Scenario of a literary and musical composition for Victory Day. Scenario for a musical lounge for Victory Day Scenario for a literary lounge for Victory Day

Scenario of a literary and musical composition for Victory Day for schoolchildren "Courage, glorified in years!"

Deputy Director for VR, teacher of geography and history OGKOU "Cherntsk Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Orphans and Children Without Parental Care, with Disabilities"
Short description: This material may be useful to teacher-organizers, educators, and additional teachers. education, in preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War. The material is designed for children of middle and high school age.

“Courage praised in years!”

(literary - musical composition)
Motto:“Without knowing the history of the heroic struggle of your people, you cannot truly learn to love your Motherland!”

Target: improving the spiritual and patriotic development of students, maintaining and developing a sense of pride in their country.

Educational tasks:
instilling in students a sense of deep respect and gratitude for the feat of arms of participants in the Great Patriotic War;
acquaintance with works glorifying the courage, fortitude and heroism of the Soviet soldier.

Equipment: musical accompaniment: “Katyusha”, “Ballad of a Soldier”, “My Beloved”, “The Last Battle”, “Sunny Circle”, footage from the film “Officers”, drawings on the theme of the Great Patriotic War, paper doves.

1st Presenter: Our event is dedicated to the feat of the Soviet people who won the Great Patriotic War.
On May 9 we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory. The war is gradually becoming a thing of the past, becoming a page in history. Why do we remember her again and again?
Yes, because the greatness of this Victory cannot be diminished. The soldiers of our country fought in the name of peace, they dreamed of the future in the respites between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches. They believed that the world, saved from fascism, would be beautiful.

2nd Presenter: How much did the victory cost? Take a close look at the numbers and think about it...

On stage there are children in tunics and caps.
1st child: From Brest, where the war began, to Moscow, where the Nazis were stopped, it is 1000 km.
2nd child: From Moscow to Berlin, where the war ended, is 1600 km.
3rd child: A total of 2600 km... this, if you count in a straight line... is so little, right?
2600 km is less than 4 days by train, approximately 4 hours by plane...
With battles, dashes and a train - 4 years!
4th child: 4 years! 1418 days. 34 thousand hours. And 27 million dead compatriots.
27 million dead... Can you imagine what this is? If a minute of silence is declared for each of the 27 million deaths in the country, the country will remain silent... for 43 years!
5th child: 27 million in 1418 days - that means 13 people died every minute.
That's what 27 million is!

2nd Presenter: And how many of these 27 million are your peers? Children who never became adults.
War and children... There is nothing scarier than these two words placed side by side. Because children are born for life, not for death. And war takes away this life.

1st Presenter: Now is peacetime, but the scars of that war remain in every city and village. Memorial complexes have been created.
The battle sites are marked by obelisks and monuments that preserve the names of the fallen soldiers...
Many songs have been composed, poems have been written, and many artistic paintings have been created about these heroic days...
Literature and musical compositions have become a common monument to everyone who fought for their Motherland, who worked in the name of Victory!..
Now a literary and musical composition will be presented to your attention “Courage praised in years!”

2nd Presenter: Imagine a wonderful summer day, Sunday. Children have a vacation, their parents have a vacation, everyone has a day off.
Stage action.
(Girl, boy and mother come out)
And suddenly - like a bolt from the blue...
The recording of “Holy War” is playing
Girl: So, mom, this is war?
Mother: Yes...
Boy: So, does that mean I'm the boss of the house?
Mother: Yes, son, yes!
Boy: You, Katya, start washing the clothes! And I'm chopping wood!
Girl: Mom, so be it, sell my favorite doll.
Boy: Sell ​​my toy too. You can live without them! Sell ​​the sailor suit, I say! Now there is no time for rags.
Girl: Just, mom, don’t worry!
Boy: We won't abandon you.

1st Presenter: This is how the peaceful work of the Soviet people was disrupted. The entire people, young and old, rose up to defend their Motherland.
During the harsh days of the war, children stood next to adults. Schoolchildren earned money for front-line soldiers, worked in military factories, stood guard on the roofs of houses during air raids, and performed concerts in front of wounded soldiers. It was children's performances like this that lifted the spirits of the fighters.

