Self-education of Alexander Nevsky. An example of self-education from life

Everything in the world moves and changes, and so do we. Therefore, it is necessary to find your place in life, decide on moral values ​​and principles, develop talents, self-realization, and learn to resist negative factors.

In a dynamic life, only those who will constantly change and improve themselves will find themselves. And thanks to self-education, you can develop character traits such as willpower, determination, self-confidence, and patience. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

The meaning of the term “self-education”

This is the conscious work of an individual aimed at improving positive characteristics and eliminating negative character traits.

The essence of self-education lies in the targeted implementation of the genetically inherent potential. To get it out, you need to know well the characteristics of your character. And not only positive character traits, but also negative ones that we don’t want to admit and don’t know how to identify. To do this, you need to learn to think critically, analyzing your actions.

Troubles that happen, as a rule, are attributed to anything, the life situation, the people around you, bad weather, and even poor health. The goal of self-education is to learn to find the problem in yourself and take responsibility for everything.

Stages of self-education

We found out that its goal is to get rid of shortcomings and acquire advantages. The main thing is to get rid of laziness, which interferes with the achievement of the task. So, the stages:

  1. Decision-making. This is nothing more than an awareness of the way of life and an understanding of what self-education will give.
  2. Knowing yourself and assessing the level of self-development of your qualities and personality as a whole. Acquiring independent work skills in the area in which a person wants to succeed.
  3. Drawing up a self-education plan.
  4. Its implementation. Work on yourself in your chosen activity. Without it, the desire to improve yourself will not be realized.

It is necessary to put a barrier to factors that distract from the process of self-improvement. Let's look at this using the example of self-education from life. Let's say a child decides to do his homework, opens a textbook, and a friend calls and invites him to play on the computer. The first one is thinking about doing homework during recess or trying out a new game with a friend. Prolonged decision-making is indecision that needs to be eliminated. How to overcome it?

He offered a visual comparison of all the pros and cons of the event. Let's look at the example of solving the question “Should I play computer games or not?” We will compare the arguments, rating them on a three-point scale. The most important aspects are rated highest, with less than one or two points.

Pros for playing computer games:

  1. A very exciting new game - 3.
  2. It is extremely inconvenient to refuse a friend - 3.

Arguments against the game:

  1. I won’t be able to prepare my lessons - 1.
  2. I’ll take one for an uncompleted task - 3.
  3. I'll have to blush in front of class - 3.
  4. Not ashamed of the teacher - 3.
  5. A bad grade will disappoint mom and dad - 3.

Total - 13.

Having set priorities, we conclude: we need to do our homework first.

L. N. Tolstoy

Let us give examples of self-education from the lives of great people. L.N. Tolstoy, as a young man, kept a diary in which he set out moral principles and followed them, wrote down rules for training the will. At first they were simple, such as a daily routine, and then they became more complex. Some of them:

  • Focus on one subject.
  • If possible, manage on your own.
  • Do everything written.
  • Only if necessary, start a new business without finishing the old one.
  • Always think about the main goal.

Tolstoy and other great people understood that freedom and character can be cultivated in the struggle with oneself, overcoming difficulties, performing a series of exercises, going through all obstacles, and performing actions. He was happy when he was able to make a note of the work done. The diary helped the great writer get rid of his shortcomings.

His example of self-education from life shows how he achieved this. Tolstoy was extremely self-critical, serious and mercilessly demanding of himself.

The phenomenon of self-education of the remarkable teacher-educator K. D. Ushinsky

The future famous teacher worked seriously on developing his personality. He developed a special plan for self-education. I set myself goals to improve character, strengthen willpower, and develop perseverance. Subsequently, in the textbook by L. N. Yakovenko, based on his works, students were asked to draw up a self-education plan and follow it. Let's consider his requirements for himself:

  • Complete peace, albeit external.
  • Straightforwardness in everything.
  • Fearlessness.
  • Prudence in actions.
  • Use your time profitably, do what you want, but don’t have to.
  • Don't brag.
  • Every day, summarize the work done and others.

His example of self-education from life is a role model for the younger generation and teachers.

Let's talk a little about self-education methods

When planning your own plan, you need to decide on the methods:

  1. Self-conviction. The method is to identify shortcomings and convince yourself to eliminate them. Moreover, the found negative character trait that is being worked on must be spoken out loud. Self-hypnosis. The student independently undertakes to influence his psyche and feelings. Once these attitudes are firmly established in the mind, they will determine his actions.
  2. Self-commitment. The method is similar to the previous one. Its essence is to take on certain obligations in achieving the goal of eliminating the deficiency.
  3. Self-criticism. When working on himself, the student undergoes self-criticism in order to activate his determination to overcome as quickly as possible.
  4. Empathy. This is the ability to empathize, to put oneself in another person’s place. Seeing how people perceive callousness, anger, and callousness with hostility, and empathizing with them, the child thinks about how to eradicate them from himself.
  5. Self-order. An effective method that allows you to cultivate strong-willed qualities that help, force you to work through and follow the written rules.
  6. Self-punishment. Everything is clear here; in case of non-compliance or deviation from the intended rules of behavior, it is necessary to select and apply a certain punishment to oneself.

