

To the teacher

Our Solar System began to be born 6 billion years ago. Step 1 was to create a star.

Our star "Sun" emerged from stardust. The stardust particles were attracted to each other, forming small rocks. These stones were attracted to each other with greater force, forming larger cobblestones. This chain continued until a huge cosmic body was formed. Inside this body, under the influence of pressure and other substances, it began to release gases (hydrogen, helium, etc.), then the body begins to heat up and the gases react during heating, and the gases ignite. An inner core begins to form inside this body, and a magnetic field begins to appear outside this body. After the final formation of the core, the star begins to burn its fuel (Helium). When the Sun finishes its formation, it “throws away” the remnants of star dust with a shock wave. From these remains, planets began to form, which revolve around the sun in an ellipse (an ellipse is the orbit of the planets in which they revolve around the sun). The planets were created along the same chain, but in a slightly different way. When planets' cores are fully formed, they do not eject stardust particles with a shock wave, but continue their formation until the end. Planets do not throw off a shock wave because they do not have enough energy for this and during the final formation of the core they do not burn their fuel, because the core of the planets (if the core of these planets is similar to the core of our planet) consists of iron, magnesium and other solid substances. Of course, there are “gas” planets (for example: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus). Their core structure is different from Earth’s, but they also do not “throw back” the shock wave. When planets are fully formed, they begin to develop a crust, an atmosphere, and water (if conditions are suitable for water).

Solar System Star

The center of the Solar System is a star. The center of our Solar System is the Sun. The sun has lived half its life, and will live for approximately 4.5 billion years. How the sun was formed was discussed in Chapter 1.

2. Zone of Radiant Balance

3. Convection zone

4. Chromosphere

5. Photosphere

6. Prominences

8. Sunspots

The temperature of the Sun outside can reach from 6000 to 8000 degrees C?, and inside the star can sometimes reach up to 15,000,000 C?! The Sun warms our Solar System, but its power is not enough to heat all the planets; for example, Mars does not have enough heat for the emergence of life. But scientists are trying to find this life! Does our Sun have time left to live? 4.5-5 billion years. Scientists have put forward these figures based on the glow of the sun. Let me explain: if a star glows bright white (not white dwarfs), then this star is still young and will glow for many billions of years. If a star glows bright or plain orange, then that star is as old as ours. If a star glows red, then that star does not have enough fuel to continue living and it inflates to become a red giant. If our Sun were a red giant, it would absorb everything in its path to Jupiter or Saturn. Fortunately, our Sun is not that big. But when a star grows to a red giant, it's not the end! When a star finally runs out of fuel, it begins to turn from a red giant into a small ball. The star is collapsing! The core of this star attracts the entire star to the center i.e. into yourself. And in a second the star explodes! Such an explosion is called a “Supernova Explosion” or simply “Supernova”. This explosion destroys all the planets of the Solar System. Only the core of the White Dwarf star remains. But this is not the end of the star! If the White Dwarf finds another star, it can become a normal star again. And if not, then it explodes and this time there is nothing left of the star.

Genesis Project (from corporate correspondence)
General Manager Jehovah
from the head of the marketing department Gabriel

Research conducted by our department as part of the Genesis project has shown that the best prospects on the market are for systems with the following configuration:

Planet: 1 pc.
Radius: 3000 km
Gravity: 0.5g
Land/water ratio: 1:1
Temperature: +24
Atmosphere: oxygen
Seas: fresh water
Rivers: milk, honey
Fauna: herbivore
Peripherals: luminaries 2 pcs. (day/night)
speed: 0.0007 RPM (1 rpm)

“Send to the strategic planning department for preparation of technical specifications.
- Jehovah”

General Manager Jehovah
from the head of the strategic planning department Mikhail

In order to reduce the cost of the system, I propose to power both lights from one energy source, and replace oxygen with nitrogen.

“At least 50% oxygen must be left, otherwise the user will suffocate.
- beginning dept. testing and technical support Rafail”

“25% is enough
- Jehovah”

General Manager Jehovah

During the work on the Genesis project (the “Let there be light” stage), the following difficulties were identified: we do not have a compact source of uninterrupted luminescence with a distributor for two luminaries. I suggest using a standard “red dwarf” type source, and using a mirror as a night light.