The poem "Dispute" is staged in costumes.
Once (in the Ensky part it was)
We met at the training ground
Heavy tank
And their fighting brother -
Soldier's machine gun.
They came together and started an argument:
At the front, who is more important these days?
Rocket modestly declared: - Friends!
I'm not going to praise myself,
However, the light interprets about me:
“There is no weapon stronger than a rocket!”
- Yes it is, -
I noticed Tank's bass voice, -
But about me
And about my armor
It was not for nothing that songs were composed during the war.
Even now, I will tell you without embellishment,
At the front, he would be more important than you.
“You are strong, brothers, I’m glad about that,”
Automaton said with a smile, -
But suddenly, imagine, close combat breaks out -
Anyone would appreciate me then!
Perhaps this debate would continue
And still,
If only I hadn't approached our heroes
Soldier - excellent student - Mikhail Cherkashin.
He listened to the heated exchange
And he shook his head -
I'm sorry that often
You cannot understand the simple truth.
Here they talked about your strength,
And then they forgot
That all of you - this must be firmly remembered -
Powerless, without a skilled soldier.

2nd Presenter: The courage and perseverance of the warriors is truly unparalleled. They fought to the death and won in hand-to-hand combat, even when the earth was burning, stones were crumbling, and iron was melting. People turned out to be harder than metal.

1st Presenter:
I only fought hand-to-hand combat once
Once - in reality and a thousand - in a dream.
Who says that war is not scary?
He knows nothing about the war. (Yulia Drunina)
Yulia Drunina. A poetess who went through the war and experienced all its hardships. In four lines she managed to tell the whole truth about the war.
After the battle, when everything calmed down, the soldiers sang songs that raised morale.

Who said you have to quit?
Songs at war?
After the battle the heart asks
Music doubly so.

The guys come out and stand on stage. They perform the song “Katyusha”, music. M. Blanter, lyrics. M. Isakovsky.

2nd Presenter: Our defenders were ordinary people, with a variety of professions, but during the war years they had one profession: “soldier”. They proudly carried this title, tirelessly moving towards their cherished goal - Victory.

The song “Ballad of a Soldier” is performed, music. V. Solovyov - Sedogo, lyrics. M. Matusovsky.

1st Presenter: At the front, very young 18-year-old boys also fought alongside adult men. They not only fought, but also managed to love, despite the fact that death walked nearby every minute...

The song “My Favorite” is performed. E. Dolmatovsky, music. M. Blanter.

2nd Presenter: Ending a human life was as easy as a morning dream... But the soldiers wanted to live and believe that they were waiting at home...

One of the wounded soldiers writes a letter home, reading it aloud.
Soldier: Wait for me and I will come back… (excerpt from K. Simonov’s poem “Wait for me”).

1st Presenter: Ordinary guys went and won, covering a huge country. They bravely, fighting, fully fulfilled their duty as warriors - defenders.
The great hour of reckoning has come,
The great day of the earth has come,
When Soviet soldiers
The Soviet border has been crossed.
A menacing avalanche broke out
Steel infantry and vehicles.
Swift, unstoppable
With one thought - to Berlin.

The song “The Last Battle” by the muses is performed. M. Nozhkina, lyrics. M. Nozhkina.

2nd Presenter: Our soldiers steadfastly withstood all the tests, holy hatred of the enemy breathed courage and perseverance into the hearts of Soviet soldiers, helped them sacrifice themselves in the name of the Fatherland, without naming their own names.


1st child: And there are thousands of examples of this.
From the heroes of old
Sometimes there are no names left.
Those who accepted mortal combat,
They became just dirt and grass...
Only their formidable valor
Settled in the hearts of the living. (S. Shishkov)

2nd child: We are here with you not because of the date,
Like an evil splinter, the memory burns in the chest,
To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield, fell without taking a step back
And this hero has a name -
The Great Army is a simple soldier. (M. Isakovsky)

3rd child: Guys come to the broken pillbox and bring flowers to the soldier’s grave.
He fulfilled his duty to our people.
But what's his name? Where is he from?
Was he killed in the attack? Died in defense?
The grave will not utter a word about this.
After all, there is no inscription. Unanswered grave.
You know, in that terrible hour there was no time for an inscription. (S. Pogorelovsky)

Viewing footage from the film “Officers”.

1st Presenter: We cannot forget the disasters and grief that the war brought to our people. We know at what cost the Victory was given to us. People of all generations will remember those who gave their lives defending our Motherland from the hordes of fascists.

2nd Presenter: Let children everywhere meet the dawn.
A clear, calm smile.
Let's all say together - no!
No no no!

1st Presenter: No to predatory wars.
Small children come out with posters in their hands.

1st child: I'll draw a bright sun!
2nd child: I'll paint a blue sky!
3rd child: I'll draw a light in the window!
4th child: I'll draw ears of bread!
5th-6th children: We will draw autumn leaves,
School, stream, restless friends.
And cross it out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and war.

