Fairytale therapy as a health-saving technology in correctional and educational activities. Material on the topic: fairy tale therapy as a health-saving technology in the educational process in the conditions of federal state education before

Health-saving technologies" is a complex of various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils.

Health-saving pedagogical technologies are used in various types of activities and are presented as:

1.Technologies for preserving and promoting health(rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises, recreational play exercises);

2.Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles(morning exercises, physical education, self-massage, active recreation - health day, physical education holiday, acupressure);

3.Corrective technologies ( articulatory gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, color therapy, phonetic rhythm, fairy tale therapy ).

Fairy tale therapy - as one of the types of correctional technology, allows you to gently and unobtrusively influence a child with the help of a fairy tale. Fairytale therapy is aimed at developing the child’s self-awareness and provides contact both with himself and with others, promoting the building of mutual understanding between people and the assimilation of necessary models of behavior and response, new knowledge about oneself and the world. The principles of fairy tale therapy are to introduce a child to his strengths, to “expand” his field of consciousness and behavior, to search for non-standard, optimal conclusions from various situations, and to exchange life experiences.

Let's consider the typology of fairy tales proposed by Tatyana Dmitrievna Zinkevich-Evstegneeva:

1. Fictional tales. These include fairy tales created by the centuries-old wisdom of the people and original stories. It is precisely such stories that are usually called fairy tales, myths, parables. 2. Folk tales. The plots of folk tales are diverse. Among them are the following types:

– Tales about animals, relationships between people and animals;

- Everyday tales. They often talk about the vicissitudes of family life and show ways to resolve conflict situations. These tales tell of little family tricks.

– Tales of transformation. For example, the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Ugly Duckling".

- Scary tales. Tales about evil spirits. Fairy tales are also horror stories. By repeatedly modeling and experiencing an alarming situation in a fairy tale, children are freed from tension and acquire new ways of reacting. When telling horror stories to seven-year-old children, it is necessary to take into account that the end must be unexpected and funny.

- Fairy tales. The most fascinating fairy tales for those 6-7 years old.

3. Author's artistic tales. To help children understand their inner experiences, it is advisable to choose an author’s fairy tale to work with them. When working with special children, the author's fairy tale Mamin-Sibiryak D. “The Gray Neck” is suitable. 4. Didactic fairy tales are created to present educational material. For example, during direct educational activities, children can be taught to write down mathematical examples in the form of didactic fairy tales. 5. Psychocorrectional fairy tales are created to have a gentle influence on the child’s behavior. You can simply read a psychocorrectional fairy tale to a child without discussing it. Thus, we will give him the opportunity to be alone with himself and think. If the child wants, you can discuss the fairy tale with him, play it out with the help of dolls, drawings, and a sandbox. 6. Psychotherapeutic fairy tales that reveal the deep meaning of the events taking place. Such fairy tales are not always straightforward and do not always have a happy ending, but they are always deep and heartfelt.

The main methods used in fairy tale therapy:

- Telling a fairy tale.

– Drawing a fairy tale.

– Fairytale therapeutic diagnostics.

- Writing a fairy tale.

– Making dolls.

- Staging a fairy tale.

In order for a fairy tale or story to gain power or provide assistance, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for its creation:

1. The fairy tale should be in some way identical to the child’s problem, but in no case should it have direct similarities with it. 2. The fairy tale should offer a substitute experience, using which the child can make a new choice when solving his problem. 3. The fairy tale plot should unfold in a certain sequence: Once upon a time. The beginning of a fairy tale, a meeting with its heroes. For children 3-4 years old, it is recommended to make toys, little people and animals the main characters of fairy tales. From about 5-6 years old, a child prefers fairy tales.

In our work with children, we use elements of fairy tale therapy, taking into account their age characteristics. In the atmosphere of a fairy tale, children relax, become more open to the perception of reality, and show greater interest in performing various tasks. Through the use of a fairy tale and its storylines, we can solve many correctional problems, such as: reducing excessive motor activity, normalizing the child’s emotional and speech state, getting rid of one’s own fears. Teachers in their work with preschoolers need to use fairy tale therapy, because even those children who initially do not join the game, do not accept the fairy tale, still experience its beneficial influence on a subconscious level. A child will learn much more from a fairy tale if he travels along fairy-tale roads, experiences amazing adventures and transformations, and meets fairy-tale creatures. When children find themselves in a fairy tale, they easily perceive “fairy tale laws” - norms and rules of behavior. Thus, fairy tale therapy is the process of forming a connection between fairy-tale events and behavior in real life, the process of transferring fairy-tale meanings into reality. This method allows you to solve a number of problems that arise in preschool children. In particular, through fairy tale therapy, you can work with aggressive feelings, anxious experiences, as well as with various kinds of psychosomatic diseases. The process of fairy tale therapy allows the child to fully establish healthy interpersonal interactions with peers and adults.

Kirilina Ekaterina Alekseevna

GKOU RO boarding school VIII view of Matveev Kurgan village.



INDue to the fact that the nature of speech pathologies in schoolchildren has become more complex, there is a need to search for new forms and methods of work, and to use innovative technologies in the field of correctional and developmental education and upbringing. What is the task of the Federal Program for the Development of Education in Russia, namely updating the content and technologies of education.

The increase in the number of speech development disorders in our time is explained not so much by medical factors, but also by the changed socio-cultural conditions in which children are growing up today.

After analyzing this situation, I identified a pedagogical problem: identifying methods and techniques for the effective work of a teacher in school VIIItype to improve all components of the speech system, increase interest in performing speech correction exercises, develop cognitive mental processes, namely, imaginative thinking, attention, memory, imagination, develop empathy, form models for expressing basic emotions and feelings, mastering the skills of managing one’s behavior , creative activity, moral education.

Having studied the psychological and pedagogical literature, I identified for myself the method of fairy tale therapy, which is a health-saving technology, namely a complex system aimed at correcting speech disorders, the personal development of a child and preserving his health, and allows solving educational, correctional, and educational tasks within the framework of a fairy tale.

Fairy tale therapy - a method that uses the fairy tale form for the speech development of a child, expanding his consciousness and improving interaction through speech with the outside world.

The purpose of fairy tale therapy - holistic development of the child’s personality. The fairy tale is extremely multifaceted, like life itself. And this makes it an effective psychotherapeutic and developmental tool in working with children with complex speech disorders. After all, such children have increased motor activity, distractibility, instability of attention, aggressiveness, and lack of self-confidence. Such children do not know how to play by the rules and maintain the role they take on; they do not know how to clearly express their thoughts and retell them.


