How much money do you need to open a gas station? How to open a gas station correctly? Working under a well-known brand

A business selling gasoline requires high capital investments, but with proper organization of work they pay off quite quickly. The decision to open a gas station is an ideal option for those who want to earn a lot, and at the same time, a businessman will always have excellent prospects, because despite the abundance of gas stations in any city, every entrepreneur can easily find his own niche.

Pitfalls of the gas station business.

When thinking about how to open a gas station, a businessman must take into account many different aspects, because this area of ​​business activity has many unique features. This business:

1. It belongs to the category of dangerous, therefore, to create it you will need to obtain a lot of permits: you will need to contact the sanitary station, municipality, Rospotrebnadzor, environmental service, traffic police, and each department will have to check the project’s compliance with all existing requirements
2. Requires investment not only in renting land, but also in the construction of the complex itself, which almost always needs to be built from scratch: construction necessarily involves the creation of a project that will definitely be checked
3. Involves investments even after the facility is built - no matter how much it costs to open a gas station at the initial stage, in the future the entrepreneur will also need to regularly invest in ensuring the safety of the station and its protection
4. Requires a fairly long organizational period - paperwork to open a gas station takes up to six months, and then the same amount of time will be needed to build the facility itself

As for the documentation, the businessman will need a lease agreement with the owner of the land plot where he plans to open a gas station (it should be located on a site with high traffic - preferably on a busy street or highway - and have convenient access for cars), as well as a registration certificate Individual entrepreneur or LLC. At this stage, you will need to register with the tax authority, obtain OKVED codes, and also develop a project for the future complex and go through all approvals. Then you need:

Conclude a contract with a pest control company
draw up a contract for the removal of solid waste
obtain a license from the Ministry of Energy for the sale of fuel and its storage
pass workplace certification
select a fuel supplier and conclude a contract for its supply

Only after this will it be possible to think about opening the complex to clients.

Own gas station or franchise?

An entrepreneur has a choice: open an autonomous gas station with his own brand or create a company under the auspices of an existing brand. In the latter case, he buys a franchise, which has a number of advantages:

Further work will be carried out under the guidance of an experienced partner
all the documentation necessary for opening will be issued immediately, and there will be no need to waste time obtaining permits
both the project and even the design style of the gas station will already be developed - the idea will only have to be implemented on the selected site

However, it will be necessary to take into account that opening a gas station as a franchise means fully complying with the operating standards of the chosen brand, and this may not always be convenient for the entrepreneur, because he simply will not be able to introduce any of his own innovations. In addition, the entrepreneur will have to pay for using the brand (the annual amount can be 30-40 thousand rubles).

How much does it cost to open a gas station?

If a businessman decides to create a gas station without a franchise, his investment will be quite high. As a rule, they fluctuate between 13-14 million rubles, but the exact amount will depend on a number of factors. In general, the costs are:

5-6 million rubles - for the construction of the complex itself
3 million – for the purchase of equipment (tanks for fuel storage, emergency pumping, dispensing; pumps for customers, storm water system tanks), tools, software, furniture and office equipment for the filling station office
2.5 million rubles – for renting a land plot
2 million – for paperwork, obtaining licenses


Decide on a location gas station. The most cost-effective option is to be located within the city. This is explained by the fact that most people prefer to refuel close to home. This object must be placed only along roads and streets, warehouse and industrial areas. Accommodation on the highways is also profitable, especially if the complex includes a cafe, motel, service station, car wash and other services.

Before the start of construction, you need to draw up an urban planning justification for the location gas station. Coordinate its location with the sanitary and epidemiological service, because the project must have a plan for equipping it with household, drinking and hot water supply and sewerage systems. The use of artesian wells is allowed; working with imported water is prohibited. Complete the necessary documents at the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

When all bureaucratic procedures have been resolved, proceed directly to the construction of the facility on the previously selected territory. gas station It is possible to build from any materials except . Most are built using the technology of quickly erected buildings. If the building size gas station large, then this technology uses a frame, sandwich panels, a ventilated facade system or a stacked sandwich (corrugated sheeting - insulation - corrugated sheeting).

Take care of a few more approval procedures when the “box” of the future service station is ready. First of all, you should get a fire and sanitary facility. The premises for a car service center will be put into operation only if local environmental services issue a conclusion, from which it follows that your establishment will not cause too much harm to the environment.

