Event of the February Revolution. February Revolution: causes, participants and events

Russia in conditions of a national crisis

The authority of the tsarist government was rapidly declining. To a large extent, this was facilitated by rumors about scandals at court, about Rasputin. Their credibility was confirmed by the so-called “ ministerial leapfrog”: in two years of war, four chairmen of the Council of Ministers and six ministers of internal affairs were replaced. The population in the Russian Empire did not have time not only to get acquainted with the political program, but also to see the face of the next prime minister or minister.

As the monarchist wrote V.V. Shulgin about Russian prime ministers, “Goremykin cannot be the head of government due to his callousness and old age.” In January 1916, Nicholas II appointed Stürmer, and V.V. Shulgin writes this: “The fact is that Stürmer is a small, insignificant person, and Russia is waging a world war. The fact is that all powers have mobilized their best forces, and we have a “Yuletide grandfather” as prime minister. And now the whole country is furious.”

Everyone felt the tragedy of the situation. Prices rose, and food shortages began in cities.

The war required enormous expenses. Budget expenditures in 1916 exceeded revenues by 76%. Taxes were sharply increased. The government also resorted to issuing internal loans and went for the mass issue of paper money without gold backing. This led to a fall in the value of the ruble, disruption of the entire financial system in the state, and an extraordinary increase in prices.

Food difficulties that arose as a result of the general collapse of the economy forced the tsarist government in 1916 to introduce forced grain requisitioning. But this attempt did not yield results, since the landowners sabotaged government decrees and hid grain in order to later sell it at a high price. The peasants also did not want to sell bread for depreciated paper money.

Since the autumn of 1916, food supplies to Petrograd alone accounted for only half of its needs. Due to a lack of fuel in Petrograd, already in December 1916, the work of about 80 enterprises was stopped.

Delivery of firewood from a warehouse on Serpukhov Square. 1915

Review of the first medical and nutritional detachment of Moscow, leaving for the theater of military operations, on the parade ground at the Khamovniki barracks. March 1, 1915

The food crisis that sharply worsened in the fall of 1916, the deterioration of the situation at the fronts, the fear that workers would demonstrate and “are about to burst into the streets,” the inability of the government to lead the country out of the deadlock - all this led to the question of the removal of Prime Minister Stürmer. .

Octobrist leader A.I. Guchkov saw the only way out of the situation in a palace coup. Together with a group of officers, he hatched plans for a dynastic coup (the abdication of Nicholas II in favor of an heir under the regency of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich).

Positions of the Cadet Party expressed by P.N. Miliukov, speaking in November 1916 in the IV State Duma with sharp criticism of the economic and military policies of the government, accusing the tsarina’s entourage of preparing a separate treaty with Germany and provocatively pushing the masses to revolutionary uprisings. He repeatedly repeated the question: “What is this - stupidity or treason?” And in response, the deputies shouted: “stupidity,” “treason,” accompanying the speaker’s speech with constant applause. This speech, of course, was prohibited for publication, but, reproduced illegally, it became famous at the front and in the rear.

The most imaginative description of the political situation in Russia on the eve of the impending national catastrophe was given by one of the cadet leaders V.I. Maklakov. He compared Russia to “a car speeding along a steep and narrow road. The driver cannot drive because he does not control the car at all on descents, or he is tired and no longer understands what he is doing.”

In January 1917, Nicholas II, under pressure from public opinion, removed Stürmer, replacing him with the liberal Prince Golitsyn. But this action could not change anything.

February 1917

1917 began in Petrograd with new workers' speeches. The total number of strikers in January 1917 was already more than 350 thousand. For the first time during the war, defense plants (Obukhovsky and Arsenal) went on strike. Since mid-February, revolutionary actions have not stopped: strikes were replaced by rallies, rallies by demonstrations.

On February 9, Chairman of the IV State Duma M.V. Rodzianko arrived in Tsarskoye Selo with a report on the situation in the country. “The revolution will sweep you away,” he told Nicholas II. “Well, God willing,” was the emperor’s answer. “God doesn’t give anything, you and your government have ruined everything, revolution is inevitable,” stated M.V. Rodzianko.

Rodzianko M.V.

Two weeks later, on February 23, unrest began in Petrograd, on February 25, the strike in Petrograd became general, soldiers began to go over to the side of the demonstrators, and on February 26-27, the autocracy no longer controlled the situation in the capital.

