A tale about a ship. Sea tales for children Magic tale about the sea for children

A boat was sailing on the sea. This is an ordinary boat - with white sails, an anchor, a stern and a hold, and in general everything that decent ships are supposed to have.

And he would, of course, swim like everyone else. But the boat was small, completely unintelligent. It’s not even clear who released him into the open sea. So one day he wanted to play submarine. He dove down the mast and swam like a real submarine. It swims, snorts, flounders, blows bubbles - everything is as it should be. He swam and swam, and he didn’t even notice how he swam to the other side of the world.

And on the other side of the world everything is so scary and incomprehensible that it’s just creepy. The storm is raging, with thunder and lightning. The wind is whistling so much that at any moment a boat will pick him up and carry him somewhere to the rocks, so that only wood chips will remain. Moreover, the boat is small, it’s easy to break it.

The boat got scared and dived to the bottom again. I decided to hide and wait for a while - suddenly the weather on the other side of the world would change. He lay down on the bottom and fell asleep - of course, the poor thing was tired from all the experiences. After all, swimming to the other side of the world is not something you can do for nothing; not everyone will dare to do this.

And then the little boat sleeps and sees that it’s not like a little boat, but a big white bird. And this bird flies high, high above the water - so smoothly, so beautifully and swiftly that the ship (that is, itself) simply could not help but admire it.

And then the ship woke up. And I decided to look out to see how the weather was up there. I stuck the edge of the mast out to the surface - and there was no change. On the other side of the world, if you want to know, the weather is always like this. The ship was sad, but then he remembered his dream. And he thought - what if we try to fly up like that bird? The ship was very young and therefore fearless (he was only afraid of rats). And so he raised all the sails, gathered his courage - and emerged.

The wind immediately picked him up and whirled him around. It’s strange, - that’s all the boat had time to think, - this is not at all like in a dream. At that moment, its thin mast crunched pitifully and broke in half. And soon the sails, his beautiful white sails, turned into shreds. And when the wind got bored with the new toy, he threw it onto the rocks and flew on. And all that was left of the boat were chips.

That same evening on this side of the world, a drunken boatswain of one of the ships snatched a revolver from his belt and shot an albatross, mistaking it for the ghost of his late mother, God rest in peace. The bird let out a long, piercing cry, like a grinding sound, and fell down. The boatswain crossed himself and went on drinking. And the waves closed in, and it was no longer possible to distinguish whether it was white, the body of a bird or sea foam.

Once upon a time there lived a small boat. He really wanted to have a friend - a purple elephant calf. But the country in which the colorful baby elephants lived was beyond the deep and turbulent sea.
The ship wanted to cross the sea and bring a baby elephant to itself.
Large ships began to dissuade him:
- The sea is stormy, it’s not easy even for us to swim across it. Wait, grow up some more, it’s easier for a big ship to cross the deep sea. You also need to learn how to determine your path by the stars and know how to behave during a storm.
The ship did not listen to the advice of the larger ships and said:
- I want a purple baby elephant! Now or never! And why is it that that ship over there has a pink baby elephant, but I can’t have my own purple one?
The big ships replied:
- Do as you please. You are your own boss...
And the ship began to prepare to sail to the land of colorful elephants. But he couldn’t get strong sails because he didn’t have enough coins to buy them. We had to borrow sails from an old schooner that was no longer allowed on long voyages. The rest of the equipment was also not very important. But the boat was a brave boat and did not change its decision.
And then one early morning, he raised his sails and set sail.
The first day of the journey everything was fine. The calm green sea gently passed the boat from wave to wave, and the sun's rays played blind man's buff in the clear water.
On the second day the first signs of bad weather appeared. The sun covered the clouds from time to time, and the sea turned blue. The waves became larger and larger and resembled large lizards with combed backs.
On the third day of sailing, the sea was already leaden-gray, and the waves resembled huge monsters!
It’s not hard to imagine what it was like for the boat. Spinning in the craters between the huge shafts, he could not do anything and the only thing he managed was not to drown. Soon the small boat lost its sails; it did not have time to lower them and the sails were torn by a strong wind. And without sails the ship became completely uncontrollable.
The terrible storm continued for three more days. The ship was completely exhausted, but by some miracle it managed to stay afloat, straining its last strength. And just when he was ready to give up, the wind began to subside and the storm quickly subsided. The waves stopped hitting the boat, they stroked it with soft paws and quietly whispered:
- Well done! Brave boat!..
The danger is over. But what was the ship like after the storm? Yes, he looked worse than ever. The sails are torn, there is a hole in the stern, and, worst of all, the starboard side is almost drawing water, despite the fact that the sea is completely calm.
What was the boat supposed to do? There are no sails, no oars... Goodbye to the dream of a purple elephant calf! And how to get home?
There was only one way out - to ask the wind to bring the boat home.
And suddenly the boat saw land in the distance, the same one on which colorful baby elephants lived! He was very happy and even jumped for joy on the water, so much so that he swayed and the “lame” side scooped up water again. But the boat did not pay any attention to this and immediately began to ask the wind to drive it to the shore of the country of colorful elephants. But the wind did not answer. Then the boat boldly asked the wind to bring the baby elephant directly onto the deck! The wind blew slightly and slowly whispered:
- Do you really want this?
- Yes! Yes! – the boat shouted, “how could I not want to, I’ve dreamed of a purple elephant all my life!”
- The wind asked again:
- Can you swim back without killing yourself and the baby elephant?
- Yes, I will swim! - the boat answered.
“Well, have it your way,” said the wind and blew stronger, then even stronger, and the boat saw a purple, yes, purple elephant calf approaching it from the shore!
- How amazing! Finally I will have a baby elephant, my own! – the boat shouted joyfully and stood up more steadily to make it easier for the baby elephant to land on the deck.
And that was the last thing he managed to do.
The baby elephant gently stood on the deck with all four legs, waved his big ears in a friendly manner, twisted his small tail, raised his long trunk up and sparkled with mischievous eyes!
But the small ship could not withstand the weight of the elephant calf, capsized and sank to the bottom along with its friend.
This would all have ended if the green wave, taking pity, had not carried the boat and the baby elephant, wet and frightened, onto the sandy shore.