Now think about the finishing details of a car service station, such as floor surfaces (it must be hard and durable - for reliable fastening of lifts), walls in inspection pits (tiled covering is required). Equip the bathroom and install storage cabinets. All these points are specifically specified in the list of requirements for setting up a private car service; neglecting any of them can lead to serious problems during future inspections. The final stage of equipping a service station will be the purchase and installation of equipment - after this, your car service is almost ready.

Helpful advice

When creating a design for a service station premises, you need to take into account that without a natural lighting system the facility will not be put into operation - the ratio of natural and artificial lighting in a building for a car service is strictly regulated.

An important element of equipping a service station premises is the ventilation system - the presence of powerful exhaust ventilation in a car service building is mandatory.


  • Documents required to open a car service center
  • how to build a car service

The financial success of a gas station can greatly depend on circumstances that are not directly related to the quality of service or even the location of the gas station. You can learn about these important details either through your own experience, which often comes too late, or by learning from the experience of others and taking care of those points that make a gas station truly profitable.

Gas station. It is extremely important to understand the supplier’s pricing and not then get confused in your own accounting, losing profits due to incorrect calculations.

Take care of the protection and security of your gas station - any incident can not only wipe out all current income, but also drive you into a hole of debt. This concerns not only incidents of a criminal nature (which is not uncommon on country roads), but also safety precautions when working with fuel. Enter into an agreement with a security company, equip the operator’s building with bulletproof glass, follow all fire safety rules and instruct staff.

Save on staff salaries by organizing training for new employees - training workers without experience is more profitable than adapting to the salary expectations of experienced gas station operators, who also know how to organize work “in their favor.” Such a policy in working with personnel will significantly increase your own profits and create jobs for residents of nearby settlements, who often suffer from unemployment. It is precisely these simple measures in managing a gas station that allow you to gain good momentum, reach the payback threshold and begin to receive tangible income.


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Gas refueling today is a fairly cost-effective and popular option for your own business. At the same time, it requires serious starting capital and is unlikely to be suitable for a beginner. So, we will find out further how to open a gas station, what is required for this, and how long it will take to recoup your investment.

How much does it cost to open a gas station?

Opening a gas station is practically no different from a regular one. The main difference lies in the purchased equipment, which must be checked by specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. To open a gas station, first of all, you will need to create a business plan. It should take into account all expenses, and add a small reserve for unexpected costs to the resulting amount. The following is an approximate calculation:

  1. . Decide for yourself whether you want to buy or rent a plot of land for your business. Each option has its pros and cons. For example, paying monthly rent can be a burden, especially at first. In addition, the owner of the site can demand his property from you at any time, if the rental period has not been agreed upon in advance. One way or another, the cost of renting is much cheaper than buying, and is about 3 million rubles.
  2. Construction . The cost of construction depends on your project and the desired size of the gas station. In addition, the price will be affected by the availability of additional services for customers, for example, a minimarket, tire service (see), etc. The average construction cost ranges from 6-8 million rubles.
  3. Documentation . One of the most important points, since opening a gas station without proper permits and confirmations is simply impossible. Collecting documents is not only lengthy, but also an expensive process, which, depending on the region, may require from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.
  4. Equipment and raw materials . The internal arrangement of your organization is carried out almost before the opening. It requires another 3 million rubles.

14 million rubles is the average cost to open a gas station. To this figure you can add about another 1 million rubles as an amount for additional unforeseen expenses, for example, if the profit received at first is not enough to purchase raw materials or pay rent, etc. In addition, it is important to take into account the staff salary, which averages 25,000 rubles per person. Thus, if the staff consists of 5 people, this is already 100,000 rubles monthly.

We collect the necessary documents

Proper documents are the most important thing you need to open your gas station. Collecting documents is a procedure that requires visiting a number of different organizations, collecting additional papers and, of course, a lot of time. You can do this yourself or entrust the entire process to document collection specialists who, for a small amount, will do everything for you in a short time.

