Download the Big Bang Theory presentation. Presentation on the topic of the big bang theory

The Big Bang Theory states that the entire physical universe - matter, energy and even the 4 dimensions of space and time arose from a state of infinite values ​​of density, temperature and pressure. The universe arose from a volume smaller than a point

And continues to expand. The Big Bang theory is now generally accepted because it explains both of the most significant facts of cosmology: the expanding Universe

And existence of cosmic background radiation.

This event occurred 13 to 20 billion years ago. You can use the known laws of physics and calculate backwards all the states in which the Universe was, starting from 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang.

During the first million years, matter and energy in the Universe formed an opaque plasma, sometimes called the primordial fireball.

By the end of this period, the expansion of the Universe caused the temperature to drop below 3000 K, so that protons and electrons could combine to form hydrogen atoms. At this stage, the Universe became transparent to radiation. The density of matter has now become higher than the density of radiation, although previously the situation was the opposite, which determined the expansion rate of the Universe.

The microwave background radiation is all that remains of the highly cooled radiation of the early Universe.



began to form from primordial clouds of hydrogen and helium only after one or two billion years. The term "Big Bang" can be applied to any model of an expanding universe that was hot and dense in the past.

The Large Magellanic Cloud is a galaxy that accompanies our own. It is visible to the naked eye as a hazy, elongated area of ​​the sky. It is located 160,000 light years away and covers an area of ​​20,000 light years. Its visible part is a tenth of the Milky Way

Hourglass Nebula

A young planetary nebula approximately 8,000 light years distant from us.

The image was taken at three different wavelengths to reflect the gas composition of the nebula. Nitrogen is shown in red, hydrogen in green, and doubly ionized oxygen in blue. The exact formation process is still unclear

Crab Nebula

is one of the most interesting objects in the sky. These are the remains of a huge stellar explosion. It was imaged in all wavelengths from radio to gamma rays. The central star is a pulsar - a rapidly rotating neutron star. It rotates so fast that an impulse is seen every 0.033 seconds. At optical wavelengths, this central star is magnitude 16 and is beyond the reach of all but the most powerful telescopes.

Milky Way

This is our own galaxy, seen from the inside. The galaxy is a giant star system consisting of approximately 200 billion stars. The Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years across and contains more than 100 billion stars. The galaxy has the shape of a lens with a diameter of 80 thousand light years and a thickness of ~ 30 thousand light years

Elliptical galaxies are formed as a result of collisions between spiral galaxies.

This image shows a spiral galaxy



In about three billion years, our Galaxy will collide with Andromeda, as astronomers have known for almost a century that both galaxies are approaching each other at a speed of 500,000 kilometers per hour.

What happened before the Big Bang?

According to this theory, all observable space is expanding. But what happened at the very beginning? All matter in the Cosmos at some initial moment was literally compressed into nothing - compressed into one single point. It had a fantastically enormous density - it is almost impossible to imagine, it is expressed as a number in which there are 96 zeros after one - and an equally unimaginably high temperature. Astronomers called this state a singularity.

For some reason, this amazing balance was suddenly destroyed by the action of gravitational forces - it’s hard to even imagine what they should have been like given the infinitely huge density of the “primal matter”!

The UniverseThe Universe is everything
material world,
limitless in time and
space and infinity
varied in shape,
which he accepts
matter in the process of its
The part of the Universe covered by astronomical observations
called the Metagalaxy, or our Universe. Dimensions
metagalaxies are very large: the radius of the cosmological horizon
is 15-20 billion light years.

Question about
The universe is
Theories about
the universe can
divide by two
Theories of the origin of the Universe (first
turn religious), in which as
The creative factor is the Creator.
In other words, according to them, the Universe
represents a spiritual and
conscious creation that appeared in
as a result of the will of the Supreme Mind;
Theories of the origin of the Universe,
based on scientific factors and
rejecting both the very concept of the Creator and
his participation in the creation of the world. They often
based on the principle of mediocrity,
who is considering the possibility
the existence of life not only on ours, but
and on other planets located in other
solar systems or even galaxies.

