Report to Border Patrol at this time. Border Guard Day

Border Guard Day.

On May 28, Russia celebrated Border Guard Day. One of the most revered military holidays, untouched by the political situation.

May 28, 1918 The Border Guard of the RSFSR was established by decree of the Council of People's Commissars (SNK). It was created then.

Officially, USSR Border Guard Day was established in 1958.

In modern Russia, Border Guard Day was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 1994 “in order to revive the historical traditions of Russia and its Border Troops.”

The Federal Border Service (FBS) of the Russian Federation was created by the Decree of the President of Russia of December 30, 1993, and was subordinated directly to the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. By decree of the President of Russia of March 11, 2003, the Border Service was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia.

Historical roots.

The history of the Russian Border Service goes back to the distant past. The fight against steppe nomads forced the Russian principalities to build heroic outposts, as well as border fortress-cities, on the approaches to their possessions.

In the second half of the 14th century, due to frequent Tatar raids on Russian territory, guard detachments (watchmen) and villages began to be deployed on the southern and southeastern outskirts of the Moscow principality, which sent mounted observers. Later, abatis and border fortified lines began to be erected.

In 1571, the “Code on Village Service” appeared, regulating the rights and responsibilities of the guards and the procedure for protecting borders. In 1574, a single commander was appointed over the guard and village service. With the growth of foreign trade, border customs houses were created in 1754. Border protection was carried out by dragoon regiments dispersed among outposts and customs civilian patrolmen.

In October 1782, by decree of Empress Catherine II, the institution of “customs chain and guards” was established to protect borders and implement border control. In 1827, the “Regulations on the structure of border customs guards” came into force, which was subordinated to the Department of Foreign Trade of the Russian Ministry of Finance.

In October 1893, the border guards were separated from the department of foreign trade into a separate corps of the border guards of the Ministry of Finance (OKPS). The main tasks of the OKPS were the fight against smuggling and illegal border crossing. With the outbreak of the First World War, most OKPS units came under the control of the military command and became part of the field armies. In 1918, OKPS was disbanded.

On March 30, 1918, the Main Directorate of Border Guard was created under the People's Commissariat of Finance of the RSFSR, which in 1919 was transferred to the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry. The border guard was responsible for combating smuggling and violations of the state border. On November 24, 1920, responsibility for protecting the border of the RSFSR was transferred to the Special Department of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK).

On September 27, 1922, border protection came under the jurisdiction of the United State Political Directorate (OGPU), and a separate border corps of OGPU troops was formed.

Since July 1934, the leadership of the border troops was carried out by the Main Directorate of Border and Internal Security of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) of the USSR, since 1937 - by the Main Directorate of Border and Internal Troops of the NKVD of the USSR, and since February 1939 - by the Main Directorate of Border Troops of the NKVD of the USSR.

In 1946, the border troops were transferred to the jurisdiction of the newly created Ministry of State Security of the USSR, and in 1953 - the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) of the USSR.

In 1957, the Main Directorate of Border Troops of the State Security Committee (KGB) of the USSR was formed.

Guardians of the borders of the new Russia.

In December 1991, after the reorganization of the KGB of the USSR, the Main Directorate of Border Troops was abolished and the Committee for the Protection of the State Border of the USSR was formed.

In October 1992, the border troops were included in the Ministry of Security.

On December 30, 1993, the Federal Border Service - the Main Command of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation (FBS - Glavkomat) was created as an independent federal executive body.

In December 1994, the FPS - Main Command was renamed the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation (FPS Russia); since 2003, the Border Service has been part of the FSB of Russia.

Border Patrol today.

Border Service of the FSB of Russia is a structural unit of the FSB of Russia, dealing with issues of organizing the activities of federal security service bodies in the implementation of protection and security: the state border of Russia; economic and other legitimate interests of Russia within the border territory, the Russian exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf, as well as the protection outside the exclusive economic zone of Russia of stocks of anadromous fish species formed in Russian rivers.

According to the First Deputy Director of the FSB - Head of the FSB Border Service, Army General Vladimir Pronichev, today one of the main tasks of the Border Service is the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, illegal migration and smuggling at the state border. If previously the border security system was focused on detaining border violators, now the main efforts are aimed at suppressing cross-border illegal activities at the border. Every year, more than 100 organized crime groups engaged in illegal activities at the border are identified and disrupted.

