Family club for parents with disabilities "seven-colored". Social project "family club" for children with disabilities and parents project on the topic Family Club for children with disabilities

Marina Skopintseva
Parents' club, an effective form of supporting the family of a child with disabilities

One of the main tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is to ensure equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of psychophysiological and other characteristics.

Children with disabilities experience an increased need to rely on adults; their fate largely depends on the position of the family and the adults around them. The family is a reliable foundation in solving certain issues: raising children, including them in social spheres, developing children with disabilities as active members of society. Therefore, in our work we use a person-oriented, humane and personal approach to children and parents.

In my work I actively use non-traditional interactive forms of working with parents, based on cooperation and interaction. The use of interactive methods makes it possible to significantly deepen the influence of the teacher on parents. New forms of interaction with parents implement the principle of partnership and dialogue.

In 2016, it began its work on the basis of a preschool institution resource center, where one of the effective forms of interaction with parents is the organization of work "Let's Help Each Other" club.Parents Club is a promising form of working with families, taking into account the current needs of the family, contributing to the formation of an active life position of the participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family and transferring experience in raising children.

Purpose of the club: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education, development, promoting the health of children with disabilities, as well as assistance to families in adapting and integrating children with disabilities into society.

Club objectives:

providing psychological and correctional pedagogical support to families in matters of education, upbringing and development of children;

development of parental skills in caring for and raising a child, including protecting his rights and health, creating a safe environment, and successful socialization;

the formation of mutual trust in the system of relations between the educational institution and the family;

increasing the legal competence of parents in matters of state guarantees for families raising children with disabilities and familiarizing themselves with the basics of legislation in the field of protecting children's rights;

educational work on the problems of developmental disorders in children and their correction;

promoting positive family education experiences.

Specialists from the preschool institution (teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, music director, physical education instructor, pediatrician) make their contribution to the organization of the club’s activities. Thanks to networking, we attract employees from the Rodnik social service center.

Teachers and specialists of preschool institutions teach parents to better feel and understand their child, build relationships competently, and be able to use the necessary tools and techniques.

To effectively cooperate with parents, we take into account their personal problems, first of all, in order to earn their trust, liberate them, and receive an emotional response, which traditional forms of working with parents do not always allow. Communication within the family club creates a positive emotional atmosphere for both teachers and adults.

As part of the parent club, I organize meetings of parents interested in solving the problems of their children. In informal communication, club members get to know each other, share their own experience of interacting with their child, meet with specialists, exchange thoughts about themselves and their work, and participate in trainings and research.

I use various shapes holding a parent club “Let’s Help Each Other” such as:

Round table “Child Health”, “Hello Baby”;


Psychological living rooms “Trust”;

Discussions and mini-trainings, “What I imagined him to be like before birth and what he is like now”;

Workshops with specialists”;

Joint festive events with tea drinking;

Lekoteka game sessions;

Participation in competitions;

Use of information technologies: production of brochures, booklets, memos.

At these meetings, I talk about the small achievements of children in the field of emotional communication and development. Parents, in turn, talked about their problems, asked questions, made joint decisions, which helped parents acquire skills in resolving conflict situations with their child, they learned how to effectively interact with him, understand and optimize their parental position.

During meetings in the Help Each Other club, parents have the opportunity to meet each other, exchange experiences and provide support to each other, and this gives parents the feeling that “they are not alone.”

The result of the club's work is:

Inclusion of parents in the life of the kindergarten, cooperation with teachers in matters of education and correctional work;

Parents see that there are families around them who are close to them in spirit and have similar problems;

They are convinced by the example of other families that the active participation of parents in the development of the child leads to success;

An active parental position and adequate self-esteem are formed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the work of the club helps strengthen the position of a family with a child with disabilities or a disabled child as a partner and active subject in the educational environment of a preschool institution.

Club program for parents raising children with disabilities
"The world is one for all"

Compiled by: Karpova Yu.V.