The main theories are:

Kant's model

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang theory states that the entire physical universe is
matter, energy and even 4 dimensions of space and time emerged
from a state of infinite values ​​of density, temperature and pressure.
The universe arose from a volume smaller than a point and continues
expand. The Big Bang Theory is now generally accepted because it
explains both of the most significant facts of cosmology:
the expanding Universe and the existence of the cosmic background

This event occurred 13 to 20 billion years ago. Can
use the known laws of physics and calculate in reverse
direction of all the states in which the Universe was located, starting with
10-43 seconds after the Big Bang.
During the first million years, matter and energy in the Universe
formed an opaque plasma, sometimes called the primordial
By the end of this period the expansion
The universe forced the temperature
drop below 3000 K, so
protons and electrons were able
combine to form atoms
hydrogen. At this stage the Universe
became transparent to radiation.
The density of the substance has now become higher
radiation density, although earlier
the situation was the opposite, as
determined the expansion rate

Beginning of star formation
This image shows a guess about how
the universe looked very young (less than 1
billion years) when star formation began,
converting the original hydrogen into countless

What happened before the big bang?

According to this theory, all observable space is expanding. But
what happened at the very beginning? All matter in Space is in some way
the initial moment was literally compressed into nothing - compressed into
one single point. It had a fantastically enormous density
- it is almost impossible to imagine, it is expressed in numbers, in
which after one there are 96 zeros - and just as unimaginable
high temperature. Astronomers called this condition
For some reason this amazing balance was suddenly
destroyed by gravitational forces - it’s hard to even imagine,
what they should have been like at an infinitely huge density
"primary substances"!

Mysteries of the Big Bang Theory
According to the big bang theory, the universe arose from a point
zero volume and infinitely high density and
temperature. This state, called singularity, is not
lends itself to mathematical description.
The big bang theory cannot explain the existence
galaxies. Modern versions of cosmological theories
predict only the appearance of a homogeneous cloud of gas.
The "missing mass" problem. By measuring light energy,
emitted by the Milky Way can be approximately determined
the mass of our galaxy. It is equal to the mass of one hundred billion
Sun However, studying the patterns of interaction of the same
Milky Way with the nearby Andromeda Galaxy, we
we will find that our galaxy is attracted to it as if
weighs ten times more

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Presentation on the topic: The Big Bang Theory

Slide no. 1

Slide description:

Slide no. 2

Slide description:

The Big Bang theory states that the entire physical universe - matter, energy and even the 4 dimensions of space and time arose from a state of infinite values ​​of density, temperature and pressure. The Universe arose from a volume smaller than a point and continues to expand. The Big Bang theory is now generally accepted because it explains both of the most significant facts of cosmology: the expanding Universe and the existence of cosmic background radiation.

Slide no. 3

Slide description:

This event occurred 13 to 20 billion years ago. You can use the known laws of physics and calculate backwards all the states in which the Universe was, starting from 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang. During the first million years, matter and energy in the Universe formed an opaque plasma, sometimes called the primordial fireball. By the end of this period, the expansion of the Universe caused the temperature to drop below 3000 K, so that protons and electrons could combine to form hydrogen atoms. At this stage, the Universe became transparent to radiation. The density of matter has now become higher than the density of radiation, although previously the situation was the opposite, which determined the expansion rate of the Universe. The microwave background radiation is all that remains of the highly cooled radiation of the early Universe.

Slide no. 4

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Slide no. 5

Slide description:

The first galaxies began to form from primordial clouds of hydrogen and helium only after one or two billion years. The term "Big Bang" can be applied to any model of an expanding Universe that was hot and dense in the past. The Large Magellanic Cloud is a galaxy that accompanies our own. It is visible to the naked eye as a hazy, elongated area of ​​the sky. It is located 160,000 light years away and covers an area of ​​20,000 light years. Its visible part is a tenth of the Milky Way

Slide no. 6

Slide description:

The Hourglass Nebula is a young planetary nebula approximately 8,000 light years away from us. The image was taken at three different wavelengths to reflect the gas composition of the nebula. Nitrogen is shown in red, hydrogen in green, and doubly ionized oxygen in blue. The exact formation process is still unclear

Slide no. 7

Slide description:

The Crab Nebula is one of the most interesting objects in the sky. These are the remains of a huge stellar explosion. It was imaged in all wavelengths from radio to gamma rays. The central star is a pulsar - a rapidly rotating neutron star. It rotates so fast that an impulse is seen every 0.033 seconds. At optical wavelengths, this central star is magnitude 16 and is beyond the reach of all but the most powerful telescopes.

Slide no. 8

Slide description:

The Milky Way is our own galaxy, seen from the inside. The galaxy is a giant star system consisting of approximately 200 billion stars. The Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years across and contains more than 100 billion stars. The galaxy has the shape of a lens with a diameter of 80 thousand light years and a thickness of ~ 30 thousand light years

Slide no. 9

Slide description:

According to this theory, all observable space is expanding. But what happened at the very beginning? All matter in the Cosmos at some initial moment was literally compressed into nothing - compressed into one single point. It had a fantastically enormous density - it is almost impossible to imagine, it is expressed as a number in which there are 96 zeros after one - and an equally unimaginably high temperature. Astronomers called this state a singularity. For some reason, this amazing balance was suddenly destroyed by the action of gravitational forces - it’s hard to even imagine what they should have been like given the infinitely huge density of the “primal matter”! What happened before the Big Bang?