2nd Presenter: Raise the pictures above
So that everyone can see them,
So that everyone can hear today
The voice of young citizens of the earth.

The phonogram of the song “Solar Circle” sounds. L. Oshanina, music. A. Ostrovsky. Children launch paper pigeons.

2nd Presenter: Victory Day is a wonderful, bright holiday of peace. Let's try to save our amazing planet from new disaster. May the black clouds of war never again obscure the sun over our Motherland.
May there always be peace!

Target: the formation of the patriotic consciousness of the younger generation based on the heroic events of history through literary education.


Deepen students' knowledge of history and literature of the Great Patriotic War;

Foster a sense of gratitude to veterans for the Victory in the Great Patriotic War; cultivate courage and patriotic feelings

Equipment: multimedia equipment; presentation “Lines scorched by war...”; book exhibition “Poetry of the front-line years”

Progress of the event
The song “In the forest near the front” is performed by Natalya Podolskaya.

1st presenter
Every year the heroic and tragic years of the Great Patriotic War are further and further from us. This war was one of the most difficult tests that our country withstood with honor. The feat of the soldier who fought to the death, and the feat of the worker who forged this victory in the rear, will never be forgotten.

2nd presenter

Our duty is to preserve the memory of this feat, respect for perseverance, courage, selfless love for our Fatherland and pass this on to future generations.

1st presenter

And among the dead, the voiceless,
There is one consolation:
We fell for our Motherland,
And she is saved.
Our eyes have dimmed
The flame of the heart has gone out,
On the ground in fact
They are not calling out to us.

2nd presenter

We have our own combat
Don't wear medals.
All this is for you, living ones,
We have only one joy,
That it was not for nothing that they fought
We are for the Motherland,
Let our voice not be heard -
You should know him.

The song “Cranes” is played (verses by Rasul Gamzatov, translated into Russian by Naum Grebneva, composer Jan Frenkel, performed by lyceum students)

A minute of silence.

1st presenter

June. The sunset was approaching evening,
And on a warm night the sea overflowed.
And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.
June! We didn't know then
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in 1945, in May.

The song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” (from the film “Officers”) performed by Vasily Lanovoy is playing.

2nd presenter

War is 1000 km from Brest to Moscow, 1600 km from Moscow to Berlin. By train - less than two days, and our soldiers, sometimes on their bellies, sometimes crawling... - in four years. War - 27 million people. 19 thousand people per day, 793 people per hour, 13 people per minute.

1st presenter

Four years - 1418 days and nights, 34032 hours! You need to know and remember this. And if we now declare a minute of silence for everyone, the country would be silent for 32 years.

Alshevskaya A.V. with a speech about front-line writers (presentation). The melody of the song “Oh, roads” sounds.


Poetry, as an art form capable of a quick emotional response, in the very first months and even days of the war created works that were destined to become epochal.
Already on June 24, 1941, a poem by V.I. was published in the newspapers “Krasnaya Zvezda” and “Izvestia”. Lebedev-Kumach "Holy War".

The editor-in-chief of “Red Star” Dmitry Ortenberg describes the history of the appearance of this poem as follows: “I called literary collaborator Lev Soloveichik and told him:

Let's urgently send poems to the room!
Having received the task, he began calling poets. I accidentally bumped into Lebedev-Kumach:
- Vasily Ivanovich, the newspaper needs poetry.
- When?
- Today is Sunday. The newspaper is published on Tuesday. Poems should definitely be there tomorrow.
- They will...

The next day, Lebedev-Kumach, as promised, brought the poem to the editorial office. It started like this:
Get up, huge country,
Stand up for mortal combat
With fascist dark power,
With the damned horde.

Soon the composer Aleksandrov wrote music for these poems. And on June 27, the Red Army ensemble performed the song for the first time at the Belorussky railway station in the capital in front of the soldiers going to the front.
The song “Holy War” is played (a video about the war is shown along with the song).

During the war years this song was heard everywhere. The first echelons marched to the front to its sounds; it accompanied the soldiers on the march, in the suffering of war and the hard life of the rear.
The rallying, inspiring role of this song was largely determined by the fact that it told the harsh truth about the war. She was imbued with a sense of the severity of the trials that befell our people.

Reading poems
S. Voronin “Mother”

(students read line by line)

Hello mother!

I miss you.
I want to cuddle up to you dear...
I want to eat homemade cabbage soup
And sleep in your own bed.
I want to see all my friends
And neighbors and girls too,
Chase pigeons across the roofs,
You and dad would be younger again.