S. Kolva
Explanatory note
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (Article 23, paragraph 1) states: “States Parties recognize that a child with mental or physical disabilities should lead a full life in conditions that ensure his dignity, promote his self-confidence and facilitate his participation in the life of society."
In conditions when the majority of families are concerned with solving problems of economic and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has increased. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes carry out upbringing blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. Families raising children with developmental disabilities live under the burden of numerous problems. This complicates the family atmosphere, and sometimes heats it up to the limit. Not every parent is able to accept the child’s illness and adequately respond to his problems that constantly arise in the course of life. An adequate perception of the problems associated with raising a child with disabilities in a family is not achieved immediately and not by all parents. It is known that a prolonged psychotraumatic situation has a psychogenic, frustrating effect on the psyche of parents of problem children and indirectly negatively affects their attitude towards the child. Some parents endure the effects of stress very hard, and the tragedy of the situation breaks their lives. Others find the strength to withstand the difficulties that arise, are able to self-actualize and achieve maximum success in the socialization of the child. Thus, it turns out that with similar options HYPERLINK "" \o "Frustration" of the frustration load, reactive abilities and adaptive capabilities manifest themselves differently in different parents. Parents who have difficulty interacting with problem children need to provide them with special psychological assistance. It is these facts that explain the urgent need for organizing and conducting psychocorrectional activities with families raising children with disabilities.
The fundamental principles of correctional work with children and their parents are the following:
The principle of unity of diagnostics and developmental correction.
The correctional pedagogical process requires constant monitoring of the dynamics of the child’s development and the effectiveness of the implementation of correctional programs. Overcoming the identified violation depends on the correctness and accuracy of its identification.
The principle of humanistic orientation of psychological assistance.
This principle is based on recognizing the intrinsic value of the personality of a child with developmental disabilities and creating conditions for his harmonious development.
The principle of the integrative use of psychological, pedagogical and psychotherapeutic methods and techniques.
An integrated systematic approach to the use of various means, methods and techniques of psychocorrective influence allows us to take into account the characteristics of various developmental disorders and successfully carry out their correction.
The principle of harmonization of the family atmosphere.
This principle focuses psychocorrectional work on resolving personal and interpersonal conflicts between family members.
The principle of providing person-oriented assistance.
Using this principle, psychological correction of personal deviations is carried out in a child with developmental disabilities, members of his family and people who directly interact with him.
The principle of forming a positive attitude towards a child with developmental disabilities.
This principle involves the formation of positive value orientations and attitudes among the child’s parents, the acceptance of his violations by family members and people in the social environment.
The principle of optimizing educational techniques used by parents in relationships with a child with developmental disabilities.
By implementing this principle, pedagogical literacy, psychological competence and the general culture of parents are increased. Increasing the cultural level of parents is a factor that ensures the strengthening of the family's adaptation mechanisms.
The principle of unity of educational influence of the family, educational institutions and specialists of psychological and pedagogical services.
The success of correctional work with a child is possible only if there is close interaction between the family, a special (correctional) educational institution and specialists from the family psychological assistance service.
The goal of this program is to increase the pedagogical competence of parents and help families adapt and integrate children with disabilities into society.
1. Teach parents effective ways to interact with their child;
2.Equip with the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of pedagogy and developmental psychology;
3.Form adequate self-esteem.
Contents of the program.
Step-by-step psychological and pedagogical work with parents of children with disabilities:
1. Primary diagnosis of the child and his family. At this stage, parents first meet specialists who will subsequently carry out corrective measures. At this stage, it is important to create a trusting relationship with the specialist, and the interest of parents in participating in the process of development and upbringing of the child at school and in the family.
2. A deeper acquaintance of the specialist with the parents, establishing close contact. At this stage, parents become familiar with the ways in which the school works with families.
3.Next, a group of psychological, medical and pedagogical support (PMP) for children with disabilities and diagnostic data from specialists draws up an individual support program for each child with disabilities. In this program, specialists determine the individual educational route of each child.
Estimated Expected Result
The emergence of parents' interest in the child's development process, the desire and ability to see small, but important for the child, achievements.
Participation of parents in the correctional educational process of the child with an understanding of the significance of this for their child; developing a sense of satisfaction from the successful application of one’s knowledge in the upbringing and development of a child.
Increasing the activity of parents in matters of cooperation with specialists of the institution; desire to participate in psychological and pedagogical events (club classes, psychological trainings, consultations, etc.).
Expanding the circle of communication among the parents of the institution
Basic requirements for program implementation:
Interaction with parents is a very special type of pedagogical activity, requiring special psychological knowledge, tact, and tolerance. The education of parents is characterized by a certain sequence, gradual development of knowledge, stages, which determines the specifics of the forms of work of parental comprehensive education, and the characteristics of the contingent of students, and the forms of classes conducted.
Education and enlightenment of parents of children with disabilities is focused on current problems in the life of a child with multiple disabilities, on the psychological safety (safe family, safe school or kindergarten, social environment) of the family and its interaction with the educational institution. It should be taken into account that the greatest effect is achieved when training is combined with solving practical problems of raising children with special needs, taking into account their individual characteristics and capabilities.
To successfully organize training, we need specialists and teachers who will carry out this work. Specialists of various profiles take part in the implementation of the program: educational psychologist, social teacher, medical specialists who will help expand the knowledge of parents in certain issues of social adaptation, integration, and development of disabled children with multiple disabilities.