"The Tale of How the Goldfish Saved the Sea"
Ecological fairy tale for children 5-7 years old.

Target: the formation of an idea of ​​the patterns in nature, that a violation of natural patterns can lead to an environmental disaster.

- carrying out preventive work to prevent pollution of water bodies;
- expanding the horizons of pupils; development of oral speech;
- fostering love for nature; compassion for all living things.

"The Tale of How the Goldfish Saved the Sea"
(The publication uses illustrations by I. Esaulov)
In the underwater Kingdom of the Blue-Green State, there lived a Goldfish. She was very cheerful, such an entertainer that it’s hard to imagine! Either she decides to play with a ray of sunshine, or she decides to make multi-colored pyramids out of sea pebbles... I’m never bored.

And the Golden Fish had friends - Medusa, Crab and Turtle.
They all loved their home – the sea. After all, at the bottom of the sea they had so many interesting things: pink and bright red corals grew everywhere, as if outlandish trees, mother-of-pearl shells lay here and there, preserving their beautiful pearls. Once a year, all the shells opened their doors and showed the underwater world their wealth - pearls, and after that, having heard enough of the enthusiastic exclamations of the audience, the shells again hid the pearls in their mother-of-pearl chests for the whole year.

But one morning a big disaster happened to the inhabitants of the Underwater Kingdom. The sea inhabitants were enjoying a beautiful summer morning, when a huge shadow lay on the bottom of the sea.

-What's happened? What's happened?

-This is an oil tanker floating above us.

-Oh, Crab, how smart you are! What is a tanker? And why is it called “oil”?

-And this is a ship that transports oil from one place to another.

-Oh, here it is... Well, what is it that flows out of it and spreads out like a black spot, blocking the sky and the sun from us?

-Oh, what a horror, but this is a leak on the ship, that is, a hole has formed somewhere - a hole from which oil is leaking. Soon we will all die!

-Don’t joke like that, Crab!..

- Yes, I’m not kidding, oil is very oily, it will cover the surface of the water with a greasy film and air will stop flowing into our water. And we will all suffocate!

-What? What do we do?

-I don't know…

-But I know! On the other side of the sea there is a Pink Shell. It contains magical bacteria - tiny creatures that can eat an oil slick. This is a real treat for them! And here's another thing - today is the day when all the sea shells open their doors!

Gold fish:
-I’ll immediately swim for the Pink Shell, because I swim faster than all of you! And we will save our home - the sea!

And the brave Golden Fish set off on a journey, with great difficulty she found that very treasured Pink Shell and brought it home!

The unfortunate friends were already barely alive... They gasped for air with their tiny mouths and felt completely bad. The pink pearl released bacteria into the water and they quickly dealt with the nasty oil slick! The sun shone again, and even the clouds in the blue sky became visible to the inhabitants of the underwater Kingdom! Everyone breathed freely!