Slide no. 12

Slide description:

Mysteries of the Big Bang Theory 1. According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe arose from a point with zero volume and infinitely high density and temperature. This state, called singularity, cannot be described mathematically. 2. The big bang theory cannot explain the existence of galaxies. Modern versions of cosmological theories predict only the appearance of a homogeneous cloud of gas. 3. The problem of “missing mass”. By measuring the light energy emitted by the Milky Way, we can roughly determine the mass of our galaxy. It is equal to the mass of one hundred billion Suns. However, by studying the patterns of interaction between the same Milky Way and the nearby Andromeda galaxy, we will find that our galaxy is attracted to it as if it weighs ten times more

Slide presentation

Slide text:

Slide text: The Big Bang Theory states that the entire physical universe - matter, energy and even the 4 dimensions of space and time arose from a state of infinite values ​​of density, temperature and pressure. The Universe arose from a volume smaller than a point and continues to expand. The Big Bang theory is now generally accepted because it explains both of the most significant facts of cosmology: the expanding Universe and the existence of cosmic background radiation.

Slide text: This event occurred 13 to 20 billion years ago. You can use the known laws of physics and calculate backwards all the states in which the Universe was, starting from 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang. During the first million years, matter and energy in the Universe formed an opaque plasma, sometimes called the primordial fireball. By the end of this period, the expansion of the Universe caused the temperature to drop below 3000 K, so that protons and electrons could combine to form hydrogen atoms. At this stage, the Universe became transparent to radiation. The density of matter has now become higher than the density of radiation, although previously the situation was the opposite, which determined the expansion rate of the Universe. The microwave background radiation is all that remains of the highly cooled radiation of the early Universe.

Slide text: The Beginning of Star Formation This image shows a guess at what the very young universe (less than 1 billion years old) looked like when star formation began, transforming the initial hydrogen into countless stars.

Slide text: The first galaxies began to form from primordial clouds of hydrogen and helium only after one or two billion years. The term "Big Bang" can be applied to any model of an expanding Universe that was hot and dense in the past. The Large Magellanic Cloud is a galaxy that accompanies our own. It is visible to the naked eye as a hazy, elongated area of ​​the sky. It is located 160,000 light years away and covers an area of ​​20,000 light years. Its visible part is a tenth of the Milky Way

Slide text: The Hourglass Nebula is a young planetary nebula approximately 8000 light years away from us. The image was taken at three different wavelengths to reflect the gas composition of the nebula. Nitrogen is shown in red, hydrogen in green, and doubly ionized oxygen in blue. The exact formation process is still unclear

Slide text: The Crab Nebula is one of the most interesting objects in the sky. These are the remains of a huge stellar explosion. It was imaged in all wavelengths from radio to gamma rays. The central star is a pulsar - a rapidly rotating neutron star. It rotates so fast that an impulse is seen every 0.033 seconds. At optical wavelengths, this central star is magnitude 16 and is beyond the reach of all but the most powerful telescopes.

Slide text: The Milky Way is our own galaxy, seen from the inside. The galaxy is a giant star system consisting of approximately 200 billion stars. The Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years across and contains more than 100 billion stars. The galaxy has the shape of a lens with a diameter of 80 thousand light years and a thickness of ~ 30 thousand light years

Slide text: This image shows a spiral galaxy. Elliptical galaxies are formed as a result of collisions between spiral galaxies.

Slide No. 10

Slide text: Collision of our Galaxy In about three billion years, our Galaxy will collide with Andromeda, since for almost a century astronomers have known that both galaxies are approaching each other at a speed of 500,000 kilometers per hour.

Slide No. 11

Slide text: According to this theory, all observable space is expanding. But what happened at the very beginning? All matter in the Cosmos at some initial moment was literally compressed into nothing - compressed into one single point. It had a fantastically enormous density - it is almost impossible to imagine, it is expressed as a number in which there are 96 zeros after one - and an equally unimaginably high temperature. Astronomers called this state a singularity. For some reason, this amazing balance was suddenly destroyed by the action of gravitational forces - it’s hard to even imagine what they should have been like given the infinitely huge density of the “primal matter”! What happened before the Big Bang?