In the Sukhinichi district of the Kaluga region there is a social rehabilitation center for minors “Rays of Hope”. The Center has created a parent club “The Connecting Thread”. The Center's specialists and some active parents decided to unite. The purpose of the association was to jointly resolve pressing issues, celebrate holidays, conduct cultural leisure and support each other in difficult times. Such unification into a group, on the one hand, was a simple matter, because all parents were brought together by a common problem - a sick child. On the other hand, many parents were in a state of depression, some families isolated themselves from society, embarrassed to show people their “different” child, and there were families with whom friends stopped communicating. Thus, isolation, isolation from the whole world and a state of hopelessness, loss of something important in life became the causes of intrapersonal disorders and partial loss of communication skills. Experts identified communication training as the most appropriate form of work, which is carried out at the first stage of working with parents at the beginning of the school year.
Communication training helps to solve the following problems:
- getting participants to know each other;
- creating conditions for rapprochement and unification of group members;
- awareness of one’s own individuality, increased self-esteem;
- development of communication skills and abilities;
- reduction of emotional stress, optimization of functional state.
Trainings are conducted in an atmosphere of trust, which allows for greater intensity of feedback between group members compared to everyday communication. The creation of a climate of trust is facilitated by a special form of conducting classes, in which the leader does not oppose himself to the group, but acts as one of the participants in group work.
When organizing psychocommunication training sessions, you must be guided by the following principles:
- activity of group members;
- research position;
- partnership communication;
- voluntary participation;
- providing participants with complete information about the goals and methods of conducting the training;
- during training, taking all precautions against physical and mental injury.
In the first lesson, the rules by which the group works are developed. The rules are adopted by the whole group together with the psychologist at the very beginning of work. They are needed to create an environment where each participant can speak openly and express their feelings and views. Participants are not afraid to become the object of ridicule and criticism; are confident that everything personal that is discussed in class will not go beyond the group; receive information without preventing others from receiving it.
The main part of the lesson includes exercises aimed at revealing the problem and working it out, consolidating behavioral and communication skills. At this stage, participants are given the opportunity to try new techniques and behavior strategies in a safe environment. The psychologist’s task is to encourage participants’ attempts to practice acquired skills and to promote the development of trusting relationships. Each session includes relaxation exercises aimed at reducing tension and optimizing functional state. Such exercises are carried out to the accompaniment of classical music, sounds of nature, you can read a text to the music, influencing the figurative perception of the picture of the world (about the sea, forest, birds, etc.).
To evaluate the effectiveness of training, the following methods are used:
Discussing issues with personal statements. At the end of the training, each group member speaks out about what they learned, what they liked or didn’t like, and what needs to be changed. In this case, the psychologist needs to take notes on the reviews, and then analyze them and draw conclusions.
Notes from a psychologist. During the training, the psychologist records how the group reacted to this or that information, whether everyone took part in the games, and whether everyone was comfortable.
Continued parental involvement in self-help groups. If during the communication training the group was formed as a single organism, then this contributes to the effective work of parents in the self-help group.
Goals and objectives of the parent club "The Connecting Thread"
- providing social support to parents of children with disabilities in matters of their rehabilitation, development and education;
- providing parents with psychological and legal assistance at the Center.
- legal advice to parents;
- organization of joint leisure time for parents and children;
- training parents in methods of rehabilitation of children with disabilities at home;
- psychological trainings;
- organizing active family recreation in nature for parents and children with disabilities.
Club members:
- parents of children with disabilities living in the Sukhinichi district;
- Center specialists (teacher-psychologist, social educator).
Organization of club activities.
The club operates on the basis of a social rehabilitation center for minors.
Events for parents and children are held free of charge, once a month.
Forms of work of the club: psychological trainings, leisure activities, consultations with Center specialists, excursions, etc.
Results achieved:
- increasing the legal literacy of parents of children with disabilities;
- expanding the circle of communication between parents and children, overcoming social isolation, mutual assistance;
- overcoming stressful conditions by parents without compromising mental and physical health;
- formation of an adequate attitude towards children with developmental disabilities;
- mastering the techniques of rehabilitation work with children at home;
- formation and organization of a healthy family lifestyle;
- organizing communication between children of different ages in order to enrich their social experience, as well as communication between their parents;
- instilling skills in organizing joint leisure time between parents and children.
The topics of classes with parents and the forms of their implementation are given in the table.
The results of the work done are positive.
The parent team rallied, mothers (mostly) and some fathers became more sociable, always ready to help a friend, mutual assistance, the emotional state of the parents noticeably improved, they began to communicate with each other by phone, meet in families, share experiences, addresses of medical and other institutions.