“Better than a yellow dwarf.” The cost is not much more, but it looks much more impressive.
- beginning market department Gabriel"

“This is a server source. Why does a single planet user need it?
- Lucifer”

“What the user needs and what he doesn’t need will be explained to him by the marketing department.
- Gabriel”

“Lucifer, deal with issues of your competence. I confirm “yellow dwarf”.
- Jehovah”

“By the way, with the brightness that a yellow dwarf gives, you can put an ordinary planetoid instead of a mirror.
- Mikhail”

- Jehovah”

General Manager Jehovah
from the head of the systems engineering department of Lucifer

After making changes to the technical specifications, the following difficulties arose: the mass of the source of uninterrupted luminescence far exceeds the mass of the planet, as a result of which the source refuses to rotate around the planet. Instead, the planet orbits around the source. In addition, due to the power of the source, there is a steady increase in temperature above that specified in the technical specifications (by about 2 orders of magnitude). If you increase the distance to the source, the dimensions of the system will increase significantly.

“Dimensions are even prestigious, but the rotation of the planet around a peripheral device can give the user a feeling of inferiority. Maybe we can change the gravitational constant?
- Gabriel”

“If you change the gravitational constant, there will be compatibility problems.
- Mikhail”

“What difference does it make to the user what revolves around what? Let the marketing department come up with some theory of relativity.
- Jehovah”

General Manager Jehovah
from the head of the systems engineering department of Lucifer

After increasing the radius of the orbit, attempts to accelerate the planet to the speed specified in the technical specifications lead to the collapse of the system (the planet flies into space). By the way, it’s the same story with the night luminary.

“It doesn’t matter what happens in the system - what matters is what the user sees. Why not make the planet rotate on its axis? Then it will seem to the user that the sun and moon are revolving around her with the frequency specified in the technical specification.
- Gabriel”

“Won’t the user figure us out?
- Jehovah”

“If he does figure it out, the project will have been completed long ago by then.
- Gabriel”

- Jehovah”

General Manager Jehovah

Initial testing of the system revealed the following defects:
1) Steady overheating is observed
2) The axis of rotation deviated by 33 degrees. From the vertical, resulting in cyclical temperature anomalies
3) The river capacity does not correspond to the design
4) There is no herbivorous fauna
5) The orbit is unstable, the planet tends to fall towards the sun

General Manager Jehovah
from the head of the systems engineering department of Lucifer

1) What did you want with this land/water ratio? For optimal cooling you need somewhere between 1:3 - 1:4.
2) We are working on it
3) Because milk turns sour and honey becomes sugared
4) Herbivorous fauna needs grass, but it does not grow in such heat and without water. I propose to put water in the rivers, this will also help solve problem 3.
5) As a gravitational counterweight, we will launch another planet into outer orbit.

“There is nowhere to shrink the land, which means we will have to increase the area of ​​the seas. And this is an increase in volume and gravity. And an extra planet...
- Mikhail”

“Nothing, the user will endure it. We'll design the extra planet as a feature. But we have already announced milk and honey. At least in the most noticeable rivers it should be left.
- Gabriel”

“I remind you that deadlines are running out, and you haven’t got a horse yet. By the way, the designers still haven’t presented a design for a horse, everyone is fiddling with dinosaurs. Who needs these dinosaurs?
- Jehovah”

“Actually, the user loves dinosaurs.
- Gabriel”

“Okay, but there should also be a horse.
- Jehovah”

General Manager Jehovah
from the head of the testing and technical support department Rafail

1) In addition to unresolved problems with the axis, the planet now has a tendency to fly into space.
2) There is no herbivorous fauna again.

General Manager Jehovah
from the head of the systems engineering department of Lucifer

1) Let's make another counterweight, now in the inner orbit.
2) And the fauna multiplied, ate all the grass and died

“How many total counterweights do you need?
- Mikhail”

“In general, after calibration work, we managed to stabilize the system at nine.
- Lucifer”

“Did I understand correctly? Instead of one planet, the user will receive 9?!
- Jehovah”

"So what? 8 of them are still uninhabitable.
- Lucifer”

“What about the size of the system?
- Jehovah”

“And the user doesn’t even need to know them. Half of these planets cannot be seen without a telescope. I propose to supplement the User Guide with the 11th commandment: “Do not invent the telescope”
- Gabriel”

"No need. Then they will definitely invent it.
- Jehovah”

“By the way, after increasing the orbital radius, the brightness of the night star fell below the design minimum. I suggest installing a mirror instead.
- Raphael”

“Where were you before? We have just balanced the system! Do you want to reconfigure everything again?!
- Lucifer”

“No more! There are six days left until the project is due. Lucifer, either you make this work, or I'll demote you!
- Jehovah”

General Manager Jehovah
from the head of the systems engineering department of Lucifer

Is it my fault that they didn’t immediately give me a normal technical specification?
In general, yes. The axis tilt will have to be left as is. At least in the Garden of Eden there will be +24, and if the user goes somewhere else, that’s his problem. We don't have time to finish the dinosaurs, but we will make the horses. Nothing came of it with milk and honey, they sent water down the rivers, but it carries salt into the sea. To prevent herbivores from gobbling up all the resources, we released a patch in the form of predators, but we no longer have time to install a program for them to distinguish the user from the prey. Well, in general, it will work somehow.

