is a language of the Romance group of the Indo-European family of languages. Portuguese developed from the medieval Galician-Portuguese language. The Portuguese language is based on the Latin alphabet.

European Portuguese is a variant of the Portuguese language spoken in Europe (mainly Portugal). It is the original Portuguese, which developed in the Iberian Peninsula with the arrival of the Romans there in 218 BC. e. The Romans brought with them the Latin language, which gave rise to the Romance languages.

In subsequent times, the language was spread by Roman soldiers, settlers and merchants. With the decline of the Roman Empire and during the period of the Great Migration of Peoples, the Iberian Peninsula was captured by Germanic (Sevi, Visigoths) and Arab tribes.

Portugal is a country with a single official language - Portuguese. Most of the population professes Catholicism. Important attractions of Portugal are museums, churches, cathedrals and monasteries, the cities of Porto, Braga, Setubal.

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