And the Golden Fish was the most happy, because she helped save her such a beautiful and beloved underwater world from destruction!

After reading the story, you can ask questions:
- Why did the sea inhabitants almost die?
- How did the sad events of the fairy tale make you feel?
- Name the rules of behavior on reservoirs.

Once upon a time, a large multi-deck ship sailed across the South Sea.

For a long time, ordinary sailors and pirates coexisted on this ship. Ordinary sailors loved to contemplate the sea, fish, and enjoy the fresh sea air. Pirates guarded the ship from other pirates from other countries and seas. Pirates loved to rob other people's ships. Because of this, ordinary sailors often suffered.

But in an instant new people appeared on the ship, these people were foreigners. They liked the fresh sea air, the beautiful clean waves, they liked the life they lived on the decks, but they knew and saw how they lived on other southern seas. And they decided to build the same life here. We bought ourselves beautiful swimsuits, invited beautiful women and began to hang out day after day.

They looked at them from the neighboring decks with surprise and a smile. No one understood why you couldn’t just fish or rob other people’s ships.

Partygoers began to hang beautiful new sails. At first everyone liked it, but then the partygoers hung up other sails and again others, each time the sails were larger and more wild in color. Some people liked it, some didn't. Even among the pirates there were people who would not mind seeing new sails every day, because they had seen similar ones on other people’s pirate ships and they wanted the same power.

But this couldn’t go on for long, and the partygoers needed their own helm. The partygoers wanted to sail the same seas that they had sailed in the southern seas they had been to before. And a quiet war began to flare up on the ship.

At that moment, when the ship was attacked by sailors, pirates, and even partygoers united, and after that the main partygoer said that we will always be together, that we live on the same ship and will always help each other. And they laughed at the main party-goer and put him in the hold, and his associates were threatened that if they did not stop obeying him, then the hold would await them too.

The party-goers could no longer enjoy sailing in the same way; more and more often they were losing in battles for the helm, and the new colored sails were less and less pleasing to the eye. The partygoers themselves became smaller and smaller. Sometimes it even seemed that they were somewhat reminiscent of rats. All this happened to them because of fear and indecision. One day they even built a boat and sailed away, but literally the next day they returned.

And the main party-goer realized that things couldn’t continue like this, and he needed his own ship, where there would be a holiday and where no one would disturb him. He enlisted the help of the ruler of the seas and sailed away with everyone. Many partygoers did not understand why they should sail from the ship that they had come to love and become accustomed to. After all, here they could always be protected, but now they will be left alone. But the main party-goer threatened them that they would no longer be able to play their records as before, and they were forced to obey, because they were too weak to fight the pirates and sailors, and too weak to fight their weakness.

And now a ship with old sails is sailing, and somewhere else is sailing another small beautiful ship that is about to sink.

P.S. This is just a chaotic fairy tale, without any subtext...

Competitive work. Nomination – Fairy Tale.
"Galactic Season of Literary Competitions 2015", Stage I.