The presence of a teacher who will monitor the correct implementation of the compiled program will, of course, facilitate the process of self-education of the individual. But independent work still brings more fruit, because willpower is cultivated. So, we looked at examples of self-education from the lives of great people, its methods and stages.

Let's talk about famous people involved in self-education

The brilliant Russian traveler V.K. Arsenyev also engaged in self-education of himself and his son. To develop willpower, he prescribed the following recommendations for the child:

  • Don't put things off until the next day.
  • Never hesitate.
  • Don't wait for the right time, act.
  • You need to constantly work hard.
  • Be bold in making a decision.
  • Don't waste your energy in vain.
  • You need to get rid of bad habits today, not tomorrow.
  • Respect yourself and others.

Examples of self-education from the lives of famous people are a kind of reminder for creating your own self-improvement program. And only daily hard work on yourself will allow you to achieve your goal.

What example of self-education from life can you choose for an essay?

The great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov will become an example of the education of will. As a small child, he was weak and sickly. He dreamed of a military career, and went against the will of his parents. And he managed to become an example of masculinity, perseverance, and perseverance. Suvorov acquired a strong character and achieved outstanding achievements in military affairs. There are many examples from life about the self-education of great people, each story will be unique and interesting.

If your child does not have the qualities inherent in Suvorov?

When a child is not able to set such great goals, and in general he does not want to change anything, the only effective method is the example of his parents. The child will subconsciously absorb your behavior model: a healthy lifestyle, neatness, self-education, and so on. Here is another example of self-education from a person’s life.

A seventh grade student began to keep a diary on his own, in which he made notes - obligations in order to develop willpower and the desired positive character traits. Here are some of them:

  • When the time comes for lessons, he leaves everything.
  • Will not go to a friend's house until he has done his homework.
  • Every morning he does physical exercise.
  • Brings everything to completion.
  • Doesn't boast about successes.

He posted this list of obligations in a prominent place. Gradually changed the rules as he acquired certain advantages. Until I developed the habit of following them. And remember: the success of working on yourself will depend directly on the correct daily routine.

So, in our article we gave examples from life on the topic “Self-education”, learned what the term means and why a person needs to educate himself. Self-education has a beginning, but has no end. Examples from life show that you can change yourself at any age, the main thing is to find your own approach.

Our world has existed for millions of years. During this time, a lot has changed in him, but there is also something eternal that always remains. New people will be born who will go through a difficult life path. They have to solve problems, overcome obstacles, strive for excellence. Without self-development, a person cannot become a truly intelligent living being. You need to engage in spiritual development throughout your life, starting from primary school age, and heroes will come to your aid

The importance of self-education

People have always looked for ways to improve their own souls. In all centuries, this problem has been given special importance.

In the age of computer technology, when it is difficult to understand values, the problem of self-development is especially relevant. It is important for a person to find his place in life, resist negative influences, and identify his own moral values.

According to popular wisdom, “live and learn,” you can work on yourself throughout your entire life. Thanks to self-education, you can develop such personal qualities as courage, patience, self-confidence, and perseverance.

Works on self-education

Let's take a closer look at examples from the literature. Self-education is mentioned in the book by A.I. Kochetov “Educate yourself.” It talks about how you can find your own ideal, analyze your abilities, eliminate shortcomings, and learn to work on yourself. The author studied this problem for twenty-five years and developed his own theory. As a result, he determined the purpose, methods, techniques, tasks of self-education, and gave recommendations for the development of speech, memory, mind, and thinking.

Professor A.G. Kovalev also paid great attention to self-education. His work “The Personality Educates Himself” tells readers about methods of self-education. A book “Organization of self-education of schoolchildren” was created for teachers, recognized as a full-fledged manual for working in educational institutions. An excellent example of self-education from literature is Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Here you can find practical advice, real help in winning the respect and love of friends and loved ones. Currently, many psychologists, writers, and teachers are dealing with the problem of self-education.

"War and Peace" in self-improvement

Self-education in classical literature is a common phenomenon. For example, in the work of L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” it is shown how the system of own values ​​is formed in the main character, Natasha Rostova. The author seems to demonstrate through her example that you can always find a way to change, to become sincere, kinder, smarter. Natasha, meeting different people, tries to find her own, borrow some qualities from others, challenge something, refuse something. Her literary image becomes an example of a certain value system, which readers can accept or reject.