Lesson "Getting Acquainted"

- introduce group members to each other;
- tell about the rules of the club;
- set up the group for further joint work.

First stage "Warming up"

Good afternoon, dear mothers. I'm very glad to see you! We are starting to work together. Our classes will be aimed at developing you as parents. Here we will communicate and play. You will be able to use all the knowledge that you gain as a result of our classes in communicating with your children. All our classes will be held in a playful way. And in any game there are rules. I would like to introduce you to them.

Thematic planning of the activities of the parent club "The Connecting Thread"

o Confidential communication style. By talking about ourselves, we hope for reciprocity.
Sincerity in communication. Everything you say must be true.
Confidentiality. No one can talk outside the group about what is happening in it.
The group supports each member with advice, a listening ear, and kind words.
And now I invite you to tell us about your thoughts and expectations related to the upcoming lesson, and the feelings with which you went to the first meeting.

1. Exercise "Name".
All participants sit in a circle. Everyone says his name, and then, using any letter of his name, names the quality inherent in his character.
2. Exercise "Interview".
Each participant takes turns talking about himself:
why were you given such a name, who named you that?
what does the name mean?
what are your hobbies?
name your life motto.
3. Exercise "Continue the phrase."
Participants are given cards with an unfinished sentence that needs to be continued:
I try to be alone when I feel...
I don't do housework when I...
I make offensive remarks if I...
I start eating a lot when I
I get upset when I...
It's very hard for me...
It makes me feel better if I...
I'm happy when I...
I get lost when...
I'm worried if I...
I worry when...
I still don't know...
I want it very much...
I think the most important thing...
I need to know that I...
4. Exercise: "Mountains".
Imagine a warm, sunny summer day. You are sitting on a mountain lawn covered with soft green grass. Your back rests on a stone heated by the sun. Majestic mountains rise around you. The air smells of sun-warmed grass. There is a light smell of flowers and rocks heated during the day. A light breeze ruffles your hair and gently touches your face. You look around, from where you stand you can see a mountain range stretching into the distance, beyond the horizon. The sun's ray glides smoothly along the slopes. Far ahead, almost out of earshot, the water of a mountain stream slowly falls from a stone ledge. There is amazing silence all around: you hear only the distant, barely audible sound of water, the buzz of a bee over a flower, a lonely bird singing somewhere, the wind rustling the grass lightly. You feel how calm and serene this place breathes. Worries, anxieties and tension go away. Pleasant peace comes over you. You look up and see the sky above you, so clear, blue, bottomless, which can only be in the mountains. An eagle soars in the blue silence. Almost without moving his mighty wings, he seems to float in the boundless blue. You look at him and accidentally catch his eye. And now you are an eagle, and your body is light and weightless. You soar in the sky, looking at the earth from above, remembering every detail. And now you are on earth.
5. Exercise "Art therapy".
I suggest you display your thoughts and feelings on paper using paints and pencils.

Third stage. Completion

Lesson "How to deal with emotions"

- teaching parents how to get out of stressful situations;
- reducing anxiety and fear of rejection;
- formation of a constructive position of the mother of a sick child, aimed at preserving and strengthening the family;
- correction of personality disorders and attitudes.