...tomorrow I will go on reconnaissance behind enemy lines.
Don't be afraid - I'm not scared at all...
Wait for me, dear...
I'm your son. And I miss you terribly.
Mom, do you remember the sweater, my blue sweater...
Please mend it...
I'll be back and you and I will go again
along the wide streets...


The most famous poem, perhaps, is “Wait for me” by K. Simonov. I thought about why this poem became so popular. He is known and loved by people of different generations. And, it seems to me, I understood the secret of his undying popularity: in the place of the lyrical hero of this poem, every soldier could put himself and turn with the words “wait for me” to his friend, beloved, mother. After all, soldiers in the war lived with the memory of home, dreamed of meeting their loved ones, and they so needed to be expected. And today, when guys go into the army, they dream about the same thing, although perhaps they are embarrassed to say it out loud.

K. Simonov “Wait for me”

Wait for me and I will come back.

Just wait a lot
Wait when they make you sad
Yellow rains,
Wait for the snow to blow
Wait for it to be hot
Wait when others are not waiting,
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
No letters will arrive
Wait until you get bored
To everyone who is waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back,
Don't wish well
To everyone who knows by heart,
It's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe
In the fact that I am not there
Let friends get tired of waiting
They will sit by the fire,
Drink bitter wine
In honor of the soul...
Wait. And with them at the same time
Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back,
All deaths are out of spite.
Whoever didn't wait for me, let him
He will say: - Lucky.
They don’t understand, those who didn’t expect them,
Like in the middle of fire
By your expectation
You saved me.
We'll know how I survived
Just you and me, -
You just knew how to wait
Like no one else.

Mikheenko T. L. reads M. Jalil’s poem “Barbarism”

During the following stories there is a presentation of “The Bells of Khatyn”

1st presenter

There was a report in the newspaper “Soviet Belorussia” about one of the executioners of Khatyn, Grigory Vasyur. For his zeal, the murderer of Belarusian children Vasyura was awarded a medal. Only quite recently (about 20 years ago) were his “merits” revealed, although after the war he was tried for collaborating with the Germans and sentenced to 25 years in forced labor camps. But they were released under an amnesty.

2nd presenter

In 1986, in Minsk, the tribunal of the Belarusian Military District sentenced him to an exceptional punishment. After the verdict was passed, Vasyura petitioned for clemency: “I ask you to give me, a sick old man, the opportunity to live out my already short life with my family in freedom.”

1st presenter

Did he think about those who also wanted to live with their families, but were burned in the fire?! About those for whom the bells of Khatyn ring day and night... Who left us, alive, the words on black marble: “Good people, remember: we loved life, and the Motherland, and you, dear ones. We burned alive in the fire. Our request to everyone: let pain and sadness become strength and courage, so that you can perpetuate peace and tranquility on earth, so that life never dies in a whirlwind of fires.”

2nd presenter

186 Belarusian villages, burned along with their inhabitants, were left to us by the Nazis. They are called “Khatyn sisters”.
People's memory... it carefully preserves the names and deeds of those who defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. In their honor, thousands of monuments have been erected on the territory of Belarus, museums have been opened, and streets have been named after them.

2nd presenter

It is impossible to forget the great disasters that the war brought to our country, our people. We know at what cost the Victory was won, and we will always remember those who gave their lives for their Motherland.


Joseph Utkin (died in 1944). "From a letter"

When I see someone killed

My neighbor falls in battle,
I don't remember his grievances,
I remember about his family.
It seems to me involuntarily
Its deceptive comfort.
... He's already dead. It doesn't hurt him
And they will also be letter!

Reading poems

I. Utkin. "If I don't come back, darling..."

If I don't come back darling
I don’t listen to your tender letters,
Don't think that this is someone else.
This means... damp earth.

This means oaks are unsociable
They are sad over me in silence,
And such separation from my beloved
You and your homeland will forgive me.

I listen only to you with all my heart.
I was only happy with you:
Only you and your native land
I loved you with all my heart, you know.

And how long will the oak trees remain unsociable?
They won’t bend over me, dozing,
Only you will be my favorite,
Only you and your native land!

Yu. Drunina. "Bandages"

The fighter's eyes are filled with tears,
He lies, tense and white,
And I need fused bandages
Rip it off with one bold movement.
One movement - that's what we were taught.
One movement - only this is a pity...
But having met the gaze of terrible eyes,
I didn’t dare to make this move.
I generously poured peroxide onto the bandage,
Trying to soak it without pain.
And the paramedic became angry
And she repeated: “Woe is me with you!
To stand on ceremony with everyone like that is a disaster.
And you’re only adding to his torment.”
But the wounded always aimed
Fall into my slow hands.