"And this is good
- Jehovah”

“To Director General Jehovah
from the responsible receiver Adam.
We are satisfied. But:
1. The sun sets too quickly. It doesn't happen that way. What is physics do you actually know? I know, because... read the textbook.
2. The temperature corresponds to the design temperature. But only during daylight hours and only in some areas. In other areas the temperature drops to 15 degrees. And I checked this without going far to the north of Eden! That doesn't happen either.
3. Your fauna is ugly. I would advise the fauna designer to be fired. Better yet, force them to live here. WITH THIS fauna. And the external effects designer should be promoted and treated kindly. Comets and meteors, as well as eruptions and changes in lighting mode - what you need. And the sea!! High class rendering.
4. Why are there no different religions? One is not enough. Are we supposed to suffer through bullshit ourselves?
5. The planet's gravity check failed. Threw a stone. He fell and crushed my leg. And this is 0.5g? At 0.5g it was supposed to hang above me for half an hour at an altitude of about three hundred meters. Trust the specialist who read it.
6. The air is good. It smells. Effects manager... oh yeah, I already said that. So here it is. I think I'm breathing too much. What about our oxygen content?
7. No names assigned. The design manager should be sent to feed the fauna for two years.
8. Are predators herbivores who eat too much grass? Or something else? Yesterday I spent half a day running from some tusked cow without an udder, but with black and yellow stripes. We didn't agree on this! Why doesn't she eat grass?
9. Some kind of burning garbage roared yesterday across that glass dome with light bulbs that you made instead of the sky. I thought my head would explode from the sound. Effects Manager for President! Design manager - in Hades. For a couple of thousand years. I think something fell off at the top.
Summary: The project is clearly not completed. Head of the testing and technical support department - please appear with us for a detailed discussion of the testing methodology. Our tests show something different!
Ensure that the project is completed to planned parameters. If this is not done, we will pray to other gods. This is not a threat, this is a warning. ”

A new version of the appearance of the solar system

Order of the planets

Not so long ago, such a statement would have caused a storm of indignation among any self-respecting astrophysicist and, most likely, it all ended with the usual listing of several options for the origin of our Solar System. However, today a number of researchers not only do not reject this version, but already consider it the main one. What is the reason? Let's try to figure it out.

It all started with observations from a NASA space observatory called Kepler. The satellite was launched in 2009, and in 2013 it failed due to loss of orientation in space. The observatory was equipped with an incredibly sensitive photometer and was specifically designed to search for exoplanets, that is, planets outside our solar system, like Earth. The craft's ability to observe more than 100,000 stars simultaneously quickly enabled scientists to gain incredible data about other solar systems.

At the beginning of 2010, the observatory discovered the planetary system Kepler-33. The star itself, Kepler-33, located in the constellation Cygnus, was larger in size than our Sun, and the planets orbiting it were very close to the parent star. But the main questions among scientists were raised not even by these factors, but by the fact that almost all 5 planets were located according to a strict ranking, that is, the sizes of the planets decreased with distance from the star. Researchers initially attributed this observation to an exception to the rule, since in our native solar system the planets are located chaotically and this was considered the norm, but further work of the observatory categorically changed the opinion of many of them.

The fact is that as we studied another 146 star systems, information about which Kepler provided, it turned out that in each of them the planets rotate around the star in the same order as in the Kepler-33 system. That is, according to these observations, the solar system with planet Earth is an exception to the rule rather than a standard. Indeed, in our solar system there are small planets closer to the Sun, such as Mercury, Venus and Earth, and the largest Jupiter and Saturn are located in the middle. Such facts themselves prompted many scientists to think about the artificial origin of the solar system.

Planets and Moon are oriented towards Earth

As researchers studied the solar system, they made a number of rather strange conclusions. Despite the fact that all the planets rotate around the Sun, it turned out that they are all specially tuned to the Earth. Thus, Mercury moves very synchronously with the Earth and once every 116 times it stands on the same straight line with the Earth and the Sun, and at the same time, interestingly, it always turns out to be turned to the Earth by the same side.