Thomas, who lives under the stove,” Vika called quietly, “come out, my people are gone, and now I’ll tell you where I was with my mother.”
The stove door opened silently. First, a red magic troll hat with a tassel at the end appeared, and then the displeased face of a troll with a huge hooked nose.
-I don’t think I should have been woken up in the middle of the day, when I was resting, because of some stories.
“You don’t want to and you don’t have to,” Vika was offended, “you sleep all day, and if sometimes you wake up, you start to get angry.” Go on, sleep on. I won't tell you anything.
“Okay,” the troll creaked, “I still can’t sleep.” Tell me where you have been.
Vika was so angry with Thomas that she wanted to leave the kitchen, but she had no one to tell about the huge ship near which she was with her mother.
“Okay,” she said in a dissatisfied tone, “I’ll tell you so.” Let's go to my room. I'll show you something.
The troll did not argue and followed her. They entered Vika and the room and Thomas, burning with impatience, reminded Vika:
-You said you wanted to show me something.
“Look,” said Vika and took a prospectus from the shelf, which depicted a very beautiful old ship, decorated with carved statues, intricate vignettes and gilded carvings. Cannon barrels protruded from the open hatch windows.
“Wow!” Thomas admired, “it seems to me that I’ve seen a similar ship somewhere.”
“By the way, the ship was built more than three hundred years ago,” Vika stated authoritatively, “and the ship is called “Vasa.” There was such a royal family back then. This ship sank, and recently it was taken out and made into a museum on the island of Djurgården. This means you couldn’t see him anywhere. All this is written in the prospectus. When you enter the museum you can pick it up and read about this event.
“A museum on an old ship?” Thomas was surprised.
-No, a three-story building was built around the ship. Inside there is a ship, things, clothes and equipment. They also show a film about how the ship was raised from the bottom and a computer game called “Save Vasa.”
“Did you play it?” asked the troll, “were you able to save the galleon?”
“No, my mother played, she suggested removing the guns from the ship, and the game suggested executing her for this,” Vika laughed, “a warship cannot be without guns.” Why are you so interested in Vasa?
-Because three hundred years ago I was still a boy and saw various sailing ships. I saw from the shore how they took part in sea battles, and my older brother, finding himself on the ship during the battle, did not have time to enchant himself and went to the bottom along with the ship. But if you want, I’ll do some magic and you and I will get on a real pirate ship. You will see how things really were in the old days.
“You bet!” Vika screamed in delight, “of course I want to!”
“Take your time, Vika,” Thomas stopped her, “this is a very dangerous journey.” We will move with you to another time. You must do only what I say. You can't joke with pirates. We risk staying there forever.
“I will obey you,” Vika immediately agreed, “what should I do?”
“Put on your mother’s old gray skirt,” said Thomas, “put a cloth apron on top, and put a cap or scarf on your head.” You should be dressed like a woman of that time.
-The museum has a model that shows how the ship capsizes. A woman looks out the window from a house on the shore, and people are standing along the shore. “I remember how they were dressed,” Vika said, “by the way, you can read about all this on the Internet.
She opened the closet in her mother’s room, took out the necessary things, and although the jacket and skirt were too big for her, she put them on, then ran to the kitchen, took the apron off the hook and buttoned it behind her back. Not finding a cap-like hat, she took a white scarf and tied a knot under her chin.
“Do I look like a woman of that time?” asked Vika.
“Copy,” confirmed Thomas, “I hope that they will accept you as one of their own.” If you're ready, then I'll start.
Vika nodded. She thought that she would be caught by some kind of whirlwind that would take her to the Middle Ages or that something extraordinary would happen. But nothing happened. Vika just discovered that she was already standing on the seashore. There are a lot of people nearby. The men are in short pants and rough shoes, and the women are in the same outfit as her. Thomas stood next to her and sucked on his pipe with concentration.
“I didn’t know that you smoke,” said Vika, “don’t you know that smoking is harmful?”
“I know,” the troll responded, “and I haven’t smoked for a hundred years, but you and I are in a different time now.” If you listen, you will notice that our speech is different from the one that all people speak. So keep quiet, and I’ll think about how we can get on the ship. By the way, sailors say that a woman on a ship means trouble. Are you afraid it?
“What nonsense?” Vika got angry, “how can I do any harm?” I'm not even going to touch anything. Why do they have a skull on their flag?
“Because this is a pirate ship,” the troll said thoughtfully, “pirates were called sea tramps or sea robbers.” They roamed the sea, attacked and robbed merchant ships.
“They never went ashore at all?” Vika was surprised.
“Of course they did,” the troll responded, “they even organized pirate cities, where they brought captured men and women.”
“Why do they need it?” the girl didn’t understand.
“They married women,” Thomas explained, surprised at her lack of understanding, “and sold the men into slavery.” Okay, you shut up a little, otherwise people are already starting to look at us.
Vika and Thomas stood right next to the ladder, not risking stepping on it, afraid that they would be driven away. A short man in a brown leather jacket and a black bandage covering his left eye approached them. In his hands he held a large jug of wine.
“Hey, girl,” he turned to Vika in a hoarse voice, “take the wine to the captain.” Why are you standing here, chilling? “And let your younger brother help you,” he added, nodding at the troll.