If you still decide to collect it yourself, then here are the documents you need to open your own gas station:

  • First, you need to register as an entrepreneur. The ideal option is to register an individual entrepreneur: it ensures minimal taxation, is processed quickly and on favorable terms. In addition, there is the option of registering a legal entity, i.e. companies. The procedure takes place at the tax office. Here you will also need ones that correspond to the type of your activity.
  • One of the important documents is a lease agreement for a gas station or a document confirming ownership. It will need to be presented in almost all organizations in the future.
    Pay special attention to the fact that the selected site must comply with fire safety standards, which can be obtained from the relevant authority. Without this, your gas station will be built illegally.
  • Then you need to prepare a project for the gas station itself. First, you work out the details together with the designer, after which you submit the finished work to Rospotrebnadzor. Specialists must give written permission to construct the facility. Without this, it is prohibited to proceed with further actions.
  • Also, before opening a gas station, you will need to obtain a number of permits. To do this, we contact the following authorities: sanitary and epidemiological station, fire and environmental services. Additional permissions will need to be obtained if you provide additional services to clients. For example, if a food outlet or minimarket is opened on the territory of a gas station, a permit to sell products will be required.
  • A special license will be required to store fuel and sell it. This document is prepared by the Ministry of Energy.
  • Then, to open a gas station, you will need to find a suitable fuel supplier. A fixed-term or open-ended contract is concluded with him, which should always be at your fingertips.

Before the opening of gas stations represented in your organization, check for their compliance with existing standards.

Should we give preference to franchising?

Franchising is a fairly modern and profitable option for starting a business, which allows a novice businessman to work under a brand that has already made a name for itself. A number of other advantages are also noted:

  1. Help in discovery from knowledgeable specialists. You will be able to receive advice from experienced people on all issues related to starting a business.
  2. There will be no need to create your own business model - they will provide you with a ready-made one.
  3. Obtaining fuel from a trusted supplier.
  4. The average cost of start-up capital is reduced, if only because you will no longer need to additionally advertise, find a suitable fuel supplier, etc.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you will have to give part of the proceeds (see also) to the company that provided the franchise. Despite this, franchising is considered more profitable than independent work.

Car filling station(gas station) is a set of equipment on a roadside area designed for refueling vehicles.

Gas station, with the right approach, is a very profitable business. Many who have invested their capital in this business today have great profits. Gas stations will be relevant for a very long time, since this is a product that is used by a large number of the population, because the number of vehicles is only increasing every year.

Types of gas stations and their equipment

The most common gas stations are those that refuel vehicles with traditional types of hydrocarbon fuel - gasoline and diesel fuel (gasoline stations).

Less common are the Automobile Gas Filling Compressor Station (CNG Filling Station) - refueling with compressed natural gas (CNG) and the Automotive Gas Filling Station (AGS) - refueling with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). There are also several types of hydrogen filling station.

Container gas station(KAZS) - a technological system of which is designed for refueling vehicles only with liquid motor fuel and is characterized by an above-ground arrangement of tanks and placement of fuel dispensers in a fuel storage container made as a single factory product.

Stationary ones are equipped with lighting and lightning protection systems.

Depending on their location, gas stations are distinguished between road and city gas stations. Urban residents are subject to more stringent safety requirements; in particular, the permissible distances to residential buildings, schools, hospitals, and public buildings are strictly regulated.

At modern gas stations, the service is often not limited to the sale of fuel. Often at such stations there is, less often - a snack bar, as well as an ATM, a car wash, etc. In the USA, truck stops or travel centers are common in which the gas station itself is only part of a complex that includes parking services for heavy truck drivers, recreation centers and leisure, and shopping.

In Russia, the organization of food at gas stations to this day leaves much to be desired, since the assortment usually has nothing in common with traditional food.

What is more profitable - coffee or gasoline?

Briefly about coffee:

In the first half of 2016, Gaprom Neft (the fourth oil production company in Russia) received 1 billion rubles from the sale of coffee at its own gas stations. revenue, said the company’s regional sales director Alexander Krylov in an interview with the Gazprom corporate magazine. The same amount – 1 billion rubles. – Gazprom Neft earned money for the whole of 2015.

Moreover, the coffee should be really tasty and be either on par with or better than your competitors, since the client remembers this nuance.

Opening instructions

To open your own gas station, you need to go through many authorities where you will need to collect all the necessary documents and permits. Practice says that opening your own gas station requires at least 6 million rubles. Before you invest money in this business, you need to be prepared for various difficulties that may happen in the process.