First stage "Warming up"

1. Greeting.
2. Reflection on the previous lesson. Thematic warm-up.
3. Exercise “I remember, I know...”
Parents describe the joyful events of married life.
The parents and psychologist then discuss the recordings. The psychologist gives the following instructions.
There are light and dark stripes in the life of spouses. There are no families that do not have joyful events in life. Joyful events may include family holidays, anticipation of the birth of a child, joint vacation trips, visits to theaters, exhibitions, etc. What is important here is not where the spouses were, but what kind of relationship arose between them at that time. A positive tone and depth of relationships are important. Memories of pleasant events warm the soul and help relieve sadness, melancholy, and feelings of dissatisfaction. Every time something sad or dark happens in your life, neutralize the event by remembering something pleasant. Use positive thoughts as an "antidote" to negative ones.
4. Exercise “Exactly today.”
Forming a positive attitude towards yourself and your family members: “As a mother, in a stressful situation I should be able to mentally build a barrier, a protective “wall” or place the child and myself in an invisible case, armor, in order to separate myself from any irritated subject.”

Second phase. Main event

Third stage. Completion

1. Reflection of parents.
2. Summing up the day.
For the successful rehabilitation of a child with disabilities, the father must take part in his development and upbringing. Mom needs to be able to control her feelings and emotions, find an activity that will bring pleasure.

Lesson "Development and training of the ability to react constructively to negative reactions of the social environment"

- learn to manage your own emotional state;
- think constructively so as not to “get stuck” on negative experiences;
- find new alternative ways to overcome life's problems;
- show ways of positive thinking.

First stage "Warming up"

1. Greeting.
2. Exercise “Yes, of course, and also I...”.
Group members stand in two circles, the inner one
circle - facing the outside, in pairs. One of the couple gives the second a compliment, to which the second replies: “Yes, of course, and I also...” (completes the phrase). After which they change roles. When compliments have been exchanged, the inner circle takes a step to the right and thus the partner in the exercise changes.

Second phase. Main event

1. Exercise “I am on a piece of paper.”
Instructions for participants: Draw yourself from the outside, how you look on your “mental” screen. Nearby, draw a very beautiful Lady Luck in a long white dress. Now draw yourself again, always with a smile on your face, walking hand in hand or arm in arm with Lady Luck. What do you think we've done now? Attract good luck to yourself! The verbal code of good luck is very simple - you need to wish it to all people as often as possible.
2. Exercise "Response".
Participants sit in two rows opposite each other; from the first participant a critical or aggressive statement is formed to the person sitting opposite (either in a game or relating to a real situation that occurred during the training). The addressee must “process” the statement according to the rules “Is it important to you?..” and obtain consent from the aggressor. Next, the responder becomes the author of a critical or aggressive statement addressed to the next participant sitting opposite, the last one in the chain says a provocative phrase to the one who started the exercise. The basic principle is this: we must proceed from the consideration that the person is communicating some information about what he would like to avoid in the future, what is important to him, therefore, in response to criticism or aggression, it is useful to simply inform the person that he was heard. For example, the phrase: “Your child’s behavior is somewhat provocative!” Answer-question: “Is it important for you that children on the street behave within generally accepted boundaries?” Answer: "Yes." When a person says “yes,” the level of aggression decreases (and vice versa!). The task is not to increase the aggressive potential of the statement, but to extinguish it, translating it into a constructive discussion of the problem. This formula allows you to receive directly from a person confirmation of his interests and presentation of values.
"How to construct a phrase correctly?" It is necessary to understand what exactly inside a person caused him to react in this way. Talk about the general subject of the complaint. Speak only in positive words: any negative particles must be removed, no “no”! Negative-sounding words should be replaced with antonyms. For example, it is worth replacing the phrase “not to be sloppy” with the phrase “to be neat.” Talk not about yourself, but about people in general: not “Am I talking loudly?”, but “Were people correct when they reprimanded me?” etc.

Third stage. Completion

1. Reflection of parents.
2. Summing up the day: emotional self-control and constructive response in situations of confrontation are an indicator of confident behavior of parents.