Folk epics and fairy tales in self-development

An excellent example of self-education from fiction is Russian folk tales and epics. Their main characters strive for self-development and try to change themselves for the better. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil, which demonstrates the importance of developing the following qualities in oneself: kindness, compassion, decency, honesty. The patriotism of epic heroes is an excellent example for educating the younger generation.

Role models

Various examples of self-education are presented in the school curriculum. the child chooses himself, after reading the work and making a qualitative analysis of it. Despite the fact that modern children pay less and less attention to reading, literature lessons involve the analysis of classical Russian works. It is in this process that schoolchildren form their own attitude towards the main characters, their personal qualities, and the desire to imitate their behavior. In pedagogy, there is such a term as “education by example.” One of its authors was the Polish teacher Jan Kamensky. He argued that classical works are a real treasury that can be used for self-improvement.

Dostoevsky and self-development

Let us give specific examples from the literature. Self-education is a theme that can be seen in the works of Dostoevsky. The main character of Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov, feels real remorse for having committed such a terrible crime. Throughout the novel, he seeks the strength within himself to change and improve himself. The Raskolnikov who appears before readers in the epilogue is a completely different person, with a new system of values. There are other examples from the literature in which self-education is seen as a necessity. As such an example, we can mention the work of A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”.

Modern literature

Let's consider such an issue as self-education. In literature, examples of heroes who were looking for their path in life are presented not only in the classics. Modern authors do not ignore the problem of the development of human values; in their own way they try to explain to the reader how to defeat evil. In her adventure books, for example, A. Marinina pays attention to the self-improvement of her heroes.

Examples from literature, in which the self-education of the characters can be traced in the storyline, are included in the school curriculum: “Destruction”, “War and Peace”, “Crime and Punishment”, “The Golden Cloud Spent the Night”. These works were written at different times, but the relevance of the problems considered in these works is not lost. In all centuries, self-education in literary works has been a common occurrence. Even ancient philosophers paid attention to this problem. They noted the importance of a wise mentor, who should be a model for the younger generation by his example. Nowadays, unfortunately, respect for elders has been lost; teenagers trust the World Wide Web more than their parents. They try to imitate the main characters of virtual computer games, and not the characters of classical Russian works by Tolstoy, Pushkin, Lermontov.

Features of primary school age

At this age, children are not capable of independent choice, they tend to become dependent, so you need to choose the right literary sources. K. D. Ushinsky noted that “whoever imitates does not obey, but does what he wants.” At this time, imitation comes to the fore. If the teacher and parents can find the “right” character, self-education will begin. Examples from the literature will help explain to the child the rules of behavior in society and show the importance of working on oneself. Jean-Paul Sartre (French philosopher) said that “man is what he does.” Moral self-improvement has been a pressing problem in all historical eras.

S. Lvov developed his own formula for self-education, which still works today. If we consider a topic such as self-education, examples in the literature can be found in large numbers. Demosthenes, who became an orphan, was disinherited, had a quiet voice, lisped, was clumsy, awkward in actions. But he managed to overcome all his shortcomings and turn into a brilliant political speaker. This example demonstrates that a person is able to influence his destiny, resist life’s circumstances, working on himself.

The mechanism of self-education from Leo Tolstoy

After birth, a person acquires certain qualities: habits, manners, behavioral skills, that is, personality formation occurs. At this time, a process such as self-education is important. In literature, examples of heroes’ self-improvement can be found all over the place. The Russian commander Alexander Suvorov had poor health, a modest family estate, and could only consider the title of state councilor as a prospect. But, working on himself, the sick Sashenka turned into the greatest commander who was responsible for the fate of great Russia. In his diary, L.N. Tolstoy himself noted the importance of self-education in literature. The examples he mentioned primarily concern the writer himself. In his youth, Lev Nikolaevich wrote in his diary, noting his shortcomings and thinking about ways to work on himself. He managed to overcome such shortcomings as vanity, laziness, and passion for playing cards. Tolstoy's whole life is an excellent example of moral development and improvement. He became a real humanist writer who believes in man, his inner strength and capabilities.

Personality can be judged by certain characteristics, such as:

  • The formation of certain social qualities (this includes dignity, responsibility, firmness of convictions, social activity, individuality).
  • The level of mental development that allows you to manage your activities and behavior.

Material for self-development

At this time, enough information has been accumulated to carry out self-education. It’s easy to find examples in literature; you just need to open the books of Russian classics. Psychologists are convinced that it is in early childhood that it is necessary to teach children self-development. New federal educational standards being introduced in Russian schools imply self-education. Examples suitable for schools are easy to find in the literature. By opening any book and carefully studying the storyline, you can see how the character becomes formed, develops, and changes in life priorities depending on the situation in which he finds himself. Understanding the seriousness of the problem, teachers and psychologists are trying to find the optimal version of the program so that self-education is present in works of literature. Examples of characters should become guidelines for children to work on themselves, awaken in them the desire to become better, more interesting, and more tolerant of other people.