    Solve intrapersonal and interpersonal problems of the child’s inner world;

    “Treat” the child’s phobic or other emotional disorders;

    Correct situational, maladaptive reactions;

    Introduce a new social situation.

When using elements of fairy tale therapy in our work, we be sure to take into account the following:peculiarities:

    speech status of children;

    insufficient development of non-speech mental functions (especially auditory attention and memory;

    insufficient desire for cognitive communication with adults; rapid exhaustion of voluntary attention; low performance);

    age specifics (high emotionality, spontaneity, increased excitability).

A fairy tale can be chosen to suit any problem situation in life, which helps a child learn to observe norms of behavior, rules of the game, and moral precepts. A child’s behavior is formed not through direct instructions, but through fairy tales, proverbs, and sayings.

One type of fairy tale therapy is personalized fairy tales.

Personalized fairy tales are a way to instill in a child accepted norms and rules. The same can be said about other fairy tales, because the child transfers himself to all the main characters. But when he sees himself and his family on the pages of the book, he perceives the meaning more deeply and soulfully. He learns it instantly and wants to live up to his image in the book: kind, brave, brave, hardworking, polite. In the process of listening, reading and discussing fairy tales, the child develops imagination and creativity. He learns the basic mechanisms of search and decision-making.

Fairy tale "Masha and the Fairy"

(sensory-motor alalia)

Goal: to identify the relationship to the defect, adaptive capabilities.

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Masha. Masha was a kind girl, but few people knew about this - no one wanted to be friends with her. And she was lonely because she was not like everyone else.

Sometimes it seemed to Masha that she was not from this world at all, but from some distant planet. Otherwise, why do all the people around, even the closest ones, seem to speak a foreign language? Sometimes everything is clear, but more often it’s not at all. Even well-known words turn into strange, absurd jumbles of useless sounds, which are impossible to understand. The beautiful word “alalia,” which was quite often uttered by people from Masha’s circle, seemed to her to be the name of some fabulous, beautiful country... She so wanted to tell her mother this, but Masha didn’t know how to do it.

One day, on one of the ordinary days, Masha was walking in the yard. She thought about how good it would be to now be in a place where everyone would understand her and where she would understand everyone!..

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large bright butterfly fluttered onto Masha’s shoulder. The girl stood motionless, afraid to frighten away this miracle, and looked at the butterfly in fascination.

The butterfly moved its wings, busily cleaned its front legs, and suddenly a quiet voice began to sound in Masha’s head: “Hello, Masha!” Masha was very scared and began to look around, but there was no one nearby. “I’m here, very close!” - the voice sounded again. - "Don't be afraid! I am a fairy, I appear when you need help. I know what your problem is, and I can help you.” Masha was very happy. Could she finally be able to get to where she belongs?.. The fairy seemed to catch the girl’s every thought. Before Masha had time to ask, she immediately replied: “I understood your desire. But don't you really want to change yourself? After all, then the world around you will be transformed!” Masha had a quick thought that she didn’t want to change at all. Why is this necessary, if only at will you can change everything around with the power of magic?

The fairy sighed quietly and, without saying anything else, flew away. Masha didn’t even have time to notice in which direction the fairy fled, she just shrugged her shoulders in annoyance and continued her way home. She didn’t immediately realize that something was wrong, but then she was surprised: all the people around were silent. Birds sang, music played somewhere, and sometimes dogs could be heard barking, but no people were heard talking. Even laughter. Two men stood in absolute silence near the car with the hood open. The grandmothers sat next to each other on a bench at the entrance and silently squinted in the sun. Gloomy, silent children were making Easter cakes in the sandbox... Running into the entrance and then into the apartment, the girl found the same quiet and detached parents there. Even time seemed to flow more slowly, the colors faded.

Masha immediately understood what was going on. A fairy did it! And she did it because of her: after all, Masha so wanted to be among people like herself... Masha again jumped out into the street in the hope that the bright wings of a butterfly would flash somewhere. She quickly walked along the path and was only thinking about how to persuade the fairy to return everything back and not anger her... A young woman was walking straight towards the girl. Having caught up with Masha, she paused and smiled knowingly. It was the same fairy - there was no doubt about it. Masha also stopped and looked into the calm green eyes of the woman, and she said:

- Well, Masha, have you realized your mistake? Nothing is ever given for nothing. Even magic has consequences. I promised to help you and I will. But you yourself will have to make an effort. We will try together!

The fairy fulfilled her promise. Masha and her were able to overcome her misfortune and found many friends. And never again did Masha dream of flying to some distant planet, because she realized that her place was here.

Fairy tale "In search of friends"

Disorder: complex (polymorphic) dyslalia.

Goal: to identify attitudes towards the defect, whether he is ready to accept help, whether he is able to follow recommendations and make efforts.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Vova. He just turned seven years old. But everyone thought he was only five. He was a small, thin boy with dark hair and large gray eyes.

Vova’s parents worked a lot, and their whole family often had to move from one city to another. Because of this, Vova had few friends. After all, you’ve only just met someone, and then you have to leave again.

Vova was often left alone at home, and to avoid boredom, he read books. His parents had an interesting large library. Vova loved books, large and small, with and without pictures, fairy tales and stories about the world around him. The book gave so much interesting new knowledge, and I really wanted to tell someone about it!

And then the day came when Vova went to school. He was very worried and was looking forward to this day, because at school he would definitely make friends with someone and would be able to tell everyone many, many interesting things.

But Vova had a secret. He spoke incomprehensibly, replaced many sounds and did not pronounce them: instead of “cat”, he said “koska”, instead of “braid” - “kosha”, instead of “tooth” - “zhub”, instead of “toad” - “zaba”, instead “ship” - “ship”, etc.

And so the lessons began. At first, Vova liked the school and the teacher; he learned a lot of new and interesting things. But when Vova wanted to tell something himself, it turned out that no one could understand him.

The children began to laugh at Vova, calling him offensive names, and no one wanted to become his friend. Then Vova stopped talking in class, but the teacher was angry with Vova when he was silent.

And Vova decided not to go to school anymore. Why go there? After all, he wanted to find friends there, but his dream did not come true.

One day, Vova’s mother came home with an unfamiliar aunt. Her name was Tatyana Andreevna. She was very kind and Vova immediately liked her. Tatyana Andreevna brought with her many beautiful pictures, taught funny poems with Vova, and gave entertaining exercises. She also had “magic wands.” With their help, as if by magic, Vova’s tongue began to take the correct position. Little by little his speech became legible and understandable.

