Essay on the problem of mercy, reasoning with examples from the Unified State Examination literature. Mercy (essay) Essay on the topic here is learning mercy

(359 words) Mercy is the ability, feeling the pain of another being, to provide assistance to him in order to alleviate the suffering, and it does not matter whether we are talking about a person in trouble or a stray dog. Nowadays, many have forgotten how to sincerely sympathize, but mercy is not something that can be lost, it is a choice that everyone makes for themselves.

In Valentin Rasputin's story “French Lessons” there is a vivid example of true mercy. The main character is an eleven-year-old boy from a very poor family. He was sent to the regional center to continue his studies, but financial constraints forced him to take the path of gambling. This soon became known to his teacher, who, having understood the situation, made a decision: to make the child’s life easier at all costs. Despite the fact that the student initially avoided receiving help from the teacher in every possible way, Lidia Mikhailovna did not give up. She decided to play wall games with him for money so that he wouldn’t be so ashamed to take money. One day the director found out about their games and fired the teacher. Lydia Ivanovna went to Kuban, from where, still following her goal, she tried to help her former student: she sent apples. So, an ordinary teacher saved a boy from starvation.

However, there is always a risk of confusing true mercy with imaginary mercy. Leonid Andreev's story "Bite" talks about a dog that was offended by people. To survive in winter, the animal settled under the terrace of a country house, which came as a surprise to the owners of the country house when they arrived in the spring. Despite the fact that she initially made a negative impression by attacking little Lelya, the townspeople decided to tame her. Every day the dog came closer to them. Ultimately, Kusaka decided to trust people for the second time, despite all the grievances she suffered in the past. When the time came to leave, the owners did not want to leave the dog, but they could not take it with them. Thus, she was left alone again. Despite the temporary attachment, the main characters did not think about the consequences, but only wanted to stroke their pride by showing imaginary compassion.

Sometimes it is very difficult in the hustle and bustle of gray everyday life to put aside your problems and help those who are really in trouble. However, you should always remember that help is valuable only when it comes from the heart, and not out of a sense of duty or in an attempt to please your own vanity. The latter very often becomes what aggravates the situation rather than corrects it.

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Mercy is a sign of philanthropy, one of the principles of humanism. Today's world is filled with cruelty and hatred, so mercy and kindness are valued above all else. Our society has reached the point where the presence of these qualities in people is very rare.

Mercy is closely intertwined with sympathy, that is, this is the ability to treat the troubles and sorrows of others with compassion, and it does not matter at all whether the person in front of you is familiar or a complete stranger. Mercy can be shown even towards one's enemy in the hope of reconciliation. Although, in order to be truly merciful, compassion alone is not enough. Mercy is a feeling that combines several important qualities at once - selflessness, sincerity, kindness, supported by appropriate actions.

Revenge or vengeance is alien to a merciful person; the life principle of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” does not suit him. One of the symbols of mercy is Mother Teresa. She was a devoted believer in serving the world, which inspired her contemporaries and continues to inspire us. I respect this great woman, because she was able to demonstrate in herself that kindness exists in every person, only it should not be ashamed, but on the contrary, it must be proven by actions.

History has preserved many cruel, bloody wars, violence and betrayals. Partly this happened due to the fact that man is essentially an ambitious creature, thirsting for power and material wealth. Often people did not pay attention to others, showing disrespect for them. In the old days, revenge on the enemy was generally considered a matter of honor, so people did not have a basic concept of kindness. But such a terrible principle kills a person’s inner world, his spirituality.

Being merciful to everyone is not at all easy, especially given the modern pace of life. But still, we must try to change ourselves and the world for the better; a tolerant attitude towards people’s actions is the first step towards self-improvement.

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An essay on the topic “Mercy” is most likely not a work on spelling or a literacy test. Although this goal, of course, is also pursued without fail. But first of all, on a highly moral topic. And in order to write it well, you must first pass your thoughts through your soul and consciousness.

the main idea

There is no universal example regarding how to write an essay on the topic “Mercy”. Each student must decide for himself what is easier and clearer for him to write about. In this case, it is important to understand what information you would like to convey to the reader. Because each person has his own definition of this concept and his own understanding of it. And this, by the way, is another plus that distinguishes an essay on the topic “Mercy” (Unified State Examination). The student, while he is working on creating a text on a given topic, forms his own thought regarding this topic, and it never comes out of nowhere. Be sure to always have examples from life, facts, events that influenced the student’s worldview. This is the point of this essay. Try to convey to the reader what I understood and realized myself.