In 2009, more than 6 thousand border violators were detained, about 40 thousand violators of the border regime and regime at checkpoints. Goods and items transported across the border smuggled and in violation of customs rules were detained in an amount exceeding 900 million rubles. Border authorities inspected over 30 thousand vessels, detained more than 180, of which about 1 thousand tons of fishery products were seized.

Units and divisions of the Russian border service are armed with modern weapons, military, automotive and special equipment.

Conscripts are no longer recruited into border guard agencies. In 2008, the last conscript soldier was discharged. The border troops have been completely transferred to contract service, since special research by scientists and the situation on the ground have shown that professional service allows them to carry out the task of protecting the state border more efficiently and at lower economic costs.

In the future, the leadership of the border service plans to completely abandon the private and non-commissioned personnel of the contract service. The initial rank for service on the border will be warrant officer. For this purpose, corresponding courses are already being created at border universities.

In 2008, the Border Patrol celebrated its 90th anniversary. The commission for awarding public awards and memorial signs established the anniversary public medal “90 years of the Border Service.”

According to tradition, on Border Guard Day, all those who served in the border troops put on a uniform, always a green cap, and gather in parks. these are Sokolniki, Izmailovo, Gorky Park and Poklonnaya Gora.

On Border Guard Day, festive fireworks are displayed in hero cities and in cities where the departments of border districts and groups of border troops are located.

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A lot has been written about the border service, about the glorious deeds of our border guards. But perhaps not every one of those who pick up this book imagines with all accuracy what border service at sea is, how difficult it is to carry it - to carry it from month to month, daily, hourly, and how, with all its It is difficult and dangerous for fascination and romance.

Since ancient times, sailors have had an unwritten law - if there is a storm at sea, fasten the mooring lines tightly, otherwise there will be trouble. But maritime border guards have their own laws. It is in a storm, precisely in the most inclement weather, that their small, inconspicuous ships take to the formidable sea. Because it is during storms, rain and fog that all evil spirits try to crawl across the border. This means you need to be on your guard.

Anatoly Romov’s documentary story “An Incident at the Border” talks about everyday life and the affairs of border guard sailors, about completely ordinary, everyday affairs. But the fact of the matter is that on the sea border, as Lieutenant Martynov, on whose behalf the story is told, rightly notes, there cannot be “ordinary” affairs. Every detail, every event, no matter how ordinary and unimportant it may seem at first glance, can be of great importance, sometimes decisive, in service on the border.

Written vividly, fascinatingly, with insight into the lives and characters of sailors, into the essence of naval service, Anatoly Romov’s short story has another undoubted value - the author did not invent or create anything in it, this is a story about real, living people, about things that happened recently. I am confident that this book will be read with great interest and will bring considerable benefit to its reader.

Vice Admiral A.T. KARAVAEV


There is a service that is performed at any time of the year, at every hour of the day and under any circumstances. There are people who are always obliged to be on the alert, not to leave their post and to stand until the end, no matter what happens...

These people are called border guards, and the service is called the protection of the state borders of the USSR. This service is not easy, dangerous, responsible. This service is uncomfortable. Taking the machine guns, he leaves the outpost, leaving the border patrol into the night, fog, and snowstorm; Having alerted the crew, a small patrol boat sets off into the stormy sea. There is no higher and more important task than the task of the people performing this service, for this task is to protect the happiness and peace of our native land, to protect our work and peace.

This year, Soviet border guards are celebrating their forty-fifth anniversary. From the very beginning of their creation, our border troops served with honor and vigilantly guarded the state border; They reliably guard it even now. Border is locked tight.

Yes, it’s calm at the border. But this calmness does not come easily; it is the result of the hard work of many, many border workers. Precisely workers and precisely labor - harsh, requiring considerable knowledge, many skills, ability, strength, dexterity, and most importantly - iron will and selfless courage. All these qualities are brought up by a wonderful school of life - the border service.

Previously, I had the opportunity to serve on the sea border; Then, working as a journalist, I spent many weeks at border posts and in naval detachments. At the border, I saw that wonderful people, simple, brave, strong in soul, were serving here; truly the best of the best. Lieutenant Vladimir Martynov is one of them. I met him, got to know him well, spent many days with him at the border; together we went out to sea, plowed the sea “squares”. The materials and records remaining from these meetings, the events that occurred on the border, formed the basis of the documentary story “An Incident on the Border.” I decided to tell this story about the maritime border service in the first person.

Everything that Vladimir Martynov will tell you about happened in reality.