Venus behaves in a similar way - once every 584 days it approaches the Earth at the closest possible distance, but again, it is always located on the same side to our planet. Not to mention the fact that this planet rotates counterclockwise, unlike others - an explanation for this phenomenon has not yet been found.

The planets of our Solar System are capable of rotating in different planes, unlike other planetary systems that Kepler discovered, where exoplanets fly in almost the same plane and the angle of inclination of their orbits to this plane does not exceed one degree. After all, if we assume that some alien Kepler will observe our Sun and track our planets by their transits, he will miss many - primarily Mercury and Venus.

It is worth mentioning about the only natural satellite of the Earth, whose name is the Moon. The Earth's satellite is strikingly different from the satellites of other planets in the solar system. The vast majority of satellites are very small in size compared to the mother planet. The Moon is only 6 times smaller in diameter than the Earth. It also turned out that from the surface of the Earth the apparent diameter of the Moon coincides with the apparent diameter of the Sun. And the laws of mechanics governing the interaction of the Earth and the Moon are so precisely adjusted that, despite the fact that the Moon rotates around its axis, it always faces the Earth with the same side, that is, the rotation of the Moon around the Earth and around its own axis is synchronized. Is it possible that synchronization of this level was formed as a result of natural processes?

Jupiter and Saturn are the protectors of the Earth

When Australian astronomer Anthony Wesley, who has devoted his life to studying Jupiter, discovered in July 2009 that an Earth-sized object had crashed into the planet, it caused an incredible stir among scientists. Astronomers watched with fear as a strange black spot spread near the south pole of Jupiter. Then they assumed that it was a huge comet or an asteroid. If something similar happened on Earth, hundreds of millions of people would die.

This is far from the only case when Jupiter gets in the way of comets. A similar phenomenon was observed in 1994, when fragments of comet Shumeikor-Levy crashed into the giant’s atmosphere at a speed of 64 km/s, causing incredibly powerful disturbances in the cloud cover. Nathan Kaib, an astronomer from the University of Washington, said on this occasion that the Earth is protected from collisions with comets and asteroids by the gravitational fields of the gas giant planets Saturn and Jupiter, and for hundreds of millions of years they act as powerful shields, preventing dangerous substances from reaching our planet. space objects.

According to data provided by scientists to the Daily Telegraph newspaper, powerful gravitational fields are located precisely along the majority path of most large comets that emerge from the so-called Oort Cloud. It turns out that without the protection of these two giants, the Earth would have become the target of constant bombardment, but at the moment the earthlings are under protection. Is it possible that such a defense is just a factor of coincidence?

Question or statement

So, the solar system was created artificially - is this a question or a statement? Of course, at this stage and most likely for thousands of years, this topic will remain a question. Because human knowledge is always based on an already proposed stock of scientific discoveries and, often, scientists who, in their opinion, have an unshakable and indestructible base, in fact turn out to be the real conservatives of science.

But let's look at the question from the other side. Throughout the history of humankind, there have been and still are millions of people on Earth for whom the artificial origin of our solar system is not a question. These are believers. Since ancient times, man believed that he and the world in which he lives and finds himself was created. The image of God often looks different, depending on the religious orientation of the population of a particular part of our planet, but it is everywhere. The very existence of this image already suggests that in human consciousness and understanding from the day of its emergence there is a certain unshakable truth that underlies behavior and morality, that is, what all intellectual and scientific activity of man is based on.

This is a system of planets, in the center of which there is a bright star, a source of energy, heat and light - the Sun.
According to one theory, the Sun was formed along with the Solar System about 4.5 billion years ago as a result of the explosion of one or more supernovae. Initially, the Solar System was a cloud of gas and dust particles, which, in motion and under the influence of their mass, formed a disk in which a new star, the Sun, and our entire Solar System arose.

At the center of the solar system is the Sun, around which nine large planets revolve in orbit. Since the Sun is displaced from the center of planetary orbits, during the cycle of revolution around the Sun the planets either approach or move away in their orbits.

Terrestrial planets: And . These planets are small in size with a rocky surface and are closest to the Sun.

Giant planets: And . These are large planets, consisting mainly of gas and characterized by the presence of rings consisting of icy dust and many rocky chunks.

And here does not fall into any group, because, despite its location in the solar system, it is located too far from the Sun and has a very small diameter, only 2320 km, which is half the diameter of Mercury.