No need to tear the attached bandages,
When they can be removed almost without pain.
I understood it, you will understand it too...
What a pity that the science of kindness
You can't learn from books at school!

F. Lipatov. “The dust didn’t settle...”

The dust didn't settle
Berlin was on fire.
Walking heavily
With and without armor
Walked straight through houses and sidewalks
Confident Victory these days.
And the squares looked like landfills,
Where were the fascist crosses taken?
Burnt stick standards
They stuck out like bony fingers.
And here it is - a holy date,
Filled to the brim with happiness.
The soldiers shot upward enthusiastically,
Without feeling the fatigue of fighting.
There were still shadows of losses,
But the neighbor hugged the neighbor.
Rushed over the tenderness of lilacs
Just one powerful word -

2nd presenter

70 years have passed since the liberation of the territory of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. For world history this may be a short moment, but for people it is a whole life. Time flies like the wind. The years flow like rivers. But like cliffs, like rocks, heroes stand. Their feat is immortal, because our memory became the guarantee of their immortality. May she always preserve the past.

1st presenter

Memory is needed not only by those who survived, it is even more necessary by us, the young, so that we know what life and death, war and peace are, and at what cost freedom is achieved.

2nd presenter

The victory came at a high price. Thousands of soldiers were left lying on Belarusian soil. They fully fulfilled their duty to their Motherland. We bow our heads to their blessed memory.

The song “We will not stand behind the price” by B. Okudzhava performed by Nina Urgant is played.

1st presenter

We are children of peaceful days, we are young, it seems to us that the whole world is for us. And we really want to get a lot done. We were born to build, not to destroy, to live, not to die.

Reflection “Letter to a Soldier”

Songs of the war years are heard.

Alshevskaya Anna Vladimirovna, teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category. Mikheenko Taisiya Leonidovna, teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category. State Educational Institution "Lyceum of Novopolotsk"

To download material or!

The script for the literary and musical lounge was developed by a teacher
on vocals Danchenko S.V. SCENARIO
Host: Good afternoon, dear veterans!
Hello, dear friends and guests!
Victory Day is a bright spring holiday, a holiday of military glory
a heroic people, a victorious people.
This event entered our lives, into many volumes of history, forever.
frozen in stone and in bronze monuments, memorials of glory.
Victory Day excites human souls with the words of songs, poems and
memories. It is forever in the grateful memory of posterity.
Let the peaceful cities sleep.
Let the sirens howl piercingly
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let no shell explode,
Not a single one is making a machine gun.
Let our forests ring out
Only birds and children's voices.
And may the years pass peacefully,
Let there never be war!
1.Song “I want there to be no more war”
Vedas: Victory Day, it was and remains a sacred day for everyone
people of our country. Eyewitnesses of those events remain with everyone
less and less every year, but from generation to generation

conveys the gratitude and enthusiastic attitude of our people
to those who, at the cost of their lives, liberated their native land.

2. Dance “My Motherland!”
A word to dear, respected veterans! We are proud of you
we bow before your courage and let us be holy
keep in your hearts the memory of your great feat in
years of war. Good health to you. We really want
so that today you feel good in your soul, in your heart -
With all our hearts we wish you good spirits, good and
a worthy life. Let nothing darken your everyday life and
holidays. Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt
congratulations on the great and bright holiday - Day
3.Song “Victory Day”
Presenter: On May 9th, we all celebrate this great holiday -
it's Victory Day. May 9 is celebrated almost all over the world, showing
solidarity with the Russian people, for our great feat. This
The holiday is carefully and reverently passed on from generation to generation.
Today we want to congratulate everyone on this great holiday,
and I would like to wish everyone that never again, in our world,
there were no such terrible wars that no one else would ever
did not hear the explosions of bombs so that all the peoples of the world would live in friendship
and consent.
Today the smallest artists came to congratulate us on
Great Victory Day!
4. Dance “You are a sailor, I am a sailor!”
Azure bays, pearl mountains,
The tall, distant light of the lighthouse.
Eh! Black Sea, wide sea,
Native Sevastopol, the love of a sailor.
Wounded but majestic

You will enter the chronicle of centuries
Immortal city of our glory,
Shrine of Russian sailors.
5. Song “Sevastopol - wave after wave”
6. Dance "Victory"
It seemed cold to the flowers
And they faded slightly from the dew,
The dawn that walked through the grass and bushes,
We searched through German binoculars.

Everything breathed such silence,
It seemed that the whole earth was asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
Just five minutes left!
The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For everyone, for all four years.