Self-improvement has a certain mechanism. First, a person must choose the goals of life, select ideals, taking into account the norms of social behavior. Next, preparation for life in modern society is carried out, the ability of collective coexistence is formed. Psychologists are convinced that contradictions are important for self-development. In addition to positive characters, the teacher should consider negative characters in the classroom and study their negative qualities together with the children. In the book “Organization of Self-Education of Schoolchildren,” A.I. Kochetov mentions that any personality is contradictory; periods of decline, conflicts, and clashes constantly occur in its inner world. But without these processes, the child has no chance of self-development and improvement of his personal qualities. There are five “musts” that help a child begin self-education. Examples include helping elders, conscientiously carrying out teachers’ orders, putting collective interests above personal interests, being honest and conscientious.

Class hour dedicated to self-education of character

Topic: “Talk about self-education, or how to become better?”


    expanding children's understanding of self-education;

    the formation of a positive moral assessment of such qualities as self-confidence, determination, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself;

    promoting the formation of adequate self-esteem;

    encouraging children to analyze their actions, to self-observation, self-knowledge, and improvement;

    encouraging children to strive to become better people.


Form of conduct : moral class hour with training elements.

Progress of the event:


Hello guys. Today we have guests at our class hour, let's greet them and smile at them. Now smile at each other.

Today we will talk about self-education of character, or how to become better?

“Whoever you are, be better.”

Abraham Lincoln,

16th President of the United States

    Teacher's monologue: “Trace on the ground”

The 21st century has been walking across the earth for a long time now... Civilization is moving forward. But the rules of morality, on the basis of which the temple of life is built, have remained and will remain unshakable.

A man was born on earth. The doctor takes the baby’s small foot in his large and kind palms and makes an imprint on a white sheet of paper as a keepsake for the baby’s mom and dad.

This is the first footprint on earth...

There will be many such traces, and they will be different. And what they will be like will depend on the person who walks on the earth.

I would like the footprints not to scatter dirt, not to rattle with a forged boot on the cobblestone street, not to kick the weaker one.

I want a person to go through life in such a way that his descendants who follow him want to repeat his footsteps, follow in his footsteps, gratefully remembering the one who was the pioneer.

Those who defended our country during the Second World War, and those who prevented the Chernobyl tragedy with their lives, and those who defended the school from terrorists in the city of Beslan, and those who build roads, bridges, and who create beautiful music, left their mark on the earth. , sows bread, heals people... .

The famous Russian writer M. Gorky said a brilliant phrase:“One should look at a day as a small life.”

    Conversation with students based on the text.

Guys, how do you understand this statement?

Suggested answer: “Many events happen during the day that can change a person’s entire life in one day.” “The day should not be lived in vain.”

    Teacher's word.

Our school also has teachers who have left their mark on the history of the development of our gymnasium. This is the former director of the gymnasium L.P. Gunbina, computer science teacher N.K. Klesova. For their services, they received the title Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

    Conversation on the topic “Men of Iron?”

There are people in history who received the nickname “Iron Man”, “Iron Felix”, “Iron Chancellor”, “Iron Lady”. Why do you think they could have given such a nickname? (Listen to the guys’ answers).

"Iron Man" - a manifestation of human character or a person with a strong character and strong will.

"Iron Chancellor" - Otto von Bismarck, outstanding German statesmanIXcentury, which was able to unite Germany “with iron and blood.”His character in those years was so explosive and beyond any control that his neighbors considered him mad.

"Iron Felix" - Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, this is the most important Soviet security officer who was merciless to the enemies of the revolution.

"The Iron Lady" - This is the former Prime Minister of England Margaret Thatcher, a woman who managed to restore order in the country with a “strong hand”.

All these people are united by the fact that they came from the bottom of society, but thanks to their character they reached the heights of power. What character traits do you think helped them rise to the top? (Persistence, determination, toughness, severity towards oneself and others, hard work, courage, strong will, etc.).

    Food for thought “Character and will.”

“When a man begins a war with himself,

he’s already worth something.”

Dale Carnegie,

America teacher, writer, psychologist

How is the word translated from Greek?"character"? seal, imprint, embossing, imprint.

What is character?

Character - This is typical behavior of every person.

What is an important character quality? (Will).

Will – a person’s ability to overcome obstacles and achieve a goal.

Will is our main tool in the fight for ourselves. Strong-willed people have a strong character and achieve a lot in life.