-And don't linger there. Give back the jug and return to the shore. One leg here, the other there. A woman has nothing to do on a ship! It's clear?
Vika nodded obediently, grabbed the heavy jug with both hands and, bending under its weight, walked with difficulty along the ladder to the ship. Thomas walked alongside, trying to support the jug from below. They climbed onto the deck and approached the captain's cabin. A sailor stood at the door with a dagger on his belt.
“What do you need?” he asked, blocking the entrance to the cabin, “the captain is busy, he didn’t order anyone to be allowed in.”
“Wine,” Vika said timidly and pointed to the jug.
“Leave it here,” the sailor barked, “and both of you get out of here.” The departure is soon, and a woman, even as small as you, on board the ship is a very bad sign. Let the boy stay, he will be the captain's jester. By the way, where did you get such strange shoes? No one has anything like that. Come on, let's go to the captain!
He took a step towards her, but Thomas pulled Vika’s sleeve. She quickly put the jug on the deck, bowed politely and ran after the troll. They ran to the upper deck and hid behind the bulkhead. Only now did they realize that Vika had not exchanged her new leather shoes for old boots, but it was too late. From above it was clearly visible how several people, dressed in beautiful camisoles embroidered with gold, entered the ship. Following them, several barrels of water and gunpowder were rolled on board. The people crowded on the shore suddenly fell silent, and a cannon shot suddenly rang out.
“Who are they shooting at?” Vika was scared.
“This is a salute in honor of the fact that the ship was launched,” Thomas explained, “pirates did not always capture ships, sometimes they forced craftsmen to make new ones for them.” I'm afraid that we won't have time to get off the galleon.
“And what will happen to us?” Vika worried.
“I don’t know,” Thomas admitted honestly, “no matter how we had to travel with the pirates.” But during the battle the ship can be sunk.
“And we will die with him?” the girl was frightened.
“I’ll make sure this doesn’t happen,” the troll sighed, “for now, watch what happens next.” No one in this world will see this except you and me.
The captain and officers gave abrupt instructions. The sailors rushed to the masts, and the winches began to work with an ominous creak. The sails fluttered on the masts. The skull flag straightened in the wind. The ship quickly rushed forward, traveled several tens of meters, and suddenly a sharp gust of side wind almost brought it on board. Thomas and Vika almost flew overboard. They grabbed the railing with their hands. And Vika almost screamed in fear, but when she saw that Thomas’s hat had fallen off, she rushed to catch it. The captain yelled something in a rude voice, the sailors lowered several sails, and the ship was leveled, and Vika with the troll hat rolled back to the bulkhead.
“Give me your hat quickly,” Thomas shouted, holding out his hand.
Vika handed him the hat, but it seemed to her that someone screamed heart-rendingly:
-A woman on a ship! Find the woman and throw her overboard!
“There she is!” the sailor standing on watch at the captain’s cabin shouted in a thunderous, hoarse voice. “Grab her!”
Several sailors looked in the direction where the watchman was pointing his finger and rushed towards Vika. One of them grabbed her by the shoulder, but she bit his finger and twisted away.
“Oh, that’s how you are!” the sailor shouted, clutching his finger, “brothers!” Grab her! It's a witch!
Thomas feverishly grabbed his hat, pointed the brush at Vika and began shouting a spell out loud. And, when three sailors simultaneously extended their hands to Vika, a second gust of wind again threw the ship on board. Under the evil curses of Captain Vic and Thomas, they fell from the upper deck, but did not fall into the water, because the troll managed to finish the spell, and they again found themselves in Vic’s room.
“Well, I had a lot of fear,” said Vika, “thank you, Thomas, so I visited the Middle Ages.”
“Please,” the troll creaked, “I told you that there is no room for a woman on the ship.”
-What did you get up to: “Because of a woman, because of a woman.” It was just a bad ship, that's all. Now women are on ships not only as passengers, but as captains.
The troll's sensitive ear caught the click of the lock in the hallway, and he did not argue.
“Your guys have arrived,” the troll creaked, “it seems mom, I went to my kitchen.”
He left the room, and a few minutes later the door opened and his mother entered.
“Why are you in such a strange outfit?” she asked in surprise.
“Is it true,” the daughter answered the question with a question, “that if there is a woman on the ship, then expect trouble?”
“Who told you such nonsense?” Mom shrugged, “it was such a fad in the old days.” But this was probably due to the fact that the work of a sailor or fisherman was very hard, and there was nothing for a woman to do on a ship, because only very strong people were needed at sea. I recently read about women who could handle sails just as well as men and worked on fishing fleets.
“And for some reason I didn’t notice a single woman on the ancient ship,” Vika said in confusion, “I even thought that the pirate ship almost capsized because of me.”
“What do you have to do with this?” Mom clasped her hands, “when did pirate ships exist?” Hundreds of years ago. By the way, you never answered me, why are you dressed so strangely?
“In my usual clothes they wouldn’t let me on their ship,” my daughter explained, “so I dressed the way they dressed at that time.”
“What an inventor you are,” my mother was again amazed, “if you want, then play in these clothes, just don’t get them dirty.” I recently washed it.
“No, I don’t want to anymore,” Vika sighed and went to change clothes.

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