February 27, 1917 Artist B. Kustodiev. 1917

Speech by V.P. Nogin at a rally near the building of the Historical Museum on February 28, 1917.

As V.V. wrote Shulgin, “in the entire huge city it was impossible to find a hundred people who would sympathize with the authorities.”

On February 27 - 28, the Petrograd Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies was formed. (Chrestomathy T7 No. 13) It was composed of socialists, the majority - Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. The Menshevik N.S. became the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council. Chkheidze, and his deputies - A.F. Kerensky, one of the most radical speakers of the IV Duma, and M.I. Skobelev.

Almost simultaneously with the formation of the Council, the State Duma, at an unofficial meeting (on February 26, it was dissolved by decree of the Tsar for two months), created a “Temporary Committee for restoring order and for relations with persons and institutions” as the governing body of the country.

The two authorities, born of the revolution, were on the verge of conflict, but, in the name of maintaining unity in the fight against tsarism, they made a mutual compromise. With the sanction of the Executive Committee of the Council, the Duma Provisional Committee formed the Provisional Government on March 1.

The Bolsheviks demanded that a government be formed only from representatives of the parties included in the council. But the Executive Committee rejected this proposal. The Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries who were members of the Executive Committee had a fundamentally different point of view on the composition of the government than the Bolsheviks. They believed that after the victory of the bourgeois-democratic revolution, power should be formed by the bourgeoisie under the control of the Council. The leadership of the Council refused to participate in the government. The support of the Provisional Government from the Executive Committee was accompanied by the main condition - the government would pursue a democratic program approved and supported by the Council.

By the evening of March 2, the composition of the government was determined. Prince G.E. was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Internal Affairs. Lvov, cadet, Minister of Foreign Affairs - leader of the Cadet Party P.N. Miliukov, Minister of Finance - M.I. Tereshchenko, cadet, Minister of Military and Naval Affairs - A.I. Konovalov, Octobrist, A.F. Kerensky (representative of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet) took the post of Minister of Justice. Thus, the government was mainly Cadet in composition.

Notified of these events, Nicholas II received a proposal to abdicate in favor of his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, and on March 2, he handed over the text of the abdication to two emissaries of the Duma, Guchkov and Shulgin, who arrived in Pskov, where the emperor was. (Reader T 7 No. 14) (Reader T7 No. 15) But this step was already late: Michael, in turn, abdicated the throne. The monarchy in Russia fell.

The emblem of autocracy has been overthrown forever

A dual power actually emerged in the country - the Provisional Government as a body of bourgeois power and the Petrograd Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies as a body of working people.

Political situation in Russia (February - October 1917)

“Dual power” (February - June 1917)

The Provisional Government did not set as its goal to carry out revolutionary changes in the economic and social order. As government representatives themselves stated, all major issues of government structure will be resolved constituent Assembly, but for now it’s “temporary”, it is necessary to maintain order in the country and, most importantly, win the war. There was no talk about reforms.

After the collapse of the monarchy, the opportunity to come to power opened up for all political classes, parties and their political leaders for the first time in Russian history. More than 50 political parties fought for the period from February to October 1917. A particularly noticeable role in politics after February 1917 was played by the Cadets, Mensheviks, Socialist Revolutionaries, and Bolsheviks. What were their goals and tactics?

Central place in cadet program were occupied by the ideas of Europeanization of Russia through the creation of a strong state power. They assigned the leading role in this process to the bourgeoisie. The continuation of the war, according to the Cadets, could unite both conservatives and liberals, the State Duma and the commanders-in-chief. The Cadets saw the unity of these forces as the main condition for the development of the revolution.

Mensheviks viewed the February Revolution as a nationwide, nationwide, class-wide one. Therefore, their main political line in the development of events after February was the creation of a government based on a coalition of forces not interested in the restoration of the monarchy.

The views on the nature and tasks of the revolution were similar right SRs(A.F. Kerensky, N.D. Avksentyev), as well as from the leader of the party, who occupied centrist positions, V. Chernov.

February, in their opinion, is the apogee of the revolutionary process and liberation movement in Russia. They saw the essence of the revolution in Russia in achieving civil harmony, reconciling all layers of society, and, first of all, reconciling supporters of war and revolution to implement a program of social reforms.

The position was different left socialist revolutionaries, its leader M.A. Spiridonova who believed that the popular, democratic February in Russia marked the beginning of a political and social world revolution.


