Difficult cases number 13 of the Unified State Exam in Russian.

Task 13 2018 in the Russian language. Theory.

Since writing very much depends on which part of the speech is in front of us, we should also study the theory for task 23.

So together, separately or with a hyphen? Here are some life hacks.

1) Distinguish between prepositions, conjunctions and particles. Prepositions put the next word in the correct case and connect words in a sentence. Conjunctions do not change adjacent words and connect homogeneous members or sentences as part of a complex one. Particles add nuance to a word's meaning or create an imperative, subjunctive, or conditional form.

2) The words so that, too, also, but have both continuous and separate spellings. If this is a conjunction and it can be replaced by other conjunctions (In order to = in order to. Also, also = and), then write together. Example: I came to (in order to) win. (And) I also want to go to the park. (And) He was also there. He was not very handsome, but (but) good.

3) The conjunction IE is written separately.

4) Particles (if they are particles) are always written separately. (Whatever, the same) How to recognize particles? Yes, you can simply omit them. Example: What should I read?
The particles TO, EITHER, EITHER, SO, KA, KOE are written with a hyphen.
Are the particles even written together?

5) Prepositions during, in continuation, in conclusion, in contrast, (at the end there can be And, if it is not just a preposition, but a preposition with a noun) for the purposes of, by virtue of, to the extent of, in the area, throughout, in relation , except, at the expense of, not counting are always written together.

6) The prepositions despite and despite are written in two words, and if we have the gerundial participle not _ looking at, not_ looking at, then we write in three words.

7) It should be distinguished: mean, in view of (due to) bad weather, in the form of.

8) In view of, instead of, like, as a result of, like, about, over, after, towards, we write together if these are prepositions (can be replaced with other prepositions). If it is a preposition + a noun, we write separately. How to check: try to insert a word between. Example: Talk about (about) work. Deposit money into (your) account.

9) The prepositions because of, from under, over we write a hyphen.

10) Gender and nouns are written together (half a tomato) if the noun begins with a consonant. With a hyphen, when a noun begins with l (half a lemon), a capital letter (half Moscow) and a vowel (half a watermelon). And if there is another adjective between gender and the noun, it is written separately (half a teaspoon)

11) Remember, in most cases, adverbs are still written TOGETHER. We write through a hyphen if there are prefixes PO, V, VO in combination with the suffixes OMU, EMU, YH, IH, I (in an amicable way, firstly, in a wolfish way, thirdly)

Spelling prepositions




In view of

Instead of


Due to





Regardless of




In the form

Due to

In continuation


In conclusion

In contrast

For the purpose

In force

In moderation

In the area




Due to

Not counting

Because of

From under




Due to difficulties

Instead of you

Like a deep hole

Due to bad weather

Like an umbrella

About the lesson

Beyond measure

Below (doors)

Above (letters)

In the middle (of the road)

Despite the mistakes

Despite the storm

Following the summer

Towards the sun

Opposite the school

As an exception

Due to heavy rain

Throughout the day

During the summer

At the end of the meeting

Because of him

From under the closet

Fog is spreading over the river

Homonymous parts of speech

In view of (preposition) – in view of (preposition + noun) the city

Like (preposition) him - like (preposition + noun) the Romanovs

Due to (preposition) bad weather – as a result of (preposition + noun) mistakes were made in the case

During, in continuation, in conclusion - derivative prepositions when denoting time, at the end we write E - BUT! Along the river, in the continuation of the novel, at the conclusion of the essay (simple preposition B + noun, at the end of I)

Talk about the lesson (about - preposition) - put money into the account (preposition + noun)

Below, above, in the middle in the absence of a controlled entity. – adverbs, but with controlled nouns. – prepositions (There was a man standing below (adv.) – there was a hole at the bottom of the door (preposition)

Spelling conjunctions









For what



That's why






That is (a thousand years, that is, a lot)

That is (yesterday, that is, the third)

for now


at the same time

as if




not that... not that

that is




due to the fact that

then... then

Homonymous parts of speech

A pronoun with a particle is written separately

I listened to the same thing as you

What should I do?

Through thick and thin

Combinations of conjunctions and adverbs are written separately

This way and that way

I read it many times and remember it that way.

Combination of prepositions and pronouns

What will you be left with?

There are tasks with that text

It's not far from that house to this one

It's a long walk through that forest

Spelling particles




Even, really, really

That, or, something, -ka, -tka, -with, -de, something- (coy-), - with verbs, adverbs and with the words after all, so

same (g), would (b), whether (l), as if, they say, as if, almost

something, if it is followed by a preposition (someone)

Spelling of numerals



ten, one hundred, one hundred formed from them: fifty, eightieth, four hundred, five hundredth, seven hundred, seven hundredth.

-hundredth, -thousandth, -millionth: two hundredth, five thousandth, one hundred millionth

Compound numbers: five thousand seven hundred fifty three

Fractional numbers: five eighths

Spelling difficult words
Noun with connecting vowels “o” and “e”: steamer.

Noun with elements of flight- and -meter: flight attendant.

Noun and adj. with foreign language elements: anti-, air-, auto-, bio-, bicycle-, helio-, hydro-, zoo-,

inter-, counter-, macro-, micro-, mono-, motorcycle-, neo-, radio-, stereo-, television-, ultra-, photo-, extra-: antivirus, zoologist, bike rental, etc.

But! Rear Admiral

Compound nouns, the first part of which is a verb in the imperative mood in -i: hoarder, daredevil.

But! Tumbleweed

Compound words and abbreviations: university, USA, special correspondent.

Names of residents, nationalities, tribes, people by their occupation, interests, membership in an organization: Mexican, yacht club member.

Compound nouns, adj., adv. adverbs, the first part of which is a numeral in the genitive case: five-volume, two-fold.

Adj., formed from compound nouns written without a hyphen: paintwork (paint).

Adj., one of the parts of which is not used independently: omnivore.

Adj., formed from two words, one of which is independent and the other is subordinate: agricultural (agriculture).

Adj., formed by the combination “adverb + adjective (participle): evergreen.

BUT! the combination of an adverb and an adjective (participle) is written separately,

if the first part answers the question how? how?, and also

if the adverb ends in na-ski: easily amenable, friendly aimed.

Adj., the first part of which is a numeral: thirty degrees, forty minutes.

