The message is profanity. Ordinary folklore with a spicy kick of profanity

Date added: 2009-11-01

“You cannot joke with language, with human words, with speech with impunity; a person’s verbal speech is an invisible, tangible connection, a connecting link between body and spirit.”

Vladimir Dal

The Russian language differs from other languages ​​in its beauty, flexibility and diversity. No wonder they call him great and powerful. Unfortunately, a huge number of Russian-speaking adults and even children often insert swear words into their speech.

How many words are there in swear language? In general, somewhere around a hundred. The active vocabulary is mainly about 20-30. But replacements for these words are very actively used (damn, yo-moyo, edrena-matryona, Japanese mother, fir-trees-sticks, eksel-moksel, ruff your copper, yoklmn, etc.)

Today, profanity has penetrated into literature, cinema, and even the media. But few people know what the consequences of such verbiage are.

So what is swearing or, as people say, swearing?

Recently, the head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the Volgograd Agricultural Academy, Professor, Doctor of Philology A. Olyalin, conducted an entire scientific study devoted to profanity. “If we compare native vocabulary with a powerful water flow, then swearing is a kind of “discharge” of sewage, pollution of speech,” the scientist believes.

The researcher came to the conclusion that swear words originated from ancient spells. The professor believes that in ancient times, words that are considered obscene today served as curses and conspiracies. Swearing takes its roots in rituals of pagan origin and is of a ritual nature.

A person, uttering some of the words that we call obscene language, curses both himself and the people around him. There are also swear words - names of demons. Anyone who utters such a word automatically calls a demon on himself, his children, his family. These demons affect mood, health, finances, and relationships with other people.

That is why in ancient Russian manuscripts the use of swear words was considered as a behavioral feature of a person possessed by demons.

The famous psychophysiologist, member of the World Ecological Academy L. Kitaev-Smyk has been dealing with the problem of stress and swearing as its integral component for almost 40 years.

Swearing stimulates the production of male sex hormones - androgens, which are antagonists of the stress hormone. According to L. Kitaev-Smyk, a person resorts to swearing when he is not confident in his abilities, i.e. feels inferior. As studies have shown, regular use of obscene language may indicate hidden homosexuality (which a person may not even be aware of) or problems with potency. A normal, healthy person is far from such vocabulary. The use of swear words leads to hormonal disorders.

This is especially noticeable in women. Cosmetologists notice that clients who cannot live without a mat suffer more than others from increased hairiness of the extremities. The voice of such women becomes lower and lower over time. In other words, if a woman swears, a hormonal imbalance occurs in her body.

The scientific director of the Center for Environmental Survival and Safety G. Cheurin experimentally came to the conclusion about the pernicious influence of obscene speech on the human body. The results were presented in a 20-minute documentary film “How Our Word Will Respond...”

They are confirmed by recent studies by a group of Russian scientists who tested the influence of obscene language on water, which, according to G. Cheurin, has “memory.” Scientists swore at the liquid and then poured it on wheat seeds. As a result, seeds that were watered with “wiped” water sprouted in only 49 cases out of 100. Those that were watered with water over which prayers were said sprouted in 96 cases.

G. Cheurin also assures that men who abuse swearing will inevitably face impotence. “The abundance of swear words in everyday life is a serious symptom,” the scientist believes. – It turns out that society is in a state of chronic stress and is experiencing sexual problems. A work culture is being formed in Russia, but there is still no leisure culture, which is brilliantly developed in the West.

Our people, as before, relieve stress with alcohol after exhausting work, and it suppresses sexual energy. Naturally, subconsciously a person tries to enhance his sexuality with obscenities. As you can see, everything is interconnected..."

At the Institute of Quantum Genetics, Candidate of Biological Sciences P.P. Goryaev and Candidate of Technical Sciences G.T. Tertyshny conducted an interesting study several years ago. With the help of equipment developed by scientists, human words can be represented in the form of electromagnetic vibrations, which directly affect the properties and structure of DNA molecules responsible for human heredity.