Slide No. 12

Slide text: Mysteries of the Big Bang theory 1. According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe arose from a point with zero volume and infinitely high density and temperature. This state, called singularity, cannot be described mathematically. 2. The big bang theory cannot explain the existence of galaxies. Modern versions of cosmological theories predict only the appearance of a homogeneous cloud of gas. 3. The problem of “missing mass”. By measuring the light energy emitted by the Milky Way, we can roughly determine the mass of our galaxy. It is equal to the mass of one hundred billion Suns. However, by studying the patterns of interaction between the same Milky Way and the nearby Andromeda galaxy, we will find that our galaxy is attracted to it as if it weighs ten times more

Presentation on "The Big Bang Theory" in astronomy in powerpoint format. This presentation for schoolchildren explains what the Big Bang Theory is about and its mysteries.

Fragments from the presentation

  • The Big Bang theory states that the entire physical universe - matter, energy and even the 4 dimensions of space and time arose from a state of infinite values ​​of density, temperature and pressure. The Universe arose from a volume smaller than a point and continues to expand. The Big Bang theory is now generally accepted because it explains both of the most significant facts of cosmology: the expanding Universe and the existence of cosmic background radiation.
  • This event occurred 13 to 20 billion years ago. You can use the known laws of physics and calculate backwards all the states in which the Universe was, starting from 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang.
  • During the first million years, matter and energy in the Universe formed an opaque plasma, sometimes called the primordial fireball.
  • By the end of this period, the expansion of the Universe caused the temperature to drop below 3000 K, so that protons and electrons could combine to form hydrogen atoms. At this stage, the Universe became transparent to radiation. The density of matter has now become higher than the density of radiation, although previously the situation was the opposite, which determined the expansion rate of the Universe.
  • The microwave background radiation is all that remains of the highly cooled radiation of the early Universe.

Beginning of star formation

  • This image shows a guess at what the very young universe (less than 1 billion years old) looked like when star formation began, transforming the initial hydrogen into countless stars.
  • The first galaxies began to form from primordial clouds of hydrogen and helium only after one or two billion years. The term "Big Bang" can be applied to any model of an expanding universe that was hot and dense in the past.
  • The Large Magellanic Cloud is a galaxy that accompanies our own. It is visible to the naked eye as a hazy, elongated area of ​​the sky. It is located 160,000 light years away and covers an area of ​​20,000 light years. Its visible part is a tenth of the Milky Way
  • The Hourglass Nebula is a young planetary nebula approximately 8,000 light years away from us. The image was taken at three different wavelengths to reflect the gas composition of the nebula. Nitrogen is shown in red, hydrogen in green, and doubly ionized oxygen in blue. The exact formation process is still unclear
  • The Crab Nebula is one of the most interesting objects in the sky. These are the remains of a huge stellar explosion. It was imaged in all wavelengths from radio to gamma rays. The central star is a pulsar - a rapidly rotating neutron star. It rotates so fast that an impulse is seen every 0.033 seconds. At optical wavelengths, this central star is magnitude 16 and is beyond the reach of all but the most powerful telescopes.
  • The Milky Way is our own galaxy, seen from the inside. The galaxy is a giant star system consisting of approximately 200 billion stars. The Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years across and contains more than 100 billion stars. The galaxy has the shape of a lens with a diameter of 80 thousand light years and a thickness of ~ 30 thousand light years

Collision of our Galaxy

In about three billion years, our Galaxy will collide with Andromeda, as astronomers have known for almost a century that both galaxies are approaching each other at a speed of 500,000 kilometers per hour.

What happened before the Big Bang?

  • According to this theory, all observable space is expanding. But what happened at the very beginning? All matter in the Cosmos at some initial moment was literally compressed into nothing - compressed into one single point. It had a fantastically enormous density - it is almost impossible to imagine, it is expressed as a number in which there are 96 zeros after one - and an equally unimaginably high temperature. Astronomers called this state a singularity.
  • For some reason, this amazing balance was suddenly destroyed by the action of gravitational forces - it’s hard to even imagine what they should have been like given the infinitely huge density of the “primal matter”!

Mysteries of the Big Bang Theory

  1. According to the big bang theory, the universe arose from a point with zero volume and infinitely high density and temperature. This state, called singularity, cannot be described mathematically.
  2. The big bang theory cannot explain the existence of galaxies. Modern versions of cosmological theories predict only the appearance of a homogeneous cloud of gas.
  3. The "missing mass" problem. By measuring the light energy emitted by the Milky Way, we can approximately determine the mass of our galaxy. It is equal to the mass of one hundred billion Suns. However, by studying the patterns of interaction of the same Milky Way with the nearby Andromeda Galaxy, we will find that our galaxy is attracted to she looks like she weighs ten times more

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