Words with semi-: crescent.

Words with half a consonant, except l: half a century, half a day

Noun consisting of two words without connecting vowels: tsar-bell, prime minister.

Noun with foreign language elements: vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned-, staff-, ex-: vice-president, ex-husband.

Names of intermediate cardinal directions: northwest, southeast.

Plant names with conjunction and or verb: coltsfoot.

Adj., formed from compound nouns written with a hyphen: southwestern.

Adj., formed from equivalent words: Russian-English (Russian and English).

Adj., denoting colors: gray-blue, yellow-green.

Adj. denoting quality with an additional connotation: sweet and sour.

Words with half- before a vowel, capital letter or consonant l: half-alphabet, half-Africa, half-lemon


TASK No. 13.

Option 1.


1) (In)current we talked with him for several hours (about the meaning of life.

2) I didn’t come (for) the fact that (would) reproach you and to) develop an action plan.

3) This man’s face is somehow suspicious to me: no (for) the same came here (For what and I.

4) (From) that village, which is located behind the mountain, we walked just (half an hour.


1) If you take an inflated bubble and put it in water, the bubble will pop out (on) top water and will float on it. Exactly Also), If you boil cast iron with water, then at the bottom of the cast iron the water becomes volatile, a gas.

2) Throwing around (at) gallop in words, scouts in Same) spent time carefully inspecting the area.

3) Having finished the job, Yurgin Same) sat down on a stump (against Ozerova.

4) Heat (c) during unbearable day. At night Also) there was no coolness.

3. In which answer option are all highlighted words written separately?

1) (B)consequence rain poured down (c)continuation throughout the summer, the swamps filled with water and became completely impassable.

2) Not for the same he plowed and sowed, to) The autumn wind scattered us away.

3) The hostess brought us (c) empty, a clean room that (c) during throughout the summer it was rented out to summer residents.

4) (At first far ahead, where the sky meets the earth, near the mounds and the windmill, which (from) far away looks like a little man waving his arms, a wide bright yellow stripe crawled along the ground.

4. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

1) In the evening we hurried home, (That's why that I had to get up early tomorrow, to) repeat Same) journey.

2) Occasionally a rising breeze pricks the face and ears, but) how beautiful everything is around! No matter how prickly the frost is, it Same) pleasant.

3) (In)current I was sick for two months, didn’t go to school and (c) consequence this is very behind.

4) (B)follow (follow) that a barrel organ appeared.

5. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

1) I'm sure our northern trees, (For example birch trees would not fit with the architecture of Hanoi streets Also) successful and Also) exactly.

2) (B)trace cars and (to) a meeting Crowds of people moved towards him.

3) (In)relation to the interests of subordinates (Same leadership qualities are revealed.

4) The lake appeared (c) given (in) the form small puddle.

6. In which answer option are all highlighted words written separately?

1) (C)side And (behind She heard the footsteps of people running.

2) In summer (during hay harvesting (c)continuation Everyone is busy during the day.

3) Sad thoughts wandered through my head. Father was Also) sad. To him Also), Like me, I was sorry to leave Bagrovo.

4) To) Somehow the owner didn’t think of holding him back, he (by) quietly came out.

7. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

1) Now I (at all stopped being afraid; something tickled in my chest (like a perky, daring challenge.

2) Everything will depend (from) how much experiments will confirm the correctness of our assumptions.

3) In a minute same the stripe lit up a little closer, crawled (c)right and covered the hills.

4) (B) catch up a telegram was sent asking him to return immediately (from) abroad.

8. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

1) Case (straightaway it's gone (at) alright.

2) (Through thick and thin I need to repeat the entire program completed (c)continuation year.

3) The sun now almost never leaves the sky (c) during all day. A narrow strip of light does not disappear (at all, will only move east and begin (again flare up.

4) When the ground dries out slightly, tractors will go and drag (c) trace behind them are harrows that comb the ground, to) crops found it easier to grow.

9. In which answer option are all highlighted words written separately?

1) Also), like you, I won’t take long to get ready and will leave Also) at three o'clock.

2) (Why Do you judge an essay by its content or by its literacy? AND (That's why And (different)?

4) The boy thought: to) change in the airplane model, to) she stayed in the air longer.

10. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

1) Exactly Also), like yesterday, the owners and I toured the main part of the garden until lunchtime, visited Also) greenhouses and greenhouses.

2) (Because, The way Dersu reacted to my words, it was clear that he did not consider saving someone else’s life heroic. (But I was truly grateful to him.

3) I had a riding horse, I saddled it myself and rode off somewhere (further) further started (c) download and imagined himself to be a knight in a tournament.

4) The Cossacks behaved well (still) as before (despite for all difficulties and hardships.


TASK No. 13.

Option 2.

1. In which answer option are all highlighted words written separately?

1) Girls and ladies almost (Same that's what we thought (about Siberian young man.

2) Have (in) mind: work must be done (c) during weeks.

3) (B) conclusion the old people asked to) Do not touch Mironych and that anyone in his place will be much worse.

4) (Then a vast meadow with forest; we'll rest here and (then let's go there.

2. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

1) Bright lightning flashed, and (c) trace (then a sharp clap of thunder was heard.

2) Napoleon was counting (straightaway meet Russian troops at the border, separate them and defeat them (one by one)

3) (B)continuation We walked cheerfully all the way, telling each other about our exploits and having a snack. (on) the go the remaining bread we have.

4) In South America and Africa, floods rarely cause great disasters, (That's why that they happen every year at the same time Same) time.

3. In which answer option are all highlighted words written separately?

1) (At) the beginning During the battle, they [the Russians] only stood on the road to Moscow, blocking it, and exactly Also) they continued to stand at the end of the battle, as they stood at the beginning.

2) (B) first seeing the tractor, Vasily decided (through thick and thin become a tractor driver.

3) When he drove up to the rear cart, Yegorushka strained his vision, what (would) be better consider it.

4) (During) It’s interesting to note the ice on the river... Swimming on it is dangerous (c) consequence fast current.

4. In which answer option are all highlighted words written separately?

1) I calculated (by) since pages need to be read a day, to) my eyes didn't get too tired, but I (no way unable to complete these calculations.

2) What(s) I just didn't give it away (for) what (would) exams are behind us and the long-awaited vacation has arrived!