Now Vova happily goes to school, now everyone understands him, and no one hurts him anymore. Vova began to study straight A's and found many, many good friends.

Fairy tale "The Magic Mosquito"


Goal: to identify attitudes towards the defect, whether you are ready to accept help, whether you are able to follow recommendations and make efforts

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a boy named Vovochka. And the boy was handsome, and strong, and smart, but he just couldn’t find true friends. All the guys and girls laughed at Vova. They say to him: “Vovochka, say fish!”, and Vovochka answers: “Lyba.” They say to him: “Say shell!”, and he says: “Lakushka.”

One morning Vovochka saw that the weather was good and ran for a walk in the yard. He had just stepped off the porch when he heard someone squeaking above his ear and that someone had bitten him on the cheek. “Oh, you evil squishy komalik!” - Vova shouted and began to catch a mosquito. He caught him by the wing, and the mosquito said: “Vovochka, please let me go!” I won’t do this anymore... Do you want me to fulfill any of your wishes??!” Vova replies: “I really want to talk like all children, and then I will have goons,” and immediately released the little squeaker. The mosquito did not deceive the boy.

Vova wakes up in the morning, stretches, looks out the window and says: “Morning has come!” and immediately fell silent, not believing his ears. Vovochka, very joyful, ran into the yard where the children were playing. The children heard Vova talking and stopped laughing at him. So Vovochka made new friends.

Thus, I would like to note that the use of fairy tale therapy increases the effectiveness of correctionof this work, subject to taking into accountage and psychological characteristicsthose children with speech impairments at schoolage.

A fairy tale is the most accessible material for the development of a child’s mental activity. The world of a fairy tale is wonderful, it is unique and inimitable in its capabilities. It is fairy tales that help to awaken interest in words.

Thanks to fairy tale therapy, speech deficiencies disappear much faster, parents' interest in the results of correctional work increases, and a special environment is created.


1. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Grabenko T.M. Games in fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg, 2006.

2. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. The path to magic. Theory and practice of fairy tale therapy. - St. Petersburg, 1998.

3. Alexandrova O. Acting out fairy tales. Preschool education.

4. Bolsheva T.E. We learn from fairy tales. SPb. "Childhood Press", 2001.

5. Brun B., Pedersen E., Runberg M. Fairy tales for the soul. The use of fairy tales in psychotherapy. M.: “Information Center for Psychological Culture”, 2000.

6. Laura Polyak. Fairy tale theater. SPb. "Childhood Press", 2001.

7.Prokhorova E.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. SPb.1995.

8. Shorokhova O.A. Playing a fairy tale: Fairytale therapy and classes for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006.

MADO kindergarten No. 71 Teacher of the first junior group Kormshchikova Elena Nailevna

Fairytale therapy is a fairly well-known method, but, unfortunately, underused. Fears, anxieties, and aggression often accompany our children. Thus, one of the primary tasks of the teacher becomes maximum psychological relief of the child, removing aggressiveness, reducing the level of anxiety, etc. as a result, the formation of adequate self-esteem.

We all love fairy tales, and children especially! I read fairy tales to the guys in the group, and then discuss it with them. We are looking for answers to the question: what did the fairy tale teach us? Thus, traveling through the fairy tale, the children “get wiser,” learn about life, and acquire social skills. The most important thing is to create a situation in which the child can think about the meaning of the fairy tale and the ambiguity of the situation. Why did this happen to the hero? And what could be done to change the situation. For a fairy-tale hero, it’s easier to come up with a way out of the situation - after all, in a fairy tale, everything is possible! And then, it turns out, you can use this way out for yourself. Besides, everyone knows that fairy tales always end well.

Of course, we haven’t solved fairy tale problems yet, but we can change the ending of the fairy tale, because together with the children we can save the bun from certain death! When showing, I use both a puppet screen and various attributes of a puppet theater, many of which are made with my own hands!

For example, our children really love fairy tales "Kolobok" , after repeatedly reading and showing the fairy tale, we are trying to dramatize this fairy tale, while I like to use the book by N. Sorokina "Puppet theater for the little ones" . For these purposes, we have created a huge number of puppet theaters:

  • Puppet show (On a flat picture, on circles...)
  • Stand theater (Shadow, flannelograph, book..)
  • Theater on hand (finger, picture on hand, mitten..)
  • Horse dolls (On gapit, on spoons, Bibabo..)
  • Floor dolls (Puppets, cone)
  • Living Puppet Theater (Life-size puppets, mask theater)

But that’s not all, after that we draw, sculpt, and make an application on this topic, which helps children strengthen their knowledge and give the hero their own traits!

Fairytale therapy helps us a lot as children adapt to kindergarten. After all, listening to a fairy tale that they read with their mother at home, children calm down, and by telling an unfamiliar fairy tale to a child, we can distract him from sad thoughts. I also use author’s psychological fairy tales, for example, I really like the fairy tale HOW A BABY KANGURY BECAME INDEPENDENT, age: 2-5 years, Focus: Fear of separation from mother, experiences, anxiety associated with loneliness (Annex 1).

For "fabulous" mood that allows you to conduct deep, interested work with fairy tales is necessary "warm-up" . Sometimes I ask the children "call a fairy tale" , at the same time they begin to clap and stomp loudly. I also use the hero’s accessories, or change my voice, and get into the role. You can, for example, tell a familiar fairy tale "Turnip" from the mouse's point of view, it turns out funny.

Implementation mechanisms:

  • Relaxation;
  • Outdoor game;
  • Puppet therapy (by bringing the doll to life, the child actually works out the mechanism of self-regulation, learns to adequately express his thoughts);
  • Legend or magical story;
  • Solving fairytale problems;
  • Writing your own fairy tales;
  • Making attributes and costumes for fairy tales;
  • Art therapy

For relaxation, we use music therapy, for example listening to audio recordings "Sounds of nature" help children calm down.

But outdoor games, such as "By the Bear in the Forest" , "Bubble" , Cat and Mice" ...

When working with children I use these methods:

  • Survey "Your favorite fairy tale"
  • "Listen to a fairy tale"
  • "Telling a fairy tale"
  • "Showing a fairy tale"
  • Let's draw our favorite fairy tale.


  • speech development, vocabulary enrichment
  • optimization of the emotional sphere of preschool children
  • optimization of interpersonal interaction of preschool children
  • development of memory, attention, thinking
  • development of general and fine motor skills
  • development of creative abilities
  • development of visual skills.
  • Playing roles
  • Development of communication skills.