The project to create a rehabilitation space for a club environment is aimed at organizing and creating a family club “Sunny World” for families raising children with disabilities and disabled children. The target audience of the project is families raising children with disabilities, children with disabilities and children with disabilities and children with disabilities, including children with severe multiple developmental disorders. The club will organize both separate parent and joint parent-child meetings at discussion platforms, trainings, seminars, master classes, art therapy classes, logorhythmics and music and dance classes. In a relaxed atmosphere, an atmosphere of trust and acceptance that develops over time during classes and meetings, parents will be able to gain knowledge about the developmental characteristics of children with disabilities, ways to interact with special children, and learn to understand and accept children for who they are. Qualified specialists will conduct group correctional and developmental classes for children, and the joint participation of the family in the sensory theater will improve parent-child relationships, relieve emotional stress and will promote the sensory development of children with developmental disorders. The work will be aimed at overcoming psychological problems associated with raising a child with disabilities (guilt, shame, fears, feelings of loneliness and meaninglessness of life), and at receiving support from other families and specialists. Parents gain educational confidence, positive interaction between parents and children develops, the risk of violence decreases, the family unites around the child, acquires new meanings in life, and better understands the emotional world and needs of a child with developmental disabilities. They will also receive support from specialists in teaching and raising children, psychological assistance and assistance in resolving specific family problems. Providing comprehensive rehabilitation support to families with children with developmental disabilities, organizing family leisure will contribute to further social adaptation of families, strengthening the institution of family, socialization and integration of families with children with disabilities into society, creating additional conditions for meaningful leisure for families with children with disabilities and disabled children


  1. creation of a rehabilitation space for a club environment


  1. Creation of a family club for families with children with disabilities, disabled children, including severe multiple developmental disorders.
  2. Psychological and pedagogical support and support for parents with children with disabilities.
  3. Providing comprehensive correctional and developmental assistance to families with children with disabilities, disabled children, including severe multiple developmental disorders.

Justification of social significance

The birth of a child with developmental disabilities is often stressful for the family. “Special” children are limited in freedom and social significance. Such families need comprehensive psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation assistance. This will ensure the correction of the child’s deficiencies, improve his development, and ensure his social adaptation for further development and integration into society. At this moment, families raising a child with developmental disabilities focus all their efforts on their rehabilitation. Gathering all their will into a fist and concentrating all their attention on the “special” child, in anticipation of normalization of the life of their family, parents are in constant stress, withdraw into the current situation, alienate themselves, their family and their “special” children from society. This situation is dangerous because it limits the life activity of not only the child, but the entire family as a whole. In the family, communication and cognition skills are lost, stereotyping and “automaticity” in relationships are consolidated, and the feeling of helplessness and loneliness of each family member grows. At this moment, the family lacks an atmosphere of trust and acceptance, a place where they will be understood, listened to and helped to rehabilitate not only the child with developmental disabilities, but also the parents. A promising form of work with families, taking into account the current needs of families raising children with “special” needs, contributing to the formation of an active life position of participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family, supporting motherhood, paternity and childhood, is the creation of a family club. Expanding the child’s capabilities is facilitated by the emotional well-being of not only the mother, but also the rest of the family. This is exactly the kind of comprehensive assistance in social rehabilitation that a family will receive at the Sunny World family club. Parents will have the opportunity to take a break from intense, tedious work and spend time with their child, and all family members will have the opportunity to hear and see each other in a new way, listen and take a closer look at each other. The project of creating a family club “Sunny World” is of great social significance due to the lack of such a format for working with families with “special” children in the republic, because Most of the work is aimed at the rehabilitation of children with developmental disabilities and does not pay due attention to parents, who also need a rehabilitation space in an atmosphere of openness and goodwill.

Geography of the project

Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude.

Target groups

  1. People with disabilities
  2. Children and teenagers
  3. families with children with disabilities, disabled children, including those with severe multiple disabilities.

MKU "Social rehabilitation center for minors "Nadezhda" Leninsk-Kuznetsk municipal district"


Director of MKU "Social Rehabilitation

Center for minors "Nadezhda"

Leninsk-Kuznetsky municipal district"

N.V. Pasynkova ___________________________

«________» _______________________________

Club program for parents raising children with disabilities


Compiled by:

Churilova M.V.,

social teacher

Karacheva E.Yu.,


Pos. Kleyzavod


Explanatory note

The family is the natural environment that ensures the harmonious development and social adaptation of the child.