It is always convenient to start an essay with a question. But it shouldn’t be something pulled out of thin air. It is important to pose a question at the beginning of the essay that would make the reader think about it. It not only provokes thought. This technique also concentrates the reader’s attention. Plus, when a student poses a question in an essay, he again, without noticing it, is looking for an answer to it. Even if it is known in advance. So, what is the best way to start an essay on the topic “Mercy”?

There are several options. You can do it this way: “We hear the word “mercy” very often. But do we ever think about what it really means? Kindness? Favor? Politeness? No, this is not all that. Mercy is more than that. This is a quality that lives in the soul of every compassionate person. Mercy is caring. Love for people. The desire to sympathize, to help in trouble, to empathize. To experience pain for another person, sharing it with him and trying to help him get rid of it. Mercy is not holding evil and not remembering it. Mercy is something that not everyone is given the opportunity to experience.” Such a beginning will be very thoughtful. This is how it should be if we are talking about an essay on the topic “Mercy”.


What is important to consider when writing an essay? Presentation style. An essay on the topic “Mercy” should not be of a confident, propagandistic, persuasive nature, which is inherent in some other journalistic works. Sincerity, experiences, and emotions are important here. The main purpose of such an essay is to lead people to think about themselves. So that everyone thinks - is he merciful? If not, why not? After all, this is a very important quality. One of the main ones laid down in Christian laws. The topic is very important. And if an essay-reasoning on the topic “Mercy” encourages at least one person to think and work on himself, this will already be a success.

Know how to forgive and be forgiven

What can you write in the main part? Anything, really. The main thing is that the author’s thoughts, his beliefs and views can be traced. And, of course, it is important that his words are inspiring. You can write something like this: “Our Lord is merciful, and we should be the same. He forgives everyone who has repented, understanding that the person is aware of his sin and asks for deliverance from sin and torment. God, while letting go of bad things to us, shows incredible kindness towards people. And each of us should be at least a little like our Great Creator. After all, the person who knows how to forgive others for bad things and not hold grudges or grudges is happy. There is no blackness on his soul, he is pure. He is merciful.”

Mercy is one of the most important qualities of a person; it means the desire to help someone who finds himself in a difficult life situation and needs help.

I believe that mercy in our time is a very important manifestation of the human soul because only mutual help and support helps us survive in this world. This wonderful quality needs to be developed in oneself from an early age. A person who is capable of a selfless act for the sake of another can be called merciful, despite the fact that the consequences of this act may negatively affect him.

Confirmation of my thought can be found in the text of V.P. Astafieva. The author-narrator, as a child, committed a merciful act when he overcame his fear and, despite the great risk to his own life, saved the geese, which were in serious danger.

We can encounter manifestations of mercy in everyday life. We all know about the situation in Syria, about the difficult life of the Syrian people.

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The Russian military shows mercy when they risk their lives to clear cities of bombs and unexploded ordnance.

Thus, mercy helps us to feel compassion for other people and a desire to help them.

Updated: 2017-06-13

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Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) I walk through the underground passage near the Sovetskaya Hotel. (2) Ahead, a poor musician in black glasses sits on a bench and sings, playing along with himself on the guitar. (3) For some reason the passage was empty at that time. (4) He caught up with the musician, scooped up some change from his coat and poured it into an iron box for him. (5) I move on. (6) I accidentally put my hand in my pocket and feel that there are still a lot of coins there. (7) What the hell! (8) I was sure that when I gave money to the musician, I emptied everything that was in my pocket. (9) He returned to the musician and, already glad that he was wearing black glasses and he most likely did not notice the stupid complexity of the entire procedure, again scooped up a lot of small change from his coat and poured it into an iron box for him. (10) I went further. (11) He walked away ten steps and, again putting his hand in his pocket, suddenly discovered that there were still a lot of coins there. (12) At the first moment I was so amazed that it was time to shout: (13) “Miracle! (14) Miracle! (15) The Lord fills my pocket, which was emptied for the beggar!” (16) But after a moment it cooled down.