What is will? The ability to do what needs to be done. Strong-willed qualities can be cultivated in a person. The will can be trained like a muscle, using the method of increasing loads, starting with minimal ones. If you don’t want to put the book in its place, put it back. If you don’t want to call on business, call. Soon you will be surprised to discover: as soon as you order yourself, some mechanism inside you will quickly, even joyfully, carry out the command.

Have you ever thought about your own role in this life? The cat has already thought about it, but others haven’t. Now you take it for granted.

    Test “Do you have a strong will?”

Try to answer the question whether you are a strong-willed person and how developed your will is.

    Do you do exercises in the morning?

    No; 2) sometimes; 3) yes.

    Who wakes you up in the morning?

    Mother; 2) alarm clock; 3) himself.

    If you have to choose between what you need to do - homework, and what is interesting - a movie, what do you choose?

    I do what is interesting; 2) when and how; 3) I do the job.

    Can you refuse to go with friends, for example, to the skating rink, if you have another activity planned?

    I can not; 2) sometimes; 3) I can.

    Do you always keep your promises?

    No; 2) sometimes; 3) yes.

    Can you force yourself to restrain yourself if someone offends you?

    No; 2) sometimes; 3) yes.

Result: You need to add up all the points received, if the sum is less than 12, then you need to strengthen your will.

If you are interested in the biographies of great people or just talk to older, respected people, then make sure that most of them owe their merits to themselves. It’s simpler - they made themselves: they developed character, strengthened their will, comprehended the art of self-improvement, and engaged in self-education.

One wise man said: “All victories in the world begin with victory over yourself!”

What's happenedself-education?

Self-education is working on yourself in order to develop certain qualities in yourself.

    Educational situation. "An example to follow"

    How can you cultivate a strong, resilient character? Most often, people take someone else as an example to follow. I'll tell you the story of one boy.

As a child, this boy was frail, short, and sickly. He wanted to become a great commander, such as Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, and considered Peter his idealI. The boy drew up a program of self-education: he did physical exercises, toughened himself up, doused himself with cold well water and ran barefoot in the snow, rode a horse in only a shirt, towards the autumn wind and rain. He was persistent in achieving his goal, stubborn, even adamant. All this helped the future commander cultivate exceptional endurance, which gave him the opportunity not only to overcome the hardships of military campaigns, but also to inspire the Russian “miracle heroes” by personal example. He paid a lot of attention to his education. He seriously studied mathematics, cartography, military history, learned 8 languages, and wrote poetry himself. This boy not only became a great commander, but also created an army worthy of himself. This boy is a great commanderAlexander Vasilievich Suvorov .

Guys, what obstacles did A.V. have to overcome? Suvorov, developing your character and will? (Laziness, fear, cowardice, physical weakness, etc.).

    Russian writer, classic of world literatureA.P.Chekhov in one of his letters to his wife he noted: “You write that you envy my character. I must tell you that by nature I have a harsh character, I am quick-tempered, etc.... But I am used to restraining myself, because it is not proper for a decent person to let himself go. In the past, I did the devil knows what.”

    And how did L.N. educate himself? Tolstoy?

L.N. Tolstoy, a writer recognized during his lifetime as the head of Russian literature, wrote in his diary:

“I am ugly, awkward, ..., boring for others, immodest, intolerant and bashful like a child.”

“I am unrestrained, indecisive, fickle, ....”

“I’m not neat in life and I’m so lazy...”

"I'm smart..."

“I am honest, i.e. I love goodness... but there are things that I love more than goodness - fame.”

L.N. Tolstoy will outline a program for correcting himself: “The most important thing for me in life is the correction of the three main vices” of spinelessness, irritability and laziness.”

Then in the diary of L.N. Tolstoy can be found writing about the results above himself: “I have changed a lot, but still have not achieved the degree of perfection that I would like to achieve.”

There are many similar examples when a person, thanks to self-education and hard work on himself, improved himself and developed the best personal qualities.

French philosopher and writer Jean Paul Sartre argued that“A man is only what he makes of himself.”

    What is self-esteem?

Before engaging in self-education and self-improvement of an individual, it is necessary to know yourself - to make a self-assessment of yourself, your qualities, your strengths and weaknesses.

The great German poet I.V.Goethe argued: “An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself.”

Guys, what can you find out about yourself?

Sample answers:

    Your physical capabilities, health status;

    Your talents, abilities (mental and creative);

    Your character, temperament, will;

    Your tastes, habits;

    Your strengths and weaknesses.

You need to get to know yourself in order to objectively assess your abilities and capabilities. What will this give to a person? Why is proper self-esteem needed?

Sample answers:

    Find out your calling, choose the right profession;

    Avoid mistakes and failures;

    Do not take on impossible tasks;

    Correctly determine your goal in life.

    Work in groups. "Determination of the level of self-esteem."