Planets of the Solar System

Let's begin a fascinating acquaintance with the planets of the Solar System in order of their location from the Sun, and also consider their main satellites and some other space objects (comets, asteroids, meteorites) in the gigantic expanses of our planetary system.

Rings and moons of Jupiter: Europa, Io, Ganymede, Callisto and others...
The planet Jupiter is surrounded by a whole family of 16 satellites, and each of them has its own unique features...

Rings and moons of Saturn: Titan, Enceladus and others...
Not only the planet Saturn has characteristic rings, but also other giant planets. Around Saturn, the rings are especially clearly visible, because they consist of billions of small particles that revolve around the planet, in addition to several rings, Saturn has 18 satellites, one of which is Titan, its diameter is 5000 km, which makes it the largest satellite in the solar system...

Rings and moons of Uranus: Titania, Oberon and others...
The planet Uranus has 17 satellites and, like other giant planets, there are thin rings surrounding the planet that have practically no ability to reflect light, so they were discovered not so long ago in 1977, completely by accident...

Rings and moons of Neptune: Triton, Nereid and others...
Initially, before the exploration of Neptune by the Voyager 2 spacecraft, two satellites of the planet were known - Triton and Nerida. An interesting fact is that the Triton satellite has a reverse direction of orbital motion; strange volcanoes were also discovered on the satellite that erupted nitrogen gas like geysers, spreading a dark-colored mass (from liquid to vapor) many kilometers into the atmosphere. During its mission, Voyager 2 discovered six more moons of the planet Neptune...

Or Experiment on Planet Earth

"21. I ask you to reconsider your ideas about the history of mankind and convey them to ordinary people, explaining to them that the Planet has always been connected with the Great Cosmos, and the Solar system created by Me met the requirements of the purity of the Great Experiment of Heaven and contributed to the development of unique (Divine) possibilities for creating Space in people ! All the negativity accumulated on the Planet is the result of UNBELIEF, Spiritual fornication and Spiritual ignorance, and only the people themselves are to blame for this, completely misguided by someone about their origin!”
(“Past and Future”, Message dated 01/12/14)

The question of how the Earth came into being has occupied the minds of people for more than one millennium. The answer to it has always depended on the level of knowledge of mankind. Initially, there were “naive” legends about the creation of the world by some divine force. Then the Earth, in the works of scientists, acquired the outline of a ball, which was the center Universe. In the 16th century, the teaching of N. Copernicus appeared, which placed the Earth in a series of planets revolving around the Sun. This was the first step in a truly scientific solution to the question of the origin of the Earth. Currently, there are several hypotheses, each of which describes the periods of formation in its own way. Universe and the position of the Earth in Solar system.

The science

At the end of the 18th century, the first serious attempt to create a picture of the origin solar system from a scientific point of view there was the Kant-Laplace hypothesis. It is associated with the names of the French mathematician Pierre Laplace and the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. They believed that the ancestor solar system is a hot gas-dust nebula slowly rotating around a dense core at the center

Under the influence of the forces of mutual attraction, the nebula began to flatten at the poles and turn into a huge disk. Its density was not uniform, so separation into separate gas rings occurred in the disk. Subsequently, each ring began to thicken and turn into a single gas clump rotating around its axis. Subsequently, the clumps cooled and turned into planets, and the rings around them into satellites.

The main part of the nebula remained in the center, still did not cool down and became the Sun. Already in the 19th century, the insufficiency of this hypothesis was discovered, since it could not always explain new data in science.

Among Soviet scientists, the most popular was the cosmogonic theory of O.Yu. Schmidt, known as the theory of the “cold” formation of the Earth and other planets solar system from the gas and dust cloud surrounding the Sun.

This process can be roughly divided into two stages: first, “intermediate” bodies hundreds of kilometers in size were formed from the dust component of the cloud. How did this happen? Schmidt believed that in a rotating gas-dust cloud, dust under the influence of gravity fell to the central plane - a dust disk was formed. Then the density in the dust layer reached critical sizes, and as a result of gravitational instability, this disk disintegrated into many dust concentrations. The condensations collided with each other, united and compressed - as a result, compact bodies of asteroid sizes were formed. This was the first stage.

At the second stage, planets were formed from a swarm of “intermediate” bodies and from debris. At first they moved in circular orbits in the plane of the dust layer that gave birth to them. They grew, merging with each other. The planets were originally cold. They were heated later as a result of compression, as well as the arrival of solar energy.