3) Not (but do we all love winter, what is it Also), like spring, it fills the chest with an exciting feeling.

4) Feed the crops (manually or by plane, scattering (above fertilizers, similar (with) sight to a grayish powder.

5. In which answer option are all highlighted words written separately?

1) He spoke Same), what we once read in the newspapers, but to) No matter what he told, he knew how to convey everything in a new way.

2) Gagin (c) during conversation hinted to me some difficulties.

3) The old man looked thoughtfully at the forester (from) side and thought silently what say.

4) Then I thanked Dersa (but, that he (during pushed me off the raft.

6. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

1) Having received the remark, Vasya (c) during all day he avoided me and looked at me (is) (under) foreheads.

2) (Because, as the forest rustled, one could say that there was no life in it (at all still frozen.

3) To the people of Pavel Ivanovich the village Same) I liked it. They Also), like him, they settled into it.

4) A streak of light creeping up (behind, dashed through the chaise and horses, rushed (to) a meeting other stripes, and suddenly the entire wide steppe threw off the morning penumbra, smiled and sparkled with dew.

7. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

1) Already (from) a long time ago the same the moment is shown more than one and Same) time.

2) We first walked through the forest, (then along the lake, (That's why

3) (So, (something other than the extreme point of the eastern hemisphere, earlier than in any other place on the globe, a new year is “born” at midnight.

(That's why on the station territory (everywhere

8. In which answer option are all highlighted words written separately?

1) Willy-nilly, we, enchanted by the beauty of the forest, stop, and (then let's walk (on) straight into the thicket.

2) Guide the rafts around wayward turns (in) during no rivers (one by one) and caravans are a great art.

3) We were driving (c) depth forests along the narrow road along which to us unlikely who would have traveled the previous two months.

4) (In)current there was no escape from midges and mosquitoes all night Also), just like during the day.

9. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

1) Already (from) a long time ago it was known that in different cities the hours were the same and the same the moment is shown more than one and Same) time.

2) We first walked through the forest, (then along the lake, (That's why the meadow the guys were talking about.

3) (So, on Russian Diomede, representing (something other than the extreme point of the eastern hemisphere, earlier than in any other place on the globe, a new year is born at midnight.

4) High voltage is dangerous to life, (That's why on the station territory (everywhere There are warnings on poles.

10. In which answer option are all the highlighted words written together?

2) Luminary (in) spring the bright sun that was missing so much (c) during forty-nine days spent in the ocean.

3) A frightened hare cry is heard in the depths of the forest, (apparently) some predator caught the animal (c) taken aback.

4) (Despite that the Arkhangelsk port (c) three-road bought coal from the British, Sidorov had difficulty convincing the Maritime Department to send a special exploration party to Pechora.


Option 1

Option 2

1 – 3

1 – 2

2 – 3

2 – 2

3 – 3

3 – 1

4 – 2

4 – 3

5 – 2

5 – 1

6 – 2

6 – 4

7– 1

7 – 4

8 – 4

8 – 4

9 - 2

9 -4

10 - 3

10 -4

Unified State Exam. Russian language.

Task 13. How easy is it to complete?

Task No. 13- one of the most difficult. This is due to the fact that you need to know a lot of rules for fused, separate, and hyphenated spelling of words. In addition, there are a lot of words that you just need to remember. So there are difficulties.

I suggest the easiest way to complete this task.

Algorithm for completing task No. 13

Integrated, separate, hyphenated spelling of words

    Read the assignment carefully. You need to find a sentence out of five proposed, in which the highlighted words are written seamlessly or separately. Even if the books you study with mostly ask you to find fused writing words, an exam is an exam, you need to be prepared for anything. So it is with a careful reading of the task that its implementation begins.

    In each sentence, eliminate the words that are written with hyphen. Most often this is:

    Words with suffixes EITHER, EITHER and prefix CFU

    Words after all, exactly the same.

    Adverbs with prefix BY and suffixes OMU, HIM, SKI, YI:

in our opinion, in the fox's way.

    Adjectives meaning shades of colors, taste(bright red, sweet and sour)

    Cardinal directions: southwest.

    Words with roots floor: start with L(half a lemon) with a vowel(half an apple) capitalized(half of Europe).

    Adjectives formed from homogeneous members, a conjunction can be placed between them AND(magazine-newspaper - that is, magazine and newspaper)

    The first step has been taken. There will definitely be a word in some sentence that is written with a hyphen. Therefore, the number of offers is reduced.

As if

In view of

Keep in mind


In continuation

Due to




That is

In order to


Regardless of


How would

    The third step is the most crucial. You need to clearly distinguish the words written seamlessly or separately.

So that - what would

Same too

Also - same way

But for that

Why - why

Because - because

Because - because

What does it have to do with it

About (= about) – to an account (in a bank)

Remember: if a word has logical stress, you highlight it with intonation, it is pronounced firmly, with some slowing down of intonation, and most importantly, you can specifically imagine something, then this word is written SEPARATELY.

If none of the above is present, then this is an ordinary conjunction, it is written FULL.


TO should I give it to you for your birthday? (The emphasis falls on the word; we present the gift we want to buy).

We met TO discuss current affairs. (The word is pronounced quickly, as if casually; we cannot imagine anything when we say the word SO THAT)

FOR THAT I got five for the task.

He prepared for a long time BUT passed the exam well.

Remember: if after SO SAME There is HOW AND, then it is always written separately. (The work was done with the SAME quality AS ALWAYS.)

Word SO written together, if this is an ordinary introductory word, it sums up something.( SO, the work was completed before the holiday)

If we have an adverb and a conjunction before us, then we write them separately, we can ask a question How?(So he spent all his free time (HOW did he spend it? – SO).

Remember that negative adverbs are always written seamlessly: nowhere, no way, not at all, nowhere, nowhere etc.

These are the main cases that need to be remembered first.

All rules are on this site. Pay special attention to the tables with the spelling of adverbs, memorize the words.


Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are written FULL. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

Everything was (STILL) THE SAME, (THAT) HAS NOT changed at all.

(SO) TO arrive (TO) THE MEETING on time, we left early in the morning.

(SOME) WHERE (IN) DISTANCE lights of huts could be seen.

He disappeared (AS) as suddenly as he appeared.