It all started like this...

I received uniforms from the warehouse. Black trousers, black boots, blue jacket, midshipman's jacket, white shirt, gloves. And shoulder straps. Two gold rectangles with a narrow black stripe in the middle, edged with green piping. They, these green edgings, were now decisively changing my whole life. Within a few minutes they turned me, known to my mother, comrades, and girls as simply Volodka, or Volodenka, or at best Volodya, into an officer of the USSR border troops, navigator of the naval border units, Lieutenant Vladimir Martynov. It turned out somehow surprisingly simple and at the same time very unexpected for a man who had lived on earth for twenty-one years.

I still don’t have a very clear idea of ​​what service in the border troops is. With this vague idea, with my Komsomol card, diploma and assignment to the unit carefully hidden in my inner pocket, and also, perhaps, with an overly ardent desire to quickly become my own person in this mysterious region of our land for me, which is called the state border, I am going to the Baltic . This happens in late autumn, in November 1961. I don’t yet know what trials await me, I don’t know that in a few months I will have to jump onto the deck of the intruder ship with a pistol in my hand and a red life jacket. No, I don’t know any of this yet. I can only, looking from the carriage window at the faded autumn landscapes and neat capes of the Baltic states, remember the past, and not all of it, but most importantly, what is firmly retained in my memory...

It's raining in Udelnaya

It's raining in Udelnaya. Typical of the Moscow region, smelling of wet earth, mold, wet sleepers and a little bit of the burning of fires that were burned in private plots before the rain. I stand at the stop and carefully look at the people stretched out in an uneven crowd along the edge of the platform. They are waiting for the train, and I must not lose sight of three people - an elderly man in a light raincoat and with a drawing roll under his arm, a girl with a cute upturned nose - for some reason she does not open an umbrella, but holds it in her hands, and an old woman with a purse, from which the loaves are sticking out. I need to notice which carriages these three will sit in, remember and even, if I don’t rely on memory, then describe their exact signs. The train should arrive any minute...

Autumn begins; I am in ninth grade and live near Moscow, in Udelnaya. I am sixteen years old. I weighed everything and decided: the road has been chosen - I will study to become a border guard. So I stand on the platform and train my memory to be observant.

Don't think it's a game to stand on the platform. It is very serious. So serious that no one knows about it - neither friends nor family.

Mom, for example, is convinced that I should go to Moscow State University, the Faculty of Geography. But I decided differently a long time ago...

In winter, border troops officer Vladimir Martynov, my father, died in the Far East. His ship, returning from a responsible mission, suffered an accident and sank. They managed to pick up the father and take him to shore, but they could not save him: he died in the hospital...

It’s hard to remember this, even harder to talk about it. But I will never forget this...

Not only my father, but also my grandfather, Kirill Martynov, was a border guard. So could I deviate from family tradition?

Before the matriculation exams, I sent documents to Leningrad, to the admissions committee of the naval border school. And soon I received a call for exams.

Mom didn't know about this. The border guards, friends of my father, at my request, “prepared” her for this news. But until the very last moment, before my departure for Leningrad, she hoped that I would enter Moscow State University.

And here I am at school. Years of study, practice on ships, training voyages around Europe...

And all this is already in the past. All this is only in memory. And I’m sitting at the carriage window, watching the Baltic forests float away, and I don’t want to remember anymore. I want to think about the future...

On May 28, 2013, the country celebrated the 95th anniversary of the Russian Border Troops. In honor of the holiday, we want to remember 7 interesting facts from the history of our border service.

The ball won't go through!

Soviet border guards successfully ensured not only the inviolability of the state border, but also the inaccessibility of football gates. After the completion of the Tehran conference, a football tournament was held for the Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Cup. The tournament was held on a round-robin basis; two Iranian teams, the English “Arsenal” and the team of the 131st Infantry Regiment of the NKVD Border Troops of the USSR took part in it. The border guards team and Arsenal reached the finals. The border guards won with a score of 1:0. The Soviet team took the Shah Cup home. Interestingly, the Armenian diaspora in Tehran helped provide border guards with uniforms.

Everyone to the temple!

On May 28, 1918, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the border guard of the Russian Federation was established, so today's border guards celebrate the holiday on this day. In pre-revolutionary Russia there was no official secular holiday for this type of military service and border guards celebrated the so-called temple holiday. For the border guards, the temple holiday was considered the day of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, December 4 in the new style. Until now, many churches hold a prayer service for border guards on this day. December 4 is considered the founding day of the Border Guard Corps.