The heating of the Earth was accompanied by massive outpourings of lava onto the surface as a result of volcanic activity. Thanks to this outpouring, the first covers of the Earth were formed. Gases were released from the lavas. They formed a primary atmosphere in which there was no oxygen yet. More than half the volume of the primary atmosphere consisted of water vapor, and its temperature exceeded 100°C. With further gradual cooling of the atmosphere, condensation of water vapor occurred, which led to rainfall and the formation of the primary ocean. This happened about 4.5 - 5 billion years ago. Later, the formation of land began, which is thickened, relatively light parts of lithospheric plates rising above ocean level.

The gravitational interaction of the “intermediate” bodies intensified as they grew and gradually changed their orbits. When many bodies were united into planets, the individual properties of the motion of individual bodies were averaged, and therefore the orbits of the planets turned out to be almost circular. The largest planets - Jupiter and Saturn - at the main stage of accumulation absorbed not only solid bodies, but also gases. One of the main arguments in favor of this hypothesis is the deficiency on Earth, Venus and Mars of heavy inert gases: neon, argon, krypton and xenon compared to their solar and cosmic abundance.

Not everyone agreed with the evolutionary scenario for the origin of planets around the Sun. Back in the 18th century, the French naturalist Georges Buffon made an assumption, supported and developed by the American physicists Chamberlain and Multon. The essence of these assumptions is this: once upon a time another star flashed in the vicinity of the Sun. Its gravity caused a huge tidal wave on the Sun, stretching in space for hundreds of millions of kilometers. Having broken away, this wave began to swirl around the Sun and disintegrate into clumps, each of which formed its own planet.

The English astrophysicist Fred Hoyle proposed his own hypothesis. According to it, the Sun had a twin star that exploded. Most of the fragments were carried into outer space, a smaller part remained in the orbit of the Sun and formed planets.

All hypotheses interpret the origin differently solar system and family ties between the Earth and the Sun, but they are united in the fact that all the planets originated from a single clump of matter, and then the fate of each of them was decided in its own way. The Earth had to travel 5 billion years and experience a number of fantastic transformations before we saw it in its modern form. However, it should be noted that a scientific hypothesis that does not have serious shortcomings and answers all questions about the origin of the Earth and other planets solar system, not yet.

The currently most popular version of the origin of the solar system is that, like most galaxies, planets and stars, it was formed after the Big Bang that occurred 15 billion years ago. The huge amount of matter that escaped gradually cooled, and cosmic bodies were formed, including our galaxy. It is not known for certain as a result of what processes, but about 5 billion years ago, clots of matter from dust and gas, as a result of the force of gravity, began to compress and spin around each other. At the center of this action the Sun was formed. But inside the vortex, other parts began to unite, forming “seals”, which later became planets.

However, the version of the origin of our solar system and planet Earth as a result of the Big Bang turns out to be untenable when it comes to explaining the facts that are currently obvious.

"25. If I tell you when and under what conditions the MATERIALIZATION of you and your Planet took place, then your entire theory of the Big Bang will not only fall apart, but will also turn out to be an empty attempt by material man to explain the Divine origin of life not only on Earth, but also in Universe!»
(“The Mystery of the Origin of Life”, Dictation dated 10/09/10).

Scientific research shows that a change in the distance of the Earth from the Sun by just 2 percent will make life on our planet impossible. The period of rotation of the Earth around its axis can change by just a few percent without harming life on the planet. The Earth's orbit is almost circular, which is important for maintaining a constant climate, unlike other planets that have elliptical orbits. If the size and mass of the Earth were smaller, it would lose its atmosphere, like the Moon, for example, and if it were larger, then poisonous gases such as methane and ammonia would accumulate in the atmosphere. Without a unique atmosphere, there would also be no life on Earth. The same can be said about sea and fresh water, about such vital elements as carbon, oxygen, phosphorus, and much more. The Earth is prepared for life by many interconnected properties of the galaxy, stars, and planets.

Researchers have identified over 40 characteristics, without the combination of which life on Earth would be impossible.

There are also some mysteries and inconsistencies in scientists’ theories: for example, it is not entirely clear why Venus rotates in the opposite direction relative to other planets. In this regard, there are hypotheses that she collided with her companion and that he changed the direction of her movement, but there is no convincing evidence of this.

As a result of long observations of solar flares, astrophysicists and astronomers in recent years have had more and more reasons to assert that the structure of the solar system is anomalous, and hence the version that it was created artificially.