The Bolsheviks—Russia's most radical party in 1917—saw February as the first stage of the struggle for socialist revolution. This position was formulated by V.I. Lenin in the “April Theses”, where the slogans “No support for the Provisional Government” and “All power to the Soviets” were put forward.

Arrival of V.I.Lenin in Petrograd April 3(16), 1917 Art.K.Aksenov.1959

The April Theses also formulated the economic platform of the party: workers' control over social production and distribution of products, the unification of all banks into one national bank and the establishment of control over it by the Soviets, the confiscation of landowners' lands and the nationalization of all land in the country.

The relevance of the theses became more and more obvious as crisis situations in the country grew in connection with the specific policies of the Provisional Government. The mood of the Provisional Government to continue the war and delay the decision on social reforms created a serious source of conflict in the development of the revolution.

First political crisis

During the 8 months the Provisional Government was in power, it was repeatedly in a state of crisis. The first crisis erupted in April When the Provisional Government announced that Russia would continue the war on the side of the Entente, this caused a massive protest of the people. On April 18 (May 1), the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government, Miliukov, sent a note to the Allied Powers, which confirmed that the Provisional Government would comply with all treaties of the tsarist government and continue the war to a victorious end. The note caused indignation among wide sections of the population. Over 100 thousand people took to the streets of Petrograd demanding peace. The result of the crisis was the formation first coalition government, which consisted not only of bourgeois, but also of representatives of socialist (Mensheviks, Socialist Revolutionaries) parties.

Ministers P.N. left the government. Miliukov and A.I. Guchkov, the new coalition government included the leaders of the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries V.M. Chernov, A.F. Kerensky, I.G. Tsereteli, M.I. Skobelev.

The power crisis was temporarily eliminated, but the causes of its occurrence were not eliminated.

Second political crisis

The offensive at the front undertaken in June 1917 also did not meet with the support of the popular masses, who increasingly actively supported the Bolshevik slogans about the Soviets taking power and ending the war. It was already second political crisis Provisional Government. Workers and soldiers took part in demonstrations under the slogans “Down with 10 capitalist ministers”, “Bread, peace, freedom”, “All power to the Soviets” in Petrograd, Moscow, Tver, Ivanovo-Voznesensk and other cities.

Third political crisis

And a few days later a new (July) political crisis in Russia broke out in Petrograd. It was already third political crisis, which became a new stage on the path to a national crisis. The reason was the unsuccessful offensive of Russian troops at the front and the disbandment of revolutionary military units. As a result, on July 2 (15), the Cadets left the Provisional Government.

By this time, the socio-economic situation, especially the food situation, had deteriorated sharply. Neither the creation of land committees, nor the introduction of a state monopoly on bread, nor regulation of food supplies, nor even meat allocation with a double increase in purchase prices for basic food products could alleviate the difficult food situation. Imported purchases of meat, fish and other products did not help. About half a million prisoners of war, as well as soldiers from rear garrisons, were sent to agricultural work. To forcibly confiscate grain, the government sent armed military detachments to the village. However, all the measures taken did not produce the expected results. People stood in queues at night. For Russia, the summer and early autumn of 1917 was characterized by the collapse of the economy, closing enterprises, unemployment, and inflation. The differentiation of Russian society has sharply increased. Conflicting opinions clashed on the problems of war, peace, power, and bread. There was only one consensus: the war must be ended as soon as possible.

Under the current conditions, the Provisional Government was unable to maintain the level of political dialogue and July 4 - 5, 1917. turned to violence against the workers' and soldiers' demonstration in Petrograd. A peaceful demonstration in Petrograd was shot and dispersed by the armed forces of the Provisional Government. Following the shooting and dispersal of the peaceful demonstration, there was a government order granting the Minister of War and the Minister of Internal Affairs broad powers, giving the right to prohibit meetings and congresses, and to impose brutal censorship.

The newspapers Trud and Pravda were banned; The editorial office of the newspaper “Pravda” was destroyed, and on July 7 an order was issued for the arrest of V.I. Lenin and G.E. Zinoviev - Bolshevik leaders. However, the leadership of the Soviets did not interfere with the actions of the government, fearing the increased political influence of the Bolsheviks on the masses.