Birds on the border

Until the 60s of the twentieth century, our border guards used carrier pigeons. It was a kind of “mobile communication”. At the outposts there were dovecotes with specially trained birds. When going out to guard the border, the border detachment always took two pigeons with them. In case of military necessity, one of the pigeons was sent with a report, the second was left for backup. In order to preserve “valuable footage,” pigeons were often repainted, disguising them as crows and other birds.

The writer's son guards the border

Among the first leaders of the Soviet border troops was Andrei Nikolaevich Leskov, the son of the great writer Nikolai Leskov. The son of the author of The Enchanted Wanderer devoted more than 30 years to the border service, was a colonel in the tsarist army and an excellent staff officer. At one time he even held the position of chief of staff of the Petrograd border district. In 1923, Andrei Leskov developed instructions for protecting the northwestern borders. While performing his official duties, Andrei Nikolaevich did not forget about family traditions: he is the author of a biography of his father.

Border guard legend

The most famous Russian border guard is deservedly Nikita Fedorovich Karatsupa. His combat experience commands legitimate respect. Karatsupa detained 338 border violators, participated in 130 armed battles with saboteurs, and personally destroyed 129 violators who did not want to surrender. During his service, the experienced border guard had five dogs. A stuffed Hindu, one of Karatsupa’s legendary dogs, is on display at the Border Troops Museum. The legendary border guard wrote the book “Notes of a Pathfinder” about the experience of his service. In 1965, Nikita Fedorovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and the outpost where Karatsupa served was named after him.

Radiation Limits

During the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, border guards were among the first who, in conditions of constant danger, did everything possible to prevent the consequences of the disaster. It was necessary to cut a route over about 200 km, install about 70,000 supports, stretch 4 million meters of barbed wire, install communication and signaling lines, and much more. The border troops allocated from their reserves and funds alarm equipment, special insulators, anthracene oil for impregnating wooden supports, barbed wire, as well as specialists for technical supervision of workers.

Shura Golubev. Young hero border guard

The border guards were the first to take the fight to the fascist forces. On the night of June 23, 1941, soldiers of the combined 92nd border detachment, together with units of the Red Army, drove the Nazis out of the border Przemysl and occupied the city for several days until the order to retreat was received. In those days, the twelve-year-old son of the assistant commandant of the Rava-Russian border detachment, Shura Golubev, showed courage; he brought shells and even destroyed several Nazis himself, taking a machine gun from a dead soldier. For his feat, the boy was awarded the Order of the Red Star. At the age of 16, in the summer of 1945, as part of the 55th border detachment Shura, Golubev fought with Japanese samurai, for which he was awarded the second Order of the Red Star.

Alexey Rudevich

TASS-DOSSIER /Valery Korneev/. On May 28, Border Guard Day is celebrated annually - a professional holiday for personnel and veterans of the Border Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia (PS FSB of Russia).

The head of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia is the First Deputy Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Army General Vladimir Kulishov (since March 2013).

History of the Border Troops

Specialized border troops appeared in Russia during the formation and strengthening of the Moscow Principality in the 14th-15th centuries. Since 1512, the protection of the borders of the Russian state was called the “border service”; in 1571, the “Boyarsky verdict on the village and guard service” was established - the first charter of the border guard. In the Russian Empire, these units were called customs, and since 1832 - border guards.

After the October Revolution of 1917, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on May 28, 1918, a border guard was created (since 1958, this date was celebrated in the USSR as Border Guard Day), and on February 1, 1918, it was renamed border troops. Until 1920, they were under the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs.

In 1920, the Soviet government, restoring the protection of the state border, assigned this task to the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK, later GPU and OGPU) and its Special Department. The formation of the structure of the troops and their leadership was completed by 1924-1926. Since August 1937, the protection of the state border of the USSR was entrusted to the Border Troops of the NKVD (from February 1946, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from October 1949, the MGB, from March 1953, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from March 28, 1957, the KGB under the Council of Ministers, from July 1978 KGB) USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. servicemen of the border troops took part in battles as part of the active army, navy and air force. More than 17 thousand border guards were awarded orders and medals, 158 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On December 3, 1991, by decree of USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev, border troops were withdrawn from the KGB and subordinated to the created Committee for the Protection of the State Border of the USSR.

On June 12, 1992, by decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, the border troops of the Russian Federation were formed on the basis of the border troops of the USSR.