After all, fairy tale therapy is one of the types of health-saving technologies. It is an innovative method in working with children, which allows you to gently and unobtrusively influence a child with the help of a fairy tale, while solving a variety of problems.

Along with this, we are also working with parents. I have developed a consultation on the topic "Fairytale therapy as a means of relieving children's anxiety" , where it was described in detail about how a fairy tale influences a child’s self-awareness and provides contact both with himself and with others, helping to build mutual understanding between people and assimilate the necessary models of behavior and response, new knowledge about oneself and the world.

Practical significance. Fairytale therapy classes developed during the project will help educators organize work to prevent disorders in the emotional sphere.


Fairytale therapy is the process of forming a connection between fairy-tale events and behavior in real life, the process of transferring fairy-tale meanings into reality. This method allows you to solve a number of problems that arise in preschool children. In particular, through fairy tale therapy, you can work with aggressive feelings, anxious experiences, as well as with various kinds of psychosomatic diseases. In addition, the process of fairy tale therapy allows the child to fully establish healthy interpersonal interactions with peers and adults.

A distinctive and positive property of fairy tale therapy is the establishment of partnerships between the teacher and students, which help create trusting relationships between participants in the educational process.

Fairytale therapy is an exciting educational game with other children and adults. This is the development of perception, speech, imagination, imaginative thinking, large and fine motor skills.

A fairy tale for a child is "connecting bridge" between the conscious world and the level of unconscious, emotional and bodily experience. What is played out, or lived, or understood in a fairy tale, a child can directly make part of his experience, just as if it were lived in life. This allows the child to learn the correct moral norms and values, to distinguish between good and evil.

Annex 1


Age: 2-5 years

Focus: Fear of separation from mother, experiences, anxiety associated with loneliness.

Key phrase: “Don’t go, I’m afraid alone.”

Once upon a time there lived a big mother Kangaroo.

And one day she became the happiest Kangaroo in the world, because she had a little Kangaroo. At first, the baby kangaroo was very weak, and his mother carried him in her purse on her stomach. There, in this mother's purse, Kangurenysh was very comfortable and not at all afraid. When the little Kangaroo wanted to drink, his mother gave him tasty milk, and when he wanted to eat, his mother Kangaroo fed him porridge from a spoon. Then the baby kangaroo fell asleep, and mother could clean the house or cook food at that time.

But sometimes little Kangaroo woke up and didn’t see his mother nearby. Then he would start crying and screaming very loudly until his mother came to him and put him back in her purse. One day, when the baby kangaroo began to cry again, his mother tried to put him in her purse; but the purse turned out to be very tight and the baby kangaroo’s legs did not fit. The little kangaroo got scared and cried even more: he was very afraid that now his mother would leave and leave him alone. Then the little Kangaroo gave in with all his might, pulled up his knees and crawled into his purse.

In the evening he and his mother went to visit. There were other children visiting, they played and had fun, they invited Kangurenysh to come over, but he was afraid to leave his mother and therefore, although he wanted to go play with everyone, he still spent the whole time in his mother’s purse. All evening, adult uncles and aunts came up to him and his mother and asked why such a big Kangaroo was afraid to leave his mother and go play with other children. Then the young kangaroo got completely scared and hid in his purse so that even his head was not visible.

Day after day, my mother’s purse became more and more crowded and uncomfortable. The baby kangaroo really wanted to run around the green meadow near the house, build sand pies, play with the neighboring boys and girls, but it was so scary to leave his mother, so the big mother Kangaroo could not leave the baby kangaroo and sat with him all the time.

One morning, Mother Kangaroo went to the store. The baby kangaroo woke up, saw that he was alone, and began to cry. So he cried and cried, but his mother still did not come.

Suddenly, through the window, Kangurenysh saw the neighboring boys playing tag. They ran, caught up with each other and laughed. They had a lot of fun. The little kangaroo stopped crying and decided that he, too, could wash himself, get dressed, and go to the kids without his mother. So he did. The guys gladly accepted him into their game, and he ran and jumped along with everyone. And soon his mother came and praised him that he was so brave and independent.

Now mom can go to work and to the store every morning - after all, Little Kangaroo is no longer afraid of being alone, without his mother. He knows that during the day his mother must be at work, and in the evening she will definitely come home to her beloved Kangaroo.

Issues for discussion:

What was Little Kangaroo afraid of? Were you afraid of the same thing? Why is the Little Kangaroo now not afraid to be left alone, without his mother?

State educational institution
Education Center No. 173 (GBOU CO No. 173)
Petrogradsky district
Saint Petersburg

Fairytale therapy as a method of restoring psycho-emotional balance and fostering emotional and moral culture
(from work experience)

Health is the state of physical and social well-being of a person. This is one of the highest human values, one of the sources of happiness, joy, and the key to optimal self-realization. The physical and mental health of a person throughout his life largely depends on how his childhood years went. It is important to preserve the child’s health in such a crucial period of life, which requires enormous, everyday work in the family and in any educational institution.

Life in the 21st century presents us with many new problems, among which the most pressing today is the problem of preserving the health of children.

The efforts of teachers in general education institutions today, more than ever, are aimed at improving the health of the child - cultivating a healthy lifestyle. It is no coincidence that these are the priority tasks in the education modernization program.

At the present stage, education places quite high demands on students. Students need to process and retain a huge amount of information in their memory. It’s no secret that to comprehend it, the left logical hemisphere, which is responsible for logic, rationality, and making the right decisions, is mainly loaded. It is this that teaches us to think, analyze, and draw conclusions.

Very often it works to the limit of its capabilities. The information density of the lesson is so high that schoolchildren simply do not have time to rejoice at their successes and the successes of their comrades, sympathize with each other, and admire a new discovery. In addition, information overload creates a danger for schoolchildren to develop emotional and personal problems. Even successful, highly motivated students with a good level of intellectual development experience anxiety and may have low self-esteem. Excessive tension transforms into physical and verbal aggression. This can give rise to a negative attitude towards learning activities. An unstable emotional state also affects the child’s physical condition: his performance decreases, activity weakens, and fatigue increases. These facts indicate that during the educational process, a contradiction is created between the need for students to master a large amount of educational information and at the same time maintain physical and mental health.

One of the means of solving these problems is health-saving technologies, without which the pedagogical process of a modern educational institution is unthinkable.