(AND) SO let's start with the fact that I (FINALLY) met you.


    We find sentences in which words are written with a hyphen. This is the first and third - SOMEWHERE, STILL. Let's exclude them. 3 offers left.

    We find words that you have no doubt about spelling separately. This THAT IS(the first sentence, however, it has already been deleted)

    There are 3 sentences left in which the words can be written correctly by thinking about their meaning.

Sentence 2: where did we go? – TO THE MEETING(for example, to a long-awaited meeting). That is, we clearly imagine the meeting to which our heroes are going. We write separately. Word TO here it is written together, since there is no lexical meaning in the word "What" No).

Sentence 4 is easy, it contains JUST... AS, which means I write the word separately.

That leaves number 5 - this is the correct answer: SO- introductory word, FINALLY- adverb when?

Complete more tasks, and you will definitely succeed

I wish you good luck!

Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

Option No. 4


1) Not in some kingdom, but SO (SAME) and not in some state, but in my imagination there once lived a beautiful girl. SO (AS) in every fairy tale it is necessary to draw the appearance of the heroine, then you and I, my dear reader, will try to do this.

2) She was slender, flexible, (GIRLISHLY) charmingly clumsy. But what was most beautiful about her was the tenderness that came from her as simply as light and warmth from the sun...

3) - Give me my baby as soon as possible, I will love her (B) TWO because she, poor thing, is so ugly. Let us pray that her physical ugliness will be balanced by the beautiful gifts of her soul, heart and mind.

4) The faithful people repeated the same thing when they heard about the ugly appearance of the newborn infanta. The people idolized her and greeted her with blessings EVERYWHERE.

1) Her scales shone with gold, her fins were (BRIGHT) RED. And suddenly, somehow, the forest immediately ended, and we came out of the fog.

2) Multi-colored terry carnations bloomed, as well as gillyflower. (FOR) THEN dahlias, peonies and asters bloomed magnificently with their cold, arrogant beauty, spreading an autumnal, grassy, ​​sad smell in the sensitive air.

3) – WAIT. Let me introduce you to the gentlemen officers. With a groan, the stranger raised his pale face, whose features were slipping away in the semi-darkness, and nodded his head.

4) (DURING) the Polish revolt, he once refused to shoot prisoners, (NOT) DESPITE the personal order of the regimental commander.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) And the next morning, kind-hearted Erna collected (SOME) SOME rare delicacies left over from yesterday's feast in a hand basket and went to the mountains to visit her nurse, to whom she was very passionately attached. It just seemed a little strange to her why the casket was so visible: the nurse always kept it in a secret place, and when her infant daughter had enough of it, she wrapped it in a piece of elegant cloth and carefully hid it.

2) Believe me, the person who is destined to become your husband will tell you the SAME thing. On one side it (the fragment of the mirror) was red, and on the other it was silver, shiny and AS (LIKE) deep.

3) Clouds wandered under her feet (IN) THE VIEW of thick gloomy fogs. Under her feet, the dark blue darkness of the abyss darkened and the dull roar of waterfalls could be heard, as if hanging (ABOVE) with white ribbons.

4) (FOR) THAT the gentle, grateful and admiring gaze of his black eyes spoke in a clear language. But (THAT)HOUR his long eyelashes closed, a deadly pallor spread over his face, and the young man lost consciousness on the chest of Princess Erna.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) The subtle hearing did not deceive Vera. She went (TO) THE MEETING. Vera was strictly simple, cold with everyone and a little (C) HIGHLY kind, independent and royally calm.

2) The shore was not visible from the bench, and (FROM) THAT the feeling of the infinity and grandeur of the sea expanse intensified even more. Do you remember the forest we have in Yegorovskoe?.. Can it EVER (EVER) get boring?

3) “I DO NOT CARE, I love everything,” answered Anna. “And most of all I love my sister, my prudent Veronka.” However, let's STILL go see what's going on there.

4) Anna, greedily curious about everything, demanded that they bring her a sea cock. Black abundant clusters, emitting a faint smell of strawberries, hung heavily among the dark, (SOME) WHERE greenery gilded by the sun.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) She raised her eyebrows (TO) TOP - the ugly face does the SAME.

2) He did not forget to tell Erna about the horoscope that the great French predictor Nostradamus drew up for him at his birth. My legs are too long, my feet and hands are too small, my waist is too high, my eyes are too big, a nasty blue instead of a wonderful yellow, and my lips are curved (LIKE A BOW).

3) And in the wild mountains in the NORTH (EAST) you will see (C) death, then a blue star; it will shine for you all your life.

4) I find him (son) handsome, (NOT) DESPITE the fact that he looks like you, looks like me and is not at all like my good compatriots. But (TO) THE BEGINNING of September the weather suddenly changed abruptly and completely unexpectedly.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Task No. 13 (combined-separate-hyphen)(based on the works of A.I. Kuprin)

Option No. 5

Determine the answer option in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1) SOME kind of unusual sound came to her (C) BELOW, through the roar of the waterfall.

2) The moaning man was SOMEWHERE very close, under the platform. He is JUST (SAME) ugly, this unfortunate traveler, like me, like my glorious ancestor Ern the Great.

3) (APPARENTLY) all three of us are people of the same special breed. And (WHY) does the blood run so fast in my veins, my cheeks glow and my heart beat?

4) Having barely recovered, she (the nurse) rushed (Following) her dear daughter. Erna, as best she could, conveyed to Charles the history of her royal house.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) When close friends gathered at the Sheins or Friesse, they usually played poker after dinner, AS both sisters were ridiculously fond of gambling. Prince Shein, (NOT) DESPITE his prominent position in society, or perhaps thanks to it, barely made ends meet.

2) And then, as if standing in the air, without moving (B) IN FRONT, was a three-masted ship, dressed in monotonous white slender sails, bulging from the wind. He always walked without weapons, in an (OLD)FASHIONED frock coat, a cap with large brims and a huge straight visor.

3) If he (DURING) his usual morning walk had to meet with acquaintances, then passers-by several blocks away heard the commandant shouting and how his pugs barked in unison (IN) FOLLOWING him. The wedding, according to the narrator, ALMOST (ALMOST) did not take place

4) They wanted to retire him (AFTER) AFTER two years of peaceful service, but Anosov became stubborn. He himself was once married, but so long ago that he even forgot about it.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) The entire population of the great city of Paris came out to MEET the crown prince, whom everyone loved for his kindness, simplicity and generosity. And she held on to this conviction for a very long time, (NOT) DESPITE the fact that minstrels and troubadours praised the charms of her face and character all over the world, and all the knights of the state wore blue colors in honor of her eyes.