If a person constantly uses swear words in his speech, his chromosomes begin to actively change their structure, and a “negative program” is developed in the DNA molecules. Gradually, these distortions become so significant that they modify the structure of DNA, and this is passed on to descendants. The accumulation of such negative qualities can be called a “self-destruction program.”

Scientists have recorded: a swear word causes a mutagenic effect similar to radiation exposure. A person who uses swear words is like receiving the same dose of radiation as at the epicenter of an atomic explosion. It has a particularly detrimental effect on the reproductive organs and sexual functions of both men and women.

This can ultimately lead to not only the inability to give birth to a healthy child, but even the inability to have intimate relationships.

The wave “ears” of DNA molecules directly absorb sound vibrations. At the same time, it doesn’t matter to them whether the interlocutor is a living person or a television character...

DNA molecules hear human speech. Their “ears” are specially adapted to perceive such acoustic vibrations. Moreover, the molecules of heredity also receive light information: a person may not reproduce aloud, but mentally read the text, but the content will still “reach” his genetic apparatus through electromagnetic channels.

But the most important thing is that DNA is not indifferent to the information it receives. Some messages heal them, others traumatize them. Words carrying the light of love awaken the reserve capabilities of the genome, and curses damage even those curses that ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Thus, foul language causes the greatest harm to itself and its offspring. According to many modern scientists, human genes “hear” thoughts and words, perceive them and record them in the genetic code, passing the mutation on to the next generation.

It is alarming that a significant proportion of Russians, according to surveys, use swear words in their speech (often – 13%, sometimes – 52%). 35% of citizens do not use it at all, i.e. a minority of the country's population.

Men use foul language more often than women. Old people swear less often than young people and middle-aged people. People with high incomes allow themselves to “express themselves” more often than Russians with average income. In large cities, swearing is heard less frequently than in rural areas.

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Than from social status and age.

The widespread belief that teenagers swear many times more than mature people fails on Russian roads, in auto repair shops and undignified drinking establishments. Here people do not restrain impulses that come from the heart, splashing out a wave of their negativity on their interlocutor and those around them. In most cases, the use of swearing is due to a lack of vocabulary or the fact that a person is not able to express his words and thoughts in a more cultural form.

From the point of view of esotericism and religion, a scolding person decomposes himself from the inside and has a bad influence on the surrounding space, releasing negative energy. It is believed that these people get sick more often than those who keep their tongues clean.

Obscene language can be heard in completely different layers. Often in the media you can find reports about yet another scandal involving famous politicians or movie and show business stars who publicly used profanity. The paradox is that even those who use swear words to connect words in a sentence condemn this behavior of celebrities and consider it unacceptable.

The attitude of the law towards the use of profanity

The Code of Administrative Offenses clearly regulates the use of swear words and expressions in a public place. A violator of peace and order must pay a fine, and in some cases, a foul speaker may be subject to administrative arrest. However, in Russia and most CIS countries, this law is observed only when swear words were used by a law enforcement officer.
People use foul language regardless of profession, income and level of education. However, for many, the presence of elderly people, young children and work that requires polite communication with people is a deterrent.

Resourceful people found a way out of the situation a couple of decades ago: along with swearing, a surrogate appeared in oral speech. The words “damn”, “star”, “to get out” do not seem to be obscenities in the literal sense of the word and cannot fall under the corresponding article by definition, but they carry the same meaning and the same negative as their predecessors, and such words are constantly being replenished.

On forums and in news discussions, the use of strong words is usually prohibited, but surrogates successfully bypassed this barrier. Thanks to the emergence of an obscene surrogate, parents no longer hesitate to use it in the presence of children, harming the cultural development of their child, introducing the immature to the use of swear words.

Taboo vocabulary includes certain layers of vocabulary that are prohibited due to religious, mystical, political, moral and other reasons. What are the prerequisites for its occurrence?