Health-saving technologies is a holistic system of educational, health, correctional and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between a child and a teacher, a child and parents, a child and a doctor.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide the student with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Health-saving pedagogical technologies are used in various types of activities and are presented as:

  • Technologies for preserving and stimulating health (rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger exercises, eye exercises, breathing exercises, play-based health exercises).
  • Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle (morning exercises, physical education classes, self-massage, active recreation (physical education leisure, physical education holiday, musical leisure, “Health Day”), acupressure).
  • Corrective technologies (articulation gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic rhythm, color therapy, art therapy).

Health-saving technologies have one particularly pleasant method - the method of fairy tale therapy. It can be used in any quantity and at any age. It has no side effects or contraindications. It is this method that I use in extracurricular activities with primary school students.


Fairy tale therapy- one of the types of health-saving technologies. It is an innovative method in working with children, which allows you to gently and unobtrusively influence a child with the help of a fairy tale, while solving a variety of problems.

A person’s acquaintance with a fairy tale begins from the first years of his life. Listening to fairy tales, a child learns the sounds of his native speech and its melody. And the older he gets, the more he feels the beauty and accuracy of the original Russian speech. Fairy tales help develop the depth of feelings and emotional responsiveness of a child. Empathizing, he intuitively, with the help of feelings, comprehends what he cannot always comprehend with his mind. But the memory of feelings is the strongest and remains with a person for life. It is the fairy tale that introduces children to the standards of good and evil that have remained unchanged at all times, and not in an edifying form, but so that the child himself understands what is good and what is bad. The child can compare his own actions with the actions of his favorite heroes. It is through the examples of fairy-tale heroes that important qualities such as optimism, self-confidence, and perseverance in achieving a goal are brought up. In addition, fairy tales develop imagination and teach us to fantasize. But children’s fantasies are a necessary condition for the full development of a child’s personality, the key to his mental well-being. A fairy tale not only teaches, educates, but also heals. This is exactly what is needed for primary school children.

Child psychologists say that a fairy tale helps a child cope with stress. And playing out fairy-tale situations, especially conflict ones, helps resolve controversial issues that sometimes seem insoluble to children. Fairy tales can be easily implemented into any educational programs without changing their content. Therefore, I believe that fairy tale therapy is the most effective.

Fairytale therapy is ... and “the process of forming a connection between fairy-tale events and behavior in real life”, and “the process of environmental education and raising a child”, and “environmental therapy, a special fairy-tale setting in which potential parts of the personality can manifest themselves, something unrealized can be realized dream,” and “the process of selecting each client’s special fairy tale.” (Vachkov I.V.)

St. Petersburg fairytale therapist A.V. Gnezdilov identifies as the subject of fairytale therapy “the process of educating the Inner Child, developing the soul, increasing the level of awareness of events, acquiring knowledge about the laws of life and ways of social manifestation of creative creative power.”

The work of A. A. Osipova shows the following possibilities for working with a fairy tale:

  1. Using a fairy tale as a metaphor. The texts and images of fairy tales evoke free associations that relate to the child’s personal life, then these metaphors and associations can be discussed.
  2. Drawing based on a fairy tale. Free associations appear in the drawing; further analysis of the resulting graphic material is possible.
  3. Discussion of the character's behavior and motives. Reading a fairy tale serves as a reason for discussing the values ​​of a child’s behavior and reveals his assessment system in the categories of “good - bad.”
  4. Playing episodes of a fairy tale. You can stage a fairy tale with a group of children. Playing back one or another of its episodes gives each participant in the production the opportunity to experience some emotionally significant situations for themselves and play out emotions. You can also stage it with the help of dolls. Working with dolls helps the child correct his movements and make the doll’s behavior as expressive as possible, allowing him to improve and express through it those emotions that he usually, for some reason, cannot afford to express.
  5. Using a fairy tale as a moral parable , which suggests, using a metaphor, a solution to a problem.
  6. Creative work based on a fairy tale:

A) Analysis. The goal is awareness and interpretation of what is behind each fairy-tale situation, plot construction and characters’ behavior. The reader is asked to answer a number of questions: “What is this fairy tale about?”, “Which of the heroes do you like best and why?”, “Why did the hero do this or that action?”, “What would have happened to the heroes if they had not committed those actions that are described in the fairy tale?”, “What would happen if there were only good or only bad heroes in the fairy tale?” etc.

b) Telling a fairy tale. The technique helps to work through the development of fantasy, imagination, and the ability to decenter. The procedure is as follows: a child or group of children is asked to tell a story in the first or third person. You can invite the child to tell a fairy tale on behalf of other characters participating or not participating in the fairy tale. For example, how the Fox, Baba Yaga, and Vasilisa the Wise would tell the fairy tale about Kolobok.

V) Rewriting a fairy tale. Rewriting and adding to fairy tales makes sense when the child somehow does not like the plot, some turn of events, situations, the end of the fairy tale, etc. This is important diagnostic material. By rewriting a fairy tale, adding its own ending or inserting the necessary characters, the child himself chooses the turn that best suits his internal state and finds the solution to situations that allows him to free himself from internal tension - and this is the psychocorrectional meaning of rewriting a fairy tale.

G) Writing a fairy tale. Every fairy tale has certain patterns of plot development. The main character appears in the house (family), grows up, and under certain circumstances leaves the house and goes on a journey. During his travels, he gains and loses friends, overcomes obstacles, fights and defeats evil, and returns home having achieved his goal. Thus, fairy tales give not just a biography of the hero, but figuratively tell about the main stages of the formation and development of personality.

When writing fairy tales, you can use humor. It stimulates interest and is an effective tool. The plots of fairy tales should contain opportunities for changing the characters, as well as situations of choice that require them to make an appropriate decision. During the course of the story, a central crisis situation should arise, representing a turning point in the resolution of the conflict. The characters of positive and negative characters should represent the strengths and weaknesses of the client's personality.

Fairy tales should have a happy, optimistic ending. It is important to instill in a person hope that he will definitely find a way out of a difficult situation, otherwise he will not have the incentive or motivation to continue the struggle.

Depending on the problems being solved, you can use both Russian folk tales and fairy tales by Russian and foreign authors, where the main character is a girl or woman, i.e. heroine, not hero.

For example, Russian folk tales “Morozko”, “Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”, “Snow Maiden”, the fairy tale by S.T. Aksakov’s “The Scarlet Flower”, fairy tales by foreign authors “Cinderella” and “Sleeping Beauty” by C. Perrault, “Mistress Blizzard” by the Brothers Grimm and others. There are men's fairy tales ("The Frog Princess", where, although a woman's path is visible, the main character is a man).

Children's fairy tales include: “Little Red Riding Hood” by C. Perrault, and Russian folk tales “Geese and Swans”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” and a number of other fairy tales by both Russian and foreign authors.