2) It was pitiful, sad, and disgusting to look through the muddy muslin of the rain at this pitiful belongings, which seemed so worn out, dirty and beggarly; on the maids and cooks sitting (ON) the TOP of the cart on a wet tarpaulin with SOME kind of irons, tins and baskets in their hands, on sweaty, exhausted horses.

3) She denied herself in many ways, unbeknownst to him, and (AS) AS MUCH possible, saved in the household. The youngest, Anna, inherited the Mongolian blood of her father, a Tatar prince, whose grandfather was baptized only (IN) THE BEGINNING of the 19th century and whose ancient family went back to Tamerlane himself.

4) She was (HALF) A HEAD shorter than her sister, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker. IT’S AS IF I’m seeing a huge, solemn miracle for the first time.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) We got into a cloud AT THE BEGINNING, it was very damp and hard to see, and we all climbed (UP) along a steep path between the pine trees.

2) It happened that ANY errant second lieutenant, sent for a (LONG) TEMPORARY imprisonment from such a remote place, which did not even have its own guardhouse, admitted that, due to lack of money, he was content with the soldier’s cauldron.

3) But FOR (THAT) in the middle of the bracelet towered, surrounding SOME strange small green stone, five beautiful cabochon garnets, each the size of a pea.

4) Anna (FROM) A DISTANCE, (IN) VIEW of gratitude, closed her eyes with her eyelids, and her sister immediately understood her.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) – Oh, I completely understand. This must be SOMETHING very funny? All four laughed heartily, and this (A LITTLE) attracted guests who were not busy with cards.

2) Lying down on a stone and hanging her head (B) BOTTOM, Erna saw him. He was (SEMI)LYING on the pointed top of a cliff, clutching its ledge with one hand and the thin trunk of a crooked mountain pine with the other.

3) On the page of the album there was a deliberately (CHILDLY) drawn figure of a girl, with a face in profile, but with two eyes, with broken lines sticking out (IN) THE PLACE of her legs from under her skirt.

4) (FINALLY) he dies, but before his death he bequeaths to give Vera two telegraph buttons and a perfume bottle - filled with his tears... - You must have been (C) very beautiful when you were young?

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Task No. 13 (combined-separate-hyphen)(based on the works of A.I. Kuprin)

Option No. 6

Determine the answer option in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1) General Anosov, (NOT) DESPITE his protests, the sisters forced him to put on a coat and wrapped his legs in a warm blanket. “Grandfather, tell me frankly,” Anna asked, “tell me, did you experience fear (DURING) the battles?”

2) Anna even involuntarily placed her elbows on the table and placed her chin on the heels of her palms. There was SOME kind of cozy charm in his leisurely and naive narration.

3) It was HERE that a terrible adventure happened to me. One (IN) MORNING, when I got out of bed, it seemed to me that I was not Yakov, but Nikolai, and I could not convince myself of that.

4) (C) AT THE BEGINNING he had to be taught and corrected, but he quickly got used to the rules of poker, and not even a (HALF) HOUR had passed before all the chips were in front of him.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) During the war of 1877–1879, he very quickly rose to the rank of colonel, (NOT) DESPITE the fact that he had little education, or, as he himself put it, he only graduated from the “bear academy.” You yourself were married. So, EVERYONE (SO) loved?

2) Like many deaf people, he was a passionate lover of opera, and sometimes, (DURING) SOME languid duet, suddenly his decisive bass could be heard throughout the entire theater: “But he took the C clearly, damn it! It’s like cracking a nut.”

3) But, having shouted (until) fed up, he, without any transitions or pauses, inquired where the officer’s lunch came from and how much he paid for it. (C) IN THE BEGINNING there was no time for everything: youth, carousing, cards, war...

4) When our journey from those places followed, we swore an oath of eternal mutual love to EACH OTHER and said goodbye (FOR) FOREVER

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) While drinking tea, a foot under the table will (seemingly) accidentally touch you... Anosov, who (NOT) DESPITE THE YEARS, has retained amazing vigilance, had to help his companion.

2) “This Lyudmila Lvovna is funny,” the general suddenly spoke, as if continuing the course of his thoughts. – Either he spies, gloats and gossips, or tries to arrange someone else’s happiness, or spreads verbal gum arabic (AT) ABOUT sublime love.

3) And then (BY) a LITTLE moved away, and nothing was left but contempt. “Have you EVER seen such love, grandfather?” Vera asked quietly.

4) (C) AT THE BEGINNING his letters were of a vulgar and curiously ardent nature, although they were quite chaste.

And the man disappeared... in the most vile way... He became a beggar... he froze SOMEWHERE on the pier in St. Petersburg.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) Suddenly a freight train is coming towards them. It goes very slowly (UP) up a rather steep climb.

2) AT THE SAME time, the loud roar of a car was heard from behind, and the road, dug by wheels, shone with white acetylene light. She still (FROM) A FAR heard the loud voice of brother Nikolai and saw his tall, dry figure, quickly scurrying from corner to corner.

3) I have long insisted to stop these stupid letters. The matter, (IN) MY opinion, goes beyond those boundaries where you can laugh and draw funny pictures...

4) - No, no, the bracelet must definitely be sent back! - Vasily Lvovich exclaimed. “I think so too,” agreed Vera, “and as soon as possible... But at the SAME moment, as if not noticing his greeting, Nikolai Nikolaevich turned his whole body to Shein.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) Zheltkov (B) was gasping for air for several seconds (FINALLY) he said with difficulty, pointing to the sofa and bowing awkwardly: - I humbly ask. Sit down.

2) “FIRST, let me return your item to you,” he said and, taking a red case from his pocket, carefully placed it on the table. – She, of course, does honor to your taste, but we would very much ask you THAT such surprises should not be repeated again.

3) Since then, he fell silent about love and began to write only (FROM) RARELY: on Easter, on New Year and on her name day. Princess Vera told the SAME about today's parcel and even relayed almost verbatim the strange letter from her mysterious admirer...

