Essay based on Popov's painting The First Snow, grade 7

Winter is an amazing time. Her arrival excites, gives new feelings and sensations. In the painting by Igor Popov we see a city street covered with the first, not yet trampled snow. Early morning, beginning of winter. It snowed all night. The snowfall is still continuing. The fine snow swirls and slowly falls into the courtyards and squares. He covered everything around with his lush blanket. Loose snow lies on the pavement, on roofs and window sills.

Three girls, friends and neighbors on the front door, ran out into the street without getting dressed, but taking only their hats. They spin and jump in delight. The long-awaited, desired snowball makes them so happy. A puppy stands away from the girls and looks at people in surprise. He is still very young and sees snow cover for the first time. He is especially surprised by the tracks of traces that remain after his movement. The sky, due to the heavy snow, became gray and low. It seems to be “tired” from this mass of flakes, and wants to lie down to rest.

Houses and trees are visible in the picture. “Puhlyak” painted the windows of the buildings dark blue. Tree branches bent under the weight of heavy snowfall. The painter chose an unusual angle to depict the canvas. The work was done from top to bottom. These expressive means in the composition help the brush master Igor Popov create an unusual, colorful work. The artist spied this everyday picture from the window of one of the houses. The color scheme is not bright, not very expressive. The houses are painted in light brown tones. The snow sparkles in the light, and their diamond scattering creates a bottomless miracle.

On the corner of one of the houses there is a telephone booth, and there is a person in it. The writer of everyday life does not clearly describe his features and clothing. In his painting, the main thing is snow and the artist paints it with incredible skill. It has all the shades of snow, with a clearly defined character of lighting and horizon height.

Winter appears before our eyes in its fullest bloom, striking every imagination and capturing the hearts of those who were able to see this creation and absorb all the warm feelings of the first snow in winter.

A lot of snow had piled up and the streets were covered with soft and cool snow. How can this event not please the human eye? And even in the New Year's mood! It’s impossible to take your eyes off something like this, and everyone who has experienced this themselves understands what we’re talking about. The picture conveys to us these most joyful moods, rejoicing and an unbridled extravaganza of feelings, infused with falling snowflakes in the midst of winter. People have always perceived winter as a kind of break or timeout in the life of nature, in its activities. Because everything falls asleep and goes into a kind of seasonal hibernation. But winter is also full of magnificent holidays and our traditions are a clear witness to this.

The first snow in the picture is received by its inhabitants with great indescribable joy, and the children's carefree round dance in its honor only further confirms this. The man in the phone booth apparently decided to call one of his relatives, congratulating them on the first snow of winter and remembering the upcoming holidays. A huge number of grains of snowflakes are piled on the yellow buildings, around which new and new tracks are constantly breaking through small snowdrifts, paving the way for the inhabitants of the city.

The tree in the background of the picture has not yet completely lost its leaves and, for sure, a light playful and cool breeze quickly looks like whitish snow. The little dog followed the children and, driving away the wind with light snowfall, rushed to meet the first real winter phenomenon to replace the yellow-mouthed autumn.

On the left we see excited children sticking their hands out the windows, trying to touch the icy snowflakes swirling in the air, performing original dances, striking with their bizarrely uncomplicated trajectory, towards the white earth.

The overall picture gives a wonderful impression of the first snow, winter and New Year's magic in the whole wide and incomprehensible Russian tradition, which looks all-consumingly into our distances and graces the streets with wonderful white paratroopers who cheerfully wave their thin lines and playfully land in the hands of children hooting with joy.

This picture once again shows us all the indescribable splendor of the Russian winter and the triumph of waiting for the first snow, coupled with folk holidays, which every year delight the average citizen with their broadest and indivisible natural identity and cultural continuity. A person cannot help but rejoice at the first snow; it is impossible not to experience positive emotions during this event.

This is exactly what the author of the picture conveys to us, drawing whimsical winter images of the city landscape and the playful joy of children and complete urban vibrancy, supported by sincere joy, jubilation and nostalgia for the coming winter again in his magical white outfit.

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