Guys, what levels of self-esteem do you know?(inflated self-esteem, low self-esteem, objective or normal self-esteem ).

On the board you see a table showing the moral qualities of individuals at different levels of self-esteem. Try to correlate these personality traits by levels of self-esteem.

Arrogance, selfishness, laziness, isolation, self-confidence, uncertainty, kindness, boasting, passivity, disregard for the opinions of others, poise; touchiness, self-confidence, modesty, vanity, self-esteem, fear, pride, hard work, respect for people, faithfulness to one's word, indecisiveness.


Heightened self-esteem

Low self-esteem

Objective self-esteem




disregard for the opinions of others










self confidence





hard work

respect for people

true to your word

Guys, what do you think?What can you advise people with high self-esteem?

(be more self-critical, learn to see your weaknesses in yourself, not consider yourself superior to others, etc.).

What is allowedAdvice for people with low self-esteem ?

(play sports, overcome your cowardice, learn to say “no”).

Well, for people with normal self-esteem, you can wish: not to lose self-confidence, continue to work on yourself, your shortcomings, not to brag about your merits, etc.).

    Drawing up a memo “How to build character.”

To work on yourself, you need to create a self-education program. You have no idea how much you can do for your own development.

It’s better to start with simple programs, for example, follow a daily routine, overcome the bad habit of interrupting your interlocutor in a conversation, always keep your word, and not conflict with others. Who isn’t familiar with the situation “starting on Monday I’ll start...”?

Self-education consists of developing the ability to force yourself to do what you don’t want, to overcome yourself in order to achieve your goals.

Memo “How to Build Character”

    Promise yourself to change your character.

    Make an action plan for the day, week, month.

    Convince yourself that it is necessary and useful for you.

    Force yourself to do what you have planned.

    Force yourself to restrain your emotions, control yourself.

    Order yourself to do what you set out to do.

    Control yourself and be critical of your actions.

Girls, what do you think our boys need to change about themselves?

What do boys think girls need to work on?

    Final word.

Today we talked about how to work on yourself to become better, more perfect. In this matter, it is impossible to give the same recipes for everyone. Each person is unique and self-education is an individual process. And it lasts throughout life. But one rule for everyone - to change yourself, you need willpower. Without this, no oaths will help. And the will is strengthened precisely in overcoming difficulties.

    Summing up (reflection).

What new did you learn during the class hour? Do you want to develop your character?

“It doesn’t matter if you are better than someone else.

What matters is whether you are better than you were yesterday.”

Kano Jigoro

outstanding Japanese teacher,

martial artist, creator

As a youth, Kano was physically weak and did not have a good physique, which gave rise to ridicule from his peers. Kano decided to start developing on his own and at the age of 17 began training judo. In 1907, Jigoro Kano became the head of the most influential Japanese sports organization and was elected a member of the International Olympic Committee .


Bardin S.M. Learn to control yourself. M., 1976.

Grishin D.M., Koldunov Ya.I. Guiding self-improvement of schoolchildren. M., 1975.

Kolominsky Ya.L. Educate yourself. M., 1981.

Kochetov L.I. Pedagogical foundations of self-education. Minsk, 1990.

http:// pedsovet. su/

The ability to eradicate shortcomings and improve has always been considered the main sign of a spiritually mature personality. However, not everyone understands the importance of self-education, and what working on oneself means remains a mystery to many. Let’s try to define this concept and figure out whether it’s really so important to educate yourself.

Some definitions

The essence of self-education comes down to the fact that a person consciously and purposefully realizes the potential inherent at the genetic level. To achieve this, you need to know your character traits well.

We are all aware of our virtues, which we are proud of. But identifying shortcomings is much more difficult: for this you need to think critically and analyze actions and actions.

As a rule, in the event of life's troubles, we attribute failures to circumstances, the unkind attitude of others, and simply bad weather or health.

The goal of self-education is to learn to find the root of the problem in yourself, to take responsibility for everything that happens in life.

Psychological aspects

Scientists believe that a person’s psychological state is the force that encourages him to develop. The concept of self-education consists of several aspects:

  • Formation of character traits;
  • Development of strong-willed qualities;
  • Development of a behavior strategy.

By working on oneself, a person not only improves his God-given abilities, but also acquires new knowledge and skills.

Moreover, self-education can only be fruitful if a person has clear motives that will stimulate his self-education and self-education.

Speaking about development, it is important to emphasize that self-education and education are closely interrelated. Each of us in adulthood unconsciously uses the attitudes laid down in childhood. Parents show by their own example the norms of behavior in society, and they become a standard, a call to action.

It is these attitudes that subsequently influence the new flow of feelings and information and, most importantly, their perception. The extent to which a person is able to overcome internal stereotypes will influence the quality of his development.

A clear example will show what self-education, built on the eradication of a parental copy, is.