The immediate cause of the revolutionary explosion was military exhaustion, which aggravated all the internal problems of society and the state. Its origins were rooted in Russia's unpreparedness for war and the miscalculations of Russia. commands admitted in 1914–16. There was a moral decay of the rear military units, including the Petrograd Military District. Nicholas II was at Headquarters in Mogilev and did not control the situation in the country. The dissatisfaction of the generals and officers, caused by military failures, by 1917 developed into a hidden opposition. The standard of living and food supply of city residents, especially in the capital, have noticeably deteriorated. The disruption of transport hampered the regular food supply of Petrograd, creating shortages of bread. The threat of famine sharply increased discontent with the authorities. In connection with the mobilizations of Petrograd workers in all sectors of the economy, the role of women, who had a particularly difficult time enduring the domestic and social difficulties of wartime, increased noticeably.

The main events of the February Revolution unfolded in Petrograd. On 23.2 (8.3).1917, anti-war rallies dedicated to the traditional Worker’s Day spontaneously began to develop into mass strikes and demonstrations under the slogans “Down with the war!”, “Demand bread!” 24 Feb (March 9) a general strike began, and rallies were held continuously. The commander of the Petrograd Military District, General S.S. Khabalov, pulled soldiers of the guards reserve regiments to the city center. The most important city highways were blocked, security was strengthened at government buildings, the post office, telegraph office, etc. February 25. (March 10) military and police outposts were set up near the bridges, but columns of demonstrators bypassed them along the ice of the Neva and rushed to the city center. The prevailing slogans were: “Down with the Tsar!”, “Down with the government!”, “Bread, peace, freedom!”, “Long live the republic!” In the evening, General Khabalov received an order from Nicholas II to immediately stop the unrest in Petrograd. Several were arrested. Mensheviks, at night arrests were made among workers of the revolutionary underground. On the same day, Nicholas II dissolved the State. Duma 26 Feb. (March 11) the police and mayor A.P. Balk removed the guards of the bridges, all the forces of the troops and police were concentrated in the center, cartridges were distributed to the soldiers. Fire was opened on demonstrators in several places in the city, people were killed and wounded, and on the proletarian outskirts workers began to build barricades and seize enterprises. 27 Feb (March 12) the general strike escalated into an armed uprising. Soldiers from a number of regiments rebelled and united with the rebel workers. The District Court was set on fire, and those arrested were released from the House of Pre-trial Detention, as well as the Kresty and Lithuanian Castle prisons. In the Tauride Palace, the Council of Elders and the Private Meeting of the State. The Duma elected a government body - the Provisional Committee (“Committee of the State Duma for establishing order in Petrograd and for relations with institutions and individuals”). He tried to take power into his own hands. Leaders of the Menshevik faction of the State. Dumas, representatives of soldiers and workers, journalists announced the creation of the Provisional Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet; in the evening the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Council of Workers' Deputies was elected [from March 1 (14) of the Petrograd Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies]. 28 Feb. (March 13) armed workers and soldiers occupied the Peter and Paul Fortress. General Khabalov transferred the remnants of government troops from the building of Glav. Admiralty to the Winter Palace, which was soon occupied by troops sent by the Provisional Committee of the State. Duma and the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet. Expedition of General N.I. Ivanov [from the evening of February 27. (March 12) commander of the Petrograd Military District], sent to suppress the uprising, failed. On March 1 (14), St. went on strike. 394 thousand people from more than 900 enterprises, almost the entire Petrograd garrison went over to the side of the rebels. Under pressure from the rebels, Order No. 1 of the Petrograd Soviet was adopted. He equalized the rights of soldiers and officers, introduced elected soldiers' committees that controlled the life of the army, which led to a catastrophic decline in military discipline.

2(15).3.1917 by the Provisional Committee of the State. Duma, with the consent of the leaders of the Petrograd Soviet (chairman - Menshevik N. S. Chkheidze, his deputy - Socialist Revolutionary A. F. Kerensky), a Provisional Government was formed - until the convening of the Constituent Assembly (chairman - Prince G. E. Lvov). It consisted mainly of representatives of the Cadets and Octobrists. On March 13 (26), the Provisional Government formed a Special Meeting to prepare the law on elections to the Constituent Assembly (worked from May to September 1917; chairman - cadet F. F. Kokoshkin), which included representatives of various political parties, Soviets, public and national organizations.

In the current situation, the leaders of political parties, factions of the State. The Duma and the generals associated with them hoped to achieve the abdication of Nicholas II from the throne in favor of his son and heir Alexei and the formation of a government responsible to the Duma. But the emperor abdicated the throne on March 2(15).3.1917 for himself and his son, passing the crown to his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail, who also abandoned it. The monarchy in Russia ceased to exist.