4) “You see, Mr. Zheltkov,” Nikolai Nikolayevich continued, AS WELL as not having heard Zheltkov’s last words. “I am very glad that I found a decent person in you.” - (And) SO, you said that you wanted to resort to the help of the authorities?..

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Task No. 13 (combined-separate-hyphen)(based on the works of A.I. Kuprin)

Option No. 7

Determine the answer option in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1) Sergei was a little creepy in the midst of this majestic silence, in which his steps were heard so clearly and boldly, but at the SAME time, SOME kind of tickling, dizzying courage spilled into his heart.

2) There were several moments during which Sergei experienced hesitation in his soul, almost fear. But he overcame these languid feelings and whispered: “But STILL I’ll climb!” Doesn't matter!

3) (FINALLY) he couldn’t stand it. His fingers, clinging to the sharp corner, unclenched, and he quickly flew (DOWN) DOWN.

4) She is losing weight and weakening every day. WHATEVER they do to her, she doesn’t care, and she doesn’t need anything. After (HALF) AN HOUR he returns with an expensive, beautiful toy.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) He stumbled over the roots, fell, breaking his hands and bleeding, but immediately got up, not even noticing the pain, and again ran (B) IN FRONT, bent over almost (B) TWO, not hearing his cry.

2) It’s clear from the German’s eyes that he ALSO wants to ask if Nadya’s father has a headache... But the father hastily explains what’s the matter: his only daughter, Nadya, is sick with SOME kind of strange disease, which even doctors don't understand properly.

3) The girl is not at all interested in this and is even bored, but, SO as not to upset her father, she whispers meekly: “I thank you very, very much, dear dad.” A tall, thin woman, with a gaunt, tired face, as if blackened by grief, was kneeling next to the sick girl, straightening her pillow and at the SAME time, not forgetting to push the rocking cradle with her elbow.

4) The elephant again stretches out its trunk and blows warm, strong breath right into the girl’s face, (FROM) WHICH the light hairs on the girl’s head fly away in all directions. Then Mertsalov LITTLE (LITTLELY) was able to make out an old man of short stature, wearing a warm hat, a fur coat and high galoshes.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) (B) FOR THE FIRST time in our long acquaintance, I began to hear this word from her. What it meant (BY) CAT, I cannot say.

2) Two flexible, dexterous bodies - a dog and a boy - quickly and softly jumped (B) DOWN onto the road. (B) Following them, like a dirty stream, a nasty, ferocious curse rushed.

3) (B) AT THE BEGINNING of January, my father found a place, Mashutka got back on her feet, and my brother and I managed to get a place in the gymnasium at public expense. The elephant, which was taken to the menagerie at night, also sees a sweet, affectionate girl in a dream.

4) He stands (C)START on his hind legs, sits down, stands on his head, walks on wooden bottles, walks on a rolling barrel, turns over the pages of a large cardboard book with his trunk. They always confuse SOMETHING, forget it and then start blaming it on each other...

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) The German opens his eyes and even his mouth wide in surprise, (FROM) WHY the cigar falls to the ground. And his face seemed to immediately transform, brighten and become almost beautiful.

2) There is a large crowd around him, (NOT) LOOKING at the late hour. Tina was already running there headlong, (TO) MEET a whole crowd of children, smiling, blushing from the frost.

3) For this purpose, Mertsalov ran around almost (HALF) OF THE CITY, begging and humiliating himself everywhere. He behaved with such graceful, subtly careless and at the SAME time majestic simplicity, which is characteristic only of people of great society.

4) Yuri heard him talking as he walked about SOMETHING to the owner who asked him: - Please, my kindest Arkady Nikolaevich, don’t ask. He played ALTERNATIVELY waltzes, polkas and quadrilles.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) He began to play, at first timidly, hesitantly, much worse than he played the first time, but (SLIGHTLY) his courage and inspiration returned. The presence of that powerful and extraordinary person for WHY (THAT) suddenly filled his soul with artistic excitement.

2) He knew the road perfectly and therefore ran confidently all the time (B) AHEAD. The mousey Great Dane did the SAME with his tail and bared his white teeth widely.

3) Jack defiantly twirled his tail UP and began to slowly approach the stranger, pretending to be looking away.

4) IN THE MIDDLE of the cage lay an old white poodle with its intelligent muzzle stretched out. The poodle APPEARED to view his situation with philosophical stoicism.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Task No. 13 (combined-separate-hyphen)(based on the works of A.I. Kuprin)

Option No. 8

Determine the answer option in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1) But AS the Italian greyhound and the dachshund joined Jack’s request, the old man, not wanting to be impolite in front of the ladies, had to give some details. I'm strong. I am stronger than all the dogs in the world. They will recognize this even (FROM) A FAR away by my smell, by my appearance, by my gaze.

2) (C) CONCLUSION I will say that people are hypocritical, envious, deceitful, inhospitable and cruel... This was reflected in the decisive push of his emaciated body with which he jumped up (TO) MEET the taken aback Jack.

3) AT THE SAME time, Sashka squinted first one eye and then the other, collected long wrinkles on his bald, sloping back skull, moved his lips comically and smiled in all directions.

4) In order for people to understand each other, they need external differences, words, changes in voice, gaze and touch. And when we play, she doesn’t get offended if I sometimes wave my tail and knock her off her feet.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) He must now go down into the mine, but the people of his party have not yet gathered, and he is waiting for them. He also has the nickname “Mamkin,” given to him (FOR) THAT, when entering the service, to the question: “Whose will you be, little pig?”, he naively answered: “And Mama!”

2) Every now and then the old man pulled black monsters out of the net, rejoicing at them JUST as sincerely and loudly as I, a ten-year-old boy, did. And for each crayfish he certainly said SOMETHING funny before putting it in the watering can.

3) Vaska came from a distant village just (HALF) A YEAR. Only (SOME) SOMEWHERE in deep and narrow ravines, between steep cliffs overgrown with sparse bushes, wet bluish shadows still lie, reminding of the bygone night.

4) Out of habit, I (C) AT THE BEGINNING couldn’t see anything. But (BITALLY) the crowd diminishes, pouring into the narrow wooden door, above which is nailed a white board with the inscription: “Lamp”.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) A minute passes, then another, (B) CONTINUATION of which nothing is heard except the puffing of the machine and the clanging of the running chain, and another platform, but no longer with coal, but chock full of wet, black and shivering people, flies out from under earth, as if thrown (UP) by a terrible force.