A young man who grew up in a family where the father acted as a dictator in relation to his children and wife remains in the grip of the stereotype that women are not worthy of respect. How to independently cultivate a sense of reverent attitude towards the female sex if there is no clear example?

In this case, only public relations can help, where other people will set a similar example. However, even in this case, it will be difficult to achieve this without strong-willed efforts, powerful motivation and sincere desire.

So, self-education involves personal activity that is aimed at a person’s conscious change of stereotypes in accordance with new goals, ideals and beliefs.

Pedagogical prerequisites

A mature and developed personality is characterized by the ability to correctly assess one’s capabilities and perceive actions.

In order for the path of self-development to be successful, it is necessary to use the following methods of self-education:

  • Knowing yourself;
  • The ability to control your emotions;
  • Constant stimulation.

Equally important is the use of techniques that consist of the following components:

  • Fulfilling obligations to oneself;
  • The ability to give an account for one’s actions;
  • Control over words, desires and actions;
  • Comprehension and analysis of actions.

As you can see, working on yourself involves a whole series of actions that need to be used in everyday life constantly.

Professional area

Professional activity of a person is an integral part of life. Therefore, this issue cannot be ignored. The peculiarities of professional self-education are that they are inextricably linked with personal development and the sphere of a person’s spiritual interests.

Therefore, in this direction it is also necessary to carry out conscious work to develop the following qualities:

  • It is necessary to adapt personal and spiritual aspirations to the requirements of the chosen profession;
  • Continuous improvement of professional skills;
  • Continuous development of those personal qualities that will help achieve career success.

Professional self-education helps achieve not only advancement on the career ladder. The situation of success and recognition from the professional environment contributes to increased motivation to continue the development of personal qualities.

The meaning and manifestation of self-education

There is a lot we can talk about self-education; we have only briefly covered the main points that help us understand why a person should constantly improve himself.

So, how can a person who cultivates the best qualities in himself and eradicates shortcomings help himself:

  • Gains confidence and calm when overcoming life's difficulties;
  • Knowing your negative qualities helps, through self-analysis, improve relationships with people around you;
  • The ability to restrain your emotions and control their manifestation is the main assistant in maintaining mental and emotional health;
  • The pleasure of choosing a goal and achieving it.

Whether to engage in self-education or not is, of course, up to you to decide. The main thing is to know that during this difficult journey a person learns to comprehend the most important thing, which is not given to everyone: the joy of realizing one’s own strength in overcoming difficulties and the ability to rejoice in the smallest achievements. This, perhaps, is what happiness consists of.

Real name - Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov.

(16.3.1868, Nizhny Novgorod - 18.6.1936, Gorki)

Writer, playwright, public figure. Theorist of socialist realism, organizer of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1934).

From his youth he became close to the revolutionary movement in Russia (he was first arrested in 1888); Later, in his work, the influence of Nietzscheanism can be traced - the cult of strength, the willingness to recognize the strong as having the right to destroy the weak, the romantic exaltation of the ruthless bearers of this right. The legends and stories about tramps with which he began were perceived as news from a world where social conventions were rejected, where cruel freedom triumphed. Meanwhile, Gorky’s creative nature was not at all unambiguous; Having entered into correspondence with Chekhov in 1898, he appeared in it as a man striving for self-education, seeking entry into the world of culture. It was Chekhov who encouraged Gorky to take up drama and in 1900 invited him to Yalta at the time when the artists of the young Moscow Art Theater were supposed to come here on tour.

Chekhov's influence is evident in Gorky's early drama (The Bourgeois and At the Lower Depths, 1902). But already in “Summer Residents” an internal polemic is obvious both with moral principles and with Chekhov’s dramatic technique; intolerance of assessments and harshness of journalistic means are growing, the characters are categorically placed on opposite sides of the barricade (Chekhov, even after reading “The Bourgeois”, objected to such an opposition). Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, who appreciated the existential depth of “At the Bottom”, its properties of a national Russian tragedy - the tragedy of the meaning of life, were puzzled by the deliberate superficiality of the new play, its direct politicization. But the same qualities attracted Gorky: “Summer Residents,” which the Moscow Art Theater was perplexed about, were immediately staged at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater in Passage (1904), K. A. Mardzhanov staged them in Riga (with the participation of M. F. Andreeva, M. . L. Roxanova and other recent “artists”). In 1905, the Moscow Art Theater hastened to stage his “Children of the Sun.” Gorky's political temperament was genuine and fascinating, his personal behavior - courageous and daring - doubled the charm of his works. He himself understood this and objected to his friends, who advised him to be careful: for the success of his ideas, it was necessary for Gorky to be imprisoned in a fortress, for attempts to be made on his life, etc. In fact, when he found himself in exile and out of danger, interest in his work and his plays in particular began to wane. They continued to be published and were not always banned from production; the author continued to introduce them to the Art Theater, but they were not creatively interested in either “Barbarians”, which were shown in Riga and Smolensk (1906), or “Cranks”, which were shown in the New Dramatic Theater theater in St. Petersburg (1910), without becoming an event. In terms of their artistic merit, these plays are no lower than “The Bourgeois” or “Summer Residents,” just as those written in the same decade of 1906-1915 are no lower. “The Last”, “Vassa Zheleznova” (1st version), “False Coin”, “Old Man”, “Zykovs”, with their patterned verbal fabric, with their gloomy tension, with the closed space of a house in which a person is under the pressure of another man has nowhere to retreat.