The small Bolshevik Party did not play a significant role in the February Revolution. The growth of its importance began in April. 1917, with the return to Petrograd from emigration of V. I. Lenin, G. E. Zinoviev, N. I. Bukharin and others. At the April conference of 1917, where the political course of the party in the revolution was developed, two positions emerged: radical Lenin and less radical L. B. Kameneva. Lenin, believing that the Bolsheviks should not follow the “conciliatory” course of the Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, called for a refusal to trust the Provisional Government, transfer all power to the Soviets and carry out a socialist revolution, simultaneously carrying out democratic changes. Kamenev believed that the Bolsheviks should, together with other socialist parties, strive for democratic changes.

The Provisional Government made two attempts to continue Russia's participation in World War I: in the April note of 1917 min. foreign Del Miliukov assured the Entente governments of Russia's loyalty to its obligations to continue the war to a victorious end; in the 2nd half. In June and July, offensive actions were carried out. armies on the Southwestern and Romanian fronts, which ultimately ended in defeat. Both attempts led to mass unrest, crises of power (April and July 1917) and a change in the political composition of the Provisional Government - from the initial predominance of liberals to an approximately equal (in July) ratio of their representatives and representatives of the socialists, ch. arr. Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. In June, the government for the first time announced the date of elections to the Constituent Assembly - September 17 (30). and its convocation - September 30. (Oct. 13) 1917. The governing bodies of the Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, as well as peasants' deputies, recognized the powers of the authority of the Provisional Government. The 2nd coalition government was formed on July 24 (Aug. 6) (chaired by Kerensky). In Aug. meetings of the All-Russian Commission on Elections to the Constituent Assembly began (All Elections; chairman - cadet N. N. Avinov), the election dates were postponed to November 12 (25), and its convocation - to November 28. (Dec 11). At the same time, the government convened in Moscow on August 12–15 (25–28). State meeting attended by members of the government, deputies of the State. Dumas of all convocations, representatives of Soviets, commercial and industrial circles, banks, cooperative organizations, trade unions, army, navy, city and zemstvo self-government bodies, etc. On the State. At the meeting, General L. G. Kornilov outlined the demands of the generals to the authorities: the introduction of the death penalty at the front and in the rear; suppression of anti-state and anti-national forces; restoration of the army's combat capability; continuation of the war “to the bitter end.” Appointed Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Kornilov agreed with Kerensky to suppress revolutionary anarchy by army forces and establish a “revolutionary dictatorship” of the Directory of Kornilov and Kerensky. At the end of Aug. 1917 General A. M. Krymov’s corps moved to Petrograd. Fearing that the generals would sweep him away too, Kerensky declared Kornilov a rebel and removed the Supreme Commander-in-Chief from his post, then turned to revolutionary-minded workers and soldiers for help. The Bolsheviks also called on them to prevent Kornilov's speech and managed to raise significant forces against him. Massive replenishment of the Red Guard began - armed detachments of volunteer workers (the first steps towards their organization were taken by the Bolsheviks of Petrograd and other cities in late March - early April 1917). The “rebel troops” were stopped, General Kornilov was arrested. As a result of these events, the balance of political forces changed: the influence of the Bolsheviks increased significantly, and the Bolshevisation of the Soviets, especially Petrograd, began. The Provisional Government, in search of a way out of the next power crisis, transferred power to a temporary body - the “Directory”. 1 (Sept. 14) Russia was declared a republic.

The leaders of the Soviets, which were still dominated by the Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, trying to lead the country along the path of bourgeois parliamentarism and in order to weaken the growing national crisis in the country, convened a Democratic Conference in Petrograd. It was attended by delegates from Soviets, trade unions, army and navy organizations, national institutions, etc.; The Socialist Revolutionaries predominated, and the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks had quite a lot of seats. At Lenin’s suggestion, the Bolsheviks used the Conference as a platform for sharply criticizing the experience of coalition power and putting forward demands for the transfer of power to the Soviets, the abolition of private ownership of land and its transfer to the peasantry, the nationalization of the most important industries, and the immediate conclusion of peace.