Sunny early morning in June,
At the hour when the country awakened,
Sounded everywhere to the young
This is a terrible word “war”.
To reach you, forty-fifth,
Through hardships, pain and misfortune,
The boys left their childhood
In the forty-first war year.
Planes rushed skyward
The tank formation moved
Infantry companies singing
Let's fight for our Motherland!

7. Song “Our 10th Airborne Battalion”

8.Verse with the musical composition “Do you remember
Alyosha roads of Smolensk region"

9. Song “Oh, these clouds in blue”
How long ago the last volleys died down,
This was back in '45,
But you remember everything as if it were recently,
And you shed another tear unnoticed.
And nothing can be returned, but nothing is forgotten,
Memory takes us back to our youth.
The heart also keeps what has been blurred for years,
Front-line friends - it’s a pity that YOU are not around.
Those years will never be returned, and there is no need to.
They were too harsh and difficult.
But for you the best reward in the world
There will be clear skies and peaceful days.
10.Russian folk dance
So that again on the earthly planet
That disaster did not happen again
We need,
So that our children
They remembered this
Like us!
I have no reason to worry

So that that war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience
We need her as strength...
11.Song “Cuckoo”
We are endlessly proud of you,
Faithful defenders of the country,
The pain of loss will endure over the years.
If only there wouldn't be a war again!
We will preserve your memory forever,
We will save our land for our children;
May Crimea be our native land,
becomes more beautiful, richer, brighter!.
Crimea is the coast of ancient times;
Crimea is the shore of a glorious victory;
Crimea, Sevastopol in smoke and fire;
Crimea is the children's heart of the planet
12. Song “This is Crimea!”
How many years have passed since the Victory Day?
How many peaceful and happy years?!
We are grateful to you, fathers and grandfathers,
What did you say “no” to the fascists!
Thank you for standing up
You bring your homeland at a high price,
To make children's smiles shine
You went to your death, sacrificing yourself.
Sevastopol is a famous hero city,
On the waves is the legendary handsome sea man.
Our Black Sea city braved for the Motherland,
Combat Sevastopol defeated its enemies!

The sons of Russia held the defense,
Stronger than steel! We have become strong!
Our brave city is beautiful and smart,
Rus' is with Sevastopol, that’s why it is strong!

13. Song "Sevastopol"
Sevastopol survived the siege twice.
In two wars he fought to the death,
For this he earned the title of Hero City.
It was destroyed, but was reborn from the ashes.
Sevastopol remained Russian forever!
And no matter what happens, it will be Russian!
Russia will never leave Sevastopol,
The merits of the City Hero will not be forgotten.
14. Dance “Russia - forward!”
We celebrate Victory Day,
He comes with flowers and banners.
We are all heroes today
We call by name.
We know: it’s not at all easy
He came to us - Victory Day.
This day has been conquered
Our dads, our grandfathers.
We will dedicate many songs to them
Glory, glory on Victory Day!
Together with Motherland Russia
Let's celebrate the Victory!
15. Songwriter “Russia - come on!”
Today the holiday enters every home,

And joy comes to people with it.
We congratulate you on your great day,
Happy day of our glory!
Happy Victory Day!

Literary and musical composition "We are alive - while the memory lives." Scenario for Victory Day for kindergarten

Hall decoration: mini memorial complex “Eternal Flame”, soldier’s cap, flowers.
Attributes for performances: fire, hemp, accordion, bowler hat, machine gun, pencil, piece of paper, scarves, headphones, bandages, binoculars, map.

Progress of the composition:
Two presenters enter the hall, one dressed in a soldier’s uniform, the second in clothes from the 40s
1st presenter
Veterans live next to us,
What we have walked along the roads of war.
Let their old wounds hurt,
But they are as strong in spirit as ever.
2nd presenter
The war has burned your hearts
Separation and merciless fire,
But still she didn’t kill you,
What we call kindness.
There is no one more humane in the world
People who went through the hell of war.
After all, they will remember forever
The price of that early gray hair,
Which seemed to be showered with ashes,
Quite a boy's whiskey.
Although a lot of time has passed since then,
But will you really get away from that melancholy?
Which stood in dry eyes
Boys who have turned gray from trouble.