In 1993, by decree of President Boris Yeltsin, the Federal Border Service (FBS) of Russia was created - the main command of the border troops. By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin of March 11, 2003, the FPS was abolished on July 1, 2003, its functions were transferred to the Federal Security Service (FSB), within which the Border Service was created.

Currently, employees of the 41st Directorate of the PS of the FSB of Russia control almost 61 thousand km of the Russian state border.

The Coast Guard of the FSB of Russia is armed with:

  • about 100 ships (patrol ships of projects 1135 "Burevestnik", 22460 "Rubin" and 22120 "Purga", patrol boats "Commander", "Uragan", etc.),
  • about 80 aircraft and helicopters (Il-76, An-26, An-72, Mi-8, etc.).

Ice-class patrol ships of Project 22100 "Ocean" are being built by order of the Russian FSB.

According to the interstate agreement of September 30, 1992, Russian border guards stationed on the territory of Armenia guard the border of this state with Turkey and Iran. In addition, the base of patrol ships of the Coast Guard PS of the FSB of Russia operates in the city of Ochamchira (Abzakhia).

Personnel training for the service is carried out by the Border Academy of the FSB of Russia in Moscow, the Moscow, Golitsyn, Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Khabarovsk border institutes of the FSB of Russia, as well as the Coast Guard Institute of the FSB of Russia in Anapa (Krasnodar Territory) and the First Border Cadet Corps of the FSB of Russia (St. Petersburg) ).

The borders of the Russian state were defended in the most difficult trials. According to V.O Klyuchevsky, “the fight against the steppe nomad... which lasted from the 7th century almost until the end of the 17th century is the most difficult memory of the Russian people...”. The defensive system was created under the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir (980-1015), fortress-cities were built along the rivers. The first known written mention of the border is “The Tale of Bygone Years,” which contains an order from Grand Duke Vladimir to establish border cities along the Sula, Trubezh, and Osetra rivers and recruit “the best men” from the Slavic tribes to “protect the Russian land” and organize border guards southern and southeastern borders of Rus' (988). They were populated with “the best men from the Slavs: Novgorodians, Krivichi, Chud and Vyatichi.” In the 30s of the 11th century. the same line was added from 13 cities along the Ros River, and in the second half of the 11th century. The incessant raids of the Polovtsians on the southern outskirts of Rus' forced the creation of a third line of 11 cities along the Dnieper.

The words of the chronicle have also reached us that the Moscow Grand Duke Vasily III “established his land with outposts” (1512). Activities for the direct protection of the border of the Russian state began to be called the border service.

Under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the Russian state expanded, its borders moved to the south and east. On January 1, 1571, Ivan the Terrible appointed the “most famous warrior of his time” M.I. Vorotynsky as head of the village and guard service, who distinguished himself in campaigns against the Swedes, Volga and Crimean Tatars, as well as during the capture of Kazan, being the governor of the Great Regiment. In February of the same year, under the leadership of Vorotynsky, it was developed and then approved by the tsar “Boyar verdict on stanitsa and guard service”. This document essentially became the first border charter, which determined the order of service for protecting the borders of the Moscow state. Another important historical document has also been preserved - Synodik of the Assumption Cathedral. It contains the names of deceased Russian warriors on the German, Lithuanian and southern borders. The Orthodox Church prayed for the “Christ-loving Russian army,” wishing them victory over the enemy.

The 18th century was a time of major territorial acquisitions by Russia, military successes, the formation of the Russian Empire, and administrative reforms. These acts are associated primarily with the names of Peter the Great, Catherine II and outstanding Russian commanders A.V. Suvorov and P.A. Rumyantsev. For example, Suvorov, being the commander of the Kuban Corps (from January 1778), traveled around the entire region, compiled a similar topographical description of it, built 10 fortresses and redoubts on the Kuban River, established a cordon and reconnaissance service, organized the defense of the Crimean Peninsula, introduced an alarm and warning system between coastal batteries and the young Black Sea Fleet. Strengthened the borders in Finland and on the Karelian Isthmus.

The guards of the border already in ancient times fought against smugglers - those transporting illegal goods across the border. Turkish scimitars and flintlock pistols, in particular, were popular. Border service under Peter I was carried out by ground units, settled troops (land militia) and Cossacks, and from 1782 to 1827, according to the Decree of Catherine II “On the Establishment of the Customs Chain” - by civilian border guards.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the Cossacks were engaged in reconnaissance, organizing the partisan movement behind enemy lines, and participated in the Battle of Borodino.