The Democratic Conference delegated representatives of all groups and factions in proportion to their numbers to the Pre-Parliament, formed to perform the functions of a representative body that could control the activities of the Provisional Government until the convening of the Constituent Assembly. It was dominated by the Socialist Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks and Cadets had quite a lot of seats, the Bolsheviks received the smallest number of mandates. 23 Sep. (Oct 6) The Pre-Parliament approved the agreement of the Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Cadets on the creation of a new, 3rd coalition, Provisional Government. In the RSDLP(b), opinions on participation in the work of the Pre-Parliament were divided: L. B. Kamenev, V. P. Nogin, A. I. Rykov and others were in favor of participation, Lenin was sharply against it, proposing instead to call on the masses for an armed uprising . His point of view won: 7(20) Oct. The RSDLP(b) faction left the Pre-Parliament after harsh statements. The Soviets agreed with this position. Oct 24 (Nov. 6) The Pre-Parliament adopted a resolution in which it demanded that the Provisional Government, along with the suppression of revolutionary ferment, immediately adopt a decree on the transfer of lands to the jurisdiction of land committees and appeal to the allies outlining peace conditions and demanding that peace negotiations begin.

At the same time, preparations for the elections to the Constituent Assembly continued: in September, the councils of zemstvo and city dumas and zemstvos began compiling voter lists, and in October lists of candidates for elections from political parties were published. However, the RSDLP(b) by resolution dated 10(23) Oct. decided on an armed uprising. At the insistence of Lenin under the Petrograd Soviet, 12(25) Oct. the formation of a legal military revolutionary committee began - the Military Revolutionary Committee (by the end of October there were over 40 of them formed throughout the country). Oct 23 (November 5) the Center was formed within the structure of the Red Guard. the commandant's office, which was in close contact with the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee, and Chief. headquarters. The Military Revolutionary Committee and the Red Guard became the armed force on which the Bolsheviks were able to rely when seizing power.

- revolutionary events that took place in Russia in early March (according to the Julian calendar - at the end of February - beginning of March) 1917 and led to the overthrow of the autocracy. In Soviet historical science it was characterized as “bourgeois”.

Its objectives were to introduce a constitution, establish a democratic republic (the possibility of maintaining a constitutional parliamentary monarchy was not excluded), political freedoms, and resolve land, labor and national issues.

The revolution was led to a significant deterioration in the socio-economic situation of the Russian Empire due to the protracted First World War, economic devastation, and the food crisis. It became increasingly difficult for the state to maintain the army and provide food to the cities; dissatisfaction with the military hardships grew among the population and among the troops. At the front, left-wing party agitators were successful, calling on soldiers to disobey and revolt.

The liberal-minded public was outraged by what was happening at the top, criticizing the unpopular government, the frequent change of governors and ignoring the State Duma, whose members demanded reforms and, in particular, the creation of a government responsible not to the Tsar, but to the Duma.

The aggravation of the needs and misfortunes of the masses, the growth of anti-war sentiment and general dissatisfaction with the autocracy led to mass protests against the government and the dynasty in large cities and primarily in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg).

At the beginning of March 1917, due to transport difficulties in the capital, supplies deteriorated, food cards were introduced, and the Putilov plant temporarily suspended work. As a result, 36 thousand workers lost their livelihood. Strikes in solidarity with the Putilovites took place in all districts of Petrograd.

On March 8 (February 23, old style), 1917, tens of thousands of workers took to the streets of the city, carrying slogans of “Bread!” and “Down with autocracy!” Two days later, the strike had already covered half of the workers in Petrograd. Armed squads were formed at the factories.

On March 10-11 (February 25-26, old style), the first clashes between strikers and the police and gendarmerie took place. Attempts to disperse the protesters with the help of troops were not successful, but only escalated the situation, since the commander of the Petrograd Military District, fulfilling the order of Emperor Nicholas II to “restore order in the capital,” ordered the troops to shoot at the demonstrators. Hundreds of people were killed or injured, and many were arrested.

On March 12 (February 27, old style), the general strike escalated into an armed uprising. A massive transfer of troops to the side of the rebels began.

The military command tried to bring new units to Petrograd, but the soldiers did not want to participate in the punitive operation. One military unit after another took the side of the rebels. Revolutionary-minded soldiers, having seized an armory, helped detachments of workers and students arm themselves.

The rebels occupied the most important points of the city, government buildings, and arrested the tsarist government. They also destroyed police stations, seized prisons, and released prisoners, including criminals. Petrograd was overwhelmed by a wave of robberies, murders and robbery.

The center of the uprising was the Tauride Palace, where the State Duma previously met. On March 12 (February 27, old style), the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies was formed here, the majority of which were Mensheviks and Trudoviks. The first thing the Council took up was solving the problems of defense and food supply.