Families raising children with developmental disabilities face specific problems and experience difficulties in resolving them: incompetence regarding the upbringing and development of an abnormal child, parents’ ignorance of basic psychological and pedagogical knowledge for remedial education and raising a child at home in an accessible manner. its format; distortion of contacts with the surrounding society and, as a consequence, lack of support from society, etc.

The first, historically established form of work of specialists (doctors, teachers and psychologists) with parents of children with developmental disabilities is the educational direction. For a long time, when working with families, attention was focused on the child himself, but not on the functioning of the family, not on its members who found themselves in a situation of psychological trauma, family stress and crisis.

A study of families raising a disabled child showed that parents of a sick child, while highly willing to devote themselves to solving the child’s problems, misunderstand (underestimate) the direct relationship between the condition of the child and the entire family with the personal state of the parent, the importance of working with personal problems, so there is a need providing psychological assistance not only to the disabled person, but also to his relatives

The results of a survey of parents to identify their interest in participating in the work of the “Step Forward” club showed that some of the parents surveyed do not express the need for psychological and pedagogical work personally with them and their families.

For parents who have a request to work with center specialists, the group form of work turned out to be more in demand than individual work. During preliminary conversations, the parents expressed a desire to communicate with each other, since they have similar problems and are ready to exchange experiences and provide mutual assistance to each other.

That is, the multidimensionality of the problems of a sick child forces parents to feel insufficient parental competence in matters of psychological and pedagogical influence on the child, which determines the content of their requests to specialists.

When drawing up the program of activities of the club “School for Parents of a Special Child,” both the requests of parents and the objectively existing, but not identified by parents, need for personal psychological help and support were taken into account. The group form of work carries a powerful resource for solving problems, both pedagogical and psychological.

This program, while keeping the issues of pedagogical education as a priority, also includes the tasks of developing the psychological competence of parents in self-knowledge and knowledge of the child, in the ability to help themselves in a stressful situation.

Purpose of the program

Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of education, development and social adaptation of children with psychophysical disorders through psychological and pedagogical education; involving parents in cooperation in terms of common approaches to raising and educating a child.


    to form in parents a positive perception of the personality of a child with developmental disorders;

    expand parents’ vision of their educational functions in

regarding a child with disabilities;

    introduce parents to effective parenting methods

children's interaction, educational techniques necessary to correct the child's personality;

    to motivate parents to interact with

specialists of the institution, participation in meetings of the “Step Forward” club;

    promote expansion of contacts with society, ensure

an opportunity for communication between parents who have children with similar problems.

The program is designed for parents of children with disabilities. Participation in parent meetings by other family members (grandparents, other family members of a disabled child) is encouraged, given that they, as family members, influence the child and participate in his upbringing.

The duration of the program is 1 academic year (then it can be continued).

Parent club classes are held approximately once a month (8-12 meetings).

The duration and time of one lesson is 1.5-2 hours.

It is expected that the main composition of the group will be constant, this will allow parents to better understand the proposed material and motivate parents to practically use knowledge in teaching and raising children at home.

The program is presented in the form of a list of topics for club meetings for parents and lesson notes for the “Step Toward” club (Appendices 1-6). During the academic year, the program can be adjusted depending on the requests and needs of participants in club meetings.

Thematic lesson plan for the “Step towards” club

P / P

topic of the lesson

goals and objectives

"Acquaintance. Rights and benefits of disabled children and their families. Family parenting styles"


    Meeting families raising disabled children.

    Presentation of the MKU “Social shelter for children and teenagers “Nadezhda”, a story about the activities of the “We are together” club.

    Involving parents in cooperation in terms of common approaches to education and interaction with the child.


    Inform parents about the activities of the social institution.

    Introduce the meeting participants to the rights and benefits of disabled children and their parents.

    Provide information about parenting styles.

    Motivate parents to participate in events held by the “We Are Together” club.

    Create a favorable, friendly atmosphere during the event through gaming techniques.

"Mother's love"



    Create an emotionally positive attitude towards working together;

    Remove barriers to communication and move to open, trusting relationships;

    Show parents the degree of understanding of their child, help them gain a deeper understanding of their relationship with their children and emotionally enrich them.