After 1812, the Russian economy developed at an accelerated pace, and trade with foreign countries expanded. At the same time, smuggling was also growing on the border. The civilian customs guards did not always cope with this flow. A turning point that radically changed the character of the border guard itself was the decision to transform it.

In 1823, E.F. Kankrin, who became Minister of Finance, introduced a new customs tariff, which sharply increased duties on imported foreign goods. Customs revenues increased from 30 to 81.5 million rubles.

On August 5, 1827, E. F. Kankrin submitted for approval to Emperor Nicholas I “Regulations on the structure of border customs guards.” The document noted that “the main changes in this situation consist in a firm military division of the guard, in the appointment of military commanders...”

By the end of the 19th century, the guard's tasks became more complex, which led to its separation from the customs department. The initiator of the reforms was the Minister of Finance S.Yu. Witte. By decree of Alexander III (October 15, 1893), the Separate Border Guard Corps (OKPS) was formed, the chief of which was Witte himself. The decree of October 15, 1893 identified among the main tasks of the border guard the fight against smuggling, as well as border protection. From 1893 to 1908, the commander of the Separate Border Guard Corps was artillery general A.D. Svinin.

OKPS troops included the Directorate, 7 districts, 31 brigades, Belomorsky and Kerch special departments, detachments and posts. The total strength of the corps is 36,709 people, of which 1,033 are generals, staff and chief officers.

In 1901, the Zaamur Border District was created on the basis of the Security Guard of the Chinese Eastern Railway. His task was to protect roads, stations, stages, crossings, and lumberjacks from bandit attacks. At the beginning of the war with Japan, the Trans-Amur people entered into battle with the enemy, fought in Port Arthur, near Liaoyang and Mukden.

In 1893, the Baltic Customs Cruiser Flotilla also became part of the OKPS. The Russian Orthodox Church played an important role in instilling moral principles among border guards. The staff of each brigade provided for the positions of priests.

With the outbreak of the First World War, border guards became part of the active army (except for two Central Asian brigades) and fought on various fronts. Many of them became Knights of St. George. After the February Revolution, when power in Petrograd passed to the Provisional Government, border guards were asked to “maintain complete calm.” Despite the revolutionary upheavals, the service continued. However, the situation on the border and in the building changed dramatically. Corps commander N.A. Pykhachev and chief of staff N.K. Kononov, many generals and officers were removed from their posts. The collapse of the corps began.

The formation of the Soviet border guard took place in difficult times. The old was destroyed, but the new was not created. There was no longer a Corps, but there were veterans who continued to serve. Their experience was necessary for the border guard of the Soviet state.

After the revolution, the functions of restoring order in the country were performed by the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC). He carried out work to strengthen Soviet power and ensure the security of the country, including the protection of its borders. By order of the Military Revolutionary Committee dated November 3 (16), 1917, and the Instruction to the commissioners of the Torneo station and other points of the European border of the RSFSR, approved by the Military Revolutionary Committee on November 12 (25), 1917, it was announced that the border was temporarily closed and that exit from and entry into the country was permitted only MRC signed by specially authorized persons.

The Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of May 26, 1918 established a border service, which was entrusted with the protection of the border interests of the RSFSR, and within the border strip, the protection of the person and property of citizens. The first leaders of the border service of the republic were V.R. Menzhinsky - People's Commissar of Finance, deputy chairman of the Cheka, and then deputy chairman of the OGPU; A.L. Pevnev - military head of the Main Directorate of Border Guard of the RSFSR; P. F. Fedotov - military commissar of the Main Directorate of Border Guards, member of the Military Council of the Border Guards of the RSFSR.

Pevnev's biography is an interesting version of the development of human destiny. The Kuban Cossack, who since 1892 connected his life with military service, graduated from the Academy of the General Staff in 1900. A participant in the Russian-Japanese and First World Wars, he met 1917 with the rank of major general. Was awarded by many Russian orders. Entered service in the Red Army in October 1917.

The civil war and foreign military intervention somewhat slowed down, but did not stop, the search for the most suitable form of organizing the border service and creating border troops in new historical and socio-political conditions.