“Currently, 168 planets have been discovered in the star systems closest to us,” says the head of the laboratory of the Department of Planetary Physics of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Leonid Ksanfomality, “planetary systems there are built according to the principle - the largest planet is located closest to to your sun. There is a clear pattern: the smaller the planet, the farther it is from its star. In our country, small Mercury “spins” near the Sun. And the orbits of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn pass far from the star. Of course, there are scientific models that justify this anomalous arrangement. But in practice, using telescopes, astronomers have not discovered similar systems.”

Perhaps systems similar to ours exist; we have studied only a negligible piece of the “sky,” suggests Dr. L. Xanfomality. “But still, the formation of Jupiter in its current orbit is an extremely unlikely phenomenon.”

Six mysteries of the solar system that astronomers cannot explain:

First riddle. In the planetary systems of other stars, the largest planet is closest to its sun. We have the smallest one near the Sun - Mercury.

The location of the planets in our system: Sun - Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - asteroid belt - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune - Pluto.

In all star systems known to us, our planets would line up like this: Sun - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune - asteroid belt - Earth - Mars - Venus - Mercury.

With this arrangement of the planets, life on Earth would be impossible due to very low temperatures due to the great distance from the Sun.

Second mystery. The sizes of the Sun and the Moon were “chosen” by someone in such a way that when viewed from the Earth, during total solar eclipses, the disk of the Moon perfectly evenly covers the disk of the Sun - their sizes appear to be the same. If the sizes of the night (Moon) and day (Sun) luminaries or the distance from the Earth to the Sun and from the Earth to the Moon were slightly different, then such an effect would not exist.

The third mystery. The distance from the Sun to any planet can be calculated using the same formula. You just need to know the distance from the Earth to the Sun


Where Rn- distance from the Sun to the planet; n is the serial number of the planet.

The result is obtained in astronomical units (AU). The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 1 AU. (149.5 10 6 km).

According to these calculations, for example, for the planet Venus, the distance calculated using the formula is 0.7 AU, the real distance according to astronomers’ measurements is 0.72 AU. For Jupiter, these calculations are respectively 5.2 AU . and 5.2 AU. For Saturn - 10 AU. and 9.54 a.u.

Substituting the fifth serial number into the formula, we get the distance not to the fifth planet Jupiter, but to the center of the asteroid belt. According to one version, the planet Phaethon was once on the site of the asteroids. And the distance to Jupiter is obtained by substituting the number 6, to the sixth planet - Saturn - 7, etc.

The fourth riddle. All discovered exoplanets rotate around their star in an ellipse. In the solar system, the orbits of all the planets are almost a perfect circle.

Fifth riddle. The moon is a strange and mysterious satellite. The period of its rotation around the Earth is equal to the period of its rotation around its own axis (27.3 days). The influence of the Moon on life on Earth is well known: sea ebbs and flows, earthquakes, epidemics, etc. depend on the lunar phases. Therefore, it is quite natural that throughout the history of mankind, the Moon has given birth to all sorts of legends. The human imagination even populated it with intelligent beings. It would seem that the development of space technology has finally made it possible to answer many questions that have been exciting minds for many centuries. But no, the Earth’s satellite still remains a mystery.

Sixth riddle. "Sunny Square". The solar activity cycle lasts just over 11 years. In the cycle there is a maximum (max) - when the most flares and spots appear, and a minimum (min) - when there are few of them. The square of time from “max to min” (b) is exactly 2 times greater than the square of time from “min to max” (a): b 2 /a 2 = 2

All mysteries and problems in the description solar system and the processes occurring in it, which are not solvable from the point of view of materialistic science, are easily solved if we accept that everything was created with brilliant precision by only one single Author - Cosmic Mind, God, Father Absolute.

In all world religions there is the concept of creationism, according to which the emergence of life on Earth could not have occurred in a natural, objective, regular manner; life is a consequence of the Divine creative act. According to the concept of creationism, the process of Divine creation of the world is considered to have occurred once and, therefore, is inaccessible to observation. It is believed that this is enough to take the entire concept of Divine creation beyond the scope of scientific discussion. Science deals only with those phenomena that can be observed, and therefore it can never disprove or prove this concept.

But it is science that is called upon to reveal the secrets of the origin of life in our Universe. Now many scientists are inclined to think that solar system was created artificially, as we now know from the Epistles Creator, to conduct the Great Experiment on planet Earth.