Types of taboo vocabulary

Among the subtypes of taboo vocabulary, one can consider sacred taboos (on pronouncing the name of the creator in Judaism). The anathema to pronouncing the name of the intended game during a hunt belongs to a mystical taboo layer. It is for this reason that the bear is called “master” in baiting, and the word “bear” itself is derived from the phrase “in charge of honey.”

Obscene language


One of the most significant types of taboo vocabulary is obscene or obscene vocabulary, in common parlance – obscene language. From the history of the emergence of Russian obscene vocabulary, three main versions can be distinguished. Proponents of the first hypothesis argue that Russian swearing arose as a legacy of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Which in itself is controversial, given that most obscene roots go back to Proto-Slavic origins. According to the second version, abusive lexemes once had several lexical meanings, one of which over time replaced all the others and became attached to the word. The third theory states that swear words were once a significant component of occult rituals of the pre-Christian period.

Let's consider lexical metamorphoses using the example of the most iconic formulations. It is known that in ancient times “poherit” meant “crossing a cross.” Accordingly, the cross was called “dick”. The expression “fuck you all” was introduced into use by ardent supporters of paganism. Thus, they wished Christians to die on the cross by analogy with their own god. Needless to say, current users of the language use this word in a completely different context.

Swearing also played an important role in rites and rituals of pagan origin, usually associated with fertility. In addition, it should be noted that most conspiracies for death, illness, love spells, etc. abound in obscene lexemes.

It is known that many lexical units, now considered obscene, were not such until the 18th century. These were completely ordinary words that denoted parts (or features of the physiological structure) of the human body and more. Thus, the Proto-Slavic “jebti” originally meant “to hit, strike”, “huj” - “a needle of a coniferous tree, something sharp and prickly.” The word “pisda” was used to mean “urinary organ.” Let us remember that the verb “whore” once meant “to talk idle talk, to lie.” “Fornication” - “deviation from the established path”, as well as “illegal cohabitation”. Later both verbs merged into one.

It is believed that before the invasion of Napoleonic troops in 1812, swear words were not particularly in demand in society. However, as it turned out in the process, hazing was much more effective in the trenches. Since then, swearing has confidently taken root as the main form of communication among the troops. Over time, the officer stratum of society popularized obscene language to such an extent that it became urban slang.

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  • how swearing (taboo vocabulary) appeared in 2019
  • Taboo words and euphemisms (profanity) in 2019

Modern dictionaries and reference books explain the term “expletive language” as a category of language related to obscene language. Often a parallel is drawn, or even a complete synonymization of the concepts of “abusive language” and “obscene”. It is assumed that swear words include only obscene, obscenely vile, vulgar words and expressions. And abusive language itself is regarded as a spontaneous reaction to certain events or sensations.


According to the definition of swear words as part of obscene language, there is a certain thematic classification of swear words and expressions:
- emphasized negative characteristics of a person, including obscene definitions;
- names of taboo body parts;
- obscene names of sexual intercourse;
- names of physiological acts and the results of their administration.

Everything would be too simple and clear if not for one “but”. You don’t need to be a professional linguist not to trace the similarities in words and expressions: “abusive”, “self-assembly”, “battlefield”, “decoration”. Some linguists explain this similarity by its origin in the vocabulary of the predecessor of the Indo-European language. The lexical unit of the proto-language - “br”, could mean the common property of the tribe, food, and was the basis for the word formation of many terms from which the words “take”, “brushna”, as well as “bor”, “bee-keeper” were derived. It is assumed that the expression “abuse” could come from military spoils, and “battlefield” is a field of spoils. Hence the “self-assembled tablecloth” and, characteristically, “burden/pregnancy/pregnancy”, as well as agricultural terms - “harrow”, “furrow”.

Over time, words associated with the reproduction of offspring were grouped into the category of “swear words,” but they did not belong to obscenity vocabulary. Swear words were classified as taboo; only priests could use them and only in cases prescribed by custom, mainly in erotic rituals associated with agricultural magic. This guides the hypothesis about the origin of the word “mate” - agriculture - “swear words” - “mother - cheese”.