1st presenter
After all, even to this day life has not leveled out
War's cruel traces.
That's why other people's pain worries you so much,
And it doesn’t let you sleep at night.
He cannot put up with cruelty,
Who lives for the happiness of others!
2nd presenter
Let history scroll back
Their legendary pages.
And memory, through the years, flying by,
Leads again into campaigns and battles.
It sounds like "Waltz". Several couples dance (girls and boys dressed and hairstyled in the style of the 40s)
1st presenter
The summer night was filled with the smell of herbs, birdsong and cheerful music. June 22 is the shortest night of the year. On June 22, classes ended in all schools in the country.
2nd presenter
In the morning, yesterday's boys and girls filled the streets of the cities. They sang and laughed, they hoped and dreamed about the future, they went to meet the dawn. It was dawn on June 22, 1941.
The waltz music ends abruptly, an air raid siren sounds and an announcement of the beginning of war sounds.
The children stop and freeze. More children run into the hall. The song “Holy War” is played and the girls read poetry in the background.
1 girl
Rise up for a formidable battle!
Defenders of the Russian land!
2 girl
Fires are burning in the distance!
3 girl
Farewell, Farewell, Farewell!
See you! Until the evening after the war!
The girls wave their handkerchiefs and hug the boys. Boys and some girls form a column and march around the hall and leave. At this time, the march “Farewell of the Slav” sounds in the background. Everyone leaves.

1st presenter
For many kids today, the Great Patriotic War is almost as distant a past as the war with Napoleon. And young people with swastikas appear on Russian soil.
2nd presenter
And some historians begin to speculate on what would have happened if Soviet soldiers had not blocked the way for the Nazis. But they didn’t reason, they simply stood until the last: in Brest and Stalingrad, near Kursk and in besieged Leningrad. They stood and survived!
Staging. Children enter and are placed throughout the hall (signalman, nurse, sailor, pilot, machine gunner).
Signalman (puts on headphones):
Hello, Jupiter!? I am Diamond!
I can hardly hear you at all...
We occupied the village with a fight,
And how are you? Hello! Hello!
Nurse (bandages the wounded):
Why are you roaring like a bear?
It's just a matter of patience.
And your wound is so light,
That it will heal for sure.
Sailor (looks through binoculars):
There's a plane on the horizon
Full speed ahead, forward!
Get ready for battle, crew!
Leave it alone! Our fighter!
Pilots above the map:
The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.
The flight to the target is seven minutes.
The battle order is clear,
The enemy will not leave us.
Machine gunner:
So I climbed into the attic.
Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here.
We clean the house behind the house,
We will find the enemy everywhere.
They leave the hall.
1 Presenter
Roads of war... From Brest to Moscow, and then back...
How many of them have been completed? And the song walked with the warriors everywhere!
The song lived in the soldier's soul. The song called for heroic deeds and brought victory closer.
And along with the song lived its inseparable companion - the accordion.
Re-enactment "Rest after the battle." Soldiers are sitting around the fire, some with a bowler hat, some with a machine gun, some writing a letter home, one couple dances to the sounds of an accordion played by one of the soldiers. The song “Dugout” plays in the background.
My great-grandmother did not fight,
In the rear she brought Victory closer,
We had factories in the rear,
They made tanks and airplanes there for the front...
Shells were made and bullets were cast,
They made clothes, boots,
Bombs for planes, guns for soldiers,
And guns, and of course, provisions.
2nd presenter
Who will return childhood to a child who has gone through the horror of war?
What did the wartime children understand, see, and remember?
- A lot. They will be able to tell about this themselves.
reads out the memories of those present in the hall
Children perform the song “Leningrad Boys”

1st presenter
I will transform the days of war into moments,
And I will divide the moments into those
Who, having lived a short century with the war,
He gave his life for the Victory without a second thought.
There was a war and it was taking lives,
Ten people in a minute.
Someone has an unmarked grave,
Someone has a modest monument.
Grandfather dreams of war at night,
He says that he has never seen worse dreams:
Bird souls fly away into infinity,
With the cries of the last cranes...
The song “Blue Scarf” plays, the girls perform a choreographic sketch with scarves.
2nd presenter
Remember! Through the centuries, through the years - remember!
About those who will never come again - remember!
Do not Cry! Hold back the moans in your throat, the bitter moans.
In memory of the fallen - be worthy! Eternally worthy!
With bread and song, dream and poetry, spacious life,
Every second, every breath, be worthy!
People! While hearts are knocking, remember!
At what price is happiness won - please remember!
1st presenter
Remember your song when you send it flying!
About those who will never sing again - remember!
Tell your children about them so they will remember them!
Tell your children’s children about them so that they remember them too!
At all times of the immortal Earth - remember!
When leading ships to the twinkling stars, remember the dead!
I beg you, remember!
A soldier was walking home from the war,
Walked the straight road,
In a faded tunic,
An experienced soldier was walking home.
And having gone through fire and battle,
What did the soldier bring home?
Two wounds, three medals,
The names of friends who fell
A flask of alcohol for conversation,
And also brought victory...
The song “May Waltz” sounds, children come into the hall with flowers, give flowers to the veterans and invite them to the waltz. Afterwards, the veterans are escorted to their seats, and the children stand in a semicircle around the hall.
2nd presenter
War veterans, you are Russian soldiers,
In 1945 we returned home with Victory.
And since then your names are holy forever,
War veterans, our bow to you.