Where to begin? It is necessary to draw up a business plan (example at the bottom of the page), thanks to which you can plan all the necessary expenses, it is advisable that you have an amount slightly larger than that indicated in the business plan. Choose a good place, it could be a highway, highway or other place where a large number of cars pass. Also open a gas station away from competitors, this will avoid various troubles and will allow you to gain more customers. Please note that the place must be outside the residential area; the nearest house must be at least 40 meters away.

Once the location has been selected. Decide what fuel you will trade. Contact responsible suppliers. It is advisable that the supplier is good, otherwise no one will refuel at your gas station. As a rule, all gas stations sell AI-98, AI-95, AI-92, AI-80, diesel fuel and gas, but gas, as a rule, is sold most often at individual gas stations. Do not forget that now these brands are additionally assigned Euro standards (Euro-2,...5), for example, since July 1, 2012, Lukoil has been producing gasoline of the AI-92 and AI-95 brands, only class 5 (“Euro-95”). 5"). All of these types of fuel are in demand, so they should be at your gas station.

In addition, organize trade in various goods and a cafe on the territory. You definitely need to make a toilet. Many large gas stations open a parking lot on their premises. It depends on your capital and the chosen location.

To open a gas station, the following documents are required:

  • License from the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. This license will allow you to store various types of fuel.
  • Permission from local authorities. Typically, this permission is given for the use of a specific area on their property.
  • Land lease agreement, which is issued by local governments.

Do not forget that any gas station must have convenient entrances. The markings and organization of traffic at the gas station itself must be coordinated with road services and traffic police authorities.

Once you have received all the necessary permits and documents, you can begin construction. To do this, you need to find a company that will do this work. Purchase the necessary equipment, namely, dispensers, fuel storage tanks, building materials and other elements necessary for the work. Construction can last from 2 months to a year. It depends on the pace of construction.

To work, you need to hire approximately 8 people, including:

  • the head of the gas station, supervising the work of the station and operators and having absolute knowledge of the software;
  • repairman responsible for premises and equipment; it is desirable that he also understands software;
  • operators responsible for dispensing fuel, working with revenue, incl. handing it over to collectors.

You definitely need to hire an electrician, who can be signed under a contract. At first, you can do without tankers.

It is important to train these people and give them a good salary so that they perform their duties honestly. Also for work you will need to hire:

  • Sellers-cashiers – 1-2 people.
  • Security guards – 1-2 people.
  • Refuelers - depending on the flow.

This quantity may vary based on your preferences and the total area of ​​your gas station. You need to pay special attention to security guards, because they will protect your business from various attacks, so it is better to work with a good security company that is responsible for its reputation.

Useful video:

Having opened a gas station, provide your customers with good service and high-quality fuel, in this case you will acquire a large number of customers and perhaps in the future you will be able to create a whole network of gas stations.

Gas station business plan

We present to you a free ready-made example of a gas station business plan with all approximate calculations. But remember that this is just an example, as in your case things may be completely different.

If you decide to open a gas filling station, then in this example simply change the data to suit you.

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Fuel trading is a fairly profitable and promising business that brings up to 20% marginal income with a minimum of time spent. Gasoline and diesel fuel will always be bought, despite crises and stagnation in the market, so gas stations are quite an interesting means of earning money.

General concepts

First, some background information. Investments in a gas station are quite large - they are almost impossible for a beginning businessman without experience and start-up capital.

Opening a gas station can be a good business or a way to save money

The payback period for one gas station opened in a good location is approximately three years. On the one hand, it’s not bad, on the other hand, there are more interesting and profitable ways to earn money. Most often, gas stations are viewed as a way to save money, rather than increase it. But if you take this business seriously, then from one gas station you can create an entire network in just 5-7 years. Gas stations are a risk-free type of business. They are guaranteed to buy gasoline from you, but for stable income you need a good place.

Types of gas stations

There are two types of gas stations:

  1. Ground (container filling stations).
  2. Stationary (reservoirs buried in the ground).

Typically, container refills are used as temporary ones: they require special safety conditions. The owners of such gas stations undergo 2-3 times more examinations; inspectors, firefighters and other officials regularly visit them. This makes selling fuel unprofitable. Therefore, if you decide to seriously engage in the fuel sales business, then equip a full-fledged stationary gas station with underground tanks.