Any fairy tale can be offered for individual or group work; it must be read aloud.

A fairy-tale situation that is given to a child must meet certain requirements.

  • The situation should not have a correct ready-made answer (“the principle of openness”);
  • The situation must contain a problem that is relevant to the child, “encrypted” in the imagery of the fairy tale;
  • The situation and question must be constructed and formulated in such a way as to encourage the child to independently build and trace cause-and-effect relationships.

Tkach R.M. believes that in order for a fairy tale or story to gain power and provide assistance, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for its creation:

  1. The fairy tale should be somewhat identical to the child’s problem, but in no case should it have a direct resemblance to it.
  2. A fairy tale should offer a vicarious experience, using which the child can make a new choice when solving his problem. Or a psychologist should help with this.
  3. A fairy tale plot must unfold in a certain sequence.

Because I used this method in working with children in grades 1-2; I did not use all possible types of work with a fairy tale. At the beginning of working with children, I used analysis, storytelling, and drawing of fairy tales, and then we moved on to composing and staging fairy tales.

Here, of course, it was very important to involve parents in participating in the work. They helped me make dolls. The children also liked theatrical performances, but they liked the ones with puppets more. By the way, we very successfully used these dolls not only in productions, but also in playing out various life situations. The children chose their hero “doll” and we acted out skits (for example: “we’re going to the store,” “we’re inviting you to a birthday party,” “we’re going on an excursion,” etc.). And the children were very interested in such “productions” because they were closer to their life situations and problems. And if one of them found it difficult to solve any problem, or acted not quite correctly, the rest of the “heroes” came to his aid.

Working with fairy tales begins with its analysis and discussion. When fairy tale meanings are worked out and connected with real life situations, you can use other forms of working with fairy tales: making dolls, drawing, sand therapy.

Lived once. / The beginning of a fairy tale, a meeting with its heroes.

And suddenly one day... / The hero faces some problem, a conflict that coincides with the child’s problem.

Because of this... / It is shown what the solution to the problem is, and how the heroes of the fairy tale do it.

Climax. / The heroes of the fairy tale cope with difficulties.

Denouement. / The denouement of a therapeutic tale should be positive.

Moral of the story... / The characters in the story learn lessons from their actions. Their lives change radically.

Method of "Telling a Fairy Tale"

Any storytelling is therapeutic in itself. It is better to tell a fairy tale rather than read it. The teacher and children can compose a fairy tale together, simultaneously dramatizing its entirety or individual elements. Children can compose a fairy tale on their own (the teacher provides only a little help with leading questions).

Method "Drawing a fairy tale"

It is advisable to then draw, sculpt, or present the fairy tale in the form of an applique. By drawing or working with colored cardboard or plasticine, the child embodies everything that worries him, feelings and thoughts. Thus, freeing yourself from anxiety or other feelings that bothered you.

Image quality doesn't matter. With strong feelings, all sorts of monsters, fire or dark colors may appear in the child’s drawings. A new drawing on the theme of the same fairy tale may be calmer, the colors will be lighter.

For drawing, it is better to take pencils (preferably gouache if you are drawing something specific, watercolor if you have to draw your feelings and emotions).

Russian folk tale "Teremok"

Goal: development of group cohesion, imagination, creative activity, mastery of non-verbal means of communication, the ability to look at oneself from the outside, mastering new ways of behavior.

Working with a fairy tale

The roles of fairy-tale characters are distributed on cards, to choose from, or using a counting rhyme. Children should have the opportunity to play the role of any fairy-tale hero.
Before the start of the production of the fairy tale, the teacher, together with the children, characterizes each character and assigns him certain responsibilities.
After showing the fairy tale, the teacher invites the students to discuss their impressions: “What did you like or dislike? Did you get the role? Why did the animals begin to live together?

What kind of mansion did it turn out to be?

In the future, children are encouraged to draw a fairy tale, a favorite fairy-tale character.

In 2nd grade, my children and I were already performing puppet fairy tales. Because Children were already quite confident in “controlling” the dolls, showing their character and behavior. But here it is still important to take into account that children may not feel very confident when performing. And it is very important that they feel like successful “artists.” And so we used the soundtrack of the musical fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.” It turned out both interesting and emotional.

There are many options for using elements of fairy tale therapy when working with children. Fairytale therapy means “treatment with a fairy tale.” As Vachkov I.V. writes, fairy tales are used by both doctors and psychologists, and each specialist finds in a fairy tale the resource that helps him solve his professional problems.

  1. “Fairytale therapy: Development of self-awareness through a psychological fairy tale” Vachkov I.V. - M.; Os-89, 2007.
  2. "Fairy tales and Fairytale therapy" Sokolov D. - M.: Eksmo-Press, 2001.
  3. "The practice of fairy tale therapy" / Ed. N. A. Sakovich - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004 The publication is a collection of fairy tales, games and fairy-tale therapeutic programs developed by practicing psychologists.
  4. "Fairy tale therapy. From bagel to cheesecake" Lyumara - Publisher: Ves, 2006
  5. "Fairytale therapy at school. Methodological recommendations" Korotkova L.D. - M.: TsGL, 2006. The book presents the author's fairy tales and methodological recommendations for working using the plots of fairy tales, which enable educators and teachers to carry out moral activities with interest and unobtrusively for children conversations.
  6. "The author's fairy tale therapy. The smoke of an ancient fireplace" A. V. Gnezdilov - Publishing house: Rech, 2004. The book by the famous St. Petersburg doctor and storyteller contains his fairy tales that help people cope with difficult situations for them and find inner harmony.
  7. “Games in fairy tale therapy” T. D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T. M. Grabenko - St. Petersburg, Rech, 2006. The book is devoted to the practice of using games in the context of fairy tale therapy.
  8. "The path to magic. Theory and practice of fairy tale therapy." Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. — St. Petersburg: “Zlatoust”, 1998. The purpose of this book is to introduce parents (present and future), teachers, educators, psychologists and other specialists in a fascinating way to the latest system of creative development, training, correction and adaptation of personality. It will help you learn about “fairytale” techniques for communicating with a child, a teenager, or yourself; will talk about writing, rewriting and adding to fairy tales, about making special dolls for home theater, about various forms of staging plays, about playing together in a sandbox and sand therapy technology, about meditations on fairy tales and other interesting things.
  9. "Workshop on fairy tale therapy" Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. — St. Petersburg: “Rech”, 2000. The publication is textbook in nature: it contains fairy tales for practical work with comments and recommendations for use.
  10. "Meetings on the road. Therapeutic tales" A.V. Gnezdilov - Speech, 2005. This collection presents 20 new tales of the famous St. Petersburg psychotherapist and storyteller.
  11. “Once upon a time there was a girl like you... Psychotherapeutic stories for children” Brett D. - - M.: Independent company “Class” - “Library of psychology and psychotherapy).