Everyone bows deeply to the veterans.
Children sing the song “Great-Grandfather” and give gifts to veterans.
The celebration continues outside. Victory songs are played. The military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” is being held. Veterans are invited to participate as judges.


Stage 1 “Report”
who will deliver the package faster through the obstacle course: bench, hoops, pipe.
Stage 2 “Military Hospital”
who will carry and bandage the wounded faster;
Stage 3 "Scouts"
Who will find the hidden object faster, guided by the diagram map.
Afterwards everyone is treated to buckwheat porridge prepared in the field kitchen.

The script is intended for middle and high school students. It provides an opportunity to familiarize students with literary and musical works dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. Contains poems and songs created both during the Second World War and after. It is possible to include in the script poems and songs written by students dedicated to Victory Day or the Second World War. Songs can be heard both recorded from discs and performed by students.



State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities, special (correctional) secondary school No. 613, Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg


Literary and musical lounge

"Happy Victory Day"

Completed by: Kalnina Anna Alekseevna

Saint Petersburg




The script is intended for middle and high school students. It provides an opportunity to familiarize students with literary and musical works dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. Contains poems and songs created both during the Second World War and after. It is possible to include poems and songs written by students dedicated to Victory Day or the Second World War, if any. Songs can be heard both recorded from discs and performed by students.

Goal: fostering patriotism, a sense of love and respect for one’s homeland and war veterans.

Venue: classroom or assembly hall

Time: 60 minutes.

The hall is decorated with balloons, posters and wall newspapers dedicated to the Second World War and Victory Day. Before the start of the event, war songs are played. To the right of the stage, a table is set (tea, sweets, cookies) for honored guests - veterans.

1 presenter: The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common misfortune

For everyone, for all four years.

Hello, dear guests, dear children, teachers, parents.

Our meeting is dedicated to the brightest, dearest and most sacred holiday for us, “Victory Day”. This day is celebrated together with Russia in all former republics of the USSR and in many countries of the world.

Presenter 2: After all, it was the most terrible and bloody war in the history of mankind. And the Soviet people, who suffered the most numerous losses, bore the brunt on their shoulders. We sincerely congratulate everyone present on the holiday and invite you to our literary and musical living room.

1 student reads K. Simonov’s poem “The Major Brought the Boy on a Carriage”

1 presenter: Young and old rose to fight the invaders. Among them was 16-year-old Yulia Drunina. Having signed up for the voluntary brigade, she was tricked into going to the front and was wounded several times. She devoted many of her poems to the theme of the Second World War.

2nd student reads Yu. Drunina’s poem “Bandages”

The song “In the Dugout” is playing

Sl. A. Surkov music. K.Listova

2 presenter: In the most difficult conditions, under a hail of enemy bullets, in heat and cold, in rain and snow, our soldiers defended their Homeland, rushed into the embrasures of fascist machine guns, led their planes to ram, destroying enemies in the air, on land and at sea .

3 student reads V. Vysotsky’s poem “On mass graves”

The song “At a Nameless Height” is played.

Sl. M. Matusovsky music. V. Basner

1 presenter: And in the rear there were women, children, and old people. They suffered no less severe trials - backbreaking labor in factories, in the fields, hunger, bombings.

4 student reads K. Simonov’s poem “Wait for me”

Presenter 2: During the blockade days we never learned:

Where is the line between youth and childhood?

We were given medals at 43

And only at 45 - passports.

The song "Leningrad" is playing

Sl. O. Mandelstam music. A. Pugacheva

1 presenter: Everyday life at the front. But even there, during the breaks between battles, the fighters remembered home, family, wrote letters, and dreamed about the post-war future.

The song "Dark Night" is playing

Poems by V. Agatov Music. N. Bogoslovsky

2 presenter: And finally, the long-awaited spring of 1945 has arrived.

The song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” sounds

St. Agranovich E. music. Hozak R.

2 presenter: Let's honor the memory of all those who died in this war.


Students present flowers to veterans.

The song "Victory Day" is playing

S.V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov

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