At the same time, Gorky begins to become interested in the laws of folk comedy: Stanislavsky, who was visiting Capri in February 1911, promised to write scripts for the future studio in the spirit of a modern comedy of masks (the texts were sent). Contacts with the Moscow Art Theater, however, became difficult again after Gorky’s open letters in “Russian Word” (“About the Karamazovshchina,” September 22, 1913; “More about the Karamazovshchina,” October 27, 1913) and the protest of the theater, which rejected ideological accusations made here. An additional element of complexity was the fact that shortly before the discussion about Dostoevsky at the Moscow Art Theater, the question of M. F. Andreeva’s return to the troupe was negatively resolved. Gorky transferred his play “The Zykovs” to the Free Theater, where it joined.

When the writer (after an amnesty on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov) returned to Russia, his Moscow theatrical interests focused on the experiments of the First Studio - he watched “The Death of “Hope””, approved of the bitterness of tone in Vakhtangov’s “Feast of Peace” (the elders argued with her “artists”), started improvising with the actors on the grotesque-fantastic plot he proposed. On October 23, 1917, he read in the Old Man’s studio. Gorky retained his interest in the First Studio when it had already become the Moscow Art Theater-2 (having admired Birman, he assigned her a new edition of “Vassa Zheleznova”). With the metropolis, where the play “At the Lower Depths” continued to live, from time to time updating the cast, direct creative relations were not renewed in the first 15 years after the revolution. Prose dramatizations were staged: “Malva”, “Chelkascha” were played on the small stage and on the road; on evenings dedicated to memorable dates, “Passion-faces” and excerpts from “Mother” were included. M. N. Kedrov staged the play “In People” in 1933 - the play-montage by P. S. Sukhotin included the same “Passion ...” with Lenka - V. D. Bendina, texts from the autobiographical trilogy, the story “The Master” ( the baker Semenov played here became a masterpiece of M. M. Tarkhanov; the role of Alexei was played by S. G. Yarov). Living abroad since the fall of 1921, Gorky, during his short visits to the USSR in the late 20s. knew how to support the Moscow Art Theater, with his authority reinforcing its intentions to publish authors who were questionable from the point of view of the authorities (Erdman, Bulgakov). Gorky’s significant, albeit unofficial, participation helped at the end of 1931 to resolve his opposition to the RAPP in favor of the Moscow Art Theater.

In 1934 - a year and a half after the brilliant premiere of Vakhtangov's works - the Moscow Art Theater showed "Yegor Bulychev and Others." Leonidov offered a strong solution to the title role, living in it with the torment of illness and the atheistic questioning - “for what - death?”; A. I. Stepanova played Shurka loudly and brightly; one could praise the gallery of portraits (Glafira - V.N. Popova, Varvara - V.S. Sokolova, Zvontsov - A.P. Ktorov, Abbess Melania - F.V. Shevchenko, priest Pavlin - V.O. Toporkov, Vasily Dostigaev - A. N. Gribov; the role of novice Taisiya was played by Marina Ladynina, the future star of Pyryev’s films). But the performance as a whole seemed slow, ponderous, the action got bogged down in pictures of life at home.

After Gorky's final return, a wave of productions of his plays took place across the USSR. At the insistence of I.V. Stalin, the Moscow Art Theater took up “Enemies”. This 1935 performance was recognized as the standard of socialist realism. He amazed with his laconicism and power of form, completeness of characters; with open and cruel political tendentiousness, it was a “theater of a living person”, the truth of whose existence on stage could not be doubted.

In the later repertoire of the Moscow Art Theater - “Dostigaev and others”, 1938 (Dostigaev is one of Gribov’s best roles); “The Bourgeois” (1949), which arose from the graduation performance of the Studio School and made people talk about E. N. Khanaeva (Tatyana) and K. I. Rostovtseva (Polya); "Summer Residents" (1953 and 1977). “The Last” (1971) and “Barbarians” (1989), where O. N. Efremov was most fascinated by the motif of acute disagreements, mutual guilt of people before each other, their destructive irresponsibility before the common life.

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