"The body is like a mirror of the soul"


    Talk about the connection between emotional problems and a person’s physical well-being.


    Help reduce fatigue, anxiety, speech and muscle tension, and emotional tension.

    Help strengthen emotional stability and improve mood.

“Why is my child angry?”


    Helping improve parent-child relationships and developing skills for effective interaction between mother and child


    introduce the causes of aggressiveness;

    help meeting participants find ways to overcome aggressive behavior of children;

    introduce basic methods and techniques for interacting with children who show aggression.

"Children's provocations, or how to set prohibitions"


    Discussion of the problem of parent-child relationships in the family, rules for establishing prohibitions and the need for punishment.


    Discuss issues related to punishment, prohibitions, restrictions in the process of raising children.

    Develop the most acceptable methods of restrictions and prohibitions in raising children.

    Help improve mood through communication games.

"Little Manipulators"


    Helping improve parent-child relationships and developing skills for effective interaction between mother and child


    Introduce the meeting participants to the concept of “child manipulation” and the reasons for its occurrence.

    Talk about the manifestations of children's manipulations and develop recommendations for solving this problem.

    Create an emotionally positive attitude towards working together.

Lesson structure

The lesson consists of 3 blocks:

Block 1: Introduction to the topic

The first block includes organizational and information parts.

Organizational is aimed at creating an atmosphere of emotional closeness among group members and inclusion in the topic of communication.

The information part offers a mini-lecture on the designated topic, which can be illustrated by watching videos; recommendations for working with children in the practical part of the lesson; preparation of jobs.

Block 2: Practical

This could be a workshop or a master class for parents, a parent-child workshop. Thus, parents master practical skills for independent study with children. At the end of the parent-child lesson, the children return to their groups. In this regard, a parent-child lesson involves preliminary thinking through organizational issues related to bringing children to the lesson and returning them to the groups after the practical part.

Block 3: Final

This is part of the active communication of all meeting participants and specialists about the information received and experience gained, comprehension of what is happening, awareness of one’s response to specific situations, psychological and pedagogical interpretation of what was happening. An opportunity is provided to reflect on your position and style of interaction with the child.

The content and conditions for presenting information are of great importance for developing parents’ desire to communicate with specialists and enter into cooperation for the sake of their child. Below is a list of techniques that can be used in different combinations in the structure of the lesson.

The content of the lesson topic can be revealed using different techniques:

    Mini-lecture – introduces the topic of the lesson, focuses attention on the issue under discussion, and introduces new information on the problem.

    A parable can be an epigraph or, conversely, a generalization of a topic; a stimulus for discussion.

    Discussion – discussion of a topical issue; Typically, parents share personal experiences in solving problems or seek advice from the group.

    Watching videos to highlight the importance of the topic being discussed.

    Psychological exercise, training game - are included in any part of the lesson for a specific purpose. Beginning: to relieve tension, bring group members closer, engage in the topic of conversation. During the lesson: to understand the topic under discussion through awareness of one’s states, sensations, emotions; mastering techniques for relieving stress and harmonizing the emotional state. At the end: summarizing the topic or completing the lesson (for example, a farewell ritual).

    Practical lesson (workshop) - mastering practical skills, familiarization with correctional methods and techniques for working with children.

    Child-parent workshops are a joint productive activity that allows the parent to understand their positions, ways of interacting, collaborating with the child, and their response to a situation when the child does not meet expectations; practice of searching for methods and techniques of involving a child in activities, etc.

    Photo exhibitions on club activities, design of photo albums - information on the content of past club meetings, revitalizing the experience of participating in club activities, including parent-child activities; activation of positive emotions.

    Handouts (memos, teaching aids, brochures, etc.) for a home teaching kit - to reinforce the material and maintain interest.

Estimated Expected Result

    The emergence of parents' interest in the child's development process, the desire and ability to see small, but important for the child, achievements.

    Participation of parents in the correctional educational process of the child with an understanding of the significance of this for their child; developing a sense of satisfaction from the successful application of one’s knowledge in the upbringing and development of a child.

    Increasing the activity of parents in matters of cooperation with specialists of the institution; desire to participate in psychological and pedagogical events (club classes, psychological trainings, consultations, etc.).

    Expanding the circle of communication among the parents of the institution.


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