2) When he speaks to a person, he looks straight into his eyes with his cold, big eyes, but looks as if he is looking through this person at SOMETHING that is visible to him alone.

3) So, for example, Vanka the Greek placed the boy in the best place on the bunk, with his feet towards the stove, (NOT) DESPITE the protest of Uncle Khristch, to whom this place previously belonged. There (IN) FAR away flashed the red light of torches illuminating the lifting machine.

4) A signal rang out, and at the SAME moment Vaska felt an extraordinary lightness throughout his body, as if wings had grown behind his back. The (B)BOTTOM platform flew, shuddering and rattling.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) However, the Greek did not lose his miner’s dignity for ANYTHING, betraying his painful condition in ANY way.

2) When he was returning (THE) SECOND time empty, he was still (FROM) A FAR away struck by some strange sounds coming from the lava hole.

3) SOMEONE moaned and wheezed, AS WELL as they were strangling him by the throat.

4) (C) AT THE BEGINNING, the thought flashed in Vaska’s head that the miners were fighting. In the evenings, the lights of the big city, running high (TO) TOP, beckoned them like magical glowing eyes.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

1) Everything went on as usual, AS WELL AS THERE WAS NO WAR AT ALL, nor Sashka’s captivity in Nagasaki. SO (SAME) fishermen in giant boots celebrated the lucky catch of beluga and the thieves' girlfriends danced.

2) According to old memory, Gambrinus was still visited by sea and port young men from those whom the war did not entail (TO) DEATH and suffering. Sashka (STILL) clowned around, winked and collected wrinkles on his forehead, but Madame Ivanova felt that he was pretending.

3) (SOME) SOMEWHERE in the shaft you had to bend down so as not to touch your head to the low ceiling.

4) The famous Leshka the accordion player, a thief by profession, but who decided, (B) as a CONSEQUENCE of marriage, decided to look for the right paths, was more firmly established in Gambrinus than others. They ALSO ordered Sashka their oriental songs, consisting of a dull, nasal monotonous howl on two or three notes.

ANSWER: ________________________________________________________________________________________

For correctly completing the thirteenth task of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, graduates can receive one primary point. To do this, you need to write out two words from the sentence that satisfy the condition. The task contains only such parts of speech as conjunctions, particles, prepositions, pronouns, adverbs and conjunctions. It is important to be able to distinguish the meanings of homonymous words, which the theoretical material below will help with.

Theory for task No. 13 of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Spelling different parts of speech

UnionsBecause, because, since, because, but, why, also, also, moreover, moreover, as if, as if, so that, then that, ifAs if, that is, since, if, as if, then, in connection with the fact that, then... then,
Allied combinationsDue to the fact that, due to the fact that,not that... not that
despite the fact that
PronounsNobody´, nothing´,From someone, from somethingSomeone (-someone, -either, -anything, something-)
Someone, something, nothingwith no one, no one,
same as; same thing, same thing, same thing
AdverbsFrom everywhere, from now on, in part, in general,Tirelessly, side by side, face to face, in general, still, abroad, abroad, everything is the same, exactly the sameSomehow (somehow, -either, -something, something-),
soon, in a low voice, alone, in advance, first, at the beginning, initially, little by little, completely, why, then, immediately, immediatelyin Russian, in my opinion,
like a hare, first of all,
barely, barely, barely, today or tomorrow,
de jure, de facto
PrepositionsAs a result, in view ofDuring, in continuation, in conclusion, in contrast, for purposes, in virtue of, to the extent, in the form of, in the area,From behind, from under, over
towards, about,throughout, in relation to, except for,
like, following,due to
over, instead of,not counting
inside, I mean
regardless of
ParticlesEven, really, reallyWhether, would, same,Anyway, give it to me
just what the

Derived prepositions/nouns with preposition

Derivative prepositionNoun with preposition
-during winter-in the flow of a river = in a fast flowing river
-within two hours
In continuationIn continuation
Answers the questions “How long? When?"You can put an adjective or participle between a preposition and a noun
-for a whole week-in the sequel to the film = in the long-awaited sequel to the film
-for two months
Due toAs a consequence, as a consequence
Can be replaced with the preposition “because of”; answers the question “Why?”You can put an adjective or participle between a preposition and a noun
-due to illness-in investigation of a case = in a long investigation of a case
-in the investigation of the case = in the sensational investigation of the case
TowardsTo the meeting
Can be replaced with the preposition “to”; answers the question “Where?”
-towards him-to meet a friend = to a long-awaited meeting with a friend
In view ofKeep in mind
Can be replaced by the prepositions “because of” and “due to”; answers the question “Why? Why?Set expression
-due to bad weather
AboutOn account
Can be replaced with the preposition “about (about)”You can put an adjective between a preposition and a noun
-agreed about the trip-to the fund account = to the fund’s bank account
Can be replaced with the preposition “like”This refers to a geometric term
-like lunch
In conclusionIn conclusion
Can be replaced with the words “finishing, in the end, at the end”You can put an adjective between a preposition and a noun
-in custody = in strict confinement
FollowingOne after another
"Where" mattersMeans "for"
-we looked after the departing train-children followed each other

It is important to remember the spelling of the following words: in connection with, in contrast to, after (= behind), in the middle, near, instead of, throughout

Derivative prepositions/gerunds

Conjunctions/pronouns with particles

UnionPronoun with particle
Can be replaced by conjunctions “in order to, in order to”; “would” cannot be removed from the phraseCan be replaced by a noun; "would" can be rearranged
-I came to tell you = I came to tell you-I asked what else I should read = I asked what book I should read = I asked what else I should read
Also, alsoSame, same
You can replace it with the conjunction “and” by placing it at the beginning of the sentence; “same” cannot be removed from the phrase"same" can be rearranged
-I also saw this film = and I saw this film-I also read this book = I read the same book
ButFor that
Can be replaced with the conjunction “but”"that" can be replaced by a noun, adjective or adverb
-we rarely see each other, but we often call each other = we rarely see each other, but we often call each other- no need to take on what you don’t like = no need to take on what you don’t like
Can be replaced with “to summarize, therefore”Means "very"
-so, we can say that = to summarize, we can say that-we were tired and so hungry that we decided to stay at a hotel
That's whyFrom that
Means "since"Can be replaced by a noun with a preposition
-it happened because = it happened because-from what he will do = from the act that he will do
Moreover, andWith what
Can be replaced with the words “besides”, “at the same time”"tom" can be replaced with an adjective
-it works quickly, and also efficiently = it works quickly, and also efficiently- there is a beautiful garden next to that building = there is a beautiful garden next to the tall building