How to register

For normal operation, you will need to open an LLC and register with the tax service on the general system as a VAT payer. This is a mandatory condition, since 98 out of 100 fuel suppliers work only with those gas stations that pay VAT. You can also open an individual entrepreneur, but then you will lose a large part of corporate clients and various companies, since they prefer to work with LLCs rather than private individuals. This will also open your door to the tender market - signed contracts will bring you serious ongoing profits.

It is necessary to trade several types of fuel to increase the number of customers

Choosing land

The most difficult thing is to find a suitable site. It should be in a place where there is heavy traffic. This could be a major highway, an interchange, a highway, or a large gas station. Ideally, the site should be located in a populated area or at the exit from it.

If you do not have experience in selling fuel, then conduct an independent examination that will determine the success of your choice. You need to find out whether it is possible to place a road service facility - a gas station - on a given site.

Note:The chosen location should have convenient access. You should not choose a site 30-50 meters from the highway - the equipment for the exit will eat up quite a lot of money.

What permissions are needed

Once you have decided on the form of activity, you must:

  1. Obtain OKVED codes from the tax service.
  2. Create design documentation for gas stations. It would be more correct to order project development from a specialized organization if you do not have the relevant experience.
  3. Coordinate the created project with Rospotrebnadzor.
  4. Develop and agree on regulations on production control.
  5. Conclude an agreement with a company that will remove solid waste from your facility.
  6. Conclude agreements for periodic deratization of the facility.
  7. Submit the package of documents to the environmental service and obtain the appropriate permission from them.
  8. Obtain permission to open from the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  9. Send a request to the Ministry of Energy and obtain a permit for fuel storage.
  10. Select personnel and conduct employee certification.

Note:all documents must be prepared in strict accordance with legal requirements. To save time and nerves, it is better to order them from specialized companies.

Leasing will help you save up to 80% of the investment amount, but it will pay off much longer

It is noteworthy that in different regions of Russia the requirements for opening a gas station are different, so you should discuss all issues with specialists in advance.

Requirements for gas stations

All basic requirements for refueling can be divided into:

  1. Territorial.
  2. Construction.
  3. Environmental and sanitary-hygienic.
  4. Technological.

It should be understood that gas stations are high-risk facilities. Increased demands are placed on them, and any violations can lead to tragedy. Therefore, be sure to study the requirements of “Rules for the technical operation of gas stations” RD 153-39.2-080-01 and “Fire safety requirements for gas stations” NBP 111-98.

Necessary equipment

All purchased equipment must meet relevant standards and have quality certificates. There are quite a lot of companies involved in the sale of equipment for gas stations. You can purchase it or lease it.

You must trade at least four types of fuel: AI-92, AI-95, AI-98 and diesel fuel. You can expand the range to Euro varieties.

You will need:

  1. Tank for storing each type of fuel 4 pieces, 15 cubic meters each.
  2. Spare tank of 15 cubic meters for pumping out fuel in case of an accident.
  3. Tank with a volume of 10 cubic meters for creating a storm drain.
  4. Fuel dispensers (minimum 2 pieces) with 2-3 sleeves.

The dispenser includes not only the dispenser itself, but also all the necessary cables, shut-off valves, control panels, etc. The only thing you will need is a computer with software for sales control.

The software controls the entire process from filling fuel tanks to selling it to drivers. This allows you to avoid controversial situations and monitor your employees for honesty.

At first, you can do without tankers


Considering the issue, how much does it cost to open a gas station, We should focus on the personnel problem. You will need:

  1. Supervisor. He will bear full responsibility for the work of hired employees, issues of control of the production process and safety precautions. He must understand the bus station software and resolve any issues.
  2. At least two operators (preferably 4, working in shifts). They are responsible for pouring fuel into tanks and handing over the proceeds.
  3. Repairman-guard. This person will monitor safety at night, remove garbage and snow, carry out routine maintenance of the building, accept fuel, etc.

You can also hire two gas station attendants, which will increase the attractiveness of the gas station in the eyes of customers, but at first you can do without them.


In order to obtain all the necessary documents for opening, you will need 4-6 months (depending on the region and the chosen site). Construction work usually takes about 6 months. In total, about 12 million rubles must be invested in a full-fledged refueling station for 4 types of fuel, with a modern building and pumps. The amount is not small, but with proper work and advertising it will pay off in 3 years. In just 10-12 months, having found regular customers, you will be able to start building a second gas station using the income received from the first. Classmates

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