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1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 47 “Rainbow, Svetlograd, Petrovsky municipal district” Consultation for teachers Topic: “Fairytale therapy as a health-saving technology” Prepared by: Teacher of MBDOU DS 47 “Rainbow” Dyachenko N.A. Svetlograd

2 Both doctors and teachers are concerned about the progressive deterioration of children’s health. The birth of a healthy child has become rare in our time. The reason for this is poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, information and neuropsychic overload, and decreased physical activity. But health is not simply the absence of disease or physical defects; is a state of complete physical, mental, moral and social well-being. The complex of various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils received the general name - “health-saving technologies”. Health-saving pedagogical technologies are used in various types of activities and are presented as: Technologies for preserving and stimulating health (rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises, play-based health-improving gymnastics). Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle (morning exercises, physical education classes, self-massage, active recreation (physical education leisure, physical education holiday, musical leisure, "Health Day", acupressure). Corrective technologies (articulatory gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic rhythms, color therapy, art therapy, Fairytale therapy) Fairytale therapy is one of the types of health-saving technologies. It is an innovative method in working with children, which allows you to gently and unobtrusively influence a child with the help of a fairy tale, while solving a variety of problems. Fairytale therapy is aimed at developing the child’s self-awareness and providing contact with himself. yourself and with others, promoting the building of mutual understanding between people and the assimilation of the necessary models of behavior and response, new knowledge about oneself and the world. The principles of fairy tale therapy are to introduce the child to his strengths, to “expand” his field of consciousness and behavior, to search. non-standard, optimal solutions to various situations, exchange of life experiences. This method develops the ability to listen to yourself and others, learn to accept and create new things. During each fairytale therapy session, you can additionally solve certain problems. For example, practicing voluntary attention

3 or group cohesion, the development of a sense of mutual assistance and support, or the development of memory, the expansion of emotional and behavioral reactions, where, using the examples of fairy-tale heroes, children learn to understand human characters. Functions of fairy tales: 1. The texts of fairy tales evoke emotional resonance in both children and adults. The images of fairy tales simultaneously address two mental levels: the level of consciousness and subconscious. 2. The concept of fairy tale therapy is based on the idea of ​​the value of metaphor as a carrier of information: about vital phenomena; about life values; about setting goals; about the author’s inner world (in the case of the author’s fairy tale). 3. The fairy tale contains information in symbolic form about: how this world works, who created it; what happens to a person at different periods of his life; what stages a woman goes through in the process of self-realization; what stages a man goes through in the process of self-realization; what difficulties and obstacles can be encountered in life and how to cope with them; how to acquire and value friendship and love; what values ​​to follow in life; how to build relationships with parents and children; how to forgive. One of the important functions of a fairy tale is the storage of experience, that is, even after the end of psychotherapeutic work, it continues to have its effect on the child. Let's consider the typology of fairy tales that Tatyana Dmitrievna Zinkevich-Evstigneeva offers: 1. Fictional fairy tales. These include fairy tales created by the centuries-old wisdom of the people, and original stories. It is precisely such stories that are usually called fairy tales, myths, and parables. 2. Folk tales. The plots of folk tales are diverse. Among them the following types can be distinguished. Tales about animals, relationships between people and animals. Everyday tales. They often talk about the vicissitudes of family life and show ways to resolve conflict situations. They

4 form an attitude of common sense and a healthy sense of humor in relation to adversity, and talk about little family tricks. Tales of transformation, transformation. An example of such a fairy tale is the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” by G. H. Andersan. Scary tales. Tales about evil spirits. Also horror stories. Apparently, here we are dealing with the experience of children's self-therapy: by repeatedly modeling and experiencing an alarming situation in a fairy tale, children are freed from tension and acquire new ways of responding. Telling horror stories is recommended for children (over 7 years old) and teenagers. And the end of a horror story must be unexpected and funny. Fairy tales. The most fascinating fairy tales for those 6-7 years old. Thanks to fairy tales, the unconscious person receives a “concentrate” of life wisdom and information about the spiritual development of a person. 3. Author's artistic tales. To help children understand their inner experiences, it is advisable to choose an author’s fairy tale to work with them. When working with special needs children, the author’s fairy tale Mamin-Sibiryak D.N. “The Gray Neck” is suitable. When working with a goal, or when a person loses his last hope, does not want to live or loses his last strength, L. Panteleev’s fairy tale “Two Frogs”. 4. Didactic fairy tales. Educational assignments are presented in the form of didactic fairy tales. In classes, children can be taught to write down mathematical examples in the form of didactic tales. In these stories, solving an example is passing a test; a series of solved examples leads the hero to success. 5. Psychocorrectional fairy tales are created to have a gentle influence on the child’s behavior. Correction here means “replacing” an ineffective style of behavior with a more productive one, as well as explaining to the child the meaning of what is happening. You can simply read a psychocorrectional fairy tale to a child without discussing it. Thus, we will give him the opportunity to be alone with himself and think. If the child wants, you can discuss the fairy tale with him, play it out using dolls, drawings, a sandbox and miniature figures. 6. Psychotherapeutic tales. Fairy tales that reveal the deep meaning of current events. Stories that help you see what is happening from the other side. Such fairy tales are not always straightforward and do not always have a traditionally happy ending, but they are always deep and heartfelt.

5 There are fairy tales that educate female wisdom (“Morozko”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Snow Maiden”, S. T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”, “Cinderella”, “Sleeping Beauty” Sh. Perrault, “Lady Snowstorm” by the Brothers Grimm and others, and the qualities of a real male hero and head of the family (“The Frog Princess,” where, although a woman’s path is visible, the main character is a man. The main methods used in fairy tale therapy: Telling a fairy tale). Drawing a fairy tale. Fairytale therapy. Writing a fairy tale. Making a fairy tale. When creating psychocorrectional fairy tales, it is important to know the hidden reasons for “bad” behavior. The correctional tale will offer positive ways to attract attention. He wants to dominate the situation, adults, peers. In this tale, the main idea will be that a good “leader” first of all takes care of his friends. He wants to take revenge on an adult for something. At the same time, in the fairy tale there is an indication of the hero’s distorted vision of the problem and the correct model of behavior. He is scared, anxious, and wants to avoid failure. In this case, the heroes of the correctional fairy tale provide support to the main character and offer ways to overcome fear. He has not developed a sense of proportion. In this case, a psycho-correctional fairy tale can bring the situation to the point of absurdity, showing the consequences of the hero’s actions and leaving the choice of behavior style up to him (“I don’t want to”, “The Golden Antelope”, “A Pot of Porridge”, etc.). In order for a fairy tale or story to gain power and provide assistance, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules for its creation (this form of work is used for children aged 5 years and older): 1. The fairy tale must be in some way identical to the child’s problem, but in no case have no direct resemblance to her. 2. A fairy tale should offer a vicarious experience, using which the child can make a new choice when solving his problem.