Algorithm for completing the task

  1. We carefully read the task.
  2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language.
  3. Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 13 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language

Thirteenth task of the demo version 2018

  1. (BY) BECAUSE L.N. was silent in concentration. Tolstoy, his relatives could guess (HOW) HOW hard his brain is working now.
  2. From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS WELL as if I had (THAT) HOUR been transported from a dark world to another world – sunny and bright.
  3. (C) SUBSEQUENTLY, researchers have repeatedly said that the apotheosis of Russian glory is the painting “Bogatyrs”, in which V.M. Vasnetsov expressed his romantic and at the same time deeply civil understanding of Russia.
  4. The physical properties of interstellar gas significantly depend on whether it is in comparative proximity to hot stars or, on the contrary, sufficiently distant from them.
Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We carefully read the task.
    • (BY) BECAUSE L.N. was silent in concentration. Tolstoy, his relatives could guess (HOW) HOW hard his brain is working now.- THAT'S WHY we write separately, since this is a preposition with a demonstrative pronoun; We write HOW MUCH together, since it can be replaced by the pronoun HOW.
    • (C) SUBSEQUENTLY, scientists have found that magnesium plays an important role in regulating potassium levels in the body, and ALSO regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands.- SUBSEQUENTLY we write together, since this is an adverb that can be replaced by the adverb THEN; ALSO we write together, since it is impossible to omit the SAME particle without losing the meaning.
    • From the first pages I experienced a strange feeling: AS WELL as if from a dark world I (THAT) HOUR were transported to another world - sunny and bright.- AS if we were writing separately, since the particle can be omitted without loss of meaning; We write IMMEDIATELY together, as we can replace IN THE SAME INSTANT.
    • (C) SUBSEQUENTLY, researchers have repeatedly said that the apotheosis of Russian glory is the painting “Bogatyrs”, in which V.M. Vasnetsov expressed his romantic and at the same time deeply civil understanding of Russia.- SUBSEQUENTLY we write together, as it can be replaced LATER; We write the SAME separately, since we can omit the particle without losing the meaning.
    • The physical properties of interstellar gas significantly depend on whether it is located in comparative proximity to hot stars or, on the contrary, is sufficiently distant from them.- FROM THAT we write separately, since this is a preposition and a demonstrative pronoun that can be replaced with a noun; ON THE OPPOSITE we write together, as it can be replaced with the adverb OPPOSITE.
  2. Write down the correct answer: subsequently, too.

First version of the task

Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We carefully read the task.
  2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language:
    • We decided to go (DOWN) THIS lane BECAUSE (BECAUSE) it is quiet: there is no traffic here at all.- both words are written separately; “because” is a conjunction, and “by this” is written separately, since this is not an expression of a consequence and is the word “alley”.
    • (DEPENDING on the communication situation, people behave (DIFFERENTLY) DIFFERENTLY.- “depending on” is always written separately, and “differently” is written with a hyphen.
    • (NOT) ALWAYS we understand the meaning of place names, (F) OFTEN sounding strange to the ear of a modern person.- “not always” is never written together; “often” is written together, but the assignment says that both words in a sentence must be written together.
    • (NOW) he strives to achieve his goal at ANYTHING.- “now” is written together, replaced by the combination “at the moment”; but “by all means” is always written separately.
    • Set an alarm clock (SO) not to oversleep and get up (OR) EARLY.- “to” is written together, as it is replaced by the combination “in order to.” “Early” is an adverb that is always written together.
  3. Write down the correct answer: so, early(don’t forget that in the exam you need to write answers without spaces or punctuation marks).

Second version of the task

Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We carefully read the task.
  2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language:
    • No one drives along (THIS) path BECAUSE (BECAUSE) the road here is in disrepair.-“On this path” - separately; can be replaced, for example, with the combination “the old way.” “Because” - again separately.
    • We were late for the meeting, although we left home an hour earlier due to snowfall.-“For a meeting” - separately, since it can be replaced with “for a business meeting” or “for an important meeting”, and “because of” is written with a hyphen, as it indicates the reason.
    • AND (SO), (IN) CLOSING, let me thank you for your cooperation.- “So” is written together, but “in conclusion” is written separately.
    • (IN) IN VIEW of the unstable political situation, the trip to Egypt, which we had planned (IN) HURRY, had to be postponed.- “Due to” is written together - replaced by the word “because of”; “hastily” is an adverb, written together.
    • (F) AWAY from civilization, you seem to realize all the imperfections of our modern world.- “far” is written together (replaced by “far”), but “as if” is always written separately.
  3. Write down the correct answer: I mean, in a hurry.

Third version of the task

Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

Algorithm for completing the task:
  1. We carefully read the task.
  2. We analyze each sentence, opening brackets in accordance with the spelling rules of the Russian language:
    • WHATEVER they say about Russia abroad, the country has long been (NOT) the same as it was in the 90s.- “Whatever” and “not that” are written separately: in the first case, “would” can be rearranged - “whatever they say about Russia”, but in the second it is simply impossible to write together.
    • I’m telling you the SAME thing as Andrey, SO that you have the same information.- “The same” is written separately, but “in order” is written together, we replace it with “in order to.”
    • (APPARENTLY) Alexey did not hear what I answered him, (BECAUSE) he repeated his question.- “Apparently” is an adverb that is written with a hyphen; “because” - together as part of the conjunction “because”.
    • Pushkin (THAT) HOUR became addicted to billiards, although he (SO) never became a serious player.- “Immediately” is an adverb written together; “so and” we write separately.
    • My sister sang (IN) A LOW VOICE, and I also (SAME) began to sing along quietly.- Last sentence left; “in a low voice” is always written together; We also write “also” together - we replace it with the conjunction “and”.
  3. Write down the correct answer: in a low voice, too.

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