With the adoption of Christianity, the use of swear words was completely prohibited, but among the people, most words in this category were not positioned as offensive. Until the 18th century, modern swear words were used as an equal part of the Russian language.

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The list of swear words is not constant - some words go away or lose their negative connotation, such as the word “ud”, which is not perceived by contemporaries as anything other than the root of the word “fishing rod”, but in the 19th century was prohibited for use at the legislative level as a designation of male sexual organ.

The list of dirty words is quite wide. Surely you have had to catch the following constructions in your interlocutor’s speech: “in general”, “as if”, “this”, “well”, “so to speak”, “this is the same”, “what’s his name”. The word Ok (“okay”), which came from the English language, has recently become very widespread among young people.

Weedy words are an indicator of general and speech culture

Among the verbal garbage there is also something that is considered indecent in any cultural society. We are talking about profanity. Elements of obscene language, without a doubt, indicate an extremely low level of general culture. Swearing carries a very strong expressive charge. In some cases, socially acceptable substitutes for obscene words are used, for example, “Christmas trees.” It is better to refrain from even such seemingly harmless expressions, even if the situation encourages an emotional reaction.

If you notice signs of dirty words in your speech, try to take control of them. Awareness of a speech deficiency is the first step towards eliminating it. Constantly monitoring the quality of your speech will help you express your thoughts more accurately and become a pleasant conversationalist.

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Includes the attitude towards the use of invective , obscene, i.e. . profanity.

Origin of obscene vocabulary

Scientists believe that the origin of such vocabulary in the Russian language is associated with the cult of mother earth, the processes of conception and birth. Those. we can say that this vocabulary is quite ancient. It is noted that in Russian life during the period of adoption of Christianity, prayers for rain were possible both as prayers and as an appeal to God in emotive words. Let's look at this phenomenon from several perspectives:

1.Psychology. Psychologists believe that obscene language is necessary for a person to relieve stress. And not just any stress (if you hit your finger with a hammer!)

2.Religion. Any religion believes With foul language is a sin and a vice, which, however, does not prevent people who consider themselves believers from using foul language.

4.People, society. The attitude of society and people towards such words is different and diverse. Until 1917, a police officer could take a person to the police station for using foul language on the street. In literary texts such words were replaced by ellipses. In the famous book “Moscow-Petushki” by Venedikt Erofeev, one of the chapters consisted entirely of swear words. In the preface, Erofeev wrote that people who do not accept such vocabulary should not read this chapter, but by doing this he achieved only the opposite: they began to read precisely from this chapter, which subsequently led to the author removing this chapter altogether.

Anatoly Naiman recalled that Anna Andreevna Akhmatova loved to flaunt such words, saying:

“We are philologists, we can.”

I don't think it was every word. Boris Grebenshchikov said in one of his interviews:

“Profanity is associated with such a degree of anger that any use of it, even for humorous purposes or to decorate speech, risks losing some of your own energy. Sometimes I was guilty of this, but not in songs, songs are too powerful a weapon.”

How does one feel about obscene vocabulary?

I believe that this is everyone’s moral choice. Ask yourself:

“Do you want your children to swear, or do you like it when children swear?”

One hundred percent adults have a negative attitude towards this. But children do not understand the meaning of this vocabulary; they use it only when adults say so.

How to deal with this in children? – this question is asked quite often. Under no circumstances should children’s attention be drawn to these words by prohibition.

(the Forbidden fruit is sweet),

try to distract the child, redirect his attention.

One psychologist said that when his son brought such words from kindergarten, this psychologist had a whole conversation (there are bad words, you need to get rid of them, otherwise you will feel bad). They went to the river bank, and when the father said that they needed to shout these words in order to get rid of them, the son asked: “Why shout?”

So, you have a moral choice for yourself and for your environment. Choose!

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