Among the first leaders of the border guard was Andrei Nikolaevich Leskov, the son of the famous Russian writer Leskov. He devoted over 30 years to the Russian border guard service. Colonel of the tsarist army, an excellent staff officer, made a great contribution to the training of command personnel for the border troops. In 1923, he developed the Instructions for the protection of the northwestern borders, temporarily holding the position of chief of staff of the Petrograd border district during this period.

On September 6, 1918, border uniforms were introduced, in particular, caps and hats with a green top. The end of the civil war and the conclusion of agreements with neighboring states on the establishment of diplomatic relations and cooperation opened up the opportunity for the Soviet government to more intensively and purposefully resolve issues of organizing the border service along the entire perimeter of the state border of the Republic.

The issue of training command staff for the OGPU troops became acute. In 1923, the Higher Border School was opened. During these years, the border checkpoint service was formed.

Just one example. In December 1935, a Japanese diplomat tried to smuggle two female spies abroad through the Negoreloe checkpoint in two suitcases.

During the formation years of the checkpoint service, there were measures for its material incentives: “All 100 percent of the amount proceeds from the sale of contraband detained directly by the border guards of the GPU (troops and bodies), with the exception of payments for direct and indirect detainees, is transferred to the GPU to improve the clothing and food supply of the border guards GPU and to improve the fight against smuggling.”

One of the most important tasks of the Soviet Republic in strengthening its borders and protecting them was the organization of maritime border guards, which was completed by the end of 1923.

Captain 1st Rank M.V. Ivanov became the organizer of the maritime border guard. Under his leadership, the Finnish-Ladoga Flotilla was formed on the Baltic, Lake Peipus and Pskov Lakes, marking the beginning of the revival of the naval forces of the border troops.

With the end of the civil war, when external fronts were eliminated, the border troops concentrated their efforts on fighting spies sent into our country by foreign intelligence services. Over three years (1922-1925), 2,742 violators were detained only in the area of ​​five border detachments of the western border, of which 675 turned out to be agents of foreign intelligence services.

In 1929, there was a conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway, which broke out on July 10 and ended with the defeat of a group of Chinese troops by mid-December of the same year. Border guards, together with the troops of the Special Far Eastern Army and the sailors of the Amur Military Flotilla, made a significant contribution to restoring the normal situation on the CER.

In the 1930s, the use of service dogs in border protection became increasingly important. Service dog breeding and tracking in the border troops is becoming an independent area of ​​operational activity.

Hero of the Soviet Union Nikita Fedorovich Karatsupa, a legendary border guard, a search dog guide, a noble tracker in the 30s, has 467 detained saboteurs, spies and other criminals. The Poltavka outpost of the Grodekovsky border detachment, where N.F. Karatsupa served, was named after him.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR dated July 21, 1932, the first aviation detachments were formed as part of the border guard and OGPU troops in 1932-1934.

In the mid-30s, Japanese actions intensified on the Far Eastern border. On October 12, 1935, a detachment of Japanese soldiers crossed the border at the Volynka outpost site. Border guards were forced to fight. A cavalry group led by squad commander Valentin Kotelnikov arrived to help them. The Japanese were expelled from Soviet territory. The squad leader died in battle. Upon learning of his death, his cousin Pyotr Kotelnikov volunteered to serve in the border detachment. This example marked the beginning of the patriotic youth movement “Brother - to replace brother.”

In July 1938, in the Far East, in the area of ​​Lake Khasan, the Japanese started a military conflict. In the battles at the heights of Zaozernaya and Bezymyannaya, together with the troops of the rifle corps, which carried out the defeat of the aggressor on August 11, fighters of the Posyet border detachment took part.

In May 1939, the Japanese military command launched large-scale military operations on the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic. A combined battalion of border guards took part in the battles to repel the attack and defeat the aggressor in the area of ​​the Khalkhin Gol River as part of the Soviet troops.

From the first to the last day, border guards took part in the war with Finland. For the successful completion of command tasks, the 4th, 5th, 6th border regiments and the Rebolsk border detachment were awarded the Order of the Red Banner. 1961 border soldiers were awarded orders and medals, 13 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The heroism of border guards during the Great Patriotic War is a well-known historical fact. A lot was done by the border troops to establish a peaceful life after the war.

If we talk about the recent past, the Federal Border Service - the Main Command of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation (FPS-GC RF RF) was created on December 30, 1993 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2318. In its current form, the FPS has existed since December 30, 1994 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2245, according to which the FPS-GK PV RF was renamed the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation). The Border Service of the Russian Federation is the legal successor of all border structures of the Russian state.

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