6 3. A fairy tale plot should unfold in a certain sequence: Once upon a time. The beginning of a fairy tale, a meeting with its heroes. For children 3-4 years old, it is recommended to make toys, little people and animals the main characters of fairy tales. Starting from the age of 5, fairies, wizards, princesses, princes, soldiers, etc. From about 5-6 years old, the child prefers fairy tales. In adolescence, fairy tales, parables and everyday tales may be interesting. And suddenly one day the Hero is faced with some problem, a conflict that coincides with the child’s problem. Because of this, it is shown what the solution to the problem is, and how the heroes of the fairy tale do it. Climax. The heroes of the fairy tale cope with difficulties. Denouement. The outcome of a therapeutic tale should be positive. Moral of the story The characters in the story learn lessons from their actions. Their lives change radically. 4. Analysis of a fairy tale plot - awareness, interpretation of what is behind each fairy-tale situation, behind the construction of the plot, behind the behavior of the characters. For example, a well-known fairy tale is selected for analysis. After the children listen to the fairy tale, they are asked a series of questions: What do you think this fairy tale is about (what, about whom)? Which of the heroes did you like (or dislike) most? Why do you think this or that hero committed certain actions? Think about what would have happened if the main character had not done such and such an act. What do you think, if there were only good (or bad) heroes in a fairy tale, what kind of fairy tale would it be? Why are there good and bad heroes in a fairy tale? In conclusion, I would like to say that anyone can write fairy tales for children. It's not easy at the beginning, but you can learn it. Instead of quarrels, lectures and punishments, just compose a fairy tale with your child. A fairy tale will help the baby’s early development, relieve stress in a child, teenager or

7 adults. And most importantly, it will help to establish contact: to build a bridge of understanding and friendship between the ordinary world of adults and the magical world of children. After all, therapeutic stories offer different options for action. Good luck to you! Used literature: 1. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D., Tikhonova E. A. Projective diagnostics in fairy tale therapy. 2. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. The path to magic. Theory and practice of fairy tale therapy. 3. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. “Workshop on fairy tale therapy.” 4. Zaryana and Nina Nekrasov. How to find contact with a child? Fabulous possibilities!

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Completed by: Teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten 17 p. Ozerskoye" Gorobets Yulia Sergeevna PROJECT "FAMILY" Senior preschool age Completed by Educator: Gorobets Yulia Sergeevna 2017 Type of project: group, game,

Art therapy is a productive way of psychological work with children. Recently, scientists are increasingly turning their attention to the problem of children's health. In science there are more than sixty definitions of the concept

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Solnyshko" of a combined type" Author of the program Kostina O.V. Kogalym 2015 Goal: - Create conditions for increasing efficiency

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 3 “Thumbelina” Project on developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among children and parents of the “Rainbow” middle group Topic: “Sports”

The child’s immediate environment as a determining factor of psychological health. The presentation was prepared by teacher-psychologist MBDOU “TsRR d./s 196” Kozlenkova N.M. Modern society is becoming more and more informed,

Formation of a healthy lifestyle in a preparatory group for school Performed by the teacher of MDOBU kindergarten 10 KV in Bogoroditsk: G.N. Churikova A healthy lifestyle is a reasonable, informed choice of means

Providing methodological and children's fiction Methodological literature Quantity 1. Federal State Educational Standard Basic educational program "From birth to school" 13 2. Federal State Educational Standard Integration in educational

Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Kolosok"" Prepared by a teacher of the highest qualification category Wolf Oksana Vladimirovna Health is a state of complete

The innovative project “Magic Sand” - an assistant in working with special children” of the municipal institution of additional education “Fantasy” for assignment to the status of a Regional Innovation Platform

Consultation for teachers “Health-saving technologies of preschool educational institutions as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” What are health-saving technologies? These are many of the psychological-pedagogical ones familiar to most teachers.

“Testing the system of musical recreational work with children of senior preschool age in the conditions of MBDOU 4 in Kirovsk” Koroleva A. V., 1st qualification category senior educator MBDOU 4

Smychagina Olga Mikhailovna Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Severyanochka" of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the physical development of children" Yamalo-Nenets

Abstract of the work program for industrial practice in specialty 050144 Preschool education. 1.1 Scope of the program The work program of industrial practice is part of the main

Berezovsky municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 39 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the physical development of pupils" Pedagogical

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 4 combined types of the city of Bikin, Bikinsky municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory Agreed by: Chairman of the PMPk MBDOU for children

Project of the parent club “We are together” Project implementation period: long-term. practice-oriented. By number of participants: group, collective, pair, individual Nature of contacts: parents

Corrective development zones Methods of using a speech therapy room Educational zone “Bukvograd” Equipped with a magnetic board, sets of teaching aids on general speech development, training

The use of health-saving technologies in the process of music education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions. The presentation was prepared by the music director of the MDOU “Kindergarten 2 r.p. Semibratovo" 1st qualifying

Long-term plan for working with parents of children of the group To work with parents, the following goal was determined: To promote the establishment of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in matters of training, education and

INNOVATION MAP OF MBDOU "KINDERGARTEN OF GENERAL DEVELOPMENTAL TYPE 32" Full name ASPECT INNOVATION 1. Vasilevskaya Irina Vasilievna Management Topic: "Methodological support of innovative activities of preschool educational institutions" Purpose:

Brief presentation of the main educational program of preschool education MBDOU d/s 43. The main educational program of preschool education MBDOU d/s 43 was developed in accordance with the federal

Project activities as a means of improving the quality of preschool education At the present stage of development of society in connection with updating the content of preschool education and the social order for education

Physical education holidays and entertainment are effective forms of health-improving work with children. Consultation for educators Physical education instructor: Kalyanova N.A. MDOU kindergarten February 7, 2014


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