At the same time, in the adjacent hall of the Tauride Palace, the Duma leaders, who refused to obey the decree of Nicholas II on the dissolution of the State Duma, formed the “Provisional Committee of State Duma Members,” which declared itself the bearer of supreme power in the country. The committee was headed by Duma Chairman Mikhail Rodzianko, and the body included representatives of all Duma parties, with the exception of the far right. The committee members created a broad political program for the transformations necessary for Russia. Their first priority was to restore order, especially among the soldiers.

On March 13 (February 28, old style), the Provisional Committee appointed General Lavr Kornilov to the post of commander of the troops of the Petrograd District and sent its commissioners to the Senate and ministries. He began to perform the functions of the government and sent deputies Alexander Guchkov and Vasily Shulgin to Headquarters for negotiations with Nicholas II on the abdication of the throne, which took place on March 15 (March 2, old style).

On the same day, as a result of negotiations between the Provisional Committee of the Duma and the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, a Provisional Government was created, headed by Prince Georgy Lvov, which took full power into its own hands. The only representative of the Soviets who received a ministerial post was the Trudovik Alexander Kerensky.

On March 14 (March 1, old style), a new government was established in Moscow, and throughout March throughout the country. But in Petrograd and locally, the Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies and the Soviets of Peasants' Deputies gained great influence.

The coming to power simultaneously of the Provisional Government and the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies created a situation of dual power in the country. A new stage of the struggle for power between them began, which, together with the inconsistent policies of the Provisional Government, created the preconditions for the October Revolution of 1917.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

The Great Russian Revolution is the revolutionary events that occurred in Russia in 1917, starting with the overthrow of the monarchy during the February Revolution, when power passed to the Provisional Government, which was overthrown as a result of the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks, who proclaimed Soviet power.

February Revolution of 1917 - Main revolutionary events in Petrograd

Reason for the revolution: Labor conflict at the Putilov plant between workers and owners; interruptions in the food supply to Petrograd.

Main events February Revolution took place in Petrograd. The army leadership, led by the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General M.V. Alekseev, and the commanders of the fronts and fleets, considered that they did not have the means to suppress the riots and strikes that had engulfed Petrograd. Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne. After his intended successor, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, also abdicated the throne, the State Duma took control of the country, forming the Provisional Government of Russia.

With the formation of Soviets parallel to the Provisional Government, a period of dual power began. The Bolsheviks formed detachments of armed workers (Red Guard), thanks to attractive slogans they gained significant popularity, primarily in Petrograd, Moscow, in large industrial cities, the Baltic Fleet, and the troops of the Northern and Western Fronts.

Demonstrations of women demanding bread and the return of men from the front.

The beginning of a general political strike under the slogans: “Down with tsarism!”, “Down with autocracy!”, “Down with war!” (300 thousand people). Clashes between demonstrators and police and gendarmerie.

The Tsar’s telegram to the commander of the Petrograd Military District demanding “tomorrow stop the unrest in the capital!”

Arrests of leaders of socialist parties and workers' organizations (100 people).

Shooting of workers' demonstrations.

Proclamation of the Tsar's decree dissolving the State Duma for two months.

The troops (4th company of the Pavlovsk regiment) opened fire on the police.

Mutiny of the reserve battalion of the Volyn regiment, its transition to the side of the strikers.

The beginning of a massive transfer of troops to the side of the revolution.

Creation of the Provisional Committee of Members of the State Duma and the Provisional Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet.

Creation of a provisional government

Abdication of Tsar Nicholas II from the throne

Results of the revolution and dual power

October Revolution of 1917 main events

During October revolution Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee, established by the Bolsheviks led by L.D. Trotsky and V.I. Lenin, overthrew the Provisional Government. At the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, the Bolsheviks withstood a difficult struggle with the Mensheviks and right-wing Socialist Revolutionaries, and the first Soviet government was formed. In December 1917, a government coalition of Bolsheviks and Left Socialist Revolutionaries was formed. In March 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed with Germany.

By the summer of 1918, a one-party government was finally formed, and the active phase of the Civil War and foreign intervention in Russia began, which began with the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps. The end of the Civil War created the conditions for the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

Main events of the October Revolution

The provisional government suppressed peaceful demonstrations against the government, arrests, the Bolsheviks were outlawed, the death penalty was restored, the end of dual power.

The 6th Congress of the RSDLP has passed - a course has been set for a socialist revolution.

State meeting in Moscow, Kornilova L.G. they wanted to declare him a military dictator and simultaneously disperse all the Soviets. An active popular uprising disrupted the plans. Increasing the authority of the Bolsheviks.