(17) I realized that the coins were simply stuck in the deep folds of my coat. (18) There were a lot of them accumulated there. (19) Change is often given in small change, but there seems to be nothing to buy with it. (20) Why did I not get enough coins the first and second time? (21) Because he did it carelessly and automatically. (22) Why carelessly and automatically? (23) Because, alas, he was indifferent to the musician. (24) Then why did you still take some change out of your pocket? (25) Most likely because he crossed underground passages many times, where beggars sat with outstretched hands, and quite often, out of haste and laziness, passed by. (26) I passed, but there was a scratch on my conscience: I had to stop and give them something. (27) Perhaps unconsciously this small act of mercy was transferred to others. (28) Usually a lot of people scurry along these passages. (29) And now there was no one, and it was as if he was playing for me alone.

(Z0) However, there is something in all this. (31) Perhaps, in a greater sense, good should be done indifferently, so that vanity does not arise, so as not to expect any gratitude, so as not to become angry because no one thanks you. (32) And what kind of good is it if in response to it a person gives you something good? (ZZ) So, you are in the calculation and there was no disinterested good. (34) By the way, as soon as we realized the selflessness of our act, we received a secret reward for our selflessness. (35) Give indifferently what you can give to someone in need, and move on without thinking about it. (36) But you can pose the question this way. (37) Kindness and gratitude are necessary for man and serve the development of humanity in the spiritual realm, just as trade does in the material realm. (38) The exchange of spiritual values ​​(gratitude in response to goodness) is perhaps even more necessary for a person than trade.

(According to F. Iskander)


Mercy is a feeling that distinguishes a person from an animal. Thanks to this feeling, we build relationships with others, become capable of compassion and empathy.

Mercy is love for the world, for people, for oneself. It includes many aspects.


What is true mercy? Should we expect gratitude for a good deed to a random person? Do people need this gratitude?

F. Iskander reflects on these questions in his text. The problem of mercy is one of the main ones in his work.

A comment

The author recalls an incident from his own life when, in an underground passage, he saw a poor blind musician begging for alms. There was no one around. Finding himself next to the musician, Iskander’s lyrical hero mechanically took the change out of his pocket and put it in an iron jar standing in front of the musician.

The hero was ready to shout about a miracle, when he suddenly realized that the change was simply stuck in the folds of his pocket. His actions were so filled with automatism and indifference that he simply did not notice the remaining money.

The author reflects on what made him give alms to a beggar? After all, many times he passed by and, out of haste or laziness, did not give anything. Perhaps because there were a lot of people around, and this time the musician sang and played only for him.

The author assumes that good must be done indifferently, so that not even a shadow of vanity arises. Only then will mercy be selfless: “Give indifferently what you can give to the needy, and move on without thinking about it.”

Kindness and gratitude are compared in the text with trade.

Author's position

F. Iskander is confident that the exchange of spiritual values ​​- mercy, compassion and gratitude is no less necessary for human development than material values.

Your position

I completely share the author's point of view. Spirituality in our time is much more valuable than material well-being. Mercy is sometimes hidden by us in the most secret corners of the soul and taken out from there only under the influence of some special circumstances. For example, when we find ourselves face to face with a person in a false life situation.

Having shown generosity, we involuntarily expect some kind of gratitude from the person to whom this very generosity was directed.

And even hearing the simple: “God bless you!” - we rejoice at this like children. We must always remain human, so as not to give our conscience a reason to remind us of ourselves.

Argument No. 1

There are many examples in literature where heroes show mercy while in situations similar to those presented by F. Iskander.

At I.S. Turgenev has a number of works united under the title “Poems in Prose”. Among them, the miniature “Beggar” especially stands out.

The author describes his meeting with a beggar old man, powerlessly extending his hand asking for alms. Turgenev's lyrical hero began to rummage through his pockets in search of at least something that could help the old man. But I didn’t find anything: not a watch, not even a scarf.

Embarrassed that he could not help the poor man, he shook the withered hand of the beggar and called him brother, apologizing for not being able to somehow alleviate his suffering.

He smiled back and said that this was also alms.

Even without having anything to your name, you can enrich a person by showing a little mercy and compassion.

Argument No. 2

In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment” presents the image of Sonya Marmeladova, who is the embodiment of mercy for millions of readers and the author himself.

Sonya voluntarily went to the panel to save her little brother and sister, her stepmother, who was sick with consumption, and her drunkard father.

She sacrifices herself in the name of saving her family, without reproaching them for anything or reproaching them with a word.

Living on a “yellow ticket” is not a whim, not a thirst for an easy and beautiful life, not a manifestation of stupidity, but an act of mercy towards those in need.

Sonya behaved this way only because she could not do otherwise - her conscience did not allow it.


Mercy is directly related to conscience, humanity, compassion and self-sacrifice.

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