"6. You must know that INFORMATION is exchanged among each other by the ENTIRE PERFECT SPACE, and only by people, and only solar system, which is a platform for the implementation of the Universal Program of Transformation Spaces, was excluded from the information exchange of the main Cosmos in order to give people the opportunity to INDEPENDENTLY go through the process of evolution (improvement) of their own Co-Knowledge to the level of PERFECTION of the Gods (to the level of Christ Consciousness), capable of opening to Everything Great Cosmos Solar System, as an example of Spiritual PERFECTION, as an example of the Great Evolution, in which the peace of the Eternal Movement IS the basis of the evolution of Everything GREAT SPACE!»
(“Parting words”, Message dated 01/02/14).

"5. Your unprepared, and therefore imperfect, Consciousness could not even imagine that solar system, located on the periphery Universe, was created so that nothing would prevent humanity from going through the difficult path of evolution of Co-Knowledge from the God-Man to the God-man, and that in the Solar system everything was done, or rather, CREATED by Me, so that no accident, including people’s fantasies, could stop the Great Experiment of the Gods!
(“Past and Future”, Message dated 01/12/14).

Created Creator Planet Earth has become the main testing ground for all of us. The ultimate goal of testing for all mankind was to achieve Love. Having learned to love, we could, like Creator, to generate the energy of creation that is necessary to maintain Harmonies of Eternity. The purpose of the endless chain of reincarnations was also for people to achieve higher vibration frequencies through the knowledge acquired bit by bit. Our monads, full of ardent desire to realize our plans Creator, were ready to undergo tests on this extraordinary planet, being embodied in ordinary biological objects. We were ready to test for ourselves whether we would be able to generate high vibrations and thereby increase the level of vibration of the planet, if we, who had temporarily “forgotten” about the ongoing experiment, were left to our own devices.

The task of earthly humanity was to develop independently and intuitively find a way to To the Creator, relying only on the program embedded in our subconscious. We needed, by raising the level of development of our Consciousness, to increase the level of vibration of our planet. If the experiment had ended in failure, then the same Apocalypse would have occurred, which John the Theologian, the Mayan priests, Nostradamus and others warned about. In case of a successful outcome, our planet, having an increased level of vibration, would fit perfectly into a new turn of the galactic spiral, passing independently through Quantum transition.

The task of earthly humanity was to
so that, developing independently, intuitively
find the way to the Creator, relying only on
a program embedded in our subconscious.

Unfortunately, all the power of the human mind, free from the search for the meaning of life and the essence of existence, was aimed at studying the physical world with the aim of creating material wealth. The question of why we live was put aside and completely forgotten. Man declared himself a supreme being and the sovereign master of the world. As a result, by the end of the 19th century, materialism was firmly entrenched in the world. Having declared matter to be the only reality, science has narrowed the world to the visible, reduced man to his physical body, and his needs to the search for a comfortable life and pleasures.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the energetic and vibrational level of the planet, which had been tested since the advent of spiritual humanity on Earth, was very low. The option according to which the end of the millennium was to become the end of all life on Earth was becoming more and more visible. It was planned to put an end to this failed experiment and transform the planet to organize another Divine School. But it would take another thousand years to prepare a new School. In the middle of the last century, testing showed the potential for a favorable outcome of the experiment. This gave me hope that all was not lost.

The Higher Divine Powers decided to preserve the genetic fund of humanity and, by giving the people of the Fifth Race the necessary Knowledge, to make us the basis of the emerging Sixth Race. In order to prevent the destruction of humanity, all Divine Forces were involved in the process of our salvation.

Since 2004, Knowledge began to be transmitted to people from the very Creator, Father of the Absolute. They are presented in ten volumes of books"Revelations to the People of the New Age" . Messages from the Almighty were recorded by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician L.I. Maslov. The preface to the Epistles states:

“To facilitate the existence of man in the Material World, to explain his tasks in this World and prepare him for a meeting with Me, I convey a modern interpretation of the structure of the World in which people are now, and the structure of the Spiritual World in which they will find themselves at the end of the earthly life path."

From then on, as the experiment unfolded, all the galaxies began to observe us. The reason for this attention is the speed at which we evolve. Everything happens incredibly quickly, no known form of life has even come close to what we do very naturally. Our spiritual growth is increasing.

Due to going in space Quantum transition New portals are opening, and streams of high-frequency energy are coming to Earth.

Time inexorably pushes us towards active action, and our passivity is now completely inappropriate. In times of change, only those who actively seek will definitely find their way of salvation.

Larisa CHETOSHNIKOVA, Doctor of Technical Sciences

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