Kerensky A.F. declared Russia a republic.

Lenin secretly returned to Petrograd.

Meeting of the Bolshevik Central Committee, V.I. Lenin spoke. and emphasized that it is necessary to take power from 10 people - for, against - Kamenev and Zinoviev. The Political Bureau was elected, headed by Lenin.

The Executive Committee of the Petrograd Council (headed by L.D. Trotsky) adopted the regulations on the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee (military revolutionary committee) - the legal headquarters for preparing the uprising. The All-Russian Revolutionary Center was created - a military revolutionary center (Ya.M. Sverdlov, F.E. Dzerzhinsky, A.S. Bubnov, M.S. Uritsky and I.V. Stalin).

Kamenev in the newspaper “New Life” - with a protest against the uprising.

Petrograd garrison on the side of the Soviets

The Provisional Government gave the order to the cadets to seize the printing house of the Bolshevik newspaper “Rabochy Put” and arrest the members of the Military Revolutionary Committee who were in Smolny.

Revolutionary troops occupied the Central Telegraph, Izmailovsky Station, controlled bridges, and blocked all cadet schools. The Military Revolutionary Committee sent a telegram to Kronstadt and Tsentrobalt about calling the ships of the Baltic Fleet. The order was carried out.

October 25 - meeting of the Petrograd Soviet. Lenin gave a speech, uttering the famous words: “Comrades! The workers’ and peasants’ revolution, the need for which the Bolsheviks were always talking about, has come true.”

The salvo of the cruiser Aurora became the signal for the storming of the Winter Palace, and the Provisional Government was arrested.

2nd Congress of Soviets, at which Soviet power was proclaimed.

Provisional Government of Russia in 1917

Heads of the Russian government in 1905 - 1917.

Witte S.Yu.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Goremykin I.L.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Stolypin P.A.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Kokovtsev V.II.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Sturmer B.V.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

January - November 1916

Trenov A.F.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

November - December 1916

Golitsyn N.D.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Lvov G.E.

March - July 1917

Kerensky A.F.

Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government

July - October 1917

The February Revolution is a new starting point for Russian history. During this event, the main goal of the first revolution was achieved - the hated tsarist power was overthrown. Who were its participants? What are the causes of this conflict? And what happened next?

Causes of the February Revolution of 1917

What led to the start of a new revolution? Of course, the unresolved labor and agrarian question. These questions have remained pressing and problematic since the very beginning of the 20th century. But no one was in a hurry to solve them. Stolypin's attempt caused indignation among many, for which the prime minister paid with his life. Another reason for the revolution can be called the socio-economic crisis in the country. The First World War also influenced the beginning of the new Russian revolution. And the food crisis and lack of any stability intensified the divisions in society.

February Revolution: nature, driving forces and objectives

By its nature, the second Russian revolution was bourgeois-democratic. The driving forces remained the working class along with the peasant population. The participation of the intelligentsia made the revolution nationwide. What were the tasks of the revolutionaries? These tasks were standard for the first two Russian revolutions. The people who were in power at that time were in no hurry to solve them, because they were afraid of losing this very power. So,

  • it was necessary to get out of the war;
  • come to a common solution to the agrarian and labor issue;
  • get rid of the autocratic hated tsarist power;
  • convene a constituent assembly;
  • move to a new state structure: democratic republic + adoption of a constitution.

February Revolution: developments

The reason for the new conflict was the dismissal of a mass of workers in St. Petersburg from the Putilov plant. The growth of social tension in society has reached its global proportions. At this time, the Tsar travels outside of St. Petersburg and information about the situation in the city does not reach him. The February revolution unfolded too quickly: the very next day after the dismissal, a mass of people appeared on the streets with the slogans “Down with the Tsar.” And just two weeks later, Nicholas II, on the advice of his generals, renounced the Russian throne, and also for his son. The next day, Nicholas II’s brother Mikhail signs the same document. The Romanov dynasty ceases to exist on the Russian throne. At this time, dual power was established in the country in the person of the Petrograd Soviet and a new government body - the Provisional Government.


The February Revolution of 1917 led to such results as the overthrow of autocratic power, the emergence of democratic freedoms and the spread of democratic values ​​in society, as well as the establishment of dual power in the country. This difficult period in the history of our state brought dramatic changes. It became the crown of all the suffering of the early 20th century, because the main goal was achieved - the monarchy was overthrown.

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